Toady watch
The far left biased BBC has come up with another source of left wing propaganda . This time it’s going around to ‘colleges’ and getting kidult students to recite the current orthodoxy about climate change et al .
Today it’s the socialist republic of Sheffield . Interviewing a ‘film’ student and 2 ‘journalist students ‘ . So at least McDonald’s knows there are 3 prospective employees on the way ….
But the technique of interviewing lefty students is a clever technique Goebells would admire – comrades .
Rob – on the evidence – the inability to translate thought into spoken language – maccy Dee has now used electronic ordering so all you have to do is call our ‘number 138’ and hope the customer has some understanding of engleesh innit like .
Justin ‘hosts ‘ a discussion about politics And comedy with comrade alexi £ sayle and someone called ‘Shabi’ . Comrade sayle openly said he supports comrade Corbyn and the lefty shabi droned on . There was no ‘right ‘ representation .
Perhaps one day there will be comedy on the state broadcaster again . Can someone post me a note of when this happens – if I should live that long ( repeated episodes of ‘radioactive’ on 4x don’t count )
The BBC have gone overboard on the appointment of a black female bishop for the first time.
Cue aghast interviewees asking why it has taken so long.
Cue aghast spokespeople about ‘under-representation’
Errr, most non-white people in the UK are immigrants.
A large proportion of them are Hindus and even more from ….ahem…. a certain other religion.
So the pool of potential black female bishops is a lot smaller than the proportion of ethnic minorities in the population as a while.
It took all of 10 seconds to work this out.
Yet strangely nowhere in the BBC reporting is this mentioned.
Fraught for the Day, Sluff, demonstrated that Canon Lucy Winkett is not fully conversant with Romans chapter 10 and verse 12 in particular. The Canon missed the opportunity for making a point for some real inclusivity.
Access to NHS dental services is a problem across every English region, BBC research suggests. More than two million people are unable to see a NHS dentist, according to the figures, while an estimated 1.45 million have tried and failed to get an appointment in two years. Dental leaders say the problem is caused by underfunding, failed contracts and recruitment problems. NHS England says it is taking steps to tackle the issue and is urging patients to use its website to find a local health service dentist.
I see ‘BBC research’ that ‘suggests’, I wonder if the bbc is a little shy on committing.
I am sure in certain areas where chewing sugar all day is the only way to ensure diabetes stays at levels back home there may be supply and demand issues, but here in the shires I just swapped to one closer when my city dentist retired. Took a phonecall and visit the next day.
Worth adding that the sob story chosen by the BBC to support this story was that one Basir Afzal had to rely on a charity for treatment.
Pass the hankies.
‘BBC research’ seems to me to amount to –
1. collecting data already available from gov sites
2. sending FOI requests out daily (for data that is probably already available)
3. go to “on message” NGO’s/Charities/Think tanks for Unbiased thoughts
mash results into a BBC research EXCEL doc, add some spin from 3 above & call it research
Is there anything that those of us who aren’t woke and never want to be ,can do to stop the seemingly inexorable advance of wokists across all aspects of our daily life?
I think that the single most important thing would be to shut down the BBC or at least make those who want the foul corporation in their homes pay for it themselves. There will never be a better time than now to force the BBC to become a subscription only service. It’s extreme bias on Brexit has made millions of License Fee payers realise what its game actually is. They are beginning to see how it’s wokism means that EVERY programme is smothered in a great dollop of PC sauce. They increasingly realise that the BBC isn’t about Entertaining , informing and educating, its about social engineering to create an internationalist leftist society and is determined to destroy the UK as we knew it to achieve that goal. Millions of people are ready to support it being forced to find its own money and increasingly resent being forced to pay for it even if they never watch it. If the Tories get back into power and don’t tackle the BBC this Parliament then they never will and we will continue to slide towards wokism and then to Islamification.
Double – I think it’s (sadly )a long game but … I think the natural evolution of other sources will gradually diminish the influence of the BBC .
Politics would need to go Right Wing for some time before the BBC could be taken down . In the meantime the bias need to be noted and recorded . I think before any substantial change to the BBC there’ll be a Royal Commission . That commission will call for evidence and this site helps provide evidence of the lefty propaganda the broadcaster puts out .
If it wasn’t for that I’d close out my exposure to the BBC even more and disengage from this site .
Interesting point Fed, about, “natural evolution”. Of the videos I watched on YT yesterday evening, two are prominent. Both tangibly related. So, using my temporary pseudonym ‘theleftwilleatitself’, (Sorry to the real contributor here), I make the following offerings of the current beginnings of, the left beginning to actually eat itself.
Netherlands: Pensioners facing pension cuts – the left running out of money for hairbrain schemes + migrants?
Labour, to announce support for ‘reparations’ for previous generations ‘slaves’ et al.
“I think the natural evolution of other sources will gradually diminish the influence of the BBC.”
There will come a time, maybe in 10 years or 20 years, where the idea of watching television will seem as odd as going to Blockbuster to rent a movie on VHS tape. Beyond live sporting events, all viewing of all topics will be online and on demand and broadcast television will vanish like the morning mist. The television networks know this, and tremendous effort is being put into rolling back and controlling YouTube and social networks. They are not concerned: the advertising revenues are there and the infrastructure investments are less. For governments, there is scope for more regulation and ensuring that only ‘correct views’ are promoted through state agencies such as the BBC. The BBC is seen as being particularly important on the global stage, as providing some sort of reference or gold standard of truth (sic) that other broadcasters will adher to. Like some form of unpleasant virus, the BBC will mutate and paradoxically may become even more omnipresent.
I don’t think that we anti wokists have the luxury of waiting for very long for a change in the political climate. Of course the Tories have wokists in their ranks and so I question if they have the political will to start to roll back wokism. But my point is that if they do have the will and the courage to take the wokists on then they should start by striking a blow at the BBC and the best time to strike is now when millions of LF payers are wanting the BBC to get off their backs.
On the ITV debate yesterday there was sadly once again no discussion about the socialist nationalised entity that is the NHS other than a sort of auction for how many more billions of pounds of taxpayers money would be thrown at it. Corbyn’s risible claims about a US takeover went unchallenged again.
What a pity no-one mentioned Shrewsbury Hospitals maternity care, where the latest leaked report showed appalling mismanagement, poor quality care, and a cover up.
Because that is exactly what you get with socialism. The producers are more important than the public/customers/ patients. And where there is no accountability because to criticise the institution is to criticise the state, which of course cannot be permitted.
Oh that the Tories had the b**** to call this out for what it is. But they know that 70 years of successful brainwashing of the public about the sanctity of the NHS means no critique of the situation is possible.
I was going to write a long piece about this but then suddenly thought ‘why bother ‘ ? The disfunction at this hospital appears to go back 40 years – yes 40 years . To me that points to a deeper problem than funding .
Now I have little regard for the NHS or medics due to personal experience and would ‘sell it to the Americans ‘ .
I’d better link this to another socialist monster – the BBC – we won’t be hearing much about their glorious NHS killing babies will we ?- back to Andy Windsor
Corbyn let the cat out of the bag when he said that all NHS services would be staffed only by NHS employees.
So,….more power to the NHS unions then.
I wonder where he will get, for example, MRI scanners from?
A nasty private sector company like Siemens who have been doing this sort of thing for years, continue to invest in new products, and can do this because of their global scale and proven expertise?
Or the cuddly new nationalised National Scanner Corporation…..which has no expertise at all, would have no economies of scale and be hopelessly inefficient……..but crucially would not be private.
Don’t bother waiting for the BBC to ask these obvious questions.
The NHS fairy tale goes right back to the unchallenged belief that it was Aneurin Bevan’s brainchild, given birth through the socialist skills of the Attlee government. Who today would begin to accept that it was conceived by Conservatives in 1940?
can’t find any link to this but –
I seem to remember reading a statement/comment from back when the NHS was set up to the effect it would pay for itself (or reduce in cost to the taxpayer) within xx yrs as we all got healthier!!!
It’s Yooni time again, although it is not a Friday, and is at a ‘college’ rather than a University. The LibDems spokesperson, Layla Moran, says there is a Remain bonus and this will be invested in schools. Mishal does not question this, ignoring the fact that the amount that the LibDems will be putting into schools will be dwarfed by the contribution that will have to be paid to the EU to remain a member.
Now Mishal is suddenly getting tough and has challenged Layla Moran on the £50bn Remaining EUbonus. Layla gets rattled.
Apparently, the Lib Dems are not pledging to give schools £10bn immediately upon being elected to government. They will get it in five to six years time.
By which time, the UK will have paid £100bn+ to remain in the EU.
(Nick Clegg, on behalf of Jo Sweater, does Oliver Hardy) “That’s another fine mess you’ve gotten me into!”
The media mob are desperately upset that their control of ‘facts’ is being teased. The outrage is real. But this little comment to one rather summed it up for me.
The BBC News team should sue for copyright infringement.
Guest – the thing is – it clearly says in two places that it is the Conservative party HQ and it is fact checking Labour..if you are dumb enough to believe what you read on twitter without checking – so be it.
Faux virtue outrage – and yes why hasn’t C4 complained about BBC’s Fact Check? I wonder
I am avoiding most news currently as it is all pathetic ‘ he said she said ‘ crap..
James – the huffing and puffing on this is hilarious. The list of outraged ‘independent journalists’ is a hoot. As is the pile on from their regular guests.
Disgusting party led by a disgusting human being. Lying is part of the their new Trumpian DNA. Destroying democracy and not giving a damn
We'll be discussing this on #BBCBreakfast. Let us know your thoughts…. Twitter has said the Conservative Party misled the public when it rebranded one of its Twitter accounts to #FactCheckuk ⬇️
This isn't equivalent to the Tory Twitter account because the party branding is clear but still, quite bold of Labour to put out a FACT CHECK debate video on Facebook…
Why should the BBC give a shit? They know the cowardly useless incompetent Tories are never ever going to even challenge them let alone do anything meaningful.
The BBC with its new streaming service has proven it can monitise its content without the need for the ‘unique’ funding model, there is no better time to end the licence fee but it isn’t going to happen under Blue Labour.
It is beyond belief that the Conservatives could be so STUPID as to do this. Surely they realise by now that the media will be all over it . Everything they do or say is scrutinised to find ANY inconsistency or what they can claim to be misrepresentation or worse.
R4 also presenting from a college…wtf…is this not just a way around political advertising and trying to get students out to vote?
On the point of students..when grants were available the percentage of students going to Uni was err 4% maybe up to 6% (to be corrected)..We had large organisations providing good quality apprenticeships that were paid from a levy and produced high quality craftspeople and engineers
Now we have 50% going to Uni (independent 2019) and pathetic apprenticeships that produce worthless qualifications (many run at unis)
So how are Labour and Liberals going to afford to pay grants to this number of students? Not seen the sums yet? BBC?
Sorry Up2 – just seen your post
Knife crime in the UK is at an all time record high, resources are stretched, but thank God this police car has an LGBT siren
Apparently London hit the 130 murder inquiries last night when a 19 year old was stabbed to death in Ilford . 6 weeks to the end of the year – might hit 150 which will probably be highest since ‘ records began ‘ . Good news for undertakers .
