Isn’t it great to see the fortunes of the Far Left Biased BBC taking a turn for the worse? Challenged at home over compulsory funding for the monster as well as seeing its biased agenda being undermined ;ranging from stopping Brexit to minimising Islamic terrorism as well as its hatred for the American President running into the sand . We are winning .
Weekend Thread 8 February 2020
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Hello. Am I on virgin soil here ? Surely not.
Crikey! I’ll take Silver!
Maybe just a little off the shoulder soiled number?
Time to be banged over the Bin then.
Lefty..looks like it is a small island : -)
Just listened to R4 news and finally they admitted that the drug shortage is a worldwide problem..
So nothing to do with Brexit as they pounded on about prior to the December election…no admission of error (read lie)
The Marxists that inhabit The Swamp seem to have no problem at all acquiring their dru– er medicines. No need to ask the question “Why”? on that one though.
Actually, if Marxism applied to them they would soon disavow their Communist beliefs.Of course Marxism only applies to the rest of us so that’s ok.
BiasedBBC catchup, backlinks to previous thread.
– page 5 started at 2pm Friday
– page 4 started at 4pm Thursday
– page 3
100 or so Illegals in coming.
How’s our so called ‘Border Force’ coping .
In another time they would be considered invaders from France .
What on earth could these people possibly be running away from? I just can’t help but feel that it must be absolute hell living under a Muslim regime. Let’s all hope and pray we never have to find out the hard way.
No surprise at all.
Word got round that the Border Force Taxi service will take you all the way to Dover free and gratis.
Well, you’d go for that wouldn’t you? Like taking candy from a baby!
We can expect further substantial increases.
“More than a hundred migrants have crossed the Channel in six boats, bringing the figure to a record high.”
Security minister Brandon Lewis said: “We are tackling illegal migrant crossings on all fronts.”
Not on their front page yet ?
Where is the Royal Navy , has the government already got rid of it ?
Is our Home Secretary going to send them back?
TalkRadio : “Young migrant children rescued from near-freezing conditions in English channel”
Really ?? so how many in a shipload were children. ??
The newspapers say There were 90 migrants on the boats and 15 were “children”
..Im guessing some of the 15 were actually adults.
Most of the 90 were adult males.
Are these invaders going to be repelled and disgorged into mainland European soil?
If not, what on earth does Prime Minister Johnson think he was elected to do if not keep these illegals out?
What was Brexit all about ? “Take back control”.
Interesting word used “intercepted”. How many have not been “intercepted”?
These “invaders” will need housing etc . At the same time there’s lot of homeless British people .
If the Prime Minister and his Government are really serious in their efforts to stem immigration into this nation then they had better start acting as if they mean it-make it quite clear to countries in Europe that the United Kingdom will not accept any people ( in particular from Africa/Middle East/ Pakistan) that have not acquired a legal reason for entry and been given permission to enter before being thoroughly vetted, including a medical examination. These people now being intercepted in the English Channel must be returned immediately to the coast line off Northern Europe from whence they set off. We are not showing a strong enought hand at present, such a weak attitude to this problem will only encourage the Traffickers to push more people, mostly entirely unsuited for this nation, towards our coast line. The greatest danger the United Kingdom faces, if only it would be recognised and accepted, is the march of Islam, to such a power that will create a massive division in our democratic society.
PM Johnson has stated that he is for mass immigration. He can say that he stood on that platform.
He also is in full agreement with Greta Thunberg.
It seems that not one person in government genuinely wants what we or the majority of the country want. We do not want Channel invaders ‘rescued’ and brought here under any circumstances.
Politicians are incapable of confronting or solving the several ethical questions this raises. They are cowards who are also thwarted at every turn by civil servants.
Last week Daniel Kawczynski was reprimanded by the Conservative Party for speaking at a National Conservatism event in Rome attended by Orban and Salvini, people who genuinely want to protect their national borders.
Delingpole’s view (largely correct):
Additionally, and not entirely unconnected, Priti Patel is reportedly being met with “obfuscation” and “given the run around” by the Home Office who are burying a report (commissioned by Sajid Javid in 2018) on the ethnic background of ‘grooming’ gang rapists.
The HO can bury and obfuscate all they want, the truth is out and we know exactly the ‘ethnic background’ – and religion – of 99% of those grooming gangs.
Pres Trump is very diplomatic not to mention Boris’ stumping for Huawei in the 5G infrastructure. Pres Trump has made ot clear that he does not want China within the comms structure, however he has said that Boris has to do what is in Britain’s interest. There lies the threat.
Boris should be careful. Pres Trump is not to be trifled with.
Sending them back. Indeed, what does “tackling” the crossings mean?
Something about a very nifty rugby move ?
“Join the BBC and see the Bull…ring”
Just the thing to inspire a new generation.
Bit of revolving doors with Amol.
Wonder if Paul Mason will chip in with tips?
Well, he wasn’t here long, and I shan’t miss him.
The disinformation cancer is spreading from the BBC to the Times it seems.
Their “article” on the raised temperatures at the Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica fails to mention, as the BBC also did, that there are volcanoes beneath it.
My comment and link to the above is “awaiting approval” and has been for half an hour.
Down the plughole I go, methinks.
Hooray ! I’ve been published after a 45min delay as they couldn’t find an excuse to delete.
Just love those things melting stories – and always somewhere with plenty of airmilex attached ….
Yesterday there was a story about jaguars being released back in Africa after being bred in Blighty . I bet the hunters will pay a bit more to knock off them ….. it’s ok though cos the BBCs they’ve got ‘security ‘ . I wonder how much it costs to buy them off ?
Sometimes the naivety of the state broadcaster is shocking .
I would rather hope they were released in South America .
Then again , immigration and diversity is always good . Pity we can’t ask Red Squirrels about it .
