A recent survey about the far left Biased BBC licence tax found that 74% wanted change . The first opportunity is in 2022. Perhaps this can be the first step to the end of the Biased BBC in its current form .
Start the Week Thread 30 December 2019
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Anthropogenic Global Warming, Climate Change and Climate Emergency – full on coverage, no doubt, I didn’t listen – on Radio4 with GuestEd Greta.
Meanwhile in a different part of the BBC, there’s a whole lotta CarbonEmitting going on: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000crsk/top-gear-nepal-special
I wonder what Greta Thunberg thinks of that?
Even if the climate is being adversely changed by human activity – which I don’t accept ( as the climate always changes) the activists need to take on those places where CO2 output is rising the most – namely those countries having their own industrial revolutions – China – India .
But of course the reality is they will go for the more gullible westerners – not the hundreds of millions of people coming out of poverty in the third world .
As far as I’m concerned all the ‘climate emergency ‘ crap coming out of snowflakes in the west is just another attempt to further reduce freedom and control how i live .
Every time I start the diesel car I feel as though it’s an act of defiance – which is crazy . As for recycling – yeah right .
(Nice troll fodder eh?)
Whilst having tea, high tea or supper (call it what you will) the subject of the BBC and their approach to Anthropogenic Global Warming, Climate Change and Climate Emergency was a matter for contemplation. I wonder if anyone, let alone Roger Harrabin, Matt McGrath and Tony Hall have fully realised and considered the implications for the BBC. This, especially so, where Carbon NetZero is concerned.
Just take the current multi-channel TV broadcasting and multi-station radio broadcasting. A lot of that will have to stop, especially digital TV for the broadcaster and DAB radio for the receiver which are both extra power hungry or at least were. Am not sure whether there have been recent improvements in the technology to reduce that high power consumption.
Then there are the sports events and programmes like Top Gear that zip around the globe. That will all have to be severely limited. The BBC have spent much time promoting women’s sports but hopes of further soccer and rugby World Cups for women, women’s cricket and so on will have to be squashed. Too much CO2 emitted. And as for American football for the men becoming global, no chance. The last time there were matches in London it took two aircraft to transport just the two teams, their personnel and their kit to the UK. That didn’t include travel for the spectators from the US or the UK.
2020 is an Olympics year. I seem to recall the BBC took over 400 Beeboids to the last Olympics. That’s a ‘plane full and long haul, too. The same distance will apply to the next one but the BBC head count will have to be drastically curtailed.
There’s a limit to how many trees you can plant before the cricket grounds and football pitches themselves are covered.
Get ready BBC; you preached it. Now follow your own doctrine.
Maybe Dick “Planet Saver” Branson will volunteer to permanently ground all of his air polluting planes. At least that would go some way to prove the man is sincere.
I am a Chartered Engineer, not a Climate Scientist. I taught my children about the increase of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere.
Imagine a road one kilometer long, 1000 metres, 1,000 000 milimetres
On this road, Nitrogen (78,09%) takes up 780,9 metres
Oxygen (20,95%) takes up 209,5 metres
Argon ( 0,93%) takes up 9,3 metres
giving a total of 999,7 metres. This leaves 0,3 metres (30 centimetres) for the other gases such as Carbon Dioxide, Helium, Methane, Neon etc
With all the emphasis about the alarming increase in Carbon Dioxide and the potential for this to increase from sources such as active volcanoes alone, why cannot the Climate Scientists explain why 300 parts per million is so critical. ? I am not alarmed at all.
I thought this footage of the recent New Zealand eruption worth sharing
looks like an average Monday …. until
Tomo – thanks for posting that – the campaign to ban volcanoes must be gathering supporters now . It’s amazing anyone nearby survived .
Tony Blair should have abolished them while he had the chance.
Nevertheless, Volcanos are an act of nature and do contribute to ‘pollutants’ entering the atmosphere.
Will Thumbelina sail out there via India and China to sell her message of “The end of the world is nigh” ?
She’ll not get there on the Rainbow Warrior will she.
I’m never using a plastic bag again.
I didn’t get past A level sciences but it just seems to me that the likes of the BBC and the whole climate emergency industry is just another ‘ flat earth’ sect .
They don’t know what they don’t know – volcanic emissions , the effects of the sun , the orbit of the planet – yet alone the behaviour of the oceans .
It’s the certainty which frightens me .
Christopher Monckton and Henrik Svensmark have done a lot of good work in trying to educate people like me who just want to know what is known about the drivers of climate change. I’m sick to death of emotion engineering.
This from Mr Svensmark is typical of the way he and others work through the evidence without lying to us that the science is settled:
Cosmic rays and water vapour seem to play a large role in climate temperatures. CO2? Well that’s plant food isn’t it? It’s certainly not a pollutant.
