Happy New Year / Decade to all readers and contributors . With a fair wind this decade will see the end of the Far Left Biased BBC . Let’s make it a New Year / Decade Resolution .
If there is one thing which was revealed in 2019 – it was that all the anti Brexit Far Left propaganda heaped on the British Public every day by the BBC counted for very little. That has damaged it beyond repair .
You thinks that’s bad – there is a programme on R4 Trans in Japan
So much time given to so many minorities that don’t listen to BBC
This Assassination – everyone agrees he was responsible for killing Americans – Iran was warned – job done….but BBC are dragging out everyone to criticise..POTUS
R4 Now doing a downer on Dominic Cummings…BBC really doesn’t give Sh..e about impartiality…
We should expect that there will be a relentless , ruthless and remorseless assault on Cummings and Boris by the BBC and other Remainer outlets such as the Times, Guardian , Sky and of course Ch4 . It will be very similar to the all out assault on President Trump in the US media over the past few years. No doubt the civil service will be making up all manner of rumours and giving unattributable briefings and leaks. This isn’t a sign that they are losing their minds but rather a sign that they know that if Boris and Trump succeed and roll back international Wokism the days of liberal hegemony is over. They aren’t nuts , they are fighting for their lives , or for their loony pseudo religion.
Maybe I’m looking in the wrong places but doesn’t it strike anyone else as odd that the Iranian general was in Iraq at all?
I mean, what was he legitimately doing there?
This question seems to be notably not at the top of the news coverage.
Planning terror attacks, extending Iranian influence and stirring up trouble, what else?
If you play ‘picking up stones on the railway line’ then expect to get hit by a train.
I just love the way the Beeb phrase this breaking News
“Man” well we all know who that means “ and they neglect to mention that he seemed to be wearing a suicide vest. Who do we know who considers that to be a fashion accessory
Looks like police shot at a guy in a car in a hypermarket carpark
.. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7848923/Terrorist-kinifeman-wearing-explosive-vest-shot-dead-Paris-stabbing-four-people.html
Mrs Kitty
BBC news is strained through a filter that removes any thing that offends them …..all we want is the truth and for that it’s a case of looking elsewhere
TWatO Watch #1 – Snuffy Inspired By Sluffy (pls see Sluff’s post @1.42pm on previous page)
To answer your question – yes, it does. But no, not at the BBC where dear old Auntie has been suffering from dementia and memory loss for some considerable time and could not possibly remember the Iran v. Iraq War. Much too far back in time for the BBC.
The BBC have ‘taken a position’ (just like a sovereign government!) on this assassination of Soleimani. This position has had a strong whiff of anti-Trump and other hypocrisies about it since 6a.m., the main one being ‘Isolationism Is Bad, Interventionism Is Bad’.
Unfortunately, one of the contributors to TWatO either did not say what the Editorial team had picked him for or what he said came as a surprise. I swear I heard a thud as Mark Mardell fell off his chair as he listened to the answer to his question. His voice demonstrated his shock when the contributor suggested that Qasem Soleimani’s death might actually meet with quite a bit of approval in Iran where he was feared and hated as much as loved.
The internal politics of the Arab world is impossible for an outsider to comprehend.
When not fighting the West, they fight with each other.
The death of this General is only one of hundreds that are killed daily at the hands of other Arabs.
Aren’t these drones wonderful? Can I have a go, please??
R4 drama starts
The Chinese government has secretly hired the West’s top spin doctors, without telling each they also hired the others
: Bannon, Cummings, The Labour one .. and seemingly an XR girl.
According to various sources (AFP, Figaro etc.) the latest murderer near Paris was wearing a black djellaba.
(I found out this bit of info after a 2 minute Google search. Strangely Al-beeb with its huge resources haven’t managed to, or don’t think it’s significant. Perhaps they’ll drip-feed such info once the story is off the front pages and no longer hot.)
So our French attacker would look more like the top pic than the bottom one.
Eye-witness version:
BBC version:
What’s missing is the onions around the neck ….ala “Allo Allo ” zee French onion seller !
pan sexual
I’ve heard of hair brush handles being utilised as dildos
..but pan handles ?
Cue ancient joke…..
Two nuns in the convent washroom.
‘Where’s the soap?’ Says one.
‘Yes it does, doesn’t it’ Says the other.
I’ll get me coat.
It means they will have sex with anything – literally anything.
