It’s sobering to know that if humans vacated the planet en masse, right now, the climate would go on and on and on, on the same trends as have been observed for centuries.
Horrific for some bank balances but, ok for me and other realists
What on Earth has he been doing taking internal flights round the UK? The only time these are really viable is if the flight is virtually the entire country, say Southampton to Aberdeen, otherwise it’s usually quicker by rail.
Then again these hypocrites don’t usually believe public transport is for them, they might have to meet the great unwashed and hear opinions they don’t like.
@Thoughtful plenty of UK internal flights are viable
eg my greenie friend went from his home in Edinburgh to a wedding in Bristol by plane
– Then many people are doing connecting flights from their home to London airports to go long haul.
Even from London early morning flights are often cheaper than the train.
GreenBlob argue that rail is lower CO2
but they are not counting the cost of the infrastructure.
For trains that cost is so massive that it has to be subsidised by us taxpayers.
For most produects their CO2 footprint is somewhat proportional to their price, but airoplanes do use more CO2 per £100 cos their fuel is utaxed.
Chris Packham ……another pratt …upset New Forest residents , he is an outsider that’s moved there and wants to impose his views on locals that have lived and worked there for generations …..its the free roaming animals that maintain the habitat but he of course thinks its wrong…don’t kill the crows etc …and he wondered why people don’t like him
Between you and me I’ve heard that our Chris is a part time fudge packer at some factory or other. I could be wrong on this so keep it to yourself – for now.
“….fact is the Dems have beeb gunning for Trump from Day 1.”
Which Day 1? their conspiracy coup started before he even got anywhere near the White House. AG Barr will sort this out soon…….
Morning all.
Just switched on the BBC for coverage of the State Opening of Parliament.
Laura Kuennsberg is speaking.
From her intonation, I am guessing that someone much loved has died unexpectedly.
The Democrats have got form on impeachment. Democrat is a misnomer since they don’t appear to like democracy. They’ve attempted to impeach five of the last six Republican Presidents, the odd one out being Gerald Ford who wasn’t elected but appointed on the resignation of Nixon. I hope this latest attempt doesn’t come to anything.
BBC endorsing child porn yet again. This video is nothing more than a offer of support for paedophiles who want to play the victim. Even the article text pretends the criminal is innocent and you have to get halfway through the video before he admits he viewed and then shared child porn rather than “was just sent a zip file from someone else”.
The BBC are sick.
#4 the editing of Sky News’ interview with Tommy Robinson.
#6 when presenter Jon Snow said he had “never seen so many white people in one place” about a pro-Brexit rally.
But Press Gazette have to BALANCE that by needlessly sticking in that
“the sixth most complained about episode of 2019*
.. All Out Politics on Sky News drew 526 complaints for an episode that aired on 31 October this year in which Lord Pearson made comments about Islam and Muslims that viewers said were potentially offensive.”
* (the rest of the article is about the DECADE not one year).
#10 was “Sky News with Kay Burley on 5 June 2015 drew 1,838 complaints, coming it at number ten, about the tone of Burley’s interview” about the rollercoaster crash at Alton Towers.
Being overseas … I was watching the queens speech on RT . If you want a bit of comedy watch BoJo trying to talk to Comrade Corbyn … thar deaf dumb and blind communist ….
Meanwhile comrade McDonnel was having a nice chat with Sajid . Methinks Jeremy is coming to the end …. and will need a bit of counselling soon.
Unless I missed it- no mention of House of Lords reform… but the Cummings prose was well and truly there . …
From the great Roger Harrabin:
Environmentalists have welcomed many of the provisions of the environmental bill described in the Queen’s Speech.
But they point out that ministers are still committed to North Sea drilling, building roads that experts say will generate traffic, and blocking onshore wind power.
They have stayed silent on aviation expansion, and have imposed a moratorium on fracking, rather than a ban which people in the north off England were demanding
Critics point out that the new green watchdog won’t have the sort of powers to take legal action that prompted the UK to improve air quality under the threat of fines.
Apparently, Harrabin claims experts say roads will create traffic. You don’t say.
Reference State Opening of Parliament.
In an earlier post I mentioned that Laura Kuennsberg was talking as if someone had died.
You’ll never believe it but we are now up to the 1 pm news and Sophie Raworth is wearing black !!!!!!!!
So…..absolutely no subliminal bias……as usual. Not.
Great fun watching all the beeboids trying to look all professional and not to gloat as they report Trump’s impeachment. Like it was fun watching them trying not to let their disappointment show over Boris’ election.
If the true numbers of perpetrators and victims were collated and made known, there would be an almighty deafening uproar across the land.
Which is why Al-beeb must never allow the dots to be joined and the facts to be known.
So they do a little play called Three Girls, set in one town.
Since reading the Government’s report on what took place in Rotherham I have been wondering if there is a general government ordained silence to prevent a devastating backlash.
One day there will be justice. And those in positions of authority – politicians, councillors, social workers, journalists, police – who knew and failed to act, need to be held to account for their corruption, collaboration and incompetence.
Now was this taken from the BBC ‘special stuff’ editorial guidelines or is it about to be added to it?
I’m deleting a tweeting tonight that is being misinterpreted by some as an endorsement of some kind. To be absolutely clear, we at the Post are merely glad we are getting a break for the holidays after a long 3 months. I will retweet the group photo w/ a better caption !
Photo is of staff at a celebration dinner
The caption reads “Merry Impeachmas from the WaPo team”
ie they are celebrating the Democrats action screenshot
3pm I’ll listen to Radio4 Open Country
.. cos that will be about the British Countryside
.. It won’t be about the CITY !
..It won’t be about white guilt over slavery
.. without the acknowledgement that black people created the enslavement of other Africans , and tgat today’s African rich family’s are often descended from wealthy ancestors who in later eras sold slaves to Arabs and then the white traders sending slaves to America.
Nope it’s the BBC where Virtue Signalling is shoehorned into every prog.
That’s #WhiteShaming
Yep heard some of that while driving , tried shouting at the radio but it was no better . These young snowflakes seem to want to whitewash our history …..they are not so clever as you cannot alter the past …..Colston Hall is going to be renamed ….what ! !
Surprised there was no comments about Brexit and Boris Just had to turn it off yet again
Channel flicking I caught the end of twato and sure enough State Broadcaster was beating its drum to a ‘pessimistic political outlook’ tune with regards to the climate.
