I think you are just another one of those man hating feminazi who can’t bare the thought that a man should cum first. Pleez excuze my spelling but I am a viktim of 1940z edukation and i intend to soo the guvverment for kompensashun.XX
Given ‘events, dear boys and girls… events’ recently, I wonder if the BBC might feel it has a tiny bit of responsibility for who it invites and then serves up?
Still trying to figure out if Iain Dale was playing a satirical blinder or simply renewing his membership to gobby media woke mob.
Ah “Free Tommy” is trending
What’s that about ?
Ah it’s due to lots of libmobbers demonstrating their #BeKind tradition.
…. ie. They are the one’s full of hate.
So the poor man's Carole Malone from the QT audience, is a free Tommy supporter, showing her ugly face at anti-sodem demonstrations… gets around a lot. Do you think she's"economically inactive" be nice if she was the 1st one enlisted to pick the fruit ????
— Iain the European #RejointheEU (@iaintheeuropean) February 21, 2020
A plot from an IS supporter to bomb St Pauls. The perpetrator has pleaded guilty today. The throwaway report consisted of about two sentences and a still photograph.
Next up. The Far Right….did you get that… Far Right murderous attacks in Germany get a BBC reporter on site and interviews with witnesses. This goes on at some length. Far Right. Got that?
So its islamic terrorists in the UK – 30 seconds
Far Right, repeat Far Right terrorists in Germany – 3 minutes.
The BBC. Giving you the news important to them.
Our country is being stolen from us without a shot being fired. The weapons the enemy uses are the same weapons that companies use to get us to buy their products namely,images and words.
We ALL must learn to recognise the enemy within.
It’s a bit strange which crimes get selected for banging on and which don’t.
Today began with bulletins carrying the tearful speech by the mother of the backpacker murdered in New Zealand.
I disagree with the repeating of such segments, cos it it distressing to hear and I already know the family must be devastated.
The flip side is that other British people will have been murdered abroad in the same month, but we never got to hear about them.
The woman from the sex murder charity @Wecantconsentto has just been on ITV local news
She seemed to say that in the last 6 years in 19 cases the murder offender has pleaded ‘it was part of a sex game”, “In half the cases the court accepted this and it led to aquittal or diminished sentence
.. In one case a man murdered his wife, got acquitted, and tgen later confessed”
I’ll be on BBC Breakfast at 8am tomorrow to talk about @Wecantconsentto and the sentencing of Grace Millane’s murderer. Grace was the 60th UK woman whose killer relied on the ’rough sex’ defence – it‘s a defence tactic that’s being used both more often and with greater success.
BBC News at Six, covering the retirement from EastEnders of June “Dot Cotton” Brown – they describe her as an “actor,” of course. Up pops John “Nasty Nick Cotton” Altman to comment – and his talking head prominently features a Palestinian Flag pin on his collar.
Now, previously unbeknownst to me (but knownst to many others) he caused a kerfuffle in 2016 by wearing the same on Loose Women. I guess the BBC don’t mind. I just chucked in a Mel Brooks gag from Spaceballs there for a bit of balance.
Tuned in to the end of Question Time last night and was somewhat taken aback by Michael Portillo’s strong views against the licence fee. He was perfectly coherent although Fiona Bruce went into raging hyena mode nipping in and out for meat.
He particularly turned on BBC World which if you have seen it is totally appalling and unwatchable – a bit like BBC News 24 after midnight. This deeply upset Fi and many of the seals in the audience with their poised flippers.
(He was keen that foreign viewers could paid to watch his programmes he did admit.)
I watched this bit of QT.
Tellingly, the left support the licence fee yet cannot spot the hypocrisy shown by their opposition to the 1989 ish Community Charge aka Poll Tax. They are never called out on this.
Tellingly also the left always seem to oppose change in institutions – businesses, NHS, BBC etc. Those who may lose out by any change (usually some of the workforce) always trump those who might gain (such as customers).
BBC World is pretty gruesome yet could be a huge global success, showcasing Britain and with a good range of quality programming. This was Portillo’s point. But the dimwits just have no entrepreneurship and vision. So what we get is what we have had. Unchanged, dour, boring.
“….also the left always seem to oppose change in institutions – businesses, NHS, BBC etc.”
Agreed. I think this is a result of all their destructive revolutionary Marxist plans based upon the status quo. When the institutions you cite (et al.) change, they have to formulate other plans which takes them into relatively unknown territory.
Framer – not being a devotee of QT for medical reasons ( and don’t want to brick another TV ) I saw the 2 min 40 of Mr Portilla talking of the BBC o Twitter – it’s been repeated during the day – he was far too smooth to be put off course by Fiona BbC Bruce or any of the other lightweights .
Very well reasoned account of why the BBC shouldn’t be a ‘special case ‘ and sees subscription as an opportunity for the international audience who are apparently eager to suffer like us – to get access to BBC output . They’ll be shocked .
Jewish Chronicle is trending .. why ?
Seems they have been calling out a lot of Corbynistas for anti-Semitism in recent years and they’d stepped over the line in one case so the Labour Lawyers have got them
Audrey White: An apology
In February and March 2019, we published articles which made allegations about Mrs Audrey White, some of which were untrue.
We have already published the IPSO adjudication in relation to these articles and have agreed to pay a sum in damages to Mrs White and her legal costs.
We apologise for the distress caused
Following publication of four articles headlined “Ex-Militant Tendency activist accused of bullying Louise Ellman lied about date of birth to rejoin Labour”, etc
The newspaper said that it had relied upon confidential sources to report
The newspaper had not been able to demonstrate that it had taken care over the accuracy of the article on these two points; …
Out of touch metroliberals
…. In his repeat Tony Robinson just said “It’s 90 Miles from Driffield to Leybourn”
… Er no it isn’t … it’s nowhere near that.
Your soft southern researcher has put it into Google, and it’s done a motorway route even though the motorway isn’t near and locals would take the A road through Thirsk making it just over 70 miles.
Stew, might be wise to turn it off. Since you mention ‘auto-correct’ it reminds me that I haven’t heard any howlers on BBC R4 recently. Perhaps they have turned theirs off?
BBCsocial are true victims
.. Who have had “a tough 24 hours”
… I thought it was a parody account but it’s got a blue tick.
Actually in the real world it’s pretty hatey to go around bearing false witness
by pointing at other people and shouting “racist” or “hater” against people who aren’t.
It’s been a tough 24 hours here, fighting hate from all around the world, all because we shared the lived experience of a young person in Scotland. We take threats and bullying very seriously here at The Social and we have been reporting those tweets #BeKind
If I do it as a right winger , even an extreme right winger , even as a Nazi , then all political parties and organisations that are right of centre , even if libertarian , are tarred with the same brush .
It is a common misconception that Nazis and Fascists are right wing. In fact the Nazis and Fascist organisations all started from the socialist movements (hence the anti-Semitism)
BBCproving to people what a vital resource the licence fee is in running a ridiculous programme about the difficulty left wing idiots are finding in getting a non binary haircuts!
But worse is to come. Completely disregarding the high courts ruling that they are operating as the Stasi or Gestapo (Gestapo is much more appropriate, they have been reporting anyone who has posted anything negative on the website about this.
And as people are now comenting, they seriously think that this kind of behaviour is going to endear them to the public and assist them in keeping the ‘unique’ funding model ?
The Breitbart story seems to say
“The BBC is keeping a blacklist”
.. if you commented negatively on its tweet of its non-binary story, then your name has been collected by them.. and then forwarded to Twitter Police.
I’m guessing that very few replies were actually breaking rules by calling for violence
but rather BBCsocial think they are “wrongthink”
They are clueless Thoughful, they really do live in some kind of ‘outside human knowledge syndrome’ . We the viewer/listner are a non-expedient-of little consquence certainly when we might dain to complain or forward an interesting point that, would require an answer that mostly they do not want to give. Well done Portillo.
I feel like not watching the BBC because the BBC only talks about the race and gender of the people involved. While I am more interested in the subject matter of a program. So I watch Channel 5, instead.
“…..he promotes Black Pride, Black nationalism, Black exceptionalism and the separation of the races.”
Steady on Pug! I agree in some small way with her: “Separation of the races” – Yes, but just not here……………
but how would Hirsch be qualified to comment on the thoughts of white people, after all laurence fox didnt have the qualifications to speak about black people, the “black” woman on question time and thousands of others have told us it is so
Al beeb and the rest of the msm getting very vexed about the ‘rise of the far right’ in Germany. (One lunatic who goes on to kill his mum!?!)
No one asking what might be causing the anger.
As Douglas Murray keeps pointing out, the authorities are good at cracking down on the secondary effects, but useless at addressing the primary causes of discontent.
The msm are going to be all singing from the same song sheet over this latest attack. Is it worth pointing out that the deadly mosque attack in Christchurch which killed over 50 took place in a country that has no equivalent to the AfD? There is no large scale anti-immigration party or sentiment in New Zealand.
What we are seeing in these Brevik style massacres is clearly the work of lonely, loony social misfits with homicidal tendencies with no group backing whatsoever.
By contrast when gruesome terrorist attacks on the public are committed by Irish or Islamic terrorist they are eagerly claimed by vile groups like the Isis, Al Quaida, and the IRA.
We can only hope that there are enough people in Germany who will see through this disgusting police state tactic and retain their freedom.
