It has been 1316 days since the EU referendum . In that time – and before – we have witnessed the biased Far Left BBC running anti brexit stories every day all the time; and it has failed . It may show the decline of the BBC on shaping and influencing public thinking and public life . Let’s celebrate a new sort of Freedom .
The EU Free Thread 31 January 2020
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Happy Independence Day maxincony !
Thames flood barriers operated .
Lots of tears from Brussels raises sea levels .
I’ve just had another of my warped thoughts:
Why didn’t the Remainiacs adopt the Edvard Munch picture, The Scream as their battle emblem? It does seem to symbolise their internal angst (another European word for them to consider using too).
Do these advocates of EU slavery refer to each other as ” Intellectuals”? Which is a good old, well established word used by the European version of commiedom.
BBC reporter surprised to see so many white faces in parliament square.
.. is that cos she doesn’t understand most have traveled from OUTSIDE London, where almost everyone is white ?
Does she live in such a bubble that she thinks everywhere is like London ?
BTW what colour was the BBC news studio ?
blue and yellow
BBC rush to report
Bristol University students condemn ‘white supremacist’ posters’
– Bristol West MP Thangam Debbonaire said she was “disgusted” by the posters near the University of Bristol’s campus.
– Police have recorded a hate incident due to the impact the posters have had on the university community.
Go on, guess what the OFFENSIVE posters say ?
… apparently any who uses the 5 word phrase is a “white supremacist”
.. cos it’s a “dogwhistle to white supremacists”
Soon they’ll ban the very word ‘white’ cos it’s supremacist, and ‘black’ cos it’s racist.
Well, as a child I was brought up NOT to say ‘black’ man /woman, as I was told it was ‘rude’ – the word racist never entered the vocabulary, and should say ‘coloured’. Now the narrative is different, and dictated by black people themselves.
Treading on eggshells is becoming a way of life, and its wearing and boring.
One of the lesser mentioned benefits is that we’ll finally be rid of the “Brexit? Sounds a bit like a breakfast cereal…?!” style gags.
Twitter suspends ZeroHedge the tech media site
The Breitbart story says that is strange
cos the idea that Corona virus could be linked to a Chinese lab was already being discussed on social media
According to this, the Chinese “biosafety” lab is located in Wuhan.
And a report I have read, suggests that two Chinese were fired from a Canadian Laboratory after they stole samples of these Coronaviruses and handed them to the Chinese government.
As an aside, there are apparently many strains of Corona virus. The one causing problems at the moment is a new strain (not yet given an official name yet, as I understand the situation to date) and so, I suppose sometime soon the Knownothing scientifically ignorant self-styled journalists will no doubt begin to refer to it by some other name or by a variant of Corona virus. These viruses are given the name because when viewed under a microscope, they look like a Crown, with lots of spikes jutting out from the central body.
It’s a great feeling, waking up (with a slightly sore head), and knowing that all the negatives chucked at Great Britain by some of their own ‘elite’ knobs have been taken away now. Where were all the interviews with old farts like Blair, Heseltine and Major? I thought they were supposed to be important, but clearly the state squealer thought otherwise.
The bbbc reporting last evening was abysmal. The rictoid-mugs of the autocue-readers was a shambles, camera angles could have been done by a three-year-old, they only needed a ‘comment’ from Gittly Stringvest about some incoherent warming babble to complete the set.
As a chum here mentioned earlier, they couldn’t wait to close down, and that was abundantly clear! Well done Boris for sticking it to the state broadcaster, they deserve very little credit for anything these days, and are really becoming more side-lined as each week passes!
Looking forward, what will happen to this Sainted Site when the W1A bubble, gets the push?
Scrobs – I think Boris was more concerned about damage to the Tory party election chances rather than some road to Damascas conversion to the truth.
I am glad we are “officially out”, but I still have a lot of reservations about Boris and his judgement. Remember remainer Mark Sedwell is still his top adviser. Only time will tell.
He certainly hasnt started too well – Huwei, Hs2 etc
“He certainly hasnt started too well – Huwei, Hs2 etc”
Not forgetting ‘reducing the number of immigrants to the tens of thousands’.
