A long week of Far Left BBC bias for those who can stand it . The BBC is trying to make people forget why there is a General Election in the first place and is actively helping the Far Left Labour Party undermine the Conservative message whilst ignoring Brexit .
Midweek thread 4 December 2019
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In all the BBC w/s and R4 coverage, I haven’t hear why Usman Khan was released over a year early. No-one on the BBC in my hearing has asked that important question: why? Or sought an explanation from any former Minister or legal expert.
He was due for early release on parole in 2020, not 2018.
Up2, at a rough guess, time spent on remand ( in prison but allowed own clothing etc)prior to trial, counted, and knocked off the total sentence given by Brian, the appeal judge.
Thanks, CP. That may explain it.
Nearly two years waiting for trial? Our legal system needs some heavy duty reforming.
Up2 many thanks, I like many, hate the system.
Andy Ngo responded with fact to to Chelsea to Clinton’s virtue signalling
“The U.S. is one of the safest countries for trans people. The murder rate of trans victims is actually lower than that for cis population.
Also, who is behind the murders?
Mostly black men.”
dingaling thought crime, Twitter jail and release on the condition that he made a false confession.
Wow. The New Statesman, bible of the left, says that Corbyn is unfit to be PM.
It’s leader article calls him out over anti semitism and his Brexit stance.
Hugely significant electoral news, but it is not yet being reported anywhere on the BBC website. A case of ‘give them time’? Or, more likely, ‘move along folks, nothing to see here….‘
ITBB says The BBC interrupterview. is one of the BBC’s biggest biases.
TheTimes has a full page advert from Sky
promoting their BAME training initiative and Jahreal
Bristol teachers are patrolling hometime streets acting as The Curry Stasi
Pakistani crimbos stash gains London, surprised ?
I have another advert _ Jonathan Smith knows he will never get a job at the BBC or in MSM….
I have another advert _ Jonathan Smith knows he will never get a job at the BBC or in MSM….
Oh look, it’s the BBC fact checkers . Who is it this time ?? Oh, silly me it’s the Conservatives being checked again !!!!
Have Labour or the Greens , even the lib dems made any promises at all recently that might take up some of the “fact checkers” time ????
This is the straw that’s broken this camel’s back.
Honestly I’ve had enough.
I’m going to go quiet on here for the sake of my physical and mental health as well as continuing to avoid the BBBC for the next 9 days.
I hope to God that I wake up next Friday to the type of joyous news I woke up to the day after the referendum, only this time that something comes of it by January 31st.
Goodbye all, see you soon.
Woolwich – very wise- I know the feeling – almost a matter of forcing even a limited amount of BBC poison . Gonna be a long week .
Doobs, since you ask TWatO was quite remarkable (sorry, Motty) today. I’m tempted to do some TWatO Watches but really don’t have time.
Labour were given a hard time for a change.
And the Greenies.
Cheers up2 . A rare event indeed in BBC bubble land.
Antisemitic attack: A rabbi was left “bleeding & dazed” after an anti-Semitic assault by 2 BLACK attackers who shouted “kill the Jews”.
The senior religious leader, who was visiting the UK for a family wedding, was thrown to the ground by 2 men in Stamford Hill at about 9.45pm on Friday
they look pretty dark-skinned..which ethnic stock (correct term?) is on show here?
Judging by the jeans hanging off the arse of the laggard there I think I know the answer (& I ain’t an expert as I live far away from people of colour).
n.b. If said dark-skinned laggard was using his phone at the time of this shot surely it should be possible to use mobile phone records to track him down ..NO!?
Antisemitic attack: A rabbi was left “bleeding & dazed” after an anti-Semitic assault by 2 BLACK attackers who shouted “kill the Jews”…
For the many..not the Jew!
BBC actually cover minor Telford LOCAL news
Telford sex abuse trial: Girl ‘passed around like meat’ – BBC News
A girl who was sold for sex has told a court no action was taken by teachers when rumours of her abuse circulated at her school.
