At last there may be change ( or a hung parliament with more madness). We must record the far left bias of the BBC with or without restrictions imposed by law on broadcasters to be
‘fair ‘. We all know how the BBC interprets fairness . Let’s drain the swamp .
44 days of election bias thread
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pug, what about the engineers?
The BBC would not be able to exist without the engineers on the payroll.
pug, here’s someone who knows:
Eccles: Whhaaooorr, …. the difficult ones first again … haha. I fought you’d do tha! Ummmhh, let me see now, ummhhh … I know, it is ‘cos dey believe dem!”
“See, I ain’t stupid after all.”
Important intervention – but not by Trump and it’s not being reported by the BBC.
A senior U.K. rabbi has urged his congregation to vote against Labour after stating that a Corbyn-led government ‘would pose a danger to Jewish life as we know it’
Yer just gotta laugh. Remember one of the BBC’s favourite bogeyman scares about Brexit? “We will be forced to buy and eat American chickens washed in chlorine.”
It has become a standard BBC anti-Brexit meme.
Now this:
Oh dear!
I see nothing funny about a shortage of hummus in Waitrose , Marks and Sparks as well as the shops poor people go to – I think they are called ‘Tesco’s?’ Or sadbury’s ? .
I’m sure Wimmins hour or that dire food programme will suggest alternative products involving sun dried drizzled stuff … lol
You metro-Libby-Lefty, Fed! Turncoat!! You’re as bad as Boris!!!
🙂 🙂 🙂
Maybe there will be shortages hummus, but if Corbyn gets in there”ll be plenty of Hamas.
Dyst, LOL x 5 or 7 or more – that’s a good one! 🙂
Nigel Farage is doing his usual LBC phone in and some bloke called POTUS rings up ….. eat your heart out Toady .
Has this event ever happened before in UK broadcasting ?
Well done Nigel I say.
Al Beeb are now on the case and are reporting it .
Fedup, Taffman
But the BBC do not have interviewers with the skill and experience to interview a Potus.
There is an extract on the twitter feed for LBC / Farage for anyone who wants a listen . It is President Trump saying that America isn’t after the NHS – which In my far right view is a pity because it needs far more control and privatisation as well as a wholesale change in the way the medical industry runs itself .
A foreign head of state ringing up a british phone in show ? I’m sure the snowflakes in the FCO will be trawling the protocol book to see what the response should be . Maybe the Queen can ring up one of those right wing shock jocks our American cousins have and ask them if they’d like to return to the commonwealth .
We the British, stood alone in Europe in WW2 and had to depend on the Yanks for aid. The snowflakes and ‘foreigners’ at Al Beeb have short, very short memories.
Foreign politicians meddling in UK politics ?
Remember……… “Obama warns UK it will be at ‘back of the queue” for US trade if it votes to leave EU”.
And……………………….’Special place in hell’: Donald Tusk derides Brexiters without a plan .
And there’s more!
Trump chatting to Farage today for 30 minutes on LBC.
Boris and Corbyn, where are you?
Brilliant stuff. He slaughters May.
Can you imagine that on the BBC?
Mrs May snubbing President Trump in favour of those ba**ards in the EU has got to be one of the stupidest things in our whole history.
MSM “Here’s our friend Corbyn”
Corbyn “Boris’s brexit means nasty Mr Trump will be taking over the NHS Donald Trump, Donald Trump”
DT “Hey here I am, I won’t be taking over the NHS what a weird idea (we might do trade)”
Corbyn “This is outrageous Donald Trump is *interfering* in our election”
FFS the irony
If BoJo was a genuine Brexiteer, he would get on board with Trump and Farage. Unfortunately, I am of the opinion that BoJo is a bluffer.
We should have left the EU today . He has had his shot and blew it .
What has BoJo done about the blatant bias of Al Beeb.
My view is that Boris is seeking a Conservative Election majority in order to get through May’s Withdrawal Agreement with adjustments to the backstop.
I’ve lost faith in him. His loyalty is to the Party.
I shall vote for The Brexit Party. Even if it lets in Corbyn.
Enough is enough. The Conservatives have had their chance.
DS & Taffy,
I agree. They know how to manipulate us don’t they? The Con’s are playing on people’s fears of a Corbyn government to keep people from voting Brexit Party. It’s dirty & I’m not falling for it. If they want to deliver a real Brexit they will eat some humble pie and work with TBP.
And if Brexit Party hold the balance of power ?
Or if the support for Brexit is clearly huge ?
