The Far Left BBC is in a tricky position with regard to the non ‘cooperation ‘ of government ministers going forward to be harangued by BBC employee ‘journalists . Their bias has destroyed their ability to present fair views to the public which pays for them . The BBC is not accountable to the diminishing number of people who still pay for it . That’s got to change .
Weekend Thread 11 January 2020
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Not too much comment in the media about the hypocrisy of the woke Sussexes. I had assumed that they were holidaying on the Atlantic coast of Canada, because that is what the media said, but the rather expensive hide away they have been staying at is actually on the Pacific coast half way around the world!
The fastest plane route back to the UK is over the North Pole which makes the ecological cost even higher! To travel to the UK and back again 3 days later makes a mockery of any pretence of caring for the planet or the environment.
It’s a shame this wasn’t all decided on before putting us to the expense of a royal wedding. Viva Las Vegas.
The billionaires house was on Vancouver Island.
Clearly the cut and run Duchess never planned to stay in Britain – and why leave baby Archie behind in Canada? not one journalist has asked that question.
I imagine the rot set in with her when she didn’t get her own way on certain plans for her wedding, with the Queen blocking a couple of her ‘demands’, and she didn’t like it. Behind the dazzling smile is a young woman who is not used to being rejected, so gradually she is exacting her revenge, and her hapless husband who appears to have had a personality transplant since his wedding, is too much in awe of her to do anything about it.
They may get the adulation they crave around the world in their new roles, but aside from a few giggling girls behind barriers the reception here won’t be as warm.
He the next expert guest on Newsnight?
Pilger ( or piglet if you let smellchick (spell check ) run your life )
Should do a double act with Comrade Corbyn – they’d make a few bob on the old folks home circuit doing afternoon ‘talks ‘ …..
Pilger’s tweet didn’t age well
..when 5 hours later Iran admitted shooting down the Ukrainian plane
Maybe pilger would be better going home to put out a few fires ….( is that racist – maxi – you shout it enough – what do ya reckon bud ?)
OT, but it looks like trouble in paradise. Just been sent this:
Dear Sucker,
I’ll get straight to the point. Today I’m asking you to defend 38 Degrees’ independence. Time is running out to help.
To maintain our independence, there’s [sic] no big donors or corporate sponsors stupid enough to fund us. 38 Degrees depends on donations averaging about £8. [1] But only a tiny portion of 38 Degrees members – that’s people like you reading these emails, mostly for the lolz – make donations.
It’s the new year and it’s a little awkward to ask. But giving to 38 Degrees not only contributes to campaigns that protect and defend the things that matter to us – like our NHS, our environment and our welfare system – it also pays for the dedicated office team to help run them. Actually mostly that ‘us’, here, in the office. [2]
If everyone reading this message chipped in what they could right now, then we could keep 38 Degrees strong in 2020. The price of a cup of tea or coffee is all we need. Maybe one with ‘Huw’ on it, spelled correctly, from a hated corporate exploiter of the masses. Or a BBC Director barista boutique.
I can’t afford to feel embarrassed asking you to make a donation. I do it because I believe the more people who are involved in democracy, the better. And 38 Degrees will continue to campaign to make sure that happens. That’s nothing to be embarrassed about, if you ask me.
When 38 Degrees began ten years ago we were told we wouldn’t last, that people wouldn’t get involved, and politicians wouldn’t listen. Nearly a decade later and there are millions of us signing petitions, contacting our MPs and taking action across the whole of the UK.
I know not everyone is able to donate. But if you can, could you please take one minute to help me keep 38 Degrees growing in 2020.
Thanks for all you do,
Megan Bentall
Campaigns Manager
P.S. We want you to know that the way 38 Degrees works is changing. In the past, the staff team have sometimes written draft emails for people like you Jolyon, to edit and send on to your MP – offering an opportunity to have your say at the click of a button.
