The Far Left Biased BBC busily on the campaign trial to get Comrade Corbyn / McDonnell the keys to number 10 . Will Labour and Liberal candidates get tough questions or will it be the routine ‘chat’?
Weekend Thread 2 November 2019
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“General Election 2019: What does ‘Get Brexit done,’ mean?”
What do you all think? A penny for all your thoughts .
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Stop listening to your head and vote with your heart. If Boris feels safe because everyone is voting for him to prevent Corbyn, he’ll stick with this shit deal – and let’s be honest it is shit.
If however, he starts to lose votes to the Brexit party then he may be more likely to improve the deal to suit the UK (supposedly his country) rather than the EU.
I still don’t trust him and hence a strong showing for the Brexit party will hold his feet to the fire.
Come on people, it has been proved to us that we can’t trust Labout or the Tories. Put your faith in the Brexit party.
I wholeheartedly agree.
Seems despite the musical chairs, Treason May’s deal was the only deal (with minor amendments) the Conservatives sought. As some here have previously remarked: “polish the tu*d”. Just surprised at J R-M et al. Just goes to show, they cannot be trusted either. We were sold out going into the ‘Common Market’ and we, if the Elite have their wicked way, will be sold out, coming out.
BBC News commented on –
The changing colour of the SA rugby team, praised the country for it’s ‘vibrant young democracy’, noted that England was ‘crushed’ and suggested that the ‘victory goes beyond the sport’.
Donald Trump got booed at another sports event and some even shouted ‘lock him up’.
India apparently blocked some important Asian trade deal.
Oh, almost forgot about the wildfires in Australia.
Hard to imagine how BBC Newsnight survived his loss as Economics Editor.
BBC NEWS in… the U.K. Lots of boobies.
“I would pump in my manager’s office.”
With no mandated paid parental leave, many new mothers in the US find themselves back at work too soon after giving birth.
BBC Politics is sub standard BBC.
If there’s another Scottish independence referendum, will England be allowed to vote this time too? That could be a winning decision by Mrs Sturgeon.
That’s Nicola Sturgeon’s vision of Scotland under national socialism: everyone is welcome, so long as they agree with her.
I saw a bit of that racist rant this morning on Sky, and was shocked, even amused, by her “performance”. She was practically jumping up and down, was literally screaming and had gone bright red in the face. If the Scots vote for her national socialists again then they are the ones who will have brought it on themselves.. If they do I say “Let Scotland go.” I’d rather keep Northern Ireland at the moment!
I just feel sad for the decent Scots who have had to put up with this evil woman and her nasty, racist, bigoted party for too long.
Could you imagine an “independent” Scotland, who will be just a vassal state in the EU. Their Euro coins will have the head of the Führerin. Yuck, I wouldn’t want any Scottish Euro coins.
By the way why does her head wobble so much when she talks? Big-head syndrome?
What’s that Nicola Sturgeon said ?
.. “Scotland is diverse
… And *no Jew* is ever going to be allowed to change that !” .. ?
..#Echoes #Othering
The BBC does like its anti-democratic BS, and then ladles on a bit of national broadcast sheen to a massive propaganda Animal Farm 2urd.
Guessing Newswatch was held from the courts?
Or, conveniently, not?
The BBC doesn’t have a LGBT agenda whatsoever. I know this because they told me so!
Their response to my complaint about using an image of a gay couple instead of hetrosexual one for an article about entitled ‘The psychology of attraction: Why do we fancy certain people?’ :
When considering the offence caused by particular images, we must bear in mind that there is no single set of standards in this area on which the whole of society can agree, and it’s inevitable that images which are acceptable to some will occasionally strike others as objectionable.
The BBC also treats same sex relationships like they they do heterosexual relationships, we don’t have an agenda to promote any sexuality.
“Why do we fancy certain people?”
Is the BBC and it’s like so far gone that they can’t admit the obvious? It’s BIOLOGY stupid.
