.. The idea that a Republican senate is going to also impeach a Republican president for getting evidence that Democratic contender and his son are corrupt, is a fairy story.
Yes, right now it suits our Trump hating Marxist State Broadcaster to, ‘pile on the hatred’. Like the strong showing of other Trump haters being interviewed on Toady after the 0800 news.
I don’t think the BABC is motivated alone. I think they are, ‘hand in glove’ with the other America hating media in the US and are probably subject to suggestion/persuasion. After all, Sopel works for CNN, doesn’t he?
“Just cos it’s in Nature the journal that doesn’t mean it’s automatically wrong”
Greta Thunberg named one of the top ten most influential people in science in 2019 for ‘channelling the rage of a generation
Climate catalyst
A Swedish teenager brought climate science to the fore as she channelled her generation’s rage.
We don’t know the others
RICARDO GALVÃO: Science defender
As chaos spiked in the Amazon, the physicist became a national hero by challenging Brazil’s government
SANDRA DÍAZ: Biodiversity guardian
An ecologist and her colleagues assess Earth’s ecosystems and call for drastic action
Ones to watch in 2020
António Guterres
Secretary-general, United Nations
This Portuguese diplomat has pushed for aggressive action on global warming, and that advocacy could prove crucial as nations meet in 2020 to update their pledges under the 2015 Paris climate agreement.
Mariya Gabriel
European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth
The European Union’s next spending plan for research and innovation, known as Horizon Europe, will take shape under the leadership of this Bulgarian political scientist.
Markus Rex
Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany
This atmospheric scientist is leading the €140-million (US$155-million) MOSAiC expedition, in which a German ship frozen into Arctic ice for a year will collect data about polar conditions
I wonder which bright spark it was who first thought of putting the words political and scientist together? To try to make it sound more important than it is. Same as social and science.
Politics, like economics, social studies and religion is not a science. Chemistry is a science subject as is physics, biology and astronomy. Not politics. Or any of the other garbage subjects.
It wasn’t that long ago that a ‘ proper ‘ muslim rushed up to Scotland to murder an Ahmadi shopkeeper because he had wished his customers a Merry Christmas.
Which just goes to show that muslims, like the commies, hate everyone and everything. Which is probably one of the reasons they flock together.
WTched the daily politics for the first time for a couple of years today. It seems that the BBC are settling on Corbyn as the principal reason why Labour lost. Just so we are 100% clear , some Labour policies are reported to have been popular and Please note Brexit wasn’t an issue . It was just Corbyn whom lots of voters found toxic. My view is that it was a mixture of a Corbyn, Marxist policies and of course Brexit. By denying Brexit was a major cause the BBC seems to me to be preparing for five years of Rejoinerism. It clear their anointed leader is Starmer, the arch Remainer and no doubt now a rejoiner. These buggers never learn do they? Clearly they regard Brexit as being a mortal insult , a permanent stain on the country which they must expunge no matter what the cost. The BBC is way beyond reform and needs to got rid of.
I found a lot of labour policies really attractive – the free Wi-fi – the free iPad – free energy from fusion power – free prem football – my own Butler . These were all great .
It will be good to see some deeper analysis of the result and campaign -particularly the ‘news’ in the final weeks that it might lead to a ‘hung ‘ parliament …
“These buggers never learn do they? Clearly they regard (Trump) as being a mortal insult , a permanent stain on the country which they must expunge no matter what the cost.” Split application?
With all due respect to Farage, the Conservatives could have taken an extra 20 + seats from Labour if the Brexit party had stood down, beating Thatcher’s record.
An extra 20 Tories in the HoC is of no benefit to the Brexxit Party or any of us that want a full Brexit.
I still fear that Boris is going to give us the sort of deal that is like May’s with a bit of tinkering.
Already the influence of the ERG has been diminished because of the landslide.
They had him by the short and curlies before, but not now.
Be careful what you wish for…
Even the Daily Telegraph this weekend described Boris as a socially Liberal politician, which is about as close as they’re going to get to ‘Socialist’. I suppose it’s better than the previous Marxist they had, but it’s no way a small c conservative.
Do you think that the Conservatives (i.e. Cummings & Co.) calculated that they would rather win by a smaller margin and not be beholden to Farage, whereas they might have made a deal with him beforehand and won more seats?
Dominic Wring from Loughborough Uni
“there has been a doubling of negative coverage against Labour”
“in the ten printed newspaper Mon-Fri”
“we didn’t look at online”
..FFS obvious PR not news.. cos it’s not a countable thing
.. Its a qualitative thing
Piers didn’t attack the idea
but “Yeh in 2017 the papers supported Theresa May,
if they worked , then she would have won
..I don’t buy into the power of the print newspapers
The Mirror only sells 500K, not 2.5 million”
“You could throw a harpoon in a BBC newsroom and not hit a Conservative”
I heard some of this , it started with most of press being accused of being anti JC …..no mention of BBC anti Boris…its just unbelievable. BBC still can’t see their own faults or accept the GE result , I am sure the anti Boris crap will continue, Still trying to avoid any BBC news and diversification programmes !!
Only just picking up on the post-mortems by the BBC but I was checking in with all the fine posts here during the election. This tweet stuck with me.
What’s hit me the most in the last 3.5 years is just how deeply ideological programming has taken root. Living in London I come into contact with a lot of progressive liberals. I know some who agonise over the white goods in their home because they’re made by a company where the CEO isn’t politically in agreement with their worldview.
It’s still a mystery to them, and the BBC, that people might quietly assess policies on the basis of evidence, make their decision and then get on with life. Intersectionality and ideology are poor substitutes for basic reality. Watching all the hand-wringing and scrabbling around for answers by the media it would appear this is still a riddle too perplexing to solve for many.
Australian bomb jihadis were yesterday sentenced to 40 and 36 years
In 2017 they had a bomb ready to smuggle onto a plane
.. and it was to be followed by poison gas attacks in Sydney.
Yes, and it is now also supported by people trafficking, drug smuggling and prostitution as well as our VAT.
The echoes of 39 VietNamese screaming and struggling to breath ought to be amplified over the PA system in those shiny marble, glass and steel corridors of the EU building in Brussels.
Thoughtful – I thought you favoured paying politicians more money so that we get ‘quality ‘. I noted that the youngest new labour MP is to give up half her salary to charity and only pocket £35k for the year ( not sure if that’s a tax dodge `) .
The Funding of TheReich EU , the corruption , the anti democratic nature -was on this list of why people wanted to leave .
There is no prospect of reform . The whole think riles against the Anglo Saxon mindset – get out of the EU – then target the Lords . A progressive reduction in numbers – maybe the longest serving 100 each year until its down to a manageable number of elected 5 year time servers .
The nutcase Labour MP actually believes the average working mans take home pay in Britain is £35K pa after deductions!