Earlier in this Thread I voiced my concerns at the yoof vote and their possible numerous registered addresses.
It appears my fears were confirmed by this tweet, by a Professor no less……..
Tweets by CarriePaechter
Professor Carrie Paechter Retweeted Uni of Nottingham
Don’t forget that you can register at both your home and your uni addresses.
But only vote at one.
She gets a lot off CCbGB replies
Her don’t vote twice msg was added 12 minutes after her “Don’t forget that you can register at both your home and your uni addresses.”
Bottomline some presenters are box office
their charisma brings millions in international sales eg Clarkson.
Do the BBC sell POV internationally ?
No, but they need a cuddly guy to deflect criticism and that is why they chose to splash out in Vine
Clarkson still needed engineers to get the show on air, Stew.
NUJ rules
– If the news opens with a Tory policy announcement ..the first clip is off of Jeremy Corbyn giving his opinion.
– If the news opens with a Corbyn policy announcement ..the first clip is off of Jeremy Corbyn giving his opinion.
I swear BBC radio national and local news open this way
Even LBC
Frankly, they may not have twigged this is counter productive.
I recall Ed’s ratings went up when no one saw or heard from him.
Just wandered into the living room to see what appeared to be a Party Political Broadcast by the Labour Party in full swing on the old Samsung, then I noticed Kuenssberg and Pienaar doing their party pieces and realised that the missus had switched on BBC News at Ten.
BBC News.
“We’re going after the tax dodgers… the dodgy landlords… the bad bosses… the big polluters.”
Jeremy Corbyn kicks off Labour’s general election campaign – here are some highlights. (via BBC Politics)
You white people! How DARE you?!!
Good man, Tucker.
Fox UK, now!
Ban the beeb.
Lucy, when I saw the comment I thought it would be over egged . But not . Pity the clip didn’t go on to discuss what can be done about these white people causing all the climate change. Perhaps sterilisation at birth , termination of those with disabilities , of perhaps setting up camps where they can be ‘concentrated ‘ . Elderly people could be invited to stop their lives so that younger ones can have their homes . Lots of good ideas – they’ll show up in the Liberal manifesto.
Yes I know this is a flippant comment but Mr. Carlson hits a note when he says there was no response to what she said, The room didn’t erupt . She didn’t need to be led away by security .
Anyway – on the climate – I’d welcome more change as I’m getting bored with the current one – glad to see stuff melting .
I wonder what all these snowflakes will do when the next ice ages starts ? I think it’s over due in terms of the geological timescale .
It was a true Red Letter day today for me as the Telegoons have sent me yet another ‘investigative letter’ . This time the envelope was actually red in colour.
I am tempted to report them to the police for harassment.
I hope that many readers and posters here are following me?
I am Taffman . I’ve just had the same .
Red letters around election time ? Which party has its logos in red ?
Perhaps we should send them back with written on the outside ; Will only open and give details if you send in Brexit blue envelopes .
Haven’t had a TV or licence for years.
‘The Malicious Communications Act’ et al.
\\Government rules £100,000 given to Jennifer Arcuri’s company ‘appropriate’//
Its just not Al Beeb’s day today is it ? 😀
Good spot..typical..but I am sure the BBC got it about right
Tool of the state broadcaster Femi is out and about again, doing that thing noted crowd pleasers like Rory, John Sweeney and Paul Mason do to draw attention to their noses.
And yet again, eventually his brain almost catches up with his mouth.
Was Thursday a working day?
So all the Brexiteers were at work.
A point many made, which seems to have escaped he who has an oddly vague ‘job’.
Manchester story update : not terrorism
.. Dunno was it someone doing a film stunt ?
They had balaclavas and replica police uniforms
Yet they’ve been released
Surely Corbyn Di-Oxface-aside

BTW there is no update on the Knightsbridge chemical restaurant incident ..
Following Trump’s appearance on LBC, Laura Kuenssberg said that the downside for Farage was the law of unintended consequences.
Maybe she thinks that everyone believes the smears on Trump as being – incompetent, arrogant, egotistical, ignorant, narcissistic, racist, misogynistic, xenophobic etc.
However, imho most brexiteers get what Trump is really all about and what on the surface looks like a gamble for Farage might likely pay off.
Even those that hate him have to admit his transparency and most importantly that he keeps his promises.
The BBC Moaning Emole graciously leads with this story, but as it starts with a classic bbc ‘No.10 defends…’ I treated it with the respect it deserves and moved on to the top story of the day….
