Start the Week Open Thread 18 November 2019

Week two of the the biased Far left BBC campaign to get their Labour Party elected . More coverage of Tories being barracked, socialists being given an easy ride and stories of the constantly growing labour money tree. But there won’t be much by way of election fraud . Enjoy .

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271 Responses to Start the Week Open Thread 18 November 2019

  1. theleftwilleatitself says:

    ???? Has anyone seen Joker?
    The lefty media are beside themselves about this film and hate it as it holds a mirror up to their antics and general dastardly behaviour.
    Mark Kermode doesn’t particularly like it which means I do.
    Watch it ????


  2. Philip_2 says:

    News from our dodgy broadcaster (without any merit) reported in the press last week…

    (1) The BBC admitted it used ‘Canned laughter’ on Radio 4. The new Radio 4 voice (all female now) said that ‘all Comedians tend to be left wing’ and effectively there was no other choice. Obviously she doesn’t get out that much to hear (or care) anyone outside of the BBC bubble.

    (2) BBC now provide ‘Product placement’ in BBC dramas. This is a new service for advertisers (even though the BBC is not supposed to accept Advertising due to its ‘charter’). But the BBC has been advertising its own channels remorsefully since the 1980’s, many of us complained then and still are since the BBC is full of its own adverts that get repeated ad-nauseam (pardon the pun). This does not seem to alert the regulator at all, its now allowed by OFCOM. I wonder why.

    (3) Another breach of regulations is via its new commercial arm BBC Worldwide which is able to take funding from mainstream BBC and plough into areas mostly hidden from prying eyes. BBC films and series for example (not for BBC TV) can be ‘sold’ to other broadcasters – without anyone batting an eye-lid. Commercial ‘brand’ building for HUAWEI in a full Panorama style ‘Advertorial’ (non critical) for HUAWEI from China in 2019. Never to be aired on UK TV. This is very identical to ‘Product endorsement’ advertising (and Anti-trump) so it scores twice. I won’t link to it but its on BBC Click (you tube). Pure advertising paid by CHINA. Its pure global propaganda.

    The BBC is seen as (incorrectly without bias) around the World, only at home is the BBC more suspect and financial dire, so they trade on the golden empire principal a being ‘willingly funded’ by the UK taxpayer (so it must be brilliant) is then sold around the world on that pretence. The Saudis have relied on the BBC for years to promote its religious ‘tolerance’ to a doubting UK audience. That works well. So the BBC has clients such as Saudi, EU and now China. The US is the competition.

    (4) Another revelation is that the BBC is using money from the UK taxpayer to launch a new service in Africa and India to target ‘developing nations’ with the BBC liberal Trot bias. They may prefer NetFlix to the BBC dramas and documentaries. Its the World Service redefined without the original ‘fair’ fundamentals of being any more accountable there than it is here. This will partly be funded by BBC Worldwide using its new Brit-Box app to promote the BBC as a source for wisdom.

    BBC fights tech titans in Africa and India
    Incredibly the BBC wants the UK government to sponsor this as part of a new World Service (which was entirely based on low cost radio) to spend a fortune on ‘catch-up’ TV to the third world.

    In short, the BBC brand is better known for the (often) the awful home programs it now produces. When it has to offer TV ‘subscription’ here in the UK, its the end of the BBC – unless – the model globally works (as tested by NetFlix), it knows it cannot get any more TV tax funding next time around. The Charter being about as dead as can be, they have breached it several times. The BBC big money is now going into a BBC global investment to capture a global audience, many of which will watch TV on a mobile phone in a third world. Its a gamble the BBC are doing right now, do they have an audience around the world (even if despised back home in the UK). Promotion of impending disasters, real or imagined will go down well in these nations. Marxist Venezuela was probably an early adopter of BBC subscription services, other ruined states of the socialist experiment are ten a penny, and obviously can’t get enough BBC drama, even when RT has a better rating than the BBC on news.

    As an after note; I ignore all Radio and TV during elections. Even the free press are suspect in Election Times. I refuse to listen to anything on or from the BBC. Everything is distorted.


    • Fedup2 says:

      That’s a pretty depressing ( and realistic ) appraisal. I think it’s sad that whilst the Uk is slowly waking up to what the BBC has become the global brand is still strong .
      Luckily other providers are coming along which i think will make the likelihood of people subscribing to the BBC less likely . The likes of Apple Google and Amazon have far deeper pockets .


      • taffman says:

        Is Al Beeb aware of this, which may explain the reason for its blatant bias? Its end is nigh and this could be its ‘death struggle’ ?


        • Daphne says:

          I have been looking at the website promoting Britbox, the joint effort between BBC and ITV , giving the punters ” another chance to see” a load of old cack that they have basically already paid for. I wanted to e-mail them to ask if, seeing as I had already paid for a lot of the content with licence fee payments ( not recently though!) was I not a stakeholder and how would they propose to discount or reimburse me, but it appears they are uncontactable! Quel surpris!!


      • Doublethinker says:

        If Labour or the Anti Democratic liberals form a government the BBC will have unlimited funds for propaganda purposes.


