Prediction – The Biased Far Left BBC will ,from Friday , be supporting the interests of a foreign power against those of the UK . Along with friends in the Civil Service and metro bubble it will do all it can to undermine our success outside the EU.Please let this prediction be wrong .
Midweek Thread 29 January 2020
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I sometimes wonder if this website would run better with shorter pages, no images or ‘active’ links?
Or comm…
Indeed. I managed to speed up another site I frequent by adding a line or two of userscript to prevent images loading. It worked a treat. Just supposing.
Backlinks to previous thread
– page 4 started 8pm Tuesday
– page 3
By The way if you get the server error when you post
.. your post probably got through
If you open a new tab a minute later
and navigate to biasedbbc .. it will probably appear in the list on the top right.
If your post is not mentioned, then go back your original tab and click the BACK button on your browser .. In Chrome your post will still be their in the new comment box ..and you can click the post button again.
Thing is, images and links make for better substantiation than text claims.
Maxi tends to steer clear of evidence.
Guest – yes – most trolls are not that bright and the one which infamously pops up here once in a while to get recognition complies with that characteristic .
Attempting to turn the comments of an individual contributor is far easier that – say – providing evidence that the BBC is biased to the Right – as I put forward in a preamble last weekend .
No one provided anything . No one . And I realise the accusation made by occasional contributors that this site can appear an ‘echo chamber ‘ of like minded people – but it is open to all , is free and comments will not be removed just because a moderator disagrees with them .
Someone up the ‘n’ word in a comment yesterday -interestingly the software detected it and reported it to me .!
Actually Fedup2, I reported it.
I can’t imagine any of our sensible regulars coming out with a term that would clearly bring this site into disrepute.
I’m not a grass, I’m not PC and I don’t believe in “mealy mouthed” language. But this was just gross and (I thought)done to discredit us.
Jeff – thanks for reporting it – the bit on the site which sends reported comments to moderators didn’t say where it had come from so I assumed that the software itself had a list of banned words .
I try to be as light on moderation as I can – such as allowing through the discussion about the tune people want to be number one when we leave the EU ( as if tunes matter now ) but standards can easily slip .
Not Gwent , being someone who doesn’t know how to add pictures or ‘active links’ ( whatever they are ) and having no desire to have more knowledge of this stuff I think you might have something .
Personally I don’t like pictures being posted here unless they make a direct point . I don’t need to see yet more mugshots of Pakistani Muslim racist paedophile rapist monsters in their extended family gangs .
@NotGwent There is an easy way to view this site in simple mode
viewing it via Inoreader, shows posts with no pics
And options allow you to shoe only the first paragraph
and to set the posts so latest posts show chronologically at the top of the page.
However the site issue of timeout when you try to make a post certainly doesn’t appear to be linked to photo posts.
It’s like that the server is busy doing another website or that multiple posters are posting at the same time.
I often put a link to an image or video, rather than post the image itself
using less than more than brackets
(a href=””)link (/a)
.. if you miss out the quotation marks it doesn’t work
It is noticeable that if I post only the link it gets far less Likes than if I posts the image/video itself.
There’s two reasons I generally won’t click a link to an image.
One, I’m too lazy. Two, it takes me away from the site (unless I remember to open in a new tab) and when I come back here I’ve lost my place.
Interesting stuff Guest, Stew, Fedup2, Roland.
Last night i watched an interview with the MP for Ipswich – the MP mentioned so many benefits for the UKs new future outside of the eu, a great interview.
Today I found on the eu.bc – AN application has been turned down, yes 1, and – keen on getting the message over to eu citizens
Over 17 million voted out, beeb embrace the future as a national broadcaster, not a lapdog of the eu
This morning I was exposed to the BBC1 news for the first time in my life and it was awful. A cuckolded Male presenter in thrall to a blonde harridan. I saw two stories. One was them laughing and mocking Aviva for sending out a letter calling everyone Michael. Hmm, from the people who showed a picture of the wrong basketball player two days ago.
Next a story taken from a newspaper (lazy journalism ) of a woman who took her car in for work and the mechanics accidentally re badged the boot as Rover Range. At first she laughed, but then she got upset because she worked hard for that car and boo hoo hoo. So instead of laughing and going to see the service manager who would have sent a mechanic out with a heat gun to soften the glue and remove the lettering, polish to bring the paint to a full shine and then apply new letters, the work of ten minutes, she was so upset that she photographed the incorrect badge and sold/gave the story to a newspaper. And like puppy dogs “the world’s finest broadcaster” gave it airtime on the news with the added emotive boo boo spin.
And we pay for this rubbish.
Dissatisfaction with democracy ‘at record high’ “reports” the beeb
in the report one of the reasons apparently is “threat of global warming”
You gotta laugh, GLOBAL bloody warming!
Bbc Moaning Emole in complement:
Record high’ democratic dissatisfaction
“Across the globe, democracy is in a state of malaise,” according to the author of a Cambridge University study. In fact, the report says, dissatisfaction with it in developed countries is at a 25-year high. The problem has been growing in the UK since 2005, it suggests. Read the full findings here.