Maybe if little miss muffet ( aka G Thunderberg) had completed her schooling and taken up science subjects, she might be better informed, less irrational and indignant and less prone to arrested development.
david, that’s a great way of explaining the reality of CO2 in the atmosphere and – more importantly – helping the mental well-being of young children, pre-teens and teenagers.
And if we are all still alive in a year’s time? What will XR and their mates at the BBC have to say about it? Another extension, perhaps?
Ooooh er, Dover!
I get nervous when extensions are mentioned. Too many bad, really bad, memories from March and October this year.
A couple of Guardian attempts during the festivities to widdle on everyone’s bonfire: “For liberally minded Christians, 2019 was the latest in a succession of anni horribili, during which a cultural appropriation of their religion did service for aggressive nationalism, xenophobia, homophobia and anti-environmentalism.”
They decided on this for their editorial on Christmas day. What a sense of timing, eh? It all comes down to Christian Europe not doing their bit for refugees. In Guardianland, Hoxton Jesus is the O-level sociology tutor preaching oneness and social housing for all.
Two days later Simon Jenkins says British churches should reinvent themselves because of falling attendance.“They must have a primarily secular future” as ‘cultural and therapeutic hubs’. Thus moving away from religion and towards retail outlets for cappuccinos and reflexology and helter-skelters.
It’s easy to take cheap shots when there’s no blowback… let’s see them just once have a go at social policy derived from some of the other holy books lying around Guardian HQ. They wouldn’t dare call for other religions to reinvent themselves as some sort of ridiculous new-age Disneyland mashup.
These people are so obsessed with their own cleverness they give no thought to how they will be spending eternity.
I may not like them in fact I don’t like them from what I know of them but I can’t help but pray they see the error of their ways and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. Who knows, miracles do happen. They could make a start by reading the King James version of the Bible.
Indeed – or perhaps the Jerusalem version . Twitter is reporting thar the security man who killed a baddie in a church in Texas yesterday is Jewish . And the carrying or a gun reduced the numbers shot – by a lot .
The problem of turning the other cheek …
That incident didn’t get much coverage .
“… the latest in a succession of anni horribili, during which …”
As you might expect from the Grauniad, there is a basic error of Latin in this drivel – so let me be the one to stick my neck out and state it:
“horribilis” (an adjective of the Third Declension) has the nominative- / accusative-plural form “horribiles”;
“annus” (a noun of the Second Declension) has the nominative plural form “anni”;
“anni horribili” is thus incorrect, as “horribili” could only be the dative singular form – and not the nominative plural;
the correct form should be “anni horribiles”; “anni orribili” would work in Modern Italian but not in Classical Latin.
Hoxton Jesus might usefully revisit a book such as Kennedy’s Latin Primer to learn about the delights of the inflectional system in Latin. This is basic stuff, after all.
Comments and corrections welcome!
MS al-B
Apparently they amended it to anni horribiles on 26 December.
See https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/dec/25/the-guardian-view-on-the-rise-of-christian-nativist-populists-a-troubling-sign-of-things-to-come towards bottom of page.
BBC Press are at the peak of their game.
‘Critically-acclaimed podcast host’.
“George, real name George Mpanga, turned down an MBE because of the “pure evil” of the British Empire.”
Poor diddums. But if this country is so abhorrent to him, there is of course a simple answer.
Well, I did, “tune in” and immediately tuned out.
Al-beeb mentions the far-right / white supremacists in its reports on the latest anti-semitic attacks in the US.
White supremacists like these guys perhaps?
One big story the beeb seem strangely un-curious about is the rapid rise of the virulently antisemitic and racist Black Hebrew Israelites. I wonder why?
The guy at the bottom looks like Diego Costa’s more tanned cousin. Maybe being a bit of a bruiser runs in the family?
My latest GWPF Newsletter, dated 28/12/19, says. “BBC Losing Trust And Credibility Amid Concerns Over Political Bias, New Poll Finds” and “BBC ‘Preaches’ On Climate Change, Says Today Programme Guest Editor Charles Moore” and “75% Of Britons Agree That BBC Licence Fee Should Be Abolished”. Who should we believe: A brainwashed Arian schoolgirl, chosen to edit the BBC’s Radio 4 Today fake news service, or a retired Jewish MIT Professor of Atmospheric Physics who is effectively banned by the BBC because he’s on the GWPF Academic Advisory Council.
It gets worse and more moronic than that on Thursday, 11.30am, BBC Radio 4. The BBC says that “The End of the World has Already Happened” “Were Doomed” Nobody with a PhD in Atmospheric Physics has been invited on to this radio program. But they have invited BBC climate experts such as the Philosopher of Climate, Timothy Morton, Guardianista moron, Amy Westervelt, American Environ luvvie, Hilton Kelly, that mad Moonbat and a psychotherapist, Caroline Hickman, who will probably explain why Richard Lindzen is a loony. These morons attempt to “rethink peoples psychological relationship with the Climate” They also explain the power to change our future.