But over the past few months, the staff team have stopped writing these templates as they were backfiring as much as luvvie protest marches, idiot petitions, rigged polls and BBC panels.
The truth is, if you’re an activist worried about your London gig, or an activist concerned about your London flat mortgage, others paying for it works far better than we ever could.
Watch out for a BBC ‘report’ on such entities soon. Maybe by Stuart Hughes.
Damn – I have just unsubscribed. If I had realised I was using their money I would have kept receiving their emails.
BBC Online News:
“”Texas governor to reject new refugees under Trump order””
“The decision means Texas will become the first state known to do so.”
“Last year US President Donald Trump signed an executive order allowing states to opt out of the programme.”
“On Friday, Mr Abbott said Texas had done “more than its share in assisting the refugee resettlement process”.”
“Refugee agencies have criticised the move, with one calling it “deeply disappointing”.”
I am not trying to be facetious.But I can imagine the present
BBC being apologists for Germany between 1939-1945.
Mr hitler has been getting an undeserved coverage in the MSM
He has said he only wants peace
He comes from a poor background
He likes dogs
He’s very stylist – wears BoSS
The west is being nasty to him
He didn’t mean to shoot down a jet
Here’s that nice Jeremy Bowen’s eulogy
Also artistic and vegetarian. What’s not to like?
He wants Lebensraum, living space. We all want somewhere to live, don’t we?
And he loves muslims.
The Middle class London media bubbleworld
I pick up the Times
Magazine : writers Nadiya, and Giles Coren
Media-section : Tom Watson’s new book How I Lost 8 Stone
Book by Somali immigrant turned barrister : People Like Us
New book about American migrants plight American Dirt
TV : Channel4 female scientists show The Bone Detectives
The BBC will appeal the Samira case won’t it ?
Cos she got the same salary as her predecessor Ray Snoddy
.. so how can her salary be sexist ?
Is Snoddy to get back pay too ?
news “The New Routemaster buses that Boris Johnson commissioned for London at huge expense, reintroducing rear doors, are to have them closed to boarding because of widespread fare evasion.”
I can believe that
but the bendy buses which I prefer … were also even more prone to fare evasion.
Brazilian buses simply have a front entrance door, then a turnstile in the middle you go through to prove you’ve paid , then an exit rear door.
Week in Westminster
Someone called Anooshka? From the Guardian running a half hour wake for the Labour Party as the snowflakes realise that’s Comrade Corbyn has killed it .
It is unsaid but I get the feeling that conservative HQ is limiting appearance of Tory MPs on the enemy broadcaster as much as possible . Long may that policy endure .
Robinson , Marr and Maitliss can then rant at themselves looking in a mirror .
Lastly – we must be due an interview with “ Megan PLC ‘ – depending if any broadcaster has deep enough pockets
Update twitter says the sun reports that CBS have contracted for a ‘ tell all ‘ interview . …why am I not surprised .
Then there’ll be a ‘ divorce ‘ special in a year or so – will sell a lot of papers for those who care
Aren’t the Sussexes getting a slot on the shopping channel?
Aren’t there lots of mugs and plates and such that were produced for some royal event or other that were never put on sale because something happened? Well, perhaps they can try selling them.
Or maybe they can take up farming in Canada and sell over-priced cheese and such. Called Sussex unoriginals, perhaps?
Then there’s Sparkles old mate Oprah, she of the anti-Christ. Maybe there’s a job for her in the Harpo organisation?
In Saudi they have partitioned busses – women to rear, men in front. I don’t remember whether there were two entrances but it seems a safe bet there are two. I wonder, muslims being demonstrably pious (‘some say’) and all that, how they deal with fare evasion? Could it be that many of the bus travellers have only one hand…………. That would work.