Lot’s of noises from Priti Patel but nothing firm in relation to halting the increasingly dangerous influx of muslims. Perhaps Boris is a dense as previous PM’s in that he thinks despite the numbers, a ‘British’ Government could control them when they reach critical mass which some suggest is 20% of the whole or less.
Yes G, immigration is a definite biggy, one that Boris has previous on when it comes to being soft.
The sheer stupidity and hypocrisy of the situation never ceases to amaze me. On the one hand politicians constantly go on about the need to build all these new houses and at the same time control immigration and then spend all their energy trying to unpick any attempt at controlling immigration if it looks like it might actually be successful.. Whilst at the same time pledging to protect the environment and reduce our carbon “footprint”
At the end of the day it is all about what the bankers and globalist businessmen want.
Bankers like immigration because in theory it increases the GDP and businessmen want cheap labour costs.
All utterly oblivious or uncaring about the cultural, social and environmental costs of their actions.
I am afraid the blonde bluffer seems to identify with these individuals more than he identifies with the electorate.
Good points Oak and G, but sadly the alternative to Boris is just unthinkable. Luckily the magic grandpa’s legacy is utter turmoil in a rapidly diminishing labour vote – the new faces appearing are pathetic!
Just found this website. So refreshing to see like minded people. The BBC earns little respect now. Its coverage of news and current affairs is so biased to the minority left. They should reflect the views of the majority of the UK which is at least centre right. Continually sniping, misinforming and loading their news and current affairs programmes with left wing bias is disgraceful. Seriously time to question in Parliament whether the BBC should lose its TV licence revenue and become a commercial TV organisation. The majority of our obviously non left wing population should not have to pay a yearly fee to have left wing propaganda fed to it on a daily basis!
Welcome Sayitasitis it’s great to see more and more people are becoming wise to the BBC and their (no longer hidden) agendas. Now that Brexit has been delivered (well at least the beginning of the end anyway) I think the next objective should be to round up the traitors. That in my opinion, is not divisive (as in the words of the BBC, “some would say” ) but is the natural course of justice for the people of this country.
Say it
Welcome aboard and spread the word . We are getting one job done – extracting our country from a foreign state and I reckon , gradually , helping just a bit to destroy the Far Left Biased BBC . Don’t forget to refuse to pay the TV licence tax
Quote from the Independent this morning…..
“There was at least one undercover Remainer in the crowd. The man, who gave his name as Nick, told The Independent: “I wanted to get a feel for what the opposition is like because nobody I know voted Leave.
“Walking through the crowd, I remember (Channel 4 newsreader) Jon Snow got in trouble for saying: ‘My god I haven’t seen so many white people.’ I think it’s true today.””
So out of all those Brexit supporters they chanced upon an “undercover” remain supporter. Yeah right.
The Independent: “Placards demanding authorities ‘lock up the traitors’ mar largely good-natured event”
So calling for justice against those who would sell out our country is being bad natured?
The press in this country are a large part of the problem. Come on Boris, you’re on a roll. Drain our swamp.
Why do the headlines not read “Brexit celebrations marred by fascist Antifa trouble causing yobs”?
Boris cannot be trusted.
The traitors in the civil service remain in their posts.
(The bBC will be ‘saved’).
Brexit – done.
Next task – getting rid of the BBC. There is nothing more essential to the survival of our nation, no greater challenge, and no higher moral purpose.
The British Broadcasting Corporation came into existence on 1st January 1927. Let’s make the centenary – 1st January 2027 – the target date for its demise.
Why wait that long? Defund them now and they will implode.
Nothing would give greater pleasure than if the BBC shut up shop today. But realistically, as with Brexit, this will take a number of years to achieve. We, the people, do not have the collective power to defund the BBC at present. Individuals can do their bit by refusing to watch it and not buying a TV licence. But the number of dissidents has to be transformed from tens and hundreds of thousands into the millions, and eventually the majority of the population. The government has made noises about decriminalising non-payment of the licence; by default they will do nothing, so pressure has to be brought on them to see it through, and then push on to scrapping it altogether. There will be a reaction against it, with attempts to have the BBC paid for out of general taxation; this too has to be countered. The BBC’s Royal Charter is due for renewal in 2027 – this has to be prevented, which requires the support of the ‘great and good’ and such people are largely non-existent at present.
