The last five campaigning days for the Far Left Biased BBC to ensure their own political party – Labour – is elected . Plenty of dirt to be pushed out and inconvenient truths buried .
He requires mummy’s permission first, and the lizard-child needs to be furnished (well in advance) a list of questions, to which her mummy and daddy will need to have sufficient time to provide convincing answers, and for the child to memorise.
Fear of a too big Xmas tree is silly but it does speak to a grim truth: BBC management under Tony Hall is afraid. And Boris and Farage and Tommy Robinson can smell that fear.
“Peak Saturday night W1A
— The BBC ordered a Christmas tree so big
that it’s now been deemed a security risk. (after it’s been up a week !)
The removalists have arrived
and the truck is too small to transport
so it’s being dismantled limb from limb.”
On Dec 14th the new will arrive and be put inside the building
Will this be the first GE result where the general feeling will be that it was voter fraud that won it – too late by then of course, all the king’s horses?
Getting ready not to watch Andrew Marr in the morning , probably take the dog out for a long walk instead , John Prescott’s thoughts on his attitude to Boris last Sunday are interesting , been looking at the reviews on Marrs website and realised that he had this problem with anyone that doesn’t agree with him for years ….arrogant, self opinionated pratt and getting paid good money for it as well
Getting ready not to watch Andrew Marr in the morning , probably take the dog out for a long walk instead , John Prescott’s thoughts on his attitude to Boris last Sunday are interesting , been looking at the reviews on Marrs website and realised that he had this problem with anyone that doesn’t agree with him for years ….arrogant, self opinionated pratt and getting paid good money for it as well
Why is nobody talking about the money Labour proposes to waste on Climate Change? We can only hope that the ‘voters’ realise that this is the money that should be going to NHS etc.
From the manifesto these are first on the list (before NHS) –
£250 billion will directly fund the transition through a Green Transformation Fund dedicated to renewable and low-carbon energy and transport, biodiversity and environmental restoration.
We will create a National Investment Bank, backed up by a network of Regional Development Banks, to provide £250 billion of lending for enterprise, infrastructure and innovation over 10 years.
We will deliver nearly 90% of electricity and 50% of heat from renewable and low-carbon sources by 2030.
We will build:
• 7,000 new offshore wind turbines.
• 2,000 new onshore wind turbines.
• Enough solar panels to cover 22,000 football pitches.
• New nuclear power needed for energy security.
We will trial and expand tidal energy and invest to reduce the costs of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen production.
We will upgrade almost all of the UK’s 27 million homes to the highest energy-efficiency standards, reducing the average household energy bill by £417 per household per year by 2030 and eliminating fuel poverty. We will introduce a zero-carbon homes standard for all new homes.
As part of heat decarbonisation, we will roll out technologies like heat pumps, solar hot water and hydrogen, and invest in district heat networks using waste heat.
To balance the grid, we will expand power storage and invest in grid enhancements and interconnectors.
We will expand distributed and community energy, and immediately and permanently ban fracking.
Under Labour’s plans:
A new UK National Energy Agency will own and maintain the national grid infrastructure and oversee the delivery of our decarbonisation targets.
• 14 new Regional Energy Agencies will replace the existing district network operators and hold statutory responsibility for decarbonising electricity and heat and reducing fuel poverty.
• The supply arms of the Big Six energy companies will be brought into public ownership where they will continue to supply households with energy while helping them to reduce their energy demands.
Labour will take full responsibility for our carbon footprint instead of passing the buck. We will instruct the Committee on Climate Change to assess the emissions the UK imports as well as those it produces, and recommend policies to tackle them, including making UK industry the greenest in the world.
As part of our plan to usher in a Green Industrial Revolution, Labour will create an innovation nation, setting a target for 3% of GDP to be spent on research and development (R&D) by 2030. We will achieve this target by increasing direct support for R&D and reforming the innovation ecosystem to better ‘crowd in’ private investment.
Labour will support our steel through public procurement, taking action on industrial energy prices, exempting new capital from business rates, investing in R&D, building three new steel recycling plants and upgrading existing production sites.
We will provide an extra £5.6 billion in funding to improve the standard of flood defences and respond to the increased risk of flooding, prioritising areas at risk in North West England, Yorkshire and the East Midlands.
Labour will introduce A Right to Food. We will end ‘food bank Britain’. We will ensure everyone has access to healthy, nutritious, sustainably produced food.
We will invest in three new recyclable steel plants in areas with a proud history of steel manufacturing. nutritious, sustainably produced food. We will halve food bank usage within a year and remove the need for them altogether in three years.
‘The 2019 UK general election may be defined by Brexit, but the climate crisis has never loomed larger in the minds of voters. And the country’s two largest parties offer very different visions on how to address it.
Some will vote for this list; especially the ones who are already good at spending other people’s money or who don’t understand that they’ll have to pay more for their own petrol, diesel or whatever.
State Broadcaster is good at spending other people’s money on its own desires. It shows.
Labours 9000 new wind turbines……living on the south coast as I do there will no doubt be planning problems , a while ago the large turbine development in the channel was cancelled because of objections from those in the Bournemouth ( council ? ) area because it was going to spoil the view and keep away the tourists ! , same situation on the Isle of Wight with a large campaign against any on the island ….and the no’s won , not even 48% for or 52% against ! .The attitude seems to be “we like the idea of turbines but not in my back yard “
Labours 9000 new wind turbines……living on the south coast as I do there will no doubt be planning problems , a while ago the large turbine development in the channel was cancelled because of objections from those in the Bournemouth ( council ? ) area because it was going to spoil the view and keep away the tourists ! , same situation on the Isle of Wight with a large campaign against any on the island ….and the no’s won , not even 48% for or 52% against ! .The attitude seems to be “we like the idea of turbines but not in my back yard “
“We can only hope that the ‘voters’ realise that this is the money that should be going to NHS etc.” Perhaps, more importantly, ‘our taxpayer money’
Cambridge Eco Mosque item now on R4
First one in Europe.
The BBC didn’t mention Erdogan funded it
\\ This is the Cambridge central mosque Eco friendly mosque in the UK which is designed using sophisticated technology with poles resembling forests from natural materials.
Very beautiful & amazing Mosque construction funded by Turkish Islamic organizations & inaugurated by Turkish President Erdogan //
Inilah Cambridge central mosque
Masjid eco friendly di Inggris yg didesain menggunakan tekhnologi canggih dgn tiang2 menyerupai hutan dari material alami Sangat indah & menakjubkan
Pembangunan masjid di danai oleh organisasi2 Islam Turki & diresmikan Presiden Turki Erdogan
— ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (@Julie_Luvita) December 8, 2019
Then 8am Radio Lincolnshire will trail tonights Countryfile , as they did at 7am. Climate Change, Changing Weather patterns on farming in Lincolnshire
I wonder if Erdogan mentioned the 2 Cambridge graduates just killed by an Islamic terrorist the week before at London Bridge ?
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan officially inaugurates Europe’s first eco Masjid in Cambridge and said Muslim cannot be a terrorist nor Islam produce terrorism. The concept “Islamic terror” is as wrong as the concept of Christian terror, Jewish terror or Buddhist terror.
“Erdogan opens (first eco) mosque in Cambridge today.
It becomes the latest of around 2,000 mosques Turkey has funded in recent years ”
… Really, how many churches have we funded in Turkey in recent years ??
It’s a bit strange that the BBC did an item today cos the Mosque has been open since April.
The actual news is the Erdogan opening, which is now cos he’s in the country for the NATO summit. but they didn’t mention that.
Cambridge has a high Kurdish population
so they aren’t using an Erdogan mosque thread
President Erdogan has been in the UK for the annual NATO leaders conference in London and was invited to the ceremony last month by Mosque patron Yusuf Islam otherwise known as Cat Stevens
Would that be the same Yusuf Islam who approved of the killing – and burning – of Salman Rushdi?
Q: Do you think that this man deserves to die?
Y. Islam: Who, Salman Rushdie?
Q: Yes.
Y. Islam: Yes, yes.
Q: Would you go to a demonstration where you knew that an effigy [of Rushdi] was going to be burned?
Y. Islam: I would have hoped that it’d be the real thing.
@Vlad if there was anything controversial with the mosque, President Erdogan, Yusuf Islam otherwise known as Cat Stevens the BBC would of course mentioned it
Instead of making the item entirely “wow look a nice cuddly eco-mosque”
The architect’s twitter account is the place to see lots of info about the eco-Mosque
Here is their image from the actual first day in March
Although they have been tweeting pics of the construction since 2016
First prayer at Cambridge Central Mosque on 15th of March 2019. Fantastic to see it alive and fulfilling its purpose.
