Watchers of the Far Left Biased BBC will be heartened by the fear of cut backs and , hopefully , job losses . Perhaps their world isn’t as cosy as they assumed with the accompanying shock that a growing number of people just see its’ bias and care less for it .
Start the Week Thread 27 January 2020
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\\But with the UK set to leave the EU on 31 January, he said there was no need to “fight yesterday’s battles”.
Mr Price added there could be “new freedoms and flexibilities” for Wales as a result of Brexit.//
Amazing! Coming from the Welsh Nationalist Party Known as “The Welsh Nats.”
Rejoiners , Remainers and Snowflakes take note .
Backlinks to previous thread
– Sunday finished on page 3
before 11:30am posts were on – Sunday finished on page 2
BTW if you go to
you can set it to monitor blogs like Guido, notalotofpeopleknowthat, etc.
and see the new threads as they come in
The Today Programme runs PR for the EU using a quote from a PM who is fighting for his political life…
“The EU is 27 member states, the UK is only one country…
…so if these were two teams playing football, who do you think has the stronger team?”
Irish PM @LeoVaradkar says the EU will have the upper hand in trade talks after Brexit.
Next up…. Toenails emerges from Guy’s fundament to ‘analyse’ that really we’d be best to rejoin, as a flag on the cliffs says we love each other.
By sheer coincidence
“…. PM will struggle to strike deal on time.”
Well, Mr Varadkar, if that’s the case maybe we shouldn’t waste time and just leave without one…………….
What say you Mr Varadkar?
Next up… Keir… of course.
Telling us what our lessons are.
Studio to studio.
To me, Mr Starmer has the face of a jailbird.
And then, we can have many more Marxist inspired and infiltrated local administrations clamouring for, ‘Independence’. Now, take Scotland for example………..
And then everyone can ‘rejoin’ in bits (not that he would ever advocate that you understand).
Another cunning EU plan?
“Closer to the people”? What brazen cheek! He has spent the last three years keeping decision-making as far from the people as possible.
GW – see from your “@Keir_Starmer” link that his supporters really believe “another future is possible”.
think they must have watched a Terminator movie for inspiration!!
Varadker is correct, because while the EU has an ace negotiator trained and experienced we are going to send Boris the bottler untrained inexperienced with zero education in these matters and with a classics degree.
We fail before we even begin because our country refuses to pay for the proper people to do the job and as a result ends up with monkeys instead.
Well, the ace negotiator hasn’t done too well over the last three years, trying to grab too much and seeing victory slipping through his fingers. Perhaps he will do better this year.
Have you ever bought a house/car/etc and paid the full asking price without trying to get it for less?
“EU has an ace negotiator trained and experienced” – Michel Bernard Barnier (born 9 January 1951) is a French politician.
nuff said – he looks after French interests first.
maybe Varadker likes his EU friends better than UK friends & has a short memory.
Don’t you believe it Leo Varadkar, the EU need to trade with the UK even more than the other way around-that will give the UK the upper hand in most cases. However if the UK were to leave without any kind of deal with the Machianistic EU, the pressure on the individual European member countries would be sufficient to cause a real problem for the present EU as those countries would apply equal pressure on the EU to ease through any deal with the UK.
Considering Great Britain came 3rd in the medals tables of the 2012 Summer Olympics and 2nd in 2016 I don’t think Leo Varadkars analogy makes much sense.
Our StewGreen missed out the mixed-race sheep couple on Countryfile!
White sheep, two black twin lambs. Black dad hopped in and then hopped out!
Don’t mention that here in Wales. 😀
I did notice it
unknown neighbours black sheep had somehow jumped in unseen and inseminated a sheep.
But it was a real incident rather than CF virtue signalling.
But doesn’t say much for the biosecurity of Adam’s farm
..which previously got TB somehow.. so should have absolutely rigorous measures.
Adam must run the only farm in the country that needs to chuck bird seed down by the kilo.
He gets so many visits by the vet that he should have a full-time one on the staff!
“Kobe Bryant: Basketball legend dies in helicopter crash”
Kobe Bryant: Basketball legend dies in helicopter crash
Hardly British headline news ? Who he ?
Well, there we go. They apologise at the end of the bulletin for showing a picture of the wrong basketball player. Proving that they don’t know what they’re talking about and are leading the news with this unBritish story for political reasons of their own.
What I am wondering is WHY the BBC chose to lead on the death of a man many (most?) of us have never heard of. He was of course black and Rita reported that since retiring he did a lot of charitable work including promoting women in sport. I still don’t feel they gave sufficient reason for the importance they put on repotting his death.
Because it masks far more important news that has not been reported.
Deborah-It stops the BBC reporting on the fact that three rockets
have hit the USA embassy in Baghdad. Diversity is the number one
issue on the BBC. It is more important than ANYTHING else
so far as the BBC is concerned. It is the numero uno issue
the BBC is there to “educate” us on.
I’d thought I’d woken up in a false reality with news of the death of someone I’d never heard of being treated like Lady Di was upon her untimely end.
State Broadcaster for which State?
Not Gwent, I just love to say I told you so. 🙂 The BBC have an America Obsession. (Pounce strongly disagreed. Wonder how good old Pounce is? Do pop back and see us sometime.)
Not sure quite how the BBC square that with their desire to be part of the EU, but in their twisted little minds I’m sure they will manage somehow.
Our old friend Pounce can still be found on Eye On The World-Blogspot. Well worth a visit. Come back Pounce !
Also Chris H, Grant where have you gone ?
He also turns up on the Conservative Woman occasionally.