The BBC has done a fantastic job in enabling its own demise. It’s disgraceful behaviour, blatant Euro-fanaticism and unconcealed disdain for democracy and ordinary folk have opened many people’s eyes. Those eyes also roll upwards everytime they see another piece of revisionist history, or the insertion of woke ideology into what should be neutral programmes about farming, antiques, cookery or general entertainment. As with the citizens of the Soviet Union, they know the ‘news’ is often lying to them and has little or no truth in it: this realisation has to be built upon and turned into action. Lenin famously said “the capitalist will sell us the rope with which we hang him”; likewise, the BBC is providing us with many of the means to hang it (metaphorically speaking!). But wishful thinking alone cannot achieve it and it requires a plan, processes, time and money. Now is the moment to begin the project is a systematic manner.
Happy Freedom Day everyone.
Was listening before TOADY, waves of negativity …. in ‘Framing (the narrative) Today’ going around various animal & vegetable producers
TOADY Watch #1 – BBC Waves of Negativity
‘Nuff said.
Ever the party animal (two cups of hot chocolate last night) I watched a version of the last Great British escape from continental Europe, the 2017 ‘Dunkirk’. Bit arty for me, soundtrack sometimes hit the mark but frequently tedious, maybe that was the point but it was lost on my inner Philistine. Anyway, although the English and French are mentioned I don’t think the word German or Germany were spoken for the entire film. A person unfamiliar with recent events, anyone under twenty maybe? wouldn’t have a clue who the ‘enemy’ was.
Mr mason, the valiant soldier. Was he on the front line and among the first over the top? Does he have the wounds to prove his bravery? Is he now hors de combat?
Maybe a new military medal should be struck for him and his band of fighters. The EU slavery medal.
Mason’s tweets are a dogwhistle to lib-supremacists therefore he should be punished by denied the same social media platforms everyone else uses.
…. That’s how it works isn’t it ?
Arsehole! If you love your European “brothers and sisters” so much – why dont you just piss off and live with them you utter dickhead.
First chuckle of the day!
So much gammon. Happy, happy gammon. Faisal, Samira, Mishal, Kamal and the entire cubicle gardens must surely be demanding Nick be fired too?
Guest Who-I turned on the BBC TV news last night and thought
somehow I was receiving a South Asia TV station.
Exactly! One night-time some weeks ago, the World Service used only foreigners. Hence my continuing reference to the, ‘Black & Asian Broadcasting Corporation’. No wonder people flock to the UK from the Third World. Thanks to the BABC, they clearly think it is majority Black/Asian country. BABC: ‘Every little helps’…………….
Seems the kind of ‘author’ most in the BBC bow down to.
Andrew N is correct but, who knows what rubbish they teach the children these days.
The Maldives has rejoined the Commonwealth just one hour and one minute after Britain formally left the EU
Maldives? According to Greta et al., that’s soon to sink beneath the waves isn’t it?
That would be just the sort of thing the ill informed climate change mob would blame on global warming. Islands rise out of the sea and eventually sink back into it. That’s been going on now for millions of years and has nothing to do with global warming or rising sea levels. But if the Swedish Pinocchio says it’s global warming you’d better believe it!
As I’m posting this, hopefully the world hasn’t ended as we expected and there are some of you still out there.
This morning on bbbc Radio newcastle they managed to find a fisherman to interview who was anti Brexit.
He must be the only one in the UK but they found him.
BBC Editorial Integrity is an Ode to Joy to behold.
If State Broadcaster wants to be The Guardian that’s OK by me – provided it’s funded like The Guardian.
Not Gwent
Unfortunately the Guardian is funded by the BBC and other lefty outfits like metro councils and the like . I force myself to browse the website and this weekend one long sneer and lament from the defeated – all booking single tickets on the Eurostar so they can go to France and protest there ….
We were also told that ‘hundreds’ had gathered in Edinburgh to mourn.