Angela Merkel has clearly shown herself as an enemy of democracy and free-speech. Why don’t the msm call it like it is?
“New blue British passport rollout to begin in March”
Horay !
Now, when will Al Beeb go pay by subscription fee only ? If Al Beeb is as good as it always tells us it is, it will make the nation a fortune? …
A roundup I doodled on the race to contend for the White House.
My expectation is
1) Bernie wins the primary by a long way to the chagrin of the party managers (very much like Corbyn)
2) Bloomberg decides to run anyway as a self-financed 3rd party candidate, on the basis that Trump+Bernie share the same voters and he’ll pick up all of the ‘normal’ voters
3) Trump ends up winning thanks to only needing 35-40% support in blue states where the vote is split
It’s only BBC because they are so fixated with American politics . I saw a bit of the latest candidate interview thing and really have to wonder do that not have anyone better than that lot .?
The same applies to a Labour here ? Ok I hate Labour . I’d rather spend my money than have socialists take it and spend it . But boy – there is no one I would remotely respect or see as worthy of leading anything . I’m glad Caroline flint lost her seat because she’d have been a nightmare as labour leader .
It certainly does look like its either Crazy Bernie or Mini Mike for the Democrat nomination. Against either of them the President is the odds on favourite. In his second term I have no doubt that he will ramp up his swamp draining project to maximum as he now knows who is ‘sound’ and who on his staff is actually working against him. The Deep State leadership knows that it is now in real danger. They have managed to nullify much of the President’s effort to clean them out so far but they know that a second term will see them either in jail or cast into the darkness and reviled by most Americans. The stakes are almost life and death for them.
What can they do? Trying to smear and impeach Trump has failed so often that the American public has grown increasingly sceptical of the attempts to the point where it is no,w counterproductive. It’s unlikely that the Dems can win both houses of Congress and so immediately impeach the President on a fabricated charge immediately after his election.That leaves the Deep State in Deep trouble. If I were the President I would massively increase my personal protection as you never know how many nut cases there are out there who could be persuaded to become a latter day Manchurin candidate or a Lee Harvey Oswald.
So Dimbleby thinks that the BBC cannot survive without the licence fee.
Because you need to threaten poor people with prison, and extend this threat to old people for the BBC to survive. Replacing this with a subscription would destroy the BBC, because the people who voted for Brexit and the Tories need fear of punishment to motivate them to pay for the BBC. The Labour Party cannot threaten these people to pay up because the people rejected Labour in the General Election. So the BBC must take over from Labour and do it. Without these threats the BBC is finished.
The whole idea of a national broadcaster that uses seminars to censor truth to the nation and is biased and emotional is under threat from a democratically elected government that the BBC tried to stop being elected by trying to create the impression that Brexit supporters and Tories are few and far between.
With BBC Censorship, It has to be explained why not speaking to people is dangerous, why not appearing on television is dangerous. Its dangerous because Censorship by the BBC produces illusions such as a four to one majority in favour of Remain and that Greta knows more about Climate science than Richard Lindzen.
Dimbleby is not elected, no one at the BBC is elected. On the other hand Dominic Cummings has been chosen to advise democratically elected politicians as what to do to get elected, such as abolish the licence fee, and make the BBC reflect the Brexit majority opinion of the nation. Cummings is advising Boris that the Tories wont last unless he reforms the BBC. That’s why the people gave Boris five years of supreme power.
Hopefully Johnson will ape some of the attitudes of Trump on security and climate science. He is a different kind of political animal, like Trump, very similar rulebook. The rulebook says, destroy the Swamp, and you destroy the BBC. Then you will get the truth about why scientists from James Clerk Maxwell to Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller can explain why it’s a “Hoax“, and other scientists from William Herschel to Nir Shaviv & Henrik Svensmark can tell you what really causes Climate Change.
I fully agree that a move to complete subscription funding of the BBC is the most realistic way forward. But my fear is that with a change of government in the future the subscription itself could be abolished and the BBC paid for out of general taxation. The current BBC employees would certainly support that. A labour government would love to offer this in its manifesto along with its customary cornucopia of free stuff. If the change from LF to subscription was accompanied by some form of privatisation it would make the move from subscription to general taxation much more difficult though not impossible.
The only way we can guarantee a BBC free future is to have it abolished and obliterated. As long as it exists in nationalisable form it will remain a threat to the well being of this country. Regrettably this is too extreme to be politically possible as the vast majority of people don’t understand the damage that the foul corporation has done to Britain over the past thirty or forty years.
I fully agree that a move to complete subscription funding of the BBC is the most realistic way forward. But my fear is that with a change of government in the future the subscription itself could be abolished and the BBC paid for out of general taxation. The current BBC employees would certainly support that. A labour government would love to offer this in its manifesto along with its customary cornucopia of free stuff. If the change from LF to subscription was accompanied by some form of privatisation it would make the move from subscription to general taxation much more difficult though not impossible.
The only way we can guarantee a BBC free future is to have it abolished and obliterated. As long as it exists in nationalisable form it will remain a threat to the well being of this country. Regrettably this is too extreme to be politically possible as the vast majority of people don’t understand the damage that the foul corporation has done to Britain over the past thirty or forty years.
Hmm there’s no new mega proof, merely another Somali says she married her brother.
..And since Somalis tend to be clanish
.. I’m guessing that his lot fell out with her lot.
I didn’t want to report it here today . Have a day off reporting on the BBC today . But no . No. My favourite Labour politician ( contradiction. ?) Ms Dawn Butler – who is applying to be deputy leader – was interviewed by the Bee Lady . The best interview I ve heard in ages . So funny .
Ms Butler isn’t that bright . So she speaks on the radio as though she’s doing ‘ just a minute’ . So it was great comedy .
“Richard was obsessed by penises” said Dawn . Who the hell is Richard ? Is he obsessed by penises ? Why ? Dawn – tell us more . . My first laugh out loud of the day .
Babies are born with a sex says Dawn . Bless her .
The Labour Party is having an “autopsy “ says Dawn . – about the ‘ catestrophic ‘ election result . I think she said “autopsy “ 3 times . Another laugh .
I think the bee lady will be accused of Right Wing bias but – but – it was Dawn who did it . She’s even got a “strategy “ called CORE . Dawn remembered what the letters stood for but didn’t push it much . I think she forgot the brief . The R stands for recruit and the E for Educate .
She didn’t mention the great Comrade Corbyn and not did the Bee Lady . I was surprised because comrade Corbyn likes having black Wimmin sitting next to him in PMQs . Diane Abbot must feel threatened after her stud has traded her in for a younger version .
Great fun . I really hope she gets the deputy job and Wrong Daily becomes labour leader . That combo will have labour either ‘gone ‘ or out of power beyond 2030.
More seriously – early in the show the inconvenient trial of a Muslim convert white terrorist woman was reported very briefly . I mean – all she wanted to do was blow up St. Paul’s and kill as many kafirs as she could so that s no big deal is it . ?
There’s more detail in the newspapers about her attempts to spread Muslim terrorism across Europe but that didn’t make it onto the Islamic BBC …..
An embarrassed discussion about why Muslim converts are worse terrorists – no mention of the ‘man’ charged with attempted murder at the Londonistan main mosque … who I believe will turn out to be a ‘convert ‘ with ‘ mental issues ‘
The elitist middle-class troughers really are going mental aren't they? Remember his face when he realised that leave had won the referendum vote? Take no notice @BorisJohnson. It's time for the @BBC to die.
Incredible. I am always struck by the BBC defence of its existence. People like ‘DIM-bluby’ , the one with the carefully selected audience, seem to think the BBC has some kind of divine right to exist. They are not the government and certainly don’t represent or even understand what the general population thinks.
FARMING TODAY – Brexit: Government inward migrant rules = BAD
FARMING TODAY – Brexit: Quotas and Common Fisheries Policy = GOOD
TOADY – Harry & Megzit – No Royal brand: Government = BAD *
TOADY – Muslim Terrorism: Born Muslim = GOOD, Converts + zeal = BAD
TOADY – Floods: Prince Charles visit to Wales = GOOD, PM’s absence = BAD
TOADY – Passports: Blue UK Passports available soon = BAD
TOADY – Passports: can use Maroon EU Passport until expiry = GOOD
TOADY – US Election: Sanders admission = GOOD, Trump denial = BAD
* Actually nothing to do with Government, it’s a Palace decision
Last time his Chazness visited these parts, for the Gilpin celebrations, it was noted he used his usual means of travel.
Presumably the Royal entourage and media remoras will be less Range Rover heavy on the last leg when intoning sagely about climate change whilst standing in traditional flood plain housing estates now protected by multi-million flood defences that redirect waters from other flood defended estates upstream via magic to drought-afflicted areas worldwide?
John Redwood (@johnredwood)
22/02/2020, 07:33
We need a larger anti floods programme. No more building on floodplains. More river dredging and cleaning. More bunds and water barriers. More pumps and water channels in wetlands.
Couldn’t help but notice recently the BBC suddenly taking an uncharacteristic interest in the internal regional politics of an EU member state. Don’t know about you but I hadn’t got the heads up about events in Thuringia since about 1648.
You know the story, all about how proportional representation and coalition government – the very pride and joy of the progressives – is nicely bent so as to disenfranchise anyone who voted in an unpleasant rightwing sort of way.
