Budget Day . A golden opportunity for the Biased BBC to take the role of opposition desperately trying to undermine Brexit and a newly elected Government . Let’s see…
Lord Blagger
We have been screwed by Al Beeb for years. What changes ?
Scrap the telly tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich. That’s what this site aims for,
– page 3 started 10:20am Tuesday and ended 10:30pm
– page 2 started 6:10pm
Tips : for alternative layouts put your browser in “desktop mode”
Or try viewing via Inoreader, cos that lets you arrange posts in chronological order and without pics
As someone with curly hair, I might be interested in hair straighteners. But if I was really interested I would google or buy an appropriate magazine or discuss with my hairdresser. I don’t think it is something I would go to the BBC for.
I thought that now that Britain is officially ‘black’, judging by TV and the BBC website, devices like hair straighteners were seen as tools of ‘white supremacists’ and therefore evil?
Certainly correct JimS about Britain beeing officially ‘Black’ as it would now seem-Of course it was celebrating Commonwealth Day in the Abbey, but by heck, you could have been forgiven in thinking it was Black World Day’. Hardly a white face represented from those Commonwealth countries such as Australia/New Zealand for example. Felt sorry for HM and other Royals in the front seats having to face and hear all the tribal music! How many people does the UK have who one would call Black or coloured-out of approx 70 million I would guess by BBC standards it would be near 50 million- however I do believe the white people are still a majority in their own land-JUST.
I thought to sit out the plague in a tent on the Greenland ice-shelf with a quantity of non-Chinese pot-noodles. But then I thought, what if the noodles are Italian?
And then I thought, but what if they are right and the ice melts?
Decisions, decisions.
I wonder if any of you have seen the Beeb’s latest effort at a detective drama?
“Hidden” is set in Wales and clearly the writers have attempted to make this a sort of dark, Swedish style thriller.
If I was Welsh I think I’d sue them.
This is more Taffy-drizzle than Scandi-Noir. It’s appallingly dreary with the most unattractive actors I’ve clapped eyes on for many a year. At least they could have offered us sad old blokes some eye candy…
They try to give us those long and poignant silences. You know the sort of thing. Lots of eye contact and meaningful stares, but it’s all just padding.
The other week they had a couple “talking” in a little garage/grocery shop. It was agonisingly turgid and went something like this:
Man- I’d like a loaf………………of bread……………..and…………….
Girl- Yes……………………………………………………………………………
Man- And a…………………………………………..bottle………………….
Girl- Yes……………………………………………………………………………
Man- ………………………………..Of milk…………………………………….
This bloody series has been eeked out for six miserable, hour long episodes.
By the time it’s finished you won’t care who did it, or why they did it, you’ll just be relieved it’s over.
You are lucky, this is the second series! There is another, equally dire Welsh police drama that has also had more than one series.
They are probably funded by Plaid Cymru to dissuade the English from visiting or worse buying a holiday home, (“Come Home To A Real Fire – buy A Cottage In Wales”).
It is pretty typical, the senior police officer is a woman and, like all fictional senior police officers, does no work and one wonders why she got the job. The lead character could kill Medusa with a glance. The dreich weather and characters, along with the ‘suspenseful music’ (according to the sub-titles) makes for a really miserable show.
Perhaps the BBC and Plaid hope that the English will plead to give Wales to the EU?
P.S. How do they decide when to speak Welsh or English? Do they put chalk marks ouside the houses like those tramp signs of old?
It was the TV police that I had in mind, not the tourists. I was keeping my criticism to the programme, not the Welsh.
Many, many years ago we were speaking to an English shopkeeper in Wales. She said that she found the language to be a problem when she first started up. A child had come in saying “Mam wants something for the grate.” It turned out that she wanted some bleach to put down the outside drain!
I noticed while driving in East Central Scotland recently – i.e. miles from anywhere that the 1% of Scottish Gaelic speakers might actually reside (the vast majority of them live in the Outer Hebrides, apparently, and virtually every one of that small number of people speak English with no problems), that police cars and ambulances are now marked bilingually in Gaelic and English. I didn’t spot any fire engines to compare.
