Poor maxi – he must be working really hard in current tragic circumstances . The picture he posted is from the 1st of October 2009.
I’ve used my fingers and worked out that it was 10 years ago. I’d also submit that mr Johnson would not be allowed to make a visit to the Queen Vic now because the BBC would see it as a rebuff to Islam and of course their hatred for Mr Johnson knows no bounds . .
Come on max – you gotta do better than that….
And to Toady
Delighted to hear that a lot of the poison injected into the Brexit bill is being flushed away – particularly stuff about allowing illegal immigrant children ( aged 30 with beards ) into the country as false refugees . The Reich EU can keep them once we have left ….
Well done on dating the image. I posted a comment early on thinking it was a ‘cut and paste’; something didn’t look right. I wasn’t sure so hit delete.
Ofsted report says private Islamic school is “dangerous in places” with a “basic” curriculum. School was also closed to children on its latest inspection day in Nov, citing broken heating.
Ofsted report says private Islamic school is "dangerous in places" with a "basic" curriculum. School was also closed to children on its latest inspection day in Nov, citing broken heating. Religion mustn't be an excuse to fail to protect children's rights https://t.co/KaL0RbQbBV
“Bank of England: Andrew Bailey tipped as new governor” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-50861129
Lets hope he does a better job than that Carney fellow and his “project fear” who, IMHO talked the UK’s economy down ?
Not on Al Beeb yet.
JK Rowling is in a spot of bother . “JK Rowling backs sacked worker in transgender speech case”
How will Al Beeb deal with this, do they have the ‘balls’ to deal with it ?
Ah ! here it is , ready for the morning shift to deal with……………
“Maya Forstater: Woman loses tribunal over transgender tweets” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-50858919
“Had our client been successful, she would have established in law protection for people – on any side of this debate – to express their beliefs without fear of being discriminated against.”
One might think that the undesirability of this outcome is practically waving at you from the very words used, but for our new masters the opposite conclusion seems unmistakable.
To comment on the impeachment of President Trump they had on none other than Anthony Scaramucci, a man whom everyone knows hates Trump with a passion. Why? Because the president gave him a job and then sacked him because he was so crap at it. That must have hurt his ego pretty badly, and he has responded by becoming the go-to hitman for any anti-Trump propagandists, such as the BBC.
Out of a mere 350 million Americans it seems Today is continually unable to find a single one to appear on the programme who has a good word to say about the president.
The BBC is so bitter and twisted about Trump that they even tried to get Scaramucci to agree the president might use nuclear weapons if impeached! That was too much for Scaramucci to agree to, even though he hates the president.
The BBC really have taken leave of their senses and any grasp they might have had on reality. Their rantings now only bear the most remote connection to the truth. They really cannot understand that they are seen as being about as reliable as Chemical Ali.
Which president should be in the news over election money coming from foreign sources ??
… specifically part of $4.3billion embezzled funds ..which should belong to the Malaysian taxpayers
..earlier this year Rap Artist Pras Michel WAS INDICTED alongside Malaysian businessman Jho Low and Goldman Sachs execs
Goldman Sachs are now offering to settle for $2bn
The rapper is supposed to have funnelled the comparatively small amount of $20 into … “Obama 2012 Campaign Donations”
Toady 2
The BBC has a Labour leaders’ daughter leading the charge to split the union on the show this morning . A point was made that when the leader of the SNP (the MP for Greggs ) stood up to speak in the commons a lot of Conservative MPs went for a walk ….
The BBC never raises the prospect of an independent Scotland being at the mercy of Brussels when it wants join it . Methinks Scotland will be paying a lot more into paying for the Brussels gravy train than they get out of it . We ll see…
The Anna Soubry Party Show has announced today that it is being ‘wound up’ . The BBC mentions this in passing – which is strange since members of that traitor group were on the airways all the time before the General Election .
The fact that they all lost their seats – including the likes of Chuka – might be a reason … but it does seem a bit rich that we don’t get the opportunity to hear Soubry playing the victim again …particularly to acknowledge the damage they did to the country , politics and the institutions of the UK.
Tonight’s @BBCRadio4 Any Questions is from Belsize Park, heart of N London Corbynism. #bbcqt was from London, not a single Boris voter in the audience after a LANDSLIDE! Why doesn’t BBC head to Redcar or Wrexham to talk to voters happy about new govt?
Let’s remember that Chuka quickly moved on to the LibDems and before failing to get election.
But Soubry’s pathetic showing on election night was the highlight for me and, thankfully, we have heard little from her since. May it long continue.
Do we know who actually funded noChange UK?
One can’t help but notice how BBC on-line news, among their many over-liberal tendencies, displays an over-liberal use of scare quotes. By the way I do enjoy the alternative tabloid terms ‘sneer quotes’ and particularly like “quibble marks”.
Not political this present observation, more of a head scratcher as to what on earth the BBC style guide imbued young journos might have had on their tiny minds…
…some obscure new nod toward non-traditional notions of genderism perhaps? (I suppose “genderism” is a now a word, unfortunately).
In their press front page round up the BBC summarises the Daily Star splash thusly:
“The Daily Star displays an image of a “couple” on the back seat of a bus to Prestwich in Greater Manchester.”
Has the everyday term “couple” suddenly become veboten within some edgy progressive campus culture view of the world causing the ever so PC-compliant BBC to reach for the inverted commas?
I have to say the pair on the back seat of the bus appear fairly “coupled” to me.
It’s pretty unusual for our ‘impartial state broadcaster’ to feature stories about ‘heterosexuals’ when ‘other sexuality and genders’ receive disproportionate ‘publicity’.
Has anyone else noticed the huge amount of coverage given by the BBC this past week to a party which gained no votes at all across 90% of the country at the election?