I don’t trust the BBC to transmit a balanced election debate
as we saw on ITV last night. The questions chosen will be
those picked by the political Socialist Worker editors who
proliferate at the BBC. The invited audiences will be
those chosen by the Trotskyist sub editors.And the
programme itself will be most likely be presented by
one of the plethora of women liberal bigots or a suitable
candidate picked by BIG BROTHER from the Diversity dept.
If the BBC were impartial the hierarchy should watch the
impartial presentation by ITV last night, and LEARN!!!!
The BBC repeating their mantra “after years of austerity…” over and over the past few days, no doubt trying to pin this on the conservatives tenure in office.
In fact everyone apparently in rags and starving.
When I take a casual look around I see high-level employment, roads stuffed with late reg shiny cars, people wearing designer trinkets and carrying state of the art devices and high-price coffees, TV chiefs, staff and performers sucking higher then ever salaries from the broadcasters, footballers on eye-watering payouts. Local Authority mandarins earning ore than the PM. NHS staff on highest ever pay rates. GP surgeries like Hotel Receptions. Airports rammed with high-spending holidaymakers jetting off to the sun, cruise ships like taxis leaving ports all over the UK, student housing like hotel accommodation (unlike the rat infested digs I enjoyed at at college). Supermarkets with zillions of flavours of coloured water at eye-watering prices. etc. etc. etc.
I say why not take a quick look back at the situation at the end of the last devastating Labour administration before bandying this lying slur about?
Last night ITV did an hour interview with sweater , cranky, Nigel Farage and a green . If only brillo was doing an hour on a one to one – but I think most politicians are too frightened of that.
I remember being in a job centre around 2010 looking for whatever was going at the time. There was nothing on the old touch screen job points.
I can remember one girl about my age came in with her mother. The mother was looking through some jobs and was disappointed to see nothing going for her daughter.
‘Well there is a job going in Kent’ she said.
I live in Dorset. You had to go a long way to get a job when Labour last left office. Now where I work we are crying out for staff and we will need it with Christmas coming. In fact town is so busy now with people spending their time (and money) at the Christmas market I have to leave work earlier just to avoid the crowds!
Really Smoog?
Can you give me a job? I’m struggling financially and could really use a better rate of pay. I’m making less now than I was in 2010. Since Mr Pevensey & myself were made redundant (2008-2010) we’ve never managed to get our earnings up again despite working and being willing to work at anything. Jobs, any jobs are difficult to come by. Competition is fierce. Hundreds apply for 1 position. That is reality.
I live in Kent. Can you give me a job that pays more than minimum wage? I don’t have a car btw so I MUST earn enough to cover public transport costs. Asking for more than minimum wage is not greedy, it’s necessary. Chances of finding employment fall rapidly after age 50.
After I took voluntary redundancy from my last permanent job 9 years ago I’ve been temping, and most of the time it suits me. I never did earn big bucks but now earning around £10 ph it’s still a lot less in relative terms than my last perm salary. Still I manage to get by, but it goes to show how wages have been forced down. Big business in bed with Governements addicted to never-ending immigration.
The current place I’m temping they pay the operations staff just over the minimum wage. It’s a job for school-leavers with decent GCSEs really, or graduates doing it temporarily. What it actually attracts is a mixture of hedonistic black & white eternal teenagers who get wasted and phone in sick a lot, plus a lot of po-faced headscarved girls, diverse east europeans, other third-worlders and a few older locals who can’t find anything else.
The staff turnover is atrocious – mainly because of the minimum wage in my opinion. Yet the company’s advertising would make you think they are all cuddly, inclusive and say all the right things about ’empowering’ their workers – whereas it’s quite clear to me the company is out to make big bucks as fast as possible.
Now I’m very very far from being socialist-minded but I certainly lost my enthusiasm for libertarian economics over the past 10 years. I’m doing temporary admin in HR so I get to see the CVs coming in for the jobs we have available. A lot of them are from foreigners who would need sponsorship to come and work in England, which we can’t do (that’s racist!). The top jobs in the company go to native born or EU professionals. For the lower level jobs the local indigenous don’t get much of a look in unless they’re desperate enough to work for £8.20 odd an hour. The whole thing isn’t sustainable to my mind, and adds evidence to my sneaking suspicion that working to pay taxes to such a rubbish system is morally suspect.
ps sorry not been posting much recently. The world of HR was new to me and things have been very busy – too tired to contribute much!
They don’t know the meaning of the word austerity.
After the war my dad was a student at Manchester University. For a while he had to subsist on HP sauce sandwiches because that was all he could afford. Even bread was rationed.
He got a part time job as a waiter, which required a pair of black shoes. His only shoes were brown, so he had to polish them with black polish. You couldn’t just buy another pair of shoes. Even if you could afford them, they were rationed.
Seriously, times were really hard then, but if you listen to the like of Corbyn, it was a golden age when the Attlee government was busy nationalising industries left right and centre.
Rob – from
“Firstly, poverty is not quite the same thing as having low income. People and families can have different fixed costs to contend with as well, like childcare, housing and costs associated with disability, as well as different levels of savings or assets to draw upon.
Different measures of poverty capture different things—some are just about people’s incomes, others take housing costs into account, and some define material essentials people need for a decent standard of living, like warm clothing and basic holidays. Newer options also try to bring fixed costs and savings into the mix as well.”
austerity/poverty has been redefined so most people take the BBEB version & think (that’s terrible).
to this old bugger & departed parents it meant living within our means & a hot water bottle (the youth have no clue what true austerity is really like)
ps – if the “climate change is killing us” nutters get in power then it’s back to the bottle!!
At 8.45a.m. Justin was commenting on the laughter that the two ‘main’ Party leaders received from the audience during the TV debate last night. [ I am so glad this household is not ‘Licensed to Watch’ TV and has a legitimate excuse for not watching the thing. 🙂 ]
I think I detected a note of wistfulness. Even jealousy, perhaps?
The Bojo and Jezza Show got more laughs than BBC comedies.
Will Moy, from the independent fact checking charity Full Fact, says Twitter should have done more about the Conservatives re-branding their press account “factcheckUK” during last night’s election debate.
Coming from the Biased Bull Corp, use of force advocacy might set a precedent most staff did not intend?
Funny I signed up to an NHS dentist the other week and was pleasantly surprised that they saw me that day as well. Not too much of a waiting time either.
I enjoy watching cop and other similar programmes on TV about catching law breakers. Disappointed in the punishments dished out, but that’s another issue.
Yet whatever the programme and whatever the law being broken (from fare dodging on the Underground to dealing in Class A drugs), the perpetrators mostly seem to be those who are comparatively new (in one way or another) to this country.
The Conservatives’ decision to disguise their Twitter account as “factcheckUK” was a gross subversion of democracy – and it could yet force the site to ban the party, writes @sarahmanavis.
How long before someone at the Tory office makes the potential link between CCHQ and GCHQ, serves a D-Notice on the BBC and accuses them of maliciously exposing state secrets?
Sounds like fun.
Speaking of these pervasive petition outrage clubs, just in:
Dear Person we assume support our endless whinging by signing up years ago,
It’s a dirty trick. Last night, the Conservative Party changed its name on Twitter to pretend to be a fact-checking service. [1] They did it to coincide with the first TV debate of this election.
The politician in charge of the decision, James Cleverly, is refusing to apologise for misleading the public. [2] But it’s all over the newspapers – and he’ll be feeling the pressure to back down. [3]
Tricks like this can undermine trust in political parties and can make it harder for the public to know what to believe.
If thousands of us email the politician in charge of this today, asking him to admit that trying to trick the public was wrong, the pressure could convince him to apologise. And it could stop it from happening again.
Will you send James Cleverly an email today, asking him to apologise? It could stop this kind of thing from happening again. There are some tips to get you started!
Don’t worry if you’ve never written an email like this before. Here are some tips to get you started:
You could say that you think this kind of deliberate attempt to trick the public is wrong.
You could ask him to apologise on behalf of the Conservative Party, and promise not to try to mislead the public again.
Gullible fool, now’s the time to convince him – while this is still fresh in the news. Please will you send James Cleverly an email now?
@GuestWho was it deleted , re posted or did they block you ?
cos I can see it
(I think they did repost it cos someone mentioned it at 8:46am yet the time stamp on this tweet says 8:49am)
"When there is outrage about something like that – a row stirred up deliberately – we're not talking about policies"@bbclaurak on why parties like "stirring up trouble", as Tories are criticised for renaming a Twitter account 'factcheckUK'
There simply cannot be a better reason for leaving the EU than knowing that becasue of the EU’s failure since 2004 to sort WTO matters with its exports to the USA-Now the USA have had enough and are about to impose heavy tariffs on all exports to the USA from Europe which of course includes those from Britian as we are still part of the EU and as such have no say in their trading arragements with the USA. And by the way the Commisioner in charge of trade is a woman who has absolutely no experience of working in international trade before taking up her post-can you believe it?
MSM in all its ugly glory. When AFP thought this would smear the Trump admin they were happy to publish. But they got their "facts" wrong. Turns out it was under Obama, so the crooks flush the story down their fake news memory hole.#FakeNewsMedia
The so called green lobby don’t like coal, not because of CO2 or particulates, but because of the emission of suphur dioxide.
SO2 is a nasty gas which is the cause of acid rain, but it also has another effect seen after volcanic eruptions – that of global cooling. SO2 is the opposite of a greenhouse gas, and the removal of it in the 1970 / 80s is probably the cause of European temperatures to rise slightly – not the growth of CO2.
If SO2 enters the atmosphere the loons will not be able to cry wolf about global warming and that isn’t going to be allowed !
BBC Radio 4 Extra reminds us of what the BBC used to be and can never be again.
I was listening last weekend as I was cutting wood for my log burner and swinging my huge chopper…calm down ladies…bits of splintered wood flying off in all directions.
They had a lovely programme on called Down Your Way, introduced by the old cricket commentator, Brian Johnson. He was in Devon and wandering about chatting to folk about their lives and the area they lived. We heard from a local historian, an RNLI chap and a few other local notables. It was a pleasant hour of nostalgia; quite wholesome.
It got me wondering how the BBC would approach such a programme these days.
Almost certainly the presenter would come from an ethnic minority background. I reckon there’s a huge warehouse at the back of Beeb Towers where they’ve got loads of BAME youngsters ready to slot into any vacancy.
“Oh Romi, do you fancy The One Show on Thursday?” Or “Mina, can you possibly do Countryfile this weekend?” Blimey, they even had two of them presenting The Lord Mayor’s Show a few weeks ago.
And if Mina was presenting an updated Down Your Way, she wouldn’t be chatting to historians or lifeboat men. She’d be seeking out people who are a bit more “edgy”. The transgender tattooist who had recently converted to Islam. Or maybe the lesbian vicar who had decided she was an atheist but wanted to talk about climate change and Greta.