Channel4 series schooling Vegan Jihadis
and they are surprised about the backlash
Lest we forget …
“The updated Withdrawal Agreement published on 17 October 2019 made no changes to the terms of the financial settlement”
– The House of Lords European Union Committee, 2nd Report of Session 2019–20
“The terms of the financial settlement are the same in both the Withdrawal Agreement negotiated by Theresa May’s Government and the latest version.”
– House of Commons Library, 06 Jan 2020
interesting effect when you scroll that graphic
the circles vibrate
I’ve watched three BBC panel based programmes now where the assertion has been made that Meghan Markle has been the victim of racism in the U.K.
Question Time, Politics Live and Dateline London all aired the view that racist attacks had been aimed at the Duchess both in general and in particular via the tabloid press.
But what is most striking is that not once in any of these shows did the panel chair bother to query the claim being made.
These BBC journos, who are usually so quick to challenge and confront, never asked the simple question: “what evidence have you regarding racism?”
The BBC narrative is clearly now set and the racism lie is being fanned at every opportunity.
Ed, I suspect it has mostly or almost been entirely comments made online on Twitter, Facebook and Forums such as this. Not sure it would be the place to do that on a quiz game or panel programme. Certainly on News & Current Affairs (N&CA) programmes then you are right, a presenter or chair should challenge such a claim.
When I first saw photos of Megan Markle, she had a tan. She’s an actress. From California. It is what actresses from California do. Have tans.
It was probably only when the BBC mentioned she came from a mixed race background or it was mentioned on here that I was any the wiser. Not using a telly or watching any of these TV series (until they are available cheap on eBay or in the Charity shops) I didn’t know about ‘Suits’ or Megan Markle’s role in it until the BBC informed me and then kept informing me. I agree the BBC is now a major source of disinformation and pure propaganda.
Something should be done.
The BBC couldn’t let us know quick enough Megan was mixed race. So much for MLK’s dream eh :0)
It was interesting that on both press reviews – Sky and BBC the clearly left wing journos pushed the nasty media ‘racist’ agenda, and the right wing journos described the assertion as utter nonsense and said there was no evidence to promote this, as they had only seen positive reporting of her, – apart from the jet travel fiasco and the pair whingeing in Africa.
I also read that Afua Hirsch (yep the very same one) had reported the racist bias in none other than the New York Time. She certainly gets around that gal !
Dr Steve Turley covers this in his YouTube video today. It’s hilarious that the New York Times is spouting this nonsense. But then Gerald Celente regularly refers to it as the “Toilet paper of Record”.
In some ways it is good that the BBC is taking this ridiculous line, Aunty has been painting us as all as unreconstructed racists for years (unless of course we come from North London and went to Uni with Afua Hirsch) and the fact that she is in such a hurry to brand us, silence us and airbrush us out of our own country will be another nail in her coffin.
One reason why so many people voted Tory in the north is that they are heartily sick of the woke BS constantly forced down their throats. This has emboldened politicians like Boris to finally start speculating on the future of the BBC – and whilst I suspect Boris lacks the political will to put the stake through the heart of this blood sucking parasite, the fact that a Prime Minister is at least willing to talk about it has finally uncorked a bottle and let out a genie that the BBC will now find very difficult to put back in.
So you keep on digging down Aunty but it could very well be your grave you are digging – not ours.
John Humphrys writing in the Daily Mail
The BBC have embarrassed themselves over Iran, the taking out of Soleimani and the downed Ukrainian airliner and they know it. What is more amazing is that they continue to do it!
Interesting priorities on show here:
That Lineker chap sure has some ‘pull’ at the BBC.
” local news industry though you forgot the launch of a new hyper local news network, Nub News.
We are changing the industry model.
Already in 26 towns, we aim to be in 700. Come and join us. ”
looks like they only do towns where’s there’s no local newspaper
”Merchant banker behind the launch of a new hyper local news network, Nub News.”
“We are changing the industry model.
Already in 26 towns, we aim to be in 700. Come and join us. ”
Hmm looks like they only do towns where’s there’s no local newspaper
What a co-incidence.
