they should be allowed to do what they want when they want, earning money is not a priority because in their minds, the government should provide a basic wage for them.
If i owned a business, your here to work, you cannot work effectively from home, nursing a hangover, so take it as a sick day, too many of these sick days will breach your contract as an employee and your out on your arse. so boys & girls dont drink on a school night.
we are giving too many special privileges to the new generations, i feel as though in 40-50 years, it will be common place, employer says to staff, if you don’t feel like doing work today then dont come in we will still pay you a full wage.
“i feel as though in 40-50 years, it will be common place, employer says to staff, if you don’t feel like doing work today then dont come in we will still pay you a full wage”
I know … i feel your pain. I just want this over !! A 30 – 50 Boris majority and crack on.
I cannot begin to imagine a Corbyn , McDonnell, Abbott government with the BBC right up their backsides (whats new) and little runts like Owen Jones etc really believing they have some sort of authority !!!
So if you want to go out in the week and get so pissed you can’t get up and work next day that’s your “right” even if it means your less careless workmates have to work harder to cover for you.
We used to call that bloody selfish but then again are told we have a selfie generation!
Vonbedda………”If i owned a business, your here to work, you cannot work effectively from home, nursing a hangover, so take it as a sick day, too many of these sick days will breach your contract as an employee and your out on your arse. so boys & girls dont drink on a school night. ”
You’ve just described the NHS. Because no-one ‘owns’ it, then no-one is in charge to reprimand slackers and those who work the system re sick leave. More money thrown at it is not the answer, but better management of the cash that IS thrown at it is. Everyone knows this except the likes of Owen Jones and his mates in the Left.
Just had a reply to my complaint about the Marr interview. It obviously took ages to think this up as they couldn’t reply in the required 10 days.
Thank you for getting in touch about The Andrew Marr Show broadcast 1 December.
Throughout the general election campaign Andrew Marr has been interviewing leaders and senior representatives from the main political parties. As viewers would expect from one of our flagship political programmes, Andrew is using these interviews to explore the policies they advocate, challenge them on their track records and give them an opportunity to respond to criticism levelled at them by their opponents.
Two days after the London Bridge attack, a significant part of this interview also examined the circumstances leading up to it, including the Conservatives’ record on law and order and the measures they might put in place as a result. Andrew also robustly challenged Mr Johnson on other election issues, including the NHS, child poverty, social care, and Brexit.
These are clearly all important to our audience, and Andrew sought to challenge Mr Johnson with facts and alternative arguments. It is not uncommon for politicians, from all parties, to attempt to steer the interview onto their own agenda and when this happens, the presenter may intervene to get the interview back on track, as Andrew did at times here. This is a part of the cut and thrust of political interviewing which viewers understand and which would be the case whoever Andrew was facing.
Have you noticed that they never reply in the time they are supposed to – it is usually the ‘ we must refer this to the appropriate team’…I guess the number of complaints has gone up and they don’t have enough people who can read and write English to answer
I have never wanted to be wrong about anything as much
as this . BUT I fear that the Remain vote.The Millennials vote,
the Muslim vote will stop the Conservative party achieving
an overall majority.
I believe that the Liberals will win more seats than anybody thought
possible.The Millennials will put their phones down for 10 minutes
and vote this time. And the more Corbyn is said to support Hezbollah and Hamas,
the bigger the Muslim vote he will get. And their are over 3 million
Muslims in the UK now. We could see quite a few Peterborough’s.
As for the BBC they have given brilliant Machiavellian support
to the Labour Party. The Trotskiyst, Socialist Worker, Anarchist,
Liberal Bigot editors, sub editors, researchers, presenters ,with
the exception of Andrew Neil have done an amazing job. And I
reiterate I hope I am wrong, achieve their aim of keeping us in
the EU.
I think there are many of us worrying about this…we just have to hope that even amongst all of these groups there are some that won’t believe Labour
but I think it will be closer than the pollsters have been saying – we need to ban postal votes except for a few occupations
I don’t think you can exclude Andrew Neil, from his last two performances, but this aside I fear you are right.
I fear that the ‘narrowing poll figures’ are simply preparing the ground for the massive effects of the postal vote, and this combined with the sort of vote counting chicanery already seen at Thanet and Peterborough – and who knows elsewhere? – will result in a hung parliament and a second referendum.
The only significant hope is that the EU collapses during the next two years of organised dither and programmed uncertainty.
That reality is far closer than ‘they’ would have us think.
“How the BBC reports polling day”
“The BBC is required by electoral law to adopt a code of practice, ensuring fairness between candidates and that is particularly important on polling day.”
Anyone remember ‘Dimbledore’s ‘ face when he reported the result of the Great Freedom Referendum in 2016?
Morning after the 1997 election (Labour win) and the BBC:
Peter Allen said….
“so – I had to get a bit of sleep, and I do remember I walked back into – we were broadcasting then from Broadcasting House in the centre of London – all very upmarket in those days – and the corridors of Broadcasting House were strewn with empty champagne bottles”.
Wonder if they’ve ordered the Champagne for tonight?
I believe Germany can be quite nice, when the option is living under a Corbyn-Sturgeon-Swinson government.
The place to go for would be Dresden, centre of the Resistance to the Merkel Regime. In fact, anywhere in the old East, where things are less expensive, and the toxic Greens have not made inroads.
A contraire, I think the AfD vote share in both Saxony and Thuringia was somewhere around 25%. I need to check Brandenburg.
Trains and trams are still on time, the medical support one would need without long waiting times is forthcoming etc. etc.
And they make a mean Schwarzwaelder Kirschtorte, and an even meaner Sachertorte over there, so if you have a sweet tooth, well….
And a surprisingly large number of Germans want out of the EU and have the glorious Deutschmark back again! You’d be surprised.
This is all a little tongue-in-check, as I expect Boris to walk it, but you never know….
I have noticed this morning that the BBC are doing all they can to take all the brownie points they can get from their association with David Bellamy without mentioning that their own environment police pretty much trashed his career.
I wouldn’t put Bill Oddie anywhere close to David Bellamy. Oddie is a deeply unpleasant and confrontational little man, using his depression as an excuse for his belligerent and opinionated behaviour. Bellamy would not have counted him among his friends, believe me.
BBC said academic research has gone into betting odds because these can be most accurate. However, Paddy Power got it famously very wrong regarding the Trump/Clinton in 2016 – for what it’s worth here is William hill –
“William Hill politics betting
There’s money to be made from the global machinations of contemporary politics, meaning a browse around William Hill politics odds followed by a shrewd bet on politics is a must for any seeker of value.
Brexit, the rise of President Trump and Theresa May’s General Election meltdown all saw heavy favourites overturned, and with political shockwaves continually rippling across the planet, that pattern looks set to continue.
Politics betting has been around since the days of Harold Wilson and Ted Heath. Nowadays, with hundreds of millions of pounds staked on election outcomes, spawning thousands of different markets and a huge range of ways to bet, it’s an entirely different beast at William Hill. ”
Bluebottle: “I’d like a money tree, I would, I could buy a whole sweetshop, I could. Then. If I had a money tree. How much do money trees cost, then? I could buy one for my Mum on Mothers Day. She would like that, she would.”
