Joe Hill, the award winning writer son of Stephen King, wrote 3 pitches for Dr Who. They were edited by no less than Neil Gaiman, a major screen writing figure whose work in comics and for Netflix is legendary. They sent their efforts to the Dr Who team at the BBC, and received this reply:
‘We have never let an American write Doctor Who, and if we were going to, we wouldn’t start with you.”
Ah, the BBC, king of the racists. Sorry, why has Dr Who lost almost 25 % of its audience in just a few weeks?
Did their decision have anything to do with a script which included a full scale Dalek attack on BBC installations ?
With an added tick box bit about lack of accessibility to BBC buildings for those such as Daleks who ‘don’t do ‘ stairs …. and breaching the Equality Act ? ????
looks very much like one of those claiming “asylum” other wise known as spineless cowards who would prefer to run to the UK and claim benefits rather than fight for their count
Shocking moment road rage driver smashes into another motorist’s car narrowly missing him and tearing off his door while his one-year-old child was seated inside
Aint wokeness wonderful: (comng to a street near you soon no doubt)
Vegan runner who is ‘offended’ by the smell of meat is slammed for asking neighbors to show ’empathy’ by closing the windows while cooking and only grilling vegetables on the BBQ
An anonymous vegan runner from Berkeley, California being criticized online
Caused a stir when asked neighborhood not to cook meat with windows opened
Said smell of meat was ‘offensive’ but also added did not want to be stereotype
Was mercilessly criticized and mocked online for their unreasonable demand
Alarming videos show Iranians LICKING holy shrines in religious tradition as country’s clerical hardliners refuse to close sites despite coronavirus outbreak
The regime has shut schools, universities and sports centres to prevent spread
But the hardline clerical establishment have still refused to close holy sites
Clips show people licking the doors and burial mound inside Masumeh shrine
Worshippers in the videos brazenly state they ‘don’t care what happens’, even if they catch or spread the infection which has killed at least 54 in the country.
Iran’s hardline clerical establishment has refused to shut down Qom despite the holy city suffering the brunt of the outbreak and pilgrims spreading the virus across the Middle East.
Terrified Indonesian woman is escorted by police before being caned in public for having sex outside marriage in violation of Sharia law
Dozens gathered to watch eight humiliated victims whipped outside a mosque in the capital Banda Aceh
An ‘algojo’, a masked sharia officer, rained down between five to 45 lashes from a rattan cane on their backs
The men and women were rounded up by religious officers after they had intercourse outside marriage
I watched the video of the whipping. It didn’t seem to provoke any pain reaction. Either they had a copy of the Koran inside their jumpers or the guy doing the strokes was pulling back.
Just one whack from our old headmaster would prevent you from sitting down for the rest of the day.
Regardless, the racist bbc seem very concerned about wimmins rights so no doubt will be using their self proclaimed “world class journalists” to investigate ?? or another bbc tumbleweed moment when its a muzzie gang rape of schoolchildren / “asian” racist attack on chinese person in Birmingham / etc etc
Animal Rebellion protesters target Cambridge McDonald’s and pretend to be corpses
Today (March 1) saw the group’s first ever protest in the city, but they’re planning more actions to highlight the impact of animal agriculture on the planet
Interesting! so who did the survey and who did they ask?
Nope you won’t find that in the article! My experience is that the Guardian often “commission” surveys on topics they want answered in the right way so this is just another one of those opinion pieces and therefore complete bunkum.
X-RATED RACE RANT X Factor finalist screamed ‘You f***ing black man, go back to Africa’ at Iceland worker after she was caught stealing
Tony Palmer
2 Mar 2020, 11:03Updated: 2 Mar 2020, 12:19
FORMER X-Factor star Rachel Hylton told an Iceland shop worker, “You f***ing black man, go back to Africa” when he caught her stealing food.
The 38 year-old singer, who made the Series 5 final in 2008, claimed the colour of her skin meant she was innocent of a crime, telling police: “How can I be racist? I’m black myself.”
Migrants (invading soldiers) are deliberately harming babies so they cry for the cameras in Greece & throughout Europe
Human traffickers are smuggling these kids into Europe while jihadists & the fake news uses them as props to pimp & exploit emotions from public
I am unsure if the following has been recommended by anyone on the site today but David Sedgwick’s excoriating book on the BBC , The Fake News Factory , is excellent. It’s on Amazon for £7.50 or Kindle £3.50.
I always found the channel Yesterday warzone of interest, particularly the history around the UK in WW2 just a clear fact-filled window into Britains past.
Today, that’s gone bloody woke too. They are discussing the German fortifications on Guernsey in particular the underground tunnels.
The main presenter (still male at present) is supported by “experts” and amongst them today, two young women “Structural Engineers” both American, one white, one black.
They just lost a viewer, I don’t need to be insulted by accepting that these blatant diversity “placements” have any connection or genuine knowledge with that period in history. Obviously just parroting an autocue.
Digg you only just caught up with this format formula TV thing ?
A British TV production company came up with this
That a cameraman and assistant go and fly to a few historic places and film some locations.
Then back home you edit it up to history lesson narratives.
You have saved the cost of sending a celebrity to the location.
Then so you can sell it to Discovery Networks, you have various tickbox people come into the studio for 90 minutes and get them to read a few lines . to put between the footage the cameraman filmed.
