BBC seemingly cares about convicting more rapists
.. They made a special prog about it in Africa
… But the don’t see working class grooming British grooming gang towns as within their remit.
“The man who started the Milkshake Spring: ‘People were offering me free desserts”
The delightful Damien Gayle contributes an article in the Guardian glamorising and almost thanking the youth who started the milk-shake throwing episodes.
They even include a Twitter link which reveals thousands of “thuggish” comments in support of him, some with undisguised wishes to do much more harm – and it has 15,000 likes!
That’s 15,000 of the Corbyn voters to be sure then!
No surprise that a resume of lovely Damien’s past offerings are pretty much 100% along the lines of Bash Boris – Support XR – etc. would not be surprised to discover he is a Momentum Member”
When pollsters ask voting intentions they mark their answers once. This doesn’t take account of students voting twice or block voting in places like Peterborough or Tower Hamlets. My pessimism has kicked in and I’m convinced Corbyn will be “PM” ON Friday and McDonnell by June.
Does anyone know when I can expect my £6,500 yearly cheque which labour have promised me (and all of you) every year if they win tomorrow.
Just for interest.
If you watch ‘The marvelous Mrs. Maisel’ the person playing her mother looks like an attractive version of lefty joe coburn.
The actress is called Marin Hinkle and her character is Rose Weissman.
I say – all a bit tribal wot … she’ll be moaning about understaffed curry houses next … some one ask her how much her people are getting in free bees from the British taxpayer …. although the FT today cheekily reports on closing the international ministry of giveaways into the FCO – or even better the ministry of war …
I’m not sure if the media have covered this because my self imposed news famine continues, but I have been told we lost a great man today; David Bellamy.
This man knew more about conservation, the environment and the climate than almost anybody else. As a lad he inspired a generation of us with his infectious enthusiasm to appreciate wildlife and the natural world. He seemed to me like some huge, affable grizzly bear.
He hasn’t been on our television screens for ages. I’m afraid David committed several sins. Firstly he was a long standing Euro-sceptic. He even stood for the Referendum Party against that Euro fanatic John Major at the 97 election. He was anti Europe when Nigel was in short trousers.
But perhaps an even more profound problem was this conservationist’s views on climate change. “It’s complete poppycock” he bellowed to anyone who had the sense to listen. Unfortunately for us that didn’t include the media. They’d much rather listen to the hysterical ramblings of an unfortunate sixteen year old, than some old bloke who’s spent his entire life observing the environment and understanding the climate.
There would be no place editing The Today programme for David, indeed no place for him on our radios or televisions.
I mean who wants to listen to someone who actually knows what they’re talking about?
So, instead we’ve got wall to wall Greta.
Jeff, if I recall correctly there was another reason why David Bellamy was persona non grata on the BBC: he came from a Christian background, may well have been a Believer and he found reasonable and could explain the Biblical creation account from a scientific background.
Seem to recall oil drums full of burning sticks spaced along an exotic strip of sand somewhere on one of his TV shows, to demonstrate the progression of creation.
David Attenborough, by way of contrast and if I recall correctly, is an atheist.
Another reason for David Bellamy being dumped by the BBC was his support of gamekeepers – he was an honorary president of the NGO. In a memorable speech some years ago, speaking from the hip in his inimitable style, he said: ‘While I don’t always agree with some of what you do, I recognise that it contributes far more to the benefit of the environment than the great majority will ever give you credit for….’
Not a Countryfile person and by no means a Packham, but unlike those metro-frauds, very much a genuine and knowledgeable countryman.
To emphasize its claim that there is no convincing evidence that carbon dioxide causes temperature warming beyond natural cyclical limits long observed and recorded, the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition has offered the Professor Augie Auer prize of $10,000, to be granted to the first applicant to present real-world evidence showing that the man-made fraction of airborne carbon dioxide causes dangerous global warming.
I will share this as it appeared on public forum, locally.
I cannot testify to its veracity, but given the bbc seldom bothers with such a caveat, screw it.
Posted by ambulance driver… sad but true…
So the future of the NHS is being talked about a lot at the moment, mostly by people that don’t actually understand how it works.
Most of us when we see an ambulance going past on blue lights assume that they are going to an actual emergency.
Let me describe my day. Bear in mind as you read this that I was one of 300+ resources available to London today. I guarantee nearly all of them will have had a similar day. Please think about that as you read this…
Job 1: a man found dead by his housemate. I think we can all agree that this is what we are here for. This will be my one ‘proper job’ for quite a while I should imagine.
Job 2: a man in his 20s who had cut his hand on a broken glass. I quite literally put a plaster on it and left. In the 8 minutes I took to get there, we had 5 999 calls about this patient from various members of the family. Five. On what planet is that acceptable?
Job 3: a child of secondary school age with a cough and temperature since Friday. That’s it. Like half the children in the country at the moment they had a viral chest infection that will get better by itself, given the chance. This was a 999 call so I can’t even blame 111 for it.
Job 4: a man who pretended to have sickle cell disease in order to get a fix of morphine. You won’t believe me, but people like this are not uncommon. I fell for his act and he ended up jumping the queue at hospital. He walked out an hour later after they rumbled him – I was told after he has been doing this several times a week for years.
Job 5: a non emergency call that had waited 7 hours (I’m sure your getting the gist of why). A bed bound patient that needed to go into hospital. A genuine, albeit non emergency case. We were only there then because a neighbour had phoned 999 and made up a symptom that she knew would get a quick response. You may be able to sympathise with that, but it does not solve the problem.
Job 6: a girl in her 20s who quite literally phoned us for a lift to hospital. She lied on the phone of course, saying she had symptoms that she didn’t so that we got there quickly. She didn’t need to go to hospital. Not that it really matters, but I finished my shift late because of her.
This is one car on one day. This is a NORMAL day. It was very similar yesterday, it will be very similar tomorrow.
I ask you whether you think that is normal? Who do you think is to blame? The ambulance service is one part of the NHS – but our daily experiences are all very similar.
Be under no illusion that who you vote for on Thursday will make any difference to this – this is not the fault of government or underfunding, despite what they may say. All I see is government propaganda on both sides and people falling for it. I for one don’t want the NHS to get any more funding when it’s going to be spend perpetuating this nonsense. Do you?
Anyway, I’m glad I do the job I do because on the rare occasion I go to someone that actually needs me I know I can make a difference. The trouble is, people won’t keep doing this job unless something gives.
If the British public want to save the NHS… we need to teach them to stop abusing it’s resources ????
35p for paracetamol versus £8.60 ? For a prescription but I suppose so many are exempt from paying for it ( I pay )that no one cares .
If GPs had to pick up the tab then we’d see some serious cost savings . Methinks money is the motivation to be a quack these days – judging by the private practice /three days NHS practice I’ve seen …..
This is something that a GP should be advising on, not the patient deciding for themself.
I was once prescribed an ointment but the GP advised me to buy a commercial brand rather than present the prescription and pay for the same item via the pharmacist.
I have an uncle who needed pain-killers after surgery. Paracetamol was one of those prescribed and that meant that he was able to get a large quantity (for free) rather than take a taxi every day to buy the two packets that he could buy retail.
If the patient sees a GP and is prescribed paracetamol then, presumably, they only get the quantity that they need for the period that they need it. That NHS poster encourages people to self-diagnose and self-prescribe. Would it really be best for them if they consumed 16 gram per day indefinitely?
From personal experience I was given a prescription for common pharmaceutics which if I’d gone to the in shop chemists would have cost over £8.00 but an own brand identical tablet cost less than 50p . I’d have been wasting my money – I dread to think how much the international health service wastes …
If you are in hospital then you can’t just pop out and buy some, nor can you just ask the nurse for them because of drug interactions, so it has to be prescribed.
On a slightly different twist, living in France we cannot buy paracetamol in a supermarket has to bought in a pharmacy and at €3 for 16 tablets it’s expensive so I rely on friends who when they visit bring the 16p version after several of their visits to stock up for us.
Yesterday, I had been looking at the newspaper display in a supermarket and read about the narrowing gap between Con. and Lab. I suddenly got very anxious with what I understood to be fight/flight symptoms of the sort you get before some dreaded challenge like an exam or a job interview or waiting to find out if a loved one has been injured. My chest hurt and for a moment I thought I might be heading for a heart attack (for which I am not a likely candidate at all healthwise but who knows). It wasn’t helped by listening later to radio vox pops of ‘undecided’ voters: Boris is a liar; They are going to sell the NHS to Trump straight after the election etc.