The Times article doesn’t appear to be about the glacier but rather an abnormal high temp of 18.3C at a place that is a rocky penninsula nearby Thwaites Glacier
.. that suggests to me that it could be 100 miles away etc.
Anyway winter will come soon and it will bastard cold.
Hi Stew,
Take your point, but it seems strange that the International Thwaites Project (MELT) comprising 23 scientists and a mini-submarine is down there NOW exploring the warmed waters below and around the ice shelf and the event is deemed not worth a mention, except in specialist journals.
As this would indicate significant natural warming of the ocean from below, also warming the air above, perhaps it is an omission worth making.
Just leave the ‘sheeple’ to think that ice shelf melting is all AGW, keep the narrative going at all costs. Only tell them what they need to know.
@Jazznick the distance between the base and the edge of Twaites is massive 2,500KM minimum
When grand claims are made always ask ‘if we are talking about Real World, or one of a million PR worlds ?’
At minute 5 of Tony Heller’s new video he mentions the article that was in Saturday’s Times and the Sunday Times
And the print edition talks about “a base NEAR the Twaites glacier”
This confused a BiasedBBC commenter
who said “Their “article” on the raised temperatures at the Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica fails to mention, as the BBC also did, that there are volcanoes beneath it.
Yeh cos the Times played a trick the mentioned a record temp on the PENINSULA and then started talking about Thwaites
.. the distance is massive it’s 2,500- 3,000Km minimum. The base is sticking right out at a long thin peninsula pointing to South America.
So of course the temp recorded at the base isn’t that much influenced by undersea volcanoes 2,500Km away at the edge of Thwaites.
jazznick, the Thwaites Glacier is partly on land but largely on the sea and/or seabed. Land volcanoes would melt the glacier but undersea vents are unlikely to, due to the immense pressure, so I’ve been told. It’s possible that warm run-off from the land volcanoes is undercutting the ice but that’s what the expedition to this previous unexplored area is all about.
A useful link that ToL sat on was this one from Nature.
That I was able to access this in under 30 seconds led me to think that the ‘journalist’ could have done a similar job and incorporated this in the story – but he chose not to.
Was this the action of an ‘activist’, a journalist ‘under-orders’ or
one that wanted the easy-life (re-write green hand-out and go up the pub) ?
As I expressed this opinion with my link I expect my submission was’ lost’.
Anyway, a bright spot in my day was seeing that the German version of St Greta called ‘Sina’ who leads the ‘Friday Skool strike for klimate’ protests has blown the whistle on her handlers !
Even at 14 she started to suspect the messages she was being told to spout on TV and did her own research. She found that she had been lied to and used to broadcast lies and half-truths.
The abuse she is now suffering for her ‘defection’ is intense.
@JiC cheers, I m reading the Times now
and clearly the writer is mixing apples with oranges.
He starts off talking about the AIR temperature record
..then after couple of paragraphs goes into “WATER melting at the base” warm WATER flowing beneath its base”
… FFS he quotes Greenpeace.
Paul Homewood had an article about Thwaites
Jazz, thanks for that link but as I read the top line I realised they were talking about somewhere else: Pine Island not Thwaites. They are adjacent, as you can see from the map but ‘adjacent’ in Antarctica is, I am told, something else to ‘adjacent’ pretty much anywhere else on the planet.
If Justin Rowlatt was correct in his journalism, no-one human had been onto Thwaites until late in 2018 to prepare for the summer 2019/20 expedition that Rowlatt is currently on. Am posting from memory but may have links saved if needed. No one really knows what is causing the extra ice melt on Thwaites. That is what they are there to find out.
I recall Horrorman and MuttleyMcGrath getting in a tizzy in 2016/2017/2018 about bits of ice melting and falling off a different part of West Antarctica. Much further west, if I recall correctly. They ramped up the scare stories on the web-site, on R4 and no doubt on TV also. Not long afterward, we heard that there were volcanoes in that part of West Antarctica as well as the known ones in the rest of the continent. I seem to recall there may have been a question whether the NOAA and NASA may have been sitting on that information because it didn’t help maintain AGW/Climate Change panic levels.
For a long time now I no longer watch, or listen, to anything BBC, but I still get most of my news from their webshite. Now I’m thinking of weaning myself off that bad habit too.
Apart from anything else I’m finding the rapidly deteriorating quality of the journalism increasingly annoying. Okay, my English is far from perfect, but if even I, one of ‘Thatcher’s Children’, can notice just how awful that of the average BBC website Journo is, it must be really bad!
Has anyone else noticed how often the title of an article, and any accompanying photo (the ‘clickbait’), have little, or no bearing on the content of the article?
‘School League Tables, how well is your school doing?’ says the link on the website.
Err… no, okay a link to the tables is shoved in there, but the article is about boys trailing behind girls academically at Secondary school – totally different subject, and arguably far more important.
Another thing I’m noticing, are the number of articles that seem to have been cobbled together using some kind of ‘cutting and pasting’ from other sources, a kind of ‘cut and shut’ approach to journalism. You can normally spot them because of the different writing styles, and often subject matter too, in separate paragraphs, and they often just don’t make sense.
‘The 63 year old apprentice learning a new trade’ says the title, good for him, but you tell me how many time you needed to read some of this article to understand what they were trying to say there? Maybe I’m just thick and tired after a long week, but still, what an incomprehensible dog’s breakfast of an article! Did they really mean to say plumbers’ wages were ‘comparatively low'(? not in my experience). or did I get the wrong end of the stick there? Poor Gerry (the 63 yr old apprentice) barely gets a mention, and I only clicked on it because I was interested in what he was doing.