Even with a stolen ten seconds they manage to get their message out.
“Hate speech and incitement to murder. Lock him up.”
From the BiasedBBC archives:
“Labour and media traitors piano wired at every lamp post. Simples.”
“It’s probably a good thing, for the Remainers, that I’m not in charge because not only would we be Leaving the EU tonight, there would be public hangings of a large part of them as part of the celebrations.”
“The lying traitors actually employed by the BBC deserve a lot worse than hostility. If there is any justice they will all be hanging next to MP’s.”
“Time for crucifixion to return, in pigshit.”
“The only talent blacks have is for contaminating and polluting every society unfortunate to have some blacks living there”
“Sooner rather than later, I hope it will be vigilante time”
“Maybe this individual could taste some hydrogen cyanide and have his corneas taken out of his eyes”
“Civil War please, on our terms. Now.”
“Solution, remove breath.”
“Investigate every known or suspected Brexit traitor under the new legislation. Hang every one of them in public. Film all proceedings for prosperity.”
“If someone starts to drag the Remainers out and string’em up I won’t try to stop them.”
“No doubt financed by Soros et al. The sooner he’s strung up the better.”
“Sweeny needs to be targeted…”
“Those in command have got a shock coming. Because we are now angry enough to drag those in command out of the building and hang them.”
“So many enemies, the real problem is, in which order should we eliminate them? I favour killing the EU leaders first, that way we help other Europeans. Then cleanse the UK, the exercise will do us good.”
“I volunteer, weapons please MP’s, then we will tackle these invaders. Treat them like smallpox.”
BBC Newsbeat for kids, resolutely in its happy place.
“It didn’t matter that we’d met that day. We were a team because we had that one thing connecting us all.”
This all-trans team lost both the matches they played at an ice-hockey tournament in November, but for the players it was a victory
Very Labour PR.
Meanwhile a media/legal stitch up around what makes men and women Martian and Venusian is not going quite as the offence industry and law on the hoof Establishment might have wanted.
Guest Who
Well, I can think of two things that definitely connect us all. Birth and Death. The rest is just well, (like) – could be –maybe. These days I just watch and let the Snowflakes wear their drug induced brains out worrying about the human problems that have no answers. In due course they will come to realise that human relations are very personal preferences and we naturally take to some people and not others. Universal love?? Bunkum!!
Tories issue a correction
The Ahmadi Muslim MP was first announced as the first openly gay Muslim MP
.. now they say it was a false assumption they made.
Tories apologise after Imran Ahmad Khan was 'incorrectly' named as first openly gay Muslim MP
Let’s forget the Muslims and queers for a moment and raise our hats to the true heroes of the hour. The hard working people in the North of England who have made possible an English re-birth. Against their natural inclinations, these great folks have put their trust in Boris Johnson’s Conservatives. If he does not understand their message he will fail big time, rendering Jeremy Corbyn’s failure as “just another day at the office.” as the man says.
According to Adolf Hitler, “The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.”
Ah but, Mr Gandhi, someone gave too much power to the judiciary and now, today, I hear that we are being told by a judge that telling the truth is indeed a sackable offence.
Did anyone else hear this on Talk Radio earlier, about the woman who was sacked for stating that there are only two genders? Apparently a judge has decided what we can and cannot think. Very dangerous and very Orwellian when stating an opinion based on actual scientific facts is outlawed.
I cannot seem to find anything on the BBC when I search for gender/court/sacked etc. Are they keeping it quiet to limit opposition to our freedoms being ripped away from us.
When oh when are people going to wake up and stand up and say no more madness please!
SO- as a BBC interviewer I would like you to explain to us what constitutes a modern sandwich. After all,many many,people ACROSS THE WHOLE WORLD today have TOTALLY different ideas about this method of placing cheese or ham or whatever between, as you say, TWO slices of bread. However, our research shows that in MANY parts of the world the people use 3 or even 4 slices of bread yet still think of it as a sandwich. So how do you explain that?
I’m so sorry we’ve run out of time.
“When oh when are people going to wake up and stand up and say “no more madness please”.
I am hoping and praying that they just did. Time will tell.
If you are referring to the case of the horrible tax accountant who took a case to court citing that she should be free to verbally and possibly physically abuse her work collegaues then she deserved to lose that case.
If this was a case where as Labour did, Jewish people were being name called, you would rightly be outraged, but because the group in question here are different does that make it OK?
No one deserves to be abused by some horrible fanatical harpy at work what ever their ‘difference’ might be.
From what I read of this case, she could not win it, and because of the way she brought the case she lost a whole lot more than she bargained for.
The case of the accountant who was sacked for not going along with the biology deniers, creates a bit of a dilemma for the BBC. JK Rowling has come out with a supportive tweet for Maya Forstater, the lady who has learnt the hard way that it’s not just in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany where people were sacked for having the wrong beliefs (in this case, a belief in biological reality). Problem: JK Rowling is a BBC favourite who normally receives free, uncritical publicity puffs for her books, is a Remainer and has contributed more than £1 million to the Labour Party. How can the BBC square this particular ideological circle? Much will depend on whether Rowling caves in; hopefully, with a personal fortune estimated at £600 million (Sunday Times Rich List 2016) she will stick to her principles and speak out more forcefully against the madness undermining society and which has children and real women firmly in its sights.
If I said that black people were lesser humans, and at work make monkey noises at them and left bananas around, would you find that acceptable because I said it was my firmly held philosophical belief?
If I said that the Jews were the cause of all capitalist evil in the world and drew disgusting cartoons of them, would you find it acceptable as part of my deeply held philisophical belief?
Doesn’t matter what she was sacked for, what matters was the crazy pretext on which she brought this case, that for her it OK to verbally abuse people whilst at work because it was her philosophical belief.
In his Obiter Dicter the judge observed:
“people cannot expect to be protected if their core belief involves violating others’ dignity and creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating, or offensive environment for them.”
I think we would need to know the fine details of the case before making our own judgements . Otherwise, we can only react to the gloss put over the verdict by the press. It may not simply be a matter of someone holding a different belief to the mainstream one, resulting in the loss of their job. Methinks it might be more than that.
Although, the judge’s remark does seem a bit ‘1984’.
There is a difference between a “firm philosophical belief”and a biological fact.
It can all become very complex.