But boy did this one deliver a timely payoff. This morning the BBC give both barrels to the German equivalent: take your pick of…. UKIP/BrexitParty/BNP/NationalFront/Tories/[But not SNP]
‘Hanau shooting: Why Germany’s far-right AfD is blamed over racist violence By Damien McGuinness BBC News, Berlin’
No balance, no moderation, simply an all out BBC attack on a foreign political party. The BBC just pick a side and weigh in.
It has always been my contention that the intense BBC coverage of US politics has been done as a way to get around the balance restraints placed on our national broadcaster. Their correspondents yearn to go full anti-conservative so find in the US a left/right struggle in which they can clearly lean on their favoured side of the scales and subtle or not draw the parallels they desire to the UK. The present Trump/Boris superficial similarity is an absolute gift to the BBC.
As for our Teutonic friends, although the BBC seems to have put aside all the goodwill it had for them so recently when rehashing the Dresden 1945 bombing for about the umpteenth time, now once again they are an army of potential racialists if exposed to even the sight or sound of the AfD. You’ll notice how this is so easily translated by the BBC into a morality lesson for us here in the UK.
One thought suddenly occurs. Considering how – scratch the horrible white skin and there’s a nasty racialist lurking beneath – then why is Markle – sorry, I mean Merkel and her equivalents – so keen to invite so very much immigration, just to stoke the pot?
AsI – a benign answer to your last question is that Germans aren’t reproducing enough, so -in order to keep pensions flowing- younger people need to be ‘imported’ to pay into the system. This begs the question of why policies and campaigns to encourage larger indigenous families have not been pursued by government.
The likely answer to THIS question leads to the less benign answer to the question we started off with. It is the ‘Tony Blair scenario’, where you a) go for the divide and rule option and therefore b) illegally import relatively poor people who you think will vote for your party because they owe you a ‘debt of gratitude’.
In the case of Merkel, there is evidence of an even less charitable interpretation: she grew up in the GDR, was an official in the Communist Youth, and has reverted to her left-wing roots (if she ever left them), a theory for which there is now much evidence. She cleverly stays in the CDU, because that gives her access to the hitherto mass party apparatus of a leading mainstream party. (Which has been losing votes to the AfD, as conservatives start waking up!)
We have seen her true colours in 2015, but her concerted anti-AfD stance since then, and her current action to reverse a legitimate election result in Thuringia, because the AfD participated in delivering it (through their votes) shows her totalitarian tendencies.
And now we’re back with the bbc. Why? Merkel too, has a number of force-financed public broadcasters at her service, and they are unreservedly supportive of her, and have been for fifteen years. In true bbc fashion, all panel discussions are loaded with the left (the AfD doesn’t even get a look-in). Interestingly, they are all hosted by women, who dominate much of the political and media scene in Germany
Bear in mind that, because of skilful use of the war guilt club, you can keep beating conservative parties over the head with it as long as you wish; your real buddies are all either socialist or ‘green’, so they will join you in any witch-hunt you care to launch.
I am particularly interested in Germany at this stage, not only because I lived there, but because Europe appears blissfully unconcerned that with e.g. the rerun of elections that have produced ‘the wrong result’, Germany may be slipping into a 1930 like totalitarian state almost unnoticed. Only this time, it is going to be communist-dominated. I first realised this possibility a few years ago, when Merkel gave a speech at her party congress and was rewarded with a thunderous 10-minute standing ovation in the best GDR (Communist) tradition. It was an eerie reminder of the Ulbricht/Honecker years in the old Communist East Germany
So you need to keep importing relatively poor people and promising them paradise on earth. It may not keep the locals happy, but it sure as heck will likely keep you in power, after 15 years at the top.
@fakenewswatcher – interesting comment, thanks for that.
“So you need to keep importing relatively poor people and promising them paradise on earth. It may not keep the locals happy”
seems to sum up the reason why UK wants some control on who comes in.
ps – seem to remember labour saying something like “the UK is on a race to the bottom”
We know how desperately keen the BBC usually is to find fault with the Government. Every Tory utterance, every miss-step, every policy decision is normally challenged and utterly dissected.
Everything, that is, apart from reporting news that the Government is still refusing to release official research on the “characteristics” of so-called grooming gangs.
This shocking revelation is the lead item via the Independent today – but the BBC’s usually forensic and frenetic anti-Tory news hounds seem to have missed this one. Wonder why?
A victim of the rape gangs told the Independent: “The government’s repeated failure to acknowledge the role of racism and religious bigotry in grooming gang crime has led to inadequate investigation, protection and prosecution.”
It is a national scandal that the industrial scale targeting and rape of thousands of children has been allowed to happen – and it is a disgrace that the Government is shying away from its responsibility to root out the problem.
It is also truly disgusting that the state broadcaster remains complicit in hiding the truth.
The BBC weather – at least for the web-site – is supplied by Meteo Group, whoever they are. I’ve recently noticed something strange. Perhaps someone on here can explain. The chance of the BBC doing so, in between their own ‘agenda’ and narrative framing, is highly unlikely. What? The BBC do some science?
The Meteo page on weather is extremely useful, usually quite accurate (more accurate and much more precise than the MetOffice’s vague broadcast forecasts) but there is a puzzle on wind speeds.
Meteo show high wind speeds in black, lesser speeds in a clear circle. Here’s a thing: there never appear to be any 30mph wind speeds. The wind always seems to go from 20-ish up to 40+ before falling back to 20-ish or less again. See here, today:
Guest, it is interesting that on both Brexit and on Climate Change related HYSs on the BBC w-s, a lot of registered user names appear that are not normally seen. Strange thing is, views expressed have been usually Anti-Brexit and pro-AGW/CC.
Total BS but I like the Botometer quote –
“The Brown University study wasn’t able to identify any individuals or groups behind the battalion of Twitter bots, nor ascertain the level of influence they have had around the often fraught climate debate.
However, a number of suspected bots that have consistently disparaged climate science and activists have large numbers of followers on Twitter. One that ranks highly on the Botometer score, @sh_irredeemable, wrote “Get lost Greta!”
FFS the study hasn’t even been published !
“The paper detailing the finds has not yet been published and was first reported by The Guardian newspaper.”
..when science reports get published in the media BEFORE proper publication, then that is almost a sign of “PR NOT science”
add that to what I wrote last night and it makes it look like the reason it’s taken 3 years is cos they have been busy TORTURING data to build a conclusion, that doesn’t surprise me of anyone connected to Prof Lew, cos he has always done that on CliSci issues.
What I wrote on Friday night
“The researchers examined 6.5m tweets posted in the days leading up to and the month after Trump announced the US exit from the Paris accords on 1 June 2017”
In less than 4 months it will be 3 years since they took their sample
32 months to come up with a simple conclusion like that !
Isn’t that a long time. ??
Note the Indy chose to make the first photo The guy who was born Sikh and put a photo when he was wearing a Sikh Turban
AFAIK he lived his adult life as a Muslim
I couldn’t vote as I agree it should be decriminalised but vehemently disagree the news should be ringfenced – unless the fence in question is barbed wire and the journalists never allowed out or to communicate with the outside world.
Ever again.
“news and current affairs should be ringfenced”
One mans news is another mans codswallop, introduce the above clause and the definition of ‘news’ could become very blurry indeed.
No exceptions, subscription only, maybe a peoples vote on the future of the licence fee…
The ‘wonderful’ and Director of Diversity at the BBC, June S’pong was fabulously slated in the edition of The Pledge last night.
Her topic was lack of ‘diversity’ at awards ceremonies (yawn). In her oh so eloquent way, she rabbited on about lack of women, lack of BAMEs (further yawn). Her colleagues were almost as one as her argument was shouted down, and what really shut her up was when evidence was shown that the BAFTAS have a judging quotient of 50/50 men and women and 24% are BAMEs.
How this pointless woman has managed to reach the heights is totally beyond me. Any half intelligent woman could say what she does, and honestly has nothing to contribute except nodding her head, and saying ‘exactly”, and her ‘knowledge’ is gained by reading what researchers have prepared on the sheet she reads from. And what really gets me, she has honours from the Queen ! WHY ?
Billie Eyelash, in the Daily Express, has given her preference for the next James Bond and…..yes, you’re all ahead of me, would you believe it, it’s a black man.
Michael Jordan is the one she chooses.
Didn’t see that coming did we!
Context : what Bishop is saying is that the BBC is ruled by XR’s demands
– He quotes an old tweet from March 2019
when he was booked to appear on Radio Scotland at 9pm to talk about that days Climate kidz’ School Strike.
… XR sent tweets complaining he was a denier and cited his tweets about XR PR kids (which were actually all true )
… thus 9pm came and the BBC chose NOT to Bishop.
The boss of Ryanair is criticised for saying the bleeding obvious, namely that Muslim men should be profiled at airports because “that is where the threat is coming from”.
Of course the increasingly assertive, meddlesome and political Muslim Council of Britain took offence, saying Mr O’Leary’s comments were “racist and discriminatory”. (Or common sense.)
“This is the very definition of Islamophobia,” its spokesperson added.
The Twitter “news for you” section pushes the story at me
It begins with 3 tweets from the Muslim Council
calling selection by male and by ideology “RACIST”
Then the Tellmama tweet
then tweets from 2 Muslim activists.
If we had vegan terrorism from men
would it be wrong to suggest we look at male vegans ?
Leary said
“You can’t say stuff, because it’s racism, but it will generally be males of a Muslim persuasion. Thirty years ago it was the Irish. If that is where the threat is coming from, deal with the threat.”