= ‘People keep voting ways we don’t like’
I’d suggest.
No word on the state of nudity of the researchers.
ajs – Corrupt, mendacious, politicians not mentioned in the report?
Hi last.. it was probably in the original report, until the beeb got hold of it 🙂
ajs, “Great motorcycle by the way, let’s make motorcycles great again!” Global warming has gone away for two or even three days this week. Vanished. Nowhere to be seen at the BBC except in Jon Rowlatt’s reports.
At least as far as 5G and Huawei are concerned, AGW & CC do not exist at the BBC.
HMG says we must press on with something that most people (whole population?) do not really need because our present Broadband doesn’t work properly for 3G or 4G! Then there’s all the stuff that is to be manufactured to go with 5G. If HMG votes in Parliament to aim to be Carbon NetZero (actually impossible but never mind that) at some point in the future then there has to be a decision: new stuff and toys or Carbon NetZero.
Judging by this, it seems to me that some people are actually born to be slaves.
And a large number of them want to be enslaved by the EU.
not sure how to link to twitter
“Barry Woods says: 30 Jan 20 at 1:17 pm
oh deary me…
Long-Bailey says –
“They’re running out of excuses. We need to take action now.”
It is reported in Breitbart London that there has been a cover up in Glasgow of another large grooming gang mass rape scandal involving Muslims and young white girls. Apparently this was investigated in 2016 but was kept secret for all the usual community cohesion guff and is only just coming to public attention. This country , the UK I mean, is really in crisis , tens of thousands , let that sink in tens of thousands, Imagine a football stadium full of young girls all of who have been repeatedly raped. Innocent Young girls are almost certainly still being repeatedly raped by Muslims but the authorities only do anything about it when they are shamed into doing so. This is compounded by the fact that the MSM limit their reporting of these cases and certainly don’t investigate them rigorously. Politicians run for cover whenever the topic is raised and try to prosecute anyone who raises the issue . Yet despite this foul mass crime some sections of the great and the good still want us to continue allowing more Muslims to enter our country. They have got to be mad or bad, or both.
Oh how right you are Doublethinker, the UK is and indeed has been in a deep crisis for many years. As per your essay-the white working class betrayed the hard left when they failed to rise up in the much longed-for proletarian revolution, and they failed to rise up because they had become too affluent-what was the Marxist solution but to introduce a new foreign-born ‘opressed proletariat’ as a means to Socialism’s ongoing march toward total power. The number of Third World immigrants allowed runs into millions-a deliberate dilution of an indigenous people has never happened on such a scale. If the UN guidlines on genocide are taken quite lieterally, you cam claim that it amounts to the ethnic cleansing of the English ( White Britons). Sadly nothing shows better the extreme hatred liberals have for Western Civilisation than their unashamed alliance with a movement (Islam) which is mortally opposed to liberalism’s sacred calves-womens righs, abortion and multiple cultures to name a few. How degenerate have we become? when new laws have been passed to criminalise those that dare to speak out against their territorial racial and culutre dispossession. Children are brainwashed into celebrating their dispossession with such Orwellian intent that thousands stripped of any sense almost under a drugged situation are almost easily sexually assaulted by the slimy filth that has been allowed to creep into our society. The future of Britain can logically be one of only two options. A country dominated by Islam, or a country dominated by the right wing, which was rapidly growing as a natural response to the combined threat of Islam and the Left. Who will win? We cannot dare say, but until such cases as shown by you Doublethinker, are seriously investigated, the perputrators castrated and where possible returned to the country of origin, nothing will change. There are reportedly now over 75 million Muslims living in Europe-and reproducing at a far faster rate than the Western White’s. Invasion is upon us, although it might not be presented in war machinery.
As far as I’m concerned, the only way to stop this is to deport all muslims.
If only we could also deport all collectivists.
As to how Remainers will act after the 31, well in my mind they will do everything in their power to undermine our independence. Of course they will be assisted by the BBC, ex politicians , dumb celebs and luvvies and thousands of noisy protesting young snowflakes getting up to ever more ludicrous stunts . But the real damage will be done by civil servants who will try to load the dice in favour of the EU throughout the negotiations. Dominic Cummings is quite right to be highly suspicious of them. But in truth the machinery of government relies on them , ministers can’t deliver policy without the civil service producing the detail etc . Ministers will have to eagle eyed and very forceful to prevent sabotage, watering down and civil service induced delay from dragging the country down and paving the way for the UK to return to the EU fold. Brexit isn’t over yet!,
It looks like the BBC hierarchy once again has given
Orla Guerin free rein to say what she
likes about the country she despises, Israel. We saw it once
again on the 6PM news yesterday. Do the BBC think we have
forgotten what she was reporting fifteen years ago. Or has a
producer and some other Jeremy Corbyn supporters of his
“policy ” on Israel at the BBC decided to get their revenge?
People are also more than dissatisfied with news media, actually with reason.
See, the bbc must be doing something right.
Not enough Champion Ash on Newsnight, clearly.
Not to mention “cry baby Plett ” being given free range.
Not to mention “cry baby Plett ” being given free range.