On R5L there was a lengthy exposition of all the great problems we were going to run into now.
This a.m. lotsa interviewees saying that we would ‘rejoin’.
Prepare for a beeb REJOIN campaign within a year.
Fakenewswatcher, just to be clear, we were told hundreds in Edinburgh in the pro Remain demonstration by the late Labour leader’s daughter, Sarah, but I counted about 35 behind her.
I had BBC news channel running on the laptop was only dipping in and out but caught mention of the crowd.Beeb bloke ‘apparently we’ve been getting a bit of criticism for saying hundreds and hundreds have gathered.It’s a bit hard to tell from here but yes does look like several thousand’ Beeb woman ‘yes looks like over a thousand’ Even when they’ve been exposed they still can’t admit the true figure! And you wonder why less and less people trust you.
The antifa-loving Jim Hawkins Mid-morning radio presenter
@BBCShropshire is still confident in his nasty baiting
I think Matt is probably the best cartoonist in the world. He’s very clever, goodness knows how he manages to maintain such a high standard day after day.
This one made me laugh, as usual:
Here without the paywall
That Matt cartoon sneers at Brexiteers as thick
thinking perfectly good laws will get repealed cos of Brexit
At least the peroxide addled bimbo is not just quoting The Hill.
I wonder if the double entendre was deliberate?
BBC Online News:
“Hundreds gathered in Parliament Square to celebrate Brexit, singing patriotic songs and cheering speeches from leading Brexiteers, including Nigel Farage.”
Hundreds?? 🙁
I saw the transmission, and there were thousands there.
The BBC is out of the blocks and straight away diminishing Brexit.
So who did the BBC get to count the crowd for them? Dianne Abbott,Baldrick or was it Tubs from The League of Gentlemen? (would link a Youtube clip of Tubs if I knew how to!) But those that know all I’ll say is TWELVETY!
I was there, it was not just Parliament Square, they had to close all the approach roads by 10pm due to the crowds in and on all the roads, it took 10 miniutes to get from the edge of Parliament Square to the tube station, a one minute walk normally, TV camera crews and reporters from around the world including China and Japan everywhere
I showed my wife the BBC report and she laughed out loud
Time to disband the BBC, it is an enemy of Britain, its people and their history. The civilised world is aware of this fact
BBC Radio 4 just now:
How long until we can tell if Brexit has been good or bad for the UK?
From BBC Sounds
The ‘we’ who find out what from whom under bbc editorship will be fascinating.
Which side is the BBC on ?
It’s difficult to tell isn’t it ?
..5:30am news
– The Brexit party they went to was the Remain vigil in Edinburgh
Then the Trump impeachment news came through and they didn’t air a Republican voice
instead they aired a Democrat anti-Trump voice
BTW they didn’t mention the bit about Rand Paul being denied his question
… cos it had the name of the whistleblower
daft cos that name has been on Twitter for months
..Rand’s tweets
Speaking of going down well. Sky….
Cut her hands off and she’d be speechless!
Heard the opening of the Graham Norton radio2 programme this morning, I believe he favoured remain, he said something like “Hello, thanks for listening etc …. Sorry Europe” then played the first song “TRAGEDY” – Somewhat transparent methinks – anyway, Happy Brexit to you all.
Graham William Walker is an Irish national who lives in the Irish republic but sucks on the BBC teat using the name Norton.
Perhaps he should stay out of UK politics?
He did promise to leave the UK if Brexit won the Referendum all those years ago. He and numerous others of his showbiz ilk.
If only! As it is we have to see his grinning face (so he is the face of the BBC) every time we log on to BBC player. Over Christmas we were given a picture of a fluffy cat instead, but now we are back to Norton.
How does one put this? Comm…
BBC giving away their secrets. This is how we frame people and put them in the wrong place at the right time. This is how our correspondents claim expenses for trips they never made. This is the technology we use to create fake news.
Quite worrying really.
Personally I’ll believe it when I see it, I mean does anyone really believe we have actually left the evil empire?….I wouldn’t trust Boris Johnson with a pencil, how can you?..he looks like a person who has poured glue over himself and then charged through a charity shop…Never trust a man who cannot dress himself.