Money tree’s can only be found when everyone is least expecting to find a moneytree, some say money tree’s only appear when you bank account is bust and your in copious amounts of debt, even the spiders wont make cobwebs in your wallet….never fear MONEYTREE is here.
FX: sound of approaching footsteps – two pairs of footsteps
Grytpype Thynne: “Aah, now, young Vonbedda, I see you have discovered the secret of the Money Tree.” “Please take out your wallet and repeat after me ‘Help yourself’. ”
“Thank you, most kind of you. Come Moriarty, we have money now, Switzerland awaits.”
The Unilever Pension Fund has about 60,000 members and a fund value of around £10 bn.
We can take it as read that a Corbyn government will devalue those assets hugely, leaving a gaping hole to be either funded by the company out of its profits, leaving no cash for investment or growth, or the company or scheme would go to the wall.
At which point the Pension Protection Fund would step in, if it could cope with such a huge scheme. Benefits would be capped and inflation protection reduced.
Meanwhile Labour will offer the public sector huge pay rises and continue their rock solid pension schemes, unfunded but guaranteed by the very same taxpayers whose pensions have been trashed.
Thus a transfer of funds from private workers to public sector workers on a massive scale.
And what ‘fact checking’ have the BBC done on this?
F*** all !!!!!!!!
I know it’s weird but I was fascinated by pension law after bob maxwell stole the mirror group money .
The ownership of the fund surplus seems to belong to the company major shareholders but if a fund is in deficit it belongs to all the shareholders ( eg BT ) . If the comrades win today the BT share price will tank and sooner or later the taxpayer will have to pick up the tab when BT is nationalised .
As for Nationalisation – apart from sheer vindictiveness by the comrades I really cant see the public desire for it . There are more pressing things to spend tax money on .
If it goes badly for labour and the comrades are ousted from their party ( difficult as they run the whole thing now ) I wonder if the blairites will return again ?
Am not posting on here today because I’m boycotting Radio4. So there!
Just been to vote before peak grot hits the area weather-wise. Steady stream of voters there, mostly elderly who walked and lots arriving by car. Obviously, XR has some work to do still to convince the population of Global Warming, Climate Change and a Climate Emergency.
Didn’t have to hold my nose.
Instead, I thought of Dave Merritt and his shameful exploitation on behalf of the Labour Party of the death of his son, Jack. That was enough to direct my cross on the Ballot Paper. I despise the Labour Party for the way they exploit people and our institutions.
I’ve heard that Saint Greta has broadened her area of attack and is now going for “the patriarchy” the “indusrialised world” and…you’ve guesses it, “racism”. I wondered how long it would take.
Look, I don’t blame the poor kid. She’s clearly got huge personal problems and is manipulated by rather sinister, hard left parents….and (let’s be honest) she’s not dealing with a full deck.
The fact that she has been so readily and uncritically adopted by the liberal elite shows just how devoid of moral principle these chancers are. They’ll follow any fashionable slogan. They’ll believe anything so long that it’s in vogue…
I’m afraid Greta’s latest ramblings have revealed what a lot of people have always suspected, the green movement is essentially a camouflage for the ultra left. Like a political water melon it’s green on the outside and red on the inside.
But what about poor Greta?
I think her golden halo is showing signs of rust…
“She’s clearly got huge personal problems and is manipulated by rather sinister, hard left parents….and (let’s be honest) she’s not dealing with a full deck.”
Eccles: “She’s certainly getting shuffled around quite a bit.”
It’s a bit like the way the Labour party dealt with Ed Miliband and his peculiar fantasies, and the gullible BBBC fell for it all as well, which was so hilarious!
If Greta was in a boat going across the Med. from e.g. Libya ( unlikely since she is white and female I grant you) then she would certainly be classed as a ‘vulnerable child’ by the liberal intelligentsia, ‘Shave the Children’, and the Far Left. She would have to be taken into care by the state for safeguarding reasons alone.
But no. She is saying the right things’ so mysteriously she is not a ‘vulnerable child’ but a ‘mature adult’.
BBC loves identity politics
Right now black women hold four different beauty pageant titles
..but they’ve had winners for a long time it’s not new.
The BBC will never admit the truth that attractiveness is not racially equal.
In many parts of the world especially remote areas they strangely think that white people are universally more attractive
… like even white people who wouldn’t be considered attractive here.
I guess that there some other reciprocals eg that white people feel that Indian people are better yoga teachers or more in touch with nature etc.
BBC News – What are beauty pageants really like for black women? Trinidad and Tobago was the first African Caribbean Miss Universe in 1977! A second African Caribbean Trinidadian won in 1998.
— The Life and Legacy of George Arthur Roberts (@TheLifeandLega1) December 12, 2019
BBC Newsbeat is the only BBC account tgst officially promoted this story
“BBC Newsbeat
“I was afraid to wear my hair curly
because I knew it didn’t fit the European standard of beauty”
em in the 60s and 70s a lot of European women had perms cos they felt straight hair “didn’t fit the European standard of beauty”
..I think it’s called fashion.
Been out of the scene for quite a while but thinking of esteemed colleagues here and the dilemma you face of choosing the least worst ‘government’ today.
Meanwhile I’ve noticed that the BBC continued its far-left bias right up until the election, even though it is obliged to be unbiased – especially at this time. I doubt the BBC would even know how to be impartial.
For some reason (and I’m sure it was an excellent reason) our polling station got moved this time, for the first time since I started voting back in the 70s. Which meant we had to walk much further than usual, in the pouring rain, and if it hadn’t been for another stalwart voter we met along the way, we wouldn’t have found it. And when we got there we found two other polling stations all under the same roof. So, suddenly the previous locations were unavailable? I wonder how many others will make it. And, yes, I’m sure we’ll get a good explanation – from the same source that told us that hundreds of students being registered to vote without their knowledge was a ‘mistake’.
Just like Jon ‘Just joshing’ Ashworth, our Di makes a humorous point of keeping left. Any suggestion of early-onset dementia is out of order and quite unneccessary.
Sir Paul McWatsit ex beetle on R4 getting behind the veggie brigade following the flak over the school who are now only going to serve vegetarian food to all their pupils whether they like it or not.
In his opinion kids are much cleverer than adults and always have the best ideas etc. (Just look at Greta! – my comment!)
He then goes on to push his Christmas Songs about to be released, payback for spouting the BBC line I guess!
A “48-year-old man” has been arrested after a suspicious device was found in the same building as a polling station in Motherwell, Scotland.
A bomb squad were called to the Glen Tower flats around 1am on Thursday morning after the device was found on the ground floor.
A community room within the building was due to be used as a polling station.
Israel bans UK based Hamas terrorist “Those getting their news from the BBC will not be aware of this story from last week:
“Israel’s Defense Minister Naftali Bennett on Tuesday signed a ministerial decree imposing financial sanctions on a London-based terror suspect believed to have ties to Hamas.
