Happy New Year / Decade to all readers and contributors . With a fair wind this decade will see the end of the Far Left Biased BBC . Let’s make it a New Year / Decade Resolution .
If there is one thing which was revealed in 2019 – it was that all the anti Brexit Far Left propaganda heaped on the British Public every day by the BBC counted for very little. That has damaged it beyond repair .
I’ve just had my stomach turned by a news item on the BBC News channel, the one that runs in a window when you check the weather using the text button.
A smiling mugging BBC reporter talking to an RSPCA man about a Staffordshire Bull Terrier that was left in a church a week before Christmas that they have renamed Cracker. Lots of smiling, lots of serious face too while talking about the challenges of pet ownership, the whole section finished with a big muggy grin to camera. The pet was abandoned but it’s alright now.
Oh, I forgot to mention (easily done as it was brushed over and appeared in the ticker running along the bottom of the screen), the dog was left with a note. A note in which the owner of the 9 year old dog said that the decision wasn’t taken lightly but his/her life had taken a turn for the worse and they didn’t want to drag the dog into potentially a life on the streets.
I’m being unfair because this was mentioned in the piece…..but only mentioned. The story here was one of “look here’s a lovely dog you can adopt!” as opposed to “someone’s life is falling to pieces here”.
Priorities BBC eh? Priorities.
Not strictly the place to raise this but …. 3 BA staff were killed in a road accident and one seriously injured a couple of days ago . A crowd funding site has raised £58k.
Anyone know how that cash is administered.?
Tragic, as is any death or road traffic fatality.
But why? What’s so special about this event that it compelled someone to start a fundraising page and for others to contribute?
It’s a case of sheeple being sheeple I suppose.
Jet2 holidays are currently unaffected…
Good news – Diane Abbott’s son has been charged with 11 offenses, including 9 of assault : https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/01/01/diane-abbotts-son-appears-court-assault-charges/?WT.mc_id=tmg_share_tw
Bad news is that the BBC has never even heard of him : “Sorry, there are no results for james abbott-thompson.”
If it was someone else’s son ?
Censorship at work.
Not BBC – but if you want a chuckle have a look at the blog dominiccummings.com on his advertising for talent to work for Downing Street .
He is looking for people with “cognitive diversity “- so no one from the BBC need apply .
I think I fall into the “assorted weirdos” category ….
There is a balance about the privacy of political s children and what should be public domain .
In the circumstances
Her son was sent to public school whilst his mum spouted socialism .
His mum used the ‘ west Indian mums’ line
His mum is shadow Home Secretary
His mum has spoken about protecting emergency service workers
Her son has been a civil servant
Her son is charged with serious offences against public emergency service staff
“The alleged offences took place between July 26 and December 23 last year with the majority occurring on NHS premises in London.”
“The alleged offences include attacks on an emergency services workers, police officers, a nurse and a social therapist.”
“He is also accused of racially aggravated criminal damage and exposure at the Homerton Hospital in east London.”
“The court was told that most of the incidents relate to a time when Mr Abbott-Thompson was being treated for mental health issues.”…aaah!?
Listen lady Di..given the total annihilation of the left at the GE…and all of this..why not take an even longer break from mainstream politics than your recent GE sabbatical?..a long trip to the fjords maybe?
Was Abbott’s son parachuted into the FCO despite his ‘mental health issues’ or because of them?
Looks like it’s been picked up by the Times, Sun, Express, Daily Mail, Telegraph.
Tumbleweed from BBC / Guardian / Indy / Mirror
BBC interfering using every disgraceful editorial trick in the book.
Meanwhile, the state broadcaster on Facebook…
“You’re an idiot, mate.”
Angry residents heckle Australian PM Scott Morrison in a fire-ravaged town. bbc.in/39sC7dv
Apparently the Greens stopped traditional controlled burning – a source of the reason so much fire had spread uncontrolled . Choice words on twitter from locals …
Back in the good old days, the military would have been called out first and very early on in a situation like that and the Army would set a string of explosives in the face of the advancing fire, before it could reach properties and inhabitants. Just before the fire arrived, the explosives would be triggered.
The resulting disruption to the oxygen in the air, and the burning of a lot of it by the explosions, would either set the fire back – perhaps even knock it out – or create sufficient disturbance plus an essential firebreak that would prevent the fire advancing further.
If the Greens in Australia forbid the creation of controlled burns, what is wrong with using JCBs (or Aussie equivalents) to create firebreaks, clearing away dried timber and undergrowth? As long as the earth is not peat-ish a decent sized firebreak should do the job. If I recall correctly, the key thing is to prevent the fire creating its own storm conditions where it becomes hungry for oxygen and moves in all directions to find it.
‘Green diktat’ appears to insist on forgetting all knowledge of science and of how things were done in the past in tragic situations like that. It makes it all doubly or trebly tragic now.
As a PS:
I remember the BBC R4 production a few years back about the Fire of London from Mr Pepys viewpoint. If I recall correctly, there was a useless Mayor in the City of London and the King, together with his son? Prince? (not sure about that) left their Palace to view the fire in the east. In the face of some ineffective officialdom, I recall the King taking charge, setting to and helping people – ordering them if necessary – to evacuate and then overseeing the creation of firebreaks by pulling down properties in the face of advancing fire. Am not sure how accurate the BBC had got their historical facts but I guess they had Pepys’ diaries to go by.
