The final week of the General Election campaign . Have you had enough Far Left BBC bias? The BBC is throwing the whole range of propaganda to favour Labour against the Conservative/Brexit candidates .
The end of the week will see how persuasive the BBC/MSM still is after so much poison .
Start the Week Thread 9 December 2019
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Blimey, I can’t be…!
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It was a light weekend
– Saturday night to 11pm Sunday ran on page 2
and 4 posts over flowed onto page 3
Second. Silver for me.
Under the coming Corbyn regime nobody will be allowed to be first ….
That’s not true Fedup. By law EVERYONE will be first (except of course those that disagree with Jezzer and they can go and do one.)
Actually @Scroblene is subject to Corbyn’s “being first tax” this week you have to send us 80% of your income
Hows about I send you 100% of my overdraft then…
Diane Abbott can calculate the median, the standard deviation from the continuity factor, then divide by Cumulative Probability Distribution Function.
After that, she can take away the first number she thought of, divided by an elephant, and give the rest of her huge expenses to a charity of my choice!
There, its not so bad being first after all is it!
If commie Corbyn has his way people’s achievements will be ranked according to race, religion, political ideology and whatever sex/gender they assign for themselves. And as is to be expected we all know who will be last.
When I was in Fiji I stayed in a black village
I asked one guy about the success of the Indian immigrants in business.
He explained his ethnicity was communal so couldn’t do business.
He said that when individuals tried an innovation as soon as he made money the rest of the villages badgered him for loans until he was no better off.
On a previous holiday in Trinidad I talked to a local about racism. The blacks dislike the Indians because they have money. Hmmm – there’s a reason they have money. They work.
the bBC reports, has Facebook hijacked by politics
I’m thinking the same as the bBC!
Lets face it that Facebook isn’t liked by the bBC, due to the face that it can’t be controlled by them, and the propaganda/biased it puts out
Toady 1
I woke up to hear Sweater Swinson talking about sex . Oh I say matron . Toady has ‘ invited ‘ all party leaders to share their final thoughts . Swinson was the first to fail this test . It was the combination of thinking and sex which led her to fail .
Our Justin was under orders about some mad Liberal policy of ‘ gender identification’ something or other .
So the interviewer and interviewee spent about 4 minutes dancing around the subject but clearly neither had any idea .
Chaps who think they’re Wimmin using liberal Wimmins toilets ? Is that it ? I still don’t know .
Onto far less important things was the way sweater casts aside 17.4 million votes to leave the EU because she doesn’t like that bit of ‘Democrat’.
But of course Justin never pulled up Sweater on that one . He was too busy thinking about sex …
Well, clearly it’s much more important that we immediately install transgender bogs than we comply with our country’s biggest ever democratic mandate.
I heard one female? Lib-Dem loony suggesting doing away with gendered loos altogether. In this equal opportunities utopia there would be no urinals…apparently they’re sexist and give men “an unfair advantage”. Her idea is that we’d all have to queue for cubicles to have a wee. What a lovely, progressive idea.
Blimey, one of the few remaining benefits of being a bloke is not needing to stand for hours waiting for a vacant WC.
Clearly I’m just an unreconstructed gender fascist…
I sometimes feel like I’m living in a loony bin.
“give men “an unfair advantage”.”
I’d have thought living longer would count as a greater advantage? A bit like State Broadcaster does every day; perhaps the lady was only looking to advantage one side in a debate.
Jeff: “I sometimes feel like I’m living in a loony bin.”
Me, too.
Swinson is like the antidote to Viagra.
Anyway. I think the BBC has decided that the LibDems need to be culled. The Emma Barnet (hardly Andrew Neil) mauling last week on R4 was instructive.
They aren’t going to win (they were never going to win) so the BBC needs to remove the Corbyn vote split potential.
Labour is pummelling social media hard.
I do notice that Jez’ hourly claims get mirrored by the BBC verbatim as ‘news’.
Would the BBC take much notice of the left’s favourite pollster who have an MRP poll up? Survation have given the Tories a 14 point lead and an 84 seat majority predicted.
I looked on their website and all I saw was pro Labour bias as usual
How much more of BBC can they get to promote Labour and slag off Boris. Every time I flick on to listen , there is somebody knocking the Tories
I am ignoring the polls as I think it is plan to make Tories voters complacent and prompt Labour – let’s just hope it is pouring with rain on Thursday…..
If the Tories win then it will rain hard. All those lefty tears!
I will add though I have noticed the lefty media mention Tory leads a lot while the right leaning media mentioned a potential Labour gain.
Survation have spooked the left though. If it is true then it might be like 1983
And if Labour get in it will be like 1984.
Ignoring the polls – the only sensible plan.
Morning all.
A different slant on the Toady Remainin vs Sweater transgender interview,
It was the right interview but with the wrong person, let’s put aside that the Illib Nondems are desperately clutching at straws. Two cheers for Remainin for asking the questions that cannot usually be asked but weirdly I felt sorry for Sweater who falls apart every time she is interviewed.
Responding to the totally stupid LibDem proposal to abolish gender, Webb casually talked about males, females , and ‘a vanishingly small number of people with chromosomal and other difficulties’.
That’s the whole point Justin. Vanishingly small. Vanishingly small. So why has the BBC banged on about the transgender ‘equality’ topic for 2 years plus? And why has in all that time such an interview not been carried out with some Stonewall or other LGBTXXZ spokes’person’ to expose all the disproportionate transgender nonsense, not least when it comes up against feminist demands for ‘safe spaces’ and the like?