      • G says:

        “The likes of Apple Google and Amazon have far deeper pockets .”
        Yes, but what are they subliminally selling us ?
        Google, for one, is anti-Trump and Marxist.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Yes I’m aware that none of these outfits are perfect . But as I see it – any competition to the BBC is good and if their overseas activities can be crushed so much the better . All this nonsense about ‘soft power ‘ achieves nothing – apart from giving away 14 billion of taxpayers money to make a few civil servants and politicians a warm feeling .

          Personally I’d prefer the choice to buy a service than being legally required to have one which is in a monopoly position . I’m glad I don’t pay for the BBC .


    • JamesArthur says:

      Excellent post – anyone who listens to any R4 ‘comedy’ will know it is canned – especially as most of it isn’t funny…
      I have German friend who has lived and worked in UK for years – more British than most Brits and when discussing politics he laughed and said ‘ I don’t think I have watched or listened to BBC for months, it is a joke’


    • StewGreen says:

      “The BBC admitted it used ‘Canned laughter’ on Radio 4”
      .. sounds like FakeNews
      .. I guess you are referring to the Head of Comedy speaking on Feedback
      ..they use editing and “curated laughter”
      .. same effect as canned, but not actually canned.


  3. fakenewswatcher says:

    Carolyn Quinn chairs a typical beeb Sunday night ‘Westminster hour’: three lefties and a Tory.
    Quinn has invited 3 ladies and 1 man, but complains about ‘sexism’ in the forthcoming debate between Boris and Jeremy! Radio4 has swung hugely in favour of the female persuasion in most programmes in any event. So perhaps Carolyn should alternate with a male chair every Sunday, just for the sake of her much-loved ‘equality’?
    No chance!


    • Fedup2 says:

      Fake – I stopped listening the the bubble hour when Quinn took over – it’s like a bunch of lefty mates making snide remarks about anyone or thing in meeting their approval . So not for me any more .


    • Richard Pinder says:

      If “Woman’s Hour” had four guests talking about Climate Change or Brexit. Melanie Phillips, Donna Laframboise, Ann Widdecombe and Kate Hoey. Then it would be worth us Men listening in. But the BBC only ever invites unknown middle-class left-wing ignorant women who have a lot to say but don’t know much about anything the above four women would know.


    • StewGreen says:

      They go on and on about sexism, gender balance
      Yet each panel and prog is not stuffed with MEN
      ..rather they are stuffed with METROLIBERALS
      Metro-liberal voice, after metroliberal voice


    • G says:

      And, today, we hear from the almost scatty Prof. Curtice that by far the largest group of those who don’t know which way they will vote – are women.


  4. taffman says:

    Why does Al Beeb so hate Great Britain and love anything anti-British ?


    • The General says:

      Because those are the sentiments of Labour and the Left and they are who the BBC are and represent.


      • Ian Rushlow says:

        They are also the sentiments of the establishment and the British state, of which the BBC is merely the propaganda arm. As Orwell wrote in ‘England Your England’:
        “In intention, at any rate, the English intelligentsia are Europeanized. They take their cookery from Paris and their opinions from Moscow. In the general patriotism of the country they form a sort of island of dissident thought. England is perhaps the only great country whose intellectuals are ashamed of their own nationality.”
        These days, for Moscow substitute a hypothetical construct of Brussels, Berkeley (university) and Frankfurt (School), but otherwise it remains the case.


    • john in cheshire says:

      It could be because our schools are teaching our children to hate our country.

      I am surprised to say the least that children are not taught about the violent and intolerant and deceitful history of socialism and communism. If they were, fewer of them would be so gullible.


  5. taffman says:

    From last week , I missed it but worth a read even now………………….


    • StewGreen says:

      That says : Sweden’s 100 explosions this year: What’s going on?

      Earlier they had
      August 22nd :Sweden rape: Most convicted attackers foreign-born, says TV (58%)

      Note in Dec 2017 she tweeted
      “Dec 17, 2017
      Good though that Sweden’s current #metoo debates quash far-right argument that only immigrants are to blame for rise in reported sexual assaults.

      6 months earlier
      “I was heavily trolled after #Stockholmattack by far right extremists questioning my credibility”


  6. JimS says:

    More dire Radio 4 Sunday listening.

    Fred At The Stand gave us a pack of unfunny comedians, including Fred MacAulay himself who struggled to make the compulsory ‘Trump’ joke to the extent that he thought he might even be related him.
    Jo Caulfield moaning about her husband (again).
    Paul Foot falling flat on his face. He had to tell the audience that his act was over; they were probably wondering when it would start.
    Some bloke Omotayo, born of Nigerians, acted like a Nigerian but insisted he would be staying, despite Brexit. First I knew that Nigeria was in the EU. 99% of his act was over his name. Probably the only good joke of the night was when he realised he couldn’t say Polish names.

    Feedback continues to be Feedforward as it tries to promote or explain the BBC to its listeners. It has long since given up on caring what they think unless it is about The Archers.

    Last Word getting dangerously political over the death of the founder of ‘The White Helmets’. Apparently he ‘died’ as a result of hitting the ground too hard after leaving a hotel from a bedroom window. Even more dangerously political with the death of ex-Labour Health Secretary Frank Dobson, ‘who greatly expanded the hospital building programme’. Conveniently fitting in with the Labour Election Campaign. I am sure nice things could have been said about the man without getting controversial. If they are going to talk about his hospital building programme then quote the BMJ: “The health secretary, Frank Dobson, last week defended the use of private rather than public money to fund his department’s hospital building programme on the grounds that it got hospitals built faster and allowed capital that would have been spent on hospitals to be spent on other projects, such as replacing old, outdated equipment.