As for an elected second chamber, the problem is you get a pro or anti government majority – a rubber stamp, or block everything situation. Recall the USA grinding to a halt because the upper chamber refused to agree the budget.
It doesn’t work
They only get paid £300 if they turn up which might be great if you live in London but if you need a hotel room, plus meals it doesn’t leave much change.
I wonder if that figure is household rather than individual income
cos the ONS give household income as £29K
My students in Indonesia earn 1/10 th of UK salaries, but property is 1/20th , you can get a house for £7K.
Which is why my room rent is £10pw including bills.
Here in Britain in the village £6 per hour seems normal .
What a great epitaph for The Hale woman that the so called Supreme Court was revised back to control the creation of constitutional ‘crimes ‘. ? But Mr Starkey would be the one for that job…
Having endured BBC (EU) funded ‘Local Democracy ‘reporters’ locally for a while, the thought of a bunch of Lewis Goodhall clones alternating rants with the thefts of bikes outside the Co-op is not pleasant.
Heard on news on R4 news this afternoon that 16 men of “Asian heritage” have been found guilty of rape in Halifax.
Anyone interested in meeting me for a demo outside the Japanese Embassy where we can ask these Asians “just what the hell is wrong with them!
Stew – I reckon the new government will stuff the BBC on the over 75 licence tax in the coming budget . I think it’s the kind of thing which Mr Cummings would go for ….
Nice to see the piece you put up echoing many of the views expressed her and on the excellent “IS the BBC biased ?’ Site .
I thought I might like some news tonight, Wednesday, now that I know what the BBC says cannot upset me and at the moment know where the majority opinion lies, Switched on BBC1 at 6pm. Lead story was about the dementia crisis. Yes I feel very sorry for the carers but to me this is opinion rather than news. Nothing has changed. Yesterday was difficult for the cares and tomorrow might be a bit more difficult. Why today is it news? I cannot really answer that one because I switched off. I will also point out, that unlike itv adverts, suddenly for this item the BBC became very white.
Deborah-I thought the 6PM ” News” on the BBC had a BBC
agenda.As you say this was not news. It is if most of the
programme had been prepared maybe even a couple of days
ago. I suppose I am sounding like an old male chauvinist pig.
But I thought the news was very women orientated. Yes
we expect a women presenter that’s about 75% of the
time. But most of the news seem to feature women in
some guise or other. From the terrible plight of the wives
of the Alzeimer sufferers ,to the lady darts player who beat
a man.
Actually there is nothing new about a lady darts player beating a man. Back in the early 80’s I played in several dart leagues, and was the only female in two mens’ teams. That wouldn’t have occurred if I was rubbish (and they were a ‘man’ short), I also, with (according to the blokes) annoying regularity beat the chaps thus ensuring my place in the side. So to celebrate this lady’s achievements is about 40 years too late !
The BBC are always obsessed with young snowflakes and black wimmin having role models and they give prominence to women who satisfy that demand. Mrs Thatcher didn’t need one and on a much smaller scale, neither did I. Females should aim high but justify what they achieve by being good at what they do, not get a job by being female.
#BBC has totally given up actual news, instead it delivers #social#propaganda for more #publicfunding, 30 seconds on care crisis for #dementia. Yes, very important, but it is NOT news. Now we’re onto “analysis”, carefully inserting “10 years” …
Thank you for posting this – I’ve just watched the 57 minutes of prof starkeys views and if you have the time – it’s really worth a listen .
His view of the treason of the traitors in the 2017 -2019 parliament is well made . The BBC is dealt with lightly about 30 minutes in and it ends with Scotland .
To think that of all newspapers The Sun commissioned this is a wonder . It reminded me of those lectures to camera AJP Taylor did …. you’d never see anything like it on terrestrial TV anymore
The interviewer asks a few short, intelligent and relevant questions, then lets Starkey answer at length, without interrupting – and LISTENS. He is not trying to be the star, score gotcha points, trip him up, virtue signal, or show off his liberal credentials or the size of his dick.
Unlike certain Broadcasters one could mention.
Result: an informed and informative interview, the likes of which would never be seen on you-know-where.
Starkey is wrong – as a historian(!) – in what he said about the Puritans. I’m not a historian (chose science for education, instead) but I have paid more attention to history in adult life.
He forgets that there were very different forms of Puritanism, as exemplified with what happened during the English Civil War.
For sure, you had the Witchfinders and the stake-burners but many of us would describe that as the subversion and decline of the pure core of Puritanism. Starkey forgets that the true Christian Puritanism was found in the countryside, mostly in the southern half of England but also in Scotland, too. The Yeoman, God-fearing & worshipping, Briton that he refers to soon afterwards.
It is true that Puritanism became highly non-Conformist when the State Church (Church of England) was given power over the population to enforce Church law and started imprisoning people. He also forgets that the Quakers, the original Pentecostals (non-Conformists) of their day, had largely declined by the time his parents were taking him to meetings.
He also declined to mention that the original true Puritans, when Puritanism had gone bad and when the CoE sought extra power and abused those powers, bolstered by migration from central and western Europe of people like the Anabaptists went off to form the American colonies. The true Puritans were seeking freedom, including freedom of worship from an oppressive force of governance. Yes, that Puritanism was also subverted in time, hence Salem and its Witch Trials.
As a historian, he knows all that or should do.
I just think his train of thought for that interview was heading down quite a narrow line of thought and speech. Hope no-one has been misled by it.
As to the Starmers, Thornberrys, Soubrys and Owen Jones being Puritans, let’s not beat about the bush. They are (Inter)National Socialists and Communists in both their doctrines and their behavioural choices for the population at large but not necessarily themselves.
bbc the publishing arm of Greenpeace R3 Extinction Rebellion and the End of the World
Rana Mitter looks at the ideologies surrounding climate disaster
with guests including Rupert Read of Extinction Rebellion,
investigative journalist Nafeez Ahmed,
professor of psychosocial theory Lisa Baraitser,
and lawyer Tessa Khan.
How do we make sense of the idea of ecological collapse,
and what are the assumptions hidden in the way we discuss climate disaster
Right Side Broadcasting Network broadcasting from a very cold Battle Creek, Michigan tonight: President Trump & VP Pence! Watch if you wish…
As for ‘the school shouldn’t have let him’, they’d probably already brainwashed the kids in the same leftie ideology that pervades the whole education system.
Come off it @stormzy – saying stuff like that to a bunch of very young schoolkids isn’t cool, and you know it. You’re a hugely influential role model now to so many youngsters, wield that power more carefully. https://t.co/i6WbWouKX7
stormzy.. yep another one who has sold out!…
another thick, uneducated, self-obsessed, self-opinionated piece of carp.
Simples..just like him lol! His “music” makes a dog turd seem interesting and full of potential! The man’s an eejit..plain to see.