According to the Guardian, the BBC are about to announce lots of its news staff are to get their cards…
If this is true, the BBC are true to form in not carrying a mention of this anywhere but I guess they just accept that the Guardian is their mouthpiece and vica-versa.
Let me suggest that one of the first things they might consider is ditching their man in Australia who is recorded speaking his piece EVERY MORNING from OUTSIDE the Rod Laver tennis stadium as the BBC have obviously got no rights to show the actual tennis.
How much is this costing in flights, hotels, cameramen, sound engineers, secretaries etc. etc. etc
Not to mention the dreaded CARBON FOOTPRINT!!!!!
What about the moppet of diversity they sent from Pakistan to ‘report’ on nuances of historic forest management… from outside big smoky areas?
Oh dear – a virologist telling people stop moaning about the way the chrono virus is being dealt with – and in fact – celebrate the way the Chinese are dealing with it on our behalf . He won’t be on the BBC again . Rule number one – if on the BBC you must gripe – ideally about bojo and or white normal people .
Before that some UK bloke with a chinese wife and daughter in China was griping about not getting the VIP treatment from the UK government . Blame brexit mate . Make yer bed and lie in it .
Back to the expert . Apparently UK is gonna stick a couple of hundred British on a plane to come back tomorrow .A tip for readers – avoid Gatwick for a while .
The expert said the worse thing any one can say on the BBC ‘this smacks of colonialism ‘. Lord god when he said it you could feel the earth shaking from east London . He was effectively accusing the BBC of colonialism – they’d been moaning that the yanks, japs and Aussies have been shipping their people out …..oh dear .
The other unreported benefit of this is the fall in the oil price ( liquid natural gas has just hit a 10 year low ) – which could stay low for a year if the Chinese decide to contain the virus further – but this is left out of BBC reporting – which is more interested in giving the government a kicking whenever it can .
The Aussies are quarantining their people on an island for 2 weeks . Try doing that to entitled UK types who are eager to sell their ‘my chinese hell ‘ sob story to the Daily Mail.
Declaration – if you detect a little pro Chinese attitude in this piece it might be because I’m thinking of cooking a sweet and sour chlorinated chicken stir fry later . I am not chinese ..
We can fly back ” our people ” and put them into quarantine on our offshore island ………Europe !
Charlie HA HA – in truth the government can’t win can it . If it leaves the British where they are it has failed . If it ships them out to some quarantine it’s a breach of ‘rights ‘ . If it lets them into the general population it might spread the virus .
The BBC and Labour Party know this and will use it to undermine the current ascendency of a semi brexit government .
I reckon they should not bring anyone ‘back ‘ and ban flights to and from the region and or impose health and cleaning regimes if possible – trust me – I’m not a virologist .
Oh yes – they could always put them in east Suffolk hospital but the management there are busy fingerprinting staff and taking hand writing samples to find a whistle blower …. ( stay classy NHS )
Here we go.
First comment as bbc hoped.
Reply, not.
I wonder which they will use in the broadcast edit?
Jeeezus ! these people clearly have communication to the ‘outside world’ so must realise and be aware that if the Chinese aren’t allowing planes to land, then how the f…..k do they think they are going to be ‘rescued’ by anybody ????? by hovercraft ?? honest to God , just listening to these whingers who blame the Government for everything, need to get over themselves and act like adults instead of giving out sob stories.
My new glue gun refused to work yesterday so I had to battle through rain and wind to get to Hobbycraft for a replacement, so why doesn’t the bloody government ensure that us who have a hobby, have the proper tools to carry it out ???
Why is Jeff leaving China ? Does he just want to bring the virus home ?
Man up man – as bully Lord berkow of Brussels would regularly say in a non bullying courteous way – or not .
Fed, it was noticeable that the TOADY presenter (Mishal or Nick) did not ask this man when the family flew out to China? Had they flown after the virus had become widely known about or before?
As ever the most interesting thing is the side story.
The Chinese government wants to halt the spread of the virus
so is stopping people moving.
They have made an EXCEPTION in the case of foreign nationals.
.. Yet the Twitter thread has kneejerk comments from libmobbers saying how evil Britain is and the British Government.
Obviously the Chinese government has to draw the line somewhere
If it allows this Chinese mother to leave, then the grandmother might argue she should come as well.
Bottomline it’s very unlikely that anyone in that family will die whatever happens.
They’d have to win the lottery of having come into contact with the infection, and then the lottery of not surviving the treatment.
Those who don’t survive the virus are much much more likely to be the already very vulnerable.
Those evacuated lnow that they will have normal life after quarantine
but those left back in China will not have certainty until progress is made on a super effective treatment or they get a vaccine.
In the interest of impartiality and balance, I thought I would post the latest national grid output figures showing wind generation at 31%
I think I got it about right..
Maybe the lads in BBC Settled Science have their hands full?
A ‘sources who say’ story which, in bbc terms, is gold standard reporting of truth…
“Stay European”:
“After Brexit day, millions of UK citizens will lose our European citizenship. Stay European is the campaign for an EU associate citizenship scheme that would give us the option to continue as EU members as individuals.”