The SNP seem to be the BBC’s new bezzie mates. I surmise that since Labour has absolutely no credibility and the BBC does not want to showcase how the bitter and twisted lefties are tearing themselves apart, it is essential for the BBC to find some other sore losers as their anti-Tory soulmates. Thus we have Nicola Shitstirgeon on our screens 24/7. This morning on Toady an SNP lackie even borrowed straight from the Labour playbook and accused the new majority UK government of wanting to sell off the NHS to the USA. This fake news invention received precisely zero challenge from the fawning BBC presenter.
Expect more ‘significant over-representation’ from the SNP on the BBC in the coming weeks.
Sluff, if Labour, SNP and IllibNonDem Remainers complain about Nigel Farage getting too much air-time on the BBC, they should be reminded that Ian Blackford MP has a season ticket to a seat on the TOADY Prog.
Another air-time hog is Caroline Lucas who regularly pops up in the Toady 6.30-7.00 ‘Harrabin-slot’ .
The first direct train from Brighton is 05.19 getting to Victoria at 6.27 so she must stay overnight at The Langham at our expense to allow time for rehearsals ??
Agreed, it seems to be a Festive SNP SNP SNP…anyone noticed that Ms Sturgeon isn’t discussing how much money the Scots get from England and the state of the Scottish NHS and Education…
The Tories are still the target with – we now need to get Brexit – but what is it? Will they succeed ? Will we all be poorer etc etc . And yesterday night R4 3 Pro EU people discussing why the EU will play hard…
Still waiting for a positive story about Brexit on BBC
It’s so commonplace now and accepted by the BBC that the story sits bellow the results of the Miss America contest. Shameful inditement of the BBC and it’s London mayor.
Just imagine if the mayor of London was white imagine the uproar and the riots that would surely follow.
Liberal media also heavily plugging Stormzy — he’s giving a reading from St Luke’s Gospel on BBC on Christmas day because “Stormzy has consistently celebrated his faith and spirituality through his music…
And the Observer / Guardian, who had him edit their Sunday supplement last week.
What says goodwill to all men more than stabbings and drill music?
Owen Jones, AKA Captain Hindsight, concedes that Jeremy Corbyn and Seumas Milne's response to the Skripal poisoning "inflicted terrible damage" on the Labour leadership.
Jones conveniently forgets to mention that he appeared on Newsnight defending Corbyn's response. pic.twitter.com/DqY0r8LRuw
To answer FedUp2’s question at the top of this Thread “Whatever happened to Project Fear?” – this morning’s TOADY gave us some clues.
Listening to TOADY, Jon Pienaar and JustRemainIn Webb, it is back. Pejorative language abounded: refugee children, Hard Brexit, No Deal Brexit, etc.. Project Fear has returned and I suspect will be ramped up to the end of January and again in November, December 2020.
The interview with the Portugese Chair of Brexit Steering Group for EU Parliament (sorry, didn’t remember name) didn’t go too well for JustRemainIn who asked a leading question. Rumpole was on his feet to object when the witness gave the answer JustRemainIn would have prefered not to hear, in spite of the leading question: “Yes, there should be approval for the Withdrawal Agreement by 29th January for the UK to leave on 31st January.”
I was guessing project fear hasn’t gone away and saw that there was a ‘pigs in blanket’ problem because of Brexit ….
I suppose the BBC will switch in to alleged bad stuff happening because we are pulling out of the ReichEU. There will be plenty of that as well as queues of voters allegedly wishing they hadn’t voted for bojo and can we have another General Election to get a BBC approved correct result …
TOADY Watch #2 – A Rare Sighting for Non-Nature Notes
The extremely low profile BBC Economics Editor, Faisal Islam, made several appearances on the programme this morning. Sarah Smith should have been replaced by Martha with her binoculars.
The appointment of a new Governor for the Bank of England was the reason for Faisal having to raise his profile above the sub-horizontal. I wonder if the Economics Editor will deign to share his thoughts on the appointment of Andrew Bailey in a Blog? I very much doubt it but would be pleasantly surprised if he did. If he does, will the Blog be open to comment? I will be staggered if it is.
The other Senior BBC Editors hardly Blog at all these days and Part-time Kuenssberg’s (Politics) are rarely open to comment. Simon Jack (Business) is a little better but not much.
The BBC appears to be going downhill at a rate of knots. (No pun intended but you may allow yourself a chuckle: after all, it is Christmas.)
Never fear. If things get bad they will get Greta on board to give a “How dare you” speech supporting all things BBC then make it go viral.
Anything to divert from reality. I have seen nothing but excuses, denials, omissions, and the BBC bigging up the BBC, being the main BBC outputs.
Welsh devolution was supported by all main parties except for the 1997, defeated by Blair, Conservatives. The proposal was just passed by referendum and Wales has been blessed with an ever more powerful Cardiff administration ever since.
A lesson for Scotland – careful what you wish for; the ratchet allows the wheel to turn only one way.
If the 16,17 year old voting isn’t a Labour stitch up I don’t know what is – And where else in the world gives voting rights to foreign nationals..absolutely F888ing amazing…We are doomed if this spreads
maxincony, as you’ve taken the trouble to pop in here after the pubs & bars closed early this morning (or were you thrown out?) perhaps you would be so kind as to deliver that apology from your good self that you owe me over the erroneous Alan Little ‘Pogrom’ programme on Radio4.
Sluff – sick of the lot of them! George the ‘poet’ especially, has been heavily oversold by the beeb on R4. Never had to use the ‘off’ switch so regularly! Simon Armitage, where are you, speak up man?!
We did have a vague attempt to take a look at a real poet yesterday, when Melvyn Bragg discussed WH Auden on ‘In our Time’ on R4, and mention was made of a number of people with real talent, eg GM Hopkins, P Larkin, WB Yeats etc etc. Not quite up there with Milton or Keats- we may get there yet, but please R4, spare us George the ‘poet’!