Not via a Jon or Katty RT. Looks like millions of them.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is alive and well.
Maybe it should be declared a Health Emergency like Coronavirus, and those infected isolated from normal folk.
Jon is in it.
Maybe when folk hear his efforts….
From the reports I have seen, it’s highly probable that the fake impeachment trial against President Trump will be completed this week and he will be exonerated.
I wonder what the commies and globalists in the Demonrat party are planning next? They won’t stop. When President Trump is reelected in November, I hope he is intending to prosecute the ringleaders, like the crooked Biden family, gangster Pelosi, Kill’emall Hitlery Clinton (not to forget that when she was in government with Bathhouse Barry, she seriously wanted to launch a drone strike against the Ecuadorian Embassy to kill Julian Assange), Chucky Shumer, Bathhouse Barry and of course not forgetting Little Adam Shit.
In the same way, our own commies and globalists won’t give up and go away just because we have crossed the line into the Transition Period of Leaving the EU. I’m sure that they will keep doing what they are doing until they are actually stopped. Jailing the ring leaders, here too, would clarify a few minds as well as punish the plotters, traitors and haters of our wonderful country.
It will be interesting if this tweet appears as it did before.
There is navel gazing.
There is bbc navel gazing.
There is bbc wimmin navel gazing.
And, then, there is VD…
Satellite image from this morning.
This is fine.
Nish Kumar: one import we could do without.
Tessa sounds like she should work in ECU or OFCOM.
I wonder if the featured model shocked BBC OB cubicle garden reporters if seen outside?
So that’s what ‘au’ pair means!
Starmer (twitter) still thinks he is the Shadow Secretary of State for Brexit. I wonder what post Wrong hyphen Daily intends for him.
L is for Labour.
Suitably vague mind. Maybe the chubby ex-footy community?
“75%” = made up number
How could I ever presume to know what “people who look like me” voted ?
All I could say is that about 80% of hundreds of people I met in the marketplace said they voted Brexit
and only ever met 2 people who wanted to overturn the vote.
And I would have thought millionaire ex-footballers may well have less of a feeling for the word on the street.
Two remainers and Emily against the Spiked journo who supported Brexit. The footballer who claimed that remain voters look like him – slightly overweight – was there to play the race card.
nothing really wrong with this bbc article
but MEP’s meddling in technology standards, they must be very certain that the current cable is totally future proof
I would ask “what do you look like ? never heard of you “
It is not all bad. Oh, it is.
Great minds? Not if Burley (No relation, even so) was involved.
Surprised the BBC KattyMetoo peroxide victim did not wear a top hat.
I hope you are all clutching a bacon butty and a pint of good ale to celebrate, not only the beginning of the escape from the yoke of the EU, but also the end of the nonsense of Dry January and Veganuary. I didn’t take part in either but the wagging finger was there in the media.
Piers Morgan tweeted a Brexit joke based on that.
Great minds eh?
I don’t do twitter.
Veganuary sounds quite smutty to me.
Is that intentional, I wonder, is it my dirty mind, or are the lefties too stupid to consider how their made up words sound to normal people?
Too right, John.
Vegans are a pain in the bum as far as we’re concerned! How boring it must be to sit down at a lunch with someone who spouts drivel, eats stuff out of season and imported from some godforsaken country using plenty of Co2, and farts a lot!
A Panorama film maker ended up in jail
.. since he has a book out there is a Times mag article.
“I was over-judgmental, a bit full of myself, egotistical, a classic media twat. ”
\\ his job producing moralising exposés in the form of feature documentaries as well as episodes of Dispatches and Panorama //
.. Yet on Twitter today he is still sneering at Boris
In a tax scam he over inflated his film making costs, forged receipts etc. so his film investors got a much bigger tax break than they should have.
He was jailed for 5 years in June 2016
quote “He was released at the end of 2018 after serving half his sentence behind bars”
( was he on remand for a year before trial ?
. I somehow doubt that )
The article us mainly about how prisons are badly run “due to the cuts”
.. a simplistic narrative, just the same as “throw away the key” is.
