The new Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden has said that the BBC needs ‘diversity of Thinking ‘ – the softest of criticism of the Far Left monster that is the Biased BBC .
How will it react ? Will it suddenly turn ‘ pro Britain ‘ ?or continue to pour out crude propaganda supporting its selected favourite groups and ideas whilst ignoring issues of great concern to those who are forced to pay for it – such as the mass rape of children or the majority’s belief in Brexit ?
Sources close to me say I may be…
Could it be? Did money change hands?
Am sceptical.
Just reward for Guest who has been posting well all week long.
It’s always painful when I hit the new post button during noisy hours but Guest Who is more than generous …..
🙂 I’ll keep schtum, then.
Aah, beat me to it. Friend Fed tried to set it up for me but I was wittering about imprecise bombs on the Midweek Thread and just didn’t have your … umhh …. precision, Guest. 🙂
Simply good timing.
Rolled in from the pub and my turn to make the steak (sorry George).
So I fired up the iPad and…
Guest Who – cheers for the beers !
How’s about this for a news headline:
Turkish Delight – could that be what is attracting immigrants to Turkey, or is it what the Turks feel when they’ve offloaded their dross onto Greece?
Backlinks to previous thread, so you can catchup.
– page 4 began Friday 8:30am
– page 3 began Thursday 11:45am
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On the BBC webshite at the moment there is one of their insufferable video articles entitled “Black history: Should it be part of the wider curriculum? where an educational group, The Black Curriculum, is pushing for the British school syllabus to be changed, so that black history is taught throughout the year.
The question I’m left with is – what’s left on day two?
You think there’s enough for an ENTIRE DAY?
Could it be day two covers how they were all deported for being such a collective pain in the arse?
What I can never understand, is if any person who isn’t white feels so aggrieved at being under the cosh – anywhere in the world, why on earth didn’t non-whites just take the upper hand themselves and not whinge and whine forever afterwards.
I love meeting foreign people of any colour. I learn from them, like to enjoy their company, and while a few piss me off for plain bad manners like the bloke in a petrol station near me, who never says ‘thank you’ after I’ve handed over £45.00, that’s the norm with him I suppose, as his culture isn’t the same.
Fine then! I won’t visit their country, and I won’t spend my pension with them at the garage!
Job done!
But any alternative races to my own need to muscle up and just stop moaning about the past – you had your chance!
It’s no use the BBBC trying to balance the books now, it’s far too late, and as usual, they pander to a cop-out, off-the-shelf sort of issue which they drag up with boring repetition. It’s why most normal people especially youngsters, just take no notice of an antiquated, tax-funded bunch of clowns, wearing Primark hip clothes and trying to be attractive.
Yeh cos what Bill did o an intern the same age as his daughter
.. wasn’t anywhere near as bad
as Priti Patel’s alleged bulling …/sarc
You’ll see him again soon, Stew, when that old fart Biden chooses Billary as his running-‘mate’, then he retires hurt and she gets the job!
Is she looking at another balloon?
In the small print on the back of my bottle of Dettol Surface cleanser, fourth line of the killing list reads: Human Coronavirus and RSV. (I checked to find that RSV is another sort of respiratory virus)
It’s an old bottle, been under the sink for months – and the use by date is 22/05/19.
Who’d have thought that, eh?
Beltane – This is extremely interesting!
It would suggest our MSM and various other ‘elites’ have been deceiving us.
I simply can’t believe they would ever do such a thing. We certainly know the beeb is 100% honest and trustworthy…
fnw, not necessarily. The Covid family is known and has been known about for some time and some media labelling of this as novel or new may have been misleading.
Chris Witty (CMHO England) has been very clear. Also an appearance by a virologist on BBC R4 very early on brought echoes of the famous Donald Rumsfeld with the explanation that there were known unknowns and, by extension, unknown unknowns about this strain of the virus.
The problem is, just like the influenza virus variants, the wretched thing may mutate faster than you can pin the first variant down.
This really highlights why there really ought to be some careful, informed, questioning of expert contributors by BBC N&CA presenters or Health Editors/correspondents. The BBC has again been delinquent in its duty to the nation.
‘Coronavirus’ is a generic term referring to a family of viruses that affect humans, such as the ‘flu and several varieties that cause the common cold. Whilst there is probably a wider story to be told about COVID-19, it’s not to be found on an old bottle of Dettol!
Might make sense if the MSM made that clear Ian, rather than scaring the world shitless with Coronaviruus threats.