The eulogies prove that, yet again (there are no exceptions), he was truly a black Saint.
This helicopter incident was also being pushed by Nickiknownowt on LBC earlier this morning. As though the deceased is a well-known and well loved celebrity in our country.
I’ve wondered before, I know, whether news stories originate from a central command centre. I’ve seen evidence it happens in the USA so it would not surprise me if it happens over here too. And the racist far-left bbc would be the ideal incubator of fabricated stories.
Same with this virus story; maybe China is now playing the game of panicking the world with apocalyptic death and disease stories. I can imagine them all; US, UK, China and the rest; sitting in a UN conference room and concocting the next horror story and having bets on how far they can push absurdity in the detail.
Really? The wrong one? Is that why they are not all over the US network Telebunny who may have, in all the excitement, used a word that if she is not of color is a career ender.
It is very sad, but interesting why a commercial helicopter was circling around in fog that had seen police flights grounded earlier.
Agree taffman, I no doubt like most Brits had never heard of the guy unless into basket ball-however what needs to added to all the sympathises is for the other basket ball player who was with Bryant and the pilot if there was one.
Of no importance(?) whatever to the BABC, wot abaht the continuing riots and national strike going on 20 miles away in France?
Clearly the BABC are working to conceal these events from the viewers/listeners in case the latter get ideas beyond their station in life and emulate the French.
Big (Marxist) Brother knows best………..
Did anyone prove to you that the BBC has ever made a pro Brexit programme ?
I notice Maxicony is posting on the last thread , never on a new thread I suppose it helps his drive by post and be gone quickly .
Perhaps Maxi is one of the worlds workers ( you know , the people that Labour have lost in their zeal for university lecturers votes ) if so he’ll need some wedge like the rest of us workers , especially if on minimum wage .
So Maxi , I’ll bet you £200 you can’t find what FedUp dared .
£200 ; not a bad bit of folding stuff for anyone not on BBC wages .
maxi, as I have posted here before, works like a cockroach, he comes out at night and hides behind the old posts where he cannot be seen.
He does not like to advertise this petition, well here it is anyway ……………
maxi, as I have posted here before, works like a cockroach, he comes out at night and hides behind the old posts where he cannot be seen”
My apologies, I shall repost onto the new thread.
maxi copy
No need to apologise . We know your game , we still await a post from you about Al Beeb’s bias.
“Hook , Line and Sinker” , Eh maxi ?
Now , how about some posts about Al Beeb’s bias from you.
No need to apologise? What?
Where’s that apology you owe me, maxi, you old fraud?
Nibor – I said at the end of the last thread that no one has produced any evidence of Right Wing bias . I expected something and even invited trolls to cut and paste the usual list of incidents of Right wing bias but nothing has turned up yet .
Nibor you wagered cash and so did in. I bet myself a fiver that the BBC news would lead with a dead retired American basket ball player . It did . I wondered if they’d done the same if he’d been white ?
Meanwhile a virus is going viral and if it mutates into something more fatal they really will have something important to report instead of virtue signalling non stories .
\\Britain’s sovereignty at risk if it allows Huawei to access 5G network, US Secretary of State warns //
Hardly a peep about this debate on Al Beeb?
Are our Remainer civil servants using this topic to undermine Brexit ?
Like the most suitable job interviewee for a demanding security oriented role who comes to the interview and, when confronted, confesses he/she/it, has been a serial thief and fraudster for decades. Not only that, his big brother heads a crime syndicate which has likely put family pressure on the younger brother, the interviewee, previously to betray any employer he has had over the decades. Your superior sends you an email before the interview to remind you that your company is anxious to do a big business deal with the big brother and his crime syndicate………………..
China/ Huawei are a security threat to our country.
5G is a health threat to our country.
Both of these should be stopped.
And smart meters – I’m now being pestered to have one installed. I shall resist doing so for as long as possible.
TOADY Watch #1 – Not quite the BBC but sort of the BBC
Much discussion of Huawei in between much grieving for a retired basketball pro who was not a household name in the UK. Why, BBC, did you not tell us about Kobe Bryant and how good he was when he was still playing? We might have watched.
Back to 5G. Rory Cellan-Jones of the BBC has demonstrated that 4G doesn’t work properly. I suspect that 3G doesn’t either but cannot speak with authority because my mobile phone doesn’t have ‘O’ levels. None of the TOADY presenters, in all the recent discussion on the subject, make this connection with their own research. At all. Ever.
Funny, that. They are always keen to tell us about Panorama programmes and their content, even before they are broadcast.
JustRemainIn Webb did at least ask someone (cannot remember who) why we don’t go with one of the other possible suppliers?
The other big question to ask, bearing in mind the UK were behind some of the original technology, is why don’t we wait, get 3G and 4G working properly while developing our own UK-produced 5G capability?
An essential question, I would have thought.
But not if you are the “very expensive” BBC News & Current Affairs (N&CA) …….
On Saturday morning we’ll wake up a lot freer than we have been since 1975.
Will be a strange feeling. How will the BBC spin it?
‘There are many who seek a return to the EU and the stability it brought to our lives. Can this happen? We go over to out team in Brussels for….. ‘
Brexit Day is seen by remainers and libdems as ‘Jingoism’ in Great Britain yet in any other nation it would be known as Independence Day, celebrated every year . 40 odd years of indoctrination by Al Beeb has taken its toll.
Many remainers hate their own nation that is Great Britain, they should emigrate to Europe as they promised .
funny how in Beeb sport it’s OK to show/celebrate ‘Jingoism’.
but do the same in other area’s it’s xenophobia!!!
