Nearly half way through the election campaign and the Far Left Pro Labour bias is pretty much set . Stories which potentially harm Conservative pro Brexit views are maximised whilst stories harming Labour are avoided or minimised . The Brexit Party is refusing to take part in C4 politics programmes and it can’t be long before the BBC is boycotted because of left and anti brexit bias . At least the Chief Rabbi can’t be shut up .
Midweek Thread 27 November 2019
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R4 Media show
the guy who was a criminal, then prison.
then in a doco
now he is a provider of Channel4 documentaries or something
Is he black ? No my mistake this is him
Tony Sales.
R4 Media Show
Clive James RIP
Yes – I’d echo that . Mr James has a rare perception of the human condition and his old observer column was a treat as I was growing up .
I have to say this – he would be marginalised by those in charge of the MSM now.
That’s three in a day or two days: Gary Rhodes, Jonathan Miller and Clive James.
Better check me life insurance.
Daily Mirror complaining they were banned from the Conservative bus.
..”they said it was cos our stories were personal against Boris etc. “
Manchester jihadi stabber
…moved to UK from Somalia aged 9
On an EU passport that was gifted to him and his family by the Dutch. The Somalis I know have their annual holiday in Somalia despite it being listed as a “War Zone” (travelling their via Turkey). They came to the UK because they got more benefits from the British Government so the mother tells me.
Philippenes : Brit freed from ISIS kidnappers
Did the BBC cover that ?
Thank you for the link – what an inspiring treat in store – but where is ‘Christmas at the mosque ‘ ? Or ‘have a kaffir Christmas ‘ ? It can’t be long before Christmas is downgraded to a local festival …..
The Times says
@BBCOne this Christmas a reboot of Worzel Gummidge.
with “eco messages”
Brought back in two one-hour episodes.
Starring Mackenzie Crook, Sir Michael Palin, Zoë Wanamaker, Steve Pemberton, Vicki Pepperdine, Rosie Cavaliero.
Hi Stew an’ FedUp2. I can emember when we cut up the Radio Times for use in the outside Bog. Bring back the ‘good old days’ :-).
Times says court orders prevent most of back story from being reported
I thought the BBC regarded the death of every Muslim as news
… well how many died in last weeks Iran fuel protest ?
In a tiny column the Times say 200
The BBC screws up again
“The decision by the BBC to agree to prevent the Persian service from using material gathered in Iran has deeply affected the morale and well-being of our members.
“The union is not opposed to the BBC sending teams to report from the country but this must not be in exchange for restrictive conditions placed on the BBC Persian Service.”
“A court in Iran has sentenced six wildlife conservationists accused of spying to between six and 10 years in prison, their families say.”
I had thought I would watch the 6pm news to see how the BBC handled Labour’s fake dossier on the NHS. I saw a couple of minutes of Pointless and then Miss Bruce’s head popped up during the closing credits and mentioned Labour’s evidence of the Tories plans for the NHS. So off button used before the news even started. Now where is my book?
4pm R4 Did you miss it ?
Drat, missed it!
Just my bleedin’ luck…
The UK press gazette is reporting that BoJo will be limiting his exposure to MSM TV programmes ( or what I’d call assassination attempts ) and his party is still to decide on a half hour head boil with Andrew Neil .
BoJo would do better bypassing MSM completely – sane with mr Farage .
Sad you missed Martha’s special Antarctic podcast ?
It’s quiz time.
Have a guess what virtue-signalling narrative is being featured on BBC London news?
I give you……Sewing for Grenfell !!!!!!
You absolutely cannot make it up.
Boris apologises for hurt and offence caused by Islamophobia in the Tory Party.
Geddit. Corbyn denies anti Semitism, but Boris owns up to the evil scourge of Islamophobia.
We know the difference. Islamophobia is a false construct designed to protect Islam from criticism.
Well thank you Boris, you could have stood your ground and denounced this bit of rubbish.
I am furious We have Tory and Lib Dem candidates in our constuency, with no chance for Labour. I cannot vote for either party and will spoil my balot paper as will many other people. Nigel, you could have had my vote had you not moved out for Boris.
