44 days of election bias thread

At last there may be change ( or a hung parliament with more madness). We must record the far left bias of the BBC with or without restrictions imposed by law on broadcasters to be
‘fair ‘. We all know how the BBC interprets fairness . Let’s drain the swamp .

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554 Responses to 44 days of election bias thread

  1. StewGreen says:

    R4 Y&Y is promoting the New Ken Loach film Zero Hours
    about a Care Worker and a Delivery Driver
    So the prog brought 2 real workers on, Olga García Gómez, and an Indian accent guy Jana Priya Karuna Dharma whose English is not clear
    .. Sure not every employee in Britain is a foreigner, but the BBC is way over-representing them.
    OGG “I was crying all the way through the movie, I cannot survive in London with zero hours”

    OGG’s boss Robert Stephenson-Padron, appears to an ethnic Indian who is well in with the Union and LibDems
    He was on the Victoria Show in December speaking against Brexit
    The first photo on twitter is him smiling with Sadiq.

    His Twitter bio “Civic activist, former research analyst; lover of US, animals, care, Bollywood & Mallorca. Manager @PenroseCare
    UNISON & new @libdems member”


    • StewGreen says:

      My mistake it seems that boss is Californian and worked for the big banks, he’s got one degree from Spain. Later he was transferred to London, but left to found the care business”


  2. davylars says:

    BCC Breakfast… Nagga and Charlie fawning over a couple of producers from Boatys new series, Seven Worlds One Planet.
    Discussing two lizards fighting on a rock.
    Nagga asks one of the producers, ‘how big are they?’ To which he replies. ‘Err 5 inches I think.’ She skips across this to ask him another question, to which he replies. ‘I think she should answer this.’ (The other producer)
    So there you are. These are the people driving the BBCs climate change agenda no doubt.


  3. Ed Hitter says:

    Labour’s official Jewish affiliate group, the Jewish Labour Movement, this week said it won’t support the party at the general election because of Corbyn’s failures over anti semitism.
    Meanwhile, a senior rabbi Dr Jonathan Romaine has broken with convention to write to his congregation urging them not to vote Labour because a Corbyn-led government would “pose a danger to Jewish life as we know it.”
    Remarkable, hugely important stories that indicate real fears about the threat posed by a potential Prime Minister, you might think.
    Yet neither has been covered by the BBC; not a squeak on any of its news bulletins, no debate on its many political shows, no reference on its website.
    Clear bias by omission from a broadcaster that is not quite so squeamish when it comes to discussing political “interventions” by certain others.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Perhaps anti semitism infects the state broadcaster – their unquestioning support for all things islam – as well as ignoring inconvenient traits such as their Pakistani paedophile rape gangs provides evidence of this .

      The way they treat their own women and attitude to those who offend against their false prophet also adds to the view.

      A troll may be about later today so there’ll be plenty to cut and paste for the creature . …


      • Guest Who says:

        As with Labour, the presence of antisemitism in any entity reflecting the country they are here to (supposedly) serve seems deuced odd, as one is sure Faisal, Mishal, Naga, Kamal, etc will agree.


        • Fedup2 says:

          I agree on the ‘ reflection ‘ of the ‘community ‘ nonsense . What proportion of the state broadcaster identify as Jewish ? Or as I mentioned at the time the 39 forgotten illegals Were found frozen in a box – how many people from that part of the world are in the state broadcaster .

          Personally I generally care less but they are fond of pointing the finger over race and gender issues .

          Once that tiger is unleashed all sorts get bitten . Personally I want more tall people on the box to reflect’ tall’ issues …


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      Jews don’t count, islam is the only religion they fear.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Ed, I did see a mention of the Dr Romaine story but I guess it vanished by the time you looked. Don’t know if I bookmarked it though. Looked in the four places it would/should be filed but it’s not there.

      The BBC do vanish ‘inconvenient’ stories. They then say “We covered it but there was not much interest, so we took it down.”

      The BBC appear to think – judging by the rubbish they do put up and keep on their web-site – that the British public are sex obsessed and are continually interested in homosexuality, transgenderism, womens’ rights & equality issues.

      No, BBC, we are not.