Picking on Swinson almost felt like a kind of thuggery – an easy unprepared target when the real zealots have been allowed to get away scot free for years.
Off now to use the same loo as Mrs S.
Did anyone else hear the BBCLabour programme at 0730.
For 15 minutes we were treated to cuddly Uncle John Mcdonnell at home with his tea and biscuits having a jovial time. The set up was to put Mcdonnell up against……..a successful Labour supporting businessman with JustRemainin acting as a sort of benign referee in a match where the play goes on and little intervention is needed. The crux was that the businessman, happy to pay his taxes, feared that the tone of Labour marxism is to scare off business.
Mcdonnell talked about building up businesses as little more than a sort of ‘social responsibility’. The businessman, John Caulfield could barely get a word in, and when he did it was to agree most of the time.
So really all we had was a Labour Party broadcast discussing the boundaries and fine detail of true socialism, the validity and desirability of which was taken as read.
We look forward to a similar jovial, matey, discussion about capitalism and the free market. But somehow I think we will be waiting a long time.
Far Left bias, totally unfettered. An absolute disgrace, yet totally unsurprising.
As the Yellow Vest riots have intensified in France, I half expected our Marxist State Broadcaster, the Black Asian Broadcasting Corporation to explain the seriousness on Toady at 0800. But no. Of more relevance and news importance, we hear of an American who has died and left the largest collection of miniature drams of Scotch, > 4,000 bottles. Now that’s real ‘News’.
On the other hand, I realise that each and every word or televised scene before broadcasting is carefully analysed for its compliance with the BABC Marxist policies, so perhaps there is a simply explanation for the addition of the ‘4000 bottles of scotch’ ‘News’. That being, the news manipulator simply ran out of time before the clock struck 0800 and he/she/it had to throw something in, ad hoc and all that.
The yellow vest protests? That still happening? Not heard much about it. HK on the other hand…
BBC Moaning Emole kicks off with…. there’s a surprise… what Labour ‘would’ do…. ‘will’ do… bless them..
Parties hammer home election messages
A Labour government would deliver a Budget to “end austerity” in its first 100 days, John McDonnell will promise, as parties begin making final pitches for votes in Thursday’s election. The shadow chancellor will vow to get “money moving out of Whitehall and the City” if Labour win the election and set out plans for “democratic control” of newly nationalised water and energy firms. You can see what happened when BBC Radio 4 brought together Mr McDonnell and billionaire businessman and philanthropist John Caudwell.
Boris Johnson, meanwhile, will visit four Brexit-voting Labour-held seats in Humberside and north-east England, where he is expected to tell voters they have been “let down” by Labour having “delayed” and “denied” Brexit. The Conservative leader will also travel to south-west England to warn against voting for the Lib Dems, who say they have legislation “ready to go” to pave the way for another referendum on EU membership. Leader Jo Swinson takes part in a BBC Radio 5 Live and News Channel phone-in later. In other election coverage:
SNP leader Nicola Sturgon is expected to take time out from her bus tour of Scotland to speak to Good Morning Scotland just after 08:00 GMT.
Politicians have “ducked” the big issues in health and social care during the election, says the boss of a membership body representing hospitals, ambulance services and mental health trusts.
BBC Trending examines what happens when politics hijacks local Facebook groups.
Emma Barnett hosts a Question Time Under 30s Special on BBC One, Radio 1 and 1Xtra at 20:30 GMT.
If political polarisation is getting you down, read our 10 reasons the UK is not a divided nation.
Krankie will be thrilled with the call out, if not the level of poofing she inspires.
Meanwhile Chris Mason is on a train, taking your questions. Not mine, sadly, as he blocked me for asking one publicly where the bbc filter has yet to be properly installed.
Oh, and BBC Breakfast in its happy place. Apparently.
Maybe Katie Price as Limp ShadChancer? She’s now well qualified.
Aiming to mop up the sympathy vote?
“Got to work on not looking like a caught rabbit” would be my unsolicited advice.
My screen tells me that the £ is hitting 1.19 to the Euro ! The highest for two years?
Nowt on Al Beeb so far…………….
Perhaps one of their “researchers” will spot this post and do something about it shortly ?
Coming up…………. Next poser for Al Beeb Can Straight actors play gay parts ? Or to balance things out , Can gay actors play straight people ?
That should be interesting but It could be to hot to handle for our “impartial” broadcaster ?
Even in real life you can get 1.17 to the pound ( Sainsbury’s ) . Some say that for all the hot air the currency market is the one which tells the truth – and maybe they are factoring in a bojo majority . As I wrote in the preamble – plenty of dirt being thrown at bojo and co in the next 4 days but let’s hope it shows how diminished the BBC/MSM is in influence .
As for C4 – surely it is so discredited now that the upper6th TV channel should be sold or shut . I’m guessing full privatisation would went the BBC a signal …
Your free Guinness
They cracked down on multiple email addresses
instead the pass downloads to your ApplePay or Google Account
I got one into my Google ..even though I don’t use Google pay
Careful cos not many pubs participate, for me it’s 4 about 10 miles away.