Ian – Thanks for this. So, ‘Coronavirus’ is -in fact- ‘old hat’. Nobody made that clear, throughout this media -engendered panic. We still don’t know for sure though, whether Beltane’s Dettol would kill COVID-19? The label suggests it would, even if this is a new and/or mutated form of the virus?
Rest assured Faker, I have a glass of 50/50 Laphroaig and Dettol – the two have complimentary flavours – ready and waiting the first signs of plague.
fnw, most, maybe all, viruses cannot live outside of a host for any length of time. Zika, for example, is mosquito born. VZV is human or fowl borne, hence the common name when we humans catch it: ‘Chicken Pox’.
I was hoping a passing GP or virologist would confirm or correct my post from the other day. From memory, viruses all have an ‘outdoor life’ of less than 72hours (bit like dragonflies and damselflies) – in other words a virus fades away and dies unless it finds a human or animal or insect or bird host in that time – but I stand to be corrected on that. I don’t want to unnecessarily worry anyone but … umhhh … er …. rules and records are there to be broken. As Sgt. Phil would say: “Let’s be careful out there, today.”
New variants of things are being discovered ie. ‘caught’ all the time. SARS – again from memory – was fowl related, I think, but the Mexican Swine ‘flu’ thing was obviously pig related but very much closely related to Influenza and given the moniker H1N1 as a variant of the A-strain of ‘flu’.
Incredible, Beltane! Well spotted!
My bottle of Dettol has the usual blurb, and I was pleased to see the use-by date of June 2000!
Just in time then…
“Kills 99% of all known germs”
Then along comes that 1%….
Get out the vinegar or spill some of Scottish Calvin’s malt on the 1%. If the latter doesn’t kill it, it will be probably too drunk to infect you. 😉
Many years ago I bought some horrifically cheap gutrot whisky and after concluding that it was truly undrinkable, even in cola, I ended up cleaning some windows with it. I momentarily left the room to grab some better real stuff when a friend visited and when I came back I caught him in the act of licking them.
Andrew might also reflect who, now heading the NYT, was once in oversight of an outfit here…
I think the twitter reaction to this dumb dumbs math (s) was she went to the same school as D Abbott – I think it has something to do with ‘orders of magnitude ‘ ….
The struggle is real.
Mr Sweeney, you are the virus.
That mask appears to have a space between his face and his glasses
So that he can share his bugs with the rest of us.
I watched noughts and crosses, the series about how things are with a black ruled empire in Europe.
We also have The man in the high castle about German rule after they won the war.
Both fictional but thought provoking in their own way.
I wonder if we will be getting the obvious third scenario where we became an ‘enricher’ ruled land.
Probably never.
However, the way things are going it will probably become fact sometime in the next 30-40 years for all the reasons we often see on here.
The only instance I know is Houellebecq’s novel “Submission”, which is extremely interesting. I bet the BBC won’t make it into a TV drama.
Interesting that the recent divorce case between Sheik Al Maktoum and his wife ended with an accusation of kidnap which the judge believed truthful, and a coverup under the Labour government of Tony BLiar.
The media is doing exactly what is expected of it, weak calls for Maktoum to be investigated, and hardly any calls at all for the crime loving Labour party with its corrupt ex leader Tony BLiar.
This is as I have been saying for a long time, the ex PM BLiar was corrupt and taking money from the Sunni Muslim oil rich Middle Eastern states, and although Dubai isn’t oil rich any more it has very weathy Arab friends and neighbours.
Nothing said by the cowardly useless incompetent Tories of course who are now viewing petro Islam and bribe money as a perk of the job.
You mean he didn’t make £20 million by owning a couple of flats in Bristol?
Regarding this coburn 19
Did you know that the average number of deaths by flu in England each year for the last 5years is 17,000 per year.
I don’t know anyone who has died of flu.
Are the msm going completely over the top with the doomsday predictions or, in a couple of months, will we all be wondering what the fuss was all about as with all the other scares since ww2.
SARS, bird flu, Mers, Ebola, various almost nuclear wars, WMD, millennium bug, floods, global warming, global cooling, ozone ….. the list goes on.
I think the MSM have gone completely overboard with the hysteria surrounding this ailment
I guess the only positive aspect is it’s given a slight respite from Groaning Greta telling us we’re all going to perish in ten years time.
Earlier this evening I got a rather worrying message from the ever reliable and never hyperbolic, Sun newspaper.
Crikey, I thought!