The movie making strides for body positivity
In an era of body positivity, the film Brittany Runs A Marathon would, on paper, seem completely off message. Stripped back, it’s a story of a plus-sized, shambolic young woman, who embarks on an extreme health kick, loses a shed load of weight and finally finds happiness in her new self. But appearances are deceptive.
“Many of her struggles are the same as I’ve been through,” lead actor Jillian Bell tells BBC News. “I had messed up ideas about weight loss and how I would be treated. Here, it’s about putting yourself first… Often in transformation films, a woman loses weight and life is perfect. But there’s real emotional struggle in finding out how to set your own values.”
Rebecca Thomas
Entertainment reporter, BBC News
Wonder if Rebecca is, too, ‘easy to see’? Next up… ‘Brittany’s Family Stage An Intervention’.
The ‘left’ twittersphere appears to be in a state of angry incredulity.
I most definitely have my own list.
Talking of lists – maybe this site should have a league table of the most biased ( eg interruptions, omissions , lies …) state broadcaster employee …? This could include local news types for lucky people who don’t live in londonistan … ..
As for the excellent comment by the kid on question time – how did he get past vetting ? Who is he ? Why hasn’t he been linked to the brexit party yet ? Who ever selected him needs to be fired . The state broadcaster cannot allow true comments like his to have national attention . People might start to think …..
A degree of irony that clicking this sees one blocked by yet another BBC employee keen to see ‘Views his own’ remain unchallenged.
I turned to Toady at 0733 to pick up the ‘Huddlines’ just after the sport. Again, what a litany. Those suffering Asperger’s Syndrome et al are having their Human Rights abused all over the country……..etc etc. All ‘Death and destruction’. It is a constant Marxist message of the dire fabric of this country being evil, uncaring, everything done by the Government and big business is planned to make the lives of the ordinary person (the ‘no hopers’) even more wretched than it is already.
John Humphreys on Classic FM? So, immediately over to Radio 3.
How come most cars involved in fatal accidents are either Audi, BMW or Mercedes and 99% of the time black ones… it a coincidence ?
Not wrong.
R4.. pushing the USA trade deal comment…I am not sure it was a useful intervention – it has just given BBC an excuse to support the Labour party….what gets me annoyed is the BBC’s complete lack of seeing a positive to anything related to Brexit/Trump and Tories/Boris
Why do the BBC keep saying ” there have been 2 Conservative PMs who have failed to deliver leaving the EU —-why should we believe them now..”..they know why it wasn’t delivered..disingenuous and lying by omission as normal
Toady timewarp
Torybusiness Secretary being interviewed by the Asian girl . Off switch after hearing the same old stuff about trade deals . All that has to be said is that the ReuchEU exports more to UK than we export to them . That is serious leverage and they need us more than them. The Remainer broadcaster has never pushed this out to people .
And in EU trucks too , not British ones .
BBC1 TV News at 08.00
Headlines are of course Trump’s LBC call to Farage.
The BBC leads with the words, ‘President Trump wades in….’. At once, the BBC/Left see an aggressive interference. Unlike Obama who did just the same.
There is no interview with Farage or Trump or anybody from those two parties. However, they show a clip from a Labour MP who of course diminished Trump and said that Corbyn enjoyed the comments.
It a HUGE story that Trump has stepped forward to burst Labours PR meme “NHS takeoever”
Yet overnight it seems there has been a meeting of the news media politiburo and they have decided that their new PR line is that “Trump criticised Boris’s deal”
Every news bulletin across all networks BBC/LBC/TalkRadio has led with this line.
Another traitor moves from the Conservative party to the Unliberals . This one is called sandbach – whose family I understand receives £23000 a year from the ReichEU and was recently deselected from her local party for being a liar and traitor . No doubt she’ll bitch about ‘abuse ‘ . One to watch sobbing on election night …
Graun helping the girls.
Though more grasping harpies you have never heard of gunning for £1000/hr may play less well outside London.
Labour not really scoring with the aspirational end of the BBC.
In the 1980s when I whinged to my boss that the chap I was working with was earning £3000 a year more than me, AND had been at the company less time – (we were doing the same job in estate agency as valuers, neither of us married and both in our early 30’s), I was told “that’s how things are – sorry”. It was a time of high unemployment so throwing a strop or leaving wasn’t an alternative, so I just got on with it, and hoped a conversation about salaries amongst staff wouldn’t happen again.
TOADY Watch #1 – BBC Biased Presenter
Mishal Husain is currently dealing with an Anniversary.
