A long week of Far Left BBC bias for those who can stand it . The BBC is trying to make people forget why there is a General Election in the first place and is actively helping the Far Left Labour Party undermine the Conservative message whilst ignoring Brexit .
Midweek thread 4 December 2019
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From The BBC News Page:
The wreck of a World War One German battle cruiser has been located off the Falkland Islands, where it was sunk by the British navy 105 years ago.
And heres me thinking its called the Royal Navy……
As we speak Gavin Esler is writing directly to Lord Tone to get whoever failed to refer to the clearly still disputed Islands as ‘Las Malvinas’ fired, Carole-pronto. Allegedly.
If the Tories don’t get a workable majority, after the GE, then we can kiss goodbye to any form of Brexit. In a PR system the Brexit Party would gain seats but in our peculiar electoral system, of first past the post, they could poll millions but gain nothing. This would be to the detriment of the Conservatives, especially in those marginal seats they need to win to form a government. Boris might not be everybody’s cup of tea, and be many of the things that his critics accuse him of but, let’s face it, he is our only real hope of implementing the result of the referendum.
“……only real hope of implementing the result of the referendum.”
Sure. Elect them again. That’ll teach em.
upandatem. I totally agree. Although now (apart from one independant) the only Brexit choice I have is Conservative. At least he was a leave campaigner, but voted in linke with Johnson on all of May’s votes.
However, if I still had a choice I would have been in a dilemma as TBP would have been the true Brexit vote, but if Johnson isn’t a majority PM in December then Brexit will be history. Things could get very nasty I feel if that happened.
Monkey pox, the BBC takes us through some details:
Monkeypox diagnosed in UK for first time
8 September 2018
Monkeypox: Heathcare worker is third UK case of disease
26 September 2018
UK patient diagnosed with monkeypox
4 December 2019
The ‘UK patient contracted the infection while visiting Nigeria’.
This latest report smells heavily of rat … wouldn’t anyone receiving treatment in a British hospital be termed a ‘UK patient’ no matter what their nationality? Do the BBC intend us to believe that the patient is a UK citizen? If s/he is not a UK citizen then why are they being treated here?
Strange also that, this morning, the doctor consulted about the disease on Nick Ferrari’s LBC programme seemed to draw little distinction between monkey pox and SMALLPOX. Isn’t diversity wonderful!
Oh woe!
Lucy Harris MEP has left The Brexit Party. 🙁
No chance of me joining now if I’ve only got Ann Widdicombe to sit next to at Conference.
Absolutely predictable. Compared with UKIP, the strategy of the Conservatives differed given the time constraints. With UKIP they played the long game, inserting Fifth Columnists to disrupt whereas, with TBP they had little time so, to infiltrate with their people doing so quite openly was the only strategy. I quote John Longworth: ‘We didn’t know what, “Changing Politics for Good” meant. If I’m not mistaken, as taken from the same stable as, ‘the working (simple) man did not know what they were voting for in 2016’.
That’s how dishonest the Conservatives are.
G, I don’t know whether ‘anything has been offered’ or what has happened. I can guess that there is possibly a lack of good sub-leadership in The Brexit Party.
We now know that all sorts of people infiltrated UKIP including journalists and Labour Party people.
I was a bit surprised at that Longworth statement but he also sounded a bit bitter. I guess there might have been some squabbles in the lower ranks, especially while Nigel Farage is away touring the UK campaigning on behalf of TBP.
As to dishonesty of Conservatives, we have to face facts that a majority of the MPs and Peers are Remainers. They hold tremendous sway in the Party hierarchy and in the two Houses. John Bercow comes to mind, as an example. I would not be surprised if a similar proportion of local Party Chairmen are also Remainers although I suspect that the Grays Lorry tragedy might just have woken up a few Local Chairs with the horror of all that.
The Conservatives may be dishonest but my political antennae feel that they are less dishonest than the Labour Party and far less dishonest than the LibDems, ChangeUK, Plaid Cymru and SN Parties who are now all essentially fascist Parties.
The BBC coaching people who want to vote but don’t want to go on the electoral register and for one reason or another want to remain anonymous….
Wonder why and who might they be trying to help out?
Scraping the barrel?
@FedUp said “Stew – I don’t know about you but I think internet targeting is over valued”
The internet world can be quite different from what the narrative is
eg a Search Engine Optimization guy might tell a customer that 700 people viewed his web page, but that can be like 100 real people and 600 bots.
So Facebook advertising might similarly being viewed by lots of fake accounts.
What works is ‘day after day’
We expose BBC bias day after day such that it is undeniable
And on sites like ours there is often a hell of a lot more reader than you think.
e.g. If 20 people comment, there can actually be 120 actually reading or even more. Cos for some reason most people do not participate in the discussion.
Now ‘day by day’ is the kind of brainwashing that school teachers and the BBC and religions use , but it can end up be very counterproductive
I meet plenty of kids that are pro Brexit And anti-Greta cos they have seen through the constant brainwashing m
When Labour wins the election next week, the Queen’s speech will be shifted to 5am Christmas morning.
.. This had all been planned and prepared .. it’s just that Comrade Corbyn hadn’t got around to announcing that yet.
So when he said he watches the Queen’s Speech on Christmas morning he wasn’t lying.
… or is it Gretasmas ?
I turn the page and it tells me that Corbyn says
“I will hand over Chequers to a homeless family”
..that makes it sound like its an entire middle Eastern clan.
It’s funny that Labour didn’t do that last time it was in power.
And indeed most of its MPs have still been claiming for 2 homes.
Stew apparently under a ‘ chequers act’ if HMG gives it up – it reverts to ….. America.
