It has been 1316 days since the EU referendum . In that time – and before – we have witnessed the biased Far Left BBC running anti brexit stories every day all the time; and it has failed . It may show the decline of the BBC on shaping and influencing public thinking and public life . Let’s celebrate a new sort of Freedom .
The EU Free Thread 31 January 2020
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Victimhood hierarchy
Faisal Alizada – the homophobic driver who shouted ‘gay boy’, spat at a cyclist and was traced by DNA in saliva given in earlier criminal proceedings – is convicted and given two months in jail for his aggravated hate crime
Times letters ex-BBCws editor Andrew Maywood lays into beeboid Careerists who make grand plans
.. whilst a few others actually to the proper work.
The Four Yorkshiremen sketch or the UK sandwich crisis? I really wonder which one was dreamt up by the Monty Python team.
Well, on a pedantic point of fact, it wasn’t Monty Python nor was it the BBC.
Often it can be tricky deciding what is ‘not news’ in Britain, vs. clearly holding front page stuff not in Britain, where unique funding comes from.
Maybe Anthony is an avid follower of only older, bbc feeds?
Yet they don’t even mention when Trump has huge stadiums full.
One of my mantras in life is that there’s nothing wrong with making a mistake so long as you learn by it. But al beeb has not learnt a single lesson from Dec. 12th’s election result, therefore I now firmly believe that that very definition of ‘madness’, regarding them, may well be true ????
ps-you can add the Labour party to that
Lessons to be learned ?
Al Beeb appear to be having a ‘bad hair’ week , what with their job cuts ,
British independence , and now it looks as if President Trump is about to be acquitted. Its an Al Beeb hat trick !
It couldn’t be better ?
Well, its almost as good as watching Taffman’s team beat Italy 42-0.
Trump may be acquitted but the fight goes on, Taff.
Add to that an article in the FT saying the government will next week launch a consultation on decriminalisation of the TV tax and put in the same box as parking fines .
Also a new MP – Julian knight – is in charge of the media committee – apparently the BBC and Mr Knight are not ‘ friends ‘.
If there was ever any doubts as to the depths the BBC have sunk in their hatred of the nation named in their logo, last night’s output, with its weapon’s grade bias, should have removed them from all but their most ardent supporters, the ones only found in the pages of the Guardian.
Trump will extend entry restrictions to more countries from Feb 22nd
The media still call it a Travel Ban, but as far as I know, people are allowed in to visit once they have completed extended vetting as the policy is more about restricting people who want to come and live in the USA.
“Six countries have been added to the list: Nigeria, Sudan, Tanzania, Eritrea, Myanmar, and Kyrgyzstan.
In addition, “certain nationals” of Sudan and Tanzania will also be suspended from participating in the US visa lottery’
We could do with Trump here.
I watched Dangerous Earth = Aurora on BBC Four tonight. It could have been quite interesting but I don’t trust the BBC.
I have never seen an aurora and I don’t know what they look like. Oh I have seen them on TV before, but have I? I have ‘seen’ earth-moving machinery apparently outperforming F1 racing cars, I have ‘seen’ bullets slowly bursting apart water melons. My own experience tells me that these images have been speeded up or slowed down, but what to do if one has no experience to relate the TV picture to?
Of course the BBC has been faking science for decades, its ‘world class’ nature programmes from BBC Bristol have long been filmed on artificial sets, like the one used by a member of the public to win the Countryfile calendar prize.
If they can fake nature what else are they faking?
“If they can fake nature what else are they faking?”
News ?
Happy Brexit Day signs reported to police.
Ha ha! I can’t prove it, of course, but I strongly suspect that the concerned citizen “… who does not want to be named … “, and is a resident with plenty of opportunity to do so, printed those notices and put them up, just so he could create a ‘hate crime’ story. It’s an old trick.
Oops, you have found the BBC was, as ever, well ahead of the game. If not journalistically. Sources say.
Message to Al Beeb
Broadcast this bit of breaking patriotic news……………
“Great Britain is open for trade and business with the rest of the world without Europe !”
Go on Al Beeb, do your bit for Great Britain .
I expect any day now a Chinese-looking person will complain that someone gave them a funny look or a wide berth in a public place. The BBC will then pounce on this as proof of Sino-phobia, with one of their provocative ‘question headlines’ like “Are we racist towards the Chinese?”.