Now Boris promises to root out Islamophobia. Just wait until after the election when the Tory Government stamps on critics of the perfect faith and culture. This site will disappear.
Infuriating isn’t it? We aren’t supposed to fear those who want to kill us and have done so. Fearing Muslims is not irrational. Trusting Muslims is a highly irrational response to terror attacks. This fake phobia concoction is an insult to every person in this country who has suffered due to Islamic terror. Our children have been targeted, bombed and raped. And we shouldn’t fear Muslims? Perhaps if our own leadership wasn’t propagating this nonsense we would have less to fear. But what we are seeing is a united front between Muslims and our own leadership. And BRINO Johnson wants my vote!
Boris is selling fear of Labour. The Conservative campaign consists of little else. If we are accepting fake words…. is there perhaps some Labourphobia in the Tory Party?
Supporting Boris for the moment is necessary because he will do two important things. Firstly he will win the general election against the the most disgusting manifestation of the Labour party there has ever been (fully backed by the BBC) and soon after that Britain will get a form of Brexit which while not perfect, will be a huge step on the way to true independence.
In just a couple months Boris’s usefulness will be over.
Then it will be time to build a political movement which stands for a truly independent Britain, halting immigration, getting rid of hate speech crimes, bringing in proportional representation, and ditching the odious BBC.
I just hope that if such a party is formed those who claim to be supporters of such policies will stand by it through thick and thin and not be so quick to abandon it as they did Ukip.
Let’s hope that lessons have been learned.
You are deluding yourself. It is way too late for that. Segregation and civil war is the ultimate fate of Britain. If you have the money and opportunity I would suggest you move East to somewhere like Poland or Hungary. If you observe European politics you will notice that the other major European countries do have right wing parties with significant anti-Islamic policies and they are not afraid to say so in public without fear. Eg. Vox in Spain, The Lega in Italy and most vocally the AfD in Germany which made significant gains amongst the young in recent State elections. There is nothing in the UK that comes anywhere near this level of opposition to what is going on.
I’m not deluded at all mate. I am in New Zealand and have been since 1968. I saw the writing on the wall then and wanted out. But from the turn of the century the I have observed a growing movement of resistance to the self-destructive path of Britain. Political patriotism was not something that was around in any credible force when I grew up. It gives me hope.
The British situation is different to the other European countries because the voting system is archaic and not fit for purpose. The “level of opposition” is no weaker than in Europe. It is the tactics that are weak. That can be remedied. Furthermore I’m sure there’s a British Salvini out there somewhere. (and his name is not Farage).
If lessons had been learned we wouldn’t be voting Conservative again.
“Islamophobia is a false construct…”
Student, 22, faces jail after calling for Muslims to be ‘wiped off the face of the earth’
@GWF was trying to say that in normal use “Islamophobia” is a word used as a catchall to *close down anyone criticising aspects of Islam*.
Not so long back in America some nutter tried to kill a bunch of Republican politicians on a golf course.
That guy hated people cos their ideology, enough to kill them.
However Republicans don’t go around throwing around the word “Republicanophobia” to *close down criticism* of their ideology
Looking at the beeb 6 TV news, I was wondering whether -between now and voting day- we will see a bulletin that does NOT start off with Jeremy Corbyn?
The last 5 or 6 have.
There followed a great deal about disability, which was a further chance to have a dig at government. Boris, always on the defensive, being criticised by beeb for this, that or the other.
Brexit Party? Hardly a mention. Beeb are happy that that one appears to be shrinking.
I think Beeb should come out and declare themselves to be a running ad for the Labour Party.
The BBC’s devotion to the EU ‘way if life’ explained…
Our European way of life? Our European way of life? Only if it’s defined by an evening in a seedy Berlin nightclub in the final days of the Weimar Republic. We Europeans – yes, including those of us who are British and pro-Brexit – are tolerant, Mr Verhofstadt, but we are not degenerate.
Arndale shoppers have described how a fireworks prank left people screaming and falling over as they ran for their lives.
The shopping centre was packed with people Christmas shopping when armed police swooped following reports of several loud bangs in the area near the Winter Garden.