So, in addition to member states, there will be ‘member individuals’? Uptake by the BBC will be 100%
Get over it, kids. Move on.
This one sentence from their manifesto says it all…
“We believe we should have the right to opt in and continue to identify as Europeans”
Can I identify as Martian?
Or maybe even better can I identify as a member of the Royal Family and get a nice swanky cottage in the leafy South somewhere?
Best wishes to all real Europeans, from a British European.
Everybody becoming a “EU” citizen must lose the tight to live in the UK.
Death to the EU.
Sorry 11 year old keyboard that only works when you stand on it.
Do people still watch the BBC, really well you could have fooled me. Who are these people.
It will soon be only us on here – ha ha ha!
Not much if I can help it-rarely watch TV apart from Michael Portillo on his train journeys and even that we prerecord cutting out all ads, same with anything else these days-mind you getting tricky to find something that has not been shown a million times before. Poor stuff otherwise. So glad I don’t have to pay the licence fee! BBC are now mostly fronted by coloured people from anywhere in the world-however the News prog on Sky gives a much better true guide as to what is what.
BBC R4, Bowen and Sopel reporting back to studio on the reaction to The USA attempt to get Israel and Palestine to broker a peace deal…..
“…..well of course Trump is obviously hoping for a Nobel Peace Prize… yada-yada-yada.”
“Of course Netenyahu is facing corruption charges…. yada-yada-yada….”
Summary…. lets just go on supporting the bombers etc. because they aren’t Trump and they aren’t Jews.
TOADY Watch #1 and only – Waves of negativity, Moriarty. All I hear from you is negativity.
Listened this a.m. to the second half of the programme. All I was hearing was waves of negativity. “Can we attack the Government with this item?” “Let’s angle this to attack Brexit.” Some of it was laughable.
Negative about the coronavirus. Negative about the Foreign & Commonwealth Office and whether they are helping Brits in China. A Prof comes on to talk science and sense: they get him off air with as few questions and as little time as possible.
The LeftyLibbyLabby BBC has got what it wants; a wimmin elected to head the Royal Academy. Oh dear! Will she be the last Wimmin elected? Will she be strong enough to wear the heavy Chain of Office? Will she have time to do her own work? (The Beeb are not very interested in her own art.)
The LeftyLibbyLabby BBC has got what it wants; disadvantaged children are to given a measure of preference when applying to Oxbridge Yoonis. “Will this mean that middle class children are disadvantaged?” (You should have thought about that BBC, before you made such a fuss over Oxbridge admissions.)
Apparently, ‘Enrichment’ has recently arrived in Scotland. Same story : not being told. I wonder what the Garden Gnome and her willing band of dwarfs will do to deal with the savages. By the way, I wonder how long it will take for the penny to drop in terms of any firm connection between all the perpetrators. Wait on…………..
I’m surprised at the Scots. I would have thought that if anyone would deal with these savages, ‘in their own way’, the Jocks would have fitted the bill. Perhaps they have become as emasculated as the Brits.
Whatever, they need to now retain Naz Shah from Bradford for advice. You remember she of the fame? (the children), “….should keep their mouths shut for the sake of diversity”.
Well the Glasgow cops were very busy nabbing this 75 year old man so they were probably all at the station filing their reports while the girls were getting raped.
Police Scotland prefer to persecute people who try to expose wrong doing and try to seek redress for those who have been sexually abused by people in high places:
Robert Green and Holly Greig and her mother were victims of Police Scotland and other public servants.
certainly worth putting up.
… but I worry about Sargon getting thrown off YouTube
He speaks truth but didn’t tone it down.
Has he been thrown off? I can get a lot his stuff on You Tube now. Has there been some new attack?
It’s his Sargon of Akkad channel that’s gone AWOL.
He’s in the process of moving content over to Akkad Daily.
Looks like Lee is pitching for a panel slot on Newsnight with Champion Ash, David Lammy and Di to represent the public on this.
Mr Jasper has a very colourful CV….
d – Colourful and colourful. Complete set of chips attached.
Thanks for the info digg.
sounds like a trustworthy guy!!!
Daily Express:
“Brussels at risk of tariffs CRIPPLING €47billion on goods without post-Brexit UK deal”
“Germany will take the biggest blow, with €18.8billion (£15.9billion) of goods that will be subject to tariffs should the UK not strike a deal with the EU.”
“Despite this, Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon hinted she will fly the EU flag in protest of Brexit taking place on Friday.”
Awful to say but I rather hope they are unable to broker a deal with the UK for the moment -let them sweat a while, they will soon coming running with white flag in hand.
BBC : “European Parliament: MEPs set to approve Brexit deal in historic vote”
BBC news on-line where, apparently, we receive “Analysis” from BBC man Adam Fleming, Brussels reporter.
That’s a nice bit of nominative determinism – you know, the notion people tend to gravitate towards areas of work that fit their names: Belgium, Fleming – get it?
Anyway, let’s take a quick look at his analysis: “The EU’s negotiators have kept the European Parliament on board throughout the Brexit process.”
I’ve no idea what the technical meaning of “on board” happens to be in an EU institutional context but it don’t sound like informed analysis to me.