This morning I will have had delivered the Union flag, a post and a holder. It will be unfurled on Friday night to greet my neighbours on Saturday morning. The two Polish families on the estate, hard-working and assimilated, know they have no worries from me and are more than welcome
Yes, our St George’s flag will be on show as well, Popeye!
Bubbly in the fridge is now planned, and I’ll be looking out for as many 50p coins as I can collect, just to rub as many noses as I can! Then I’ll give them to charity, or maybe spend them on the poll tax or some other non-deserving crowd of wasters in T.Wells!
Yes, our St George’s flag will be on show as well, Popeye!
Bubbly in the fridge is now planned, and I’ll be looking out for as many 50p coins as I can collect, just to rub as many noses as I can! Then I’ll give them to charity, or maybe spend them on the poll tax or some other non-deserving crowd of wasters in T.Wells!
Yes, pretty much all I have heard on the BABC is intent on impregnating the public with the thought of rejoining the EU. And accordingly, needless to say, virtually all interviewees on the subject are selected to lend their weight behind the concept.
The BBC: reporting on the death of a basketball player in a helicopter crash most British people have never heard of, and putting it as their main news item.
Twitter users: very upset that the BBC accidentally showed a video of the wrong person in their obituary of the basketball player.
Most British people: sorry to hear the news, but most of us have never heard of him.
Someone interviewed has just said “even if you don’t follow basketball, everyone knows who Coby Bryant is ” well, I doubt very much that.
Ask anyone in America if they know who Martin Peters was. I rest my case.
Why is basket ball so popular with the BBC? I’ve never heard of the bloke either.
Our national sports don’t actually have that particular game on the radar, but, like other non-‘sports’ like darts or snooker, the awful state broadcaster likes to think it’s clever in making up more stories like this, as they deflect the real news, that we’ll all be out of the clutches of a disgraceful cabal of the EU on Friday, and they’re desperate for anything to avoid talking about the triumph of reality!
At least Radio 5 Live (dead) did their Sunday morning music phone-in based on what sort of music could be used to recognise our exit from the EU next Friday. The winner, after most of the gasping/squealing of the minor, forgotten slebs and a few great hits from bands like Cream, was Peter Cook and Dudley Moore singing ‘Goodbye’…
Is basketball like netball? I don’t think I have ever seen it.
I think the beeb now has so much money/reporters invested in reporting on Trump in the US that they report anything from the US to justify the money spent if ever challenged.
never seen such fixation on the US.
wonder why?
Come on maxincony vote here , you know it makes sense.
Tell your mates at Al Beeb before you emigrate for the European continent with your shiny new 50p piece .
Look out look out our resident troll is about !
“It was easy for us to find Greta, cos there are few Teslas in the city, and if you see one with New York licence plates parked in the hotel car park, then that must be her.”
When “easy” apparently means visiting every hotel car park in the city and scouring them for a Tesla with NY licence plates.
“So Greta is advertising her presence…”
Would you have known where Greta was staying without watching the video?
Parking a car in a hotel parking lot is not *advertising your presence*.
@Maxi repeated his question on this new thread
Here is my repeated answer
Maxi quoted “a super distinctive car”
Really. How many Teslas have you seen with out looking this week?*
after he’d already written more specific details himself
“there are few Teslas in the city, and if you see one with New York licence plates parked in the hotel car park, then that must be her.”
* How many Teslas have I seen ?
NONE this week, I have only every seen ONE in my entire life, cos they are an extremely rare car, you won’t see one in a normal provincial town.
I notice you haven’t answered my question:
Would you have known where Greta was staying without watching the video?
Greta stayed in the hotel one night, so she would have left before the video came out.
Meanwhile social media already carried notes about sightings of her.
So he put her in no danger, did he ?
More interesting is the new Rebel summary of Greta expose
Her Stockholm demo only had her and the 4 other child protesters and they were outnumbered by 8 undercover specialists were guarding Greta .
john in cheshire,
“Note the comment about Grenfell Tower.
Who are these DWP employees and why aren’t they in prison?”
The whole of John Ward’s “article” is nothing more than the equivalent of; *this is what some bloke told me down the pub*.
“Many readers will remember the glaring inconsistencies in the enumeration of those who had been occupying flats in the Grenfell Tower tragedy”
There were no “glaring inconsistencies”; just another one of the endless (and increasingly desperate) attempts to assimilate Grenfell into a continuing anti-immigrant narrative promoted by sites such as this.
I remember that the Government decided not to prosecute tenants for illegally subletting Grenfell Tower flats, so as to make it easier to identify all those killed in the fire. Mass criminality by Grenfell Tower tenants produced inconsistencies caused by agreements signed by tenants expressly forbidding subletting, but it was proven that almost a third of these flats were in fact sublet. Most of the original tenants were paying a subsidised rent. They then let the flats at the market rate, thereby taking the subsidy as a profit. So it was proven that almost a third of the tenants of Grenfell Tower were committing a crime.
Richard Pinder,
“it was proven that almost a third of these flats were in fact sublet”
Where was this proved?
Google – “Grenfell Flats sublet”
199 Million results!
Nobody prosecuted, nobody charged, almost certainly nobody taxed.
Get your lazy fucking arse out of bed and find out what the proportion of sublet flats was.
If this proves to be 33.33333333332% you can then tell us.
Not that I could care less about dead illegals.