And later Mina would stumble into a small shopping mall where she would interview numerous people about the EU. Despite the fact that 67% of this area voted for Brexit Mina seems mainly to find vehement Reaminers to talk to. “It’s going to be a disaster” say Tarquin. “We desperately need a second referendum” echoes Sebastian. The comments of the solitary Brexiteer are met with wry smiles and ill concealed sneers and if we still haven’t got the picture there’s a few twanging banjos in the background from the film Deliverance.
Mina goes returns to Beeb Towers with a smile on her face, job done.
I attack my radio with an axe…
Oh dear, OG, so do I, although I was a very small child. Must emphasise that as 2019 has not been a good year in the ageing process.
I was brought up largely on the Home Service, some of the Third Programme and bits of the Light Programme. We had no television.
Strangely, that is the theme of today’s repeat of Hhhankcock’s Hhalf Hhhhhour on R4Extra. No TV in the house in Railway Sidings. There is only the 7pm broadcast now available to air. If you miss that, you will have to brave BBC Sounds or BBC Noises as our Fed calls it, if you can access it in France.
Interesting post about how poor the two leaders of the main parties were last night, and why don’t we have leaders of the kind we used to any more.
There’s a simple answer of course, and it’s because of the ridiculous low pay on offer, which only attracts poor quality candidates.
Winston Churchill was paid a salary of £10000 in 1940, an amount equivalent to £550 000 today or three times what the PM is currently paid.
When you consider the CEO of McDonalds took home an annual salary of £17 Million and the average FOOTSIE 100 CEO is making in excess of £5 million it puts the pittance being offered for the position of PM into stark perspective.
The current PM is paid less than the head of a secondary modern school, no decent talented person would even consider taking on such a role for that laughable amount.
You paid the peanuts, you got the monkeys so smile we have the best politicos we were prepared to pay for !
Thoughtful – I realise you regularly campaign to give MPs more taxpayers cash and the accompanying pension and golden goodbyes .
I’m at the other end of the scale, I’d half the number of MP and pay according to the numbers of constituents upto a maximum of average public sector pay .
Goes without saying that there is no need for an upper chamber -unless of course it is elected and at least half the size again of the 301 MPs in the Commons .
Increasing MP pay would only make for better paid monkeys /lobby fodder .’re not related to Keith Vaz are you ? Or Lady Nugee and her property portfolio ?
The pay on offer for MPs in many instances (especially in the labour party) serves to attract the no-marks that couldn’t possibly expect to earn as much elsewhere. Abbott, Rayner, Long-Bailey etc.
I would take away all salaries from MP’s except for the PM who should be paid at least £250.00 per annum-MP’s could claim certain expenses but not in excess of £ 25K per annum. That would keep those career expectant politicians away-hopefully then we might get some patriotic statesmen representing us bringing some earned experience of life outside the HOC and all must be over 35 yrs of age. Too early and what can they bring to government of any worth, as we have seen with some such as the leader of the Liberal/Dems who started as an MP at 23 yrs old I understand.
Tarien, with respect, have you attended the Diane Abbott accounting course, or was it a typo? A Prime Minister being paid at least £250 a year seems rather below the minimum wage.
Apologise Captain Panick-it should have read Two Hundred and fifty thousand pounds-out of interest the Head of our District Council (not even the county council) draws a salary of £ 210, 000 per annum + expenses-no wonder there never seems to be enough money in the pot! Other members of the staff have salaries around £ 80K / 60K-just incomprehensible, and still we have holes in the roads !
Sure. Overflowing finances never create ruthless corruption. Only the best, most moral characters are ever attracted to vast sums of money. Why don’t we pay the scoundrels more?
Ageing white man speaks out about the charms of a teenage girl… No, it’s not Prince Andrew pulling a few strings to ‘sweat it out’ on a TV interview with {insert name of some BBC female reporter here}. This time it is ‘Sir’ Tim Clark, president of Emirates airline who, inspired by St Greta, says he ‘took too long to accept climate crisis (sic)’. Even better, he also says he ‘quite likes’ Extinction Rebellion, the would-be BBC in-house charity providing something to do for bored, middle-class, champagne-swilling shoppers of obscure foods at Waitrose.
What are the motives for this wonderful piece of publicity? ‘Sir’ Tim is looking after the interests of the shareholders (aka the government of Dubai)? The BBC is selecting Emirates as their airline of choice? Or – surely not – it is related to the recent news that Emirates is splashing out $30 billion on new aircraft from Airbus, the European consortium that has been so critical of Brexit?
Europe, Brexit, Global Warming, Big Business, Middle East. The very stuff that makes BBC executives and the Foreign Office wet themselves with excitement.
There was heavy promotion from Labour in the last GE. Register in a few places and when you are out of town then Momentum would sneak in a pinch your polling card to place a vote for Corbyn.
I am not saying that that defiantly happened but it does seem that way!
On the local news down here in the South West there has been a report on loads of students at Plymouth Uni being registered to vote without their knowledge and many being under age. In the great tradition of the BBC we don’t know the extent and who was responsible! For me this is a worrying development and potentially the thin end of a big wedge. Of course our Electoral Commission do nothing!
On the local BBC news down here in the South West there has been a report on loads of students at Plymouth Uni being registered to vote without their knowledge and many being under age. In the great tradition of the BBC we don’t know the extent and who was responsible! For me this is a worrying development and potentially the thin end of a big wedge. Of course our Electoral Commission do nothing!
Compare the BBC nationwide broadcast time given to the Conservative FactCheck thing and this potentially criminal election activity in Plymouth. National BBC News….Now’t to see here!
I know, I know, not another election! The thing is, this one is quite important if we want to help our country to move forward.
There was once a time when everyone reading this email wouldn’t have been allowed to vote. Now everyone over the age of 18 is being asked their view – you are literally choosing who runs the country, that’s quite something!
I know some of you feel your voice doesn’t matter – that nobody listens if you speak up. But as my friends at say, it’s the people who rule elections, not politicians. When it comes to voting, your voice is all that matters. Every single vote. That’s what democracy is.
If you are frustrated and fed up, or if you are hopeful and want change, use this chance to tell Parliament what you want.
Don’t know who to vote for? Don’t worry! You have the next few weeks to decide. For now, just make sure you’re registered so that you at least have the option.
If you’re already registered then please help me spread the word by pressing forward on this email to 5 friends or if you’re on your phone, click below to share on Whatsapp to make sure that by election day, we’re all able to have a say.
The deadline to register is 11:59pm on 26 November. But don’t wait until then, do it now. It only takes a minute.
Your voice matters!
Emma Barnett on R5 just now with an item on Movember — the month where moustaches are grown to raise awareness of men’s health issues. But it’s the BBC, so of course she chats to a woman who’s drawing a moustache on her own face every day in support of her bloke who recently had a health scare (all clear).
It’s helping raise awareness, you see, so it gets the full BBC stamp of approval. (Not to be confused with white people talking about racism, or incidents of mansplaining, which are all strictly verboten.)
Meanwhile, from the American Civil Liberties Union:
It stops short of declaring ‘You’re not a real man unless you have a period’. Or carrying an advert for Gilette’s new male tampons (‘The Best a Man Can Get’). Meanwhile, back on planet Earth, check out a lady called Posie Parker if you are not familiar. She has committed the Thought Crimes that men cannot turn into women and that giving puberty-inhibiting drugs to childrens is tantamount to child abuse (the latter comment resulting in a visit from Plod). Her most recent interview has been removed from YouTube, but a short 4 minute extract that gives a flavour can still be found at:
I absolutely agree with this woman. She hits the nail on the head when she talks about these men who have watched too much porn and then choose a name that sounds like a porn name. There is someone in my family, unfortunately, who fits that description to a tee. I’ve watched him grow up (or not). He never showed any signs of wanting to be a girl whilst growing up. He did typically boy stuff, was into cars, video games, girls, porn etc etc. A little too into porn if you ask me. Got married, had kids, then decided, at 30 something years old, that he had issues, started drinking too much and ended up at counselling sessions where, some so called ‘therapist’ convinced him that he wanted to be a she! It’s complete and utter nonsense. Rational people need to wake up, stand up and start defending common sense values before these perverts (and that’s what they are) change the whole of society for the worse. We need to throw out all this utter nonsense and get back to some sort of normality before the lunatics completely take over the asylum.
The entirely artificial and truly pathetic mountain from molehill currently generated by Our BBC (a theme borrowed from Our NHS and every bit as nauseating) on the ‘factcheck’ farce is actually of benefit. Their faux outrage so perfectly illustrates the level of pathos and hubris this revolting organisation is prepared to descend – on our behalf, of course – to strengthen their Jeremy.
The BBC seems to have a new anti Tory mouthpiece to go to . This time it’s David Gauke the traitor Remainer who got thrown out of the Tory Party and is now standing as an ‘ independent ‘ .
Today they had him bitching about the Tory fact check thing on Twitter last night . To me the term ‘fact checker’ is just another propaganda device . The BBC uses one who is obviously biased – only certain facts get checked …
Gauke was the Barry Gardner of the Tory Party- there to bore viewers and listeners to death with rambling answers – going through the motions .
Just watched the Nigel Farage QT special from last night on iplayer.
Absolutely masterful performance by Nigel – persuasive and strident in the points he made to an obviously hand-picked biased audience – many of whom applauded enthusiastically when he was asked (what they all thought was) a killer question but shut the “you know what” up when he gave a clear, well constructed and logical answer. The looks on their faces when he handed them their own backsides on a plate were a joy to behold.
A couple of middle aged females took him on about the “breaking point” poster and told him that he should be ashamed of himself picking on “refugees” and asked him to apologise, Nigel was having none of it and put them in their place reminding them that even the EU commission had stated that at least 80% of them were economic migrants and not refugees. “Where were all the women, children and elderly?” he asked, stony silence in the audience.
At one stage near the end, as Nigel was in full flow, the camera went to Fiona Bruce for a couple of seconds and the defeated look on her face was fantastic to see.
They may or may not have, they are anonymous & it's Peter Oborne claiming it & it might be true though I doubt it because BBC executives would be met with fury & resignation if they insisted on censoring reports about the Pinocchio prime minister.
November 1st : Bristol outrage bus over nothing
Using a face as a photo of the Bristol Mayor is not racist, nor offensive.
The story was positive about him.
Controversial ‘Racist’ Front Page: Should Editor Have Apologised For "Offensive" Image of Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees? No. @LBC
Bet Laura, Emily and gang will be alllllll over this….
Well, well, well. Unrepentant cheating by the leftists and progressives. A real conspiracy worth @carolecadwalla’s time, if she wasn’t so busy inventing conspiracies of her own to smear political ideas she doesn’t much like.
Brazil has gone like America
with activists so wanting every crazy accusation against Bolsonaro to be true.
Globo has always been a propaganda netwok
It aired claims that Bolsonaro was implicated in the murder of an activist Mariele Franco
Yes she was murdered, but it would be a long shot to say Bolsonaro was connected. Brazilian President Bolsonaro threatened to cancel the license of Brazil's largest TV network, Globo, accusing it of "villainous journalism" after a report connecting him with a former police officer accused of killing Marielle Franco last year.
