18 days until the UK leaves the EU. Last week the legislation finalising our leaving passed through the Commons with barely a mention by the Biased pro EU BBC; and at the moment it is busy with royal issues . Perhaps it is at a stage of organisational grief combined with a feeling of hopelessness that the General Election didn’t go the way the BBC wanted .
Start the Week Thread 13 January 2020
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First?! — Apologies as I scramble around to look for something to post — as ever, the DM to the rescue again:
Perhaps another reason for the BBC’s “organisational grief” and sense of hopelessness?
Edit 1: Yay, made it!
Edit 2: Look at the second point the DM made:
“The broadcaster was accused of catering to a pro-Remain metropolitan ‘bubble'”
The BBC should really plead guilty!
“You can take the BBC out of the Bubble, but you can’t take the Bubble out of the BBC”. (Attributed to Dover Sentry).
BBC staff will only associate and communicate with fellow Bubble dwellers wherever they are posted. Nothing will change. Every city in the UK has a Bubble-Land waiting for them.
The only real reason the cowardly useless incompetent Tories want HS2 is to get BBC personnel from London to Manchester and back to Islington or Hampstead in time for dinner.
There’s no other real use for it and ordinary folk won’t be able to afford it anyway.
Thoughtful, HS2 is also incredibly carbon dependent and energy hungry and the locomotive units cannot be made more energy efficient over time.
Theoretically any electric locomotive can be powered by electricity generated by solar or wind. This is not the main criticism of HS2 rather it is whether the capacity problems looming are best served by it or not and whether the route proposed is sensible.
The debate continues and the fate of HS2 will rest on this.
Dave S, quite right. Some Greenies even think that any train, especially electric locos, run on air. There’s another problem with any electric motor and especially, I would have thought, one powerful enough to get a train full of politicians, Civil Servants and Chief Executives up to 230mph: they produce heat.
Those of us that have played with Hornby trains or Scalextric cars know all about that.
The Greenies probably have houses full of the things – pulling the curtains, grinding the coffee beans – because they think because there is a windmill somewhere or a solar panel on the house opposite, they produce no Global Warming.
@Thoughtful – can you share examples of the proposed prices the “cowardly useless incompetent Tories” are about to inflict for this on “ordinary folk”?
Up2snuff – “HS2 is also incredibly carbon dependent”
cars,bus,planes,lecy bikes are carbon dependent you know!!!
maybe we should all wind surf to work?
A gross simplification of the issue.
If HS2 fares are set at a level so that ordinary folk cannot afford to use it, then it will rapidly die a financial death, once in service. I am not sure where this idea of exorbitantly-priced ticketing to exclude the great unwashed originated from, but I expect it was concocted by the anti-HS2 brigade.
Backlinks to previous thread
– page 3 had about 10 posts from Sunday afternoon
– page 2
“Left and right should learn to take a joke, not censor them”
The Nobel prize for false equivalence is awarded to an extreme Marxist.
“Kenan Malik
When a professor loses his job for mockery, and a film is attacked for political correctness, both sides should take notice
Sun 12 Jan 2020 07.30 GMT”
Which “led to an inevitable outpouring of outrage on Twitter from conservative snowflakes.”
Two Nobel prizes for false equivalence.
“It’s not just speech the left thinks is politically incorrect that will get censored.”
Yes it is, Marxism is nonsense, the only way you Communists will “win” arguments is a continuation of silencing your opponents.
100,000,000 silenced in c20, in case anyone has forgotten.
Yet again in a Guardian article, the least hilarious and most intolerant organisation in history is not mentioned.
There’s a big difference between losing your lifes career and criticising someones work.
That’s the part the Guardian misses of course, the criticism of left wing issues is like shouting at the wind, and has no real effect, whereas even the mildest true criticism of the left can have dire consequence.
Of course the cowardly useless incompetent Tories should be doing something to stop left wing bullying, but they haven’t got a clue and would have the spine to enact it if they did.
Thoughtful January 13, 2020 at 9:52 am
have you been drinking this early in the day?
2020-01-13 00:00
BBC NEWS – Stories
Stories, so not news at all, propaganda.
“‘I want an egg donor with my heritage'”
Heritage being black.
White egg donors are currently “over represented” amongst UK egg donors, and the Black and Asian, white hating, Broadcasting Co-operative do not approve.
This “news” is a BBC appeal for black egg donors.
Shut it down.
Given that pregnancy and birth carry risks to a woman’s health no woman should be given eggs that aren’t hers, especially when there are plently of children in want of adoption.
The BBC mouthpiece Independent running with a shock poll that says 52% off UK voters now back staying in the EU.
The poll of course was conducted on behalf if the Independent, a paper with a circulation of around 58,000 so not that many UK voters involved and mostly academics etc. etc.
Last gasp saloon!