And as for Lady Hale, shouldn’t she be keeping a very low profile at this stage? Her ‘Supreme Court’ is a joke, and not a very good one.
David Starkey would be a better choice, of course his views are apocalyptic to the BBC . His interview was excellent worth a watch …..he will be probably never seen on ALBEEB or C4 ever again
How media react to unfavoured or favoured politician twitter ‘news’ prompts is always interesting. Usually such a post ensures a tour of every studio for a week with zero challenge and much doe-eyed empathy.
In our rural idyll the BBC is considered a joke, as is the local press, staffed with ‘reporters’ funded to write what the BBC approves of. Hence much of social concern is shared and discussed on social media message boards.
There have been a few sad cases of homelessness. One was identified and helped within hours. One was with mental issues who created a bizarre fuss in the VS community by refusing to be helped.
And there was, briefly, a spate of homeless of ethnicity, who soon turned out to be part of an organised syndicate from the big city, identified and denied mugs within days and no longer with us.
The new one is tinkers hitting pubs and restaurants dressed as Santa collecting for the homeless, when they really are not.
Pre-election we also had food banks in desperate straits, apparently, but those poor souls unable to work around here seem well able to wobble around with their cans of Stella and fag despite being with child or simply an extra 50kg of blubber.
‘I thought of it because I care about other people’
Max Lewis, 7, has set up a food bank in his home town of Bridgend and hopes it will inspire others to donate to those in need this Christmas. pic.twitter.com/mPPdS5xTM1
Another of those articles where one cynically wonders by what route young Max found himself the object of BBC fawning. I’m sure he did it all by himself.
Tories win Bridgend seat one week.
Food bank starts with 7 year old the next seek.
I’m sure it’s a total co-incidence that a vast number of local Bridgend residents, having been well fed for years, suddenly find themselves so hungry that a Food Bank is needed.
Thank goodness the BBC is around to publicise this extra-ordinary turn of events.
Sluff – hard to think of a more contrived story! You can actually hear little wheels in little minds at the beeb/Bridgend Labour/ LimpDumb HQs clicking over, as they dream this one up! Then a loud ‘YES’, as the story falls into place, and ends up with VD giving it the required exposure!
It’s only fair. Since we are about to import doctors from the Third World, why not the Governor of the Bank of England? This is one doctor on his way I believe:
In a sense we already have had a governor of the Bank of England from the Third World. Mark Carney was originally from Canada, which is now a sort of honourary Third World country. So much so that their prime minister feels it necessary to regularly wear black face to emphasise the point. https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/trudeau2.jpg?w=620
You must have heard wrong. The BBC doesn’t have a viewpoint.
The BBC isn't there to "reflect the majority viewpoint". It doesn't have a viewpoint. It strives to report and analyse impartially. https://t.co/8dowWZQwmK
Labour MP: North East will be ‘hit the hardest’
Pennycook: Bill means distant relationship with EU
Hilary Benn: ‘Industries done over by Brexit’
Opposition MPs give verdict on Withdrawal Bill
SDLP MP gives anti-Brexit maiden speech
WATCH: Brexit deal is terrible for country
DUP: ‘Major contradiction’ in Johnson deal
The World Cup of gits
32 gits in 8 groups
Still time to vote in some group Twitter polls
But Soubry has triumphed in Group1 already
With the new year approaching let's have a vote on who has been The Worst Person of 2019. This will be round 1/8, 32 contestants, then a semi final, and a final.
Please comment with suggestions for next round and retweet.
1st round – Politicians pt 1. The Traitors!#Brexit????????
NISA — similar tactics on R5 earlier as Adrian Chiles and an assorted gaggle of pundits dug up a clip from 2008 of Trump where he spoke positively of Pelosi’s attempts to impeach Bush Jr.
BBC desperate to paint a picture that Trump was in support of both a) Pelosi, and b) impeachment in general. Somehow they glossed over the key point that Trump made — that Bush took them into a war on false premises.
I guess not surprising though… what with false premises being the stock in trade of the BBC and Chiles’ default state of mind being restricted to either ‘gloss over’ or ‘confused’.
Yet after all the treachery Embery still campaigned for Labour
‘Change UK’ announced today that it was formally dissolving itself. Forgive me the self-indulgence of retweeting something I posted when they were established. https://t.co/m0uWDGa73g
There’s nothing Al-beeb likes better than a tale of saintly ‘migrants’ dying at sea in their desperate attempt to reach these shores to ‘help’ people. So this story fits the bill perfectly.
Except it makes no sense at all.
“Mitra Mehrad: Drowned Channel migrant ‘wanted to help Iranians'”
As usual Al-beeb is being biased by omission, not giving the full background to the story, namely that it’s religious minorities that are being persecuted in the muslim states around India (surprise surprise) and who therefore need asylum.
Our own useless immigration services could learn a lesson.
On that ConWoman article John__Andrews writes
“here is the story that first made me realise the BBC are purposely misleading people. It is very short and will only take you a couple of minutes. Please read this: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-43501744
The BBC journalist purposely left out a photograph or detailed description of the T-shirt in question,
… because then it would have been obvious that the T-shirt refers to Georg von Frundsberg, victor of the Battle of Pavia *1525*,
and NOT the 10th SS Panzer Division Frundsberg.
The BBC, while not lying outright, left out vital facts that they knew would result in readers believing something that isn’t true, didn’t they?
I suspect that lazy BBC were merely cutNpasting a narrative that a lefty front group had created and fed to them.
but it is outrageous that that lying BBC page still stands as it is .
The demonstrations against a proposed new Immigration Law are continuing. Mark Mardell invites Anjem Choudry (or Choudhary) to contribute. He says the proposed Law would bring into being something that has never existed in secular nation India before. India has never discriminated on the basis of religion before.