The decree states that all of Mohammed Jamil Mahmoud Hersh’s assets in Israel are to be frozen, while foreign institutions operating in Israel risk fines for doing business with him. Hersh, a Hamas activist deported from Israel in 1992, is currently living in the UK, where he works for the Arab Organization for Human Rights in the UK, a charity affiliated with Hamas.”
I complained to the BBC about them not covering the news that Dianne Abbott’s son bit/spat at the police and was arrested. I think it is important to cover as she could soon be Home Secretary and in charge of the police.
This is the BBC reply to my complaint:
Thank you for getting in touch about the range of items covered on BBC News.
We raised the issue of reports elsewhere in the media regarding Diane Abbott’s son and our own approach to covering the incident.
Senior News staff and editors respond:
“While Diane Abbott is a high profile public figure and Shadow Home Secretary, her son is an independent adult. We needed to consider why it would be justified to report a story about him when the main reason for doing so was his mother’s prominence.
We thought hard about this story and decided not to run it on BBC News because we were not satisfied that there was a sufficient public interest justification for doing so.”
We realise you may disagree, but we hope this explains some of the issues involved when assessing different events for coverage across BBC News. We appreciate the time you’ve taken to share your views too.
Yep. The BBC didn’t mind reporting that a neighbour of Boris Johnson made an illegal recoding of an argument between Boris and his girlfriend. How was that in the public interest?!?
I bet Cliff Richard would have liked to have had some privacy when his pad was ‘buzzed’ by the awful BBC hacks, hoping to find a ‘story’.
Pretty well all of their ‘journalism’ is just farting in the faces of the tax-funders like most of us are, with their childish innuendo and feeble investigative acumen.
Of course, their ‘managers’ tell them what to say all the time, but we never even see or hear that particular elite.
So crimes of politicians children should not have elevated reporting
… hmm bet the BBC have elevated it when it was non lefty politicians children/relatives.
That’s a case which needs to be put in the long term memory file . The nature and location and victim of the alleged assault is significant .
The fact that his mother is a politician , shadow home sec and has spoken about assaults on emergency service workers
-and that she tried to get the Telegraph to not report it at all .
I wonder if the BBC will report the trial .? In February ? After all – it’s as much a public interest issue as The TR travesty – and a charge for which the accused may well do time ( suspended of course ) – quiet words .. give and take …
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. (Boris Johnson)
But it cannot survive treason from within.(Theresa May)
An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. (Anjem Choudary)
But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.(Jeremy Corbyn)
For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
Ok – if the Election result doesn’t go the way the BBC wants how soon will
“ voting irregularities “
“ unfair omissions from the register “
“ confusion at counts “
“ polling stations closed early “
Start turning up as the legitimacy of the outcome has to be undermined …. as well as the good old reliable “ people were too think to know what they were voting for “…..
I’ve heard some hearsay about young voters complaining that they were turned away from polling stations because the elector said they had registered for postal votes. But the youngsters claimed they hadn’t. Sounds to me like they were attempting to vote twice. Has anyone else heard this. Sorry, I haven’t had the time to catch up with the thread today.
Chancy – yes I day trade but I think the spike was more linked to US China than the coming count . I think the pound / Reich mark will be a better indication . …. I’m watching that too – if it gets to 1.19 … or more please ….
You are both right of course and the spike is more related to the Trump/China talks. I got excited, posted too soon, realised my post was foolish, went to edit, edit not working…foolishness now permanent.
Don’t know what’s going on with the edit function and I hope we don’t lose the site . I blame momentum nastiness . If it goes bad for them they’ll chuck teddy in the corner across the weekend …
“A reformed ex-prisoner who fought the London Bridge knife attacker with a fire extinguisher has said he was prepared to die to protect others. John Crilly, who was jailed for murder after a burglary went wrong, said he tackled Usman Khan while believing he was wearing a live suicide belt. I was screaming at him to blow it. I was prepared to lose my life.”
Crilly was close friends with victim Jack Merritt, the co-ordinator of the Learning Together programme, who he said changed his life. When asked if he felt he was a hero, he was clearly choking back the tears as he said: “No. Jack gave up his life, he would be my hero.”
It then cut to two straight-faced presenters in the studio, and a slight pause before Naga said ‘it’s ten past eight’ and they moved on to the sport. No comment or show of empathy, but then it didn’t really tick any agenda boxes.
I have just been emailed (18.20 on election day) a missive from Labour, supposedly from Corbyn, giving reasons to vote Labour. It also helpfully tells me where my voting booth is, which is very clever. But shouldn’t electioneering have stopped on election day?
Anyways , I voted for Boris a couple of hours ago, so too late.
Hmm, having saving/editing issues earlier also. Typical shabby Lefty trick . . .
Anyway, another 3 in the bag for Boris from us. Now all we need to do is make sure he holds good on his most recent Beeb comments!
6.30 London local news telling us that Londoners spend a fortune every year on takeaways. But I thought until tomorrow we were all living in austerity and being fed by food banks.
Von – sorry – I just don’t understand – I’m a Londoner ( not by choice ) – and what is this you’re saying ? There’s somewhere else apart from London ? Where is that ? Are there humans there ….. sorry … my nerves are going and the Euro has strengthened against the pound quite a bit ……
haha I didn’t mean to offend…but I’m very good at offending and they always say you should do something your good at… ????
I suppose I generalised London a little bit.
and surely you know humans don’t exist anymore in this world…it’s only groups of victims with different labels to enable more people to feel like victims.
Absolutely no offence – I used to work in Westminster and know all too well about the bubble . Wandering around the country going to footy matches I was often shocked at how badly served a lot of towns are by public transport – yet alone anything else.
Never seemed right that every thing seems to lead and focus on London – which in my judgement – is full up .
I thought about it earlier…the whole…it’s the capital and it must come first…the place that supposedly represents the rest of the UK.
well imagine you run a bathroom…you have 4 cubicles.
1 cubicle you spend all your time and attention on and the rest every now and then you spray with a little bit of water to wash away the shit. why would you want your capital…your thrown…surrounded by shit.
shit analogy…but I have alot of shit on the brain ATM.
Apparently the BBC have done a ‘remake’ of Dracula, but have not ‘modernised’ it. I’ll believe that when I see it. Especially knowing that he (she? It? ) came from TRANSilvania!
Most blissful day in three years, no radio station could discuss politics. Saw this and felt I had to pass it on…
I’ve just been to vote and the ballot paper was huge.
That’s probably because the word ‘Labour’ had been translated into 167 different languages just to make sure.
They can still agitate over American politics, as a displacement activity.
Yesterday, the Today programme had Aron Sorkin on. He wrote the dreary Liberal wankfest “The West Wing” back in the day. He’s written a play, but the real reason he was on was to talk about how bad the Orange Man is, and why he must be impeached.
This morning, they had another ham shank on, Michael Lewis. He’s written a book, but the real reason he was on was to talk about how the Orange Man is bad, and will lose the next presidential election.