Mohammed Ali Sultan, Amjad Hussain, Shafiq Younas, Nazam Akhtar and Mohammad Rizwan deny wrongdoing.
do I discern a pattern here?..
“Mohammed Ali Sultan, Amjad Hussain, Shafiq Younas, Nazam Akhtar and Mohammad Rizwan deny wrongdoing.”
So why does the artist rendition that BBC is using look more like 5 white men rather than 5 ” Asians” ?
It could just be a poor quality artist or drawing, but cynical people might think it is one of the following three reasons:
(a) A deliberate policy by the media to de-emphasise any criminal accusations against or criminal behaviour by ethnic minorities.
(b) A deliberate policy by the media to de-emphasise any criminal accusations against or criminal behaviour by ethnic minorities.
(c) A deliberate policy by the media to de-emphasise any criminal accusations against or criminal behaviour by ethnic minorities.
Is this an artists impression of the teachers? That would make sense.
PC watch
Hilarious. Even a song promoting miscegenation recorded by a racially-diverse group isn’t safe. Mind you, I think the offending word is “chinkie”.
Interestingly, this reminds me that Cole Porter changed the opening lyrics of “Lets Do It, Let’s Fall In Love” from “Chinks do it, Japs do it, up in Lapland little Lapps do it” to “Birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do it”.
Neither Porter nor Blue Mink realised at the time of composition that the term was offensive rather than affectionate. Even so, I believe a people have the right to their own derogatory terms for others. It’s part of the richness of their language and culture. I would imagine the Chinese, the Japanese and the Sami have similar words for outsiders.
Contacts of Muslim hate preachers actually killed people.
.. therefore it’s False Equivalence to say campaigners against open borders or dogmatic Islam are the same
Anjem Choudary is a Salafi, I’ve written about this Islamic cult before and that it is considered so dangerous that 20 Muslim countries have made it illegal, in some the penalty is death.
Yet in Insanity Island it is protected and celebrated by our idiotic political elites.
Every terrorist action by Jihadis in Europe has been by a Salafist and the elites drone on about moderate Muslims, well the sheep are seperated from the goats so why aren’t they doing anything?
A report out shows that the Leave supporting org are targeting Remain voters in some marginals with Facebook adverts telling them to vote Green.
hoping to split the vote and let in a Brexit candidate.
That’s clever isn’t it ?
Stew – I don’t know about you but I think internet targeting is over valued . Same with opinion polls – particularly the online stuff .
I believe the internet does not reach a sizeable percentage of the voting public .
I also wonder if brexiters are a bit ‘shy’ of admitting it and that they will be voting for a non remain party ….. the ‘shy tory’ is also alive and hiding from the MSM propaganda onslaught …
A bit too optimistic – maybe …
One comment I loved was “Harry you need to be on mainstream TV” ….if only this was possible! This guy is great, level-headed, no bullshit and right on the money.
Won’t be getting a spot on BBC anytime soon though!
The unutterable insidious bias continues.
On BBC 1 6 pm news we have……guess what…..
What random topic havevthey chosen?
Why, a report about the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and a feature from Grimsby about poverty, the homeless, and people struggling to heat their homes.
Implication- vote for cuddly Jeremy who will spend zillions rather than the evil austerity Tories.
The fact that more people are now in work than in our history doesn’t count in the BBC alternative universe, nor the fact that the definition of poverty is so crass that poverty went down in the 2008 financial crisis- simply because there were fewer richer people.
Total crap from our Jezza loving statist broadcaster.
My seat is a toss up between labour and conservative and i believe the tory would have won but the brexit party has a candidate standing so labour will win.
Diane Abbott Tries To Cover Up ..
Did someone say Green Party ?? Did someone mention disabled child ?? Struggle for school place ???
BBC HEAVEN !!!! Nick Robinson just wet his little liberal pants.
I don’t suppose the ‘investigative journalists’ aka lazy middle class left-wingers in what passes as the the BBC ‘news’ room have bothered to check
a. The said school’s actual admissions policy
b. The said school’s oversubscription criteria as identified in the school’s admission policy.
No? Thought not.