If only ‘CC’ could be changed to, ‘KC’ then we could refer to activists doing ‘a King Canute’ in terms of doing anything practical about so-called ‘CC’.
Fact is, its all to do with raising taxes from Joe Public supervised and coordinated by the UN. How else can any country hope to sustain the cost of the UN’s Migration Compact?
There has been an islamic terror attack INSIDE a jail, but you’d never know it from Al-Beeb.
They bury this escalation in Jihad under Regions, Cambridgeshire.
‘One officer at the maximum security jail sustained serious stab injuries to his head, face and back when he was attacked from behind by the two inmates wearing fake suicide belts and using improvised weapons, POA general secretary Steve Gillan said.
“There is no doubt in my mind that but for the bravery of staff, then this morning we could have been talking about a death of a prison officer at Whitemoor Prison,” he added…
Shouts of “Allahu Akbar” (God is the greatest) were reportedly heard during the attack.’
Fake suicide belts… improvised weapons… Allahu Akbar…
On the outside they’d have been shot dead on the spot. Can’t we just shoot the f*ckers on the inside too?
Note to moderator: If you think my language is extreme, I assure you I have severely self-censored and toned it down from what I really think.
I think your restraint deserves proclamation .
These Islamic warriors are treated like criminals on the basis that we can’t kill them . Shame the death penalty was dumped .
Or treat them like the combatants they claim to be, in a war they declared against us. And shoot them on sight.
I think that in the end it will come to that. It will be like Bladerunner.
TOADY Watch #1 – Remarkable, quite remarkable
Please excuse the Mottyism but it is the eighth straight day – I think – that Mishal Husain has presented TOADY with the exception obviously of last Sunday. It is also remarkable (or interesting to this Beeb-observer) how the news items are divvied up between the two presenters.
Has this all been driven by events in Iraq and Iran?
About halfway. So, BBC editorial coverage a la Paree, or Hong Kong, or six XR protestors having a hissy fit about being labelled extremist.
This Canadian guy is well worth a watch. Here’s his take on a vegan diet to ‘save the planet’.
If you ever get into a debate with an AGW/CC/C-E vegan, just ask them how much oil you have to put into a cow to make it walk to graze on grass on a hill side on which you cannot grow vegan crops because of unsuitable topography.
“Iran plane crash: Demands for justice after admission jet was shot down”
IMHO ‘The winds of change are coming to Iran’ . A Revolution ?
Gotta hand it to comrade Corbyn – even in his condolence tweet to those killed on the Ukraine airplane he manages to omit the fact that it was shot down by the Iranians – his friends .
Labour supporters are often critical of the BBC coverage of Corbyn – but I don’t think his tweet will be mentioned by them .
In fact -bearing in mind Corbyns past the BBC gave him a really easy time during hit leadership of the Labour Party . Luckily for me the great British public buried him .
And so say all of us…….hurrah ! !
Corbyn’s Tweet
Trumps message to the Iranians:
Listening to BBCRadio4 : that’s All Pychobabble Crap to Me
Listening to BBCRadio2 : that’s Stereo-monotomy … that turns you to stone
TOADY Watch #2 – Mishal has a ‘narrative’? Really?
Dunno. It did just seem a teeny bit that she wanted to blame President Trump for killing Soleimani as a cause for the Iranians’ whoopsie in downing the Ukrainian airplane. Just a teeny bit. Or so it seemed to me.
However, the cynic and critic in me remains unconvinced that the Iranian Regime is so gentle and peace loving and caring and good natured that it would not sacrifice its own people just for a PR opportunity to blame the US President and the BBC would not indulge them.
Playing the Le carre card -maybe there was something or someone on the plane worth shooting down – and taking the flak.
Shock horror: the Beeb are sexist AND racist!!
“Samira Ahmed’s victory over the BBC isn’t just about sexism – it’s about racism too.” – The Indie.