The death toll now stands at two…
and both old with underlying health conditions…what they should be asking is how they got it when in hospital 🙂
Actually @EG saying “Covid19 is nothing, cos flu kills thousands in Britain” is a trope
similar to “Grooming gangs, pah most rapists are white people”
The media’s initial interest was all about following a story
that the Chinese might be able to keep a lid on the virus
vs a scenario that it might kills hundreds of thousands
*IN ADDITION* to the hundreds of thousands killed by flu
so news about deaths rising say from 5 to 10 then 50 to 100 is important news
.. it’s all about direction of travel.
Obviously the Chinese did screw up,
had they acted earlier in December then they might have prevented the virus going into the wild as it has now done .
Sure you aren’t going to die tomorrow
but say you had a big accident whilst abroad that put you in a vulnerable state
.. now there is a chance that Covid19 in addition to flu or TB might kill you.
There is a slight grinding sound emanating from those buckled, li’l , old Gates of Vienna, dangling loosely from their rusty hinges: Austrian Chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, says he is prepared to send troops to defend the border, cos -while today there may be 13,000 ‘refugees’- tomorrow there could be hundreds of thousands and eventually even millions. He thinks Europe could be in for ‘a repeat of 2015’.
Is that youngster going to try shutting them? I hope he looks over his shoulder, cos I can think of at least one other Chancellor, sharpening…well, why have too much gory detail?
The sharp young man even claims hardly any of the ‘refugees’ are actually Syrian. (Orla G, please note!!) Most of them have been living in Turkey for many years, and -since that is a safe country- have no right to asylum. He thinks that, at best, they’re ‘migrants’.
Some of the German press say the figure of Syrians who have crossed/been arrested in Greece is only 4%! The majority are Afghans, Pakistanis and Iranians.
Keep pushing, Sebastian!
Given the BBC have found an unnamed retail source refuting Government claim to be working closely with retailers.You would have thought BBC would have been anxious to put this person on screen.Just the usual made up source for this lot of con artists,the same as “Some people say”and “The BBC has learned”.
“The BBC has learned”? Since when? —–Nah.
For those of you in touch with your feminine side, and are unable to get any hand sanitisers. Here’s a home recipe that’s idiot proof………
40ml aloe vera gel, 60ml surgical spirit, and 3-4 drops lemon or any other essential oil.
One tip: add the spirit gradually so the mixture doesn’t split.
Courtesy of recipe in D/Mail.
I just told my feminine side – who is a big bull dyke – what you said and she just told me to drop dead but my wife is right – I never listen.
how the lefty #WokeSupremacist media like #BiasedBBC portray their HEROES
BBC honours Greta as Big Brother
.. I mean Little Sister
#1984 #OrwellianBritain #2020
That is political greens vandalising nature again
Acid killer sentenced
High profile Indians boycotting the BBC
due to their pro Muslim coverage of the Delhi riots
You can be sure the BBC won’t be talking about this..they got it about right
BBC News at about 22:05 tonight had a reporter underneath the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco interviewing 2 Brits, on board a quaranteened cruise ship, via the phone she was holding.
For a few seconds you could see the cameraman filimg her holding the phone which means there was another cameraman filming the other cameraman.
Due to the unique way the BBC is funded they can send a reporter and 2 film crews to California to interview someone by Skype.
SkyNews business editor writes
‘I am glad there is a silver lining to CoronaVirus more of those who don’t believe in our Global Warming religion will die
.. It will be like a new industrial revolution’ (I paraphrase)
: ” it kills mostly the old who, let’s face it,
are more likely to be climate sceptics.
It spares the young.
Most of all, it stymies the forces that have been generating greenhouse gases for decades.”
All the discussion threads are by Skeptics
– Steve Milloy
– Ben Pile
… all discussions
EdConwaySky tweeted at 3pm that he was being ironic in his article
Stew, the governments of nations in the northern hemisphere are probably right now all praying for +2° C or more of Global Warming together with a hot, dry summer this year.
Has he not suffered enough?
Guest Who
How does anyone know he’s the “First Briton to catch COVID-19”?
IHMO he’s an actor, a made up drama queen getting his face in the media. An attention seeker paid by Al Beeb .
We all know the BBC is quick to demand compensation for their favoured “victims”.Grenfell and Windrush being 2 examples,what are the chances of BBC demanding compensation for the dead victims of coronavirus in this country,from the Chinese government?
TV is about fakery
with ambush-word games like “Reality TV” which means “Unreality TV”
Who are the bullies ??
It’s always been clear, that Projection is a wokemob characteristic.
When they throw out labels, those labels actually apply to they themselves.
