The Far Left Biased BBC now has three weeks to sell the Labour Plan to sell out Brexit and Crash the economy . We can expect full coverage of non labour/Liberal candidates being abused whilst Labour candidates will be heroic in their support of Jeremy Corbyn . We must think of the many who can no longer stand the Bias and unfair coverage and the few who still force themselves to witness what the BBC is doing .
Weekend Thread 23 November 2019
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So I’ve just watched “Kill Your TV: Jim Moir’s Weird World of Video Art” on BBC4. It’s my once-a-month dip into actually bothering to watch something on the bBBC.
And…..Jesus wept.
There was potential here for this to be an informative and entertaining programme. The kind of thing they used to do many many years ago with (for example) “Horizon”.
But no. Instead we have an hour-long programme filled with agenda’s, men-bashing and feminism.
Barely has the programme started and the first talking head is a black man. Followed swiftly by a woman of (what sounds like) far-East origins. Then a few minutes in there is talk about how important it is to appreciat different cultures. Followed fairly swiftly by a succession of women talking about feminism and how they managed to progress in the video industry without assistance from those nasty males. A video of a woman’s breast. Then a black man gets what seems like about 15 minutes all to himself to wallow in his own pointlessness. Some white men *are* wheeled on but they seem deliberately chosen for their blandness, e.g. Gilbert & George. More interviews and talking heads with women.
I mentioned “Horizon”. And it really is a damning indictment of how far the bBBC has sunk, when you compare some of the truly great Horizon doc’s from bygone years to the utter agenda-ridden crap that is shown nowadays.
So, only another month to wait before I bother to watch anything else on bBBC.
The best part of course is that Emily retweeted it.
That show was at 3:45pm Saturday
then on the 6:15pm Maitliss was again interviewed
On Loose Ends
Missed it ?
Don’t worry it’s repeated Monday at 11:30am
She’ll probably retweet that too.
And guess who retweeted this?
BBC just launched a “protect the children app” BBC OWN IT
I wonder if that is an ambush name and really means BBC-Owns-You
‘[It] really means BBC-Owns-You’
In no sense do I feel ownership of State Broadcaster. Without the option of my taking out a subscription it takes part of the contents of my wallet. Ownership under force of statute.
A lovely bit of BBC comedy last Friday, Gardeners’ Question Time on Radio 4, brought to us from Sheffield, with the sound of rain battering down on the roof.
I wonder how many of their listeners were dolefully looking out at their dug-up lawns, replaced by now rotting cactii, planted as advised by our ‘climate changing experts’?
By the way, what is going on with BBC weather forecasts? Tonight’s had the whole of the UK coloured in white, (snow?), to be followed by shades of orange (scorchio?). Must admit I didn’t have the sound turned up in case they were warning of Breeze Melinda on Monday, Drizzle Denise on Tuesday and Mist Mishal on Wednesday.