How delicious when the uber-woke, PC, sanctimonious beeb – whose greatest pleasure and main raison d’etre is sniffing out racism and sexism under every bed – is hoist by its own self-righteous petard.
Added bonus: the Tribunal’s judgment opens the floodgates to an avalanche of huge claims. With any luck they’ll bankrupt the rotten Corporation.
Ps: Of course her litigation was entirely motivated by principle and had nothing to do with greed; little Samira would be just as happy to see Jeremy’s salary reduced in line with hers, I’m sure.
I told you the racist far-left bbc is racist.
As usual the MSM clowns masquerading as journalists are playing catch-up.
“With any luck they’ll bankrupt the rotten Corporation.”
Guess who’ll have to pay?
If I were in charge I’d have dropped Ahmed because the holiday relief was much better. I presume State Broadcaster would never want to have their early Saturday morning programme fronted by second best? So why do so?
“Guess who’ll have to pay?”
Suckers who still pay the telly tax.
State enterprises don’t face bankruptcy – at worse the general taxpayer will make them solvent (including the pension fund) before being sold for peanuts to float or sink in the cruel privately owned sea.
In the meantime the TV tax will do nicely. Better to cancel this, top up the pension fund as needed, and sell off to Sky or whoever as a subscription service. Hands washed of.
‘Ayatollah Khamenei said there was “proof of human error” and that he had asked “relevant authorities to take necessary measures to prevent” such an incident happening again.’
Let us spare a thought for the Iranian missile operator who is currently having his fingers chopped off ‘to prevent such an incident happening again’.
Dubai floods
.. Yes when you live in the desert and then you get some rain
it’s a massive problem, cos nothing is built to cope with rain.
Iran : large demos in many places against the gov & IRG over the shooting down of the plane.
Stuff on Twitter but you can never tell what videos are fakes
Sack of…
Contrary to Al-beeb’s hysterical warnings of WW3 a few days ago, it all seems to be going rather well for Trump, and rather badly for the theocratic gangsters and islamic terrorists in charge of Iran:
‘US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tweeted video of the protests in Iran, saying: “The voice of the Iranian people is clear. They are fed up with the regime’s lies, corruption, ineptitude, and brutality of the IRGC [Revolutionary Guards] under Khamenei’s kleptocracy. We stand with the Iranian people who deserve a better future.” ‘
Breitbart reports the arrest of the UK Ambo in Iran – and release . How will the BBC report this ? If at all ?
The sins of the Iranian regime seem to be ignored or forgiven by the Iranian / BBC state broadcasting Corp in the same way thar comrade Corbyn does .
hey are fed up with the regime’s lies, corruption, ineptitude, and brutality
So pretty much like us in Britain with the Political Elites here then ?
Shy, retiring, modest types mostly.
UK Ambassador to Iran Rob Macaire arrested tonight in Tehran for allegedly ‘directing radical actions’
Tasnim News Agency reports that Robert Macaire was taken into custody for several hours before being released.
The Revolution is coming to Iran.
SlyNews \\ The British ambassador was accused of inciting anti-government protests by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps but was released shortly after the foreign ministry intervened.
UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab called Macaire’s detention a “flagrant violation of international law.”
Last night I watched the BBC press review, with Maya Goodfellow (her of the glottal stops), and AN Other. Being of mixed race she went into how we’re all terribly waycist towards Megham M, and on she went.
Tonight, she pitches up on Sky’s press review, and surprise surprise, it was a rerun of last nights performance. She used exactly the same dialogue and terminology as she did on the Beeb. God almighty, if these people need to earn their shilling by pimping to these channels, then at least change the narrative, or the very least not turn up on consecutive nights for the other side. !