Drink by Dec 18th
No TOADY Watch from me, only listened to 8am News having caught the tail end of the interview with Rishi Sunak. Cannot remember now who did the prime interview slot @8.10am it was that memorable. Kuenssberg then came on for a BBC-type cardboard replica demolition job so de off-button was hitted. Neeeeuuuuughh!
It’s prediction time: I’m currently thinking hung Parliament with Bojo just keeping enough seats to hang on like grim death to No.10 with a February GE re-run whether we like it or not.
A slim majority may well be the best outcome but that must include at least a few REAL Brexiteers (it seems this no longer includes the ERG).
I fear BoJo cannot be trusted with a large majority in the light of likely demands from the EU which will emerge shortly after the election – the EU’s ‘Brexit unicorn list’.
One good reason to be suspicious relates to our fishing waters/territorial waters. To deceivers such as Gove this wrongly means 12 nautical miles but it should mean 200 nautical miles.
As others have said, BoJo fancies himself as a Churchill figure but will probably turn out to be a Heath.
ti, if Boris had a small overall majority, say five or six seats and The Brexit Party (in sensible mode) had ten seats, then that could be a very interesting situation with a DUP comprising a similar number in Parliament.
Unfortunately, I think Nigel Farage has killed TBP stone dead. I would like to be proved wrong on that.
Bojo may be a Major, rather than a Heath, although there were similarities between the two.
On BBC website:
Billionaire John Caudwell goes head-to-head with Labour’s John McDonnell
Or it could be ttitled, Billionaire John Caudwell is interrupted every time he opens his mouth, bar an opening thought, whilst Labour’s John McDonnell quietly drones on unchallenged.
Marr at 9:03am R4 “We’re going to be talking about how climate change is reshaping this country”
all the normal metroliberal lunacy
‘..East Coast gone in 50 years
..Britain an archipelago by 2100
… Natural flood management is the best’
“It began with flooding round Doncaster” (…Matlock actually)
(We had a standing weather system going round and around dropping rain on Sheffield area it was a case of where is drained to)
“How art can help us get around the changing climate.”
The guy goes on about the West Wales “The Sunken 100”
(emm Harlech Castle was built on a cliff face next to the sea, but coastline changes mean it now lies about half a mile INLAND.
Guardianlaland don’t understand the difference between SEA LEVEL RISE vs Coastal erosion/buildup)
Woman’s Hour now “Green Christmas on a Budget”
Tomorrow the lunchtime You and Yours phone-in is
“what are YOU doing to have a more sustainable Christmas ?”
By sheer coincidence there is also a Dec 6th BBCnews long article
Now on R2 Vine is giving a soft ride to Sian Berry from the Green Party
‘It began with flooding round Doncaster……..’
It’s obviously too much trouble for all those legions of ‘investigative journalists’ at the BBC to do the following
1. Look at an OS map of Doncaster
2. Observe the contour lines
3. Look up what the word ‘Carr’ means.
In other words, some (clearly not all, granted) areas around Doncaster are designed and expected to flood. They are not however meant to have houses built on them.
I’d imagine the word has been interpreted as suitable for supermarket carrpark.
Known draining of the carrs there dates back to 2,000 years ago.
The flooding was not due the land being carrs, but that the Don was at a level where the banks were over topped
How could that have been prevented
#1 Dredging of the Don to give deeper depth.
#2 If Don water levels had been kept at lower levels prior to the rain by sluice management
I think they’ve too focused on drought and have thus not kept water low enough.
COP25 lies from the UN Secretary General (after a minute or so):
@AndrewMarr9 said that the River Fleet’ and the River Lea are hidden underground.
AFAIK The Lea is ALWAYS above ground
Guest “I visited Doggerland which is on land lost to the sea and renewable energy is now becoming viable
.. there is a village is Wales which is earmarked for loss retreat”
(that is a special case it was built on marsh 120 years ago and it is possible to keep it still drained but the local council don’t want to pay the money , but they do love pushing global warming )
Stew, I can confirm you are right about the River Lea.
IIRC, the Fleet was almost completely forgotten until WW2.
An historical perspective from Robert Tombs.
We did not need a substitute empire or an economic crutch in the form of European integration in the 1960s. We still don’t. People now realise it.
Not BBC but Daily Mail, which is more left wing on its free website than you would imagine.
I have noticed on political stories and royal stories I am finding it quite hard to either up or down vote any of the comments. The ipad screen will jump about, enlarge, diminish or crash all together and my support for the comment wont register. Many of the comments seem to have been submitted by the momentum students with the usual stuff , any royal story is the same and with similar level of debate. Presume momentum also favours a republic. But the other day I was reading an article briefly on some utter rubbish – may have been about make-up, but something utterly without a political stance and my hand brushed the like or dislike button and without effort the number jumped by one. Is it the Daily Mail making the number of comments in the direction of like or dislike as they see fit – or is this the Russian interference that I have heard so much about?
I think the change in political alignment of the Mail is more to do with the change in editor. Which in turn is part of a wider change in the ownership of newspapers and media groups as leftists increasingly seize control. The Express was bought by the mirror group last year and we can expect it to track left in future. The Telegraph is rumoured to be up for sale and if a leftist buys it the leftist slide of recent years will continue or increase. In the USA the trend is the same with almost all of the MSM being left leaning at the very least. Only on the internet are there any centre or right of centre media outlets and of course these get a hard time from the leftist owners of the platforms that they are forced to use. None leftist media companies face relentless attacks to try and put them of business.