Following your train of thought, it’s kind of like the impeachment case against Donald Trump…
I just watched “the boy in the striped pyjamas” It would
be a good idea if the BBC editor who “picked” Orla Guerrin
to report on the Holocaust memorial from Israel , both watched
this film . It may ,but I doubt it if would of stopped the foreigner
from the Irish Republic making her snide comments. To be
honest I thought she was banned from Israel, for “previous.”
RE Paki Copperfield (yes maybe he is from somewhere else in the sub continent but it scans well) I am considering a crowdfunding account for a biopic of Michael Jackson with auditions in Scotland with particular attention payed towards white ginger haired individuals as they are under represented also a new Gandi film with Vinnie Jones playing him as I am also colourblind as the Copperfield director claims to be
If there is any money left I will push towards Ray Winstone in a cockney Nelson Mandela epic
I have no doubt whatsoever these will be fully supported by the bbc in their diversity agenda
Ha ha ha!
How about Ed Miliband in the Wallace and Gromit film about the great Wensleydale Butty Unpleasantness?
Or David Miliband playing Ian Hislop in the soon to be written play, ‘I’m a Banana’.
I think David will supply his own banana.
A little taster of the Mandela epic screenplay:RE Winstone comes back to South Africa : Ooohs the daddy now ? some of the Minder cast are also lined up for bit parts and of course Barbara Windsor for his wife
of course we will skim over Mandelas wife murdering a 14 year old child, he will just be barred from the Winchester club for being under aged
Have we, or rather those that authorise such nonsence, dropped so low in its efforts to apease the coloured people in the UK that, we have to insult the great Charles Dickens story by introducing a coloured person to play David Copperfield. Certainly won’t help the push to Multiculturalism as so loved, by the destroyers of this nation. Multiculturalism was designed to destroy any sense of national pride and patriotism amongst the indigenous population, whilst actively encouraging the same amongst the incoming races and cultures and here now is the proof.
T arien,
All, “part and parcel” of the moves of those aliens who want to step up the elimination of ‘whiteness’ in the UK and follow their cheerleader, the Black & Asian Broadcasting Co. who is assiduously air brushing (or should I say, ‘air-waving’) out all whiteness in its programmes. History will not look well on the BABC in its continuing drive to spread ‘blackness’ everywhere.
As some good friends here might not have seen it, I would like to reprint a comment (fostered by a tincture I think), which received some acclaim on Guido’s blog recently. I am so proud to have been elevated to the position of ‘junior-not-getting-modded-sub-reporter’, that I’ll reproduce the two comments here, so I can again bathe in the spotlight of slebbism for just a few brief moments…
re: – Bercow going to some sort of academy as a pseudo beak or summat: –
“He’s not a professor, he’s a very shorty boy”!
“Will they give him a high chair”?
I don’t get a lot of acclaim these days, so I thank you all for your indulgence and will let you continue with your preparations for a great week, full of BBC joy and enlightenment about Friday – possibly the new ‘Good Friday’!
Our BBC Jenny reporting from Auschwitz where a million Jewish men, women and children died….
“Many Women who survived are coming here to pay their respects and for whom this will be very much a #metoo moment…….
Shakes head and goes to make a cup of tea……
BBC Online News:
“Calls for ‘virginity repair’ surgery to be banned”
“Many Muslim women risk being outcast, or in extreme cases killed, if their spouses or families discover they have had sex before marriage.”
“And some are opting for a medical procedure in which doctors restore a layer of membrane at the entrance to the vagina.”
“But there are concerns a ban would increase the dangers to Muslim women by driving the procedure underground.”
“There are currently at least 22 private clinics across the UK offering hymen-repair surgery.”
“They charge up to £3,000 for the surgery, which takes about an hour.”
“Women’s rights campaigners say that such clinics are profiting from Muslims afraid of what could happen to them if they are not “pure” for their wedding night.”
“And many detail the procedure on their websites, with London’s Gynae Centre telling women who visit its site “some marriages are even annulled” when a husband discovers his wife’s hymen has been broken.”
Methodists next under the spotlight for the same medieval practice. Or maybe not….
The BBC angle will be that the clinics should be allowed to continue this barbaric act to prevent it being driven ‘underground’.
Therefore, BBC happy to support Islam in it’s extremes. The chosen ones who can do no wrong in the eyes of the BBC.
Normal service has been resumed.
Phew, at last… BBC news is pushing an anti-Brexit story again. What with all this hot air about Climate Change, great wall to wall coverage of China Virus and the BBC desperately shooting itself through hoops to score the black sportsman vote. I thought for a moment we’d never get back to the old familiar pro-Brussels status quo.
“Varadkar: EU will have upper hand in trade talks with UK”
You think…?
Let’s read on and on throught all the old back to usual tedious guff. Lots of UK shouldn’t undercut the EU. Hey, just a thought – if EU trade is so strong how come we don’t fear them undercutting us? Anyway, it’s all the same old, same old, until the very last line of the BBC story….
[I won’t call it a news report or article – ‘cos it’s a story] and the last line is…
“Mr Varadkar, the lead (sic) of the Fine Gael party, will fight his first election campaign as Taoiseach when Ireland heads to the polls on 8 February.”
So a little bit of anti-Brit blarney from yer man at this crucial electorial juncture won’t go amis, eh?
You scratch my Varadkars, I’ll rub yours.
Interesting that the continued obsession of the BBC about ALLEGED sexual misconduct is all about those with Jewish names, in America yet English CONVICTED gang rapists of children in every city that contains a muslim ghetto attracts no attention apart from local news
BBC Online News:
“Global Talent visa: New system to keep UK ‘open to talented scientists’ ”
“A fast-track UK visa for scientists, mathematicians and researchers will be launched next month, the prime minister has said.”
