A long week of Far Left BBC bias for those who can stand it . The BBC is trying to make people forget why there is a General Election in the first place and is actively helping the Far Left Labour Party undermine the Conservative message whilst ignoring Brexit .
Midweek thread 4 December 2019
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I see that the new religion is developing its own season of Lent this Christmas:
and the BBC are preaching the ‘message’ to us.
I suggest the new religion should heed the words of the great prophet Clarkson and shut up. The reduction in hot air would greatly improve the physical and phycological environment. Same applies to all the attendant ‘meja’
gb, I note that recently the BBC have been suggesting that the great prophet Clarkson (one I do not recognise, btw) has recanted and switched sides to become a Warmista and a Mentalistenviro.
On the other hand, the cynic (or realist!) might think or say ‘All good media publicity for the latest Amazon broadcast to Christmas audiences’.
I had some trouble loading that last post, gb, and also would have added in via the Edit facility something I forgot, that I agree with your point made in the second half of your post.
I gave up the BBC long ago to preserve my own environment. It turned out to be a wise decision.
OG, I just hit the OFF button on Jonny Dymond presenting Staccato-Dalek-Style today’s TWatO. The BBC, the DG if necessary, should insist he go back to Broadcaster School to be taught how to do it. That said, there are signs that a large number of the TWatO problems lie with the wider studio team. I may post on that another time.
How are things in France? Hope you have a happy Gallic shrug for all the hassles that strikes & strikers may be presenting to you in the run up to Christmas.
As the bBC will use the Neil interview as a weapon against Boris should he come out and say ” I will not be interviewed by Andrew Neil as quite simply. I do not trust the bBC. Trust works both ways after all”
Or does he stay Schtoom.
Personally I would put the boot in….maybe right after tonight
when Boris meets a man with Tourette,s and an older fella who seems a bit mixed up.
The bbc remain panel on politics live debating media bias, all singing from the same hymn sheet. Jeremy Corbyn getting a hard time from the bbc according to them.
Another news item to gladden the hearts. ….. “In certain areas of the country, it is British Asians who hold the balance of power in the forthcoming G.E.” Its statements like this that make me weep.
(WHY is there such a term as ‘British Asian’ ? you’re either British or Asian. Are British migrants elsewhere in the world known as British Americans / British Australians / British Swedes etc etc ?)
Today I make no apology for MSM OTs, especially if apparently of relevance on a broader scale.
As with Laura K’s post, I now need to track down what the context is, as it is clear they would prefer it not broadcast more than essential.
Doesn’t look good for them. I wonder if the BBC will pile in?
Or will ‘selective professional courtesies’ apply?
Should get KJM and Ben de Pear to ease up on the Neil storm in a media teacup. Jon and the harpie in charge seem mute, possibly for obvious reasons I have not forgotten.
And it doesn’t, looks like they have left a long fuse grenade to lob back.
As the entire MSM will circle the wagons on this and try and ensure it never happened, an equal opportunity smear outfit (if with better QC mostly) reveals…
I’ve been spending a lot of time watching the COP25 lectures on YT. If anybody had any doubt that so-called, ‘Climate Change’ was not a problem for mankind, I would recommend these lectures. I’m actually surprised YT has not taken them down under instruction from the Marxist/Globalists……
One lecture I really enjoyed (not COP25) was given by Dan Britt, ‘Orbits and Ice Ages: The history of Climate Change’. It is long at 55 minutes but rewarding listening to a qualified Geologist that has worked with cores showing the historical changes in climate. As he says, mankind actually knows a great deal about climate change over the past half a billion years to which he refers to as, “the old days”. “Recent” weather patterns? That’s over the past 10,000 years or so……………..
Want fact and an appropriate level of humour? Watch this:
G, thanks for putting that up. Interesting.
I’m just past half-way and the Prof. has outlined how we are in the out period of a recent Ice Age then he’s just said the warming we have ‘recently’ (his definition of recent) enjoyed was caused by deforestation and farming. The immediate problem with that is that in an Ice Age unless science is now totally upside down: 1. you don’t have trees to cut down, and, 2. you don’t have water for irrigation, and, 3. you don’t have grains to grow crops from with the water that you do not have, and, 4. you don’t have good soil until most of the ice has gone, and, 5. you don’t have beef cattle stock to produce your methane and to eat the grass that you grew after you cut down all the trees.