BTW BBC do it the same with Attenborough
They film the footage, construct the narratives in the edit suite
then over a couple of days he sits in the sound studio and reads out the soundbites ..and they edit his voice over into the footage.
Probably desperately trying to find a black Spitfire / Hurricane pilot next, no luck with the muslims they would all be on a boat seeking asylum somewhere
Probably desperately trying to find a black Spitfire / Hurricane pilot next, no luck with the muslims they would all be on a boat seeking asylum somewhere
We all know the media can be a force for good when responsible reporting practises are adhered to by journalists. CfMM is working to change how our Muslim communities engage with the media, so we are better equipped to deal with the effects resulting from inaccurate and sometimes biased reporting. .
In order to empower Muslim communities to proactively engage with the media, we offer various types of training. Our workshops are delivered by an experienced professional trainer and yet are very competitively priced.
Interested? Get in touch via the link below and we’ll contact you to discuss your needs.
Muslims and Islam in the Media:
What can YOU do?
Our aim is to help individuals and community organisations to reduce inaccurate and misleading information on Muslims and Islam in the media. This half-day workshop explores the narratives commonly used in reporting on Islam and Muslims, and then takes participants through the basic skills needed to make effective complaints to both print and broadcast media watchdogs. The sessions are practical with hands on experience using real examples.
Our mission is empowering Muslim communities to achieving a just, cohesive and successful British society.
hmmmm tell that to the hundreds of schoolgirls gang raped by your members and your attempts to silence the press about it, your drug dealers who attend your mosques and claim to be religious, your dodgy car dealers who sell defective cars and attend your mosques and claim to be religious, your asian youth attacking homosexuals and jews in the streets, your “special schools” fomenting hate within your children against western society, your hundreds of members sending abuse and death threats to OFSTED inspectors who challenge these schools etc etc
The Icelandic entry for the forthcoming BBC supporting Eurovision Song Contest is the winner .
And if anyone can do a maxi cutting and pasting onto this site you’re in for a treat !
I think it is called “ think about things “ and apparently can be found on YouTube
“Appeal judges have dismissed a former BBC journalist’s crowdfunded case for a judicial review against the corporation and the way it measures impartiality in news and current affairs programming.”
The case was heard before LJ Dimbleby , LJ Maitliss and LJ Vine …. ( might have made that bit up – but let’s assume the LJ of appeal were ‘ related ‘ -in the bubble .
RE Alarming videos show Iranians LICKING holy shrines in religious tradition as country’s clerical hardliners refuse to close sites despite coronavirus outbreak
The regime has shut schools, universities and sports centres to prevent spread
But the hardline clerical establishment have still refused to close holy sites
Clips show people licking the doors and burial mound inside Masumeh shrine
Worshippers in the videos brazenly state they ‘don’t care what happens’, even if they catch or spread the infection which has killed at least 54 in the country.
Iran’s hardline clerical establishment has refused to shut down Qom despite the holy city suffering the brunt of the outbreak and pilgrims spreading the virus across the Middle East.
Go for it !! do the world a favour, make the civilised world safer, go lick away
These are incredibly serious allegations. I welcome the announcement that the Cabinet Secretary will be holding an inquiry into the Home Secretary’s conduct. However, we need assurances that this inquiry will cover Priti Patel’s entire career as a minister.
I wonder if anyone has considered that she was to be removed from her post because she is an unstable person? Perhaps the attempt at self harm is a clue.
At the start of the prog they said
“we will be answering your questions, ”
They then played 4 people from Manchester
started with a bearded barber who like all 4 appeared to be BAME
I didn’t learn much,
: wash your hands often , don’t touch your face
.. stay at home and let the children do the shopping and work, cos they rarely get the infection.
“Cardiff Airport could get extra £6.8m loan from Welsh Government”
At the same time the Welsh NHS is in a mess and education standards are abysmal.
But one glimmer of light emanating from Cardiff not on Al Beeb yet is that “Neil Hamilton Tables Vote to Scrap the Welsh Assembly”
Sadiq khan has spat his dummy out because he was excluded from the governments cobra meeting, so he decided to hold his own!
Today, I brought together senior officials from Public Health England, the NHS, our emergency services, TfL, councils across London and the Government, to review and ensure we are fully prepared to respond to the coronavirus.
It’s never going to be reported by the BBC, but he’s made 250 tweets in the past hour alone, on one of the most jaw dropping ego trips I think I’ve ever seen.
He’s basically attempting to usurp the government in UK planning for the corona virus. Having said that some of the replies to this ego maniac are priceless !
10pm BBC4
Documentary following the stories and fates of four people accused of blasphemy in Pakistan, including Asia Bibi, a Christian woman who claims she was falsely accused by her Muslim co-workers after a disagreement.
The film also shows Khadim Hussain Rizvi’s advocacy of the blasphemy law as a key platform to run for the role as prime minister of Pakistan in the forthcoming elections.
Director Mohammed Ali Naqvi
But in Pakistan, a blasphemy law enacted in 1986 legitimises such fanaticism, potentially leading to state execution for those found to have insulted Islam.
This often horrific documentary tracks the country’s culture war as it intensifies, with both convictions and acquittals in blasphemy cases being met with protests, and violent threats made against not just the accused but the judiciary.
Millions died so that muslims could have their own country, and they’ve turned it into yet another islamic hell of violent intolerance and persecution. Religion of Peace, indeed.