“The Global Talent visa will be open from 20 February to those who work in a qualifying field and have been endorsed by a recognised UK body.”
“Boris Johnson said he wanted to emphasise “that the UK is open to the most talented minds in the world”.”
“Ending the Erasmus scheme, denying visas to scientists from Africa and Asia, imposing a minimum salary of £30,000, these all adversely affect the richness and quality of our scientific base,” The shadow spokesperson Chi Onwurah said.
Another benefit of Brexit and Boris.
However, the BBC have to spoil it.
1. They show two scientists in a picture. Both are women. One is black. Racist and sexist.
2. They stress the ‘loss’ of opportunities for Africans and Asians. As if that is all the BBC cares about. As if….
Why a fast-track visa? We were assured some time ago that those immigrants arriving on Former UK shores were all ‘professionals’, anyway, and would enrich us beyond our wild imaginings.
There’s loads of scientists and Doctors crossing the Channel right now on lilo’s, inflatable bananas and pedalo’s.
Advertise only in the “Jerusalem Chronicle”.
No replies from the abbott people.
African scientists do they study the link between bushmeat and aids ? like China and our latest virus ?
Apparently, Wuhan just happens to be the location of China’s “biosafety” lab. Coincidence?
Project Fear
BBC news carries an unchallenged comment by the irish PM about the whip hand the EU holds in negotiations over the UK – which the BBC hates .
True enough 300 million ish beats 60 million .
But then the UK economy is the equivalent of -what ?
18 EU economies . Plus the vast trade deficit .
I think the Irish are rightly scared that what they sell to the UK might well be sourced cheaper elsewhere .
It seems mad to say stupid stuff in the days leading to brexit but I suppose he has his 3 million irish population and a million EU guests to cater too …
Holocaust Memorial Day .
As moderator I am being specially stringent about comments- I’ve already taken down a couple today and will do so without notice .
And a plus for More4 . It has a documentary about the British film crews who filmed the camps as the allies captured them . It’s about an hour and a half long and has truly truly awful footage which is not often seen on TV . Very very upsetting but deserves to be seen . Remember .
Agree, my comment was specifically around feminists attempting to associate themselves with this which in my opinion is despicable but my way of showing it lacked finesse
Don’t you believe it Leo Varadkar, the EU need to trade with the UK even more than the other way around-that will give the UK the upper hand in most cases. However if the UK were to leave without any kind of deal with the Machianistic EU, the pressure on the individual European member countries would be sufficient to cause a real problem for the present EU as those countries would apply equal pressure on the EU to ease through any deal with the UK.
Looks like Newsnight, Politics Today, Marr… all spoiled for choice on quality interviewees that are Sarpong approved.
Or are they studying the link between African princes and a goldmine which will only need your bank account details to access
Report from BBC Look North about this guy investing his student loan to set up a business selling rare trainers around the world.
I didn’t think broadcasting this image was a good idea though…
Is that trainers with Cocaine in the soles ?
Momodou (Moddz) Saidykhan appear on the Northeast edition of Look North
at minute 4:30s
I can’t find much on the internet. Looks like a Gambian name.
His shop
It doesn’t look a big operation.
He’s got a FB page most of the posts are advertising a black Newcastle nightclub where he works
When the ratings tank… double down…
Or… better yet, get on YAB. Again.
Ah! Back to Uganda again………
Reminiscing her good times with good ol’ Idi.
Here’s a ticket.
What larks… BBC and Graun as one on Irish pols crushing the U.K., BBC and Radio Times as one on fictional sciency types, and BBC photo Eds in perfect harmony too.
Guest Who
I expect the only men in that ” Lab ” are there to clean up and empty the bins
Hopefully their qualifications will be verified as being genuine, by a professional body…….not the Civil Service.
Stop bbc just STOP 85% of this country are not black they pay your wages to allow you to spout black people are the majority, white women with black boyrfiends and now white men with black women in the advert media , it is not that way it it may occur but is not usual and never will be unless WE CHOOSE not you to choose and to reiterate we the 85% majority pay you to tell us we are the minority to be villified as racists for not choosing black partner “
100% agree Darcy3, however these actions are to show the successful integration of happy foreigners with a happy indigenous popultaion nevertheless it is hardly going to forment revolution, hence the ideology of Multiculturalism which intentionally divides race and cultures. This ideology was designed to destroy any sense of national pride and patriotism amongs the indigenous poplutaion and in fact as we are seeing instills guilt in the indigenous white population for our supposed past oppression and supposed current racism. In fact we have further in licking their boots, by passing laws to criminalise those that dare to speak out against their territorial racial and culture dispossessions. Brainwashing the white children is well and truly on the agenda. Race is the biggest weapon the left Liberals use in their war against traditional Britain. Sad to say that most true racists in Britain have been the treasonous anti-white politicians and very much the journalists and to a degree the Police.
“white women with black boyrfiends and now white men with black women in the advert media “…..
Darcy, its not only the advertising media, its occurring more and more in feature films. Several movies I’ve seen of late have portrayed more mixed relationships than I can ever remember seeing in films before. Ok, its probably my age, and morally I shouldn’t even be thinking it, as its only skin colour, BUT I still feel uncomfortable, whereas the young are more acquiescent towards it. However, I’m still of the opinion that we are being brainwashed into acceptance, and that diversity is being pushed where it isn’t necessary because of this.
So, I wake up this morning and the news is choc full about the death of a sportsman I’ve never heard of who played a game no-one in Blighty gives a toss about.