Now, tell me that the ‘Gaelic’ words used aren’t corruptions of English, and that without them (apart from the blue and yellow markings, blue lights, etc.) the 1% Gaelic speakers just wouldn’t have a clue that these were emergency service vehicles.
They are marked “Police – Poileas” and “Ambulance – Ambaileans”. So – somebody takes a word in English, takes about two seconds to come up with a Gaelic ‘translation’ (because there is NO Gaelic word in the first place), and then demands that it is used across a whole chunk of the UK – completely unnecessarily.
But, but, but – the emergency services across the UK are woefully underfunded, we are led to believe. With projects like this, no bl00dy wonder they can’t provide enough emergency staff.
Glad I’m not the only one Jeff ! I managed to get through the first series without slitting my wrists ! and when I saw there was a second series, I didn’t have enough Valium in the cupboard to get me through it. So it was a no no for me.
And there was I not letting on that those lazy idiots at the BBC had the nerve to broadcast as “BBC4 Drama” some non PC European crime series as if they”d had some involvement in them, so I sincerely apologise. Now we have their take on a blindfolded PC crime drama piece of crap set in Wales. For that the BBC should sincerely apologise.
“Christie Elan-Cane loses legal challenge over gender-neutral passports” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-51823318
Is this important in the real world?
Why is Al Beeb so obsessed with deviant sex?
BUNGLING education bosses made three spelling mistakes in a statement urging a school to buck up literacy standards.
Three mentions of Argyll in an email from government agency Education Scotland misspelt the county as “Argyle”
Scottish Conservative shadow education secretary Jamie Greene said: “When an SNP government agency can’t even spell council names correctly, you know there’s a problem.
Rather like the reading test- I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cloud aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg. The Paomnnehal Pweor of the Hmuan Mnid-seems in the Newspaper Industry and journalism so many are following the ‘rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.
Do you remember those times when the facts were presented and the reader was trusted to form their own opinion?
All from the Guardian today.
This is not a new development but it seems to be all the hard left can offer.
Brits stop comparing US and UK politics – they’re more different than you think
Michael Goldfarb
With Italy in lockdown, fear over coronavirus is natural but we must not be alarmist
Gaby Hinsliff
How to work from home: don’t accept your neighbours’ Amazon packages
Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett
To create a resilient and ‘levelled-up’ UK, the budget must be green
Alfie Stirling
These self-appointed coronavirus experts really need to pipe down
Eleanor Margolis
The next Labour leader must hold the Tories to account over Brexit
Jonathan Lis
With coronavirus, the government must extend the Brexit transition period
Lisa Nandy
The government must abandon its fossil fuel power projects. If not, we’ll sue
George Monbiot
Boris Johnson must be hating being PM – and these days that counts as good news
Marina Hyde
Experts on how coronavirus will wallop Australia’s economy – and what the government must do
Feminist solidarity empowers everyone. The movement must be trans-inclusive
Zoe Williams
There’s no ‘deadline’ to save the world. Everything we do now has to pass the climate test
Damian Carrington
Facts are still “sacred”, it says so in The Guardian.
Except the Guardian is now offering certainties, imperatives to which we must adhere.
Because Big Brother knows best.
Pathetic, they keep offering far left nonsense and cannot understand why the BBC is the only buyer of this rag.
The Indy, a non paper the bbc uses as a one degree of separation source, is currently pondering the outcome of President Trump contracting Coronavirus, as commentator David Aaronovitch finds the plight of Nadine Dorries funny, as liked on twitter by Hugh Sykes.
that Muslims are inherently different, hold illiberal views, and are likely to commit violence, and are a civilizational (or “demographic”) threat going back centuries.
There’s nothing new or creative here; with racism it’s always the same old tropes.
Nothing new, it was true centuries ago, it is still true.
Hence 2+ terrorist attacks by Muslims every single day.
No apologies whatsoever for the mass rapes in Europe, carried out by Muslims, every day.
No apologies for Christian Churches burned every day, by Muslims in Europe.
Because Muslims are entitled to do this, it says so in their holy book.
Because Muslims are superior.