It seems to me very likely that a large number of Remainers will become Rejoiners after 31 st Jan and carry on with their ‘resistance’ via every means available to them. The Brexit celebration will certainly not pass off without a Rejoiner wake or some such stunt. Unfortunately because the MSM is completely pro EU we can expect endless stories about how badly the country is doing, how disadvantageous the trade talks are going etc. Every single blip will be blown up out of all proportion to its real importance. The government and all Leavers need to hold our nerve and perhaps burning a few bridges to make it very difficult to rejoin will be a smart thing to do.
Even if Boris wants to he won’t be able to get rid of the BBC in the next couple of years. So the foul corporation knows that it can save its skin by putting Labour back in power and rejoining the EU. It will certainly be in the vanguard of the Rejoin movement. The fight is far from over.
58,000? That many Digg? You sure you’ve not added Indy and Guardian together?
also liked the Beeb reaction to Big Ben ringing in our exit from the EU.
Something like “some will celebrate & some will mourn”
“mourn – feel or show sorrow for the death of (someone), typically by following conventions such as the wearing of black clothes”
I think they should do a EastEnders murder/funeral on the day.
Major meltdown expected if all white and majority male Oscar nominations are announced.
If anything the LA bubble unlike the London one are not stupid they have gone down the “woke nominations” route and it hasn’t paid off. LA is in it to make money people don’t pay to be made “aware” or “lectured” they pay to be thrilled, entertained and amazed.
You see the BBC don’t have to make money it’s given them and with that “free” money they persue their agenda which isn’t about thrilling entertaining or amazing people thier agenda is “message” they are under the illusion that if they hammer away long enough we will all accept the message, we won’t.
Sly news yesterday did an Oscar nominations report, nothing about whether the films were any good, just about how the noms weren’t diverse. I’m triggered by the word diverse so immediately then hit the off button.
@Halifax January 13, 2020 at 7:05 am
as white male from the UK I am pissed with the bias against my race/gender on the Beeb.
watch any news interview & we are lucky to get a hearing.
Toady watch
Lefty film director dies – gets a mention . Sir Roger Scrutton – philosopher of the right – dies – no mention
Our Justin interviews Ukrainian foreign minister – uses the ‘ some say’ to accuse president trump of guilt by association for shooting down a jet and killing 176 people .
Ukrainian foreign minister calls that ‘ nonsense ‘ and that even the Iranian President didn’t try that one on . Only the BBC so institutionally hateful of President Trump – would keep that lefty lie going .
It is exactly the same in the US. They get away with it because within the MSM there is virtually no counter point of view and they can get away with endless distortions and lies. As I think you mentioned last week there is a great yawning gap in the news and current affairs market for anyone brave enough to take a right of centre anti Woke position .
I think all interviewees should dissect, challenge and ask for clarification of every word that is used in every question put to them before giving an answer.
And if the clown asking the question begins to talk over them or interrupt them in their answers, the interviewee should stop answering and seek further clarification of why they have been brought onto the programme.
Toady 2
Still rambling on about a prince and his American actress wife . I was reminded of an alleged quote from 2019 – before they got hitched – attributed to Prince Phillip –
It was – as reported by the Mailonline ;
‘One steps out with actresses, one doesn’t marry them’
I’m guessing this ‘quote ‘ will be dug up again – to ‘prove’ racism et al.
Maybe Phillip has learnt something in his life 🙂
Shakespeare said something like: All the world’s a stage and we all have our entrances and exits.
What if what we are watching now is pure theatre? What if everyone involved from the Queen down is just an actor?
What if none of these people are actually real?
What if the script writers are preparing us for the exit of a few main players; for example, Philip and Elizabeth; and the Harry and Sparkles storyline is just to keep us focused and entertained before the surprise denouement?
A lot of bbc going on in this tweet.
Guest who
Unfortunately the tweet you linked is now shown as deleted .
I missed the interview on Toady with Arlene foster who is after more money for Northern Ireland . I hope she was reminded of the ‘ bribe’ money Teresa May gave to Northern Ireland to keep the DUP sweet in the last corrupt parliament ? .
I can still see it. Reinstated or cache?
Maybe newsniffer or some other archive thingie?
It was a classic bbc combo of one degree of separation combined with hardly impartial quoting about an awful lot of Somalians being potentially racially profiled. Seems they thought better of it.
Safer ground, quoting… a colleague.
Don’t you just love it when they say ‘they’ know what Harry wanted, thinks…when even the Queen was broadsided…
and of course got to get racism in there….it is nothing to do with racism – why does the left always play these cards?
Love the bit about learning to install a wind turbine as an extra.
Not only that, they mentioned she is ex NHS (she quit her well paid job!) so more money in putting bow ties on Llamas than Nursing nudge-nudge!
Funny the BBC normally shout how poorly paid NHS staff are .but in this case she quit her ‘well paid’ job…not a mention. oh well when the story suits the narrative forget the facts
Will she offer to refund the taxpayers for all her wasted years of ‘NHS funded’ medical training ?