No agenda, obviously, as the BBC is free, fair and impartial. It’s just that out of 350 million Americans, they cannot find a single one who defends the President. Just bad luck I guess.
Then they had a hard hitting debate on climate change between a man from the Grantham Institute and a woman from Greenpeace (or it may have been Friends of the Earth, whatever). My, they really went at it like hammer and tongs, in the sense that they totally agreed with everything each other said in the global war against a harmless trace atmospheric gas. Made for gripping listening, let me tell you.
Then Bill Oddie was on to remember David Bellamy. He just about managed to say that the BBC ruined his career and blacklisted him for climate heresy, and then sadly we were out of time, so sorry.
All in all, just another day in the left wing echo chamber of BBC broadcasting.
Soon after the shootings in Jersey, the names and pictures of the killers were all over the media.
Strangely, two days later, our most trusted and most subsidised Broadcaster has yet to catch up with the photos.
Also the connection with the sinister, racist (and bonkers) Black Hebrew Israelites was known within minutes, yet the beeb choose to still refer to the attack by the vague term ‘antisemitic’ – more evocative of the white far-right.
No doubt only once the story has slipped down the ratings will the beeb drip-feed some embarrassing facts.
Hope this is not a bad omen but just received an email from Conservative head office asking me to get out and vote and remind family members who can vote to do the same….It states that the Labour voting turn out is massive and it is now on a knife edge..
Totally agree Thoughtful – This whole “election ” is merely another pantomime. Just like when Theresa uttered her meaningless “Brexit means Brexit” trope. We all hope/think that Boris will be delivering the goods.
But think about it
Labour want either remain or BRINO
Farage stands down most of his candidates
Boris has managed to negotiate a “fantastic” deal which is virtually the same as Treason Mays “deal”
Who stands to win.
Clue = its not democracy or the British electorate.
Well…soon be making my little journey down to the counting house as a counting agent.
I’ve no idea what the procedures are for the counting and separating but I guess it will be pretty obvious after a while. In any case, you can be sure I’ll be watching ’em all like a hawk!
The result of the national vote will probably be known to you all before I leave the confines of said building. Experts seem to be able to accurately extrapolate the figures fairly soon after the first results come in, if I remember the ‘swingometer’ correctly.
Forty-eight people were given the wrong ballot papers and will have to re-cast their votes in the general election, a council has admitted.
The mix-up happened at a polling station in Mossley Hill, Liverpool, which serves two constituencies.
Ballot papers for Wavertree constituency were mistakenly issued to Riverside residents.
The incorrect votes will be discounted and a review has been ordered, Liverpool City Council said.
The authority said it was making efforts to contact those involved to give them the opportunity to vote for a second time before polls close at 22:00 GMT.
“The incorrect votes will be discounted ”
er no they won’t cos it’s not like your ballot paper has your name on it
All they can do is count the votes in a box, then when the total count comes in bear in mind that if a candidate won by less than 48 clear votes the result is not clear.
Like the majority on here I hope and pray the scaremongering is just that and Boris gets a comfortable majority.
If he doesn’t, never forget who we have to thank for the privilege that awaits: Major, Heseltine, Gauke, Grieve, Soubry, Clarke, May, that dog-faced Chancellor whose name I forget for the moment, Osborne, Bercow and several others of lesser status but equal duplicity. Hammond, that was it. There must be a psychological reason for mental blocks.
Anyway, all those noble, patriotic and statesmanlike Conservatives whose treachery has now ensured we enjoy the best efforts of the worst ‘government’ in our history.
Do hope I’m wrong…..
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tomoMar 6, 15:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 home insurance premium? I’d have a read of the policy document
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“My boss lets us book hangover days”
Would you employ this lot ?
thats the new generation for you.
they should be allowed to do what they want when they want, earning money is not a priority because in their minds, the government should provide a basic wage for them.
If i owned a business, your here to work, you cannot work effectively from home, nursing a hangover, so take it as a sick day, too many of these sick days will breach your contract as an employee and your out on your arse. so boys & girls dont drink on a school night.
we are giving too many special privileges to the new generations, i feel as though in 40-50 years, it will be common place, employer says to staff, if you don’t feel like doing work today then dont come in we will still pay you a full wage.
“i feel as though in 40-50 years, it will be common place, employer says to staff, if you don’t feel like doing work today then dont come in we will still pay you a full wage”
Change that to 4-5 years if Corbyn gets in !!!!
He cant, he won’t , he shouldn’t, if he does i’m done for.
I know … i feel your pain. I just want this over !! A 30 – 50 Boris majority and crack on.
I cannot begin to imagine a Corbyn , McDonnell, Abbott government with the BBC right up their backsides (whats new) and little runts like Owen Jones etc really believing they have some sort of authority !!!
its quite frankly bloody scary.
You are Boris Johnson.
I claim my prize !
So if you want to go out in the week and get so pissed you can’t get up and work next day that’s your “right” even if it means your less careless workmates have to work harder to cover for you.
We used to call that bloody selfish but then again are told we have a selfie generation!
Vonbedda………”If i owned a business, your here to work, you cannot work effectively from home, nursing a hangover, so take it as a sick day, too many of these sick days will breach your contract as an employee and your out on your arse. so boys & girls dont drink on a school night. ”
You’ve just described the NHS. Because no-one ‘owns’ it, then no-one is in charge to reprimand slackers and those who work the system re sick leave. More money thrown at it is not the answer, but better management of the cash that IS thrown at it is. Everyone knows this except the likes of Owen Jones and his mates in the Left.
Just had a reply to my complaint about the Marr interview. It obviously took ages to think this up as they couldn’t reply in the required 10 days.
Thank you for getting in touch about The Andrew Marr Show broadcast 1 December.
Throughout the general election campaign Andrew Marr has been interviewing leaders and senior representatives from the main political parties. As viewers would expect from one of our flagship political programmes, Andrew is using these interviews to explore the policies they advocate, challenge them on their track records and give them an opportunity to respond to criticism levelled at them by their opponents.
Two days after the London Bridge attack, a significant part of this interview also examined the circumstances leading up to it, including the Conservatives’ record on law and order and the measures they might put in place as a result. Andrew also robustly challenged Mr Johnson on other election issues, including the NHS, child poverty, social care, and Brexit.
These are clearly all important to our audience, and Andrew sought to challenge Mr Johnson with facts and alternative arguments. It is not uncommon for politicians, from all parties, to attempt to steer the interview onto their own agenda and when this happens, the presenter may intervene to get the interview back on track, as Andrew did at times here. This is a part of the cut and thrust of political interviewing which viewers understand and which would be the case whoever Andrew was facing.
Thanks again for taking the time to contact us.
Have you noticed that they never reply in the time they are supposed to – it is usually the ‘ we must refer this to the appropriate team’…I guess the number of complaints has gone up and they don’t have enough people who can read and write English to answer
Not when maxincony is on the “team”.
I have never wanted to be wrong about anything as much
as this . BUT I fear that the Remain vote.The Millennials vote,
the Muslim vote will stop the Conservative party achieving
an overall majority.