Big brother – there s been discussion here recently about alternative sources of news – Reuters is a bit dry but cuts out the ‘agenda ‘ but it’s lamentable that there isn’t a readily available non far left source – which is free. Twitter is faster than the BBC for fast events like Streatham last Sunday afternoon .
I think is is because when ever members of the Religion of Peace decide to kill a few kafirs for Mohammed the BBC propaganda departments must be consulted ……
By the way – Katie Hopkins has returned to Twitter after the ‘ban’ ….
Katie’s back. Excellent news.
Here is a song for her.
I think it was the wages for lecturers in plumbing that were ‘comparatively low’, i.e (why teach plumbing when one could do plumbing?). As you say, the aricle is a mess because it has moved from a man re-training, through his employer, the college providing training for the employer, and the problems that the college has. But don’t worry all you need to know, as with every BBC story, they need MORE MONEY! In the world of the BBC, with £250,000 salary ‘top-ups’ money pours out of taps.
BBC web articles in general elevate every sentence into a paragraph, which must make ‘cut and paste’ simple as writing becomes more about graphic style – “Ooh, that paragraph looks a bit fat, lets balance it with a couple of thin ones with a fat one at the bottom!”
It is very hard to help such folk.
The difference is that Owen Jones IS a snowflakey bellend.
Iain Dale has many faults, not least a severe case of TDS and incredible naivety but he can be a good listen.
The difference is
Dale left because he wasnt allowed to speak
Jones left because he wasnt the only one allowed to speak
I wonder what happened to investigation into his “savage” beating by a group of “extreme far right” TR supporting thugs, after a night out celebrating his birthday with a group of friends? An attack that must have taken place in one of the most CCTVd part of the country, yet no one, friends or far right thugs, even bothered to record the attack on their ‘phones. Tearful interview with the BBC, who else, the following day showed a boat remarkably free of the signs of any such beating, just a little redness as if he had been slapped with a handbag. Jussie Smollett anyone?
Sentencing on 11 February.
Bummer! (pun intended)
Doh @Toobi 3 guys pleaded guilty and were convicted.
– One was convicted of hate crime, now that might be a stitch up
cos it looks like dug through all his old photos to say he was a Nazi.
( Doesn’t matter what he did as a kid what counts is what his motivation was on the night)
Judge “I therefore propose to sentence Mr Healy on the basis that this was a wholly unprovoked attack on Mr Jones by reason of his widely published left-wing and LGBTQ beliefs by a man who has demonstrable right-wing sympathies.”
Healy’s co-defendants Charlie Ambrose, 30, from Brighton, and Liam Tracey, 34, from Camden, who have previously pleaded guilty to affray over the incident, are due to be sentence on February 11.
Does that mean that you get off more lightly for a motiveless and random attack? You should be punished for what you are guilty of doing, not thinking.
Woke at 6 : “NASA and EUSA are to send a probe near the sun”
..Is that news or PR ?
Has it happened ? No it won’t happen for 2 years
.. Well it’s PR
… into next item ..long item with “black” Hollywood star who’s done this work about a slave abolitionist and has been nominated for Oscar.
… So that’s ShowBiz and not real news either
Huw is silly.
Don’t be like Huw.
Netflix and the BBC are not similar because Netflix does not send me letters threaten to imprison me for watching Channel 5 and More4.
What about Netflix covering up its child raping staff, for years ?
“…Netflix covering up its child raping staff, for years.” Gosh, they’ve been jolly successful.
Claire is biased. Her brother East has a well-known programme on the BBC, I believe.
I have heard the BBC say the words Melancholy, Sadness, Unhappiness, Depressing, Sorrow, Despondency, Gloom, Dejection when referring to the General Election result, Brexit, Trump and the prospect of not being able to imprison old people who wont pay the licence fee because they probably only watch the Talking Pictures channel.
For me there is only Rob Bell walking from Matlock to Buxton on the Peak Rail line. Channel 5, 8pm, Sunday. And. David Jason’s Great British Inventions (last in the series) More4, 9pm, Tuesday.
Now this…. THIS…. is how you win the public back.
£6,000,000. And counting.
Establishment Defend BBC & Lords Against Democracy – Mahyar Tousi
Anyone know when we’ll get to see the second part of Silent Witness ? footy replaced it this week, and its not in the listings for next week.
Last Wednesday I’m afraid
Bbc so in their happy place.
Is that genuine hard “news” ?
… maybe it’s showbiz news
… That’s why the prog is really WokeNight
While Homosexuality is pushed throughout the school curriculum and Main Screen Media , they never tell about the terrible torn bowl infections and problems that are caused by anal sex. Apparently the bowel lining is one cell thick and the Virginia is 7 cells thick.
Brilliant post Muttely.
You’ve summed up all that is good about this website.
Hi Piku
Have you seen maxincony about ?
Agree with you Piku. Because the human body was not engineered mechanically to have same sex relations, in particular the male body, its inevitable that there are repercussions on bodily functions. When working in the NHS we had a gay manager who underwent a couple of operations to have his back passage tightened because of his lifestyle. This side of homosexuality is never publicised. And Muttely is correct, the ‘acceptable’ side of same sex relationships is glorified with pretty weddings, baby rearing and a normal way of living is portrayed, but get down to the nitty gritty of the sexual act and its consequences, and its anything but.
That reminds me of an old joke ……things not to say in a gay bar …….. ” excuse me do you mind if I can push your stool in a bit ” to get past ?
” underwent a couple of operations to have his back passage tightened because of his lifestyle”
Please tell me your are joking!!!
how would they do that tightened anyway?
not sure if I want an answer to that!!!
Nope ! not joking. See, most people don’t know these things !!
