People are starting to wake up to the fact that it is the media; new social, print and broadcast, who have created the hype around Covid-19 and it hasn’t really been taken up by mass populations except in some locations. These, too, have been publicised by the same media.
Then there’s a Spring Budget, the first for a few years and from a brand new Chancellor in a brand new Government with a decent majority.
Yes he’s trailing it as a green-budget
… cos it is the GreenDream Party that has the majority
.. isn’t it ??
… see his tweet at the bottom of page 3 of previous thread.
Stew, Rishi Sunak may be about to make a big mistake. It has been trailed that he will increase Fuel Duty in the Budget.
The Conservatives introduced the FD Escalator in 1992/93 to plug a big hole at Treasury & the Bank of England that was caused by Black Wednesday and also to help create a ‘green aura’ around the Conservative Party. That latter reason failed miserably.
The total receipts from the now-unified fuel tax brings in about £27bn-£30bn but it is a receipt that has not changed much even as road mileage has recovered a little from the massive drop caused by the Bank Crash and Recession of 2007-2009.
It is undermined by:
– People giving up driving cars, in part because of Congestion Charges and CAZs/LEZs soon to be followed by UltraLowEmissionZones in an increasing number of cities. (In London, people are said to be giving up on public transport, too.)
– People switching to electric cars or possibly to bicycles, electric bicycles or petrol powered motorbikes and scooters. (Again in London, parking spaces have had to be increased for motorcycles/scooters and they are usually jammed full.)
– The previous PM has fatally undermined the tax by committing the UK to not making any new petrol & diesel vehicles beyond 2040 originally, now reduced to 2035 by the PM.
If Bojo wants to lead the Conservatives to victory and a majority in 2024, he and his Chancellor will either have to slash government spending that will really introduce proper austerity or they will have to start increasing the Basic Rate of Income Tax by 5% every year.
That is not going to play well with the Conservatively inclined voting public, especially those who used to vote for the Labour Party, especially if they are working.
Indeed, OG. The problem then comes next autumn when off-grid homes around the northern hemisphere expect to be heated by oil, especially if the Covid-19 thing is starting to fade. HMG ends up with a bonus at Treasury but also massive inflation which leads to a drop in economic activity, an increase in the Benefits bill, State Pension, rail fares, postage prices and more inflation which then leads to unemployment and possible business failures.
The Conservatives should have thought about Treasury matters before killing off the internal combustion engine.
“….a brand new Chancellor…..”. How ‘brand new’?
MP for only 5 years;
Secretary to the Treasury under Javid for, wait for it……..July 2019 to February 2020;
A Degree in, wait for it………’Philosophy, Politics and Economics.’
Never had a, ‘real job’ in his life.
Well, what makes his rise so meteoric?
I suspect that this,
“Sunak was privately educated at Winchester College, an all-boys’ boarding school, where he was head boy.[6] He then studied PPE at Lincoln College, Oxford, graduating with a First[6] in 2001.[2] In 2006, Sunak obtained an MBA from Stanford University, where he was a Fulbright scholar.[2][7][8]”
Has something to do with it.
Unproven. Hopefully someone is keeping a tight rein. But I think, ‘no’ so the mismanagement continues.
Countryfile is it a Women’s special ?
#1 PR for woman-farmer project
#2 PR for National Trust stream undraining project in their Exmoor farm
#3 Kids bird riddle
#4 Sham Hooper female mountain biker
#5 Birdgirl Mya ..”I’m half Bangladeshi, so I founded BlackToNature”
I barely watch Countryfile anymore but flicked through the channels and they were just showing a 17 year old girl who really knows her stuff about ornithology. Very pleasant girl to listen to and no BBC agenda being forced on us. Until…..
… all of a sudden she says she is half Bangladeshi and then the video cuts to about 10 black and Muslim youngsters. The 17 year old girl also does a club to encourage kids into the countryside and in BBC true style they all had to be ethnic minority ones.
David Vance has tweeted about the Hindu kidult called Ash something – apparently she has been going on about the coloured races out breeding the white race in Britain and how many council wards now have majority coloured populations .
She professes to be a communist . So her prime purpose will be to undermine capitalism by any means . Seems like ‘race ‘ is her weapon of choice .
I wonder if she will get the sane treatment TR has received – who also has ‘controversial ‘views . I think Ash is more of a threat to National Security / ‘community cohesion than TR could ever be .
And to cap it the BBC is for ever putting her on the television . Perhaps she has a death wish too ?
If you’re talking about Ash Sarkar, she seems to be on every chat, panel, comment, and sofa show on TV as well as Any Questions etc. I don’t get to see TV much, only when I visit relatives etc but she seems to be on the screen depressingly often.
She is a self confessed Communist, proudly announcing that on her twitter thing, so why isn’t she banned from everything for being ‘far left’ in the same way as those who are perceived to be ‘far right’are shunned? Does this mean that the BBC and other TV stations align as ‘far left’?
Also, she’s muslim, not Hindu. Maybe being muzz and poc makes your opinions worthy of hearing.
Desp – I got her as a Hindu after looking at the wiki – I can picture the BBC managers ( whites ) in a room saying – we need a dusky communist on the show – anyone got a name ?
female Muslim / Hindu communists must have a solid demographic in BBC world …
A few pictures down there is a picture of a ‘being’. Can’t tell if it’s male, female or a toaster because there’s a bin bag on it’s head, but it’s got a guard of honour demanding it be allowed into Greece.
“Women at Turkey’s border with Greece held a demonstration demanding they be permitted to cross during International Women’s Day.”
BBC taking the piddle again — 1000 drachma says it’s men who are demanding the woman be permitted to cross. I’m looking for the empowerment but I can’t see it somehow.
Also interesting to note illegal border entry being conflated with women’s rights. Just throw it all into the big white male oppression bag.
Clear videos online of tear gas launchers being used on the Turkish side; BBC says “Greece has accused Turkey of sending smoke bombs over the border.” Also…
Ask any woman in the street about Int. W/Day and they wont have a bloody clue. What its about or the purpose of it, only Sandi Toksvig knows, and she’s a doubtful.
International Women’s Day is important
we can think about all those poor women who live in cultures which have sexist and unfair dress codes which make life difficult for them whilst giving men much more freedom and privilege.
Like making women wear heavy dark clothing in hot climates , which also restricts movement and safety.
I just caught the tale end of Feedback with Roger Bolton on Radio 4 .
The bit was about the licence fee and the BBC , the government consultation and is everything OK .
A guest , one Clare Enders was introduced and , well basically said that things should stay as they are because the BBC is so brilliant to all people all over the world .
A sort of conversation the two had was as impartial as me arguing with myself whether I deserve a pay rise . Or a better analogy that BBC person arguing with herself whether she deserves more money because another BBC bloke gets more than her .
In other words all extraneous stuff like bias , forcing people to pay for what they don’t want , the free stuff given to the rest of the world , the ruination of the BBC by the Gramscians , etc wasn’t put in to the equation because the BBC is so stupid its circling its wagons around quicksand .
You could FOI te BBC ask ask
“How much does the BBC spend with the research firm Enders Analysis each year ?”
..And you’d get the answer “Request Denied : The information is held for the purposes of journalism ” etc.
According to Companies House she pays herself about £100,000 p.a. plus £500,000 in dividends. She can certainly be relied upon to advocate for the BBC.
You know as well as I do, that the cowardly useless incompetent Tories are not going to end the TV licence, even though it relentlesly works for their opposition. These people are beyond thick, they are are complacent and comfortable, relying on Hyacinth Bucket to vote for them in the South East not really caring if they are in power or not – but to which they believe themselves entitled.
So long as they have the bottle of claret over a pleasant luncheon, they don’t really care very much about anything else. When Brother Kier Starmer is elected leader of the other half of the uni party they are pretty much assured of the comfortable arrangement continuing, nothing for them will change very much as they drive the bus off the cliff.
I agree Thoughtful , they will not get rid of the TV License as there is too much of a revolving door between the media and politicians, and the one thing we know about the Tories is that they will always put the interests of the political class first.
Enders Analysis released this research on 09 Month 2020. It has been emailed in full to subscribers. A brief description follows:
DCMS has launched a new consultation on whether to decriminalise TV licence fee evasion—revisiting a question to which an independent, Government-commissioned review delivered a definitive, thorough “no” verdict in 2015
The Perry Review concluded there was “no compelling basis for change” because decriminalisation would be inefficient, impair BBC income by leading to higher evasion and collection costs, and probably have a more damaging impact on low-income households
Support for decriminalisation seems less the result of a serious concern for low-income households than a desire to reduce BBC funding or move to a subscription-funded BBC. Other policies would better redistribute the burden of BBC funding while keeping it a truly public broadcaster
Switched on Antiques Roadshow Sunday evening just as the fragrant Fiona was guessing which was the most expensive of three items. As usual she asked people who surrounded the objects. I noticed there wasn’t a strategically placed BME in the front row which I thought made a change, how wrong was I? Suddenly Fiona went to row 2, hidden behind some women was a very small black man with poor English and of course she asked him for his opinion. It is now so predictable it isn’t funny anymore. I am not sure what BME people think but I would find it embarrassing and patronising.