So basically Trump said to the Iranians we know your general is planning an attack on 4 US embassies , if he does we will bomb the hell out of Iran it will be demanded by the US citizens. So to stop it we will take out the general planning the attack, you will then retaliate and send missiles ‘towards” US bases that will drop harmlessly onto open land. Thus we prevent an escalation however the BBC ABC etc cannot see the big game and again Trump has proved to be the winner although this will never be acknowledged by the BBC. Again the Arabs have managed to self destruct without further assistance from evil Dr Trump….4 more years of de-escalation of world tensions will be brought to you by Trump hopefully his next presidency will not be reported by the BBC as they will shortly cease to exist ……night all
“they will shortly cease to exist”
Oh I hope so, I really hope so for the sake of Great Britain.
That sounds about right. Not sure where the Arabs fit in, though, as Iran is not an Arab country and not populated by Arabs (‘Iran’ is Persian for ‘Aryan’).
Posters beware.
Maxincony our resident troll, has a habit of sneaking up in the dark of night like a cockroach and posting on the back pages of this site. He’s probably afraid of anyone spotting him and calling him out. Be watchful and careful that you check your facts before he calls you out, unseen and without any recourse of reply.
Oh joy, the beeb have found a new cause to champion:
Free the Nipple!
(I wonder if they’ll support my campaign to Free the Todger?)
I’m not sure that the BBC have run this article by the Muslim Brotherhood for their approval. Typical islamophobes…
Vlad – I would be more impressed if these snowflakes tried this on in Karachi or downtown Luton!
Looks like Mo went to the twin peaks…
By Dhruti Shah
BBC News, Colorado
What is it with the BBC dispatching cubicle gardeners all around the Western world to foment discord?
Certainly still looks to have a problem with landbergs.
You just cannot make it up.
The radio alarm came on at 0730. The ‘Toady on Sunday’ quasi religious programme was on R4
Within 5 seconds I hear the phrase ‘questions about his sexuality’. 20 seconds later I discover that the person in question is an icon of the LGBTQ community. But it isn’t over. Turns out he was a vegan as well !!!!!!!! (Only at the end did I discover they were talking about a Cistercian monk).
At the end, the presenter says in terms ‘still to come, the possible division in the Reform church because of attitudes to sexuality (i.e. homosexuality). 5 minutes later, this story trailer came to pass.
There are 3% LGBT in the country. 1 in 33. So the chance by statistics of two stories in a row is 1 in 1000. I don’t have a statistic for vegans but I’d guess even after the recent wall-to-wall climate change indoctrination it’s no more than 5%. Thats 1 in 20.
So the representative chance of these stories in a row is 1 in 20,000.
But of course on the right-on. Gay-biased, metrobubble BBC it’s not chance, it’s deliberate agenda-driven policy.
They haven’t even noticed we’re reaching for the off switch in droves.
They haven’t even noticed we’re reaching for the off switch in droves.
Nor do they even care. It’s purely a self-indulgent employment-driven echo chamber scheme, funded in a ‘unique manner’, solely for their own purposes. There is no requirement for listeners, readers and viewers whatsoever.
They seem to excel in finding new unique ways to hasten the drainage…
Listen up all you fine Mums and Dads. Here is a short quote from the Gay Manifesto.
“The end of the sexist culture and the family will benefit all women and gay people”
Just so as we know what we are up against.
The importance of being Ernst.
Jon clearly has a licence to express views his own few actual journalists would so abuse.
Because there is clearly a crushing need for more bbc political shows…
Hope she’s paid the same as Andrew Marr. Or, if Hugh Sykes has his way… triple.
Interesting twitter header, love.
Can happen. I agree with Nick.
Jezzbollah the street revolutionary in his happy place: a street demo, red flags with hammer and sickles (symbols of the worst mass crimes against humanity of the 20th century – genocides, mass famines, Gulags, torture, secret police, state terror, Great Leaps Backwards, Cultural Revolutions, Killing Fields, show trials, Stasi, KGB, etc etc. A bit like the Swastika but worse).