Lots of children fail to get into their first preference school. That’s why, in my area, parents get SIX choices.
But none of them are seeking publicity in favour of Left wing causes and narratives.
And this from the leader of a party that supports open borders and unlimited immigration. Let’s how difficult it would be to get his kid into a school if those idiots ever got into power.
Repeat after me , “Diversity is our strength”
mohammed Ali Sultan, Amjad Hussain, Shafiq Younas, Nazam Akhtar and Mohammad Rizwan deny wrongdoing.
Sorry Stew. Just seen you’re earlier post about this.
Well done for posting and highlighting the story. As usual Al-Beeb try to squirrel away such inconvenient news under Regions.
Let’s spoil it for them, shall we?
“The trial previously heard how she had “lost count” of how many men she was forced to have sex with after being groomed when she was 12.”
[Grooming, raping and trafficking eh? I trust our fearless Emily will be grilling the alleged perpetrators on a Newsnight special, followed by Panorama.]
“Prosecutors said she was repeatedly raped on a dirty mattress above a takeaway and forced to perform sex acts in a churchyard…
She said she came forward after recognising images of two alleged attackers, including Mr Ali Sultan, in reports about the Telford sex ring during Operation Chalice.
The jury heard that Mr Ali Sultan has previous convictions for similar offences against young girls, and the girl claimed he threatened her into keeping quiet.
“He knows what he did,” she said, when challenged by his defence, “and I know”.
Mr Sultan, 33, formerly from Telford, faces four charges of indecent assault and one of rape. The jury was told he already had convictions for “similar offences against young girls”.
Mr Hussain, 38, of Acacia Drive, Leegomery, is accused of forcing the victim to perform oral sex on two occasions.
Mr Younas, 35, of Regent Street, Wellington, is accused of the same offence, said to have taken place in the same churchyard.
Mr Akhtar, 35, of Victoria Avenue, Wellington is accused of raping the girl in a lane, alongside Mr Sultan and Mr Hussain, and is also said to have urinated on her in an act of humiliation.”
Never mind relegating this to the local news, it should be headline news on TV. Disgusting pieces of sh*t should be deported after serving sentences.
One day there needs to be a day of reckoning, when those involved in these crimes need to be called to account. Not just those who actively participated in the vile deeds, who presumably (hopefully) will have already been subject to justice, but those in authority who ‘turned a blind eye’, failed to act, suppressed the information or helped create the circumstances under which they came about. This includes the state broadcaster. This would be analogous to the Truth and Reconcilation councils held in countries such as South Africa, El Salvador and East Timor.
And no, as at Nuremburg, “I was only obeying orders” would not be considered a valid excuse.
the (in) famous five!..
Never hear about any families these alleged monsters have . The MSM give them and their ‘ communities ‘ a free pass. There wasn’t much from the family of the London Bridge Islamic terrorist murderer apart from ‘ sorry ‘…,, please tell me if I’m wrong as I’m rationing myself on conventional news outlets … ( perhaps you can list the comments max)
“Pound surges to two-year high against the euro”
Broadcasting that news must have stuck in their craw. Me thinks that they have been reading my previous posts ?
“Census row: Major survey to be changed over Welsh ethnicity question”
Why the Welsh Assembly is a bureaucratic white elephant talking shop, wasting our money.
Education in a mess, health in a mess . That’s why it should be abolished .
Obviously the difference between Question 16 and Question 17 is too difficult for people to understand.
Just replace it with one question: Do you hate the English? (the preferred immigrant group of Plaid Cymru, SNP and the BBC Party!)
22:35pm BBC Radio3 Another ani-meat item
Maia Elliott of the UK’s Global Food Security programme, describes her work to try to make future food supply more reliable for all.
She describes her own food habits and the possible ways all of our diets might have to change in the future.