Laughable yet also serious.
At about 0745 on Toady there was an interview with Dawn Butler. Yes, that Dawn Butler. She’s standing for deputy leader of the Labour Party FFS.
I don’t know whether the interviewer was under orders to treat her extra softly, as if Ms Butler has mental health issues and so there is a duty of care. The soft lobs and failure to follow up were even more noticeable than usual.
But what was glaringly obvious is that her verbal delivery is akin to an 8 year old being taught to read. You know the idea, with a tiny gap between each word. The only policy I heard was mention of transgender equality. Pass the sick bucket.
I repeat – this person with this level of ‘talent’ is standing for the Deputy Leadership of the official opposition !!!!!
May your God go with you, as Dave Allen used to say.
No, though I have now, and right on the money it is too, and far more entertaining.
Two useful points emerge.
Quick off the mark it was written just after the event. Yet there is so much bias and so many contributions that a mere three hours later it is miles up the posting chain.
Also great to see such similarity of view. Independent people drawing similar conclusions from the evidence available.
All power to this website!
Stop press.
In the Times today.
Mischal Hussein has been paid to take part in at least TEN private events organised by the Norwegian Oil and Gas industry!!!!!!
Apart from the obvious, glaring, pro- climate change narrative hypocrisy, does anyone believe she would get these gigs and at no doubt a very high fee without the free exposure she gets on the publicly funded BBC. Surely there is a case for a special tax on people like her, with the revenue hypothecated back to the BBC and a consequent reduction is the licence fee.
We already know all about Mischal’s £10K per day extra gigs
cos when the media was banging on about Wimmins pay ..they gave context all about the outside extra ££s BBC women earn by virtue of their BBC profile.
… oh hang on the MSM didn’t tell us, cos they are not in the habit of giving proper context.
I was driving home from a book fair the other afternoon and in a thoughtless moment tuned into to radio 4. It was The World at One, with Ed Stourton holding the reins. I quite like old Ed, he has a mellifluous voice, but it was the people he had on the prog’ that had me gnashing my teeth and driving far too fast through the persistent rain.
Apparently there had been (yet another) bloody awards ceremony the night before and some rapper called Dave was receiving untold eulogies. They stuck on some geezer from The Guardian to discuss this young man’s amazing talents. On comes Tarquin No-nuts Knobhead to inform us that both Dave and Windzy are unique talents. They’re both poets and political activists. Dave had said something about Windrush (that’s original) mentioned Grenfell (yawn) got in a dig about the mistreatment of Meghan(oh FFS!) and finished off with the now ubiquitous “Boris is a racist” (c)rap. Blimey, you’d think the way this berk was talking that Dave and Windzy were The Tolpuddle bleedin’ Martyrs…and not a couple of inarticulate oafs who strain to make planker rhyme with …um…cranker…
This nation has given the world most of its greatest poets and we’re now reduced to listening to Dumb and Dumber blathering a lot of drivel to a backing track and having a pretentious waffler from pseuds’ corner making out they’re the modern equivalent of John Keats and Dylan Thomas.
Sluff – most corporations have a clause in their HR policy that you may not perform remunerated duties for any other employer.
The beeb should have something like that as well.
Apart from that, is there a flavour here of…now what was that word again? Oh yes.
The Guardian tells us that a ‘study’ from the dispiritingly named Brown University has shown that up to a quarter of posts on climate change are from bots – computer-generated humanoids – which gives an artificial impression of high levels of climate change denial.
Naturally, the possibility of this artificial creativity working both ways does not seem to have occurred to the writing team of our second national treasure.
Just had an email from “” but with a Belgian return address of
Message as follows To continue to watch or record live TV programmes on
any channel or device, or to download or watch BBC programmes
on iPlayer – either live, via catch up or on demand, you need
to be covered by a TV Licence
Your year’s licence will cost £60.30 and you can renew it
quickly and easily online.
(Absolute bargain!)
Just followed the link to Kent CC , you can buy a Sex Establishment License for £4387 …..seems a lot but if you’re employing cheap illegals then it’s a bargain !
Hells bells, the latest news is a plane has landed carrying British citizens back from Japan. Jeez if they potentially had Ebola it would be understandable, but am I interested in a few people who only just might have the flu ? No.
I think with half term the children are in charge . The way the sars2 virus is likely to go – it will spread pretty quickly quite soon and stories about people being stick in China or on cruise ships will be even more trivial at the National level – but sunshine might help as spring come ….
There will be outbreaks and clusters (mostly caused by superspreaders who display few, if any, symptoms whilst infecting those with whom they come into contact) but the evidence thus far indicates that sensible containment measures allied to individual prudence will see to it that these will be the exception rather than the rule.
I’m more of a pessimist than you . Perhaps nature will come to our aid and the bug will be put back in its ‘box by dryer times and more sunlight …..
I’ve done stuff with epidemics in the past and it always seemed that the big problems came along when NHS staff were significantly compromised or just wouldn’t expose themselves to the hazard …..
“The first EU Summit of 27 leaders without the UK…broke up with no agreement at all. Not only was the main topic of the two-day summit – the EU’s €1tn new budget – not agreed…most member countries are farther apart now than before the summit started.”
Observations from the facts4eu link: In direct terms, the forthcoming EU budget is not supposed to affect the UK. In reality it will, because the EU will be seeking every penny it can from the UK in unlawful claims, in order to try to offset the billions which the other EU countries are now fighting over.
These things will matter this year – BBC take note
Before the UK’s EU Referendum, the summits of the 28 leaders of the EU member countries were barely reported on by the UK media. Indeed this was also true of the proceedings of the EU Parliament and the statements of the EU Commission President and his Commissioners. “Nothing to see here,” seemed to be the stance of most of the media.
With the announcement of the EU Referendum however, some reporting increased – mostly from a pro-EU, Remainer perspective. This latter point was true even of Eurosceptic newspapers like the Daily Telegraph, whose Europe Editor was inexplicably allowed to continue his pro-EU bias.
His output paled into insignificance, of course, compared to the massed pro-EU onslaught from the extremist Remainer-Orcs who still dominate the News and Current Affairs Department of the BBC.
Macron to claim compensation for not being allowed to take our fish
Yesterday the French President gave an interview to local French newspapers. So far it has gone unreported by the BBC, but we have read it in full. It’s punchy stuff, eg “I will not let our fishermen be affected by the British vote, about which they can do nothing.”
On the latter see:
Remember Philip Hammond and May’s government of fake-Brexit fanatics tried to erode the UK’s Offshore Patrol Vessel capability through underfunding — at just the moment we needed it most.
The attached article is long but is divided into useful segments. It explains how we can/must increase our supply of small ships to guard our 200 nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone.
The Channel obviously needs a flotilla!
Fortunately it has been Force 7 this morning, rough to very rough seas (using Up2snuff’s handy Beaufort scale), which might inhibit a few weekend invaders one way or another.
David Dimbleby has come out in predictably heavy support for the licence fee, in an interview for German TV, resulting in the expected accusations of ‘champagne socialist’ and overpaid BBC toady. In fact, in addition to his lavish BBC paychecks, the bulk of his gentlemanly lifestyle comes from the £12m+ sale of his father’s local newspaper empire.
Quite how a BBC employee and presenter of politically-based Panorama among many similar programmes was employed while owning a newspaper chain is a question no-one seemed to want to ask at the time, or since.
I haven’t checked CBBC yet but doubtless Greta will feature.
I’d bet Trump is trying to figure out how to tap into her political potential – come to think of it, they all are..
Heading for the UK! This Friday, the 28th, I’m looking forward to joining the school strike in Bristol! We meet up at College Green 11am! See you there!
Border security … if we had any then 2 of the 4 Chilean burglars should
have been refused entry to Britain
They had outstanding Chilean arrest warrants and one had just been deported from the US.
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
aaaaaagh, first !!!!! xxxxxxxxxxx
and second, yippeeeee !xxxxxxxxxxx
Baclinks to previous thread
– page 4 started midnight when Friday was just beginning
– page 3 started Thursday breakfast
– page 2
Looks like I have the bronze as well, OMG !! OMG! XXX
Is there no-one else out there ???? is this the first hattrick in the history of Bias ??? or 4th as well ?
Glutton !
Bris – I think VAR might declare you off side making Taffman the winner . They’ll look at it at Stockley Park and get back to you Monday …
She might be ‘In Croup’, though, Fed, so has to change at Hammersmith onto the District Line!
I think you are just another one of those man hating feminazi who can’t bare the thought that a man should cum first. Pleez excuze my spelling but I am a viktim of 1940z edukation and i intend to soo the guvverment for kompensashun.XX
Love it when a plan comes together ! watch and learn fellas, watch and learn.
Given ‘events, dear boys and girls… events’ recently, I wonder if the BBC might feel it has a tiny bit of responsibility for who it invites and then serves up?
Still trying to figure out if Iain Dale was playing a satirical blinder or simply renewing his membership to gobby media woke mob.
Ah “Free Tommy” is trending
What’s that about ?
Ah it’s due to lots of libmobbers demonstrating their #BeKind tradition.
…. ie. They are the one’s full of hate.
Cracking article. Thanks GW.
Appalling priorities from BBC tv news at 6 pm.