Its a case of ” out of the frying pan and into the fire “
More that Al-Beeb aren’t telling us about the latest Paris attack:
“Some (witnesses) notably heard the attacker shout “Allah Akbar”.”
This is from the respected and politically neutral Le Parisien.
You know when you think the BBC can’t get any worse ?
Try the tweet from BBC world service about the history of Yiddish – which was “severely depleted “ in the mid 20th century .
That’s right “ severely depleted “ .
Un F believable .
I’ve floated the thought that the BBC is anti Jew here before … but things like that really
push it .
…. actually …. update … maybe it’s ‘ false news’ …. surely it can’t be real ?
Someone on here posted a volcano erupting via CGI without saying so the other day – which I thought a bit dirty so maybe it’s a sick go at a ‘ joke ‘
Further update – I’ve checked the BBC world service twitter feed . The “ severe depletion “ of Yiddish speakers is there .
Can some one screen shoot and post it here please . ?
The comments on the BBC tweet are what you might expect .
They’ve gone back and edited the original page now to add “by the Holocaust”
but their original tweet has 814 replies calling it out
Thanks Stew – bloody sad . No one responsible of course …
Al Beeb monitors this site .
Its researchers look at it for any breaking news they may have missed ? They update their site
@Taffman ..you are right cos since I posted they have deleted their offensive Tweet
partial screenshot
Question :
Does GCHQ monitor Al Beeb?
Surely the PM must be informed. Time to put the broadcaster down .
Fed, Yiddish? Severely depleted? Mid-century? It wasn’t long after that that I was learning it from my Dad (he’d had a varied education) and even more so from my schoolmates and the Goon Show.
“Hi I’m from BBC news, you’re the thirtieth person as I call around looking for someone who’ll give me a negative quote about the killing of the Iranian guy”
As an empirical observation from the emails I get from around the world and the social postings I surf, it seems interesting how many media, bar the usual suspects, are hiding behind pitching dire scenarios as questions for their reader/viewership to answer on their behalves.
It’s like they really are unsure of the way the wind is blowing.
That strategic geniuses from Corbyn to Simpson are in no doubt might continue to give some pause.
BBC tv news – man falls on knife in Paris. 30 seconds .
Even the Independent are reporting that the man shot dead after today’s Paris stabbing was wearing a suicide vest and shouting about Alan’s snackbar.
Needless to say the BBC don’t know what the motive was (webshite) and the 6pm news left us completely in the dark when the incident was finally reported…..shortly before the weather forecast.
In other words………business as usual.
Local news
“Abul from Eritrea, the former refugee now a football coach”
BTW “former refugee” does that mean he’s gone back ?
A Goodhall/O’bsworth combo to match the Labour permutations?
Sounds a winner.
See our Lefty got a gong in the NY Honours List, then, Guest.
Guest, I posted my realisation of Jobby’s impeccable Beebesque credentials when noting his Sweeney licking extravaganza a month or so ago.
Jobby is indeed a turd of immense proportions. We can only assume our State Broadcaster will roll him around in the requisite amount of glitter.
Meanwhile, back in BBBC heaven, may I wish all contributors a Beeb free 2020 and thank you all, especially Fed, Stew, Pug, Sluff, Up2 and others for telling it like it is, keeping us all going with sanity intact. Brilliant work!
Why isn’t Al Beeb pushing for Diane Abbott to be the leader of The Labour Party ? Personally I would love to see her there.
Ticks all the boxes .
For anyone not interested in football look away now…
Not covered by BBC
‘Tottenham supporters’ trust demand findings of investigation into Chelsea star Antonio Rudiger’s claims of racist abuse to either punish offenders or ‘clear fans’ reputation’. Antonio Rudiger claims he was racially abused by Tottenham fans in December’
It’s been noted before but it does seem the demand from journalists for examples of racism far outstrips the meagre supply. Recently we’ve witnessed journos trekking halfway across Europe to the far away land of the Bulgars in order to gather evidence so as come back to tell us how terribly racist we all still were back here. Given the propensity of players to dive or feign injury in order to gain an advantage, what’s to stop the feigning of racial abuse? We hear a lot about VAR, are we set for Verification Absent Racism?
I think it’s time for the new thread . Busy times already ….
Yep, more work to do.
Does Greenland have forest fires today ?
They’d tell you if Arctic ice was doing OK wouldn’t they ?