As the post Election euphoria continues the Far Left Biased BBC is in its period of post Election mourning. Therefore we need to closely monitor the editorial narrative it will adopt to convince the electorate that their vote was wrong – because the BBC is never wrong is it ? – as we see from responses to formal complaints often published by people on this site .
Start the week Thread 16 December 2019
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Well State Broadcaster isn’t wrong to continue to note that decriminalisation is on the agenda.
Who knows; it may morph into a subscription service one day and promote its own editorial line?
De criminalisation will in effect kill off the licence
Links back to recent threads
– Dec 15 Real-Reality-Check
– Weekend Thread Sunday page 4 … page 3
First woo hoo, The BBC are biased towards the left…. Fact checked
Just looking at the Daily Mail’s comments, they’ve reached over 4,500!
Wonder if Boris reads the Mail?
Question is, ‘is the BABC prepared to renew their Labour membership now, and if it slides toward subscription, will they register as a far left Marxist party?’
Dianne Abbott for leader !!!!
World Service Sports News at 06.15.
Footballer makes a comment about China and Muslims, the game is pulled by the Chinese broadcaster apparently.
Player will be ‘dealt’ with by his manager…..I think this will run and run say beeboid sports new reader.
Footballer makes a comment about election/PM and uses a swear word. No further action.
I think that is done and dusted, nothing more to see, says beeboid sports news reader.
Yep. Could have written the script myself. C’mon Boris stop their funding.
Toady Watch
No sign of the new PM or senior Conservative to be sneered at or constantly interrupted by a Lefty Presenter , let’s hope this is the new model .
Distinctly sliding toward the sort of stand-off happening daily in the US between our hero and their own far-left Marxist press.
Perhaps Boris has been coached by the POTUS and has become more aware.
“BBC BIAS: Tories pull ministers from Radio 4 Today as new row explodes.
DOWNING STREET chiefs are boycotting BBC Radio 4’s flagship Today programme amid growing anger at the Corporation’s general election coverage.”
Must tell you this, Oddschecker is looking at who will be the next Labour leader!
Guess who’s got odds of 973/1?
John Bercow!
It must have crossed his mind as he counts the £60k he got from Sky …. I can image the meetings and phone calls going on amongst unemployed traitors such as grieve and soubry with Brussels to find another way to ‘stop Brexit ‘ . No doubt Soros mouthpiece Gina Miller / Blair would be involved too .
Talking of Soros mouthpieces – has John major surfaced yet . Hesseltine was raised from the dead again but no Major ….
Poor Mr Major had a curry. But that didn’t help either.
Q: Where’s Chuka Umunna?
A: Down at the Job Centre.
Morning All
I must say I am enjoying the BBC’s lack of people to attack at the moment – NOW they are saying JC was toxic..funny didn’t hear that before the election.
However has anyone noticed that Labourites are now blaming the MSM…bloody on R4..some Labour bloke Andy Mcdonald blaming BBC for helping Tories to just couldn’t make it up…
He and Lewis will get on just fine.
Well, to coin Piers Morgan on Lilly Allen – Why doesn’t he just F**k off
That would be this Lewis.
Newsnight seems…. ‘consistent’ in those it feels best reflect the nation it speaks for.
He could always ask for asylum in Israel.
For those of us who are English and patriotic, we have no other country but England. So unashamedly we’ll defend it against all who wish us harm, Mr Mason.
Guest, a great contrast with my one-time next door Orthodox Jewish neighbours who would frequently tell me “We are so glad to be British.” and “We are so grateful to Britain for taking us in.”
Did I hear that right?
On Toady, Justremainin interviewed a Far Left Corbyn apologist.
He mainly blamed the media for Labour’s failure.
Including the right wing bias of the BBC !!!!
The example given? A BBC presenter has said in terms that BoJo ‘was going to have a well-deserved rest’.
Even Justremainin was taken aback by that one.
The Far Left tactic is emerging. Challenge the BBC for being too right wing and hope its left wing bias is allowed to continue, With the narrative that it must be impartial since both sides are complaining.
Sluff, that’s what they have been doing for years. Claim the “B”BC is right wing and the “B”BC can say we get complaints from both sides therefore we must be doing it right. I’ve seen so often the left say that the “B”BC is a mouthpiece of the government, and they’ve not been that since 2010.