She might have been well paid but what did she do to earn it? What benefit did she bring to the NHS by being employed by them?
It’s the NHS worse of by her leaving? Was she really needed?
TOADY Watch #1 – Duh, oh!
Contributor from Antarctica is worried that visitors might bring invasive species with them a spoil a pristine environment. I thought the whole of Antarctica was destroyed by Global Warming and Climate Change? So we are being told, anyway.
Apparently the problem is 80,000 tourists per year and that number is increasing. 80,000 people pollution flying to Antarctica and boarding polluting ships (with the heating turned up – Antarctica is cold at any time of the year) just to see a penguin that can be seen in local zoo.
No mention from Justin about Global Warming, Climate Change and the Climate Emergency, at all, whatsoever. No mention of or question about banning or limiting CO2 & methane producing tourists.
Funny that. That strange Global Warming & Climate Change has suddenly disappeared again.
“ worried that visitors might bring invasive species with them a spoil a pristine environment.”
But it’s ok for the rest of the world to be invaded.
The BBC has to go.
“ScoMo has to go!”
Australia’s PM Scott Morrison has faced significant criticism over his handling of the bushfires.
They know ‘the mood’ of another country, apparently.
Based presumably on the insights of a Pakistani reporter airflown in a few moths ago, and Mick Bryant.
BBC News
“The current controlled burns destroy everything. It’s a naïve way to practice fire management.”
The BBC is simply churning out ‘quotes’ that suit all the time now.
Rog finds it ‘interesting’.
The bBC is full of ‘drongos’.
ti, too right, mate.
And they’re daggy drongos at that!
“The drongos are a family, Dicruridae, of passerine birds of the Old World tropics”.
So I tried and failed on my own. What is a “daggy drongo”?
Both terms are commonly used mild Aussie insults.
(Not harsh enough for beeboids, but making fun of them).
Thanks, another day I have been informed and entertained.
Not by the BBC.
G’day, LCS. For the uninitiated, sport, daggy is what happens at the rear end of sheep who do not have access to bidets after they have used the bathroom, so to speak. ie. they are not French sheep, beautifully manicured and perfectly turned out.
By now you might be getting the picture.
Ise reckons the BBC is mired in so much of the brown stuff, as the drongos that they are – after all they throw enough of it around including at us – that they must be pretty daggy by now. If youse asks me, I’d give ’em a run through the sheep dip but, fair dos, I’d keep me boot on their head at the same time.
Posted later, as well, but needs a read:
BCC breakfast once again reporting the flaming obvious..
Pictures from Venice of gondola’s stranded in the mud.
Another climate crisis?
No BCC.. it happens twice every day. They call them ‘tides’
Here is a graph to help illustrate it for you.
Yes it was a spring tide this weekend…
Do we really pay for these researchers and producers?
Oh damn! Where will I steal my Cornetto now?
But I thought the whole of Venice was going to be under the water by now? Isn’t that what the BBC were telling us not so long ago?
TOADY Watch #2 – Duh, oh! all over again – how dim do you need to be to be a Vice-Chancellor?
Patrick Campbell provides Thought for the Day. (TftD) He has been to Sydney in Australia. He is concerned about the fires. No doubt he is concerned about Global Warming and Climate Change. So why has he flown to Sydney? He is moving there, apparently. One return flight to be followed by a single flight. Or is he travelling out to Oz by bicycle?
I assume he will return to the UK for vacations or family reasons. How does he justify his CO 2 emissions, I wonder? He is Vice-Chancellor for St Mary’s University. I’m told he is also a trustee of Forward Thinking a London based NGO and think-tank. If he believes CO2 is the primary cause of Global Warming and Climate Change, his personal forward thinking seems to be somewhat lacking.
Ken Loach interviewed about his pal director who died . I was waiting for the “ you campaigned for comrade Corbyn in the general election – how did that go ?” Question –
But it never came . The BBC likes lefty directors who it has previously employed . The last propaganda piece the deceased did was 24? Years ago …
One hates to mention it but Cathy Come Home was first shown in 1966. That’s two years into a Labour government.
And Kes came out in 1969. That’s five years into a Labour government.
And, irony of ironies, very few local folk took Kes (world premier at the ABC Doncaster) for the left-wing polemic Loach/Garnett aimed it to be.
Still, we don’t want the facts to get in the way of anti-Tory propaganda. Do we, BBC?
Up2 – you cant beat a good ‘ jolly’ – and Skype is so hard to use – so many buttons to press …
Those Australian fires…
I at first thought this was a reference to a previous royal lady of controversy. But no.
Is BBC pidgin a joke ? Or some taxpayer funded nonsense for people who can’t be bothered to learn di kings ingleesh innit? Despair
The whole of the BBC is a joke. A very unfunny joke. As is the telly tax. Come on Boris, don’t just talk the talk. Walk the walk and defund the biased anti British Broadcaster.
You are all trying to trigger me, aren’t you?
You’ve succeeded.