The left has almost complete control of mass media and so controls what people hear ,see and know. Liberal governments around the world are helping leftist platform owners to censor what is put on their platforms, claiming anything that they don’t like if false or fake. Getting rid of such a powerful liberal establishment will be made much more difficult if they have total control of the means of communication.
The Daily Mail changed its editor after the totalitarian left wing pressure group ‘Hope not Hate’ successfully starting forcing business’s like Specsaver to remove their advertising from the Mail.
Katya, I am a bit more concerned with the red lines you and your colleagues cross without consequence every time you play up what you like from those you like, ignore when they stray, and obsess constantly over those you seek to tear down.
That is propaganda backed by censorship of the most grotesque order.
Meanwhile Norman Smith is simply issuing Jon McDonnell pearls of wisdom as one sentence tweets every 5 minutes, as VD gets in selected ladies who appear free mid morning to quote in ways John would appreciate.
The BBC is a lost cause.
Amazingly, liked and/or promoted by two bastions of impartiality, Emily Mateless and Alistair Campbell.
Gosh, that was depressing. Sometimes a crack opens in the pavement and we can look down into an underworld crawling with slimy creatures, which is there all the time, but usually we can forget it.
There was an article yesterday on the Conservative Woman website about how to deal with the BBC once we have a Boris Government. The author had a lot of good ideas but they all require the Tories to be brave and take the beast on. Unfortunately the author is rightfully sceptical that the Tories will have the balls to do this. But there is a way that the Tories can effectively kill off the BBC at little or no risk to themselves, let the people do it for them! All they have to do is to say that failure to pay the License Fee is landing many among the poorer sections of society in prison or with a criminal record and that this is unjust. Therefore they are decriminalising non payment of the LF . I feel sure that within a year millions will not be paying the foul corporation it’s blood money and within a few years it will be forced to become a subscription only service.
Todays DM prints a 100 day Labour plan in which it claims Labour would have in place substantial plans to privatise several utilities.
The BBC also mentions the Labour plans but not so much about nationalisation and concentrates instead on John Caudwell.
The reality is that Labour have written a manifesto which can only be implemented if Britain leaves the EU, but Labour is saying it doesn’t want to leave the EU.
This is the issue with the split in the party Corbyn and McDonell are both leavers, but there are several other ultra remainers within the party driving it in the opposite direction.
If (God forbid) Labour were elected, would it be that Corbyn and Co would use this to force a Brexit upon the rest of the party?
The other big issue is why on Earth are the media ignoring the issue completely?
Get ’em young, BBC.
And stupid.
The BBC has played down the IFS report that says, in not such few words, that labour’s manifesto, is not credible –
“Labour would not be able to deliver investment spending increases on the scale they promise. The public sector doesn’t have the capacity to ramp up that much, that fast.”
It puzzled me a bit as to why the FT is not more negative towards Labour.
The reason is that brokers and traders will continue to make money (perhaps even more) when markets are falling and inflation is increasing which leads to higher interest rates and strikes.
(Incidentally, that is what inflation does, it redistributes wealth)
This is exactly what happened from 1974 to 1979 with the winter of discontent
The BBC is more focused on it’s damn ‘net zero’ rubbish
The BBC wouldn’t remind us of it –
“In case you’re unfamiliar with those events, they basically ended the last Labour government before Blair’s and acted as a sort of funeral pyre for the old “post-war consensus” that set the preservation of full employment, the welfare state and a mixed (public/private) economy as the prime domestic policy objectives of every government of either party.
What brought the government of James Callaghan so low – and a few months later helped Margaret Thatcher to begin what turned out to be 18 years of uninterrupted Tory rule – was a series of strikes across industries and public services in every corner of the nation. Hence the discontent. I was in sixth form at the time, and remember the mixed blessing of being given time off school because the coal for the boilers hadn’t been delivered and the caretakers and dinner ladies hadn’t tuned up (more time to watch Crown Court or Rainbow; less time for A-level economics or English literature).
The point about the strikes was that they were against what was called “pay policy”. This was the government attempting to limit pay rises to reduce inflation and contain job losses – as an alternative to using mass unemployment to keep wages low. The unions rejected pay policy – and got mass unemployment instead. They did not prosper under the Conservatives. Ask the miners.
It felt like everyone was on strike. It was the time when “the dead went unburied”. In fact, that was confined to Liverpool, where some poorly paid gravediggers took industrial action, but that was bad enough. Ford car workers, ambulance staff, the bakers, lorry drivers, petrol-tanker drivers, bin men – the lot were out. Just for a change the coalminers stayed at work, but the nation still suffered.
The strikes weren’t all simultaneous – it was not a general strike – but together they ranged from life-threatening to inconvenient. It was certainly a concentration of industrial action that caused disruption, shortages and chaos. There was a mood in the country that we couldn’t carry on like this, trying to live beyond our means – “Labour Isn’t Working”, in the Tory election slogan – and that the old ways had failed.
The strikes proved what people had known for about 20 years – that the trades unions were too powerful. Their membership peaked in 1979, at more than 13 million; Thatcher soon began the long job of cutting them down to size. Today it’s about half that, and the unions are irrelevant.
The winter of discontent was in fact simply an unusually virulent outbreak of bad industrial relations: the various disputes, in their length and scope, seem unbelievable from today’s perspective. Traditionally the newspaper and the car industry were two hotbeds of discontent and 1978-79 was no exception. Difficult as it may be to think possible, the British Leyland factory in Speke didn’t produce a single TR7 sports car (supposedly a great dollar export earner) for about a year between 1977 and 1978, before the plant was finally shut.