The three month anniversary of President Modi’s change of the status of Kashmir.
Mishal the Muslim of Pakistani origin does not recuse herself and leave the subject to her co-presenter of the day, Simon Jack. The BBC is leaving itself open to the charge of bias on this item.
Shame that the BBC forgot the Centenary of the Treaty of Versailles which brought and end to WW1 but can remember a three-month anniversary of a political change in India.
TOADY Watch #2 – yes, I’m an addict
but it did give me a good laugh this morning. Simon Jack, the BBC’s almost non-existent Business Editor, is co-presenting with Mishal Husain.
How I long for the days of Robert Peston. I never thought I would ever think and write that, let alone say it. I think we need a Public Inquiry into pay, positions, hours worked, quality of work, of all the non-engineering staff at the BBC, right the way up to Board level.
‘Some people’ seem to do very little for their money compared to staff of the past.
There is, of course, the elephant in the room: tax avoidance and tax evasion. The TOADY Prog, helping a politician (and a Party?) pointed the finger this morning at businesses that employ people on self-employed contracts to avoid NI payments and other obligations. ‘White Van Man’ has made a comeback.
The BBC need to be careful who they point at and accuse and over what.
First Muslim appointed to House Of Lords charged with rape .. surely this should be reported by the BBC as a first Muslim Achievement?
That made me smile – but just sums up the BBC and what they choose to the young muslim jockey – who the BBC announced yesterday as a champion jockey – good luck to her but she is not a champion jockey – but that doesn’t stop the BBC – she was just the first to wear a hijab..who cares!
Sorry what’s this WW1 thing ? Is it wrestling on Netflix ?
Ms Hussain should be gainfully employed with the sisters down at the employment tribunal moaning about Jeremy Vine getting £3000 for not many points of view . Why does no one ask why the state broadcaster has two meaningless ‘review’ programmes .
Dump the vine one which costs 20 plus over 75 s tv licences ago .
Fed, have you not being paying attention to R4’s output in the ‘old’ days …… of 2014?
Liberal (1) Democrats (2)…
(1) is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed, and equality before the law.
(2) a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.
There is a word for people like them.
But that word is not liberal and it’s not democrat.
TOADY Watch #3 – No mention, no good … for Remain
The TOADY Prog visits Thurrock where they think Nigel Farage might stand as PPC in the GE. No mention of 39 dead bodies.
How quickly inconvenient truths can be vanished at the BBC.
Seems like the bodies in a box tragedy didn’t hit the state broadcaster “Grenfell’ threshold as I expected . Maybe they need more diverse ‘victims ‘ to register . It may well have been that the Vietnamese might have been Christians so victimhood doesn’t register .
N Farage would be cheated again by illegal election funding as happened the last time .
And of course the milk shakes will re appear .
Fed, I think maybe the BBC have now backed themselves into a corner and milkshakes will be off the menu at this GE.
They have been ‘going big’ on abuse of MPs so that they will now have to speak out, report it, even express disapproval if that happens, otherwise their bias will be even more apparent to the ordinary listener and viewer.
TOADY Watch #4 – Upset, Rage!
First thing I heard this a.m. was Robert Jenrick MP (Con) upsetting Simon Jack. Then Barry Gardiner MP (Lab) upset Mishal Husain.
Oh well, some political neutrality and even treatment there. For small mercies, we should be thankful.
I laughed!
TOADY Watch #5 – no mention of …..
…… chlorinated chicken.
Funny that.
I wonder why?
Ah. The hummus!… er, …. I mean the humours!
Not been around as much as would have liked as work and other things getting in the way.
Did listen to the Farage/POTUS interview yesterday. Excellent I thought and no surprise over the way the RBC have responded today.
With regard to the upcoming election I’ve been amazed that just how many ‘educated and knowledgeable’ people I work with are going to give their vote to Boris or Swinson. Corbin is a dead-duck but the other two? Seriously?
The arrogant Tories ‘the natural part of government’ are liars, cheats and charlatans their mainly left leaning liberal minded do-gooders in government have aided and abetted the downfall of this country. In my view they need to be punished and punished hard for their failures under Cameron, May and now Boris.
The Lib Dems are ill-liberal and undemocratic. See Swinsons many responses to the BREXIT debate & the question of a second referendum i.e. ‘respecting the vote’. Shameful, disgusting response for a so-called liberal democrat. They must be punished. Enough said.
Labour. Dead under Corbin. 180 seats at best. But hey of you want to vote for a party that will tax, tax, tax, spend, spend, spend, spend, spend and open our borders to all and sundry, a front bench that will play the race card at every opportunity (Lammy, Abbot) then be my guest.
