BBC having a tricky time with law and order . It has found out that the number of homicides in England and Wales has dropped by 120 year on year .
Yet police numbers have been falling for years . Perhaps there’s little need for more coppers – apart from in the big cities of course where third world imports are regularly killing each other . 149 total for Londonistan so plenty of “thoughts and prayers “ insincerity there .
No mention about the number of killings for which someone had been charged – nor the ‘ diversity ‘ of victims / killers against that of the general population . Makes me think that those numbers might not accord with ‘multicolour makes everything nice ‘ routine .
The BBC doesn’t seem concerned about this aircraft incident . Who was on it ? Americans ? Politicians . ? Or just ordinary punters who the BBC wouldn’t be concerned about .
The falling level of journalism on the BBC is a side effect of the far left bias it is infected with . This is a clear example .
What news media do you suggest I watch or listen to to get
an unbiased view of news coming out of Iran? Obviously not
the BBC who have found a new “cause celebre” after their
remoaner debacle.
Foscari- but that’s the problem . There is no MSM source which is trustworthy – in my view . Reuter’s – online – is pretty factual . I like UK press gazette but others seem not to. The market is desperate for a non snowflake – right leaning source .
I will never pay for news so the Telegraph is off limits as is the Times . Mailonline is a comic and The Express has a way to go but is improving .
The other problem is it takes time to avoid the snowflake nonsense but it can be quite entertaining consuming some of the rubbish – for instance the story about a lecturer telling students not to use capital letters as they cause anxiety – or a brave celeb who Stella McCartney callec ‘brave’ for wearing the same tuxedo two days running .
Like you foscari – I’d like an answer to your question .
I take both the Telegraph and the Times. The Times is firmly against Brexit and will stay that way, the Telegraph is Pro Brexit. Indeed the Times and most of its columnists are rabid Remainers with foam flecked lips . Unfortunately they haven’t yet taken the opportunity to die in a ditch for the EU. Hopefully 31 Jan may spur them into taking the decent way out. The Times is what would have been called centre left twenty years ago and would certainly be pro Blair’s New Labour now. The Telegraph is moving that way but is some way behind the Times in the lurch to the left. If the DT is sold , as it is rumoured it might be, then the leftwRd slide could accelerate. Of course there is a possibility that someone sees the gap in the market for truthful anti Woke reporting and buys it but I am not optimistic.
@Doublethinker Two newspapers had their Sunday version differ from their weekday
” The Mail On Sunday came out in favour of Remain”
“The Sunday Times has come out for Brexit, putting it at odds with its daily counterpart The Times, which has backed Remain.”
“By The Huffington Post UK’s estimation,
papers supporting Leave have an audience of around 4.8 million,
while those backing Remain reach just over 3 million.”
Paul Homewood recently commented that the Telegraph’s green agenda coverage was suddenly much more rational.
Instead of pushing the Green Dream that the Big Green hedgefunds desire, and which all other media push in a cultish doom-monger way.
I am afraid my on line news has to come from places like here and Guido. I refuse to pay and Daily Mail on line has deteriorated hugely. Until the election, apart from Richard Littlejohn very pro Remain and anti Trump. Richard L has however just written a column calling out those who were aghast at the murder if the illustrious one. Free Telegraph from Waitrose on the days I spend enough to get it, has improved (see Alison Pearson).
I would echo a previous contributor and recomment The Duran. Alexander Mercouris and his colleagues offer long and thoughtful discussions about what is going on, and enable one to assess the reports that one reads elsewhere.
I “know” this has nothing to do with BBC bias ,but as a stats
man in football gambling, it is quite a remarkable coincidence
that at the time Iran are sending missiles to attack a US base
in Iraq , a commercial airline crashes killing over 170 just
outside of Tehran .Hush hush, say no more, say no more.
I wonder who was on board? Reminds me a bit of ARGO. Except on
the flight from Tehran ,the “fugitives” escaped unharmed . And
the flight reached Zurich.
I thought exactly the same…and even more coincidental is the fact that on Monday there was this big discussion on BBC about the Iranians still being angry about the accidental shooting down of a passenger plane 35 years ago…by the USA
conspiracy theory ..Iranians shot down plane to remind of the history and further increase anger at USA…just a theory..
Yes Andy, I also notice a distinct lack of scaffolders, nurses, deliveroo drivers, airplane pilots, etc. etc in the list of nominees along with many others. This sort of discrimination is not acceptable from BAFTA in this day and age!
The Mail today publishes the results of s study into the worst places in Britain to live,.
NO surprise to find they are the multi cultural hell holes which the political elites tell us are so wonderful, but which they absolutely refuse to live in themselves.
The top comments all follow the same tack, that it is immigration which has made these towns so bad.
No surprise that the woke BBC hasn’t published anything about this on their site.
Straight in here !!
It may come as no suprise that Im from Halifax and I have lived here for seven years. Now there are “areas” of Halifax inhabited by “communitys” that are dirty run down and full of people on benefits that are trully awful. Thankfully Halifax Council does not pour money into these areas and just lets “them” get on with it. There is however a thriving culture of nice pubs resturaunts etc and its a geat night out (and cheap) So dont let anyone tell you anything else.If any of my fellow contributors are ever in the area then im more than happy to buy them a drink*
*One drink per contributor to a vaule of £4.30 snacks are excluded.
Find the nearest Sam Smith’s pub, plenty around in Yorkshire, you’ll get 3 pints of dark mild and 13 pence change. No TV, no mobiles, no iPads. Good old fashioned pubs.
Find the nearest Sam Smith’s pub, plenty around in Yorkshire, you’ll get 3 pints of dark mild and 13 pence change. No TV, no mobiles, no iPads. Good old fashioned pubs.
Find the nearest Sam Smith’s pub, plenty around in Yorkshire, you’ll get 3 pints of dark mild and 13 pence change. No TV, no mobiles, no iPads. Good old fashioned pubs.
Find the nearest Sam Smith’s pub, plenty around in Yorkshire, you’ll get 3 pints of dark mild and 13 pence change. No TV, no mobiles, no iPads. Good old fashioned pubs.
Find the nearest Sam Smith’s pub, plenty around in Yorkshire, you’ll get 3 pints of dark mild and 13 pence change. No TV, no mobiles, no iPads. Good old fashioned pubs.
I can certainly vouch for the towns in Yorkshire all being Islamic hell holes. Towns which in my younger days were solid northern communities , albeit beginning to suffer from the loss of industries such as textiles , have been reduced to shit holes by hordes of Muslims who seem happy to fill the streets with rubbish , have men lounging around who make you feel you ought not to be in their town. Of course you can’t help thinking how many of them are rapists. I avoid visiting these places as far as possible. Even driving through them is a depressing ordeal when you remember what they were like fifty or sixty years ago.
The dumb multiculty elite ought to try living in these places for three months and then see how they feel about open immigration.
I prefer a more traditional setting thank you. The vibrancy of the ‘ renewed’ towns , their colour, their exotic smells etc put me off. I’m sure that there remain some traditional English areas , at least for the time being. Thanks all the same.
…..when you remember what they were like fifty or sixty years ago….
Can you imagine anyone visiting Rotherham for their summer holidays ?? Well 60 years ago I did. Living on the south coast at the seaside I would spend 6 weeks school holidays with grandparents in their 2 up 2 down pit house, and what a time I had ! fresh baked scufflers (bread rolls) from the range coal oven, proper markets to visit, and playing out safely with all the kids in the ‘backs’. The only black faces seen were the men coming home for their shift at the mine. The place is totally unrecognisable now, and immigration is to blame, no matter what anyone says.
But there were often too many to identify a single father. Oh I suppose all the rapists can undergo DNA tests to decide which one is the father. Of course if none of those convicted is identified as the father the case must be reopened and all likely candidates screened. That will be several thousand tests.
There is an ongoing inquiry in Haifax regarding child abuse of three girls in 2006-2009 involving 16 men aged between 30 and 48 year old one of whom is a Police Officer. I’ll probably get an early morning knock on my door now!
There is an ongoing inquiry in Halifax regarding child abuse of three girls in 2006-2009 involving 16 men aged between 30 and 46 years old one of whom is a Police Officer.
I’ll probably get an early morning knock on my door now!
Fedup2- NO!!!!! I agree with you. The only thing is I like is to
attempt is to suss out the super fiendish Sodoku in the Times !!
My wife reads the Daily Mail and the only thing I like about
them ,is that they often print my letters. Except when I am
trashing them.The last one published was about the Munchkin
women Louise from the BBC breakfast programme, a few days ago.