Stew, I couldn’t get a reply to my letter to John Healy (Lab) when he was Housing Minister. He had been on R4 (probably TOADY or TWatO) making some weasel comments and excuses about Labour’s 1997-2010 lack of new build houses and new build Council houses.
I asked him why Labour were still allowing Council tenants the right to buy their houses but were continuing with the Thatcherite restrictions including preventing the Local Authority concerned from re-investing Council house sale proceeds in building new Council housing stock.
I can sort of understand why John Healy did not want to answer that question and reply to my letter.
I can also understand why former Labour voters might be turning their backs on the Labour Party candidates next week.
I think you’ll find Christmas will be renamed ‘ the people’s festival ‘ . Boxing Day becomes ‘ anti capitalist day ‘ and 2020 becomes Year Zero .
The Biased BBC site becomes The Education Service or maybe “The unbiased state broadcaster “site – comrade.
Pagan? That’s what most of the population is. I have friends who claim to be Christian; RC, CoE; and when I speak about what’s actually in the Bible and what it means to be Christian, they haven’t a clue and one friend ( proper friend, not someone on social media, which I don’t have); got so upset he left the room to calm down.
The whole country is falling away from God and His patience won’t last forever. Eventually He’ll remove His protection and literally all hell will break loose.
I believe that’s what’s in store for us..
j-i-c, funny but I have just been searching for this –
– as I was going to incorporate it into a further reply to G above.
The Rector makes a hard-hitting point about Jonah midway through, similar to you . Worth a listen. I reckon the message was prophetic in all the correct senses of that word.
December worshippers?
BBC website:
General election 2019: How do Grimsby’s food bank users want to vote?
The BBC are lugging around food banks again trying to see who votes for who. One guy says he likes what Boris is saying and we do not see him again. Someone says he is switching to Labour and gets more airtime.
The presenter seems to try too hard to get everyone to say that they will vote Labour!
Also a story ‘Staff testimony given to Labour anti-Semitism probe’ looks like it is very quickly being moved down the page!
The foodbank is in the BBC minibus full of “young people”
cos every other vox pop is “lets see what young people think”
I owe #Jewish community an apology over my letter on #Antisemitism writes former #Labour MEP – and #JeremyCorbyn supporter – Michael McGowan.
has the BBC reported that ?
“I am sorry and accept that I was wrong to state that Chief Rabbi Mirvis had no knowledge of the Jewish community in Leeds and accept that many people in the Jewish community are genuinely concerned that a Labour government would be a threat to the Jewish way of life and religion”
I smell a rat. Lance Forman on Talk Radio claiming that he has left The Brexit Party because he believes that TBP will split the vote and install Corbyn in No.10. He is asking dyed in the wool Labour voters, who want Brexit, to “hold their noses” and vote Conservative. The radio host is pushing the narrative that this is the demise of TBP. I think these infiltraitors (deliberate spelling) have been planning this all along.
I think the Conservatives want the Brexit Party out of the way so they can get their majority and bastardise Brexit or disappear it altogether.
Dyst, I think Nigel Farage is basically a decent bloke who wants to achieve one thing: get the UK fully independent again.
I think that like Bojo (and probably Cummings as well, and Margaret Thatcher before them) he doesn’t do 1. detail, 2. in-house political argument, and, 3. deal well with Party administration, concensus and rebels. He does sound-bites and campaigning really well. He’s good at spotting the fallacious arguments that the media and opponents put up and nailing them with another sound-bite.
He shot his mouth off too soon, before a nascent The Brexit Party had really been formed and all the hard work been done of vetting all members and, especially, candidates and Part security and administration. Nigel Farage has left a lot of people disappointed, myself among them, with The Brexit Party.
I expect Farage will resign – again – before Christmas.
I know this was mentioned here this morning though State Broadcaster is sticking with British Navy instead of Royal Navy in one of its front page click bait items.
I wonder if these days Spain is still allowed an armada in tax funded la la land?
Is Royal Navy not the old name ?
… now its known as BITS
Britain Immigrant Taxi Service
or as some wag said earlier..the Border Farce!
looks like Lady Di effectively buried her son’s misdemeanors on Al Beeb:
“Reflections on Usman Khan” by Gavin Ashenden
An important article. Part of its conclusion:
“…one of the reasons why Jack Merritt’s dad’s hope that politics could be kept out of his bereavement failed, is that unlike any other religion, Islam is political. It is hybrid. It’s half a religion and half a political and military way of life. Most people in the West, knowing almost nothing about it, think of it as if it were an Arabic form of Judaism or Christianity. But it isn’t.
The Times last Tuesday carried a photo of Usman taken a few years ago carrying a banner “Islam will dominate the world.” That is a perfectly respectable Islamic view. For in Islamic thought the world is divided into two areas. Dar al-Islam, theworld of peace which is where Islam dominates and everyone lives according to Islamic values; and dar al-harb, the territory of war, which is everywhere else that has not yet submitted to Islam, but will. Islam has three major strategies. Immigration, birth rates and violence.
Because the West treats Islam as if it were only a system of piety, instead of being both a religion and a political way of life as ambitious for world domination as any other group who have set out to achieve it, be they Romans, Marxists or Nazis, we misunderstand Islam, and Usman Khan.
By imposing words like extremist, or terrorist or radical on Umsan and his friends, or on Isis and its members, we deceive ourselves. You can’t de-radicalise a Muslim who is being faithful to Islam’s political and cultural ambitions, because he’s not been radicalised in the first place. He might have been energised, or inspired or enthused, but not ‘radicalised’. Isis is not ‘extremist’. It is behaving in a way that is faithful to Islamic values, theology and the example of Mohammed.