Almost 100% of traditional British pastimes are of little interest to our ethnic minorities. The BBC know this hence the desperation to make it seem as if it is not so. Visit any steam fair or preserved railway gala, country fair and you rarely see anything other than a white British person . The same with antique fairs ,gardening shows and a host of other pursuits. It is deeply dishonest to pretend otherwise.
Now maybe the BME people could well become interested in our way of life but so far there is little sign of it. I suppose the BBC and the progressives think that by making things appear to be different to reality this might happen. It is the only explanation for a very dishonest policy.
I have a stall at many craft fairs, and especially at village events, its invariably an all white attendance, so Dave S is correct that in essence, the non-whites show little interest in integrating, but they are proud to be regarded as British, yet what could be more British than galas/fetes and crafting ?
Yes, I think despite BAME’s regarding themselves as defiantly British, most don’t venture outside the ring road of their chosen inner city. So I suppose we’re safe at the moment to have the rest of our green and pleasant land to ourselves.
I saw a programme about preserved railways, (Channel 5?). One of them had a lady originally from Malaya (if I remember right). She had enthusiastically embraced what the railway was all about, she wore the uniform and had undertaken the training to become a station master.
The BBC’s approach is that the (non-existent!) British cultural activities should be replaced by those of foreigners, especially if they are of black or brown skin colour. There are umpteen billion Asians and Africans out there, their ‘cultures’ are pretty secure, while there are only 50 million indigenous British living on a few small islands. If we were butterflies or orchids the BBC would be bleating that we are under treat, instead they are in the vanguard of the cultural deforesters, motorway and airport builders.
What about a children’s choir last week, about 50 strong, in the South of England having the whole of the front row on television comprising BAMEs? That’s about as likely to be random as shuffling a pack of cards and dealing 13 straight cards of one suit. What about the indigenous kids who would have loved to be shown on TV? Doesn’t the BBC think that they resent being publicly declared to be unworthy, in their own country, compared to newcomers? Hardly likely to foster inter-racial harmony then but that is secondary compared to the BBC agenda
Popeye : Ah the BBC uses rigged packs of cards
No matter the game when they are dealt out there’s a hugely disproportionate number of black-cards that appear first.
There was also a black chap and his daughter in school uniform directly in shot as an assessment was being filmed. And there was me just thinking that AR was hideously white !
There are invariably a couple of BAMEs, strategically placed, so that they may be in some camera shots involving a valuation. Apart from the man and his daughter, in the “guess the use of” bit, there was just one BAME male, whose view was naturally asked for – Ms Bruce knew in advance exactly which way to turn to catch his opinion.
Fact is, try as they might to dishonestly distort appearances and numbers of BAME’s, the public deep down know. Our, ‘Most Trusted’ cannot alter that fact however they try.
As the Sultan meets with EU officials in Brussels today, he will presumably push for Greece to open its borders. It is important that they are flooded with messages of SUPPORT FOR GREECE, and that European media are told WE STAND WITH GREECE.
Very important!
The Sultan has only just invaded Northern Syia, allegedly to create ‘safe zones’ for Syrian refugees. Why would he now want Greece to open up? Partly because he knows most of the ‘refugees’ are Afghan and Pakistani migrants, NOT SYRIANS.
No, its about creating a new Ottoman Empire! the EU suckers may well fall for it. Turkey already has a substantial foothold in Germany. They are counting on the Germans to fold first.
Finally, some good news on the Covid-19 virus front – at least for women. The evidence from China is that men are more likely to die from it than women, based on an analysis of 44,000 people that showed 2.8% of infected men died compared with 1.7% of women. There are several possible reasons for the higher death rate which, strangely enough, hasn’t been described as an example of male privilege. But according to a professor at the University of East Anglia:
‘Women have intrinsically different immune responses to men, women are more likely to suffer from auto-immune diseases and there is good evidence that women produce better antibodies to vaccines against flu,” says Prof Paul Hunter, from the University of East Anglia.’
What heresy is this, implying some sort of biological difference between women and men? Surely gender is only a social construct? All that is necessary for men to reduce their risk of dying is to self-declare themselves as women, at which point their immune systems automatically change of their own accord.
All the more reason then to wake up tomorrow morning and declare oneself a woman. There, that would immediately reduce the infection rate at a stroke. Surprising the medical profession and politicians haven’t thought about that yet…………….
I think this is what the raw copy from BBC Young Reporter probably looks like before the BBC subject ‘editors’ have shaped it to fit the ‘story’ that they would have liked to find.
‘Knifeman shot dead by armed police in central London
The man was seen “acting suspiciously” in Westminster, at 23:25 GMT on Sunday, and pulled out two knives when he was challenged by officers on patrol, Scotland Yard said.’
By the way, I hear on the BBC’s Marr show that the Labour leadership are please Little Man Khan’s mayoral re-election campaign is going just fine and dandy.
And another thing, our Khan tells us these things are in case number 1. due to police cutbacks. So we now have to pay enough tax to have a copper on every bus? 2. just part and parcel of living in a big city.
What puzzles me about the person who was shot dead by the police is how an armed police officer was on hand to do the shooting. Was this person being monitored before he was approached, presumably by an unarmed policeman? If so, why? If not, how long did it take for an armed policeman to arrive on scene and what was happening in the time between assistance being requested and the police shooter arriving?
Oh, and when do we get to know who the deaded one is/was?
I’m sure that if there has been any social or professional interact between judge and defendant it will be declared or the judge will recluse herself . But one might wonder if there is any judge Mr Salmon wouldn’t know well … I say this not knowing the answer but just wondering .
Politicians like salmon – so ready to climb up to the moral high ground to preach to us mortals deserve a bit of sunlight from time to time ……
Talking of moral high ground . The news that Trevor Phillips of all people is being hounded out of the socialist party is a reminder that whoever gets leadership of the Labour Party inherits an organisation run by Corbyn McDonnell comrades .
So a disciple like Wrong Daily will be welcome but those not of the faith might find anything they try undermined – which to someone of the Right like me – is great news .
I think the beeb ought to check some history to see this has been going on for a long time. Just substitute the age appropriate interceptor and we could go back a long way and get a similar photo.
Glancing at the top news headlines the other day, and feeling the onset of a sudden bout of facetiousness, I imagined John Cleese demanding, in that way that he does – what has globalisation ever done for us?
The replies came thick and fast – corona virus, mass immigration, EU integration, climate alarmism, outsourcing of manufacturing jobs…
AISI, in theory, ask not what true globalisation can do for us but what it can do for others.
It can and should reduce war (that’s a benefit for everyone on the planet but especially interventionist developed nations) and can and should raise living standards (reduce the need for aid) in the undeveloped world but at home it can also help our poor and those on low incomes. True globalisation also enables the spread of Christianity and the interchange of ideas between nations.
The danger at home is that it can lead to unemployment, as you rightly observe.
The real problems come when the elites turn true globalisation into globalism purely for their own benefit.
Yep, Mr Snuff, agreed. I was being a little facetious. Mind you, I am reminded of whenever one criticises the obvious failures socialism your average socialist will come straight back with the argument: well of course that wasn’t true socialism.
Ah but, yes but, no but, “I am reminded of whenever one criticises the obvious failures socialism your average socialist will come straight back with the argument: well of course that wasn’t true socialism.” with experience and hindsight, we know that anything close to true socialism is even worse. 🙁
Pol Pot, Stasi, German National Socialism ….
… and now, it appears happening in an Oxford College or to Trevor Phillips.
But you have a point: maybe I was unwise to use the word ‘true’.
Are you panic buying? If so why and what is it that you are stocking up on?
Tesco is now restricting sales of essential food and household items as a result of coronavirus stockpiling.
Meanwhile they and the Hereford Times, whose ‘local democracy’ reporters are funded by… the bbc… are going mental about the thousands of hecklers (#hasthebbcfactcheckedthisyet) shouting at the PM.
My local Tesco is huuge, and yet for months and months have had sparse shelves, with just one row of products rather than a depth shelf full, particularly in the pharmacy aisles. It prompted me to ask assistants whether there was a stock check going on, or if they were expecting a delivery, or whether Tesco’s were in ‘trouble’.
Big discussion about the nature of ‘Islamophobia’ on Toady again. The interviewer is actually a Muslim.
Trying to imagine a special status being given to Christians in Pakistan, and what ‘Christianophobia’ there might look like. Start with a ‘Christian Council’ laying down the law to local politics there! Churches springing up all over. etc. etc. Pretty hard to do…?
Imagining a Christian heading up a 3 hour key political broadcast like Toady, well can’t be done, can it?