I think there may be a bit of hole in there somewhere.
What am I missing?
Were questions allowed and asked at the end? Or should I stop watching now?
Rob still banging on. Not in a partial or nuffin…
The twitter numbers are entrenched types such as the people on this site so essentially – meaningless- to sane people outside the bubble
Meanwhile the BBC likes its politics via the Labour Party leaking…
I am presuming this is what Laura was on about? If so… left hand/even more left hand…
Just about every aspect of that tweet is pure #bbceditorialintegrity
Beeb TV news at 13h00: Big publicity for John Major and Jeremy and his document. Boris tagged on for a brief moment at the end.
The ‘impartiality’ mask is slipping ever more blatantly!
Oh yes, and Grenfell gets its first scalp…
a week on
..a good article (imo) from Canadian journalist Tarek Fatah:
pity you don’t find stuff like this on Al Bibi!
Just heard on radio4 news that Merkal is visiting Auschwitz with the Polish premier and a remark by the announcer that she had never visited before! I found that really hard to understand. If she professes that Germany had learnt from history, why on earth wouldn’t she have found time or the inclination to have visited this abominable place that her country built. She wasnt high in my estimation before but now I loathe her. Also I heard a while back that Poland was up in arms about the fact that the camp was being called a Polish death camp. See what the germans want to do there.
I’m really shocked at that . I would have thought every German kid of east and west would have visited a concentration camp and stood in one of those chambers – whether it’s in Polski or not .
But maybe mass murder upsets the kids and they’d prefer a more sanitised version of history ..
pertelote, those #turntolove banners at London Bridge ring alarm bells for me because it’s evidence of the disturbing undercover ‘controlled spontaneity’ approach that the government is adopting after terror attacks:
—”The British government has prepared for terrorist incidents by pre-planning social media campaigns that are designed to appear to be a spontaneous public response to attacks […] In operations that contingency planners term “controlled spontaneity”, politicians’ statements, vigils and inter-faith events are also negotiated and planned in readiness for any terrorist attack.”
Thanks to whoever first posted about it here at BBBC, it’s really worth a look.
Emily is going with hypotheticals. Angela would approve.
Since being branded as a troll by someone who received several likes for this accusation, I won’t be posting often here. But this piece of BBC bias from Greta Thurnberg’s elderly pall, Attenborough, who has lied about polar bears in his programme is worth recording as a piece of BBC climate change bias.
There are two things to say about this GWF,
One, the BBC will probably totally ignore both the evidence in the report and any complaint. Their only mission is to enforce the “doom” view relentlessly.
And two, I know from experience that my complaint to them about the same devious tactics they used in the recent “Meat is V bad” transmission went straight into a black hole.
Just heard on radio4 news that Merkal is visiting Auschwitz with the Polish premier and a remark by the announcer that she had never visited before! I found that really hard to understand. If she professes that Germany had learnt from history, why on earth wouldn’t she have found time or the inclination to have visited this abominable place that her country built. She wasnt high in my estimation before but now I loathe her. Also I heard a while back that Poland was up in arms about the fact that the camp was being called a Polish death camp. See what the germans want to do there.
This is how the enemy see President Trump:
“Should foolishness suffice as a sufficient cause for removing a U.S. President? Trump is not “Making America Great Again,” but a global laughingstock.”
Sickening. That the Globalist/Marxist cabal detest anyone who does not share their communist inspired values, Boris included.
I would side totally with the >50% of US citizens who believe he is doing an excellent job. Those upset at not finishing implementing their plan of destroying America from within, will never accept the Donald.
Channel4 for weeks say “that Boris bad, very bad , cos he won’t come on our C4News prog”

Today they tweeted
Chuka seeks an opportunity to score points
But had top factcheck people C4News got something wrong ?
.. cos everyone else’s audio says NOT “people of colour” but “people of talent”
So then C4 deleted their tweet and apologised
It took a few hours later for Chuka to delete his tweet.
… I don’t see an apology.
Still Channel4 don’t have a habit of making such mistakes
Looks like ChannelFakeNews put up a doctored video
SophiaCannon the BBC Sunday morning talent
says that the simple explanation that C4 apologised cos their video was doctored ..is not true
And asserts a more complicated explanation is true
..that Steven Bannon made the video , got C4 to play it and got C4 to apologise
..What about Occam’s Razor ?