” Dem grate BBC. ”
” ‘im orl buggerup! “
Is BBC pidgin a joke ?
No Fed, I find it’s insights into the royal train wreck lucid & insightful.
like this – “Another thing we de for inside dis tori, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex say her British friend warn am say ‘gossip newspaper’ go destroy her”
that was in 21 October 2019
Oh it was so heartwarming to hear Julia Hartley Brewer, over on Talk Radio this morning, challenging one of her co-presenters on his fake man made climate change narrative. He was claiming that,the reason Fly-Be are in financial difficulties, is because ‘people’s’ attitudes to flying are changing due to their awareness of climate issues. Julia asserted that her attitude hasn’t changed. She said that, even if all flights, all over the world were stopped, then it would make an insignificant difference of maybe 1% of global warming emissions.
I’m not sure if this figure is correct, but how refreshing to hear someone challenge the narrative. Something you certainly will not hear on the biased BBC.
I only fly a couple of times a month . I stick a couple of bricks in the hold luggage to meet the 32k allowance to get my carbon money’s worth …!
If you look at the Radio 4 schedule today you might think it’s one of their weak attempts at comedy –
It ranges from
45 minutes on a world without work
15 minutes book of the week – why Wimmim read fiction
Wimmins hour ( normal man bashing )
15 minute Green stuff at 1-45
45 minutes of Wimmins drama
Something about Wimmin wanting a black coloured sperm doner
I’m sure I saw the miserable food programme doing something about brewing and anorexics
30 minutes about a women having panic attacks in her sleep
60 minutes on why radio doesn’t attend to the needs or views of wimmin ( made that one up ) .
I’m sure the ladies will enjoy listening to all that stuff . Is there a word for man hating ? Do men buy TV licences ?
misandry: dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against men (i.e. the male sex).
You never hear it on BBC …only misogyny…
Thank you . I really didn’t know that but I think it will be a handy word being used more often .
I can imagine all those £200k BBC managers sitting around planning gender based radio stations But not Radio white Chap of course ….
I always thought that ‘Les Misandry’ was written by some French geezer who thought his name was similar to Jeremy Thorpe, so Prince Andrew Webber made up some songs to go with it, and made a squillion Harrabins out of the proceeds…
p.s. I still have a cassette of Paul McCartney’s Liverpool Oratorio if anyone wants it, I’ve never actually played it!
“ Something about Wimmin wanting a black coloured sperm doner”
I hope you mean donor, although you could probably be getting the alternative at the ‘kebab shop’ after a night out on the lash of a weekend! That’s why I won’t eat anything from those establishments.
Thank you for the correction – thankfully my days of keebabs are long gone but every so often I can still taste it ….
LOL x 5!
Do we have a Royal gold digger in ‘The Firm’ ?
I went to see the film 1917 on Saturday evening. It was one
of the best films I have EVER seen. Should the fact be that
because it is about a subject where we see next to
none ethnic characters prevent it from winning the major
awards? Should Roger Deakins not win the cinematography
award for the best camera work you will ever likely to see ,
because he is a white male? Sam Mendes the director
comes from Portuguese Creole descent . Isn’t this good enough
for you BBC , with your inverted racism? I am sorry he is not a
women like 75% of your news and politics presenters.
I tell you what BBC to ease your paranoid perverted conscience
get your positive discrimiation, inclusiveness, diversity dept to
get BBC film productions to make a a film about black knife
wielding drug gangs in London . BUT have all white characters
in the roles.
Must take you up on your outrageous suggestion that 75% of news and politics presenters on the BBC are women.
It is nowhere near that low on BBC London.
Just caught the start of the why women read fiction…WTF within the first 2 minutes she got in that her fantasy fiction was better than then men in real life and then how she worked in US and discovered American literature especially black and Afro literature..
I have continued to listen…and it hasn’t improved – apparently men don’t like women reading, especially alone – she seems to have a fixation on sex….did we pay for this?
James Ha Ha – I’m glad I don’t won’t pay for it . I’m out of Blighty for a while but when I get back I’m sure to have more welcome letters from TV tax collection Stasi .
TOADY Watch #3 – Nothing like backing the wrong side
Labour Party, led by a deeply principled, sincere and honest leader (leadership candidates’ opinions), chooses to back the anti-Brexit anti-democrat fascist group in the post-Referendum period and loses.
The BBC, led by a deeply principled, absent (except when wanting more money or power), sincere and honest DG – I hope and assume – backs the Iranian regime and loses.
It is amusing to see both Parties, Labour and the Teheran Broadcasting Corporation (formerly known as the BBC) wriggling and trying to escape the hooks they have hung themselves on. The Labour Party appear to be on the point of making things even worse for themselves by electing a titled anti-democratic, anti-Brexit, male as leader. (Now where have I heard of that happening before?)