I believe that the Liberals will win more seats than anybody thought
possible.The Millennials will put their phones down for 10 minutes
and vote this time. And the more Corbyn is said to support Hezbollah and Hamas,
the bigger the Muslim vote he will get. And their are over 3 million
Muslims in the UK now. We could see quite a few Peterborough’s.
As for the BBC they have given brilliant Machiavellian support
to the Labour Party. The Trotskiyst, Socialist Worker, Anarchist,
Liberal Bigot editors, sub editors, researchers, presenters ,with
the exception of Andrew Neil have done an amazing job. And I
reiterate I hope I am wrong, achieve their aim of keeping us in
the EU.
I think there are many of us worrying about this…we just have to hope that even amongst all of these groups there are some that won’t believe Labour
but I think it will be closer than the pollsters have been saying – we need to ban postal votes except for a few occupations
I don’t think you can exclude Andrew Neil, from his last two performances, but this aside I fear you are right.
I fear that the ‘narrowing poll figures’ are simply preparing the ground for the massive effects of the postal vote, and this combined with the sort of vote counting chicanery already seen at Thanet and Peterborough – and who knows elsewhere? – will result in a hung parliament and a second referendum.
The only significant hope is that the EU collapses during the next two years of organised dither and programmed uncertainty.
That reality is far closer than ‘they’ would have us think.
“How the BBC reports polling day”
“The BBC is required by electoral law to adopt a code of practice, ensuring fairness between candidates and that is particularly important on polling day.”
Anyone remember ‘Dimbledore’s ‘ face when he reported the result of the Great Freedom Referendum in 2016?
Morning after the 1997 election (Labour win) and the BBC:
Peter Allen said….
“so – I had to get a bit of sleep, and I do remember I walked back into – we were broadcasting then from Broadcasting House in the centre of London – all very upmarket in those days – and the corridors of Broadcasting House were strewn with empty champagne bottles”.
Wonder if they’ve ordered the Champagne for tonight?
I believe Germany can be quite nice, when the option is living under a Corbyn-Sturgeon-Swinson government.
The place to go for would be Dresden, centre of the Resistance to the Merkel Regime. In fact, anywhere in the old East, where things are less expensive, and the toxic Greens have not made inroads.
A contraire, I think the AfD vote share in both Saxony and Thuringia was somewhere around 25%. I need to check Brandenburg.
Trains and trams are still on time, the medical support one would need without long waiting times is forthcoming etc. etc.
And they make a mean Schwarzwaelder Kirschtorte, and an even meaner Sachertorte over there, so if you have a sweet tooth, well….
And a surprisingly large number of Germans want out of the EU and have the glorious Deutschmark back again! You’d be surprised.
This is all a little tongue-in-check, as I expect Boris to walk it, but you never know….
I have noticed this morning that the BBC are doing all they can to take all the brownie points they can get from their association with David Bellamy without mentioning that their own environment police pretty much trashed his career.
Also news 24 had Bill Oddey giving some deserved praise, but like David Bill had to go ….wasn’t PC with his flirting with copresenter Kate
I wouldn’t put Bill Oddie anywhere close to David Bellamy. Oddie is a deeply unpleasant and confrontational little man, using his depression as an excuse for his belligerent and opinionated behaviour. Bellamy would not have counted him among his friends, believe me.
OMG… Boom… this changes everyfing…
Nah its okay.
its going to back fire.
Because who wouldn’t take political advice from a washed up singer?
I wonder if she was named after that song ‘ Una Paloma Blanca’?
She’s the grand-son of Adam Faith.
I’ve self identified her as male.
Looks like I’m not the only one on here who isn’t getting the usual opportunity to edit a post today.
And the whole interwebby appears to be running even slower than yesterday.
I assume it’s stoodents and snowflakes going on-line to check who they are being told to vote for when they make it to the Polling Station this afto.
BBC said academic research has gone into betting odds because these can be most accurate. However, Paddy Power got it famously very wrong regarding the Trump/Clinton in 2016 – for what it’s worth here is William hill –
“William Hill politics betting
There’s money to be made from the global machinations of contemporary politics, meaning a browse around William Hill politics odds followed by a shrewd bet on politics is a must for any seeker of value.
Brexit, the rise of President Trump and Theresa May’s General Election meltdown all saw heavy favourites overturned, and with political shockwaves continually rippling across the planet, that pattern looks set to continue.
Politics betting has been around since the days of Harold Wilson and Ted Heath. Nowadays, with hundreds of millions of pounds staked on election outcomes, spawning thousands of different markets and a huge range of ways to bet, it’s an entirely different beast at William Hill. ”
Conservative total seats 300 – 349 is 4/6
I have to put £10,000 on for labour to win the election, to make enough money, to survive Labour winning the election.
Ah but then you will be rich and Labour will take it off you!
Eccles: “Ooohohh!”
I have a 1ft Garden too, im sure Corbyn will be after me!
Bluebottle: “Euuugh, is that a square foot garden or a round foot garden?”
in corbyn’s eyes its big enough to plant a money tree….so i’ll be getting taxed for it.
Bluebottle: “I’d like a money tree, I would, I could buy a whole sweetshop, I could. Then. If I had a money tree. How much do money trees cost, then? I could buy one for my Mum on Mothers Day. She would like that, she would.”
Money tree’s can only be found when everyone is least expecting to find a moneytree, some say money tree’s only appear when you bank account is bust and your in copious amounts of debt, even the spiders wont make cobwebs in your wallet….never fear MONEYTREE is here.
FX: sound of approaching footsteps – two pairs of footsteps
Grytpype Thynne: “Aah, now, young Vonbedda, I see you have discovered the secret of the Money Tree.” “Please take out your wallet and repeat after me ‘Help yourself’. ”
“Thank you, most kind of you. Come Moriarty, we have money now, Switzerland awaits.”
Moriarty: “Rich! Heeeeeheee. Moneeee, luvvverly moneee! Ahh haa. Oooheeee. Reeeeeech!”
FX: Whoosh
Hypocricy of the left –
The Unilever Pension Fund has about 60,000 members and a fund value of around £10 bn.
We can take it as read that a Corbyn government will devalue those assets hugely, leaving a gaping hole to be either funded by the company out of its profits, leaving no cash for investment or growth, or the company or scheme would go to the wall.
At which point the Pension Protection Fund would step in, if it could cope with such a huge scheme. Benefits would be capped and inflation protection reduced.
Meanwhile Labour will offer the public sector huge pay rises and continue their rock solid pension schemes, unfunded but guaranteed by the very same taxpayers whose pensions have been trashed.
Thus a transfer of funds from private workers to public sector workers on a massive scale.
And what ‘fact checking’ have the BBC done on this?
F*** all !!!!!!!!
“…. by the very same taxpayers whose pensions have been trashed.”
“trashed”? No, stolen.
I know it’s weird but I was fascinated by pension law after bob maxwell stole the mirror group money .