I spent time in Aus back at the turn of the century. My host during a tour of the Hunter Valley was a retained Fire Fighter who explained about the controlled burn back every spring, a practice first carried out thousands of years ago by the original inhabitants. It was necessary because the Eucalyptus trees that predominate in the landscape shed both bark, leaves and limbs through the the year, and the generally dry climate prevents this material from rotting down; it merely dries out to form the perfect tinder for the fire to start, this is excaserbated by the high oil content of the Eucalyptus.
The green lobby have campaigned for at least 15years against burn back, because it kills nesting birds and poisons the atmosphere.
It’s not unlike the approach taken to the flooding on the Somerset Levels a few years back, where the vocal but minority enviroMENTALists campaigned not to dredge rivers or maintain the pumping stations, so that the water voles and otters could make a comeback.
Still I’d not expect the Al BeebBC to determine the facts when they can get a quote from someone calling a politician an idiot.
What I find so mind alarming about all of these greeny/lefties are the apparent contradictions on display. On the one hand they want to flood the country with migrants causing mass population shifts/white flight within a nation and increasing the need to build in unsuitable areas such as flood plains etc then on the other hand they to want to “re wild” the areas adjacent to where people are moving too.
Utterly mad and probably not something “Countryfile ” would be too interested in discussing in depth.
West, my experience comes from a childhood reading Readers Digest annuals aimed at children, telling real-life stories of dealing with disaster like wildfires and backed up by a visit to California, Arizona and Nevada in 1980, back when the US Park Service took fire prevention very seriously plus of course a lifetime of weather and other experiences.
In Scotland, for example, I was told about and noticed while travelling in the 1970s the way firebreaks were created in forests, especially those of pine & spruce, by making money from selling the timber.
Eucalypts are a bit more difficult because I don’t recall they have much use in manufacturing and have some downsides that some people may be allergic to their chemicals or just dislike the smell. They are also efficient fuel as you correctly observe.
Maybe we need to get the gent at Belfast Uni who is looking to use brewers’ spelt as a ‘green’ fuel (ho ho!) together with the Greenies in Oz to see if fallen and felled timber from eucalypts could be used domestically and exported as a power station fuel.
If I recall correctly, eucalypts are very fast growing.
Have one in my garden , fast growing , leaves stay all year round growing and losing at same time and burn really well as we have seen , just another fuel for my log burner , proper recycling
Charlie, “proper recycling” or just cutting out the middleman and not waiting for layers of soil and slime over millennia to create coal.
Er, maybe that slang word doesn’t quite cut it in this context.
Nice smell, too, that I like.
Strictly speaking one resident and a goat. Luckily the prime minister is a conservative, and therefore evil, so the standard BBC rules apply.
It wasn’t me…
11pm BBC one Another Lenny Henry special
… and they just managed to shoehorn Lenny and Stephen Fry into Dr Who the other day in acting roles which could have employed actors who need the money more.
I’m getting really browned off with all this !
Britain does have a cultural connection to Australia
so BBC reports the fire deaths there..
especially since it goes with GW narrative
But I don’t see them reporting cold weather deaths
Dec 29th “Fifty dead as cold wave sweeps through Bangladesh – Times of India”
Dec 28, 2019
“28 Dead in Uttar Pradesh as North India Shivers in Intense Cold Wave”
I have just spent a lovely afternoon watching back to back episodes of Jane Eyre, no bame, just the story as life would have been in mid Victorian society. It was made in 2006, before we had this epidemic of PC crap.
Cromwell – I spent the afternoon in central London at Charing Cross . There are tents in the underground at the station now ….
this is from before the tents in mid December

Looks to me like TfL is breaking Health and Safety rules cos the access is restricted if there was emergency by the way people would be tripping over the sleepers.
It’s not a human right to be able to live in a prestigious area of London when everyone else is paying huge rates.
Stew – yes that’s it . What it doesn’t convey is the smell of aged pee . Must be great for the theatre crowd going to see “cats`’.
Was in Charing Cross last week. Some of those sleeping there seemed non British but all were surrounded by heaps of rubbish tins and plastic bottles etc. We walked up to Warren Steeet, still several people sleeping out but they had little tents, no rubbish or debris surrounding them. I wonder if there is a hierarchy or if the U.K. service veterans sleep in one place and Eastern European chose Charing Cross for example. But whoever they are, they are people and it is no way to live.
Give it time Crommy, some snowflake producer will believe its time for another rewrite, and decide that Mr Rochester will actually BE Jamaican (his insane first wife was Jamaican). (Spoiler Alert….. Rochester is rendered blind at the end, but at least the care plan is in place with Jane attending to his every need)
Ha ha yes I thought about that if it was made now, he would be black and would be classed as visually impaired at the end but he was one sexy man grr. Mean and moody.
BBC Press Office Leap To Harrabin’s Defence–But Ignore His Bias
By Paul Homewood
Stung by accusations of bias, the BBC have circled the wagons!
The New Year New York attacker apparantly ‘identifies’ as Muslim, not that anyone would know with the state of the Media in the West these days.
More on this story. “Monsey Stabber: A Halachic Analysis,” by Rabbi Yair Hoffman, 5TJT.com via Vos Iz Neias?, January 2, 2020 (thanks to Andrew Bostom):
He had an 18 inch Ozark Trail machete, and he tried murdering Jews. Grafton Thomas is also 6”5 and over 200 pounds. The journals that Thomas left behind mention the Black Hebrew Israelites, Adolf Hitler, and some more anti-Semitic references. His former stepfather, Joe Kennedy informs us that Grafton Thomas, age 37, identifies as a Muslim. During the attack he told everyone, “No one is leaving.”
Someone threw a table at him. After he tried entering the shul next door and was blocked – he eventually escaped into his car and another person memorized his license plate….