No such thing as Islamophobia anywhere.
Plenty of Islamonausea, caused by the barbaric behaviour of Muslims.
You want to claim the moral high ground?
Forget it, you do not have the moral low ground.
You are wasting your time, any and all goodwill which, due to ignorance, Muslims might have once received, has evaporated in the light of experience with creatures from the pAllaheolithic.
chaired by Michael Buerk.
Panelists : Mona Siddiqui (Prof,Islamic & Interreligious Studies @EdinburghUni)
: Melanie Phillips, Tim Stanley and Matthew Taylor.
The anti-racism campaigner Trevor Phillips has been suspended from the Labour Party over allegations of Islamophobia.
Some have described the move as “Orwellian”; others believe he has a case to answer.
The issue turns on what we mean by ‘Islamophobia’
– although even to pose that question is to invite denunciation in some quarters
; why split hairs when it’s obvious that anti-Muslim bigotry is rife?
The Conservative party has been under attack for the allegedly Islamophobic utterances of some within its ranks,
but it is waiting to agree on a definition of ‘Islamophobia’ before committing to an inquiry.
It is 20 years since the term entered the political lexicon
and almost a decade since Baroness Warsi declared that Islamophobia had passed the ‘dinner table test’ and become acceptable in polite society
; yet, we still haven’t quite decided what it is and what it isn’t.
Some people – including many Muslims – have a problem with the word itself because they think it reinforces the idea that Islam is something to be afraid of. Islam is a religion, not a race, but the definition used by the Labour Party calls Islamophobia ‘a type of racism’,
because of the comparable experiences described by Muslims at the sharp end of group discrimination.
Meanwhile, free speech advocates are concerned that any formal definition risks blurring the line between the unacceptable hatred of people (Muslims) and the legitimate criticism of ideas (Islam).
Once we have our definition, whom should we appoint to decide whether particular words or deeds are Islamophobic?
And if there’s a spectrum that runs from insensitivity and disrespect at one end to the most hideous kinds of hate crime at the other, where along that line should the law intervene?
Guests :
– Mohammed Amin- Chairman @LibertyIslam and of @ChildrenofPeace
– Myriam Francois ..bio : Muslim (I wore a headscarf consistently for most of my adult life) ..”white privilege” ..has website WeNeedToTalkAboutWhiteness.com and just retweeted the Muslim Council’s anti-Tommy tweet
– Imam Ibrahim Mogra : Leicester from @MuslimCouncil
– Fiyaz Mughal OBE founder of Tell Mamma ..Tweet where he tells people to Go back to Pakistan
also led the “Muslims Against antisemitism” campaign.
… In 2017 Tim Burton was jailed for a campaign of harassment against him
Islam is more of a political system than a religion. It shouldn’t be protected from criticism just because it claims to be a religion.
I don’t ‘phobe’ islam, I don’t like it. The more I know about it, the less I like it, even and maybe especially, the so called ‘peaceful’ bits. All that false piety creeps me out.
The media is complicit in preventing the scary facts about islam from being slammed onto the table, chiefly world domination. I can’t listen to anything with Moaning Siddiqui in it – makes me want to destroy the radio – but will be interested in the reactions of the folks here that do listen.
Britain is often called a "melting pot" of culture. But when #BBCYoungReporter Stephanie noticed nobody in her friendship group was white, she began to question if Britain is really multicultural. @BBCYoungReportpic.twitter.com/IaIxGJAy6R
Guest Who-Yes !! Maybe as Steff walks and talks around
the BBC Londonistan studio it’s difficult to find all but a
few whities to talk to. “Charity begins at home” so to speak,
BBC London programme. And don’t tell me in hiring staff
you are being diverse and showing positive discrimination.
Because the indigenous Caucasion Londoners are now a
30% minority in the capitol.
Community groups across London are doing some of the most innovative work to support young Londoners at risk of falling into crime. In partnership with @LondonYouth, I’m supporting those grassroots organisations with grants of up to £56k. Apply below:
I got the impression that where Stephanie was brought up wasn’t ‘diverse’ at all and that her school was all ‘black’.