It was not the only year-long stoppage. The Times, that great symbol of the establishment, the “paper of record”, underwent the humiliation of not appearing for almost a year between December 1978 and November 1979. Shortly after it resumed publication it was offloaded to Rupert Murdoch, and the rest, as they say, is misery.
Today, Britain’s peaceable industrial relations, low incidence of strikes and flexible labour market are among its few strong competitive advantages – with unemployment rates running well below those in Europe, for example (and not like 1979).
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But could something like the nightmare of the winter of discontent return? Yes, for sure.
First, so-called hard Brexit could create a similar impression and reality of decline and disorder, and expose the gross incompetence of the government. Whatever the merits of an administration that presides over such a situation, it has little chance the next time the electorate is asked to pass a verdict upon it.
A closer analogy, though, is what would befall the country under a government led by Jeremy Corbyn. For, as the rise of Corbyn demonstrates, you can never inoculate a population against socialism.
Read more
The 2017 Labour manifesto sets out a terrifying agenda for a resumption of union power. A few examples will suffice. First, national sectoral bargaining would mean that, say, a dispute at a single bus depot in Stafford or Glasgow could result in a national wave of industrial action that would stop every bus service in Britain. The same goes for the railways, for car workers, for care workers, for bank staff – anyone you care to mention.
Second, the automatic right to recognition would mean the trades unions would see a massive increase in membership, and thus power, coupled to sectoral (that is, wider than one company) bargaining. That would allow them to blackmail companies, industries and the nation to extract uneconomic pay rises and crush the profitability of British commerce, with predictable effects – ones we have suffered before.
We learned hard lessons about this sort of thing in that exceptionally cold and harsh winter of 1978-79. Who knows what the unions will demand of Corbyn next? Secondary picketing – where unaffected premises can be blockaded by mass violent protest and intimidation; “sympathy” strikes, where workers in one industry take action over an entirely unrelated dispute; paying strikers housing benefit and social security while they’re not at work; the closed shop, which means you have to join a union to be employed, and thus the union can sack you: all could return under a socialist government. Don’t let Britain have to learn those painful lessons again, the hard way.
Excellent comment.
BBC in full-on Labour campaign mode today, from Victoria Drearbyshire’s set of “undecideds” (ie undecided which anti-conservative lot they will vote for) through to the despicable Jo Coburn taking time out to ridicule Boris for wearing protective clothing in a fish processing plant, then giving John Mcdonnel an uninterrupted session to peddle his economic nonsense. This will only get worse as the week draws on.
It really has to be shut down. Subscription funding will not do it.
“Subscription funding will not do it”
Then perhaps a new Tory government will ?
Just listening to Jeremy Vine R2 promoting tactical voting ….got to say he is not as bad as Toady with constant Labour promoting…please enough enough ..scream aghhhhhhh .
And Labour think the BBC are pro Boris !
Must go and sit in a dark corner
Compare and contrast Al Beeb headlines …………..
\\Boris Johnson’s Brexit plan ‘presents major challenge’//
\\Labour vows Budget ‘to end austerity’ in first 100 days//
Bias ?
Where the heck is OfCom ?
A LibDem canvasser turned up last week (I am in a key marginal seat). I said I thought basing an entire campaign around reversing a democratic vote was not a great strategy, to which he replied ‘yes, we’re not campaigning for that any more’.
Meanwhile Labour will end poverty, give everyone free iPads, heal lepers and Richard Burgon will personally show how to unify general relativity and quantum field theory within 3 hours of taking power.
And the BBC ask ad nauseum if Boris can be trusted…
Once again the Beeb are perplexed as to what what could have prompted the latest muslim murderer in Pensacola.
Geo-politics? A joke about his moustache? (yes, seriously!)
They do concede it’s ‘presumed terrorism’, without specifying whether it’s Mormon, Buddhist or IRA.
Well, I don’t have the huge means of the beeb at my disposal for research and analysis, but here’s a wild guess.
A Twitter account matching the Pensecola killer shows talk about hatred of the US and their support for Israel. Unconfirmed at present.
I expect ‘presumed terrorism’ to be a new category used by the media class. Obviously less serious than ‘hate crimes’ like querying transgender activists
One of the questions I have never heard anyone ask a socialist who complains that the gap between rich and poor is growing is:-
“Would you rather have it that the rich get a lot richer and the poor a bit richer, or the rich to become poor and the already poor become destitute?”
The way they complain about the gap increasing would appear that they would rather see the poor suffer just to spite the rich. If I was poor I know that I would rather have a little more even if it means that the rich get even richer.
Plus, their thinking is that if they keep the poor poor and trash the economy, then their vote share would increase as traditionally the poor vote left.
It’s the left’s equivalent of penis envy. Because they’ve either got a small one or none at all, they’d rather have all men metaphorically or literally castrated so they don’t have to confront their own inadequacies.
The BBC loves da yoof, doesn’t it. It is clearly in thrall to St Greta and the kids. It is determined to get the younger generation engaged in the election and voting this week for sweet old uncle Jezza.
So, tonight it is hosting a special Question Time with questions from an audience of under 30s.