Heat the Wok with Andrew Marr, er, sorry, Start the Week (BBC R4 now) should be interesting. Mervyn King, former Governor of the Bank of England is on. He has written a book.
I understand that tomorrow (in the interests of impartiality, fairness and all that guff they mention in the charter) there’s going to be a nice, sensitive interview with Tommy Robinson.
Or maybe not…
@brynybrath 2h
“I know!!” Said Joly. “I can get my mates at the BBC to give me airtime. Then I can pretend the real victim isn’t the murdered Fox but me”
The bBC have it now where they have inserted the misleading sub-heading of ‘A kind of racism‘. This has been extracted from Phillips’ quote which reads:
“My objection is very simple. That definition said…that Islamophobia is rooted in a kind of racism – expressions of hostility towards Muslimness.
“First of all, Muslims are not a race. My personal hero was Muhammad Ali, before that Malcolm X.
“They became Muslims largely because it is a pan-racial faith. This is not a racial grouping, so describing hostility to them as racial is nonsense.”
Perhaps the bBC sould have made their bold sub-heading ‘Muslims are not a race‘ or ‘Not a racial grouping‘ instead.
I had the misfortune of seeing a few minutes of The Big Question on Sunday morning.
The topic under discussion was about whether prison is about rehabilitation or punishment. The studio guest who was speaking was an ex prisoner who within seconds stated as fact that because Margaret Thatcher didn’t want Liverpool to have jobs, a life of crime was the only option. Nicky Campbell then asked him how bad prison was, the guy barely got a word out before Nicky Campbell TOLD him and us how bad it was and then followed up with statements/loaded questions to put words in the guests’ mouth.
He then moved to a stabbing victim who had moved on by forgiving the perpetrator. Predictably this next guest had been stabbed as he was entering his mosque. My wife thought it was a lovely attitude to take and I felt compelled to point out that pretty much every religion has its own take on “turn the other cheek”. I only caught the tail end of this section so whether there were families there of young black men who had been killed is a question that will go unanswered.
Nicky (& is that really the moniker a man in his late 50s should be going by?) then introduced his next discussion point. Are we putting too much faith in technology? Hmmm, yes call me a cynic, but I couldn’t help but think that if I’d kept watching it would be feelings and 17 year old girls ranting that we should be putting our faith in because what has technology ever done for us? Seed drill, printing press, internal combustion engine, pah.
Anyway I knew my wife had recorded a show featuring Ainsley Harriet in the Caribbean and I insisted she put that on instead, what a lovely bloke he is, he rescued my morning and my blood pressure.
REVEALED: Human traffickers are exploiting an 'easy-peasy' route into Britain by flying illegal migrants to Ireland with fake IDs and driving them over the border for £2,000-a-go
— Migration Watch UK – The voice of 30 million (@MigrationWatch) March 9, 2020
Just in case you missed the news – William Hartnell was not the first Doctor Who.
That’s right, according to the latest from the BBC she was originally a series of ethnically diverse little girls.
This is what’s known in fan circles as a massive “retcon”
Retcon = (in a film, television series, or other fictional work) a piece of new information that imposes a different interpretation on previously described events, typically used to facilitate a dramatic plot shift or account for an inconsistency.
Somehow this reminds me of something rather more serious than the careless trashing with wokism of a long-running and much loved sci-fi franchise…
BBC: ‘Cheddar Man: DNA shows early Briton had dark skin’
Early records show that Cheddar Man became thoroughly cheesed off with the level of racism he was subjected to and emigrated to northern Assyria where he subsequently founded the curds.
Just wait until the beeb come up with further dairy based diverse men or women that predate Cheddar Man and are far more diverse and inclusive. We could have Halloumi man, Camembert man/woman , Peulh Man.
LOL x 5! In that case you you’ve probably heard that one about the puzzled Vicar confronted by the hungry and disappointed five year old after the Christmas Carol service who exclaimed loudly that they had not had any Baby Bels. Where were they?
They had thought that Christmas was all about the baby cheeses.
Labour set up a heckle molehill bite for the media.
Media turn it into mountain as thanks.
Labour brain the size of a peanut bob swings in late.
Boris Johnson heckled yesterday as he visited flood-hit Bewdley, two weeks too late. This man is unfit to lead Britain out of one crisis, let alone
Poor Mr Lammy – as he’s trying to get to sleep at night he must re run his Martin Luther King Fantasy where he gives a coherent speech , everyone loves him and he gets an 80 majority in an election – just like that white bullenden boy did a few months ago – despite the BBC propaganda machine .
Spare a thought for the long suffering electors of N17 – or maybe don’t .
Now it’s not Women’s Day but radio4 is still playing its Virtue Signalling diversity bubbleworld
where white men are only 12% of adults
instead of the 43% in the real world
Of 9 pictures 5 are white women when you’d expect 4
All scientists below with the exception of Svante Arrhenius will probably be removed from Wikipedia. Replaced by “Fake scientists” such as the BBC’s “best scientific experts” and “Honorary scientists” such as Greta.
The scientists that proved that Svante Arrhenius produced an error are James Clerk Maxwell, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller.
The scientists that produced evidence of what really causes Climate Change are William Herschel, Henrik Svensmark, Enric Palle, Nir Shaviv, Charles Wilson, Jasper Kirkby, Ed Fix, Carlo Tosti, Nicola Scafetta, Paul Vaughan, Tim Channon, Rick Salvador and Ian Wilson.
So my question: In calibrating Carbon Dioxide Warming, how much does Carbon Dioxide contribute to the Greenhouse effect. The Answer is this: Nitrogen is the main Greenhouse gas at 100.6 Kelvin and Oxygen imparts 30.3 Kelvin. Argon is third accounting for 1.7 Kelvin, and Water vapour is fourth accounting for 0.3 Kelvin. Carbon Dioxide only produces 0.0532 Kelvin. But then isotopic evidence says that only a maximum of four percent of CO2 in the Atmosphere could be man-made, so therefore in two hundred years, man-made CO2 has contributed only 0.002128 Kelvin.
Come to think of it, I have never heard anyone at the BBC mention the basic science behind their beliefs. Its not known if anyone at the BBC has heard of Svante Arrhenius. Its like worshiping relativity but not knowing what Albert Einstein did, but then claiming that Niels Bohr was a denier and therefore should be removed from Wikipedia.
Stew – when brainwashing, catching them as young as possible is important. The beeb know that. I have noticed a heavy overrepresentation of BAME characters on CBeebies in the past, so this family thing is simply a new angle.
The general idea in beeb, as a whole, seems to be to head for a representation of Britain as a sort of 50/50 society, where only half of people are ‘white’. Of these again, the majority will ultimately be women.
I’ve never had a problem with women, who are there on merit. I recall Golda Meir, Indira Ghandi, Maggie Thatcher, among others. Their gender was never an issue for me, their presence at the top of politics quite natural. They were achievers on behalf of their societies. (Unlike Merkel, for instance, who is a destroyer, on behalf of..?)
In fiction Agatha Christie balanced out Ms Marple with Hercules Poirot. Both were favourites, gender irrelevant, and this is merely one example.
But both in fact and in fiction, there is now a deliberate push to show a society that is quite different from the reality. It is all about a big push for social engineering to reflect some sort of ‘equality’ at all costs.
But, unless you rewrite history (no problem for beeb), there is a challenge here, because we are an overwhelmingly ‘white’, male-led’ society.
Take poetry, which I like. Suddenly the scores of white, male British poets have to disappear, even though their work is of high MERIT. (I have no problem with an Emily Dickinson or a Sylvia Plath) Instead we have to have a great amount of contrived third-rate rubbish BECAUSE it is of BAME origin, or represents wimmin.
The poetry itself is no longer relevant; its merit/quality no longer matters. So the ‘off’ switch is now constantly in employ.
And so, to re -engineer society you have to re-engineer its culture and its cultural heritage.
For that, you have to catch ’em young. Say, with C beebies…
I ain’t nothing like you f***ing rap n****s
Hussle man a shooter that’s a fact, n****
Thirty-two extendos in my MAC, n****
Spend a thousand on some t-shirts up at Saks, n****
I ain’t nothing like you f***ing rap n****s
Hussle man a shooter that’s a fact, n****
Thirty-two extendos in my MAC, n****
Spend a thousand on some t-shirts up at Saks, n****
In order to destroy a culture it is necessary to detach it from it’s history and that is why the destroyers use the young people as a conduit to achieve their goal.
Hey BBC Hull will you show any critical thinking about Hull University’s greendream projects ?
Or will you act in one sided promotion ?
The @UniOfHull has reduced its carbon emissions by 31% in 2 years. It’s aiming to be carbon neutral by 2027 & has plans to build a solar farm & install wind turbines. An event is being held in Hull tomorrow where organisations will discuss ways to achieve carbon neutrality.
Have a friend in Khartoum who tells me the Sudanese prime minister survived an assassination attempt this morning. Pandemonium. Not on the BBC website front page. That sort of thing used to be news but not anymore.