A sudden glimmer of that realisation has presented itself to some of our politicians, but the implications of this are so problematic that the media and most people neither want to know, or be told…
And how many of them are there? Gilles de Kerchove, the EU’s anti-terrorist coordinator estimates 25,000 in the UK alone of whom 3,000 are under daily surveillance by MI5 &6. If that’s true, where do we go from here?”
Devout Muslims
It has been a couple of days now and the BBC’s website election coverage has still not published one paragraph about the New Statesman – bible of lefties – refusing to endorse the Labour Party and stating clearly in its editorial comment that Corbyn is unfit to be Prime Minister.
My wife, who tries to calm me down on all things BBC bias, said she didn’t think it was that newsworthy anyhow.
To which I said: “ But if it was The Spectator telling its readers not to vote Tory and that Boris is unfit to be PM, you can bet the BBC would be reporting it big time.”
Anyway, this week’s Spectator does give its editorial opinion – vote Tory, it says. BBC silence all round then….
BBC give their random outrage generator a spin on the home page complaining about an ad. Man buys wife an exercise bike for Christmas; wife appreciates gift; BBC trawls Twitter to find someone moaning about [–ism].
—”Some people complained it is sexist for a man to give his wife an exercise bike for Christmas, as it suggested he wanted her to lose weight. Others noted that – despite claims the bike has “changed” her – the already slim actress who plays the main character looks exactly the same.”
Next up on the BBC (probably): Why are rates of depression soaring in British men?
Tomorrow is my birthday.
Wife has bought me an Aldi power tool. Sons have too.
She will see results down the line.
More happiness.
Happy birthday, Guest!
TVM. So far, so good.
Happy birthday GW. I’ve just been to Aldi, I didn’t get any power tools but I did buy some salami.
I think my shopping is toxically masculine
Sorry TM, pressed Report (again!!) instead of reply! Only to say that Mrs W said I should buy my own Chrissy present – does a Bosch Belt sander sound good?? Arrived yesterday – I’m sure she will wrap it very Chrismassy!!
More climate hysteria that the Arctic has allegedly warmed by 0.75C in the past decade.
Take a look at this because I don’t recall this much ice cover for quite some time:
I will just leave this here
mr spock an everything for proper scientific proof
it wont embed for some reason , but will cut and paste fine
Meanwhile Aus is burning!!
And those kids in the USA will never see snow again
Thoughtful, is that a picture of Father Christmas smoking or vaping at the top-right of that illustration?
Shock! Horror!
Where are the Health Police?
At least the Little Elves, busy around his feet, have all gone ‘Green’.
On the other hand, that may be because the smoke is making them feel sick.
You’re absolutely right Up2!
You have to sit back, slightly close both eyes, (very blurred at this time of day), and definitely, there’s the old man, puffing away at a Capstan Full Strength!
I suppose its an ad for Christmas-flavoured vaping stuff!
Well spotted!
The BBC has proudly announced that it is to promote people to senior management positions because of the colour of their skins .
It seems the current bias is toward those of a brown tint . I’m sure other colours will be along shortly .
Not exactly in the spirit of Martin Luther King is it ?
The BBC have a dream too: that one day hideously white faces will be totally expunged from its studios and executive suites. Hallelujah, Glory Be!
A Record number of illegal immigrants arrive but how is it reported ?…………..
’79 Labour voters make the hazardous crossing to UK to participate in the forthcoming elections’?
’79 doctors and engineers arrive on our shores to make a positive contribution to the economy’?
’79 people flee the murderous regime in poverty-stricken France in search of liberté, égalité, fraternité’?
’79 islamic missionaries travel to UK to spread the message of peace and tolerance’?
‘Absolutely none of the latest 79 arrivals come for the easy welfare handouts or to bring their families at a later date.’?
6:50pm local news ..Local primary school girl hero
…. what’s the buzzword ?
FOODBANK .. she has collected 30 bags for the local one
that day after day brainwashing
.. keep subtly pushing that idea “Tories austerity , food banks”, “Tories austerity , food banks”,
never mind the BBC dross..read:
scroll down and read the comments in particular Peter Evans’ comment (about 8 hrs ago now). Spot on..& also note this article that he alludes to:
A good article and comments, from which 2 lines stand out:
“How hashtags, vigils and flowers are used to steer the public towards grief instead of anger.”
“Because this catastrophe is always threatening to spill into open conflict, ultimately in civil war, the indigenous, law-abiding population must be thwarted at every attempt they make to oppose and protest against the liberal elite’s cataclysmically failed multicultural experiment. Savage hate speech and hate crime laws will be drafted and mercilessly implemented to suppress and silence the law-abiding native population.”
You have been warned.
“General election 2019: Nigel Farage hits out at ex-Brexit Party MEPs over Tory support”
So The Brexit party loses a few MEPs. Someone remind me how many Conservatives jumped ship a few weeks ago ?
When the General Election was called and Mr Farage announced he had candidates for all constituencies, I remember saying on at least one blog site that some of them will be infiltrators from other parties. And that they would bide their time to inflict maximum damage to the Leave vote.
That’s what’s just happened with this Annunciata woman and the others.
I wouldn’t be surprised if several more swamp rats creep out of their swamp nest and jump ship.
What gives me more worry and concern is that all of Boris Johnson’s family are Remainers.
Is Boris a closet Remainer, just like Treason May ?
The people of Great Britain voted over three years ago to become free from the clutches of the EU. Parliament has procrastinated and delayed in implementing that democratic decision . I think Boris will do the same ?
I have read that Dominic Cummings has resigned from Mr Johnson’s team.
Now whatever I might think about him, he seems to actually want us out of the EU.