Look at Twitter and see how hatey the anti-Trump, anti-Brexit people ..condoning milkshaking, condoning even death threats
and never mind the “Antifascists” , puling on their black masks, coming with sticks to make violence and throwing smoke bombs to stop other peoples LEGAL protests
She is a LibDum…hypocrisy is part of her DNA.
What do reckon Galloway ?
John Simpson says
But he gets more replies DISAGREEING with him, than people retweeting him
“Brexit: Preparations cost government more than £4bn says watchdog”
Has anyone worked out how much staying in the collapsing undemocratic, cabal will cost Great Britain ?
And how much of this £4bn was created by Parliament delaying for three years the Democratic vote?
I wider how much of that figure is attributable to the Civil Service, who would have been paid regardless?
I know there must have been a cost for that aborted contract with a ferry company. There were probably other such costs incurred by Dancing Terry May and Remoaner Philip Hammond. So the actual costs attributable to the plans to Leave the EU is likely to be less than the £4billion.
We let the government sign into law
a super costly, Virtue Signalling policy of “Net Zero”
WITHOUT proper debate/
Paul Biggs says
Please take time to sign this petition
for a referendum on government’s Net Zero carbon dioxide emissions policy: … 176 so far
Stewgreen, thanks for the alert. It’s a worthwhile petition and requires much more transparency and debate. Signed.
“Recreating Muslim sailors’ first voyages to Australia”
Is there a coincidence that this was published at the same time as the Mayflower celebrations ?
Agenda , what agenda ?
“Nathaniel Woods executed in Alabama despite campaign to save him”
The message here is don’t kill policemen .
\\Ellie Goulding: ‘I was unprepared for fame’//
Then bank all of your money and become a recluse or find another job.
“Bad local transport linked to failing schools”
Or how about bad discipline ?
A #FakeNews stunt AJ say
“Tweets are being circulated from a twitter handle @dilawarshaikh_.
This is a spurious account and has no relation or affiliation to Al Jazeera.
The Network doesn’t have any journalist by the name of Dilawar Shaikh.”
Agenda ?
Maybe it’s a new trend in the field of plastic surgery, ‘inter-racial corrective surgery’ – have a limb, or two lopped off and replaced with a different colour one?
I don’t even want to speculate where trendy transexuals might go with this!
It appears to be mainly the BBC and the Guardian who are pushing this story. It’s been simmering in the background for almost a year now..
BBC gives it negative coverage –
“Mr Trump said Mr Mulvaney would become US special envoy to Northern Ireland.
Mr Mulvaney was perceived to have implicated the president in last year’s impeachment inquiry in an off-the-cuff remark at the White House podium.
When Mr Mulvaney gave a rare White House press conference last October, he shrugged off criticism over an alleged corrupt deal with Ukraine by saying: “We do that all the time.”
I must go fetch some antiseptic in the form of a large glass of 12yo Mortlach. (I want to make sure my mouth is really really sterilised)
Doodle and thoughts for the week.
NOT the beeb: The indomitable Katie Hopkins speaks out on freedom of speech, the invasion of the UK, the killing fields of South Africa, the adulation of Saint Greta and much else.
On Sky Aus, one of the small and diminishing number of platforms that will still give her a voice.
Until we have channels like Sky Aus or Fox, tinkering with the beeb will achieve nothing. We need a REAL alternative, then let market forces play.
What I can never understand, is if any person who isn’t white feels so aggrieved at being under the cosh – anywhere in the world, why on earth didn’t non-whites just take the upper hand themselves and not whinge and whine forever afterwards.
I love meeting foreign people of any colour. I learn from them, like to enjoy their company, and while a few piss me off for plain bad manners like the bloke in a petrol station near me, who never says ‘thank you’ after I’ve handed over £45.00, that’s the norm with him I suppose, as his culture isn’t the same.
Fine then! I won’t visit their country, and I won’t spend my pension with them at the garage!
Job done!
But any alternative races to my own need to muscle up and just stop moaning about the past – you had your chance!
It’s no use the BBBC trying to balance the books now, it’s far too late, and as usual, they pander to a cop-out, off-the-shelf sort of issue which they drag up with boring repetition. It’s why most normal people especially youngsters, just take no notice of an antiquated, tax-funded bunch of clowns, wearing Primark hip clothes and trying to be attractive.
As I see it, all of us have been on God’s earth for the same amount of time. Some races have made the place more comfortable while others have languished in self-pity, indolence and violence. Those who are in the former category have no responsibility for those in the latter category. My advice to the losers – if you want to improve your lot in life, stop being a loser, get off your fat arses and do something about it yourselves. No one owes you anything.