Greater Manchester Police confirmed tonight it has been established that ‘a number of fireworks’ were maliciously set off.
Manchester people display an irrational fear of another terrorist attack. Some kind of phobia, I suppose. The Prime Minister will apologise if it can be linked to hurty hate phobia.
I’ve just read that Mahdi mohamud,who went on a stabbing spree at Manchester’s Victoria station last new year’s eve while shouting “Allahu akbar” and “long live the caliphate” has been sentenced to a hospital order instead of prison.
It’s probably better because he can be detained under the mental health act indefinitely rather than prison where he has to be release (unless he’s a political prisoner).
A piece in the Guardian bemoaning the BBC Christmas fare – and seeing the end of the family sitting down watching BBC TV .
Who wants to watch a female doctor who with a virtue signal snowflake script and a ridiculous multi colour multi sex cast thrown together in a BBC exec wet dream ….. no .
And other stuff ? Flogged to death formats and ‘heart warming ‘ revisions of earlier times to fit current snow flake whitee guilt .
Thankfully each Christmas weakens the BBCs cultural place and makes it ….disposable…
Fed, there’s always HM’s Speech. That’s got to be worth standing to attention for the duration or raising a glass in a toast or a celebratory extra chocolate or two or something.
Nigel Farage to Boycott Channel 4 Climate Change Debate, Slams Network’s Left-Wing Bias
Not the BBC but the same funding model.
Tues The Times pg 24
Full page Greenpeace advert calling for Boris to join Climate TV leaders debate
I note they don’t mention Farage just the 5 main socialist parties
TWatO Watch #1 – Try and guess what I was thinking
After Jezza’s ‘car crash & train wreck combined’ session with Andrew Neil last night, the BBC do their best to rescue him by concentrating on Jezza’ statement about the ‘NHS for sale’ with so-called documentary proof followed by Islamophobia in the Conservative Party. TWatO was nearly ignored in the Snuffy household but with some inner steel, loins were girded, armour fitted and the ON switch was activated.
My constant thought during the programme: BBC bias? Well, yes, but no.
My main thought was ‘Our UK Civil Service has gone completely ‘rogue’ and become totally politicised. A Civil Servant must have leaked these documents to Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party purely to influence the result of the General Election and possibly Brexit as well.’
Of course, there was no comment to that effect by the Montacutie. Instead, the BBC played their part.
This was almost 12hrs ago.
It seems… strange…. that given the certainty of this statement, the reaction so far from usually prompt and complementary media has been modest.
The thick plotten.
I’ve got proof that the Labour Party is planning to make GB (not NI) will become a colony of Venezuela. So watch out you Whipsnade residents.
Now Sky.
How Nick will save this one tomorrow will be interesting.
Whaddya mean ??
The document is 451 pages long , that **proves it **
If was only 100 pages long then there’d be doubt
Times like this I hark back to when Milipede’s approval ratings went up when he said nothing and/or got no coverage.
Of course, Laura forged her career on documenting his entry and departure through doors, and travel by train.
Maybe this is what Jez is missing? Along with seat reservations.
Boris the bottler at it again caving in at the first sign of the mention of Islamofauxbia, funny though how he doesn’t resign when the fingers point at him over comments he made about letter boxes.
It’s made worse by the fact it’s obviously something & nothing because they haven’t revealed what was said, and on top of that:
“It is thought that the details emerged in a private phone call, which was recorded and sent to party officials.”
What kind of scummy snake would do a thing like that? Obviously someone she trusted, but if the comments were taped without her knowledge ……….
She was stupid in trusting the phone. It is never secure unless you use secure systems and can absolutely trust the person on the end of the line. . This election is all about winning. A leader does what it takes to do that. She had to go.
“….but if the comments were taped without her knowledge ……….”
But it is the ‘thought crime’ that counts, surely?
The Sun taking the mickey out of Team Corbyn
I was in B&Q today and bumped into the Electoral Commission
..they had 4 trolleys full of whitewash
Wow even soft old left Maajad says “never Corbyn”
Even Channel4’s FatChicks diss the dossier
Our Labour PPC is so stupid she put Jez’ drama video up… last night… after everyone had actually read it and even the usual suspects admitted it was pants.