Ok, last night’s Silent Witness on BBC1. I know it’s been mentioned already on the Start The Week thread. But I sat through the whole darned thing so I’m jolly well going to give you chapter and verse. I didn’t sit with paper and pen making notes so I’ll apologise in advance if I get anything wrong, however, that so much is stuck in my head 12 hours later tells you something.
Opening scene, a private jet travelling from Amsterdam to London ((hello? Carbon footprint anyone) on board are pilots, a female head of a charity, her young son and an American ambassador/senator. The opening exchange of this 10 part series (we hadn’t even seen anyone’s face at this point) was literally a discussion about how they can help a group of immigrants! I groaned.
The young son was asked if he wanted to go into the cockpit (is that legal?) the mixed race child was told by his white mother that of course he could.
The plane crashed. Our Silent Witness heros and heroines went to examine the wreckage. This included their disabled wheelchair bound tech genius Clarissa. Obviously field work (quite literally in this case, the jet had come down in a field) is the perfect environment for someone with her challenges. Lead police officer on the scene was a Bolshie black woman. Lead Air Accident Investigator was a white woman. It was only later that I realised that there wasn’t a single male guest actor playing a role as an authority figure.
It turns out that the ambassador/senator had been receiving death threats from a right wing group. Yes I know, I’m not even going to bother.
The ambassador/senator was a lovely man who’d come to prominence in the Obama era. Oh come on, You couldn’t make this up.
The team were sent to a suicide where a depressed man had taken a gun to himself. His computer showed he’d tracked the plane and visited a right wing site! He was also part of an online chat group for people with suicidal thoughts.
The pilot had apparently been self medicating for anxiety and was part of the same group. Cue the bolshie detective visiting the pilot’s psychiatrist for a scene that was more confrontation and finger pointing and less interview. The psychiatrist revealed that his patient had mental problems stemming from his job and the uncertainty of employment. He lived out of a suitcase, in hotels, his job was under threat. He felt like he no longer belonged and didn’t know his role or place in life. (I almost laughed out loud at this point thinking, hmmm the way young white working class men are made to feel by the BBC and media in general?). Anyway getting back to the story, it transpires that people like him are easy prey for right wing extremists to befriend and influence. (“Crikey”, I thought. Those feelings of not belonging, having no role, inadequacy, and maybe not being listened too could lead to even worse sins. Like voting for Brexit, turning your back on the Labour Party and voting a Conservative government in). The psychiatrist character was portrayed as a bit off, a bit suspect, a bit cold. Strange then that this rather cold fish was the only person in the programme that I identified with and spoke common sense. Strange or disappointing?
Other men with links to the story have appeared, all logging into the chat room. Maybe it’s my bias but I couldn’t help but feel that they were all portrayed fairly unsympathetically given that they’re so unwell that they’re on the brink of taking their own lives. The only one that came close was an actor with the limb deformities seen from thalidomide who reading between the lines, lived in a big old house and was depressed because his dad had died and he was now alone. A great wordless performance and an absolutely 100% appropriate and EFFECTIVE piece of casting. My one “bravo” out of the whole
As the end credits rolled (there were probably more woke moments but by now I was punch drunk) there was the soothing voice over and telephone numbers given for anyone who had been affected by tonight’s storyline. This actually annoyed me, they should have liaised with The Samaritans and posted their number on screen, not the telephone number to the recorded BBC announcement the soothing voice was talking about.
The only bright spot in the show is that the annoying lead character, Nikki, looks like she’s about to get dumped by her handsome American boyfriend. That’ll cheer me up no end as it’s long overdue for her to leave.
If I’ve got an appetite for it I’ll give you episode 2 tomorrow but I might have joined that chat room myself by then and slit my own wrists.
The real world suicide pilot was in 2015 Germanwings Flight 9525
The investigation determined that the crash was caused deliberately by the co-pilot, Andreas Lubitz, who had previously been treated for suicidal tendencies and declared “unfit to work” by his doctor. Lubitz kept this information from his employer and instead reported for duty. Shortly after reaching cruise altitude and while the captain was out of the cockpit, he locked the cockpit door and initiated a controlled descent that continued until the aircraft impacted a mountainside.
In response to the incident and the circumstances of the co-pilot’s involvement, aviation authorities in some countries implemented new regulations that require the presence of two authorized personnel in the cockpit at all times
Please spare yourself from watching anymore of this tripe. Sitting and reporting on one episode is heroic , going through another episode is pushing your luck you will never survive it.Seriously this Woke crap is unwatchable . I would rather visit the dentist than be forced to sit through such an episode.
I would never watch silent witness, you know you are in for a blood pressure rise hit and my life is too precious to allow this. What I have started watching is Foyles War, ITV 3 have started a rerun of the whole series from last Monday. I know it’s been on loads of times but the superb writing, acting and non PC agenda is a joy to behold. If anyone has never seen it you are missing a gem. It shows the quality of the series that you can rewatch it and still enjoy it. Just as life was in the 40s. Michael Kitchen as Foyle is for me the best actor on TV, his portrayal of Foyle is a treat.
I also find that the only TV worth watching is stuff made before about 2005 , the earlier the better. Not only is free from PC sauce but it also has better dialogue and story lines.
Thanks Woolwich.
As I said in my earlier post, I switched it off after 10 minutes.
I found it unbearable to watch.
You deserve some kind of award for sticking with it, and at least I know the story line, and will definitely not be watching part 2.
This program has been getting worse to watch over the years. It is a pity as when it started all those years ago there were some good storylines and sometimes almost credible.
Anyway, if you punish yourself for part 2 let us know how awful it got….
#JermyVine Look who’s on again to slag off Boris Johnson, & Brexit nonstop FFS Yasmin Alibhai – Brown. You said you are leaving the country when Boris Johnson becomes Prime Minister. Message from everyone in ????????. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️
— ASKdes ????????????????????????????♂️ (@ASK_des) January 8, 2020
This is worth running by Jez by anyone not yet blocked by another transparent bbc market rate propagandist.
I’m hoping that Farage day, 31 Jan, tips them over edge and they leave the country in dismay , or self combust in their rage. I am getting sick to death of these idiotic Wokists telling the rest of us that we should be more like them. My view is that Brexit is only a subset of anti Wokism . People are fed up with the clueless elite wrecking our country, trashing our values and culture , forcing immigrants on us in ever greater numbers. The people are screaming enough but the liberal elite don’t hear or perhaps they are so certain of their own spurious virtue that they don’t care.
Isn’t she who mocked the US ambassador just after 9/11. Why do we allow endemic historic enemies of the West to settle here.
She will leave just as as soon as her Muslim community leaves.
Just before the Election she was on one of those ‘political’ shows. She pleaded that: “the nastiness and name calling being displayed by Politicians just had to stop. Boris Johnson , he is the Devil!”
Mouth opens, brain disengages. Go and have a nice chat with Diane, Yasmine.
For the first time in a long time I’ve looked at the bbc new site. Good manners prevents me from using the sort of language Zoe Kleinmann deserves for her snide bubble dwelling non story halfway down, juxtaposing Ivanka Trump’s comments about the high cost of childcare with her expensive diamond rings sparkling under the lights. Don’t have any rings yourself Zoe? A man nodded off. Well show me a conference room where someone HASN’T nodded off. People left before the end. Ditto. All a reinforcement of why I don’t trust the BBC as a news source.
It’s barely readable – sometimes I try to guess who their website is aimed at – I’m guessing under 25 – female – snowflake student kidult type who probably has a picture of Sharon /Greta or someone called stormy .. on her bedroom wall ….. but I could be wrong …
Someone in an interview once asked Hilary Clinton if she admired anything about Trump…..she said “His Chldren”…….we may see his daughter US president one day….The first female US president is a Trump !! BBC would explode……
Yes, very much out of touch. Alongwith this reporter – the Black&Asian Broadcasting Corporation. The viewer needs more honest documentaries on such subjects as, how the British Plod is totally inadequate in having to deal with International criminal gangs such as the Kosovo Mafia, now in the UK and this, “Black Axe” –
Where is their leading ‘honest’ reporter, Sweeney, when you need him?
Why don’t these ethnic whiners create their own awards event, then they can celebrate diversity to their heart’s content?
Or better still go to an ethnic majority country and start up a film and TV company to make the kind of films they want to watch?
For myself, I want to be entertained by stuff written by white men, with stories about white men, featuring white men and produced by white men. And, at least for now, I’m living in a predominantly white and at least superficially Christian country, so I reckon what I want is more profitable than what the whiners want.
It’s up to 30 likes and 9 comments, so pretty much three times the size of the Newsnight audience now.
It’s only a shame (actually it’s not at all) that all 9 comments are solidly of the Comments Coukd Be Going Better variety.
Zero support whatsoever.
