It has been 1316 days since the EU referendum . In that time – and before – we have witnessed the biased Far Left BBC running anti brexit stories every day all the time; and it has failed . It may show the decline of the BBC on shaping and influencing public thinking and public life . Let’s celebrate a new sort of Freedom .
The EU Free Thread 31 January 2020
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Today’s Guardian:
“Exclusive. Trump will insist NHS pays more for drugs in post-Brexit trade deal, warns Kim Darroch”
Official. We have now entered Phase 2 of anti-Brexit
Why not give the vote to all those ‘Britons’ that don’t yet live here?
After all under the Trudeau Principle the real Canadians are the people that want to go and live there, not the scmucks accidently living there by reason of birth. (Just like Britain, Canada has no culture of its own.)
He is a true tw*t…….we all know why he is saying this. They can vote with their feet if they feel that strongly or become a British citizen in which case they get the vote.
Why not let tourists vote?
They just don’t get it do they – we do have one of the best countries in the world and all they want to do is knock it…
As someone who avoids the bBBC like I would a rabid dog. May I just wish all on this excellent blog A very happy Brexit day. I am now off to see whether I can buy any Happy Brexit Day cards for our celebrations tonight. I hope that this will become a tradition.
Happy Brexit Day everyone, I hope you don’t mind me sharing my thoughts.
I won’t be as joyous as I could have been tonight or tomorrow. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy we’re leaving it’s just that the joy is as nothing when compared to how I felt the day after the referendum when the result was announced. 3 birthdays and nearly 4 years later, years filled with abuse, insult, hysteria, bias, successful attempts to end democracy and more haven’t so much as ground me down as tempered my feelings. The only time in my entire life when due to the way a referendum works, MY little vote actually not only counted but influenced and came out on the winning side. But I am actually glad that the establishment behaved so terribly because it opened not only my eyes but the eyes of so many people to what “they” really think of us.
The Remain doom won’t end any time soon. Tonight’s tv coverage will I’m confident centre around any vigils that are held as opposed to parties, partly because that’s what we should expect from the media, partly because the “right” sort of people will be at the vigils whilst the “wrong” type of people will be attending parties. Also, and I hope I’m proved wrong, Brexiteers on the whole are “small c conservatives” and therefore not given to public displays of jubilation in the way the generally woke activists of Remain are liable to public displays of emotion.
In the coming months nothing will change which is both a good and a bad thing. The media will continue to insult Brexiteers and attach any and all bad news to the effects of Brexit while ignoring any good news about interest rates, the strength of the pound, and the thing you can never see, jobs that simply continue that would have been lost if we’d stayed in the EU. Also staying the same will be supplies and prices of food, drink, consumer goods and drugs.
It’s the end of the beginning as opposed to the beginning of the end, and because there won’t be a flashpoint economic or employment event to prove to the minority who have the majority share of voice that Brexit works , it will take other nations following our lead (a good thing), or collapse of economy, mass unemployment and violence on the streets (a bad thing) in the remaining EU countries to make that point. Not that I expect anyone to say anything publicly but there will be a moment in the future where even staunch remainders will go to bed one night admitting to themselves that the UK dodged a bullet.
So have a great day everyone, don’t expect the abuse to end anytime soon but rest assured that there’s a majority of decent, generally quiet people in this great country who have your back.
Worth mentioning on Brexit Day that the Eurozone countries grew by the magnificent amount of…..errrrr…..0.1% in Q4 2019.
To quote from an old 70s song,
‘It may be Winter outside
But in my heart it’s Spring’.
Not that you’d know from the appalling in-denial, wall-to-wall doom and gloom on Toady this morning.
Newsnight asking the question the whole country is asking, not!
In the words of Jim Royal (McCain’s spokesman for their range of frozen “love” chips) Who gives a shiny sh*te?