Yawn. It isn’t news at all. It is a shameless display of narcissism, exhibitionism and selfishness. Maybe motivated by a need for appearances on TV to boost a flagging career? Nobody cares what a person is or does in their private life with other consenting adults – it’s a matter between them and whoever they are sleeping with, or between them and their Maker if they are religious.
It isn’t news because no one cares. It is a strange thing to do though, after all these years.
One explanation could be that someone was trying to blackmail him and he correctly decided to preempt any negative publicity and destroy said blackmailer’s threats by going public himself.
@JiC blackmail , could be an explanation.
Cultures of secrecy are not a good thing.
It is possible that people didn’t grass on child abusers like Savile, cos they didn’t want their own more minor secrets to come out.
Agree Ian, why the H should this Philip Schofield want us all to know his sexual preferences-I personally find the whole business quite unneccessary and to let the world know what you now consider you are in sexual terms distressing that the media should make such a fuss about it. Debased the dam lot of them.
I believe he was having trouble with Eamonn Holmes, who is a much bigger star (in every sense of the word).
Now Clever Phil has rendered himself unsackable.
We Buy Any Car are stuck with him now. They can never get rid of him. Never, never, never, never…
Nish really is a piece of… work.
‘work’? I can think of other nouns.
Looks like others can too.
What’s body language of touching the side of your face ?
“Increased hand-to-face contact tends to signal deception.
… Hand-to-face contact increases with cognitive load and with the initiation of the fight or flight response.
Liars often experience the fight or flight response ”
Nish : Boredom
– When the listener begins to use his hand to support his head, it is a signal that boredom has set in and his supporting hand is an attempt to hold his head up to stop himself from falling asleep.
Are the Apple laptops BBC issue? I am sure cheaper laptops are just as good for cutting and pasting f**k, s**t, Tr**mp and Br*x*t into scripts.
The last US presidential election and our 2016 referendum has actually doubled the vocabulary of BBC comedians!
Sorry if this has been mentioned
But the Scottish finance fellow who resigned because he sent emails to a SIXTEEN year old ? Why ? I thought the SNP considered Sixteen years olds mature , mature enough to vote .
@Guest Who
the pic seems to be 1994 – the thinking war reporter – but anyways
why do we really need (on the front line) reports from war zones where they breathlessly say “that’s another bomb & these people are dead/fleeing”
as if they “Beeb” are the only news reporters there, bet the place is full of media hacks & the army spends as much time protecting them that engaging the enemy.
A “cunning and sinister” stalker who sent threatening messages to his victims throughout his trial has been jailed for six years, police said. “Resentful” Afzal Miah tormented…
So this crazy Afzal Miah guy lived in Enfield , got prosecuted.
And then went off to Northern Island which doesn’t have the same anti-stalking law that England has, so he continues persecuting the same people.
I wonder what was his background before that ?
I didn’t find anything.
When I checked , I find another family of crooks called Miah
elderly people do not form a Labour voting cohort so therefore the cowardly useless incompetent Tories do not regard them as an important enough group to protect under the Fascist ‘hate legislation’.
I see Breitbart have finally woken up to what I’ve been saying for months on these pages, that Boris the bottler is conservative in name only.
Quite unbelievably the cowardly useless incompetent Tories have censored an MP for attending a conservative conference !
Orban, a true patriot, is doing extraordinary things for his country (including encouraging larger families through tax breaks) which will become apparent and be appreciated for decades to come – long after we have become a pathetic 2nd rate province of the Caliphate.
Why is the gov spending money advertising on ITV2 for the government inquiry
.. “Search TheTruth Project ” ?
Strange story from SEPTEMBER
the claim is that Britain and the Home Office is so racist that when a black foreigner pensioner wants to leave we won’t let her LEAVE for a whole year !
Born Jamaican, she’d lived in Britain but then married an American so spend most of her life there
and has US residence, but still travels on a Jamaican passport.
Now 78 she wanted to come back to the UK to visit her dying sister for just FIVE WEEKS.
Now Jamaicans have for some years needed a British Tourist Visa.
So the airline broke the law by allowing her on the plane.
I say Border Force should have spotted the mistake and started to give her an emergency visa on compassionate grounds.
Saying something like ‘we are going to check with the US overnight, so you go and see your sister and come back tomorrow and collect your passport and visa.’
Instead something like an immigration lawyer gets involved says she is virtually British and puts in an application for British citizenship, which means the passport holds onto the passport while she is let in .
She visits her sister finds it’s distressing cos her sister is senile.
She wants to home, but no one gives her her passport cos now its in the year long procedure for British Citizenship.
I don’t know why that couldn’t dimply be cancelled.
So the Jamaican 78yo ends up living in a homeless shelter for a year until the newspaper intervenes.
“the airline broke the law by allowing her on the plane”
This is tricky for rules are different across the world. Our national rules should have been applied at the border. That’s been my experience overseas (also once off the plane the airline doesn’t want to know; so flyer beware).
Please can someone explain to me why Phillip Schofield’s private life is one of the main items on the news? His private life should remain private in my opinion.
Its only private if he doesn’t bother to plaster it all over Instagram ! Like the rest of the hypocrites who demand privacy when detailing every aspect of their life on social meeja ! My guess would be that someone was going to ‘out’ him, and he had to get in first, and then we get the old chestnut of “wife and family are supporting him “, yeah right. I’m sure if it had been my Dad, us (adult) kids would have found it hard to look at him let alone support him, and my Mum would have kicked him out. Sorry if that sounds harsh and unsympathetic to some, but that’s the reality, and nothing to do with being homophobic.
He would have had more flak if he had admitted to being straight.
Well said BRISSLES, there is absolutely no way his wife, daughters and mother have taken this news in the way he’d like us gullible twats to believe, no way in the world.
The way he paints the picture his daughters now see him as some sort of trailblazing Saint, his wife is over the moon and, to be honest, I’m not sure his mother probably knew what he was wittering on about!