Tonight’s Panorama is entertainment NOT journalism
Twitter uses are praising it for highlighting the Indian Microsoft call centre scam.
But that is a prog that they could have done 5 years or even 10 years ago.
And the exciting research like hacking into the centres CCTV
was done by people like YouTuber Jim Browning
BTW the prog concluded that no matter how much info you get the Indian Police won’t help you.
Yeh well tell that to the victims of Pachauri the sex pervert lauded at the IPCC
The Climate Change boss just died after prosecution was stalled for 5 years.
The key to stopping scam-merchants is banks and Paypal etc
..they should not allow your card to transfer money to scammers. It would be quite easy for them not to allow a 90 years old’s card to work with vendors in India etc.
On Twitter I don’t see corroboration from bystanders
but something must have made the police release TR
.. I also guess that any witness who agree with TR’s version, would suffer immidation from antifa.
And now we have the interview with the great lady forming a large part of an extended advert for her works on the News at Ten. Interviewed in a room in the Tower of London, ostensibly something to do with her latest work but probably the only room large enough to fit a chair that could accommodate her backside.
NHS have now dropped Category 2 #Coronavirusuk risk so after 4 days in Italy last week 200 miles from the quarantined towns I went for a check at St Tommy's. Self-quaranting for now. Fingers xd, Sangiovese on tap.
He is a tw*t….why did he go to the hospital? If he had any symptoms he should have self isolated and if not, continue as normal – that is the official advice and 200 miles from the key zones in Italy either puts him in Austria, France or Switzerland or the South so he shouldn’t have been bothered..self promotion because people don’t give a t**s about him
A Politically Correct Political Force.
Note the police woman lazing against the wall .
We have a police force run by elected commissioners, with no doubt, degrees all coming out of their ….. ur hum, back pockets.
Sky’s Mark Stone reporting on the migration masses from Turkey, continues to push the line about women and children being caught up in the conflict. Shots were fired from a Greek border patrol as a boat load of migrants attempted to get onto Lesbos, – the bullets were aimed into the water, but Stone made huge mention of the women and kids on board. Shame our British border patrol doesn’t offer the same tactics.
This is only the beginning again, just see what happens when the warmer weather comes.
There is a war going on in this nation and its between the government and the liberal media which includes Al Beeb.
The sooner that Boris gets rid of Al Beeb and its telly tax the sooner this country can move on.
The BBC is determind to get rid of Priti Patel;. She must really scare them and their fellow travellers. bringing up some old accusations as the second item on the TV news. Desperate stuff from a failing bunch of useless nomarks.
The BBC is determind to get rid of Priti Patel;. She must really scare them and their fellow travellers. bringing up some old accusations as the second item on the TV news. Desperate stuff from a failing bunch of useless nomarks.
Well, I’ve just watched a Sky journo John Craig shouting in the street to Priti Patel “are you a workplace bully minister ?” , and Beth Rigby walking alongside Rees Mogg demanding his answers about the coronavirus (he told her to ask the Health Minister).
This sort of journalism is a disgrace, shouting and screaming in the street like delinquents. It happens all too often as ministers enter No 10. These well paid idiots know too well that they aren’t going to get a reply, so why do it ? If it was me I would walk across to them and say on camera … “I refuse to engage with someone who screams at me”, and let them look the stupid ones.
A flight into unreason led by a child. We have been here before , Pilgrimage of the Children and the various manias of the past.
Meanwhile in the shadows the warlords wait to prey on the deluded and weakened peoples of the West. Or maybe we will have our very own homegrown one. Who knows?
You have to dig way down their “evidence” to find the quote…
“The staff member’s grievance letter alleges she had previously attempted to kill herself after reporting similar allegations of workplace bullying concerning another individual in 2014, before Ms Patel was a minister.”
So it creeps out that the employee concerned has “previous with grievances”…
Latest on Priti Patel bullying claim from her time at Department for Work & Pensions: @BBCNews has seen legal letters alleging a female member of her private office took an overdose on the day she was told Ms Patel wanted to remove her from her role…
A former aide to Priti Patel received a £25,000 payout from the government after claiming she was bullied by the then employment minister. Legal correspondence seen by the BBC alleges the woman took an overdose of prescription medicine following the alleged incident in 2015. The Department for Work and Pensions did not admit liability and the case did not come before a tribunal.
Ms Patel is facing allegations – which she denies – that she mistreated staff in her current role as home secretary, and on Saturday, the Home Office’s most senior official, Sir Philip Rutnam, resigned. Boris Johnson has given Ms Patel his full support, calling her “a fantastic home secretary”. The Cabinet Office is investigating.
Read more about Priti Patel and her rise to one of the most powerful jobs in the land in our profile.
“In America, some detect that the old political consensus lies fractured.
In his book The Unwinding, the writer George Packer says “no-one can say when the unwinding began, when the coil that held America together in its secure and sometime shifting grip first gave way”
Celtic – thanks for the post – I had a bad night so listened to this – yet another bubble dweller who apparently went and ‘talked’ to ‘ordinary people ‘ but still doesn’t get it . A long 1hour 20 minutes .
He talks about the sneering of Sarah palin but doesn’t realise he is sneering himself – particulary at Donald Trump . Yet he realises that the bubble exists but cannot see that he is part of it – the bubble in the sense that politicians of various shades and journalists share the same life style – are literally in bed with each other – and share the same poisonous views .