A plot from an IS supporter to bomb St Pauls. The perpetrator has pleaded guilty today. The throwaway report consisted of about two sentences and a still photograph.
Next up. The Far Right….did you get that… Far Right murderous attacks in Germany get a BBC reporter on site and interviews with witnesses. This goes on at some length. Far Right. Got that?
So its islamic terrorists in the UK – 30 seconds
Far Right, repeat Far Right terrorists in Germany – 3 minutes.
The BBC. Giving you the news important to them.
Our country is being stolen from us without a shot being fired. The weapons the enemy uses are the same weapons that companies use to get us to buy their products namely,images and words.
We ALL must learn to recognise the enemy within.
It’s a bit strange which crimes get selected for banging on and which don’t.
Today began with bulletins carrying the tearful speech by the mother of the backpacker murdered in New Zealand.
I disagree with the repeating of such segments, cos it it distressing to hear and I already know the family must be devastated.
The flip side is that other British people will have been murdered abroad in the same month, but we never got to hear about them.
The woman from the sex murder charity @Wecantconsentto has just been on ITV local news
She seemed to say that in the last 6 years in 19 cases the murder offender has pleaded ‘it was part of a sex game”, “In half the cases the court accepted this and it led to aquittal or diminished sentence
.. In one case a man murdered his wife, got acquitted, and tgen later confessed”
BBC News at Six, covering the retirement from EastEnders of June “Dot Cotton” Brown – they describe her as an “actor,” of course. Up pops John “Nasty Nick Cotton” Altman to comment – and his talking head prominently features a Palestinian Flag pin on his collar.
Now, previously unbeknownst to me (but knownst to many others) he caused a kerfuffle in 2016 by wearing the same on Loose Women. I guess the BBC don’t mind. I just chucked in a Mel Brooks gag from Spaceballs there for a bit of balance.
Tuned in to the end of Question Time last night and was somewhat taken aback by Michael Portillo’s strong views against the licence fee. He was perfectly coherent although Fiona Bruce went into raging hyena mode nipping in and out for meat.
He particularly turned on BBC World which if you have seen it is totally appalling and unwatchable – a bit like BBC News 24 after midnight. This deeply upset Fi and many of the seals in the audience with their poised flippers.
(He was keen that foreign viewers could paid to watch his programmes he did admit.)
I watched this bit of QT.
Tellingly, the left support the licence fee yet cannot spot the hypocrisy shown by their opposition to the 1989 ish Community Charge aka Poll Tax. They are never called out on this.
Tellingly also the left always seem to oppose change in institutions – businesses, NHS, BBC etc. Those who may lose out by any change (usually some of the workforce) always trump those who might gain (such as customers).
BBC World is pretty gruesome yet could be a huge global success, showcasing Britain and with a good range of quality programming. This was Portillo’s point. But the dimwits just have no entrepreneurship and vision. So what we get is what we have had. Unchanged, dour, boring.
“….also the left always seem to oppose change in institutions – businesses, NHS, BBC etc.”
Agreed. I think this is a result of all their destructive revolutionary Marxist plans based upon the status quo. When the institutions you cite (et al.) change, they have to formulate other plans which takes them into relatively unknown territory.
Framer – not being a devotee of QT for medical reasons ( and don’t want to brick another TV ) I saw the 2 min 40 of Mr Portilla talking of the BBC o Twitter – it’s been repeated during the day – he was far too smooth to be put off course by Fiona BbC Bruce or any of the other lightweights .
Very well reasoned account of why the BBC shouldn’t be a ‘special case ‘ and sees subscription as an opportunity for the international audience who are apparently eager to suffer like us – to get access to BBC output . They’ll be shocked .
Jewish Chronicle is trending .. why ?
Seems they have been calling out a lot of Corbynistas for anti-Semitism in recent years and they’d stepped over the line in one case so the Labour Lawyers have got them
Out of touch metroliberals
…. In his repeat Tony Robinson just said “It’s 90 Miles from Driffield to Leybourn”
… Er no it isn’t … it’s nowhere near that.
Your soft southern researcher has put it into Google, and it’s done a motorway route even though the motorway isn’t near and locals would take the A road through Thirsk making it just over 70 miles.
Driffield to Leybourn. is about 240 miles.
Try Leyburn N Yorkshire
autocorrect mate
I did type Leyburn
Stew, might be wise to turn it off. Since you mention ‘auto-correct’ it reminds me that I haven’t heard any howlers on BBC R4 recently. Perhaps they have turned theirs off?
BBCsocial are true victims
.. Who have had “a tough 24 hours”
… I thought it was a parody account but it’s got a blue tick.
Actually in the real world it’s pretty hatey to go around bearing false witness
by pointing at other people and shouting “racist” or “hater” against people who aren’t.
Now shall I go out and commit a terrorist act ?
If I do it as a right winger , even an extreme right winger , even as a Nazi , then all political parties and organisations that are right of centre , even if libertarian , are tarred with the same brush .
But if I do it as an Islamist …. .!?
It is a common misconception that Nazis and Fascists are right wing. In fact the Nazis and Fascist organisations all started from the socialist movements (hence the anti-Semitism)
It also explains why many ex-BNP Councillors now serve under the Labour party banner.
BBC Online News:
“London mosque stabbing victim says he forgives attacker”
“London’s mayor urged everyone to remain vigilant.”
“Scotland Yard said they were not treating the attack as terror-related.”
The BBC can’t leave this non-story alone.
A man stabbed another man. Not terrorist related.
The BBC headline, which many readers don’t go beyond, suggests that this was committed by the ‘far-right’.
Deceitful and manipulative BBC. At least it diverts them from attacking Brexit for a moment or two 🙁
Dover Sentry
“Far-right” — Far-age. The science is settled.
BBCproving to people what a vital resource the licence fee is in running a ridiculous programme about the difficulty left wing idiots are finding in getting a non binary haircuts!
But worse is to come. Completely disregarding the high courts ruling that they are operating as the Stasi or Gestapo (Gestapo is much more appropriate, they have been reporting anyone who has posted anything negative on the website about this.
And as people are now comenting, they seriously think that this kind of behaviour is going to endear them to the public and assist them in keeping the ‘unique’ funding model ?
The Breitbart story seems to say
“The BBC is keeping a blacklist”
.. if you commented negatively on its tweet of its non-binary story, then your name has been collected by them.. and then forwarded to Twitter Police.
I’m guessing that very few replies were actually breaking rules by calling for violence
but rather BBCsocial think they are “wrongthink”
They are clueless Thoughful, they really do live in some kind of ‘outside human knowledge syndrome’ . We the viewer/listner are a non-expedient-of little consquence certainly when we might dain to complain or forward an interesting point that, would require an answer that mostly they do not want to give. Well done Portillo.
Something to ponder every time ‘first division’ editors like Toenails, Laura K, etc base a ‘news’ story on a source… who says.
Why is the BBC promoting white identity politics?
Afua Hirsch’s new documentary
What does it feel like to be a White person?
I feel like not watching the BBC because the BBC only talks about the race and gender of the people involved. While I am more interested in the subject matter of a program. So I watch Channel 5, instead.
“…..he promotes Black Pride, Black nationalism, Black exceptionalism and the separation of the races.”
Steady on Pug! I agree in some small way with her: “Separation of the races” – Yes, but just not here……………
but how would Hirsch be qualified to comment on the thoughts of white people, after all laurence fox didnt have the qualifications to speak about black people, the “black” woman on question time and thousands of others have told us it is so
@theisland – thanks for that vid link.
as she say’s at the end “enough”
we are getting pissed off with the constant BBC bias against White Brits.
Al beeb and the rest of the msm getting very vexed about the ‘rise of the far right’ in Germany. (One lunatic who goes on to kill his mum!?!)
No one asking what might be causing the anger.
As Douglas Murray keeps pointing out, the authorities are good at cracking down on the secondary effects, but useless at addressing the primary causes of discontent.
The msm are going to be all singing from the same song sheet over this latest attack. Is it worth pointing out that the deadly mosque attack in Christchurch which killed over 50 took place in a country that has no equivalent to the AfD? There is no large scale anti-immigration party or sentiment in New Zealand.
What we are seeing in these Brevik style massacres is clearly the work of lonely, loony social misfits with homicidal tendencies with no group backing whatsoever.
By contrast when gruesome terrorist attacks on the public are committed by Irish or Islamic terrorist they are eagerly claimed by vile groups like the Isis, Al Quaida, and the IRA.
We can only hope that there are enough people in Germany who will see through this disgusting police state tactic and retain their freedom.
Angela Merkel has clearly shown herself as an enemy of democracy and free-speech. Why don’t the msm call it like it is?
“New blue British passport rollout to begin in March”
Horay !
Now, when will Al Beeb go pay by subscription fee only ? If Al Beeb is as good as it always tells us it is, it will make the nation a fortune? …
A roundup I doodled on the race to contend for the White House.
My expectation is
1) Bernie wins the primary by a long way to the chagrin of the party managers (very much like Corbyn)
2) Bloomberg decides to run anyway as a self-financed 3rd party candidate, on the basis that Trump+Bernie share the same voters and he’ll pick up all of the ‘normal’ voters
3) Trump ends up winning thanks to only needing 35-40% support in blue states where the vote is split
It’s only BBC because they are so fixated with American politics . I saw a bit of the latest candidate interview thing and really have to wonder do that not have anyone better than that lot .?