If a black man claims to be white, but you tell him he isn’t. Can he still make a claim against you for racism or can he no longer do so because he is white?
There might be a fine line here which the media hasn’t covered.
No one can change their birth certificate gender – end of. So when you say no one can change their gender they can’t on the birth certificate.
The EU laws forced BLiar into the GRA which gave trans people the legal right of the acquired gender.
Now stop to think about this for a moment, what rights does a woman have that a man does not and vice versa, you can probably count them on the fingers of one hand, but this is apparantly what she challenged, the legal right of someone to a GRA.
Again it’s a ridiculous legal argument which can’t be won, it’s saying the decisions of the highest legal courts is wrong and can be ignored.
These so called TERFS are generally far left lunatic man hating lesbians with a screw loose, whilst I don’t say the other side are much better, I can’t imagine why anyone would want to side with them.
The BBC isn't there to "reflect the majority viewpoint". It doesn't have a viewpoint. It strives to report and analyse impartially.
State Broadcaster should reflect the spectrum of viewpoints held by its funders.”
Like Cardiff University does. I referred, obliquely, yesterday to an old whitewash ‘study’ of Al Beeb bias claims by Cardiff Youni. You will recall the recent Cardiff Youni lecturers twattering anti-Tory nonsense. So I looked it up.
I’d forgotten that it was funded in part by Al Beeb itself, rather as a UCL unit mainly funded by the EUSSR tried to assert a couple of years back that EE immigrants ‘contributed’ more to the UK than they took out. Al Beeb amplified this as you can imagine.
State Broadcaster should reflect the spectrum of viewpoints held by its funders.”
Like Cardiff University does. I referred, obliquely, yesterday to an old whitewash ‘study’ of Al Beeb bias claims by Cardiff Youni. You will recall the recent Cardiff Youni lecturers twattering anti-Tory nonsense. So I looked it up.
I’d forgotten that it was funded in part by Al Beeb itself, rather as a UCL unit mainly funded by the EUSSR tried to assert a couple of years back that EE immigrants ‘contributed’ more to the UK than they took out. Al Beeb amplified this as you can imagine.
‘The BBC isn’t there to “reflect the majority viewpoint”. It doesn’t have a viewpoint. It strives to report and analyse impartially’.
Unfortunately the BBC isn’t impartial when it comes to deciding what to report and what to ignore. Isn’t it strange how nothing happens in our closest neighbouring countries yet if some black guy gets refused service in small town middle-America it stays up on the web for days? (No-one ever gets shot in Mexico either).
What Rob calls analysis is just opinion and it takes up a significant amount of the BBC ‘news’. If it was proper analysis our Laura would be saying, “Well we got it wrong again! We thought the Scots would vote for independence, Cameron would lose the election, we would vote to stay in the EU, Hilary would be president, May would lose the election and Boris would lose too. Really I don’t know why I bother. I expect it is to stop us reporting on riots in France, Holland and Italy and bombings in Sweden.”
It seems the Netherlands are also enjoying the benefits of Diversity, in the form of gangs involved in the drug trade and street murders. Gang members are from Morocco and other third world countries.
Even officials are scared:
“We knew it was coming,” Jan Struijs told me. “Lawyers, mayors, police officers – we’ve all been threatened by organised crime. All the alarms have been sounding but the politicians have been naive. Now it’s rotting the concrete of our society.”
Another progressive, liberal, tolerant European country going down. Our soft, cowardly, stupidly naive media (that’s you BBC) and authorities hamstrung by woke political correctness and fear of being called racist or xenophobic are no longer fulfilling even the most basic duty of protecting their citizens and maintaining law and order.
That is putting it very kindly! The public who voted them in are the naive ones, the politicians have been criminally negligent in their protection of these people. Geert Wilders has been telling them for long enough what was comming, they can’t now say they’re surprised.
Absolutely can't-keep-the-smile-off-my-face delighted to say that I am officially moving to @BBCPolitics online full-time from January. This is a dream come true and I can't believe my own luck, working with the best in the business.
“Call for Bank of England executive to quit over security breach”
Carney has been very quiet of late, will he head off home when we Brexit?
“General election 2019: Anna Soubry disbands Independent Group for Change.”
Desperately seeking work with ‘The Muppets’ .
Adonis already has a leading part as ‘Kermit’ the driver of the HS2.
With respect, Thoughtful, this seems to me to have similarities to the previous discussion regarding the transgender/employment court case. So I’m baffled as to your differing position on the two.
“ what has changed things? We all know the answer: it is the swelling population of Muslims, who now feel numerous and powerful enough to demand that Christians change the essence of their religious observances to accommodate them.“
Similarly; “what has changed things? We all know the answer: it is the swelling population of [Transgenders], who now feel numerous and powerful enough to demand that [others] change the essence of their [factual scientific] observances to accommodate them.
I don’t actually believe it is what you call ” the swelling population of [Transgenders]” There aren’t that many of them, it’s more a set of very loud mouthed feminazis shouting about something which they don’t appear to understand.
“We all know the answer: it is the swelling population of Muslims, who now feel numerous and powerful enough to demand that Christians change the essence of their religious observances to accommodate them.”
Yeah right. Or one headteacher suggested changing a couple of words in an effort to encourage more children to be included in CHRISTIAN celebrations. How terrible.
Maxi – why stop at “a few words “ people might get upset by the sight of a man nailed to a cross – perhaps get rid of that to make it more inclusive as well . Or books – all the paper wasted printing bibles – why bother with that either . ?
Rhod Sharp does his Up All Night programme from the USA. Desmond Carrington used to do his programme from Perthshire. The technology for remote broadcasting has long existed so why all these expensive ‘stars’ broadcasting from expensive UK locations?
“And now, Today, broadcast from a call-centre in Lahore.”
Oh for goodness sake! I’ve just been subjected to “Eastenders” in the background whilst on here.
The little black girl was given the lead in the “Queen Vic” nativity play. In the true nature of the BBBC she hijacked the whole thing and made it all about polar bears and climate change! Is nothing sacred?
I could be wrong, and I can’t be bothered to go check, but haven’t Canada got some absolutely crazy rules on what people can call themselves, including animals and the right to change when they want?
Imagine a war situation: “Sorry I can’t fight today, I’m a Zebra”.
Labour MP wild dramaqueening to the point of being offensive .