In fact our Adam has to admit “…it’s inevitable that the deal will be endorsed” and so he does everything he can to avoid the stark reality that this much vaunted EU “Parliament” is nothing more than an elaborate excessively expensive rubber stamp show piece.
And this inevitability that it will sign off shows it up for what it it is – a talking shop. But our Adam loyal to the last to Brussels can’t say so in his analysis. Waste of our money. Him and the EU.
From my understanding the EU Parliament is performance related pay for MEPs . They are only paid their allowance when they traipse into the chamber and rubber stamp what the commission puts in front of them .
The 23 seats the UK vacate on Friday are being ‘ divid up for new passengers on the gravy train .
As an aside I read that a scots MEP took his seat on Monday and got all the freebies that went with it for four days before being made redundant on Friday – with his staff …
Perhaps the likes of reps from Albania and North Macedonia and wherever else the EU baucrats can pursuade with a few billion euros to join the sinking ship.
Scotland’s secret enrichment………..the news kept secret here in Brigadoon about the “grooming gangs” seems to follow a pattern.
i used to travel frequently between London and Glasgow ..getting the last flight home one night I noticed the configuration of the seats was different. The first 8 rows for business travellers was down to 3…….. there was a curtain which had to be drawn back on take off…..a steward whispered to me………….welcome aboard
the Asylum Express………I looked back up the plane …….
Dispersal under the cover of darkness…..
Were any of us consulted about this ….You know the answer.
Its not as if Scotland is unused to large scale immigration….many people from the Irish Republic settled here…..
Although there are suggestions that the bulk of the subsequent generations are hard core for “Independence”…..strange that?.
Seems those deep rooted anti-/British sentiments have found a home inside the SNP Cult .
All, of course, left unreported and without comment by the £32 million bBC Scotland channel/white elephant.
I used to visit Glasgow regularly in the 1980s and 1990s being a 3 or 4 times a season visitor to Ibrox.
I made my first visit back there for 25 years about 12 months ago for the Old Firm derby and was astonished at the change in the demographic. I live in Oldham (so am to a large extent de-sensitised to it) but I was still shocked at such a massive change in a relatively short time.
All down to Ms Crankie according to the locals – she was running a “you’re not welcome here” campaign which essentially told native Glaswegians that they were not welcome in her country if they thought that mass immigration from sub-saharan Africa was less then desirable.
I am back up there on Saturday – it will be interesting to see if anything has changed.
I used to visit Glasgow regularly in the 1980s and 1990s being a 3 or 4 times a season visitor to Ibrox.
I made my first visit back there for 25 years about 12 months ago for the Old Firm derby and was astonished at the change in the demographic. I live in Oldham (so am to a large extent de-sensitised to it) but I was still shocked at such a massive change in a relatively short time.
All down to Ms Crankie according to the locals – she was running a “you’re not welcome here” campaign which essentially told native Glaswegians that they were not welcome in her country if they thought that mass immigration from sub-saharan Africa was less then desirable.
I am back up there on Saturday – it will be interesting to see if anything has changed.
Further evidence, if that were required, that the savages should be settled only in a country under islamic control and preferably with a strong dictator at the top such as Saddam Hussein. It is the only natural balance to combat the many negative effects of islam and keep them in check.
Despite the vast number of objections by the left/liberals to these sort of dictatorships, they worked. Whichever way the subject is considered, these savages need very close supervision and extreme punishment when erring. Now and when these savages are out of islamic/dictators control? “children in a sweetshop” comes to mind. Needless to say, this development was not considered by the political elite in the West never mind, Bush and his invasion of Iraq which started the exodus from the ME.
Breaking BABC news:
“BBC health editor Hugh Pym said that Health Secretary Matt Hancock has instructed officials to put them in quarantine for two weeks – possibly at a UK military facility.”
Same should have happened to islamist Government imports as they are carrying a highly dangerous ideology.
and also potentially carrying diseases such as TB which we had once managed to wipe out.
Scottish New Labour, encouraged 3 million + aliens to enter the UK, with benefits and housing for Labour votes.
Enter the UK and stay in ENGLAND.
So Scotland can have independence, an impermeable border, the Scottish pound and 80% of non whites currently living in the UK.
Respect to those Scots who despise Sturgeon & Co.
Why are all ‘immigrants’ African or Pakistani?
Something to do with the youth bulge?
BBC steering well clear up front on the way the ‘row’ happened.
One for Stew. That is not the same tweet page here that is linked from on the bbc twitter page. BBC or Jack?
@Guest human error on your part is more likely
When you see a BBC tweet witha link it shows a preview pic and title.
After a while the BBC often changes the title and image on that page.
Twitter does automatically update the preview pic its own cache
so the tweet often shows the original image & title
However after some hours the Google cache often updates
The BBC habit of stealth editing pages to make MATERIAL changes is irritating, cos it spoils the history record.
However Newsniffer and manage to capture most of those edit stages.
I’ll take that ‘more likely’.
I know what I saw. Or rather was not there until ported.
Unlikely others saw anything different.