  4. StewGreen says:

    metrolib Twittersphere is foaming
    Fiona Bruce “lied”
    An Audience member said “Vote Leave is accused of breaking electoral law.”
    And Bruce replied “Leave.EU were cleared of breaking the law, so I am not sure if you are right”
    (and yes it’s true the NCA found *no evidence* of criminal offences by Leave.EU )
    That is a slip up by Bruce cos Leave.EU is a different campaign, but she didn’t *lie*)
    And there are bigger contexts in that it is wrong to claim Remain campaigns were innocent and Leave campaigns guilty.


  5. Guest Who says:

    Media bubble is not a nice place.

    The BBC of course is preeminent in the sack of rats stakes.

    I just learned Adrian Chiles, of ‘Ade and Jo ruin a colleague’ fame, has decided to diss AN. No doubt impartially.


    • StewGreen says:

      Apparently on air Chiles called AFNeil’s interview of Jo Swinson bullying
      Looks like she had a car crash


    • StewGreen says:

      Oh Liddle has written csomething
      The piece has a line “shove some high grade skunk under their bedroom door the day before the poll. You can lace the skunk with horse tranquilisers if you wish — do anything, just stop them voting”
      Do you think that the police should arrest him cos he’s making a serious suggestion ?

      So his one sentence they are all offended about
      where he says we could hold elections on Muslim holy days so they can’t vote.
      Do you think that is a serious line as well ?


  6. Celtic_Mist says:

    There’s the ‘square root of nowhere’ chance of BBC picking this up –

    “BERLIN, Oct 30 (Reuters) – German utility Uniper will be able to start commercial operations at its 1.5 billion euro ($1.7 billion) Datteln 4 coal-fired power plant despite recommendations to not link it to the grid, government and industry sources said



  7. Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

    The BBC’s on-line offering at 16:15 circa (these are headlines).

    (1) Under “UK … Election Latest”:

    – Could the NHS be “up for sale” to US companies? (Hugh Pim);

    – Government accused over ‘political’ Facebook ads;

    – Have the Conservatives ‘slashed taxes for the richest’?

    – [Two other neutral seeming stories, about Farage and then the Election more generally].

    (2) Under “Home – General Election 2019”:

    – Could the NHS be up for sale? (as above);

    – Who has selected the most women candidates?

    – “How many people plan to vote tactically?” plus two other topics which seem neutral on the face of it.

    (3) Under “Election 2019” (sub-heading “Features and Analysis”):

    ‘Women candidates’ and ‘slashed taxes’ (as above) plus “Labour gambles on ‘radical’ campaign” and “Women MPs say abuse forcing them from politics”. Also items about departure of Bercow, Vaz’s suspension, Sandbach’s defection to the Lib Dems, “Grant awarded to Arcuri company ‘appropriate’ “.


  8. Guest Who says:

    BBC News

    “I’m leaving because of a misogynistic culture that gleefully consumed my naked pictures, capitalised on my sexuality, and enabled my abusive ex to continue that abuse.”
    US congresswoman Katie Hill has given a scathing farewell speech.

    BBC got her back.

    Most others her front, sides, bottom, top….


    • StewGreen says:

      OK what would be the reporting if politician had been a man and he played the victim ?

      It is known that the congresswoman broke the law
      .. Now she’s saying she was coerced all the time
      … we don’t know yet


  9. Scroblene says:

    Of course, we’re getting much more Labour politics from the BBC, especially with the bearded non-wonder fumbling around with out-takes from Michael Foot etc. But here’s my take on the NHS – Guido decided to blank it, so the good gals and guys here can see what a normal decent bloke thinks…

    “Corribin’s problem is that the voters who are classed as ‘oldies’, and shouldn’t be allowed out to vote, are the same people who recall his chaotic, spiteful unions blocking cancer patients from their treatment, telling blood-spitting out-patients that they were in charge of surgeries, and that because they were porters, they knew more than doctors did.

    The NHS has always been chaotic under socialism, they started it all and never realised the problems they’d face, but union members go private of course”.

    Now what’s so mad about that then?


    • Expat John says:

      Scroblene, you have indeed revived some unhappy memories.

      December 1978 / January 1979.

      My father’s mother, in her eighties, suffering from untreatable dementia. Hospitalised after a fall, patched up at Wolverhampton’s Royal Hospital, and really well looked after by medical staff at all levels.

      Doctor tries to discharge her, she’s only in a night dress and a thin gown, so she gets taken to the ambulance bay for transport back to our house.