I posted the Sky one in reply, and the local Momentum rapid response team went into crisis mode and blamed… Murdoch.
Got to give the bbc credit, they know how to make it seem like this punt still has legs…
Stayt and munchshitty acted so biased against matt Hancock this morning, think the beeboids realising thier masters have an uphill battle to glory
There is some up his own bottom person Barry Gardiner (Labour ) on R4 at the moment bigging up the NHS and still saying Tories will sell it
..and he keeps saying “IF we paid the same prices for drugs as USA..then..” IF is the word..although he is let off with it by R4..not that the Tories will but IF…disingenuous..BBC…It was a propaganda piece for Labour..
I agree JamesArthur, we also see the latest yes-but-no-but shysterism over the Labour Brexit stance. Now apparently promising a second referendum (again). They still don’t get it do they?
I really hope that the voters who saw through their machinations stick to their guns and get Boris in with a majority to take us out ASAP!
Not Toady
The Twitter is getting upset because the Conservative party has not agreed a date for bojo to be interviewed /fried by Andrew Neil . Labour is worried that they might swerve Mr Neil and are now saying all the interviews of party leaders should have been recorded and put out when all done .
Great idea if your boss spent 30 minutes looking like an old man with nothing but child pleasing sound bites – and not knowing that a government bond is a debt .
Any way I’m sure Bojo will turn up but I bet CCHQ will make sure the interview goes out when there’s something ‘good ‘ on the TV ….
By the way – I’m told that postal vote forms are starting to arrive so there’ll be plenty of Labour Party criminals busy putting fraudulent crosses in boxes .
Please vote tactically to prevent a lib lab MP in your constituency – whether you ‘like’ the Tories /brexit party or not – hold your nose if you have to but comrade Corbyn cannot must not get power ( this has been an election broadcast on behalf of Fedup )
Actually, Toady this morning sounding very much like a cross between ‘Labour Central’ and the ‘Voice of Labour’, briefing, communicating with and instructing the faithful.
Webb manages to keep ‘a straight face’ on the radio, his voice still doing nothing more than reading out the news. They are flogging the ‘selling off of the NHS’ to death, and then some.
What sort of fools does R4 take us for?
They are off to some lefty college again – a BBC safe space . Yet a Conservative minister is put up for attack by our Justin – who suddenly doesn’t sound bored .
Justin doesn’t understand about bargaining and dealing – he has an agent to do that – poor love wouldn’t get involved with money would he ?
Said cabinet minister holds up well despite the kids in the background sniggering – as the BBC would hope they would – young and dumb – oxford or not .
Kids at the back, maybe.
The picture on the Facebook page shows row upon row of old, white men in jumpers straight out of a Tom Sharpe novel.
There may even have been a duffle coat.
No Jon Snow, mind.
This BBC on-line report by Iain Watson looks to me too much like pro-Labour Party fluff.
‘General election 2019: Labour to change strategy with two weeks to go’
‘The Labour Party is to re-shape their general election campaign strategy – particularly in Leave-voting areas – to try to turn around a stubborn Conservative opinion poll lead.’
It would be stretch to call it ‘news’ since nothing has happened, it’s just chat from ‘Insiders’ who have ‘told the BBC that…’
It would be hard to term it ‘analysis’ since once again nothing has yet happened which you might fairly be able to analyse
Like so many of those fatigue-inspiring late night Newsnight so-called debates which ask ‘where does the Left go from here?’ – it is in fact no more than an in-house Leftist act of thinking out loud. Except this article’s promotion to front page of BBC News on-line in the course of the election campaign is a more biased editorial act.
Anyway, guess what… ‘the party is still seeing its vote drain away in the very places that it needs to retain to deprive Boris Johnson of an overall majority.’ So, quick, all hands on deck !
The BBC usefully inserts a click link right there: ‘Where are the seats that could turn the election?’ Of course they do.
‘Labour’s new plan to reshape their strategy will give a higher profile to shadow cabinet members who back a Leave deal rather than Remain.’