Kuenssberg gets accused of being right wing, Toenails who has moved far left is always cited that he was once a Young Conservative. Andrew Neil is always accused of being right wing because he doesn’t soft soap the left wing interviewees like Marr etc. do. The more intelligent lefties know they are lying, and the braindead 95% of the left believe the lies willingly.
Oh yes, it’s the same with our ‘far right’ daily press: Guardian, Independent, Times, ‘i’, Financial Times, Mirror versus Sun, Telegraph, Express and Mail.
I make that rather more left than right. And it’s not the right’s fault that they outsell the left – though some obviously think so!
PS If anyone thinks it unfair to class the Times as left-wing, try reading it for a few days….you’ll soon get the theme.
D, I think ‘Toenails’ is still a Conservative. If you listen to the tone of voice, he sounded cheerful on Friday morning.
Isn’t it strange that Gary Linekar appears to have known the result of SPOTY one hour before the public voting began?
Cock up or conspiracy ?
Either way, couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person.
Result !
Even better was Gabby Logan calling the Muslim Jockey a Jihadi
Tabs come on – nobody noticed the puffed up beeboid calling her a jihadi ….
It is the moral duty of the PM to neuter or better abolish the BBC as swiftly as possible.
Toady watch 2,
The show ended with a long interview with the PM about policy for the next 5 or 10 years … or did it end with an interview with a 10 year old girl called willow who got lots of cub and beaver badges ….
The supposedly pro-equality Labour party seems to be about to do a leadership election by saying that a woman must win.
Doh that rules out 50% of the population
..what kind of precedent is that ?
Stephen Kinnock to JHB “The next leader must be a woman”
Stew well that’s ok because under Labour lib policy if a chap feels like a woman he / she can be leader .
As far as I am aware all of the women suggested were elected on female only short lists – so they have never been up against a male contender..and none seem to have had a proper job
At least three are just shouty and mouthy..I am looking forward to the will really show how low Labour politicians have sunk
Well, it is impossible for a woman to become the leader of a political party in a fair fight. Except for the Conservatives, that is. Oh, and the SNP. DUP. Green Party. Plaid Cymru. Scottish Conservatives. But apart from those exceptions, absolutely impossible.
Will Jack Dromey-Harman be on the shortlist?
j-i-c, think he’s been touted. Not sure where, may have been on Beeb w-s.
well i’m back after my weekend of partying after the result, plus some christmas meals & jury duty in tamworth HAHA!
hope all posters are well & in high spirits.
Helping the Tories win?
They where running stories for the Mirror!
Not the Guardian but the Mirror
I have been busy working over the weekend but at least I can relax knowing that Corbyn has been defeated and the left lost
Well, Corbyn has been defeated. It’s a good start.
If I may commend to the house ITBB always, but Monkey Brains’ Festive Fifty list especially..
Note how “Red Andy” pushes a single candidate forward – not once but twice – at 30sec and again at 2:10. Is she a proper person to be leading the labour party??
Also, John McDonnell wants the next leader of Labour to be anyone who is young, blonde, female, Northern, firebrand, Communist. But he has no say in the matter. Except that he hand-picked the NEC.
Luckily the Bilge Beatification Cabal has Huw as balance.
Oh, sorry, it has now been validated by the highest authority in the land: a bbc editor.
Soon the beeb will suggest Chinese style re-education camps to ensure the plebs can be taught to love the beeb and vote as ordered.
What’s Welsh for ‘How to win friends and influence people’?
He’s making Simpo seem sane.
LBC now , Ferrari is discussing BBC licence fee
The caller claimed that the only way the BBC could be financed is by having 30 mins advertising in each hour
Did the caller mean that the advertising could be reduced to 30 minutes in each hour? It currently runs at 60 minutes per hour with non-stop advertising for: Labour; EU; Global Warming; Men in Frocks; Wimmin’; Waycism; Democrats in US; Tory Cutz; Save our NHS etc etc drone zzzzz…
At last. A discussion. One beeb won’t like.
London City of Khanage and its Khanife crime problem
For what it’s worth I think the election for London Mayor is due in summer 2020 . Khan will be re elected however incompetent he is . He ll appoint an ethnic commissioner to replace the current queer on as it makes so much difference to 150 homicides a year ( 2019 rate ) .
Meanwhile the other big policy failure is a hole in the ground called ‘cost rail ‘ – I suspect there is a serious problem being kept secret delaying use ….