There is a petition for Corbyn to stay on as leader. I’ve just signed it. Their delusion knows no bounds.
Just signed it, but I used an alias..
[/url][url=https://gasstation-nearme.com/e85]ethanol e85 locations[/url]
There is a petition for Corbyn to stay on as leader. I’ve just signed it. Their delusion knows no bounds.
BBC ‘in talks with women to settle equal pay disputes’ (in today’s Times) a bit embarrassing for the BBC elite management to admit they have a ‘problem’ for breaking its own ‘equal pay’ diktat on equal gender employment for the ‘collective’ which pertains to be everything equal under the red flag.
When Samira Ahmed (Newswatch) claiming she is owned thousands of pounds in back pay due to disparties between the ‘highest earners’ and woman presenters. There does seem to be a lot of Woman employed on the BBC (on everything TV at the moment). I think its called ‘positive’ discrimination. Apparently its not worked out too well at the BBC. Ms Ahmed got paid for 15 minutes work (a paltry £440 to £465 for 15 mins – pah!) whilst that nasty Mr Vine got paid £3,000 per episode of ‘Points of View’ (which as we all know is ‘Newsnight’ in reverse (or perverse). Anyway it turns out that the BBC agreed with Vine that he could be paid £100,000 for doing nothing (if they could not find him a job at the BBC). This in BBC speak is called “top-up fees” if he was idle, (or fell off his bike). But it gets worse. The BBC has had to admit that Mr Vine left ‘Points of View’ when his male colleagues were asked to ‘reduce’ in half – all the major headline (think Radio 4) salaries and then the same Jeremy Vine decidedly left the TV program in 2018.
In other BBC evidence 113 woman have already lodged an equal pay dispute against the BBC, which were published (or leaked) by the NUJ and then the BBC blaming NUJ for the leak. (Laugh, you couldn’t make it up a Carry-on film). Then The Guardian waded in to discuss a potential settlement. Close cousins of the BBC in nearly all situations of pay awards. After all most are ex-Guardian.
None of this has since been resolved since’ Carrie Gracie’ (who resigned in an ‘equal-pay’ protest in last January (2018) – she was BBC China Editor on location) and she thought (she would) that was on fair wallop (as they all do) to find out later – they had been leap-frogged in the mega pay scales (in private) for ‘favored’ male colleagues, even if they fail to be ‘employed’ such as the poor Jeremy Vine. Not quite as penniless as Lord Linekar of footy fame.
The same ‘largesse’ cannot be said for the most ‘devoted’ BBC employees of the lower ranks of foot soldiers, mostly battle weary woman who have had to be ‘groped’ most of the way up the greasy pole ladder. No wonder they are bitter.
This pecking order (think chickens) was only revealed from the previous Court case (in which the BBC had sought a press restraining order – for it not to be made public i.e salaries). The BBC very rarely looses when it comes up against a Employer Tribunal. This time it will cost the BBC dearly, as more than half of the corporation are either trying to be transgender, stopped halfway, then went back then forwards and now are totally unsure if it was worth it for a BBC pay award, or it gets stopped mid-way. if the woman get equal pay, what’s the point of the BBC funding it? If your a Man (as some say, there are a few left at the BBC), then better to leave it to the women to sink the BBC battleship, now they have equal, stupidity, there are no bounds and surely the BBC will eventually and actually run out of money and its pension fund deficit (which is already at 15% of all TV licensing will surely double to 30% within a few years).. Unless all BBC staff (men and Woman agree to a 50% wage reduction) which I think (in this pending Court case) is doubtful to impossible now. How can you live on less than £1000,000 for men and just £440 per 15 min for Women? I think the Woman have a very good case of winning and bankrupt the BBC, not that it will be that immediate. The BBC will fight for its privilege all the way, after all they are all totally unemployable elsewhere. Its only the generous BBC wages and BBC pension schemes that keep them fixated, stuck in the gravy train of despair.
They will get that money nowhere else in the UK. Nobody else (or company) is paid as much as millionaires because its ‘equal pay’. The BBC deserve all they get. The cannot win this one either way. The BBC has made many millionaires and that’s the problem, envy, gluttony, malice and spite are all well paid already.
It would be a shame if the transparency afforded as a side effect of the court case is cloaked by a settlement .
It will be telling if an over the top unpublished settlement trumps principle but after all these are journalists so principle is unfamiliar .
In its annual review of the BBC OFCOM called on the BBC to be more transparent – yeah right .
BBC World Service show their uniquely Brussels-Islington understanding of who qualifies as indigenous people. It doesn’t go down too well
“..an indigenous people that resettled from Russia..”
On that basis what about all the ‘New Britons’ from Africa, Asia and South America? (You have heard about the Sami, what about the Lammy?)
How can they be indigenous (let alone the only ones) if they come from somewhere else?
“The Sami are the only indigenous people in the EU”
Incredible, maybe should have read “we wish the Sami were the only indigenous people in the EU”. Isn’t the word ‘indigenous’ a racist hate crime yet? Use it while you can.
Remind me when did the EU European Union become a country with an indeginous population?
Last time I looked it was a union of member countries, albeit with ever closer ties, currency, defence, foreign policy etc but not a country that can lay claim to an indigenous population.
‘The year ahead’ from the home page, January 1st.
I’m shocked. I thought it was going to be all Sunday roasts and a new series of Mind Your Language
BBC One News has put up a map showing that the area burning in Australia would cover south-east England.
I recommend visiting thetruesize.com. You will see that Australia could comfortably accommodate the whole of Europe.
Apologies, something went wrong, try:
image of Australia over Europe

Where would the Sami fit on that?