Sudan's state media says the prime minister has survived an assassination attempt after a blast in Khartoum. Abdalla Hamdok's family confirmed he was safe following the explosion, which targeted his convoy. No one immediately claimed responsibility.
Now that Countryfile has fully embraced the ‘woke’ agenda, I thought I would check the BARB ratings.
In February 2016 the audience was 8.1 million. Last month the figure was 4.9 million.
Yes, they have managed to lose nearly 40% of their viewers in only four years. Welly telly is on its way out at this rate.
Love to all.
And of that 4.9 million, how many of them do what Mrs Woolwich does, which is tune in and only watch part of it until the week ahead weather forecast comes on?
Steptoe just screwed the BBC and its idiot defenders over magnificently on social media:
Jeremy Corbyn
The BBC must be run in the interest of the people of this country.
We must democratise it and defend it.
If we don’t the Tories will leave us with a Fox News style media, which will damage our democracy and hand more power to billionaire moguls.
Don’t let him get his way
The BBC must be run in the interest of the people of this country.
We must democratise it and defeat it.
If we don’t the BBC will leave us with a Guardian News style media, which will damage our democracy and hand more power to billionaire liberals.
So let him get his way
A good idea. Referendum results on the democratising of the BBC (1) Yes, to decriminalisation of none payment (2) Yes, to the abolition of the Licence Fee (3) Yes, to the BBC having a democratic Brexit “Peoples majority” installed. (4) Yes, to the BBC having a democratic Tory “Peoples Majority” installed.
There aren’t any Labour Councillors in East Yorkshire anymore, so BBC Look North needs a lot of democratising.
I would have thought that as the BBC is keen to publicise diversity and the importance of women they would have mentioned that beginning tonight is the one day Jewish festival of Purim. Jews around the world celebrate the intervention of a brave women who saved her people in a topsy turvey series of events. This is particularly appropriate especially for International Women’s day.
Lynette – happy Hurim? But I bet it will get a mention by Comrade Corbyn when he does his ‘thoughts are with ‘ bit at the start of the tedious PMQs – which really is an unnecessary ritual now – even if a sane speaker has got it down to 30 mins
BBC’s favourite obese lesbian Miriam Margoyles
– BBC2 Monday & Tuesday at 9 PM
cos giving work to your lefty mates counts as #bbcDiversity
The BBC's new documentary about obesity, Miriam’s Big Fat Adventure, promises little more than cliché and claptrap, says @Ferdie_Rous
The Times Berlin reporter
habitually shout “far right, far right, far right, ”
Then suddenly today
‘oh yeh there was this 30 experiment in Germany where they gave boys to paedophiles , and no one made a fuss’
I agree , the Times is the Guardian in disguise. I have taken it for years and I can plot it’s leftward Globalist slide which has accelerated over the past few years. Of course it was extremely anti Brexit but you would expect this from a Globalist newspaper. But what you wouldn’t expect from the Times, at least I wouldn’t have done, is that it is now very firmly in the Starmer Labour camp. It seems to be putting reversal of Brexit above everything else . It also runs stories about migrants , whom it terms refugees, almost every day . It is well on its way to becoming a second Guardian. Interestingly the readers comments reflect a readership at odds with the editorial stance . How long can a newspaper keep ignoring the views of its readers? After all it isn’t funded by threat of imprisonment like the BBC, if no one buys it it goes bust.
Having turned from LBC to Talk Radio to avoid the lefty Fogerty I came across some bint called Cat Hobbs trying to defend Al Beeb from the government and Dominic Cummins. It was pretty futile, but what made it worse was that she was also championing the Grunaid.
If she loves Al Beeb so much let her pay for it . If its as good as she says it is it will pay for itself and pay the government some tax.
But it is not, and the only way to improve the BBC is to to throw away all the pro far left, pro female, pro Black, pro Muslim, pro homo, anti-British, anti men nonsense.
Al Beeb will not do that.
So Boris must destroy it, for the long term good of the UK.
No doubt some here will be following Dr Campbell’s narrative in relation to the developing Corona virus problem in particular in the UK. Here, he does a good job of containing his anger at the utter lack of common sense displayed by the Government no doubt under ‘advisement’ from the so-called, “Health Professionals”.
You get the distinct impression that, in the knowledge that running amok (with Boris’ help), the virus will kill many people 70+ in particular, the Government may be hoping to lop off a tier of the population who need support of the community either in pensions, health care and so on.
I mentioned here recently my memory of the 1950’s and the Government’s advice that if a nuclear war with the USSR breaks out, the public should head for the space under the stairs for protection. Failing that, get under the kitchen table. Heath Robinson is not an endearing feature of a British Government but, needless to say, they excel without trying.
“Women’s T20 World Cup final: ‘Ruthless Australia show anything and everything is possible for women’s cricket’
By Amy Lofthouse
BBC Sport at Melbourne Cricket Ground”
“There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.”
They really believe this nonsense, it’s more of the big lie perpetually repeated becomes the truth.
Isn’t it interesting that, generally, it will be those who have taken most advantage of our wonderful modern globetrotting open-borders ease of travel brave new globalised world who will spread this infection to those elderly and infirm here in the UK who will, generally, not have travelled recently but will sadly suffer most deaths.
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StewGreenMar 12, 10:34 Midweek 12th March 2025 Have we done the Fake Far Right Mob spotted at Liverpool mosque with big signs saying filming in progress ?…
I tried, was it worth it?
It’s going to be an interesting week ahead.
People are starting to wake up to the fact that it is the media; new social, print and broadcast, who have created the hype around Covid-19 and it hasn’t really been taken up by mass populations except in some locations. These, too, have been publicised by the same media.
Then there’s a Spring Budget, the first for a few years and from a brand new Chancellor in a brand new Government with a decent majority.
Yes he’s trailing it as a green-budget
… cos it is the GreenDream Party that has the majority
.. isn’t it ??
… see his tweet at the bottom of page 3 of previous thread.
Stew, Rishi Sunak may be about to make a big mistake. It has been trailed that he will increase Fuel Duty in the Budget.
The Conservatives introduced the FD Escalator in 1992/93 to plug a big hole at Treasury & the Bank of England that was caused by Black Wednesday and also to help create a ‘green aura’ around the Conservative Party. That latter reason failed miserably.
The total receipts from the now-unified fuel tax brings in about £27bn-£30bn but it is a receipt that has not changed much even as road mileage has recovered a little from the massive drop caused by the Bank Crash and Recession of 2007-2009.
It is undermined by:
– People giving up driving cars, in part because of Congestion Charges and CAZs/LEZs soon to be followed by UltraLowEmissionZones in an increasing number of cities. (In London, people are said to be giving up on public transport, too.)
– People switching to electric cars or possibly to bicycles, electric bicycles or petrol powered motorbikes and scooters. (Again in London, parking spaces have had to be increased for motorcycles/scooters and they are usually jammed full.)
– The previous PM has fatally undermined the tax by committing the UK to not making any new petrol & diesel vehicles beyond 2040 originally, now reduced to 2035 by the PM.
If Bojo wants to lead the Conservatives to victory and a majority in 2024, he and his Chancellor will either have to slash government spending that will really introduce proper austerity or they will have to start increasing the Basic Rate of Income Tax by 5% every year.
That is not going to play well with the Conservatively inclined voting public, especially those who used to vote for the Labour Party, especially if they are working.
With oil prices falling, this will be craftily snuck in, in the hope that no-one will notice.
Indeed, OG. The problem then comes next autumn when off-grid homes around the northern hemisphere expect to be heated by oil, especially if the Covid-19 thing is starting to fade. HMG ends up with a bonus at Treasury but also massive inflation which leads to a drop in economic activity, an increase in the Benefits bill, State Pension, rail fares, postage prices and more inflation which then leads to unemployment and possible business failures.
The Conservatives should have thought about Treasury matters before killing off the internal combustion engine.
my error : Rishi’s tweet is on the beginning of page 4
“….a brand new Chancellor…..”. How ‘brand new’?
MP for only 5 years;
Secretary to the Treasury under Javid for, wait for it……..July 2019 to February 2020;
A Degree in, wait for it………’Philosophy, Politics and Economics.’
Never had a, ‘real job’ in his life.
Well, what makes his rise so meteoric?
I suspect that this,
“Sunak was privately educated at Winchester College, an all-boys’ boarding school, where he was head boy.[6] He then studied PPE at Lincoln College, Oxford, graduating with a First[6] in 2001.[2] In 2006, Sunak obtained an MBA from Stanford University, where he was a Fulbright scholar.[2][7][8]”
Has something to do with it.
Unproven. Hopefully someone is keeping a tight rein. But I think, ‘no’ so the mismanagement continues.
G, very brand new! The paint ain’t even dry on him yet.
Backlinks to previous thread
– page 4 just started 5pm Sunday
– page 3 started 8pm Saturday
– page 2
Countryfile is it a Women’s special ?