I have a strong whiff of FakeNews or FalseNews! It could be the Indian Mr Choudry does not know his country very well. Or it could be he is merely thinking on national lines and forgetting that it is the individual Sates within the Indian Federation that have a lot of socio-econo-political and religious autonomy. If I recall correctly, at least one State in India is or was Communist.
In the 1970s (I think, or it may have been the last year or two of the ’60s) someone I knew, Indian-born (if I recall correctly but holding only a British passport) to British Christian missionaries was informed by the authorities in the State in which she lived and worked that she would have to leave. She could apply for a residency Visa – at a cost – every few months but in between she would need to travel abroad. She was working for a Christian mission in India at the time.
More recently, in the first decade of the twenty-first century another Indian State became quite hostile to Christians. Various restrictions came into being, people were stirred up to cause trouble and tragically an Australian (iirc) missionary and his young son were set on fire in their car and burnt to death.
It is strange that in all the mentioning by the BBC and their contributors of the phrase ‘India is a secular State’ and talk of religions within India, they do not mention the religion of most of these protestors.
The absurdly bouffant ‘Professor’ A C Grayling gripes in the Guardian that 16+mil voted for remain parties against Brexit and only 14+mil for leaving. That’s the thing about being a professor in today’s academia, it lends such authority to bullshit – for example while TBP votes would have been exclusively leave, not all Tory votes would necessarily have been so, and while a vote in a marginal seat might be of great significance, that would be far from the case in a safe seat.
The ability to ignore such factors, which might tend to weaken what he no doubt sees as the powerful thrust of The Great Grayling’s Argument, is not indicative of a mature and balanced political outlook. Then again, what would you expect from one who thinks his wisdom is best displayed in the Guardian?
It’s business as usual for Treezer. Why is she still an MP?
Time for a purge of the FCO and other corrupt government departments such as the MoJ.
Theresa May is STILL pushing her sellout EU (Defence and) Security attachment from the back benches. Thankfully the binding ties May was trying to push through have been reduced to an ‘option’ in Boris’s deal. If MPs understand them, they will reject them. pic.twitter.com/Xl6iawarGZ
TWatO Watch #2 – More BBC Fake/FalseNews or Two Scientists Disagree?
Porf Alan Hubbard stated during his daily TWatO contribution to the Global Warming and Climate Change Non-debate on the BBC: Greenland Ice Sheet melt was bad news for future of the millions who live close to sea-level around the world. Those people, he omitted to tell you, were mostly very rich people and the homes close to sea level may well be their second or third homes.
After all, former US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle have recently bought a mansion in Martha’s Vineyard just a few feet above sea level. They believe fervently in Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change and with it, I guess, sea level rise.
Before you ask, yes, I think it’s their second home. They also own an apartment in DC.
I’m going to open the weekend thread in celebration of the vote this afternoon of our leaving of the EU and the sheer despondency which must be being experienced by BBC staff and the various traitors who have polluted UK politics over the last 3 years ….
At no point do the BBC mention or question in the slightest the colossal CO2 emissions involved. To be fair, they do give Extinction Rebellion some free, very uncritical, publicity in the first web-site article.
What an insidious institution the BBC has become. Just had the misfortune of hearing BBC Five Live open with a piece on Brexit by saying ‘234 voted against but 358 MPs voted in favour [a strange way of framing the democratic mandate handed by the electorate] including this one’ – there followed some Labour harridan who said she voted in favour as she represents a Leave constituency but the last week has been utterly dreadful and the worst election she has ever encountered. That was it. So a polite fuck you to anyone who supports Brexit and or the Conservative Party.
Make the British Broadcasting Cesspit subscription only asap Boris!
The inevitable questioning of the legitimacy of the election comes to pass. It’s all lobby fodder like Lammy can do now – although some new labour leader may make him shadow Home Secretary – if they have that rarest characteristic of a labour MP – a sense of humour ( imagine Corbyn telling a joke )…
DoublethinkerMar 6, 16:15 Midweek 5th March 2025 One development in recent days that has surprised me is that the number of new members joining the Reform party…
Fedup2Mar 6, 16:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 The child killer on a sports field by a BMW yesterday was aged 10 and has been named . The…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 15:42 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Between 2019-2020, when Boris Johnson was Prime Minister, taxpayers were charged £141,380 for HOPE not hate charitable trust (which funds…
popeyeMar 6, 15:33 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Compared to people born in the UK, migrants are more likely to be of working age or have a university…
tomoMar 6, 15:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 Eagle is it seems a graduate of the Dianne Abbott academy? One might’ve hoped that the voters of The Wirral…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 15:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 * What power have you got? • Where did you get it from? • In whose interests do you use…
tomoMar 6, 15:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 home insurance premium? I’d have a read of the policy document
tomoMar 6, 15:05 Midweek 5th March 2025 More law….. EU courts…. – just imagine what TTK would get up to in cahoots with this lot. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1897643947654099325
Richard PinderMar 6, 15:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/nKBwlTaz0pU/hq720.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEhCK4FEIIDSFryq4qpAxMIARUAAAAAGAElAADIQj0AgKJD&rs=AOn4CLALPS25eYEednhxOL4f351YJHeshw[/img] Stalinist torture of Tommy Robinson by the nasty socialist state. Political prisoner, Tommy Robinson, has suffered 128+ days so…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 14:58 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Police ‘acted reasonably’ in Pearson hate crime case” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cp8y9j7j953o The Essex force has previously defended its since-dropped investigation over an…
The Sun on BBC bias
“Bias drips through the whole BBC output. Anti-Brexit propaganda was even slipped into the plot of EastEnders.”
Poor maxi – he must be working really hard in current tragic circumstances . The picture he posted is from the 1st of October 2009.
I’ve used my fingers and worked out that it was 10 years ago. I’d also submit that mr Johnson would not be allowed to make a visit to the Queen Vic now because the BBC would see it as a rebuff to Islam and of course their hatred for Mr Johnson knows no bounds . .