P.S. at the time of writing the Twitter link says that 30 people are talking about this. So does a like = bothering your backside to actually talk about it because in my book there’s on,y 9 people talking about I and they’re not being complimentary.
It is strange how the BBC love to shout about not enough representation when it suits woke town but not around the other way…
more female medics , lawyers, teachers , nurses than males…a disproportionate number of Asian male NHS consultants, a higher proportion of black footballers and athletes than BAME in UK population..and a much higher proportion of muslim rapists than % muslims in population
so it only works one way does it…
So far I’ve only heard of one single daily newspaper – @ETC_redaktionen – who has decided to exclude all advertisements regarding fossil products and services. Who will be the next one? Who will be the first major international newspaper to lead on this?
Fossil Fuels are good so mostly don’t need to advertise
.. The newspapers do have ads from Fossil Fuel companies that say
.. “Look at us we are green we have solar farms as well”
.. So what are the logistics of banning such adverts ?
Ha the papers are not full of adverts telling you to use gas & petrol
but they are full of corps like British Airways and travel companies who sell flights/holidays
I can’t see Greta stopping that.
I suspect there will be a ‘compromise’ soon, whereby these activities are allowed so long as Danegeld is paid to those in the green industry to play with.
For some reason radio 4 is re-running Daddy-T’s cosy chat with Airflown Mishal.
The media reaction to a surgical strike of accuracy taking out a terrorist vs. that to a spunk waffle spray of missiles that might have hit civilians anywhere is… very MSM.
Closed road NW of Erbil. One ballistic missile destined for coalition base at Erbil airport fell short here. Locals say no injuries. Other missiles did hit the base & Al Assad base – ???????? @DefenceHQ & ????????@SecMedCell both say no casualties. @realDonaldTrump suggests no ???????? casualties
When the bbc next wheel the crinkly harpie out to ‘analyse’ retail effects of Brexit…
Right…I've been thinking. this doesn't work for everyone but it will for me so here goes. I am not going to be buying any brand new clothes, shoes, handbags for this year. I can replace where worn out if needed and I can re cycle. So…when you see me wearing the same thing…
The plane crash is a bit strange
we know 180 are dead and 63 were Canadians
So neither Iranians or Americans would have wanted that.
Some footage shows the plane on fire in the sky ..though that could be fake.
So in talk of revenge attacks the biggest deaths occur in an accident/cock-up.
Iran has such poor safety standards 60 people/day die on its roads every day.
The BBC’s and the mainstream media’s rabid dislike of President Trump is so wild and so out of control that they’ll say and print the most stupid, misguided, unresearched and dangerous of things out of a sense of skyrocketing spite. One would like to think that at some point in the future more than one of them will look back at what they did and said, examine their consciences and find themselves wanting. I won’t hold my breath though.
Of all the hundreds or more international airports in the world . A passenger
plane goes down with a loss of 177 souls just after taking
off from TEHRAN airport , quite near the time missiles are
being fired at a USA base in Iraq.
Mentally ill patients with prayer books in their bags come to mind.
Or maybe ” mechanical failure ” could be another euphemism.
I would like to know who was on board this flight and who
were the “mechanics” who checked the plane on Monday.
But of course all of this is a conspiracy theory, isn’t it?
Maybe I got the wrong impression after watching the film ARGO.
BUT I am sure the BBC will give us all the facts, because we all
trust them, don’t we?
It’s too much of a coincidence, even if I accept coincidences occur so often.
But also, isn’t it interesting that this iranian general who was obliterated is now spoken of in the MSM as though he’s always been known about, by everyone. For me, until he had his life threatening intervention, I’d never heard of him before. We aren’t being played again, are we?
The Giles Coren vs Owen Jones major spat
… and how come beeboid Coren got away in 2018 with tweeting that he going to come round to someone’s house and f…ing stab them ? twitter
Stew – there s been a bit of that on twitter citing the times column of coren explaining why he withdrew from twitter . It seems some friends of mr Jones found out where mr coren lives and went there whilst he was out but his family was in .
I have time for Jones or coren because they are fellow bubble dwellers but it shows the underside of the like of mr Jones supporters.
I’m guessing that despite those 2 people being regulars on the BBC there has been little or no coverage on the BBC.
On the Londonistan Evening Standard today is a piece by Craig Oliver – former BBC and number 10 type who desperately makes a case defending the BBC . He tells lies by saying there is no political bias in the BBC .
Perhaps he should look in the mirror and say “ brexit “ . The mirror will crack ( see representation of remainers over the last 3 years or the great daily Project Fear ) .
If you easily get upset by the words of a smug metro type it might be best if you avoid the article . It avoids the propaganda element which we record here every day –
And the fob off of legitmate formal complaints or the lack of transparency we see . Otherwise enjoy !
But if the beeb want to hide it (in Regions), then it behoves us to expose it!
Naim Khan, 41, formerly of Herschel Crescent, Mohammed Nazir, 44, formerly of Wood Farm Road and Raheem Ahmed, 42, formerly of Startwort Path were all convicted yesterday following a trial which began on October 14.
I just wonder how tens of thousands of rapes of vulnerable young girls escaped notice by the police, BBC, and the authorities from the Home secretary down. It beggars the imagination.
Again : How the BBC represents ISLINGTON bubbleworld and not the UK
– Jailed BBC worker Nazarnin ..selected for BBC Operation-banging-on
– Lives of thousands of victims of Soleimani/IranianGovernment
hardly ever mentioned
Vine ..doing Iran
Who does he go to ?
Peter Oborne
…who is live from Tehran telling us that
.. ‘basically the country is united in grief and the guy was their Nelson
(Our Posting ‘was stuck for 15 mins , then all posts appeared at once)
It’s weird that Harra now uses that term ‘food made from air’
.. cos I have seen that headline before about Finnish company @Solar_Foods… and NASA
last year in March, July, August, November
Piers Morgan has gone off on one over vegans killing insects, and maybe he’s right, but he should have been talking about an ecological disaster destroying the habitat of creatures and killing them
98% of the deforestation in Mexico is to make way for avocados of all things!
Then these fruits have to be airfreighted across to the UK Canada or the USA to be sold making the situation even worse.
But there’s worse because there are similar deforestations underway to produce enough soya to feed these eco loons.
To be a proper vegan without hypocrisy, or killing the planet in a very real way, they should comit to only eating seasonal European food or that which can be brought by sailing ship.
So that’s potatoes, carrots, onions, parsnips, turnips, swedes, apples pears and a few nuts.
Maybe a few salad plants which haven’t been grown with artifical heat & light.
Otherwise they are more of a danger to mother Earth with their destructive needs than ordinary meat eaters are !
“98% of the deforestation in Mexico is to make way for avocados of all things!”
..too wow to be true claim
“Then these fruits have to be airfreighted across to the UK Canada or the USA to be sold making the situation even worse.”
…actually Guacamole is a Mexican national dish
..they eat plenty of avocados
Mexico is so large .. forest clearance will be for other crops/houses often.
Mexico is so large .. forest clearance will be for other crops/houses often.
NO! regardless of what you want to believe the truth is that 98% of deforestation is for avocados!
Guacamole might be the Mexian national dish, but they don’t eat all of them! 40% (and rising) of the worlds avocados are grown in Mexico, so it’s pretty irrelevant how many they eat, the ones in the shops here are airfreighted and that is what matters!
I used to live in Irapuato Mexico
You quoting an activist NGO backing your 98% claim is not extraordinary evidence, nor is quoting the Guardian
cos we know they spout BS.
You believe what you want, but such magic claims like 9798%, 97% are so fishy it’s extraordinary that journos are just willing to parrot “97% of climate scientists say”
Perhaps Mr Morgan could spare a few minutes; about 14 minutes; watching this from Anne Marie Waters. She’s setting out the For Britain manifesto in chunks. This one covers their proposals regarding the slaughter of animals in the UK. And I tend to agree with her views and proposals. But no other political party will acknowledge this subject let alone discuss it. And neither will the MSM.
if you are on any type of hormone replacement – and you must accept the psychiatric diagnosis of "gender identity disorder". Mariko Oi investigates The controversial laws over how people can change gender in Japan.
— ????aWorkInProgressIvism #lauferlaw2020 Ed???????????? 2( (@CaffreyEj) January 8, 2020
It’s wrong in my opinion to use the term ‘historic rapes’ with regard to rape gangs. Technically, every rape is historic in that it has happened in the past.
But the term ‘historic’ is used in this context to dilute the offence and make it less serious.
We never hear about ‘historic murder’, ‘historic GBH’ or ‘historic burglary’.
sorry, meant use the ‘Edit’ facility to add the word casings after missile in my post but got distracted.