And the TOADY programme tried to smooth things over by suddenly switching sides to the anti-Government protesters in Iran and having a bit of an ear-grindingly awful cultural exchange at the end of the programme. If you are of an extreme masochistic tendency you may listen again on BBC Sounds, formerly known as iPlayer.
9am Radio4 was most sane with Tom Sutcliffe in charge instead of Red Andy Marr pushing his agendas
There was an item about a new version of the Big Isue presented by an Asian journo
Then at 9:45am it changed back to Radio-SpecialVictimhood groups
9:45am WOMEN read different to men
(Do they that seems like a sexist generalisation, some women do, but not all
Am I a “non-man” cos I am no interested in football ?)
10:00 WH was united the evil press are “WHITE MALES” who are racist & sexist against Meghan
Stew- your last line: I listened to wimmins hour with one ear to see if it would be as utterly predictable as one expected. For at least 80% it was: accusations of ‘racism’ and ‘sexism’ against the press and against the British, in general, abounded.
There was little or no attempt to examine Meghan and/or Harry’s behaviour and/or any other factor that might have been relevant. (e.g. how little time Meghan gave the situation before ‘escaping’ for Canada).
Actually, the minute they kicked off with Afua Hirsch, we all knew what shape beeb were looking for in this programme.
A bit like Hitler running a phone-in show and kicking off with Goebbels, to provide ‘independent comment’.
You have to get quote of the week . “A bit like Hitler running a phone-in show and kicking off with Goebbels, to provide ‘independent comment.”
And a titled British man ‘phoning in as the first and frequent repeat caller. “And next on, after the commercial break, will be Sir Oswald.”
What’s betting Hirsch or her mate Sarpong will be on an upcoming edition of The Pledge to keep the racist song going in the discussion.
I don’t know if it some surreal combination of frustration and self-denial, but on the Iranian Broadcasting Corporation this morning on Toady, Justremainin Webb was STILL peddling the line that Trump bore a share of the blame for Iran’s shooting down of the passenger plane. This is AFTER the Iranians themselves have accepted responsibility.
They are totally desperate.
Sluff- Beeb and Toady, in particular, appear to have an abiding hatred for Trump.
I can see no situation arising, in which he is not going to receive the blame from them, for whatever has arisen. They do not have it in them to be objective about him.
For one thing, he was ‘responsible for keeping a woman from becoming the first female president’. Crime enough, in their eyes? Not to mention that he was supposedly from the ‘Right’, whatever that means, and we know in what great affection beeb holds this political affiliation!
wonder if the Beeb has never got over – https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/feb/24/media-blocked-white-house-briefing-sean-spicer
It is amazing isn’t it how little the BBC have reported on the the fact that the Iranian high command lied about the plane….
Now if they found out POTUS had lied….hypocrisy at its best
I am sure BBC will report later that a ‘man’ with psychological problems shot the plane down because he was out of medication’
The BBC don’t need to ‘find out’ anything, President Trump is guilty, (now what’s the question?).
Don’t forget they would have us believe that it took the US four years to apologise for USS Vincennes shooting down Iran Air flight 655, rather than within 24 hours, as reported by The Washington Post at the time.
@Sluff – “It is amazing isn’t it how little the BBC have reported on the fact”
that the Iranian’s shot it down & killed all those people, not a peep from the Beeb!!!
now if it could have linked to Russia?
Yes I caught that one too while choking on my tea. !
The Iranian guy he was talking to even dismissed the opportunity to drag POTUS into this one much to Justin’s dismay, priceless.
Radio 1 Xtra getting excited about all the new upcoming music stars Hot for 2020.
Bet you can’t wait to see them all!
Crimewatch Most Wanted?
At least it encouraged me to turn to the superior creations of our ancestors.
Beethoven trios accompanied by reproductions of Durer and Constable.
digg – have to wonder what country I live in at times (take it only people of a certain type where up for this (mostly) London review)
Radio 5 Live with Emma Barnett this morning:
— New kitchen knives on sale without the pointy end to stop stabbings
— Male make up: a new range released amidst increased demand
— Hymen repair operations to give the illusion of virginity for girls where “sexual purity is held within the honour of the family.” Who’s making them do this? Somalian-born pundit Nimco Ali: “their community and their family…”
Progressivism for the win.
Clitoridectomy! Followed by Hymen reconstruction!
Was this demanded by a demented crackpot in the paleolithithic?
Just before he drew the periodic table, invented the electron microscope and made other scientific advances too numerous to list.
“ New kitchen knives on sale without the pointy end to stop stabbings”
How completely pointless!
(They’ll just use a machete or a pair of scissors instead.)
Or just take 5 minutes to sharpen the point.
Surely selling knives without points is racist, ‘cos it affects some communities disproportionately?
Not BBC but Brent council — which has been given the title of ‘Borough of Culture’ for this year. From the blurb: Brent 2020 promises to “challenge definitions of culture” and will “examine the relationship between power and people and celebrate migration.” Some British cultures are noticeable in their absence here.