I’m not sure that the Labour Party in itself has the power to give this ‘higher profile’ it will be liasing with friendly media outlets to do so. Guardian, Mirror…. BBC – be sure to be watching carefully to see how this new Labour Party strategy looks on your tax-payer funded national broadcaster.
I bet there won’t be too much coverage of one Evette Cooper Balls _ remainer traitor wandering around her 67% leave constituency …..
As I gear myself up for that long election night I worry how many traitors are going to be re elected just because of the colour of their rosette ……. maybe that should be the least of worries . I just want them to get what they deserve …
Im off Friday 13th so im going to stop up all night and watch the results……should be fun i do hope some of you will also be watching……we can cyber share pop corn.
Im still going for labour winning < 100 seats !!
Labour winning by 100 seats – MADNESS
Interesting how the usually ‘U-turn!’ howling bbc suddenly see a sober ‘change of strategy’.
“General election 2019: Lord Heseltine warns of UK ‘uncertainty’ if Tories win”
\\But Lord Heseltine said he would “vote for British self-interest and those people who are standing in its name”.//
Possibly Vested interest as well as “self interest ?
The ‘certainties’ behind a Jez win do not concern a land owning aristo?
He must be senile. No wonder the bbc keep having him on.
Maybe he and Holly could guest edit the Breakfast sofa?
You’ll find that the traitor heseltine offshores his assets and gifts on a perfectly legal way to relatives . Together with Trusts and other devices when he dies he won’t have much inheritance tax to pay .
Seeing him on TV he is declining quickly but still rubbishing the views of 17.4 decent voters
Soros ‘got to him’.
@Taffman quoted the BBC page exactly
\\But Lord Heseltine said *he would “vote* for British self-interest
and those people who are standing in its name”.//
If Lord Heseltine votes as the BBC suggests he would be breaking the law
Members of the House Of Lords are not allowed to vote in GEs
When Emily Met… a friend.
Rog on a Burleyesque high horse.
Harra’s latest piece is quoting Friends of the Earth
saying the Tories are worst for enviro
His tweet got 27 likes in a country of 60 million people
Matt Ridley called him out on impartiality
“BBC acting as mouthpiece for Friends of the Earth.”
Ridley got 55 likes
Harra hits back … 19 likes
Ward the Big Greenhedgefund PR man , and Doug Parr from well funded multinational POLITICAL lobbying group Greenpeace, turned up to back him
and Chris Stark @ChiefExecCCC retweeted Harra’s first post and then Harra retweeted that endorsement.
.. Thick as these thieves these Greebblob lot are.
I am utterly amazed that the BBC allowed Andrew Neil to
question Jeremy Corbyn. Because absolutely everything
else i on the BBC is slanted towards supporting Labour.
Maybe it’s because Andrew Neil is the 1%
of the BBC whom is balanced in his political presentation.
You’re no more amazed than Corbyn himself who was clearly only prepared for a typical BBC Labour luvvie session and not the proper questions he got.
These stories about “Tory candidate said something on Twitter”
.. Why do the media live in such a different world to the rest of us ?
If you were telling me of such a story story, you’d say she said “XYZ” in a tweet and that’s why she’s been suspended
The BBC say of Flora Scarabello
“The Scottish Conservatives have suspended a Glasgow election candidate after she was accused of using “anti-Muslim language”.
.. That tells me nothing
…except that the thing was probably not that bad otherwise the BBC would have told us.
Likewise The BBC’s story about Lincoln candidate Karl McCartney
The Twitter preview says
“Tory candidate sorry over Tommy Robinson retweets”
Yet the story contains no evidence of him actually retweeting TR
instead news stories from the BBC and others just mention him retweeting a KT Hopkins tweets that showed sympathy to TR
Actually the Asian owned Lincoln news site makes this claim
“A month later, Mr McCartney also shared a letter from Tommy Robinson with his followers in which the extreme right-winger claimed his murder by Islamic prison gangs would spark a revolution.”