‘Yes UK meat is grass fed and quite good ecologically
but Western-diet-bad cos it encourages people in other countries to eat meat and they don’t have grassland
..so we have to stop eating meat, to deter them from copying us’
Media Lens is a left wing outfit but nevertheless interesting because it picks out BBC bias on a ‘global’ stage –
Bias of a trivial though personal nature – State Broadcaster Breakfast won’t anchor the national weather forecast at a fixed time. I’ll more often than not miss it (and have no interest in watching/listening to the surrounding padding). What a waste of electricity; it’s a wonder XR aren’t compelled to glue themselves to the red sofa.
I said to my wife, bet you a pound, when we login to bbc news the first picture will be old Corbyn, I have won a pound, looks like the old duffer is having a haircut
BBC Moaning Emole brings us the top news.
Radio 1’s first blind presenter
“I’m a small, blind, ginger woman from Birmingham,” says Lucy Edwards. The 23-year-old will also become Radio 1’s first blind presenter when she takes over the late morning slot on 28 and 29 December. The YouTuber and freelance presenter was one of 35 people, including students, podcasters, a tattooist and shop manager, chosen following a Radio 1 and 1Xtra search for presenters to take over the airwaves for five days over Christmas. What can listeners expect? “We’ve got my lovely guide dog Olga at my feet. We’ve got cute, cuddly vibes. We’ve got some amazing tunes to be played.”
Clearly the departure of Chris Evans left a massive diversity void.
It will be more impressive when they have a deaf presenter. A proper deaf person – not the tone-deaf ones they’ve been using for the past 50 years.
Ian, that’s no way to talk of the late, great, Brian Matthew. 😉
Seconded . Rip
Matthew died of pneumonia on 8 April 2017 in London.[19][20] Four days before his death, the BBC had reported that he had died, but later corrected this, saying he was critically ill.[21] He is survived by his wife and their son.[4]
Ha ha – Ian I wondered if I had the courage to write that but you beat me ?
In this age of ‘ streaming ‘ what purpose to ‘ music ‘ stations have ( I never listen to R1 R2 or any of them as I stream )….?
Not the bbc.
When you have to send the A team and Diane is still ‘busy’.
They should do a charity mastermind – angie , Diane Abbott , Lammy and dawn butler , becki wrong -daily with questions for 12 year olds .
All government ministers next week if the BBC gets its way ….
Is angie the British AOC ?
Nice mix.
At least they faced the old white guy away.
“B-Ark” businesses?
TOADY Watch #1 – The Killer Question Unasked
Measles in Samoa with Dr Susan Bedford (hope I got that right) and JustRemainIn Webb. We hear that there was an inoculation error in Samoa and two babies died from MMR but that the Government there stopped all MMR vaccination instead of using the separate vaccinations for measles, mumps and rubella.
Justin did not ask why the single vaccines were not offered instead.
Instead, he seemed keen to promote the spectre of some Anti-Vax Campaign or Anti-Vaxxing groups.
The BBC should be really clear on this: there is a simple alternative to the MMR vaccine. It is the traditional separate vaccinations.
Why are the BBC colluding with ‘government’ around the world to try to keep this so-called ‘anti-vaxxing campaign’ going. There is a simple, straightforward way to stamp it out. Offer the alternative vaccines.
No questions asked by the BBC. No journalistic integrity whatsoever.
You can no longer trust the BBC.
VD knows who she likes.
Of course, inviting two who agree with each other, and the bbc, on the key election issue, might be a factor in her ‘joy’.
So VD is concerned about the elderly and mentally ill.
That looks oddly like a Labour Party political poster.
Guest – actually every politician is culpable for not sorting out Elderly Care – Social Care sounds more ‘ sanitised ‘ to me when the reality is whether someone old and infirm gets the help they need to have some quality of life.
Meanwhile the tax money which should be spent on them is peed away on the obscene overseas giveaway budget . 13 billion a year .
And it’s right – the Tories do not have promise about it in their manifesto . They just needed to implement Dilnott .
These two are nothing like across the Political divide, they agree on almost everything!
Both of them are centre left socialist remainers.
TOADY Watch #2 – Caroline Lucas is anti-vegan!
Yes, you read it right: Caroline Lucas is anti-vegan.
The Green Party want 20% of the UK to be turned into National Parks in order to preserve and conserve wildlife.