Speaking as a female, in your early teenage years, that lad in your class you had hardly even noticed was there at all suddenly looks strangely attractive. Your physiology and associated psychology has changed in such a way as to give your species a chance of continuing through good old reproduction. There is a catch in that this only works if one of you is male and one female.
There is, of course, the whole question of why you are drawn to some members of the opposite sex rather than others. Some of it is down to indirectly perceiving good genes or ability to fight or provide etc.
If you only want to mate with your own sex, something has gone wrong. It doesn’t matter as long as you are in a minority.
P.S. Just to be clear, it’s the BBC that I’m calling stupid
Lost violin handed in … that is good news
It seems after CCTV of the guy who walked away with it was publicised, that guy decided the best thing to do was hand the violin back and tweeted the owner to meet in a car park, which meant that there will be no police-charges.
The BBC forgot to put the cctv images in their story
I consume very little bbc these days so I mainly read posts rather than comment, the following however had me coughing up my third shredded wheat.
“General election 2019: What is tactical voting?”
Is it article or instruction? Who on earth even needs the concept explaining to them?
” Am I allowed to vote tactically?” asks the, er, ‘news article’ which helpfully goes on to provide an answer for the terminally dim witted.
What kind of condescending individual thought it necessary to even explain that?
What kind of condescending individual thought it necessary to even explain that?
Answer: the kind of individual who knows that most on their side are thick individuals who vote Remain and for alt-left parties (e.g. Lab or Lib “Dem”) because their masters tell them to. These individuals can’t be trusted to work out that simple answer by themselves.
2016.06 … Conservatives give you a vote.
2017.06 … Conservatives give you a manifesto to implement your vote.
2019.03 … Conservatives miss implementing your vote and their manifesto.
2019.10 … Conservatives miss implementing your vote and their manifesto.
2019.12 .. See above.
When I see and hear pundits saying don’t vote for TBP and that Nigel will never be PM, I can’t recall them saying don’t vote libdem because Swinson will never be pm.
Same for the miscellaneous parties like plaid, green and snp.
Anybody know if Nigel is scheduled for any bbc debates or are TBP being ignored.
Is it because he might ask Boris and JC awkward questions such as “is it true that Macron will NEVER agree a trade agreement if he doesn’t get to keep all the fishing quota the French currently have” or “is it possible that these talks about a FTA will take longer than the couple of years and might go on for decades with us being unable to do anything as we are still part of the eu with his brino”
How about Boris publishing, in everyday words, this deal of his so that we can see if it really is a good deal. (It’s not though, it’s mays turd with a candle on it)
I suppose if there is a leaders debate, or whatever they call it, on the bbc, it will be strictly controlled with no questions that might expose the truths, just the usual flannel we are fed.
Nigel isn’t perfect. I strongly disagree with his views on Tommy for example but he’s the only politician I trust on the eu and he’s been honest (and proven right) on all he has said about the eu.
He is the only one we can trust.
That’s why he is unlikely to get TBP much exposure on the bbc and the rest of the lefty media (ie. just about all of the media)
“Nigel Farage has said he will not be standing as an MP in the forthcoming general election on 12 December.”
Has Nigel stood down as a possible MP to allow Boris to form an alliance ?
IMHO all the other parties will for a “Remain Alliance” ?
Upvote for “it’s mays turd with a candle on it”. Luckily I’ve had my dinner, no wait, I haven’t.
Such a shame. There we had John McDonnell, positively oozing sincerity as only he can, and Mr Marr in ace-probing mode on the subject of anti-Semitism within the Labour party. Backed up by headlines in all three major Jewish newspapers, Mr McDonnell was contrite. He wished things were otherwise. He was saddened by the press interpretation of the situation. He didn’t apologise or explain, mind, he was just sorry for the headlines.