There have been interviews with old colleagues. Fans are seen fighting back the tears. Grown men are heard saying, “Man, this is the saddest day of my life.” And “I loved that guy.” Followed by “I’ve never felt such pain…”
Look, a bloke and his daughter and a number of other people have died. It’s tragic. But even the BBC, who are desperately trying to inflate this as an international event, put up the picture of the wrong basket ball player. If they don’t know who he is how are we supposed to?
And I note there’s no mention of the rape charge that was hushed up after a substantial out of court settlement…
What, no comment from Me too?
Jeff, we also had wall to wall coverage by all channels on the death of Aretha Franklin, Prince and further back – Michael Jackson. It was the same then, but at least the majority of people HAD heard of them ! But the track record is that all these souls are black. There are many white ‘names’ who have passed over the years, but its noticeable that news coverage of those is never in the same league.
“So, I wake up this morning and the news is choc full about the death of a sportsman I’ve never heard of who played a game no-one in Blighty gives a toss about.” LOL !!!!
Well, we all know the yanks live on a different planet to the rest of us. At the Grammy’s last night it was turned into a memorial for this chap, and spoke of how the whole world was in mourning. Um, no it wasn’t.
Basketball, Baseball (Rounders to us old schoolgirls), American Football (and the “world series” that only takes place in the US) are all peculiar to the States. They’re brought up on it, just look how every house has a basket fixed above the garage door, that most 6 year olds could lob a ball into, and its hardly surprising the country has gone into meltdown mode.
Why is there no mention on Beeb, or at least that I’ve seen, about the Mayor of London and his funding by the boss of Ecotricity, that he forgot to declare, prior to said company being awarded a substantial piece of business in London? Surely this is big enough for BBC to at least mention? Had it been a Conservative MofL I suspect it would havevbeen all over every bulletin. Cynical moi thinks the unfortunate Mr Bryant is a convenient blanket. Story is on Guido.
Wagons being circled around the globe.
Public less forgiving. #CCBGB
I saw this, and must confess I wondered why the player the BBC identified as Koby Bryant had “James” on the back of his shirt.
Do all black people look the same to the BBC?
Making my living from sport I do know who Kobe Bryant was.He was a legend in USA. As much as David Beckham ,
rightly or wrong is in England. Yes in the world of sport his tragic death
and the others in the helicopter including his daughter was very
major news.
HOWEVER there is this obsession with the BBC obviously because
of diversity to place black athletes whenever possible at the top
of their sports agenda.
Whatever the state of play in a golf tournament Tiger Woods
is the priority so far as the BBC is concerned. Of course in tennis
it’s Serena Williams, to be followed I am sure by Coco Gauff.
I know this is a taboo subject and one has to tread softly and
personally I am in awe of many sportsmen and women whatever
creed or colour. It’s just a fact that the BBC just do this.
Despite their obsessive negrophilia, ultimately the dirty little secret of liberals is that they feel most comfortable when black people are sportsmen, atheletes and musicians. Or if not actual musicians, then at least rap artists. Sexual fetishisation is also a factor in many instances.
iss cos i iss black innit
Did anybody else hear Justin Webb’s interview with Ronald Lauder at 6:45 on to the Today Programme? Ronald Lauder is the president of the World Jewish Congress, and he is also chairman of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial Foundation.
Today is 75 years since Soviet troops cautiously entered Auschwitz and the remaining survivors were liberated, so Ronald Lauder was on to remind us that Auschwitz must remain a permanent reminder, so that we are sure that “never again” truly means never again. He told Justin Webb that these lessons are particularly important because Antisemitism is on the rise, and he sees parallels with the mid 1930s.
At this point Justin Webb then decided he should ask “Given that, should we be more robust in our criticism of the language used by Donald Trump?”
I can’t quite find the words to express how disgusted I was when I heard that question asked.
Trump on Friday released a proclamation marking the liberation’s anniversary, which will be on Monday. “We remember the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust and pay tribute to the American soldiers and other Allied Forces who fought tirelessly to defeat the Nazi regime,” Trump said. “We also recommit ourselves to the fight against anti-Semitism and to the two words that cannot be repeated often enough: Never Again.”
Which part of that statement should Justin Webb criticise ‘robustly’?
q – Disgusted, but not astonished?
Extraordinary! Was Webb suggesting that Trump is antisemitic?
Superb drama series on Sky: Cobra. After the woke casting and hectoring of BBC dramas it is refreshing to remember how good UK drama can be, except …
All the villains, and I do mean all, are supporters of Brexit and defined by their imagined racism and stupidity. There is a character from the North who mouths off about the London elites while leading a band of moronic right wing thugs. He is followed by a saintly Asian, gay reporter (I kid ye not) to put him right.
The drama is so fast and lively that even those toe curling, single dimensional characters cannot entirely spoil it. It should be stated that the party in power solving problems are Tories and the sympathetic prime Minister is Tory – though he receives a lecture on the joys of diversity and taxing the rich late on.
But please, media folk, understand, the people of the UK aren’t evil. We all abhor right wing extremists, but we also fear the street violence we see from the Left. Lecturers in UK universities need bodyguards from the Left not from the Right. The staggering number of rapes and tortures in the Rotherham and elsewhere were defended and hidden by the Left not the tiny number of far Right wing people.
The reason I haven’t watched this is because of exactly the same reasons you voice, an expectation that it would be white heterosexual man bad, non white/female/trans food. I might give it a spin now though.
scribbling: “We all abhor right wing extremists” right on, totally correct. We are with you there.