Only about 11% of the UK is built environment. A large proportion is at some degrees to the horizontal (from memory – may be faulty – about 35 to 40%) and is inhospitable, remote & wild and is not suitable as a wide range wildlife reserve or as a National Park. That leaves farmland.
The IPCC want us all to go vegan to reduce Global Warming and Climate Change. That means all flat and gently rolling lowland needs to be turned over to arable crops. If the Green Party want one-fifth of the UK to be turned over to recreational parks then it is a simple choice: no Parks and go vegan v. eat cows farmed on upland and have new National Parks.
Martha actually asked a good question of Caroline Lucas. “What about public access to the parks, it has caused congestion elsewhere?” Caroline Lucas immediately answered, in effect, that you will only be allowed to visit these new National Parks via public transport.
Martha did not then ask if that would involve building new railway lines where there is no rail or road access and what CO2 emissions would be caused by that.
I wonder why?
An opportunity missed.
The beeb put on their serious frowny face to ask ‘What’s behind the wave of Middle East protests?’
Much waffle but no real answers.
I guess it’s just one of those mysteries, like ‘what’s behind cruel, backward, corrupt and medieval regimes in a swathe of countries from North Africa to Pakistan; what’s behind the oppression of women and minority religions in those countries; what’s behind worldwide terrorism; what’s behind child rape and grooming gangs; what’s behind the rise in antisemitism’, etc.
If only there were some common denominator.
TOADY Watch #3 – Bee Lady is Back Bright as a Button Not
Chatting with Sajid Javid (Con) who wishes to be presenting a traditional February Budget in 2020 in the prime interview slot at 8.10am. Brexit and tax cuts were part of the mix.
Needless to say the $64million question was not asked: “How can you promise tax cuts, when you will have to pay €40 billion or more to the EU in 2020?”
I wonder why?
8:30am Radio Lincolnshire news led with
“After lasts week’s terrorist attack the Lincoln Christmas market will have armed police and anti-vehicle barriers”
but otherwise it was the same as Radio Humberside who broke the rule about Leading with Labour and instead led with
“today the Tories have promised that after the election everyone will get free full English breakfast.”
which was quickly followed by
“And Labour have announced that after the election everyone will get free full English breakfast, bake beans, toast, spam and a cuddly toy.” and then they played an authorative voice from London repeating that.
Interestingly earlier news opened with
“both main parties have laid out their final election promises”
Me either.
But one might suspect a very small bubble has a wee titter amongst themselves.
Oh that
Boris Johnson asked if he takes Donald Trump seriously after being caught on camera apparently laughing at him.
“That’s complete nonsense and I don’t know where that’s come from,” he says.
Before commenting, just want to see what ex-Newsnight anchor James has come out with as a crowd pleaser here…
Ah, the usual.
Next up, Paul Mason.
If they’re so sure Andrew Neil has a right wing bias, then why on earth do all these loons keep insisting that Boris should be interviewed by him?
R4 Women’s Hour was adding to its Stop Brexit campaign by coming live from Northern Ireland “where it is likely that some Remain parties will pick up some DUP seats”
They spoke about the new law that decriminalises abortion in Northern Ireland.
So what do you think now happens ?
Do N Irish women have abortions in NI ?
Nope, ‘the system is not yet ready so in the interim , the government cover the transport and accommodation costs of sending women to have the procedure in ENGLAND”
Well since abortion is legal in Eire why doesn’t the NHS contract it to southern Irish hospitals ?
“For the nation’s young, Relationships and Sex Education teaching in this country has been an unmitigated disaster.
Epidemic level STDs amongst teenagers, with the highest rate of infections across the board amongst the 15-24 age group;
The highest teenage pregnancy rate in Western Europe;
The highest teenage abortion rate in Western Europe;
4,500% increase in the number of children seeking gender reassignment treatment over the last few years. 80% are girls.
Furthermore, according to research published this year by YouGov, 16% of UK teenagers now identify as bisexual. In 2015 the number was 2%. Stonewall have said that it’s great to see the increase in numbers since 2015. But they warn there’s still a lot to be done”
Voice for Justice.