From what I heard,
It’s Torys, Brexit and UKIPers joining just to vote for RLB, guaranteeing Labour will be out for a very long time…
The BBC lying by omission, again…
\\ TN Chief Exec who fired Alastair Stewart is radical left-wing BBC staffer Anna Mallet.
Her opinions are ‘interesting.’ //
BTW I note Rick Gervais has a self bio on his own Twitter profile
“Godless Ape. Comedian. #TheOffice #Extras #Derek #Humanity #AfterLife #SuperNature
Still it’s not like the BBC are spitting out Remainiac bile on their kids’ networks… is it Nish ?
Poisonous bastards!
I was in a junior school in October 2005, which just happened to coincide with the 200th anniversary of Trafalgar. Of course, the kids had never heard of it or even Admiral Nelson come to that, even the teacher’s knowledge was a little sketchy. It was decided they look it up up on the interweb, which meant going to the LA’s approved website which happened to be hosted by the BBC. A search for “Nelson” brought up a half page for Horatio, and over 90 pages for Mandela!
“Give me the child for four years and I will plant a seed that will never be uprooted” Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin
““Give me the child for four years and I will plant a seed that will never be uprooted” Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin””
Not forgetting ‘Mo’. I wouldn’t want him to miss out on any such equally applicable citation.
There’s been a few over the years, G with similar thoughts, including Jesuits, Hitler, Saville/BBC and not one of them had the welfare of the child in mind.
Uncle Joe was a Georgian, was he not?
Another example of a foreigner moving to someone else’s country and then telling them how to live, that they’re worthless trash and if they don’t abandon their beliefs and culture they’ll be exterminated.
This disgusts me.
Factually incorrect, fast and loose with what facts there might be, by accident or design it will negatively impact on the mental health of children. Nish Kumar is a hateful individual.
This reads more as suicide via Hunt the Queen of Spades.
Sticking Nish as a loathsome bookend serving no purpose than sneer confirms this beyond the idiotic narrative.
First time in an age I turned on BBC 1 News, mainly to see how it was reporting Brexit. They cut to a lady standing outside 10 Downing Street, and her first line was about the hashtag trending on Twitter of people against Brexit. Was there any mention of the vote the people won? Erm, no. Anything about the way we had to fight to get the vote honoured? Erm, no. Anything that wasn’t negative? Erm, nope.
I’m afraid the BBC are going to shake their fist at the British Public until they disappear up their own bums.
I have been in Austria for 2 weeks and my blood pressure went down due to no BBC at what do I see…just about every BBC report is problems ahead with Brexit – we won’t get trade deals
and all those poor EU nationals being upset, it will all be worse etc and their faces as they talk about it are full of sarcastic eyebrow raises and sneers
Not a single positive strand…and nothing about the fight that Brexiteers went through just tears for remainers
Project Fear continues live and well on BBC….
Radio Dorset earlier……someone rang in to say they are having a Vigil in Bournemouth town centre at 10.30 pm …….so sad and upset ! ….all those tears…..ah bless ……sea levels to rise because of Brexit no doubt !
I’ve turned off all news for the rest of the day. El Beeb newcasters have all got faces like slapped a… as the 11th hour approaches, and Sky have milked the return of passengers from Wahey to the UK for all its worth, and oh my god the catastrophic news that there are TWO victims of the flu actually in this country. Only my postwoman hasn’t been interviewed for her view on the situation – but there’s still time as they’re running out of professors/clinicians/health professionals/hairdressers/plumbers etc to interview.
C, as they say, CBGB.
But what’s this?

They actually need a bespoke LGBT correspondent? No wonder there are so many of these non-stories. They have to justify Ben’s status. I’ll bet he isn’t one of the 450.
But Ben is at least very busy, we go for weeks & months between reports from Simpson, Plett, Goering & Bowen – thank goodness
Merely following orders.
From the Telegraph.
The BBC must aim its news coverage at the under-35s or give up on the licence fee, one of its most senior executives has said, as the corporation announced 450 job cuts and warned every news presenter that they are at risk.