So if Mr Johnson is a Leaver, why would Mr Cummings quit Mr Johnson’s team now?
There is a piece in the Independant today showing a picture of mr Cummings at the NATO meeting yesterday ….
.,.,, but on more pressing matter Andrew Neil has torn BoJo a new one at the end of the Farage interview .
Twitter is full of it and the end piece will be played and played. Fearsome criticism .
I saw that. What an arrogant, self-inflated pile of steaming excrement. Why would Boris Johnson wish to be interviewed by the left-wing leaning BBC? You can hear the questions now; “Given that you are an untrustworthy, lying, bumptious fool Mr Johnson, how do you expect to get votes from the dying homeless you callously threw out into the street eh?” “Answer me that eh!”
John, Cummings, along with every other SPAD, had to resign when the election was called, if they were to campaign for any party. Think of Bad Alaister Campbell, the spin doctor for Blair, if that helps.
The Corbynistas will be very happy with the ITV interview immediately afterward
@John “Dominic Cummings has resigned”
Guido clarified
‘Dominic Cummings stood down as a sp-ad as soon as parliament broke up, this is the tradition’
Not many get the better of Andrew Neil but Nigel Farage comfortably held his own on the Andrew Neil leaders interviews.
Nigel caught him out a few times by his part quoting of Nigel and Neil had to give in and say the full quote which changed the whole question.
All in all, a good win for Farage who was excellent.
By the way, he answered all questions unlike the previous lot who waffled and blathered under Neil’s questioning.
Yes I agree and Mr Neil floundered on the issue of immigration control and the idea of allowing temporary entrance for particular jobs – without whole families being let in as well .
But I really really hope the Brexit vote doesn’t get split causing a Labour communist Government run by an enemy of the UK .
It’s quite ridiculous. Neil seemed genuinely flabbergasted that anyone would want to come here and work for a year or two on a work permit. What, precisely, is the point of continuing with an interview when the interviewee expresses such astonishment about fixed contracts of employment?? Something that is repeated worldwide. E.g several members of my family are ex-forces and have taken up fixed contracts of employment in other countries for a year, two years or whatever. If I was Boris Johnson, I would also refuse to be interviewed by idiots.
Added: Neil also stated that one poll had the Tories and Labour neck and neck? Where? I haven’t seen a single one.
Chancy, you are right.
It is quite common for large firms to send employees to overseas subsidiaries on short-term secondments as part of their career development but also to spread knowledge, understanding and experience worldwide on a two-way basis.
I worked for one such.
True but it’s a two edge sword. There are books, two of which I have read – Carroll Quigley and Eustace Mullins – which explain why no matter which party we choose, it’s the same outcome.
We are literally voting for the synagogue of Satan whomsoever we choose.
“immigration control”?
We are being Invaded !
True enough Taffman but Neil tried to challenge Brexit Party policy on immigration and failed . At least Mr Farage managed to make the point about the country being overwhelmed by fast importation of immigrants – of any type .
Neil does his research
Well this time the entire Labour Party and Conservative Party had been doing the research for Neil
So he had a list of gotchas
About 15 mins in he pulled out a couple of Marr style gotchas
… “So do you think it’s OK to call Muslims scum”
.. ‘You what, of course not’
Do you believe we have remove Muslim invasion’
..’What ? I don’t know what you talking about ?
“Well your candidate in Edinburgh said X , and one in Birmingham said Y”
At first Farage was wrong footed .. well he’s not a candidate any more.
“Well his names on the ballot”
..”Well you can’t take peoples names off the ballot”
.. and the Farage recovered unflustered.
The irony is that tonight the BBC is doing another ‘interview ‘ with both Bojo and the Jew hater . This time turretes will be trying to be Andrew Neil .
The first question to bojo will be – why aren’t you being interviewed by another BBC employee / production company (A.Neil ) . They might even play a bit of his rant – again .
Then robbo will turn to Corbyn and say “ why is your front bench so thick ?”…..
Watched the Corbyn interview on ITV tonight. I have got it all wrong. Corbyn is really a lovely, cuddly, kindly old grandad who grows his own vegetables and invites ordinary people around to his house for a cup of tea and a piece of cake over a lovely chat.
Thanks ITV, here I was thinking he was a disgusting, vindictive, hard line Marxist who despises anybody who wants to work hard to achieve some sort of comfortable standard of living.
BBC Four has a new walking prog host ethnic Pakistani artist Shanaz Gulzar
She made this claim that she is “proper Yorkshire” and a minute later mixed up “fells” and “dales”
Of course some ethnic Pakistani do seem Proper Yorkshire, but not her
.. She mumbles as a presenter with not a Yorkshire accent but a London accent lacking annunciation .
So I looked her up… the lack of info is strange e.g. no Wikipedia page, but a 2006 article by George Aligiah has a long section about her . It’s about how she grew up near Bradford in a protective Muslim family and how they followed custom of surprising her with a trip to Pakistan where she had a forced marriage to a cousin.
‘In those years with him I learned to put my life into compartments.
He couldn’t understand what made me tick,’ Shanaz said.
‘He refused to be a part of my life.
‘That’s when I worked out how to put my life into little boxes.
One for home, one for work,
one for being a Muslim,
one for being a woman,
one for being British.’ Shanaz is not alone.
… ‘It was unequivocally a forced marriage,’ she said.
… You know what Asian communities are like,’ she said.
‘The elders have a stranglehold, especially over women.
(Aligiah continues)
There has been no attempt to impose any obligation on immigrant families to conform to a British way of doing things. From the Seventies onwards, even to suggest that there was a British model to conform to would have you labelled as a racist.