That photo doesn’t look right at all. No craters, no scorching to be seen. More Gullibles Travels on the part of the BBC? Rather looks like it. The photo has now been taken down.
“It’s close to my heart and I’m worried about the family. We’re all worried about them, their safety, their future.”
After military strikes between the US and Iran, what do British Iranians feel about the tensions?
What British Iranians think about the rising tension
The Iranians I have see posting on twitter, ‘British’ or otherwise, may have a different view to those the BBC selects to share as ‘news’.
France, their equivalent of Radio4 is getting the same criticism “In his new novel, Frédéric Beigbeder denounces the dictatorship of compulsory sneering which is now the embodiment of Radio-France-Inter comedy”
Times: “The French equivalent of Radio 4 is under fire after one of its former stars accused it of becoming a platform for “sneering” left-leaning humorists.
Frédéric Beigbeder, an author who had a daily slot as a commentator on the state radio station France Inter until he was dismissed in 2018, accused it of undermining democratic values with a “dictatorship of sniggering”. ”
France is waking up. Europe is waking up. The World is waking up.
While over at the beeb…
…they still think adolescent leftism is progressive and cool. Like, man.
According to that embodiment of a contradiction in terms, an expert in the Independent, the talented military genius and warm-hearted man of the people Soleimani was in Baghdad to broker talks between Sunni and Shia muslims, with a view to ending the conflict of centuries.
Well, would you believe it? More to come on Newsnight, no doubt.
And also broker a peace between Hezbollah, the PLO and the PA and the rumps of Fatah and Hamas and Black September by uniting them (or any combination that can be arranged) …..
……… perhaps in an attack on someone, somewhere?
Now who could that be?
Bashir al Assad? Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman? King Abdullah II?
What amazes me, listening to much of the BBC R4 coverage is not how blatant the BBC have become in showing forth their prejudices but how dim they have become by not actually stopping for a moment and asking “Could the CIA have gathered information that Soleimani was planning a devastating attack on Jerusalem or Riyadh or Amman or Cairo or Baghdad that might have left millions – including women and children – dead?” and “Is it possible that the CIA or another informant had provided credible information that such an attack was imminent?” and “Could President Trump have acted on Soleimani because it was the only way to prevent a massive tragedy?”
Iran looks as though it has taken the sensible option.
Oh no. President Trump appears to have got it right again.
Tomorrow the BBC will have a day of apologising for its hysterical students union reaction to the killing of Soleimani. Jon Sopel will vow not to sneer or offer up witless putdowns of the president for up to 3 hours.
Venezuela : interesting that yesterday the left controlled military couldn’t prevent Gaido getting into parliament.
… So Maduro does not have an iron grip on even the centre of government.
If a French President like Sarkozy can be brought to trial for accepting bribes from Ghaddafi’s Libya then why is it so unthinkable that several British PMs have done similar things?
Good points.
And just because we’ve had a General Election resulting in a majority government, doesn’t mean that the swamp has been drained by a miracle.
The rats are still there, swimming around in their own piss and shit.
If the new government was remotely concerned about draining the swamp, Mr Sedwill would have been booted out of the building by now.
And for those who watch UKColumn news on YouTube, today’s report is worth a watch just to find out what the Civil Service is up to and how Common Purpose is unsurprisingly involved.
“Brexit: Full UK-EU trade deal ‘impossible’ by deadline – von der Leyen”
Boris needs to pick his side, The EU or The USA?
The European Army or NATO?
Need to add another to the list as the Donald has told UK/Europe to pull out of the (already dead/expiring) Iran Nuclear Deal that O’blimy set up at great expense.
Boris has only just committed to stay with it……………
But Donald has today told him to pull out…………
Watching the BBC news was once a passive thing. One absorbed the ‘news’ . But once one becomes aware of the propaganda bias in every thing the BBC does now – watching it becomes an alien activity where nothing is taken at face value .
Absolutely nothing .
And when the BBC pretends to be warm old Aunty again – like the times it’s after even more money than the licence fee through the red nose, bear thing ‘comic whatever ‘et al – one knows that the money will be going to chosen ‘ causes ‘ BBC types prefer – as opposed to the general ‘good’
I don’t know if anyone has the capability – but the Telegraph has a piece about the failing of BBC Radio 4 and ‘what has gone wrong ‘.
If it’s possible to repost it that would be good .ta .
Here’s a photo as provided by Al-beeb of their favourite paedophile rapists who abused a girl from 13 to 15 (presumably they stopped then as she was getting a bit old for their religious sensitivities):
Listened to the last five minutes of the Media Show with Amol Rajan.
Studio guests appeared to be the normal collection of right on, media bores. but the money shot was at the end where someone suggested that it was very important that the state run broadcaster should be funded out of Government funds rather than be self supporting, or raise revenue through a licence fee.
Amol almost blew his wad in excitement at this suggestion!
I wonder whether this will be their new tactic, so we can all chip in to support our “national treasure” broadcaster.
JohnCMar 12, 01:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 What really bothers me about the MSM these days Deborah is how their reckless partisan left-wing bias affects the whole…
DeborahMar 11, 23:54 Midweek 12th March 2025 I have never been totally sure that Reform was the answer. However I watch as the MSM take Trump’s words…
JohnCMar 11, 23:18 Midweek 12th March 2025 Not just the UK : they now have the power to rig every election of EU member states. Final ruling…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s funny when you think someone is a genuine commentator and then you find out how wrong you were. For…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I wonder if this is the reason Farage and his moslom paymaster want to get rid of Lowe. If it…
Fedup2Mar 11, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yes Taffman – really with you there – their intro question is ‘are you mr / Mrs x – ?…
JonathanRMar 11, 21:58 Midweek 12th March 2025 It is now becoming obvious to me that there can never be a Trump like government in Britain Even if…
( laughs hysterically ) First again ! early bird and all that. Slackers.
Backlinks to previous thread
– Page 3 started 2pm Tuesday .. was still going at 9am Wednesday
– Page 2
Angus – You’re clearly a vampire !!
BBC having a tricky time with law and order . It has found out that the number of homicides in England and Wales has dropped by 120 year on year .
Yet police numbers have been falling for years . Perhaps there’s little need for more coppers – apart from in the big cities of course where third world imports are regularly killing each other . 149 total for Londonistan so plenty of “thoughts and prayers “ insincerity there .
No mention about the number of killings for which someone had been charged – nor the ‘ diversity ‘ of victims / killers against that of the general population . Makes me think that those numbers might not accord with ‘multicolour makes everything nice ‘ routine .
Looks like the Iranians may have shot down a Ukranian 737 just after take off…..No news on the BBC just “technical difficultys” …..
The BBC doesn’t seem concerned about this aircraft incident . Who was on it ? Americans ? Politicians . ? Or just ordinary punters who the BBC wouldn’t be concerned about .
The falling level of journalism on the BBC is a side effect of the far left bias it is infected with . This is a clear example .
AFP on Twitter is reporting an earthquake close to an Iranian nuclear site now -at 0650 London time . Might be one of those days ….
bBC had been “reporting” for days on something that didn’t and was unlikely to happen..
CES 2020: Ivanka Trump unfazed by critics at tech show – due to the fact the show went smoothly.
What news media do you suggest I watch or listen to to get
an unbiased view of news coming out of Iran? Obviously not
the BBC who have found a new “cause celebre” after their
remoaner debacle.
Not immediate, but for good analysis after the event, The Duran I always find gives the subject a good shake-down.
Foscari- but that’s the problem . There is no MSM source which is trustworthy – in my view . Reuter’s – online – is pretty factual . I like UK press gazette but others seem not to. The market is desperate for a non snowflake – right leaning source .
I will never pay for news so the Telegraph is off limits as is the Times . Mailonline is a comic and The Express has a way to go but is improving .
The other problem is it takes time to avoid the snowflake nonsense but it can be quite entertaining consuming some of the rubbish – for instance the story about a lecturer telling students not to use capital letters as they cause anxiety – or a brave celeb who Stella McCartney callec ‘brave’ for wearing the same tuxedo two days running .
Like you foscari – I’d like an answer to your question .
I take both the Telegraph and the Times. The Times is firmly against Brexit and will stay that way, the Telegraph is Pro Brexit. Indeed the Times and most of its columnists are rabid Remainers with foam flecked lips . Unfortunately they haven’t yet taken the opportunity to die in a ditch for the EU. Hopefully 31 Jan may spur them into taking the decent way out. The Times is what would have been called centre left twenty years ago and would certainly be pro Blair’s New Labour now. The Telegraph is moving that way but is some way behind the Times in the lurch to the left. If the DT is sold , as it is rumoured it might be, then the leftwRd slide could accelerate. Of course there is a possibility that someone sees the gap in the market for truthful anti Woke reporting and buys it but I am not optimistic.