Not just an eejit: a dangerous inflammatory eejit, like all the rap ‘artistes’ that the beeb love to fawn over – so edgy and cool dahling, so ethnic. Wicked.
Nothing more nauseating than people who should know better trying to get down with da kids.
Interesting article in the Mail on Sunday supplement Event, by Robert Gore-Langton the theatre critic. Quote “Roaringly PC Narnia loses a bit of its magic” – The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe, Bridge Theatre, London……
Quote” …… The story is largely intact, except that CS Lewis’s specifically Christian, spiritual dimension has been replaced by the religion of diversity, and the four Pevensie siblings are played by adult black actors. As the Professor pointedly reminds us, our minds are like parachutes – they only work when they’re open”.
I think this is the first time that I’ve ever read a theatre critic openly criticise what diversity has done to wrecking a decades old childrens’ story.
Off topic here, however, what on earth has happened to our once hallowed justice system and sense of fair play?
We hear today of a trio of people who wrongly defrauded Royal Fail of £225K in stamps they had ‘washed’.
The Man received a 4 year prison sentence, his wife a 2 year suspended sentence (nothing), and their accomplice who hadn’t been involved as much an 18 month suspended sentence (nothing).
The man and the wife were just about equally involved with the money going into a joint account, so why the disparity in the sentence?
But that’s not the point.
Little individual people are the only wrongdoers are the only ones the law is concerned with now. If you are part of a big organisation you can break what ever laws you please with impunity.
Look how many live Post Office Counters staff ruined with their faulty computer system, and the know openly known purjury of its senior executives who deliberately and knowingly lied in court and had people sent to prison wrongfully as a result.
Nothing can ever make this right, but some nod to justice would certainly help, because if these rogues are not brought to book for what they have done, it gives every senior government official in every single government department the green light to do exactly the same, and that is beyond thinking.
It’s not just what they broadcast regarding this country it is their entire world view. What about all the lies by omission. There is obviously a news blackout with regard to the giblets jaunes in France which has no doubt been commanded from the puppet masters higher in the establishment.
If Boris is supposed to be taking us out (of the EU) and Farage is keen to point out the EU’s flaws, then why are neither of them pointing out what is happening in France?
Why have the MSM been told to keep quiet on this?
Btw, as the BBC/MSM are not reporting on this, where can I find out what is happening there (France) at present ?
BBC News 24 at 10-00 p.m. going overboard on President Trump impeachment proceedings.Katy Kay and Jon Sopel almost orgasming with delight.I suppose this is looked on as a consolation prize, after their beloved Labour party lost the general election.Next week expect more sympathetic treatment of Labour leader candidates.Funniest thing I saw today, Jayne Secker on SKY news having a near slip of the tongue. As she announced Emily Thornberry had thrown her FA- (quickly corrects herself) HAT into the ring!
This time it’s a Cambridge academic spitting out the hate
This level of political discourse from a Cambridge University academic is frankly shameful. Even if you are very anti-Tory and very anti-Brexit you'd surely hope to communicate better ideas than these? https://t.co/bNCauQtuPq
“PC Amjad Ditta, also known as Amjad Hussain, 35, has been charged with sexual touching.”
another filthy f*ck!
Mr Ditta, who was attached to West Yorkshire Police’s Protective Services Operations, was a serving officer at the time of the offence he has been accused of.
He has been suspended from duty, the force said.
The 16 men, all from Halifax, will appear at Bradford Magistrates’ Court on 6 January 2020.
Those charged are:
Vaqaas Abbas, 30, charged with three counts of rape and three offences of supplying a class C drug
Nadeem Adalat, 34, charged with four counts of rape and four counts of supplying a class C drug
Sajid Adalat, 43, charged with rape
Vaseem Adalat, 33, charged with two counts of rape, trafficking and supplying a class C drug
Amjad Ditta, also known as Amjad Hussain, 35, charged with sexual touching
Christopher Eastwood, 45, charged with two counts of rape and two counts of supplying a class C drug
Metab Islam, 46, charged with six counts of rape, six counts of supplying a class C drug, two sexual assaults and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice
Mohammed Rizwan Iqbal, 34, charged with rape
Ishtiaq Latif, 32, charged with sexual activity with a child
Asad Mahmood, 33, charged with two counts of rape and trafficking
Arfan Mir, also known as Khalifa Mughal, 36, charged with six counts of rape, three counts of supplying a class C drug, supply of a class A drug and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice
Younis Mohammed aka Younis Khan, 34, charged with rape and causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent
Nadeem Nassir, 39, charged with rape, supply of a class C drug and making threats to kill
Shahzad Nawaz, 40, charged with rape, supply of a class C drug and making threats to kill
Shazad Nazir, 44, charged with two counts of rape and two counts of supplying a class C drug
Sohail Zafar, 36, charged with rape and supplying a class C drug
Who the hell is this Christopher Eastwood..lower than the lowest scum identified there that’s what…a convert?
Radio4 on my way home
8pm Sisters doing Social Welfare : Helen Lewis talks to social entrepreneur Hilary Cottam
8:45pm Sisters are victims of rape
9pm : Sisters are victims ‘men wouldn’t let them be doctors’
9:30pm I got all my sistas and me : story if Sister Sledge’s disco hit
Holiday tip: Print out, or keep on your phone, the full transcript of President Trump's "fine people" comments and ask your anti-Trump relatives to read it out loud. (Don't let them skip the bottom part.) pic.twitter.com/qSpzgp439M
Malleus is an avowed atheist so he will wind some Christians up
but in this weeks twitter thread about what religious stories the BBC Religion depart brush under the carpet he lists about 8 big stories
And now the week's real religious news that (predictably)@BBCR4Sunday ignored …
One successful prosecution about 10 months ago. And how many of the practitioners of ‘more than 5,000 newly recorded FGM cases in England’ have been prosecuted since?
When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother, “What will I be?”
“Will I be pretty, will I be rich?”
Here’s what she said to me…
Que sera sera, the future of the UK is there for us all to see.
The Empire Windrush made just a single voyage from Jamaica to the UK and this was in 1948.
So even if a passenger were a new-born baby on board, they would now be around 71. However and to the best of my knowledge, the Windrush carried around 500 adult male migrants from Kingston to Tilbury on that one voyage and no young children as migrants.
As such, this woman cannot be part of the so-called Windrush generation. Neither can most of the others.
Panorama actually did a prog about these swindling black churches that have infiltrated Britain
“I strongly believe cos it’s black kids, it’s almost seen as that’s you lot’s problem.”@ViczOfficial says his 20-year-old brother joined the church SPAC Nation last year and ended up £2,000 in debt to the bank. pic.twitter.com/vNhnsR2DPR
Was driving in the rain yesterday and I thought I would try R2 for a change , and guess what? the Jeremy Vine Show was on.