    He maintained that if there were any difference in cost between building a hospital with money from the private finance initiative (PFI) and building one with Treasury money, it was marginal. He also claimed that the use of the PFI was not the reason why new hospitals were being built with fewer beds than before.”


  7. Beltane says:

    How happy the BBC must be that the riots in Hong Kong provide top quality news, so many, many convenient and distracting miles away from the continuous riots throughout France.
    This week-end the riots focused on Paris to celebrate les Gilets-Jaune’s first full year of action – but the BBC don’t want to give too much coverage, just in case people might think there are good reasons behind Brexit. Anyone been to Spain or Italy lately? Dare I mention Sweden, Holland or Germany?


    • Halifax says:

      I can’t believe the state of Germany in the 1990 I used to think (without admitting it) that Germany was a paradise, clean, functional and modern. My last visit a few weeks ago showed what multiculturalism can do to a country. I have said it before and I’ll say it again, things are pretty good at the moment but just wait till the downturn which will naturally happen. People will be out of work living standards will drop markedly and who will the unemployed WORKERS blame ??? …..


      • fakenewswatcher says:

        Halifax – I lived in Frankfurt/Oberursel in 1989 -1991 and have to agree with you.
        It was a very different Germany to the one we see at the moment. This one runs on a state-media dominated Green/Red consensus. The ARD/ZDF monopoly makes the beeb look moderate.
        There are no conservatives left, other than in the AfD, and they -the Green/Red consensus has agreed, are all ‘extreme right’ (code for Nazis).
        Do not confuse German Greens with ours. Were ours the same, they would be explicitly anti-British, calling on mass migration to dilute the evil indigenous British stock.
        The present German society is heavily feminised, and Comrade Merkel has made sure of that for the last fifteen years. Her designated successor is a third-rate lady -the defence minister-who is little more than a Merkel clone. Her predecessor, another lady, has been sent to head up the EU, having destroyed what was left of the German military (v.d.Leyen). The Russians will be pleased. Even Poland could invade successfully, should it desire!
        Oh yes, Germany is VERY different. The clean, efficient state- you observed in 1990- is virtually dead. The CDU may still pull it out of the bag if they chose F Merz (a man) as leader, rather than the catastrophic AKK. He has proven successful business experience. But alas, he is a man! And mildly conservative, even though a product of the Merkel regime.
        And they are out of fashion.


  8. StewGreen says:

    That Climategate Doco ..was it honest ?
    The BBC didn’t do anything tricky
    … like show the finished product to their alarmist mates well before it aired
    .. and not the skeptics who were in the prog ?
    Someone points us to a Michael Mann tweet
    Yep he knew the content of the show on November 9th
    .. Confirms my suspicion that BBC work hand in hand with POLITICAL activists if Ofcom gives a toss

    @FallMarah Tweeted
    Mann had seen the *documentary* Nov 9 and replied that although it featured McIntyre and McKittrick, they would not like”the overall framing”.
    Showing the finished product to Mann and not to @ClimateAudit is dishonest.


    • StewGreen says:

      AC/DC Thunderstruck Live


    • Richard Pinder says:

      Most facts were censored, most assumptions were not censored. A sceptic was allowed on because he could not prove the assumed statistics, because Mann wont reveal the facts, even when ordered by a court. No mention on the BBC of isotopic analysis of individual tree rings, the Medieval warm Period or why 485 scientific papers are not part of the “One Mann” consensus. The documentary looked like it had been made by Michael Mann and the BBC’s notoriously infamous “Best Scientific Experts”.

      It has been established by Scientists and Mensa members that it is not worth complaining to the BBC because anyone able to understand the complaint has left the BBC.


      • LynetteO says:

        It is important to continue to erode a belief in man made climate change, Richard that the BBC promotes.. Thanks for your information. Why should governments waste time , energy and resources to solving a natural phenomenan?. It is far better to adopt solutions to withstand it.



        • Doublethinker says:

          Climate change is popular amongst the Globalists because if it is real it requires concerted international action and is something which nation states couldn’t on their own do much about. Thus it gives supranational bodies like the UN a role and a reason to force national government to follow international policies.


    • The Sage says:

      Having watched it, I can understand why. It looked liked it was produced by the University of East Anglia’s PR department.
      CRU good, right-wing nutters bad.


    • G says:

      I watch Tony Heller’s short video’s on YT re the fictional, “Climate Change”. Well worth a watch when he compares reality with the more current wild ludicrous claims.


  9. Celtic_Mist says:


  10. Richard Pinder says:

    Climategate wasn’t about the Climate, it wasn’t about the Weather, it wasn’t even about carbon dioxide induced global warming. It was about the construction of a thousand year graph of the average global surface temperature that contradicted 485 scientific papers that preceded the Hockey Stick. Proven to be a fraudulent piece of bullshit because isotopic analysis of individual tree rings proves that assumptions about the flat part of the Hockey stick before 1960 fraudulently eliminates the Medieval warm period seen in 485 other scientific papers published before the Hockey Stick graph, which showed the Medieval warm period peak, as warmer than at present.