I’m sure BBC Trending will do an item about this deepfake doctoring
..cos they only do libmob agenda pushing
C4 and Chuka caught with their pants down.
State Broadcaster throws a tantrum because the PM has better things to do with his time than indulge them.
All three are covering themselves in glory? Well in certain quarters I’m sure they are. The only problem is we all have to dip our hands into our pockets to help fund their careers.
What a load of virtue signalling tossers they had in the Hull QT audience.
Saying “we should think of the nhs staff who work on Christmas Day” and other wimpy sound bites to show other people how good they are.
Yuk. Barf.
You could feel the hostility towards that woman who pointed out that they (the enrichers) lie and that it’s part of their religion to lie to us kuffars if it enables them to do their thing (kill etc)
This was about how the terrorist got out of jail early.
She couldn’t remember that it’s called taqqiya (or something like that) and libdem Davey couldn’t get in quick enough to say that at his mosk they are all brilliant and loving.
Richard Tice was good but the others were woeful.
,I salute your stamina and robust mental health. I gave up watching QT, Newsnight etc etc years ago because it was seriously impacting my health. If the British people put Corbyn in No 10 then they have failed the fitness for democracy test big time and I will regret ever voting Leave. I voted Leave because I thought it was better that those who rule are accountable to those that they tax but I can’t accept Corbyn. So just as the Remainers have refused to accept the Leave vote , I and I hope many others , will refuse to accept the result of the GE if it puts Corbyn in as PM. The Remainers ignored democracy and in effect won by doing so. Two can play at that game.
I salute your stamina and robust mental health. I gave up watching QT, Newsnight etc etc years ago because it was seriously impacting my health. If the British people put Corbyn in No 10 then they have failed the fitness for democracy test big time and I will regret ever voting Leave. I voted Leave because I thought it was better that those who rule are accountable to those that they tax but I can’t accept Corbyn. So just as the Remainers have refused to accept the Leave vote , I and I hope many others , will refuse to accept the result of the GE if it results in Corbyn as PM. The Remainers ignored democracy and in effect won by doing so. Two can play at that game.
a week on from London Bridge MK.2 and more to reflect on in these articles (you won’t find analysis like this on Al Bibi):
The comments are often very good..nb the references in there to the recent Louis Duxbury case.
Also – https://ashenden.org/2019/12/05/islam-has-three-political-strategies-immigration-population-and-violence-reflections-on-usman-khan/
The BBC is giving lots of coverage to John Major, saddo ex-politician, as he burbles on yet again about wanting to block Brexit and urges folk to vote against the Tories.
But the New Statesman’s far more significant declaration that Corbyn is unfit to be PM and the leftie mag’s refusal to endorse a Labour vote has still not been mentioned anywhere.
And the damning Jewish Labour dossier that confirms Labour’s institutional anti-semitism and Corbyn’s personal anti-semitism has disappeared totally from its coverage.
As Election Day draws closer, this disgraceful broadcaster appears to be getting even more blatant in its bias and its determination to drive us into the arms of a Marxist, racist regime.
The BBC and Labour certainly have the same aim – to overturn our democratic Brexit.
what John “prorogation” Major..
the man who was egged on by Edwina..what was the real reason for the prorogation I often ask myself 😉
It was once claimed that Sir John likes his Currie really hot. However, that was all a long time ago.
Don’t be too hard on the grey old bloke, Lefty, he did after all give her an old pendant…
“‘Oh,’ she says, a fluttering hand on her throat, ‘John Major was a sexy beast. I think his history shows that. He was 19 when he was living with a woman who was 33. Believe me, I did not have to teach that man anything. He was experienced and fun.’”
I may barf!
Meanwhile, tucked away…
Less tucked away…
Be interesting how many other bbc staff performances have been chosen?
I know they liked an Emily edit.
And the bbc seemed ok with it being used too.
I was initially of the view that Boris should have agreed.
However, now Mr. Neil has decided to join all his colleagues, and especially after this ill-advised promo for Labour, given what happened courtesy of Ch4, I have now changed my mind.
Here’s ITBB with their analysis of what happens in the bubble staying in the bubble.
Meanwhile a small, free, two-person blog does what £5,000,000,000pa and 20,000 market rate talents cannot do. A lot.
I saw this and had a small giggle.