No vote for the lame stream parties from Westy, this country needs to send them a message. Loud and clear that 2/3 party politics is finished and their lying, cheating ways will no longer be tolerated.
So where do we go? TBP – an option but I don’t want the RBC or Labour accusing me of interfering in an election so you must make you own minds up.
I’ve not been active on line lately so apologies if this has already been posted here- I did a quick search at Al Beeb and the latest ONS ‘news’ was on 25 October on a statistical error.
Has anyone seen this mentioned by Al Beeb?
With the various permutations possible with our outdated FPTP voting system many of us are unclear as how to use our vote to get the Brexit we actually voted for.
Some are worried that splitting the vote may let labour/libdems in.
Here are two ways which may help us get our Brexit.
The first is that I believe Nigel will be putting up TBP candidates only in places which have remain supporting MPs, either Tory or labour. If there is a TBP candidate on your ballot paper then you should vote for them. If there is no TBP candidate then vote Tory (or possibly labour) as Nigel will have deemed that person as a reliable leaver and therefore ok to vote for.
The second help is to look up on this website which has all the constituencies and it tells you which way to make your vote the most effective for Brexit.
Has anyone noticed that none of the 27 countries, which include Hungary, Poland and Italy – allegedly dissatisfied with the EU – exercised a veto by rejecting the extension granted to UK traitors? We have no friends among that lot.
EU Central Command yanking on the stings attached to the EU Bank loans no doubt………….
What makes you think they were ever asked to?
Excellent question. There were rumours but no details. Which raises interesting questions about Boris and his Brexit.
So many posts, so little time to read them all.
Re whether or not Boris can be trusted, unlike some of my fellow forum members I have an easy choice to make on December 12th.
After the fallout (or lack thereof) following the referendum I vowed never to vote again because I’d realised that democracy is an illusion, and for the first time in over 30 years of voting (I’m from the old school that views my vote as a privilege and voting as my civic duty) I’d got what I had voted for but the establishment were thwarting it. So a couple of voting occasions including one for Police Commissioner (I could do a better job) came and went, I stayed in the house. Then the European election happened, I went to cast my vote for The Brexit Party and stayed up long into the early hours when the votes came in and both the BBC and Sky tried to not paint it as an overwhelming victory for the Remain movement despite the evidence on screen.
So December 12th. I live in a labour stronghold, the sort of place where a tub of lard with a red rosette on it will get voted in. The Conservative party will NEVER make inroads here so its an easy decision for me to put my cross against the Brexit Party candidate’s name, vote splitting simply doesn’t come into it. Will that candidate win? Sadly I doubt it, too many people with too ingrained beliefs who will believe the tripe that Corbyn is allowed to spread with the help of the MSM. But I will vote, I hope it doesn’t turn out to be my last, hopefully the town and the country will get a result that prompts me to be happy to vote in future as opposed to trudging to the Polling Station to place an ineffective protest vote.
Something I forgot to mention. I’ve lived on the same “nice” aspirational housing development for the last ten years, the residents here don’t fit with the “typical” residents that surround this estate. I’ve never had a knock on the door from “my” labour candidate at voting time. Funny that.
@Punacious no you misheard at 5:24pm Tony Liversey
did make a point of saying “if” ..”If Brexit was in Russia’s interest” “and if they arguably took pat in a campaign”
No one noticed on Twitter
I will give it until the end of the day until Lammy blames the Government for putting kids in Tower Blocks !!! I sense another bandwagon may be about to be jumped on by our Dave !!! Lets see …tick tock.
Is Dave a Cream fan?
11am TalkRadio is covering Nigel Farage’s election launch live
..wheareas his own station LBC is not covering it
..I guess that is cos the presenter James Lefty O’Brien hates Farage.
Afterwards TalkRadio’s Mike Graham is being irritating cos he is so dedicated to the Tory Part and Boris’s plan
‘Oh Farage is going to split the vote and we’ll get no Brexit’
FFS we know Boris’s plan is still Remainer May’s old plan.
I listen to Mike Graham and enjoy his show as he’s the only non left SJW option on morning radio. However Nigel’s speech covered the compromises he was willing to make and the currently informal headway he was making with both Conservative and Labour candidates who were willing to step aside for the good of Brexit and who the Brexit Party would step aside for to aid pro Leave Conservative and Labour candidates who in all likelihood will take the win.