    Apparently the only comment of note in the documentary on the science was when Michael Mann lied on the BBC about the temperature graph based on tree rings being reliable before 1960. He only recognised its unreliability as a cover for “Hide the Decline”. I doubt that any of the morons employed by the BBC would have understood the significance of his explanation for “Hide the Decline”. According to the BBC, this one scientific paper, unsupported by any other, is the consensus.

    As comments in the Climategate emails confirm. For the last ten years, this corrupt establishment has stopped any further duplications of the Medieval warm period appearing in science journals. One of these scientists, Canadian scientist Tim Ball, using sea sediment cores to prove the existence of the Medieval warm period, said that Michael Mann should be in the State Pen, not Penn State. Michael Mann could not prove that Tim Ball was incorrect on that point. The BBC and main stream media censor any mention of these facts, and still present the fraudulent Hockey stick graph as the authorised consensus of the international establishment.


  11. Ian Rushlow says:

    Meanwhile, the BBC has returned to promoting obesity. Those starving kids in Africa and elsewhere need some body positive role models, right? Plus it helps generate work for the NHS: more cases of heart disease and diabetes to deal with.


    • Doublethinker says:

      If the third world stopped breeding so profusely they would be able to feed themselves and leave the rest of us alone. Send them contraception not food.


      • G says:

        “An astonishing 6.2 million Indian men were sterilised in just a year, which was “15 times the number of people sterilised by the Nazis”, …..”.
        From our own Marxist State Broadcaster in 2014 –
        Still doesn’t explain how men in the third world remain, ‘very productive’ yet the sperm count of white men in the West is falling year-on-year………………..


  12. Guest Who says:


    • Fedup2 says:

      Guest – and the man in the picture is the son £ of a banker – and advertises for a bank .


  13. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1 – No sums Justin

    Barry Gardiner, speaking on behalf of Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell, tells how Labour will commit to defeat Global Warming, Climate Change and the Climate Emergency. It will be an opportunity to create a massive number of jobs, the Labour Party claims.

    Labour will create 8000 (or 80,000*) ‘top jobs’, high paid apprenticeships, linked to the CBI, to train people in defeating Global Warming, Climate Change and the Climate Emergency. If these apprentices are paid the average UK wage, £25000 p.a. this will cost a fifth of a billion a year, median wage of £33K p.a. it will cost £264,000,000 a year. If the apprenticeships are ‘high paid’ as Barry said, then a £50K p.a. salary will cost £400,000,000 a year. It will add to the extra tax bill for business.

    Justin did not do the sums this news item demanded and ask probing questions. He did ask how it would be paid for. The Labour Party in Government would scrap the apprenticeship levy and replace it with another tax, that’s how. Tax on business. No questions about where business gets its money from.

    How long does an ‘apprenticeship’ last? Justin did not ask. How long will taxpayer businesses have to pay this bill? Justin did not ask.

    * In the news clip played in the 8a.m. News, Barry Gardiner appears to have ‘done a Diane Abbott’ and added a nought to the number of new high paid defeating Global Warming, Climate Change and the Climate Emergency apprenticeship jobs. You may need to do the same with the costs above.

    This item was followed by the Weather Forecast. Louise starts by telling us that it’s cold outside, – 8° in Scotland. Well, that’s Global Warming, Climate Change and the Climate Emergency for you. I hope Grant, who hasn’t been seen around about here for some time, is in the warm in Gambia.


  14. Fedup2 says:

    Followed by Tourette’s Robinson doing the ‘interruption show ‘ on a Tory stupid enough to go on the BBC again .

    I ve sort stopped listening to the content of interviews because the old adage about knowing when a politician is lying is when they are speaking so it functions as either comedy or just background noise .

    I wonder if the Nick Robinson problem is too much caffeine too early in the day ?

    The BBC also seems to think that if the non independent (eu funded )IFS says something then it is ‘true ‘ when so many of these tacky outfits have been shown to be both biased and anti brexit .

    Tip – Up2 mentioned Barry Gardner . If you ever have problem sleeping just get a tape of Barry Gardner droning on about anything .


    • Up2snuff says:

      Fed, my problem with Barry is that his voice has some sibilance in it. I find I concentrate on that. It would mean that I have a sleepless night. Someone on here once described him as ‘scrofulous’.

      For me, BG is something, someone, I link to a plague.


      • Fedup2 says:

        I put a pound on him at 9/1 to be the next labour leader – he is the labour John Major ….


        • Up2snuff says:

          Fed, groan. That will make me stay in bed forever and pull the duvet over my head.


          • Celtic_Mist says:

            The climate emergency is imho an overall vote loser for Corbyn because he seems to actually believe in it.


  15. Doublethinker says:

    If as looks likely the Tories end up with a working majority what can we expect them to do outside the Brexit field that is significant? I think that the answer will be not much. Boris isn’t really going to defend us against the ongoing invasion let alone reverse it. Even if he wanted to the massively powerful swamp would stop him .
    Will the Tories axe the BBC ? No , they darent go so far but I urge them to at least de criminalise non payment of the LF for a first refusal. This would allow millions to show their disapproval , in my case revulsion, of the BBC and give the Foul Corporation an insuperable problem, how could they possibly pursue millions of non payers ? If the Tories did decriminalise non payment then the people would deal with the BBC themselves. Come on Boris give us the tools and we will finish the job!