The see non snowflake bubble dwellers as ‘mentally affected ‘ ( eg the attitude toward brexiters ). On the issue of brexit I notice he doesn’t examine it – indeed doesn’t mention it at all .
Instead he just sneers at Hungary – Orban – Poland – and those countries saying ‘ we want to stay as we are – no third world imports please ‘.
I found his lecture shallow , unstructured and unable to provide any remedies to the stuff he sort of points out .
I don’t think he stand up to challenge very well – particularly to the likes of Nigel Farage – but I’m guessing that this lecture comes from 2017 which is such a long time ago .
As I headed toward the end of this so long piece that I decided this character is a smug c word . No better word unfortunately . In my view he doesn’t deserve to be on this site – maybe the guardian would be a better place
“Packer’s family was distraught by Donald Trump’s election. He found, however, that the school had deprived his son of a vocabulary to understand and oppose Trump on the basis of liberal principles: “By age 10 he had studied the civilizations of ancient China, Africa, the early Dutch in New Amsterdam, and the Mayans. He learned about the genocide of Native Americans and slavery. But he was never taught about the founding of the republic.”
So he has just written this –
2. “The President Is Winning His War on American Institutions”
Don’t waste your time reading it because it can be summed up in a tweet
We have to learn to decode articles like this. “Destroying institutions” is code language for “draining the swamp.” Trump is doing it and the swamp conservationists are aghast
RANT MODE BBC news giving us the sad stories about the consequences if we control our fishing grounds. They worry about fishing communities abroad while ignoring totally the devastation to our traditional fishing communities. I'm very angry & fed up that I pay for this betrayal????
Stop paying for it, Mr Wadey. Yes, it could be considered something of an initial hardship giving up favourite TV programmes but you will not miss TV after a year. There are so many alternatives now.
It is the best way of sending a message to the DG and the rest of the BBC executives and management: cancel your TV Licence.
Funny how the BBc goes to discredited lefty journos whose prophesies about the 2019 election were so bad that you might expect a decent person to go lock himself in a dark room and just shut up – but for him it’s an appearance fee … and people still watch it .
Maguire is a nasty piece of work. By fast talking he managed to squeeze in a reference to “hate speech” by Boris, specifically the watermelon smiles and the letterboxes.
I think I will be OK with the coronavirus, although I have heart
failure. I was checking on the BBC internet page yesterday
with all the explanations and mock up pictures. It looks like to
me that you need to belong to the Taliban or at least come
from the Indian sub continent to contract the virus.
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:45 Midweek 12th March 2025 Omission is the greatest lie … Transphobic scenes cut from new release of Crocodile Dundee Among the moments removed…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 Repeated from above … “Tony Blair holds the Keir Starmer penis , after a visit to Lord Alli’s flat.”
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Relax – UK will not allow infiltration … Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent Barry Gardiner…
StewGreenMar 12, 14:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s not exactly “major” Kenan Malik’s online article was correct but the problem is when he first prepared it he…
tomoMar 12, 14:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 As per detail in the Rebel News / Viva Frei YT piece I linked earlier – the CanadaChina thing is…
Joe Hill, the award winning writer son of Stephen King, wrote 3 pitches for Dr Who. They were edited by no less than Neil Gaiman, a major screen writing figure whose work in comics and for Netflix is legendary. They sent their efforts to the Dr Who team at the BBC, and received this reply:
‘We have never let an American write Doctor Who, and if we were going to, we wouldn’t start with you.”
Ah, the BBC, king of the racists. Sorry, why has Dr Who lost almost 25 % of its audience in just a few weeks?
Did their decision have anything to do with a script which included a full scale Dalek attack on BBC installations ?
With an added tick box bit about lack of accessibility to BBC buildings for those such as Daleks who ‘don’t do ‘ stairs …. and breaching the Equality Act ? ????
You wonder which tentacle of the putrid bBc organ will be first to
associate the Corona Virus with “old brexit voters”
Aint diversity wonderful…
looks very much like one of those claiming “asylum” other wise known as spineless cowards who would prefer to run to the UK and claim benefits rather than fight for their count
Shocking moment road rage driver smashes into another motorist’s car narrowly missing him and tearing off his door while his one-year-old child was seated inside
Aint wokeness wonderful: (comng to a street near you soon no doubt)
Vegan runner who is ‘offended’ by the smell of meat is slammed for asking neighbors to show ’empathy’ by closing the windows while cooking and only grilling vegetables on the BBQ
An anonymous vegan runner from Berkeley, California being criticized online
Caused a stir when asked neighborhood not to cook meat with windows opened
Said smell of meat was ‘offensive’ but also added did not want to be stereotype
Was mercilessly criticized and mocked online for their unreasonable demand
Aint islam wonderful;
Alarming videos show Iranians LICKING holy shrines in religious tradition as country’s clerical hardliners refuse to close sites despite coronavirus outbreak
The regime has shut schools, universities and sports centres to prevent spread
But the hardline clerical establishment have still refused to close holy sites
Clips show people licking the doors and burial mound inside Masumeh shrine
Worshippers in the videos brazenly state they ‘don’t care what happens’, even if they catch or spread the infection which has killed at least 54 in the country.