Fran Unsworth, head of news and current affairs, said BBC News has been “super-serving” middle-aged, middle class audiences and must go after young viewers and listeners from all backgrounds.
From now on, its focus will be on providing online news that is “relevant for the people we are not currently reaching”. More “traditional” television and radio programmes will be slimmed down or cut.
Okay then. If they’re not interested in people like me, then people like me should just stop paying.
Toobi – so the target audience is anyone born after 1985 then – another ‘senior executive ‘ who loves the under 35s( who have far better things to do than use generally inferior tickbox BBC output ) is the one who used to be a Labour Minister – which in Corbyn terms – proves the BBC is biased to the ‘Right ‘.
Pretty brutal ageism by the BBC but then they pick and choose which ‘ism’ they disapprove of .
Have it in one FU2, as Woolwich said above, if they are not interested in us we should stop paying. Not sure how this attitude fits in with the fiction that is the BBC’s mission statement. Time for a class action for discrimination and break of contract.
Ben Hunte? Is that some kind of rhyming slang?
On a related note to the BBC I renewed my Sky contract last night. Broadband, calls, entertainment, sport and some other features were costing me £80p/m and were due to go back to their “proper” price of £116. A free call to Sky had their advisor saying he could do it for another 18months for £80. I told him I’d probably ring back and cancel but he insisted on doing “one last check” and hey presto £65 p/m which I’m happy enough with.
On the back burner was the idea of switching broadband supplier and “streaming” (cough) any drama and live sport we might want to watch. However that sort of thing is never as straight forward as it could be, especially with a non tech savvy Mrs Woolwich to consider, so even though we’re still paying in to Sky at least it’s £15 less per month going to Kay Burley and the Brexit hating left wing Sky News than it was before.
I told the story here of my sky experience – with the result that I wouldn’t go back to them any time soon even if they paid me . At least they’ve stopped ringing me to offer me a ‘great rejoin deal’ . I’ve have done the same if I were you – might have got it down to £50 .
My contract went from £55 a month to £20 a month plus some gizmo and I still gave them the finger ….Amazon and BT have enough footy for me and I pay next to nothing for it .
Sky vanished along with the TVL DD.
Quick, painless, and no callbacks.
The Snuffy household used to receive quarterly visits from Sky sales people. Then a certain scandal became ‘news’ and ol’ Rupe had to close down one of his newspapers and sack a few folk who went off horseriding with the then PM. I was looking forward to the next visit from the Sky Sales team.
Am still waiting.
@Woolwich How would any TV or internet provider ever know that you shared your account with the people next door ?
On BBC breakfast time TV this morning Munchetty interviewed a Brit who had not managed to get on the plane evacuating UK citizens from China. The whole thrust of her approach was seeking to elicit criticism of the UK government for failing his & his family’s safely (Almost as if the BBC were a supporter of gunboat diplomacy 😉 ). He had nothing but good words for the efforts of the FO. She was disappointed.
But as the BBC tell us everyday how poor is the NHS service, I would have thought that the BBC would be happy for Brits to receive Communist healthcare (Cuba’s being the envy of the world don’tya know)
Just taken a look at the Brexit live feed on the website. It’s weighted about 4:1 in favour of stories of regret, sadness and depression. Including:
– Wales leaves EU ‘with heads held high’: “Wales remains a European nation”
– The village that partied when the UK joined the EU
– NI protesters: ‘Fight goes on’: Anti-Brexit campaigners have unveiled a billboard on the Irish border
– Sadness and relief – European papers’ view
– A pro-EU campaign group has unveiled a banner and lit flares on Westminster Bridge
– Austrian stamp shows absent UK
– An artistic take on the Remain argument: Political artist Kaya Mar has made quite a name for himself
– Continent ‘poorer’: An influential Portuguese editor says Europe will be worse off without the UK
– WW2 veterans send video love letter to EU
– Interviewees from France, Poland, Spain describe their concerns about the impact of Brexit
– Starmer: ‘Make the case’ for freedom of movement
– ‘Only losers in this’: A Dutch fisherman says why he is downbeat about Brexit
– Blair: opposed Brexit “with every fibre of my political being” and still regrets the decision
– Brexit is a ‘disaster’, says campaigner Steve Bray
– Leave voter has ‘changed mind’
What’s most noticeable is how many of the voices the BBC choose to capture the ‘mood’ are from outside of England
Hmmm. I can’t tackle all of them or indeed speak for members of my family that are no longer here. But I will anyway and say that those who died between the years of 1939 and 1945, and those who didn’t but carried and withheld the mental scars with dignity and died outside of those years, wouldn’t be sending a video love letter to ALL of the EU.