And with the force and percipience that marks Marr’s style so well, he failed to ask why. He didn’t think to ask why anti-Semitism has suddenly become such a problem for Labour. What has changed? How come when Liberal Judaism was once a bastion for socialist principles and ‘a khaki society’ was its aim, Jewish economists virtually ran LSE, Hobsbawm, Shinwell, Morrison and Milliband were omnipotent and Jewish ranks within the Labour party were legion, why are things so different now. It’s not as though the demographics have changed, have they?
And how odd that such an incisive and noted interviewer as Andrew Marr failed to ask that nice Mr McDonnell such an obvious question. Why?
With politics being as dirty and underhand as it is these days, does anyone else get the feeling that there are some ‘leaked’ documents that are not so ‘leaked’ but deliberately set for discovery?
The latest leak from Tory HQ seems to me to be a deliberate ploy to assure people that no deal will be struck with the Brexit Party, it will only strengthen voting for Labour and Lib Dems etc. etc.
That doesn’t seem much of a leak to me but something similar to operation ‘Mincemeat’ in WWII.
I don’t normally hold with any conspiracy theory nonsense but who better to give false information to than the person you know is the ‘agent’, who doesn’t know that you Maybe I’ll write a play about it.
Another conspiracy theory worth considering will be the planned disruption and walk-outs planned for ‘Our NHS’ this winter – just in time to swing opinions the left way.
Labour are currently making a big thing of ‘Our NHS’ and will no doubt continue to do so, in much the same way as they give that specious lout Aneurin Bevan all the credit for the concept and launch of whole crumbling edifice.
Who knows that the actual concept and initial creation was the work of Willink, Beveridge and Churchill? Who knows that the concept was based primarily on health education: prevention, not cure? And who will ever have the political courage to tell the truth, that the Frankenstein the Labour party created after the war was only ever notionally affordable and has since become financially and literally beyond all credibility?
Just like the BBC and our police, the belief that such things were ever the envy of the world is a theory based on sand, believed by those who so desperately want to.
I hate to state the obvious, but the only way the NHS will get out of its current mess, is for it to be run as a business by people who are skilled in man management. And this means:
Money will be collected from NHS tourists, Sick days taken by staff down to a minimum, Ancilliary services all done in-house ie cleaning/catering/maintenance, instead of wasting money on outside contractors, No away day meetings in prime hotels or conference centres.
And that’s without thinking of anything else.
As we can see from all parties, all that they know is Project Fear – vote for us otherwise (insert threat of the day), vote for a pretend leave otherwise we remain. When did our politicians become so spineless? Nothing positive, and certainly (as the Treaty is the faux Cons pretend leave WA) the Cons are not promoting a single manifesto policy as a ‘benefit’ of leaving & what they ‘could’ now do with our ‘returned independence & sovereignty’.
As their surrender Treaty is now the Cons only ‘leave’ policy, why would that be?
Could it be that it’s just another can kicking exercise, whilst our Country becomes a non-country at the mercy of the EU during the ‘so-called’ transition period? It’s just legal text where nothing, no implementation nor transition, is actually planned to happen. If it was, why aren’t these set out in the manifesto? Why can’t we see, or they explain, the clear plan to freedom, with dates? Why does it read that we’ll be exactly where we’ve been since Chequers at the end of the ‘transition’? Oh look, what do I see in the WA….oh, an extension option! The only logical answer to the above questions is that nothing is intended to happen but to give more time to overturn the largest democratic mandate in this country which is simply to LEAVE the EU. Deceitful.
Do they really believe that we can ‘trust’ them to act in OUR interests in the interim? We’ve now been betrayed by three consecutive PMs, all Conservative, and we’ve watched politicians put party before country & seemingly accept remaining by accepting the surrender Treaty. One just has to see the pro-EU federalists who support it to confirm that it’s a bad thing.
We, the people & businesses, need CERTAINTY. The Treaty kicks the can down the road, with the PD setting out the minimum concessions for years of further uncertainty. The only way to provide that certainty for all is to do what was voted for – LEAVE with no Treaty designed to deceive the electorate.