Iran’s hardline clerical establishment has refused to shut down Qom despite the holy city suffering the brunt of the outbreak and pilgrims spreading the virus across the Middle East.
Coming to a town near you sooner or later:
Terrified Indonesian woman is escorted by police before being caned in public for having sex outside marriage in violation of Sharia law
Dozens gathered to watch eight humiliated victims whipped outside a mosque in the capital Banda Aceh
An ‘algojo’, a masked sharia officer, rained down between five to 45 lashes from a rattan cane on their backs
The men and women were rounded up by religious officers after they had intercourse outside marriage
I watched the video of the whipping. It didn’t seem to provoke any pain reaction. Either they had a copy of the Koran inside their jumpers or the guy doing the strokes was pulling back.
Just one whack from our old headmaster would prevent you from sitting down for the rest of the day.
Regardless, the racist bbc seem very concerned about wimmins rights so no doubt will be using their self proclaimed “world class journalists” to investigate ?? or another bbc tumbleweed moment when its a muzzie gang rape of schoolchildren / “asian” racist attack on chinese person in Birmingham / etc etc
Forgetful tinkers at times, those BBC producers.
Coming to a takeaway near you…
Animal Rebellion protesters target Cambridge McDonald’s and pretend to be corpses
Today (March 1) saw the group’s first ever protest in the city, but they’re planning more actions to highlight the impact of animal agriculture on the planet
The Guardian are telling their readers only 8 out of 1600 doctors surveyed thought the NHS were ready for a Coronavirus outbreak….
Interesting! so who did the survey and who did they ask?
Nope you won’t find that in the article! My experience is that the Guardian often “commission” surveys on topics they want answered in the right way so this is just another one of those opinion pieces and therefore complete bunkum.
This says it all about our “racism” laws:
X-RATED RACE RANT X Factor finalist screamed ‘You f***ing black man, go back to Africa’ at Iceland worker after she was caught stealing
Tony Palmer
2 Mar 2020, 11:03Updated: 2 Mar 2020, 12:19
FORMER X-Factor star Rachel Hylton told an Iceland shop worker, “You f***ing black man, go back to Africa” when he caught her stealing food.
The 38 year-old singer, who made the Series 5 final in 2008, claimed the colour of her skin meant she was innocent of a crime, telling police: “How can I be racist? I’m black myself.”
Make ’em cry they will be on TV.
Scum of the earth in so many ways
They sure know how to exploit weakness and the compliant Western media.
I am unsure if the following has been recommended by anyone on the site today but David Sedgwick’s excoriating book on the BBC , The Fake News Factory , is excellent. It’s on Amazon for £7.50 or Kindle £3.50.
I always found the channel Yesterday warzone of interest, particularly the history around the UK in WW2 just a clear fact-filled window into Britains past.
Today, that’s gone bloody woke too. They are discussing the German fortifications on Guernsey in particular the underground tunnels.
The main presenter (still male at present) is supported by “experts” and amongst them today, two young women “Structural Engineers” both American, one white, one black.
They just lost a viewer, I don’t need to be insulted by accepting that these blatant diversity “placements” have any connection or genuine knowledge with that period in history. Obviously just parroting an autocue.
Tick-box programming – It’s abysmal.
Digg you only just caught up with this format formula TV thing ?
A British TV production company came up with this
That a cameraman and assistant go and fly to a few historic places and film some locations.
Then back home you edit it up to history lesson narratives.
You have saved the cost of sending a celebrity to the location.
Then so you can sell it to Discovery Networks, you have various tickbox people come into the studio for 90 minutes and get them to read a few lines . to put between the footage the cameraman filmed.
.. The war historian they use
watching war documentaries that have a male expert.
Then in another doc, that expert has transformed into a trans woman.
BTW BBC do it the same with Attenborough
They film the footage, construct the narratives in the edit suite
then over a couple of days he sits in the sound studio and reads out the soundbites ..and they edit his voice over into the footage.
Probably desperately trying to find a black Spitfire / Hurricane pilot next, no luck with the muslims they would all be on a boat seeking asylum somewhere
Probably desperately trying to find a black Spitfire / Hurricane pilot next, no luck with the muslims they would all be on a boat seeking asylum somewhere
Why no rape gang reporting:
“muslim council of Britain”
We all know the media can be a force for good when responsible reporting practises are adhered to by journalists. CfMM is working to change how our Muslim communities engage with the media, so we are better equipped to deal with the effects resulting from inaccurate and sometimes biased reporting. .
In order to empower Muslim communities to proactively engage with the media, we offer various types of training. Our workshops are delivered by an experienced professional trainer and yet are very competitively priced.
Interested? Get in touch via the link below and we’ll contact you to discuss your needs.
Muslims and Islam in the Media:
What can YOU do?
Our aim is to help individuals and community organisations to reduce inaccurate and misleading information on Muslims and Islam in the media. This half-day workshop explores the narratives commonly used in reporting on Islam and Muslims, and then takes participants through the basic skills needed to make effective complaints to both print and broadcast media watchdogs. The sessions are practical with hands on experience using real examples.