R4 drama : Eoin McNamee’s thriller about the exploitation and trafficking of foreign migrants
Claire, retired early from the Police Force following her recent diagnosis of MS, goes to the Irish coast to clear out her dead mothers house and come to terms with her diagnosis. It is whilst here that she finds herself in the midst of a major foreign migrant trafficking ring.
And the gangmaster turns out to be someone a little too close to home.
Does that mean that Briti White guy is the bad man again ?
Stew – thanks for the head up but I ll have to catch the repeat in 2040 – who said the BBC don’t do comedy . Imagine the listening figures courtesy of the ‘BBC noise ‘ app…..
Nice to see the BBC schedules running the normal tick box stuff on just another day .
It’s certainly true and well documented that Churchill was an enthusiastic supporter of the EU. But only for the continental European nations and not for Britain. He considered it a good means for stopping the Germans being beastly to the French at regular intervals, and saving us having to come to the rescue each time they had a falling out.
Ian – yes – I was going to write that – there’s a memo to him about this idea the Europeans have had to have a coal and steel treaty – Churchill’s scribble was something like ‘let’s of theyre very happy ‘
Winston was a british Empire man ( global ) and over the Channel was full of dodgy foreigners – as remains the case . ( troll fodder – guest appearance on this thread?) .
Fed, that ICSF was a bit of a cover, imv, for some very dodgy dealings by the French after WW2 …. a very right wing French government, it should be remembered.
Ian, the French have been beastly to the Germans, too, in their time, pre-20th century.
Currently in a Wetherspoons about to raise a glass to Tim’s health. Cheers Tim.
Pint of Remainer tears please …
I shall imbibe a pint or three of Lefty Wright’s Special All Grain Bitter. 5% ABV
I find Remainer Tears is a mite too bitter for my taste. Cheers!
I’m of Later for a pint or two of Millers Bitter . Also having Gammon for tea.
12:41pm Radio4 A seven minute item about microplastics
carefully crafted with 7 separate items.
What was that about ?
I think it was BRAINWASHING like Al Gores’s movie
a torrent of half truths which seem compelling until you examine the details.
Bottomline the prog presented the idea that washing machine plastic particles are a great danger that get into the environment and cause great harm.
They then presented us with a number of people who have magic solutions
There is ONE REAL world and there are a million fictitious PR worlds
The seg ran like an advert
#1 A premise that there is a great danger
#2 A premise that there are these magic solutions
That we should spend EXTRA MONEY for a Green solution
.. or accept dirtier clothes
The bluff was ..that despite great claim/emotion
they presented no substantiation that our clothes microparticles reduce the number of LIFEDAYS in our lifespan
it was all conjecture.
I transcribed all 8 items
See BishopHill thread
The Left rant from time to time about how blighty has ‘echoes of Germany in the 1930s’ implying the country is shifting to some Far Right place .
Today Douglas Murray writes about the Alistair Stewart hanging and how freedom of speech is rapidly being restricted and that collectively we are allowing it – in a similar way that far left regimes took people away without trial and every one just watched .
I fear mr Murray is correct . I was struck a few months ago that a scatty labour girl MP was seriously suggesting the the internet be ‘licensed ‘ or ‘approved ‘ – very National Socialist – I watched to see if she survived the General Election cull and unfortunately she did .