At 0:17 a woman refers to what I assume must be Wembley with total disdain: “I am more than this lonely stadium for your silly games…” Promoting a borough by insulting the UK’s flagship sports venue doesn’t make any sense to me. But then I live in an adjacent borough which isn’t quite as richly cultured as Brent (but getting there week by week).
Let us celebrate the inferior.
There is more culture in a Petri dish.
TM, does that mean that people will be taking the rise out of Brent Borough all year long?
OK, Ricky. After your success at the Golden Globes, over to you.
Ahhhh, Brent.
Another brilliantly well-managed Labour council.
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog:
– TV Licensing Inviting Scam Emails
– Samira Ahmed Fallout: BBC Pays £3m to Placate Gender Discrimination Victims
Please download our free ebook, TV Licensing Laid Bare (no sign up required – just click and view), for information about the shocking tactics employed by the BBC in the name of TV licence enforcement:
how many of these underpaid wammin been scooped up by other broadcasters/newsgroups looking for some cut price talent.
Surely the head hunters are in a feeding frenzy
Greta : An Indian UN supporter set up her Facebook account
and she was added later
Full context http://joannenova.com.au/2020/01/on-facebook-greta-looks-16-but-secretly-identifies-as-two-grown-men/
R4 Wimmins Hour discussing a city lady who managed to max out 7 credit cards for many thousands of pounds gambling.
Conclusion, nasty gambling companies the reason more protection needed for “vulnerable” people not professional greedy lady trying to get lots of cash without working for it.
Jeremy Vine programme this lunchtime. What was the first item about?
Yes, oh so predictably, it’s all about racism and Meghan Markle.
So, even more oxygen is given by the BBC to this ridiculous, unfounded, divisive notion – and Vine doesn’t even bother to ask for the evidence.
I hoped that post election we would have a less agenda driven and biased BBC. I was wrong.
Last night they seemed to revel in Iranians, protesting against the West rather than protesting against their own government. Anti western position taken.
The main News presenters were 1 x Asian Lady, 2 x White woman, 1 x Black Man 1 x White man, 1x Asian Man.
I don’t care about ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation. I just expect it to be broadly in line with the population at large. Anti indigenous population position taken.
I listened to Radio 4 this morning and the inference was that white males are racist over Megan. Not my experience, I don’t care that she is mixed race. Good luck to her, until this row which appears badly handled and selfish. Anti White Male position taken.
I then heard a section on women’s favourite literature. An opportunity to criticise men’s reading of choice. I don’t care that men and women typically choose to read different genres. The most important issue here is that boys tend to read less than girls and that is a significant factor in girls excelling in school more than boys. Surely the important thing is helping to redress the balance rather than criticising men for their choice of reading material. The idea that men wish to prevent women reading their choice of literature is absurd. My wife can read what she likes, I hope she enjoys it. The very idea that I would have the temerity to criticise her choice is as ridiculous as her taking any notice if I did.
This is the 21st century, women are not oppressed in the west. Racism is illegal and I wouldn’t say completely eradicated, but it is broadly.
I am so pissed off listening to a constant demonization of me and nice kind regular people like me that I know.
Until the BBC told me what to think, it did not occur to me that Meghan Markle was ‘black’.
Her case is not alone in the playing of the race card in order to distract from and avoid accountability for poor performance for which white people would be called out.
Exactly I am the same …..didn’t realise Meghan was any sort of colour until the BBC amongst others brought it up . But some pictures of her do look different…..so has there been photo enhancing going on ?
It must be really galling if you are a poor black, black person to hear all this winging.
A bit like when Obama, a product of a white woman and a Kenyan man, brought up by white grandparents, milked the ‘two hundred years of suffering, descendant of slaves’ market.
There must be 30 million of us in the UK that don’t have any cards to play in this ‘identity’ stakes game.
R.I.P. Sir Roger Scruton. A giant among pygmies. Will be greatly missed.
Youve got to hand to BBC news for negative spin . The UK economy grew by .1% in the quarter running upto the General Election.
Given that a Marxist might have won it is a miracle that the economy grew at all .
The BBC editorial just cannot stop its pessimism when it suits it .
Trouble in paradise?
Haroon gunning for a slot on Newsnoght, because if not…
Radio 4 1pm news:
Discussion of Markle the Sparkle is tending towards the view that the lovely couple have been alienated by the press and their family and the constraints of the Royal life.
No discussion of Her ambitions to be billionaire style rich instead of merely millionaire style rich which would be her fate if she knuckled down to Royal life.
Poor Meghan……Poor Poor Meghan….TWATO R4 discussing how Poor Poor Meghan will make her voice heard on a conference call…Well she chose to p*ss off to Canada. She is set for life now they have a child- will Ladbrokes take bets on time to divorce?
Shocked I tell you; shocked.
Lets hope that ‘security’ is with Meghan if she does participate at the end of the phone in Canada, because I wouldn’t put it past her to have a recording of the narrative at the meeting – as surety for future use.