Oh dear, tonight’s Countryfile will have a special item the Changing Weather Patterns due to Climate Change and their impact on farming.
Adam Henson visits the Barlings Eau and talks about the farmer maybe converting his entire farm into a wetland reserve.
It’s still got 1m of water on and the bank breach wasn’t yet fixed on Thursday..they were still putting new pilings in.
Now we know weather patterns may well change like over 1,000 years rivers change course.
But that alarmists get carried away.
So when they assume floods will happen in this years places every year now, and actually that won’t happen.
So far Fish Lake wasn’t mentioned just Lincolnshire.
Radio Lincolnshire trailed it twice at 7am with the farmer and then 8:25am interview with Adam Henson.
Adam Henson didn’t bang on about Climate
He just said that if areas are prone to flooding
then the EA are better off setting it aside, instead of having to clean it up each time.
The farmer wants a Lincolnshire Rivers body to take over from the EA
“like the did in Somserset levels, where tge local body took over and restarted dredging”
It rained last night.
The table in our garden has water on it.
Not only that but the wind has blown some remaining leaves off the trees
It must be due to climate change and global warming.
I think we need to announce a Climate Emergency immediately.
Perhaps Greta could pop round with a garden rake.
After school, of course.
Round here we talk about ‘once in a Louth flood’. It last happened 1920.
The Louth flood of 1920 or Louth “cloud-burst” was a severe flash flooding in the Lincolnshire market town of Louth which occurred 29 May 1920, resulting in 23 fatalities in 20 minutes. It has been described as one of the most significant flood disasters in Britain and Ireland during the 20th century. Wikipedia.
Was that Climate Change too? Should someone tell Greta?
Not totally bBBC but a record of note and related to above posts but from another angle.
On the quasi religious ‘Sunday’ programme, there was the feature on an eco-friendly Mosque built in Cambridge. (Yeah, I know but we’ll pass on that). The architect was interviewed.
‘How did you go about creating a carbon neutral building ‘ asks Stourton.
The reply was most revealing.
‘Carbon neutral is a very complex subject’ says the architect in terms, ‘we are saying the building has zero carbon ON SITE’.
So the next time the eco-loons on the BBC are given free rein, and blithely claim ‘carbon neutral’, I wonder if Mr Harrabin et al. will challenge them?
Somehow I suspect not.
Here’s an election issue which is getting zero coverage.
The polls are predicting that Boris is ahead by around 10 points.
Yet Reuters and others are saying that it is too close to call whether the Tories get a majority.
If a 10 point lead does not get a majority then this reveals the ‘rotten boroughs’ in many Labour heartlands of very small and therefore over-represented constituencies.
Labour could actually lose the popular vote to the Tories and yet still become by far the biggest party, even get a majority in the HoC, helped by Remoaner tactical voting and quite possibly the weather on the day.
Which makes the abject failure of the Tories to push through the 2018 Boundary Commission final report ever more astounding.
The cowardly useless incompetent Tories don’t deserve to win, and as soon as Labour get a credible leader they will be wiped out in a landslide defeat.
Boris is simply Tony B Liar Mk IV with every Tory leader trying to ape him in the hope of enriching themselves in the same manner as BLiar has.
It’s not about the country, nor the party, it’s about how many oil dollars they can stuff into their pockets.
Also don’t forget that ‘remain’ were 10 points ahead pre voting day, and they lost !
The boundary commission report was indeed a failure of the Tories, but there have been very many failures on their part since they came to power with the Fib Dems.
They have done absolutely nothing about voting fraud, virtually always carried out by Pakistani Muslims, and virtually always to the benefit of Labour. It is jaw droppingly unbelievable that Fiona Onasanye who was elected by fraud was allowed to take her seat in the House of Commons, while the fraudsters who put her there were imprisoned !
Then there is the scale of record high migration and the fact that they will almost certainly be voting Labour, but will not appear in the polls.
At the end of all of this the Tories have done it to themselves and failed to do the things they needed to do to stop it.
If only they had the courage to be something like The Donald, drain the swamp and grasp the nettle, they might be a credible force but they aren’t.
Their wholly inept selection body appears to favour grey men and women – safe pairs of hands like Theresa May and as a result there isn’t a credible leader in the party anymore. As Peter Hitchens has observed, it’s a party rotten to the core and now on it’s way to its inevitable end.
Indeed the feebly led Tories seem to have a latent death wish. They have had very weak leadership under the” one nation banner” which has allowed the left to gain ascendancy . They seem afraid to make strong decisions where it matters. I suspect that they will be permanently eclipsed by the egregious Marxists as the ever increasing “religion of peace” will be voting for their Labour friends.
This could very well be their last hurrah !
Labour ironically, will eventually be subsumed by the religion of peace by sheer numbers but those numpties cannot see this.
The literally tens of people who read these loss-making, subsidised newspapers will be insufficient to get the message across. But the BBC can be guaranteed to stretch every sinew,
Look who was out for a drink and didn’t know what was going on?
#HeilTommy I had no idea who this twat was. Bit of a Nazi, it turns out. Meet me again chum and you shall get a lick from the rough edge of my tongue.
” I had no idea who this twat was.” On first read I thought it was a quote from PJW after being ambushed by Sweeney. Didn’t know who he was? needs to get out of the bbc bubble a little more. The nazi reference brings to mind DCs naive swivel eyed loon comment. Maybe Sweeney could go head to head with PJW on YouTube, might give him a little perspective.
Okay, this is getting way beyond bias now. The BBC website today give us its take on anti-semitism, but guess what, it’s concerned about a handful of isolated cases of alleged anti-semitism in the Tory ranks.
Meanwhile, there is not a mention of the revelations in several Sunday outlets that Corbyn has been named as the worst antisemite on the planet by the world’s leading Nazi-hunting organisation.
The Simon Wiesenthal Centre has warned that Corbyn would turn Britain into a ‘pariah state’. This ought to be all over the BBC today.
But Marr’s paper review glossed over it – no discussion – and his incredibly soft interview with the Marxist McDonnell did mention anti-semitism in general terms but bizarrely did not bring up the shocking Wiesenthal statement.
Taken with the Jewish Labour Movement’s own formal condemnation of Labour’s institutional antisemitism, you would have thought that an impartial state broadcaster, concerned that democracy and values are upheld, would be trying much more to shine a light into that dark area.
But it isn’t – and with five days to go to the election this disgraceful broadcaster could be complicit in leading us into a situation where antisemitism has been relegated to the sidelines and people vote in a racist, anti Jewish regime.
This happened once before in European history – do people never learn?
Front page of The Sunday Times original size
So you can understand why a Labour Party media person would shout “look over there, anti-Semitism is a Tory issue”
Think here for a moment about what you have written.
On the one hand you are correctly likening Corbyn and the Labour party to the Nazi’s, and then in the same piece calling them Marxists.
It might not have occured to you that they cannot be both! The Fascists and the Marxists hated each other and fought several wars in the 1930s & 40s.
McDonnell is NOT a Marxist, he is like Corbyn a FASCIST ! verging on Nazism !
Just because the facts of what Fascism is has been kept from you does not prevent you from going and finding out for yourself. There are plenty of Marxists around and there have been for years they have not been particularly guilty of anti Semitism, in fact Marx himself was a Jew!
Stop letting Labour off the hook by sanitising their politics with false names such as ‘Marxist’ and call them out for what they are – Fascists !
Thoughtful, if you look carefully at 20th Century you will find that Nazis (National Socialists) are exactly the same as Communists. They behave in the same way. Their ideology is similar if not identical.
Of course they fight each other. Socialists/Communists/Fascists always do.
South-east Asia after the Americans left VietNam in 1975 is a very good example.
Ed- Yup, (re your opening sentence) I heard that on beeb R4 news yesterday: it took the ‘impartials’ no time at all to change the antisemitism accusation from Labour to the Tories. A final sentence added, was that Labour were demanding the resignation of the 3 ‘accused’ Tories.
Is there any doubt at all that on R4 the distinction between Labour and the beeb is virtually non-existent? One big, happy family, really. Much like the rest of the operation, although -every now and then- token attempts to appear ‘impartial’ are still made on TV. On R4, such attempts have been all but abandoned.