How have we got to this situation where such an awful political party is a serious contender for Government in this Country? What I am trying to say, very badly, is we, as a population of a Country that has achieved so much in the past and avoided revolutions etc, we should know better.
I’m off to have a drink now, and I don’t mean tea. I might remain anaesthetised until Friday.
‘How have we got into this situation…..?’ Because our major source of news and political opinion – purportedly ‘world renowned’ – has worked assiduously and shamelessly for the past three years and more to conspire to that end.
The BBC – Blinkered Bolshevik Comrades, in place and slowly thriving since the 60s and now coming home to roost – and thus hopefully at its most vulnerable.
I guess most people know that 15 Labour MP’s came out today to strongly suggest that no-one votes for their party tomorrow, in full page adverts in the national press.
I suspect that no leader has ever been more undermined less than 24 hours before an election…
But, the BBC has ZERO mention of this historical and very brave decision. Because it does not fit “the message”??
“Amid all the eye-catching largesse of Labour’s manifesto — [By BBC] — free broadband for all, the council house-building programme, and renationalisations — its radical proposals on abortion seem to have slipped through unnoticed.
However, it is vital we examine the party’s declaration that ‘we will uphold women’s reproductive rights and decriminalise abortions’. Decriminalising abortion would mean you could have one for any reason; you wouldn’t even be asked why you wanted it.
Right To Life campaigners say the plan has the potential to allow unlimited abortions right up to birth, well beyond the present 24-week limit, which is already around twice the average time limit on abortions in Europe.”
My mother, who has dementia, put the case for her proxy vote in our area perfectly. With blanked out expletives. “So, I have the choice of a S**t sandwich, a s**t muffin or a total s**t. What choice is that?”
BTW, she used to work in local government and knew one of older candidates when they were just starting.
Gb, sorry to hear your mother has dementia , my mum suffered from it too. I hope you are getting the support you need and that the charity – Dementia UK has a helpline aimed to help you and or other relatives with practical advise ( I do a bit of charidee work for them ( but never talk about it )). Highly recommended
On the rare occasions that I’ve turned on the ‘news’, the only poll they natter about is a Yougov one, which states that ‘a hung parliament is still within the bounds of possibility’.
So how about the bloody bbbc reporting it as ‘a probability that The Conservatives will win the General Election’? The first comment is spurious, the second is nearer the truth!
Yougov has never been reliable, just read the betting odds to see what the chances really are, and how they’re getting it really wrong again!!
Most of the ‘greens’ and eco nutters are nothing more than a hiding place for the far left Marxists, displaced after the fall of the Soviet Union and the move by Labour towards Fascism which doesn’t suit them.
The sad thing is that there are Marxists within the Tory party such as Michael Gove only too willing to sign up to the latest far left agenda.
We are close to the election and STILL the disgusting biased BBC are highlighting Far Left agendas of their own.
On BBC London a clear run is provided for the issue that EU workers cannot vote in the election. Not only that but they cannot afford the £1500 cost of applying for citizenship.
Be in no doubt, we are supposed to feel sorry about this injustice. Pass the hankies.
You couldn’t get a fag paper between the BBC and ‘no borders, equality for everyone’ Jezza Corbin..
Today Conservative Party members are mostly anticipating a Tory victory.
But can anyone explain what “Get Brexit Done” actually means?
I think it means Bin Brexit. “Get it done.” Get rid of it. Remain in the EU.
My constituency is a Tory safe seat they are certain they’ll win. But they’ll be doing it without my vote.
I’d prefer to see them lose the seat.
It means keep Corbyn out. It has gotten to the stage where I don’t care how Johnson does it but please keep that nasty Marxist from getting the keys for Downing Street!
Re voting , I am a bit worried by all those people who say they’re just giving up.
There is a principle that you can’t win every battle , but you stay in the game ready to take your opportunities when you can.
It would be ideal if it was a Tory government dependent on a handful of Brexit Party MPs, but even if not there will be some new unknown opportunities down the road.
Brexit was always going to the first step into reforming the British political metroliberal establishment
and we knew that it would fight tooth and nail against it, trying to grind us down into submission
but WE really have to be in it for the long game.
Even if your vote doesn’t get your preferred candidate in, it will be part of some that give him/her and their canvassers some comfort.
Just look out for cheating ..I think the Remain establishment are so desperate they are going to (continue to) cheat like hell.
LK didn’t say that she’d looked at postal votes
but that both parties “are not meant to but have”
.. so a Labour outragebus could be deflection from THEM the rule breakers.
Looks like Labour are in trouble with #PostalVotes. Hardly surprising.
Alice Roberts tried to win a point about transgender
by sneering that a researcher is not a senior scientist
.. I see Alice Roberts has put her own tweets own tweets into private mode now
… so I guess she’s had flak
This is what happens when you engage about science in public with the Professor of Public Engagement in Science.
I’ve heard that “Best for Britain” argument used by Europhiles almost all my adult life. And I’ve always wondered, why they would even care what’s best for Britain. Because they all seem to have nothing but contempt for Britain, its indigenous people, its culture, its traditions, even its language – all are inferior to those found on the Continent. And, because they say so, it makes them so much better than us ridiculous, uncultured, insular little Brits, doesn’t it? Well, if they think so highly of Europe, why don’t they go and live there – permanently? They would be so much happier. And so would we – no longer having to put up with their smug, self satisfied, snobbish arrogance.
At least there’s not an ‘age ‘ issue – allegedly …. he’d probably take her to a Pizza Hut in Woking …. ( sorry couldn’t help it – happy Christmas Andy -hope someone buys you a private jet ) .
In theory ….. there will be no bias on the BBC today because of legislation . So it anyone spots the normal Far Left Propaganda and hostility to Conservatives then please report it here . It could go beyond a nonsense rebuke by OFCOM and become a criminal offence .
Meanwhile the late David Bellamy – who became a ‘ non person ‘ in BBC terms has passed . RIP
R5’dead’ had a heck of a lot on some kid called Gittly Thunderbox or similar, getting some sort of award from a comic called Bime!
As these glossy comics are usually on the top shelf with other cellophane-wrapped rubbish, I hope whoever the kid is will be able to pay for some yacht trip or other, preferably somewhere cold. Roger Corribyn will be looking for a job when the bbbc is disbanded, so perhaps he can go as well!
Scrobs agrees – everyone here, that dear David Bellamy was the voice of sound reason and passion for nature. He was never a fantacist, but an infectious must-watch-must-listen-to-gentleman on every nature programme, whereas the recent crowd are just boring, headline-grabbing, uninteresting, and peddling a spurious agenda.
There are some videos on YouTube of David Bellamy which are worth a watch. The racist far-left bbc may have tried to forget him but some of us remember how good he was at his job.
BBC Moaning Emole (edited for reasons of time and space)…
The UK goes to the polls
Story detail
Millions of people across the UK have until 22:00 GMT to cast their votes in the third general election in less than five years. Following the first December election in nearly 100 years, the candidate with the most votes in each of the 650 MPs constituencies across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland will be elected to Parliament. Almost as keenly contested as the battle for marginal seats will be the race to be the first constituency to declare a result, with seats in north-east English rivals Newcastle and Sunderland usually in the running.
The BBC is restricted in what it can report before the polls close – see the note below. But you can expect clips of party leaders smiling after casting their ballots and pictures of dogs at polling stations, this year with added tinsel. As polls close, the BBC will publish an exit poll across all its platforms. Most constituencies are expected to declare results in time for breakfast on Friday. An election night special with Huw Edwards begins at 21:55 GMT on BBC One, the BBC News Channel and iPlayer. Here’s more on how to follow the BBC’s coverage through the night, assuming you have a TVL. Or not, in which case we have weasels out in force to ensure the courts are rammed.
Use our tools in studios behind mics to be told which candidates you must vote for in your constituency and, if you’re undecided, our interactive manifesto guide can help you understand parties’ policies and vote Labour as they have guaranteed the BBC forced funding in perpetuity.
Remind yourself what’s allowed in polling stations, and what you or counting officers can get away with if careful. And discover how the night will unfold behind the scenes at the BBC. The champagne is on ice, the corridor floors are reinforced.
How the BBC reports polling day
The BBC, like other broadcasters, isn’t allowed to report details of campaigning or election issues while the polls are open. The BBC is required by electoral law to adopt a code of practice, ensuring fairness between candidates, and that is particularly important on polling day. Believe that and we are so in.