Meanwhile, the same feminists and liberals who worry about the plight of women in Muslim countries or female circumcision in some African societies have chosen to turn a blind eye to some rather unsavoury practices in their own backyard. There have been some notable exceptions.
… Ann Cryer
.. she said ‘I think the same should be applied to this problem in the Asian community.
They must adopt a different lifestyle.’
When I read comments like yours Stew, I despair what my country has become – because of migration. And I start to wonder how I have personally benefitted from an influx of overseas peoples, because I am constantly being told by talking heads on the box that I have !
Despite racking my brains, only one thing comes to mind – seeing a variety of overseas GPs at my local surgery. Apparently the NHS couldn’t function without staff from overseas, but I was treated in hospital within a week of being referred, long before mass migration took hold, but in recent times had to wait 20 weeks for a hip operation. I don’t feed myself via the number of greasy takeaway premises that are run by mostly foreign peoples. If I need a taxi, then a local family run firm meets my needs, I shop at a British run supermarket, the car mechanic I’ve used for 23 years is also a local chap, my vet/optician/chemist/ are also white British, so I’m blowed if I know how I’m supposed to have ‘benefitted’ from mass migration in my little corner of the UK.
Yes, I was brought up in an era of black and white films, and when the GP made a home visit just to check you were ok, but at least I have memories of that, and for me a more gentler pace of life, where if an unthinkable rape occurred it was national news, and headlines in the News of the World on Sunday. Sadly we are an ageing group who are the only ones left who remember those times.
Well said Brissles!
I guess that the ‘silent’ majority feel the same way as you – and Mrs O’Blene and I certainly do. Our situation is that we have long memories, and when we were kids, a foreign land was just that, somewhere else where people are different.
I have no problem with that.
Sadly our politicians don’t really see Great Britain that way. Because most of them have never had a real job, which means forging prosperity for our nation and creating jobs and goodwill, they rely on outdated ‘hypotheses’ dreamed up by foreign dictators to deal with their own foreign problems, and transport them here.
Most normal people don’t take much notice of propaganda, but there are still some snowflakes, sjws, wokers etc., who believe in all the leftie imported social claptrap they’re taught at school, and are told it’s true by none other than the tax-funded BBC! These small cluttered groups actually start to believe in such dross, and that’s one reason why we are still in a state of flux.
Or ‘Jesus wept’, as the real Richard Dimbleby once said (with his mic still live)!
Yes, I even recall our esteemed Marxist State Broadcaster when referring to people not British as, ‘Johnee foreigner’. In that crisp estuary English. They would have to flagellate themselves these days if that reference was used.
Indeed Brissles and on that theme though across the Channel – https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/migrants-and-the-french-revolution/
..as ever comments are very interesting imo.
and an article it alludes to:
View at Medium.com
coming to a city near you..if it already hasn’t
..then the big towns..then..?
..not on the BBC!
BBC QT. I lasted seconds. A loaded question where the questioner was obviously Left leaning. Straight to Mr Cleverly and he was scarcely able to start before Fiona leaped in to a) upset his train of thought and b) rubbish what he was saying. Off button employed.
Those child homelessness stats
data surprisingly includes counting
” expected, *unborn* children”
In New York Times –
‘Start with Britain. Last Friday night, a rabbi who had just left a synagogue was beaten on the street by teenagers screaming, “Kill the Jews.” These now-regular occurrences come as there’s a decent chance that the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn will become the next prime minister — giving anti-Semites the imprimatur of a major Western government.
Mr. Corbyn’s long history of slurs against Jews and Israel, his warm words about his “friends” in Hezbollah, and his worldview, which finds far more to admire in countries like Russia and Venezuela than England itself, are well documented. To choose just the latest headline: The BBC, he said on Iranian state television, is “biased” toward saying that “Israel has a right to exist.” (My favorite remains his remark that British Zionists “who, having lived in this country for a very long time, probably all their lives, don’t understand English irony.”)
The fish rots from the head, and so it has with Labour. According to Britain’s chief rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis, there are 130 cases of outstanding complaints of anti-Semitism against Labour Party members. Ninety-three percent of British Jews say they won’t vote for Labour. Forty-seven percent say they will “seriously consider” emigrating if Labour wins. And yet the latest polling shows Labour rallying.’
From the NYT article –
‘Jewish Voice for Labour, the party’s pet Jewish front group, has codified all of these gaslighting tactics in a document that helpfully lays out the strategy for how other political groups and movements with a will to power can shut down Jewish concerns about organized, systemic anti-Semitism. –
‘Dealing with the media or aggressive attacks
If you are dealing with people who try to use antisemitism allegations to bury Labour and Corbyn give them no quarter
Don’t be apologetic.
Go on to the offensive.
Turn every question and allegation about antisemitism into a positive statement about the best of Labour’s anti-discrimination, anti-fascist, pro-refugee past and its continued commitment to help everyone who is disadvantaged.
Insist: ” You have no basis for saying that! What particular policy do you object to, one you think that discriminates against Jews”…(more in the link below)
Celtic, I think I have just had someone who had read this. In a social situation she started by saying a penny on Income Tax to pay for the NHS wouldn’t hurt anybody. Went on to say she wouldn’t speak to us again if we voted Boris. As she is horrible and invades personal space when she talks to you, the chance of her not talking again to me was too much. ‘I am voting Boris’ I said. ‘But he is a liar’ she said, ‘and Jeremy is an AntiSemite’ I said. I then had a whole tirade that Jeremy wasn’t an AntiSemite without any facts. I left but was told later that another lady went up to the ex teacher and told her she was voting Boris too.