She then went to a borough that was mostly ‘white’ and got them to admit that they weren’t ‘diverse’.
When one is the ‘only gay in the village’ one has to integrate. When 90% of the village are gay then it is a gay village and the other 10% keep out of the way.
What does ‘multicultural’ mean anyway? If people from all over the world come to one place and speak the same language and do the same things then that is a mono-culture. If, hotel-like, they just live in the same place, eat different things, do different things and speak different languages then they have no reason to mix. That is the essential reality of ‘multicultural’.
As long as they all eat MacDonalds and pay taxes I guess ‘the elite’ are happy, they after all have holiday homes elsewhere.
The right to maintain our traditional majorities in our own lands control, our own sovereignty and our own self-determination. We do not wish harm or ill-feeling toward any other peoples on earth, but we assert the right to maintain our own majorities in our own lands without being accused of ‘racism.’ We reject current trends which preach that we have no right to oppose, control or lessen unlimited immigration from non-indigenous cultures. Multiculturalism our enemy.
The right to teach our children our cultures, languages, historical interpretations, religious celebrations and traditions unimpeded. We reject educational trends which encourage our children to forget or despise their culture, traditions, religious practices and history in order to avoid offense to non-indigenous European residents or citizens. Multiculturalism interferes.
The right to, maintain cherish and practice our own indigenous religious holidays and celebrations. We reject current policies which establish that our indigenous cultures are somehow deficient and therefore incomplete until they are ‘enriched’ by other, non-indigenous cultures.
The right to, maintain cherish and display our own indigenous religious, national, ethnic and cultural symbols. We reject out of hand current trends or policies which preach that our national flags or ethnic symbols of centuries standing are somehow ‘racist’ or ‘non-inclusive’ in order to avoid offense to non-indigenous European residents or citizens.
We reject out of hand current trends or policies which establish that indigenous public works and structures must be changed or modified to avoid offense to non-indigenous European residents or citizens, or to make way for structures or public works that benefit non-European residents or citizens (i.e. digging up indigenous graves that are centuries old in order to make room for non-indigenous cemeteries, removing external Christian symbols and statues from churches, etc.) This is possibly why nobody in that individuals frienship group are white .
OT, but keen to see what the mince-thick BBC Go-to Gob Gal has uttered this time…
I don't understand why the disclaimer at the beginning was even necessary. Why does it occur to left-wingers to signal their politics before they reach the all-important "get well" bit? Do they expect us to applaud their magnanimity? https://t.co/oRpd2DDcaR
Radio 4 this morning and I believe it was thought for the day, so biased to the left I had to turn it off.
A complete diatribe about everything being ‘racist’ even coronavirus is ‘racist’.
Radio 4 is running one of their wet dream dramas where Whites are the subject of racial oppression – a left wing biased program in itself, and they are swooning over it. They can’t wait for the day when the hated whites are made into an untermenschen.
This is of course Nazism, but they can’t see that, just like the Germans in the 1930s they believe they are in the right and everyone else is wrong.
And the cowardly useless incompetent complacent Tories do what they always do – nothing.
Mr Erdogan is offering the EU and the rest of Europe, including the UK, a choice , either pay Turkey another instalment of Danegeld and accelerate Turkey joining the EU , or I let in millions of Islamic migrants. Obviously if the EU agrees to either demand the rate of Islamisation of our continent will increase markedly. Only determined defence of the Greek border can avoid this. But unless force is used to defend the border it won’t stop the migrant hordes.
I doubt that political leaders such as a Macron , Merkel and Boris have the will or the courage to see migrants be shot or an armed conflict between Turkish and Greek border guards. On the other hand they know that letting in another million or two migrants will massively boost the popularity of Le Penn , Salvini and the AfD, Orban etc (.Please note that there is no anti migrant party in the UK to boost and our shores won’t be defended and will be wide open to migrants even when we are out of the EU) So it’s odds on that they bung Erdogan another lump of Danegeld and re start talks of Turkish accession to the EU.( just for the record, the Remainers always said that Turkey joining the EU was just scaremongering by Leavers ) .