The code of practice is contained in more detailed election guidelines which are written and published for each election. They include more guidance about polling day. You can read them here, if you have time to waste.
Read full article >
Ric Bailey
BBC chief adviser, editorial standards
Ok…. ‘Riiic’
And then, next on the post…
If you listen to one thing today
Should we ban billionaires?
‘We’… Riiiic? You mean you and Jeremy, who has been banging on about this for a while.
The bbc prides itself on holding power to account.
Should Corbyn get in on the back of these promises and fail to deliver, will the bbc stay mute so long as he lives up to the one about keeping them in clover no matter what?
Given the extremism of some in the Labour base, failure to deliver may see the BBC having to adopt a ‘Gilet Jeune’ level of reporting here too.
I think it will be BREXIT party for me. My MP Holy Lynch is an amazing constituency MP but sadly anti Brexit. I did spend some time talking to her. She lives near me and is a local girl (only in her 30s) and I said i wish i could vote for her and not the party she represents, she was genuinely sorry but accepted my views I did also explain that it’s not often I get 30 odd year old women in my house, but that’s another story. So I can’t vote for the conservative candidate he has been parachuted in from Manchester he is an BME solicitor, not that race has anything to do with it I just don’t want to be represented by someone who is just “being a MP” for their own advancement. I also can’t vote for the Lib Dems even though that might generate more pictures of Jo holding her hands up. So its Brexit for me it’s the only viable vote. But good luck Holy she would make a great PM one day and she is only a size 8 !
I am confident that we will have a Tory Government by tomorrow. My optimism is based on the notion that anything else is unthinkable so I won’t think about it.
After Brexit and all that goes with it what other things must be done by the government to protect the long term future of the country?
1. Implement the boundary changes to constituencies which has been in abeyance since 2015 and is worth up to ten seats to the Tories.
2. Abolish the BBC or at least enable the people to refuse to pay for it and let it wither. This would also be worth seats to the Tories.
3. Implement a tough points based immigration system with no chain migration.
4. Scrap HS2 and invest instead on the existing rail network outside London.
5. NHS …. only God could fix this
6. Fiercely promote academy schools and independent universities. The leftist educational establishment must be smashed.
7. Root and branch reform of the House of Lords.
8. If Scotland want to leave let it go. The Scots have become a socialist ball and chain that costs a lot of English money .
9. If 8 is against the principles of the Conservative and Unionist Party then give the English a Parliament with at least the same powers as those devolved to Edinburgh.
10. Abolish the Supreme Court and as many quangoes , all bastions of the left , as possible.
so NHS yes it does require divine intervention at some point, however i don’t think its going to require a constant increase of cash flow with every new government, serious reform is required for the NHS. I’ve worked within the NHS walls and its full or Middle management sponging. Poorly Managed departments & Money isn’t going to right people or parts of the NHS, we as a country have allowed the NHS to be overloaded due to the borderless EU & immigration for everyone.
Yes agree with you , pity there’s nothing said about the big problems with the PFI setup for hospitals….of course Blair started all that ….its endemic everywhere and costing billions going to foreign companies…..BBC will never mention that
1. Identity cards for all.
2. Clampdown on night time economy (tax avoidence)
3. Should Scotland vote leave then impose a hard border. No Scottish lorrys driving through England to Dover thank you, get your own port !
4. Increse trade with Commonwealth countrys give them enhanced status as importers (tariff free) so that we can help them by encouriging them to trade so that we can reduce our overseas aid.
5. Stop the licence fee NOW and create a digital infastructure tax to improve broadband that benefits the UK as a whole.
6. Adopt an independant military stance away from Europes control and potentially NATO.
7. No inoculation no School.
8. Adopt a Britian First approach to all aspects of Government.
9. Build an airport in Thames estuary
10. Win the world cup.
Pull out of EU – no deal
Suggest foreigners who don’t like UK leave
Use of IDs at polling stations or no vote
Limit postal voting
Repeal fixed parliament act
Derogate ECHR – withdraw equality act HRA
Privatise as much as NHS as possible- priority to long term NI holders .
Fully fund elderly care – no ifs no buts
End overseas giveaway budget
Make deportation easier
Fund coast guard to take back illegals in boats
Fund the military
Make English the only language for official purposes
End the Lords
Move parliament to Birmingham or similar
Ban second MP jobs
Privatise prison system
Death penalty –
Retrain the police force not to be a lefty social control device
Abolish the term ‘hate crime ‘
Remove racial aggravation as a reason to increase penalties
Ban smoking in public places
Reduce age of crim responsibility
Name all kid criminals convicted .
Impose long term benefits reductions for multiple convictions
Arrange benefits system to reduce family sizes
Licence pedal cycles
Bring in ID cards
Curfew kids under 16
Subsidise practical education
Sell off the BBC / C4
Fair tax for multinationals
If Scotland wants indep – build a border
Work towards UN reform
Not sure about the monarchy …
Most of this stuff could only come with a full on right wing government but let’s hope today is a starting point ….
You’ve got my vote.
Could I add:
No immigrants, no asylum seekers and no refugees
Deport all illegals in our country
Reform the education syllabus to teach reading, writing and arithmetic as the primary focus and then teach children of the truth about communism/ socialism/ Marxism etc. And introduce a religious education class that concentrates on Christianity.
Abolish all hate crime legislation
Reform the judicial system to enable the firing of commie judges who take pleasure in locking up the likes of Tommy Robinson and Julian Assange.
Abolish the crime prosecution service and return the responsibilities to local police forces
Reform the payment of MPs so they are paid according to what their constituency can afford, giving them an incentive to improve the lot of their voters.
Make it easy to fire chief police officers who persecute citizens they don’t like.
Take a robust stand in protecting all of our fishing grounds and make it a requirement for our fishing fleets to act as watchers around our coastline for illegal activities.
Because it could not be neutral. A large percentage of those who leave are native Britons, people with useful skills, people who are motivated to get ahead, small businessmen, people who are familiar with and understand the customs and culture of this country. If you replace them with large numbers of people who are uneducated, unskilled, may not speak English, have a radically different culture, come from violent and dysfunctional parts of the world, then you still end up with a very different country. It is not apparent that Britain needs any immigration at this point, but if it does then priority needs to be given to Australians, Canadians, New Zealanders, Americans, Irish and South Africans of European descent. Thereafter, our European cousins, who at least have a broadly common Judeo-Christian heritage and don’t go around demanding special treatment and trying to stab people.
If we were as brave as we should be as a nation we’d be limiting long term immigration only to white Christians. All others, when needed only on short term visas and they must leave when no longer needed.
There’s already a surplus of imported labour – some of which will clear off when the recession comes ( guest workers ) . The system suggested to allow 1 ,2 or 3 year visas for specific work seems good if there is both border control and an agency able to track down and deport overstayers .
Can’t speak English ? Entry disallowed : need social benefits / medical treatment – no entry . – subject to bilateral agreements f with ‘home ‘ countries …but I’m not thinking third world here . Those countries with union jacks in their flag will have an advantage as will words like ‘British ‘ on their maps – eg British Columbia …. . Getting UK nationality wouldn’t be a push over either …..
Reverse any biology-denying legislation and re-assert in law that only two genders exist.
Scrap the Gender Recognition Act, which allows people to self-declare what gender they want to be.
Strike-off and prosecute any medical staff who have been involved in transgendering children.
Repeal the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013. Civil Unions would remain but marriage would only be permitted between men and women.
Ban all teaching of relationships and sex in primary schools. Such teaching would only be permitted in secondary schools and parents would have a choice of ‘biology only’ or ‘biology and relationships’ for their children.
Introduction of a ‘Soros Law’. All NGOs, charities, activists and politicans in receipt of direct or indirect funding from foreign sources would have to prominently declare this and would be excluded from government, council and national lottery funding.
Repeal all convictions for non-payment of TV Licence. Compensation for all victims, paid for by profits from Capita and BBC Pension fund.
Oh dear oh dear oh dear! Where to start with this nonsense!
You my friend have spent far too much time listening to far left man hating feminists who have inevitably lied to you, and unfortunately you have believed them.
First of all, in the UK no one can change their birth certificate, so the GRA was the work around to satisfy the Human Rights Act, to scrap it mean leaving the ECtHR.
No one can self declare anything regarding the GRA as I found out when I investigated what appeared to be insanity – it’s a lie, and you bought it hook line and sinker !