Thanks BlackAsian Broadcasting Corp, our most trusted Marxist State Broadcaster. As Brucie would say, “Didn’t they do well!”
Just goes to show what happens when the Marxist BABC put their shoulders behind a campaign…………..
Is comparin one country to another relevant ?
Would it be better to look at the results for demographics within each country be useful ?
That might show us if any particular groups or areas are particularly prone.
I’ve already cast my postal vote for the Brexit Party but I’m very disappointed by how poorly the conservatives are doing in their election campaign.
They seem half interested and not really bothered.
If they do get in, there are 3 things they must do:
Sort out the complete left wing bias of almost all the media with the bbc out in front. It should be monitored by capable impartial monitors and not the current lefty mob.
Sort out the postal fraud vote which gives labour and their enriching hordes so many opportunities to increase the labour vote. We all know of several examples.
Sort out the boundaries which give labour about 30-40 seats advantage. If labour and Tory percentages were the same, labour would win many more seats.
This was supposed to happen but somehow didn’t.
Lots more changes need to happen such as changing to a system where your vote counts. Instead of voting for someone you don’t want to keep out someone you don’t want even more, you should be able to vote for who you do want and your vote should then count.
Fuzzy democracy I think it’s called. A sort of PR vote.
They should replace the left wing electoral commission with an impartial one.
I think a Tory win is the best we can hope for although it’s not very inspiring (their version of Brexit) but they need to get a grip.
They are hopeless, just like May in the last election.
I think they are hoping for a hung parliament so that they can get out of doing brexit.
just counting the number of leaflets arriving thru my door
BP 1 (fair enough they dont have the macinery of the other parties)
Limp-Dumbs 3
Liebour 5
Torys 1
correct the torys dont seem to be trying very hard
One word about yesterdays NATO celebration. As usual of course the media once again reported by the pro-EU media in the UK and Europe in negative fashion. President of the United States is now threatening punitive trade sanctions against the EU’s dominant economy – Germany. Why? You might ask -Germany has a $147 billion dollar deficit on an under spend on defence-In the same period the UK has spent $16.2 billion MORE on defence than the required NATO minimum
The other EU members of NATO have under spent on defence by a total of -$446 billion dollars
And of all of this is only in the last 5 years, not including the decades before that.
The new EU Commission President was German Defence Minister for all this time.
Presiding over the massive under spend on defence by Germany in those five years was Ursula von der Leyen. Frau von der Leyen is now the new EU Commission President, replacing Jean-Claude Juncker. Not voted in just rubber stamped. No wonder Merkel is wetting her pants or should be, with the USA imposing trade sanctions and the UK leaving-about time the other EU nations got up and spoke their piece.
Dear Winston Smith at the BBC Complaints Department twinned with the Ministry of Truth as authored by your previous employee Eric Blair,
If the BBC is causing mental anguish by producing News that contradicts reality then should it extinguish itself or at least give people the choice of paying the BBC rather than forcing them to pay a BBC TV TAX under Government protection and threat of prosecution (est. 180,000 in 2017)?
Maybe you can do a BBC programme on it?
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4963895-3HKGDN: Tommy Robinson: Are you reporting on him?.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
He had won the victory over himself. He pulled the “Jerry Christmas” jumper* over his head and felt the warmth that Labour would bring now and in the future, free and at no cost to no one.
(reference to Orwell 1984)
* RRP £35. Jumper possibly made in China.
Shocked : what some Brexit MEPs were Tory plants
shocked not
On Talk Radio ever Tory-boy Mike Graham is being insufferable
as he pretends the Brexit Party have finished.
If the BBC and the polls are to be believed both the ilLib unDems and the Brexit party are not doing as well as (I would have) expected
So Matt Baker is on his way out of the BBC One Show
Shall we open a book on bets for his replacement?
They should bring back Tonight. It used to do reports that were actually interesting. It even had a ‘person of colour’ that had managed to master the English language and sing songs of humour, not hate!