This contrasts with the Mensa Forum Climate Change “Hoax” debate. Were it says. The solution to this problem is to provide a formula for the Greenhouse Effect that works for Venus, Mars and the Earth. Ten years ago Astronomers knew that the key to whether Carbon Dioxide causes Global Warming or not, would be found if a formula worked for the Greenhouse effect on Venus, Mars and the Earth. A coincidence was found that lead to the evidence that Carbon Dioxide warming was false or as Donald Trump says “A Hoax”. This is because the temperature on Venus at the altitude that has identical pressure to that on the Earths surface is 1.176 times the Earths average surface temperature. The radiating temperature of Venus is 1.176 times that of the Earth. This lead to the production of the formula by Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, finally proving that the atmospheric mass/gravity/pressure Greenhouse Effect of James Clerk Maxwell, found in 1888, is correct and has now got a formula for it that works for all planetary atmospheres. Gravity pulling molecules downward producing the heat gradient. Therefore, two 19th Century scientists James Clerk Maxwell and William Herschel were correct. One 19th Century scientist Svante Arrhenius produced the most damaging and expensive mistake in the history of science. The mistake being that his Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect does not work on a planet with a Carbon Dioxide Atmosphere. The reason that this is not the consensus is that less than one percent of the population know about these facts. Even Donald Trump has not said that he knows about this.

I think your detail sort of supports my point . The science is subsumed by a mix of group think and ideology which is anti capitalist – against consumption .
I’d say issues of air quality are separate from climate change – which is geological in time scale – with reduction in the use of hydrocarbons being good for national security ( screw the Arabs ) as well as reductions in imports .
But the zealots join the whole lot using the likes of the 16 year old girl as a false messiah – which in time will be counterproductive to their cause .
Besides – environment concerns are top of things to go when recessions come and unemployment climbs….but it’s different this time !
Primarily, it’s only a tax raising scam for the UN ultimately. But so blatant. Anyone with any common sense can see through the scam immediately by, at the least, basic research online. But the public will not pay the crippling green taxes: hence the initial reason France kicked off. Many more taxes to follow if the UN/Boris have their way.
Hull local news : police say the jewellery shop thief spoke with a “southern accent”
Apart from playing the cctv that was the only description.
Them Southerners eh? They get more sun than Hull too.
This morning R4 gave its main show over to a Cult preacher
preaching Guardian’s Truth
This afternoon they tweeted this
8pm Radio4 Good prog about Life’s getting better.
Statistics show the average human is healthier and better fed and educated than ever. So why don’t we believe it?
Fraser Nelson “mugged by reality data tells us things like air quality have got so much better”
Is it the fault of journalists like him, peddling conflict and disaster rather than tales of human progress?
Or are we all born with a negativity bias, so we seek out stories ?
Morning – Greta tells us the world wil lend in 12 years
13:45 Lefty comedians daily show about hy Brexit and Trump are bad
20:30 OMG Iceland’s glaciers are all melting
21:00 Dads and the Delivery Room ..many get PTSD
Deeply disturbing news that Boris the Bottler and his bunch of Woke leftie loons which pass for a cabinet have intervened in the case of a British woman who has been found by a court in Cyprus to have lied about being raped.
It’s not as if she lied on the one occasion, she appears incapable of telling the truth, and even lied whilst in the court with the judge finding her to be an unreliable witness.
Incapable of accepting women might do this, and adopting the feminazi insistance that women MUST be believed, the crazed woke ministers are attempting to intervene in the judicial process in Cyprus!
Anyone imagine the leftie Tories intervening if this had been a White British Male convicted of rape ?
Whoa of course the UK should intervene if there any doubt in that Cypriot court case. Just cos one judge finds you have lied that doesn’t mean you actually lied.
The thing is that this case led the news, as if the family have a media publicist and deal. Yet the cases of northern town adolescent girls raped night after night by the rape gangs are hardly mentioned.
A girl went to Cyprus on holiday had sex with one boy she’s never met and regrets it … is one thing.
But a 19 year old having group sex with young boys and a video uploaded ta a porn site of it where the boys are insulting her ..is another.
If I had an 18 year old son and he was involved in something like this .. I’d be disgusted.
You are right the media are not balanced and consider rapes by white people worse, whereas we here surely think skin colour shouldn’t affect the court process nor media process.
If we go down this route then the rule of law is ended in the UK. A judges decision is final pending a decision and to question it is contempt.
Cyprus isn’t some banana republic or second rate country, it has been closely linked to the UK for decades, it’s in the EU and the Human Rights charter, the courts there are deemed to be as good as they are here.