      Union boss says no. Doctor pleads, union boss says no. Ambulance driver pleads, gets told if he crosses the picket line he’ll pay for it. Hours and hours she sits there with just a plastic screen between her and the freezing weather.
      Eventually gets home, I can’t remember how.

      Dead a few weeks later. Not cause and effect, of course, but a good indication of what happens when you give these people any sort of power.

      Listen to us, you youngsters who are tempted by Corbyn’s promises. We know. We lived through it once before. We don’t want to live through it again, and we certainly don’t want to see your parents and grandparents suffer in the same way.

      Someone you know and care about could be next.


  10. Guest Who says:

    Thread. Enjoy.


    • StewGreen says:

      He created a conspiracy theory tweet, full of lies
      – Remainiacs piled in and gave him 10,000 likes
      – Yet when Brexit people point out he’s wrong, he doesn’t do the immediate correct thing, which is to delete the tweet, to stop the spread of his defamation, and issue a proper apology.
      No he leaves it up
      and does about 20 tweets of meally mouth admission and heavy handed threats to sue people who call him ‘liar’.
      It gives a sense of entitlement and arrogance which seems common in libmob.


      • StewGreen says:

        His account does look like a set of Russian troll accounts
        He’s had an account removed before
        An account named @BobbyZands

        BTW his own account says he’s a lawyer
        Yet another account pops up say “I’m his lawyer”
        Now that @laughdugrylegal actually looks like his sock puppet account
        and indeed its bio says “maskirovka expert”

        maskirovka = a Russian military tactic of “lie to win”


        • StewGreen says:

          Ha ITBB points out that his accounts are fake cos it’s all part of a parody
          That is why they look like a “look like a set of Russian troll accounts”
          ..Doh I didn’t spot it was a parody cos I could see people I know were already engaging with him


  11. taffman says:

    Armed Police in Vauxhall near MI6 HQ ?
    Anyone now what the news is ?
    Nowt on Al Beeb ?


  12. StewGreen says:

    The St Pauls bomber : Safiyya Amira Shaikh


  13. Up2snuff says:

    I still remember Nick Clegg’s tone of voice when he admitted – in his new role for Facebook EU – to The Humph on TOADY “No, we investigated twice – there was no involvement in the EU Referendum campaign.”

    It doesn’t stop Beeboids repeating the Remain meme though.


  14. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #postscript – Interesting what slips out

    Barry Gardiner MP (Lab) talking about the NHS and Trump’s phone in just happened to mention – if I heard and recalled it right – that the Labour Party have been talking to the US Government.


    The Sweater is at it.

    Labour & Gardiner are at it.

    I cannot resist the opportunity for 10CC’s worth of Government and Brexiteers to the opposition Parties:
    “And I say
    I don’t like reggae no no
    I love it
    I don’t like reggae oh no
    I love it
    Don’t you cramp me style
    Don’t you queer me pitch

    Don’t you walk thru my words
    ‘Cause you ain’t heard me out yet”


  15. StewGreen says:

    Hull local news opens with a report from Zeebrugge about the illegal migrants flowing into the Humber ports.
    The police chief said there 6,000 arrested there this year and there has been an October surge cos smugglers tell the migrants they need to get in before Brexit.
    The trucking company said they take precautions but still find at least one inside their trucks every week.


  16. theleftwilleatitself says:

    Good luck to the England boys tomorrow morning!
    I’m sure al beeb is behind them ????


    • Fedup2 says:


      Yes I’d echo that – I know nothing about rugby but I thought the welsh put up a good fight against NZ .
      My only criticism was that they allowed them to do their little dance before the start without reaction . Should have sung them a Tom Jones tune


      • taffman says:

        Well done England my money is now on you to win the World Cup.
        It bodes well for a good match with us in the 2200 Six Nations Championship . Saturday 7th March.


        • Captain Panick says:

          The 2200 Six Nations Championship is 81 years in the future. I don’t think you, or I, will be watching it. The dried frog pills are available if it helps.Nothing to do with BBC Bias, but you never know in the future world.


          • pertelote says:

            Time travelled to 2119 eh Cap’n? Are we still trying to extricate UK from the EU?…is the BBC still going?..& if so is there still a tv licence to pay?