@Doublethinker Two newspapers had their Sunday version differ from their weekday
” The Mail On Sunday came out in favour of Remain”
“The Sunday Times has come out for Brexit, putting it at odds with its daily counterpart The Times, which has backed Remain.”
“By The Huffington Post UK’s estimation,
papers supporting Leave have an audience of around 4.8 million,
while those backing Remain reach just over 3 million.”
Paul Homewood recently commented that the Telegraph’s green agenda coverage was suddenly much more rational.
Instead of pushing the Green Dream that the Big Green hedgefunds desire, and which all other media push in a cultish doom-monger way.
“I take both the Telegraph and the Times.” Is that why you call yourself “Doublethinker” ?
I am afraid my on line news has to come from places like here and Guido. I refuse to pay and Daily Mail on line has deteriorated hugely. Until the election, apart from Richard Littlejohn very pro Remain and anti Trump. Richard L has however just written a column calling out those who were aghast at the murder if the illustrious one. Free Telegraph from Waitrose on the days I spend enough to get it, has improved (see Alison Pearson).
I would echo a previous contributor and recomment The Duran. Alexander Mercouris and his colleagues offer long and thoughtful discussions about what is going on, and enable one to assess the reports that one reads elsewhere.
Try Fox News:
“”Ted Cruz: Iran missiles fired at Iraqi airbases were ‘in a very real sense’ paid for by billions that Obama sent Tehran””
“If history teaches anything, it’s don’t give billions of dollars to people who hate you and want to kill you.”
Has the BBC commissioned Stormzy to write a ditty yet?
Maybe to the theme of Dad’s Army, mofos?
I “know” this has nothing to do with BBC bias ,but as a stats
man in football gambling, it is quite a remarkable coincidence
that at the time Iran are sending missiles to attack a US base
in Iraq , a commercial airline crashes killing over 170 just
outside of Tehran .Hush hush, say no more, say no more.
I wonder who was on board? Reminds me a bit of ARGO. Except on
the flight from Tehran ,the “fugitives” escaped unharmed . And
the flight reached Zurich.
I thought exactly the same…and even more coincidental is the fact that on Monday there was this big discussion on BBC about the Iranians still being angry about the accidental shooting down of a passenger plane 35 years ago…by the USA
conspiracy theory ..Iranians shot down plane to remind of the history and further increase anger at USA…just a theory..
Bafta 2020: Do awards exclude women and black actors? Asks the bBC website
No women were nominated in the best director category – maybe women are just crap at being directors
Anyone bothered, other than the bBC that is
June Sarpong and Sharon White are so on it. Ironically.
June Sarpong ? – the very name makes me laugh in disgust.
Does anyone care!
Yes Andy, I also notice a distinct lack of scaffolders, nurses, deliveroo drivers, airplane pilots, etc. etc in the list of nominees along with many others. This sort of discrimination is not acceptable from BAFTA in this day and age!
Jolly bad luck, considering that TV programmes of all kinds are stuffed to the gills with POC, regardless of appropriateness.
The Mail today publishes the results of s study into the worst places in Britain to live,.
NO surprise to find they are the multi cultural hell holes which the political elites tell us are so wonderful, but which they absolutely refuse to live in themselves.
The top comments all follow the same tack, that it is immigration which has made these towns so bad.
No surprise that the woke BBC hasn’t published anything about this on their site.
Cartography: Another string to Diane Abbott’s bow? Ten numbers, nine places. Hey ho.
Nope all the numbers are there.1-10
Stew. As far as i can see, No.3 is not named.
It’s Huddersfield. I have visited all of the top 6 as a football supporter and can understand why the locals feel that way.
If you import the Third World, you become the Third World. Simples – (but only to the select few, it seems)
Straight in here !!
It may come as no suprise that Im from Halifax and I have lived here for seven years. Now there are “areas” of Halifax inhabited by “communitys” that are dirty run down and full of people on benefits that are trully awful. Thankfully Halifax Council does not pour money into these areas and just lets “them” get on with it. There is however a thriving culture of nice pubs resturaunts etc and its a geat night out (and cheap) So dont let anyone tell you anything else.If any of my fellow contributors are ever in the area then im more than happy to buy them a drink*
*One drink per contributor to a vaule of £4.30 snacks are excluded.
Where`s a nice safe place to park a truck when one has to pickup from the Morrisons in Bradford ?
Find the nearest Sam Smith’s pub, plenty around in Yorkshire, you’ll get 3 pints of dark mild and 13 pence change. No TV, no mobiles, no iPads. Good old fashioned pubs.
Find the nearest Sam Smith’s pub, plenty around in Yorkshire, you’ll get 3 pints of dark mild and 13 pence change. No TV, no mobiles, no iPads. Good old fashioned pubs.
Find the nearest Sam Smith’s pub, plenty around in Yorkshire, you’ll get 3 pints of dark mild and 13 pence change. No TV, no mobiles, no iPads. Good old fashioned pubs.
Find the nearest Sam Smith’s pub, plenty around in Yorkshire, you’ll get 3 pints of dark mild and 13 pence change. No TV, no mobiles, no iPads. Good old fashioned pubs.
Find the nearest Sam Smith’s pub, plenty around in Yorkshire, you’ll get 3 pints of dark mild and 13 pence change. No TV, no mobiles, no iPads. Good old fashioned pubs.
Northern Voter,
You’ve given us a taste of multiple submissions.
I hope you don’t vote that way in local/national elections –
We know your sort! LoL!
I can certainly vouch for the towns in Yorkshire all being Islamic hell holes. Towns which in my younger days were solid northern communities , albeit beginning to suffer from the loss of industries such as textiles , have been reduced to shit holes by hordes of Muslims who seem happy to fill the streets with rubbish , have men lounging around who make you feel you ought not to be in their town. Of course you can’t help thinking how many of them are rapists. I avoid visiting these places as far as possible. Even driving through them is a depressing ordeal when you remember what they were like fifty or sixty years ago.
The dumb multiculty elite ought to try living in these places for three months and then see how they feel about open immigration.
DT…..I take it that your not comming for a drink then…..
I prefer a more traditional setting thank you. The vibrancy of the ‘ renewed’ towns , their colour, their exotic smells etc put me off. I’m sure that there remain some traditional English areas , at least for the time being. Thanks all the same.
…..when you remember what they were like fifty or sixty years ago….
Can you imagine anyone visiting Rotherham for their summer holidays ?? Well 60 years ago I did. Living on the south coast at the seaside I would spend 6 weeks school holidays with grandparents in their 2 up 2 down pit house, and what a time I had ! fresh baked scufflers (bread rolls) from the range coal oven, proper markets to visit, and playing out safely with all the kids in the ‘backs’. The only black faces seen were the men coming home for their shift at the mine. The place is totally unrecognisable now, and immigration is to blame, no matter what anyone says.
These are all places until last year normally voted Labour?
No wonder a lot of people switched!
Not exactly a response to your comment, but related because of ROTHERHAM. This article is dated August 2019. “ROTHERHAM Council Tell Grooming Gang Victims To Add Rapist’s Names To Birth Certificates So They ‘Have Parental Rights’”
But there were often too many to identify a single father. Oh I suppose all the rapists can undergo DNA tests to decide which one is the father. Of course if none of those convicted is identified as the father the case must be reopened and all likely candidates screened. That will be several thousand tests.
Wasn’t there quite a lot of child-raping in those places?
There is an ongoing inquiry in Haifax regarding child abuse of three girls in 2006-2009 involving 16 men aged between 30 and 48 year old one of whom is a Police Officer. I’ll probably get an early morning knock on my door now!
There is an ongoing inquiry in Halifax regarding child abuse of three girls in 2006-2009 involving 16 men aged between 30 and 46 years old one of whom is a Police Officer.
I’ll probably get an early morning knock on my door now!
Fedup2- NO!!!!! I agree with you. The only thing is I like is to
attempt is to suss out the super fiendish Sodoku in the Times !!
My wife reads the Daily Mail and the only thing I like about
them ,is that they often print my letters. Except when I am
trashing them.The last one published was about the Munchkin
women Louise from the BBC breakfast programme, a few days ago.
Ok, last night’s Silent Witness on BBC1. I know it’s been mentioned already on the Start The Week thread. But I sat through the whole darned thing so I’m jolly well going to give you chapter and verse. I didn’t sit with paper and pen making notes so I’ll apologise in advance if I get anything wrong, however, that so much is stuck in my head 12 hours later tells you something.
Opening scene, a private jet travelling from Amsterdam to London ((hello? Carbon footprint anyone) on board are pilots, a female head of a charity, her young son and an American ambassador/senator. The opening exchange of this 10 part series (we hadn’t even seen anyone’s face at this point) was literally a discussion about how they can help a group of immigrants! I groaned.