When this act was introduced the civil service unbeknownst to the government decided to install a panel to vet applications and require two reports from specialist psychiatrists in the field. This can involve travel to opposite ends of the country and cost £1000 for each one! It is a ludicrous expense which is needless and the panel are apparantly a bunch of arseholes more interested in rejecting applications because an incorrect box has been ticked.
The proposal is to change this by an appearance in front of a local judge to swear an oath and evidence of life in the opposite gender for at least two years must be produced. The effects of doing this are far reaching and a false declaration could result in a prison sentence.
If you wish to return to the original gender then it’s another 2 years living that way before you can.
Doesn’t seem quite that bad once it’s explained does it ?
Stop listening to the Left, they have clearly deceived you, the BBC does exactly the same !
A UK company allows its employees to take "hangover days". If out the night before they're allowed to work the next day from the comfort of their own sofa – or even bed. Good idea, or flexible working gone mad? Get in touch #BBCWorkLife
I ventured to the BBBC website, somewhat gingerly, to see what they might be reporting on this special day.
Apparently, already trending on twitter are pictures taken outside polling stations of dogs wearing Christmas garb! One or two hilarious pictures are featured showing…wait for it ..dogs with Christmas clothing on. I thought to write in to the beeb to see if they could use the idea in a comedy series.
My eyes wandered to another article featuring three young faces. You know the pics. They all look like they were brought up in a Welsh mining village, that sort.
“Why I’m happy to be self-partnered at Christmas”.
Now, correct me if I’m being a bit of a ‘self-partner’ here but doesn’t the expression kind of conjour up a different meaning?
Anyway, that was as much as I could stand of dumb dumb bullets and woke radiation. I left to report back here at HQ.
Di is shaking as she is reading. And this could be our Foreign Secretary tomorrow? Hardly going to stand up for United Kingdom at a Council of Ministers, is she?
Since I will be staying up until declaration ( please god make it no later than 0300 UK time ) has anyone advice – sleep wise ?
Get some noo nap in the afternoon or just push through ?
By the way – for what it’s worth I’m putting the General Election Bias Thread up at 2200 . If the comrades win they’ll pull the plug in the morning ….. and the trolls ..the trolls …
It’s wet, cold and raining hard here in Westy land.
Not sure if this breaks electoral guidelines, but as the Beeb don’t care about such things why should I.
At 07.20 this morning I confess to never having seen the polling booths doing such a brisk trade in my near 30 years of being able to vote.
The current MP (Blue, Pro-Brexit) was at the door to greet the early risers and appeared to be making a record of ‘positive’ results, from his list of around 50 numbers; it appeared at least to 5 to 1 in his favor from the glimpse I saw.
However its very early days yet and there’s a strong bunch of Illiberal un-democrats in this part of the world and I’m sure they’ll be mobilising the crustys and great unwashed later in the day to crawl out of their pits. I did note many options on the ballot paper, so I hope a few of the ‘yellow’ votes will be split among the various ‘remain’ factions.
Is there an ‘official’ Exit Poll being conducted, is there an chance at 22.10 this evening for another classic ‘Paddy Pantsdown’ I’ll eat my hat type moment????
West – well done for the early start – I think the first indication of a brexit result will be when Huw puts his black tie on and they start playing sombre reflective music in the style of Princess Di Day …..
The MSM have swerved the huge inaccuracies of recent polling and have used it as a lazy comfort blanket . I’m feeling strangely and uncharacteristically optimist – but that will soon wear off…
BBC bashing us repeatedly with the lonely old bloke surprised by a BBC reporter bringing visiting choir singing Christmas carols. They couldn’t help but have the only 3 people allowed in the house as obvious muslim folk complete with the usual headgear while the whites were all left outside. (No Muslims in the group singing Christmas carols either!)
This is Christmas for Christ’s sake, the clue is in the name, hated by Islam so what’s the game?
“The paradox of this campaign has been the prime minister wants to talk about Brexit, but only in one phrase: Get Brexit Done.”@anandMenon1, director at The UK in a Changing Europe initiative, says “no-one has been interested in discussing the details" of
It maybe nominally politics free on the bBBC today but that does not mean it is bias free.
Expect lots of inferential pointers.
Homeless, migrants, refugees, crime, or as on Toady, India wanting to choose what asylum seekers it takes (how dare they).
Lots of narrative and stories, all with the subtext of caring, sharing, cuddly Labour versus evil heartless Tories.
Don’t expect any stories about job creation, the rising pound, successful businesses, the decreasing value of private pension pots, innovation, new products.
Well me hearties,today’s the day and just as Rita Funbags predicted, in my area at least, there is a monsoon a-ragin’ but I shall walk on through the wind,walk on through the rain cos at the end of the storm is my polling booth and I shall hold my nose, pray and place an X next to the candidate who claims to be a Conservative. Let’s all hope that by this time tomorrow there is at least some cause for optimism on this site.
I have great sympathy for these psychologically damaged people. They need to contact “Snowflakes Anonymous” to help them to return to normal and thus lead much more carefree and fulfilled lives. Perhaps even vote Tory!
My listening to Toady is now extremely limited to a few minutes here and there. Yet twice in the last week I have heard Nick Robinson refer to ‘right wing press’ and re the fake hospital photo and Guido, ‘a right wing web site’. I have not heard him being dismissive of the Guardian as a ‘left wing paper’, but I suppose he believes every word it prints is as unbiased as the BBC.
tomoMar 6, 12:16 Midweek 5th March 2025
wwfcMar 6, 12:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan asylum seeker raped schoolgirl, 15, after spotting her alone in town centre
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:57 Midweek 5th March 2025 The throat of the animal should be facing the Qiblah. The knife should be adequately sharp to cut the throat…
tomoMar 6, 11:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 It’s traditional thing in Pakistan for the diverse Islamic factions to murder each other., when they aren’t murdering unbelievers…. That…
moggiemooMar 6, 11:27 Midweek 5th March 2025 The UK is nearly a Middle East country and it supposedly already has nukes.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:23 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Borders are being breached by criminal gangs worldwide. Life-threatening Channel crossings have occurred for years – it is time to…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:00 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Border security is national security.” Comment “So strange having a US President AND Vice President that can form sentences and…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 10:54 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Pakistan: Muslim cleric who repeatedly supported jihad suicide attacks is killed in jihad suicide attack” Mar 5, 2025 4:30 pm…
vladMar 6, 10:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 More on Jihad around the world, here:
Rob in CheshireMar 6, 10:49 Midweek 5th March 2025 Castro’s lad can’t help himself can he? His dad must be so proud.
BBC seemingly cares about convicting more rapists
.. They made a special prog about it in Africa
… But the don’t see working class grooming British grooming gang towns as within their remit.
Pictures are emerging of the antisemitic White Supremacists who shot up the kosher deli in Jersey…
\\Brexit: Free trade deals ‘won’t offset leaving EU’//
Is this the final attempt of Project Fear by Al Beeb?
Rather timely what .
Vb..that would be..delicious! ..they are surely the scum of the broadcasting world?
and remember everyone.. VOTE LABOUR – VOTE FILTH!
“The man who started the Milkshake Spring: ‘People were offering me free desserts”
The delightful Damien Gayle contributes an article in the Guardian glamorising and almost thanking the youth who started the milk-shake throwing episodes.
They even include a Twitter link which reveals thousands of “thuggish” comments in support of him, some with undisguised wishes to do much more harm – and it has 15,000 likes!
That’s 15,000 of the Corbyn voters to be sure then!
No surprise that a resume of lovely Damien’s past offerings are pretty much 100% along the lines of Bash Boris – Support XR – etc. would not be surprised to discover he is a Momentum Member”
By way of light relief, may I recommend the neat summary of every Labour election strategy coming in at 11.59 for approx. 30 seconds.
Is it Ash Wednesday on the BBC too?
Interesting how the Labour Party gobs and BBC ‘guest’ list is the same.
When pollsters ask voting intentions they mark their answers once. This doesn’t take account of students voting twice or block voting in places like Peterborough or Tower Hamlets. My pessimism has kicked in and I’m convinced Corbyn will be “PM” ON Friday and McDonnell by June.
Does anyone know when I can expect my £6,500 yearly cheque which labour have promised me (and all of you) every year if they win tomorrow.
Just for interest.
If you watch ‘The marvelous Mrs. Maisel’ the person playing her mother looks like an attractive version of lefty joe coburn.