And that’s part of the issue, when this kind of thing happens to a white male, in a country such as Dubai where due process is a joke, the government doesn’t intervene.
And that is the big deal, it is a woke leftist government intervening because the criminal in this case happens to belong to one of Labours protected groups, and has been convicted of a crime the left find unthinkable – that a woman might lie about being raped.
This is Alyson Saunders all over again – men are always guilty of rape whenever a woman accuses them and woman can never be guilty of making it all up. When was the last time you saw a woman in the UK on trial for making up a rape accusation?
The point I’m trying to make here is that this girl is a serial liar, she lied about the rape, lied to the Police and then when she got to court she lied when she was giving evidence as well! She was so used to lying that the judge even commented on it and called her ‘unreliable’ code for a liar who has been found out.
This is a terrible start for Boris’s government because it shows he is no better than the Marxist whom he replaced.
And talking about gang rapes of underage girls, here’s one the beeb forgot to mention completely.
I wonder why? (The clue’s in the headline.)
“Raped in the Name of Allah and the Koran in the Banlieues”
This is not a story I’m happy commenting on.
Where I come from rapists get hurt
What I will comment on though is the description of the alleged attackers.
Middle Eastern?
No, they quite clearly say Israelis in the headline.
This is not a story I’m happy commenting on.
Where I come from rapists get hurt
What I will comment on though is the description of the alleged attackers.
Middle Eastern?
No, they quite clearly say Israelis in the headline.
They’ve pushed the Israeli narrative since day one of this case but this shower can’t say ‘muslims rape a white girl’
From Our Own Correspondent
the journo just explained “You see the biggest help for the Albanian villagers would be open passage to the UK, then they wouldn’t be at the mercy of people smugglers
.. but this isn’t going to happen”
FFS you don’t say
The podcast of this Saturday edition is still not been put up
Most of the show seems to be about people migrating
item #1 Syrians in Turkey
#2 Cubans/Venezuelan and migration in Mexico
#3 Albanian migration to the UK
#4 British born Asian about her families migration from Uganda
#5 West Bank, female medics to visit the minority Arab Bedouin population ..” Israelis-bad”
I heard that on Saturday – the BBC type sounded quite enthusiastic about more Albanian organised crime gangs ( sorry – migrants ) having free access to the bounty of Blighty and its citizens .
I did like the bit about the money being sent back to Albania building big houses – maybe that could be included in the 13 billion overseas tax give away budget .
that programme has now established a permanent ‘ Muslim as victim ‘ narrative each week with a bit of third rate prose by some friend of the producer doing a bit from Samarkand or similar where there’s no Ryanair .
some prisons here are bang full of Albanians (fact).
It was a simple prediction, I think it was two years ago when I mentioned here that the Government, clandestinely, secretly, open the borders up to the Albanians from, was it 1st June 2018? It was obvious what would result. These people are lawless gun runners. Well, for me anyway. Not a brainless Government, no, but driven my the UN/Soros to follow a path contrary to what the indigenous population of the UK want. Vote in a particular Government and sit back and watch them doing what they want not what the people want. Boris? Massive majority. It’s also predictable where this will lead.
Its 10 pm and on bBBC 1 news we get another fawning worship feature on Asperger’s sufferer St. Greta Thumberg.
Clearly we are expected to self-flagellate and immediately turn off all our home heating and sell our cars. After all, we need to call a climate emergency, yes?
But what’s this?
The BBC appear to have forgotten their own article from earlier this year.
‘UK CO2 emissions fall again’
CO2 down by 42% in the UK since 1990.
Who’d have thought ?
Just remind me when Greta is visiting Delhi and Beijing. By cycle and sailing boat, of course.
Some suggestions for the England Cricket team, in view of the “Climate Emergency” (and the recent defeat in S.A.!)
Burns – drop him, as burning generates CO2, which is VERY BAD.
Sibley – sounds like Hawker Sibley, aircraft, air miles, er, so bad.
Root – keep him, because his name looks reassuringly GREEN.
Stokes – sounds like coal (God forbid!) being shovelled in, so drop.
Woakes – with a woke name like this, you simply must pick him.
Anderson – from Burnley, so drop (see Burns, above).
Archer – vibrant, diverse, keep.
Silverwood – the wood bit is eco-friendly, or something … keep.
Tome Nelson adds some comments
\\ Attenborough & Greta agree that the Greta phenomenon has a shelf life:
Attenborough: “..you can’t expect that to happen, to continue for a month or six months or a year, unless you introduce some new element…”
Greta vs Greta, in consecutive sentences:
“I just know that right now people are listening to me
…they’re obviously not listening” //
Last weeek : Mark Damazer defending the #BiasedBBC in The Times

Of course something will always be cheaper if others are forced to subsidise it for you Mr Damazer. It doesn’t make it right.