Come on max – you gotta do better than that….
And to Toady
Delighted to hear that a lot of the poison injected into the Brexit bill is being flushed away – particularly stuff about allowing illegal immigrant children ( aged 30 with beards ) into the country as false refugees . The Reich EU can keep them once we have left ….
Well done on dating the image. I posted a comment early on thinking it was a ‘cut and paste’; something didn’t look right. I wasn’t sure so hit delete.
Ofsted report says private Islamic school is “dangerous in places” with a “basic” curriculum. School was also closed to children on its latest inspection day in Nov, citing broken heating.
“Bank of England: Andrew Bailey tipped as new governor”
Lets hope he does a better job than that Carney fellow and his “project fear” who, IMHO talked the UK’s economy down ?
Not on Al Beeb yet.
JK Rowling is in a spot of bother . “JK Rowling backs sacked worker in transgender speech case”
How will Al Beeb deal with this, do they have the ‘balls’ to deal with it ?
Over to our special trans Al Beeb correspondent, maxincony ……………….
Ah ! here it is , ready for the morning shift to deal with……………
“Maya Forstater: Woman loses tribunal over transgender tweets”
“Had our client been successful, she would have established in law protection for people – on any side of this debate – to express their beliefs without fear of being discriminated against.”
One might think that the undesirability of this outcome is practically waving at you from the very words used, but for our new masters the opposite conclusion seems unmistakable.
The bias at the Today programme never fails.
To comment on the impeachment of President Trump they had on none other than Anthony Scaramucci, a man whom everyone knows hates Trump with a passion. Why? Because the president gave him a job and then sacked him because he was so crap at it. That must have hurt his ego pretty badly, and he has responded by becoming the go-to hitman for any anti-Trump propagandists, such as the BBC.
Out of a mere 350 million Americans it seems Today is continually unable to find a single one to appear on the programme who has a good word to say about the president.
The BBC is so bitter and twisted about Trump that they even tried to get Scaramucci to agree the president might use nuclear weapons if impeached! That was too much for Scaramucci to agree to, even though he hates the president.
The BBC really have taken leave of their senses and any grasp they might have had on reality. Their rantings now only bear the most remote connection to the truth. They really cannot understand that they are seen as being about as reliable as Chemical Ali.
They need to be defunded now! Do it Boris!
“Do it Boris!”
But Rob in Cheshire, has he got the balls to do it ?
I hope so, but I won’t be holding my breath.
Which president should be in the news over election money coming from foreign sources ??
… specifically part of $4.3billion embezzled funds ..which should belong to the Malaysian taxpayers
..earlier this year Rap Artist Pras Michel WAS INDICTED alongside Malaysian businessman Jho Low and Goldman Sachs execs
Goldman Sachs are now offering to settle for $2bn
The rapper is supposed to have funnelled the comparatively small amount of $20 into … “Obama 2012 Campaign Donations”
David Wood mocks Saint Obama of Mecca and Woopi.
Toady 2
The BBC has a Labour leaders’ daughter leading the charge to split the union on the show this morning . A point was made that when the leader of the SNP (the MP for Greggs ) stood up to speak in the commons a lot of Conservative MPs went for a walk ….
The BBC never raises the prospect of an independent Scotland being at the mercy of Brussels when it wants join it . Methinks Scotland will be paying a lot more into paying for the Brussels gravy train than they get out of it . We ll see…
Taser use by police in England and Wales reaches record high – reports the beeb
Is that because more and more police forces now use them than previous years 🙂
Toady 3
The Anna Soubry Party Show has announced today that it is being ‘wound up’ . The BBC mentions this in passing – which is strange since members of that traitor group were on the airways all the time before the General Election .
The fact that they all lost their seats – including the likes of Chuka – might be a reason … but it does seem a bit rich that we don’t get the opportunity to hear Soubry playing the victim again …particularly to acknowledge the damage they did to the country , politics and the institutions of the UK.
( I’ll update this entry if there is coverage ).
Speaking of BBC coverage…
Who is surprised?
Let’s remember that Chuka quickly moved on to the LibDems and before failing to get election.
But Soubry’s pathetic showing on election night was the highlight for me and, thankfully, we have heard little from her since. May it long continue.
Do we know who actually funded noChange UK?
Who knew?
Sherelle Jacobs is one of the best journalists now writing.
One can’t help but notice how BBC on-line news, among their many over-liberal tendencies, displays an over-liberal use of scare quotes. By the way I do enjoy the alternative tabloid terms ‘sneer quotes’ and particularly like “quibble marks”.
Not political this present observation, more of a head scratcher as to what on earth the BBC style guide imbued young journos might have had on their tiny minds…
…some obscure new nod toward non-traditional notions of genderism perhaps? (I suppose “genderism” is a now a word, unfortunately).
In their press front page round up the BBC summarises the Daily Star splash thusly:
“The Daily Star displays an image of a “couple” on the back seat of a bus to Prestwich in Greater Manchester.”
Has the everyday term “couple” suddenly become veboten within some edgy progressive campus culture view of the world causing the ever so PC-compliant BBC to reach for the inverted commas?
I have to say the pair on the back seat of the bus appear fairly “coupled” to me.
It’s pretty unusual for our ‘impartial state broadcaster’ to feature stories about ‘heterosexuals’ when ‘other sexuality and genders’ receive disproportionate ‘publicity’.
Other sexualities and genders are available.
Has anyone else noticed the huge amount of coverage given by the BBC this past week to a party which gained no votes at all across 90% of the country at the election?
The SNP seem to be the BBC’s new bezzie mates. I surmise that since Labour has absolutely no credibility and the BBC does not want to showcase how the bitter and twisted lefties are tearing themselves apart, it is essential for the BBC to find some other sore losers as their anti-Tory soulmates. Thus we have Nicola Shitstirgeon on our screens 24/7. This morning on Toady an SNP lackie even borrowed straight from the Labour playbook and accused the new majority UK government of wanting to sell off the NHS to the USA. This fake news invention received precisely zero challenge from the fawning BBC presenter.