The ownership of the fund surplus seems to belong to the company major shareholders but if a fund is in deficit it belongs to all the shareholders ( eg BT ) . If the comrades win today the BT share price will tank and sooner or later the taxpayer will have to pick up the tab when BT is nationalised .
As for Nationalisation – apart from sheer vindictiveness by the comrades I really cant see the public desire for it . There are more pressing things to spend tax money on .
If it goes badly for labour and the comrades are ousted from their party ( difficult as they run the whole thing now ) I wonder if the blairites will return again ?
As I recall, it was the Prime Mentalist who started stealing from pension funds very soon after he became Chancellor in 1997.
– yes that’s right – they were tax free as I recall but brown imposed one of those ‘ windfall taxes ‘ used to keep the money tree going .
That was about the time that the government screwed Equitable Life, and cost millions of tax=payers their future pension prospects.
Still waiting…
Only four candidates in my area : Con ; Lab ; Lib and Green.
I wasn’t intending to vote for any of them 🙁
Fine, in which case do not complain when Corbyn and MacDonald are interfering with your life.
Your comment makes no sense…I have cast my vote. I would have preferred more choices that’s all 😉
Think Scribblingscribe jumped the gun a little.
No harm done
Sorry country. From your first comment I thought you weren’t going to vote. Choices in a democracy always good.
Am not posting on here today because I’m boycotting Radio4. So there!
Just been to vote before peak grot hits the area weather-wise. Steady stream of voters there, mostly elderly who walked and lots arriving by car. Obviously, XR has some work to do still to convince the population of Global Warming, Climate Change and a Climate Emergency.
Didn’t have to hold my nose.
Instead, I thought of Dave Merritt and his shameful exploitation on behalf of the Labour Party of the death of his son, Jack. That was enough to direct my cross on the Ballot Paper. I despise the Labour Party for the way they exploit people and our institutions.
I’ve heard that Saint Greta has broadened her area of attack and is now going for “the patriarchy” the “indusrialised world” and…you’ve guesses it, “racism”. I wondered how long it would take.
Look, I don’t blame the poor kid. She’s clearly got huge personal problems and is manipulated by rather sinister, hard left parents….and (let’s be honest) she’s not dealing with a full deck.
The fact that she has been so readily and uncritically adopted by the liberal elite shows just how devoid of moral principle these chancers are. They’ll follow any fashionable slogan. They’ll believe anything so long that it’s in vogue…
I’m afraid Greta’s latest ramblings have revealed what a lot of people have always suspected, the green movement is essentially a camouflage for the ultra left. Like a political water melon it’s green on the outside and red on the inside.
But what about poor Greta?
I think her golden halo is showing signs of rust…
“She’s clearly got huge personal problems and is manipulated by rather sinister, hard left parents….and (let’s be honest) she’s not dealing with a full deck.”
Eccles: “She’s certainly getting shuffled around quite a bit.”
It’s a bit like the way the Labour party dealt with Ed Miliband and his peculiar fantasies, and the gullible BBBC fell for it all as well, which was so hilarious!
If Greta was in a boat going across the Med. from e.g. Libya ( unlikely since she is white and female I grant you) then she would certainly be classed as a ‘vulnerable child’ by the liberal intelligentsia, ‘Shave the Children’, and the Far Left. She would have to be taken into care by the state for safeguarding reasons alone.
But no. She is saying the right things’ so mysteriously she is not a ‘vulnerable child’ but a ‘mature adult’.
How weird is that.
Another five-star BBC headline:
“What are beauty pageants really like for black women?”
BBC loves identity politics
Right now black women hold four different beauty pageant titles
..but they’ve had winners for a long time it’s not new.
The BBC will never admit the truth that attractiveness is not racially equal.
In many parts of the world especially remote areas they strangely think that white people are universally more attractive
… like even white people who wouldn’t be considered attractive here.
I guess that there some other reciprocals eg that white people feel that Indian people are better yoga teachers or more in touch with nature etc.
BBC Newsbeat is the only BBC account tgst officially promoted this story
“BBC Newsbeat
“I was afraid to wear my hair curly
because I knew it didn’t fit the European standard of beauty”
em in the 60s and 70s a lot of European women had perms cos they felt straight hair “didn’t fit the European standard of beauty”
..I think it’s called fashion.
Been out of the scene for quite a while but thinking of esteemed colleagues here and the dilemma you face of choosing the least worst ‘government’ today.
Meanwhile I’ve noticed that the BBC continued its far-left bias right up until the election, even though it is obliged to be unbiased – especially at this time. I doubt the BBC would even know how to be impartial.
All the best, and I’ll be holding thumbs for you.
Thanks, TT. How is life where you are?
For some reason (and I’m sure it was an excellent reason) our polling station got moved this time, for the first time since I started voting back in the 70s. Which meant we had to walk much further than usual, in the pouring rain, and if it hadn’t been for another stalwart voter we met along the way, we wouldn’t have found it. And when we got there we found two other polling stations all under the same roof. So, suddenly the previous locations were unavailable? I wonder how many others will make it. And, yes, I’m sure we’ll get a good explanation – from the same source that told us that hundreds of students being registered to vote without their knowledge was a ‘mistake’.
Hammering it down in centre of Manchester .
Surely your polling card had the correct polling station address on ?
The Abbottomus strikes again, by wearing two different shoes to go to the polling station !
Just like Jon ‘Just joshing’ Ashworth, our Di makes a humorous point of keeping left. Any suggestion of early-onset dementia is out of order and quite unneccessary.
Sir Paul McWatsit ex beetle on R4 getting behind the veggie brigade following the flak over the school who are now only going to serve vegetarian food to all their pupils whether they like it or not.
In his opinion kids are much cleverer than adults and always have the best ideas etc. (Just look at Greta! – my comment!)
He then goes on to push his Christmas Songs about to be released, payback for spouting the BBC line I guess!
There you go…. full page spread!
Paul McCartney unwraps his ‘secret’ Christmas album
A “48-year-old man” has been arrested after a suspicious device was found in the same building as a polling station in Motherwell, Scotland.
A bomb squad were called to the Glen Tower flats around 1am on Thursday morning after the device was found on the ground floor.
A community room within the building was due to be used as a polling station.
Israel bans UK based Hamas terrorist
“Those getting their news from the BBC will not be aware of this story from last week:
“Israel’s Defense Minister Naftali Bennett on Tuesday signed a ministerial decree imposing financial sanctions on a London-based terror suspect believed to have ties to Hamas.
The decree states that all of Mohammed Jamil Mahmoud Hersh’s assets in Israel are to be frozen, while foreign institutions operating in Israel risk fines for doing business with him. Hersh, a Hamas activist deported from Israel in 1992, is currently living in the UK, where he works for the Arab Organization for Human Rights in the UK, a charity affiliated with Hamas.”
“ London-based terror suspect believed to have ties to Hamas.”
Not Islington by any chance…….?
I complained to the BBC about them not covering the news that Dianne Abbott’s son bit/spat at the police and was arrested. I think it is important to cover as she could soon be Home Secretary and in charge of the police.