We also know who these so-called ‘right wing extremists’ are: they are the Fascisti, the Communists, (I use that name as a catch-all for all who Marx or Trot under that banner of Socialism) and Antifa or similar organisations.
It is the so-called ‘Left’ who point at an imaginary so-called ‘Right’ to divert attention from their activities.
Up2, I thought I made that clear in the final paragraph. So quite agree.
” … we also fear the street violence we see from the Left. Lecturers in UK universities need bodyguards from the Left not from the Right. The staggering number of rapes and tortures in the Rotherham and elsewhere were defended and hidden by the Left not the tiny number of far Right wing people.”
It would seem tweeting about this sees your tweets blocked.
So I’ll share here:
Kate Hoey has been suspended by Twitter:
They are sparing no-one.
This seems… newsworthy.
Cue the BBC skateboarding turtle Editor getting a lot of time and space.
Update: went to check… seems it was a spoof account that was removed. Apols.
I wondered what was going to happen to our romanian beggers after brexit, our local one has been not just begging but overtly saying pleeez to everyone with big issue magazines, these were started to help people into homes, a new life, they have been overtaken by romanian beggars who can access benefits if they say they are working she has been replaced with a new one last week is it not amazing we have homeless romanian beggars on our streets in every town thanks to being part of europe
Darcy3… my Romanian friends advise me that they do not consider the ‘Beeg Ishyoo Pleez’ brigade to be fellow Romanians. Rather they are people who originated in a different continent altogether, many centuries hence, and are simply romain’ around the EU.
Shaimaa knows when to go safe.
The others are waking up.
Jobby’s tirade will be interesting.
And look who jumps in to play the race card and stir the pot…
Ha! Good old Dave, never lets you down!
The Beeb deserve this, though. They’re so intent on flagging up their love of diversity… even when it’s someone no bugger’s heard of…and then they show a photo of the wrong bloke. I bet all these white liberals were waffling about how much they’d miss him and pretending they knew anything about men’s netball.
And then this happens…
All oppressed people of colour look alike in BBC eyes
Guess what, kids…
Amol is basking in praise.
Why, is unclear.
VD going down in style.
When in doubt… TDS!
They will be waiting for a long time.
The Sacoolas family are CIA. No US government will ever agree to deport her. It is nothing to do with Trump, who has his own problems (to say the least) with the Deep State. I feel sorry for the family, but if they think this is anything to do with Trump they are stupid. The CIA will never stand for the precedent of one of their agents ever being extradited.
CIA and they do not know their left from their right hmmm
On a different subject to the BBC, is our friend maxi ever seen in daylight?
I feel certain others must have asked this question; perhaps I’m just slow on the uptake.
Maybe not direct.
Might have bandy legs.
Or unhealthy cousins.
With luck, Rog will see this from his academic equal, and not read the replies.
Patrick co-founded Greenpeace and has 99.5K followers on Twitter
Chris Taylor has 244 followers and opened with
‘Your paper is self-published and not peer-reviewed’
.. that shows he hasn’t read the paper
cos this self publication is mere a new colour republication of the original journal publication and yes it was double blind peer reviewed.
“The BBC is a pillar of civilisation. No wonder populists want to destroy it
Will Hutton”
“Enlightenment values are anathema to parties that only thrive amid widespread ignorance”
Any connection with enlightement values and Socialism are accidental.
The BBC seems to love ignorance.
Originally the BBC did not report the mass racist Muslim gang rapes, which continue.
According to the BBC, Muslim terrorist attacks in Europe are carried out by “men” with “mental illnesses”.
The BBC has never acknowledged that the UK was lied into the EU, and lied about the EU thereafter.
I could extend this list ad libitum, why bother?
The BBC is staffed mainly by Marxists, these Communists do what comes naturally, left wing propaganda, the BBC is full of it.
The BBC is staffed mainly by Marxists because it advertises in “The Guardian”.
The Guardian, where “facts are sacred”, I do not think so.
“Christian faith is inherently superior to any other, which can be mocked and derided.”
There must be two planets named Earth, the Earth I live on is exactly opposite to the Guardian Earth.
Where churches are burnt, by Muslims, and it is not reported by the BBC.
Where Christians are murdered, by Muslims, and if reported by the BBC it will in be local news, for five minutes.
Where the BBC promotes Muslims and Islam at every opportunity, and denigrates Christianity.
“Populists of the left hold mirror-image beliefs.”
So begins a paragraph “criticizing” left wing views, for “balance” purposes.
Unfortunately these views are only noted by the BBC when deleterious effects occur, or are anticipated.
There is much more nonsense in this article, and in the comments BTL.
Those replying saying the point is being missed are missing the point.
But I thought the BBC had to reintroduce license fees for over 75s and sack Victoria Derbyshire. Where are they getting the money for a new headquarters?
There is a foreign country named the Republic of Ireland
or Eire across the Irish sea from Great Britain. They speak
English and Gaelic. I have been there. Itt is a beautiful country.
Most of the people are friendly. The sea food restaurants
around the southern coast are second to none.
What I don’t understand is the plethora of these foreigners
who work for the BBC. I understand most of them when
they speak slowly, some of them with a kind of Irish brogue.
Maybe me being a cockney doesn’t help.
What does upset me is to have to listen to the likes of
Orla Guerin. There may not be that many Jews in the Republic
and still only 300,000 in the whole of the UK. But I don’t
want to hear this foreigner on BBC TV making disparaging snide
comments about Israel and Jews. She has been doing it for
a longtime now. And I for one have had enough. We all know
of her links to Palestine ,and her personnel views although I
abhor them , she is entitled to have them. What I don’t
want to hear is these views when reporting for the BBC.