Answer: No, just sensibly wary of possible Coronavirus carriers.
So far Sky and ITV have gone mental on a ‘hate poster’ that has currently zero substantiation.
Can’t wait for the bbc to eventually get offended.
Police are busy searching for bill posters instead of knife men .
PC world has gone bonkers !
The BBC Human Resources department is busy looking for any Chinese employees it might have, who could be persuaded to be ‘ordinary members of the public’ for faux-victim reporting stories. Unfortunately, in the rush to recruit as many black and ‘Asian’ (sic) people as possible, they appear to have overlooked this demographic. Well, if they will insist on working hard and living their own lives quietly, rather than being foot soldiers for self-hating white liberals, what do they expect?
Lammy must have done more for the cause of racism than any man alive.
Well done, sir, we salute your indefatigability.
BBC Online News:
‘Empathy’ for independent Scotland joining the EU says Tusk
Could Scotland become a ‘safe space’ for Remainiacs?
Just ensure that the turnstile at the border only operates in one direction.
Tusk is obviously ‘stirring the pot’.
Going? That was his starting point prior to being elected.
When BBC threads spiral… which, they do, often.
BBC youth ‘reporting’ is not to be sniffed at.
Gaza conflict: Militant rocket targets Jerusalem
Presumably it went Full Skynet? Never go full Skynet.
BBC sub news:
BBC News
A 44-year-old Chinese man has died after travelling to the Philippines from the city of Wuhan.
So, actually, it was the Philippines wot dun it?
Charlie1 February 2020 at 18:13
Quentin Letts tweets :
Mere hours after big scenes of celebration, barely a month since an election widely seen as a 2nd ref, the BBC website is running a prominent story headlined ‘Have Britons changed their minds on Brexit?’
‘Have Britons changed their minds on Brexit?’
Though is this going to be a perennial like Scottish independence?
It does appear to be one of State Broadcaster’s core campaigns.
It is interesting to see the vast number of comments saying the same thing. I watched and listened to the BBC Friday and yesterday for the first time in weeks and all I heard was negative comments about Brexit and the voices of the Rejoiners..
Boris really has to do something about the BBC
James – 2 days after the event on Friday I am still bugged by the fact that both ITV and BBC ended their ‘rejoin specials ‘ at 2315 . Compared to other things they give air time to this is nothing but remainer spite .
I’m now waiting for a list of traitors who have left the UK , renounced their UK passports , and applied for ReichEU citizenship ,
Somehow I don’t think there will be one .
‘Have Britons changed their minds on Brexit?’ – Another of their lies disguised as questions.
Hereward Wake
Places forefinger on chin. Thinks – Oh dear, have I made a dreadful mistake? Should I change my mind? Tears stream down face, sides ache.Oh deep joy!
“Bafta Film Awards: Does current voting system need to change?”
Does any ordinary working person really care about BAFTA?
Does any working person care if the Telly Tax is abolished ?
Over to you for your opinion ………….
Laurence Fox Go for it !
We are all with you here .
All except um…… maxincony.
“If that you will France win, then with Scotland first begin.” (Henry V : Act 1 Scene 2)
Has Donald Tusk got Shakespeare wrong ?
Me thinks Ms Sturgeon’s toing and froing to the EU before Brexit is coming to fruition. What say you ‘biased’ posters?
Careful quoting Shakespeare, Taff people have been sacked for less!
Just watching last few minutes of Marr ….trying to do a deal with Tusk for Scotland to rejoin EU……..only to be expected from him and the independent ” BBC “
Now what?
What has Blair said about Brexit that is causing so much excitement over here in the West ?
Nowt on Al Beeb.
“I wear it for a memorable honor, For I am Welsh, you know, good countryman.” More from Shakespeare (Act 4 Scene 5 )
We did our bit at Agincourt and we did our bit for Brexit.
Will I get sacked from the Royal Shakespeare Company ?
I could’ve joined the RSC way back in the seventies. All I had to do was join Vanessa Redgrave’s Worker’s Revolutionary Party (i.e. Trotskyites) and they’d have welcomed me with open arms. Talent? No problem, they’d have had me performing Brecht, which requires no talent whatsoever.