Can the bBC’s Royal Charter be revoked by an Act of Parliament?
If not, why not? Where there’s a will …
Link to the Charter (54 pages)
Click to access 57965_Cm_9366_Print__1_.pdf
“but don’t think you can get all those programmes, or even the ones you like, on the cheap. You won’t.”
I’ll take that risk.
“but don’t think you can get all those programmes, or even the ones you like, on the cheap. You won’t.”
Fireworks can be seen by anyone who looks up at the night sky. It doesn’t mean everyone with an eye must pay so some get their fireworks cheap.
I’ve been re reading the Damazar piece trying to work out whats wrong with it when I realised he was taking me in, the whole things a crock of sub standard apologetics. Take how he tries to normalise this,
“Yes, the bbcs staff are likely to have social attitudes on race and sexuality that are more liberal than the country as a whole” , to which I would ask, why? If they can promote diversity and over representation by all manner of minorities then why can’t they achieve diversity of political opinion? How about a recruitment campaign with a positive discrimination twist to attract those on the political right. PJW may be interested, or they could start back screening his youtube content just before the news. Zurcher could alternate with Tucker, not going to happen of course. Either put it to the market or scrap it Boris, if the products good enough people will pay. I’d just like the freedom and choice to make that decision without the capita harassment.
Old ,
It’s not the first organisation to practice the ‘halo’ effect – only hiring people who accord with the hirer- some might say it’s a sign of an organisation. In decline and on the defensive – that is doesn’t have the courage to have a diversity of view as opposed to the simple naive ‘nice ‘ diversity of skin colour – the big hang up of the liberal whitees running the show –
Not to mention of course what job applicant do with their sexual organs – as it were …
““Yes, the bbcs staff are likely to have social attitudes on race and sexuality that are more liberal than the country as a whole” , to which I would ask, why?”
Damazer tries to dismiss the point by arguing ‘that would be true’ of The Times too. He forgets to mention that The Times, not being State funded, doesn’t have to be impartial as it isn’t being subsidised by people who disagree with its editorial stance.
In the video below, a member of Germany’s AfD warns the Bundestag about the mass migration from Africa being foisted upon Germany / Europe, in part by the Global Refugee Pact.
He speaks perfect sense, or what the beeb call Far-Right extremism and would never air.
Merkel’s bunch are so upset by his words that they turn their backs to him. A clear case of burying their heads in the sand to an inconvenient truth.
They’re not really listening, though, are they? Especially the wimmin, who seem to find it funny.
Part of what he is concerned about
Barely mentioned in the press. The word of 2020 will be Afrophobia.
R4 late entertainment –
‘Have You Heard George’s Podcast? – ‘The Insecurity Guards hunt down ideas before they can make it onto George’s podcast’ –
The BBC had referred to an increase in white hate crime in their ‘New York Monsey Stabbings’ report – we usually hear about white nationalism but it seems that perhaps both (white and black) are on the rise?
Woke up with nightmares
New Year Resolutions – less BBC – not difficult .
However – on the twitter in the last couple of days Andrew Neil – the last journo of the Right / neutral – has been keeping a spirited defence of the BBC as not being biased – despite a lot of challenges .
I was trying to figure the motivation for this . I can only think he has a BBC contract in the offing including a healthy travel and expense account .
How can anyone – really – view the BBC as anything other than biased to the anti brexit anti right anti British?
In an ideal world the government would set out to analyse the output over say the six weeks leading up to the election. Look at each party spokesperson’s speaking time, the number of interuptions made.
Look also at what is being campaigned for by State Broadcaster e.g. ‘climate emergency’ with no querying reply. Look at bias by omission.
Bring some authority and science to this debate. Please not OFCOM.
BBC bias quiz of the past year
Thoughtful – thanks for posting that ( not cgi – see yesterday ) . Whoever put that quiz has done a service to public tax funded broadcasting and supports my point about Andrew Neil -see earlier .
Events roll forward and we ( I ) tend to forget these separate incidents of bias which together prove the case against the BBC .
I think they reproduced it from “is the BBC Biased” at Xmas, might be worth seeing if they allow it to be reposted here too as a sperate thread?
Weather forecast from my online source for February 2020:
“Blocked weather likely in February but limited signals for it to be North of the British Isles suggest a drier but milder than average month is the most likely outcome. Albeit with low confidence.”
“Albeit with low confidence”. At least they’re honest unlike Greta and our National Treasure, that paragon of honesty……………….
Yesterday they had Moscow importing snow.
Thing is, if it happened, worse, a century ago, this is hardly helping their case.
Here is one or two for the Greens and Al Beeb ………….
“Senior Nationals turned the attack back on the Greens, suggesting that environmental opposition to backburning, particularly in national parks, had exacerbated the bushfire threat.”