I agree Neil is a beeboid at heart as evidenced by the fact that he dutifully brought up alleged ‘islamophobic’ comments of Brexit Party candidates during his interview with NF,
Re the Boris non-interview, here Joanna Gosling (VD show) pitifully claims again that “it’s a question of scrutiny”!!
Isn’t that a flagrant example of a political party using BBC content … in their own POLITICAL campaigning ?
Where is the official BBC complaint.
I think many can see us becoming the minority in our own Country if things carry on as they are.
We are being outbred as well as around 250,000 extra enrichers arriving each year (more like 500,000 but with a mix of some leaving and many indigenous also leaving ((whiteflight)) giving the 250,000 number)
Maybe around 2045-2050 when we lose control.
Have you thought that, as a nuclear power, the ‘button’ will be in the hands of our new masters.
Will they nuke Israel?
Will they share it all with their Middle East friends.
France will probably fall before the U.K. and is also a nuclear power.
This is a quicker route for the enrichers to get their hands on the bombs. Quicker than trying to make their own.
I’ve not heard any politician speak of this.
It’s probably racist or something.
Maybe the bbc will make a programme about this.
>EG ..agreed…like night follows day..and although it’s a way down the line at the moment I cannot realistically see anything stopping that happening.
I very much doubt I will be alive in 2045 EG ..it’s 2030 that worries me ..I am seriously thinking of leaving UK for good…
Q. what do readers here think is the best place to relocate to?…Poland seems a little cold for my old bones.
Hull : Evil Tory cuts have caused a reduction in the number of dentists
Well ONE is not working anymore
The ethnic Muslim had got caught red-handed trying to obtain a date rape drug to use on his Polish wife.
..who coincidentally went missing later.
No murder charges worked again him.
So now the dental body had struck him off, saying with his attitude his patients are at risk.
seems like a bit of a scumbag..where is Renata now? .. missing for 2 and a half years..surely not?
Hull super-trawler protest with 6 XR people
.. the same old BBC local Environment
reporteractivist … went down and thus made a report which looks like an XR advert… The one trawler is so big it takes 8% of the British cod/haddock quota.
Not BBC but, last night Mrs Doobster78 lost her rag with me for shouting at the TV !!!
It was I’m a celebrity, (i know, sorry). However, what got me wound up was a very PC, snowflake comment from that nights evicted celebrity , it was Myles from the band “Rak Su” . (Nope, me neither) !!!
Myles is your typical 20 something pc crazed, virtue signalling libtard. When asked who he would like to win, he stated all of them, but would really like to see a all WOMAN final. At this point I shouted at the tv asking WHY he would particularly like a all WOMAN final !!! Why ??? What difference does it make ??? Why not a all MALE final ???
It’s just symptomatic of these PC crazed , young lefties in the celeb bubble world that they have to be seen to be virtue signalling non stop !!!!! No one ever pulls them up and asks them why !!!! I would love someone to pin him down and ask him exactly why he thinks a all WOMAN final would be great , just like these climate change retards, he won’t have a bloody clue why !!!! Just that it’s “trendy” !!!!!!!!
INFURIATING lefty tripe !!!!!!!
Occasionally, moments of lucidity seem to emerge.
They never last long before the TDS takes back control.
Just saw a trailer for the BBC1 The One Show. Looks like they are going to have one single token white face on the show.
Tabs – It was noticeable. Nothing worthwhile was said. So what is the message?
That’s worth a complaint if nothing else is…………….
7:30pm Channel4 : Islamist terror in Mali
.. its affect on local tourism
“General election 2019: Major urges support for ex-Tory Brexit rebels”
What brought him out of his box ? Does he have a vested interest ?
Kinnock, Major, Blair, & Heseltine, ‘the gang of four’ , all against the democratic vote of 17.4 Million.
taffman- one gets the feeling that it’s difficult for has-beens to come to terms with their current status? Must be frustrating when once you were Mr Big…
Maybe the vested interest is simply to have the press talking about you now and then?
The BBC is hitting Orwellian peaks, where truth is the lie and vice versa.
Take tonight’s Newswatch, supposedly the BBC’s way of enabling viewers to hold it to account – when in fact it’s only the BBC holding a vanity mirror up to itself.
The programme decided to look at viewers’ complaints of political bias in the election coverage – but it chose only to mention allegations of bias towards the Tories. Who knew? Tell the lie often enough and it becomes the truth.
We really are living in parallel worlds.