Look it’s not OK to DEHUMANISE people by acting in a racist way,
.. similarly it’s not OK to DEHUMANISE non-nazi people by attaching poisonous labels to them like Nazi/Al-Right etc.
She “Author ‘The New Serfdom – the triumph of conservative ideas and how to defeat them’
.. How’s her work going has she defeated the “conservative ideas” ?
The conservatives are not conservative anymore – they have morphed into a manifestation of the alt right
Ever notice how the left in the UK ape the left in the USA? They make ridiculous comparisons in the hope they will stick, so we’ve heard allegations of Russian interference in the UK elections, ludicrous use of ‘White Supremecists’ (ever seen the KKK in Britain?), and Black lives matter.
Check for yourselves how much they are copying – The Tories becomming the alt right? That really is a joke, there isn’t even an alt right movement in the UK.
Considering that many here regard the USA as ‘The Great Satan’ there is indeed a lot of aping going on.
It isn’t that long ago that we didn’t have a ‘race problem’ in the UK because essentially we were all the same race. The people who weren’t had chosen to come here, unlike the USA, with its history of slavery and second-class treatment of its ‘colored people’.
With the rise of ‘Black Power’ in the USA ‘Black’ became a brand, all Africans everywhere ‘had’ to be labelled this, including our own Caribbean immigrants. Then along came all those American Race Advisors to tell us how it should be done and our Race Industry was in full swing. (This was still going on in the Obama years when his missus twice came over to interfer in our politics to stir up trouble with ‘Black’ schoolgirls here).
‘Department of’ instead of ‘Ministry’, elected majors, supreme court, ‘Tzars’, bronzed strumpet presenters, etc. are all American ‘apes’ too
Utterly shameful decision by Government to ditch their responsibility to let lone refugee children rejoin their families. Hits the most vulnerable and desperate children. No reason at all for Govt to do this. They chose to. Shows what kind of PM this really is.
Sturgeon “Those Tories are evil, they are trying to stop a people becoming independent ”
… And you Ms Sturgeon what have you been doing for the last 3 years ?
The ancient sage of the Guardian
.. Guardianlalaland that is , not the real world
This should be headline news everywhere. Photo ID means voter suppression, on a huge scale. 3.5 million people in the UK don't have it, generally the poor and marginalised. This will stop them from voting.
I don’t approve of this either. Photo ID is only useful in stopping voter personation, which is not a major problem. The real issue is postal voting. That needs to be sorted out. ID to vote in person is a non-issue.
Okay, George: if the ‘poor and marginalised’ don’t have photo ID (i.e. their passports), how are they able to make their trips back to Pakistan, Somalia, Afghanistan, India, Iran, Nigeria, Bangladesh etc? That is a major chunk of who you are refying to, right?
“Trump impeachment: ‘Toxic’ move driven by ‘partisan rage’, McConnell says”
Despite the hype, the odds are that Donald will be the next President .
Betting odds – 8-/11
harry142857Jan 24, 20:32 Midweek 22nd January 2025 The good news. This site goes from strength to strength, 632 posts and counting is quite amazing.
MarkyMarkJan 24, 19:52 Midweek 22nd January 2025 “Fuck me!! Tuned into @bbc5live with @NickyAACampbell and I just knew how it would go….callers somehow calling the monster a…
MarkyMarkJan 24, 19:44 Midweek 22nd January 2025 “But they are by no means the only country with rapidly rising emissions which dwarf those of the UK. India…
MarkyMarkJan 24, 19:22 Midweek 22nd January 2025 [img][/img]
MarkyMarkJan 24, 19:17 Midweek 22nd January 2025 “We have to bleep the R (rape) word on YouTube rather than use grooming gangs.”
MarkyMarkJan 24, 19:12 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Muslims only boys club with honour beatings and FGM for the ladies!
MarkyMarkJan 24, 19:11 Midweek 22nd January 2025 The depressed should be allowed to end their life, says AC Grayling ‘I had anti-government views so they treated…
ZephirJan 24, 19:09 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Labour news : It’s mosogny, racism etc etc There is a line up to get boarding passes at the airport.…
StewGreenJan 24, 19:07 Midweek 22nd January 2025 topic on GBnews now
Up2snuffJan 24, 19:04 Midweek 22nd January 2025 vlad, I seem to recall that the ‘Nazi salute’ was a straight arm at right angles to the torso, that…
The BBC and doing as the BBC says.
It’s sobering to know that if humans vacated the planet en masse, right now, the climate would go on and on and on, on the same trends as have been observed for centuries.
Horrific for some bank balances but, ok for me and other realists
What on Earth has he been doing taking internal flights round the UK? The only time these are really viable is if the flight is virtually the entire country, say Southampton to Aberdeen, otherwise it’s usually quicker by rail.
Then again these hypocrites don’t usually believe public transport is for them, they might have to meet the great unwashed and hear opinions they don’t like.
@Thoughtful plenty of UK internal flights are viable
eg my greenie friend went from his home in Edinburgh to a wedding in Bristol by plane
– Then many people are doing connecting flights from their home to London airports to go long haul.
Even from London early morning flights are often cheaper than the train.
GreenBlob argue that rail is lower CO2
but they are not counting the cost of the infrastructure.
For trains that cost is so massive that it has to be subsidised by us taxpayers.
For most produects their CO2 footprint is somewhat proportional to their price, but airoplanes do use more CO2 per £100 cos their fuel is utaxed.
The full pic to save you clicking
click for even bigger pic
Chris Packham ……another pratt …upset New Forest residents , he is an outsider that’s moved there and wants to impose his views on locals that have lived and worked there for generations …..its the free roaming animals that maintain the habitat but he of course thinks its wrong…don’t kill the crows etc …and he wondered why people don’t like him
Between you and me I’ve heard that our Chris is a part time fudge packer at some factory or other. I could be wrong on this so keep it to yourself – for now.
For all their highfalutin talk of principles, the simple fact is the Dems have beeb gunning for Trump from Day 1.
If we can’t get him on Russia, we’ll get him on Ukraine… or what he had for breakfast, whatever.
Beeb lovin’ it of course.
“….fact is the Dems have beeb gunning for Trump from Day 1.”
Which Day 1? their conspiracy coup started before he even got anywhere near the White House. AG Barr will sort this out soon…….
Long Live President Trump!!
Morning all.
Just switched on the BBC for coverage of the State Opening of Parliament.
Laura Kuennsberg is speaking.