\\Ben Wallace: UK ‘must be prepared to fight wars without US’//
Is this a move to get us out of NATO and involved with the EU Defence Force ?
More important is this the start of Brino? Lets hope that Nigel is still keeping his finger on the pulse .
Rest assured that the political elite, now having the equivalent voter ‘support’ to act as a dictatorship, will proceed to do as they want irrespective of the former’s wishes. Life as normal then.
Farage’s, “Change Politics for Good” fell on infertile and stony ground so the majority Joe Public gets what it wishes for. Amen to that.
Yes indeed taff.
Ben Wallace (Defence Secretary) must realise, or be made to realise, that it is NATO together with traditional alliances such as the US, Canada, Australia and NZ (the 5 Eyes) that are essential after we leave the EU.
It was the Foreign and Commonwealth Office under May as PM, and Johnson when he was Foreign Secretary, that was responsible for signing us up to a variety of EU defence and security initiatives.
The FCO needs a good clear out because it is stuffed with pro-EU lackeys.
In Johnson’s Deal, the contentious issues surrounding the UK’s commitment to cooperate and integrate on matters of defence “to the extent possible under EU Law” is removed, and instead the wording is changed, and placed into the non-legally binding Political Declaration.
It must be hoped that BoJo and the likes of Ben Wallace are beginning to understand what has been going on and put a stop to it. I suggest everyone keeps their eye on @VeteransBritain for updates on further treacherous attempts at EU integration.
Defence and our security should not even be considered alongside any future Trade Deal with the EU, as they are such important issues. However, there are some who have mistakenly grown comfortable with the current status quo, and who will resist the UK breaking away from the institutions of EU defence.
This would be a huge mistake for our country once we are free of the clutches of our EU Membership. All Brexiteers – and the Prime Minister – must be aware of those inside the Government who will still want the UK to turn inwards to the EU. Those individuals will continue to push for commitments to the European Defence Fund and other bodies. Their attempts must be recognised and put to an end once and for all.
As for the bBC and most MPs (still!) – they wouldn’t have a clue.
I reiterate one didn’t need to be a brain surgeon or just
logical to suss out that there had to be more than just
a coincidence of the Ukrainian plane going down over
Tehran and missiles being fired at USA bases in Iraq.
However for a couple of days the BBC treated the tragedy
as just another plane crash of very secondary importance
to the fact that Harry +Meghan were going back on “location”
to Canada.
I pointed out very early on ,in fact straight away on this site
what had actually happened , comparing it to the Oscar winning
ARGO. The only difference being that the Theocracy did not
shoot down the Swiss air flight as the USA embassy staff were
escaping after being hid secretly at the residence of the
Canadian ambassador in Tehran.
The Iranians have now admitted to shooting down the plane.
I wonder how Machiavellian this is ? Who actually was on board?
We may have to wait for ARGO 2. Maybe Netflix
will make it and combine it with a sub plot with Megzit. Meghan
could play herself. If BBC film productions make it Idris Elba could
perhaps play Prince Harry and Benedict Cumberbach General
Hossein Salami ,all in the name of diversity.
I suspect the only reason the islamo-fascists running Iran admitted to downing the plane was that the US started releasing incontrovertible evidence of the fact.
Excellent post. Thanks.
Ho ho ho…
Emily has a Di-moment. Groper seamlessly ignores.
What is wrong with people in Islington?
How’s about The Sparkles getting looked after from some dosh out of the Overseas budget?
Problem solved, even more so if Lady Nugee goes over there as well, hopefully to stay!
She’s just twotted that she meant 10 years, so Diane must have been listening…
Quite right pug – including the amalgamation of several estate dwellings into one sprawling obscenity to be known as ‘Frogmore Cottage’ at a cost very probably much in excess of the admitted £2.4m. And in the full knowledge that it would remain empty, creating another ‘South York’ at public expense and in close proximity.