I know someone who is a recruiter to find the right people to sort out Cross Rail. Big money is on offer for managers and engineers to fix the problems but noone wants the job.
The main problem is all the contractors used their own prioprietory systems and there is no software that links them all together. The original contracts didn’t state that these independent systems must be integrated.
Funny you should say that. The London Mayoral election is on May 7th 2020 and I’ve just been handed a draft of the BBC news editorial for the following day:
‘Pundits are saying that Labour is on its way back and set to win the next General Election. Less than six months after the Tories controversally won the last election – despite many people saying Labour had won all the arguments – Saddiq Khan stormed home on a reduced turnout and reduced margin. “My success proves that Our Diversity is Our Strength ™” said the much-loved ‘Emir’ of London. He also denied that the rising knife crime in London was an issue, pointing out that the increase was not much higher than last year and consistent with the rise during the previous years of his reign.’
So Saddiq is on a knife edge to win again !
So Saddiq is on a knife edge to win again !
Up the bottom stabbings
Sweeney is on the new James O’Brien podcast (sorry for swearing)
“TV legend, John Sweeney, divulges his life story in the world of broadcast.
Still in recovery from his infamous Scientology expedition, Sweeney talks about the perils of Journalism: from being chased through Russia by Putin, to grizzly sights at the scene of the MH17 plane crash – if it has made world news, Sweeney has covered it.
Correction, Stew, it should read:
“…if it has made world news, Sweeney has covered it. And if he hasn’t, he’s fabricated it.”
The trouble is it’s not just the BBC that is infested with these anti British, woke tendencies.
Yesterday Channel 5 had an Agatha Christie evening. It was awful.
It started with a documentary about the writer and (thankfully) had a couple of family members on to add some sanity to the proceedings. Most of the other talking heads were BBC scriptwriters and hard left tattooed women who wanted to portray Agatha through their narrow PC prism. Nobody could epitomise old fashioned Englishness more that Mrs Christie, but listening to this crowd you’d think she was some ultra red revolutionary.
Then came the play…oh dear. It puts AC in the action in Iraq and gives the writers lots of occasion to berate us about Britain’s past colonial arrogance, racism and sexism.
There’s a black girl playing an archaeologist; the most talented they’ve ever had, but due to her race and sex she’s only used as a “companion.”
And we’re endlessly lectured by the local policeman about how we ravaged his country’s past. Some precious artifacts have been purloined, but Abdul knows where the crooks have taken their ill gotten loot. “They’re in the British Museum” he sneers.
Two long, tedious bleedin’ hours this tosh went on for.
The plot was turgid. The sneering endless. The British characters were acted with all the subtlety of pantomime villains.
I bet it’s up for an award…
Did anyone mention how well the muslims protected the Palmyra site or all the artefacts that have been looted from their museums while they have been in charge of their own country?
As the critic said in the Mail today, we weren’t sure whether it was supposed to be a thriller or slapstick pantomime – but at least we learned how to dissect a monkey. And would there honestly have been a young black female architect without a headscarf in Iraq in the 1930s ?? Dire, doesn’t begin to cover it.
Meanwhile JO’bsworth has on John ‘Legend but don’t mention the awks bits’ Sweeney and Vile has opted for Champion Ash.
In the world of politics and media, SNAFU.
Dominic must be laughing like a drain.
Guess who was on the Jeremy Vine Ch5 TV show this morning ?
You’ve already got it, but here’s a clue
another clue
.. young
As ever since the shows are aimed at metrobubbleworld
so the general theme was
“what did WE Labour & the media do wrong to let the Tories win the election ?”
It’s kind of weird that the media Ash BEFORE the election getting everything wrong.
Now AFTER the election they air her saying “I got it wrong”
e.g. “I over estimated the support in the NORTH for a second referendum”
It’s not actually weird cos what THEY were trying to do was CREATE the news (ie pro Labour/Remain PR) instead of merely reporting actual news.
Thicko Vine himself \\Yeh I got it wrong , I thought that cos May failed with her slogan “Strong , stable, government” that meant 3 word slogans are bound to fail, so Boris’s “Get Brexit done” was bound to fail//
It’s really important that your kids keep up the school strikes
..otherwise Greta won’t have her sponsored FIRST CLASS travel
.. BTW French trains are on strike , I wonder when one of her 3 trains was crowded the other day, was that cos of the strikes ?