If there were any remaining doubts in the British public’s minds of the BBC’s leftist bias and shameless contempt for democracy, then their failure to broadcast a speech to the nation by our elected Prime Minister ought to dispel them. It is by far their most contemptible act to date.
Then The Times has a long article about TV chef Marcus Wareing’s £5m Wimbledon home raided by ‘tourist’ burglars’
… yet it doesn’t mention they from Chile
It does say he location was first recced and then fence marked with an orange dot, for the foreign team to identify it.
What I find pleasing is that most of my younger family members in their 20s and 30s voted for Brexit……BBC would never acknowledge that fact or certainly not report on it . We as a country have wasted over 3 years because of BBC and media biase let alone the Traitor MP’s
The media circus and PR trickery pushing British Gretas
I tweeted Dec 7, 2019
Times mag by MoniqueLouiseR
“The British Greta Thunbergs”
em of her 5 … 4 are 17/18 and live in London is a 13 year old boy from Wiltshire
FFS metroliberal bubbleworld
Feb is Drag History month
and royal palaces have hired one to do dress as a raven and do LBT+ walking tours
Mahatma Khandi at the Tower Of London
Canningtown freezer murders from 9 months ago
BBC actually reporters the charging
BTW wasn’t there a similar one in Kingston Upon Thames ?
beeboids like Amol & Naga are now hiding stuff on Instagram
instead of putting it direct on Twitter
She tweeted a link to this
In the March 2020 issue of @BritishVogue, journalist and broadcaster @NagaMunchetty speaks for the first time to @GilesHattersley about the race row that engulfed her last summer when she spoke out against Donald Trump’s *racist remarks* on @BBCBreakfast.
Munchetty’s actions gave rise to an uncomfortable conversation about institutionalised racism – what she calls “an ugly, ugly subject” – that needed to happen.
She has so much wisdom to impart, and is a true force for change.
Discover her full interview in the March 2020 issue of British Vogue, on newsstands now. #ForcesForChange
Vogue has form for providing a high end print #1degreeofseperation quote source for BBC staff and shows, per Graun and Indy.
Muchetttyyyyy a Journalist ? ….I think not !
Charlie – in future please use her real name – it’s ……
….. Subha Nagalakshmi yexley Munchetty-Chendriah
What a joke …
Let’s all play the race game . Wonder if she’s a bit of a coconut – the last time i used the lady’s real name I was accused by some troll on here of being a racist …. I felt quite proud
Compliments to you for being called a racist ! , beggars belief doesnt it for speaking the truth and is that how things are now ? , Suppose with a name like that she thinks she’s superior to leave voters …….and just how much is her salary from us the licence payers ? . As others have said on here the BBC can broadcast anything whether anyone watches or not as their income is guaranteed ……if only my business life had been that easy !
Coconuts lovely coconuts….don’t be shy now !
I remember it well Fedup, it was regarding the Trump comment last summer and little miss ‘I’m going to select what I choose to hear’ getting offended because she wanted to be offended.
Honestly Fedup, give this lot enough rope…. ????
We fancied waving a couple of flags in the street here in Wokington last night but I was already wearing my dressing gown, so couldn’t be bothered. A few fireworks went off but otherwise it seemed quite a tempered affair locally.
“I know “, I said, “Let’s watch the report on the Beeb to see what’s happening elsewhere”. Ten minutes later, the off switch was hit. What a load of negative spin on EVERY report from EVERY female reporter beginning with Laura Ktel. The funny thing was, we should have left it on the frame we found while reloading iplayer. You know how you can make someone look odd by choosing just the right frame to freeze? (E.g every photograph the Beeb show of Trump). Well, I swear we caught it just right as she was pursing her lips to say, “F… you”.
I think we should have simply sat there watching that frame. A bit like those days when we used to sit staring at the test card after all the programmes had finished on telly. Said it all really.
Lincoln yesterday the RSPCA lost a prosecution and was firmly condemned by the judge.
.. The farmer lost 2 years of his life.
BBC local news didn’t report it yesterday
will they today ?