The only real surprise in the on-going fiasco are the few comparisons of history repeating itself via the ghost of Mrs. Simpson. Both visually and in terms of avarice she and Ms Markle have much in common – only the involvement of Dame Elton as advisor and mentor makes its own cultured mark on current proceedings.
One of Markle’s ‘friends’ (another who has been ghosted by her), describes her as a ‘hard nosed business woman’ and knew exactly what she was getting into, despite reports to the contrary.
Well I think we all knew that from the off, and I’m certainly not one of the British “who took Meghan to their hearts” as the media keeps on saying.
I gave her the benefit of the doubt but by the end of 2018 she revealed her true nature( whoops nearly wrote colours there) and I realised she was going to be a problem.
Buckingham Palace meeting last week
“Right we need to do something to the the pressure of Prince Andrew”
“Right we need to do something to take the pressure off Prince Andrew”
Is the terrorist organisation known as Extinction Rebellion going to protest against The Philippines for allowing one of its volcanoes to erupt, spewing all that climate changing material into the atmosphere?
As little miss muffet will probably say, ” How date they!!!” giving us her patented withering look of disgust and disdain.
Not on the bbc. Ever.
I doubt retweeted by many American, Canadian or Australian ‘correspondents either.
Wonder if they’d let Justin in if he did a little dance?
Those police seem as competent as ours.
Wow Loomer is the most banned person from US social media
and now she is still banned even though she is a verified election candidate
The Americans did shoot down an Iranian plane by mistake. And as you say, they immediately admitted it was their fault.
Many believe that the Lockerbie plane crash was Iranian revenge for that incident.
muslims, have no compassion and no forgiveness. And no respect for all non-muslims.
Are there parallels between the BBC & the Iranian Revolutionary Guards led by Soleimani ?
In Iran the IRG propaganda machine whips up a frenzy of hate against the American government and show crowds shouting
“Down, Down with America the Satan president, down , down down”
In Britain the BBC leads the metroliberal brigade as they whip up a frenzy of hate against the American government and show crowds shouting
“Down, Down with America the Satan president, down , down down”
..and encourage the orange baby Trump balloon
Soleimani used the IRG to push Muslim-supremacist agendas.
Lord Hall uses the BBC to push Green-supremacist agendas
..and now we have the child prophet Greta trying to dictate to private German company Siemens that they must not help the Adani project bring electricity to the millions of Indian homes that currently don’t have electricity.
One word, again, ‘Marxism’. They’re all at it now. All out in the open, singing from the same hymn sheet. They’re seeking to destroy everything and start afresh. It would not occur to them that, ‘starting afresh’, if that goal were ever to be reached, would mean direct confilct with islam. I know which one of the two, ‘persuasions’ would prevail.
Vine was so quick to air Peter Oborne live from Tehran
as he talked about the pro Solemeini demo as being genuine
..yet I can’t find any mention of Oborne talking about the Ukrainian plane being shot down.
“UK: London Bridge jihad murderer got $457,000 in legal aid”
Perhaps the Muslim Council should suggest that the police officer who shot him should repay the money. After all, he (she, it?) prevented this wonderfully reformed character from repaying society.
Totally outrageous.
“Questioning the political interview “ was a programme on R4 on Saturday . Now if you had a sense of humour – who would you get to ‘chair’ it ? ….
That’s right Andrew bloody Marr .
So what sort of conclusion would he come to ?
I don’t know because I listened to the first 5 minutes and decided there would be no value in it . God they even had Esme Wren on . Esme Wren is apparently the editor of ‘ newsnight ‘ . It was the bubble talking to itself again . Very BBC .
Others on the programme ? Beth Rigby – George Remainer Osbourne .
he continues
The entire machine within which, effectively out of control biassed media set themselves up to attack proponents of certain views
.. & indulge& promote other views they like,
funded by enforced fees,
& are never themselves subject to the same scrutiny/accountability,
** has had its day **