Interesting that a WaPo hack is excoriated not on facts, but timing.
Wonder how ‘surprised’ the bbc will be?
Et, encore un fois…
I know I cannot rely on the Daily Mail website but they are reporting that the BBC is making 250 people redundant to save £80 million. I got out my calculator and found on average each of those jobs was costing me and other licence payers £325,000 each (or similar, I couldn’t believe it and put the calculator away but someone on the DM site got the same figure). I know there are on costs but these cannot be the little people on local radio? So what do these expensive people do, they cannot be working because we see all the empty desks and people wearing their rucksacks going home behind every newsreader. Last time there were cuts the BBC also said they would stop sending expensive newsreaders to foreign parts, and that obviously didn’t last long. They also said, like now, they would use news reporters across several platforms. I have no idea whether they ever put it into action, but why say it again. Even if they make these people redundant, the BBC’s usual modus operandi is to then employ them in a freelance capacity.
Riot cops have been beating up protesting firemen on the streets of France. Amazing scenes as two arms of the state come to blows.
But the BBC continues to ignore this Macron meltdown. It’s not even mentioned on the broadcaster’s European news page.
Clearly the wrong sort of protesters with the wrong sort of protest for the BBC news hounds.
It cannot be stated often enough that the BBC bias lies as much in what it doesn’t report.
‘Spots of Time’ R4 9a.m. today – about William Wordsworth – had the potential to be a very interesting programme. The radio was kept on after the TOADY Programme.
Unfortunately, the Wordsworth programme was spoilt by a narrator, Professor Jonathan Bate, who appeared to have a bad dose of BBC-style laryngitis (or the real thing) and also, unfortunately, has a very feminine voice. He sounded like ‘Mary Beard or Emily Thornberry after a very heavy cold but slightly higher in pitch.’ It made the programme unpleasant to listen to and was made worse by Simon Russell Beale’s wonderful voice reading various bits of Wordsworth’s works.
BBC production appears to be plumbing new lows.
Take a look at the font page of the BBC news web site and ask yourself, “Isn’t something momentous happening to the UK on January 31st?”
Now what was it?
i’ve added an HYS comment, regarding a Countdown timer? i guess the comment will be removed, because “it offends someONE” 🙂
someTWO 😉
R2 Vine , the usual BBC pro EU Broadcast……..of course we know this will continue for ever and ever till the plug is pulled…hopefully soon…….Ann Widdecombe on now and far more sensible telling it like it is and how useless the EU is
PM asked whether the BBC is a cherished institution , not an enemy of the Conservative party and to be funded by the licence fee.
Yes on one
Yes on two
Silence on the third bit – happy days . Quite a few MPs picked that up ….
More signs of the establishments fear of Muslims / immigrants. I believe that those who had lets in Grenfell would be spared prosecution (if indeed it was ever proven that sub-letting had occurred or indeed it was a contributary factor )
However the same cant be said of the (White Male) fat cat owners of corporations that supplied goods or services to the Grenfell re-furb.
According to the BBC (The Nasty lets exploit Immigrants )firms involved in the refurbishment of Grenfell Tower have asked for immunity from prosecution before appearing at the new phase of the inquiry.
They want a guarantee from Attorney-General Geoffrey Cox that they will be protected when they give evidence. The BBC will campaign that this shouldn’t happen but will be deathly silent on the protection offered to the profiteering tenants.
I thought you good folk would find my exchange with BBC website moderation complaining re. use of the term ‘gammon’ of interest.
Complaint From: Moderation Reference: 39812575 about Post 138015481 It’s offensive or abusive
‘gammon heads’ is a term of racist abuse aimed at white people
Further to your complaint about some of the content on a BBC website (reference number P39812575), we have decided that it does not contravene the House Rules and are going to leave it on site.
Thank you for your email.
We’re aware that some people take ‘gammons’ to be referring exclusively to white people. Some take it further by assuming it refers only to white people who voted to leave the EU. Our view is that it refers to anyone who gets angry and goes red in the face, regardless of their skin tone, and so it’s not really the same, in our perception, as referring to any group in a derogatory way.
Our approach to the term ‘gammon’ is such that if someone uses it in an offensive way against an individual – especially another user of the website – we remove it. If the term is being used to refer generally to people who become angry and red-faced, without targeting any individual(s), then we allow it.
Looking at the comment in question in this context, we believe that the moderator made the correct decision in leaving it live on the site as it was not aimed at anyone in particular.
We hope that clarifies things.
Kind regards,
BBC Moderation Services Team
I’m afraid I find your reply to be highly disingenuous as you know perfectly well that this is a racially charged term and are choosing to interpret the term in way convenient to your agenda. Anyone who goes red when angry? Seriously? How do I appeal your decision?
Thank you for your email.
Here’s an excerpt from an email on this subject from Fraser Steel, the BBC’s Head of Executive Complaints, which was sent to someone else querying the same thing:
“I would accept that there are contexts in which the term “gammon” might be considered unacceptably offensive. However, I don’t agree that the term is racist. The reference is to complexion, not pigmentation, and it’s a matter of observation that it’s used by, as well as about, white people.”