Takes about 4hrs plus to fly from Perth to Sydney.
On that map Perth is Somwewhere in Portugal. Sydney about the edge of Turkey…
Jim, the BBC just don’t do geography, do they?
It’s academic, anyway:
Even 30 years ago Sydney would have stretched from the Essex to the Sussex coasts.
Toady Watch
Ali McBeal – the BBC Washington correspondent sounded depressed as he reported the killing of an Iranian general and other of Jeremy corbyns friends in a drone strike in Baghdad .
The snowflakes aren’t used to countries with military power using it when threatened / attacked . So with Tourette’s Robinson on the show it’s full steam ahead for an anti trump rant .
There is danger for the UK of course because as an ally of America we will be seen as an easier target to exact revenge due to our failure to stand up to Iran in the past .
Further – the Dom Cummings job advert I mentioned here yesterday has hit the BBC which obviously feels threatened by Number 10 .
Therefore a distorted view of what Mr Cummings wrote without mention that the reason for the advert was to get people to replace him .
I’m tempted to fire off my CV to Westminster this weekend, Fed.
Could be it lands, with due respect to Oz and its problems, as a damp squib.
One of my favourite sentences in Dom’s blog under the Super-talented weirdos section is:
We need to figure out how to use such people better without asking them to conform to the horrors of ‘Human Resources’ (which also obviously need a bonfire).
Me too …. I’ve never read a call for job applicants which is so honest . The stuff about being sacked if you can’t deliver – don’t expect a personal life – any HR type reading it will have a fit .
Dom’s trouble will be the vast list of CVs being sent to him but I’m guessing he’ll have calculated that . I’ve never been a civil servant but have worked with a good few senior types and have thought “ is that the best they’ve got “? Disappointed . Non career civil servants who haven’t had to conform to the system is what is needed .
I notice the BBC didn’t mention what Dom said about ‘diversity’ – but they wouldn’t would they ?
Fed, my big moment of glory came on a BBC Blog Thread (might have been when Nick Robinson was still Pol.Ed.) where there was something of a debate about Conservatism and Socialism and size of Government. A few posters were coming up with policy suggestions, especially Government cutbacks.
(It may have been back when people still remembered the pledge of a Minister in ‘Dave’s’ Coalition administration to cut the number of QUANGOs in the five years to 2015. From time to time, I wonder how that went.)
I tipped in a few suggestions to save money and promptly got offered the job of Chancellor of the Exchequer 🙂 by another poster who had ambitions to be PM.
If you’re thinking of applying for a job with Dom maybe come up with a solution to all those over hyped CVs people put up .
I got the impression that he is after bright shiny eyed youngsters though – bit of a problem because they’ll all have Facebook entries worthy of blackmail and fail the vetting ….
Fed, I can think of several questions to ask of potential candidates at the interview stage.
I think you may have found one of them.
I wish Dom had put ‘sons and daughters of politicians need not apply ‘ cos that is part of the bubble problem .
I was wondering – also – whether some astute person had already applied for – and got a job – and then offered to write the advert on the Dom blog ….
The BBC see four immediate threats to their beliefs and existence:
1. Trump
2. Boris
3. Cummings
4. Brexit
The BBC will continue to do all it can to discredit and destroy the above.
Following the killing of an enemy of US/UK world leaders have been responding . So nick Robinson lands up interviewing one Melanie omm – the former Labour MP for Grimsby – a constituency which had been labour for 70 years . That’s right 70 years
Ms omm is a spokesman for that giant of international politics – Jess Phillips – the female Jeremy Corbyn . Phillips is to announce to the world her leadership application for Labour tonight.
Jess has warned POTUS there will be consequences of American action . Wow .
Anyway – as the ex labour MP gabbled on to Nick Robinson I looked her up . A career Labour Party MP parachuted in on an all female shortlist and managed to hold the vote for one election . Lesson – don’t disrespect voters .
Listening to an ex Labour MP talking about international politics – I thought “ how low does Toady / BBC have to go to get people to fill the long 3 hours of daily broadcast ?”.
So, reading a snap message on another bulletin board (for shares actually), I see that some top Iranian has been taken out in Iraq. I click to the BBC to find out a little more and there it is, quite an important piece of headline news, alongside the revelation that a Libdem MP has come out as being ‘pansexual’ and that Amazon has threatened to sack climate change activists.
What is wrong with these BBC people? They’re weirdos aren’t they? Plain weirdos.
I really must find out why a top Iranian was in Iraq, as they were not natural allies once. What shared values might exist now?
Guest – I think you’ll find he did Afghanistan against US/UK as well – setting up the IED schools …
That the bbc is setting itself up as a terrorist enabler already is hardly a surprise, but one day a reckoning must come.
TOADY Watch #1 – That Mandy Rice-Davies Moment
In the wake of the assassination of Qasem Soleimani the BBC turn naturally to to an American spokesperson. Who do they choose? Someone who worked on US Foreign Policy for a previous US President. Republican President? No. Philip Gordon (hope I got the name right) worked for Democrat, Barack Obama.
“They would say that, wouldn’t they?”
BBC Moaning Emole wheels out Frank.
Iranian general killed by US in Iraq
Story detail
A US drone strike – ordered by President Donald Trump – has killed the head of Quds Force, the elite branch of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. General Qasem Soleimani, a heroic national figure in his homeland, died while being driven at Baghdad Airport in neighbouring Iraq. The Pentagon, which blames Gen Soleimani for approving this week’s attack by protesters on the US embassy in Baghdad, says the strike was “aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans”. The US would take “all necessary action to protect our people and our interests” around the world, it added.
BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner says, in the short term, it might have the opposite effect, having “raised US-Iranian tensions to a new and dangerous level”. Iran’s Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif, called the move “extremely dangerous and a foolish escalation”. He tweeted: “The US bears responsibility for all consequences of its rogue adventurism.” Following the attack, President Trump tweeted a graphic of the US flag.
‘Might’ is… rig… about typically vague and pointless but as expected.
Guest – I wonder if Frank gets his news from the Metro on the way into W1A ….
Likely in the same way Nick does not get his integrity from that statue he walks past.
Open season is announced.
The Editorial Guideline the ECU wheels out will be interesting.
Robinson looks like Cummings. Hmmmm…
As lookism now allowed, I did not think I could loathe the bug-eyed, bald old coot more, but embracing the role of Tehran’s man in W1A is nudging him higher.
The bBC don’t like his attack on ‘experts’ and state with a straight face that a civil servants’ union said the recruitment of experts had been hampered by “pay restraint”.
Guest – I think that Mr Robinson is feeling the effect of the new governments’ view of the BBC . Not needed any more – and not is he and his type .
I hope someone bought him a mirror for Christmas because with a bit of luck he ll land up talking to it .
Also on the Moaning Emole in complement:
‘Weirdos and misfits’ wanted at No 10
They might be a good fit for some of your colleagues, but the terms “weirdos and misfits” are unlikely to feature in many job descriptions. However, that’s exactly who Boris Johnson’s chief adviser, Dominic Cummings, reaches out to in a blog post calling for people with “odd skills” to apply to work in Downing Street, alongside more data scientists, software developers and economists. He says fresh blood is needed to address a lack of “deep expertise in specific fields” in the civil service. Dave Penman, of senior civil servants’ union the FDA, says recruitment is “on merit, not patronage”. He adds: “All senior civil service roles are already open to external competition, yet time and again, government’s failure to pay a market rate restricts the pool.” Forgotten who Dominic Cummings is? Remind yourself.
Forgotten how much the BBC is simply a propaganda outfit? Remind yourself.
Actually going personal is likely to be entertaining. Who needs reminding of Emily somewhat deshabille shouldering two sacks of spuds? Or Andrew Marr searching for a young staffer’s iPhone in her back pocket? State employees both. Not weird. But creepy.
Guest Who
\\He says fresh blood is needed to address a lack of “deep expertise in specific fields” in the civil service.//
Reminiscent of the recruiting drive for the Government Code and Cypher School at Bletchley Park during WWII ?
Which brings into question the part that the Civil Service played in trying to prevent Brexit ?
There was a collection of oddballs in the War Ministry headed by a strange Major, iirc.
Came up with a raft of ideas that helped win the war.
I doubt all women shortlists or rainbow police cars were amongst them.
Bletchley Park. “odd skills”, “weirdos and misfits”, definitely .
Hobart’s ‘funny’s’ . Worked on gold Juno and sword . Yanks didn’t like em . Paid the price on Utah .
Didn’t the landing on Utah Beach go relatively smoothly? There were very few casualties.
I’m preparing my application now.
Dover Sentry
Too late, mine is already in.
TOADY Watch #2 – Lord Stern didn’t really say that, did he?
Yet another Global Warming and Climate Change morning on TOADY. Lord Stern is on just before 8a.m. with another contributor. He made the remarkable claim, to my ears and mind, that electric cars were now as efficient as their liquid fuelled equivalents.
That really demonstrates the level of science and expertise that the UN IPCC and UK CCC work at.
The only efficiency that I know electric cars have is that of generating VAT per unit for HM Treasury.
Poor mishal – interviewing sir Alan Moses – outgoing head of the broadcasting regulator who accused the BBC of being ‘too wet’ in relation to criticism by the new government .
Poor mishal Didn’t know what to say or ask . Poor sir Alan has obviously got a big snowflake chip – maybe about only having a knighthood instead of being a peer with the rest of the lads .
Stern words on climate essential. Moaning emole again:
Last decade was second-hottest in 100 years
It’s been a record-breaking year for British weather, according to the Met Office. July saw the hottest day ever recorded in the UK (38.7C in Cambridge). London measured the warmest February day (21.2C), while the Scottish Highlands experienced the highest daily minimum temperature for February at 13.9C. Meanwhile, provisional figures suggest the Highlands also recorded a new December high of 18.7C. The National Climate Information Centre says 2019 brought down the curtain on the second-hottest decade in a century. Its head, Dr Mark McCarthy, says it’s a consequence of our warming climate and we can expect more extremes.
Close, but no cigar Editorial slots available.
This fits the bbc ‘unprecedented since the last time’ style of trying and failing to report neatly.
I remember the Cambridge ‘hottest day’ reading – it was a ‘manual’ reading made by a university student on the spot as opposed to a documented ‘mechanical’ reading. The temperature wasn’t ‘officially confirmed’ until two or three days later – why would that have been?
Fits with bbc one degree and a PhD deniability?
2 year old BMW hybrid has a range on the electric of 25 miles. Because it carries a heavy battery (with nasty elements produced where under what conditions]; isn’t going to make its mpg brilliant. Efficient?
Just wait till there are thousands of electric vehicles and the Road Tax on them will go from Zero to at least £200 …..I am sure the green lobby haven’t realised this at all …it’s simple economics as fuel duty drops it has to come from somewhere …better ask St Gretta to sort that !
Charlie, the Government cannot really do that because 1. it wrecks the economy and 2. it gives The Great CO2 Lie the kiss of death.