God what an utter sh#t show of snowflakery.
They were discussing “men” who now have PTSD after their wives have, had difficult labours.
One particular crybaby called (called Mark I think) was telling us because of all of the blood and tension ( his wife recieved emergency treatment) has now put him off sex and having kids in the future – well thank God for that thought I.
Queen Jeremy in her best high pitched uber effeminate, whiny, social worker voice making all the right, understanding noises and – helping all of the babies to offload their stress and complaints about how they felt “in the way” of the medical staff. “Well guess what numbnuts – you probably were – selfish bloody medical staff, should have stopped to give you a shoulder rub while your wife is bleeding to death!
At least these “men”are not alone, maybe they can form a “brotherhood” with some of our poor bloody squaddies who have seen their mates cut to pieces in a shoot out with the Taliban or had their genitals blown off by an IED – I am sure they would be more than sympathetic listening to some infantised man/child telling us he cant get it up any more.
As far as I could tell none of the featured babies had lost their wives, but to be honest my R4 “off switch” reflex came into play before my blood pressure rose too much.
Even forgetting the everyday lies of R4. Listening to this self indulgent guff on R2 reminded me yet again how the BBC seems intent on giving weakness respectability and creating a land fit for “zeroes” whilst those who have acted in a genuinely heroic fashion for Queen and Country get quietly forgotten about or prosecuted.
Men have slowly been ‘feminised’ over the past few decades. Just looking at those in their early 20’s , most have pasty skins due to lack of outdoor activities, some are so overweight they can hardly move from one McDonalds to another, and a lot have the mentality of 12 year olds and are devoid of any responsibility in their lives. Of course I’m generalising and there are those who live their lives responsibly and are well educated., but even in the development of their voices, a lot of chaps when I was a teenager, had deep timbered tones, but what on earth had happened ? we now have a generation of weedy, reedy and girly voices ! Sorry chaps if you are one of those.
I have just had a laugh out loud moments while listening to Toady.
At 06.54 Robinson interviews a Labour BAME woman about why it’s manifesto was ‘well liked ‘ in her view.
Wow, she made Diane Abbott sound normal a hard task for anyone. If you need a laugh try and listen if you can.
Looks like the BBC is running a diverse 3 Stooges.
Hi @BorisJohnson, well done last week and all that, but is there any chance you can accelerate ridding the world of this shite… https://t.co/Xqpj9jz6QT
The Thornberry “I told you so” article in the Guardian yesterday, confirming she is a leadership candidate, has received BBBC attention above.
A BTL comment on the article, verbatim.
“I would suggest Jeff Philips and David Lammy. Both are exceptional and don’t carry corbinism as a baggage!”
Odd, all these Labour MPs and supporters who always ‘knew’ Corbyn was going to be a disaster. You’d have thought someone would have mentioned it before the election.
If the BBC can’t capture the public mood then the public will rightly ask, why on earth are we paying for the BBC? | @allisonpearsonhttps://t.co/ViRNxRLtcM
It looks like to me that the BBC has decided that it wants
to become the unofficial opposition to the Conservative
government. If you agree which women at the BBC should
be their leader? There is a plethora of choice.
The one which instantly sprung to mind was the northern one who was on day time TV but I think – left -. Otherwise there is , I would submit , a fairly limited field because they are mainly from the socialist republic of Islington …. Emily …. the one who does the daily politics , Emma , the Wimmins hour hoards ( careful spell check ..) -maybe they could promote one of the northern girls who does the weather – I’m a Londoner so accents are a bit tricky for me as I have to discern whether it’s gudjerati or punjabi most of the time – or which Nigerian tribe it is ….
Yeah we need the North Sea to be an extension of the Grand Banks – a cod free zone!
We know from experience that fishermen will continue to take catches until there are no fish left. In the USA their greed destroyed their entire industry, and the only way to stop them is strict quotas with strict enforcement.
But, but, but…….we’re leaving……aren’t we?
“Take back control”. No, the Boris deal won’t!
More cracks will appear as time goes on. (Or, ‘moving forward’ in BABC speak)
Dover – MSM does the same thing with America that it did with the UK – benign economic data ( for the time being ) so the opposition looks elsewhere – for traitors and ‘froth ‘ .
If the economy holds up for 2020 then unless the democrats find a suitably ‘star’ then I reckon President Trump will drive the BBC to despair for another 4 years ….
DoublethinkerMar 6, 16:15 Midweek 5th March 2025 One development in recent days that has surprised me is that the number of new members joining the Reform party…
Fedup2Mar 6, 16:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 The child killer on a sports field by a BMW yesterday was aged 10 and has been named . The…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 15:42 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Between 2019-2020, when Boris Johnson was Prime Minister, taxpayers were charged £141,380 for HOPE not hate charitable trust (which funds…
popeyeMar 6, 15:33 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Compared to people born in the UK, migrants are more likely to be of working age or have a university…
tomoMar 6, 15:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 Eagle is it seems a graduate of the Dianne Abbott academy? One might’ve hoped that the voters of The Wirral…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 15:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 * What power have you got? • Where did you get it from? • In whose interests do you use…
tomoMar 6, 15:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 home insurance premium? I’d have a read of the policy document
tomoMar 6, 15:05 Midweek 5th March 2025 More law….. EU courts…. – just imagine what TTK would get up to in cahoots with this lot. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1897643947654099325
Richard PinderMar 6, 15:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/nKBwlTaz0pU/hq720.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEhCK4FEIIDSFryq4qpAxMIARUAAAAAGAElAADIQj0AgKJD&rs=AOn4CLALPS25eYEednhxOL4f351YJHeshw[/img] Stalinist torture of Tommy Robinson by the nasty socialist state. Political prisoner, Tommy Robinson, has suffered 128+ days so…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 14:58 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Police ‘acted reasonably’ in Pearson hate crime case” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cp8y9j7j953o The Essex force has previously defended its since-dropped investigation over an…
What’s the betting BBC will lose interest when it goes to Senate?
BBC Newsround, (it’s supposed to be the kids section) has a full page spread “explainer” of how Trump is in the doo-doo!
Git ’em young eh!
It’s Christmas so it is Pantomime season
.. The idea that a Republican senate is going to also impeach a Republican president for getting evidence that Democratic contender and his son are corrupt, is a fairy story.
Yes, right now it suits our Trump hating Marxist State Broadcaster to, ‘pile on the hatred’. Like the strong showing of other Trump haters being interviewed on Toady after the 0800 news.
I don’t think the BABC is motivated alone. I think they are, ‘hand in glove’ with the other America hating media in the US and are probably subject to suggestion/persuasion. After all, Sopel works for CNN, doesn’t he?
“Just cos it’s in Nature the journal that doesn’t mean it’s automatically wrong”
Greta Thunberg named one of the top ten most influential people in science in 2019 for ‘channelling the rage of a generation
Climate catalyst
A Swedish teenager brought climate science to the fore as she channelled her generation’s rage.