Hands on practicals with real examples,we can only hope they are using dummy 12 year old white schoolgirls
Our mission is empowering Muslim communities to achieving a just, cohesive and successful British society.
hmmmm tell that to the hundreds of schoolgirls gang raped by your members and your attempts to silence the press about it, your drug dealers who attend your mosques and claim to be religious, your dodgy car dealers who sell defective cars and attend your mosques and claim to be religious, your asian youth attacking homosexuals and jews in the streets, your “special schools” fomenting hate within your children against western society, your hundreds of members sending abuse and death threats to OFSTED inspectors who challenge these schools etc etc
I hope it was pink.
Probably a consequence of trying to park in a 10 metre space on the school run
Share the joy
The Icelandic entry for the forthcoming BBC supporting Eurovision Song Contest is the winner .
And if anyone can do a maxi cutting and pasting onto this site you’re in for a treat !
I think it is called “ think about things “ and apparently can be found on YouTube
Thank you – who said there can never be another Abba . And “The Young Ones “ resurrection…
…has to win, cracking!
6/1 down from 11/1. UK is 50/1 with ‘take back control ‘.
From UK Press Gazette ;
“Appeal judges have dismissed a former BBC journalist’s crowdfunded case for a judicial review against the corporation and the way it measures impartiality in news and current affairs programming.”
The case was heard before LJ Dimbleby , LJ Maitliss and LJ Vine …. ( might have made that bit up – but let’s assume the LJ of appeal were ‘ related ‘ -in the bubble .
I mentioned the judgement last Sunday night
Unconfirmed. But in the spirit of bbc ‘editorial integrity’, sources say…
“Why is Damian Grammaticas in Skagen, Denmark reporting for the BBC about concerns the Danes have for their jobs fishing in our waters?
They worry about fishing communities abroad while ignoring totally the devastation to our traditional fishing communities.
The EU fifth column”
Review and reinstate the Treason Laws.
An then hang a few of the ring leaders to demonstrate we mean business.
There’s no point having the law if it won’t be used.
RE Alarming videos show Iranians LICKING holy shrines in religious tradition as country’s clerical hardliners refuse to close sites despite coronavirus outbreak
The regime has shut schools, universities and sports centres to prevent spread
But the hardline clerical establishment have still refused to close holy sites
Clips show people licking the doors and burial mound inside Masumeh shrine
Worshippers in the videos brazenly state they ‘don’t care what happens’, even if they catch or spread the infection which has killed at least 54 in the country.
Iran’s hardline clerical establishment has refused to shut down Qom despite the holy city suffering the brunt of the outbreak and pilgrims spreading the virus across the Middle East.
Go for it !! do the world a favour, make the civilised world safer, go lick away
Does anyone think the day will come when Persians realise they are an occupied country – invaded and occupied by muslims?
Bbc and Labour. As one.
On allegations.
We elected Priti Patel, we did not have the opportunity to vote for the senior civil snowflake lefties.
If they can’t stand the heat they need to get out of the kitchen and not attempt to remove elected politicians from office by subterfuge.
Context : same worker had tried to taker own life over another work issue BEFORE Priti had worked in the dept.
I wonder if anyone has considered that she was to be removed from her post because she is an unstable person? Perhaps the attempt at self harm is a clue.
Eastenders goes dark.
Guest – yes I have a ‘ special ‘ school near to my home and the sad sights I see would support that view . All non white .
@GW That vid is 2 years old
Why didn’t the Tweeter mention that ?
and it looks like its cherry picking one area instead of explaining full context
BBC live on Corona viisit an office full of normal indigenous white people in camera view with one exception, guess who they choose to interview…
and then the non white indigenous reporter referred to “fear mongering” whilst doing her best to monger that fear
At the start of the prog they said
“we will be answering your questions, ”
They then played 4 people from Manchester
started with a bearded barber who like all 4 appeared to be BAME
I didn’t learn much,
: wash your hands often , don’t touch your face
.. stay at home and let the children do the shopping and work, cos they rarely get the infection.
ITV corona special was at 6:30pm
“Cardiff Airport could get extra £6.8m loan from Welsh Government”
At the same time the Welsh NHS is in a mess and education standards are abysmal.
But one glimmer of light emanating from Cardiff not on Al Beeb yet is that “Neil Hamilton Tables Vote to Scrap the Welsh Assembly”
Many people rely on the BBC for news
even tho BBC don’t know the difference
between Herefordshire and Hertfordshire
“ln Hertford, Hereford and Hampshire hurricanes hardly ever happen.”
Yup, I can believe it – yesterday the BBC had Saskatchewan in Western Canada. They really don’t do geography at the BBC.
Sadiq khan has spat his dummy out because he was excluded from the governments cobra meeting, so he decided to hold his own!
It’s never going to be reported by the BBC, but he’s made 250 tweets in the past hour alone, on one of the most jaw dropping ego trips I think I’ve ever seen.
He’s basically attempting to usurp the government in UK planning for the corona virus. Having said that some of the replies to this ego maniac are priceless !
10pm BBC4
Documentary following the stories and fates of four people accused of blasphemy in Pakistan, including Asia Bibi, a Christian woman who claims she was falsely accused by her Muslim co-workers after a disagreement.
The film also shows Khadim Hussain Rizvi’s advocacy of the blasphemy law as a key platform to run for the role as prime minister of Pakistan in the forthcoming elections.
Director Mohammed Ali Naqvi
But in Pakistan, a blasphemy law enacted in 1986 legitimises such fanaticism, potentially leading to state execution for those found to have insulted Islam.