The same applies to a Labour here ? Ok I hate Labour . I’d rather spend my money than have socialists take it and spend it . But boy – there is no one I would remotely respect or see as worthy of leading anything . I’m glad Caroline flint lost her seat because she’d have been a nightmare as labour leader .
It certainly does look like its either Crazy Bernie or Mini Mike for the Democrat nomination. Against either of them the President is the odds on favourite. In his second term I have no doubt that he will ramp up his swamp draining project to maximum as he now knows who is ‘sound’ and who on his staff is actually working against him. The Deep State leadership knows that it is now in real danger. They have managed to nullify much of the President’s effort to clean them out so far but they know that a second term will see them either in jail or cast into the darkness and reviled by most Americans. The stakes are almost life and death for them.
What can they do? Trying to smear and impeach Trump has failed so often that the American public has grown increasingly sceptical of the attempts to the point where it is no,w counterproductive. It’s unlikely that the Dems can win both houses of Congress and so immediately impeach the President on a fabricated charge immediately after his election.That leaves the Deep State in Deep trouble. If I were the President I would massively increase my personal protection as you never know how many nut cases there are out there who could be persuaded to become a latter day Manchurin candidate or a Lee Harvey Oswald.
So Dimbleby thinks that the BBC cannot survive without the licence fee.
Because you need to threaten poor people with prison, and extend this threat to old people for the BBC to survive. Replacing this with a subscription would destroy the BBC, because the people who voted for Brexit and the Tories need fear of punishment to motivate them to pay for the BBC. The Labour Party cannot threaten these people to pay up because the people rejected Labour in the General Election. So the BBC must take over from Labour and do it. Without these threats the BBC is finished.
The whole idea of a national broadcaster that uses seminars to censor truth to the nation and is biased and emotional is under threat from a democratically elected government that the BBC tried to stop being elected by trying to create the impression that Brexit supporters and Tories are few and far between.
With BBC Censorship, It has to be explained why not speaking to people is dangerous, why not appearing on television is dangerous. Its dangerous because Censorship by the BBC produces illusions such as a four to one majority in favour of Remain and that Greta knows more about Climate science than Richard Lindzen.
Dimbleby is not elected, no one at the BBC is elected. On the other hand Dominic Cummings has been chosen to advise democratically elected politicians as what to do to get elected, such as abolish the licence fee, and make the BBC reflect the Brexit majority opinion of the nation. Cummings is advising Boris that the Tories wont last unless he reforms the BBC. That’s why the people gave Boris five years of supreme power.
Hopefully Johnson will ape some of the attitudes of Trump on security and climate science. He is a different kind of political animal, like Trump, very similar rulebook. The rulebook says, destroy the Swamp, and you destroy the BBC. Then you will get the truth about why scientists from James Clerk Maxwell to Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller can explain why it’s a “Hoax“, and other scientists from William Herschel to Nir Shaviv & Henrik Svensmark can tell you what really causes Climate Change.
I fully agree that a move to complete subscription funding of the BBC is the most realistic way forward. But my fear is that with a change of government in the future the subscription itself could be abolished and the BBC paid for out of general taxation. The current BBC employees would certainly support that. A labour government would love to offer this in its manifesto along with its customary cornucopia of free stuff. If the change from LF to subscription was accompanied by some form of privatisation it would make the move from subscription to general taxation much more difficult though not impossible.
The only way we can guarantee a BBC free future is to have it abolished and obliterated. As long as it exists in nationalisable form it will remain a threat to the well being of this country. Regrettably this is too extreme to be politically possible as the vast majority of people don’t understand the damage that the foul corporation has done to Britain over the past thirty or forty years.
I fully agree that a move to complete subscription funding of the BBC is the most realistic way forward. But my fear is that with a change of government in the future the subscription itself could be abolished and the BBC paid for out of general taxation. The current BBC employees would certainly support that. A labour government would love to offer this in its manifesto along with its customary cornucopia of free stuff. If the change from LF to subscription was accompanied by some form of privatisation it would make the move from subscription to general taxation much more difficult though not impossible.
The only way we can guarantee a BBC free future is to have it abolished and obliterated. As long as it exists in nationalisable form it will remain a threat to the well being of this country. Regrettably this is too extreme to be politically possible as the vast majority of people don’t understand the damage that the foul corporation has done to Britain over the past thirty or forty years.
The BBC and the rest of the left wing media are not even trying to defend her..
Hmm there’s no new mega proof, merely another Somali says she married her brother.
..And since Somalis tend to be clanish
.. I’m guessing that his lot fell out with her lot.
I suppose we may be seeing some kiddie-winks with two heads and webbed fingers soon then?
Toady watch
I didn’t want to report it here today . Have a day off reporting on the BBC today . But no . No. My favourite Labour politician ( contradiction. ?) Ms Dawn Butler – who is applying to be deputy leader – was interviewed by the Bee Lady . The best interview I ve heard in ages . So funny .
Ms Butler isn’t that bright . So she speaks on the radio as though she’s doing ‘ just a minute’ . So it was great comedy .
“Richard was obsessed by penises” said Dawn . Who the hell is Richard ? Is he obsessed by penises ? Why ? Dawn – tell us more . . My first laugh out loud of the day .
Babies are born with a sex says Dawn . Bless her .
The Labour Party is having an “autopsy “ says Dawn . – about the ‘ catestrophic ‘ election result . I think she said “autopsy “ 3 times . Another laugh .
I think the bee lady will be accused of Right Wing bias but – but – it was Dawn who did it . She’s even got a “strategy “ called CORE . Dawn remembered what the letters stood for but didn’t push it much . I think she forgot the brief . The R stands for recruit and the E for Educate .
She didn’t mention the great Comrade Corbyn and not did the Bee Lady . I was surprised because comrade Corbyn likes having black Wimmin sitting next to him in PMQs . Diane Abbot must feel threatened after her stud has traded her in for a younger version .
Great fun . I really hope she gets the deputy job and Wrong Daily becomes labour leader . That combo will have labour either ‘gone ‘ or out of power beyond 2030.
More seriously – early in the show the inconvenient trial of a Muslim convert white terrorist woman was reported very briefly . I mean – all she wanted to do was blow up St. Paul’s and kill as many kafirs as she could so that s no big deal is it . ?
There’s more detail in the newspapers about her attempts to spread Muslim terrorism across Europe but that didn’t make it onto the Islamic BBC …..
An embarrassed discussion about why Muslim converts are worse terrorists – no mention of the ‘man’ charged with attempted murder at the Londonistan main mosque … who I believe will turn out to be a ‘convert ‘ with ‘ mental issues ‘
The Regent’s Park Mosque knifeman
“The attacker is reported to be an Albanian who was under religious instruction by the victim.”
Incredible. I am always struck by the BBC defence of its existence. People like ‘DIM-bluby’ , the one with the carefully selected audience, seem to think the BBC has some kind of divine right to exist. They are not the government and certainly don’t represent or even understand what the general population thinks.
the BBC are really getting nervous now
Beeboids are beginning to sense their time might be coming to an end and are squealing like stuck pigs. Expect plenty more like that.
Hold fast Boris.
BBC Narrative Watch #1 and only – Framing Today
FARMING TODAY – Brexit: Government inward migrant rules = BAD
FARMING TODAY – Brexit: Quotas and Common Fisheries Policy = GOOD
TOADY – Harry & Megzit – No Royal brand: Government = BAD *
TOADY – Muslim Terrorism: Born Muslim = GOOD, Converts + zeal = BAD
TOADY – Floods: Prince Charles visit to Wales = GOOD, PM’s absence = BAD
TOADY – Passports: Blue UK Passports available soon = BAD
TOADY – Passports: can use Maroon EU Passport until expiry = GOOD
TOADY – US Election: Sanders admission = GOOD, Trump denial = BAD
* Actually nothing to do with Government, it’s a Palace decision
Last time his Chazness visited these parts, for the Gilpin celebrations, it was noted he used his usual means of travel.
Presumably the Royal entourage and media remoras will be less Range Rover heavy on the last leg when intoning sagely about climate change whilst standing in traditional flood plain housing estates now protected by multi-million flood defences that redirect waters from other flood defended estates upstream via magic to drought-afflicted areas worldwide?
John Redwood (@johnredwood)
22/02/2020, 07:33
We need a larger anti floods programme. No more building on floodplains. More river dredging and cleaning. More bunds and water barriers. More pumps and water channels in wetlands.
“ Range Rover heavy “ words say more than a thousand pictures ….
Chas will turn up on the weekly bus but his advance team will have arrived in the jets with Benny
Couldn’t help but notice recently the BBC suddenly taking an uncharacteristic interest in the internal regional politics of an EU member state. Don’t know about you but I hadn’t got the heads up about events in Thuringia since about 1648.
You know the story, all about how proportional representation and coalition government – the very pride and joy of the progressives – is nicely bent so as to disenfranchise anyone who voted in an unpleasant rightwing sort of way.
But boy did this one deliver a timely payoff. This morning the BBC give both barrels to the German equivalent: take your pick of…. UKIP/BrexitParty/BNP/NationalFront/Tories/[But not SNP]
‘Hanau shooting: Why Germany’s far-right AfD is blamed over racist violence By Damien McGuinness BBC News, Berlin’
No balance, no moderation, simply an all out BBC attack on a foreign political party. The BBC just pick a side and weigh in.