  16. Fedup2 says:

    I agree – at the moment – on the Tory majority – if people vote with head and not heart ie those who vote labour because they always have .

    I agree that a majority – if it pulls out of the reichEU – will be tied up in the aftermath but it must – must – deal with and improve social care for the elderly and those with dementia . There are too many suffering – suffering – unnecessarily – because of the state choosing not to finance elderly care. This is a real issue and not some nonsense about Greta and stuff melting .

    Declaration – I am not personally affected by this but apparently people get old …


  17. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #2 – short & sweet

    The BBC’s obsession with America and Americans, especially American wimmin, with or without squeaky voices, continues apace.

    Big Tech boo, hiss. Amazon bad. Facebook bad. Google bad. Twitter bad. Boo. Hiss. Apple? Oh, perhaps not, no. (The BBC like Apple.)

    An American wimmin has written a book about Silicon Valley. She gets free advertising on the BBC’s TOADY programme.

    Who says Big Tech Business a.k.a. the BBC doesn’t do advertising?


    • pertelote says:

      “Big Tech boo, hiss. Amazon bad. Facebook bad. Google bad. Twitter bad. Boo. Hiss. Apple? Oh, perhaps not, no. (The BBC like Apple.)”

      The BBC make a typical Punch&Judy show look subtle!


    • Guest Who says:

      It is almost ‘iLostmyiPhone’ season at W1A.


  18. Up2snuff says:

    The BBC’s favourite jailbird is on Heat the Wok (Start the Week) with Tom Sutcliffe. She’s dun a book. She gets to advertise it while talking a lot of questionable facts. Which, IIRC, is how she ended up in the slammer.

    “Don’t listen, Martha. It ain’t pretty.”

    (The favourite jailbird has just been talking total rubbish about wimmin and work.)


  19. StewGreen says:

    R4 Vicky jailbird Pryce is on now, on about Women’s pay gap


  20. SkeptikEye says:

    The hours of ‘air’ time and column inches being devoted to Prince Andrew’s involvement with Jeffrey Epstein is amazing. Compared to the dearth of coverage regarding South Asian rape gangs in towns and citiies in the UK involving hundreds of men and thousands of young victims. Post on social media about Prince Andrew and it’s mentioned on the BBC. Comment on social media about the South Asian rape gangs and you get a visit by the police!


    • Guest Who says:

      Emily is now drip-feeding RTs Newsnight PR as news tidbits for the girls in media, and some women to gush about during awards season.

      But it’s likely Naga has snagged it already for simply being idiotically rude to Boris.


    • smoogie7 says:

      It is an election campaign. The BBC know that attacking an elite is safer than attacking something which somehow always leads back towards the Labour Party


    • JamesArthur says:

      Yep I said the same thing to my wife – the fact is most people don’t care about this. I don’t have view of Prince Andrew either way – he was doomed if if did and doomed if he didn’t (talk).
      I like the way the BBC or any MSM didn’t ask Hillary Cliniton about her husbands links with Epstein last week when she was given loads of free airtime..funny that


    • Doublethinker says:

      The nature of the death of Epstein is now never discussed by the MSM. Suicide seems unlikely to be the true cause, murder is much more likely given the number of coincidences which ‘allowed’ the death to happen, two out of commission surveillance cameras in the corridor , two guards asleep at the relevant time etc etc. It has all the hallmarks of a typical Arkancide , US slang for the remarkable number of unexpected accidental deaths of those who became inconvenient to the Clintons. But the MSM won’t go there because the great and the good with something to hide about Epstein , are the ones who profited mostly by his death. If Prince Andrew was involved, and how could he not have been, the best way for him to shut the story down would be to privately inform those others who enjoyed Epstein’s ‘ hospitality ‘ , that he was going to tell all unless they got their MSM chums to cease and desist immediately. Of course he would need more protection .


  21. Up2snuff says:

    The BBC are continuing their anarchist or wrecking attitude to Book of the Week, their previously prime educational and inspirational radio feature from the days, I think, of the Home Service until now. This week it appears to be some sort of a Chat Show.

    Why? Who knows?

    Some of it was down to Gwynneth Williams who as new Controller of Radio 4 wanted to turn everything upside down, wreck the schedules and drive away listeners.

    By all accounts, she succeeded. Now she has left.

    The chaos continues.

    It is the two hundredth anniversary of a wimmin masquerading, authorship-wise, as a man: George Eliot. You can expect endless Eliot until the end of this month. I just checked her dates. This is why Book of the Week has been sacrificed this week.


  22. StewGreen says:

    10am news Labour voice “our programme with train 80,000 Climate Apprentices each year”
    Really 800,000 after 10 years ? I don’t think so
    .. I suggest they are out by a magnitude


    • Guest Who says:

      What is a ‘Climate Apprentice’?

      And out of a starting group how many get fired until one remains.

      With her being Katie Hopkins or Michelle Dewsbury.


      • Celtic_Mist says:

        BBC at CBI conference – It’s now 320,000 climate apprenticeships in England alone in the first year.