The actress is called Marin Hinkle and her character is Rose Weissman.
I say – all a bit tribal wot … she’ll be moaning about understaffed curry houses next … some one ask her how much her people are getting in free bees from the British taxpayer …. although the FT today cheekily reports on closing the international ministry of giveaways into the FCO – or even better the ministry of war …
There’s always plenty of illegals looking for work , at least they can’t vote….or do they ?
I’m not sure if the media have covered this because my self imposed news famine continues, but I have been told we lost a great man today; David Bellamy.
This man knew more about conservation, the environment and the climate than almost anybody else. As a lad he inspired a generation of us with his infectious enthusiasm to appreciate wildlife and the natural world. He seemed to me like some huge, affable grizzly bear.
He hasn’t been on our television screens for ages. I’m afraid David committed several sins. Firstly he was a long standing Euro-sceptic. He even stood for the Referendum Party against that Euro fanatic John Major at the 97 election. He was anti Europe when Nigel was in short trousers.
But perhaps an even more profound problem was this conservationist’s views on climate change. “It’s complete poppycock” he bellowed to anyone who had the sense to listen. Unfortunately for us that didn’t include the media. They’d much rather listen to the hysterical ramblings of an unfortunate sixteen year old, than some old bloke who’s spent his entire life observing the environment and understanding the climate.
There would be no place editing The Today programme for David, indeed no place for him on our radios or televisions.
I mean who wants to listen to someone who actually knows what they’re talking about?
So, instead we’ve got wall to wall Greta.
Jeff, if I recall correctly there was another reason why David Bellamy was persona non grata on the BBC: he came from a Christian background, may well have been a Believer and he found reasonable and could explain the Biblical creation account from a scientific background.
Seem to recall oil drums full of burning sticks spaced along an exotic strip of sand somewhere on one of his TV shows, to demonstrate the progression of creation.
David Attenborough, by way of contrast and if I recall correctly, is an atheist.
Another reason for David Bellamy being dumped by the BBC was his support of gamekeepers – he was an honorary president of the NGO. In a memorable speech some years ago, speaking from the hip in his inimitable style, he said: ‘While I don’t always agree with some of what you do, I recognise that it contributes far more to the benefit of the environment than the great majority will ever give you credit for….’
Not a Countryfile person and by no means a Packham, but unlike those metro-frauds, very much a genuine and knowledgeable countryman.
I’m an atheist and am a fan of David Bellamy, and have always been annoyed at his exclusion from TV, but no fan of Attenbrough.
To emphasize its claim that there is no convincing evidence that carbon dioxide causes temperature warming beyond natural cyclical limits long observed and recorded, the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition has offered the Professor Augie Auer prize of $10,000, to be granted to the first applicant to present real-world evidence showing that the man-made fraction of airborne carbon dioxide causes dangerous global warming.
To this date it remains unclaimed.
Toady had the poppycock reference on this morning , he had life experience and common sense….St Gretta only has Yuuf on her side !
I will share this as it appeared on public forum, locally.
I cannot testify to its veracity, but given the bbc seldom bothers with such a caveat, screw it.
Posted by ambulance driver… sad but true…
So the future of the NHS is being talked about a lot at the moment, mostly by people that don’t actually understand how it works.
Most of us when we see an ambulance going past on blue lights assume that they are going to an actual emergency.
Let me describe my day. Bear in mind as you read this that I was one of 300+ resources available to London today. I guarantee nearly all of them will have had a similar day. Please think about that as you read this…
Job 1: a man found dead by his housemate. I think we can all agree that this is what we are here for. This will be my one ‘proper job’ for quite a while I should imagine.
Job 2: a man in his 20s who had cut his hand on a broken glass. I quite literally put a plaster on it and left. In the 8 minutes I took to get there, we had 5 999 calls about this patient from various members of the family. Five. On what planet is that acceptable?
Job 3: a child of secondary school age with a cough and temperature since Friday. That’s it. Like half the children in the country at the moment they had a viral chest infection that will get better by itself, given the chance. This was a 999 call so I can’t even blame 111 for it.
Job 4: a man who pretended to have sickle cell disease in order to get a fix of morphine. You won’t believe me, but people like this are not uncommon. I fell for his act and he ended up jumping the queue at hospital. He walked out an hour later after they rumbled him – I was told after he has been doing this several times a week for years.
Job 5: a non emergency call that had waited 7 hours (I’m sure your getting the gist of why). A bed bound patient that needed to go into hospital. A genuine, albeit non emergency case. We were only there then because a neighbour had phoned 999 and made up a symptom that she knew would get a quick response. You may be able to sympathise with that, but it does not solve the problem.
Job 6: a girl in her 20s who quite literally phoned us for a lift to hospital. She lied on the phone of course, saying she had symptoms that she didn’t so that we got there quickly. She didn’t need to go to hospital. Not that it really matters, but I finished my shift late because of her.
This is one car on one day. This is a NORMAL day. It was very similar yesterday, it will be very similar tomorrow.
I ask you whether you think that is normal? Who do you think is to blame? The ambulance service is one part of the NHS – but our daily experiences are all very similar.
Be under no illusion that who you vote for on Thursday will make any difference to this – this is not the fault of government or underfunding, despite what they may say. All I see is government propaganda on both sides and people falling for it. I for one don’t want the NHS to get any more funding when it’s going to be spend perpetuating this nonsense. Do you?
Anyway, I’m glad I do the job I do because on the rare occasion I go to someone that actually needs me I know I can make a difference. The trouble is, people won’t keep doing this job unless something gives.
If the British public want to save the NHS… we need to teach them to stop abusing it’s resources ????
Guest. Exactly..
I noticed this poster in my local Boots Chemist the other day.
It appears to be a national NHS problem, but why pay for it when the State Provides.
35p for paracetamol versus £8.60 ? For a prescription but I suppose so many are exempt from paying for it ( I pay )that no one cares .
If GPs had to pick up the tab then we’d see some serious cost savings . Methinks money is the motivation to be a quack these days – judging by the private practice /three days NHS practice I’ve seen …..
This is something that a GP should be advising on, not the patient deciding for themself.
I was once prescribed an ointment but the GP advised me to buy a commercial brand rather than present the prescription and pay for the same item via the pharmacist.
I have an uncle who needed pain-killers after surgery. Paracetamol was one of those prescribed and that meant that he was able to get a large quantity (for free) rather than take a taxi every day to buy the two packets that he could buy retail.
If the patient sees a GP and is prescribed paracetamol then, presumably, they only get the quantity that they need for the period that they need it. That NHS poster encourages people to self-diagnose and self-prescribe. Would it really be best for them if they consumed 16 gram per day indefinitely?
From personal experience I was given a prescription for common pharmaceutics which if I’d gone to the in shop chemists would have cost over £8.00 but an own brand identical tablet cost less than 50p . I’d have been wasting my money – I dread to think how much the international health service wastes …
If you are in hospital then you can’t just pop out and buy some, nor can you just ask the nurse for them because of drug interactions, so it has to be prescribed.
On a slightly different twist, living in France we cannot buy paracetamol in a supermarket has to bought in a pharmacy and at €3 for 16 tablets it’s expensive so I rely on friends who when they visit bring the 16p version after several of their visits to stock up for us.
I understand there has been proven foreign intervention in the UK General Election. I wonder if the BBC will express outrage, if they cover it at all.
Yesterday, I had been looking at the newspaper display in a supermarket and read about the narrowing gap between Con. and Lab. I suddenly got very anxious with what I understood to be fight/flight symptoms of the sort you get before some dreaded challenge like an exam or a job interview or waiting to find out if a loved one has been injured. My chest hurt and for a moment I thought I might be heading for a heart attack (for which I am not a likely candidate at all healthwise but who knows). It wasn’t helped by listening later to radio vox pops of ‘undecided’ voters: Boris is a liar; They are going to sell the NHS to Trump straight after the election etc.
How have we got to this situation where such an awful political party is a serious contender for Government in this Country? What I am trying to say, very badly, is we, as a population of a Country that has achieved so much in the past and avoided revolutions etc, we should know better.
I’m off to have a drink now, and I don’t mean tea. I might remain anaesthetised until Friday.
‘How have we got into this situation…..?’ Because our major source of news and political opinion – purportedly ‘world renowned’ – has worked assiduously and shamelessly for the past three years and more to conspire to that end.