The Welsh certainly showed them over confident Frenchies wot woz wot, shoulder to shoulder with Lancastrians, same as moi, Taff, even though they were starving and riddled with dysentery. I visited Azincourt (note spelling) a few years ago with a school party and given our reception,I am not sure if they have gotten over that October in 1415. A few, I think, have never forgiven us for kicking Hitlers mob out in ’44-45 either.
Don’t mention Crécy then?
Or Poitiers, Taff. They just don’t learn do they?
Alastair overtakes Derbyshire
The reinstate VD petition is at 66K
The reinstate Alastair petition is at 71K
… Yesterday’s Times suggested ITV management fear they are too white male so already had a plan to remove him.
That has to sting.
VD does sting. Allegedly. Or at least a nasty rash.
Piers speaks about libmob wokemob getting triggered by mild Farage on Marr.
Is Piers angling to be a candidate to replace Andrew Neil? One wonders about the periodic shift to the right.
As liked by the new BBC girl in Oz.
Get the hint, Occker Vogue?
The BBC has decided to become the official opposition to
the Conservative government. So be it. It also looks like
it has decided to declare” war” on the indigenous population
of the UK. It wants us to feel guilty because we are white.
The by word is privilege. In fact more and more the BBC is
allowing inverted racism to be shown against the indigenous
population of the UK.
Media wokeness trends
Lee Hurst and JHB
\\ We succeeded with #brexit & now it is time for Beebexit.
Used to see the BBC as one of our great national assets, along with the Queen & bacon sandwiches.
But no more.
Its bias is so plain to see.
Its content so driven by its own post Savile insecurities //
The EU machine is foundering on the rocks. And the BBC is simply floundering.
Not BBC, but in the same vein.
I notice that Channel 4 are trailing a “programme” about the Australian bush fires.
The short trailer headlines that these fires are “unprecedented”, and “caused by climate change” – two outright lies before the programme has even been broadcast.
GuestWho has used that hashtag since June 2015
wokemob are that predictable
Have we actually left Hotel California? Have we checked out?
This is what the BBC are hoping for.
Yes, really.
Groper would not know reality if it sat on his face.
But you would know it was PAndy Marr under the buttock cheeks cos his jug ears would still be visible either side.
And if it was the Abbottopamus sitting on his face there is a very strong possibility that PAndy Marr would be suffocated.
What a horrible way to go!
When Tusk was interviewed by Marrxist this morning, Tusk stated that May had been trying to achieve Brexit without Brexit.
I know exactly what he means! She needs to be held to account for her delays of over two years.
I’m guessing that no one mentioned that the actual referendum result for Scotland was 1.6 million to remain but a million to leave . The latter don’t get much of a mention when it comes to the Biased BBC
The question of ‘held to account’ is an interesting one. Given the seriousness of the matter, its national importance and the need for ‘closure’ and to heal the wounds, some people are wondering whether we need something akin to the ‘Truth and Reconciliation’ commissions that have been held in countries such as Canada, Chile, Morocco, South Africa and others.
In the case of Britain, one important thing to ascertain relates to certain high-profile individuals in the political sphere, media, civil service, business and so on. Specifically: was that person sincere and acting on genuinely held convictions? Or, is there reasonable evidence that they were acting for or on behalf of foreign powers, individuals, groups, or other organisations?
The purpose of such a commission is to discover what happened and help heal the rifts in a society. It is not a witchhunt or show trial, or a mechanism for punishing those with ‘the wrong view’. However, depending on the findings, it may need to be supplemented with criminal trials for those who have done serious wrong, such as committed treason (see Crime and Global Justice: The Dynamics of International Punishment by Daniele Archibugi & Alice Pease, Polity Press, 2018).
Seems the BBC are creating a new lack of reality show with Adrian, Jo, Lewis, YAB, Champion Ash, Paul and Sweeney!
Tentatively called ‘I’m A BBC Alumni, Don’t Fire Me!’
(No one has told John* yet).
*Worry not, Hannah has been made Head of CBBC scripts.
In BBC Editorial terms this is ‘views are split’.
None of these polls are offering the BBC folk any comfort.
Perhaps they need to ramp up the propaganda on how evil and stupid white people are. Oh, they have!
Today’s Farage show on Youtube
Now MaajidNawaz 1-3pm
1) ex-European Council President Tusk says Brussels feels “empathy” for an independent Scotland joining the EU. Do you have empathy for Scots Nats?