The article – by the way – is on a site called ‘unherd’.
But at least we won’t have to swallow the next directive or regulation issued to submissive national ‘government s’ further restricting freedom . Lots to deal with post brexit HRA , ECHR , Equality Act .
Here you go, Fed. I was reading it earlier. Certainly is a warning from history.
Dover – thank you . The Alistair Stewart / Katie Hopkins censorship at the hands of twitter shows how it is not only the State which can impose punishment – and without trial .
As for BBC coverage on Brexit Night – valuable evidence for a coming inquiry about the BBC – which might or might not come along .
I , for one , will take great pressure in Remainer distress or anger – the antics of the traitor parliament deserve not to be forgotten – whatever bojo asks .
What they did is akin to what the real Guido Fawkes and his gang tried to do.
I’d say there needs to be a similar annual celebration as Bon Fire Night. Where we burn an effigy of the EU. Each year we could select one or more of the main traitors to represent the EU and its traitorous collaborators to be symbolically burned at the stake. This year, I’d propose Dancing Terry May and/or commie Robbins and/ or Mark Sedwill.
Thanks to Brexit the SNP RAGEOMETER is belting the end of the red zone.
They now know their SCEXIT just got 10 times harder……………..
I,m an optimist largely but how could anyone in Brigadoon sell the prospect of ;
1) The EURO
2) the Border wall
3) Endangering a 300 y/old alliance where 60% of your trade goes.
The bBc up here could do itself a big favour and put the heat on these SNP/Sinn Fein disaster mongers.
We,ll Do the Brexit Bouncy at 11 p.m.
SNP and Welsh Nats running their regions into the ground so as to blame it on Westminster, thereby strengthening their case for independence.
Has Ode to Joy made it to number 1? They do say the Devil has all the best tunes.
They do say the Devil has all the best tunes
‘Coz Beethoven was black, Eric, that might explain why. ????
(apologies for the site)
BBC News channel at 17:34 interviewing a Brexit supporting man in a pub. He could barely speak and couldn’t give a reason or opinion on why he wanted Brexit.
I bet the BBC looked for hours until they found the most knuckle dragging Brexiter they could find for a live link up.
Let them my friend.
Brexit Got Done. There’s still a long way to go and obstacles to get across but they can take the p*** all they want because they lost. They lost the vote, they lost the election, they lost viewers, they lost respect, they lost jobs. Not much else for them to lose now apart from the licence fee.
Why is the BBC Parliament channel showing “Live Trump Impeachment Trial” now rather than “Live Brexit Celebrations”.
I think we know why.
Sour Grapes !
Greta’s not in it for the money, honest!
The stick insect in a striped jumper at 3:17 is one of two BBC minders, on last years foray to Canada to interfere in their elections.
A reminder to Al Beeb from 1975 ………………….
upBBC Radio Humberside just did a live report from a pub in Brussels.
Now ITV local news is doing a long recorded report from Zeebrugge
..”I don’t think you will get your waters back”
Earlier they had reports from
#1 Live report from Andrea Jenkyns pro Brexit part
.. they asked her to sing then cut her off in a few seconds.
#2 A big Brexit Party at a Doncaster pub
#3 A short item from a “Thank the EU party” in Doncaster
BBC local news just started
and the entire show is live from the street in Boston
Now ITV local news is doing a long recorded report from Zeebrugge
..”I don’t think you will get your waters back”
They may have a point, Stew ☹️see Fishing Privilege 1666.
Jeff Taylor raises some questions about the new Fisheries Bill here.
“Keep your beady eyes on Boris”.
Jeff Taylor is correct.
And I’m sure Nigel Farage also will not just pack up and go home. Once bitten, twice shy; in 2016, after the referendum, Mr Farage, just as I did, thought we were dealing with honourable people who would carry out the will of the people.