From her intonation, I am guessing that someone much loved has died unexpectedly.
Am I right, or merely not wrong ?
Here’s a discussion on Trump’s impeachment that’s refreshingly un-BBC.
(When will we have a Sky Aus or a Fox?)
The Democrats have got form on impeachment. Democrat is a misnomer since they don’t appear to like democracy. They’ve attempted to impeach five of the last six Republican Presidents, the odd one out being Gerald Ford who wasn’t elected but appointed on the resignation of Nixon. I hope this latest attempt doesn’t come to anything.
BBC endorsing child porn yet again. This video is nothing more than a offer of support for paedophiles who want to play the victim. Even the article text pretends the criminal is innocent and you have to get halfway through the video before he admits he viewed and then shared child porn rather than “was just sent a zip file from someone else”.
The BBC are sick.
Remember Ofcom doesn’t police BBCNews frontline complaints so they are not listed in this list
And Ofcom bins most other complaints anyway
Note how many complaints come from non-snowflakes
#4 the editing of Sky News’ interview with Tommy Robinson.
#6 when presenter Jon Snow said he had “never seen so many white people in one place” about a pro-Brexit rally.
But Press Gazette have to BALANCE that by needlessly sticking in that
“the sixth most complained about episode of 2019*
.. All Out Politics on Sky News drew 526 complaints for an episode that aired on 31 October this year in which Lord Pearson made comments about Islam and Muslims that viewers said were potentially offensive.”
* (the rest of the article is about the DECADE not one year).
#10 was “Sky News with Kay Burley on 5 June 2015 drew 1,838 complaints, coming it at number ten, about the tone of Burley’s interview” about the rollercoaster crash at Alton Towers.
Being overseas … I was watching the queens speech on RT . If you want a bit of comedy watch BoJo trying to talk to Comrade Corbyn … thar deaf dumb and blind communist ….
Meanwhile comrade McDonnel was having a nice chat with Sajid . Methinks Jeremy is coming to the end …. and will need a bit of counselling soon.
Unless I missed it- no mention of House of Lords reform… but the Cummings prose was well and truly there . …
Most complained about TV episodes.
Number upheld – only those which complained about ‘right wing bias’ !
Most complained about TV episodes.
Number upheld – only those which complained about ‘right wing bias’ !
From the great Roger Harrabin:
Environmentalists have welcomed many of the provisions of the environmental bill described in the Queen’s Speech.
But they point out that ministers are still committed to North Sea drilling, building roads that experts say will generate traffic, and blocking onshore wind power.
They have stayed silent on aviation expansion, and have imposed a moratorium on fracking, rather than a ban which people in the north off England were demanding
Critics point out that the new green watchdog won’t have the sort of powers to take legal action that prompted the UK to improve air quality under the threat of fines.
Apparently, Harrabin claims experts say roads will create traffic. You don’t say.
“experts say roads will create traffic”
I promise you that zero road building does not result in zero increase in traffic.
This might see a series to rival ‘Downfall’.
The BBC gets a mention, but currently I am still laughing at Adam Boulton bursting into twitter demanding to know where de brown women is at.
Better yet, by invitation…
I’m dreamin’ uf ah black Christmas, just lakk du growsurs ‘av ‘ad years befoh!
Reference State Opening of Parliament.
In an earlier post I mentioned that Laura Kuennsberg was talking as if someone had died.
You’ll never believe it but we are now up to the 1 pm news and Sophie Raworth is wearing black !!!!!!!!
So…..absolutely no subliminal bias……as usual. Not.
Maybe he did not know what he was talking about? Again.
That last line… amazed. Not.
When even Vile knows you are stiffing the project and brings out the Shepherd’s crook, you must one day know you are dire.
…there speaks the next shadow Home Secretary (after Flabbott gets shadow Chancellor)..bring it on!
Great fun watching all the beeboids trying to look all professional and not to gloat as they report Trump’s impeachment. Like it was fun watching them trying not to let their disappointment show over Boris’ election.
Impeachment is a gift to Trump. I bet his odds shorten now.
For a nanosecond these fine upstanding gentlemen were on the Home page of Al-Beeb’s webshite.
Now quickly heading for the Regions.
“Telford child sex abuse: Men jailed for assaulting girl.”
Small footnote: some of the abuse (paedophile rape) took place in a churchyard.
Now it might have just been the nearest available patch, but I can’t help wondering if desecration of a Christian holy place adds a certain frisson?
Certainly there have been large numbers of acts of desecration of churches across Europe.
Though strangely not in hideously islamophobic countries like Poland and Hungary.
What percentage of these abuser/rapists get caught? What percentage are out there doing this?
Arrests don’t seem to deter them.
>DS it in their jeans?
Seems a pity to waste money on keeping them , what’s the cost of four 38 caliber bullets ?
Vlad, quite frankly “they” seem to be taking the piss..
..inter alia!
If the true numbers of perpetrators and victims were collated and made known, there would be an almighty deafening uproar across the land.
Which is why Al-beeb must never allow the dots to be joined and the facts to be known.
So they do a little play called Three Girls, set in one town.
Since reading the Government’s report on what took place in Rotherham I have been wondering if there is a general government ordained silence to prevent a devastating backlash.
One day there will be justice. And those in positions of authority – politicians, councillors, social workers, journalists, police – who knew and failed to act, need to be held to account for their corruption, collaboration and incompetence.
Indeed. So avoiding consideration of thousands of girls, across the whole country.
Where was the highly funded NSPCC in all this mess ?
Covering it up.
Afraid of being called “Racist” ?
Now was this taken from the BBC ‘special stuff’ editorial guidelines or is it about to be added to it?
Photo is of staff at a celebration dinner
The caption reads “Merry Impeachmas from the WaPo team”
ie they are celebrating the Democrats action
3pm I’ll listen to Radio4 Open Country
.. cos that will be about the British Countryside
.. It won’t be about the CITY !
..It won’t be about white guilt over slavery
.. without the acknowledgement that black people created the enslavement of other Africans , and tgat today’s African rich family’s are often descended from wealthy ancestors who in later eras sold slaves to Arabs and then the white traders sending slaves to America.
Nope it’s the BBC where Virtue Signalling is shoehorned into every prog.
That’s #WhiteShaming
Yep heard some of that while driving , tried shouting at the radio but it was no better . These young snowflakes seem to want to whitewash our history …..they are not so clever as you cannot alter the past …..Colston Hall is going to be renamed ….what ! !