This often horrific documentary tracks the country’s culture war as it intensifies, with both convictions and acquittals in blasphemy cases being met with protests, and violent threats made against not just the accused but the judiciary.
Millions died so that muslims could have their own country, and they’ve turned it into yet another islamic hell of violent intolerance and persecution. Religion of Peace, indeed.
Both docos tonight have the stupid plinky plonky music
the BBC use to brainwash your emotions
..The Coronovirus one and Panorama.
Tonight’s Panorama is entertainment NOT journalism
Twitter uses are praising it for highlighting the Indian Microsoft call centre scam.
But that is a prog that they could have done 5 years or even 10 years ago.
And the exciting research like hacking into the centres CCTV
was done by people like YouTuber Jim Browning
BTW the prog concluded that no matter how much info you get the Indian Police won’t help you.
Yeh well tell that to the victims of Pachauri the sex pervert lauded at the IPCC
The Climate Change boss just died after prosecution was stalled for 5 years.
The key to stopping scam-merchants is banks and Paypal etc
..they should not allow your card to transfer money to scammers. It would be quite easy for them not to allow a 90 years old’s card to work with vendors in India etc.
TR is trending
Here is own video about police arresting him for detaining a child-toucher at Center Parcs
As ever it’s TR’s family words against said toucher
but it should all be on CCTV
On Twitter I don’t see corroboration from bystanders
but something must have made the police release TR
.. I also guess that any witness who agree with TR’s version, would suffer immidation from antifa.
Hold the font page. I’m sure we’ve all been on tenterhooks waiting to hear Ms Mantel’s views.
BBC asks the question, BBC gets the headline it wanted.
And now we have the interview with the great lady forming a large part of an extended advert for her works on the News at Ten. Interviewed in a room in the Tower of London, ostensibly something to do with her latest work but probably the only room large enough to fit a chair that could accommodate her backside.
News ???
Is that news ??
Is that signage Russian?
He is a tw*t….why did he go to the hospital? If he had any symptoms he should have self isolated and if not, continue as normal – that is the official advice and 200 miles from the key zones in Italy either puts him in Austria, France or Switzerland or the South so he shouldn’t have been bothered..self promotion because people don’t give a t**s about him
Mr Sweeney should keep wearing the mask. It makes him look handsome by comparison.
I have made this point before. Behavior like this from the police has to have been authorized from above. And it points to the home secretary.
A Politically Correct Political Force.
Note the police woman lazing against the wall .
We have a police force run by elected commissioners, with no doubt, degrees all coming out of their ….. ur hum, back pockets.
Sky’s Mark Stone reporting on the migration masses from Turkey, continues to push the line about women and children being caught up in the conflict. Shots were fired from a Greek border patrol as a boat load of migrants attempted to get onto Lesbos, – the bullets were aimed into the water, but Stone made huge mention of the women and kids on board. Shame our British border patrol doesn’t offer the same tactics.
This is only the beginning again, just see what happens when the warmer weather comes.
“Rutnam announced his resignation”
I would put up with being bullied and shouted at by the Home Secretary for the salary that he gets.
Wouldn’t you ?
There is a war going on in this nation and its between the government and the liberal media which includes Al Beeb.
The sooner that Boris gets rid of Al Beeb and its telly tax the sooner this country can move on.
The BBC is determind to get rid of Priti Patel;. She must really scare them and their fellow travellers. bringing up some old accusations as the second item on the TV news. Desperate stuff from a failing bunch of useless nomarks.
The BBC is determind to get rid of Priti Patel;. She must really scare them and their fellow travellers. bringing up some old accusations as the second item on the TV news. Desperate stuff from a failing bunch of useless nomarks.
Well, I’ve just watched a Sky journo John Craig shouting in the street to Priti Patel “are you a workplace bully minister ?” , and Beth Rigby walking alongside Rees Mogg demanding his answers about the coronavirus (he told her to ask the Health Minister).
This sort of journalism is a disgrace, shouting and screaming in the street like delinquents. It happens all too often as ministers enter No 10. These well paid idiots know too well that they aren’t going to get a reply, so why do it ? If it was me I would walk across to them and say on camera … “I refuse to engage with someone who screams at me”, and let them look the stupid ones.
“This sort of journalism is a disgrace, shouting and screaming in the street like delinquents”
Could be described as bullying ?
Hilarious on C4 ‘news’ last night, they Asked a Government Spokesperson to come on but were told ‘no-one was available’
That’s the key. They’ll make up their own story anyway.
A flight into unreason led by a child. We have been here before , Pilgrimage of the Children and the various manias of the past.
Meanwhile in the shadows the warlords wait to prey on the deluded and weakened peoples of the West. Or maybe we will have our very own homegrown one. Who knows?
“Amy Klobuchar ends bid to challenge Trump”
They are as bad as our Labour Party .
My money is on Trump winning the next election.
Into week 2 of the BBC show trial of Priti Patel (Boris) along with the prosecution witnesses the Guardian and the Independent.
You have to dig way down their “evidence” to find the quote…
“The staff member’s grievance letter alleges she had previously attempted to kill herself after reporting similar allegations of workplace bullying concerning another individual in 2014, before Ms Patel was a minister.”
So it creeps out that the employee concerned has “previous with grievances”…
The BBC would be lost without the word ‘alleges’.