Cancel the licence of the largest TV network? Wow! What an experiment: in these febrile lawless times, I wonder how that would go down with the Brazilian public……………..
Some issue (like that) will go down somewhere, sometime in the not too distant future and that will spark the next massive civil unrest. Sure as hell, something’s got to trigger the anger out there that exists and grows daily. A next World War? No, likely to be the domino effect of ubiquitous civil uprisings.
Meanwhile, in the UK, shutting down the BBC would pass without comment by the docile public. Well, apart from soap devotees naturally.
Indeed G, and with a world population of 9 billion people, most avenues of contention will overflow into violence, is almost predictable as you point out. Britain has a population of over 70 million, that has been growing continuously and will continue as Europe still irresponsibly allows immigrants from Africa/Middle East/Indian Sub Continent in their millions to cross the Med into the open arms of Europe. However that period is now under threat. Britain will have to leave the EU before it can take a grip of any sorts on the question of immigration from outside the EU Countries. Our over populated Island is crumbling under the weight of so many, its services and general infrastructure are at breaking point. Collapse has to be addressed.
Did anyone see the question time last night with Nigel Farage.
The audience was the most hostile audience I have ever seen on any program ever.
It was a disgusting hatchet job on Nigel who won EVERY argument yet was shouted at, accused of all sorts of nasties like racism and the usual, he was misquoted, got little but usually no applause and I believe some of the questioners were professional far left activists. I’m thinking of the two harpies sitting next to each other who went on and on without letting Nigel answer.
They had lists of figures of pay and other money questions which all turned out to be wrong (so their far left researchers had cocked that up)
One of them even asked how much of his MEP pay he would be giving back.
Fiona Bruce was, as we all know, completely against him, interrupting and stopping him answering which meant many accusations were made but by the time he was allowed to say anything they went unanswered.
The accusations, some viewers will remember as bad but were lost in the moment. They are now out there even though they were untrue.
It’s what we expect from the bbc but this qt was especially nasty.
Throughout, Nigel was brilliant, wiping the floor with the lot of them.
I can’t imagine the other party leaders will get such an openly hostile, belligerent (specially selected by the bbbc) audience but that’s what we now expect of them.
I wish Mr Farage and others would simply refuse to go on any racist far-left bbc programme.
Or is that the intention of the collectivist hive?
I think President Trump’s attitude towards these MSM propaganda peddlers should be adopted over here because it works well. Avoid the MSM and speak to the majority normal population via what is called social media.
I think President Trump holding mini “press conferences” just before stepping into the Marine One helicopter is a good tactic as well. The noise drowns out interruptions and he can make them strain to hear anything .
Maybe the typical his vis jacket photo op can be modified to do this with some trucks or drills as accompaniment.
I expected what was to come when, right at the start, Ms Bruce introduced him and said “welcome to Question Time” and the camera panned to the audience where about half were giving the usual opening applause and the other half were not clapping, just sat sourfaced looking like my ex missus.
I thought that NF handled the blatant lefty hostility brilliantly and with great humour. Watching their sneers turn to defeated bewilderment when he made his points was a joy.
Saw your post after posting mine Andy. Totally agree with you
Did you know that this QT was held In Peterborough where the leave vote was over 60%
You would never have guessed from the audience which the bbbc will say they got “just about right”
Referring to the Nigel Farage Question Time last night, I did see it.
It was utterly appalling, he was not asked questions, he was abused first and then asked questions later. He did do something other leaders don’t do which was to answer the questions even if people didn’t want to hear what he had to say.
Fiona Bruce allowed the abuse to proceed. I was so appalled I complained to the BBC within a minute of the program finishing. It is funny, I made the same point that some members of the audience must have been political activists such was the nature of the abuse and questioning.
I will no doubt shortly be in receipt of an e-mail from the BBC to tell me that after due consideration the questioning was fair unbiased and I must be right wing Neanderthal lunatic deplorable.
I feel utterly disenfranchised in society now and find it depressing. The BBC have probably been a propaganda mouthpiece of the elite since its inception. I was just too young and naïve to have understood this 20 years ago. Now the elite propaganda they spout is very different. It is anti British, Marxist rubbish.
Stevo – in my comments I try to avoid the term BBC because it is not ‘British ‘ any more – and as with many here – limit exposure to it more and more with or without a state licence .
I still manage to be amazed . The illiberal policy – policy – is to just ignore the brexit referendum vote and revise A50. The BBC sees no problem with this .
Democracy seems just an inconvenience when the BBC and certain politicians don’t like . In other countries I think there would have been serious disorder by now ( see France) but for some reason ( perhaps the amount of propaganda ) this hasn’t happened . Yet . I do fear that some kind of ‘ angry brigade’ might surface .i won’t be surprised .
I choose my words carefully because I don’t want to fall within the ‘ hate incident ‘ reporting system and refered to a ‘ re education camp’
London black evangelical church Christ Embassy is in trouble with the charity regulator
A Charity Commission review into the church charity Christ Embassy has “uncovered numerous failings” in its management, including making grants totalling more than £1.5m without proper due diligence@ChtyCommission
Charles Dunstone in the Times on Openreach nationalisation
Labour say there will be a £230m budget
well there are 33,000 employees so that’s £7K salary on average
Either I wasn’t paying full attention to Layla Moran this a.m. or I misheard, or the IllibNonDems have realised their manifesto pledge is not big enough in the numbers department unlike their leader. They are now pledging £10bn per annum extra for schools in the UK. This will come from spending £20bn+* a year to remain in the EU.
I thought they originally pledged £10bn in 2025/26. It could of course be possible that Layla Moran had not read or fully understood her Party’s Manifesto.
* IIRC, the new Budget for the EU is yet to be set. I understand that the EU are seeking an inflationary rise of at least 5% – so better make that £22bn+ p.a. if we have a democratically elected Lib Dem government after 12 December. Yeah, I know that is 10% increase on now but you know what politicians are like.
I got a sense of ABB and ABC – more alphabet soup – listening to the Beeb today. Anyone But Bojo. Anyone But Corbyn.
I also could not help wondering which BBC presenter will be the first to break ranks and with The Sweater or another high ranking LD candidate in the studio, ask them “Why are you saying “Vote us into power.” but you do not accept the results of the UK democratic process in the EU Referendum?”
Who among the BBC presenters will be bold and brave enough to do it?
After lawyers, Shakespeare probably would have added Beeboids.
BBC News
Philip Williams says he believed the burger’s tagline – “100% Whopper, 0% Beef” – was misleading.
About this website
Vegan sues Burger King for cooking Impossible Whopper on meat grill
First they try and selectively go after the Conservatives over point sizes, and now are popping across from Samira’s court to get behind another outrage compo attempt.
“Hallam was previously an organic farmer on a 10-acre farm near Llandeilo in South Wales;[5] he attributes the destruction of his business to a series of extreme weather events”
Funny there are not loads of other farmers making this claim, maybe he is just a s*it farmer?
Dawn Butler on LBC claiming they are going to put money in to combat rough sleeping in the country. When asked how many there were she did not know but went on to say that she knew that in 2007, 3000 were sleeping rough in Brent alone .
So does she realise that was under a Labour Government ?? So we should ask just how many were there sleeping rough in the whole country under the Labour Government in 2007 ?
There were just over 4000 in the whole country in 2017 so things are MUCH better under a Conservative Government. Thanks Dawn.
I’ve got a real soft spot for Dawn . She has all the attributes of a Labour Leader in waiting . Diane Abbott must be proud .
In my little area I assess that at least 50% of ‘rough sleepers “ are unlikely to have British passports – but there’s no science in that stat either….
“If anyone doesn’t hate Brexit, even if you voted for it, there’s something WRONG with YOU”
Corbyn’s Shadow Cabinet member touring TV studios claiming Labour will abide by result of a 2nd referendum (after ignoring 1st) – but here’s what they really think
What can you say about Dawn – made to enable Diane Abbot to look intelligent . Thick as thick and they’ll still vote for her … let’s hope the Labour Party use her more in the next 3 weeks .
MarkyMarkMar 6, 09:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 Doughboy – if Ukraine embraces diversity it can win?
DoughboyMar 6, 09:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 Don’t see this on the Bbbc, how on earth are we going to keep Russians out of Ukraine with…
Fedup2Mar 6, 09:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 I look at the front page of the Guardian every so often – today they’ve got a headline ‘Trump turning…
AlthepalerpMar 6, 09:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 The Gangs are having a busy March . .
Fedup2Mar 6, 09:16 Midweek 5th March 2025 Surprised the Muslim convert William wasn’t down the mosque with his dad – he seems to be a worshipper of…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 09:10 Midweek 5th March 2025 I guess the UK/London needs the money to fund Ukraine? “A PhD student from China, he had been studying at…
Guest WhoMar 6, 08:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 Keir Starmer finds subtle way to deal with Team Trump, @chrismasonBBC writes 2 comments in 10’
MarkyMarkMar 6, 08:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 Here we are in 2025 …. UK Border open with small boats (not large boats thank God) yet our Prime…
AsISeeItMar 6, 08:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 Wealthy Communist edition Those little cartoonish sketch images that are deployed so as to promote lifestyle features within the paper…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 08:35 Midweek 5th March 2025 Will Trudeau block your bank account if you do not comply to his orders?
It’s meeee, first time.
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– page 3 started 5:20pm Tuesday
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Toady watch
The far left biased BBC has come up with another source of left wing propaganda . This time it’s going around to ‘colleges’ and getting kidult students to recite the current orthodoxy about climate change et al .
Today it’s the socialist republic of Sheffield . Interviewing a ‘film’ student and 2 ‘journalist students ‘ . So at least McDonald’s knows there are 3 prospective employees on the way ….
But the technique of interviewing lefty students is a clever technique Goebells would admire – comrades .
Fed up
Hilarious that the BBC should feature the sort of people who managed to elect Jared o Mara last time round.
And did this go well?
Still, the BBC don’t really join the dots, do they?
What makes you think they could hold down a job at McDonalds?
Rob – on the evidence – the inability to translate thought into spoken language – maccy Dee has now used electronic ordering so all you have to do is call our ‘number 138’ and hope the customer has some understanding of engleesh innit like .
Toady 2 – quality lefty bias
Justin ‘hosts ‘ a discussion about politics And comedy with comrade alexi £ sayle and someone called ‘Shabi’ . Comrade sayle openly said he supports comrade Corbyn and the lefty shabi droned on . There was no ‘right ‘ representation .
Perhaps one day there will be comedy on the state broadcaster again . Can someone post me a note of when this happens – if I should live that long ( repeated episodes of ‘radioactive’ on 4x don’t count )
Chubby Brown was still in bed otherwise they would have had him on.
The BBC have gone overboard on the appointment of a black female bishop for the first time.
Cue aghast interviewees asking why it has taken so long.
Cue aghast spokespeople about ‘under-representation’
Errr, most non-white people in the UK are immigrants.
A large proportion of them are Hindus and even more from ….ahem…. a certain other religion.
So the pool of potential black female bishops is a lot smaller than the proportion of ethnic minorities in the population as a while.
It took all of 10 seconds to work this out.