Defending Labour antisemitism or just giving both sides on Newsbeat ? –
The BBC Newsbeat article mentioned 1948
“The State of Israel was declared in 1948. Since then, in some cases when people have strongly criticised Israel it has been difficult to know whether or not the criticism is motivated by anti-Semitism. This has led to accusations that anti-Zionism – rejection of the Jewish state – is merely a modern form of anti-Semitism.”
Good morning, Celtic Mist – my apologies if you have already seen this, but I think its hilarious!
The BBC is incapable of EVEN broadcasting what the papers say without expressing their own bias ! This morning the report about the front page headline about Jeremy Corbin’s anti semitism included the phrase from the presenter ” you’d expect this from “The Telegraph”
The BBC is unfit for purpose !
Thanks, Scroblene – liked and shared!
God help us all if that is the case Celtic_Mist.
“the BBC makes Andrew Neil’s ‘challenge’ to Boris Johnson the second most important news item in the world today”
Yes I noticed and wondered too. I don’t blame Neil for issuing his invitation yet can’t help but wonder about State Broadcaster’s sense of self importance in bigging this up – qualifying for the top line on the news page.
They didn’t give a jot about canning This Week yet now Neil is more promotion worthy than Lineker. Look forward to “What Andrew Neil’s dad did in the war” after the Queen’s Speech.
Don’t forget to set it for ‘catch up’.
Thought that irrespective of how well thought of is Andrew Neil as an interviewer, Farage gave him a run for his money-Neil I thought was finding it hard going-as to the question of whether the Prime Minister should be interviewed by Neil, I would suggest that the PM having already attended many journalistic one to one’s and now is very busy with other matters apart from the Election. Think we have all had enough-and yes Not Gwent, the problem with the BBC is that is has a pompus sence of self importance. Has been so ever since the last Labour Government instilled Multiculturalism into the BBC’s contract/Licence.
tarien – ‘pompous sense of self importance’? It goes far beyond that: Andrew Neil has no God-given right to demand an interview with anyone. But notice, the beeb has picked this ‘refusal’ up and turned it into a drum-beat of anti-Boris propaganda; it fits in perfectly with its ‘you can’t trust Boris’ message, suggesting he has something to hide from Andrew Neil.
At 6am Toady started off with this nonsense. The first papers it chose to tell us about front pages were, needless to say, the Labour supporting ‘Mirror’ and Guardian. Both had the Andrew N thing as their theme.
The all wimmin -Martha and Mishal- Toady came to us from a university (where else?) at Wolverhampton, where it no doubt hoped to reinforce the brittle ‘Red wall’, what with rumours that the Tories were making inroads in the Black Country. The third paper mentioned (to show ‘impartiality’) was the Telegraph, which ran something on Jeremy and antisemitism, but we were told with a derogatory/dismissive tone that ‘the Telegraph is like that’.
Then came much good cheer and singing, with Father Christmas himself making an appearance – Jeremy
discussing mince-pies with the multicultural student assembly. I think he may have stopped short of ho-ho-ho, but not far. The two presenters certainly tried hard to reinforce the image of the kindly old beardman handing out goodies left right and centre.
Happy Birthday to Guest,
Happy Birthday to Guest,
Happy Birthday dear Guest Who,
Happy Birthday to Guest!
Those shelves will just fly!
Happy Birthday Guest ?
Anyway – as might be expected the BBC is continuing to make a non interview National News .
It chooses not to examine apparent breaches of election law by Momentum -as reported on twitte by guido I believe ….
Fortunately this, in my opinion , is just a bubble story as the majority of people have no interest in politics programmes .
I’m guessing Neil had to do his little rant about being had over by the conservatives out of spite as opposed to any constructive reason .
Mr Neil , who if anyone has watched his now axed programme knows, has an ego the size of a house partly because he is both good at his job ( rare)and well off .
With a bit of luck this bubble storm will have no effect on the outcome of the election and it would now do more harm than good for BoJo to appear before Neil as he ll only be accused of being ‘dragged’ before the mighty BBC to bend the knee .
If the conservatives get a fair majority I hope they put BBC reform on their wish list and at least ‘ downsize ‘ the empire by cutting public funding and at best privatising the evil monster .
If the BBC is buried please let me know the whereabouts of the grave so I can take along some champagne and hold a graveside party.
I’ll bring my dancing shoes as well, Double!
In fact, I’ll bring a bloody great band with me, full of proper musicians playing decent rock music.
All the sort of ‘music’ the bbbc usually splurge out (rap, dross, gunge etc) will be forbidden, and we’ll also ban screeching, yelling ‘sole’ singers’, who usually ruin a nice day at the supermarket!
Wow… golly… thank you.
Being treated to a lie in and coffee in bed.
However, with great age comes great responsibility and soon I must face the real world, or the one the BBC calls ‘news’.
I may even share here with you lovely peeps.
I would just like to wish Guest Who a very happy birthday. Hope you have a good day.
I’d echo those best wishes and have a very happy 120th birthday – that idea Lord Reith had about a state broadcaster didn’t go very well did it ?
When I watched the Neil rant I initially thought “ yes -that’s fair “. But on reflection I think it does more damage to the reputation of Mr Neil than to BoJo .
This view is subject to the outcome of the election . If BoJo wins this storm becomes nothing for him but will cause hopefully lasting damage to the BBC .
Do I see the first light of dawn on the eastern horizon? Over in France Macron seems to be taking on the public sector on the issue of their gold plated pensions. Oh how I wish we had a PM who would do the same . I think Lady T would admire his stance on this particular issue.