That Danny cites someone whose ‘reporting’ is a crox seems apt.
They’ve seen things. Apparently.
BBC Moaning Emole puts The word up front….
Bullying accusations
A former aide to Priti Patel received a £25,000 payout from the government after claiming she was bullied by the then employment minister. Legal correspondence seen by the BBC alleges the woman took an overdose of prescription medicine following the alleged incident in 2015. The Department for Work and Pensions did not admit liability and the case did not come before a tribunal.
Ms Patel is facing allegations – which she denies – that she mistreated staff in her current role as home secretary, and on Saturday, the Home Office’s most senior official, Sir Philip Rutnam, resigned. Boris Johnson has given Ms Patel his full support, calling her “a fantastic home secretary”. The Cabinet Office is investigating.
Read more about Priti Patel and her rise to one of the most powerful jobs in the land in our profile.
If this ‘more’ is from the bbc… then weep.
BBC world class journos missed this one again…wrong kind of racist ?
A road rage motorist racially abused a man and kicked his vehicle in rush-hour traffic.
Driver Tahir Hussain punched his victim’s car during the jaw-dropping incident in the Midlands.
Hussain, 41, branded the driver a “white b*****d” during the chaos, which unfolded in Staffordshire.
The driver, of Iranian descent, was with his wife, who is a doctor.
Now, after the incident in Stoke Road, in Shelton, in Staffs, Hussain has been convicted.
He was found guilty of racially-aggravated threatening behaviour, criminal damage and dangerous driving.
The defendant was driving a black Mercedes when the incident happened in November, 2018, reports our sister title StokeonTrentLive.
Wrong coloured fattist for the BBC ?
Piers Morgan threatens Andi Peters with sacking after ‘fat shaming’ comment on GMB
Piers, a controversial former newspaper editor who presents alongside Susanna Reid, was back on the show today
The ‘beta’ in that url seems apt.
I am restricted by the Speccie to the first few paras, but the opening sentence was enough.
George Packer is (and has been for a very long time) a leading ‘Liberal’ in the US
Notice how the BBC referenced him in this 2016 article –
“In America, some detect that the old political consensus lies fractured.
In his book The Unwinding, the writer George Packer says “no-one can say when the unwinding began, when the coil that held America together in its secure and sometime shifting grip first gave way”
Celtic – thanks for the post – I had a bad night so listened to this – yet another bubble dweller who apparently went and ‘talked’ to ‘ordinary people ‘ but still doesn’t get it . A long 1hour 20 minutes .
He talks about the sneering of Sarah palin but doesn’t realise he is sneering himself – particulary at Donald Trump . Yet he realises that the bubble exists but cannot see that he is part of it – the bubble in the sense that politicians of various shades and journalists share the same life style – are literally in bed with each other – and share the same poisonous views .
The see non snowflake bubble dwellers as ‘mentally affected ‘ ( eg the attitude toward brexiters ). On the issue of brexit I notice he doesn’t examine it – indeed doesn’t mention it at all .
Instead he just sneers at Hungary – Orban – Poland – and those countries saying ‘ we want to stay as we are – no third world imports please ‘.
I found his lecture shallow , unstructured and unable to provide any remedies to the stuff he sort of points out .
I don’t think he stand up to challenge very well – particularly to the likes of Nigel Farage – but I’m guessing that this lecture comes from 2017 which is such a long time ago .
As I headed toward the end of this so long piece that I decided this character is a smug c word . No better word unfortunately . In my view he doesn’t deserve to be on this site – maybe the guardian would be a better place
Fed, Further research has found these two articles –
The first is true because we now see it all around us especially from the left ‘progressive’ BBC
The second is very topical in view of the Priti Patel case
1. “George Packer Gets Mugged by Reality” September 18, 2019 –
“Packer’s family was distraught by Donald Trump’s election. He found, however, that the school had deprived his son of a vocabulary to understand and oppose Trump on the basis of liberal principles: “By age 10 he had studied the civilizations of ancient China, Africa, the early Dutch in New Amsterdam, and the Mayans. He learned about the genocide of Native Americans and slavery. But he was never taught about the founding of the republic.”
So he has just written this –
2. “The President Is Winning His War on American Institutions”
Don’t waste your time reading it because it can be summed up in a tweet
Dan Walker was chancing his arm by quizzing Matt Hancock about Priti Patel’s future this morning.
This is Walker’s opinion on Twitter
Stop paying for it, Mr Wadey. Yes, it could be considered something of an initial hardship giving up favourite TV programmes but you will not miss TV after a year. There are so many alternatives now.
It is the best way of sending a message to the DG and the rest of the BBC executives and management: cancel your TV Licence.
Of all bbc divisions, its Politics division is the most poisonous.
Funny how the BBc goes to discredited lefty journos whose prophesies about the 2019 election were so bad that you might expect a decent person to go lock himself in a dark room and just shut up – but for him it’s an appearance fee … and people still watch it .
Maguire is a nasty piece of work. By fast talking he managed to squeeze in a reference to “hate speech” by Boris, specifically the watermelon smiles and the letterboxes.
I think I will be OK with the coronavirus, although I have heart
failure. I was checking on the BBC internet page yesterday
with all the explanations and mock up pictures. It looks like to
me that you need to belong to the Taliban or at least come
from the Indian sub continent to contract the virus.
O for a virus that is religion-specific!