What’s weird about this is there’s a lot flying about on this but the BBC is not going near.
Which usually means one thing.
Peter Oborne’s Twitter is a bit qiet now
… prior to the 13th he was busy tweeting to say almost no one was voting Conservative.
When you are a stringer based overseas for the Mecca Morning Bugle it is likely hard to stay on top of on the ground sentiment.
Either that or he never left the Newsnight Green room walk in bar.
Victoria Derbyshire show BBC1 TV at 10.45 am today:
She interviewed two new female MPs to draw attention to the lack of sufficient numbers of female MPs in Parliament.
One was the new black female MP for Vauxhall in South London who took over from Labour Brexit supporter Kate Hoey. She is now proud to represent the people of Vauxhall who like her are Remainers. She would not comment on Labour’s Brexit policy.
The other was a new Lib Dem female MP for Saint Albans wearing the obligatory baggy yellow scarf and short cropped hair. She wouldn’t rule out standing as Leader but had so much to do anyway. She and her party are Internationalists apparently.
No difficult questions were asked of either.
Next on was a snowflake female reporter from the Manchester Evening news which is very left wing. She spoke through gritted teeth about the the Tory win and said that Tory cuts had impacted severely on the the lives of the people of Manchester.
Next on was Norman Smith to give his views. He made it clear that anything that the new Tory MPs in the North tried to do would take years despite the rhetoric. Nothing positive there from Norman.
Images of prospective Labour leaders were shown. Five white women and Starmer.
Dover: “She wouldn’t rule out standing as Leader but had so much to do anyway. She and her party are Internationalists apparently.”
Think the electorate are mostly aware (except in St Albans, obviously) that the Illiberal NonDemocrats are (Inter)National Socialists.
For me that was one of the re-assuring things about the GE19 result that these (Inter)National Socialists were seen off by the voters, except – sadly – in Scotland and N.Ireland.
New Russian conspiracy thread from Sweeney
From 2015
Meirion Jones claims corporation bosses viewed as ‘traitors’ those who sought to expose the presenter’s crimes or criticised its mistakes
Anna is live in Leicester on Saturday the 18th of January
with Martin Geddes
The out-of-touch leader of our out-of-touch Church is worried about ‘the direction the UK is travelling in’ – eagerly quoted by our socialist broadcaster.
Well Archbish, since last Thursday many of us are delighted about the direction the UK is travelling in. So remember, if you’re feeling in the dumps, don’t be silly chumps, Always look on the bright side of life…
(But if you really want to worry about something, how about your nigh empty churches? Many of us are concerned about the direction the Church is travelling in, namely extinction.)
“Archbishop Justin Welby voices concern over UK direction”
Excellent riposte Vlad!
I thought the same whilst eye rolling as I read that article. What a pompous, narrow minded bubble dweller to be so out of touch with his ‘congregation’.
I also thought he was pretty insulting to the populace in general – as a rule we are liberal, accepting of minorities, and very generous…look at the amounts raised in charity events. To borrow from Greta, How Dare He!
Politicians all talk about ‘morals’; priests talk about politics.
They should stay in their own cots.
Piers Morgan has renewed his ITV contracts for 2 years
This morning we heard (on Mondays am LBC) that the new government plans to stop the BBC TV license fee from being a criminal offence. This is long overdue as most of those ‘convicted’ are single woman who cannot afford the TV license. Even those that can afford it can see that it is long past its ‘sell-buy’ date and smells a bit ‘whiffy’, to say the least, as ‘looney-tunes’ staff are all ‘left-whingers’ and anarchist supporters by their own grandisment (self identification).
BBC reform will be in The Queens speech! (I do hope so)…. although they still have until 2027 to pump out hysteria.
I quote below from TAXPAYERS ALLIANCE newsletter: (Worth signing up to for independent thought)
‘During the election campaign prime minister Boris Johnson hinted that he has plans to axe the BBC licence fee. Mr Johnson remarked that a lot of court time is spent prosecuting people for failing to pay the fee. Commenting on the story for the Daily Express our media campaign manager Sam Packer said:
“The licence fee is a hangover from a past media age, before the advent of streaming services and catch-up telly. It’s high time that politicians acknowledged the problems in the system and put a stop to this annual poll tax, bringing the BBC model into the 21st century.”