Back in 2009 ……….”Australian firestorms prompt call to return to Aboriginal bush control ”
‘Firebreaks’ anyone ?
taffman, if I recall correctly the Canadians learned a hard lesson a few years ago when a town that they had allowed to expand in the middle of a forest was destroyed by fire.
It seems that recent generations have completely forgotten everything that older folk remember and know and were taught by the likes of Armand & Michaela Dennis, Attenborough in his youth as well as in school. Yesterday we had some group wringing their hands about the possible extinction of species on the BBC web-site. They have forgotten that their existence is part of a food chain in the natural world.
They are so far removed from the natural world by city & town living, the theory of evolution, compulsory education in AGW & CC and plastic dotage Attenborough.that they have no real experience of living with the natural world.
In managing the Snuffy (v.small!) estate this year, I have dealt with several corpses, partial or some less so. One avian corpse, a sea bird, I left to the maggots and worms to deal with. It was well out of the way, anyway. A robin was accorded a more formal burial.
I was watching through a kitchen window the antics of some sparrows and a robin on the garden fence just before Christmas. Suddenly – at lightning speed – there was a flash of dark, pink and then white. The sparrows and the robin dispersed at some speed. Bird of prey, I thought. Kestrel? Peregrine? Sparrowhawk?
Craning over the sink I saw it perched on the opposite fence, fortunately – for the local sparrow and robin population – with nothing clutched in its talons. I caught just enough detail, before it disappeared equally quickly, to identify it with some on-line help as a male sparrowhawk.
An amazing moment. From the real world. Where nature needs managing otherwise it will ‘bite’ even those at the top of the food chain – humankind.
The bbc really needs asking about their editorial integrity.
However, it seems the bbc only likes to ask questions.
Maybe the country could empty fund them?
I’m just watching Carry on Girls, it’s one of the good carry on films, laughing away at all the jokes that wouldn’t get passed today. How I love this simple humour with the old comedians who just said it like it is. I was thinking of all the precious snowflakes watching today. Anyway back to it. Ha ha.
I would be very surprised if the ‘Carry on’ series of films would be broadcast on Al Beeb any more?
The broadcaster is agenda driven and delves in “PC censorship”.
Al Beeb does not do comedy.
Yes I’m afraid they have lost the plot, I’m watching it on Itv3.
Caution – not suitable for persons who don’t like jokes .
Not suitable for ‘snowflakes’ either .
Once upon a time the BBC used to do a program highlighting some of the public records which are released at the end of the year ( 30 year rule and all that ). But this time – no trace .
Online is reporting an excellent idea about inviting the Russians to join NATO and renaming Heathrow after Winston Churchill instead of becoming Greta International ( no flying allowed )…..
Translation “I was on the losing side and i should of kept my mouth shut”
“On the losing side”, just like Al Beeb.
Crisp sales down ?
He should stick to campaigning against VAR as opposed politics .
Oo, a Jez. I need to post here to see what wisdom he shares because, well, transparency. Apparently.
The Vines and Husains of this world will carry on patting each other on the back, as they would when signs pop up telling them the gravy train is in trouble.
They get richly rewarded, so why stop?
In this instance, you get an extra bonus for virtue-signalling extraordinaire.
Ever with their finger on the pulse, the impartial BBC has, as its Toady guest editor, straight after St Greta of Thumberg, one ‘George the Poet’.
Nope, me neither, but proof positive the BBC are keeping the metrobubble well in place.
Still, having a black ‘spoken word artist and rapper’ must appeal to thousands of Londoners in places like Islington and Hackney as well as relating to the lives of literally tens of people in such places as Blythe Valley, Leigh, and Wakefield.
The BBC. The ‘voice of the nation’.
Ha ha ha ha.
Sluff – I made the mistake of leaving the radio on (R4) after the 11.00pm news last night.
I tried (for a second time ) to make out what the ‘George the poet’ podcast was all about.
Not only is the sound quality (deliberately?) poor, this noisy rubbish can’t possibly qualify as a broadcastable programme, and that’s saying something for R4.
This is NOT poetry, even though a ham-fisted attempt has been made to shove random rhyme into it. George also likes random ‘big words’. No coherent story. Pathetic, R4. Embarrassing.
Perhaps ‘the community’ is OK with this sort of listener abuse. I’m sure most of Britain is not.
There will be talent in ‘the community’, I’m sure. This ain’t it.
fnw, at least you tried.
Eyelids became very heavy in the Snuffy household after just a couple of minutes or so of George the Poet? and the OFF-Switch was reached for and applied.
Job done, thanks BBC. A good night’s sleep ensued.
I’m a poet and didn’t know it…..see I’m definitely over qualified
Charlie – You HAVE to have many very LONG words, I fear; don’t worry if they are devoid of any meaning.