2) Muslim father faces prosecution for refusing to send his son to LGBT lessons. Is he right to resist?
Maajid’s thread I hope to address this abiding but inaccurate idea that Israel has “occupied Palestine” since 1948
OT, but a thread BBC Politics, Europe and Environmental Editors might care to follow. If they have the time.
Jim’s response seems to be saying that as we have now left we can no longer influence Germany. Obviously a Remainer. I would point out that Germany were doing these things while we were IN the Eu thereby demonstrating how little influence we, in reality, had. Cognitive dissonance from a Remainer and Greenie lol
Maybe they should send Greta over to hold Germany to account.
She doesn’t like their trains , D.
Jim clearly doesn’t get it does he. Germany basically saying “Do as I say not as I do”.
And so the anti British BBC continue with their propaganda campaign on behalf of the enemy. Be in no doubt these people are not our friends.
Tusk: “Sometimes I feel very Scottish, especially after Brexit.”
Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab warned the comments could encourage “separatist tendencies” in the EU.
They were “rather un-European and rather irresponsible,” he added.
On Mark Lardell’s Sunday version of TWATo they had an actor speaking part of BoJo’s valedictory speech to the nation, the one Al Beeb refused to broadcast.
I reckon BoJo’s continuing strong stance about not encouraging our national treasure is paying off.
World at one is to be renamed ‘rejoin at one ‘ as fatty Mardell rolls on a series of people who have made a living out of the ReichEU. Off switch . Just awful .
And the idea that the BBC would read the words of a British Prime Minster rather than play his recorded words really is asking for it as far as the BBC is concerned .
It’s like treating him a terrorist mouthpiece such as The pleasingly dead McGunness or Gerry Adams . One for OFCOM perhaps ?
Tax Payers Alliance on about the telly tax and HS2.
strange web address , cos it’s not the official TPA one
I guess someone is taking the weekly emails and publishing them in an archive
The official press releases are here
..update Toobi confirmed below that link is an official one
Looks like the link was from my subscribed version, Stew.
“Leo Varadkar warns Irish instability could impact EU trade deal”
Something is worrying Varadkar, something about February 8th ?
I don’t think the bookies are looking at him as being the next PM?
#Thick was the hashtag that Wokemob used on the 31st against Brexiteers
.. Yet that same middleclass wokemob claim to to have massive empathy with foodbank users.
To me that is a strange paradox
cos having come home with £20 worth of food again last night for £2 cos it’s sell-by day
and having come home on Wednesday with a 1.6Kg chicken for 75p , after picking up a perfectly good cock-pheasant on the road
and having bought turkeys after Xmas for 10p/pound
.. it does seem to me that a good portion of foodbank users seem to be thick
cos they lack basic shopping skills and do spend money on scratchcards alcohol and huge dogs etc.
I personally wouldn’t DISMISS anyone as thick .. people can have all kinds of good qualities
The national broadcaster of the UK:
‘For reasons we don’t need to go into here’.
People posted Boris’s Brexit Day speech on Twitter
Lewis, not writing anything stupid.
Here’s an example of a Corbyn supporter thanking them for broadcasting a full Corbyn speech 10 times loner than Boris’s
Note they also broadcast Prince Harry’s speech IN FULL 2 weeks ago
I think such an offensive political EU mouthpiece would be best replaced by the Irish electorate but there is a sizeable number of non Irish EU citizens in Eire who May well have Irish passports and voting rights by now …
The emergency loan (24 billion ) made to Ireland during the financial crisis didn’t get much by way of thanks . Fishing rights will also be something the Republic will expect favouritism …
“Streatham: Man killed in busy high street attack”, Knives or guns?
Many years ago the people of London considered Wales as being ‘The Wild West’.
2020, and the people of Wales consider London as ‘The Wild West’.
Thanks a bunch Al Beeb.
Educate and inform.
When in a hole, keep digging.
Not, as such, helping his case or that of the BBC in their remit.
Educating and informing kids inaccurately in a manner designed to wind them up seems an odd thing to be forced by the government to uniquely fund.
But entirely consistent with the support given to Greta and her foretelling of pestilence and woe.
For now I channel my inner Katty:
BBC News
4 mins ·
A man has been shot by police after a number of people are believed to have been stabbed in a “terror-related” incident in Streatham, south London.