Em actually that means Tuner shared a tweet from Raheem Kassam that quoted a long letter from TR in which a small part said
I think deeply about this and for a while now I’ve been sure that I will be murdered for opposing Islam. A scary thought. But not as scary as thinking it will make no difference. Although now I sit here smiling with the belief that my murder would start a revolution, I’m standing laughing out loud — that may seem mad — but knowing this is so satisfying.
I’ve always said I’d sacrifice my life tomorrow if it would end the Islamic takeover of our beautiful land. Our battle is not as simple as against flesh and blood, but we battle a system! A corrupt system. Sitting here gives you so much time to think. We can no longer be looking from the outside in. We must involve our voice and our movement into politics. I have so many plans on what I want to do when I get out. To hear that Geert Wilders travelled and spoke in London is so exciting for me.
I don’t see how TR’s words are supposed to be hatey there.
“I don’t see how TR’s words are supposed to be hatey there.”
“…I’d sacrifice my life tomorrow if it would end the Islamic takeover of our beautiful land.”
Maxi , the words are not hatey
Someone in Thailand might think their village is be taken over by Christian/atheist immigrants
and they would be perfectly entitled to comment on that just as TR did.
*Someone in Germany might think their village is being taken over by Jews and they would be perfectly entitled to comment on that just as TR did*
Yup, they’d be perfectly entitled. You are entirely correct.
Scottish candidate uses anti Moslem language. Boris removes support for her.
Clever boy Boris. So when he licks the boots of Brillo and is asked about Tory islamophobia, he can say ”’O Brillo, I have disowned a kuffir who spoke out against the perfect culture that you and your BBC worship. The Conservative Party will not tolerate Islamophobia and I don’t give a shit about worried parents of children attending concerts in places like Manchester, still less about children being used as prostitutes throughout our land.
And Brillo will demand more of Boris.
BBCnews policy is “Lead with Labour”
10am LOCAL news “LABOUR is looking at a new strategy to appeal to voters who voted LEAVE, we can expect a blitz in the coming weeks ”
.. The effects of Climate Change will be discussed in a summit in Hull today
Is it being held in Land of Green Ginger?.
If I were you, I would look out for anything the bbc claims first.
BBC News
???? Climate change
♻️ Plastic waste
???? Air pollution
???? The nature crisis
Here’s what to look out for in parties’ promises on the environment during the UK general election.
(via BBC Politics)
The British Broadcasting Corporation have failed us all once again. An MEP called Claire Fox made a great speech in the EU Parliament and in the 2 minuets allowed to her. Despite the Brexit Party being the largest single party in the entire EU Parliament, it is not allowed the six minutes allotted to the leaders of the political groupings of other countries. Ms Fox was therefore allocated the two minutes given to selected individual MEPs. She began-“Let’s be honest with our voters at home. This process is a sham.” Part of what Claire Fox said-“It was my first time speaking in front of a full chamber and given the occasion of the Commission’s vote, I think the parliament were expecting a more procedural and welcoming statement, not one of outright hostility to the undemocratic process that selected the Commission.
“The irony was that despite being heckled and booed throughout, I was originally trying to appeal collegiately to my fellow MEPs to be honest with the voters about the democratic deficit. This obviously changed – along with my tone – once I realised that to the ears of the parliament, my statement amounted to heresy.”
Colleagues we are being used as a stage army, marched out today to rubber stamp a thoroughly anti-democratic imposition of top-down power at Commission level.
This parliament is no more than a faux democratic charade used to give a veneer of legitimacy to an illegitimate decision-making process.
We may salve our consciences by rejecting a few bad eggs at bogus commission hearings, but the truth is all we can do is accept or reject from a bunch of pre-selected candidates with no real choice.
“That is true in national democracies but it is a flagrant lie, fake news, and disinformation in relation to the Commission.
Mrs von der Leyen herself was not elevated to her position of power due to people power. The only power on display in her election was a behind the scenes cabal who pushed her forward as a last minute compromise candidate.
And although she only scrapped through, she now has the power to dictate the priorities of Europe. She has the power to impose her agenda on millions of European citizens whether they like it or no. ‘
That is part of what Claire Fox had to say. A great speech under very difficult circumstances-earned he rmoney that day.