But to have such a platform as The Phillip Schofield Show to announce your gay on, what utter privilege ????
Just the bubble again mistakenly thinking that the world revolves around them ????
I thought the story was that he’d changed his surname to McCavity. Oh wait no, I get it now…
Like millions of others across the land and everyone on the beeb, I was moved to the core by the extraordinary heroism of Phillip Schofield who has come out of the gay closet.
It puts into perspective, does it not, far lesser acts of courage like those of the soldiers in 1917, or the Chinese doctor who died fighting Coronavirus.
Sir, we salute you.
I suppose we can look forward to him this winter being on Strictly, – possibly as part of the first same sex dance duo ?
My wifes cus reckons he has been misinterpreted, he really said “I’m Grey” as he held his head in his hands.
First time I am linking to an article from The Sun!:
Ofcom has been inundated with complaints (more than 300) about the Beeb’s horrible anti-British song which was deliberately aired on Brexit Day.
If you are about to hit the sack and have no time to read the article, here’s an extract:
“ … The clip has now racked up more than 3 million views on Twitter, with [one] person commenting: “The BBC didn’t show the PM’s speech last night either.
“Time for us to ALL STOP paying this ridiculous T.V license [that should be “licence”, of course].”
Another wrote: “How do I cancel my BBC subscription, does anyone know?””
Let me end with the ever-quotable Mark Francois:
“ … Fellow Tory backbencher Mark Francois blasted: “The BBC is heading for a horrible history of its own when we abolish the licence fee.””
Sweet dreams, all!
Thoughts this week from across the pond where the establishment’s “President Biden” plan took a stumble. I genuinely can’t wait to see how bad it gets, a brokered convention where Bernie is tossed aside again by superdelegates so that Biden can get to loose to Trump, or maybe Hilary again. If she wants it its hers, she has the power and the money and her husband+friends get to cast hundreds of votes in the event of an undecided primary process.
Bill Still on his Still Report on YouTube is suggesting that John Kerry will be put up as the Demonrat presidential candidate. And his reasoning is that Mr Kerry is also caught up in some illegal activities but apparently you can’t be investigated if you’re standing for election. I’m open to correction on the details but that’s what I think Mr Still is offering as a possibility.
Calvin – you stayed away from the SNP ! Perhaps when the evidence in the coming R v Salmon comes along there will be another opportunity . …. thanks any way ….. and apparently President Trump has fired something of the traitors in the White House – shock .
“Mr Trump is said to desire a staff shake-up after senators cleared him in the impeachment case on Wednesday”. He wasn’t found “Not Guilty” then; just some (mainly Republican inferred) politically-biased senators.
Alas my mother watches these so I try to keep them appropriate in content. Plus the Trump story is major, look up the Bill Maher Steve Bannon interview, says everything really.
Plus I’m one of those sorts that maybe suspects Salmond of everything but won’t say anything unless he’s proven as such. ‘Innocent until proven guilty’ is the least appreciated thing there in in this country, until you or someone you like is falsely accused. Thank the lord that at least the European Arrest Warrant is going away.
You will never guess.
BBC News
“We’re both nervous but very excited. We just can’t believe it’s happening next week”.
BBC News – Same-sex marriage: Couple ‘excited but nervous’ to become first in NI
Can’t call it marriage-that very special celebration is for a man and a woman only. We all know full well what marriage between two people one man and one woman is all about-where possible for the procreation of children. This above nonsence makes a mockery of what Christian marriage is all about. Be a partnership by all means, draw up a joint document to entail whatever, let the world know you are together, so be it, but to facilitate the word marriage as is meant in this instance of the above couple is unaceptable to society or should be.
The Government has taken it upon itself to redefine marriage, and we are now probably breaking some law if we refuse to accept the new definition.
Or this…
“If you call me Greta of India, you are not covering my story.”
If you tick the right boxes, the bbc will fly a crew out.
Note, in particular, the plastic pipe air system based on a plastic pot plant, and the illegible sign.
” climate activist”
“young activist has pushed for new laws to curb India’s high pollution levels ” ..well that is not Climate is it ?
Climate and pollution are two different issues.
.. Greta would think it ‘s great that we burn wood at Drax and to cook our food, cos although that creates MORE pollution its CO2 is renewable.
Any advance on 8 years old ?
Come on BBC surely you can find a six year old Climate activist in Korea or something ?
Or an embryo in Brighton
It is farcical. Even for the bbc.
Maybe she will get a bbc bursary to ‘study’ Justin Webb?
Is the enemy of the state media broadcaster the BBC deciding
to become a 100% women only presenter broadcaster?
Already more than 75%of news and political presenters are women.
On breakfast TV this morning ALL the sports presenters and
reporters are women. I am not perfect on accents , but were most
of the ones talking about rugby and football from Eire?
More seriously did I hear on the main news on BBC TV last night.
After all the support for Shamina Begum that she would be able
to come back to the UK if she was white?
Then we heard on the Londonistan programme with Asad Ahmad
David Lammy and others telling us that murderers ,
rapists who were not born in the UK should not have to be sent
back to their countries of birth after serving their sentences in
the UK? I believe that if the hierarchy of the today’s BBC were
in charge of the BBC between 1939 -1945 they would have had
a reporter in Berlin giving us the NAZI point of view.
The Black & Asian Broadcasting Corporation? Why should anyone have to put up with their daily diet of Marxist poison?
Me? No licence for > 2years. Happily
Funny how yesterday’s incursion of over a hundred illegals from France has promptly dropped off Al Beeb’s front page while Phillip Schofield’s ‘groundbreaking’ news is still hanging about ?
It just goes to show how a media star’s sexuality can be used to bury much more important national news .