#1 PR for woman-farmer project
#2 PR for National Trust stream undraining project in their Exmoor farm
#3 Kids bird riddle
#4 Sham Hooper female mountain biker
#5 Birdgirl Mya ..”I’m half Bangladeshi, so I founded BlackToNature”
#5 Adam with his new lambs
Stew, no Eve with #5? 😉
I can’t bear to watch that program… words fail me it is so bad
I barely watch Countryfile anymore but flicked through the channels and they were just showing a 17 year old girl who really knows her stuff about ornithology. Very pleasant girl to listen to and no BBC agenda being forced on us. Until…..
… all of a sudden she says she is half Bangladeshi and then the video cuts to about 10 black and Muslim youngsters. The 17 year old girl also does a club to encourage kids into the countryside and in BBC true style they all had to be ethnic minority ones.
Yet another Countryfile piece ruined.
Ah Black2nature
also just had video on German TV
same plinky plonk music
Looks like Mini-Champion.
Next week’s will have
– Conservative supporting girl farmer
– A young stop the grooming/raping gangs activist
no, of course not
They also failed to notice that several grand’s worth of Leitz optical kit helped her aspirations along.
Girls and silage
Wimmin s draining
Best fences for liberated ladies
David Vance has tweeted about the Hindu kidult called Ash something – apparently she has been going on about the coloured races out breeding the white race in Britain and how many council wards now have majority coloured populations .
She professes to be a communist . So her prime purpose will be to undermine capitalism by any means . Seems like ‘race ‘ is her weapon of choice .
I wonder if she will get the sane treatment TR has received – who also has ‘controversial ‘views . I think Ash is more of a threat to National Security / ‘community cohesion than TR could ever be .
And to cap it the BBC is for ever putting her on the television . Perhaps she has a death wish too ?
Champion has Polaroids of most bbc producers.
It can be the only explanation.
Long may they field her.
Every appearance several thousand more tvl dds cancelled.
If you’re talking about Ash Sarkar, she seems to be on every chat, panel, comment, and sofa show on TV as well as Any Questions etc. I don’t get to see TV much, only when I visit relatives etc but she seems to be on the screen depressingly often.
She is a self confessed Communist, proudly announcing that on her twitter thing, so why isn’t she banned from everything for being ‘far left’ in the same way as those who are perceived to be ‘far right’are shunned? Does this mean that the BBC and other TV stations align as ‘far left’?
Also, she’s muslim, not Hindu. Maybe being muzz and poc makes your opinions worthy of hearing.
Desp – I got her as a Hindu after looking at the wiki – I can picture the BBC managers ( whites ) in a room saying – we need a dusky communist on the show – anyone got a name ?
female Muslim / Hindu communists must have a solid demographic in BBC world …
Apparently it’s International womens day.
I don’t know what that is so I asked the missus.
She hadn’t got a clue so I asked my daughter.
She thought it was mothering Sunday, but that’s later in the month.
So I turned to ‘our trusted, world leading, imprisoner of people who can’t pay’ bbc, and found this.
A few pictures down there is a picture of a ‘being’. Can’t tell if it’s male, female or a toaster because there’s a bin bag on it’s head, but it’s got a guard of honour demanding it be allowed into Greece.
So now I know.
“Women at Turkey’s border with Greece held a demonstration demanding they be permitted to cross during International Women’s Day.”
BBC taking the piddle again — 1000 drachma says it’s men who are demanding the woman be permitted to cross. I’m looking for the empowerment but I can’t see it somehow.
Also interesting to note illegal border entry being conflated with women’s rights. Just throw it all into the big white male oppression bag.
More open borders propaganda on the website with women and children, the signs saying “we want to live in peace.”
Clear videos online of tear gas launchers being used on the Turkish side; BBC says “Greece has accused Turkey of sending smoke bombs over the border.” Also…
That is not a woman.
I don’t care what definition of woman you use.
dear bbc ‘THAT IS NOT A WOMAN ‘.
The late great Terry Jones. RIP.
Certainly covering the moustache….
Ask any woman in the street about Int. W/Day and they wont have a bloody clue. What its about or the purpose of it, only Sandi Toksvig knows, and she’s a doubtful.
International Women’s Day is important
we can think about all those poor women who live in cultures which have sexist and unfair dress codes which make life difficult for them whilst giving men much more freedom and privilege.
Like making women wear heavy dark clothing in hot climates , which also restricts movement and safety.
and all those women in prison in Iran for flinging off their hijabs.
I just caught the tale end of Feedback with Roger Bolton on Radio 4 .
The bit was about the licence fee and the BBC , the government consultation and is everything OK .
A guest , one Clare Enders was introduced and , well basically said that things should stay as they are because the BBC is so brilliant to all people all over the world .
A sort of conversation the two had was as impartial as me arguing with myself whether I deserve a pay rise . Or a better analogy that BBC person arguing with herself whether she deserves more money because another BBC bloke gets more than her .
In other words all extraneous stuff like bias , forcing people to pay for what they don’t want , the free stuff given to the rest of the world , the ruination of the BBC by the Gramscians , etc wasn’t put in to the equation because the BBC is so stupid its circling its wagons around quicksand .
You could FOI te BBC ask ask
“How much does the BBC spend with the research firm Enders Analysis each year ?”
..And you’d get the answer “Request Denied : The information is held for the purposes of journalism ” etc.
According to Companies House she pays herself about £100,000 p.a. plus £500,000 in dividends. She can certainly be relied upon to advocate for the BBC.
You know as well as I do, that the cowardly useless incompetent Tories are not going to end the TV licence, even though it relentlesly works for their opposition. These people are beyond thick, they are are complacent and comfortable, relying on Hyacinth Bucket to vote for them in the South East not really caring if they are in power or not – but to which they believe themselves entitled.
So long as they have the bottle of claret over a pleasant luncheon, they don’t really care very much about anything else. When Brother Kier Starmer is elected leader of the other half of the uni party they are pretty much assured of the comfortable arrangement continuing, nothing for them will change very much as they drive the bus off the cliff.
I agree Thoughtful , they will not get rid of the TV License as there is too much of a revolving door between the media and politicians, and the one thing we know about the Tories is that they will always put the interests of the political class first.
After her last outing as an ‘independent expert’ fluffing the bbc I subscribed to the company Enders Times Emole.
Anyone paying money for that needs their heads examined.
Enders Analysis released this research on 09 Month 2020. It has been emailed in full to subscribers. A brief description follows:
DCMS has launched a new consultation on whether to decriminalise TV licence fee evasion—revisiting a question to which an independent, Government-commissioned review delivered a definitive, thorough “no” verdict in 2015
The Perry Review concluded there was “no compelling basis for change” because decriminalisation would be inefficient, impair BBC income by leading to higher evasion and collection costs, and probably have a more damaging impact on low-income households
Support for decriminalisation seems less the result of a serious concern for low-income households than a desire to reduce BBC funding or move to a subscription-funded BBC. Other policies would better redistribute the burden of BBC funding while keeping it a truly public broadcaster
Lone wolf? Psychiatric issues?
Well here’s the latest re coronavirus, significant underlying health conditions!
So significant that he was able to make a trip to Italy!
Watch out for the latest weasel words of BBC propaganda because they are flying thick and fast!
Switched on Antiques Roadshow Sunday evening just as the fragrant Fiona was guessing which was the most expensive of three items. As usual she asked people who surrounded the objects. I noticed there wasn’t a strategically placed BME in the front row which I thought made a change, how wrong was I? Suddenly Fiona went to row 2, hidden behind some women was a very small black man with poor English and of course she asked him for his opinion. It is now so predictable it isn’t funny anymore. I am not sure what BME people think but I would find it embarrassing and patronising.
Almost 100% of traditional British pastimes are of little interest to our ethnic minorities. The BBC know this hence the desperation to make it seem as if it is not so. Visit any steam fair or preserved railway gala, country fair and you rarely see anything other than a white British person . The same with antique fairs ,gardening shows and a host of other pursuits. It is deeply dishonest to pretend otherwise.
Now maybe the BME people could well become interested in our way of life but so far there is little sign of it. I suppose the BBC and the progressives think that by making things appear to be different to reality this might happen. It is the only explanation for a very dishonest policy.
I forgot to draw the distinction between pastimes, hobbies and sport. The last named is a different matter. Strange that.
I have a stall at many craft fairs, and especially at village events, its invariably an all white attendance, so Dave S is correct that in essence, the non-whites show little interest in integrating, but they are proud to be regarded as British, yet what could be more British than galas/fetes and crafting ?
Don’t you find it refreshing to be in places that are ethnic free?
Bris – when a played gamekeeper for a few seasons I’d regularly attend country fairs long long distances from the smoke … and it was bliss …
Yes, I think despite BAME’s regarding themselves as defiantly British, most don’t venture outside the ring road of their chosen inner city. So I suppose we’re safe at the moment to have the rest of our green and pleasant land to ourselves.