Well, we now know we are being governed by swamp rats and we’d better keep them under close surveillance because if they can sell us out to their own benefit, they will.
#NotMyBrexit trends on Twitter. Akkad Daily
There are 27 other EU countries to choose from. If they don’t like living outside the EU, I’m sure one of them would be a suitable alternative to the horrible UK.
As Harry Corbett used to say at the end of each Sooty and Sweep episode: Bye bye everyone, bye bye.
The BBC 6pm news could hardly have been more downbeat.
We could have had a lead-in along the lines of: “five hours to go until the U.K. finally celebrates delivery on the biggest democratic vote in its history and restores sovereignty and crucial decision making away from the EU”.
Instead, barely ten seconds in a truly miserable looking presenter was telling us that we would “no longer be EU citizens” (eh?!) and then dear Laura K was brought in to talk about the “big risks” ahead and question whether Boris might in a few years be asking himself “what have I done?”.
Every segment – from the Midlands, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland – revelled in underlining uncertainty, repeating again and again how many people were “sad” and how the country is still so divided.
No sense of celebration, no sense of history, no positivity – just the next stage of the BBC project to sew seeds of doubt and accentuate the negatives.
Nearly four years after the big vote, the BBC still doesn’t get it. It clearly doesn’t understand its audience at all.
I long ago realised that the ‘BBC’ is no longer made up of ‘mature suits’ that ran the organisation decades ago, and who gave us the great comedy shows, the best of dramas, the thought provoking documentaries, and yes unbiased news. As Joan Bakewell mused a few years ago, “the BBC is now run by children”. Thing is, they are the children that have been indoctrinated by left wing universities, and we are paying for it.
A picture in today’s paper showed how the outraged BBC staff were told of potential redundancies, by 4 ‘directors’ sat casually on bar stools in front of the audience, and dressed equally casually in T shirt and slacks – one munching on an apple core, one holding a bottle of water, and one of the 4 was Khalid Ahmed.
These ‘professionals’ who clearly were not professional in handling this delicate situation facing them, were each on no less than £130,000 per year – but obviously couldn’t afford a suit.
Strangely most of the murders and violence in Boston seem to be East European gangs
However I note that in the huge trial of 25 people bring cocaine from Sheffield all the 12 names seem white British
the rest of them will be named next week.
The two hideous Beboids running the brexit show have obviously been told to keep on saying that the Country is split – when as was seen in the General Election a month ago is not the case .
Hilary Benn was given plenty of time to pour sick on Brexit – no questions to him about his disgraceful traitorous conduct in parliament to subvert democracy .- no – a free kicking – still – against brexit . His dad will be spinning .
Mr Benn is spoiled goods. I wonder what his father would say to him about using his position in the last Labour regime to use taxpayers money to protect his land from coastal erosion, while other people in similar dire straits had to stand and watch their land and houses plunge into the sea.
Thank you Stefan. (The bBC gets a mention.)
Today I have received a “final reminder” that my TV license expires today.
“Don’t risk your address becoming unlicensed”.
Maybe they should remind me that I don’t have a rod license for fishing. But hang on, I don’t intend to go fishing so I don’t need one.
Maybe I don’t intend to watch or record live programmes while they are being broadcast or watch BBC i-player and therefore don’t need a TV license either.
The BBC paints Scotland as a solid England hating country which can’t wait to leave the UK and give up its independence to Brussels .
I muse sometimes whether the SNP will declare UDI if it has the backing of a foreign power – the Reich EU and chance it .
Yes her tweet has 6,000 likes but 3,000 people replied against her
So that is NoT overwhelming.
Bias by balance
Beeboid stands outside EUHQ interviewing a Dutch MEP and some bloke who might as well have been a cab driver . ( no offence ) . Guess what ? They both had exactly the same stance – tragedy – mistake – oh the Young. Clearly the BBC position for the night .
I’d say that the actions of these people identifies them as not being Christians. Therefore, they are lost to God.