The young son was asked if he wanted to go into the cockpit (is that legal?) the mixed race child was told by his white mother that of course he could.
The plane crashed. Our Silent Witness heros and heroines went to examine the wreckage. This included their disabled wheelchair bound tech genius Clarissa. Obviously field work (quite literally in this case, the jet had come down in a field) is the perfect environment for someone with her challenges. Lead police officer on the scene was a Bolshie black woman. Lead Air Accident Investigator was a white woman. It was only later that I realised that there wasn’t a single male guest actor playing a role as an authority figure.
It turns out that the ambassador/senator had been receiving death threats from a right wing group. Yes I know, I’m not even going to bother.
The ambassador/senator was a lovely man who’d come to prominence in the Obama era. Oh come on, You couldn’t make this up.
The team were sent to a suicide where a depressed man had taken a gun to himself. His computer showed he’d tracked the plane and visited a right wing site! He was also part of an online chat group for people with suicidal thoughts.
The pilot had apparently been self medicating for anxiety and was part of the same group. Cue the bolshie detective visiting the pilot’s psychiatrist for a scene that was more confrontation and finger pointing and less interview. The psychiatrist revealed that his patient had mental problems stemming from his job and the uncertainty of employment. He lived out of a suitcase, in hotels, his job was under threat. He felt like he no longer belonged and didn’t know his role or place in life. (I almost laughed out loud at this point thinking, hmmm the way young white working class men are made to feel by the BBC and media in general?). Anyway getting back to the story, it transpires that people like him are easy prey for right wing extremists to befriend and influence. (“Crikey”, I thought. Those feelings of not belonging, having no role, inadequacy, and maybe not being listened too could lead to even worse sins. Like voting for Brexit, turning your back on the Labour Party and voting a Conservative government in). The psychiatrist character was portrayed as a bit off, a bit suspect, a bit cold. Strange then that this rather cold fish was the only person in the programme that I identified with and spoke common sense. Strange or disappointing?
Other men with links to the story have appeared, all logging into the chat room. Maybe it’s my bias but I couldn’t help but feel that they were all portrayed fairly unsympathetically given that they’re so unwell that they’re on the brink of taking their own lives. The only one that came close was an actor with the limb deformities seen from thalidomide who reading between the lines, lived in a big old house and was depressed because his dad had died and he was now alone. A great wordless performance and an absolutely 100% appropriate and EFFECTIVE piece of casting. My one “bravo” out of the whole
As the end credits rolled (there were probably more woke moments but by now I was punch drunk) there was the soothing voice over and telephone numbers given for anyone who had been affected by tonight’s storyline. This actually annoyed me, they should have liaised with The Samaritans and posted their number on screen, not the telephone number to the recorded BBC announcement the soothing voice was talking about.
The only bright spot in the show is that the annoying lead character, Nikki, looks like she’s about to get dumped by her handsome American boyfriend. That’ll cheer me up no end as it’s long overdue for her to leave.
If I’ve got an appetite for it I’ll give you episode 2 tomorrow but I might have joined that chat room myself by then and slit my own wrists.
The real world suicide pilot was in 2015 Germanwings Flight 9525
The investigation determined that the crash was caused deliberately by the co-pilot, Andreas Lubitz, who had previously been treated for suicidal tendencies and declared “unfit to work” by his doctor. Lubitz kept this information from his employer and instead reported for duty. Shortly after reaching cruise altitude and while the captain was out of the cockpit, he locked the cockpit door and initiated a controlled descent that continued until the aircraft impacted a mountainside.
In response to the incident and the circumstances of the co-pilot’s involvement, aviation authorities in some countries implemented new regulations that require the presence of two authorized personnel in the cockpit at all times
Please spare yourself from watching anymore of this tripe. Sitting and reporting on one episode is heroic , going through another episode is pushing your luck you will never survive it.Seriously this Woke crap is unwatchable . I would rather visit the dentist than be forced to sit through such an episode.
I would never watch silent witness, you know you are in for a blood pressure rise hit and my life is too precious to allow this. What I have started watching is Foyles War, ITV 3 have started a rerun of the whole series from last Monday. I know it’s been on loads of times but the superb writing, acting and non PC agenda is a joy to behold. If anyone has never seen it you are missing a gem. It shows the quality of the series that you can rewatch it and still enjoy it. Just as life was in the 40s. Michael Kitchen as Foyle is for me the best actor on TV, his portrayal of Foyle is a treat.
Hear, hear Cromwell, agree about Michael Kitchen, a great actor who never seems to garner awards or credit.
I also find that the only TV worth watching is stuff made before about 2005 , the earlier the better. Not only is free from PC sauce but it also has better dialogue and story lines.
Thanks Woolwich.
As I said in my earlier post, I switched it off after 10 minutes.
I found it unbearable to watch.
You deserve some kind of award for sticking with it, and at least I know the story line, and will definitely not be watching part 2.
This program has been getting worse to watch over the years. It is a pity as when it started all those years ago there were some good storylines and sometimes almost credible.
Anyway, if you punish yourself for part 2 let us know how awful it got….
A wonderful summary, don’t stop!
BBC News
Five years ago militant Islamists shot dead 11 people in the magazine’s Paris office, before murdering a policeman outside.
Militants? The bbc and their odd tendencies.
This is worth running by Jez by anyone not yet blocked by another transparent bbc market rate propagandist.
Ah well, its back to Uganda – again – for her I guess……………..
If only she and her kind would voluntarily sod off.
That one act of civic responsibility would do wonders for our country.
I’m hoping that Farage day, 31 Jan, tips them over edge and they leave the country in dismay , or self combust in their rage. I am getting sick to death of these idiotic Wokists telling the rest of us that we should be more like them. My view is that Brexit is only a subset of anti Wokism . People are fed up with the clueless elite wrecking our country, trashing our values and culture , forcing immigrants on us in ever greater numbers. The people are screaming enough but the liberal elite don’t hear or perhaps they are so certain of their own spurious virtue that they don’t care.
Isn’t she who mocked the US ambassador just after 9/11. Why do we allow endemic historic enemies of the West to settle here.
She will leave just as as soon as her Muslim community leaves.
If she set up a ‘Crowd Funding’ site to pay for her ticket she could go first class !
Just before the Election she was on one of those ‘political’ shows. She pleaded that: “the nastiness and name calling being displayed by Politicians just had to stop. Boris Johnson , he is the Devil!”
Mouth opens, brain disengages. Go and have a nice chat with Diane, Yasmine.
For the first time in a long time I’ve looked at the bbc new site. Good manners prevents me from using the sort of language Zoe Kleinmann deserves for her snide bubble dwelling non story halfway down, juxtaposing Ivanka Trump’s comments about the high cost of childcare with her expensive diamond rings sparkling under the lights. Don’t have any rings yourself Zoe? A man nodded off. Well show me a conference room where someone HASN’T nodded off. People left before the end. Ditto. All a reinforcement of why I don’t trust the BBC as a news source.
It’s barely readable – sometimes I try to guess who their website is aimed at – I’m guessing under 25 – female – snowflake student kidult type who probably has a picture of Sharon /Greta or someone called stormy .. on her bedroom wall ….. but I could be wrong …
Are there any White men or boys in the BBC. Or for that matter on adverts on TV.
Watching TV one would surmise that all Western civilisation/engineering was the invention of Black men and wimen.
Someone in an interview once asked Hilary Clinton if she admired anything about Trump…..she said “His Chldren”…….we may see his daughter US president one day….The first female US president is a Trump !! BBC would explode……
A person of diversity speaks truth via power.
9 likes and 3 comments for Newsnight’s tweet
from the 60 million population.
9+3 =12 = Newsnight audience.
Yes, very much out of touch. Alongwith this reporter – the Black&Asian Broadcasting Corporation. The viewer needs more honest documentaries on such subjects as, how the British Plod is totally inadequate in having to deal with International criminal gangs such as the Kosovo Mafia, now in the UK and this, “Black Axe” –
Where is their leading ‘honest’ reporter, Sweeney, when you need him?
Why don’t these ethnic whiners create their own awards event, then they can celebrate diversity to their heart’s content?
Or better still go to an ethnic majority country and start up a film and TV company to make the kind of films they want to watch?
For myself, I want to be entertained by stuff written by white men, with stories about white men, featuring white men and produced by white men. And, at least for now, I’m living in a predominantly white and at least superficially Christian country, so I reckon what I want is more profitable than what the whiners want.
Yes, how diverse are the MOBO awards? Not very, I should wager.
Yes, how diverse are the MOBO awards? Not very, I should wager.