I saw a programme about preserved railways, (Channel 5?). One of them had a lady originally from Malaya (if I remember right). She had enthusiastically embraced what the railway was all about, she wore the uniform and had undertaken the training to become a station master.
The BBC’s approach is that the (non-existent!) British cultural activities should be replaced by those of foreigners, especially if they are of black or brown skin colour. There are umpteen billion Asians and Africans out there, their ‘cultures’ are pretty secure, while there are only 50 million indigenous British living on a few small islands. If we were butterflies or orchids the BBC would be bleating that we are under treat, instead they are in the vanguard of the cultural deforesters, motorway and airport builders.
@DaveS like Countryfile they will probably introduce a person next week,
who has founded an NGO called Black2Antiques
What about a children’s choir last week, about 50 strong, in the South of England having the whole of the front row on television comprising BAMEs? That’s about as likely to be random as shuffling a pack of cards and dealing 13 straight cards of one suit. What about the indigenous kids who would have loved to be shown on TV? Doesn’t the BBC think that they resent being publicly declared to be unworthy, in their own country, compared to newcomers? Hardly likely to foster inter-racial harmony then but that is secondary compared to the BBC agenda
Popeye : Ah the BBC uses rigged packs of cards
No matter the game when they are dealt out there’s a hugely disproportionate number of black-cards that appear first.
Did you notice, at the end of that part of proceedings, when everyone clapped, the BAME didn’t. He wasn’t at all interested, just a “placeman”.
There was also a black chap and his daughter in school uniform directly in shot as an assessment was being filmed. And there was me just thinking that AR was hideously white !
There are invariably a couple of BAMEs, strategically placed, so that they may be in some camera shots involving a valuation. Apart from the man and his daughter, in the “guess the use of” bit, there was just one BAME male, whose view was naturally asked for – Ms Bruce knew in advance exactly which way to turn to catch his opinion.
Fact is, try as they might to dishonestly distort appearances and numbers of BAME’s, the public deep down know. Our, ‘Most Trusted’ cannot alter that fact however they try.
Southampton NHS asks staff to shave a bit
.. so their anti-Coronavirus face masks fit properly.
Some people are excepted .. guess who ?
“those who do not have a strong cultural or *religious reason* for a beard”
Children’s ward patients?
As the Sultan meets with EU officials in Brussels today, he will presumably push for Greece to open its borders. It is important that they are flooded with messages of SUPPORT FOR GREECE, and that European media are told WE STAND WITH GREECE.
Very important!
The Sultan has only just invaded Northern Syia, allegedly to create ‘safe zones’ for Syrian refugees. Why would he now want Greece to open up? Partly because he knows most of the ‘refugees’ are Afghan and Pakistani migrants, NOT SYRIANS.
No, its about creating a new Ottoman Empire! the EU suckers may well fall for it. Turkey already has a substantial foothold in Germany. They are counting on the Germans to fold first.
Finally, some good news on the Covid-19 virus front – at least for women. The evidence from China is that men are more likely to die from it than women, based on an analysis of 44,000 people that showed 2.8% of infected men died compared with 1.7% of women. There are several possible reasons for the higher death rate which, strangely enough, hasn’t been described as an example of male privilege. But according to a professor at the University of East Anglia:
‘Women have intrinsically different immune responses to men, women are more likely to suffer from auto-immune diseases and there is good evidence that women produce better antibodies to vaccines against flu,” says Prof Paul Hunter, from the University of East Anglia.’
What heresy is this, implying some sort of biological difference between women and men? Surely gender is only a social construct? All that is necessary for men to reduce their risk of dying is to self-declare themselves as women, at which point their immune systems automatically change of their own accord.
All women know that ‘man-flu’ is ‘a social construct’.
All the more reason then to wake up tomorrow morning and declare oneself a woman. There, that would immediately reduce the infection rate at a stroke. Surprising the medical profession and politicians haven’t thought about that yet…………….
Smoking makes a huge difference. More men than women smoke in the east.
Delicious irony: the BBC house journal is accused of racism, misogyny and religious hate.
“Guardian accused of printing ‘racist’ cartoon depicting Priti Patel as a bull”
Further irony is a rag like the Metro using #accusedof
Guido is claiming he doesn’t get the fuss, bless him.
Strangely similar cartoon to those from German newspapers in the 1930’s.
Weird? No.
I think this is what the raw copy from BBC Young Reporter probably looks like before the BBC subject ‘editors’ have shaped it to fit the ‘story’ that they would have liked to find.
What to expect during the Alex Salmond trial
“reports” the beeb
then goes on to give us the VERY important fact:-
Lady Dorrian was the first woman to be appointed as Scotland’s Lord Justice Clerk
First woman to be appointed etc? not how relevant that is to the case
Today’s Murder
‘South Norwood bus stabbing teenager dies’
‘Scotland Yard said no arrests have been made’
Here’s a clue, he wasn’t stabbed by a big red bus.
‘Knifeman shot dead by armed police in central London
The man was seen “acting suspiciously” in Westminster, at 23:25 GMT on Sunday, and pulled out two knives when he was challenged by officers on patrol, Scotland Yard said.’
By the way, I hear on the BBC’s Marr show that the Labour leadership are please Little Man Khan’s mayoral re-election campaign is going just fine and dandy.
And another thing, our Khan tells us these things are in case number 1. due to police cutbacks. So we now have to pay enough tax to have a copper on every bus? 2. just part and parcel of living in a big city.
So that’s ok then.
What puzzles me about the person who was shot dead by the police is how an armed police officer was on hand to do the shooting. Was this person being monitored before he was approached, presumably by an unarmed policeman? If so, why? If not, how long did it take for an armed policeman to arrive on scene and what was happening in the time between assistance being requested and the police shooter arriving?
Oh, and when do we get to know who the deaded one is/was?
I’ve lots of questions about this one – we await BBC reporting to tell us something substantial. (cue laughter)
John – the Westminster area is full of ‘tooled up ‘ coppers – it’s as likely that the character with the knives went looking for a bullet …
Spare a thought for the cop who had to pull the trigger because I’m sure he / she will be getting the full ‘independent ‘ investigation….
I’m sure that if there has been any social or professional interact between judge and defendant it will be declared or the judge will recluse herself . But one might wonder if there is any judge Mr Salmon wouldn’t know well … I say this not knowing the answer but just wondering .
Politicians like salmon – so ready to climb up to the moral high ground to preach to us mortals deserve a bit of sunlight from time to time ……
Talking of moral high ground . The news that Trevor Phillips of all people is being hounded out of the socialist party is a reminder that whoever gets leadership of the Labour Party inherits an organisation run by Corbyn McDonnell comrades .
So a disciple like Wrong Daily will be welcome but those not of the faith might find anything they try undermined – which to someone of the Right like me – is great news .
The bbc.
Headline: “Six RAF jets intercept Russian aircraft heading for Scottish coast“
Last para: ‘The bombers were not intercepted as they remained outside of the area considered UK airspace.’
Worth bearing in mind when the bbc claims, well, anything.
the same “report” was on msn, a non story
I think the beeb ought to check some history to see this has been going on for a long time. Just substitute the age appropriate interceptor and we could go back a long way and get a similar photo.
Glancing at the top news headlines the other day, and feeling the onset of a sudden bout of facetiousness, I imagined John Cleese demanding, in that way that he does – what has globalisation ever done for us?
The replies came thick and fast – corona virus, mass immigration, EU integration, climate alarmism, outsourcing of manufacturing jobs…
AISI, in theory, ask not what true globalisation can do for us but what it can do for others.
It can and should reduce war (that’s a benefit for everyone on the planet but especially interventionist developed nations) and can and should raise living standards (reduce the need for aid) in the undeveloped world but at home it can also help our poor and those on low incomes. True globalisation also enables the spread of Christianity and the interchange of ideas between nations.
The danger at home is that it can lead to unemployment, as you rightly observe.
The real problems come when the elites turn true globalisation into globalism purely for their own benefit.
True Globalism?
Yep, Mr Snuff, agreed. I was being a little facetious. Mind you, I am reminded of whenever one criticises the obvious failures socialism your average socialist will come straight back with the argument: well of course that wasn’t true socialism.
Ah but, yes but, no but, “I am reminded of whenever one criticises the obvious failures socialism your average socialist will come straight back with the argument: well of course that wasn’t true socialism.” with experience and hindsight, we know that anything close to true socialism is even worse. 🙁
Pol Pot, Stasi, German National Socialism ….
… and now, it appears happening in an Oxford College or to Trevor Phillips.
But you have a point: maybe I was unwise to use the word ‘true’.
BBC Hereford & Worcester
Are you panic buying? If so why and what is it that you are stocking up on?
Tesco is now restricting sales of essential food and household items as a result of coronavirus stockpiling.