If there is any place to find genuine attempts at impartiality, it is with the local radio stations.
Even more surprising, you could say beyond belief, is that no-one – not even Sarah Vine, more concerned about keeping her new wig straight than paying attention – pulled malicious Marr up on his not-so-Freudian slip. Referring to the Weisental warning he said ‘….if Boris Johnson should become PM’.
Of course, he meant to say Jeremy Corbyn but a bit of accidental word-association always helps the message along.
‘Why are people homophobic?’ asks the BBC on its website. Putting aside the obvious:
1. ‘Homo’ is from the Greek word meaning ‘same’, as in homogenous. So someone who is ‘homophobic’ would be someone who has a fear of things that are identical or the same, such as the two sides on an Isosceles Triangle. But one suspects the BBC really means ‘homosexualphobic’.
2. ‘Phobia’ is from the Greek word meaning ‘fear’. There are probably very few people who actually fear homosexuals, perhaps someone assaulted as a child or in prison might, perhaps. Some will dislike homosexuals, or perhaps aspects of what they perceive to be excessive lifestyle behavior by some, but the vast majority of the population are utterly indifferent or have a ‘live and let live’ philosophy. But one suspects the BBC really means ‘hate’.
Of course, the BBC has a vested interest in stirring the pot: all those advocacy groups don’t want to lose government funding, after all. But here’s the real bottom line: in as much as homophobia, racism, mysogyny and all the other things exist, it is now mainly as a reaction to the BBC and the liberals constantly pushing the agenda rather than the things themselves…
Cleverly apologises for Tory Islamophobia.
BBC say you are sorry for Islamophobia…apologise.
Cleverly, I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry….
(Fiction. To the BBC and you say your sorry for suppressing news about mass rapes of our children by the followers of the prophet. NO WAY)
"Well, course, I'm sorry and I'm sorry when people do or say things that are wrong. But I am confident that my party has a robust mechanism for dealing with it."
— Alexei Romanov #NotABot – In a Castle on a Cloud (@AlexeiRomanov13) December 7, 2019
Another item was .. “Why today think that Islam is the sexually repressed religion, when in the past Islam was the sexually open and enlightened religion”
… sex abuse, women’s rights and sex with minors was not mentioned
“As a woman who exists on dating apps you get pretty tired very quickly of people asking things about threesomes, and his lyrics very much reinforce those stereotypes”
Liam Payne’s been criticised for some of the lyrics on his new album
It seems that the holy grail of all interviewers is to get a politician (any one) to say “sorry” for something or other.
I’m sick of hearing them asking ohjeremycorbyn to say sorry for the antisemitism. Same for any Tory when asked to apologise for Islam o’phobia.
Or about Grenfell or anything else. (Obviously not about the tens of thousands of little girls getting gangbanged by enrichers as this seems acceptable to our right honourables)
If Macron comes on will he be asked to say sorry for 1066. (and all that. great book, recommended)
If Merkel comes on, …. well, there’s lots there.
Every Country has something to apologise for so are the interviewers all going to go for their virtue signalling gotcha moment.
Schofield had me cringing with embarrassment over his continuous “are you going to say sorry” on (I think) this morning or one of those types of shows.
Give it a rest.
Especially as if you were to get one to say “sorry” it would be meaningless and no one would believe it anyway.
A forced apology is worthless.
Alan Mendoza’s article from City AM
Here’s the text, cos the webpage is so advert-heavy it crushes your browser
“Thursday 5 December 2019 4:25 am Alan Mendoza We cannot afford to be timid about calling out the threat of radical Islam
Are the wrong solutions being posited?
Once more, the spectre of terrorism has come to impact upon the daily lives of those living and working in our capital city.
Last Friday’s London Bridge attack was sadly unsurprising in terms of its occurrence, although that in no way diminishes its horror. Two young graduates, Jack Merritt and Saskia Jones, were cut down in the prime of life, on account of convicted terrorist Usman Khan.
This tragedy was particularly shocking as Khan, who had been jailed for 16 years as part of a plot to bomb the London Stock Exchange and pubs in Stoke, as well wanting to establish a jihadist training camp in Pakistan, had given a passable impersonation of having been successfully deradicalised following his automatic release from his sentence.
The event where he launched his rampage — and which his victims had the misfortune to have participated in — was for Learning Together, a prisoner rehabilitation initiative. Khan had become something of a poster child for this group, having had a case study written about him, and been provided with a secure laptop that complied with his licence conditions.
.. Khan even went as far as to contribute a poem to a Learning Together brochure, where he also expressed gratitude for his computer. As deceptions go, this one appears pretty comprehensive.
A lot of election heat has been vented since the attack, with both major parties blaming the other for Khan’s offence.
– Labour has suggested that foreign policy and police cuts were the reasons Khan strapped knives to his hands and stabbed his fellow citizens.
– The Conservatives have claimed that he was only released on account of a previous Labour government sentencing policy.
Both have missed the point.
Usman Khan did not wreak havoc on London’s streets because of procedural issues. He would have attempted to do so regardless of when he was released, or however many police stood in his way.
He did so, instead, because he was an Islamist extremist, convinced that he was carrying out God’s word
in slaying those he had referred to as “kuffar”
( a pejorative term for non-believers – and “dogs”. )
Our prisons are indeed breeding grounds for radicalisation. But Khan went into prison a committed extremist; he had no need of further assistance in this regard.
The infamous hate preacher Anjem Choudary claimed Khan as one of his students, and Khan spent years attempting to proselytise in Stoke through “dawah stalls” linked to the proscribed terrorist organisation al-Muhajiroun that Choudary once headed.
Given the depravity of Khan’s religious views, and the cunning with which he evidently concealed them after his release, no government desistance and disengagement programme was going to deradicalise him.
For all the brow-beating of the British state, and the political ping-pong that has resulted from it, the wrong solutions are being posited to guard against the scale of the threat (even if it is common sense to suggest that those guilty of particularly heinous crimes should serve a longer portion of their sentences than Khan did if they remain a potential security concern).
Part of the problem is that it is increasingly difficult to raise the issue of the menace of radical Islam without being accused of “Islamophobia”
by those who have hijacked a noble cause
— the fight against anti-Muslim hate crime —
and turned it into an attempt to silence all discussion of extreme variants of Islam.
It is perfectly obvious why some Islamophobia campaigners desire such a blanket rallying cry: it masks scrutiny of their own views, which they would be able to promote without fear of challenge.
What is less clear is why politicians and state entities are happy to go along with this charade, when alternative and much tighter definitions of racism against Muslims
— such as “anti-Muslim hatred” —
exist that would avoid the pitfalls of catch-all Islamophobia definitions while still ameliorating a societal ill.
For the reality is that, despite the recent growth in far-right extremism in this country, radical Islam remains the principal threat to our security today
— and, indeed, to the British Muslim community, for the first victims of Islamists have always been their fellow Muslims.
We ignore this at our peril. The Usman Khans of our world rejoice when we wring our hands in apology for real or imagined foreign policy disasters, just as Osama bin Laden did over Iraq War soul-searching, having launched his first attacks against the west well before a western boot touched Iraqi soil.
Radical Islam hates us for who we are and the liberal democratic and tolerant views that we hold, not for what we do. Being timid in naming it and pretending that it is not a factor in our security debate won’t make it go away.
Only by challenging this pernicious ideology with a rigorous and proactive approach to safeguarding, and a renewed focus on real integration, can we guarantee a safer future for all of us.
On a different subject showing something positive about Jews both in Uk and in the Jewish State would be helpful at this time rather than just talking about anti Semitism . But has the BBC the courage to go against the flow!
How about this for example this from which would fit in with the BBC interests.
Training bacteria to eat CO2. Researchers at Israel’s Weizmann Institute have genetically engineered bacteria to live on carbon dioxide rather than sugar. Over a 10-year period, the researchers induced evolutionary changes in E. coli bacteria so it can survive on CO2. It could eventually be used to reduce CO2 levels in the atmosphere.
“evolutionary changes in E. coli bacteria so it can survive on CO2. It could eventually be used to reduce CO2 levels in the atmosphere.”
Well, I hope they also know how to limit its effect otherwise all those billions of trees we are all going to plant won’t survive very long. On the plus side it might get rid of all those vegan’s food sources.
Lynette, that sounds incredibly dangerous, not just for the possible effects on food and other vegetation outlined by PRW73 but if there is any warming element to CO2 (I have my doubts) then it would be all too easy to tip the world into an Ice Age from which there would be no easy escape.