The reason that I am pleased by the events in France is that the Global capitalists and the international left have for the last couple of decades formed a unnatural and highly damaging alliance which has done great harm to the ordinary working folk of the West. Macron is the archetypal Globalist who has successfully conned millions of French people into voting for him. In many ways similar to Blair . But if he pursues this policy of attacking the public sector workers many of those who he conned will realise that they would have been better off in the second round of the 2017 election voting for Le Pen rather than him , despite their leftist leanings. After all Le Pen had a fairly leftist agenda coupled to her admirable and crucial anti migrant stance.
Perhaps the fault lines in the unholy alliance between the Global capitalists and those who vote left are at last beginning to show. If only Salvini and Le Pen could be elected the EU would be transformed .If you want a safe and prosperous country for your children and grandchildren vote populist.
Less and less daily is of interest on the bBC website.
The corporation feels and tells its doing things right, but more and more people feel it isn’t
I logged into the website this morning, to find more of its own agender 🙂 More and more knocking of Boris, this is only intended to sway the votes to overturn the Brexit original vote, and get in someone like steptoe or the 1 who starred in the Jaws film (Jo)
Independent organisation my r’s
The BBC clearly doesn’t want to get its teeth into the damning report that reveals The Jewish Labour Movement’s formal legal view that Labour is “institutionally anti-Semitic”.
This hugely important news fluttered about on the fringes of its coverage yesterday, but by this morning there’s a only a very brief website reference remaining, angled of course on Corbyn’s defence of his position.
Shockingly, there was not one question about it on last night’s Question Time, yet even the ITV news led on it.
So what is it that makes the BBC so ‘frit’ about this one?
It is certainly not holding back about Andrew Neil’s grandstanding and empty chairing of Boris Johnson. I guess the broadcaster will justify its naval gazing, wall to wall coverage of that story on grounds that it raises questions about Johnson’s trustworthiness.
But when it comes to questions about Corbyn’s trustworthiness – someone viewed by his own Jewish members as being personally guilty of anti-semitism – the BBC is lacking in intent.
It is enabling an anti Semitic regime’s path to power, which is truly shocking.
I’ve floated the view here that perhaps the ‘ culture ‘ of the BBC itself is anti Semitic . It would explain the lack of attention to incidents and comments – particularly in comparison to the treatment of Islam where a minor playground tiff becomes major news and the pro Islam propaganda get rolled out at the drop of that head thing they wear …
As for Christianity …. Don’t Even Ask ..
The BbC clearly has many questions to answer, but won’t because it doesn’t have to, self-assesses and uses exemptions on FOIs.
Here’s ITBB in complement.
Given it has been established that near every BBC Senior has a gotcha or ‘views their own’ running to try and get the man elected who has ensured bbc cover in perpetuity, maybe an enterprising alternative broadcaster might invite Lord Hall in to explain how such unaccountable impartiality in face of conflict of interest works?
And if he does not, just run a feed of an empty chair on the pavement outside W1A for Nick and gang to walk past.
ITBB open thread well worth scoping too. It would be interesting if Huw agreed to be interviewed about his professional experience with the bbc, given…
Monkey Brains6 December 2019 at 10:27
Huw Edwards impartial? Likes a tweet asking people to vote Labour in support of the NHS…
Then he tries to wriggle out of it…claiming he didn’t realise it was political as he didn’t watch it to the end. Then gives us a load of guff about how important NHS is to him and his family.
FFS it was a GMB video!!! GMB is a founder member of the Labour Party and is its third biggest affiliate union. Are you telling me that one of the BBC’s top news staff didn’t know that?
Might be worth checking with all senior BBC editors and presenters on twitter.
Just in case.
This time next week we will either wake up to Johnson as PM or to some very smug BBC presenters rubbing it in that we ejected a Marxist government lead by Corbyn. Never before has Britain faced such an aggressive form of socialism so close up and yet our national broadcaster are now trying to do everything that they can to get those Marxists elected
Because the BBC is full of Labour Supporters – I remember watching an interview a while back, whereby Ex-staff were interviewed about the day of result of the GE before the referendum & the referendum result.
it was stated that there were entire floors of staff at the BBC in depression mode….says it all really
the bbc reports, most christmas jumpers contain plastic
thats it, another great report
Luckily some people pay the tele tax to keep up the good work!
I don’t pay.
Someone inform me, do we now use non-recyclable plastic money ? Where are the Green Party with that one ?
Oh well, duty calls…
Has people using food banks become the norm in the UK now?
(Via BBC Family & Education News)
BBC question as a headline doing great work with all the Momentum groupies on Facebook.
And synergises almost exactly with the Labour sponsored posts, by sheer coincidence.
“Has people using food banks become the norm in the UK now?”
It doesn’t have to be. Feed our people with the money we waste on Foreign Aid .
‘Charity begins at home’.
Why does it matter? People are getting the aid they require, aren’t they? Why does it matter if they get it through public money or not? Is that not one of the basic tenents of conservatism, to make the general population prosperous enough that they themselves are capable of supporting those amongst them who are less fortunate?
If there weren’t any or enough food banks resulting in people actually starving, and in addition to that, the government were refusing to help, then and only then would it be a situation worthy of criticism.
BBC rallying the kids.
OT, but safe to say Adam has picked a side.
This morning it seems Katherine Jenkins gets a reality check as she steps in to stop two Nigga Sisters robbing an elderly white woman.
Both these girls are under 16 and are excercising their Black privilidge to rob and plunder Labours HATED white people, who they want to see wiped off the face of the Earth.
Although the BBC report the story they do not use the photos which other media outlets have used, to protect the Black privilige so these girls can go carry on with their illicit activities.
In a more civilised era these two and their families would be sent packing to the shithole from whish their parents came, but Britain thanks in no small part is no longer what I regard as a civilised country.