@ John in Cheshire: This conversation is being recorded to enable us to give you a better service.
It’s up to 30 likes and 9 comments, so pretty much three times the size of the Newsnight audience now.
It’s only a shame (actually it’s not at all) that all 9 comments are solidly of the Comments Coukd Be Going Better variety.
Zero support whatsoever.
P.S. at the time of writing the Twitter link says that 30 people are talking about this. So does a like = bothering your backside to actually talk about it because in my book there’s on,y 9 people talking about I and they’re not being complimentary.
It is strange how the BBC love to shout about not enough representation when it suits woke town but not around the other way…
more female medics , lawyers, teachers , nurses than males…a disproportionate number of Asian male NHS consultants, a higher proportion of black footballers and athletes than BAME in UK population..and a much higher proportion of muslim rapists than % muslims in population
so it only works one way does it…
Greta/MSM relationship hits reality.
Even the BBC may struggle with this one post Mishal, Jon, Clive…
Fossil Fuels are good so mostly don’t need to advertise
.. The newspapers do have ads from Fossil Fuel companies that say
.. “Look at us we are green we have solar farms as well”
.. So what are the logistics of banning such adverts ?
I think not to be too concerned because like all attention seekers, little miss muffet will sooner or later go too far.
Ha the papers are not full of adverts telling you to use gas & petrol
but they are full of corps like British Airways and travel companies who sell flights/holidays
I can’t see Greta stopping that.
I suspect there will be a ‘compromise’ soon, whereby these activities are allowed so long as Danegeld is paid to those in the green industry to play with.
For some reason radio 4 is re-running Daddy-T’s cosy chat with Airflown Mishal.
Don’t worry Greta dear, I’m sure the guardian will be along soon. Just as long as you can make a donation.
The media reaction to a surgical strike of accuracy taking out a terrorist vs. that to a spunk waffle spray of missiles that might have hit civilians anywhere is… very MSM.
I wonder if Mishal will be updating her tally board yet?
When the bbc next wheel the crinkly harpie out to ‘analyse’ retail effects of Brexit…
I bet the employees in her textile mill are pleased her about her pushing people to buy less cloting
she probably already has a wardrobe the size of a football pitch, so this is hardly cause her any hardship.
Unless she is a sock wearer , those are always buggering off of their own accord
Must. Resist. Image. Of. Debs. In. Socks.
Kaiser, I have a spare one if that’s any help.
The plane crash is a bit strange
we know 180 are dead and 63 were Canadians
So neither Iranians or Americans would have wanted that.
Some footage shows the plane on fire in the sky ..though that could be fake.
So in talk of revenge attacks the biggest deaths occur in an accident/cock-up.
Iran has such poor safety standards 60 people/day die on its roads every day.
‘Strange’ does not come close, especially combined with the number of North American’s aboard a flight on a route hardly normal.
Seems awful to be hoping this was ‘tech issues’, but then the make of plane comes into frame.
Once the BBC gets ‘analysing’ the only greater tragedy than the loss of all innocent lives will be Trudeau trying to go full Arden in his new beard.
Were they Canadians or were they “canadians”, I wonder?
BBC pundits condemning ‘illegal assassination’ – Iran will conduct an ‘asymmetrical’ war – I take it that is code for ‘legal’ terrorism?
The BBC’s and the mainstream media’s rabid dislike of President Trump is so wild and so out of control that they’ll say and print the most stupid, misguided, unresearched and dangerous of things out of a sense of skyrocketing spite. One would like to think that at some point in the future more than one of them will look back at what they did and said, examine their consciences and find themselves wanting. I won’t hold my breath though.
Of all the hundreds or more international airports in the world . A passenger
plane goes down with a loss of 177 souls just after taking
off from TEHRAN airport , quite near the time missiles are
being fired at a USA base in Iraq.
Mentally ill patients with prayer books in their bags come to mind.
Or maybe ” mechanical failure ” could be another euphemism.
I would like to know who was on board this flight and who
were the “mechanics” who checked the plane on Monday.
But of course all of this is a conspiracy theory, isn’t it?
Maybe I got the wrong impression after watching the film ARGO.
BUT I am sure the BBC will give us all the facts, because we all
trust them, don’t we?
It’s too much of a coincidence, even if I accept coincidences occur so often.
But also, isn’t it interesting that this iranian general who was obliterated is now spoken of in the MSM as though he’s always been known about, by everyone. For me, until he had his life threatening intervention, I’d never heard of him before. We aren’t being played again, are we?
Own goal ?
Check the flight recorder.
More tragedy in any terms…
BBC News
Last year the number of people killed across the UK fell — but homicides in London went up again.
…especially the number in person hours in Frankie Howerd composing the ‘representative’ imagery in sad complement.
The Giles Coren vs Owen Jones major spat
… and how come beeboid Coren got away in 2018 with tweeting that he going to come round to someone’s house and f…ing stab them ?
Stew – there s been a bit of that on twitter citing the times column of coren explaining why he withdrew from twitter . It seems some friends of mr Jones found out where mr coren lives and went there whilst he was out but his family was in .
I have time for Jones or coren because they are fellow bubble dwellers but it shows the underside of the like of mr Jones supporters.
I’m guessing that despite those 2 people being regulars on the BBC there has been little or no coverage on the BBC.
Patrick Moore – The Power of Truth
Patrick Moore was the founder of Greenpeace.
Well worth watching.
NCNNC, am less than one-third of way thru’ watching this. Thanks. Very informative.
On the Londonistan Evening Standard today is a piece by Craig Oliver – former BBC and number 10 type who desperately makes a case defending the BBC . He tells lies by saying there is no political bias in the BBC .
Perhaps he should look in the mirror and say “ brexit “ . The mirror will crack ( see representation of remainers over the last 3 years or the great daily Project Fear ) .
If you easily get upset by the words of a smug metro type it might be best if you avoid the article . It avoids the propaganda element which we record here every day –
And the fob off of legitmate formal complaints or the lack of transparency we see . Otherwise enjoy !
How the BBC represents ISLINGTON bubbleworld and not the UK
– Cyprus sex attack victim ..selected for BBC Operation-banging-on
– Oxford court case victims .. hardly whispered
same day !
Some victims are more unequal than others ?
13? A bit old I’d have thought.
But if the beeb want to hide it (in Regions), then it behoves us to expose it!
Naim Khan, 41, formerly of Herschel Crescent, Mohammed Nazir, 44, formerly of Wood Farm Road and Raheem Ahmed, 42, formerly of Startwort Path were all convicted yesterday following a trial which began on October 14.—sentencing-date-set/
I just wonder how tens of thousands of rapes of vulnerable young girls escaped notice by the police, BBC, and the authorities from the Home secretary down. It beggars the imagination.
None so blind as those who will not see…
BBC reporter: “Mass muslim paedophile rapes across the nation? Where?”
What has the highly funded NSPCC been doing about it ?
They have a nice HQ in London.
Much the same as the gentleman above.
Our kids, Sacrificed on the alter of Political Correctness .
Again : How the BBC represents ISLINGTON bubbleworld and not the UK
– Jailed BBC worker Nazarnin ..selected for BBC Operation-banging-on
– Lives of thousands of victims of Soleimani/IranianGovernment
hardly ever mentioned
Some victims are more unequal than others ?
Vine ..doing Iran
Who does he go to ?
Peter Oborne
…who is live from Tehran telling us that
.. ‘basically the country is united in grief and the guy was their Nelson
(Our Posting ‘was stuck for 15 mins , then all posts appeared at once)
“Food ‘made from air’ could compete with soya
By Roger H BBC environment analyst”
It’s weird that Harra now uses that term ‘food made from air’
.. cos I have seen that headline before about Finnish company @Solar_Foods… and NASA
last year in March, July, August, November
In June Tim Worstall busted it
” that’s ten times more expensive than the ones we already eat.”
Also from July
Last night 11pm Radio4 repeat of Little Brexit
“You can’t do French kissing any more because of that Brexit thing”
Good. A handshake is quite sufficient.
Piers Morgan has gone off on one over vegans killing insects, and maybe he’s right, but he should have been talking about an ecological disaster destroying the habitat of creatures and killing them
98% of the deforestation in Mexico is to make way for avocados of all things!
Then these fruits have to be airfreighted across to the UK Canada or the USA to be sold making the situation even worse.
But there’s worse because there are similar deforestations underway to produce enough soya to feed these eco loons.
To be a proper vegan without hypocrisy, or killing the planet in a very real way, they should comit to only eating seasonal European food or that which can be brought by sailing ship.
So that’s potatoes, carrots, onions, parsnips, turnips, swedes, apples pears and a few nuts.
