433 Responses to Midweek Thread 11 December 2019

  1. Beltane says:

    Exit poll: 368/191. Thank Christ for that! Never been happier to be proved wrong. Now for all those named earlier to lose their seats.


  2. Dover Sentry says:

    The BBC are glum….Boris divisive according to LK…not divisive according to the Exit Poll…



  3. smoogie7 says:

    Exit poll:


    LABOUR – 191

    LIB DEMS – 13

    BREXIT – 0

    SNP – 55

    = Biggest Conservative majority since Thatcher

    BBC meltdown on alert!


  4. Steve Jones says:

    Even now the BBC just doesn’t get it. How long before the Russians get the blame?

    I am now enjoying the ‘faces liked smacked arses’ parading around the BBC. This might be even more fun than watching Dimbleby announce the referendum result.

    Good night everybody.


  5. Dover Sentry says:

    McDonald is blaming Brexit. Ha!


  6. Dover Sentry says:

    McDonald is saying that Labour are centre-Left. Andrew Neil is having him for an early breakfast.


  7. Dover Sentry says:

    The BBC are now staring at the loss of their corrupt Licence Fee.

    Joy. Deep joy.


    • Kaiser says:

      oh how I wish

      but I suspect we now have brino and business as usual for everything else.

      I also expect momentum on the streets within 2 days


      • Demon says:

        Kaiser. Brinocertainly but at least Brexit is still on the table and not buried as it would have been if the Left had won. You’re right that Momentum will be rioting tomorrow and will do it for at least a week.


        • Kaiser says:

          and why wouldnt they, 500mp’s have spent 3 an1/2 years telling them votes dont matter

          will be interesting to see how many seats the BP could have wiped off labour if the tories could have given a 10% reciprocation to nigel


  8. Vonbedda says:



  9. Kaiser says:

    the plebs voting is a devastating blow to our democracy lmao


    • taffman says:

      If Caroline Lucas and Al Beeb’s World Broadcasting Service are serious with their their ideals they need to go to China and India to do their work.


  10. StewGreen says:

    Beeboid comedian with kinder gentler politics.


  11. StewGreen says:

    Greta stuff


  12. Celtic_Mist says:


  13. Celtic_Mist says:

    This was also a referendum on the ‘Climate Emergency’ that the BBC, guardian etc thought would swing voters to Corbyn’s radical manifesto.

    This worth a read if anyone hasn’t seen it –

    “Reality check: Drive for rapid ‘net zero’ emissions a guaranteed loser

    New Zealand’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, received plaudits this year for passing legislation designed to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. To her credit, her government asked a respected economics institute to estimate the cost. This revealed that getting to 50 percent below 1990-levels in 2050 would cost at least 5 percent of GDP annually by 2050.

    For New Zealand, the cost is similar to today’s entire expenditure on socialized education and health care. And getting all the way, rather than halfway, will likely cost 16 percent of GDP by 2050. That is more than New Zealand today spends on social security and welfare, health, education, police, courts, defense, environment, and every other part of government combined.

    In these artificial conditions, if New Zealand meets its promise of zero emissions in 2050 and stays at zero for five decades, then the greenhouse-gas reduction, according to the standard estimate from the United Nations’ climate panel, will deliver a temperature cut by 2100 of 0.004 degrees.



  14. Dover Sentry says:

    BBC Jeremy Vine has mimicked his physical antics on Jon Snow during the night.

    How sad is that? Lefty puppet matches Lefty puppet.

    Telly Tax under threat. Jolly good!


  15. Demon says:

    There are at least 2 results where the Tory and Brexit Party combined votes would have beaten the Labour candidate. I think that the Tory majority will be nowhere near the forecast.


  16. taffman says:

    Maxi, Maxi, maxincony ! where are you ?
    I know you are watching on your screen. We need to hear from you.


  17. Dover Sentry says:

    It’s possible that the Brexit Party voters would never have voted Conservative anyway. Perhaps they diminished the Labour vote?


  18. Dover Sentry says:

    BBC anchor Huw Edwards is from the Welsh Labour stronghold of Bridgend.

    He was proud to admit this.

    The nightmare BBC night moves on. Deep joy.


    • taffman says:

      Wales and the Welsh voted to leave the EU .
      Huw must have lived in London for far too long for a Welshman?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Dover – if the predicted results come through the despondency is going to deepen even further and will be enough to keep me awake watching …

      I still can’t see how the exit prediction is treated so solidly by the. Journo-political bubble ….


  19. Dover Sentry says:


    It is fascinating viewing for me. Rest of the Dover family is asleep. I’m the Sentry doing my duty. As I always have.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Dover – I just have to watch —-I’ve done elections since I was a kid back in the 70s – I’m a couple of hours ahead of UK time but it’s still worth the effort … I’m determined to see Soubry lose her seat – she was 10/1 to retain it during Thursday – but all my bets are looking good … which means I could win as much as £5 !

      Tourette’s Robinson is at the socialist republic or Islington so he could be good bias value later in the morning ….


  20. Dover Sentry says:

    BBC Adler talking about Boris causing a Nationalistic Brexit.

    What the ‘ell is a Nationalistic Brexit?


  21. StewGreen says:

    Another girl in Sweden that people should care about more


  22. Dover Sentry says:

    The pound surges. Apparently.


  23. Dover Sentry says:

    BBC Online News:

    “Pound soars on exit poll forecast of Tory majority”


    Bet that hurt you, BBC 🙂


    • Fedup2 says:

      Lord Ashcroft – on Twitter – raises the question of where are the ‘go to ‘ BBC remainers tonight – namely Major Heseltine and Patten?

      It may be one of those nights when those who don’t turn up is as significant as those who do . How a traitor like Heidi Allen can voice an opinion is beyond me … she was upset by the thought of having a Right Wing government …

      The BBC is taking comfort in the Scots Far Left Nationalist – hate the English Party doing well and acting as a distraction from the socialist gloom .

      Does seem weird that the Scots might want independence so that they can come under the control of Brussels …


  24. Dover Sentry says:

    The Tory dinosaurs are now extinct.

    Scottish Nationalists? Byeee… They will never survive on their own.


  25. Hereward Wake says:

    Ah sweet icing on the cake! Jo Swinson loses her seat. That was worth staying up for.


  26. StewGreen says:

    R4 drama opens
    Refugee voice “I realise now the UK is not an open place, back home you can just drop in, but in the UK you have to phone first”
    .. “In the UK people don’t care about each other … if there is a fight in the street people just get out their phones and video it”

    FFS such uncontexted simple narratives are FakeNews

    e.g. There are quite a few people I know that I can just drop in on any time. I do it 6 times/week
    Others I’d always text/email first