BBC News on Facebook
Powerful Iraqi Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr has organised anti-American demonstrations aimed at pressuring US troops to leave Iraq.
You will never guess what photo the bbc has found to go with?
Hint: not that of ‘Powerful Iraqi Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr‘.
The Great Satan Trump?
The common foe that unites the beeb and islamic extremists.
The Empire strikes back…
Well she certainly isn’t alone in loathing the SNP but when you couple this comment with her photo of Rochester’s flags of St George , you do begin to think she has a real problem. Perhaps she is only really at home in the deep bosom of her Islington constituency . But of course she does really deeply truly love Europe.
I see Al-beeb have declared a national day of mourning for a basketball player.
Who knew basketball was so popular in Britain?
Rounders, American “Football”, Blacksitball, Ice Hockey.
Yawn, yawn.
Dies of boredom whilst typing. Head of corpse hits send key.
Emma Barnett on R5 today:
– Sportsman — and black American, father, Oscar winner, poet, mentor, hero and black American — has died
– Women with big feet find buying shoes difficult
– On Holocaust Memorial day and 75 years since Auschwitz-Birkenau was liberated we ask “is our country still a save haven… should Britain still be a sanctuary… should we be doing more?”
P.S. Did you know Barack Obama called the sportsman a legend? I do, because R5 keep telling me
Alistair Campbell said “I shall be asking for two 20p pieces and a 10”.
Meanwhile, equally disgruntled loser, Diane Abbott Said, “I will be asking for a 20p piece.”
It’s the way I tell ’em…
I am surprised Campbell does not expect to get his change in Euros.
Diane Abbott would be happy with four half crowns. Very big and shiny, they were.
BBC Online News:
“Firms urged to crack down on office football chat”
“Ann Francke, head of the Chartered Management Institute, said sports chat can exclude women and lead to more laddish behaviour.”
“A lot of women, in particular, feel left out,” she told the BBC’s Today programme.”
“They don’t follow those sports and they don’t like either being forced to talk about them or not being included.”
This twaddle is on the BBC front page. Check out the comments 🙂 #CCBGB
“”I’ve read some right nonsense from the PC brigade over the years, but this takes the biscuit.””
Brexit in five days. The BBC have all their fingers and thumbs in their collective ears.
Beet me to it Dover, i nearly spat my Pot Noddle out……….And why isn’t the BBC apologising over getting the Basketball players up on the News Page, they have one about Johnathan Ross (White Hetro Male) saying that a singer on ITV masked singer might be a BME lady that’s dead ….and the ensuing apology is there to see…….. I cannot wait till the day that they announce that non payment of licence fee is not a criminal event, we should all meet up somewhere in the Midlands to celebrate.
Dover-Have you ever read such a load of crap in all your life?
OK I have a converse question.Should the plethora of
women football presenters and reporters we now see on TV
particularly on the BBC be allowed to talk about football?
Someone better tell Leo.
My view is that the more looney the Wokists become the better because it will alienate ordinary folks all the more quickly. The editors at the BBC really do seem to think that most of those who pay the LF share their idiotic beliefs. If Boris has the balls to decriminalise non payment of the LF I think that the Foul Corporation will lose a lot more than the £200 million it predicts. People are sick to death of hearing these idiotic views presented as main stream and virtuous. Everyone is itching to tell them where to stick their Wokism.
Who says ? One woman heading one org the Chartered Management Institute.
.. Is her opinion NEWS or PR ?
It’s not news so why are resources being wasted promoting it
Secondly the opinion is instantly sexist
cos it implies that all MEN want to talk about football
and all WOMEN don’t.
It just appears to be an excuse to attack men.
Sure workplace banter should respect whatever your colleagues are interested in ..gender shouldn’t enter in to it.
Never mind the women, how about people like me. I am seriously deaf after a lifetime of loud noises (target shooting, naval gunfire, the wife) but play a lot of golf. My hearing was so bad that I always excused myself from the post-game clubhouse gathering as I just couldn’t understand a word that was being said. My NHS (envy of the world) hearing aids were hopeless. I finally invested £2500 in a pair of aids from Specs. Absolute magic, so the first time after I had them fitted I stayed behind to join in the conversation – and found out it was nothing but football! I hate Wendyball with a passion. Back to the excuses and leaving.
Richard Pinder urges the BBC to ban sexism on Womans Hour.
Mr Pinder says “Women only chat can exclude men and lead to more puffy effeminate behaviour. A lot of men, in particular, feel left out. They don’t follow Womans Hour and they don’t like either being forced to listen, or not being included in discussions”
Dover, someone I know is pushing 80 or is just over 80 years of age – can’t remember which – she is a rather large (white) lady and a very, very big Lewis Hamilton fan, watches all the GPs if she can.
Years ago, I knew some ladies who loved to watch Test Match Cricket. Some of them turned down the TV sound so they could have the TMS commentary on their radio instead, they were that discriminating.
My mother and grandmother loved Wimbledon tennis. Granny left this life before Pot Black was invented, but Mum with Dad in tow enjoyed it in the early years even though they were watching in black & white. (I made sure the contrast was just ‘right’.) Then there was the golf. Cannot remember what the Palmer, Player and Nicklaus series (they were known as the Big Three) was called on the BBC2. Later on, there was BBC the attempt at Ryder Cup equivalence and both parents made a point of watching that. Obviously, Henry Loghurst’s commentary helped.
Maybe… if there were a race angle?