Having listened to Dr Dan Britts (a geologist) talk about CO2(!) I realised that he was doing what a lot of scientists find themselves doing: bumping into the Bible in a confirmatory way. The Genesis Creation account indicates how this biosphere had to be put in a state where it could accommodate humankind. It required considerable warming.
Cosmologists and astrophysicists use the expression ‘Goldilocks’ Planet to refer to Earth. Maybe geologists and others worried about CO2 should do the same.
In the debate he was talking about controlling immigration, a subject we should be able to discuss without ignorant people like yourself virtue signalling & correlating it to racism
“General election 2019: Farage promises Reform Party after Brexit”
IMHO The Tory Party is already adopting much of The Brexit Party’s ideas and principles.
The South African adventurer Mike Horn and his Norwegian friend Børge Ousland, who have been struggling for a fortnight during their expedition on the Arctic pack ice, were rescued on Sunday. Both men are safe, say Mike Horn’s relatives on his Instagram account. However, we do not know the state of health of the adventurer and his teammate.
rescued by the Norwegian icebreaker named “Lance”,
Arctic explorers Børge Ausland and Mike Horn only with 4 days of food left and frost damages are stranded on the Arctic ice after an attempt to save them by ship failed yesterday. Their expedition is to explore the effect of climate change up close.
Did Sophie Ridge tell Boris that Australia’s immigration is higher than the UK’s? So 208,000 is more than 627,000. Dianne Abbot may agree. Even Boris did not contradict but he did do classics.
It will not happen, h&s or some other reason but how about the million or so unemployed, drawing unemployment benefit or whatever it is now, being put to use doing work such as filling pot holes or picking up litter to qualify for this benefit.
Maybe 3 days a week, clocking in and out.
There’s no shortage of this type of work to be done and it would hinder those abusing the system.
Time away to be allowed for any confirmed job interviews.
Keeps those out of work active and job ready.
With respect I disagree . The vote must achieve something close to what you want . Voting brexit party where there is a Tory candidate is likely to split the Right Brexit Vote and let in a Corbyn supporter .
I voted today . I also counted 2 groups of 6 momentum imports wandering the streets of Chingford . In my constituency there are only 3 candidates – one Tory, a Corbynite and a traitor liberal .
The only hope for the Tory is that the remainers will split between the lefty parties .
Saying ‘ vote brexit party ‘is easy and pure – but is as likely to open the door to a Corbyn liberal SNP government as much as all those fraudulent labour postal votes floating about today .
As I write this the biased lefty C4 is running another 90 Corbyn love in with lots of clapping every time there is a promise to spend other people’s money . I’m guessing this because I don’t waste my time watching any politic programme on the MSM any more – together with tens on million others.
The Gestapo have already got him in custody and he isn’t getting out. If he’s been a terrorist or a murderer, rapist drink driver etc he’d be right out within a few minutes but the Gestapo have other plans.
They have of course released his name and the area where he lives so the Sturmabteilung thugs can and have made death threats against him and his kids. Doesn’t seem to matter to them that half his family is black!
The MEN being a Fascist supporting paper have removed the piece where his family and friends were a speaking about their disbelief at his arrest given who is in his family.
And again this comes down to the cowardly useless incompetent Tories allowing a single Labour individual to be in charge of Policing, in this case Burnham. What on Earth did they think was going to happen?
Sometimes I think this nonsense is wasting police time. And the stabbing goes on.
The police will be booking kids in the playground for poking their tongues out next .
As a matter of interest, does anyone on here know of any migrants FROM Britain, who have made careers in the media of their chosen country, after living there for several years ? I only ask because the amount of those who have migrated and made their home here, and who are constantly on our screens are too numerous to count.
What made me ask, is watching the Sky Arts channel – (which is always informative), a programme on Hollywood Composers of the 1940’s, and one of the contributing talking heads is……. Bonnie Greer. In recent weeks this American born woman has pitched up in BBCs Dateline London, Reviewing the Papers, has appeared on Question Time, and is now a bloody ‘authority’ on Hollywood composers !!!!! she’s listed as playright/columnist/broadcaster/novelist and critic. My immediate thought was….. with all those credentials wouldn’t she get paid more in the U.S ???? so why is she here pontificating her views politically along with that other ‘columnist’ Alibaba Brown, when surely we must have enough commentators who were actually born here.
Brissels .. I agree with you, I’ve wondered for a long time how they manage to get themselves on TV. Nice well paid work and all they seem to have to do is pull the UK to pieces with all the racism they see(in their biased eyes). Or go on endlessly about nasty colonial Britain. I often wonder if there are the same amount of people from UK who have emigrated to the US or Australia etc. get jobs on TV in those countries, I doubt it.
On the hour news is usually BBC radio or Sky
but I see that now the Mail has Newsroom Live bulletins at 7am, 12pm, 5pm weekdays for 3 minutes
Sweden: 10 men of dark complexion and dark hair surround a 20 year old woman and rape her.
About 2:35 in.
I think we all know that all Western Governments are answering to some higher authority. Certainly not their public. But, just how much more will the public take of these savages killing and raping before there is a major reaction?
When the reaction comes, whether it be France or Sweden or Germany, or indeed even the US, I think a ‘domino’ effect will ensue. Personally, I’d welcome the treatment the last dictator of Romania experienced for these, ‘politicians’.
“all Western Governments are answering to some higher authority. Certainly not their public”
Elected Governments all. Then again could a party not dancing to a ‘common good’ tune ever hope to be allowed to share a platform long enough to put their point of view; let alone be perceived as electable?
Even PM Johnson wasn’t allowed to get a word in edgeways on Marr whilst C4 simply falsified his words.
Eventually enough will twig what’s going on. Eventually.
Maajid Nawaz managed to fill an entire LBC programme today with a discussion about the growing threat from anti semitism.
And outside Parliament, thousands of people gathered this afternoon for a rally against anti-semitism.
Meanwhile, the BBC continues to play dumb. Nothing to report here, folks, move along, we need to talk instead about tactical voting, or the NHS, or whether Boris can be trusted…anything but the fact that a raging anti-Semite might become our next Prime Minister. Truly appalling.
Just watched the new Blade Runner on Amazon and flicked onto BBC News channel and, guess what, they were doing a piece on Ethiopia and Climate Change. Question is, why are they spending so much of their budget on this, is it because it’s the only thing they have complete freedom with? There’s no doubt that the climate is changing but why the scaremongering? No doubt, in the fullness of time these questions will be answered.
Fedup2Mar 6, 13:51 Midweek 5th March 2025 Marky – thank you for putting that up – imagine a country where they take border security seriously … I…
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Terminal MoraineMar 6, 13:27 Midweek 5th March 2025 Cummings comments on gov shambles — ————— BBC: “One point worth noting on this morning’s sentencing story. Shabana Mahmood has…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 13:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 To Hell With the Archbishop of Canterbury { feb2008} In the midst of this dismal verbiage and euphemism, the plain…
Fedup2Mar 6, 13:12 Midweek 5th March 2025 What do you when you get fired from the ‘sentencing council ‘..? No mouth from then sentencing council would do…
Fedup2Mar 6, 13:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 World at one Excellent news – following the broadcast by comrade macron Sergei lavrov has told us that any NATO…
tomoMar 6, 12:16 Midweek 5th March 2025
wwfcMar 6, 12:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan asylum seeker raped schoolgirl, 15, after spotting her alone in town centre
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:57 Midweek 5th March 2025 The throat of the animal should be facing the Qiblah. The knife should be adequately sharp to cut the throat…
tomoMar 6, 11:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 It’s traditional thing in Pakistan for the diverse Islamic factions to murder each other., when they aren’t murdering unbelievers…. That…
When is .@afneil
going to interview Greta Thunberg ?
Planes going to Madrid climate conference
He requires mummy’s permission first, and the lizard-child needs to be furnished (well in advance) a list of questions, to which her mummy and daddy will need to have sufficient time to provide convincing answers, and for the child to memorise.
He’s even better value outside.
“Peak Saturday night W1A
— The BBC ordered a Christmas tree so big
that it’s now been deemed a security risk. (after it’s been up a week !)
The removalists have arrived
and the truck is too small to transport
so it’s being dismantled limb from limb.”
On Dec 14th the new will arrive and be put inside the building
Not directly BBC but lord Ashcroft has put a poll suggesting a ‘hung ‘parliament with BoJo against a lablib coalition.