This is the BBC reply to my complaint:
Thank you for getting in touch about the range of items covered on BBC News.
We raised the issue of reports elsewhere in the media regarding Diane Abbott’s son and our own approach to covering the incident.
Senior News staff and editors respond:
“While Diane Abbott is a high profile public figure and Shadow Home Secretary, her son is an independent adult. We needed to consider why it would be justified to report a story about him when the main reason for doing so was his mother’s prominence.
We thought hard about this story and decided not to run it on BBC News because we were not satisfied that there was a sufficient public interest justification for doing so.”
We realise you may disagree, but we hope this explains some of the issues involved when assessing different events for coverage across BBC News. We appreciate the time you’ve taken to share your views too.
The BBC bias isn’t even subtle anymore.
We KNOW the approach would have been entirely different if it had been Boris Johnson’s son. We really do need to get the BBC shut down.
Yep. The BBC didn’t mind reporting that a neighbour of Boris Johnson made an illegal recoding of an argument between Boris and his girlfriend. How was that in the public interest?!?
That was a story about Boris, so legitimate.
I bet Cliff Richard would have liked to have had some privacy when his pad was ‘buzzed’ by the awful BBC hacks, hoping to find a ‘story’.
Pretty well all of their ‘journalism’ is just farting in the faces of the tax-funders like most of us are, with their childish innuendo and feeble investigative acumen.
Of course, their ‘managers’ tell them what to say all the time, but we never even see or hear that particular elite.
So crimes of politicians children should not have elevated reporting
… hmm bet the BBC have elevated it when it was non lefty politicians children/relatives.
That’s a case which needs to be put in the long term memory file . The nature and location and victim of the alleged assault is significant .
The fact that his mother is a politician , shadow home sec and has spoken about assaults on emergency service workers
-and that she tried to get the Telegraph to not report it at all .
I wonder if the BBC will report the trial .? In February ? After all – it’s as much a public interest issue as The TR travesty – and a charge for which the accused may well do time ( suspended of course ) – quiet words .. give and take …
Yet of Boris Johnson’s dog barks at someone then they will interrupt regular viewings just to let us know
But if it was a story about a distant relative of say…Winston Churchill and useful for smearing Boris………
Tabs – “I complained to the BBC about them not covering the news that Dianne Abbott’s son bit/spat at the police and was arrested.”
Sorry to hear that Tabs..are you out on bail?
😉 ..ain’t English a wonderful language.
p.s. ..seriously ..for a moment I read it the way I allude to.. cos nothing would surprise me with that lot and the law in UK these days!!
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. (Boris Johnson)
But it cannot survive treason from within.(Theresa May)
An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. (Anjem Choudary)
But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.(Jeremy Corbyn)
For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
Marcus Tullius Cicero
The R.o.P.
“Pakistan protest: Patients die as lawyers ransack Lahore hospital.
Three patients died when hundreds of lawyers attacked a hospital in Lahore during a furious dispute with doctors.”
Own goal!
Ok – if the Election result doesn’t go the way the BBC wants how soon will
“ voting irregularities “
“ unfair omissions from the register “
“ confusion at counts “
“ polling stations closed early “
Start turning up as the legitimacy of the outcome has to be undermined …. as well as the good old reliable “ people were too think to know what they were voting for “…..
‘too think’ hehe’s like “woke” chancy man..where ya bin? in “I’m think me”
I’ve heard some hearsay about young voters complaining that they were turned away from polling stations because the elector said they had registered for postal votes. But the youngsters claimed they hadn’t. Sounds to me like they were attempting to vote twice. Has anyone else heard this. Sorry, I haven’t had the time to catch up with the thread today.
Anyone who follows shares, for whatever reason, may also have seen a spike in the market during the last half hour of trading.
Do you ever get the feeling that people who need to ‘know’ always get to ‘know’, even though they are not supposed to ‘know’ hmm?
Chancy – yes I day trade but I think the spike was more linked to US China than the coming count . I think the pound / Reich mark will be a better indication . …. I’m watching that too – if it gets to 1.19 … or more please ….
You are both right of course and the spike is more related to the Trump/China talks. I got excited, posted too soon, realised my post was foolish, went to edit, edit not working…foolishness now permanent.
“Trump says US and China ‘very close’ to trade deal”
If this goes through IMHO they will ‘spike’ higher ?
Also I seem to be unable to edit posts today, hence the lack of a question mark on my previous post.
Me neither
Don’t know what’s going on with the edit function and I hope we don’t lose the site . I blame momentum nastiness . If it goes bad for them they’ll chuck teddy in the corner across the weekend …
Let’s hope Abbott isn’t counting the votes!
I’ve just seen a TV ad with a typical lefty “children can save the world’ theme.
Apparently, I can adopt a Jaguar.
Cool. Can I have an E type please?
Well I just voted for Tory Connor Burns. Decent MP and a safe seat anyway but with two Universities who knows what tricks Labour have in store.
A nervous wait until the exit poll is announced and then the big reveal throughout the night.
How will be BBC contain their bias if Labour win or lose a seat?
A moving interview with John Crilly was shown on BBC Breakfast this morning:
“A reformed ex-prisoner who fought the London Bridge knife attacker with a fire extinguisher has said he was prepared to die to protect others. John Crilly, who was jailed for murder after a burglary went wrong, said he tackled Usman Khan while believing he was wearing a live suicide belt. I was screaming at him to blow it. I was prepared to lose my life.”
Crilly was close friends with victim Jack Merritt, the co-ordinator of the Learning Together programme, who he said changed his life. When asked if he felt he was a hero, he was clearly choking back the tears as he said: “No. Jack gave up his life, he would be my hero.”
It then cut to two straight-faced presenters in the studio, and a slight pause before Naga said ‘it’s ten past eight’ and they moved on to the sport. No comment or show of empathy, but then it didn’t really tick any agenda boxes.
I have just been emailed (18.20 on election day) a missive from Labour, supposedly from Corbyn, giving reasons to vote Labour. It also helpfully tells me where my voting booth is, which is very clever. But shouldn’t electioneering have stopped on election day?
Anyways , I voted for Boris a couple of hours ago, so too late.
Hmm, having saving/editing issues earlier also. Typical shabby Lefty trick . . .
Anyway, another 3 in the bag for Boris from us. Now all we need to do is make sure he holds good on his most recent Beeb comments!
6.30 London local news telling us that Londoners spend a fortune every year on takeaways. But I thought until tomorrow we were all living in austerity and being fed by food banks.
Different world in London. however i’d not like to live there.
Its about time though that London didnt come first… sorry to any londoners about on this page.
the Services & Infrastructure around all of the UK is in dire need of investment. London can take a back seat for a while.
Von – sorry – I just don’t understand – I’m a Londoner ( not by choice ) – and what is this you’re saying ? There’s somewhere else apart from London ? Where is that ? Are there humans there ….. sorry … my nerves are going and the Euro has strengthened against the pound quite a bit ……
haha I didn’t mean to offend…but I’m very good at offending and they always say you should do something your good at… ????