Expect more ‘significant over-representation’ from the SNP on the BBC in the coming weeks.
Sluff, if Labour, SNP and IllibNonDem Remainers complain about Nigel Farage getting too much air-time on the BBC, they should be reminded that Ian Blackford MP has a season ticket to a seat on the TOADY Prog.
Another air-time hog is Caroline Lucas who regularly pops up in the Toady 6.30-7.00 ‘Harrabin-slot’ .
The first direct train from Brighton is 05.19 getting to Victoria at 6.27 so she must stay overnight at The Langham at our expense to allow time for rehearsals ??
And there was me thinking she cycled in to London each morning from Brighton.
Agreed, it seems to be a Festive SNP SNP SNP…anyone noticed that Ms Sturgeon isn’t discussing how much money the Scots get from England and the state of the Scottish NHS and Education…
The Tories are still the target with – we now need to get Brexit – but what is it? Will they succeed ? Will we all be poorer etc etc . And yesterday night R4 3 Pro EU people discussing why the EU will play hard…
Still waiting for a positive story about Brexit on BBC
How many seats would the Scotch have if the boundaries were reformed?
London stabbings: Two dead and two injured
Any interview with Mayor of london?
best keep him out of bad news on his watch
It’s so commonplace now and accepted by the BBC that the story sits bellow the results of the Miss America contest. Shameful inditement of the BBC and it’s London mayor.
Just imagine if the mayor of London was white imagine the uproar and the riots that would surely follow.
Liberal media also heavily plugging Stormzy — he’s giving a reading from St Luke’s Gospel on BBC on Christmas day because “Stormzy has consistently celebrated his faith and spirituality through his music…
And the Observer / Guardian, who had him edit their Sunday supplement last week.
What says goodwill to all men more than stabbings and drill music?
Ash on later?
Ash: why is this person suddenly appearing everywhere?
TOADY Watch #1 – Back to the Future
To answer FedUp2’s question at the top of this Thread “Whatever happened to Project Fear?” – this morning’s TOADY gave us some clues.
Listening to TOADY, Jon Pienaar and JustRemainIn Webb, it is back. Pejorative language abounded: refugee children, Hard Brexit, No Deal Brexit, etc.. Project Fear has returned and I suspect will be ramped up to the end of January and again in November, December 2020.
The interview with the Portugese Chair of Brexit Steering Group for EU Parliament (sorry, didn’t remember name) didn’t go too well for JustRemainIn who asked a leading question. Rumpole was on his feet to object when the witness gave the answer JustRemainIn would have prefered not to hear, in spite of the leading question: “Yes, there should be approval for the Withdrawal Agreement by 29th January for the UK to leave on 31st January.”
I was guessing project fear hasn’t gone away and saw that there was a ‘pigs in blanket’ problem because of Brexit ….
I suppose the BBC will switch in to alleged bad stuff happening because we are pulling out of the ReichEU. There will be plenty of that as well as queues of voters allegedly wishing they hadn’t voted for bojo and can we have another General Election to get a BBC approved correct result …
Fed, you were right, but it made a pleasant break for a whole week of not having it on the R4 airwaves 24/7.
TOADY Watch #2 – A Rare Sighting for Non-Nature Notes
The extremely low profile BBC Economics Editor, Faisal Islam, made several appearances on the programme this morning. Sarah Smith should have been replaced by Martha with her binoculars.
The appointment of a new Governor for the Bank of England was the reason for Faisal having to raise his profile above the sub-horizontal. I wonder if the Economics Editor will deign to share his thoughts on the appointment of Andrew Bailey in a Blog? I very much doubt it but would be pleasantly surprised if he did. If he does, will the Blog be open to comment? I will be staggered if it is.
The other Senior BBC Editors hardly Blog at all these days and Part-time Kuenssberg’s (Politics) are rarely open to comment. Simon Jack (Business) is a little better but not much.
The BBC appears to be going downhill at a rate of knots. (No pun intended but you may allow yourself a chuckle: after all, it is Christmas.)
BBC extinction to follow soon?
Never fear. If things get bad they will get Greta on board to give a “How dare you” speech supporting all things BBC then make it go viral.
Anything to divert from reality. I have seen nothing but excuses, denials, omissions, and the BBC bigging up the BBC, being the main BBC outputs.
Compare and contrast …………..
Waste: How will Wales end landfill and incinerator use by 2050?
“Welsh Assembly facing £4m bill to replace Tŷ Hywel windows”
While Health and Education in Wales is in a mess?
Bore da and this looks more alarming. – ” voting rights to 33,000 foreign nationals.”
I wonder if we’ll ever be able to undo this obvious strategy to weaken our voting power.
Lucy Pevensey
Bore Da to you .
Not something the people of Wales wanted.
Time for another referendum to get rid of the “Bureaucratic Talking Shop”
Welsh devolution was supported by all main parties except for the 1997, defeated by Blair, Conservatives. The proposal was just passed by referendum and Wales has been blessed with an ever more powerful Cardiff administration ever since.
A lesson for Scotland – careful what you wish for; the ratchet allows the wheel to turn only one way.
And there’s more …………..”Wrexham sepsis death: ‘Gross failure’ in woman’s care”
If the 16,17 year old voting isn’t a Labour stitch up I don’t know what is – And where else in the world gives voting rights to foreign nationals..absolutely F888ing amazing…We are doomed if this spreads
maxincony, as you’ve taken the trouble to pop in here after the pubs & bars closed early this morning (or were you thrown out?) perhaps you would be so kind as to deliver that apology from your good self that you owe me over the erroneous Alan Little ‘Pogrom’ programme on Radio4.