Meanwhile they and the Hereford Times, whose ‘local democracy’ reporters are funded by… the bbc… are going mental about the thousands of hecklers (#hasthebbcfactcheckedthisyet) shouting at the PM.
My local Tesco is huuge, and yet for months and months have had sparse shelves, with just one row of products rather than a depth shelf full, particularly in the pharmacy aisles. It prompted me to ask assistants whether there was a stock check going on, or if they were expecting a delivery, or whether Tesco’s were in ‘trouble’.
Big discussion about the nature of ‘Islamophobia’ on Toady again. The interviewer is actually a Muslim.
Trying to imagine a special status being given to Christians in Pakistan, and what ‘Christianophobia’ there might look like. Start with a ‘Christian Council’ laying down the law to local politics there! Churches springing up all over. etc. etc. Pretty hard to do…?
Imagining a Christian heading up a 3 hour key political broadcast like Toady, well can’t be done, can it?
Heat the Wok with Andrew Marr, er, sorry, Start the Week (BBC R4 now) should be interesting. Mervyn King, former Governor of the Bank of England is on. He has written a book.
Bbc, again….
Nick looks worried. Has he realised they may look utterly idiotic?
He knows people.
I understand that tomorrow (in the interests of impartiality, fairness and all that guff they mention in the charter) there’s going to be a nice, sensitive interview with Tommy Robinson.
Or maybe not…
Can you imagine Adrain Chiles, the BBC and the Guardian had a lying Tory scum, white male, battered a fox to death?
Pity poor Jolyon everyone.
@brynybrath 2h
“I know!!” Said Joly. “I can get my mates at the BBC to give me airtime. Then I can pretend the real victim isn’t the murdered Fox but me”
This looks promising.
And so it proved.
A friend, eh?
Mrs. Vine must be thrilled.
Ah the division between ‘banter ‘and ‘inciting racial hatred ‘ – big for some – but not for others ( see TR ) .
I was pondering what the case law on that offence looks like – I kind of guess it’s largely whitee as the badee…
I put Ash ‘s comment down to 3 things
1 she is a kidult
2 she needs to be controversial in a big anti whitee field
3 she know no one will prosecute ….
She’ll be doing the rounds of TV again and collecting the nice fees …
Vine got ratioed
2.9K replied mostly opposing him ..vs 1.7K Likes
… just 184 Retweets
Sarkar’s “just banter”
The bBC have it now where they have inserted the misleading sub-heading of ‘A kind of racism‘. This has been extracted from Phillips’ quote which reads:
“My objection is very simple. That definition said…that Islamophobia is rooted in a kind of racism – expressions of hostility towards Muslimness.
“First of all, Muslims are not a race. My personal hero was Muhammad Ali, before that Malcolm X.
“They became Muslims largely because it is a pan-racial faith. This is not a racial grouping, so describing hostility to them as racial is nonsense.”
Perhaps the bBC sould have made their bold sub-heading ‘Muslims are not a race‘ or ‘Not a racial grouping‘ instead.
They have got rid of that sub-heading now.
Well, fancy that.
News sniffer hasn’t caught up yet.
I had the misfortune of seeing a few minutes of The Big Question on Sunday morning.
The topic under discussion was about whether prison is about rehabilitation or punishment. The studio guest who was speaking was an ex prisoner who within seconds stated as fact that because Margaret Thatcher didn’t want Liverpool to have jobs, a life of crime was the only option. Nicky Campbell then asked him how bad prison was, the guy barely got a word out before Nicky Campbell TOLD him and us how bad it was and then followed up with statements/loaded questions to put words in the guests’ mouth.
He then moved to a stabbing victim who had moved on by forgiving the perpetrator. Predictably this next guest had been stabbed as he was entering his mosque. My wife thought it was a lovely attitude to take and I felt compelled to point out that pretty much every religion has its own take on “turn the other cheek”. I only caught the tail end of this section so whether there were families there of young black men who had been killed is a question that will go unanswered.
Nicky (& is that really the moniker a man in his late 50s should be going by?) then introduced his next discussion point. Are we putting too much faith in technology? Hmmm, yes call me a cynic, but I couldn’t help but think that if I’d kept watching it would be feelings and 17 year old girls ranting that we should be putting our faith in because what has technology ever done for us? Seed drill, printing press, internal combustion engine, pah.
Anyway I knew my wife had recorded a show featuring Ainsley Harriet in the Caribbean and I insisted she put that on instead, what a lovely bloke he is, he rescued my morning and my blood pressure.
“Ainsley Harriet …, what a lovely bloke he is”
Descended from slave owners apparently. Lammy would be proud.
Just in case you missed the news – William Hartnell was not the first Doctor Who.
That’s right, according to the latest from the BBC she was originally a series of ethnically diverse little girls.
This is what’s known in fan circles as a massive “retcon”
Retcon = (in a film, television series, or other fictional work) a piece of new information that imposes a different interpretation on previously described events, typically used to facilitate a dramatic plot shift or account for an inconsistency.
Somehow this reminds me of something rather more serious than the careless trashing with wokism of a long-running and much loved sci-fi franchise…
BBC: ‘Cheddar Man: DNA shows early Briton had dark skin’
[Claims later debunked by scientists]
Early records show that Cheddar Man became thoroughly cheesed off with the level of racism he was subjected to and emigrated to northern Assyria where he subsequently founded the curds.
Luckily, I’m already wearing my coat….
My concern is ‘It’s Frothy Man’ from the 70’s.
Possibly making a comeback now, as a related viral plague to Corona.
Just wait until the beeb come up with further dairy based diverse men or women that predate Cheddar Man and are far more diverse and inclusive. We could have Halloumi man, Camembert man/woman , Peulh Man.
And Parmesan Man, though apparently others found his company a bit grating…
I saw similar evidence for Swiss Cheese Man – but it was full of holes.
And as for the stink surrounding Stilton Man…
Blessed are the cheese makers …..
( and makers of all dairy products …)
Sorry Feds, embracing all dairy products in benediction is whey over the top.
Bel don’t get crushed in the rush for people getting their coats ….
Chief Up2snuff say: “Red Leicester Man taste heapum good whichever way you cook him for PowPow.”
(That post is probably so politically incorrect that I’ll be tied to a post and tarred and feathered.)
[Doh! Done it again.]
{I’ll get my coat.}
(PS: Fed, think you forgot ‘Baby’ in front of Bel in your above post.)
No sweat about the ‘Baby’ Up2. I’m thick skinned.
LOL x 5! In that case you you’ve probably heard that one about the puzzled Vicar confronted by the hungry and disappointed five year old after the Christmas Carol service who exclaimed loudly that they had not had any Baby Bels. Where were they?
They had thought that Christmas was all about the baby cheeses.
ITV News has appointed Jonathan Mitchell as health and science producer. Jonathan was previously a production journalist at ITV News London.
There used to be magazines of that title hidden in the cricket pavilion.
Wonder of Jono is qualified in anything bar standing outside hospitals reeling off mortality stats?
Labour set up a heckle molehill bite for the media.
Media turn it into mountain as thanks.
Labour brain the size of a peanut bob swings in late.
Poor Mr Lammy – as he’s trying to get to sleep at night he must re run his Martin Luther King Fantasy where he gives a coherent speech , everyone loves him and he gets an 80 majority in an election – just like that white bullenden boy did a few months ago – despite the BBC propaganda machine .
Spare a thought for the long suffering electors of N17 – or maybe don’t .
Looks like her share of anything is hefty enough already.
Now, about our sons’ paying tuition at Uni when their mates from Swansea….
And where is the index finger of the colleague behind her?
You know that thing where the bbc speaks for the nation?…
…but really doesn’t.
Now it’s not Women’s Day but radio4 is still playing its Virtue Signalling diversity bubbleworld

where white men are only 12% of adults
instead of the 43% in the real world
Of 9 pictures 5 are white women when you’d expect 4
Very much depends on what you might deem ‘newsworthy’, but this I do find qualifies.
Given BBC ‘reporters’ depend on Wikipedia for most things, I imagine for them it would not.
All scientists below with the exception of Svante Arrhenius will probably be removed from Wikipedia. Replaced by “Fake scientists” such as the BBC’s “best scientific experts” and “Honorary scientists” such as Greta.
The scientists that proved that Svante Arrhenius produced an error are James Clerk Maxwell, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller.
The scientists that produced evidence of what really causes Climate Change are William Herschel, Henrik Svensmark, Enric Palle, Nir Shaviv, Charles Wilson, Jasper Kirkby, Ed Fix, Carlo Tosti, Nicola Scafetta, Paul Vaughan, Tim Channon, Rick Salvador and Ian Wilson.