        • Banania says:

          I have just discovered a young videoblogger with sound views and an entrancing Yorkshire accent: Laura Towler. Check her out.


          • Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

            Banania, I discovered Laura a month or so ago and I do like a lot of her output but she is a great admirer of Sir Oswald Mosley. She also seems to be influenced by Real Far Right types who seem to be somewhat anti-semitic.
            So I’m in two minds about her. I like to think it is because she is young and still a bit naive.
            Or is it me who is being naive?


    • Richard Pinder says:

      800,000 young people learning a trade in the long-term average of weather trends in meteorology by 2030. So I guess that means that the BBC could have over a million weather forecasters by 2032.


  23. taffman says:

    Al Beeb Radio Wales were pushing the votes for 16 and 17 year olds.
    What they really mean is 16 year olds .
    IMHO, far too young . But then, the media will go for it as kids of that age are easy to manipulate politically . Something that has been going on with Al Beeb and our education system for years.


  24. taffman says:

    I see from my screen that the £ has reached 1.17 Euro. hardly a peep about it on Al Beeb ?


  25. Thoughtful says:

    What comes first the EU or the Left?

    As difficult a question for the BBC as the chicken and the egg!

    The problem is Jeremy Corbyns announcements that he wants to nationalise a couple of large UK industries but there is a small problem that the EU won’t allow him to do this.

    The FT is the only media outlet which has reported on this, and so we have to again wonder at who is controlling the media in the UK to silence them ? Suspect No1 is the NUJ.

    If the media tells the truth then many of Corbyns supporters in Labour are likely to turn against the EU who will be preventing them from progrssing ‘Socialism’, but if they do tell the truth the only way they can get their ‘Socialism’ is by leaving the EU.

    What a dilema! Stay in the EU and lose the nationalisation program, or leave the EU and get it.

    Clearly the media have made a choice not to tell the people the truth, they will bank of Corbyn not being elected and so the issue never arises for the truth to come out, or that Corbyn by some miracle is elected and by the time people realise the EU is blocking his promises then it will be too late for those who supported remain and who now realise to do anything about it!


    • smoogie7 says:

      I do notice these conflictions a lot from the left wing media.

      LGBT rights one one hand but then silence when LGBTs have been attacked by some elements of Islam on the other. Those two sides can not meet.

      I do see the same clash from the Guardian types. Always going on about how ‘the North’ is a dystopian waste land thanks to Thatcher and the recent ‘Tory cuts’ and how Labour seem to care for these areas yet these areas have strong leave support and are very much against Corbyn. Some interesting hints of a preference to voting for rich posh Etonian Johnson!

      Then at the same time the same media are talking about Brexit being a ‘disaster’ and are then torn between who to support. Ultra remain Lib Dems or clueless Labour. The hard remainers love the LIb Dems yet hard Labour hate them because they are ‘yellow Tories’ or ‘austerity enablers’

      Reading the comments on the Guardian comment sections do make an interesting read seeing the hard remain and left leaning votes all split and Labour supporters at war with Lib Dem supporters!


  26. Guest Who says:

    There is so much funny about this it is hard to know where to start.

    Is Roger flying back to join them, with seaweed dip?


  27. Guest Who says:

    The BBC is using public money to ensure the public knows what the BBC thinks the public needs to know.

    Any public suckered by this deserves all they vote for.


    • G says:

      “Any public suckered by this deserves all they vote for.” Got a feeling we will all be using that same expression post election………….


  28. Guest Who says:

    Stand by for a season of luvvies on BBC marketing videos banging on about trust, impartiality and Dr. Who and Sherlock.

    Or how the mere public did not know what they were voting for.

    They should use the bearded national treasure pictured above as ‘the face of the BBC that speaks for YOU’.


  29. Fedup2 says:

    Randy Andy remains the main distraction from important issues . The London evening standard has a headline saying that he used the N word and it was terrible . In the detail of the story – which is about something from years back – there is context .

    Clearly the MSM have decided that Andy Windsor is an easy target – and is a ready distraction from the failing Labour election Campaign .

    I’m no fan of the royals and their activities but I do think that there must be better sources of entertainment and they are just a diversion from important issues .

    And -yes – it’s sad that young girls get attracted and ‘used ‘by rich and powerful men but when is that ever going to change .


    • The General says:

      The ‘N’ word was/is a Latin adjective meaning black.

      So was the now offensive term originally coined mearley as a description of the skin colour of Africans
      and was not intended to be abusive ?


      • Beltane says:

        Well of course General, both in Latin and Italian, ‘negro’ means black. And in a further twist of the semi-professional umbrage that is modern ‘racism’, pronouncing the word negro using the accent of southern American states results in ‘nigra’ which naturally through colloquialisation becomes ‘nigger’. Not offensive, simply descriptive – but don’t tell the pros.


        • Ian Rushlow says:

          There is no such as thing as black people. There are people who are various shades of brown from light to dark, but none who are actually black. Likewise there aren’t any white people: fawn, beige, pinkish, maybe even very pale indeed but none who are strictly white. When the whole race industry is founded on a linguistic lie, it kind of puts things in perspective.


    • john in cheshire says:

      Andy Windsor, real name Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.