We don’t know the others
RICARDO GALVÃO: Science defender
As chaos spiked in the Amazon, the physicist became a national hero by challenging Brazil’s government
SANDRA DÍAZ: Biodiversity guardian
An ecologist and her colleagues assess Earth’s ecosystems and call for drastic action
Ones to watch in 2020
António Guterres
Secretary-general, United Nations
This Portuguese diplomat has pushed for aggressive action on global warming, and that advocacy could prove crucial as nations meet in 2020 to update their pledges under the 2015 Paris climate agreement.
Mariya Gabriel
European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth
The European Union’s next spending plan for research and innovation, known as Horizon Europe, will take shape under the leadership of this Bulgarian political scientist.
Markus Rex
Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany
This atmospheric scientist is leading the €140-million (US$155-million) MOSAiC expedition, in which a German ship frozen into Arctic ice for a year will collect data about polar conditions
I wonder which bright spark it was who first thought of putting the words political and scientist together? To try to make it sound more important than it is. Same as social and science.
Politics, like economics, social studies and religion is not a science. Chemistry is a science subject as is physics, biology and astronomy. Not politics. Or any of the other garbage subjects.
‘Vegan gender studies’ is political, John!
They all fart around and get nowhere…
Kind of Muslim MP … Ahmadi Muslim the ones not considered Muslims by the rest
He’d better watch his back. Gay AND heretical? Prime target for the peaceful brothers.
It wasn’t that long ago that a ‘ proper ‘ muslim rushed up to Scotland to murder an Ahmadi shopkeeper because he had wished his customers a Merry Christmas.
Which just goes to show that muslims, like the commies, hate everyone and everything. Which is probably one of the reasons they flock together.
WTched the daily politics for the first time for a couple of years today. It seems that the BBC are settling on Corbyn as the principal reason why Labour lost. Just so we are 100% clear , some Labour policies are reported to have been popular and Please note Brexit wasn’t an issue . It was just Corbyn whom lots of voters found toxic. My view is that it was a mixture of a Corbyn, Marxist policies and of course Brexit. By denying Brexit was a major cause the BBC seems to me to be preparing for five years of Rejoinerism. It clear their anointed leader is Starmer, the arch Remainer and no doubt now a rejoiner. These buggers never learn do they? Clearly they regard Brexit as being a mortal insult , a permanent stain on the country which they must expunge no matter what the cost. The BBC is way beyond reform and needs to got rid of.
I found a lot of labour policies really attractive – the free Wi-fi – the free iPad – free energy from fusion power – free prem football – my own Butler . These were all great .
It will be good to see some deeper analysis of the result and campaign -particularly the ‘news’ in the final weeks that it might lead to a ‘hung ‘ parliament …
“These buggers never learn do they? Clearly they regard (Trump) as being a mortal insult , a permanent stain on the country which they must expunge no matter what the cost.” Split application?
With all due respect to Farage, the Conservatives could have taken an extra 20 + seats from Labour if the Brexit party had stood down, beating Thatcher’s record.
An extra 20 Tories in the HoC is of no benefit to the Brexxit Party or any of us that want a full Brexit.
I still fear that Boris is going to give us the sort of deal that is like May’s with a bit of tinkering.
Already the influence of the ERG has been diminished because of the landslide.
They had him by the short and curlies before, but not now.
Be careful what you wish for…
Even the Daily Telegraph this weekend described Boris as a socially Liberal politician, which is about as close as they’re going to get to ‘Socialist’. I suppose it’s better than the previous Marxist they had, but it’s no way a small c conservative.
Do you think that the Conservatives (i.e. Cummings & Co.) calculated that they would rather win by a smaller margin and not be beholden to Farage, whereas they might have made a deal with him beforehand and won more seats?
It’s so wonderful to see the beeboids still in total shock after the hammering Labour got… Happy days.
Amol Rajan is joined by Piers Morgan
Piers is sounding as if his ITV show is a Daily Mirror pro Labour , anti Boris show
Dominic Wring from Loughborough Uni
“there has been a doubling of negative coverage against Labour”
“in the ten printed newspaper Mon-Fri”
“we didn’t look at online”
..FFS obvious PR not news.. cos it’s not a countable thing
.. Its a qualitative thing
See the date on his research Nov 18th FFS
Piers didn’t attack the idea
but “Yeh in 2017 the papers supported Theresa May,
if they worked , then she would have won
..I don’t buy into the power of the print newspapers
The Mirror only sells 500K, not 2.5 million”
“You could throw a harpoon in a BBC newsroom and not hit a Conservative”
I heard some of this , it started with most of press being accused of being anti JC …..no mention of BBC anti Boris…its just unbelievable. BBC still can’t see their own faults or accept the GE result , I am sure the anti Boris crap will continue, Still trying to avoid any BBC news and diversification programmes !!
Only just picking up on the post-mortems by the BBC but I was checking in with all the fine posts here during the election. This tweet stuck with me.
What’s hit me the most in the last 3.5 years is just how deeply ideological programming has taken root. Living in London I come into contact with a lot of progressive liberals. I know some who agonise over the white goods in their home because they’re made by a company where the CEO isn’t politically in agreement with their worldview.
It’s still a mystery to them, and the BBC, that people might quietly assess policies on the basis of evidence, make their decision and then get on with life. Intersectionality and ideology are poor substitutes for basic reality. Watching all the hand-wringing and scrabbling around for answers by the media it would appear this is still a riddle too perplexing to solve for many.
Extremist books removed from school library
Does that include the koran?
The Times journo claims that the German Government intends to purge itself of “far right civil servants”
.. that sounds a bit Stasi
Australian bomb jihadis were yesterday sentenced to 40 and 36 years
In 2017 they had a bomb ready to smuggle onto a plane
.. and it was to be followed by poison gas attacks in Sydney.
Wonder if the BBC is reporting much ?
Just make sure you have some kind of chill pills ready before watching this:
Daniel Hannan: “What we see here is a racket.”
Yes, and it is now also supported by people trafficking, drug smuggling and prostitution as well as our VAT.
The echoes of 39 VietNamese screaming and struggling to breath ought to be amplified over the PA system in those shiny marble, glass and steel corridors of the EU building in Brussels.
Every day.
Thoughtful – I thought you favoured paying politicians more money so that we get ‘quality ‘. I noted that the youngest new labour MP is to give up half her salary to charity and only pocket £35k for the year ( not sure if that’s a tax dodge `) .
The Funding of TheReich EU , the corruption , the anti democratic nature -was on this list of why people wanted to leave .
There is no prospect of reform . The whole think riles against the Anglo Saxon mindset – get out of the EU – then target the Lords . A progressive reduction in numbers – maybe the longest serving 100 each year until its down to a manageable number of elected 5 year time servers .