So my question: In calibrating Carbon Dioxide Warming, how much does Carbon Dioxide contribute to the Greenhouse effect. The Answer is this: Nitrogen is the main Greenhouse gas at 100.6 Kelvin and Oxygen imparts 30.3 Kelvin. Argon is third accounting for 1.7 Kelvin, and Water vapour is fourth accounting for 0.3 Kelvin. Carbon Dioxide only produces 0.0532 Kelvin. But then isotopic evidence says that only a maximum of four percent of CO2 in the Atmosphere could be man-made, so therefore in two hundred years, man-made CO2 has contributed only 0.002128 Kelvin.
Come to think of it, I have never heard anyone at the BBC mention the basic science behind their beliefs. Its not known if anyone at the BBC has heard of Svante Arrhenius. Its like worshiping relativity but not knowing what Albert Einstein did, but then claiming that Niels Bohr was a denier and therefore should be removed from Wikipedia.
44 episode BBC childrens animation series focussed on a black family from St Lucia
JoJo & GranGran
Stew – when brainwashing, catching them as young as possible is important. The beeb know that. I have noticed a heavy overrepresentation of BAME characters on CBeebies in the past, so this family thing is simply a new angle.
The general idea in beeb, as a whole, seems to be to head for a representation of Britain as a sort of 50/50 society, where only half of people are ‘white’. Of these again, the majority will ultimately be women.
I’ve never had a problem with women, who are there on merit. I recall Golda Meir, Indira Ghandi, Maggie Thatcher, among others. Their gender was never an issue for me, their presence at the top of politics quite natural. They were achievers on behalf of their societies. (Unlike Merkel, for instance, who is a destroyer, on behalf of..?)
In fiction Agatha Christie balanced out Ms Marple with Hercules Poirot. Both were favourites, gender irrelevant, and this is merely one example.
But both in fact and in fiction, there is now a deliberate push to show a society that is quite different from the reality. It is all about a big push for social engineering to reflect some sort of ‘equality’ at all costs.
But, unless you rewrite history (no problem for beeb), there is a challenge here, because we are an overwhelmingly ‘white’, male-led’ society.
Take poetry, which I like. Suddenly the scores of white, male British poets have to disappear, even though their work is of high MERIT. (I have no problem with an Emily Dickinson or a Sylvia Plath) Instead we have to have a great amount of contrived third-rate rubbish BECAUSE it is of BAME origin, or represents wimmin.
The poetry itself is no longer relevant; its merit/quality no longer matters. So the ‘off’ switch is now constantly in employ.
And so, to re -engineer society you have to re-engineer its culture and its cultural heritage.
For that, you have to catch ’em young. Say, with C beebies…
I ain’t nothing like you f***ing rap n****s
Hussle man a shooter that’s a fact, n****
Thirty-two extendos in my MAC, n****
Spend a thousand on some t-shirts up at Saks, n****
I ain’t nothing like you f***ing rap n****s
Hussle man a shooter that’s a fact, n****
Thirty-two extendos in my MAC, n****
Spend a thousand on some t-shirts up at Saks, n****
Not exactly “A host of golden Daffodils”, innit?
In order to destroy a culture it is necessary to detach it from it’s history and that is why the destroyers use the young people as a conduit to achieve their goal.
#agenda #propaganda #racebaiting?
Hey BBC Hull will you show any critical thinking about Hull University’s greendream projects ?
Or will you act in one sided promotion ?
Have a friend in Khartoum who tells me the Sudanese prime minister survived an assassination attempt this morning. Pandemonium. Not on the BBC website front page. That sort of thing used to be news but not anymore.
Now that Countryfile has fully embraced the ‘woke’ agenda, I thought I would check the BARB ratings.
In February 2016 the audience was 8.1 million. Last month the figure was 4.9 million.
Yes, they have managed to lose nearly 40% of their viewers in only four years. Welly telly is on its way out at this rate.
Love to all.
And of that 4.9 million, how many of them do what Mrs Woolwich does, which is tune in and only watch part of it until the week ahead weather forecast comes on?
Steptoe just screwed the BBC and its idiot defenders over magnificently on social media:
Jeremy Corbyn
The BBC must be run in the interest of the people of this country.
We must democratise it and defend it.
If we don’t the Tories will leave us with a Fox News style media, which will damage our democracy and hand more power to billionaire moguls.
Don’t let him get his way
Can’t wait for John, Jez and the gang’s spin on this one.
The BBC must be run in the interest of the people of this country.
We must democratise it and defeat it.
If we don’t the BBC will leave us with a Guardian News style media, which will damage our democracy and hand more power to billionaire liberals.
So let him get his way
A good idea. Referendum results on the democratising of the BBC (1) Yes, to decriminalisation of none payment (2) Yes, to the abolition of the Licence Fee (3) Yes, to the BBC having a democratic Brexit “Peoples majority” installed. (4) Yes, to the BBC having a democratic Tory “Peoples Majority” installed.
There aren’t any Labour Councillors in East Yorkshire anymore, so BBC Look North needs a lot of democratising.
I would have thought that as the BBC is keen to publicise diversity and the importance of women they would have mentioned that beginning tonight is the one day Jewish festival of Purim. Jews around the world celebrate the intervention of a brave women who saved her people in a topsy turvey series of events. This is particularly appropriate especially for International Women’s day.
Lynette – happy Hurim? But I bet it will get a mention by Comrade Corbyn when he does his ‘thoughts are with ‘ bit at the start of the tedious PMQs – which really is an unnecessary ritual now – even if a sane speaker has got it down to 30 mins
LynetteO, the Chief Rabbi got to do Thought for the Day on the TOADY Prog on the subject of Purim.
BBC’s favourite obese lesbian Miriam Margoyles
– BBC2 Monday & Tuesday at 9 PM
cos giving work to your lefty mates counts as #bbcDiversity
The Times Berlin reporter
habitually shout “far right, far right, far right, ”
Then suddenly today
‘oh yeh there was this 30 experiment in Germany where they gave boys to paedophiles , and no one made a fuss’
Here’s a report from the Irish Times last in 2016
Times Business : 2 pages lauding Mark Carney
I agree , the Times is the Guardian in disguise. I have taken it for years and I can plot it’s leftward Globalist slide which has accelerated over the past few years. Of course it was extremely anti Brexit but you would expect this from a Globalist newspaper. But what you wouldn’t expect from the Times, at least I wouldn’t have done, is that it is now very firmly in the Starmer Labour camp. It seems to be putting reversal of Brexit above everything else . It also runs stories about migrants , whom it terms refugees, almost every day . It is well on its way to becoming a second Guardian. Interestingly the readers comments reflect a readership at odds with the editorial stance . How long can a newspaper keep ignoring the views of its readers? After all it isn’t funded by threat of imprisonment like the BBC, if no one buys it it goes bust.
Shares in steep fall.
Recession forecast.
The Remainiacs at Al Beeb are loving every minute of this.
Brexit will be blamed.
Having turned from LBC to Talk Radio to avoid the lefty Fogerty I came across some bint called Cat Hobbs trying to defend Al Beeb from the government and Dominic Cummins. It was pretty futile, but what made it worse was that she was also championing the Grunaid.
If she loves Al Beeb so much let her pay for it . If its as good as she says it is it will pay for itself and pay the government some tax.
“If its as good as she says it is …”
But it is not, and the only way to improve the BBC is to to throw away all the pro far left, pro female, pro Black, pro Muslim, pro homo, anti-British, anti men nonsense.
Al Beeb will not do that.
So Boris must destroy it, for the long term good of the UK.
No doubt some here will be following Dr Campbell’s narrative in relation to the developing Corona virus problem in particular in the UK. Here, he does a good job of containing his anger at the utter lack of common sense displayed by the Government no doubt under ‘advisement’ from the so-called, “Health Professionals”.
You get the distinct impression that, in the knowledge that running amok (with Boris’ help), the virus will kill many people 70+ in particular, the Government may be hoping to lop off a tier of the population who need support of the community either in pensions, health care and so on.
I mentioned here recently my memory of the 1950’s and the Government’s advice that if a nuclear war with the USSR breaks out, the public should head for the space under the stairs for protection. Failing that, get under the kitchen table. Heath Robinson is not an endearing feature of a British Government but, needless to say, they excel without trying.
8 March 2020 Women’s Cricket
“Women’s T20 World Cup final: ‘Ruthless Australia show anything and everything is possible for women’s cricket’
By Amy Lofthouse
BBC Sport at Melbourne Cricket Ground”
“There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.”
They really believe this nonsense, it’s more of the big lie perpetually repeated becomes the truth.
OK girls, get back to us when you beat the men.
Quick thought on Corona Virus.
Isn’t it interesting that, generally, it will be those who have taken most advantage of our wonderful modern globetrotting open-borders ease of travel brave new globalised world who will spread this infection to those elderly and infirm here in the UK who will, generally, not have travelled recently but will sadly suffer most deaths.
Where’s the karma in that?
Surely Pug, you don’t want the BBC to countenance oldies like me to die from a disease, just because I’m old?
Whow! Bugger that!
I’m never going to die for ages yet, so those sods in W1AA can go and f**k themselves!