Yet strangely nowhere in the BBC reporting is this mentioned.
Fraught for the Day, Sluff, demonstrated that Canon Lucy Winkett is not fully conversant with Romans chapter 10 and verse 12 in particular. The Canon missed the opportunity for making a point for some real inclusivity.
Black female Bishop. Perhaps the BBC might discuss her sexual preferences, they are bound to be significant to the BBC presenters.
BBC Moaning Emole ‘facts’… er… suggests…
Millions ‘missing out on NHS dentistry’
Access to NHS dental services is a problem across every English region, BBC research suggests. More than two million people are unable to see a NHS dentist, according to the figures, while an estimated 1.45 million have tried and failed to get an appointment in two years. Dental leaders say the problem is caused by underfunding, failed contracts and recruitment problems. NHS England says it is taking steps to tackle the issue and is urging patients to use its website to find a local health service dentist.
I see ‘BBC research’ that ‘suggests’, I wonder if the bbc is a little shy on committing.
I am sure in certain areas where chewing sugar all day is the only way to ensure diabetes stays at levels back home there may be supply and demand issues, but here in the shires I just swapped to one closer when my city dentist retired. Took a phonecall and visit the next day.
So, not a problem here, BBC.
Worth adding that the sob story chosen by the BBC to support this story was that one Basir Afzal had to rely on a charity for treatment.
Pass the hankies.
Same here GW, in beautiful downtown Croydon.
There are dentists everywhere with banners up begging for NHS patients.
‘BBC research’ seems to me to amount to –
1. collecting data already available from gov sites
2. sending FOI requests out daily (for data that is probably already available)
3. go to “on message” NGO’s/Charities/Think tanks for Unbiased thoughts
mash results into a BBC research EXCEL doc, add some spin from 3 above & call it research
Is there anything that those of us who aren’t woke and never want to be ,can do to stop the seemingly inexorable advance of wokists across all aspects of our daily life?
I think that the single most important thing would be to shut down the BBC or at least make those who want the foul corporation in their homes pay for it themselves. There will never be a better time than now to force the BBC to become a subscription only service. It’s extreme bias on Brexit has made millions of License Fee payers realise what its game actually is. They are beginning to see how it’s wokism means that EVERY programme is smothered in a great dollop of PC sauce. They increasingly realise that the BBC isn’t about Entertaining , informing and educating, its about social engineering to create an internationalist leftist society and is determined to destroy the UK as we knew it to achieve that goal. Millions of people are ready to support it being forced to find its own money and increasingly resent being forced to pay for it even if they never watch it. If the Tories get back into power and don’t tackle the BBC this Parliament then they never will and we will continue to slide towards wokism and then to Islamification.
Double – I think it’s (sadly )a long game but … I think the natural evolution of other sources will gradually diminish the influence of the BBC .
Politics would need to go Right Wing for some time before the BBC could be taken down . In the meantime the bias need to be noted and recorded . I think before any substantial change to the BBC there’ll be a Royal Commission . That commission will call for evidence and this site helps provide evidence of the lefty propaganda the broadcaster puts out .
If it wasn’t for that I’d close out my exposure to the BBC even more and disengage from this site .
Interesting point Fed, about, “natural evolution”. Of the videos I watched on YT yesterday evening, two are prominent. Both tangibly related. So, using my temporary pseudonym ‘theleftwilleatitself’, (Sorry to the real contributor here), I make the following offerings of the current beginnings of, the left beginning to actually eat itself.
Netherlands: Pensioners facing pension cuts – the left running out of money for hairbrain schemes + migrants?
Labour, to announce support for ‘reparations’ for previous generations ‘slaves’ et al.
Real ‘vote catchers’?
“I think the natural evolution of other sources will gradually diminish the influence of the BBC.”
There will come a time, maybe in 10 years or 20 years, where the idea of watching television will seem as odd as going to Blockbuster to rent a movie on VHS tape. Beyond live sporting events, all viewing of all topics will be online and on demand and broadcast television will vanish like the morning mist. The television networks know this, and tremendous effort is being put into rolling back and controlling YouTube and social networks. They are not concerned: the advertising revenues are there and the infrastructure investments are less. For governments, there is scope for more regulation and ensuring that only ‘correct views’ are promoted through state agencies such as the BBC. The BBC is seen as being particularly important on the global stage, as providing some sort of reference or gold standard of truth (sic) that other broadcasters will adher to. Like some form of unpleasant virus, the BBC will mutate and paradoxically may become even more omnipresent.
I don’t think that we anti wokists have the luxury of waiting for very long for a change in the political climate. Of course the Tories have wokists in their ranks and so I question if they have the political will to start to roll back wokism. But my point is that if they do have the will and the courage to take the wokists on then they should start by striking a blow at the BBC and the best time to strike is now when millions of LF payers are wanting the BBC to get off their backs.
On the ITV debate yesterday there was sadly once again no discussion about the socialist nationalised entity that is the NHS other than a sort of auction for how many more billions of pounds of taxpayers money would be thrown at it. Corbyn’s risible claims about a US takeover went unchallenged again.
What a pity no-one mentioned Shrewsbury Hospitals maternity care, where the latest leaked report showed appalling mismanagement, poor quality care, and a cover up.
Because that is exactly what you get with socialism. The producers are more important than the public/customers/ patients. And where there is no accountability because to criticise the institution is to criticise the state, which of course cannot be permitted.
Oh that the Tories had the b**** to call this out for what it is. But they know that 70 years of successful brainwashing of the public about the sanctity of the NHS means no critique of the situation is possible.
A sad and bad situation for all of us.
Exactly so, and it’s the foul corporation who have led the way in propagandising for the NHS for the past fifty years.
I was going to write a long piece about this but then suddenly thought ‘why bother ‘ ? The disfunction at this hospital appears to go back 40 years – yes 40 years . To me that points to a deeper problem than funding .
Now I have little regard for the NHS or medics due to personal experience and would ‘sell it to the Americans ‘ .
I’d better link this to another socialist monster – the BBC – we won’t be hearing much about their glorious NHS killing babies will we ?- back to Andy Windsor
Corbyn let the cat out of the bag when he said that all NHS services would be staffed only by NHS employees.
So,….more power to the NHS unions then.
I wonder where he will get, for example, MRI scanners from?
A nasty private sector company like Siemens who have been doing this sort of thing for years, continue to invest in new products, and can do this because of their global scale and proven expertise?
Or the cuddly new nationalised National Scanner Corporation…..which has no expertise at all, would have no economies of scale and be hopelessly inefficient……..but crucially would not be private.
Don’t bother waiting for the BBC to ask these obvious questions.
The NHS fairy tale goes right back to the unchallenged belief that it was Aneurin Bevan’s brainchild, given birth through the socialist skills of the Attlee government. Who today would begin to accept that it was conceived by Conservatives in 1940?
can’t find any link to this but –
I seem to remember reading a statement/comment from back when the NHS was set up to the effect it would pay for itself (or reduce in cost to the taxpayer) within xx yrs as we all got healthier!!!
anybody find a link (or am I dreaming)
TOADY Watch #1 – Boomy building boosts LibDems
It’s Yooni time again, although it is not a Friday, and is at a ‘college’ rather than a University. The LibDems spokesperson, Layla Moran, says there is a Remain bonus and this will be invested in schools. Mishal does not question this, ignoring the fact that the amount that the LibDems will be putting into schools will be dwarfed by the contribution that will have to be paid to the EU to remain a member.
Now Mishal is suddenly getting tough and has challenged Layla Moran on the £50bn Remaining EUbonus. Layla gets rattled.
Postscript to TW#1 – not as good as it sounds
Apparently, the Lib Dems are not pledging to give schools £10bn immediately upon being elected to government. They will get it in five to six years time.
By which time, the UK will have paid £100bn+ to remain in the EU.
(Nick Clegg, on behalf of Jo Sweater, does Oliver Hardy) “That’s another fine mess you’ve gotten me into!”
The media mob are desperately upset that their control of ‘facts’ is being teased. The outrage is real. But this little comment to one rather summed it up for me.
Guest – the thing is – it clearly says in two places that it is the Conservative party HQ and it is fact checking Labour..if you are dumb enough to believe what you read on twitter without checking – so be it.
Faux virtue outrage – and yes why hasn’t C4 complained about BBC’s Fact Check? I wonder
I am avoiding most news currently as it is all pathetic ‘ he said she said ‘ crap..
James – the huffing and puffing on this is hilarious. The list of outraged ‘independent journalists’ is a hoot. As is the pile on from their regular guests.
Newsnight will need to offer him his own show after this.
#CCBGB mind.
I put the word ‘fact’ into twitter search and the list of claimed checkers was endless.
Chris Mason should check. I wouldn’t know as he blocked me last time I queried a fact of his.
And, lo, the usual set up unfolds…
Now they are ‘discussing’ their confected story, hiding behind ‘twitter’.
Joey leaps in.
Will the balanced BBC bring this up as well?
Of course not as they lack balance 🙁
And that’s a fact.
And then there’s Lewis of course…
Why should the BBC give a shit? They know the cowardly useless incompetent Tories are never ever going to even challenge them let alone do anything meaningful.
The BBC with its new streaming service has proven it can monitise its content without the need for the ‘unique’ funding model, there is no better time to end the licence fee but it isn’t going to happen under Blue Labour.
It is beyond belief that the Conservatives could be so STUPID as to do this. Surely they realise by now that the media will be all over it . Everything they do or say is scrutinised to find ANY inconsistency or what they can claim to be misrepresentation or worse.
R4 also presenting from a college…wtf…is this not just a way around political advertising and trying to get students out to vote?
On the point of students..when grants were available the percentage of students going to Uni was err 4% maybe up to 6% (to be corrected)..We had large organisations providing good quality apprenticeships that were paid from a levy and produced high quality craftspeople and engineers
Now we have 50% going to Uni (independent 2019) and pathetic apprenticeships that produce worthless qualifications (many run at unis)
So how are Labour and Liberals going to afford to pay grants to this number of students? Not seen the sums yet? BBC?
Sorry Up2 – just seen your post
JA, no worries – it’s good imv if more than one contributor spot the Beeb boobs.
Of course it is.
They have multiple ways to arrange one degree of separation advocacy, in certain directions, free and clear, OFCOM rubber stamped.
Our sons are coming back to vote. It is interesting how they view fellow undergrads suckered by sweeties from the vote catchers.
Uh oh.
News just got real.
Apparently London hit the 130 murder inquiries last night when a 19 year old was stabbed to death in Ilford . 6 weeks to the end of the year – might hit 150 which will probably be highest since ‘ records began ‘ . Good news for undertakers .
I don’t trust the BBC to transmit a balanced election debate
as we saw on ITV last night. The questions chosen will be
those picked by the political Socialist Worker editors who
proliferate at the BBC. The invited audiences will be
those chosen by the Trotskyist sub editors.And the
programme itself will be most likely be presented by
one of the plethora of women liberal bigots or a suitable
candidate picked by BIG BROTHER from the Diversity dept.
If the BBC were impartial the hierarchy should watch the
impartial presentation by ITV last night, and LEARN!!!!