Laura knows art.
The amazing thing is that the Corbynistas think she’s biased
Meanwhile Newsnight knows who they like.
Good start for the BBC fact checkers tonight . Spot any early door BBC bias ??
* Reality Klaxon”
No one should be using the word poverty
cos the it has a BS official definition
and cos it is relative it is meaningless
Even if everyone in the country were millionaires , the stats would say “we have millions in poverty”
The poverty line in the UK is defined as a household income below 60% of the average.
This threshold is currently around £195 a week for a lone parent with two children.
Using this definition there are over 3 million children living in poverty
What we are thinking off is hardship
particularly non-self inflicted hardship , that affects your health.
Like you could live in a tent in the summer, but not in a cold wet winter without getting unhealthy.
The best way to nail poverty is by creating jobs.
The best way to create jobs in a non-manufacturing, service sector-driven economy, is to keep the size of the State small and the taxation required to fund it limited to direct taxation with inflation kept negative.
@Up2stuff ..jobs ? even so a lot of UK hardship is created by the housing market being BS
In half of the worlds countries you can rent a simple room for a few pounds/day.
In this country you can have a job and still nowhere to live.
I agree, Stew. The only way to fix “the BS housing market” is to use the law of supply and demand and build more houses which .. . er … ummh ….. er … creates more jobs and reduces poverty.
And if you keep inflation slightly negative, those with capital assets cannot so easily leverage them to buy appreciating assets like houses which then do not appreciate at astronomical rates and also then stops “the BS housing market” being quite so “BS”, does it not?
PS: It’s snuff not stuff. Someone has to keep these politicos up to the mark and genuine. 😉 😉
These types of fact checks really verify the saying “There are lies, damned lies and statistics” .
I could say that since 1945 the army has lost more that 1 million personnel so, an increase now would not quite replace them. Correct if taken literally but nonsensical as a fact check. What duties the Police perform is just as important. Less activism , more merit based promotions with less focus on “hurty words” might help.
bbc debate.
Jesus Christ.
Is this the best we’ve got? Adolf Corbyn and Johnson.
Farage would destroy both of these.
Bbc ‘formers’? A lot of them about.
Was not aware they had any comics, plus Nish of course.
There’s enough bloody pretend Tories in the Conservative Party
Half of the MPs for a start
#BlueSocialists #HighSpending
Australia : Political Correctness watch
Rugby Australia got comeuppance for caving into the outragebus about their star national player Israel Folau tweeting anti-gay bible verses
He brought unfair dismissal ..and the RA has just settled for $8m .
His dad is a pastor , so he tweets bible stuff a lot.
In April he Tweeted
“Tasmania becomes first Australian jurisdiction to make gender optional on birth certificates”.
‘The devil has blinded so many people in this world.
Repent and turn away from your evil ways.
Turn to Jesus Christ who will set you free”
Then quoted 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
“WARNING Drunks, Homosexuals, Adulterers, Liars, Fornicators, Thieves, Atheists, Idolators HELL AWAITS YOU. REPENT! ONLY JESUS SAVES”.
Then quoted Galatians 5:19-21,
and two verses on repentance, salvation and justification, Acts 2:38 and Acts 17:30
The head of the main sponsor is gay
Alan Joyce, CEO of Qantas,
said, “we don’t sponsor something to get involved in controversy.”
(ie Qantas called for the sacking)
GoFundMe also punished him by closing his legal donation fund
.. He then raised $2m in 2 days through the church
The exes are always a hoot,
Plus of course what the BBC passes on.
Prison botch watch
..Today the revenge rapist guy was convicted
and it turned out our BOTCHED system had let him out too early
I could one day make a list
but basically if you not libmob You get jailed/punished EARLY, eg TR, Goddard, Fireman-Sam man, Trump, people who criticise Anna Soubry etc.
If you are libmob you NEVER get jailed ..eg the eco-terrorists smashing windows and blocking bridges
And if you are someone libmob want to virtue signal about you get RELEASED EARLY, or allowed to escape to Pakistan etc.
This just popped up my screen from last year.
Oh Radio3 do tell us what refreshing new topic you aired last night ?
: The shadow of empire and colonialism
is it a surprise that the only person tweeting about it is Arabic ?
Anthony knows stuff.
One from the ‘both sides’ lunatic fringe.
The Giles granny was an extra bizarre touch.