Man shot by police after stabbings in London
Doubtless much will unravel in due course, or not, along with another Sadiq video.
The link, which has many ‘quotes’.
Anyone else noticing a change in tact with the way the Streatham terrorist incident is actually being reported as such? Also noted that the presenter on the live BBC news channel seemingly supporting the police in their decision to shoot the suspect and even explaining that this was understandable due to the fact that the suspect had something strapped to his body and that the police wouldn’t have known whether it could have detonated when disabling the perpetrator.
I think they know their time is up. Too little too late me thinks.
However, I did note that they didn’t want to show us any pictures of the dead terrorist because they were “distressing and upsetting in nature”
Distressing and upsetting to woke leftists I suppose who would be upset for the poor dead terrorist?
Personally, I don’t think there is anything distressing or upsetting about a DEAD terrorist.
BBC News anchorman is looking very uneasy and squirming when witnesses are calling in with their reports mentioning the word ‘terrorist’. At about 15:15 BBC were using the word “terrorist” with ease but by 15:40 it is now known as a “South London attack”. The editor must have been out of the building but normality has been restored.
It will take hours for the BBC to establish the facts so for those who cannot wait, here is the
dead terroristlone wolf mentally ill British National aspiring rapper/doctor.
Terrorist? the BBC know it is a man with mental health issues from Norway, who has only acted this way because of evil, white English racists. Sorry, should have added the word ‘growing’, because of the the growing threat of white English racists.
Friends living there. I am more interested in the victims in such events.
Are Ladbrokes taking odds on a declaration of mental illness?
Photo of Brexit celebrations.
..yep only 23 people there
PS Since BEN is shrouded in white cloth , why didn’t they simply use a laser projector to put up and image of a huge clockface ?

It sure looks like a BABC/Abbott, “hundreds”. Never failing to entertain…
Rejoin, Rejoin, Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.
I hope I got the right Oxford commas in there.
Cane Corso
“Give the dog a bone”. 😀
The Grown Up snowflakes in BBC news might have gone on strike after the (hopefully ) mass job cuts as they are still giving coverage to the Norwegian terrorist attack around 2pm Sunday .
Normally by now this minor- one off – rare – isolated – ‘incident’ involving a Norwegian with mental issues would be down in the local traffic news and we’d all be in it together .
The local MP will be interesting if she pops up because she is a true Corbyn disciple so will need to condemn something …..
The twitter footage suggests this ‘victim’ was wearing a vest – not a string one …..
Streatham terrorist machete attack
contained after officers shot suspect
At 2pm he’d stabbed 2 people “looks similar to London Bridge attack”
LIVE : Updates on Streatham ‘terrorist-related’ incident
@GuestWho already posted on the previous page at 3:30pm
Islamist says Piers
Yet another lone wolf. Just how many lone wolfs are they?
About 1.2Billion.
And a lot of them coming to a town near you!
Yet another lone wolf. Just how many lone wolfs are they?
Lone wolf packs ?
Packs of em !
half time at the football and they switch to the terrorist attack
a man , a knife , a man a device , a person , bbc reporter saw a person, a man on the floor
person unknown , motive unknown
why is this a terror attack please explain , why is it not just your average london daily stabbing, why were the armed plain clothes police on the scene immediately, what is it your withholding that you already know BBC
Meanwhile quite a lot of wokemob are sneering
‘yeh, so glad that Katie Hopkins can’t comment on this’
BTW Gerard Batten says that when he tweeted messages about KThopkins being witchburnt
the wokemob targeted 6 of his tweets for complaint
but Twitter cleared all 6
Cane c is still celebrating.
You are a musical nation.
Land of Song and choirs .
Much singing in the pubs on Brexit Day and yesterday……………
Talking of songs, Spanish Eyes Gibraltar in trade talks.
Toobi – What, only Gibraltar?
You don’t think perhaps they’re reflecting carefully about N Ireland?
I think the Irish want out of the EU just as much as we do/did. Didn’t they give the wrong answer twice in their referendums?
Tell them we want Ceuta and Melilla before we enter into negotiations with the EU.
We’ll also need to demand the French give us their colonial remnants.
I’ve been to Gibraltar – they can have it.
John in Cheshire
Can we have Normandy back as well