I suppose I generalised London a little bit.
and surely you know humans don’t exist anymore in this world…it’s only groups of victims with different labels to enable more people to feel like victims.
Absolutely no offence – I used to work in Westminster and know all too well about the bubble . Wandering around the country going to footy matches I was often shocked at how badly served a lot of towns are by public transport – yet alone anything else.
Never seemed right that every thing seems to lead and focus on London – which in my judgement – is full up .
I thought about it earlier…the whole…it’s the capital and it must come first…the place that supposedly represents the rest of the UK.
well imagine you run a bathroom…you have 4 cubicles.
1 cubicle you spend all your time and attention on and the rest every now and then you spray with a little bit of water to wash away the shit. why would you want your capital…your thrown…surrounded by shit.
shit analogy…but I have alot of shit on the brain ATM.
glad no offence was taken…bloody Londoners…
I’m a midlander …come at me ????
Next….the obesity ‘crisis’.
But it’s not takeaway to them Debs – just home cookin’ by proxy.
Apparently the BBC have done a ‘remake’ of Dracula, but have not ‘modernised’ it. I’ll believe that when I see it. Especially knowing that he (she? It? ) came from TRANSilvania!
Most blissful day in three years, no radio station could discuss politics. Saw this and felt I had to pass it on…
I’ve just been to vote and the ballot paper was huge.
That’s probably because the word ‘Labour’ had been translated into 167 different languages just to make sure.
They can still agitate over American politics, as a displacement activity.
Yesterday, the Today programme had Aron Sorkin on. He wrote the dreary Liberal wankfest “The West Wing” back in the day. He’s written a play, but the real reason he was on was to talk about how bad the Orange Man is, and why he must be impeached.
This morning, they had another ham shank on, Michael Lewis. He’s written a book, but the real reason he was on was to talk about how the Orange Man is bad, and will lose the next presidential election.
No agenda, obviously, as the BBC is free, fair and impartial. It’s just that out of 350 million Americans, they cannot find a single one who defends the President. Just bad luck I guess.
Then they had a hard hitting debate on climate change between a man from the Grantham Institute and a woman from Greenpeace (or it may have been Friends of the Earth, whatever). My, they really went at it like hammer and tongs, in the sense that they totally agreed with everything each other said in the global war against a harmless trace atmospheric gas. Made for gripping listening, let me tell you.
Then Bill Oddie was on to remember David Bellamy. He just about managed to say that the BBC ruined his career and blacklisted him for climate heresy, and then sadly we were out of time, so sorry.
All in all, just another day in the left wing echo chamber of BBC broadcasting.
Still amazes me that Corbyn was allowed to appoint his ex-lover as Shadow Home Secretary.
I don’t think that the BBC expressed concerns.
However, if Boris had done something similar…
I’m not sure Labour works that way. They have appointment by vote of the membership to ministerial position, but I could be mistaken.
@Dover .. two words
Major, John
Soon after the shootings in Jersey, the names and pictures of the killers were all over the media.
Strangely, two days later, our most trusted and most subsidised Broadcaster has yet to catch up with the photos.
Also the connection with the sinister, racist (and bonkers) Black Hebrew Israelites was known within minutes, yet the beeb choose to still refer to the attack by the vague term ‘antisemitic’ – more evocative of the white far-right.
No doubt only once the story has slipped down the ratings will the beeb drip-feed some embarrassing facts.
Hope this is not a bad omen but just received an email from Conservative head office asking me to get out and vote and remind family members who can vote to do the same….It states that the Labour voting turn out is massive and it is now on a knife edge..
God help us if Corbyn sneaks it
Calm down everyone trust the British people.
The only difference between the Tories and Labour is the speed which they run the ship on the rocks.
Corbynmight be an atrocious prospect, but Boris is supporting Iran gaining nuclear weapons.
Can anyone here imagine anything worse than a Iranian nuclear bomb?
Totally agree Thoughtful – This whole “election ” is merely another pantomime. Just like when Theresa uttered her meaningless “Brexit means Brexit” trope. We all hope/think that Boris will be delivering the goods.
But think about it
Labour want either remain or BRINO
Farage stands down most of his candidates
Boris has managed to negotiate a “fantastic” deal which is virtually the same as Treason Mays “deal”
Who stands to win.
Clue = its not democracy or the British electorate.
Who is the winner here?
If you are a betting man, some bookies have quoted odds of Conservative majority 4/11 and Labour majority 25/1.
Just can bear the the thought of Corbyn sneaking it
Have Tower hamlets & Peterborough declared yet ???
Well…soon be making my little journey down to the counting house as a counting agent.
I’ve no idea what the procedures are for the counting and separating but I guess it will be pretty obvious after a while. In any case, you can be sure I’ll be watching ’em all like a hawk!
The result of the national vote will probably be known to you all before I leave the confines of said building. Experts seem to be able to accurately extrapolate the figures fairly soon after the first results come in, if I remember the ‘swingometer’ correctly.
Right..where’s me coat?
It’s started…From the BBC
Forty-eight people were given the wrong ballot papers and will have to re-cast their votes in the general election, a council has admitted.
The mix-up happened at a polling station in Mossley Hill, Liverpool, which serves two constituencies.
Ballot papers for Wavertree constituency were mistakenly issued to Riverside residents.
The incorrect votes will be discounted and a review has been ordered, Liverpool City Council said.
The authority said it was making efforts to contact those involved to give them the opportunity to vote for a second time before polls close at 22:00 GMT.
“The incorrect votes will be discounted ”
er no they won’t cos it’s not like your ballot paper has your name on it
All they can do is count the votes in a box, then when the total count comes in bear in mind that if a candidate won by less than 48 clear votes the result is not clear.
I received 89 polling cards in the name of Khan last week.
I’ve just returned from a lengthy session in the booth.
I voted Conservative on their behalf. It’s what they would have wanted, I’m sure.
I wonder if Merritt’s dad has done his son’s vote by proxy
cos “that’s what he would’ve wanted”
Dave Merrit will have voted for Choudry, just to show there’s no hard feelings.
Like the majority on here I hope and pray the scaremongering is just that and Boris gets a comfortable majority.
If he doesn’t, never forget who we have to thank for the privilege that awaits: Major, Heseltine, Gauke, Grieve, Soubry, Clarke, May, that dog-faced Chancellor whose name I forget for the moment, Osborne, Bercow and several others of lesser status but equal duplicity. Hammond, that was it. There must be a psychological reason for mental blocks.
Anyway, all those noble, patriotic and statesmanlike Conservatives whose treachery has now ensured we enjoy the best efforts of the worst ‘government’ in our history.
Do hope I’m wrong…..
Not to worry everyone, but my student daughter says everyone in her year seems to have voted. She didn’t say how many times.
Good luck everyone
or god help us
anyone else thinking the lack of boundary changes are about to bite
Predicted worst labour performance in modern times lol
Initial exit poll suggests Tory majority 86.
Hopeful, but I won’t count chickens just yet.