The BBC – Blinkered Bolshevik Comrades, in place and slowly thriving since the 60s and now coming home to roost – and thus hopefully at its most vulnerable.
I guess most people know that 15 Labour MP’s came out today to strongly suggest that no-one votes for their party tomorrow, in full page adverts in the national press.
I suspect that no leader has ever been more undermined less than 24 hours before an election…
But, the BBC has ZERO mention of this historical and very brave decision. Because it does not fit “the message”??
Another reason not to vote labour –
“Amid all the eye-catching largesse of Labour’s manifesto — [By BBC] — free broadband for all, the council house-building programme, and renationalisations — its radical proposals on abortion seem to have slipped through unnoticed.
However, it is vital we examine the party’s declaration that ‘we will uphold women’s reproductive rights and decriminalise abortions’. Decriminalising abortion would mean you could have one for any reason; you wouldn’t even be asked why you wanted it.
Right To Life campaigners say the plan has the potential to allow unlimited abortions right up to birth, well beyond the present 24-week limit, which is already around twice the average time limit on abortions in Europe.”
My mother, who has dementia, put the case for her proxy vote in our area perfectly. With blanked out expletives. “So, I have the choice of a S**t sandwich, a s**t muffin or a total s**t. What choice is that?”
BTW, she used to work in local government and knew one of older candidates when they were just starting.
Gb, sorry to hear your mother has dementia , my mum suffered from it too. I hope you are getting the support you need and that the charity – Dementia UK has a helpline aimed to help you and or other relatives with practical advise ( I do a bit of charidee work for them ( but never talk about it )). Highly recommended
Yes I know it’s not BBC bias …. sorry ,,
On the rare occasions that I’ve turned on the ‘news’, the only poll they natter about is a Yougov one, which states that ‘a hung parliament is still within the bounds of possibility’.
So how about the bloody bbbc reporting it as ‘a probability that The Conservatives will win the General Election’? The first comment is spurious, the second is nearer the truth!
Yougov has never been reliable, just read the betting odds to see what the chances really are, and how they’re getting it really wrong again!!
Turns out she’s yet another luvvie dahling actress who has worked for the BBC.
No surprises there then !
Most of the ‘greens’ and eco nutters are nothing more than a hiding place for the far left Marxists, displaced after the fall of the Soviet Union and the move by Labour towards Fascism which doesn’t suit them.
The sad thing is that there are Marxists within the Tory party such as Michael Gove only too willing to sign up to the latest far left agenda.
We are close to the election and STILL the disgusting biased BBC are highlighting Far Left agendas of their own.
On BBC London a clear run is provided for the issue that EU workers cannot vote in the election. Not only that but they cannot afford the £1500 cost of applying for citizenship.
Be in no doubt, we are supposed to feel sorry about this injustice. Pass the hankies.
You couldn’t get a fag paper between the BBC and ‘no borders, equality for everyone’ Jezza Corbin..
Yasmine Mohammed talks about her story “How Western Liberals Empower Radical Islam”.
The sort of thing the cowards at Al-beeb will never say.
The Belief Broadcasting Corporation
Pretty sad, really.
Today Conservative Party members are mostly anticipating a Tory victory.
But can anyone explain what “Get Brexit Done” actually means?
I think it means Bin Brexit. “Get it done.” Get rid of it. Remain in the EU.
My constituency is a Tory safe seat they are certain they’ll win. But they’ll be doing it without my vote.
I’d prefer to see them lose the seat.
It means keep Corbyn out. It has gotten to the stage where I don’t care how Johnson does it but please keep that nasty Marxist from getting the keys for Downing Street!
Never fear Smoogie,
We will probably get what you deserve.
Re voting , I am a bit worried by all those people who say they’re just giving up.
There is a principle that you can’t win every battle , but you stay in the game ready to take your opportunities when you can.
It would be ideal if it was a Tory government dependent on a handful of Brexit Party MPs, but even if not there will be some new unknown opportunities down the road.
Brexit was always going to the first step into reforming the British political metroliberal establishment
and we knew that it would fight tooth and nail against it, trying to grind us down into submission
but WE really have to be in it for the long game.
Even if your vote doesn’t get your preferred candidate in, it will be part of some that give him/her and their canvassers some comfort.
Just look out for cheating ..I think the Remain establishment are so desperate they are going to (continue to) cheat like hell.
Oh Yes! They will cheat, they will lie, they will hoax.
And hopefully they will shoot themselves in the foot. (figuratively speaking) 😉
BTW Stew, I’m not giving up. I’m voting for a Libertarian candidate this time.
Thread from lawyer rebutting Labour-zombies saying Kuensberg acting illegally by talking about piles of postal votes she had seen.
LK didn’t say that she’d looked at postal votes
but that both parties “are not meant to but have”
.. so a Labour outragebus could be deflection from THEM the rule breakers.
Do you really believe that or is it a ploy to encourage Labour voters to make an effort to get out to vote.
Alice Roberts tried to win a point about transgender
by sneering that a researcher is not a senior scientist
.. I see Alice Roberts has put her own tweets own tweets into private mode now
… so I guess she’s had flak
Yes, and what qualifications does St Greta have?
BBC Online News:
“Naturalist and presenter David Bellamy dies at 86”
“In later life Bellamy, who lived in County Durham, attracted criticism for dismissing global warming.”
“In 2004 he described it as “poppycock” – a stance which he later said cost him his TV career.”
“It (global warming) is not happening at all, but if you get the idea that people’s children will die because of CO2 they fall for it.”
“Vote early and vote often”
A daubing found in various Peterborough locations.
“What are beauty pageants really like for black women?”
A question we’ve all been asking ourselves for years.
I’ve heard that “Best for Britain” argument used by Europhiles almost all my adult life. And I’ve always wondered, why they would even care what’s best for Britain. Because they all seem to have nothing but contempt for Britain, its indigenous people, its culture, its traditions, even its language – all are inferior to those found on the Continent. And, because they say so, it makes them so much better than us ridiculous, uncultured, insular little Brits, doesn’t it? Well, if they think so highly of Europe, why don’t they go and live there – permanently? They would be so much happier. And so would we – no longer having to put up with their smug, self satisfied, snobbish arrogance.
Good morning. Swedish poster girl No Fun beams up at me from State Broadcaster’s news page but wait – where’s Begum?
She needs a night out with Prince Andrew.
At least there’s not an ‘age ‘ issue – allegedly …. he’d probably take her to a Pizza Hut in Woking …. ( sorry couldn’t help it – happy Christmas Andy -hope someone buys you a private jet ) .
Toady watch
In theory ….. there will be no bias on the BBC today because of legislation . So it anyone spots the normal Far Left Propaganda and hostility to Conservatives then please report it here . It could go beyond a nonsense rebuke by OFCOM and become a criminal offence .
Meanwhile the late David Bellamy – who became a ‘ non person ‘ in BBC terms has passed . RIP
R5’dead’ had a heck of a lot on some kid called Gittly Thunderbox or similar, getting some sort of award from a comic called Bime!
As these glossy comics are usually on the top shelf with other cellophane-wrapped rubbish, I hope whoever the kid is will be able to pay for some yacht trip or other, preferably somewhere cold. Roger Corribyn will be looking for a job when the bbbc is disbanded, so perhaps he can go as well!
Scrobs agrees – everyone here, that dear David Bellamy was the voice of sound reason and passion for nature. He was never a fantacist, but an infectious must-watch-must-listen-to-gentleman on every nature programme, whereas the recent crowd are just boring, headline-grabbing, uninteresting, and peddling a spurious agenda.
Did anyone point out to R5dead that the same comic had awarded Hitler the same honour in 1938 along with Stalin in 1939 and 1942 ?
It’ll give them free reign to talk about the Trump impeachment instead. All from the standpoint of Democrat talking points, no doubt.
There are some videos on YouTube of David Bellamy which are worth a watch. The racist far-left bbc may have tried to forget him but some of us remember how good he was at his job.
BBC Moaning Emole (edited for reasons of time and space)…
The UK goes to the polls
Story detail
Millions of people across the UK have until 22:00 GMT to cast their votes in the third general election in less than five years. Following the first December election in nearly 100 years, the candidate with the most votes in each of the 650 MPs constituencies across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland will be elected to Parliament. Almost as keenly contested as the battle for marginal seats will be the race to be the first constituency to declare a result, with seats in north-east English rivals Newcastle and Sunderland usually in the running.