Either way the continent of Europe is about to slip another rung or two down the ladder of Islamisation due to its leaders lack of will to defend their people. The only way to save Europe is to vote populist that is if you have a populist party to vote for!
Today we're looking forward to inviting young people in to BBC Broadcasting House for glimpse of how ????, ???? and ???? content is created!#BBCYoungReporterpic.twitter.com/5OPJr9CzKF
It hasn’t occurred to the BBC Presenters and Editors (with their vast salaries) that the reason ‘ordinary people’ buy lots of toilet rolls when there is a major threat of a ‘flu’ like illness is that instead of spending vast sums on a small box of Waitrose or M&S ‘Aloe Vera’ tissues, it is far cheaper and more environmentally friendly to blow your nose on a couple of squares of toilet tissue.
These squares when used can then be flushed without causing any problems for the sewer system, that might be caused by the less fragmenting paper handkerchiefs.
But then brains and sharpness are not a current characteristic of Aunty BBC in her dotage in her care home. I hope ‘she’ doesn’t catch Covid-19. In her present state it might see her off.
R4..Riz Ahmed – a muslim apparently has written something about the UK based on muslims feeing like leaving the UK because they are so hard done to..
But they don’t go do they? They just keep moaning..and apparently his ancestors helped build this country before they had even came..
what is apparent though is he is happy to cite all the racism in the world but doesn’t address any issues with Islam..
it is all our colonial past and toxicity hates crimes etc – all white supremacists..and everything he cites makes it seem that everyone is against Islam around the world…he doesn’t ask why
He keeps saying do I really belong here..etc..but works in USA and UK….seems happy making money from moaning about everyone but not looking at Islam …
Try reading the Spectator article about Muslims killing Sikhs…
What is it with the BBC and Islam and Muslims…she let him ramble on with opinion and didn’t challenge any of it…
I think the third worlders are too busy making money – legally or illegally and sending it ‘home ‘ to be too worried .
It reminds me of a time a month or two ago when one of those overseas correspondents ( bbc royalty ) did a piece about some crap hole in Albania and there was a bit of the village which had palaces .
Bit strange says Beeboid – then let’s slip that they were funded and built by the ‘ rich Albanians ‘ away in Engerlandistan .
I wonder if there are similarly funded havens in Nigeria , India , pakiiland … something that will never be reported ……
R4 – Interview with Riz Ahmed –
The Rappers Who Are Breaking Up With Britain
Riz Ahmed’s The Long Goodbye is the latest hip-hop album to address the state of the U.K with deep sorrow and scorching anger.
Riz Ahmed thinks that Great Britain has been a hateful and abusive partner to immigrants and native-born people of color, who now must determine whether to flee or fight back
“The concept of The Long Goodbye, a new album by Riz Ahmed, is that Great Britain is a girlfriend who threw him out. Ahmed, a 37-year-old rapper with a robust acting career, begins the album with a hoarse spoken-word piece about a romance marked by conquest, battles, dominance, protest, reconciliation. The details could apply to two lovers, or to the British empire and the people it colonized on the Indian subcontinent; it could take place over a few years or over a few centuries. Brexit arrives in the form of an existential crisis for “Brittney”—get it?—that causes her to turn on Ahmed, the London-born son of Pakistani immigrants. “Says she blames me for how lately she feels lost,” Ahmed says. “How she ain’t what she was and our kids don’t show no love / So now she’s taking back control / And she wants me to fuck off.”
“American rising star Pop Smoke, shot dead at age 20 last month, exemplified the Brooklyn drill boom that was directly inspired by English musicians (who originally drew from Chicago’s drill scene). The irony is that U.K. rap’s global takeover has coincided with Britain’s global retreat via Brexit—which has, itself, coincided with amped-up pressure on the communities that birthed these sounds. The 2016 vote for the U.K. to leave Europe cemented a feeling—the subject of Ahmed’s album—that a multicultural nation’s white residents had reached a toxic level of resentment toward their black and brown neighbors. Rising rates of urban violence in the U.K. have been met by the relaxation of policies meant to counter discriminatory policing. The 2017 Grenfell Tower fire that claimed 72 victims, many of them immigrants, became another flash point for discussions about injustice, racism, and government neglect.”