I’m hoping it’s too simplistic as the element of voter fraud and tactical voting are not factored in . – not that I have already voted .
Will this be the first GE result where the general feeling will be that it was voter fraud that won it – too late by then of course, all the king’s horses?
BBC News
What should I be recycling?
What‘s Trump’s record on the environment?
Should I still have children?
These are some of the big climate change questions we tackled this year. Cut Through the Noise will be back with new episodes on December 19.
Top of my list.
Getting ready not to watch Andrew Marr in the morning , probably take the dog out for a long walk instead , John Prescott’s thoughts on his attitude to Boris last Sunday are interesting , been looking at the reviews on Marrs website and realised that he had this problem with anyone that doesn’t agree with him for years ….arrogant, self opinionated pratt and getting paid good money for it as well
Getting ready not to watch Andrew Marr in the morning , probably take the dog out for a long walk instead , John Prescott’s thoughts on his attitude to Boris last Sunday are interesting , been looking at the reviews on Marrs website and realised that he had this problem with anyone that doesn’t agree with him for years ….arrogant, self opinionated pratt and getting paid good money for it as well
Oh how I wish my internet worked properly and was free as well !
The far-left BBC doing their bit to undermine the police, law and order, and stir up race division and victimhood.
Outcome: more deaths from knife and gun crime. Mostly black.
Brand new article
Don’t worry about it all being over on Thursday, it’s just a dry run for the news media equivalent of WW3 that kicks into full gear in January
Why is nobody talking about the money Labour proposes to waste on Climate Change? We can only hope that the ‘voters’ realise that this is the money that should be going to NHS etc.
Has it been costed? What have I left out?
From the manifesto these are first on the list (before NHS) –
£250 billion will directly fund the transition through a Green Transformation Fund dedicated to renewable and low-carbon energy and transport, biodiversity and environmental restoration.
We will create a National Investment Bank, backed up by a network of Regional Development Banks, to provide £250 billion of lending for enterprise, infrastructure and innovation over 10 years.
We will deliver nearly 90% of electricity and 50% of heat from renewable and low-carbon sources by 2030.
We will build:
• 7,000 new offshore wind turbines.
• 2,000 new onshore wind turbines.
• Enough solar panels to cover 22,000 football pitches.
• New nuclear power needed for energy security.
We will trial and expand tidal energy and invest to reduce the costs of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen production.
We will upgrade almost all of the UK’s 27 million homes to the highest energy-efficiency standards, reducing the average household energy bill by £417 per household per year by 2030 and eliminating fuel poverty. We will introduce a zero-carbon homes standard for all new homes.
As part of heat decarbonisation, we will roll out technologies like heat pumps, solar hot water and hydrogen, and invest in district heat networks using waste heat.
To balance the grid, we will expand power storage and invest in grid enhancements and interconnectors.
We will expand distributed and community energy, and immediately and permanently ban fracking.
Under Labour’s plans:
A new UK National Energy Agency will own and maintain the national grid infrastructure and oversee the delivery of our decarbonisation targets.
• 14 new Regional Energy Agencies will replace the existing district network operators and hold statutory responsibility for decarbonising electricity and heat and reducing fuel poverty.
• The supply arms of the Big Six energy companies will be brought into public ownership where they will continue to supply households with energy while helping them to reduce their energy demands.
Labour will take full responsibility for our carbon footprint instead of passing the buck. We will instruct the Committee on Climate Change to assess the emissions the UK imports as well as those it produces, and recommend policies to tackle them, including making UK industry the greenest in the world.
As part of our plan to usher in a Green Industrial Revolution, Labour will create an innovation nation, setting a target for 3% of GDP to be spent on research and development (R&D) by 2030. We will achieve this target by increasing direct support for R&D and reforming the innovation ecosystem to better ‘crowd in’ private investment.
Labour will support our steel through public procurement, taking action on industrial energy prices, exempting new capital from business rates, investing in R&D, building three new steel recycling plants and upgrading existing production sites.
We will provide an extra £5.6 billion in funding to improve the standard of flood defences and respond to the increased risk of flooding, prioritising areas at risk in North West England, Yorkshire and the East Midlands.
Labour will introduce A Right to Food. We will end ‘food bank Britain’. We will ensure everyone has access to healthy, nutritious, sustainably produced food.
We will invest in three new recyclable steel plants in areas with a proud history of steel manufacturing. nutritious, sustainably produced food. We will halve food bank usage within a year and remove the need for them altogether in three years.
Click to access Real-Change-Labour-Manifesto-2019.pdf
‘The 2019 UK general election may be defined by Brexit, but the climate crisis has never loomed larger in the minds of voters. And the country’s two largest parties offer very different visions on how to address it. 152247945.html
Corrected link,
The Yahoo item originates from TheConversation the university based libmob Guardianlike propaganda site
Unicorns and magic trees.
Some will vote for this list; especially the ones who are already good at spending other people’s money or who don’t understand that they’ll have to pay more for their own petrol, diesel or whatever.
State Broadcaster is good at spending other people’s money on its own desires. It shows.
One word: ‘Communism’ –
Labours 9000 new wind turbines……living on the south coast as I do there will no doubt be planning problems , a while ago the large turbine development in the channel was cancelled because of objections from those in the Bournemouth ( council ? ) area because it was going to spoil the view and keep away the tourists ! , same situation on the Isle of Wight with a large campaign against any on the island ….and the no’s won , not even 48% for or 52% against ! .The attitude seems to be “we like the idea of turbines but not in my back yard “
Labours 9000 new wind turbines……living on the south coast as I do there will no doubt be planning problems , a while ago the large turbine development in the channel was cancelled because of objections from those in the Bournemouth ( council ? ) area because it was going to spoil the view and keep away the tourists ! , same situation on the Isle of Wight with a large campaign against any on the island ….and the no’s won , not even 48% for or 52% against ! .The attitude seems to be “we like the idea of turbines but not in my back yard “
“We can only hope that the ‘voters’ realise that this is the money that should be going to NHS etc.” Perhaps, more importantly, ‘our taxpayer money’
Cambridge Eco Mosque item now on R4
First one in Europe.
The BBC didn’t mention Erdogan funded it
\\ This is the Cambridge central mosque Eco friendly mosque in the UK which is designed using sophisticated technology with poles resembling forests from natural materials.
Very beautiful & amazing Mosque construction funded by Turkish Islamic organizations & inaugurated by Turkish President Erdogan //
Then 8am Radio Lincolnshire will trail tonights Countryfile , as they did at 7am. Climate Change, Changing Weather patterns on farming in Lincolnshire
I wonder if Erdogan mentioned the 2 Cambridge graduates just killed by an Islamic terrorist the week before at London Bridge ?
“Erdogan opens (first eco) mosque in Cambridge today.
It becomes the latest of around 2,000 mosques Turkey has funded in recent years ”
… Really, how many churches have we funded in Turkey in recent years ??
‘The concept “Islamic terror” is as wrong as the concept of Christian terror, Jewish terror or Buddhist terror.’
The asinine Pope is prone to such moronic statements too.
The obvious difference being that whereas all the other religions mentioned call for peace and condemn war and violence, islam does just the opposite.
It’s a bit strange that the BBC did an item today cos the Mosque has been open since April.
The actual news is the Erdogan opening, which is now cos he’s in the country for the NATO summit. but they didn’t mention that.
Cambridge has a high Kurdish population
so they aren’t using an Erdogan mosque
President Erdogan has been in the UK for the annual NATO leaders conference in London and was invited to the ceremony last month by Mosque patron Yusuf Islam otherwise known as Cat Stevens
Would that be the same Yusuf Islam who approved of the killing – and burning – of Salman Rushdi?
Q: Do you think that this man deserves to die?
Y. Islam: Who, Salman Rushdie?
Q: Yes.
Y. Islam: Yes, yes.
Q: Would you go to a demonstration where you knew that an effigy [of Rushdi] was going to be burned?
Y. Islam: I would have hoped that it’d be the real thing.
@Vlad if there was anything controversial with the mosque, President Erdogan, Yusuf Islam otherwise known as Cat Stevens the BBC would of course mentioned it
Instead of making the item entirely “wow look a nice cuddly eco-mosque”
One more step in the great Conquest and the establishment of the Caliphate.
Thank you BBC.
The architect’s twitter account is the place to see lots of info about the eco-Mosque
Here is their image from the actual first day in March
Although they have been tweeting pics of the construction since 2016
Oh dear, tonight’s Countryfile will have a special item the Changing Weather Patterns due to Climate Change and their impact on farming.