Apologies if premature but just reviewed the impartial list of Toady guest editors we can look forward to enjoying at the end of December.
Well, we do get Charles Moore.
And to balance it up.
Greta Thumberg
Baroness Hale of the Supreme Court
George the Poet
Grayson Perry.
In other words……business as usual at the biased BBC.
Sluff – sick of the lot of them! George the ‘poet’ especially, has been heavily oversold by the beeb on R4. Never had to use the ‘off’ switch so regularly! Simon Armitage, where are you, speak up man?!
We did have a vague attempt to take a look at a real poet yesterday, when Melvyn Bragg discussed WH Auden on ‘In our Time’ on R4, and mention was made of a number of people with real talent, eg GM Hopkins, P Larkin, WB Yeats etc etc. Not quite up there with Milton or Keats- we may get there yet, but please R4, spare us George the ‘poet’!
And as for Lady Hale, shouldn’t she be keeping a very low profile at this stage? Her ‘Supreme Court’ is a joke, and not a very good one.
David Starkey would be a better choice, of course his views are apocalyptic to the BBC . His interview was excellent worth a watch …..he will be probably never seen on ALBEEB or C4 ever again
Good interviews with Starkey on Media Masters (about an hour) and another long one sponsored by the Sun. Sorry, haven’t got the links.
How media react to unfavoured or favoured politician twitter ‘news’ prompts is always interesting. Usually such a post ensures a tour of every studio for a week with zero challenge and much doe-eyed empathy.
In our rural idyll the BBC is considered a joke, as is the local press, staffed with ‘reporters’ funded to write what the BBC approves of. Hence much of social concern is shared and discussed on social media message boards.
There have been a few sad cases of homelessness. One was identified and helped within hours. One was with mental issues who created a bizarre fuss in the VS community by refusing to be helped.
And there was, briefly, a spate of homeless of ethnicity, who soon turned out to be part of an organised syndicate from the big city, identified and denied mugs within days and no longer with us.
The new one is tinkers hitting pubs and restaurants dressed as Santa collecting for the homeless, when they really are not.
Pre-election we also had food banks in desperate straits, apparently, but those poor souls unable to work around here seem well able to wobble around with their cans of Stella and fag despite being with child or simply an extra 50kg of blubber.
….aaand who is on VD…
Another of those articles where one cynically wonders by what route young Max found himself the object of BBC fawning. I’m sure he did it all by himself.
Tories win Bridgend seat one week.
Food bank starts with 7 year old the next seek.
I’m sure it’s a total co-incidence that a vast number of local Bridgend residents, having been well fed for years, suddenly find themselves so hungry that a Food Bank is needed.
Thank goodness the BBC is around to publicise this extra-ordinary turn of events.
Sluff – hard to think of a more contrived story! You can actually hear little wheels in little minds at the beeb/Bridgend Labour/ LimpDumb HQs clicking over, as they dream this one up! Then a loud ‘YES’, as the story falls into place, and ends up with VD giving it the required exposure!
Norm out with Keith Vaz and the lads last night again?
R5 news bulletin about 10.30am — I thought I must have heard wrong so I rewound and no, the newsreader actually said this:
“Andrew Bailey will become the 121st white man to be governor of the Bank of England…”
Worth a complaint but is there much point?

It’s only fair. Since we are about to import doctors from the Third World, why not the Governor of the Bank of England? This is one doctor on his way I believe:
“Good morning boss, it’s sure going to be a beautiful day… inflation’s down 0.2% from last month…”
In a sense we already have had a governor of the Bank of England from the Third World. Mark Carney was originally from Canada, which is now a sort of honourary Third World country. So much so that their prime minister feels it necessary to regularly wear black face to emphasise the point.
You must have heard wrong. The BBC doesn’t have a viewpoint.
Current eu.bc reporting..
Labour MP: North East will be ‘hit the hardest’
Pennycook: Bill means distant relationship with EU
Hilary Benn: ‘Industries done over by Brexit’
Opposition MPs give verdict on Withdrawal Bill
SDLP MP gives anti-Brexit maiden speech
WATCH: Brexit deal is terrible for country
DUP: ‘Major contradiction’ in Johnson deal
hmmmmm, no change then
The World Cup of gits
32 gits in 8 groups
Still time to vote in some group Twitter polls
But Soubry has triumphed in Group1 already
Ah 16 groups so some voting still going on
First 8 groups complete
..but how come YAB was left out ?
Maybe Bercow is missing also
groups 11 & 12 … groups 13 & 14 … groups 15 & 16
Bercow and Prince Andrew almost certainly voted through
apologies if this is a repeat –
The BBC at work abroad with childish attempts to undermine Boris with Putin
NISA — similar tactics on R5 earlier as Adrian Chiles and an assorted gaggle of pundits dug up a clip from 2008 of Trump where he spoke positively of Pelosi’s attempts to impeach Bush Jr.
BBC desperate to paint a picture that Trump was in support of both a) Pelosi, and b) impeachment in general. Somehow they glossed over the key point that Trump made — that Bush took them into a war on false premises.
I guess not surprising though… what with false premises being the stock in trade of the BBC and Chiles’ default state of mind being restricted to either ‘gloss over’ or ‘confused’.
I far happier, earlier years, it was called, “Sh*t stirring”. Our International broadcasting gem has always been good at that.
@G That and many presenters do “bluffing” or “BS-ing”
I think that we need more of this guy on the BBC!
an intellectual giant of a man , who understands the lessons of history.
Yet after all the treachery Embery still campaigned for Labour
There’s nothing Al-beeb likes better than a tale of saintly ‘migrants’ dying at sea in their desperate attempt to reach these shores to ‘help’ people. So this story fits the bill perfectly.
Except it makes no sense at all.
“Mitra Mehrad: Drowned Channel migrant ‘wanted to help Iranians'”
As usual Al-beeb is being biased by omission, not giving the full background to the story, namely that it’s religious minorities that are being persecuted in the muslim states around India (surprise surprise) and who therefore need asylum.