Woman’s hour today unbelievable ! I stuck it for 15 minuets . 15 minuets of Garvey and her two guests explaining how poor Megan was driven out the UK by racism. It made for fascinating jaw dropping listening but not in a good way. I am returning to my old rule of never ,ever using the bBBC. I tip my hat to those of you who do monitor their propaganda you have my hearty thanks .
The only downside of my policy of bBBC exclusion policy is that I cant comment as often as I would like on this excellent site. Cheers
BBC Doctors on TV
If you tuned into this show for the first time I promise you you will have no idea what you are watching.
The entire show pretty much takes place in a doctors surgery where for some reason although there are loads of administrators and doctors drifting around, there are practically no patients.
In good BBC style half of the staff are both coloured and very intelligent and the rest are stupid and white.
Today an older white (of course) female staff member has received her postal DNA results but is scared to open the envelope because she is convinced she is 100% British and doesn’t want to find out otherwise. I will put money on the result being 25% Bangladeshi, 25% African, 25% Norwegian, 25% Chinese etc. when she finally opens the envelope.
There is a plod chap who spends most of his time in the surgery and today is holding a young offenders session along with a hard-faced lesbian acting social services gal, his main protagonist is of course a 17 year old white lad.
One of the white doctors has been hauled off to clink for drug abuse…..
A couple come in white man, black women in labour and deaf. Looked after with great skill by the Indian looking lady nurse who learns sign-language on the fly…..
It goes on every day much along these puke-making lines….
I imagine at this time of day most of the viewers are Old White folk, so get at the Gammons seems to be the quest.
More total BBC indoctrination B*ll*x!
digg, now you know why the Snuffy household does not ‘do’ telly.
I see Harry and Meghan are not above a little blackmail. Apparently, they’ll ‘tell all’ on Oprah, if they don’t get their way.
Disappointing to see how far they are sinking in so short a time.
Its called prostituting yourself to the highest bidder ! Like wot Andrew the buffoon did, and it didn’t bode well for him in the end.
Her maj would do well to tie him up to an NDA if he wants certain conditions met.
Well, I hope you lot are pleased with yourselves.
Of course I’m referring to the horrendous treatment suffered by the beautiful Meghan.
I know that we’re a truly frightful lot because I’ve been listening to the BBC over the weekend and every whinger known to man has been on to berate us. We’re racist, we’re narrow minded and we’re ungrateful. My word, how that poor girl has suffered.
I dread to think how much the wedding must have cost. It received wall to wall coverage and we had to endure about an hour of some half witted preacher she’d flown in. He was as mad as a hatter though the Beeb kept telling us he was a “delightful breath of fresh air.”.
Then we stumped up over three million on renovations to a “cottage” they’ve barely set foot in. Clearly it wasn’t good enough.
We pay for their security, their lavish lifestyle and their transport.
And in return they have lectured us about our extravagant, ecologically unsound holidays and that we’re damaging the climate. And don’t forget we’re having far too many children.
Honestly, we really are an insufferable and ungrateful nation.
No wonder they’ve left…though apparently we’re still going to be paying for them.
Someone pass the tissues…
Bring back the good old days……anyone that doesn’t tow the line off to the Tower for head removal , that would save us poor tax payers a bundle !
So Harry getting hot and bothered about the Times publishing the story calling it potentially harmful.
This despite the fact that he and Meg decided to break the story without consulting the Queen then launching a new website to tout for future business!
So, only report what they want you too hey?
Doesn’t work like that at all.
I also notice that the producers of their new website madebyarticle.com are currently engaged in a new website for a Company called Tokyo Smoke designed to launch the cannabis industry into Canada….
“Helping Canada celebrate legalization”
“Tokyo Smoke is a lifestyle cannabis brand with locations across Canada. With legalization day approaching, they came to us to build a destination for their Spend Ten Seventeen campaign — a pre-legalization push to build brand awareness and drive newsletter subscriptions.”
Not sure they thought that one through and begin to question their judgement too!
the .com domain rather than a co.uk struck me as to where they are advertising themselves too
BBC Take Note:
The Sun:
“Meghan Markle is not a victim of media racism, insists Priti Patel”
“Priti Patel furiously dismissed claims Meghan Markle has been the victim of racist press coverage.”
She told BBC Radio 5 Live: “I am not in that category at all where I believe there has been racism.
“I think we live in a great country, a great society, full of opportunity where people of every background can get on in life.”
“Ms Patel today refused to say if she will strip the runaway couple of their £600,000 a year security team, saying it would be “inappropriate” to comment.”
It is a certainty that Megan will play the race card big time on US TV with Harry acting as a nodding poodle. I fear that Harry will soon be apologising for any deaths or injuries that he may have caused during his tour of duty in the army. He will tearfully explain that back then he wasn’t Woke but now , thanks to his wonderful wife and guru Megan, he is and he can clearly see how wrong it was.