    • JimS says:

      “it’s sad that young girls get attracted and ‘used ‘by rich and powerful men but when is that ever going to change .”


      • Fedup2 says:

        I felt I had to throw that one in because I’m a ‘rich and powerful ‘man who doesn’t sweat but has never been to Woking – yet alone the pizza express . Andy Windsor and I are of similar age —- but I think that’s as much we have in common .

        I never realised that ‘woke’ came from Woking ….


  30. NISA says:

    Is the BBC right in thinking the phrase “U turn” is still toxic?
    Dame Norman Smith reports:-
    “We’ve got the first clear U-turn of the election, with the Conservative leader announcing that the Tories are going to drop their pledge made in November to cut corporation tax.


  31. Fedup2 says:

    Good old BBC collective amnesia over breaches of political promises by the vast majority of politicians – manifestos with no value – my favourite – social care – not dealt with and the other stuff .

    I guess the manifestos will be out this week – more comedy ….


  32. Terminal Moraine says:

    McDonnell clarifying the broadband budget (just watch the bottom video):


    • Fedup2 says:

      Was Stanley Unwin Nick Robinson’s dad . ?

      I notice comrade McDonnell omitted the bit about wanting the internet system to be just the same as North Koreas’ as in ‘switched off’.


  33. Celtic_Mist says:

    At least ITV hasn’t completely forgotten that television is about entertainment.
    Victoria Derbyshire wants us to take it seriously


  34. JamesArthur says:

    R4 TWATO
    As somebody said earlier – BBC are loving the Prince Andrew story and now have somebody on talking about how these young 14 year old, sexually active girls are victims (although I could swear the girl in question was 17)…
    Funny how they didn’t make as much effort with the much younger girls in Rotherham or those since, in the UK…couldn’t be that the backgrounds of the perpetrators got in the way could it?
    BBC disgrace – chase an easy story rich white man…no real evidence just circumstantial – other groups – convicted, evidence – no news


  35. fakenewswatcher says:

    I see on lunchtime news that British vessels are not only ferrying ‘migrants’ across the Channel to Britain, (1500 admitted to so far this year), but also active taking ‘migrants’ from Turkey to Greece (55,000 admitted to so far this year).
    All of this sends an unmistakable message to other would-be ‘migrants’: ‘Do come across, we’ll take you’.
    We can see from Sweden, Germany and London, where all this is heading, as the numbers admitted to are probably only a fraction of the real figures.
    Not ONE EU government is taking seriously the protection and interests of their own populations. Even the much-criticized spread of ‘populism’ appears to make no difference.
    I wonder what the answer is?


    • EmptyingDadsShed says:

      I considered the transportation of migrants from the African coast/Turkey as a means of destroying the EU by UK Govt agencies, at the time I spoke of this as a fanciful joke, now I hope it is being carried out.
      Keep supplying them to the southern European countries, but ensure they are able to move on to Germany.


  36. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    On politics live they spent a good 10 minutes talking about the housing shortage.
    Lots of reasons blaming politicians, business, lack of land, lots of managementspeak reasons and so on.
    The only thing which wasn’t mentioned was the small matter of an increase in population of about 250,000 every year due to immigration.
    Strange because when you think about it, if the immigration was not such a high number then the housing shortage would disappear.
    It’s not rocket science (although we seem to be getting plenty of them in, all arriving in rubber boats, on lilo’s, pedallo’s and being collected daily by the border ferry service)


  37. Thoughtful says:

    The Daily Mail has a piece reviewing the BBC series War of the Worlds which of course the BBC just had to use an excuse to push their left wing agenda, but people do notice.


    “Why did the BBC feel a need to change the main character from male to female? Oh, hang on… it’s the BBC we are talking about here. And she was so wooden! As soon as I heard her murdering the legendary opening lines, I knew what we were in for. And so much of the sub-plot seems to have been shoehorned in just to say ‘look at how backward and intolerant they were then.’ I actually thought that it looked pretty good. But this ‘woke’ War of the Worlds does the book and BBC no favours. ”

    “The book is so very good and I simply fail to understand why people don’t stick to it. It would have been excellent. Instead it was all PC, feminism, and a touch of Dr Who with the floating sphere….truly awful”

    So folks not very happy and yet more glaring bias and a cowardly useless incompetent government doing absolutely nothing as per usual.


  38. JimS says:

    The ‘impartial’ producer of Jeremy Vine tells us today that Mrs May paid the DUP £2billion to back her.

    The money, of course, was added to the NI budget, not paid into Arlene Foster’s personal bank account. But nothing beats a good lie at election time.


  39. Guest Who says:

    Looks like Norm has Angela Rayner poofing his emoles.


  40. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Any advice out there.

    My voting constituency is Houghton and Sunderland south.

    I’ve looked on oneuk to find out the best party to vote for to get Brexit and they say UKIP, one of the few places they are recommended.
    I would have thought TBP was the one to go for.

    Is there somewhere to see a poll or maybe bookies odds so that I can make sure my vote goes to the best chance of getting a leaver in as MP.

    The current Labour MP is a remainer and has a large majority so I want to go for the party with the best chance, UKIP or TBP.


    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

      Ref betting odds.
      Just found one place.
      TBP at 50:1
      UKIP at 300:1

      Not looking good!