Our own useless immigration services could learn a lesson.
On that ConWoman article John__Andrews writes
“here is the story that first made me realise the BBC are purposely misleading people. It is very short and will only take you a couple of minutes. Please read this:
Then, for the vital facts that the BBC omitted, read this:
The BBC journalist purposely left out a photograph or detailed description of the T-shirt in question,
… because then it would have been obvious that the T-shirt refers to Georg von Frundsberg, victor of the Battle of Pavia *1525*,
and NOT the 10th SS Panzer Division Frundsberg.
The BBC, while not lying outright, left out vital facts that they knew would result in readers believing something that isn’t true, didn’t they?
I suspect that lazy BBC were merely cutNpasting a narrative that a lefty front group had created and fed to them.
but it is outrageous that that lying BBC page still stands as it is .
TWatO Watch #1 – BBC’s Fake/False News?
The demonstrations against a proposed new Immigration Law are continuing. Mark Mardell invites Anjem Choudry (or Choudhary) to contribute. He says the proposed Law would bring into being something that has never existed in secular nation India before. India has never discriminated on the basis of religion before.
I have a strong whiff of FakeNews or FalseNews! It could be the Indian Mr Choudry does not know his country very well. Or it could be he is merely thinking on national lines and forgetting that it is the individual Sates within the Indian Federation that have a lot of socio-econo-political and religious autonomy. If I recall correctly, at least one State in India is or was Communist.
In the 1970s (I think, or it may have been the last year or two of the ’60s) someone I knew, Indian-born (if I recall correctly but holding only a British passport) to British Christian missionaries was informed by the authorities in the State in which she lived and worked that she would have to leave. She could apply for a residency Visa – at a cost – every few months but in between she would need to travel abroad. She was working for a Christian mission in India at the time.
More recently, in the first decade of the twenty-first century another Indian State became quite hostile to Christians. Various restrictions came into being, people were stirred up to cause trouble and tragically an Australian (iirc) missionary and his young son were set on fire in their car and burnt to death.
It is strange that in all the mentioning by the BBC and their contributors of the phrase ‘India is a secular State’ and talk of religions within India, they do not mention the religion of most of these protestors.
I wonder why?
It’s the usual violent troublemakers doing what they do best.
Everywhere. Always.
“The religion of most of these protestors.”
Excuse my ignorance but which is it, Moslem or Hindu?
The absurdly bouffant ‘Professor’ A C Grayling gripes in the Guardian that 16+mil voted for remain parties against Brexit and only 14+mil for leaving. That’s the thing about being a professor in today’s academia, it lends such authority to bullshit – for example while TBP votes would have been exclusively leave, not all Tory votes would necessarily have been so, and while a vote in a marginal seat might be of great significance, that would be far from the case in a safe seat.
The ability to ignore such factors, which might tend to weaken what he no doubt sees as the powerful thrust of The Great Grayling’s Argument, is not indicative of a mature and balanced political outlook. Then again, what would you expect from one who thinks his wisdom is best displayed in the Guardian?
Well here we have it. The Betrayal Deal. Brexit is dead.
It’s business as usual for Treezer. Why is she still an MP?
Time for a purge of the FCO and other corrupt government departments such as the MoJ.
TWatO Watch #2 – More BBC Fake/FalseNews or Two Scientists Disagree?
Porf Alan Hubbard stated during his daily TWatO contribution to the Global Warming and Climate Change Non-debate on the BBC: Greenland Ice Sheet melt was bad news for future of the millions who live close to sea-level around the world. Those people, he omitted to tell you, were mostly very rich people and the homes close to sea level may well be their second or third homes.
After all, former US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle have recently bought a mansion in Martha’s Vineyard just a few feet above sea level. They believe fervently in Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change and with it, I guess, sea level rise.
Before you ask, yes, I think it’s their second home. They also own an apartment in DC.
Prof Dan Britts takes the opposite view of the Greenland Ice Sheet melt, here toward the end, maybe around the 45min mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yze1YAz_LYM&feature=youtu.be
He takes that view because of the topography of Greenland. Maybe Alan Hubbard should blow some CO2 & Water Vapour and overfly Greenland sometime?
I’m going to open the weekend thread in celebration of the vote this afternoon of our leaving of the EU and the sheer despondency which must be being experienced by BBC staff and the various traitors who have polluted UK politics over the last 3 years ….
Conservatives are celebrating BRINO. Theresa May is smiling.
Lucy – I see it as part of a process – I have to …the alternative ( hung parliament – or false referendum. – was too much ).
TWatO Watch and TOADY Watch combined #3 – Questions Not Asked
Featured in the News Bulletins attached to both programmes was news of more rocketry. It is also on the BBC web-site here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-50855395 and there is also this: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-50143881.
At no point do the BBC mention or question in the slightest the colossal CO2 emissions involved. To be fair, they do give Extinction Rebellion some free, very uncritical, publicity in the first web-site article.
I wonder why?
What an insidious institution the BBC has become. Just had the misfortune of hearing BBC Five Live open with a piece on Brexit by saying ‘234 voted against but 358 MPs voted in favour [a strange way of framing the democratic mandate handed by the electorate] including this one’ – there followed some Labour harridan who said she voted in favour as she represents a Leave constituency but the last week has been utterly dreadful and the worst election she has ever encountered. That was it. So a polite fuck you to anyone who supports Brexit and or the Conservative Party.
Make the British Broadcasting Cesspit subscription only asap Boris!
The BBC house journal excels again…
The inevitable questioning of the legitimacy of the election comes to pass. It’s all lobby fodder like Lammy can do now – although some new labour leader may make him shadow Home Secretary – if they have that rarest characteristic of a labour MP – a sense of humour ( imagine Corbyn telling a joke )…