Adam Henson visits the Barlings Eau and talks about the farmer maybe converting his entire farm into a wetland reserve.
It’s still got 1m of water on and the bank breach wasn’t yet fixed on Thursday..they were still putting new pilings in.
Now we know weather patterns may well change like over 1,000 years rivers change course.
But that alarmists get carried away.
So when they assume floods will happen in this years places every year now, and actually that won’t happen.
So far Fish Lake wasn’t mentioned just Lincolnshire.
Radio Lincolnshire trailed it twice at 7am with the farmer and then 8:25am interview with Adam Henson.
Adam Henson didn’t bang on about Climate
He just said that if areas are prone to flooding
then the EA are better off setting it aside, instead of having to clean it up each time.
The farmer wants a Lincolnshire Rivers body to take over from the EA
“like the did in Somserset levels, where tge local body took over and restarted dredging”
It rained last night.
The table in our garden has water on it.
Not only that but the wind has blown some remaining leaves off the trees
It must be due to climate change and global warming.
I think we need to announce a Climate Emergency immediately.
Perhaps Greta could pop round with a garden rake.
After school, of course.
Round here we talk about ‘once in a Louth flood’. It last happened 1920.
The Louth flood of 1920 or Louth “cloud-burst” was a severe flash flooding in the Lincolnshire market town of Louth which occurred 29 May 1920, resulting in 23 fatalities in 20 minutes. It has been described as one of the most significant flood disasters in Britain and Ireland during the 20th century. Wikipedia.
Was that Climate Change too? Should someone tell Greta?
Not totally bBBC but a record of note and related to above posts but from another angle.
On the quasi religious ‘Sunday’ programme, there was the feature on an eco-friendly Mosque built in Cambridge. (Yeah, I know but we’ll pass on that). The architect was interviewed.
‘How did you go about creating a carbon neutral building ‘ asks Stourton.
The reply was most revealing.
‘Carbon neutral is a very complex subject’ says the architect in terms, ‘we are saying the building has zero carbon ON SITE’.
So the next time the eco-loons on the BBC are given free rein, and blithely claim ‘carbon neutral’, I wonder if Mr Harrabin et al. will challenge them?
Somehow I suspect not.
Here’s an election issue which is getting zero coverage.
The polls are predicting that Boris is ahead by around 10 points.
Yet Reuters and others are saying that it is too close to call whether the Tories get a majority.
If a 10 point lead does not get a majority then this reveals the ‘rotten boroughs’ in many Labour heartlands of very small and therefore over-represented constituencies.
Labour could actually lose the popular vote to the Tories and yet still become by far the biggest party, even get a majority in the HoC, helped by Remoaner tactical voting and quite possibly the weather on the day.
Which makes the abject failure of the Tories to push through the 2018 Boundary Commission final report ever more astounding.
The cowardly useless incompetent Tories don’t deserve to win, and as soon as Labour get a credible leader they will be wiped out in a landslide defeat.
Boris is simply Tony B Liar Mk IV with every Tory leader trying to ape him in the hope of enriching themselves in the same manner as BLiar has.
It’s not about the country, nor the party, it’s about how many oil dollars they can stuff into their pockets.
Also don’t forget that ‘remain’ were 10 points ahead pre voting day, and they lost !
The boundary commission report was indeed a failure of the Tories, but there have been very many failures on their part since they came to power with the Fib Dems.
They have done absolutely nothing about voting fraud, virtually always carried out by Pakistani Muslims, and virtually always to the benefit of Labour. It is jaw droppingly unbelievable that Fiona Onasanye who was elected by fraud was allowed to take her seat in the House of Commons, while the fraudsters who put her there were imprisoned !
Then there is the scale of record high migration and the fact that they will almost certainly be voting Labour, but will not appear in the polls.
At the end of all of this the Tories have done it to themselves and failed to do the things they needed to do to stop it.
If only they had the courage to be something like The Donald, drain the swamp and grasp the nettle, they might be a credible force but they aren’t.
Their wholly inept selection body appears to favour grey men and women – safe pairs of hands like Theresa May and as a result there isn’t a credible leader in the party anymore. As Peter Hitchens has observed, it’s a party rotten to the core and now on it’s way to its inevitable end.
Indeed the feebly led Tories seem to have a latent death wish. They have had very weak leadership under the” one nation banner” which has allowed the left to gain ascendancy . They seem afraid to make strong decisions where it matters. I suspect that they will be permanently eclipsed by the egregious Marxists as the ever increasing “religion of peace” will be voting for their Labour friends.
This could very well be their last hurrah !
Labour ironically, will eventually be subsumed by the religion of peace by sheer numbers but those numpties cannot see this.
Doubtless on every bbc desk this fair morn.
The literally tens of people who read these loss-making, subsidised newspapers will be insufficient to get the message across. But the BBC can be guaranteed to stretch every sinew,
Look who was out for a drink and didn’t know what was going on?
The bbc should hire him.
Kir Royales all round!
Calling people “Nazi” who are not nazi
is quite hatey
And Sweeney the BBC’s expert on the non-mainstream political right fails to recognise one of its top 3 faces.
” I had no idea who this twat was.” On first read I thought it was a quote from PJW after being ambushed by Sweeney. Didn’t know who he was? needs to get out of the bbc bubble a little more. The nazi reference brings to mind DCs naive swivel eyed loon comment. Maybe Sweeney could go head to head with PJW on YouTube, might give him a little perspective.
Has Mr Sweeney found someone stupid enough to give him a job yet?
Okay, this is getting way beyond bias now. The BBC website today give us its take on anti-semitism, but guess what, it’s concerned about a handful of isolated cases of alleged anti-semitism in the Tory ranks.
Meanwhile, there is not a mention of the revelations in several Sunday outlets that Corbyn has been named as the worst antisemite on the planet by the world’s leading Nazi-hunting organisation.
The Simon Wiesenthal Centre has warned that Corbyn would turn Britain into a ‘pariah state’. This ought to be all over the BBC today.
But Marr’s paper review glossed over it – no discussion – and his incredibly soft interview with the Marxist McDonnell did mention anti-semitism in general terms but bizarrely did not bring up the shocking Wiesenthal statement.
Taken with the Jewish Labour Movement’s own formal condemnation of Labour’s institutional antisemitism, you would have thought that an impartial state broadcaster, concerned that democracy and values are upheld, would be trying much more to shine a light into that dark area.
But it isn’t – and with five days to go to the election this disgraceful broadcaster could be complicit in leading us into a situation where antisemitism has been relegated to the sidelines and people vote in a racist, anti Jewish regime.
This happened once before in European history – do people never learn?
Front page of The Sunday Times
original size
So you can understand why a Labour Party media person would shout “look over there, anti-Semitism is a Tory issue”
Think here for a moment about what you have written.
On the one hand you are correctly likening Corbyn and the Labour party to the Nazi’s, and then in the same piece calling them Marxists.
It might not have occured to you that they cannot be both! The Fascists and the Marxists hated each other and fought several wars in the 1930s & 40s.
McDonnell is NOT a Marxist, he is like Corbyn a FASCIST ! verging on Nazism !
Just because the facts of what Fascism is has been kept from you does not prevent you from going and finding out for yourself. There are plenty of Marxists around and there have been for years they have not been particularly guilty of anti Semitism, in fact Marx himself was a Jew!
Stop letting Labour off the hook by sanitising their politics with false names such as ‘Marxist’ and call them out for what they are – Fascists !
Thoughtful, if you look carefully at 20th Century you will find that Nazis (National Socialists) are exactly the same as Communists. They behave in the same way. Their ideology is similar if not identical.
Of course they fight each other. Socialists/Communists/Fascists always do.
South-east Asia after the Americans left VietNam in 1975 is a very good example.
Ed- Yup, (re your opening sentence) I heard that on beeb R4 news yesterday: it took the ‘impartials’ no time at all to change the antisemitism accusation from Labour to the Tories. A final sentence added, was that Labour were demanding the resignation of the 3 ‘accused’ Tories.
Is there any doubt at all that on R4 the distinction between Labour and the beeb is virtually non-existent? One big, happy family, really. Much like the rest of the operation, although -every now and then- token attempts to appear ‘impartial’ are still made on TV. On R4, such attempts have been all but abandoned.
If there is any place to find genuine attempts at impartiality, it is with the local radio stations.