This was buried in BBC Entertainment News
“On her way to rehearsal she witnessed an older lady being mugged and intervened to help.
“As a result of her stepping in, Katherine was then mugged herself.”
Not only how very sad that this once great nation is sinking deep into the mire of evil/socialism and with a present unsustainable immigrant enrty, it will sink deeper into third world country-mass immigration from a third world country into a first world country will always lead to it becoming a third world country.
Surprised no one has posted this:
News at Ten host Huw Edwards sparks BBC bias row by liking Tweets that urge people to vote Labour and mock Tories as he is accused of ‘lapse of judgment’ ahead of the election
But then again why not? What’s going to happen to him as a result?
Nothing of course, because the BBC could back a Maoist revolution and the cowardly useless incompetent Tories wouldn’t even bat an eye until it actually affected them.
Here’s BBC Politics visualising all politicians as agreeing with the bbc.
Boris might have a point finding better things to do if this is what awaits him.
9am news “6 children in every 5 will be deprived of the basics this Christmas”
OK they really said
“4 pupils in every primary school class will be deprived of the basics this Christmas”
“such as heating, a warm winter coat or FRESH food”
… I guess this is Public Relations coming out of another Labour front group .
BBC gave the source as Action for Children
and the reporter just tweeted the cutnpasted phrasing.
Only white children apparently…………..
Anyone notice that London Stabbings are so common that they don’t hit the headlines on Al Beeb any more?
Be fair – at least on the Londonistan traffic reports they are described as ‘police incidents ‘….. which is the best way to keep up with the numbers – as I do.
Fascinating that when a victim / killer is black the BBC doesn’t have any interest ….
Bout right imo .
That post reminded me to pose the question , how much plastic does Al Beeb use ? Perhaps maxincony could enlighten us?
Of course they do, because they’re all cheap nylon things, but seeing as the BBC have driven an agenda of cheap clothing and cheap food that’s the result of their own actions.
But being a socialist means never having to take responsibility for your own actions.
If you want to read one of the most disgusting, bias, anti Boris pieces you will see, then this is it .
BBC showing their real true bias here. DISGUSTING stuff.
Its jaw dropping the bias. What amazes me is that the BBC are not even trying to hide there appalling bias anymore..
And sadly Andrew Neil has gone down in my estimation after his rant against Boris…Unbelievable
Stuff Neil and the whole rotten to the core BBC.
The former seems to be suffering delusions of grandeur of late..the latter delusions of adequacy!
VD going for Labour ShadEdSec?
Latest intel – it seems that bojo sources say there will be no interview with the BBC journo called Neil ‘ this comes via twitter and the journos very active retweeting in the last 16 hours or so.
Bojo will do well to pull out of MSM interviews and go directly to people who want to hear via the internet because he won’t get a fair crack of the whip .
Anyway – what’s new ? More giveaways which will be dishonoured – by every party ? More manifesto promises broken ?
Just get to next Thursday for it to be done —-
My constituency has been declared a ‘battleground ‘ because the communists want to unseat Ian Duncan Smith in Chingford . Although a fair number of third worlders have been imported there is still a strong element of people who work and pay taxes. I think postal vote fraud will have a ‘Peterborough ‘ effect.
The momentum campaigners can – apparently – be spotted because they are all in the 20s and bent over their iPhones looking up post codes because they’ve all been ‘imported’. No doubt they’ll also be doing the count .
I’m waiting for my first …..encounter ….
“a ‘Peterborough ‘ effect”
I’m old enough to remember the original campaign.
Should an activist call here I’m going to ask about the EU. This is what triggered the election (or is this matter settled)?
Rob out milking again.
Laura appears to assume everyone is either glued to the Labour PR channel or her twitter feed.
What is she on about?
I see Laura has come up with the phrase ‘Neil-gate’. Trying to make something out of nothing. Part of the beeb anti-Boris drumbeat that has to be kept going on a daily basis. You have to keep inventing something new to hit Tories with every day, so Laura has thumb-sucked a new phrase, she hopes will stick for a day or two. It’s actually not about the interview per se, it’s about keeping the anti-Boris propaganda flowing.
We all know where the beeb stand and they know we know. They don’t mind, cos the money with menaces will keep flowing. And Ofcom, all old beeb pals or past employees, will do zilch. They know we know, but their income too, will keep flowing. That’s how the system works.
So beeb will carry on the little token ‘Very impartial’ act.
In response to Ian Rushlow; Despairada et al (Start The Week Thread 2nd December 2019).
Quote taken from the following website. It is worth reading.
Irfan Husain in his article “Demons from the Past” observes:
“While historical events should be judged in the context of their times, it cannot be denied that even in that bloody period of history, no mercy was shown to the Hindus unfortunate enough to be in the path of either the Arab conquerors of Sindh and south Punjab, or the Central Asians who swept in from Afghanistan…The Muslim heroes who figure larger than life in our history books committed some dreadful crimes. Mahmud of Ghazni, Qutb-ud-Din Aibak, Balban, Mohammed bin Qasim, and Sultan Mohammad Tughlak, all have blood-stained hands that the passage of years has not cleansed..Seen through Hindu eyes, the Muslim invasion of their homeland was an unmitigated disaster.
Why isn’t this history of India being taught in our schools?
Much more fun vilifying the relatively benign British Raj than exposing the horrors of muslim conquest.
“These contemporary records boasted about and glorified the crimes that were committed – and the genocide of tens of millions of Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhist and Jainist, mass rapes of women and the destruction of thousands of ancient Hindu / Buddhist temples and libraries have been well documented and provide solid proof of the World’s biggest holocaust.”
Terror, rape, slaughter, iconoclasm… plus ca change.