On top of the (perceived by the ‘Graundian’ and assorted lefties) (notably the BBC) as being a ‘total – disaster’ was this telling vote of our times: that 68% thought the BBC license fee should be abolished . The BBC claim that they do not recognise the voters or anybody else that voted BREXIT. They are all TV license fee deniers and should be prosecuted!
This is an end of the BBC? The licence fee is a hangover from a past media age. It will cost £5.99 if anybody buys it. And the default from The ‘Grauniad’ readers is that they don’t pay for anything (as they get it all recycled for FREE from the BBC with a free megaphone on TV and Radio with repeats).
The future of the BBC is assured. It cannot continue in its present form (which is now clear to everyone including the PM).
Even now the BBC cannot help its self.
Been watching the news coverage on the BBC and its still constant unpleasant innuendo at Boris Johnson’s expense. It beggars belief. Are they really that stupid ?, or knowing whats ahead they just could’nt give a damn.
Joe Coburn on Daily Politics just been commenting about the election result just used the word people ”loathing ” the result…
Perhaps all the lumps of Primordial Slimes in the BBC know there bias days are numbered…
There’s a gobby, forceful, knowledgeable, northern, state school Conservative MP, Gillian Keegan, currently taking Stephen Kinnock to the cleaners. Jo Coburn doesn’t like her. Stares fixedly away to her left – same as that tosser Merton on HIGNIFY – when not the centre of attention. As childish as it is revealing.
BBC News website front page :-
,“Hallmark apologises for pulling same-sex ads
The company withdrew the adverts under pressure from conservatives, then reversed its decision.”
It’s them evil Tories again, thinks the casual reader of this US story that somehow makes the front page in the UK
Another corporate regime falls to the twittter boycott pressure. What a bunch of spineless idiots. Just have a policy of no kissing ffs! Then it doesn’t matter who is standing at the alter.
Hmm… let me think about this? I could buy a single Hallmark birthday card for £3, but there again I can get 10 cards for £1 from a shop in the local shopping centre and not have to worry about adverts designed to exclude the majority of the population… Hard choice, but you lose, Hallmark.
Why is the BBC on about Hallmark Channel
AFAIK it’s a US channel that is generally not available or watched in the UK
.. a variant might be buried away on Sky pay channels or something.
With all the handwringing of the Labour aparatchik regarding their GE19 Icarus crash and burn. Perhaps they should read the following poem by Rudyard Kipling then go and have long hard think.
‘The Beginnings’
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late
With long arrears to make good,
When the English began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy-willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the English began to hate.
Their voices were even and low,
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show,
When the English began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd,
It was not taught by the State.
No man spoke it aloud,
When the English began to hate.
It was not suddenly bred,
It will not swiftly abate,
Through the chill years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the English began to hate.
Disgusting !!!
Doing his best for climate change – hypocrisy at its best….
Not a bad taxi fare tho. Bet the traffic is awful.
When ever I see or hear her name I can’t help thinking of Thunderbirds are Go ! ….like wise who is really pulling her strings !
The brexit bill comes to the commons on Friday . The BBC will be looking eagerly for signs of dissent from the new MPs – as well as old ones …. meanwhile a first PM question time ? It will be interesting to see if BoJo changes the format and whether it sticks to 30 minutes as opposed to the Bercow version of having an ever lengthening one to promote his ego and bully those he didn’t like .
Enclosed is a clip of Conservative Head Office the moment the exit poll is revealed….BRILLIANT
Great to see all those YOUNG conservatives together, you know, the ones that Al Beeb never seems to interview.
Not a BME to be seen…..
Does cheering count as hate speech? – BBC Editor
Quote from British Sugars website
“On 1st October 2017 British Sugar entered a new era; as for the first time since 1968 the business is no longer restricted by EU quotas.
This change gives the British beet sugar industry an opportunity to grow.”
Doubt the bBC would report this!
Ahem, ajs (great motorcycles by the way, make motorcycles great again), the UK sugar industry (as I heard from a Tate & Lyle Director on BBC R4) is restricted to beets by the EU rules and tariffs.
That is why T&L are in favour of the UK leaving the EU. It means we can trade with Caribbean and South American countries (and any others) producing cane sugar. Good for those countries and good for us. “Trade, not aid!”
European beet sugar production is protected by tariffs (something the BBC didn’t like when Trump produced them but is OK for the EU, apparently, according to the BBC) against cane sugar from outside the EU. T&L consider cane sugar to taste better and be healthier for the consumer. Currently, because of the EU tariffs, it is really uneconomic to import and make up.