Precisely. Even ‘live’, tv production controls everything… venue, guests, questions, audience, audio, camera angles.
Then editorial takes over.
I just queried a hustings event where audience questions are to be pre-vetted.
Much huffing and puffing about ‘Trust’ and ‘impartiality’.
Newsbeat back in its happy place…
“I’d been on a film set twice before then and I’m now on a film set completely naked with all of these people, and I don’t know what I’m meant to do.”
All these people? Why?
Reminds me of the joke about one of our now bedamed thesps keeping her kit ON as the role demanded it.
The BBC repeating their mantra “after years of austerity…” over and over the past few days, no doubt trying to pin this on the conservatives tenure in office.
In fact everyone apparently in rags and starving.
When I take a casual look around I see high-level employment, roads stuffed with late reg shiny cars, people wearing designer trinkets and carrying state of the art devices and high-price coffees, TV chiefs, staff and performers sucking higher then ever salaries from the broadcasters, footballers on eye-watering payouts. Local Authority mandarins earning ore than the PM. NHS staff on highest ever pay rates. GP surgeries like Hotel Receptions. Airports rammed with high-spending holidaymakers jetting off to the sun, cruise ships like taxis leaving ports all over the UK, student housing like hotel accommodation (unlike the rat infested digs I enjoyed at at college). Supermarkets with zillions of flavours of coloured water at eye-watering prices. etc. etc. etc.
I say why not take a quick look back at the situation at the end of the last devastating Labour administration before bandying this lying slur about?
I think I can answer my own question there.
Last night ITV did an hour interview with sweater , cranky, Nigel Farage and a green . If only brillo was doing an hour on a one to one – but I think most politicians are too frightened of that.
Ain’t no austerity, bruv…
digg, is that the middle class?
I don’t know people living like that.
I remember being in a job centre around 2010 looking for whatever was going at the time. There was nothing on the old touch screen job points.
I can remember one girl about my age came in with her mother. The mother was looking through some jobs and was disappointed to see nothing going for her daughter.
‘Well there is a job going in Kent’ she said.
I live in Dorset. You had to go a long way to get a job when Labour last left office. Now where I work we are crying out for staff and we will need it with Christmas coming. In fact town is so busy now with people spending their time (and money) at the Christmas market I have to leave work earlier just to avoid the crowds!
Really Smoog?
Can you give me a job? I’m struggling financially and could really use a better rate of pay. I’m making less now than I was in 2010. Since Mr Pevensey & myself were made redundant (2008-2010) we’ve never managed to get our earnings up again despite working and being willing to work at anything. Jobs, any jobs are difficult to come by. Competition is fierce. Hundreds apply for 1 position. That is reality.
I live in Kent. Can you give me a job that pays more than minimum wage? I don’t have a car btw so I MUST earn enough to cover public transport costs. Asking for more than minimum wage is not greedy, it’s necessary. Chances of finding employment fall rapidly after age 50.
After I took voluntary redundancy from my last permanent job 9 years ago I’ve been temping, and most of the time it suits me. I never did earn big bucks but now earning around £10 ph it’s still a lot less in relative terms than my last perm salary. Still I manage to get by, but it goes to show how wages have been forced down. Big business in bed with Governements addicted to never-ending immigration.
The current place I’m temping they pay the operations staff just over the minimum wage. It’s a job for school-leavers with decent GCSEs really, or graduates doing it temporarily. What it actually attracts is a mixture of hedonistic black & white eternal teenagers who get wasted and phone in sick a lot, plus a lot of po-faced headscarved girls, diverse east europeans, other third-worlders and a few older locals who can’t find anything else.
The staff turnover is atrocious – mainly because of the minimum wage in my opinion. Yet the company’s advertising would make you think they are all cuddly, inclusive and say all the right things about ’empowering’ their workers – whereas it’s quite clear to me the company is out to make big bucks as fast as possible.
Now I’m very very far from being socialist-minded but I certainly lost my enthusiasm for libertarian economics over the past 10 years. I’m doing temporary admin in HR so I get to see the CVs coming in for the jobs we have available. A lot of them are from foreigners who would need sponsorship to come and work in England, which we can’t do (that’s racist!). The top jobs in the company go to native born or EU professionals. For the lower level jobs the local indigenous don’t get much of a look in unless they’re desperate enough to work for £8.20 odd an hour. The whole thing isn’t sustainable to my mind, and adds evidence to my sneaking suspicion that working to pay taxes to such a rubbish system is morally suspect.
ps sorry not been posting much recently. The world of HR was new to me and things have been very busy – too tired to contribute much!
They don’t know the meaning of the word austerity.
After the war my dad was a student at Manchester University. For a while he had to subsist on HP sauce sandwiches because that was all he could afford. Even bread was rationed.
He got a part time job as a waiter, which required a pair of black shoes. His only shoes were brown, so he had to polish them with black polish. You couldn’t just buy another pair of shoes. Even if you could afford them, they were rationed.
Seriously, times were really hard then, but if you listen to the like of Corbyn, it was a golden age when the Attlee government was busy nationalising industries left right and centre.
Rob – from
“Firstly, poverty is not quite the same thing as having low income. People and families can have different fixed costs to contend with as well, like childcare, housing and costs associated with disability, as well as different levels of savings or assets to draw upon.
Different measures of poverty capture different things—some are just about people’s incomes, others take housing costs into account, and some define material essentials people need for a decent standard of living, like warm clothing and basic holidays. Newer options also try to bring fixed costs and savings into the mix as well.”
austerity/poverty has been redefined so most people take the BBEB version & think (that’s terrible).
to this old bugger & departed parents it meant living within our means & a hot water bottle (the youth have no clue what true austerity is really like)
ps – if the “climate change is killing us” nutters get in power then it’s back to the bottle!!
TOADY Watch #2 – BBC’s nose out of joint
At 8.45a.m. Justin was commenting on the laughter that the two ‘main’ Party leaders received from the audience during the TV debate last night. [ I am so glad this household is not ‘Licensed to Watch’ TV and has a legitimate excuse for not watching the thing. 🙂 ]
I think I detected a note of wistfulness. Even jealousy, perhaps?
The Bojo and Jezza Show got more laughs than BBC comedies.
More Today…
“They could have forcibly re-named the account”
Will Moy, from the independent fact checking charity Full Fact, says Twitter should have done more about the Conservatives re-branding their press account “factcheckUK” during last night’s election debate.
Coming from the Biased Bull Corp, use of force advocacy might set a precedent most staff did not intend?
bbc, another dig at the Conservatives
Ive never had a problem with getting an NHS dentist.
The bbc select the “correct” people to ask, biased as ever
That, or they stray only so far from their gated compounds.
Friends still living in their million £ houses in the Khanate are all private as it takes weeks to see a GP.
Here I call at 8.30am and get seen by day’s end.
So the BBC’s ‘claims’ need fact-checking.
Funny I signed up to an NHS dentist the other week and was pleasantly surprised that they saw me that day as well. Not too much of a waiting time either.
I enjoy watching cop and other similar programmes on TV about catching law breakers. Disappointed in the punishments dished out, but that’s another issue.
Yet whatever the programme and whatever the law being broken (from fare dodging on the Underground to dealing in Class A drugs), the perpetrators mostly seem to be those who are comparatively new (in one way or another) to this country.
BBC Politics posted this… then deleted it…
“When there is outrage about something like that – a row stirred up deliberately – we’re not talking about policies”
@BBCLauraK on why parties like “stirring up trouble”, as Tories are criticised for renaming a Twitter account ‘fullfactUK’ #bbcbreakfast
Pity. Suspect the comments incoming would have been awesome.
The New Statesman is not happy 🙂
How long before someone at the Tory office makes the potential link between CCHQ and GCHQ, serves a D-Notice on the BBC and accuses them of maliciously exposing state secrets?
Sounds like fun.
Speaking of these pervasive petition outrage clubs, just in:
Dear Person we assume support our endless whinging by signing up years ago,
It’s a dirty trick. Last night, the Conservative Party changed its name on Twitter to pretend to be a fact-checking service. [1] They did it to coincide with the first TV debate of this election.
The politician in charge of the decision, James Cleverly, is refusing to apologise for misleading the public. [2] But it’s all over the newspapers – and he’ll be feeling the pressure to back down. [3]
Tricks like this can undermine trust in political parties and can make it harder for the public to know what to believe.
If thousands of us email the politician in charge of this today, asking him to admit that trying to trick the public was wrong, the pressure could convince him to apologise. And it could stop it from happening again.
Will you send James Cleverly an email today, asking him to apologise? It could stop this kind of thing from happening again. There are some tips to get you started!
Don’t worry if you’ve never written an email like this before. Here are some tips to get you started:
You could say that you think this kind of deliberate attempt to trick the public is wrong.
You could ask him to apologise on behalf of the Conservative Party, and promise not to try to mislead the public again.
Gullible fool, now’s the time to convince him – while this is still fresh in the news. Please will you send James Cleverly an email now?
Thanks for being involved,
Molly, Mike, Trish, Ellie and the 38 Degrees team
[1] BBC News: Election debate: Conservatives criticised for renaming Twitter profile ‘factcheckUK’:
The Guardian: Twitter accuses Tories of misleading public with ‘factcheck’ foray:
SkyNews: Tories under fire for ‘misleading’ public with Twitter ‘Fact Check’ name change:
[2] Twitter: BBC Newsnight:
[3] See Note 1
Note who they cite in the notes as ‘critics’ of ‘dirty tricks’.
Seems the real stain is focussed in, and limited to, different areas entirely.
@GuestWho was it deleted , re posted or did they block you ?
cos I can see it
(I think they did repost it cos someone mentioned it at 8:46am yet the time stamp on this tweet says 8:49am)
OT, but as it is from the guy who shaped bbc editorial for a while…
There simply cannot be a better reason for leaving the EU than knowing that becasue of the EU’s failure since 2004 to sort WTO matters with its exports to the USA-Now the USA have had enough and are about to impose heavy tariffs on all exports to the USA from Europe which of course includes those from Britian as we are still part of the EU and as such have no say in their trading arragements with the USA. And by the way the Commisioner in charge of trade is a woman who has absolutely no experience of working in international trade before taking up her post-can you believe it?
Trump bashing gone wrong
Real World vs green fantasy
The so called green lobby don’t like coal, not because of CO2 or particulates, but because of the emission of suphur dioxide.
SO2 is a nasty gas which is the cause of acid rain, but it also has another effect seen after volcanic eruptions – that of global cooling. SO2 is the opposite of a greenhouse gas, and the removal of it in the 1970 / 80s is probably the cause of European temperatures to rise slightly – not the growth of CO2.
If SO2 enters the atmosphere the loons will not be able to cry wolf about global warming and that isn’t going to be allowed !
BBC Radio 4 Extra reminds us of what the BBC used to be and can never be again.
I was listening last weekend as I was cutting wood for my log burner and swinging my huge chopper…calm down ladies…bits of splintered wood flying off in all directions.