Will the choice of candidate give me the Brexit I want, doubt it- to leave without a deal is the only way to be properly clear of the EU’s tentacles, that wil otherwise trap us and restrain without any hope of freedom inside such a festering Socialism.
I agree. Even if one mistakenly took the view that everything Nigel says about the EU/May/Bojo treaty is wrong – which it clearly isn’t – there is still the strong possibility (intention?) of everlasting ‘transition periods’ if we sign up to it, during which time the ‘destination’ will change.
The risks are too great and seemingly irreversible.
Thank you tarien, well said – yet surely the oddest thing about the whole Brexit situation is that there appears to be more perception and insight on this forum than in the whole of parliament and the media.
This posting on the Orphans of Liberty website confirms for me why it is essential to vote for the Brexit party in the General Election.
They need to have some MPs in the next Parliament for two reasons: 1. To deprive the Communist islamic Labour party and the Fascist Liberal Democrat party of seats and 2. To hold Boris Johnson’s government to account regarding his withdrawal agreement and hopefully ensure we leave the EU on WTO terms.
Matthew Parris has been a well known journalist for over 25 years and has expressed many ahead of the curve views over the years that have turned out to be correct .
Brexiteers might have the humility to wait a few years after Brexit has been delivered before rubbishing his gloomy predictions about Brexit will turn out .
Well, I suppose someone has to support Matthew Parris, if only for the sake of his overpowering ego. Read the letters page in the Spectator, on the other hand, and you will discover that his opinions suffer the most frequent criticism of any contributor. Some of them even have the temerity to question his sanity at times.
Mind you, ‘waiting a few years’ might prove too much to ask, even for the most equable and humble of Brexiteers, for Parris’s negativity to be disproved or not.
Bit difficult for brexiters to exercise humility after witnessing the traitor parliament using every method not to deliver on a huge democratic vote.
As for Mr Parris – the state broadcaster and others give him more than enough time to express his views – along with others who have no mandate to do so other than being within the bubble – heseltine – al cambell and the rest .
But it is nice to have a few more remainers here to evidence the right wing pro leave bias of the BBC
We’ve waited 40 years to have a say on the EU.
We voted ‘leave’, quite a simple concept really, just let’s have the same relationship with the EU that the USA and China and 100 plus other countries have.
However at the rate things are going it might be another 40 years before we actually do get to ‘leave’.
Being a well-known journalist, for any duration, is not a bar for anything I set much by.
Being right on ‘many’ things likewise.
Taff posted part of a reply from the BBC which I find quite astonishing –
“When considering the offence caused by particular images, we must bear in mind that there is no single set of standards in this area on which the whole of society can agree, and it’s inevitable that images which are acceptable to some will occasionally strike others as objectionable.”
It gives an insight into the mentality of the BBC and society will usually agree on what is offensive.
The conclusion is that the BBC is comfortable with any image provided it isn’t (presumably) illegal.
The ‘common law’ can change depending on what is considered reasonable –
‘The man on the Clapham omnibus is a hypothetical ordinary and reasonable person, used by the courts in English law where it is necessary to decide whether a party has acted as a reasonable person would.’ (Wiki)
In the idea of ‘law’ there is no absolute definition of what is right and wrong such that in Roman times it was not illegal eg to throw Christians (and others) to the lions.
watch #SkyNews
get #EUviews
You know that trans-cyclist that keeps winning women’s cycling competitions ?
.. There is someone catching up with him
..It’s short so her’s the full story
NEW YORK, NY—In an inspiring story from the world of professional cycling, a motorcyclist who identifies as a bicyclist has crushed all the regular bicyclists, setting an unbelievable world record.
– In a local qualifying race for the World Road Cycling League, the motorcyclist crushed the previous 100-mile record of 3 hours, 13 minutes with his amazing new score of well under an hour.
– Professional motorcycle racer Judd E. Banner, the brave trans-vehicle rider, was allowed to race after he told league organizers he’s always felt like a bicyclist in a motorcyclist’s body.