Groundbreaking and… defiant… don’t forget.
Taff, it gives the media the chance to fill the airwaves with the thoughts of those of ‘the other persuasion’ to say how great and brave about what he has done. No one now dare say anything different otherwise its classed as bigotry. Many have said how it gives ‘inspiration’ to the young who are suffering with their sexuality. Well, I actually wonder how many have heard of Schofield, – if they are young then they’re at school when his programme is on, and are too young to remember him from his early tv days. So its a load of bull……t. He’s hardly turned out to be an inspiration to his daughters has he !
Clearly the marriage wont last, I remember Michael Barrymore doing the same thing, – happily married to his manager (or so it appeared), and then ‘out’ he came, with his wife by his side smiling through gritted teeth. They parted, and then I think a few years later she sadly passed. And his career (the Lubbock issue aside) never recovered.
Yes, Taffman, I heard about Philip Schofield’s ‘brave’ revelation a million times yesterday, on Radio 4 and Radio Cambridgeshire. Why was it a major item on every single news report?
I’m also sick of Radio Cambs reporting on the current lesbian History Month. A whole month! Gay Pride also lasts a bl**dy month. A day would be enough.
Norm and AC… dream team.
A. C. Grayling . Who he ?
I think it’s an old racing car.
He a Perfesser. ‘Parently.
Might keep his kit on, but no guarantees.
They all seem barking.
Hence on the bbc. A lot.
Got to feel sorry for our betters such as Ac/DC grayling and the likes of the BBC norm smith trying to find solace in their grief that the ‘British FBI’ is going after Aaron Banks ….
… I’m sure all,that campaigning money made all those voters wake up and say ‘get brexit done ‘ one morning . Slightly better story than some luvvie de closeting . I’m proud to say I don’t really know what the chap does ? Is he taking over from thar Irish queer chap who does film adverts / chat show ?
Philosopher : Epistemological Scepticism and Transcendental Arguments. Apparently ?
Bet its nothing to do with maths, engineering , or science ?
And Chris ‘failing’ graylings older brother ….
A C Grayling you are SO ..#FakeNews
“Very late in the day. But the wheels of justice eventually turn”
FFS you tweeted a TWO YEAR OLD video as if it was today’s coming news
and 2,300 Remain supporting Twitter accounts Liked it !
The result in September was : EXONERATED
“No evidence Leave. EU and Arron Banks broke law, says crime agency
NCA to take no further action over £8m funding claims against Brexit campaign group”
See what his supporters
say about FakeNews
..projection is a wokemob characteristic
There’s no fool like an old fool.
I was unaware that a scrum comprised three people.
Plus it is to be hoped those students have some diversity card tucked up their sleeves, because at first sight they are stuffed.
Another view.
And about three comments in total. Plus JezBo retweeted.
All in 23hrs.
Lucky that funding is ‘unique’.
Apart from the Toady staff wanting reassurance that they are ‘connected ‘ to their audience and following the Purnell doctrine ‘ of writing off anyone over 35 – I guess what they really crave is the adulation of 3 media studies students at Nottingham
Poly . Shame about the colour though ….
Maybe they could do Brixton academy on a Friday night ( but where stabproof / ballistic armour ).
Talking of danger … BBC reporting on French protests yet or are they still ‘unhappening ‘
The Telegraph is reporting Boris the bottler and his gang of cowardly useless incompetents are proposing the continuation of the iniquitous TV tax and having a ‘tiered’ system.
The proposal which is perhaps expectedly from these idiots worse than what we currently have in an act only the cowardly useless incompetent Tories could dream up!
“Only those who want access to TV channels, apps, and website would pay the full fee.”
After that of course there is nothing else left save the fact that this gang of fools appear to want to extend the TV tax to take in even more than it currently does, presumably they want people who don’t even have a TV to contribute as well !
Thoughtful – I think a tiered system would be good – starting at zero and ending at zero – which for me means ‘ no change ‘ . I’m still drafting my consultation reply and intend to be as statistics driven as possible – but strangely the demographics of those prosecuted or even ‘ interviewed ‘ by the licencing Stasi isn’t readily available .
Remember( generally ) – if visited by TV licencing there is no requirement to say anything to them . Or even open the door . They’ll probably be fraudsters anyway .
BBC in full #tellitoftenmode pretending they are the solution to the problem they represent.
BBC there ‘give us another £1billion and we will tell you more about the danger of BIG ..Big Brother type organisations”
If you go to that tweet, some tweet replies are there
..further down some tweets are hidden behind a “show more replies button”
Then it says there are some more tweets hidden behind a second “show more replies button” ..they’ve been disappeared
.they’ve been disappeared by a Big Brother type org Twitter
..that is Orwellian
@Guest Who
UK Governments come & go over many years but one big brother institution seems to outlive them all.
Every bbc dream comes true.
Too f*****g right! no one wants to spend hours on a plane squashed into a seat by those with no capacity to say no to the extra large chips.
An American once told me that when flying, he never agrees to lift up the armrest between him and the next seat no matter what the pleas from those who are massively overweight. Because they just spill over into your space and there’s nothing you can do about it.
I had that experience too, all the way to Antigua !
That was the year BA chose to slip an extra row of seats down the cabin to improve profits while squishing up the walk-on cargo
and making the aisles one-way streets.
As far as the ladies above are concerned give them a big cabin to themselves. Shrink-wrap them on a pallet and put them in the hold.
120 kg woman plus 19 kg suitcase – no problem.
60 kg man with 23 kg suitcase – problem. “Your suitcase is 3 kg over, sir, we charge €50 excess per kilo, so that’s €150 please”
Based on a true incident I witnessed.
“Hey kids…. thicker than bat guano because you ducked Friday sciences and ended up in meedjah studies at an upgraded poly… we have just the simple-complex guide to inform and educate you!’