When we leave at the end of January, then we will be able to freely import cane sugar. Yippeee!
If remember correctly , just before the Brexit vote there was an interview with a top man from Tate and lyle who said that each ship load coming in to London was liable for £1 million tax payment to the EU….correct me if I am wrong , the sooner this stops the better for all of us
CF, that could be from the same interview I heard on R4. The importer company pays the tariff on the shipload of sugar cane and then, eventually, passes it on to customers in their product pricing. If the customer can afford to buy it.
Funny thing Charlie, in their current campaign to get sugar taxed, the BBC never, ever, mention the health benefits of the much less refined, less adulterated, cane sugar that Tate & Lyle would like to import and sell to us.
I wonder why?
Our favourite bastion of socialist egalitarianism Emily Thornberry is taking legal action against Caroline Flint after accusations of dismissing her constituency voters as ‘stupid’.
For a lawyer of such weight and status to overlook her own previous form – we remember the ‘White-van-man’ jibes if she prefers to forget them – does not bode well for her defence.
Still, in her alter-ego as Lady Squeegee she can probably afford the fees.
“For a lawyer of such weight and status…”
Blimey, I’m not sure about the status, but she’s certainly got the weight!
I’ll get me coat…
FFS Kevin Maguire is on the Vine show
I wish Labour would eff off and get its own broadcasting network
How on earth did Boris win
when as Jeremy complained Boris wouldn’t come on his show ?
I bet Vine thought after the Labour WIN he was going to get a seat in the House of Lords for services to the Labour party
… and now that they actually lost he is still stuck in the same mode.
\\ @BBCRadio2 @theJeremyVine
– Cant understand why lamenting the Labour loss is getting so much air time on television and radio,
instead of asking why labour lost
ask why Conservatives won – working class heartlands want Brexit,
they dont want Socialism and remember IRA killing us. //
The Twitter activity during the show is incredibly low, about one tweet every 3 mins
\\ @theJeremyVine How interesting that not one of the people who spoke to you about Labour’s defeat, and a new party leader, mentioned antisemitism
nor the fact that Labour is under investigation by the EHRC. //
The left is claiming comrade Corbyn was the victim of media character assassination yet some might say that he bought it on himself for being ‘friends ‘ with so many actual assassins and thankfully it turned out that people remember .
Someone launched a Dianne Abbott parody account
Dec 15 @theJeremyVine tweeted
People launching this are making a joke, I know,
but I wish they had chosen a target who wasn’t the country’s first black woman MP
and the longest-serving black MP in the House of Commons.
After 1 day Twitter banned the parody account
I wonder if DA actually has a big illness ?
“no reason was given”. Here’s a reason: he didn’t want to be inquisitioned by the toxic Torquemadas at Broadcasting House.
And guess what? It worked. Our politicians don’t need the Beeb any more.
He won. Get over it.
TWatO Watch #1 – BBC Interests or Concerns
The programme opened with an item about about the intake of new MPs that are being inducted in the House of Commons today. Sarah provided us with helpful list of the new Conservative MPs, including those who are bi-sexual or gay. Is that a hint as to where the BBC’s interests lie?
Why was there no reference to any other sub-groupings?
Why was there no reference to heterosexuality of MPs?
Why was there no reference to any marital status?
Is that really a priority of the listening public?
Are the BBC demonstrating some bias, taking a political position, by doing so? Lord Grade, please note.
I find that attitude really depressing . Who gives a damn what some one is if they do their job of representing their constituency and the people in it as opposed to trying to turn law making into hypocritical show biz .,- virtue signalling and becoming that corrupt mix which was the last parliament – ?
I don’t think Sir lyndsey Hoyle will take much doo doo from the Westminster Hating Happy Clappers in the SNP…
I thought the same when they said it on BBC this morning – I, and a I suspect most people beyond the bubble, don’t care which way somebody swings – can they do a good job is all I care about…
But we all know what matters to the BBC….quotas even if they are disproportionate, as long as it is disproportionate in the way the BBC want..
Fed & JA, agree entirely. Why didn’t the BBC mention how many of the new MPs were single and celibate? How many were Roman Catholics, Protestants, atheists and agnostics? How many are Manchester United supporters?