Sajid Javid has to face what May and Hammond (ho ho!) – no, not that May and Hammond – were unwilling to do and start sticking all the transport taxes back onto Income Tax. Currently, that means the higher rates of Income Tax because depressing the UK economy in 2020 might not be a smart idea.
The guy who was just on R4Today
I find it weird when hundreds of Twitter accounts tweet almost the same tweet like this.
Maybe because Jews and Roman Catholics don’t go round murdering people in the name of their religion.
Or abuse industrial numbers of underage girls.
Islam is not like other religions. Read the Quran, the Hadith, the Sira. Read history. Read the newspapers ffs.
It is an intolerant aggressive expansionist politico-theocratic supremacist ideology. Not to mention antisemitic to the core, xenophobic, misogynistic, homophobic and more besides.
He just looks like a stupid liberal puke doesn’t he?
Layla Moran: Lib Dem MP announces she is pansexual
Met Prince Andrew at Dominoes once, making her Deep Pan sexual?
Guest – ha ha – ta – at least she is not Will Self partnering .
God I’m really lost ….
Got to give it to xe, as a special looker (thx for opening that box, Nick), her chances of a date may have increased as a consequence.
Please explain pansexual……frying pan …dust pan …test tubes …..Panama canal then ! !
TOADY Watch #3 – Back to normal
This is the first Christmas and New Year where I have had a feeling of having to ‘get back to normal’ afterwards but I can’t remember what normal is!
I blame Brexit.
I blame Theresa May.
I blame the BBC.
The TOADY Prog brought me back to earth (ho ho!) this morning with remembering that 2020 will feature the centenary of the birth of Isaac Asimov and Ray Bradbury. The BBC are still talking about space travel on Radio4 without asking those essential CO2 and Global Warming and Climate Change questions.
I wonder why?
And one from the ‘all is explained’ files, a Beebette is ‘checked out’ by a Beeboid in house team (down at the back, Marr) and writes… this… kinda… sucky, piece:
‘I tried a dopamine fast… it kinda sucked’
Dopamine fasting is a lifestyle trend, popular in the world’s tech centre Silicon Valley, which involves cutting yourself off from almost all stimulation for 24 hours. You can’t eat, or drink anything apart from water, or use the internet, your phone, your computer or TV (or any other screens or technology) during that time.
You can go for walks, meditate, think, and write a diary. I tried it out from 10pm on 16 December until 10pm the next day – after a medical check from our BBC in-house team. You do need to see your doctor before trying anything like this. Here’s what happened.
Read full article >
Kirsty G
One is sure a stretched NHS will be thrilled to see queues of Kirsty clones wanting the once over to find out how qualified they are to f-all of use like the rest of their colleagues all year.
I am planning to take the dogs for a walk soon. After popping a few thoughts in the diary. Might swing by the surgery too. As you do. If in need if being assessed.
I have discovered that the BBC does do comedy … but not as intended . The programme is something callec “celebrity mastermind ‘ . I think it may have finished now but no doubt one can ‘catch up ‘ whatever that is.
Any way there were 4 celebrities on last night , I honestly didn’t know who they were . It was hysterical – a black Rasta blokes ‘ specialist subject was ….. reggae.and the first question was to say ‘bob Marley ‘. Please . But the prize went to a fat girl who is apparently an actress . One of her answers is so bad it is being repeated on Twitter .
John Humphreys was in charge of this nonsense – but money is money John .
Video of the fat actress from Casualty
Cheers Stew – as you watch it – guess what answer she is going to come up with ……
I enjoyed the interview this morning where Mischal Hussein spoke to an Iranian professor and then an ex Tory foreign minister about the strike on an Iranian general.
Never has the phrase ‘totally out of her depth’ been more appropriate. Still, as a female Muslim, tick tick, she is of course untouchable.
Nice irony in the Daily Mail this morning.
Lord Hall Hall is quoted as saying..’ i profoundly believe the BBC’s values…….have never mattered more……..’
Errrr, that’s the whole problem, you dozy person. Your values.
Your metro-bubble, statist, left-wing, anti-business, right-on, pro-Remain, pro-mass immigration, multicultural, bleeding heart snowflake values.
Well said , sums them up exactly
BBC reporting the last decade was the second warmest ever.
The warmest was the previous decade.
Does this mean that the temperature average has barely changed at all in the last 20 years and may in fact be going down?
We are going to need some global cooling policies. And quick.
How about it, Roger ?
PS UK CO2 production is 42% lower than in 1990.
Damn! We need to step it up – life would benefit greatly from an additional 800 – 1200 ppm of CO2.
@Sluff they keep making a mistake
They say we had warm days and then give a reference to a “peak temperature day”
These are two different concepts that often coincide, but they shouldn’t be regarded as synonymous.
eg it could be super hot in one place for a few minutes.
and the rest of the country might be cloudy.
Interesting development in the lib Dem leadership race.
Layla Moran has stuck her oar in and at the same time come out as being “pan sexual.”
Look, I know I’m ancient, but pan sexual? I take it this has nothing to do with having some sort of unhealthy cutlery fetish, but it means she swings both ways.
This is the delightful young lady who a few years ago was arrested after an argument with her partner (male) when she violently assaulted him.
She’s now romantically involved with the Lib Dems former press officer, Rosy Cobb, who has been sacked for some shenanigans over faked emails.
I think in any other (grown up) party, young Layla’s chances of a leadership bid would be in tatters, but this is the progressively right on Lib Dems we’re talking about.
Some of their more illustrious members have included Cyril Smith, Jeremy Thorpe, Mark Oaten, Chris Huhne and Paddy Pants Down to name just a few.