    • Fedup2 says:

      EG – lord Ashcroft was doing polling in particular constituencies but just judging by the result of the last election the labour majority was 12000 over the Tories – the next party .

      To me it looks like the obvious vote is for Tory as the UKIP vote wasn’t much in comparison to the 2 big parties . I think the liberals had 1000 or so – so even if they hive off a couple of thousand remainer non Corbyn voters it wouldn’t be enough to split the labour vote . The turn out was about 60%.

      In summary – the labour / Lib vote would have to split big to get a Tory win – if there’s no brexit UKIP vote …


  41. Fedup2 says:

    Who says there s no God ?

    The illiberals and SNP have lost their application to be in TV debates .
    The prospect of Ian “the people of Scotland “ Blackford and Sweater droning on for an hour would be just too much . I suppose they’ll appeal but what a relief for anyone intending to watch ….


  42. Thoughtful says:

    A Party political broadcast on behalf of the Fib Dems


    • Fedup2 says:

      Ok guilty. i caught a bit of the 6pm news on BBC1. alison holt did a FAIR piece on the problem of social care . no political blame applied , no vested interest charity , no politicians blaming each other.

      just the elderly and their stressed out relatives trying to keep them safe . an unusual event .


  43. scribblingscribe says:

    Difficult news for those wishing to flee the BBC and head to Sky News on election night – Sky News have employed John Bercow. I kid you not.


  44. Thoughtful says:


  45. smoogie7 says:

    Are the BBC celebrating that the remain alliance parties (Lib Dems and others) have lost the court case to appear on the TV debates like they did when Johnson lost the supreme court ruling over prorogation?

    No of course they are not!


  46. StewGreen says:

    Imagine you are a Senior political correspondent for @BuzzFeedUK
    .. so when in Pakistan underage Hindu girls and kidnapped forced to convert and married to local Muslim men
    .. #1Who are the victims ?

    .. #2 Who are the bad guys ?

    .. #3 Who are you not allowed to appeal to ?
    #1 All Muslims
    #2 The British Tories
    #3 Malala

    Why ? cos in March 2019 two weeks after Mala tweeted solidarity in support of New Zealand mosque shooting victims, so Hindus started to tweet her to ask if she as a women’s rights activist could do something for the Hindu girls.
    Her account then blocked almost everyone who raised such a question.
    Now it has emerged that a new Tory candidate Anjana Patel was one who tweeted.
    Buzzfeed has issued a fatwa saying that tweets like hers are “Islamophobic”


  47. Thoughtful says:

    Now I wonder why the BBC is so keen to carry the predictions, and so reluctant to report them when they not only fail to materialise, but the climate moves in the opposite direction!

    This goon has made any number of predicitions about sea ice, all of them have been wrong, and yet he is still employed as a professor of falsehood at Cambridge University.


  48. taffman says:

    Global Warming Warning
    All ‘Greeney’ Snowflakes beware, its going to get V. Cold this evening.
    Turn up your central heating !
    Over to you Al Beeb ……………………


    • Up2snuff says:

      taffman, Tuesday morning … first frost of the winter in this bit of the south-east UK. It has been very cold and miserable for about six weeks but it has been cloudy and wet, keeping the frosts away.

      Last night it was possible to lie in bed and look at a dark blue sky full of stars. Beautiful. This morning clear sky sunrise on a frosty garden. Beautiful again.



  49. StewGreen says:

    From BBC version of Reality
    “Renewable energy: Rise in global WIND SPEED to boost green power
    By Matt McGrath Environment correspondent”

    Utterly speculative drivel .. another puff piece for “green” energy

    “Geologist blasts society’s links with oil firms
    By Roger Harrabin BBC environment analyst”
    “Oil and gas firms have got one of the world’s leading scientific societies in their pockets, a top geologist says. (That’s ONE person)
    Prof Bill McGuire is furious at the links between major fossil fuel companies and the Geological Society.
    After more than 40 years as a member, he’s resigned from the society – saying it’s madness to take cash from firms causing a climate emergency.”


    • JimS says:

      Clearly the solar energy exported by my solar panels as electricity isn’t available to warm up my loft, (perhaps a good thing?).

      If ‘climate change’ is happening and will cause unpredictable changes to the weather it does seem rather daft to rely on solar and wind power when it is possible that we might have cloudier skies and lower wind speeds in the future. (The output from my solar panels drops to 10% of the maximum when a cloud appears).

      Building new infrastructure/houses in places like London makes no sense either if one really believes that sea levels are rising. (Why are we wasting money on refurbishing the Houses of Parliament when St. Greta has convinced the occupants that they will drown?)


    • The Sage says:

      As is usually the case, the coldest winter mornings are accompanied by little or no wind.
      So today when I checked, wind was contributing just 7.11% of our total energy needs and after billions had been spent building ugly turbines. In fact, coal was contributing more than wind.
      Wind may be “clean” but it’s totally unreliable and as any becalmed sailor will testify.


      • Dave S says:

        It is absolutely the case. In our latitudes real cold means little or no wind . Add to that short possible sunlight hours and the result is obvious. Either we freeze or we use other means of generating power.
        It is evidence of the unreality pervading the public domain to try to present the opposite as true.