It has always been my contention that the intense BBC coverage of US politics has been done as a way to get around the balance restraints placed on our national broadcaster. Their correspondents yearn to go full anti-conservative so find in the US a left/right struggle in which they can clearly lean on their favoured side of the scales and subtle or not draw the parallels they desire to the UK. The present Trump/Boris superficial similarity is an absolute gift to the BBC.
As for our Teutonic friends, although the BBC seems to have put aside all the goodwill it had for them so recently when rehashing the Dresden 1945 bombing for about the umpteenth time, now once again they are an army of potential racialists if exposed to even the sight or sound of the AfD. You’ll notice how this is so easily translated by the BBC into a morality lesson for us here in the UK.
One thought suddenly occurs. Considering how – scratch the horrible white skin and there’s a nasty racialist lurking beneath – then why is Markle – sorry, I mean Merkel and her equivalents – so keen to invite so very much immigration, just to stoke the pot?
AsI – a benign answer to your last question is that Germans aren’t reproducing enough, so -in order to keep pensions flowing- younger people need to be ‘imported’ to pay into the system. This begs the question of why policies and campaigns to encourage larger indigenous families have not been pursued by government.
The likely answer to THIS question leads to the less benign answer to the question we started off with. It is the ‘Tony Blair scenario’, where you a) go for the divide and rule option and therefore b) illegally import relatively poor people who you think will vote for your party because they owe you a ‘debt of gratitude’.
In the case of Merkel, there is evidence of an even less charitable interpretation: she grew up in the GDR, was an official in the Communist Youth, and has reverted to her left-wing roots (if she ever left them), a theory for which there is now much evidence. She cleverly stays in the CDU, because that gives her access to the hitherto mass party apparatus of a leading mainstream party. (Which has been losing votes to the AfD, as conservatives start waking up!)
We have seen her true colours in 2015, but her concerted anti-AfD stance since then, and her current action to reverse a legitimate election result in Thuringia, because the AfD participated in delivering it (through their votes) shows her totalitarian tendencies.
And now we’re back with the bbc. Why? Merkel too, has a number of force-financed public broadcasters at her service, and they are unreservedly supportive of her, and have been for fifteen years. In true bbc fashion, all panel discussions are loaded with the left (the AfD doesn’t even get a look-in). Interestingly, they are all hosted by women, who dominate much of the political and media scene in Germany
Bear in mind that, because of skilful use of the war guilt club, you can keep beating conservative parties over the head with it as long as you wish; your real buddies are all either socialist or ‘green’, so they will join you in any witch-hunt you care to launch.
I am particularly interested in Germany at this stage, not only because I lived there, but because Europe appears blissfully unconcerned that with e.g. the rerun of elections that have produced ‘the wrong result’, Germany may be slipping into a 1930 like totalitarian state almost unnoticed. Only this time, it is going to be communist-dominated. I first realised this possibility a few years ago, when Merkel gave a speech at her party congress and was rewarded with a thunderous 10-minute standing ovation in the best GDR (Communist) tradition. It was an eerie reminder of the Ulbricht/Honecker years in the old Communist East Germany
So you need to keep importing relatively poor people and promising them paradise on earth. It may not keep the locals happy, but it sure as heck will likely keep you in power, after 15 years at the top.
@fakenewswatcher – interesting comment, thanks for that.
“So you need to keep importing relatively poor people and promising them paradise on earth. It may not keep the locals happy”
seems to sum up the reason why UK wants some control on who comes in.
ps – seem to remember labour saying something like “the UK is on a race to the bottom”
well have a look at the EU situation.
We know how desperately keen the BBC usually is to find fault with the Government. Every Tory utterance, every miss-step, every policy decision is normally challenged and utterly dissected.
Everything, that is, apart from reporting news that the Government is still refusing to release official research on the “characteristics” of so-called grooming gangs.
This shocking revelation is the lead item via the Independent today – but the BBC’s usually forensic and frenetic anti-Tory news hounds seem to have missed this one. Wonder why?
A victim of the rape gangs told the Independent: “The government’s repeated failure to acknowledge the role of racism and religious bigotry in grooming gang crime has led to inadequate investigation, protection and prosecution.”
It is a national scandal that the industrial scale targeting and rape of thousands of children has been allowed to happen – and it is a disgrace that the Government is shying away from its responsibility to root out the problem.
It is also truly disgusting that the state broadcaster remains complicit in hiding the truth.
The BBC weather – at least for the web-site – is supplied by Meteo Group, whoever they are. I’ve recently noticed something strange. Perhaps someone on here can explain. The chance of the BBC doing so, in between their own ‘agenda’ and narrative framing, is highly unlikely. What? The BBC do some science?
The Meteo page on weather is extremely useful, usually quite accurate (more accurate and much more precise than the MetOffice’s vague broadcast forecasts) but there is a puzzle on wind speeds.
Meteo show high wind speeds in black, lesser speeds in a clear circle. Here’s a thing: there never appear to be any 30mph wind speeds. The wind always seems to go from 20-ish up to 40+ before falling back to 20-ish or less again. See here, today:
It didn’t take much journalistic research to find this:
BBC. Noticing stuff? Journalistic research? No chance.
Woah… wait until Rog and Matt and Greta get on this….
A draft, of a study… which suggests….
Guest, it is interesting that on both Brexit and on Climate Change related HYSs on the BBC w-s, a lot of registered user names appear that are not normally seen. Strange thing is, views expressed have been usually Anti-Brexit and pro-AGW/CC.
Funny, I thought. I thought, funny.
Not in the ha-ha sense, for sure.
… but very much in the ‘Dudley’ sense. 🙂
Total BS but I like the Botometer quote –
“The Brown University study wasn’t able to identify any individuals or groups behind the battalion of Twitter bots, nor ascertain the level of influence they have had around the often fraught climate debate.
However, a number of suspected bots that have consistently disparaged climate science and activists have large numbers of followers on Twitter. One that ranks highly on the Botometer score, @sh_irredeemable, wrote “Get lost Greta!”
FFS the study hasn’t even been published !
“The paper detailing the finds has not yet been published and was first reported by The Guardian newspaper.”
..when science reports get published in the media BEFORE proper publication, then that is almost a sign of “PR NOT science”
add that to what I wrote last night and it makes it look like the reason it’s taken 3 years is cos they have been busy TORTURING data to build a conclusion, that doesn’t surprise me of anyone connected to Prof Lew, cos he has always done that on CliSci issues.
What I wrote on Friday night
“The researchers examined 6.5m tweets posted in the days leading up to and the month after Trump announced the US exit from the Paris accords on 1 June 2017”
In less than 4 months it will be 3 years since they took their sample
32 months to come up with a simple conclusion like that !
Isn’t that a long time. ??
BBC News
“They sit there for hours picking themselves apart.”
This hair salon covers its mirrors so clients don’t have to judge themselves.
(via BBC Wiltshire)
Uh huh.
The dreadful Muslim-baiter Lizzie Dearden
Exclusive: Freedom of Information request refused so ministers have ‘safe space’ to discuss policy
as tweeted by Rotherham victim Sammy
and then retweeted by MaajidNawaz
Note the Indy chose to make the first photo The guy who was born Sikh and put a photo when he was wearing a Sikh Turban
AFAIK he lived his adult life as a Muslim
Maajid’s item on the Licence Fee
BTW there is more on Maajid’s Twitter timeline like his podcast interview with another Rotherham survivor.
I couldn’t vote as I agree it should be decriminalised but vehemently disagree the news should be ringfenced – unless the fence in question is barbed wire and the journalists never allowed out or to communicate with the outside world.
Ever again.
News and news panel shows ring fenced?
Er, no.
Emily, Toenails, Champion Ash and Lammy, etc unleashed further is insanity.
“news and current affairs should be ringfenced”
One mans news is another mans codswallop, introduce the above clause and the definition of ‘news’ could become very blurry indeed.
No exceptions, subscription only, maybe a peoples vote on the future of the licence fee…
The ‘wonderful’ and Director of Diversity at the BBC, June S’pong was fabulously slated in the edition of The Pledge last night.
Her topic was lack of ‘diversity’ at awards ceremonies (yawn). In her oh so eloquent way, she rabbited on about lack of women, lack of BAMEs (further yawn). Her colleagues were almost as one as her argument was shouted down, and what really shut her up was when evidence was shown that the BAFTAS have a judging quotient of 50/50 men and women and 24% are BAMEs.
How this pointless woman has managed to reach the heights is totally beyond me. Any half intelligent woman could say what she does, and honestly has nothing to contribute except nodding her head, and saying ‘exactly”, and her ‘knowledge’ is gained by reading what researchers have prepared on the sheet she reads from. And what really gets me, she has honours from the Queen ! WHY ?
So predictable.
Billie Eyelash, in the Daily Express, has given her preference for the next James Bond and…..yes, you’re all ahead of me, would you believe it, it’s a black man.
Michael Jordan is the one she chooses.
Didn’t see that coming did we!
As only they can.
Context : what Bishop is saying is that the BBC is ruled by XR’s demands
– He quotes an old tweet from March 2019
when he was booked to appear on Radio Scotland at 9pm to talk about that days Climate kidz’ School Strike.
… XR sent tweets complaining he was a denier and cited his tweets about XR PR kids (which were actually all true )
… thus 9pm came and the BBC chose NOT to Bishop.
The boss of Ryanair is criticised for saying the bleeding obvious, namely that Muslim men should be profiled at airports because “that is where the threat is coming from”.