  17. taffman says:

    “General election 2019: Boris Johnson rejects pact with Nigel Farage”
    And yet I remember the Tory Party were happy to jump into bed with the Limp Dems in 2010? How many times did the Tory Leaders tell us that we were leaving the EU?
    Like Mrs Chamberlain, Boris is a closet Remainer.
    Read the small print of the so called ‘deal’, its a Treaty !
    Al Beeb Project Fear Stage TWO will run something like this ………. “Vote for The Brexit Party and you will get CorBin”


    • Thoughtful says:

      I have been saying for a long time the Tory club are cowardly useless and incompetent, and they don’t deserve to win an election, and now they aren’t going to.

      Boris needs to win 50 seats he doesn’t hold, and that simply is not going to happen, he is more likely to lose them, and most of this has come from them shooting themselves in the foot !


      • taffman says:

        Here is my warning to the Tory Club and your supporters – Vote for Farage and his Freedom Fighters or you will get a Labour Government run by CorBin .


        • Captain Panick says:

          Taff, I appreciate that you have a view about the Brexit Party, I really do. But this is supposed to be a site about BBC Bias. Your continual support for the Brexit Party in multiple posts ( and before them UKIP?) are repetitive, irrelevant, and quite frankly, boring. Like those from Maxi, I am skipping over them. If you have offered any insights on BBC bias, then I apologise, but you have bored me beyond a reasonable level.


          • taffman says:

            “Bored” or a dyed in the wool Tory ?
            Please see the start of my thread, it concluded with ………….
            \\Al Beeb Project Fear Stage TWO will run something like this ………. “Vote for The Brexit Party and you will get CorBin”//
            Now Captain don’t Panic , don’t waste time and get posting on Al Beeb’s bias.


            • Captain Panick says:

              Nice of you to try and fit something you alluded to on BBC Bias. But it must be in one of your many boring posts I skipped over. Why do you think I am a dyed in the wool Tory by the way? You have no idea of my political preferences unlike you.


              • Lucy Pevensey says:

                I’m going for boring. I stopped paying the licence so I don’t see BBC TV anymore.
                This is a critical time for Britain
                It must surely be obvious to all by now that a vote for the Con Party is a vote to remain. “Project fear” what a slogan. Apply it to the latest remain tactic: Live in fear of a Corbyn government. Be afraid! So that you will vote for the Cons in order to keep Corbyn out. They are playing their respective parts nicely. We are being manipulated. I don’t trust the Tories and I won’t vote for them.


            • Fedup2 says:

              I disagree on your call to vote brexit Party because in many places that will produce a labour or traitor Illiberal MP .that will bring a withdrawal of A50 faster than Chuka changing party again


              • pertelote says:

                I want a clean&proper Brexit too Taffman…and increasingly distrust Boris. The dilemma is exemplified in the recent Brecon & Radnor by-election:
                Liberal Democrat 13,826
                Conservatives 12,401
                Brexit Party 3,331
                Labour 1,680

                I support the BXP but had hoped the BXP would not stand a candidate ..similar to the Greens and Plaid who “stepped aside” to concentrate the “Remain” vote to the Lib Dems.

                If the BXP had stayed out of it the “Remain” LibDems would almost certainly have been pushed back to second place.

                The turnout was 17% lower it has to be said (at c60% as opposed to 77% in the 2017 General Election).

                However, as things stand I can see the “Leave vote” being split again if the BXP stand a candidate, with them possibly picking up votes at the expense of the “Cons”, but not enough to win..thus keepng B&R a Lib Dem seat.


  18. Celtic_Mist says:

    The BBC didn’t report (I believe) the number of people in Grenfell Tower at the time of the fire, but Wikipedia gives an estimated 365 people of which 223 escaped uninjured.

    This surprised me on the Fire Brigades Union website blog –

    “As a cadre of principled FBU firefighters, we must see right-wing nationalists for what they are – rotten apples intent upon decaying our comrades and our society.”

    “As the Battle of Cable Street shows us, the British working class has a long history of tackling the nationalist right. We’ve done it before. We can do it again. And the principled firefighters of the FBU, so often lauded for their bravery throughout history, will be there again when we do.”