I reckon she’s a shoe in…
Undemocratic, illiberal person I’ve never heard of claims a sexuality I’ve never hear of.
My god. How will people in Blythe Valley, Wakefield, and Grimsby get through the day ?
It’s a weird, weird, weird, weird world….
I’ve already, years ago, joked that the problem with Liberal MPs is that when it comes to sex they seem to be a bit too bloody liberal
The BBC clearly present this peculiar Lib Dem sex story approvingly in tone and at the same time on their on-line news they refer in a skeptical tone to Dominic Cummings’s remark he needed “weirdos and misfits with odd skills” to work in government.
You’ll see what I mean about the BBC’s disapproval, here’s just a taste (with the habitual BBC side step, it’s not us guv, we’re just quoting):
“But a civil servants’ union said currently staff were recruited on merit and “because of what you can do, not what you believe. ”
A measure of how far Boris will satisfy the hopes of his voters is how long it is before the Left media force him to sack Cummings. He’s already a Lefty hate figure and lightening rod for Lefty discomfort.
Cross reference with Cameron eventually sacking Gove because he pissed off the Blob.
I clicked the BBC link you shared here Sluff, and at the risk of sounding misogynistic and downright cruel, if I looked like her then I’d also be hedging my bets by swinging as many ways as possible in the hope of snaring a partner. ANY partner. Funny how the one she’s got looks like a man but there you go.
Seriously though, she will win the leadership contest because it’ll look “bad” if they don’t vote for her. “Bad” to the liberals and trendies is good for the UK as it will demonstrate that they have learned nothing and the the good folk of Blyth, Wakefield , Grimsby and the like won’t even know and much less care because it’s all happening in a bubble containing the BBC, the Lib UnDem’s and the Islington set.
Boxes ticked, move on.
It is possible that in years to come, Liberal Democrats, gathered in a phone box for their annual conference, will look back to the rein of Jo Swinson as a golden age.
We can but hope.
Surely this will throw the BBC MeMe2 Editor come the next domestic?
The Lib Dems have jumped out of the frying pan – and landed in the bed pan. It couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of folks.
“I reckon she’s a shoe in…” So, a foot fetishist as well.
Which BBC type is going to be first to accused Pre Trump of using the killing of an enemy as a distraction from the Democrat court circus ?
The honours go to ex Newsnight Anger and Protests and current go-to gob Paul?
Guest – no – I don’t think he counts – for anything at all …He should just go away and dream of nationalising stuff …..
BBC Online News:
“Belching in a good way: How livestock could learn from Orkney sheep”
“….since methane is a greenhouse gas that has a warming effect almost 30 times as powerful as that of carbon dioxide, the solely seaweed-eating North Ronaldsay sheep could provide an answer to greener farming.”
Climate Change…climate change….CO2…..BBC…climate change…
Methane is readily broken down and absorbed into water vapour in the atmosphere, and not a problem. However, if it could be captured and burned…
But why does Tony Blair let those bush fires happen?
Fed- accusations against Trump are going to be fast and furious, now. BBc types all over the world.
Take Germany: Bijan Djir-Sarai, foreign affairs spokesperson for their equivalent of The LimpDumbs (the FDP) said this would be the spark that ignites the powder keg.
Omid Nouripur, foreign affairs speaker for the Greens in the Bundestag, said we were on a slide to greater conflict.
All typical German names, of course. Wonder when Merkel’s Reich will be getting a green flag? You could go on holiday to Berlin to hear the call of the Muezzin?
A socialist, of all people (his party don’t like him), has spent the last ten years or more warning about this. His name is Thilo Sarazzin; he has written a few books on the Muslim take-over of Germany, well worth reading.
A voice in the wilderness. For the MSM and political elite in Germany, an Islamophobe. Surprise.
In my opinion, the Iranians have been gradually escalating their provocations, so deserved a response. This one was neat, clinical and avoided unnecessary deaths. Just as the chief terro was leaving for home? Congratulations, President Trump.
Fake – and the prize for the most ‘upset ‘mosque on Friday goes to ….
Well it certainly won’t be the Sunni ones, because they HATE the Shia Iranians more than the Israeli’s do!
Unfortunately we have here yet again the spectre of the Saudi’s who have undoubtedly bought the relatively poverty striken Donald Trump as they bought previous US leaders.
They have issues with the Iranians attacking the Saudis in Yemen and also with alleged attacks on Saudi oil installations.
The animosity between Saudi and Iran is so great that the Saudis have even put aside their hate of Israel to oppose them together!
Fed – I would guess somewhere in Gelsenkirchen or Moenchengladbach if we’re still in Germany.
Lewis hits the ground whinging…
I see the cowardly useless incompetent Tories have been showing their yellow bellies again, siding with Labour and condemning the killing of the Iranian General.
The people of Britain deserve better than these useless idiots! The elites have learned nothing from their betrayal of the people over Brexit and the rightful contempt in which they are held.
We know there are question marks over whether Boris was amongst those who accepted bribes from the Iranian government to support the Iranians gaining nuclear weapons, and we know Johnson supports a nuclear armed Iran.
With a government like this we don’t really need enemies, they’re in our parliament right now !
“You can’t do anything” Iran’s Supreme Leader tweeted to Trump on Jan 1st
Stew, I like that. Think I may have to quote that to justify getting a job with Dom at No.10:
“My qualifications for weird and wonderful?”
“Well, I have aged poorly real quick, Mr Cummings.”
The proposed new leader of the Liberal Democrats or Liberal
Bigots will have a new champion in the BBC. She or whatever
she wants to call herself ,ticks very nearly every box the BBC
would wish . The hierarchy, the editors, the sub editors, the
political presenters and researchers at the BBC will be in a
state of orgasmic intensity if she or whatever she wants to
call herself gets the job.