They had a lovely programme on called Down Your Way, introduced by the old cricket commentator, Brian Johnson. He was in Devon and wandering about chatting to folk about their lives and the area they lived. We heard from a local historian, an RNLI chap and a few other local notables. It was a pleasant hour of nostalgia; quite wholesome.
It got me wondering how the BBC would approach such a programme these days.
Almost certainly the presenter would come from an ethnic minority background. I reckon there’s a huge warehouse at the back of Beeb Towers where they’ve got loads of BAME youngsters ready to slot into any vacancy.
“Oh Romi, do you fancy The One Show on Thursday?” Or “Mina, can you possibly do Countryfile this weekend?” Blimey, they even had two of them presenting The Lord Mayor’s Show a few weeks ago.
And if Mina was presenting an updated Down Your Way, she wouldn’t be chatting to historians or lifeboat men. She’d be seeking out people who are a bit more “edgy”. The transgender tattooist who had recently converted to Islam. Or maybe the lesbian vicar who had decided she was an atheist but wanted to talk about climate change and Greta.
And later Mina would stumble into a small shopping mall where she would interview numerous people about the EU. Despite the fact that 67% of this area voted for Brexit Mina seems mainly to find vehement Reaminers to talk to. “It’s going to be a disaster” say Tarquin. “We desperately need a second referendum” echoes Sebastian. The comments of the solitary Brexiteer are met with wry smiles and ill concealed sneers and if we still haven’t got the picture there’s a few twanging banjos in the background from the film Deliverance.
Mina goes returns to Beeb Towers with a smile on her face, job done.
I attack my radio with an axe…
I remember “Down your Way”, originally fronted by Franklin Engelmann.
Oh dear, OG, so do I, although I was a very small child. Must emphasise that as 2019 has not been a good year in the ageing process.
I was brought up largely on the Home Service, some of the Third Programme and bits of the Light Programme. We had no television.
Strangely, that is the theme of today’s repeat of Hhhankcock’s Hhalf Hhhhhour on R4Extra. No TV in the house in Railway Sidings. There is only the 7pm broadcast now available to air. If you miss that, you will have to brave BBC Sounds or BBC Noises as our Fed calls it, if you can access it in France.
Interesting post about how poor the two leaders of the main parties were last night, and why don’t we have leaders of the kind we used to any more.
There’s a simple answer of course, and it’s because of the ridiculous low pay on offer, which only attracts poor quality candidates.
Winston Churchill was paid a salary of £10000 in 1940, an amount equivalent to £550 000 today or three times what the PM is currently paid.
When you consider the CEO of McDonalds took home an annual salary of £17 Million and the average FOOTSIE 100 CEO is making in excess of £5 million it puts the pittance being offered for the position of PM into stark perspective.
The current PM is paid less than the head of a secondary modern school, no decent talented person would even consider taking on such a role for that laughable amount.
You paid the peanuts, you got the monkeys so smile we have the best politicos we were prepared to pay for !
Don’t waste your sympathy. They get the big bucks when they leave office. Look at George “Six Jobs” Osborne.
Thoughtful – I realise you regularly campaign to give MPs more taxpayers cash and the accompanying pension and golden goodbyes .
I’m at the other end of the scale, I’d half the number of MP and pay according to the numbers of constituents upto a maximum of average public sector pay .
Goes without saying that there is no need for an upper chamber -unless of course it is elected and at least half the size again of the 301 MPs in the Commons .
Increasing MP pay would only make for better paid monkeys /lobby fodder .’re not related to Keith Vaz are you ? Or Lady Nugee and her property portfolio ?
I agree with Thoughtful.
The pay on offer for MPs in many instances (especially in the labour party) serves to attract the no-marks that couldn’t possibly expect to earn as much elsewhere. Abbott, Rayner, Long-Bailey etc.
I would take away all salaries from MP’s except for the PM who should be paid at least £250.00 per annum-MP’s could claim certain expenses but not in excess of £ 25K per annum. That would keep those career expectant politicians away-hopefully then we might get some patriotic statesmen representing us bringing some earned experience of life outside the HOC and all must be over 35 yrs of age. Too early and what can they bring to government of any worth, as we have seen with some such as the leader of the Liberal/Dems who started as an MP at 23 yrs old I understand.
Tarien, with respect, have you attended the Diane Abbott accounting course, or was it a typo? A Prime Minister being paid at least £250 a year seems rather below the minimum wage.
Apologise Captain Panick-it should have read Two Hundred and fifty thousand pounds-out of interest the Head of our District Council (not even the county council) draws a salary of £ 210, 000 per annum + expenses-no wonder there never seems to be enough money in the pot! Other members of the staff have salaries around £ 80K / 60K-just incomprehensible, and still we have holes in the roads !
Thoughtful, “Winston Churchill was paid a salary of £10000 in 1940, an amount equivalent to £550 000 today”
But Winston had 150 million + Germans, Russians, Italians and Japanese trying to kill him.
Bojo ain’t that badly off.
Sure. Overflowing finances never create ruthless corruption. Only the best, most moral characters are ever attracted to vast sums of money. Why don’t we pay the scoundrels more?
Ageing white man speaks out about the charms of a teenage girl… No, it’s not Prince Andrew pulling a few strings to ‘sweat it out’ on a TV interview with {insert name of some BBC female reporter here}. This time it is ‘Sir’ Tim Clark, president of Emirates airline who, inspired by St Greta, says he ‘took too long to accept climate crisis (sic)’. Even better, he also says he ‘quite likes’ Extinction Rebellion, the would-be BBC in-house charity providing something to do for bored, middle-class, champagne-swilling shoppers of obscure foods at Waitrose.
What are the motives for this wonderful piece of publicity? ‘Sir’ Tim is looking after the interests of the shareholders (aka the government of Dubai)? The BBC is selecting Emirates as their airline of choice? Or – surely not – it is related to the recent news that Emirates is splashing out $30 billion on new aircraft from Airbus, the European consortium that has been so critical of Brexit?
Europe, Brexit, Global Warming, Big Business, Middle East. The very stuff that makes BBC executives and the Foreign Office wet themselves with excitement.
BBC pushing everyone to vote in December… R5 has been relentless in making sure we all know how important it is, especially young people.
Strange, I don’t remember such heavy promotion last election…
There was heavy promotion from Labour in the last GE. Register in a few places and when you are out of town then Momentum would sneak in a pinch your polling card to place a vote for Corbyn.
I am not saying that that defiantly happened but it does seem that way!
On the local news down here in the South West there has been a report on loads of students at Plymouth Uni being registered to vote without their knowledge and many being under age. In the great tradition of the BBC we don’t know the extent and who was responsible! For me this is a worrying development and potentially the thin end of a big wedge. Of course our Electoral Commission do nothing!
On the local BBC news down here in the South West there has been a report on loads of students at Plymouth Uni being registered to vote without their knowledge and many being under age. In the great tradition of the BBC we don’t know the extent and who was responsible! For me this is a worrying development and potentially the thin end of a big wedge. Of course our Electoral Commission do nothing!
Compare the BBC nationwide broadcast time given to the Conservative FactCheck thing and this potentially criminal election activity in Plymouth. National BBC News….Now’t to see here!
They are just slugs!
‘Views his own’:
Hello Person we presume signed up to support us,
I know, I know, not another election! The thing is, this one is quite important if we want to help our country to move forward.
There was once a time when everyone reading this email wouldn’t have been allowed to vote. Now everyone over the age of 18 is being asked their view – you are literally choosing who runs the country, that’s quite something!
I know some of you feel your voice doesn’t matter – that nobody listens if you speak up. But as my friends at say, it’s the people who rule elections, not politicians. When it comes to voting, your voice is all that matters. Every single vote. That’s what democracy is.
If you are frustrated and fed up, or if you are hopeful and want change, use this chance to tell Parliament what you want.
Don’t know who to vote for? Don’t worry! You have the next few weeks to decide. For now, just make sure you’re registered so that you at least have the option.
If you’re already registered then please help me spread the word by pressing forward on this email to 5 friends or if you’re on your phone, click below to share on Whatsapp to make sure that by election day, we’re all able to have a say.
The deadline to register is 11:59pm on 26 November. But don’t wait until then, do it now. It only takes a minute.
Your voice matters!
Yours, renowned person of BBC impartiality,
Stephen Fry
Friend of Change.Org
Hopefully this classic isn’t ruined, like Dr Who and all the leftist rubbish
Depends what you reaction to lesbian lizards was.
Er..I’d rather stick needles in my eyes than watch any Beeb drama production, and it seems I’m not alone. Well what the hell would you expect?
Emma Barnett on R5 just now with an item on Movember — the month where moustaches are grown to raise awareness of men’s health issues. But it’s the BBC, so of course she chats to a woman who’s drawing a moustache on her own face every day in support of her bloke who recently had a health scare (all clear).
It’s helping raise awareness, you see, so it gets the full BBC stamp of approval. (Not to be confused with white people talking about racism, or incidents of mansplaining, which are all strictly verboten.)
Meanwhile, from the American Civil Liberties Union:
It stops short of declaring ‘You’re not a real man unless you have a period’. Or carrying an advert for Gilette’s new male tampons (‘The Best a Man Can Get’). Meanwhile, back on planet Earth, check out a lady called Posie Parker if you are not familiar. She has committed the Thought Crimes that men cannot turn into women and that giving puberty-inhibiting drugs to childrens is tantamount to child abuse (the latter comment resulting in a visit from Plod). Her most recent interview has been removed from YouTube, but a short 4 minute extract that gives a flavour can still be found at:
For something longer, there is:
Don’t expect to see her on the BBC any time soon.
Oxford Poly deplatformed a lesbian feminist yesterday cos the LGBTXYZ+ society said she is transpobic.
I absolutely agree with this woman. She hits the nail on the head when she talks about these men who have watched too much porn and then choose a name that sounds like a porn name. There is someone in my family, unfortunately, who fits that description to a tee. I’ve watched him grow up (or not). He never showed any signs of wanting to be a girl whilst growing up. He did typically boy stuff, was into cars, video games, girls, porn etc etc. A little too into porn if you ask me. Got married, had kids, then decided, at 30 something years old, that he had issues, started drinking too much and ended up at counselling sessions where, some so called ‘therapist’ convinced him that he wanted to be a she! It’s complete and utter nonsense. Rational people need to wake up, stand up and start defending common sense values before these perverts (and that’s what they are) change the whole of society for the worse. We need to throw out all this utter nonsense and get back to some sort of normality before the lunatics completely take over the asylum.
The entirely artificial and truly pathetic mountain from molehill currently generated by Our BBC (a theme borrowed from Our NHS and every bit as nauseating) on the ‘factcheck’ farce is actually of benefit. Their faux outrage so perfectly illustrates the level of pathos and hubris this revolting organisation is prepared to descend – on our behalf, of course – to strengthen their Jeremy.
The BBC seems to have a new anti Tory mouthpiece to go to . This time it’s David Gauke the traitor Remainer who got thrown out of the Tory Party and is now standing as an ‘ independent ‘ .