Dover, I would have thought Prince Harry could sort out their own security. He’s ex-Army. Quiet word to one or two unemployed comrades and, hey-ho, problem solved.
They’d end up with a platoon of Trans.
The BBC follow up their previous-agenda busting report telling us not enough men are donating blood.
Their problem was they had to acknowledge male blood was biologically different and medically vital.
As so often with the BBC the new story goes with identity politics: ‘Jamie Lambert, 29, from London, says many gay and bisexual men people feel let down by the law.’
But wait a minute… ‘only 41% of new blood donors in England last year were men’ Remind us what proportion of the population are gay men… 1, 2, 3%? So seriously as important as they and the BBC might think they are the gays are not the answer.
And again the BBC just can’t resist banging another one of their familiar agenda gongs – this time “Cuts”
“Rowan Swainson, 66, from Wellington, has given blood more than 40 times. But he told BBC News recent closures in Shropshire had led to a rising cost in travel to blood centres, which was deterring many donors. In cutting costs to the service, they have just passed on the costs to their most valuable asset, which is their volunteer donors”
So what you are saying is… women can better aford extra travel costs than men?
Come on BBC, climb off your narrative hobby horses for a moment and present a story honestly reflecting reality and in proportion with the true statistics. That’s if you want to be taken seriously – I doubt that these days. The BBC has collapsed into a lefty agenda tool. One suspects the BBC is reacting to lefty replies and responses to their original story. Clearly the BBC only listens to lefties and so happily does their bidding with this ridiculous and superfluous follow up report.
Poor Clive ‘no mates’ Lewis MP – the only socialist of colour to stand for the Loser of the Labour Party failed to get 22 mates to get him to the next round – and he transferred his votes to Lady Nugee .
I think that means there are still 5 excellent candidates to finish off the Labour Party . And Red Dawn Butler got enough votes to go forward as deputy leader . … however they are checking VAR and Diane Abbot has offered to do any recount …
Diane Abbott – always ready to put her best two left feet forward.
The Labour leadership contest has thrown up 5 names as the final acceptable contenders:
Emily Thornberry
Keir Starmer
Rebecca Long-Bailey
Lisa Nancy
Jess Phillips
(All pygmies)
In the 1970’s they could have chosen from:
Harold Wilson
George Brown
Barbara Castle
Lord Gardiner
Richard Crossman
James Callaghan
Roy Jenkins
Peter Shore
George Lawson
Merlyn Rees
Arthur Bottomley
David Owen
Roy Mason
Roy Hattersley
Anthony Crosland
Reg Prentice
Shirley Williams
Denis Howell
John Dunwoody
Lord Shackleton
Tony Benn
Ray Gunter
Robert Mellish
Judith Hart
Frank Cousins
Douglas Jay
Gwyneth Dunwoody
Sir Elwyn Jones
(All giants and apologies to the many other notables I did not have time to research!)
…..this I think highlights the dire state of the Labour party today and thank God Boris swamped them!
A very good point, digg.
In my view it shows exactly what immense damage Corbyn and Momentum has done to the Labour Party
Yeah and some of those candidates back in the 1970s were either dead or had retired or were about to leave the Party.
Really does show up the present squad!
What I think is really going on in Harry and Megan’s world.
Harry “I want to live in Britain”, Megan “I want to live in Hollywood”. Harry “But the Queen doesn’t rule over Hollywood”, Megan “Then lets compromise, why don’t we live on Vancouver Island, it’s the nearest we can get to Hollywood, while staying under the Queens rule”, Harry “Yes, a good idea Megan, if I become Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, we would have to live in Victoria, the nearest point to Hollywood we could possible get under Her Majesty the Queens rule”, Megan “Yes, and the Canadians would have to pay for our security”, Harry “Perfect, I would then not be a burden on the British taxpayer”
Thing is: “Once a princess, always a princess”. Photo is of a demure Princess Sparkle in CBS’s ‘Suits’ series. And yes, unfortunately it is real.
Re: Megan and Harry.
A point that I heard made by a contributor on TalkRadio today was this, I’ve just dressed it up a little.
Reverse the roles. A male American actor woos Princess Harriet.
Within 18 months she’s grown apart from her previously inseparable sister, her mother and her grandmother. She even went abroad with her baby so that Grandma and Grandad weren’t really involved in baby’s first Christmas, Grandad may not even be around for baby’s second Christmas. However did the Princess grow apart or did her new husband drive a wedge in?
I won’t labour the point, you get the idea. If the roles were reversed there would be absolute hell on and the husband would be vilified. But Megan……
Even more so if the husband was part of the white patriarchy and the family was black.
I’m a bit out of the loop- but I’m guessing the BBC isn’t making much noise over the failure of protesting Iranian students to stamp on ‘ set fire to an Israeli and American flag the regime helpfully laid down for them .
Twitter has video of the flags being stepped … around ….
Meanwhile, at BBC North America, Jon breaks out the dartboard to cheer the team up…