The EU Commission has quasi-governmental powers. Yesterday it was ‘elected’ for a five year term. There is not one word about this in the BBC headlines this morning. The vast majority of the British public who rely on the state-funded broadcaster will therefore know nothing about yesterday’s events. Or about the 27 new commissioners that have been voted into positions of great power.
“This EU parliament is no more than a faux democratic charade used to give a veneer of legitimacy to an illegitimate decision making process.” AND many would still want to be inside the membership! Completely Mad.
Claire Fox’s speech. Well done.
tarien – v.d. Leyen made a complete stuff-up of her job as German defence minister and is thus highly qualified for a leadership post in the EU. Critically, she is a pal of Ms Merkel and her circle of ladies (what the Germans might refer to as a Kafeekraenzchen), so no democratic legitimacy is required.
We know it’s even less democratic than our system – one of the many reasons for getting out . I just hope the brexit crew disrupt it as much as possible and just get hated by the rest .
I understand that more than the normal commissars are krauts and macron is upset – which is a good thing .
Musing as to the outcome of the election – if BoJo gets a fair majority I hope he’ll go back and toughen up the leaving sell out.
Obviously if the outcome is close we could face a further GE or withdrawn of A50 in early 2020.
As an aside – I admire the reasoning of comrade McDonnel on his money tree . He says labour can borrow forest full of cash because of low rates
Yet even from my armchair read of economics the pound will drop like a stone pushing up interest rates making the ability of labour to borrow more than difficult .
Is this read right ? Has he been challenged on it ?
Yes fakenewswatcher, Von de Leyen was a very unpopular German defence minister, so my information informs. Can only really say that as Nigel Farage, who perhaps knows the workings of the inner EU better than most; they are bunch of crooks offering the pretence at democrcay. Only interested in what they can get out, and the power it offers. If it survives another 10 yrs I shall be amazed, as the power of Islam intercedes to establish its control.
Tomorrow ChrisMasonBBC starts his new job as chairman of Radio Any Questions
yet today he is promoting the Labour tree planting policy
BTW how much space does 2 billion trees take ?
The UK has around 26 million households
4 trees per house would give 100 million trees
40 would give 1 billion
so 80 trees in each garden would make 2 billion
Bloke on TalkRadio said the acreage is 7,500 sq miles
that 25 times the area of Greater London
2 billion extra is almost doubling the amount of trees we have now
cos now we have 3 billion trees total
Stew – on trees – I’m waiting fir a snow flake campaign to ban the Norwegians from sending a tree to be put up each year in Traf square in thanks for the efforts Blighty made to get their freedom back 1939/1945 …
The reason for the ban will be thats it’s not very Green ….
The BBC have Corbyns tree planting extravaganza featuring heavily on their website, of more interest they also cover Corbyns plans to create some new lovely National parks…
Mr Corbyn says that a Labour government will create 10 new national parks as part of its “Plan for Nature”.
He says the new national parks would come during its first term – with areas being considered including the Malvern Hills, Chiltern Hills, Lincolnshire Wolds and North Pennines”
Oddly (or NOT!) if I understand correctly, the same areas where Labour are threatened being abandoned by their supporters and taking a huge beating in the Election.
Do they really believe we don’t work these slimey snake-oil tactics out!
And here is… ‘helping’… again…
I can see a contradiction with the tree planting plan. According to the 97%, that the Beeb and Jezaa believe with the devoutness of true disciples, by 2070 the entire British Isles will be a baking desert or under water. So the trees would have to be mangroves, seaweed or palm trees.
I think they have all gone bonkers and, along with Prince Charles, believe trees can hear them and once given the vote will support Labour.
All very commendable in planting trees now, but in 2070 there will be councils (if they’ll still exist) who’ll decide to chop them down for the more housing that will be needed ! Bit of a wasted exercise then.
The Lincolnshire Wolds are some of the most productive agricultural land in the country – producing food. Once the area is covered in trees who will produce our food? But if Labour gets into power people will have no money to buy food. People starved through the German inflation – presume that is what Labour wants.