Think it demonstrates the sickness right at the heart of the BBC.
TWatO Watch #2 – The BBC are certain, the science is settled
The Greenland Ice Cap is melting. Prof. Goodwin (hope I got the name right) is dispatched to report for TWatO all week long. The good Prof (a scientist!) does not appear to know which month it is. Either that or the BBC were being a little deceptive and the Prof was actually sent to Greenland in June this year – to report on ice melt (in summer ← “Yeaher, roightt!”) – perhaps, because there was a risk that in mid-December, sea-ice might prevent the Prof making landfall on Greenland.
He described it as arriving on a different continent. Perhaps he was overawed by his means of travel, a sailing ship and therefore extremely thankful for getting there at all. Technically, Greenland is part of Europe but could be argued to be part of the North American land and island mass. Apparently scientists argue over whether there are now six continents rather than the seven most people are used to.
When dealing with Global Warming, Climate Change and the Climate Emergency, there’s nothing like a little precision and scientific exactitude.
Greenland is described as vast, seven times the size of Britain, I think the Prof said. That then is really quite small because Britain is tiny. Australia is vast. Australia is also an island. (nb. Wiki has an error in its entry there.) Australia is a country. Australasia (old name)/Oceania (new name) is a continent and includes New Zealand and the islands associated with the two countries.
I look forward to the Prof’s reports all this week on TWatO.
Greenland is the only country ever to leave the European Union or EEC as it was then.
Algeria left the EU / EEC / Common Market when it became independent from France in 1962. Mind you, there are still plenty of Algerians in the EU, according to my French friends…
Is it just my ISP or is the whole Interwebby running with the speed of a three toed sloth self-medicating (and overdosing) on Diazepam today?
Talk Radio’s Mike Graham is turning out to be a bit of a plank
Before the election he turned into a right Tory-boy
Now he has done a list of top 100 Planks
He rather nastily includes Tommy if he has to virtue signal to his London mates.
It’s not funny when he and his family have suffered illegal jailing, physical attacks and intimidation etc.
It is nasty to dehumanise people by smearing them as “racist” when they aren’t “racist”.
I also don’t agree with putting Prince Andrew at #1
cos if he isn’t a rapist then he is the victim of a witch hunt
If he is a rapist then it’s not right to make a joke about it.
Either way it’s a serious issue entitled to due process.
Mike’s plank list .. 1- 20 .. 21- 60 .. 61- 100
In case no one has seen this from We Got a Problem. It’s about 6.5 minutes long and Ian Duncan Smith reveals the disgusting and in my opinion illegal behaviour he and no doubt other Conservative party candidates have had to endure during the General Election campaign.
The Momentum cult and its Labour party facilitators really are beyond contempt:
One suggestion: IDS should have photographed, documented, recorded and posted online the dismembered rat, the graffiti, the physical and verbal abuse, the intimidation and death threats on social media etc.
IDS did as you said . And reported the incidents to police . Look on google and you find the pictures . You may – I’m proud that he is my MP
But in the end the tears of his labour opponent were there for all to see at the count. The poor entitled girl was heart broken, couldn’t believe she had lost even given the terrorism her third world supporters brought to the fray. She had done all the media rounds exuding all the confidence assuming she was going to walk it and to beat IDS a big bonus. There was some TV coverage of the count with her crying and being consoled by one of her brownshirts.
If it weren’t for the double standards at the BBC, there wouldn’t be any standards.
What is it with this constant look women – look gay look young look BAME
As Douglas Murray says in his latest book – there are Women, Gays, BAME, disabled who are nasty, cheating, lying and stupid just as much as there are in any other group defined by an attribute ( I have paraphrased)..
So good luck to these women but it is performance that counts not age or gender so KattyKay whoever she is…get over it, move on and stop being an ageist sexist
Finland – is that another country that is going down the tubes?
They’ll learn the hard way that matriarchies don’t work.
One day after Boris re-election and a poor Afghan is already being dragged to court.
Once again the fascist islamophobic police state are denying a muslim’s basic human right to rape infidel women at will.
Times reveal that No 10 is to stop reading this website
That is worth a screen shot ????????????
And we might get a few more visitors when Biased BBC gets searched …. brilliant
Just Huw liking Nick liking Huw…
I wonder what’s really behind this obscure report?
Couldn’t be the vast pro-Islam ‘propaganda’ network at the BBC could it?