– “Look, my ride has handlebars, two wheels, and a seat,” he told reporters as he accepted a trophy for his incredible time trial.
“Just because I’ve got a little extra hardware, such as an 1170-cc flat-twin engine with 110 horsepower, doesn’t mean I have any kind of inherent advantage here.”
– Banner also said he painted the word “HUFFY” on the side of his bike, ensuring he has no advantage over the bikes that came out of the factory as bicycles.
Some critics say he needs to cut off his motor in order to make the competition fairer,
… but he quickly called these people bigots,
.. and they were immediately banned from professional cycle racing.
My workplace tended to support my workplace.
But then, we were not ‘uniquely funded’.
Or a bunch of sh*ts.
Where do these BBC presenters live such that their dogs get to roll in human excrement?
California or any left-wing run city or state.
That’s groupthink world for you
Carrie thinks the biggest stink in the BBC is that some metroliberal and box-ticking WOMEN get lower salaries
than some metroliberal and box-ticking MEN
They don’t smell the stink that the BBC give ZERO salary to
normal working class non-metroliberals who want to work on air.
BBC (3hr ago) General election 2019: What is tactical voting? (in case some hadn’t heard of it)
Are the Conservatives are putting party before people if they ignore Nigel’s offer?
It makes me laugh – the alt-left remainac Labour supporters call the ironically named “Liberal” “Democrats” ‘The Yellow Tories”.
Whereas the alt-left “Lib” “Dems” call Jeremy Corbyn an out and out Brexiteer, who will lead Labour to Brexit.
Both accusing the other of being Moderates masquerading as extremists. I wish either of these were true as Corbyn and his party are not supporters of the democratic will of the British People, and left-wing nutcase Swinson has nothing to do with “Tories” – she is far too extreme for that.
Demon that is not ridiculous at all, they are simply doing PR to their own supporters.
Whereas Boris thinks he can appeal to his voters by pandering to the FakeGreens agenda.
CM I was just about to post that tweet here
cos it came up in my Twitter page
as an PAID ADVERT from that StopBrexit group
Hey what about that – two more Tory MPs standing down – one is Margot James – a state broadcaster favourite who is a remainer ‘representing ‘ a strong leave constituency .
The other is a chap who allegedly had an encounter with another MP chap in one of the many Commons bars ….
Annoying to be deprived of seeing these people escaping without the revenge of their constituents . Gonna be a lot begging for a gong ….
I’d pay to watch all, with very few exceptions and no allowances for the women, of the 650 rats in the HoC and the same for the 850 or so in the HoL, publicly flogged and humiliated. And then sent to do at least 10 years of manual public service on minimum wage.
That should clarify their minds and those aspiring politicians who think it’s a consequence free gravy train.
Best for Britain isn’t a political party? Don’t know what the Twitter policy is
The Twitter political advertising ban hasn’t yet startedon November 22nd
I mentioned their adverts a couple of days ago.
Carwell tweets
Pat Condell tweets
Steve Baker’s/ERG backing relies too heavily on trust and ‘ifs’ (and probably party loyalty).
See this article from last month
Not good enough IMO. Boris has shown himself to be untrustworthy in the past (e.g. during his stint as Foreign Sec.).
It has to be the Brexit Party. Johnson and the elite are not getting us out.
” the elite are not getting us out”.
In truth they don’t want to get us out .
As far as the Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat parties are concerned: fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Well we’ve been repeatedly fooled, so to avoid any more shame I’d suggest we stop giving them our votes.
7pm BBC4 narrative ‘Women are saving Morris Dancing and men are angry about it’
Barry’s point is that “You don’t have women in a male voice choir, it’s a different quality from a mixed choir”
.. In his group he plays the part of The Bettsy a man dressed as a woman.
At the end of the show the BBC guy seemed to have come round
“There is something about the” camaraderie of being in an all male group.”
.. and then he appealed to men to come and join and keep the tradition alive.