Surprised there was no comments about Brexit and Boris Just had to turn it off yet again
well, as charged, he certainly seems to have coordinated some “action” alright!..unfortunately though of a very negative kind!!
Channel flicking I caught the end of twato and sure enough State Broadcaster was beating its drum to a ‘pessimistic political outlook’ tune with regards to the climate.
Even with a stolen ten seconds they manage to get their message out.
Nish Kumar
November 2019 Freelancer awards
Kinder gentler politics.
Hate speech and incitement to murder.
Lock him up.
now that would be a Christmas present!
“Hate speech and incitement to murder. Lock him up.”
From the BiasedBBC archives:
“Labour and media traitors piano wired at every lamp post. Simples.”
“It’s probably a good thing, for the Remainers, that I’m not in charge because not only would we be Leaving the EU tonight, there would be public hangings of a large part of them as part of the celebrations.”
“The lying traitors actually employed by the BBC deserve a lot worse than hostility. If there is any justice they will all be hanging next to MP’s.”
“Time for crucifixion to return, in pigshit.”
“The only talent blacks have is for contaminating and polluting every society unfortunate to have some blacks living there”
“Sooner rather than later, I hope it will be vigilante time”
“Maybe this individual could taste some hydrogen cyanide and have his corneas taken out of his eyes”
“Civil War please, on our terms. Now.”
“Solution, remove breath.”
“Investigate every known or suspected Brexit traitor under the new legislation. Hang every one of them in public. Film all proceedings for prosperity.”
“If someone starts to drag the Remainers out and string’em up I won’t try to stop them.”
“No doubt financed by Soros et al. The sooner he’s strung up the better.”
“Sweeny needs to be targeted…”
“Those in command have got a shock coming. Because we are now angry enough to drag those in command out of the building and hang them.”
“So many enemies, the real problem is, in which order should we eliminate them? I favour killing the EU leaders first, that way we help other Europeans. Then cleanse the UK, the exercise will do us good.”
“I volunteer, weapons please MP’s, then we will tackle these invaders. Treat them like smallpox.”
He sounds unwell. Feel sorry for him.
Why is he here?
Its the only place that he can get work.
BBC Newsbeat for kids, resolutely in its happy place.
“It didn’t matter that we’d met that day. We were a team because we had that one thing connecting us all.”
This all-trans team lost both the matches they played at an ice-hockey tournament in November, but for the players it was a victory
Very Labour PR.
Meanwhile a media/legal stitch up around what makes men and women Martian and Venusian is not going quite as the offence industry and law on the hoof Establishment might have wanted.
Guest Who
Well, I can think of two things that definitely connect us all. Birth and Death. The rest is just well, (like) – could be –maybe. These days I just watch and let the Snowflakes wear their drug induced brains out worrying about the human problems that have no answers. In due course they will come to realise that human relations are very personal preferences and we naturally take to some people and not others. Universal love?? Bunkum!!
Tories issue a correction
The Ahmadi Muslim MP was first announced as the first openly gay Muslim MP
.. now they say it was a false assumption they made.
Funny how Labour did not want to shout about Keith Vaz’s gay activities.
Let’s forget the Muslims and queers for a moment and raise our hats to the true heroes of the hour. The hard working people in the North of England who have made possible an English re-birth. Against their natural inclinations, these great folks have put their trust in Boris Johnson’s Conservatives. If he does not understand their message he will fail big time, rendering Jeremy Corbyn’s failure as “just another day at the office.” as the man says.
Keith Vaz isn’t a Muslim !
Well, that’s one blessing – innit?
According to Adolf Hitler, “The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.”
Ah but, Mr Gandhi, someone gave too much power to the judiciary and now, today, I hear that we are being told by a judge that telling the truth is indeed a sackable offence.
Did anyone else hear this on Talk Radio earlier, about the woman who was sacked for stating that there are only two genders? Apparently a judge has decided what we can and cannot think. Very dangerous and very Orwellian when stating an opinion based on actual scientific facts is outlawed.
I cannot seem to find anything on the BBC when I search for gender/court/sacked etc. Are they keeping it quiet to limit opposition to our freedoms being ripped away from us.
When oh when are people going to wake up and stand up and say no more madness please!
borrowed from somewhere..maybe here so apologies..but it made me chuckle…”if I had a slice of bread for every gender that exists I’d have enough for….
..a sandwich!”
SO- as a BBC interviewer I would like you to explain to us what constitutes a modern sandwich. After all,many many,people ACROSS THE WHOLE WORLD today have TOTALLY different ideas about this method of placing cheese or ham or whatever between, as you say, TWO slices of bread. However, our research shows that in MANY parts of the world the people use 3 or even 4 slices of bread yet still think of it as a sandwich. So how do you explain that?
I’m so sorry we’ve run out of time.
lol LW..very droll –
A. an item of food consisting of two pieces of bread with a filling between them, eaten as a light meal.
“a ham sandwich”
“When oh when are people going to wake up and stand up and say “no more madness please”.
I am hoping and praying that they just did. Time will tell.
If you are referring to the case of the horrible tax accountant who took a case to court citing that she should be free to verbally and possibly physically abuse her work collegaues then she deserved to lose that case.
If this was a case where as Labour did, Jewish people were being name called, you would rightly be outraged, but because the group in question here are different does that make it OK?
No one deserves to be abused by some horrible fanatical harpy at work what ever their ‘difference’ might be.
From what I read of this case, she could not win it, and because of the way she brought the case she lost a whole lot more than she bargained for.
The case of the accountant who was sacked for not going along with the biology deniers, creates a bit of a dilemma for the BBC. JK Rowling has come out with a supportive tweet for Maya Forstater, the lady who has learnt the hard way that it’s not just in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany where people were sacked for having the wrong beliefs (in this case, a belief in biological reality). Problem: JK Rowling is a BBC favourite who normally receives free, uncritical publicity puffs for her books, is a Remainer and has contributed more than £1 million to the Labour Party. How can the BBC square this particular ideological circle? Much will depend on whether Rowling caves in; hopefully, with a personal fortune estimated at £600 million (Sunday Times Rich List 2016) she will stick to her principles and speak out more forcefully against the madness undermining society and which has children and real women firmly in its sights.
If I said that black people were lesser humans, and at work make monkey noises at them and left bananas around, would you find that acceptable because I said it was my firmly held philosophical belief?