Then Mike Graham said something about Nigel playing a dangerous game threatening to go up against the Conservatives across the country. I honestly felt that I’d been listening to a different speech because that’s not what he said.
TBP launch. NF is still asking for a Leave alliance. Over to you BoJo – ditch the ‘deal’.
If not they will contest all seats apart from those with other candidates who are pledged to go for a simple FTA with the EU or WTO on/by July 1st.
TBP will make sure that everyone knows the ramifications of the re-heated Tory Surrender Treaty by election day. And they have the funds in place to do so.
“It is not Brexit – that’s the point” (something the journalists seemed not to know).
1hr launch – Nigel starts at 27:30.
Time for a bit of Friday fun from the home of No Meat and 20,000 Vegetables…
Wonder what that meeting cost in executive time in the Salford equivalent of Frankie Howerd if the girls and the women were paid the same?
Speaking of blowing more TVL wonga on anything but programming…
I wonder what else the BBC… ‘doesn’t do’ that may be tucked away behind FOI exemptions?
Frankly ‘Lost in diversity’ seems most likely, if not as described.
Obama on “woke”
no one is going to pass your purity tests. We are all flawed.
“One danger I see … is the sense that the way of me making change is to be as *judgmental* as possible about other people, and that’s enough’
… Then, I can sit back and feel pretty good about myself because, ‘Man, you see how woke I was? I called you out.’
“That’s not activism.
That’s not bringing about change.
If all you’re doing is *casting stones* then you’re probably not going to get too far.”
To me that’s saying Ad Hominem attack is the wrong way of arguing.
You actually should argue the topic,
… not try to seek a “gotcha label” against your opponent, and then sit back and saying you have won
.. But this is what woke people like O’Brien, Owen Jones , Ash Sarkar do .
When does the non bias reporting kick in for the elections ?? And does this also cover images? It would seem that every picture of Nigel he looks like a raving loony yet every picture of JC he looks like a calm and responsible individual ………i feel a complaint forming deep inside me.
Its that MAN again folks !!!!
Oh look a bit further – Aydin Altun, 25, of, Suffolk Road, Tottenham, was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder and possession of a firearm and was charged on Thursday
Aydin Altun,Turkish sounding name
but the only English language tweet in that name seems to have had only Kurdish friends (that was in 2011)
I need someone who is savy on betting to tell me where i can find the odds on Labour getting < 100 seats at the next election……I want to put (in my mind) a big bet on that outcome ….ta in advance of your help mystery punter.
Probably find some odds for that in here ,
My work blocks the site otherwise would put the prices up for you.
Open a spreadbetting account is the best way to make big bets opposing Labour seats or others on the election.
Current spreads are around Tory 310 seats Labour 220
SNP 49 LibDem 40 Green 5 Brexit 4 Plaid 4
Fixed odds bookmakers rarely accept sizeable bets on politics.
They often have a maximum stake of £25.
Betfair exchange is the other way to get big bets.
Turnout is an interesting bet given a December election. The usual turnout is approx. 65% – imagine a very cold Dec 12th
Halifax-As an ex bookmaker who is pretty savvy on betting on
politics, I understand you want to bet Labour getting UNDER
100 seats. You will get very big odds for that. Check it out
on There is a politics heading on the top. I
expect you will find what you need.
I have already bet the Liberal Democrats to get more than 50 seats
and also a small bet at 12/1 over 100 seats. What I saw at the
Nigel Farage press conference there is NO way that Boris
Johnson will do a deal with Farage.
In my opinion this will be a disaster for the Conservative party.
We will see results such as we saw at Peterborough and the
Brecon By- elections. Seats which Brexit could win in the
North will go to Labour once again because of Tory intervention.
And seats in London and the South will go Liberal because of
Brexit participation.
We will finish up with a more hung Parliament than we had. AND
the disaster will be is that we will have another Referendum on
Brexit with 16+17 year old and EU citizens voting and Remain
will win. AND Scotland will get another Referendum and leave
the UK. Maybe not that many will care about that. BUT all
hell is likely will break lose. I DO HOPE I AM WRONG AND THE
CONSERVATIVES get their overall majority. But I am not sure
how Machiavellian Boris Johnson really is. Could he be a remoaner? At least the BBC is honest about it now . And are
supporting Labour with every means at their disposal.
Note how many Tory marginal seats won by under a 1000 votes in the last election
agree absolutely Foscari..
I’d go as far as to say that if the “Cons” (!) and the Brexit party do not come to “a sensible arrangement” the Tories will rue the day.