Today they had him bitching about the Tory fact check thing on Twitter last night . To me the term ‘fact checker’ is just another propaganda device . The BBC uses one who is obviously biased – only certain facts get checked …
Gauke was the Barry Gardner of the Tory Party- there to bore viewers and listeners to death with rambling answers – going through the motions .
The BBC like their one a degree of separation ‘views their own’ gobs, who they invite on to say what the BBC likes, and can then quote:
The Today Programme
“It just stinks of this kind of… the law doesn’t apply to a certain group of people in society, and I just think it’s horrendous”
Dawn Butler on Boris Johnson saying, following Prince Andrew’s interview with the BBC, that “the institution of the monarchy is beyond reproach.”
Let me quote: “it stinks”.
France : French Catholic nun was denied admission to a nursing home for refusing to remove her headscarf and religious garments.
..Social workers said the home has a no religious symbols rule.
This event dates from July.
Certainly government Civil Servants are forbidden from wearing them at work.
Just watched the Nigel Farage QT special from last night on iplayer.
Absolutely masterful performance by Nigel – persuasive and strident in the points he made to an obviously hand-picked biased audience – many of whom applauded enthusiastically when he was asked (what they all thought was) a killer question but shut the “you know what” up when he gave a clear, well constructed and logical answer. The looks on their faces when he handed them their own backsides on a plate were a joy to behold.
A couple of middle aged females took him on about the “breaking point” poster and told him that he should be ashamed of himself picking on “refugees” and asked him to apologise, Nigel was having none of it and put them in their place reminding them that even the EU commission had stated that at least 80% of them were economic migrants and not refugees. “Where were all the women, children and elderly?” he asked, stony silence in the audience.
At one stage near the end, as Nigel was in full flow, the camera went to Fiona Bruce for a couple of seconds and the defeated look on her face was fantastic to see.
I really wish that there were more like him.
Just see you post after submitting mine below.
Totally agree with you.
I wonder if those two girl plants think they were clever.
Gina has caught up, and caught a few in her net…
November 1st : Bristol outrage bus over nothing
Using a face as a photo of the Bristol Mayor is not racist, nor offensive.
The story was positive about him.
Always fascinated that professional journalists take to twitter and assume ‘Erm..’ or ‘OMG’ means anything outside their peculiar little bubble.
Bet Laura, Emily and gang will be alllllll over this….
Brazil has gone like America
with activists so wanting every crazy accusation against Bolsonaro to be true.
Globo has always been a propaganda netwok
It aired claims that Bolsonaro was implicated in the murder of an activist Mariele Franco
Yes she was murdered, but it would be a long shot to say Bolsonaro was connected.
Cancel the licence of the largest TV network? Wow! What an experiment: in these febrile lawless times, I wonder how that would go down with the Brazilian public……………..
Some issue (like that) will go down somewhere, sometime in the not too distant future and that will spark the next massive civil unrest. Sure as hell, something’s got to trigger the anger out there that exists and grows daily. A next World War? No, likely to be the domino effect of ubiquitous civil uprisings.
Meanwhile, in the UK, shutting down the BBC would pass without comment by the docile public. Well, apart from soap devotees naturally.
Indeed G, and with a world population of 9 billion people, most avenues of contention will overflow into violence, is almost predictable as you point out. Britain has a population of over 70 million, that has been growing continuously and will continue as Europe still irresponsibly allows immigrants from Africa/Middle East/Indian Sub Continent in their millions to cross the Med into the open arms of Europe. However that period is now under threat. Britain will have to leave the EU before it can take a grip of any sorts on the question of immigration from outside the EU Countries. Our over populated Island is crumbling under the weight of so many, its services and general infrastructure are at breaking point. Collapse has to be addressed.
Anyone watch this Channel4 mockumentary ?
Did anyone see the question time last night with Nigel Farage.
The audience was the most hostile audience I have ever seen on any program ever.
It was a disgusting hatchet job on Nigel who won EVERY argument yet was shouted at, accused of all sorts of nasties like racism and the usual, he was misquoted, got little but usually no applause and I believe some of the questioners were professional far left activists. I’m thinking of the two harpies sitting next to each other who went on and on without letting Nigel answer.
They had lists of figures of pay and other money questions which all turned out to be wrong (so their far left researchers had cocked that up)
One of them even asked how much of his MEP pay he would be giving back.
Fiona Bruce was, as we all know, completely against him, interrupting and stopping him answering which meant many accusations were made but by the time he was allowed to say anything they went unanswered.
The accusations, some viewers will remember as bad but were lost in the moment. They are now out there even though they were untrue.
It’s what we expect from the bbc but this qt was especially nasty.
Throughout, Nigel was brilliant, wiping the floor with the lot of them.
I can’t imagine the other party leaders will get such an openly hostile, belligerent (specially selected by the bbbc) audience but that’s what we now expect of them.
I wish Mr Farage and others would simply refuse to go on any racist far-left bbc programme.
Or is that the intention of the collectivist hive?
I think President Trump’s attitude towards these MSM propaganda peddlers should be adopted over here because it works well. Avoid the MSM and speak to the majority normal population via what is called social media.
I think President Trump holding mini “press conferences” just before stepping into the Marine One helicopter is a good tactic as well. The noise drowns out interruptions and he can make them strain to hear anything .
Maybe the typical his vis jacket photo op can be modified to do this with some trucks or drills as accompaniment.
I made a similar point earlier in the thread EG.
I expected what was to come when, right at the start, Ms Bruce introduced him and said “welcome to Question Time” and the camera panned to the audience where about half were giving the usual opening applause and the other half were not clapping, just sat sourfaced looking like my ex missus.
I thought that NF handled the blatant lefty hostility brilliantly and with great humour. Watching their sneers turn to defeated bewilderment when he made his points was a joy.
Saw your post after posting mine Andy. Totally agree with you
Did you know that this QT was held In Peterborough where the leave vote was over 60%
You would never have guessed from the audience which the bbbc will say they got “just about right”
No word from Danny on Bill or Ben..
Still pushing the youth vote, eh, BBC?
Really hate those teeth, does she have to smile!
Referring to the Nigel Farage Question Time last night, I did see it.
It was utterly appalling, he was not asked questions, he was abused first and then asked questions later. He did do something other leaders don’t do which was to answer the questions even if people didn’t want to hear what he had to say.
Fiona Bruce allowed the abuse to proceed. I was so appalled I complained to the BBC within a minute of the program finishing. It is funny, I made the same point that some members of the audience must have been political activists such was the nature of the abuse and questioning.
I will no doubt shortly be in receipt of an e-mail from the BBC to tell me that after due consideration the questioning was fair unbiased and I must be right wing Neanderthal lunatic deplorable.
I feel utterly disenfranchised in society now and find it depressing. The BBC have probably been a propaganda mouthpiece of the elite since its inception. I was just too young and naïve to have understood this 20 years ago. Now the elite propaganda they spout is very different. It is anti British, Marxist rubbish.
Stevo – in my comments I try to avoid the term BBC because it is not ‘British ‘ any more – and as with many here – limit exposure to it more and more with or without a state licence .
I still manage to be amazed . The illiberal policy – policy – is to just ignore the brexit referendum vote and revise A50. The BBC sees no problem with this .
Democracy seems just an inconvenience when the BBC and certain politicians don’t like . In other countries I think there would have been serious disorder by now ( see France) but for some reason ( perhaps the amount of propaganda ) this hasn’t happened . Yet . I do fear that some kind of ‘ angry brigade’ might surface .i won’t be surprised .
I choose my words carefully because I don’t want to fall within the ‘ hate incident ‘ reporting system and refered to a ‘ re education camp’
London black evangelical church Christ Embassy is in trouble with the charity regulator
Charles Dunstone in the Times on Openreach nationalisation
Labour say there will be a £230m budget
well there are 33,000 employees so that’s £7K salary on average
TWatO Watch #1
Either I wasn’t paying full attention to Layla Moran this a.m. or I misheard, or the IllibNonDems have realised their manifesto pledge is not big enough in the numbers department unlike their leader. They are now pledging £10bn per annum extra for schools in the UK. This will come from spending £20bn+* a year to remain in the EU.
I thought they originally pledged £10bn in 2025/26. It could of course be possible that Layla Moran had not read or fully understood her Party’s Manifesto.
* IIRC, the new Budget for the EU is yet to be set. I understand that the EU are seeking an inflationary rise of at least 5% – so better make that £22bn+ p.a. if we have a democratically elected Lib Dem government after 12 December. Yeah, I know that is 10% increase on now but you know what politicians are like.
TWatO Watch #2 – They love the Libbies at the BBC
I got a sense of ABB and ABC – more alphabet soup – listening to the Beeb today. Anyone But Bojo. Anyone But Corbyn.
I also could not help wondering which BBC presenter will be the first to break ranks and with The Sweater or another high ranking LD candidate in the studio, ask them “Why are you saying “Vote us into power.” but you do not accept the results of the UK democratic process in the EU Referendum?”
Who among the BBC presenters will be bold and brave enough to do it?
No, I thought not.
After lawyers, Shakespeare probably would have added Beeboids.
BBC News
Philip Williams says he believed the burger’s tagline – “100% Whopper, 0% Beef” – was misleading.
About this website
Vegan sues Burger King for cooking Impossible Whopper on meat grill
First they try and selectively go after the Conservatives over point sizes, and now are popping across from Samira’s court to get behind another outrage compo attempt.
Interesting that not one question asked in last night’s debate was about immigration.
I wonder why?
Because they weren’t allowed to.
So, guess Mishal will soon be demanding of Mister Eavis why Roger is not sharing the Pyramid stage with Jez, Jon Snow, and Roger Waters?
So this is the bloke who according to Wiki
“Hallam was previously an organic farmer on a 10-acre farm near Llandeilo in South Wales;[5] he attributes the destruction of his business to a series of extreme weather events”
Funny there are not loads of other farmers making this claim, maybe he is just a s*it farmer?
Talk about loonies running the asylum!
Dawn Butler on LBC claiming they are going to put money in to combat rough sleeping in the country. When asked how many there were she did not know but went on to say that she knew that in 2007, 3000 were sleeping rough in Brent alone .
So does she realise that was under a Labour Government ?? So we should ask just how many were there sleeping rough in the whole country under the Labour Government in 2007 ?
There were just over 4000 in the whole country in 2017 so things are MUCH better under a Conservative Government. Thanks Dawn.
It’s hilarious, General, when these idiots start poking around with stats they don’t really understand!
What is it with people who aren’t very bright, getting into non-jobs where it’s a pre-requisite to be utterly stupid?
The BBC also have a sort of rule that makes most of their autocue-readers hate everyone unless they’re lefties or snowflakes.
I’ve got a real soft spot for Dawn . She has all the attributes of a Labour Leader in waiting . Diane Abbott must be proud .
In my little area I assess that at least 50% of ‘rough sleepers “ are unlikely to have British passports – but there’s no science in that stat either….
Here she is.
David Vance says he’s seen greater intelligence on a petri dish than on the Labour front benches.
What can you say about Dawn – made to enable Diane Abbot to look intelligent . Thick as thick and they’ll still vote for her … let’s hope the Labour Party use her more in the next 3 weeks .