All we can tell you is that this is the BBC’s position on the subject and we’re enforcing it that way.
We do and will continue to protect groups of people, especially where they are identifiable within our comments sections. Therefore, if someone uses the term directly against other commenting users, we will remove it.
Kind regards,
BBC Moderation Services Team
In what way does ‘complexion’ differ from ‘pigment’? Why does the fact that some white people use the phrase about other white people make it less of a racist insult? How do you determine the race of the person using this term online in order to make a decision on moderation? The sooner the racist BBC is defunded the better
Brown oak – let’s face it – gammon is as offensive to some at ‘ coloured ‘ which is a poo pood word or ‘ ‘coconut ‘ which is also nasty .
We should be surprised that the BBC language people have such a relaxed attitude to offensive words .
OFCOM wants the BBC to be more transparent so maybe it should be required to publish its list of banned words and terms .
I take it you are now pursuing your complaint to OFCOM – which will bounce you under some non breach of a ‘ code of practice ‘ .
One for the Complaints Files.
This is of course an outfit reassured by ofcom that paid employees advocating assaults are ‘just joking’.
The BBC must be thinking of black people going red faced when angry.
I await a Corbyn response.
Communism has never worked, so let’s sell our failed oil industry to people who can run it efficiently.
Re Corona virus I heard effing EXPERTS on BBC and TalkRadio mocking the Asian habit of wearing facemasks
.. they are correct that they don’t stop viruses coming IN
but the whole point is that stop you spitting OUT viruses onto other people.
Twitter says Bill Gates is working hard to stop Corona virus getting to Africa and taking over.
Experts? Like the ones Sir Boaty fronts?
Quite right, Stew.
The Beeb on R4 have been making much of the fact coronavirus can be transmitted when a carrier is asymptomatic. If I recall correctly that is true of any virus, even the ‘common cold’, so why do the Beeb insist on giving useless and slightly excessive information that the listener or viewer is likely to know is misleading. They wouldn’t be wanting to help a future viral outbreak on its way in the UK in future?
I hope I am right that, while viruses are evil buggers, they are weak and short lived outside an organic host.
However I recall a video once of transmission from toddler snot to mum to doorknob using cgi that was not encouraging.
As I rewire a dash cam socket covered in Mandarin script.
I doubt if the BBC will be reporting this news
Especially if Hizbollah, Hamas bigwigs and Chris Gunness are scrambling over the corpses of Gazan kids to get their supplies of them.
This is what Mr Gates is party to with regard to vaccines:
In this Ted talk, he says, in connection with vaccination programmes:
” First, we’ve got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent. But there, we see an increase of about 1.3″.
A really great job? That results in fewer people? What’s he trying to say?
He would do better in investing in family planning, as would India and Pakistan. Even Prince Phillip decades ago asked hadn’t these people heard of birth control.
Still banging on about someone who very few people have heard of
Suspect the ‘big meeting’ will dominate from now on.
Hope they burn the right effigy of Fran.
Another BBC vid linked: “Kobe ‘learnt from his mistakes’ — former basketball player Monique Currie praised Kobe Bryant for his work in the women’s game.”
The woman accusing him of sexual assault in 2003 had injuries ‘not consistent with consensual sex’ — her blood was on his t-shirt the night of the incident, and Bryant allegedly admitted choking the woman during sex.
Considering the BBC gets in a flap if there’s too much football chat at work, this is incredible double standards
Only a matter of time before BBC blames it on Global Warming –
“BBC suspends Red Button text switch-off”
Is Al Beeb playing the ‘martyr’?
I propose that if you want Al Beeb – pay for it .
The beeb know that change is a-comin’ so they’re preparing public opinion for a sort of ‘hands off our beloved BBC’ campaign.
A rare gem.
Griping stuff.
I’m waiting for the job cuts at Capita, from amongst the licensing goons, when the licence is decriminalised, or even better goes to a subscription based model.
Excellent – dissension and tears all around – but being comforted by the pay out with gagging orders.
Tough crowd outside.
Got this off the BBC ‘news’ FB effort.
Also a tough crowd.
Some wondering who it is at the bbc remains, and are they the ones deciding what news from France is not really worth troubling folk with.
Couple of takes.
Suspect much agonising amongst any still paying the LF.
“National Television Awards 2020: Mrs Brown beats Ricky Gervais and Fleabag”
I hope that Boris or Dominic Cummings reads the HYS ?
Mrs Brown’s Boys makes Citizen Khan seem watchable in comparison.
Or here.
Speaking for the nation? Not.
Just listening to Radio 4 1pm news.
Sarah Montague asking stupid questions about the quarantine arrangements for those returning from Wuhan. If there’s a family emergency, would the people quarantined not be let out? So harsh then? Which part of ‘quarantine’ does she not get? Is this the one who just received £400,000 back pay?
Also on the same program an item about the poor Uighurs. Every news and current affairs program on R4 seems to want to remind us about the poor Uighurs. One program had back to back items on the Uighurs, the Rohingas, and another muslim interest item which I can’t remember.
There doesn’t seem to be an equivalent campaign for other persecuted groups, e.g. Christians in the ME and Africa.