Even more surprising, you could say beyond belief, is that no-one – not even Sarah Vine, more concerned about keeping her new wig straight than paying attention – pulled malicious Marr up on his not-so-Freudian slip. Referring to the Weisental warning he said ‘….if Boris Johnson should become PM’.
Of course, he meant to say Jeremy Corbyn but a bit of accidental word-association always helps the message along.
‘Why are people homophobic?’ asks the BBC on its website. Putting aside the obvious:
1. ‘Homo’ is from the Greek word meaning ‘same’, as in homogenous. So someone who is ‘homophobic’ would be someone who has a fear of things that are identical or the same, such as the two sides on an Isosceles Triangle. But one suspects the BBC really means ‘homosexualphobic’.
2. ‘Phobia’ is from the Greek word meaning ‘fear’. There are probably very few people who actually fear homosexuals, perhaps someone assaulted as a child or in prison might, perhaps. Some will dislike homosexuals, or perhaps aspects of what they perceive to be excessive lifestyle behavior by some, but the vast majority of the population are utterly indifferent or have a ‘live and let live’ philosophy. But one suspects the BBC really means ‘hate’.
Of course, the BBC has a vested interest in stirring the pot: all those advocacy groups don’t want to lose government funding, after all. But here’s the real bottom line: in as much as homophobia, racism, mysogyny and all the other things exist, it is now mainly as a reaction to the BBC and the liberals constantly pushing the agenda rather than the things themselves…
Ian you posted a link back to this page
Maybe you meant to post a link to the BBC story
Cleverly apologises for Tory Islamophobia.
BBC say you are sorry for Islamophobia…apologise.
Cleverly, I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry….
(Fiction. To the BBC and you say your sorry for suppressing news about mass rapes of our children by the followers of the prophet. NO WAY)
I cannot vote for such a gutless party.
In time we will have a party that will stand up to the media and the Islamophiles within it.
Well the BBC are the experts at lying , so no surprise they’ve made an item about it
Has Al Beeb and the world of art “gone bananas”?
The Radio 4 7am Sunday Show is basically satire
isn’t it ?
another item on R4 Sunday
Another item was .. “Why today think that Islam is the sexually repressed religion, when in the past Islam was the sexually open and enlightened religion”
… sex abuse, women’s rights and sex with minors was not mentioned
BBC Newsbeat in its happy place:
“As a woman who exists on dating apps you get pretty tired very quickly of people asking things about threesomes, and his lyrics very much reinforce those stereotypes”
Liam Payne’s been criticised for some of the lyrics on his new album
Tried humming that lyric… not easy.
It seems that the holy grail of all interviewers is to get a politician (any one) to say “sorry” for something or other.
I’m sick of hearing them asking ohjeremycorbyn to say sorry for the antisemitism. Same for any Tory when asked to apologise for Islam o’phobia.
Or about Grenfell or anything else. (Obviously not about the tens of thousands of little girls getting gangbanged by enrichers as this seems acceptable to our right honourables)
If Macron comes on will he be asked to say sorry for 1066. (and all that. great book, recommended)
If Merkel comes on, …. well, there’s lots there.
Every Country has something to apologise for so are the interviewers all going to go for their virtue signalling gotcha moment.
Schofield had me cringing with embarrassment over his continuous “are you going to say sorry” on (I think) this morning or one of those types of shows.
Give it a rest.
Especially as if you were to get one to say “sorry” it would be meaningless and no one would believe it anyway.
A forced apology is worthless.
Alan Mendoza’s article from City AM
Here’s the text, cos the webpage is so advert-heavy it crushes your browser
“Thursday 5 December 2019 4:25 am Alan Mendoza
We cannot afford to be timid about calling out the threat of radical Islam
Are the wrong solutions being posited?
Once more, the spectre of terrorism has come to impact upon the daily lives of those living and working in our capital city.
Last Friday’s London Bridge attack was sadly unsurprising in terms of its occurrence, although that in no way diminishes its horror. Two young graduates, Jack Merritt and Saskia Jones, were cut down in the prime of life, on account of convicted terrorist Usman Khan.
This tragedy was particularly shocking as Khan, who had been jailed for 16 years as part of a plot to bomb the London Stock Exchange and pubs in Stoke, as well wanting to establish a jihadist training camp in Pakistan, had given a passable impersonation of having been successfully deradicalised following his automatic release from his sentence.
The event where he launched his rampage — and which his victims had the misfortune to have participated in — was for Learning Together, a prisoner rehabilitation initiative. Khan had become something of a poster child for this group, having had a case study written about him, and been provided with a secure laptop that complied with his licence conditions.
.. Khan even went as far as to contribute a poem to a Learning Together brochure, where he also expressed gratitude for his computer. As deceptions go, this one appears pretty comprehensive.
A lot of election heat has been vented since the attack, with both major parties blaming the other for Khan’s offence.
– Labour has suggested that foreign policy and police cuts were the reasons Khan strapped knives to his hands and stabbed his fellow citizens.
– The Conservatives have claimed that he was only released on account of a previous Labour government sentencing policy.
Both have missed the point.
Usman Khan did not wreak havoc on London’s streets because of procedural issues. He would have attempted to do so regardless of when he was released, or however many police stood in his way.
He did so, instead, because he was an Islamist extremist, convinced that he was carrying out God’s word
in slaying those he had referred to as “kuffar”
( a pejorative term for non-believers – and “dogs”. )
Our prisons are indeed breeding grounds for radicalisation. But Khan went into prison a committed extremist; he had no need of further assistance in this regard.
The infamous hate preacher Anjem Choudary claimed Khan as one of his students, and Khan spent years attempting to proselytise in Stoke through “dawah stalls” linked to the proscribed terrorist organisation al-Muhajiroun that Choudary once headed.
Given the depravity of Khan’s religious views, and the cunning with which he evidently concealed them after his release, no government desistance and disengagement programme was going to deradicalise him.
For all the brow-beating of the British state, and the political ping-pong that has resulted from it, the wrong solutions are being posited to guard against the scale of the threat (even if it is common sense to suggest that those guilty of particularly heinous crimes should serve a longer portion of their sentences than Khan did if they remain a potential security concern).
Part of the problem is that it is increasingly difficult to raise the issue of the menace of radical Islam without being accused of “Islamophobia”
by those who have hijacked a noble cause
— the fight against anti-Muslim hate crime —
and turned it into an attempt to silence all discussion of extreme variants of Islam.
It is perfectly obvious why some Islamophobia campaigners desire such a blanket rallying cry: it masks scrutiny of their own views, which they would be able to promote without fear of challenge.
What is less clear is why politicians and state entities are happy to go along with this charade, when alternative and much tighter definitions of racism against Muslims
— such as “anti-Muslim hatred” —
exist that would avoid the pitfalls of catch-all Islamophobia definitions while still ameliorating a societal ill.
For the reality is that, despite the recent growth in far-right extremism in this country, radical Islam remains the principal threat to our security today
— and, indeed, to the British Muslim community, for the first victims of Islamists have always been their fellow Muslims.
We ignore this at our peril. The Usman Khans of our world rejoice when we wring our hands in apology for real or imagined foreign policy disasters, just as Osama bin Laden did over Iraq War soul-searching, having launched his first attacks against the west well before a western boot touched Iraqi soil.
Radical Islam hates us for who we are and the liberal democratic and tolerant views that we hold, not for what we do.
Being timid in naming it and pretending that it is not a factor in our security debate won’t make it go away.
Only by challenging this pernicious ideology with a rigorous and proactive approach to safeguarding, and a renewed focus on real integration, can we guarantee a safer future for all of us.
Thank you for this important post Stew.
On a different subject showing something positive about Jews both in Uk and in the Jewish State would be helpful at this time rather than just talking about anti Semitism . But has the BBC the courage to go against the flow!
How about this for example this from which would fit in with the BBC interests.
Training bacteria to eat CO2. Researchers at Israel’s Weizmann Institute have genetically engineered bacteria to live on carbon dioxide rather than sugar. Over a 10-year period, the researchers induced evolutionary changes in E. coli bacteria so it can survive on CO2. It could eventually be used to reduce CO2 levels in the atmosphere.
So far magic CO2 solutions like CCS, use more energy than it’s worth.
“evolutionary changes in E. coli bacteria so it can survive on CO2. It could eventually be used to reduce CO2 levels in the atmosphere.”
Well, I hope they also know how to limit its effect otherwise all those billions of trees we are all going to plant won’t survive very long. On the plus side it might get rid of all those vegan’s food sources.