More like care in the community or lack of it.
I made mistake of putting R4 on in car….listening to young voices – they all seemed like BAME and they all sounded like victims that wallowed in their victimness- then George (who?) the poet came on and spouted a bunch of words that sounded ‘amazing’ ‘powerful’ but when all put together were meaningless …I said to my wife -I think R4 have forgotten who their listeners are….Nothing against the above but it wasn’t interesting or informative – it was just more of the same – poor me, it’s a hard life, we need more help…
In contrast – Professor want’s to help the most disadvantaged white boys – and questions are raised on BBC – should it be allowed? Is it racist.. yet funding and Job adverts for BAME go unchallenged
Hypocrisy rules at BBC
Maybe they could get that minicab driver who was mistaken for an African politician and put on the BBC TV news to be interviewed …..
Despite some considerable heaving and straining by the BBC Editorial Staff they could not, with all their heavy lifting, get the total up to 10:
Oh dear.
How sad.
Never mind.
The BBC’s favourite ‘some people’ might express surprise that the total actually got up as far as nine.
So Rebecca (aka Corbynella) Long-Bailey may be looking to enter the Labour leadership ring. She only managed to have 34.9% of the total electorate of Salford-Ecclles vote for her which was worse than the last time she was voted in. How own earth can she have the gall to claim she represents the views of the constituency?
She used to be my MP and never responded to any of my emails…I struggle to understand how she got it again- but suffice to say a lot of BBC folk moved to her area when they were forced up to the north..
At the moment I struggle to see any of the Labour leader contenders being any good – which is great…
James – I want her as leader and Angie as her number two – free entertainment for months and months – the problem is that probably Lady Nugee or missus balls will get the job if they can out northern the rest ……
It’s going to be so good to see a functioning House of Commons as opposed to the treachery of 2019 …
Spare a thought and raise your glass to Nigel Farage and The Brexit Party.
Without them, all this would not have been possible.
Nigel should have been knighted or least put in charge of negotiations with the EU !
Daily Mail, Mirror, even ITV: “19,000 children in England are exploited in a year”, this is in a report from The Home Office… this is the government:
Of course 19000 victims of serial Islamic gang rape means at least 190 000 rapes… but the BBC considers this news to be of little importance so they don’t bother reporting it.
This is the BBC hiding child rape, which fits this their history of hiding and protecting child rapists.
The BBC are utter filth.
Instead, front page, main headline on the BBC is garbage like this:
“Civil partnerships: First mixed-sex unions take place”
I hate the BBC so much, i’m probably committing a “hate crime” right now.
the BBC needs razing to the ground.
In December 1937, Japanese forces captured the Chinese city of Nanking. During the following six weeks, it is estimated by the International Military Tribune for the Far East that 20,000 women and girls were raped, with gang rape and child rape common. Following the Battle of Berlin, when the Soviets captured the city, an estimated 100,000 females were raped by the Red Army. Comparable numbers were raped in Vienna and Austria. The Germans had been no less brutal during their campaign, violating Russian, Ukrainian and Polish women amongst others and also forcing an estimated 35,000 to work in the 500 brothels specifically created to serve the Wehrmacht. All of the above numbers are probably on the conservative side. In most cases the victims were specifically chosen on the basis of their ethnicity with, for example, typically German-looking (i.e. blonde) females being sought out in Berlin. In more recent conflicts, Tutsi women were targetted in Rwanda. In Islamic State, Yazidi women were captured and sold as sexual slaves.
It might sound disproportionate or extreme to describe what has happened and is still happening in Britain as directly comparable to the above, but some elements are disturbingly similar. In some ways, a yet more disturbing aspect is the role of the authorities in this: it can be argued that if they did not know, then they are incompetent; if they did know, then they are complicit. And this includes the mass media.
Of course all the cowardly msm omit the ‘M’ word or the ‘I’ word.
But Rotherham, Telford, Birmingham and Bradford all get a mention, so I think we know who the abusers of those tens of thousands of children are.
Tens of thousands, BBC – TENS OF THOUSANDS!!
Any outrage?
msm is an abbreviation of m*s**m.
@Jip AFAIK Those 3 media use the word “groomed” in the correct sense
.. so it contains kids who have not had physical contact only internet.
Whereas the metrolib media use the term “grooming gangs” in ambush way to mean “Grooming, raping, enslaving, prostituting gangs”
We should not confuse these 2 categories .
What organisation thinks it is the modern voice of the kingdom ?
There is an interesting old quote.
This pic gives an indication of how old it is
For anyone (anorak ) wanting to see a bit of history about Mr Bercow – the former MP – there is a short documentary about him on the Parliament channel . It’s a great reminder of what a repulsive little man he is and that there is no way in the world that he deserves any form of ‘honour ‘.