I wish I’d said what you said, John!
You make more sense!
News you will NEVER see on the racist BBC
USA being enriched:
Horrific moment nearly 20 teens beat a 15-year-old girl on a Brooklyn sidewalk before stealing the sneakers off her feet, her phone and debit card
NYPD released footage of attack captured in surveillance
A 15-year-old girl was beaten, kicked and punched by group of teenagers
The attackers stole her phone, debit card and the sneakers off her feet
Girl was taken to local hospital for medical treatment in Brooklyn, New York
Authorities believe Thursday’s assault could be retaliation for a previous slight
So What colour was her skin Darcy3? Never ending crimes of the most horrendous kind committed by what we would seemingly define as uneducated but in todays world-those disgusting perputrators are educated so well by the Establishment/Media-they have little resistance.
Because the beeb won’t show it, here’s the vid.
The word ‘pack’ comes to mind.
Reminiscent of the pack attack in Germany post 2015. The savages doing what they’re good at and becoming more bold by the day.
I said pack but that’s an insult to all decent hyenas.
Peroxide Katty’s RT ‘source’ of choice.
For what it’s worth
Release the Home Office’s Grooming Gang Review petition
Now at 57,700
“Waiting for 2 days for a government response”
Signed… well over 61,000 now.
Latest on TR.
We all know TR was arrested and charged because they want rid of him. However, where is the logical reason why the alleged groper wasn’t at least arrested?
When are children believed? We know that children are considered unreliable witnesses, but are any children believed?
Will Suella Braverman be an improvement on Geoffrey Cox as AG?
I wonder if this ‘Asian’ man kiddy fiddler has any connection with Bedfordshire police because that might explain why he hasn’t been arrested.
Crowded collection, but this is about the dumbest bit of bbc attempted spin I have read in a while…
Bowen takes being a useful idiot to new levels.
If he had visited the Ukraine in the 1930s he would no doubt have concluded that everyone was on a strict diet.
There’s nice.
‘Excited’? Should be ‘ashamed’.
More biased bilge on its way.
Couldn’t she get a more decent job like drug-dealer or people-trafficker?
The bbc definition of ‘choice’ is, like many other terms, often at odds with reality.
I wonder which member of the hard Left NUT ‘chose’ to do that on ‘behalf’ of the children?
It’s like bbc editorial guidelines are the basis for all media propaganda now.
“arrested”. Couldn’t have anything to do with muslim suicide bombers and/or those being shot could it? After all, ‘arrest’ is a total anathema for them.
There is nothing independent about the ‘Independent’.
This is the story we did from Turkey’s border with Greece. Some people ask, disapprovingly, why so many refugees are young men. The guys tend to say they’re going ahead to blaze the trail for other family members. They’re brave. And they don’t have a choice …
BRAVE ???? did we all run away in a boat to the USA during WW2 ????
Do they stand up and fight for their country ???
Lovely bit of Beebage on Breakfast this morning. Two heroic feminists basking in the knowledge that their efforts have resulted – after a long and arduous campaign – in the abolition of ‘The Tampon Tax’. And all credit to them, who would dare deny their efforts?
Except that netball captain sofa-lady has to add, using the ‘…it’s only fair to point out…’ line, that an EU Directive has prevented the tax dropping below 5% and we can only abolish from January next year after formally leaving. The EU Commission has tried, evidently unsuccessfully, to impose the ban on zero-rated VAT-able items for a further 3 years, just to confirm that finance takes precedence over humanity, although naturally this was not mentioned. Nor that the tax cut is part of the first Conservative budget of this parliament, but that’s only to be expected.
And all In spite of Brexit.
I said same thing.. BBC gave no credit to Conservatives for implementing fact the bit I saw made it seem as though the Government had implemented it…Typical BBC
What made me laugh was they focused on the fact that the charities helping women that had benefited from the tax (given to them by govt) would have to be replaced…you can’t have it both ways….
BBC News
“If you want change in America in 2020, it seems, you are better off going with a white man in his 70s.”
Also the bbc:
Soros and his influence/control over the European Court of Human Rights. Not unexpected.
“Budget 2020: Pledges on tampon tax and the future of cash”
Not despite of Brexit but because of Brexit ?
Imagine grasping that your edifice is crumbling around you and the best of the best market rate talents walks in to Frankie Howerd to address this, and this is the face you see.
The beeb does NOT need a shake-up. Too little too late.
It needs to be smashed to smithereens, obliterated, vaporised, eradicated like a disease.