The nutcase Labour MP actually believes the average working mans take home pay in Britain is £35K pa after deductions!
As for an elected second chamber, the problem is you get a pro or anti government majority – a rubber stamp, or block everything situation. Recall the USA grinding to a halt because the upper chamber refused to agree the budget.
It doesn’t work
They only get paid £300 if they turn up which might be great if you live in London but if you need a hotel room, plus meals it doesn’t leave much change.
Average wage is 38K
Median wage is 28K
That’s before taxes.
I wonder if that figure is household rather than individual income
cos the ONS give household income as £29K
My students in Indonesia earn 1/10 th of UK salaries, but property is 1/20th , you can get a house for £7K.
Which is why my room rent is £10pw including bills.
Here in Britain in the village £6 per hour seems normal .
Think you may have those numbers the wrong way round, M’Lud.
On a slightly different tack, am I right in thinking that when an MP fails to be reelected they get £50,000 ….if so its probably more now
You had your moment, now kindly, foxtrot Oscar !!!!!
What a great epitaph for The Hale woman that the so called Supreme Court was revised back to control the creation of constitutional ‘crimes ‘. ? But Mr Starkey would be the one for that job…
Simply go back to a House of Lords as the final arbiter. It served well for many years.
Driving test cheater
You seeem surprised? It’s as prevalent amongst the enrichers as child rape.
The fraudster who offered to ace your driving theory test for you for £500 has been jailed… again
Swallaxdin Bashir took theory tests up and down the country… charging £500 a time.
Man arrested after cheating driving theory test by using bluetooth earpiece connected to friend
The 39-year-old was sitting the exam at a test centre in Piccadilly Gardens when staff saw an earpiece fall to the floor
Learner driver sent stand-in to sit theory test after failing it 18 times
Ali Mohammed escaped a jail sentence, after court heard it was not the first time the dad-of-one had sent an impostor to sit the exam for him
Learner driver used a Bluetooth device to cheat in driving theory exam, then hid it in his sock when caught
“This is a serious matter, fraud of this nature. It strikes at the heart of the test system and has potential to place unqualified drivers closer to the road”
Abdulla Hassan Alanzi faced fraud charges after trying to cheat in a driving theory test
And that’s just Manchester !
Radio 4 the other day… ‘Its unknown why road accident deaths are rising again’
Having endured BBC (EU) funded ‘Local Democracy ‘reporters’ locally for a while, the thought of a bunch of Lewis Goodhall clones alternating rants with the thefts of bikes outside the Co-op is not pleasant.
Heard on news on R4 news this afternoon that 16 men of “Asian heritage” have been found guilty of rape in Halifax.
Anyone interested in meeting me for a demo outside the Japanese Embassy where we can ask these Asians “just what the hell is wrong with them!
BBC Behemoth
The Times view on a review of the licence fee:
full article
Stew – I reckon the new government will stuff the BBC on the over 75 licence tax in the coming budget . I think it’s the kind of thing which Mr Cummings would go for ….
Nice to see the piece you put up echoing many of the views expressed her and on the excellent “IS the BBC biased ?’ Site .
I thought I might like some news tonight, Wednesday, now that I know what the BBC says cannot upset me and at the moment know where the majority opinion lies, Switched on BBC1 at 6pm. Lead story was about the dementia crisis. Yes I feel very sorry for the carers but to me this is opinion rather than news. Nothing has changed. Yesterday was difficult for the cares and tomorrow might be a bit more difficult. Why today is it news? I cannot really answer that one because I switched off. I will also point out, that unlike itv adverts, suddenly for this item the BBC became very white.
Deborah-I thought the 6PM ” News” on the BBC had a BBC
agenda.As you say this was not news. It is if most of the
programme had been prepared maybe even a couple of days
ago. I suppose I am sounding like an old male chauvinist pig.
But I thought the news was very women orientated. Yes
we expect a women presenter that’s about 75% of the
time. But most of the news seem to feature women in
some guise or other. From the terrible plight of the wives
of the Alzeimer sufferers ,to the lady darts player who beat
a man.
Actually there is nothing new about a lady darts player beating a man. Back in the early 80’s I played in several dart leagues, and was the only female in two mens’ teams. That wouldn’t have occurred if I was rubbish (and they were a ‘man’ short), I also, with (according to the blokes) annoying regularity beat the chaps thus ensuring my place in the side. So to celebrate this lady’s achievements is about 40 years too late !
The BBC are always obsessed with young snowflakes and black wimmin having role models and they give prominence to women who satisfy that demand. Mrs Thatcher didn’t need one and on a much smaller scale, neither did I. Females should aim high but justify what they achieve by being good at what they do, not get a job by being female.
BBC news is driven by whatever vested interest the BBC is cuttingNpasting from.
Mostly these days that’s from NGO’s
The BBC online page begins
“The head of the *Alzheimer’s Society* says that the UK is facing a humanitarian crisis”
typical BBC make an error
get caught out
Deny and stealth edit
David Starkey’s historical take on the election, Brexit, the new Puritanism, and more…
Thank you for posting this – I’ve just watched the 57 minutes of prof starkeys views and if you have the time – it’s really worth a listen .
His view of the treason of the traitors in the 2017 -2019 parliament is well made . The BBC is dealt with lightly about 30 minutes in and it ends with Scotland .
To think that of all newspapers The Sun commissioned this is a wonder . It reminded me of those lectures to camera AJP Taylor did …. you’d never see anything like it on terrestrial TV anymore
Yes, don’t let the Sun logo put readers off.
The interviewer asks a few short, intelligent and relevant questions, then lets Starkey answer at length, without interrupting – and LISTENS. He is not trying to be the star, score gotcha points, trip him up, virtue signal, or show off his liberal credentials or the size of his dick.
Unlike certain Broadcasters one could mention.
Result: an informed and informative interview, the likes of which would never be seen on you-know-where.
Good work by young Steven Edginton.
BoJo should employ David Starkey in an advisory capacity. His
NCF Smith Lecture is also worth watching.
Starkey is wrong – as a historian(!) – in what he said about the Puritans. I’m not a historian (chose science for education, instead) but I have paid more attention to history in adult life.
He forgets that there were very different forms of Puritanism, as exemplified with what happened during the English Civil War.
For sure, you had the Witchfinders and the stake-burners but many of us would describe that as the subversion and decline of the pure core of Puritanism. Starkey forgets that the true Christian Puritanism was found in the countryside, mostly in the southern half of England but also in Scotland, too. The Yeoman, God-fearing & worshipping, Briton that he refers to soon afterwards.
It is true that Puritanism became highly non-Conformist when the State Church (Church of England) was given power over the population to enforce Church law and started imprisoning people. He also forgets that the Quakers, the original Pentecostals (non-Conformists) of their day, had largely declined by the time his parents were taking him to meetings.