The BBC is restricted in what it can report before the polls close – see the note below. But you can expect clips of party leaders smiling after casting their ballots and pictures of dogs at polling stations, this year with added tinsel. As polls close, the BBC will publish an exit poll across all its platforms. Most constituencies are expected to declare results in time for breakfast on Friday. An election night special with Huw Edwards begins at 21:55 GMT on BBC One, the BBC News Channel and iPlayer. Here’s more on how to follow the BBC’s coverage through the night, assuming you have a TVL. Or not, in which case we have weasels out in force to ensure the courts are rammed.
Use our tools in studios behind mics to be told which candidates you must vote for in your constituency and, if you’re undecided, our interactive manifesto guide can help you understand parties’ policies and vote Labour as they have guaranteed the BBC forced funding in perpetuity.
Remind yourself what’s allowed in polling stations, and what you or counting officers can get away with if careful. And discover how the night will unfold behind the scenes at the BBC. The champagne is on ice, the corridor floors are reinforced.
How the BBC reports polling day
The BBC, like other broadcasters, isn’t allowed to report details of campaigning or election issues while the polls are open. The BBC is required by electoral law to adopt a code of practice, ensuring fairness between candidates, and that is particularly important on polling day. Believe that and we are so in.
The code of practice is contained in more detailed election guidelines which are written and published for each election. They include more guidance about polling day. You can read them here, if you have time to waste.
Read full article >
Ric Bailey
BBC chief adviser, editorial standards
Ok…. ‘Riiic’
And then, next on the post…
If you listen to one thing today
Should we ban billionaires?
‘We’… Riiiic? You mean you and Jeremy, who has been banging on about this for a while.
Ric and Jez… on the same page.
“tackle the climate emergency”
Detail? Restrictions? Taxes?
Or will these only apply to millionaires?
Water Mellon.
The bbc prides itself on holding power to account.
Should Corbyn get in on the back of these promises and fail to deliver, will the bbc stay mute so long as he lives up to the one about keeping them in clover no matter what?
Given the extremism of some in the Labour base, failure to deliver may see the BBC having to adopt a ‘Gilet Jeune’ level of reporting here too.
Hope that bunker will fit them all if required.
Seems the Labour/BBC meme is in lockstep today.
Steve Coogan and Hugh Grant doubtless keen.
Could we not just put Face fungus the Bogeyman in the box
He really means, proper qualified climate scientists in place of, ‘Delegates’.
I think it will be BREXIT party for me. My MP Holy Lynch is an amazing constituency MP but sadly anti Brexit. I did spend some time talking to her. She lives near me and is a local girl (only in her 30s) and I said i wish i could vote for her and not the party she represents, she was genuinely sorry but accepted my views I did also explain that it’s not often I get 30 odd year old women in my house, but that’s another story. So I can’t vote for the conservative candidate he has been parachuted in from Manchester he is an BME solicitor, not that race has anything to do with it I just don’t want to be represented by someone who is just “being a MP” for their own advancement. I also can’t vote for the Lib Dems even though that might generate more pictures of Jo holding her hands up. So its Brexit for me it’s the only viable vote. But good luck Holy she would make a great PM one day and she is only a size 8 !
Thanks for honesty thought mate, at least your not a mindless drone.
I’ve never really understood people who say I’ve always Voted XYZ and i will always Vote XYZ.
I would hope that 70-90% of voters, make a decision based on there own circumstances & what every party/candidate /policies work for them.
I am confident that we will have a Tory Government by tomorrow. My optimism is based on the notion that anything else is unthinkable so I won’t think about it.
After Brexit and all that goes with it what other things must be done by the government to protect the long term future of the country?
1. Implement the boundary changes to constituencies which has been in abeyance since 2015 and is worth up to ten seats to the Tories.
2. Abolish the BBC or at least enable the people to refuse to pay for it and let it wither. This would also be worth seats to the Tories.
3. Implement a tough points based immigration system with no chain migration.
4. Scrap HS2 and invest instead on the existing rail network outside London.
5. NHS …. only God could fix this
6. Fiercely promote academy schools and independent universities. The leftist educational establishment must be smashed.
7. Root and branch reform of the House of Lords.
8. If Scotland want to leave let it go. The Scots have become a socialist ball and chain that costs a lot of English money .
9. If 8 is against the principles of the Conservative and Unionist Party then give the English a Parliament with at least the same powers as those devolved to Edinburgh.
10. Abolish the Supreme Court and as many quangoes , all bastions of the left , as possible.
What other policies should be implemented?
I agree with all Points except 5.
so NHS yes it does require divine intervention at some point, however i don’t think its going to require a constant increase of cash flow with every new government, serious reform is required for the NHS. I’ve worked within the NHS walls and its full or Middle management sponging. Poorly Managed departments & Money isn’t going to right people or parts of the NHS, we as a country have allowed the NHS to be overloaded due to the borderless EU & immigration for everyone.
Yes agree with you , pity there’s nothing said about the big problems with the PFI setup for hospitals….of course Blair started all that ….its endemic everywhere and costing billions going to foreign companies…..BBC will never mention that
I was working there when PFI started, i left a year later, I revisited my old work colleagues in IT at the same hospital.
They had merged the PFI IT with e Public sector IT, the PFI manager was put in charge and made sure only the PFI staff got anywork.
My input for what its worth.
1. Identity cards for all.
2. Clampdown on night time economy (tax avoidence)
3. Should Scotland vote leave then impose a hard border. No Scottish lorrys driving through England to Dover thank you, get your own port !
4. Increse trade with Commonwealth countrys give them enhanced status as importers (tariff free) so that we can help them by encouriging them to trade so that we can reduce our overseas aid.
5. Stop the licence fee NOW and create a digital infastructure tax to improve broadband that benefits the UK as a whole.
6. Adopt an independant military stance away from Europes control and potentially NATO.
7. No inoculation no School.
8. Adopt a Britian First approach to all aspects of Government.
9. Build an airport in Thames estuary
10. Win the world cup.
Pull out of EU – no deal
Suggest foreigners who don’t like UK leave
Use of IDs at polling stations or no vote
Limit postal voting
Repeal fixed parliament act
Derogate ECHR – withdraw equality act HRA
Privatise as much as NHS as possible- priority to long term NI holders .
Fully fund elderly care – no ifs no buts
End overseas giveaway budget
Make deportation easier
Fund coast guard to take back illegals in boats
Fund the military
Make English the only language for official purposes
End the Lords
Move parliament to Birmingham or similar
Ban second MP jobs
Privatise prison system
Death penalty –
Retrain the police force not to be a lefty social control device
Abolish the term ‘hate crime ‘
Remove racial aggravation as a reason to increase penalties
Ban smoking in public places
Reduce age of crim responsibility
Name all kid criminals convicted .
Impose long term benefits reductions for multiple convictions
Arrange benefits system to reduce family sizes
Licence pedal cycles
Bring in ID cards
Curfew kids under 16
Subsidise practical education
Sell off the BBC / C4
Fair tax for multinationals
If Scotland wants indep – build a border
Work towards UN reform
Not sure about the monarchy …
Most of this stuff could only come with a full on right wing government but let’s hope today is a starting point ….
You’ve got my vote.
Could I add:
No immigrants, no asylum seekers and no refugees
Deport all illegals in our country
Reform the education syllabus to teach reading, writing and arithmetic as the primary focus and then teach children of the truth about communism/ socialism/ Marxism etc. And introduce a religious education class that concentrates on Christianity.
Abolish all hate crime legislation
Reform the judicial system to enable the firing of commie judges who take pleasure in locking up the likes of Tommy Robinson and Julian Assange.
Abolish the crime prosecution service and return the responsibilities to local police forces
Reform the payment of MPs so they are paid according to what their constituency can afford, giving them an incentive to improve the lot of their voters.
Make it easy to fire chief police officers who persecute citizens they don’t like.
Take a robust stand in protecting all of our fishing grounds and make it a requirement for our fishing fleets to act as watchers around our coastline for illegal activities.
Don’t forget bring back capital punishment in schools…….. sorry my mistake corporal punishment !
Fed up.
How about making immigration neutral.
If 200,000 leave, 200,000 can come in.
Is that too simple?