Of course the increasingly assertive, meddlesome and political Muslim Council of Britain took offence, saying Mr O’Leary’s comments were “racist and discriminatory”. (Or common sense.)
“This is the very definition of Islamophobia,” its spokesperson added.
If you want to read more islamo-fascist victimhood drivel:
Bit sexist of him too, as a Cousin It’s sister waddles past hospital security.
The Twitter “news for you” section pushes the story at me
It begins with 3 tweets from the Muslim Council
calling selection by male and by ideology “RACIST”
Then the Tellmama tweet
then tweets from 2 Muslim activists.
If we had vegan terrorism from men
would it be wrong to suggest we look at male vegans ?
Leary said
“You can’t say stuff, because it’s racism, but it will generally be males of a Muslim persuasion. Thirty years ago it was the Irish. If that is where the threat is coming from, deal with the threat.”
I’m photoing the article right now
Laughable yet also serious.
At about 0745 on Toady there was an interview with Dawn Butler. Yes, that Dawn Butler. She’s standing for deputy leader of the Labour Party FFS.
I don’t know whether the interviewer was under orders to treat her extra softly, as if Ms Butler has mental health issues and so there is a duty of care. The soft lobs and failure to follow up were even more noticeable than usual.
But what was glaringly obvious is that her verbal delivery is akin to an 8 year old being taught to read. You know the idea, with a tiny gap between each word. The only policy I heard was mention of transgender equality. Pass the sick bucket.
I repeat – this person with this level of ‘talent’ is standing for the Deputy Leadership of the official opposition !!!!!
May your God go with you, as Dave Allen used to say.
Sluff – did you read my little ditty on said interview from earlier today , I thought it was great comedy .
No, though I have now, and right on the money it is too, and far more entertaining.
Two useful points emerge.
Quick off the mark it was written just after the event. Yet there is so much bias and so many contributions that a mere three hours later it is miles up the posting chain.
Also great to see such similarity of view. Independent people drawing similar conclusions from the evidence available.
All power to this website!
I’m afraid that excessive dimness has never been a disqualification issue for politicians , particularly Labour politicians.
Stop press.
In the Times today.
Mischal Hussein has been paid to take part in at least TEN private events organised by the Norwegian Oil and Gas industry!!!!!!
Apart from the obvious, glaring, pro- climate change narrative hypocrisy, does anyone believe she would get these gigs and at no doubt a very high fee without the free exposure she gets on the publicly funded BBC. Surely there is a case for a special tax on people like her, with the revenue hypothecated back to the BBC and a consequent reduction is the licence fee.
We already know all about Mischal’s £10K per day extra gigs
cos when the media was banging on about Wimmins pay ..they gave context all about the outside extra ££s BBC women earn by virtue of their BBC profile.
… oh hang on the MSM didn’t tell us, cos they are not in the habit of giving proper context.
I was driving home from a book fair the other afternoon and in a thoughtless moment tuned into to radio 4. It was The World at One, with Ed Stourton holding the reins. I quite like old Ed, he has a mellifluous voice, but it was the people he had on the prog’ that had me gnashing my teeth and driving far too fast through the persistent rain.
Apparently there had been (yet another) bloody awards ceremony the night before and some rapper called Dave was receiving untold eulogies. They stuck on some geezer from The Guardian to discuss this young man’s amazing talents. On comes Tarquin No-nuts Knobhead to inform us that both Dave and Windzy are unique talents. They’re both poets and political activists. Dave had said something about Windrush (that’s original) mentioned Grenfell (yawn) got in a dig about the mistreatment of Meghan(oh FFS!) and finished off with the now ubiquitous “Boris is a racist” (c)rap. Blimey, you’d think the way this berk was talking that Dave and Windzy were The Tolpuddle bleedin’ Martyrs…and not a couple of inarticulate oafs who strain to make planker rhyme with …um…cranker…
This nation has given the world most of its greatest poets and we’re now reduced to listening to Dumb and Dumber blathering a lot of drivel to a backing track and having a pretentious waffler from pseuds’ corner making out they’re the modern equivalent of John Keats and Dylan Thomas.
Give me Chas and Dave any day…
Excellent post Jeff. Tarquin No-nuts Knobhead is the best laugh I’ve had for ages ! Love it.
Sluff – most corporations have a clause in their HR policy that you may not perform remunerated duties for any other employer.
The beeb should have something like that as well.
Apart from that, is there a flavour here of…now what was that word again? Oh yes.
The Guardian tells us that a ‘study’ from the dispiritingly named Brown University has shown that up to a quarter of posts on climate change are from bots – computer-generated humanoids – which gives an artificial impression of high levels of climate change denial.
Naturally, the possibility of this artificial creativity working both ways does not seem to have occurred to the writing team of our second national treasure.
Just had an email from “” but with a Belgian return address of
Message as follows
To continue to watch or record live TV programmes on
any channel or device, or to download or watch BBC programmes
on iPlayer – either live, via catch up or on demand, you need
to be covered by a TV Licence
Your year’s licence will cost £60.30 and you can renew it
quickly and easily online.
(Absolute bargain!)
Renew now
The renew button will take you to :
I know that some councils are struggling to balance their books but this sounds a little “enterprising” on KCC’s part.
Just followed the link to Kent CC , you can buy a Sex Establishment License for £4387 …..seems a lot but if you’re employing cheap illegals then it’s a bargain !
@Toobi’s link of course takes you to a Nigerian scam website
… The bit stuck on the end about Kent County Council is merely a red herring
Hells bells, the latest news is a plane has landed carrying British citizens back from Japan. Jeez if they potentially had Ebola it would be understandable, but am I interested in a few people who only just might have the flu ? No.
I think with half term the children are in charge . The way the sars2 virus is likely to go – it will spread pretty quickly quite soon and stories about people being stick in China or on cruise ships will be even more trivial at the National level – but sunshine might help as spring come ….
There will be outbreaks and clusters (mostly caused by superspreaders who display few, if any, symptoms whilst infecting those with whom they come into contact) but the evidence thus far indicates that sensible containment measures allied to individual prudence will see to it that these will be the exception rather than the rule.
It’ll be an uncomfortable few weeks even so.
I’m more of a pessimist than you . Perhaps nature will come to our aid and the bug will be put back in its ‘box by dryer times and more sunlight …..
I’ve done stuff with epidemics in the past and it always seemed that the big problems came along when NHS staff were significantly compromised or just wouldn’t expose themselves to the hazard …..
Observations from the facts4eu link:
In direct terms, the forthcoming EU budget is not supposed to affect the UK. In reality it will, because the EU will be seeking every penny it can from the UK in unlawful claims, in order to try to offset the billions which the other EU countries are now fighting over.
These things will matter this year – BBC take note
Before the UK’s EU Referendum, the summits of the 28 leaders of the EU member countries were barely reported on by the UK media. Indeed this was also true of the proceedings of the EU Parliament and the statements of the EU Commission President and his Commissioners. “Nothing to see here,” seemed to be the stance of most of the media.
With the announcement of the EU Referendum however, some reporting increased – mostly from a pro-EU, Remainer perspective. This latter point was true even of Eurosceptic newspapers like the Daily Telegraph, whose Europe Editor was inexplicably allowed to continue his pro-EU bias.
His output paled into insignificance, of course, compared to the massed pro-EU onslaught from the extremist Remainer-Orcs who still dominate the News and Current Affairs Department of the BBC.
Macron to claim compensation for not being allowed to take our fish
Yesterday the French President gave an interview to local French newspapers. So far it has gone unreported by the BBC, but we have read it in full. It’s punchy stuff, eg “I will not let our fishermen be affected by the British vote, about which they can do nothing.”
On the latter see:
The attached article is long but is divided into useful segments. It explains how we can/must increase our supply of small ships to guard our 200 nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone.
Never mind about the 200 Nm’s, wot abaht the 20 mile bit further on down?
The Channel obviously needs a flotilla!
Fortunately it has been Force 7 this morning, rough to very rough seas (using Up2snuff’s handy Beaufort scale), which might inhibit a few weekend invaders one way or another.
Was/is the Europe Editor Peter Forster? He is relentlessly depressing.
David Dimbleby has come out in predictably heavy support for the licence fee, in an interview for German TV, resulting in the expected accusations of ‘champagne socialist’ and overpaid BBC toady. In fact, in addition to his lavish BBC paychecks, the bulk of his gentlemanly lifestyle comes from the £12m+ sale of his father’s local newspaper empire.
Quite how a BBC employee and presenter of politically-based Panorama among many similar programmes was employed while owning a newspaper chain is a question no-one seemed to want to ask at the time, or since.
I haven’t checked CBBC yet but doubtless Greta will feature.
I’d bet Trump is trying to figure out how to tap into her political potential – come to think of it, they all are..
Doubtless bbc commentators will be analysing just how one travels across countries to go to another to… ‘strike’ outside somewhere you do not work.
Wouldn’t it be awful if protesters blocked the port she arrived at? Though I’m sure Plod would suddenly find they could move protesters away.
I take it she’s walking?
Let them strike then shut the schools down for good. The taxpayers would save a fortune and as for the kids? Well they are better off out of it.
Border security … if we had any then 2 of the 4 Chilean burglars should
have been refused entry to Britain
They had outstanding Chilean arrest warrants and one had just been deported from the US.