    I hadn’t heard of the battle of Cable Street –

    “The Battle of Cable Street was an event that took place in Cable Street and Whitechapel in the East End of London, on Sunday 4 October 1936. It was a clash between the Metropolitan Police, sent to protect a march by members of the British Union of Fascists[1] led by Oswald Mosley, and various anti-fascist demonstrators, including local anarchist, communist, Jewish and socialist groups.[2] The majority of both marchers and counter-protesters travelled into the area for this purpose”

    [There isn’t a ‘Labour Party’ in NI]


    • Fedup2 says:

      Interesting political judgement – right wing nationalists -bad – therefore left wing nationalists – eg Sinn Fein IRA and SNP – good . Perhaps the LFB avoid politics and come up with a sane strategy for tower block fires other than ‘ stay put and fry ‘ .


    • StewGreen says:

      @CM Injustice is wrong & ALL victims matter
      Everyone here knows of the Cable street battle.
      It entirely normal for Labour Front group the Hatey No Hopers to leverage the memory of Cable Street for their own political purposes of pushing the Labour Party.
      And it’s entirely normal for HnH material to come up in unions. So it is not a surprise to find it on the FBU website.
      However the pattern of HnH is to stick dehumanising labels on political opponents ironically as people used to put dehumanising labels on Black or Jewish people. They use the same language see how the piece goes into conspiracy theories WITHOUT evidence , just in same pattern of conspiracy theories about “The Jews”.
      The piece throws out accusations but as usual there’s so much projection as those things seem to apply to themselves
      Many individuals are radicalised by online commentators. The combined use of rhetoric around racism, dog whistle politics, scapegoats and false tropes are weaponised, both subtly and overtly, to push the … narrative.
      That is what the writer is doing, he’s trying to radicalise his readers etc.
      And indeed he has appeared on platforms with HnH.

      And he is a climate activist, lecturing at XR events.
      And his definition of “hard right “? He recently tweeted “With a hard right PM, the result is”
      FFS he is throwing the dehumanising label “far right” on the PM
      ..when of course the PM is a social liberal etc.


  19. StewGreen says:

    Who opened her speech like this ?
    “The climate emergency is now a fundamental threat to every area of modern life *
    (* Nope, thats PR BS)

    , so our response must be a default part of everything we do **”
    (** That’s not proper English is it ?)

    BTW “One month ago she took a trip to New York.”

    Who ?? someone you pay the wages of.
    …. The head of the Environment Agency


  20. JimS says:

    HIGNFY, five nonentities mock President Trump – “His brain might explode if someone explained pilot-less drones to him”.

    Oh how I would laugh if a pilot-less cruise missile found its way to the HIGNFY set.


  21. Lucy Pevensey says:

    The ONS ‘pink book’ released today shows officially the amount of money we sent to the EU in 2018.
    We gave the EU net £9.6 billion last year, or £26 million pounds a day.


  22. StewGreen says:

    Barbican London this weekend It’s the Festival of Ideas £55/day, Standard concession ticket – £30
    about 100 events

    A selection
    10:00—11:30 : Phelim McAleer debates XR with a bunch of greens

    10:00—11:30 https://www.battleofideas.org.uk/session/do-we-need-a-green-new-deal/
    starring Professor Vicky Pryce


  23. Celtic_Mist says:

    Probably has most of the facts –


  24. Dover Sentry says:

    In my youth I was a Labour voter.

    I grew up.

    I became a Conservative voter.

    As of today, I am a Brexit Party voter.

    There is no other logic.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Dover – there is a different way of looking at things . There are people on this site who just shout ‘ vote brexit Party ‘ but one has to consider the bigger picture. If you vote brexit or Tory and as a result let a Remainer become MP then you have damaged your cause .


      • The General says:

        Exactly. There are thousands of Leavers mainly in the Northern life long Labour Constituencies who will NEVER vote Conservative for ANY reason but are disillusioned with the anti Brexit stance of Labour. These voters will vote Brexit Party but if Conservatives stand in these seats, the Leaver vote would be split and let Labour in.


      • G says:

        I think I should make the point that no one knows how this election will pan out. More so than anytime before. ‘Tactical Voting’? all well and good but the Polls can no longer be trusted to give any indication of voter intentions. This time round it is all in the air. Politics can no longer be trusted to the extent that there is likely an unknown number who simply give up on the system and decline to even vote. I moved to West Wales early 2016 and I can say that, If I had a pound for every time a local person said to me, “I’ve always voted Labour but no more”, I could have a few rounds of drinks on it.
        I concurred with Payne somewhere above earlier when he suggested that in these times when there is no, even vague, accuracy, you have to reach the point where you simply must follow your instincts of what’s right and wrong. In that competition, TBP comes out on top.