“t is a complex subject so @BBCNews has taken a look at what we know and don’t know about the Earth’s changing climate”
Got to be a lot of ‘Most Respected’s’ honesty there then………..
Meet the next Blue Peter dog!!!
Ain’t she/he gorgeous!!!
Staff are asked for name ideas please?
from the @BBC_Staff_Info Twitter account
Boaty McBoatface?
Anyone else notice the rash of social conscience articles flooding our Beeb in the past couple of days. Everything from Gays, to Drugs, to Diversity, Homelessness, Suicide blah, blah blah, with lots of links to the BBC Action line….
Looking for a reason to continue to exist?
digg – i’m worried about my mental health with all the depressing news from the MSM lately.
nobody seems to want to know how alone & neglected I feel in *anada.
if I had a noose, sorry moose I could have asked for elk.
No doubt like many I had very mixed views last Friday night, pleased that a first step had been taken on the road to freedom, but unable to throw heart and soul into celebrations when 11 months of abject servitude to the EU was just starting. This is the latest guidance from the EU on the new status of the United Kingdom.
The EU confirms that the UK in 2020 has no power, no voice, no veto!
• The British people will pay taxation to the EU with no representation
• The British people are subject to EU laws and the UK must even obey EU foreign policy
• Welcome to the brutal, bullying, and dictatorial world of the EU
Briefly: • “ During the Transition Period, the United Kingdom is no longer a Member State of the European Union or of the European Atomic Energy Community. As a third country, it will no longer participate in the EU’s decision-making processes. It will also no longer be represented in the EU institutions (such as the European Parliament and the EU Council of Ministers), EU agencies, offices or other EU bodies.
• However, and as agreed with the United Kingdom:
• All EU law, across all policy areas, is still applicable to, and in, the United Kingdom, with the exception of provisions of the Treaties and acts that were not binding upon, and in, the United Kingdom before the Withdrawal Agreement entered into force. In particular, the United Kingdom will remain in the EU Customs Union and in the Single Market with all four freedoms (of movement of goods, capital, persons and services) and all EU policies applying.
• All institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the European Union continue to hold the powers conferred upon them by EU law in relation to the United Kingdom and to natural and legal persons residing, or established in, the United Kingdom throughout the transition period.
• The United Kingdom continues to participate in EU programmes and to contribute to the Union’s budget covering the period 2014-2020.
• The Court of Justice of the European Union continues to have jurisdiction over the United Kingdom during the transition period. This also applies to the interpretation and implementation of the Withdrawal Agreement.
• The United Kingdom also continues to apply the EU’s Justice and Home Affairs policies, including the European Arrest Warrant.
• The United Kingdom is bound to the Common Fisheries Policy of the EU and the terms of relevant international agreements.
• The EU Common Foreign and Security Policy applies to the United Kingdom during the transition period and the UK must implement the EU’s sanctions regimes and support EU statements and positions in third countries and international organisations. ”
But the disingenous lousy Broadcasting Corporation will never display this for public consumption. If the above summary from the EU Commission does not demonstrate the shockingly-degrading, international legal status of the United Kingdom as an EU colony in 2020, I don’t know what will.
All correct and well worth reiterating.
Also worth following now BrexitCentral seems to have wound down is
A barrister asks …
whether, and to what extent, the Political Declaration is binding is a fascinating point of difference located on several, coinciding fault lines between law, politics, culture and language.
so “Michel Barnier sees it all differently”
well he would as French farmers are going to be pissed when the UK leave this corrupt one sided money trough.
Tarien – the ‘ Australian ‘ trading arrangement beckons come 2021 ….
..,, the Irish are voting today – Saturday -and they’ll be counting on Sunday – or using the Iowa model still counting in March .
The BBC seems to think the political branch of the IRA is going to do well so they’ll have a win win if that happens or if the current queer EU puppet keeps his job – which might be likely if the EU imported citizens have got voting rights there .
It’s like a crappy divorce, but worth it in the end.
that’s what happens when you marry an angel & end up with god’s fallen one!!!
As we know the BBC charter says its job is to take money from 60 million general population
… and use it to make programming aimed at the 5 million Wokerati population.
So it is no surprise that BBC has used money to buy in a movie about Syrian refugees in Finland
.. Yet it has so little confidence that is has chosen 11:40pm at night to be the time for this premiere
of this age 12 movie
“The Other Side of Hope”
A poker-playing restaurateur befriends a refugee who has recently arrived in Finland
Premiere. Khaled arrives in Helsinki from Syria and applies for asylum, then begins trying to find his sister, who he believes is still alive. On the other side of town, travelling salesman Waldemar Wikstrom packs up his things and sets out to fulfil his dream of owning a restaurant and soon crosses paths with the refugee.
“Finnish comedy-drama film. In Helsinki, a Syrian refugee searching for his lost sister and a novice restaurateur form an unlikely partnership. In Finnish with English subtitles”
Finnish comedy-drama – i’m vetting myself alreedy!!!
I have been looking at practical ways in which I could at least hinder the BBC in their Wokist mission. Necessarily as an individual the inconvenience that I can cause the BBC is minimal. I am not prepared to risk having a criminal record so until decriminalisation occurs, which of course it might not, I can’t or won’t refuse to pay the LF as I watch quite a lot of live TV even if not the foul corporation.
This made me think of paying the LF by cheque instead of by DD. I looked at the TV License Fee website and found that if you do pay by cheque they want name , address and your old TV License number writing on the back. This gives great scope for creating problems for the BBC in processing your payment in addition to the extra work and cost required by them to process cheques. A missed signature, missed date , wrong TV License number transcribed would all make them work harder to get your money but the risk of being convicted for non payment would be minimal .