He also declined to mention that the original true Puritans, when Puritanism had gone bad and when the CoE sought extra power and abused those powers, bolstered by migration from central and western Europe of people like the Anabaptists went off to form the American colonies. The true Puritans were seeking freedom, including freedom of worship from an oppressive force of governance. Yes, that Puritanism was also subverted in time, hence Salem and its Witch Trials.
As a historian, he knows all that or should do.
I just think his train of thought for that interview was heading down quite a narrow line of thought and speech. Hope no-one has been misled by it.
As to the Starmers, Thornberrys, Soubrys and Owen Jones being Puritans, let’s not beat about the bush. They are (Inter)National Socialists and Communists in both their doctrines and their behavioural choices for the population at large but not necessarily themselves.
bbc the publishing arm of Greenpeace
R3 Extinction Rebellion and the End of the World
Rana Mitter looks at the ideologies surrounding climate disaster
with guests including Rupert Read of Extinction Rebellion,
investigative journalist Nafeez Ahmed,
professor of psychosocial theory Lisa Baraitser,
and lawyer Tessa Khan.
How do we make sense of the idea of ecological collapse,
and what are the assumptions hidden in the way we discuss climate disaster
We are Labour …. We are Islam!
Right Side Broadcasting Network broadcasting from a very cold Battle Creek, Michigan tonight: President Trump & VP Pence! Watch if you wish…
Kids indoctorated yet AGAIN by the dangerous , liberal left.
The very very bad man just got 14 million votes.
Stick to making angry c-rap ‘music’.
As for ‘the school shouldn’t have let him’, they’d probably already brainwashed the kids in the same leftie ideology that pervades the whole education system.
Stormzy replied to Piers
stormzy.. yep another one who has sold out!…
another thick, uneducated, self-obsessed, self-opinionated piece of carp.
Simples..just like him lol! His “music” makes a dog turd seem interesting and full of potential! The man’s an eejit..plain to see.
Not just an eejit: a dangerous inflammatory eejit, like all the rap ‘artistes’ that the beeb love to fawn over – so edgy and cool dahling, so ethnic. Wicked.
Nothing more nauseating than people who should know better trying to get down with da kids.
The BBC of course just lurve him.
Radio 4
“Aww, thank you miss!…I can’t believe this.”
This morning Zoe Ball surprised Stormzy with a call from his primary school teacher Miss Wheeler! ???? ????
???? You NEED to hear this… ????
(Via BBC Radio 2)
Bet Miss. Wheeler is bangin’ proud of Zoe’s little Wolfie.
Interesting article in the Mail on Sunday supplement Event, by Robert Gore-Langton the theatre critic. Quote “Roaringly PC Narnia loses a bit of its magic” – The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe, Bridge Theatre, London……
Quote” …… The story is largely intact, except that CS Lewis’s specifically Christian, spiritual dimension has been replaced by the religion of diversity, and the four Pevensie siblings are played by adult black actors. As the Professor pointedly reminds us, our minds are like parachutes – they only work when they’re open”.
I think this is the first time that I’ve ever read a theatre critic openly criticise what diversity has done to wrecking a decades old childrens’ story.
Off topic here, however, what on earth has happened to our once hallowed justice system and sense of fair play?
We hear today of a trio of people who wrongly defrauded Royal Fail of £225K in stamps they had ‘washed’.
The Man received a 4 year prison sentence, his wife a 2 year suspended sentence (nothing), and their accomplice who hadn’t been involved as much an 18 month suspended sentence (nothing).
The man and the wife were just about equally involved with the money going into a joint account, so why the disparity in the sentence?
But that’s not the point.
Little individual people are the only wrongdoers are the only ones the law is concerned with now. If you are part of a big organisation you can break what ever laws you please with impunity.
Look how many live Post Office Counters staff ruined with their faulty computer system, and the know openly known purjury of its senior executives who deliberately and knowingly lied in court and had people sent to prison wrongfully as a result.
Nothing can ever make this right, but some nod to justice would certainly help, because if these rogues are not brought to book for what they have done, it gives every senior government official in every single government department the green light to do exactly the same, and that is beyond thinking.
Sadly paywalled, but cracks showing more.
It’s not just what they broadcast regarding this country it is their entire world view. What about all the lies by omission. There is obviously a news blackout with regard to the giblets jaunes in France which has no doubt been commanded from the puppet masters higher in the establishment.
If Boris is supposed to be taking us out (of the EU) and Farage is keen to point out the EU’s flaws, then why are neither of them pointing out what is happening in France?
Why have the MSM been told to keep quiet on this?
Btw, as the BBC/MSM are not reporting on this, where can I find out what is happening there (France) at present ?
BBC News 24 at 10-00 p.m. going overboard on President Trump impeachment proceedings.Katy Kay and Jon Sopel almost orgasming with delight.I suppose this is looked on as a consolation prize, after their beloved Labour party lost the general election.Next week expect more sympathetic treatment of Labour leader candidates.Funniest thing I saw today, Jayne Secker on SKY news having a near slip of the tongue. As she announced Emily Thornberry had thrown her FA- (quickly corrects herself) HAT into the ring!
This time it’s a Cambridge academic spitting out the hate
See Pugs post below at 11:46pm
Haven’t been able to read the posts today as travelling..but guess this has been posted:
“PC Amjad Ditta, also known as Amjad Hussain, 35, has been charged with sexual touching.”
another filthy f*ck!
Mr Ditta, who was attached to West Yorkshire Police’s Protective Services Operations, was a serving officer at the time of the offence he has been accused of.
He has been suspended from duty, the force said.
The 16 men, all from Halifax, will appear at Bradford Magistrates’ Court on 6 January 2020.
Those charged are:
Vaqaas Abbas, 30, charged with three counts of rape and three offences of supplying a class C drug
Nadeem Adalat, 34, charged with four counts of rape and four counts of supplying a class C drug
Sajid Adalat, 43, charged with rape
Vaseem Adalat, 33, charged with two counts of rape, trafficking and supplying a class C drug
Amjad Ditta, also known as Amjad Hussain, 35, charged with sexual touching
Christopher Eastwood, 45, charged with two counts of rape and two counts of supplying a class C drug
Metab Islam, 46, charged with six counts of rape, six counts of supplying a class C drug, two sexual assaults and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice
Mohammed Rizwan Iqbal, 34, charged with rape
Ishtiaq Latif, 32, charged with sexual activity with a child
Asad Mahmood, 33, charged with two counts of rape and trafficking
Arfan Mir, also known as Khalifa Mughal, 36, charged with six counts of rape, three counts of supplying a class C drug, supply of a class A drug and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice
Younis Mohammed aka Younis Khan, 34, charged with rape and causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent
Nadeem Nassir, 39, charged with rape, supply of a class C drug and making threats to kill
Shahzad Nawaz, 40, charged with rape, supply of a class C drug and making threats to kill
Shazad Nazir, 44, charged with two counts of rape and two counts of supplying a class C drug
Sohail Zafar, 36, charged with rape and supplying a class C drug
Who the hell is this Christopher Eastwood..lower than the lowest scum identified there that’s what…a convert?