But not a chance of a special Question Time with the over 60s – those with a lifetime of experience, who have invested their time, their labour and their taxes into our country, who have lived through governments of all shades, and who have wisdom to share.
Nothing for them on the BBC, where dumbing down is now the norm.
Seems to be a bit of noise in those parts of the press who are not either the Guardian or The Independent about growing anger against Channel 4 and the BBC for clear, unashamed left-wing bias.
Firstly I hope Boris is taking note and secondly I hope he has plans to rectify it in due course.
Christmas Bonus well and truly sorted for picture editor. Job done. Boxes ticked in the unique BBC way.
The al-beeb seeks to remove division, by non-other than creating division.
With just a couple of days to go and the Lefties getting as sweaty as the Duke of York here are the headlines, balanced unbiased BBC style:
“Johnson’s Brexit plan ‘presents major challenge'”
“Labour Budget ‘to end austerity’ in first 100 days”
PS the quotes above are the headline shortlinks from the main news page. I note the Labour story expands the headline to add the word ‘vows’ to the quote – make of that what you will.
What, BBC biased against the Tories in favour of Labour, surely not?
“We’re going to slaughter you”
We all look forward to the forthcoming “slaughter” ensuing on our streets. What’s not to like?
I don’t know about TBP but voting for all the rest ensures the murder and terror in the UK continues.
Even a powerful TBP representation in the HoC won’t stop Islamification. The British people have been brainwashed and bullied into accepting a growing Islamic presence as being normal, indeed as a good thing. The very muted reaction to bombings and industrial scale rape has made me think of the Brits as Frogs, you know the old fable of a frog placed in a pan of cold water stays comfortable as the pan is heated and by the time it realises it needs to get out it’s too late. The only people who can prevent the Islamisation of the UK and much of Europe as well , are the Muslims themselves. If they get ahead of themselves and become too assertive of their religion too early and try to impose Sharia before they are powerful enough there is a chance that the Brits May wake up and be able to get out of the pan alive . But it will require a sea change in attitude and in determination and courage to win the ensuing struggle. Meanwhile the Muslims breed their way to domination.
At 3 minutes in this video, the lady complains of the treatment, the reporter asks “But didn’t ISIS cut peoples heads off??”… the lady replies “well, that’s in the Koran”.
Yes, it is in the Koran. This is Islam.
That stood out to me too, jip .
“This is in the Qu’ran” and then repeated it.
So there you have it. Not some “twisted perversion” of Islam as claimed by liar politicians such as Theresa (Enough is enough) May.
It’s there in black and white in the Qu’ran.
They are following the orders of their god given through their prophet.
Just imagine for one moment if Aaaron Banks, Boris Johnson or Nigel Farage had tweeted this ???? Can you imagine the OUTRAGE from our David !!! He would be all over the media, every outlet , shouting how RACIST they are !! How disgusting and out of touch they are. BUT, because David is black, its fine !!!
Remember the rules, racism only ever works ONE WAY !!
He really is something else.
Extra extra, read all about it… “US Navy base gunman watched mass shooting video”… and then shot and killed a bunch people it appears. Crazy gun toting Americans!!!. We must immediately start censoring these videos… lets give The Labour Party control of the internet, they will purify it of the “hate” online, and give everyone free broadband.
Sorry everybody… it turns out that the “US Navy base gunman” was not a crazy American, but a Saudi Arabian named “Mohammed Alshamrani”. Now before you make a racist comment about the religious texts of Islam, the BBC article does NOT mention Islam, or Muslims Once!!!!… so we can be sure this is not Islamic Terrorism, even though Saudia Arabian citizens are like 99.99% Muslim.
Is that a Norwegian name? Mental health issues no doubt.
Well color me shocked… the ever reliable BBC now is telling us that it is terrorism… but again the article never mentions Islam or Muslims or Jihad once… so we can be sure this is nothing to do with Islam. The “shooting videos” the fellow watched must have just made him snap… one moment he he was a prefectly well-adjusted bloke, reading about bunnies and wot-not in the Koran… the next the internet just flipped him into a psychopath…
Many of the people of Fishlake who were flooded out are angry because they are sure that the way the upstream river defences have been altered in recent years (to protect Sheffield) and the lack of dredging were the two main causes of the Fishlake flood. The Regional Sunday Politics programme (BBC) interviewed Pam Webb from Fishlake, who clearly wanted to air those aspects of the disaster. However this obviously didn’t suit the BBC. Pam tried to talk about river management but she was completely steamrollered by the BBC’s agenda on climate change. A whey-faced teenage ‘climate activist’ who used the non-word “communi-y” a lot was wheeled in, along with a hatchet-faced creature from the Green Party and a Labour Party woman who wanted to out-green the Green woman. There were several pre-recorded sections that hammered home the global warming hypothesis. An unknown Tory appeared by video link and as expected was neither use nor ornament. The interviewer kept calling the whole thing ‘The Green Issue’, completely ignoring the strong possibility that the Fishlake flood was caused by river management policy. It reminded me of the way they talk about the whole highly complicated global warming issue as a totally settled matter, without admitting that the basic hypothesis has as many holes in it as a colander and that humanity’s response to the situation is frequently irrational and cost-ineffective.
R4 Y&Y
You arrive at the motorway service station park in the disabled spot a few metres away from the building
..The next time, you find that spot is now an Electric Car charging point
It’s happened a lot
It does make sense that they bring the EV cable out of a building so want to use spaces next to the wall.