They are haters without compassion or forgiveness.
We should pray for them that they get themselves right with Jesus Christ.
I see President Micron of France is moaning about Britain leaving the EU. Well I have a question for him, a musical question:
Or someone could sing the Edith Piaf song to him: Je ne regret rien.
” Non, non regret. Non, Je ne regret rien”
To paraphrase Monty Python ” I fart in your general direction”.
Thoughtful ! Very dry . I think the answer to the question is “ yes” but the BBC won’t report it – d notice ?
( I’ve got that LP!)
Thoughtful, This very album was bought for our family by my father who not only served during those truly harrowing times but I believe, sometimes, very occasionally, chose to remember his friends and their collective duty through the medium of music. He always considered his time in the RAF as mostly enjoyable and briefly reflective but never, ever with regret, bitterness or judgment. There was a job to be done and they all put themselves, knowingly in harms way.
I shall play this album this evening, at notable volume with tears in my eyes and love, pride, hope and faith in my heart. He would be so proud of the direction our nation has finally undertaken to put things right.
I miss him terribly and wish I were half the man he was and always will be.
Aw bless you TD. I think those of us of a certain age remember our Dads who fought in the war, with more than a tear in our eye. Worked hard and played hard, and few ever retold what they experienced in the war.
I too have that album, MFP I believe. a label that gave us the best of music at an affordable price.
Yes Geoff Love and his orchestra. Got that album as a young boy and have it to this day. A bit late in the day to play it tonight but there’s always tomorrow 🙂
Here’s the BBC house journal’s sour, miserabilist, sneering front page on a day of hope and optimism.
“Small island”
Small circulation!
For more years than I care to admit The Guardian and The Sunday Observer were my Bible. I hung on their every printed word and opinion but I always somehow had this feeling of dissatisfaction with myself and with the world around me. Funny thing was that I was as happy and carefree as a sand boy until I started reading these two newspapers. It was during the Blair premiership that I had some kind of epiphany and I stopped reading newspapers. My outlook on the world blossomed.I had found the answer to my feelings of unease.
These two publications are merchants of gloom. Reject their agenda.
I was at the Hull science conference when the journos at the stage and started spouting their bubbleworld BS
..and old guy stuck his hand up and said
“I used to work for the Guardian and I am ashamed of it now”
.. and I thought me too I once worked for them too in 1998
thats when I first realised they were going rotten
???????? Well it’s been three and a half years since the referendum, we’re now on our third Prime Minister since then, there have been two general elections but in the words of the Lou Manheim character in Wall Street, “good things, sometimes, take time” ???? ????????
Gets my vote.
Mayor of Worcester Councillor Ditta did not respond to several requests for explanations regarding the safety of the land at Worcester Muslim Cemetery, in John Comyn Drive, after the Environment Agency strongly objected to expansion plans and a retrospective application for planning permission, due to its major fears that coffins could leak into the city’s water.
Correct again Piers. Folk like Lammy will NEVER learn. It’s a great day today, but thinking of the likes of Lineker, Lammy, Owen Jones, soubry, grieve etc, makes it even sweeter !!!!! lovely stuff !!!
Speaking of fraud David, what did you do with your bicycle that you claimed for on expenses?
A finance colleague of mine has mentioned several times that significant global funds have been invested in the UK over the past three months.
He suspects that significant funds will be transferred from the EU to the UK.
The UK is looked upon as having a prosperous financial future.
Well, well…. 🙂
Just hoping that there isn’t a repeat of that Bond villain, Soros’s sterling attack of 1992. Wouldn’t put it past the globalist bastard to undertake a bit of selling short in currency and stocks. He’s got form!
Parliament Square Live
Thanks, ToobiWan.
???????????? My pleasure, DS!
The BBC will no doubt report this as a small number of far right activists and Tommy Robinson supporters.
I wonder when Antifa will turn up and start throwing milk shakes.