Just heard that Comrade Corbyn has condemned the “assassination” of the Iranian general, Qasem Soleimani.
This is hardly surprising news…
“This is an extremely serious and dangerous escalation.” says the wise one.
If he’d been in Downing Street this lot would be popping in for tea and crumpets.
Three days in a row …….
…. that the BBC have been unable to send out an employee at 11p.m., 11.30p.m., midnight, or even 5a.m. in the morning to find a copy of the Dreary Torygraph.
Funny, that.
@UptoSnuff gurss who reviewed the papers on Sky last night along with the FT guy ?
… Yep Labour’s Ash Sarkar
reviewing tomorrow’s papers on Sky News with @AyoCaesar
. Join us at 10:30 and 11:30pm to hear about Northern rail, Dom Cummings’ epic blog and vegan steak bakes ????
Oh, joy, Stew.
I’m so glad that I have an excuse to not watch telly. Thanks, Beeb. 🙂
Interesting …
The Conservative Woman (TCW) has an article entitled “Today’s hot topic: Is the BBC worth saving?”:
Yes, yes, we know the right answer to that, but evidently not one Tom Costello, who has started a “Hands off our BBC” petition:
It had already reached a sizeable 65,000+ signatures when I viewed it, so, in order to gain some enlightenment (or should that be endarkenment?) and of course to apply the “know your enemy” principle, I bravely had a look at the “Reasons for signing”.
Alarmingly / Amazingly, there are still people who think that the BBC is biased AGAINST the Labour Party! And of course “pro-Brexit” …
However … however … the top comment (as at time of viewing) is still this:
barry armstrong•1 week ago
I’m NOT signing…… Get rid of the British Brainwashing Corporation.
235 [likes]
That should be a big blow to the biased Corp!
And if you are armed with the requisite account, you can add your own pithy and witty comment!
Happy New Year to all! Even the trolls!
Sadly some of the BBC shows are still very popular (in a bread-and-circuses way) and it will use that as blackmail against any measures the government might attempt to curb its nefarious power and influence.
“Tamper with our funding and you’ll lose Strictly”, or whatever.
Expect more petitions, some no doubt orchestrated by the beeb itself.
“Tamper with our funding and you’ll lose Great British (sic) Bake Off”. Oh wait, that went to Channel 4 anyway.
“Tamper with our funding and you’ll lose Jeremy Clarkson and Top Gear”. Oh no, he went to Amazon.
“Tamper with our funding and you’ll lose David Attenborough and all those wonderful ‘documentaries'”. Oh. They went to Netflix.
“Tamper with our funding and you’ll lose wall-to-wall wokeness and deranged diversity, mad multiculturalism, flatulant feminism, incessant islam etc”. Hmm, I see what you mean…
R2 Who does Vine call about the Revolutionary Guard killing ?
.. Peter Oborne ..who is outraged at this “aggression by Trump”
Bang bang bang, he is dead, three drone strikes upon his head.
Where’s the outrage from Oborne over the countless deaths everyday committed by cult members of the so-called religion of peace?
@bsides2015 got a brush-off reply to a complaint about the “11,000 scientists say” story
(which turned out to be a self validating list
eg Micky Mouse had signed that he was a scientist
a long with undergraduate students , a dentist etc.)
“British political journalists have got chillingly close to providing the same service to Boris Johnson that Fox News delivers for Donald Trump.”
– Peter Oborne, Open Democracy, October 2019
Projection test, is Oborne doing the thing he accuses others of ?
“Open Democracy” is a Soros funded front of course
So indeed Oborne is providing a service to Soros
Given that the last PO Soros body of work I read was in the Mecca Morning Gazette and only read as so many were laughing about it when RTd by Paul Mason on twitter, his opinions on journalism, and Bowen Backyard Capers or most else can be viewed accordingly.
R2 Jeremy Vine
With a Muslim drag artist on ……. BBC are really shoveling this out …it just gets worse and worse…turned it off . And we pay a licence for all this ?
CF “And we pay a licence for all this ?”
Just stop. You know it makes sense. Give up TV.
Watch boxed sets & films instead on a laptop or PC. Keep the local charity shops in business.
Yes you are right, will not be renewing….looking forward to the letters and requests for Stazi officers to enter property …..been through that scenario in the 90s
R2 Amrou Al-Kadhi ???? Muslim “non-binary” drag queen* guy speaking
“Islam became intolerant partly cos of colonialism”
..”colonialism wiped out the Sufis”
* codewords for “ultra attention seeker ” ?
Cos colonialism never existed before the British Empire
.. Doh colonialism : Romans, Greeks, Mongols and a fundamental part of Islam from the start
Phew. The last decade was the second warmest in the last hundred years after 2000-2009. So temperatures are declining despite carbon emissions increasing.
The BBC and the Left will have to find another stick to shake at the evil West. But Greta can go back to school, and the shouty people in the streets with their placards can go home.
Cool, logical and honest? Want that in any debate about, “Climate Change”? Professor Joanna Haigh is just that person.
Problem is, even the Prof’s understandable explanations will fly over the heads of the likes of XR.
The weird universe of the libmob
Discussion on Iran, Trump and Middle East on the brink on
@theJeremyVine show on @BBCRadio2
, then JV plays The Smiths, saying “Always the Smiths”
…as though a reknowned anti-Muslim always has the answer.
Has any other artist who’s gone rogue ever been as indulged like Moz is?
ie the guy thinks radio stations should never play the Smiths any more