That’s another manifestation of the promotion of the matriarchy.
It’s paganism.
The worrying thing is that those who are the mouthpieces for the matriarchy probably don’t know what they are doing.
Has anyone else noticed a political “double-hit” phenomenon of the Ichabod Broadcasting Corporation?
On the six o’ clock Radio 2 news summary this evening there was an item about a comment by Nigel Farage. It was immediately followed by a report about what a Labour politician has said today. However we then had the bonus of hearing a sound-bite from that same gentleman. Was that calculated to reinforce the message to the public?
BBC motto “emphatic and shallow”
6:20pm McBoaty starts, within in a minute
.. “Here Climate Change has melted all the ice so the animals have to haul up on the beach”
Switch to BBC2
The Wheely Black travel show
Wheely is in Africa and making the most of his blackness
6:25pm He’s got his taxi driver to take him to a ‘white suburb’
a security car drives past
“I wonder what they are thinking, two brothers in a big Mercedes ?”
… the next Moment he is Zimbabwe.
where after a while he is at the video shoot of a British female pop star ..and its all very ‘we black people’ again.
WWF are already tweeting the line
“Climate change has melted the ice and the only place within reach of their feeding grounds, where they can rest, are these few beaches.” #SevenWorldsOnePlanet
I suppose the BBc has spent millions of our money on the latest flop to be on Sunday night. His Dark Materials . Tried it and switched off. OK for a B box set on Netflix maybe but not prime time TV Sunday night .
I agree I lasted 5 mins then turned over.
Indeed. Basically super-woke Harry Potter and immediately followed by the fascinating mega-woke WW2 tale in which participants of colour and diverse sexuality look set to outnumber the indigenous population by the final part next week.
The Indian officer running a department of Military Intelligence seemed exceptionally creative.
This is just a little bit bizarre.
Radio 4’s 8 p.m. news on Sunday headlines told us that both Labour and Conservative manifestos announced big spending plans.
Lead story was how Labour would be spending money on making every home more energy efficient. Really? How would that be done? Question not asked, answer not given.
Next up the Conservatives were going to take the freeze off benefits. Surely a good thing if one is on benefits? Apparently not. The BBC found one person who had been claiming for two years. He thought it would be a waste of time as within weeks higher bills for council tax, heating etc. would be coming through the door. Policy announced, policy trashed, job done.
IIRC Jez was long ago the one who promised the BBC they were safe if they got him in.
Following the example of the BBC website:
Should the Welsh have mobile phones?
Having listed to the painfully embarassing The Joy of Text the answer must be a resounding NO!
In brief a female Welsh Facebook stalker/groupie of an unknown fat Welsh comedian, having seduced him by texting, appears on stage with him. They then read out various text messages, some relating to the death of her son from cancer and her attempt at suicide.
The audience sounded as if they hadn’t realised what they had let themselves in for either.
“& Juliet” – I’ve been seeing the posters advertising this new jukebox musical at railway stations for a few weeks now. Given the premise, I didn’t think it would take the BBC long to promote it on it’s website:
“The classic tale of star-crossed lovers Romeo and Juliet, has been given a twist in a new musical.
& Juliet mixes things up and imagines life after Romeo, and sets Juliet on the road to self-discovery.”
Juliet is, of course, played by a black actress (who is REALLY irritating in the video, spewing out just about every buzzword in the SJW inventory) and we are also promised a ‘plot twist’ for Romeo. Gee, just guessing, but it wouldn’t have anything to do with his sexuality, would it?
OK, not actually the BBC, but still more evidence of this country’s slide down the cultural s**t-chute.
Sir Lefty tweets
A letter caught my eye in the MoS, in reply to a recent article on the lack of ethnic minority presenters on ITV.
“The lack of ethnic-minority stars on ITV is surely balanced by the number who appear on various adverts. A cast of characters worthy of the UN is involved”
Seems like the growing unease about advertisers erasing non-whites is growing apace.