It be all ok if Jezzer gets elected ,
free electric cars for the disabled
Free broadband
Free bus travel
Free train travel
Free air travel
Free dental for all
Free money with everyone to get £50,000 every year tax free
Free travel to another planet of your choice
And all unions agree not to go on strike ever again unlike those pesky French
Labours utopia !
Free broadband = Labour control and censorship of the internet, to merge with Sadiq Kahn’s Thought-Police.
Free bus travel = Car ownership made difficult especially for low paid working people, making work even more arduous.
Free train travel = So that the luvies can get in to The City for free
Free air travel = Most planes will be taxed out of the air, but will be free to the Islington-class on an as-needed basis… especially to Megan and Harry.
Free dental for all = Teeth removal for anyone with the wrong opinion.
Free money with everyone to get £50,000 every year tax free = With Weimar-republic style inflation, better buy that £50,000 cup of coffee today, because it’ll be twice the price in a month.
Free travel to another planet of your choice = Courtesy of you local friendly Jihadist slicing off you head and sending you to one of Islams 7-levels of hell.
Nicky ”I LOVE LABOUR” Campbell on his radio show this morning was unbelievable interviewing a Conservative MP. In all my time lisening to that lump of Primordial Slime i have never heard him behave the way he did. The idiot is no loner hiding his jaw dropping bias, it was agressive, confrontational, nasty and factually incorrect but that didnt stop him even when the Tory MP tried to correct him he was having none of it… And this afternoon all over the BBC web pages is total and complete anti Conservative. Every headline Labour has an upbeat spin, but every Tory story is totally negative.Take a look, staggering..Perhaps the biased BBC have seen the latest polling figures this morning and as a result they have gone into panic mode
We know it’s not just Nicky who is “factually incorrect.”
At the weekend Stew mentioned the bBC video ‘Why is lying so hard to resist?’ which has been troubling me because it seemed to be deliberately normalising lying and basically saying we all do it – so that’s ok then.
Today I came across an archived article from the bBC which quite properly considered the ethics of lying.
I’m sure few (if any) of the current crop of ‘journos’ have ever read this or even considered the ethics.
I haven’t heard, throughout the election and endless platitudes about more funds for the NHS, , any campaigning for more and better……..errr………operating theatre administrators !!!!!!!
For an operation to take place, everyone and everything has to be in the right place at the right time. Pretty simple, really.
Yet some hospitals have operating theatre efficiency rates as low as 60%. Which means 40% of the time they are sitting there idle.
Imagine a factory running at 60% with a backlog of orders and customers. The perpetrators wouldn’t last 5 minutes.
But in the NHS ?? Who cares? Everyone gets paid anyway, no-one is accountable, no-one gets sacked for incompetence, and the public are brainwashed into believing all problems are all about more doctors and nurses. The waiting lists that ensue are wafted away and put down to ‘underfunding’. The gullible public never stop and think. Any that do are attacked as traitors to the NHS and failures are swept under the carpet – as at Bristol, Shrewsbury, mid Staffs etc etc.
Welcome to the real world of nationalised industries.
Excellent point, Sluff.
Sluff, Dafydd
You are both spot on…..BBC in full tilt anti Tory mode today – I have not heard a single positive for Tories but Labour seem to be getting a cuddle..BBC know where their bread is buttered..and they are looking forward to being even more nationalised…more £££ for them…
As for the NHS – why is an ill child on the floor of a hospital the fault of Tories and not hospital management?
This whole MSM propaganda is just so sickening…you have to hope enough people see through it.. fingers crossed…
Im a grump old sod and cynic,
Something deep down tells me that boy on the hospital floor is a stitch up…3 days before an election, gets into the hands of the left wing press, gets into the hands of the Labour party etc etc..
Perhaps Guido Fawkes will investigate..
Just all to convenient…
Indeed JamesA, that is the only saving grace. Like the Guardian deluding itself that it speaks for more than the ludicrous handful of its desperately woke readership, the dwindling BBC audience represents a Loony Tunes Donald Duck, enthusiastically sawing away at the branch on which it stands.
Im a grump old sod and cynic,
Something deep down tells me that boy on the hospital floor is a stitch up…3 days before an election, gets into the hands of the left wing press, gets into the hands of the Labour party etc etc..
Perhaps Guido Fawkes will investigate..
Just all to convenient…
Just like the foodbank woman with only 14 pence left for December emerged on Look North in the marginal seat of Great Grimsby
..very convenient for Labour
I bet Crapita will still be chasing those with only 14 pence for TV licence money.
Just like Steptoe sitting on the train floor, this could come back to bite. Is the blanket from Habitat or Harrods perhaps?
The spinner cycle ( Labour > activist > BBC editorial ) is predictably excited about this. The truth will likely be arrived at late and unremarked.
For the life of me I can’t see how some are laying this at the door of a person expected to also juggle Foreign Affairs in New Zealand or Brexit considerations.
For me, now, I simply wonder what kind of messed up cabal of parents and hospital staff can arrange such a thing between them.
I am looking at a ‘story’ in my county paper that GP waiting times are over a month, when I can call first thing, get called back, be vetted first and in within an hour if necessary.
The array of wild-eyed medics of hue gracing my sponsored social media sections are thus assessed for accuracy on a similar basis.
Did they ask if the reason he was on the floor was because the beds were full of immigrants and health tourists?