Where will they plant these trees? How many will survive? What accountability will there be – will each sapling be labelled and monitored? Or will it all start innocently enough in a blaze of glory, and just fizzle out, like everything else.
That is why I am highly suspicious of Easyjet’s latest wireless ads – they are merely punting for customers under the “look-at-me-I’m-so-very-green” mantra.
Of course the trees won’t survive. They will have to be cut down to make way for houses and mosques for the increasing numbers of Ropers that they plan to let in.
HYS open !!
General election 2019: Labour to change strategy with two weeks to go
Top rated and BANG ON !!! How wrong the Remainiacs are AGAIN !!!
Posted byDesperate Danon
59 minutes ago
Isn’t it strange that if “Everyone wants to remain now” the two parties pushing remain are doing so badly…..
Hurty words news : the fireman Sam Case
If you have ever worked in a public service job, you will have encountered customers/pupils who have flown off the handle and said hurty words.
What do you do ?
You let it go over your head and get on with your job.
You don’t waste time time worrying about it.
Credible threats are a different matter of course.
So someone send you an angry text message
..he calls up ..and shouts and you hang up
.. then he leaves a ranty voicemail .
What would you do ?
I wouldn’t even listen to the voicemail, cos it’s. just trolling and you don’t feed the trolls.
But in this case after the firechief dropped Fireman Sam on political correctness grounds he appeared on ITV to defend the decision.
The angry guy gets riled, sends an abusive email, makes a call and then leaves an abusive voicemail.
Then what does our cash strapped law enforcement system do ?
Does it knuckle down and concentrate on knife crime and paedophile people ?
Nope, it dragged the guy to court, and then jails him for 10 weeks
that seems like a misuse of public resources to me.
The news stories carry th text of the voicemail, you don’t have to bother to listen to it.
Poor sod. Imagine the scenario .
“Hey up pal, what you in for ? Murder ?? Robbery ? Fraud ?
No, i sent some nasty messages about Fireman Sam !!!
Oh dear . Could be a long few weeks for the fella.
We all know that labour’s usual election claim that the Tories will privatise the nhs (or sell it to the Americans) is a right load of male witches but just imagine if it were true.
What sane person or company would want to buy the money pit that is the nhs.
It’s probably the most inefficient health service in the civilised world and is always crying out for more money.
Even doubling the nhs budget would not stop them wanting more.
Who in their right mind would want the nhs.
Nobody has copied the nhs model.
Everywhere in Europe they have better results than the nhs.
Any American wanting to buy the nhs would very quickly be bankrupt.
The BBC moving its shock troops to Cheltenham today to try to help swing the fairly marginal seat from the Conservatives to the Lib Dems.
I expect this tactic to be a prominent BBC feature for the next couple of weeks…
Look out for visits you folks in Hastings and Richmond for instance!
Lammy holds Stormzy up as some kind of God !! Loves his music, send a great message etc etc blah blah blah …….but doesn’t like his mate Stormzy being quoted tho , cos thats racist according to David !!!
You simply , cannot win with folk like him.
Lammy picked up 7,800 likes for that wrong tweet
vs 386 replies which contest him
possibly half of Lammy’s likes come from bots
and the other half come from Labour activists brainwashed to act like bots
BBC Moaning emole:
Netflix ‘reactivated’ users without permission
Imagine cancelling your subscription to a streaming service, only to discover it taking payments from your account months later. That’s exactly the situation described by some Netflix subscribers who have been targeted by criminals who sell on login details. Because customer data – including billing information – is held on the site for 10 months to allow people to rejoin, hackers can reactivate dormant accounts without knowing users’ bank details, BBC Radio 4’s You & Yours programme has learned. “Criminals had changed my login details completely and had signed me up for the most expensive service,” says Emily Keen, from Oxford. Netflix says the safety of member accounts is top priority and urges members who notice unusual activity to contact the company.
Imagine a SWAT team of fat rozzers backing up a bloke in a C&A anorak pummelling on your recently deceased Mum’s door as you are sorting things out, demanding to see her licence despite TVL having been informed of her passing.