Anyone seen Jo brand yet ? ……….hope she’s sobbing into a bucket of sick !
Why have sick when you can have battery acid!
Tim Martin just started speaking
\\ Of course this was not a vote for xenophobia
– but don’t believe those who say we Must Have A Deal
Singapore didn’t need a deal first
So don’t stitch us up Boris
It’s about democracy //
Everyone is behind a big haras fencing to protect against antifa trouble I guess
Antifa have arrived. Must have been a change of shift at BBC HQ.
Dominic Frisby comes on
The Ruptly cameras are outside the fencing
suddenly pick up massive police movement
and cops formed a line as antifa chants come up the streets
..shouting their fascist sounding slogan
“Our streets”
not loud so there can’t be many of them
update : police are enforcing the line
but antifa are being slimy as ever.
Typical of them to troll someone elses celebration./demo
Antifa idiots trying to get through police lines carrying milk shakes. Sad b@stards.
It’s raining in London so hopefully the snowflakes will melt.
A couple of other live streams, much closer to the stage
Dark Mirror just ended might come up again
– EuroNews
and this
Michelle Dewberry is on now
Bbc brexit show puts up their discredited ‘facts checker ‘ who doesn’t look well at all . After he got ripped a new on live on Toady a few months ago I thought they might have got themselves someone else to sing the Biased BBC pro EU song .
Bet he gets the chop when the news department gets ‘downsized ‘.
Dollops of negative sentiments from the state broadcaster but no surprise really .
They are pointedly not covering the Parliament Square Bash and it looks like Nigel Farage will be speaking at the same time as BoJo does his chat from number 10 at 2200. Small detail on such a historic night but par for the course… I couldn’t find a decent live feed from the brexit bash either … which is a shame ..
And their noses must be rubbed in their own shit. Like a kitten or a puppy.
Mr Heseltine needs not only his nose rubbed in it but a bucket of cold sick poured over him to reinforce the point that we don’t like or trust him.
Typical BBC using their “Eastenders” programme to portray the police as racist bullies for carrying out “stop and search” on a young black man. The black man thinks he knows the reason why they are stopping and searching him. Well it isn’t young white men going around stabbing each other to death is it so why would they search white men.
In other Eastenders ‘news’ Bobby has announced that his conversion (to Islam) takes place next week. How lovely.
I’m not an Eastenders watcher although I live in the East End – yesterday I looked out of my window at 11 in the morning and saw 3 diverse yoof being stopped and searched by the local plod who played ‘find the knife ‘ in the area around where they were stopped .
Today – 10am – 5 youths outside the local poly buying / selling pharmaceuticals . I wished I’d had my Camera ….
It would not be something that I’d attempt to do. If you gave the Met the photos, they’d probably arrest you for endangering ‘community cohesion’.
BBC 1 News at 22.00:
“Hundreds gather in Parliament Square….”
No BBC, thousands.
When it’s a Remainer demo, the BBC quote ‘thousands’.
The media once claimed a million at the Remain demo
..they never corrected even though that number was proved wrong
In case I’m in bed, one last thought:
John Inman, Mr Humphries, ” I’m free!”
The bloke the BBC has interviewing muppets outside the Reich EU HQ is a real failure . Some idiot just blathered on about ‘post Brexit foreign policy ‘ and how the UK public haven’t been informed about it . It’s simples – have a border control like the US immigration service which fir those who have gone through it – can be pretty traumatic . Take away the ‘welcome ‘ doormat .
Now to me – I was struck by the dictum of Gladstone from a long time ago that UK foreign policy is that if a British citizen goes to a country there won’t be anyone who wants to kill him because he has a British passport .
Unfortunately that policy doesn’t necessarily apply in certain areas of Britain -such as tower hamlets and Luton …
Shots refired.
Boo-hoo, that nasty Boris didn’t invite the beeb round to film his Brexit speech and they’re having a sulk.
Looks like he’s taken a leaf out of Trump’s book to just ignore the beauty.