I just hope he doesn’t get one through some sordid ‘deal’ .
“Because half a dozen grasshoppers under a fern make the field ring with their importunate chink, whilst thousands of great cattle, reposed beneath the shadow of the British oak, chew the cud and are silent, pray do not imagine that those who make the noise are the only inhabitants of the field.” – Edmund Burke
Lord Hall Hall will likely get the team to put that down as ‘undecided’.
I think many people have a similiar viewpoint, but with the proviso that in addition to not liking the news they also don’t like the ‘everything else’ about the BBC.
Sometimes it’s sad to be right but I predicted a body count of homicides in Londonistan at 150 for the year . The Mail today says it has hit 146 – with half dying from stabbing .
I fear it is the new normality as ‘diverse ‘ tribes clash with each other . Being a pessimist I can’t think of any reason for that number Not to increase in 2020 . The ‘normal’ used to be about 110 per year – but that’s price on unrestricted immigration and huge population increases ….
This is interesting.
For once I am going to sing the BBC’s praises. I caught “Snow Cats and Me” on BBC2 over the past two nights. A fascinating documentary on the attempts to reintegrate into the wild two pairs of lynx who had been captured for fur or bred as pets. Not an agenda in sight, at least none that I noticed.
You see, BBC, it is possible to make a nature documentary without shoehorning in climate change.
“The BBC, Bob Ward and the climate catastrophists’ attack on dissent”
And note the irony
BBC at the election “Boris a chicken he won’t be interviewed by AF Neil”
Then each week BBC Radio4 Feedbacks uses jts catchphrase
..”We asked the BBC for a spokesman, but they said no one was available”
Roland – There is no question that the bbc can produce quality programmes. Even R4 can still deliver up lovely surprises. They CAN do it! All the more disappointing that this is no longer their ambition.
So much of their programming is in service of reshaping society to look and sound in accordance with PC ideology, and agendas we are so familiar with, that a quality programme – purely for entertainment, has become ever rarer. Others do it as well. But beeb is what we are forced to pay for, and what a huge budget it is!
I should be happy to pay for quality in service of entertainment and neutral/balanced coverage of political and social issues. Your example shows: it can be done. Pity so much is now simply ‘diversity’ propaganda of various kinds. THAT I don’t care to pay for
I am listening to what the young are have been and are interested in kicking off downstairs already.
This, from Newsbeat, does not seem to be anything close.
Brexit (or not). Extinction Rebellion. Vegan sausage rolls. It’s been a busy year for the UK and in news headlines.
And when US drag superstars BenDeLaCreme and Jinkx Monsoon visited for their All I Want For Christmas Is Attention tour, we asked for an American drag perspective on some of the biggest British events of the past 12 months.
Here’s what happened.
So far, looking at the comments… no one cares.
HM Border Force Taxi Service ‘intercepted’ 43 ‘migrants’ in 3 ships in the Channel today, R4 reports. They were ‘delivered’ to HM Immigration at Dover.
The local MP, Charlie Elphike (Con) doesn’t seem to like this and has the startling idea they should be taken back to France.
If this is the situation in foggy midwinter, summer should be fun. One wonders what it is that SO encourages them! ? Baffling?
Are you there. Priti? Boris? Any other party colleague of Charlie Elphike?
Tow them back and return to sender ! , if they really want to come here go through the the proper channels and not over the English Channel , surely if they see reports of being allowed to stay then this will never ever stop , Gun Boats and use them …repel at all borders . Just Hope Boris has the guts to sort this once and for all .
They are illegal . If they stay it will encourage more and more illegals to come.
Genuine asylum seekers have to wait patiently in a cue.
They are admitting to 1900 of them this year (so probably more?).
There is no excuse whatsoever for keeping any of them here.
If only we had a patriotic government.
“Mother attacked in front of child”
This time a description of the attacker is given .
\\Earthshot Prize: William and Kate launch prize to ‘repair the Earth’//
How about preventing economic migrants entering Europe and the UK form hotter climes ?
Reason – they will require more and heating energy in the colder European climates. They will also want the first world lifestyle.
It looks like Corbyn will have to have his fingers prised off the labour leadership. His New Year Message is a desperate cry to the loonies in the street in the hope that it might cause insurrection, violence and protest.
“he insisted the party was “the resistance” against Boris Johnson and would be “on the front line” and “on the streets”
This has always been his native territory, aspiring to be the enraged commie zealot with a loyal band of deluded youngsters when all he is is a failed 70 year old would-be teenager who never grew up.
Part of me hopes he will end up “on the streets” …. such as in a sleeping bag in the doorway of Boots Chemist etc. He’s certainly got the right “look”.
Hopefully he’ll lead Labour into the next election and get another drubbing.