If I said that the Jews were the cause of all capitalist evil in the world and drew disgusting cartoons of them, would you find it acceptable as part of my deeply held philisophical belief?
Doesn’t matter what she was sacked for, what matters was the crazy pretext on which she brought this case, that for her it OK to verbally abuse people whilst at work because it was her philosophical belief.
In his Obiter Dicter the judge observed:
“people cannot expect to be protected if their core belief involves violating others’ dignity and creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating, or offensive environment for them.”
I’ve found a link to the story here;
BBC sub heading “ A woman who lost her job after saying that people cannot change their biological sex has lost an employment tribunal”
This was what I had heard discussed on Talk Radio.
“Ms Forstater believes trans women holding certificates that recognise their transgender identity, cannot describe themselves as women.”
But that view is “not worthy of respect in a democratic society”, a judge said.
So my point is that a judge can now tell us what our views/opinions should be.
I think we would need to know the fine details of the case before making our own judgements . Otherwise, we can only react to the gloss put over the verdict by the press. It may not simply be a matter of someone holding a different belief to the mainstream one, resulting in the loss of their job. Methinks it might be more than that.
Although, the judge’s remark does seem a bit ‘1984’.
Here’s an alternative to the BBC version:
There is a difference between a “firm philosophical belief”and a biological fact.
It can all become very complex.
If a black man claims to be white, but you tell him he isn’t. Can he still make a claim against you for racism or can he no longer do so because he is white?
There might be a fine line here which the media hasn’t covered.
No one can change their birth certificate gender – end of. So when you say no one can change their gender they can’t on the birth certificate.
The EU laws forced BLiar into the GRA which gave trans people the legal right of the acquired gender.
Now stop to think about this for a moment, what rights does a woman have that a man does not and vice versa, you can probably count them on the fingers of one hand, but this is apparantly what she challenged, the legal right of someone to a GRA.
Again it’s a ridiculous legal argument which can’t be won, it’s saying the decisions of the highest legal courts is wrong and can be ignored.
These so called TERFS are generally far left lunatic man hating lesbians with a screw loose, whilst I don’t say the other side are much better, I can’t imagine why anyone would want to side with them.
@ Rushlow WokoHaram Attack is what the Rowling thing is called
It’s the Woke-jihadis try to close down someone from doing/speaking something
Could this be why the Labour Party want to reduce the voting age to……..what……about 10.
Trying to decide if Beeboids, based on this sample, really are this stupid, venal, or both.
Beyond a high five with Emily in the corridor, what did this by the state broadcaster achieve?
Rob telling it often enough. Again.
“reflect the majority viewpoint”
State Broadcaster should reflect the spectrum of viewpoints held by its funders.
Alternatively go subscription and put out the impartial analysis (as exampled by what it produces today) to anyone willing to pay for it.
“ “reflect the majority viewpoint”
State Broadcaster should reflect the spectrum of viewpoints held by its funders.”
Like Cardiff University does. I referred, obliquely, yesterday to an old whitewash ‘study’ of Al Beeb bias claims by Cardiff Youni. You will recall the recent Cardiff Youni lecturers twattering anti-Tory nonsense. So I looked it up.
I’d forgotten that it was funded in part by Al Beeb itself, rather as a UCL unit mainly funded by the EUSSR tried to assert a couple of years back that EE immigrants ‘contributed’ more to the UK than they took out. Al Beeb amplified this as you can imagine.
Utter bollox of course.
“ “reflect the majority viewpoint”
State Broadcaster should reflect the spectrum of viewpoints held by its funders.”
Like Cardiff University does. I referred, obliquely, yesterday to an old whitewash ‘study’ of Al Beeb bias claims by Cardiff Youni. You will recall the recent Cardiff Youni lecturers twattering anti-Tory nonsense. So I looked it up.
I’d forgotten that it was funded in part by Al Beeb itself, rather as a UCL unit mainly funded by the EUSSR tried to assert a couple of years back that EE immigrants ‘contributed’ more to the UK than they took out. Al Beeb amplified this as you can imagine.
Utter bollox of course.
‘The BBC isn’t there to “reflect the majority viewpoint”. It doesn’t have a viewpoint. It strives to report and analyse impartially’.
Unfortunately the BBC isn’t impartial when it comes to deciding what to report and what to ignore. Isn’t it strange how nothing happens in our closest neighbouring countries yet if some black guy gets refused service in small town middle-America it stays up on the web for days? (No-one ever gets shot in Mexico either).
What Rob calls analysis is just opinion and it takes up a significant amount of the BBC ‘news’. If it was proper analysis our Laura would be saying, “Well we got it wrong again! We thought the Scots would vote for independence, Cameron would lose the election, we would vote to stay in the EU, Hilary would be president, May would lose the election and Boris would lose too. Really I don’t know why I bother. I expect it is to stop us reporting on riots in France, Holland and Italy and bombings in Sweden.”
pus-filled boils
ugly and raw
ready to burst,
eager to spread…
The sooner Boris bursts these festering ugly boils by removing their means of securing funding (robbing from the poor to give to the rich) the better.
Well, well, the least likely subject for a Damascene conversion!
Al Beeb’s favourite Tory-hating, Leftoid-loving sin bosun!!
It seems the Netherlands are also enjoying the benefits of Diversity, in the form of gangs involved in the drug trade and street murders. Gang members are from Morocco and other third world countries.
Even officials are scared:
“We knew it was coming,” Jan Struijs told me. “Lawyers, mayors, police officers – we’ve all been threatened by organised crime. All the alarms have been sounding but the politicians have been naive. Now it’s rotting the concrete of our society.”
Another progressive, liberal, tolerant European country going down. Our soft, cowardly, stupidly naive media (that’s you BBC) and authorities hamstrung by woke political correctness and fear of being called racist or xenophobic are no longer fulfilling even the most basic duty of protecting their citizens and maintaining law and order.
coming to a city near you..
oops.. sorry ..coming to a large town near you.
Its all part and parcel don’t you know!
it’s what’s in the parcel.. that’s the problem!
“politicians have been naive”
That is putting it very kindly! The public who voted them in are the naive ones, the politicians have been criminally negligent in their protection of these people. Geert Wilders has been telling them for long enough what was comming, they can’t now say they’re surprised.