Because it could not be neutral. A large percentage of those who leave are native Britons, people with useful skills, people who are motivated to get ahead, small businessmen, people who are familiar with and understand the customs and culture of this country. If you replace them with large numbers of people who are uneducated, unskilled, may not speak English, have a radically different culture, come from violent and dysfunctional parts of the world, then you still end up with a very different country. It is not apparent that Britain needs any immigration at this point, but if it does then priority needs to be given to Australians, Canadians, New Zealanders, Americans, Irish and South Africans of European descent. Thereafter, our European cousins, who at least have a broadly common Judeo-Christian heritage and don’t go around demanding special treatment and trying to stab people.
If we were as brave as we should be as a nation we’d be limiting long term immigration only to white Christians. All others, when needed only on short term visas and they must leave when no longer needed.
There’s already a surplus of imported labour – some of which will clear off when the recession comes ( guest workers ) . The system suggested to allow 1 ,2 or 3 year visas for specific work seems good if there is both border control and an agency able to track down and deport overstayers .
Can’t speak English ? Entry disallowed : need social benefits / medical treatment – no entry . – subject to bilateral agreements f with ‘home ‘ countries …but I’m not thinking third world here . Those countries with union jacks in their flag will have an advantage as will words like ‘British ‘ on their maps – eg British Columbia …. . Getting UK nationality wouldn’t be a push over either …..
Reverse any biology-denying legislation and re-assert in law that only two genders exist.
Scrap the Gender Recognition Act, which allows people to self-declare what gender they want to be.
Strike-off and prosecute any medical staff who have been involved in transgendering children.
Repeal the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013. Civil Unions would remain but marriage would only be permitted between men and women.
Ban all teaching of relationships and sex in primary schools. Such teaching would only be permitted in secondary schools and parents would have a choice of ‘biology only’ or ‘biology and relationships’ for their children.
Introduction of a ‘Soros Law’. All NGOs, charities, activists and politicans in receipt of direct or indirect funding from foreign sources would have to prominently declare this and would be excluded from government, council and national lottery funding.
Repeal all convictions for non-payment of TV Licence. Compensation for all victims, paid for by profits from Capita and BBC Pension fund.
Ian – that’s a given .. !( might get a bite from the trolls on this )….
Oh dear oh dear oh dear! Where to start with this nonsense!
You my friend have spent far too much time listening to far left man hating feminists who have inevitably lied to you, and unfortunately you have believed them.
First of all, in the UK no one can change their birth certificate, so the GRA was the work around to satisfy the Human Rights Act, to scrap it mean leaving the ECtHR.
No one can self declare anything regarding the GRA as I found out when I investigated what appeared to be insanity – it’s a lie, and you bought it hook line and sinker !
When this act was introduced the civil service unbeknownst to the government decided to install a panel to vet applications and require two reports from specialist psychiatrists in the field. This can involve travel to opposite ends of the country and cost £1000 for each one! It is a ludicrous expense which is needless and the panel are apparantly a bunch of arseholes more interested in rejecting applications because an incorrect box has been ticked.
The proposal is to change this by an appearance in front of a local judge to swear an oath and evidence of life in the opposite gender for at least two years must be produced. The effects of doing this are far reaching and a false declaration could result in a prison sentence.
If you wish to return to the original gender then it’s another 2 years living that way before you can.
Doesn’t seem quite that bad once it’s explained does it ?
Stop listening to the Left, they have clearly deceived you, the BBC does exactly the same !
Meanwhile the BBC promotes jeans, or something.
I ventured to the BBBC website, somewhat gingerly, to see what they might be reporting on this special day.
Apparently, already trending on twitter are pictures taken outside polling stations of dogs wearing Christmas garb! One or two hilarious pictures are featured showing…wait for it ..dogs with Christmas clothing on. I thought to write in to the beeb to see if they could use the idea in a comedy series.
My eyes wandered to another article featuring three young faces. You know the pics. They all look like they were brought up in a Welsh mining village, that sort.
“Why I’m happy to be self-partnered at Christmas”.
Now, correct me if I’m being a bit of a ‘self-partner’ here but doesn’t the expression kind of conjour up a different meaning?
Anyway, that was as much as I could stand of dumb dumb bullets and woke radiation. I left to report back here at HQ.
Looks like the new BBC Head of Peace and Love and Stuff is a no-brainer…
Jeremy Corbyn
I have been informed that personal images from my past have been sent to some media outlets and are set to be released today.
Here’s the truth:
It’s out there. Waaaaaay out there…
Look like the momentum tech moles have managed to redirect your link GW… ominous!
Twitter delivers.
Di is shaking as she is reading. And this could be our Foreign Secretary tomorrow? Hardly going to stand up for United Kingdom at a Council of Ministers, is she?
This makes perfect sense, no wonder her abacus was giving her bad numbers. the shaking must of been moving the counters by mistake.
Mystery Solved!
‘Comrades, welcome to the People’s Republic of Hackney’
Yay!!! Yay!!!
People’s Republic of China ‘killed 45 million in four years’
What’s not to love?
Since I will be staying up until declaration ( please god make it no later than 0300 UK time ) has anyone advice – sleep wise ?
Get some noo nap in the afternoon or just push through ?
By the way – for what it’s worth I’m putting the General Election Bias Thread up at 2200 . If the comrades win they’ll pull the plug in the morning ….. and the trolls ..the trolls …
It’s wet, cold and raining hard here in Westy land.
Not sure if this breaks electoral guidelines, but as the Beeb don’t care about such things why should I.
At 07.20 this morning I confess to never having seen the polling booths doing such a brisk trade in my near 30 years of being able to vote.
The current MP (Blue, Pro-Brexit) was at the door to greet the early risers and appeared to be making a record of ‘positive’ results, from his list of around 50 numbers; it appeared at least to 5 to 1 in his favor from the glimpse I saw.
However its very early days yet and there’s a strong bunch of Illiberal un-democrats in this part of the world and I’m sure they’ll be mobilising the crustys and great unwashed later in the day to crawl out of their pits. I did note many options on the ballot paper, so I hope a few of the ‘yellow’ votes will be split among the various ‘remain’ factions.
Is there an ‘official’ Exit Poll being conducted, is there an chance at 22.10 this evening for another classic ‘Paddy Pantsdown’ I’ll eat my hat type moment????
West – well done for the early start – I think the first indication of a brexit result will be when Huw puts his black tie on and they start playing sombre reflective music in the style of Princess Di Day …..
The MSM have swerved the huge inaccuracies of recent polling and have used it as a lazy comfort blanket . I’m feeling strangely and uncharacteristically optimist – but that will soon wear off…
BBC bashing us repeatedly with the lonely old bloke surprised by a BBC reporter bringing visiting choir singing Christmas carols. They couldn’t help but have the only 3 people allowed in the house as obvious muslim folk complete with the usual headgear while the whites were all left outside. (No Muslims in the group singing Christmas carols either!)
This is Christmas for Christ’s sake, the clue is in the name, hated by Islam so what’s the game?
Didn’t see a BBC report of UK sailor being flown out to sail her boat to Mexico…all that pollution
Newsnight knows what to leave the public with…
It maybe nominally politics free on the bBBC today but that does not mean it is bias free.
Expect lots of inferential pointers.
Homeless, migrants, refugees, crime, or as on Toady, India wanting to choose what asylum seekers it takes (how dare they).
Lots of narrative and stories, all with the subtext of caring, sharing, cuddly Labour versus evil heartless Tories.
Don’t expect any stories about job creation, the rising pound, successful businesses, the decreasing value of private pension pots, innovation, new products.
An ‘NHS closing ward’ story is even money.
Well me hearties,today’s the day and just as Rita Funbags predicted, in my area at least, there is a monsoon a-ragin’ but I shall walk on through the wind,walk on through the rain cos at the end of the storm is my polling booth and I shall hold my nose, pray and place an X next to the candidate who claims to be a Conservative. Let’s all hope that by this time tomorrow there is at least some cause for optimism on this site.
But Sir have pity on the “snowflakes”.
I have great sympathy for these psychologically damaged people. They need to contact “Snowflakes Anonymous” to help them to return to normal and thus lead much more carefree and fulfilled lives. Perhaps even vote Tory!
😀 😀 !
“Who should I vote-for ?”
Nice one Al Beeb . But what’s this for ?
My listening to Toady is now extremely limited to a few minutes here and there. Yet twice in the last week I have heard Nick Robinson refer to ‘right wing press’ and re the fake hospital photo and Guido, ‘a right wing web site’. I have not heard him being dismissive of the Guardian as a ‘left wing paper’, but I suppose he believes every word it prints is as unbiased as the BBC.