Ah yes, I remember now, the third item was about the horrid Indian government giving preferential citizenship rights to escapees from Pakistan and other nearby muslim countries over muslims themselves. Any sensible person can see why they want to do that.
Snuffy has learned a new word. 🙂 ‘Saffronisation’ *
Dared to listen to the start of Priya Atwal’s lunchtime filler but as she is still gabbling away at high speed, the OFF switch was hit. Why didn’t the Producer slow her down? In the absence of a knowledgeable & wise Producer, why didn’t the engineers doing the recording have a quiet word during a coffee break? After all they have the most experience of such things.
* It is to do with presenting India as a mostly Hindu nation in school history books.
Naughty, criminally devious BBC…
OG, you beat me to it. Snuffy had a faint memory that after the previous BBC ‘flap’ over ‘melting’ (and wind eroded and evaporating – they never mention those causes) ice in West Antarctica in, I think 2018, that not longer after some scientists had a bit of an “Eureka!” moment and discovered the not just seismic activity but actual hot springs in West Antarctica.
To be fair to the BBC, Thwaites is a different place in a vast and inhospitable (to humans) Continent and it hasn’t been studied before. Rowlatt did state that in his piece. In fact, according to him, it hasn’t had any human visitors before the four scientists that made an advance planning trip there last winter, during the Antarctic summer. It is likely that the same applies to Thwaites Glacier although it will in the large part be down to undersea vents rather than hot springs. From our knowledge of the Atlantic Ocean, undersea vents have a very small warming capacity, largely because of the pressure at the depths where they occur.
However, to continue the fairness, Justin Rowlatt was being a ‘criminally devious BBC’ in continually refering to warm sea water and would have been much more accurate to use ‘cold sea water that is not frozen’ at least once, somewhere in his article.
The definition of ‘Dishonesty’? Apart from, simply BABC as being utterly dishonest and unscrupulous as the modus operandi, the legal definition is, (the essence):
‘….. a jury must first decide whether according to the ordinary standards of reasonable and honest people what was done was dishonest. If deemed dishonest, the jury must consider whether the person (BABC) themselves realised that what he was doing was by those standards, dishonest.
As regards that situation, OG, they are totally dishonest.
Perhaps the BABC’s massive influx of employed muslims has negatively tilted the balance of their concept of honesty? Taquiyya being now the norm and all that.
OG, I note that the Beeb has changed its terminology. At the start of the week, it was disappearing as a result of, ‘Climate Change’ but now they have become neutral and there’s no reference to anything controversial.
BBC Father Brown, set in the 1950’s always a tad far-fetched but today they have gone totally bonkers….
It features a travelling “action” theatre company who for some reason have decided to do a performance in the local village farm yard, the “play” features characters from Extinction Rebellion mixed with Steam Punks complete with leather overcoats and flying goggles etc. and the whole thing is about fighting…. yes you guessed it “Right-wing fascists”.
Of course somebody ends up dead but at that point went away to either have a cup of tea or weed the patio….
Yeehaaaa! BBC news cut down to size – 3 mins ago!
Now we know why Hall jumped ship….
When the BBC was not just white but Snow white.
What kept the first episode of Newsnight off the air in 1979
BBC Online News:
“BBC News currently employs around 6,000 people, including 1,700 outside the UK. Its budget after the changes come into effect will be around £480m per year.”
6,000 for reporting News??
There are only 5,700 police officers in the West Yorkshire Constabulary. This was and is a home of grooming/rape gangs.
Soon be Friday.
I hear that Tim Martin of Wetherspoons will have available on Friday night ‘Remainers Tears’ on draught.
A very popular beer in the north of England.
I trust this now means the news will be delivered by just one or perhaps occasionally 2 news readers instead of say 5 or 6 as now… plus re my earlier (and possibly eerily appropriate) post we will no longer see “sports” reports from World events by highly paid reporters and crew paid to fly half way round the World to read a script from outside the stadium without ever showing any of the actual event.
And maybe they’ll start to sit up straight on hard back chairs instead of slouching like eMilli Mateless does and stop showing too much flesh like that blond bimbo does who wears outsize spectacles.
You’ve got to feel sorry for them.
When I say you’ve got to feel sorry for them, I dont 🙂
long overdue
450 jobs going
BBC staff meeting told
long thread.
4 people have already given the link to the BBC news story above. ends in 68
It is interesting that the story they leaked to the press was 250 job losses
And The Times chose to put a big photo of Maitliss on the frontpage yet their story doesn’t mention her.
The Times’ record on editorial competence is approaching that of the BBC.
The latter might accelerate as those left are less willing to forgo school hols off and dump yet more on those poor young cretins they are trying to sucker in on Twitter.
Further to previous on Radio 4 news and current events, was it me or was I just not listening during the coverage of President Trumps Palestine Peace initiative, when the words islam and muslim were mentioned?
Similarly with reporting of the Holocaust commemorative events, much hand wringing about the growth of anti semitism in Europe and the far right but no mention of the I and M words. Rather they want to make out that muslims are in danger of being the new jews.