Now Labour has more female MPs than male will we be seeing men only shortlists to redress the balance? No, didn’t think so.
Radio4 on my way home
8pm Sisters doing Social Welfare : Helen Lewis talks to social entrepreneur Hilary Cottam
8:45pm Sisters are victims of rape
9pm : Sisters are victims ‘men wouldn’t let them be doctors’
9:30pm I got all my sistas and me : story if Sister Sledge’s disco hit
Malleus is an avowed atheist so he will wind some Christians up
but in this weeks twitter thread about what religious stories the BBC Religion depart brush under the carpet he lists about 8 big stories
It’s illegal. Has anyone been prosecuted? Course not.
One successful prosecution about 10 months ago. And how many of the practitioners of ‘more than 5,000 newly recorded FGM cases in England’ have been prosecuted since?
When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother, “What will I be?”
“Will I be pretty, will I be rich?”
Here’s what she said to me…
Que sera sera, the future of the UK is there for us all to see.
Depends what happened to these “Windrush victims”
.. I bet at one end some are over compensated
The Empire Windrush made just a single voyage from Jamaica to the UK and this was in 1948.
So even if a passenger were a new-born baby on board, they would now be around 71. However and to the best of my knowledge, the Windrush carried around 500 adult male migrants from Kingston to Tilbury on that one voyage and no young children as migrants.
As such, this woman cannot be part of the so-called Windrush generation. Neither can most of the others.
Panorama actually did a prog about these swindling black churches that have infiltrated Britain
Diversity, doncha luv it?
Toady watch
Wow – a record . After hearing the agenda Tourette’s Robinson had for Toady the ‘off’ switch had activated 1 minute after the start.
Was driving in the rain yesterday and I thought I would try R2 for a change , and guess what? the Jeremy Vine Show was on.
God what an utter sh#t show of snowflakery.
They were discussing “men” who now have PTSD after their wives have, had difficult labours.
One particular crybaby called (called Mark I think) was telling us because of all of the blood and tension ( his wife recieved emergency treatment) has now put him off sex and having kids in the future – well thank God for that thought I.
Queen Jeremy in her best high pitched uber effeminate, whiny, social worker voice making all the right, understanding noises and – helping all of the babies to offload their stress and complaints about how they felt “in the way” of the medical staff. “Well guess what numbnuts – you probably were – selfish bloody medical staff, should have stopped to give you a shoulder rub while your wife is bleeding to death!
At least these “men”are not alone, maybe they can form a “brotherhood” with some of our poor bloody squaddies who have seen their mates cut to pieces in a shoot out with the Taliban or had their genitals blown off by an IED – I am sure they would be more than sympathetic listening to some infantised man/child telling us he cant get it up any more.
As far as I could tell none of the featured babies had lost their wives, but to be honest my R4 “off switch” reflex came into play before my blood pressure rose too much.
Even forgetting the everyday lies of R4. Listening to this self indulgent guff on R2 reminded me yet again how the BBC seems intent on giving weakness respectability and creating a land fit for “zeroes” whilst those who have acted in a genuinely heroic fashion for Queen and Country get quietly forgotten about or prosecuted.
Men have slowly been ‘feminised’ over the past few decades. Just looking at those in their early 20’s , most have pasty skins due to lack of outdoor activities, some are so overweight they can hardly move from one McDonalds to another, and a lot have the mentality of 12 year olds and are devoid of any responsibility in their lives. Of course I’m generalising and there are those who live their lives responsibly and are well educated., but even in the development of their voices, a lot of chaps when I was a teenager, had deep timbered tones, but what on earth had happened ? we now have a generation of weedy, reedy and girly voices ! Sorry chaps if you are one of those.
Maybe we have lost the old wisdom of keeping men out of the birthing process?
There has been many a medical student, of either sex, that has fainted at the sight of blood.
I have just had a laugh out loud moments while listening to Toady.
At 06.54 Robinson interviews a Labour BAME woman about why it’s manifesto was ‘well liked ‘ in her view.
Wow, she made Diane Abbott sound normal a hard task for anyone. If you need a laugh try and listen if you can.
Looks like the BBC is running a diverse 3 Stooges.
The Thornberry “I told you so” article in the Guardian yesterday, confirming she is a leadership candidate, has received BBBC attention above.
A BTL comment on the article, verbatim.
“I would suggest Jeff Philips and David Lammy. Both are exceptional and don’t carry corbinism as a baggage!”
Odd, all these Labour MPs and supporters who always ‘knew’ Corbyn was going to be a disaster. You’d have thought someone would have mentioned it before the election.
Rob cites… the FT in support.
So, Rob… not looking as unanimous as you may have hoped?
Tony, Fran… the impartiality just shines through in this… BBC ‘analysis’… does it not?
ITBB on Soapy.
It looks like to me that the BBC has decided that it wants
to become the unofficial opposition to the Conservative
government. If you agree which women at the BBC should
be their leader? There is a plethora of choice.
The one which instantly sprung to mind was the northern one who was on day time TV but I think – left -. Otherwise there is , I would submit , a fairly limited field because they are mainly from the socialist republic of Islington …. Emily …. the one who does the daily politics , Emma , the Wimmins hour hoards ( careful spell check ..) -maybe they could promote one of the northern girls who does the weather – I’m a Londoner so accents are a bit tricky for me as I have to discern whether it’s gudjerati or punjabi most of the time – or which Nigerian tribe it is ….
How dare they!
Yeah we need the North Sea to be an extension of the Grand Banks – a cod free zone!
We know from experience that fishermen will continue to take catches until there are no fish left. In the USA their greed destroyed their entire industry, and the only way to stop them is strict quotas with strict enforcement.
But, but, but…….we’re leaving……aren’t we?
“Take back control”. No, the Boris deal won’t!
More cracks will appear as time goes on. (Or, ‘moving forward’ in BABC speak)
Is Trump history?
That’s what the BBC wish for and tell me.
No. His enemies have said he must go. His allies outnumber his enemies and they will say he must stay.
What next, BBC?
Dover – MSM does the same thing with America that it did with the UK – benign economic data ( for the time being ) so the opposition looks elsewhere – for traitors and ‘froth ‘ .
If the economy holds up for 2020 then unless the democrats find a suitably ‘star’ then I reckon President Trump will drive the BBC to despair for another 4 years ….
I did put 50p on Oprah I while back ….
Meanwhile Trump is wondering, ‘Is the BBC history?’