I am certainly going to stop my DD and pay by cheque in future. I would encourage other who dare not risk a criminal record to do the same. Of course I salute those who refuse to pay the telly tax on principle and are prepared to risk prison, you have more guts than I do.
Double -ever thought about just getting a white and black licence ? I know they don’t allow it to be purchased online but as far as being a problem customer for the BBC that might be a better option ? Each to their own though …
Many years ago I was written to by the TV licencing to explain why I hadn’t renewed my licence . So I wrote back and explained in very great detail why my personal circumstances had changed and why I no longer needed a licence – which was all true . The explanation ran to two pages of A4 .
They wrote back to me saying I would not be contacted again for 2 years . I still got the computer generated threatening letters .
Doublethinker – A ‘criminal record’ for not paying the telly tax is NOT a ‘criminal record’ in my own eyes, and that’s all that counts. I don’t pay for perversion, and above all -since it’s really not all about me – I don’t pay for the spread of perversion to countless youngsters.
Nor do I pay for social engineering and re-education. Or programmes that are unlistenable or unviewable.
I don’t subscribe to Sky either, or Netflix, or whatever. YT alone, is a treasure trove of free quality viewing, if you look for it. And there are others.
If you want news, there are dozens of sources, telly and print, available from dozens of countries. The weather? Well, let’s begin with the MET office …there are many more.
The beast is really not interested in what you think of it. Or what anyone else thinks of it. It is interested in being fed. If it’s not fed enough, it will demand more (recent £3 increase) or mug the vulnerable (over75s will pay). Forget everything else; the money is what matters. And it is, or pretends to be, as ruthless as the KGB/FSB/Gestapo/ SMERSH etc in getting it.
But you don’t want to go to the Lubyanka. I understand that. A valid desire.
Those who do not pay the television tax are dissidents. Those who are imprisoned as a consequence are political prisoners.
Double, there are all sorts of good reasons why the use of cheques should be supported by the UK population. The MSM and our less bright bankers, MPs and Ministers regularly rabbit about a move to a cashless society. They think ‘EFT+Internet everything’ is the way to go in future.
The Internet has already shown itself to be unreliable and to be hackable by foreign powers. Take away cash and cheques and the country could be paralysed within minutes and the economic chaos could be followed in time by economic crisis and collapse.
I’m in a similar situation. Much as I would love to not pay the tax and take my chances, Mrs Loather is adamant that we should pay and, to coin a phrase, what Mrs Loather wants Mrs Loather gets.
So I pay be cheque. It is sent second class the day before the current licence expires. It is made out for “The outrageous sum of one hundred and fifty four quid 50 pence, and not a penny more”. Nothing is written on the back of the cheque other than “Scrap the Licence Fee”. Invariably I get a letter saying “You haven’t paid” but they do eventually sort it out. Basically, I’ll do anything I can to waste as much of their time and my money as I can.
The beeb are loving this story for some reason, it’s been on their Home page more than 24 hours.
‘When a homeless couple moved in with a millionaire’
Do we really need more Police? Bring about a deterent that we make these loathsome individuals quake in their boots-Capital Punishment-Forensic medicine as of to day can conclude without doubt the murderous crime, negating the chance that an innocent person be executed. 40 years ago I would never have felt the need to say such things, but now I fear we are living in a very different world of ciminality-the input of thousands of individuals from lands far from our shores, whose culture, and religious ideologies are completely alien to the western christian world, have wether it is accepted or not, brought about a massive change in our society and not one best suited to us-the BBC of course would hide away from tackling such an invitation only continue along its duplicitous yellow brick road of make-believe.
RIP – he was right – if he came back I don’t think he’d be surprised about what has been done to Blighty . I think it may also be Ronald Reagan’s birthday too …
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog this week:
– Government Launches Second TV Licence Consultation in Five Years
– BBC Announces TV Licence Price Hike
Read about the heinous, overzealous way the BBC enforces the TV licence fee: TV Licensing Blog Quick Guide
Well done, Island.
Where are all the Enoch’s, now that we need them?
All gone into the mincing machine of Political Correctness, from which they have emerged as PC clones.
All the ‘honourable’ and ‘Rt honourable members’ and ‘noble lords and ladies’. All made of ticky tacky and all just the same.
Tallbloke on Net Zero myth
Worth reposting @JiC’s link
Bercow’s autobiography
After reading John Bercow’s gush of auto-hagiography and extended hypocrisy,
Quentin Letts feels physically dirty
can’t read the article but can guess what it say’s.
never met the guy in person but from his TV antics he needs to fade away quickly (IOW – shut the *UCK up).
Keep an eye out for this on the BBC
cos their excuse for not reporting Abbott’s sons big crimes was
‘we don’t report on people just because of who their famous parents are’
“Liam Gallagher’s son and Ringo Starr’s grandson in court over brawl with Tesco worker – Mirror Online
It’s in The Guardian as well
and retweeted by a few Guardian writers
Stew – that’s a 5 star example of news suppression in the making if / when the BBC fail to report the shadow home secretary’s son on trial for serious physical alleged crimes – I won’t mention he went to a private school …
@Fed I didn’t say I had seen the story repeated on the BBC … yet
StewGreen and Fedup, funny you should mention that because I’m making my way through David Sedgwick’s ‘BBC: Brainwashing Britain’ which I’m sure you’ve both read, and if not I’d definitely recommend it.
Well last night’s chapter I read was Propaganda and one of the sub-chapters was ‘bias by omission’ which included many examples very similar to the one given above. Diane Abbott very, very good so never report bad news about her. ????
Nigel Farage very, very bad so always report bad news about him. ????
It really opens your eyes to the sneaky depths that al beeb will plumb in order to control us the population to think the ‘right’ way.