Lynette, that sounds incredibly dangerous, not just for the possible effects on food and other vegetation outlined by PRW73 but if there is any warming element to CO2 (I have my doubts) then it would be all too easy to tip the world into an Ice Age from which there would be no easy escape.
Having listened to Dr Dan Britts (a geologist) talk about CO2(!) I realised that he was doing what a lot of scientists find themselves doing: bumping into the Bible in a confirmatory way. The Genesis Creation account indicates how this biosphere had to be put in a state where it could accommodate humankind. It required considerable warming.
Cosmologists and astrophysicists use the expression ‘Goldilocks’ Planet to refer to Earth. Maybe geologists and others worried about CO2 should do the same.
The KCL guy who’s just been on LBC
Tweet is about his study from July
And there is a new Telegraph article
Anyone ever check what the official BBCRadio4 Twitter account “Likes” ?
I assume Joshua Funnell is some sort of pointless ‘activist’?
Anarchist what’s it mean ?
“General election 2019: Farage promises Reform Party after Brexit”
IMHO The Tory Party is already adopting much of The Brexit Party’s ideas and principles.
LeicestershirePolice do you know what sexism is ?
Good to see our finest doing some invaluable thought-policing, rather than the boring stuff of catching crims.
Btw I’d like to report the entire Rap genre for being sexist and violently misogynistic.
BBC Ambush naming #PRtrickey
See the story : “Your Questions: How will UK wildlife be saved?”
Click it and see it morph into
“General election 2019: Your questions on climate change and the environment”
The South African adventurer Mike Horn and his Norwegian friend Børge Ousland, who have been struggling for a fortnight during their expedition on the Arctic pack ice, were rescued on Sunday. Both men are safe, say Mike Horn’s relatives on his Instagram account. However, we do not know the state of health of the adventurer and his teammate.
rescued by the Norwegian icebreaker named “Lance”,
Did Sophie Ridge tell Boris that Australia’s immigration is higher than the UK’s? So 208,000 is more than 627,000. Dianne Abbot may agree. Even Boris did not contradict but he did do classics.
It will not happen, h&s or some other reason but how about the million or so unemployed, drawing unemployment benefit or whatever it is now, being put to use doing work such as filling pot holes or picking up litter to qualify for this benefit.
Maybe 3 days a week, clocking in and out.
There’s no shortage of this type of work to be done and it would hinder those abusing the system.
Time away to be allowed for any confirmed job interviews.
Keeps those out of work active and job ready.
What’s not to like.
The BBC helpful as ever are running an “If you missed it” feature on their website….
In case you missed it: What’s it actually like to work in the NHS?
In case you missed it: What happens if a candidate dies?
Who are the Scots who won’t vote in the election?
In pictures: No rest day for political leaders (First pic is of Jo Swinson)
City-hopping with Swinson
Swinson stirs up supporters in Sheffield
Leaked documents reveal ‘excruciating detail of trade talks’
Corbyn: ‘Wrongs of the past have to be righted’
General election 2019: A matter of mistrust?
How angry are you? (People of Cheltenham who voted remain….)
Reality Check on PM’s claim of no NI-GB goods checks
Corbyn arrives in Bangor for speech
Tory immigration policy ‘scant on detail’
Looks pretty balanced to me…. NOT!
I hear that the BBC have polling ‘guru’ John Curtice on saying that Boris could win but tactful voting by remainers might stop him.
A bit more propaganda for the final week? Trying to encourage something?
Go here if you want the unmessed with truth
“tactful voting”
Yes, if its freedom and independence you want?
Vote for The Brexit Party.
With respect I disagree . The vote must achieve something close to what you want . Voting brexit party where there is a Tory candidate is likely to split the Right Brexit Vote and let in a Corbyn supporter .
I voted today . I also counted 2 groups of 6 momentum imports wandering the streets of Chingford . In my constituency there are only 3 candidates – one Tory, a Corbynite and a traitor liberal .
The only hope for the Tory is that the remainers will split between the lefty parties .
Saying ‘ vote brexit party ‘is easy and pure – but is as likely to open the door to a Corbyn liberal SNP government as much as all those fraudulent labour postal votes floating about today .
As I write this the biased lefty C4 is running another 90 Corbyn love in with lots of clapping every time there is a promise to spend other people’s money . I’m guessing this because I don’t waste my time watching any politic programme on the MSM any more – together with tens on million others.
“General election 2019: Brexit Party will not stand in Tory seats”
The Gestapo have already got him in custody and he isn’t getting out. If he’s been a terrorist or a murderer, rapist drink driver etc he’d be right out within a few minutes but the Gestapo have other plans.
They have of course released his name and the area where he lives so the Sturmabteilung thugs can and have made death threats against him and his kids. Doesn’t seem to matter to them that half his family is black!
The MEN being a Fascist supporting paper have removed the piece where his family and friends were a speaking about their disbelief at his arrest given who is in his family.
And again this comes down to the cowardly useless incompetent Tories allowing a single Labour individual to be in charge of Policing, in this case Burnham. What on Earth did they think was going to happen?
Sometimes I think this nonsense is wasting police time. And the stabbing goes on.
The police will be booking kids in the playground for poking their tongues out next .
As a matter of interest, does anyone on here know of any migrants FROM Britain, who have made careers in the media of their chosen country, after living there for several years ? I only ask because the amount of those who have migrated and made their home here, and who are constantly on our screens are too numerous to count.
What made me ask, is watching the Sky Arts channel – (which is always informative), a programme on Hollywood Composers of the 1940’s, and one of the contributing talking heads is……. Bonnie Greer. In recent weeks this American born woman has pitched up in BBCs Dateline London, Reviewing the Papers, has appeared on Question Time, and is now a bloody ‘authority’ on Hollywood composers !!!!! she’s listed as playright/columnist/broadcaster/novelist and critic. My immediate thought was….. with all those credentials wouldn’t she get paid more in the U.S ???? so why is she here pontificating her views politically along with that other ‘columnist’ Alibaba Brown, when surely we must have enough commentators who were actually born here.
Brissels .. I agree with you, I’ve wondered for a long time how they manage to get themselves on TV. Nice well paid work and all they seem to have to do is pull the UK to pieces with all the racism they see(in their biased eyes). Or go on endlessly about nasty colonial Britain. I often wonder if there are the same amount of people from UK who have emigrated to the US or Australia etc. get jobs on TV in those countries, I doubt it.
Dear Yasmin is a good example.
Voter ID etc.
On the hour news is usually BBC radio or Sky
but I see that now the Mail has Newsroom Live bulletins at 7am, 12pm, 5pm weekdays for 3 minutes
Sweden: 10 men of dark complexion and dark hair surround a 20 year old woman and rape her.
About 2:35 in.
I think we all know that all Western Governments are answering to some higher authority. Certainly not their public. But, just how much more will the public take of these savages killing and raping before there is a major reaction?
When the reaction comes, whether it be France or Sweden or Germany, or indeed even the US, I think a ‘domino’ effect will ensue. Personally, I’d welcome the treatment the last dictator of Romania experienced for these, ‘politicians’.
“all Western Governments are answering to some higher authority. Certainly not their public”
Elected Governments all. Then again could a party not dancing to a ‘common good’ tune ever hope to be allowed to share a platform long enough to put their point of view; let alone be perceived as electable?
Even PM Johnson wasn’t allowed to get a word in edgeways on Marr whilst C4 simply falsified his words.
Eventually enough will twig what’s going on. Eventually.
Maajid Nawaz managed to fill an entire LBC programme today with a discussion about the growing threat from anti semitism.
And outside Parliament, thousands of people gathered this afternoon for a rally against anti-semitism.
Meanwhile, the BBC continues to play dumb. Nothing to report here, folks, move along, we need to talk instead about tactical voting, or the NHS, or whether Boris can be trusted…anything but the fact that a raging anti-Semite might become our next Prime Minister. Truly appalling.
Why is OfCom silent about Al Beeb’s bias ?
Do they work ‘hand in glove’ with each other ? .
If so, what is OfCom for ?
Just watched the new Blade Runner on Amazon and flicked onto BBC News channel and, guess what, they were doing a piece on Ethiopia and Climate Change. Question is, why are they spending so much of their budget on this, is it because it’s the only thing they have complete freedom with? There’s no doubt that the climate is changing but why the scaremongering? No doubt, in the fullness of time these questions will be answered.