Maybe a few salad plants which haven’t been grown with artifical heat & light.
Otherwise they are more of a danger to mother Earth with their destructive needs than ordinary meat eaters are !
“98% of the deforestation in Mexico is to make way for avocados of all things!”
..too wow to be true claim
“Then these fruits have to be airfreighted across to the UK Canada or the USA to be sold making the situation even worse.”
…actually Guacamole is a Mexican national dish
..they eat plenty of avocados
Mexico is so large .. forest clearance will be for other crops/houses often.
..too wow to be true claim
“In 2016, the expansion of agricultural frontiers accounted for 98 percent of deforestation in Mexico. ”
Mexico is so large .. forest clearance will be for other crops/houses often.
NO! regardless of what you want to believe the truth is that 98% of deforestation is for avocados!
Guacamole might be the Mexian national dish, but they don’t eat all of them! 40% (and rising) of the worlds avocados are grown in Mexico, so it’s pretty irrelevant how many they eat, the ones in the shops here are airfreighted and that is what matters!
Great. One of the few veg not celery that my wife will allow me and it turns out I am personally killing Gaia.
I used to live in Irapuato Mexico
You quoting an activist NGO backing your 98% claim is not extraordinary evidence, nor is quoting the Guardian
cos we know they spout BS.
You believe what you want, but such magic claims like 9798%, 97% are so fishy it’s extraordinary that journos are just willing to parrot “97% of climate scientists say”
When I say Mexico is so large, I mean the geography climate means that avocados are not grown in every state but rather concentrated in some.
BTW your first source doesn’t say that 98% of Mexican deforestation is for avocado
It says “the expansion of agricultural frontiers accounted for 98 percent of deforestation in Mexico. “
Perhaps Mr Morgan could spare a few minutes; about 14 minutes; watching this from Anne Marie Waters. She’s setting out the For Britain manifesto in chunks. This one covers their proposals regarding the slaughter of animals in the UK. And I tend to agree with her views and proposals. But no other political party will acknowledge this subject let alone discuss it. And neither will the MSM.
Trans again : Yesterday’s BBC World Service prog
It’s wrong in my opinion to use the term ‘historic rapes’ with regard to rape gangs. Technically, every rape is historic in that it has happened in the past.
But the term ‘historic’ is used in this context to dilute the offence and make it less serious.
We never hear about ‘historic murder’, ‘historic GBH’ or ‘historic burglary’.
I wonder why 🙁
Looks like the Grand Ayatollah is not so grand after all and has been firing blanks, judging by the intact missiles.
sorry, meant use the ‘Edit’ facility to add the word casings after missile in my post but got distracted.
That photo doesn’t look right at all. No craters, no scorching to be seen. More Gullibles Travels on the part of the BBC? Rather looks like it. The photo has now been taken down.
its the venues fault,
lets impose heavy costs on venues ,
cos its the venues fault,
the last large venues I went staff had loads of “security” staff
but who vets the “security” staff
“It’s close to my heart and I’m worried about the family. We’re all worried about them, their safety, their future.”
After military strikes between the US and Iran, what do British Iranians feel about the tensions?
What British Iranians think about the rising tension
The Iranians I have see posting on twitter, ‘British’ or otherwise, may have a different view to those the BBC selects to share as ‘news’.
France, their equivalent of Radio4 is getting the same criticism
“In his new novel, Frédéric Beigbeder denounces the dictatorship of compulsory sneering which is now the embodiment of Radio-France-Inter comedy”
Times: “The French equivalent of Radio 4 is under fire after one of its former stars accused it of becoming a platform for “sneering” left-leaning humorists.
Frédéric Beigbeder, an author who had a daily slot as a commentator on the state radio station France Inter until he was dismissed in 2018, accused it of undermining democratic values with a “dictatorship of sniggering”. ”
France is waking up. Europe is waking up. The World is waking up.
While over at the beeb…
…they still think adolescent leftism is progressive and cool. Like, man.
What kind of dream is this young man having?
And where are his legs?
He’s a beeboid; probably dreaming of Diane Flabbott.
According to that embodiment of a contradiction in terms, an expert in the Independent, the talented military genius and warm-hearted man of the people Soleimani was in Baghdad to broker talks between Sunni and Shia muslims, with a view to ending the conflict of centuries.
Well, would you believe it? More to come on Newsnight, no doubt.
And also broker a peace between Hezbollah, the PLO and the PA and the rumps of Fatah and Hamas and Black September by uniting them (or any combination that can be arranged) …..
……… perhaps in an attack on someone, somewhere?
Now who could that be?
Bashir al Assad? Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman? King Abdullah II?
Or someone else or another nation altogether?
I heard he was in Iraq to open an orphanage and had brought his guitar to sing Kumbaya to the kids.
LOL, vlad.
What amazes me, listening to much of the BBC R4 coverage is not how blatant the BBC have become in showing forth their prejudices but how dim they have become by not actually stopping for a moment and asking “Could the CIA have gathered information that Soleimani was planning a devastating attack on Jerusalem or Riyadh or Amman or Cairo or Baghdad that might have left millions – including women and children – dead?” and “Is it possible that the CIA or another informant had provided credible information that such an attack was imminent?” and “Could President Trump have acted on Soleimani because it was the only way to prevent a massive tragedy?”
Iran looks as though it has taken the sensible option.
Oh no. President Trump appears to have got it right again.
Tomorrow the BBC will have a day of apologising for its hysterical students union reaction to the killing of Soleimani. Jon Sopel will vow not to sneer or offer up witless putdowns of the president for up to 3 hours.
Venezuela : interesting that yesterday the left controlled military couldn’t prevent Gaido getting into parliament.
… So Maduro does not have an iron grip on even the centre of government.
The BBC certainly is NOT a bubbleworld which provides its mates with a platform to push their activism.
So why don’t BBC London comics do stuff like this ?
BBC Scotland shows the way
I see the Bottler has been defending the horrible Iran nuclear deal again in Parliament.
I can’t imagine any legitimate reason why a British PM would want to support this not least at this time.
Unless of course
And BTW if you think such a thing is unthinkable take a read of these two one just announced this evening:
If a French President like Sarkozy can be brought to trial for accepting bribes from Ghaddafi’s Libya then why is it so unthinkable that several British PMs have done similar things?
Good points.
And just because we’ve had a General Election resulting in a majority government, doesn’t mean that the swamp has been drained by a miracle.
The rats are still there, swimming around in their own piss and shit.
If the new government was remotely concerned about draining the swamp, Mr Sedwill would have been booted out of the building by now.
And for those who watch UKColumn news on YouTube, today’s report is worth a watch just to find out what the Civil Service is up to and how Common Purpose is unsurprisingly involved.
“Brexit: Full UK-EU trade deal ‘impossible’ by deadline – von der Leyen”
Boris needs to pick his side, The EU or The USA?
The European Army or NATO?
The bottler commit to something? Don’t hold your breath !
Need to add another to the list as the Donald has told UK/Europe to pull out of the (already dead/expiring) Iran Nuclear Deal that O’blimy set up at great expense.
Boris has only just committed to stay with it……………
But Donald has today told him to pull out…………
Boris – deal or no deal !?
Well the Indy or Graun would not have been seen by anyone…
This is a reflection more than anything else .
Watching the BBC news was once a passive thing. One absorbed the ‘news’ . But once one becomes aware of the propaganda bias in every thing the BBC does now – watching it becomes an alien activity where nothing is taken at face value .
Absolutely nothing .
And when the BBC pretends to be warm old Aunty again – like the times it’s after even more money than the licence fee through the red nose, bear thing ‘comic whatever ‘et al – one knows that the money will be going to chosen ‘ causes ‘ BBC types prefer – as opposed to the general ‘good’
I don’t know if anyone has the capability – but the Telegraph has a piece about the failing of BBC Radio 4 and ‘what has gone wrong ‘.
If it’s possible to repost it that would be good .ta .
Here’s a photo as provided by Al-beeb of their favourite paedophile rapists who abused a girl from 13 to 15 (presumably they stopped then as she was getting a bit old for their religious sensitivities):
Listened to the last five minutes of the Media Show with Amol Rajan.
Studio guests appeared to be the normal collection of right on, media bores. but the money shot was at the end where someone suggested that it was very important that the state run broadcaster should be funded out of Government funds rather than be self supporting, or raise revenue through a licence fee.
Amol almost blew his wad in excitement at this suggestion!
I wonder whether this will be their new tactic, so we can all chip in to support our “national treasure” broadcaster.
Could you think of a more irrelevant photo to illustrate paedophile gang grooming and rape?
It’s almost as if the beeb were trying to hide the identity of the perpetrators.
Here’s yer coat… 🙂