“Call for Bank of England executive to quit over security breach”
Carney has been very quiet of late, will he head off home when we Brexit?
Oo needs a gnome when u got millions? I wood say 2 im bugger off ohm an dohn cum bak.
“General election 2019: Anna Soubry disbands Independent Group for Change.”
Desperately seeking work with ‘The Muppets’ .
Adonis already has a leading part as ‘Kermit’ the driver of the HS2.
Do I hear the sound of the world’s smallest violin playing softly in the distance?
Hi Cassandra,
Stormfront is “a white nationalist, white supremacist, antisemitic, Holocaust denial, neo-Nazi Internet forum”.
You are are a regular poster there.
You are also a regular poster here.
But I’m sure that’s just coincidental.
shocking, truly shocking.
With respect, Thoughtful, this seems to me to have similarities to the previous discussion regarding the transgender/employment court case. So I’m baffled as to your differing position on the two.
“ what has changed things? We all know the answer: it is the swelling population of Muslims, who now feel numerous and powerful enough to demand that Christians change the essence of their religious observances to accommodate them.“
Similarly; “what has changed things? We all know the answer: it is the swelling population of [Transgenders], who now feel numerous and powerful enough to demand that [others] change the essence of their [factual scientific] observances to accommodate them.
I don’t actually believe it is what you call ” the swelling population of [Transgenders]” There aren’t that many of them, it’s more a set of very loud mouthed feminazis shouting about something which they don’t appear to understand.
I take your point. It’s frightening how much influence such a small minority of people can be allowed to have upon the rest of us.
“We all know the answer: it is the swelling population of Muslims, who now feel numerous and powerful enough to demand that Christians change the essence of their religious observances to accommodate them.”
Yeah right. Or one headteacher suggested changing a couple of words in an effort to encourage more children to be included in CHRISTIAN celebrations. How terrible.
Maxi – why stop at “a few words “ people might get upset by the sight of a man nailed to a cross – perhaps get rid of that to make it more inclusive as well . Or books – all the paper wasted printing bibles – why bother with that either . ?
So next year we are no longer a member of the EU.
This means that the BBC seems to have completely avoided wage suppression due to an influx of cheap journalists and presenters from the continent.
Just saying.
Rhod Sharp does his Up All Night programme from the USA. Desmond Carrington used to do his programme from Perthshire. The technology for remote broadcasting has long existed so why all these expensive ‘stars’ broadcasting from expensive UK locations?
“And now, Today, broadcast from a call-centre in Lahore.”
Oh for goodness sake! I’ve just been subjected to “Eastenders” in the background whilst on here.
The little black girl was given the lead in the “Queen Vic” nativity play. In the true nature of the BBBC she hijacked the whole thing and made it all about polar bears and climate change! Is nothing sacred?
Typical BBBC using kids to promote their agenda.
I could be wrong, and I can’t be bothered to go check, but haven’t Canada got some absolutely crazy rules on what people can call themselves, including animals and the right to change when they want?
Imagine a war situation: “Sorry I can’t fight today, I’m a Zebra”.
Al Beeb as always , agenda driven .
It must all start at the ‘head of the snake’, namely Lord Hall Hall .
Labour MP wild dramaqueening to the point of being offensive .
Look it’s not OK to DEHUMANISE people by acting in a racist way,
.. similarly it’s not OK to DEHUMANISE non-nazi people by attaching poisonous labels to them like Nazi/Al-Right etc.
She “Author ‘The New Serfdom – the triumph of conservative ideas and how to defeat them’
.. How’s her work going has she defeated the “conservative ideas” ?
Ever notice how the left in the UK ape the left in the USA? They make ridiculous comparisons in the hope they will stick, so we’ve heard allegations of Russian interference in the UK elections, ludicrous use of ‘White Supremecists’ (ever seen the KKK in Britain?), and Black lives matter.
Check for yourselves how much they are copying – The Tories becomming the alt right? That really is a joke, there isn’t even an alt right movement in the UK.
Considering that many here regard the USA as ‘The Great Satan’ there is indeed a lot of aping going on.
It isn’t that long ago that we didn’t have a ‘race problem’ in the UK because essentially we were all the same race. The people who weren’t had chosen to come here, unlike the USA, with its history of slavery and second-class treatment of its ‘colored people’.
With the rise of ‘Black Power’ in the USA ‘Black’ became a brand, all Africans everywhere ‘had’ to be labelled this, including our own Caribbean immigrants. Then along came all those American Race Advisors to tell us how it should be done and our Race Industry was in full swing. (This was still going on in the Obama years when his missus twice came over to interfer in our politics to stir up trouble with ‘Black’ schoolgirls here).
‘Department of’ instead of ‘Ministry’, elected majors, supreme court, ‘Tzars’, bronzed strumpet presenters, etc. are all American ‘apes’ too
And “running for office” instead of standing in an election. And “taking the stand”.
Illegal immigration …
I may be wrong but what is to stop the families rejoining the children?
ex BBC journalist throws his hat into ring to become leader of the Labour Party. I bet Clive Lewis was impartial when working for Aunty.
Another reason why the Labour Party will not win the next general election.
They’re are still not listening to the people.
Look at that self-satisfied smirk.
Media deceiving by omitting things that run counter to their narrative
Beeboid Labour MP Clive Lewis
news from one year ago worth repeating
Sturgeon “Those Tories are evil, they are trying to stop a people becoming independent ”
… And you Ms Sturgeon what have you been doing for the last 3 years ?
The ancient sage of the Guardian
.. Guardianlalaland that is , not the real world
I don’t approve of this either. Photo ID is only useful in stopping voter personation, which is not a major problem. The real issue is postal voting. That needs to be sorted out. ID to vote in person is a non-issue.
“Photo ID is only useful in stopping voter personation, which is not a major problem. ”
How do you know? How do you know who is on the electoral roll? How many students vote more than once?
I expect there are 3.5 million people who can never pick up a parcel from Royal Mail either.
Okay, George: if the ‘poor and marginalised’ don’t have photo ID (i.e. their passports), how are they able to make their trips back to Pakistan, Somalia, Afghanistan, India, Iran, Nigeria, Bangladesh etc? That is a major chunk of who you are refying to, right?
A neat reply!
“Trump impeachment: ‘Toxic’ move driven by ‘partisan rage’, McConnell says”
Despite the hype, the odds are that Donald will be the next President .
Betting odds – 8-/11