What about a quiz show where Emily maitliss is pitted against someone and has to get through 30 minutes without asking a question but telling the adoring audience how super she is and what to think ? …. call it …… newsnight …..
Digg – when I heard this sad news I thought 1. Who is Matt Baker and 2. what is the one show ?
Then I thought – maybe I should put up a separate thread about Matt for writers to be allowed to express their emotions …and then I thought ..this is News ?
As for a replacement – that girl ‘ash ‘ someone -or is it ‘nish ‘ ? – who apparently is a communist and fornicates ( so she claims ) like a person. Of casual morals – should meet the requirement . Also sounds quite cheap .
Otherwise James Abbott – public school , Trinity Camb. and famed for his alleged biting comments …. well coonected too – his mum knows the PM in waiting …
This edited article from The Speccie and The Sun tells us nothing we on this site didn’t already know, but is evidence that the world is waking up to the hideous beeb’s bias in its so-called comedy shows.
“Why must comedians like Nish Kumar and Jo Brand be anti-Tory and anti-Brexit to get ‘approved’ by BBC?
The disastrous reception given to comedian Nish Kumar at yesterday’s Lord’s Taverners’ lunch is a sign that the maintained sector of British comedy has fallen victim to lazy groupthink and general mediocrity.
Kumar, who was booed offstage by his mainly provincial, small ‘c’ conservative audience – albeit at a swanky London venue – had made the mistake of rolling out the usual, anti-Brexit, anti-Tory observations that are usually lapped up by the live audiences of his BBC show The Mash Report. And he got a bread roll thrown at his head for his troubles.
BBC-approved comedians now dominate the maintained sector of British comedy. Auntie is the superpower of sponsored satire, scattering munificence in the direction of any up-and-coming talent with a neat line in attacking approved targets – the patriarchy, Brexit, Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson, Tories, country sports enthusiasts, royalists and Priti Patel. You get the picture.
…the roll call of conventional liberal-left comics who pop up on the BBC: Ed Byrne, Dara O’Briain, Marcus Brigstocke, Jolyon Rubinstein, Sandi Toksvig, Mitchell and Webb, Mark Steel, Mark Thomas, Jo Brand, Andy Parsons, Russell Howard and Stewart Lee. These and others form a rolling cast list for the BBC’s many radio and TV comic panel shows and sketch shows. All too often, they trot out the same takes again and again to approving titters from audiences apparently bussed in en-masse from north London.
Thankfully there is the beginning of some salvation at hand. An “independent sector” is sprouting up, taking advantage of social media to push out content and hosting free-thinking comedy nights. Lee Hurst, a veteran comic whose own broadcast career was curtailed when his peer group learned he was no longer reliably left-wing, is an important patron of the scene.
In performers like Williams, Norcott, Evans, and Titania McGrath satirist Andrew Doyle – as well as more free-wheeling left-wingers like Francesca Martinez and Rob Delaney – we are seeing the makings of a new “alternative comedy” scene.
My advice is to seek them out, ditch the BBC and have a laugh.”
What’s wrong with having comedians who don’t make cheap and unfunny jokes about politics – be they left or right wing?
In fact, this is something of a recent phenomenon and , of course, can be largely blamed on the BBC and as Patrick O’Flynn suggests.
Can’t you just see the big problems looming for the dogmatic, dictatorial EU?
Visegrad 4 v EU shortly…………..
It’s all shaping up very well for the ultimate demise of the EU
Merkel invited them unilaterally … germany should take them ALL
Absolutely. As well as any other EU members who want to shed their surplus.
Where the tears for leaving the show, or the salary?
I usually have to fight back tears if I ever watch it.
I usually have to fight back tears if I ever watch it.
I usually have to fight off the nausea.
His Female BME replacement has yet to be named…..
an ‘adult’ version of Blue Peter
I would hope they addressed the pay gap by lowering Matt’s pay.
They could have settled the matter by giving her the boot and telling her to find a job that pays as much in the real world.
Truth be told if these jobs were open to normal people, at the rate she was/ is being paid there would be a queue around the block and most would do it for half the price. And probably do a better job.