No? Thought not.
you and me both….Yes but I am always saddened at how easily many people just jump on the gossip bandwagon – don’t think for themselves..which is why I hope it is freezing and rainy on Thursday..Hopefully it will put the 3 S’s of Socialism off: scroungers, students and the stupid
You need to take a look at the BBC News website..its astonishing. They are not holding back, it rampant anti Conservative Bias, ive never seen it like it…The picture is everywhere, its going to do damage and Boris and the rest are doing bugger all about it
They will cheat in the election
They so desperate to stop Brexit.
And left believe in the Alinksky cheating tactics of “By any means possible”
love it….Never thought it of socialists like that before.
I thought it was just the naive youth that wanted socialism.
love it….Never thought it of socialists like that before.
I thought it was just the naive youth that wanted socialism.
He’s “looking at it” (we know what that means).
And the BBC will describe this as a threat caused by the Andrew Neil nonsense.
At least it can’t make the BBC and more hostile to the Conservatives / brexiters than it already is .
Perhaps one day the BBC will be forced to earn its keep as opposed by compulsory insulting tax for the many who just don’t want it any more – like me .
Just decriminalise non payment of the LF and the BBC will soon be forced to plead for a subscription only service or face extinction.
Is this true?
Just received a seasonal message from my nephew. I don’t know how to copy it directly from my email so I will type it out.
It’s that magic time of year where young, immature minds believe that a grey haired, bearded man will bring them lots of free gifts. Meanwhile, everyone else is voting conservative.
“everyone else is voting conservative”
Because there are only two boxes on their ballot papers?
Lucy, not the point.
The idea that British crime is disproportionately caused by certain minority groups
and that by suppressing discussion of that, those actual groups continue to suffer more harm as resources are not targeted at preventing their crimes.
November 28th I made a note the guy who killed his pregnant wife with a crossbow.
TWatO Watch #1 – The Gloom Deepens
The Montacutie is back to say “Hhellloewe” and open with a couple of anti-Conservative Party news items. I’m a Floating Voter in a marginal constituency.
The power is going to my head.
In my previous times of sacking both Conservative and Labour Ministers (in a different constituency to my present one) both had been or become ‘safe seats’, in the latter less so as the Blair years unwound. I’m tempted to vote in an act of National self-harm just to get my revenge on Theresa May’s and Boris Johnson’s Party …. and get lots of free stuff from Uncle John.
Then I listen to the sound-bite that the BBC play me of a semi-incoherent John McDonnell and even more I want Labour to win a majority on Thursday just so there will be a special place in hell for that Party and its MPs with Tusk, Juncker and Barnier to poke them with hot toasting forks containing their GE19 pledges.
But I just don’t think I can be that stupid or that harmful to my fellow subjects on this Sceptred Isle.
Can I find a large enough clothes peg to fit my nose in time for Thursday? I might need both trembling hands free to get the pencil near the little square Conservative box.
The BBC have been desperate for a “Gotcha” moment against Boris and, with the hospital photo stunt pulled by ITV, they’re certainly running like mad with it.
The BBC website has Boris being criticised over his reaction to the photo plastered over its home page, despite the fact that he did view it soon after and went on to describe it as a “terrible” image. This is one they won’t downplay, you can be sure.
This is the same BBC website that failed all weekend to report the London rally against anti-semitism, or the Simon Wiesenthal Centre’s description of Corbyn as the worst anti Semite in the world, and which has still not mentioned the fact that the Labour supporting New Statesman magazine is refusing to endorse Labour and says that Corbyn is unfit to be Prime Minister.
The BBC editorial policy is clear – by being “balanced” it means headlines about Boris are to be negative, headlines about Corbyn are to be positive; topics to be highlighted are NHS and austerity, topics to be blanked are Labour’s racism and our country’s security.
The days of the BBC getting away with charging a license fee to dissemenate its Marxist garbage may well be coming to an end soon.
Boris has indicated he shortly intends to either abolish or review the current broadcasting charter. Merry Xmas xx
TWatO Watch #2 – The Gloom Lightens a Little
No doubt in order to restore some Election week balance, Radio4 heads off to look at some other floating voters. Prior to that the Montacutie has been a bit gloomy with the help of a researcher about the LibDems chances. I would so love for The Sweater to lose her seat but I doubt that it will happen. Until Friday. 🙂 Please, pretty please.
The Vox Pop that the Beeb came up with had a majority of ‘floaters’ in the selected group saying they will probably vote Conservative. No, I couldn’t believe it either. Of course, there is plenty of time still for them to be made to change their minds. No doubt help will be provided.
I’m not convinced that Starmer really wants the job – he would have preferred going straight into an EU position (to which he is ‘entitled’).
However, bearing in mind that the Conservatives look like winning perhaps his masters (Blair et al.) have directed him to go for it and at this stage he has nothing to lose. It’s a case of ‘keeping all options’ on the table.
Twitter seems strangely quiet about this article in the The Telegraph
Those of a masochistic bent might like to start preparing for tonight’s ‘QT Election Special’ in which a selected audience of 18-30 year-olds will ask impartial, well-considered and in-depth questions – though there is as yet no confirmation of whom.
What promises to make the experience entirely worthwhile is that the programme’s reins are in the capable hands of Emma Barnett.
Can’t wait to watch the car chases on Youtube, again.
I’m guessing only friends and family will bother with that waste of time – as the kidults try to out left / green each other .