“In 2018, the grime star Stormzy directed a freestyle at then–Prime Minister Theresa May for her handling of Grenfell: “You should do some jail time / You should pay some damages / We should burn your house down and see if you can manage this.” Two years later, the rapper Dave—in a year of acclaim for his elegant and richly emotional music—performed his controversial single “Black” with a bonus verse. In it, he called Prime Minister Boris Johnson a “real racist.” He also ticked through various recent offenses to black Britons, including by noting “how the news treats Kate [Middleton] versus how they treated Meghan [Markle].” In both Stormzy’s and Dave’s cases, those callouts were delivered with a potent blend of anger and mourning. In both instances, government officials were moved to reply.
/ https://www.theatlantic.com/culture/archive/2020/03/riz-ahmed-the-long-goodbye-brexit-rap/607522/
“In 2016, the editorial board endorsed a presidential candidate, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, for the third time since the magazine’s founding, in a rebuke of Republican Donald Trump’s candidacy.[33] After the election, the magazine has become a strong critic of President Trump. The March 2019 cover article by editor Yoni Appelbaum formally calls for the impeachment of Donald Trump: “It’s time for Congress to judge the president’s fitness to serve.”[34][35][36]”
I listened to ‘Hard Talk’ on World Service during the small hours of 11th. Stephen Sackur, ‘grills’ Anthony Brown US Democrat Congressman (mid lunacy range). Highly educational and well worth a listen as it clearly identifies the BBC’s Marxist mindset in the questions Sakur asks.
In effect, Sakur condemns Brown (et al) for not supporting the far, far, left Communist, Bernie Sanders as opposed to Biden.
Highly recommended, after all, the broadcaster is “The Most Trusted” isn’t it?
Interesting post. I would point out that Covid 19 is a novel virus. In that it is active over and above the normal flu viruses . It also is extremely infectious . Precise figures will have to wait but it looks as if it is at least two to three times as infectious as a typical flu virus.
That being so those infected will infect others at a far greater rate. Also we are not sure but it looks likely that asymptomatic carriers are infectious for some time before showing clear symptoms.
It is then no wonder that the Italian health system is being overwhelmed., In addition to the normal winter demands it is having this thrust on top. There is no reason to think it will be different here. Hence the very real concern we must all have.
In the far East the governments have been pro active in that anticipating ( in fact simply not knowing the course the virus might take) they have acted as we have seen. This is not so in Europe. Italy has now been forced to act.
Anyone who cares to look at the reality here will see the dangers and have real legitimate fears for the future.
We might soon not have the luxury of staying calm .
Virology is a cargo-cult science. You don’t have to spend too much time on it to see this is the case. Most science today is not real science. It is post modern. It’s why virology has been able to thrive while toxicology has virtually disappeared from the lexicon because toxicology is a genuine area of research and deals with real toxins not fabrications.
I suggest you read this. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Virus-Mania-Continually-Epidemics-Billion-Dollar/dp/1425114679/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=virus+mania&qid=1583965984&sr=8-1
And a lot of these guys are real scientists not David Icke types.
No we are not obliged to help migrant children on the border- those children have been sent to those borders by the evil dictator who rules Turkey-come on we all know what’s going on-slight of hand invasion by those that follow the teachings of Islam. Personally I see there is now a case for the EU to take military action in supporting Greece, to stave off the invasion by Muslims swarming off the Turkish shores into Greek territory. Hopefully a military presence and a few shots fired over heads might deter the stream, however that may not be enough-I have made the comment before that we in the UK let alone Europe are at War, and with the evilness of the Media let alone other issues, people must really understand this. The Islamic ideology is alien to the Christian way of life-the Muslim knows this full well, but will do all he can to defuse such an issue, especially knowing the great strides he has made in gaining a foothold, in so many ways in the UK and in Europe. Never mind his duplicity, and the disgusting behaviour of his male fellow religionists. The future is not well written just yet.
Today’s Woman’s Hour bubbleworld of hyperbole & lefty friends
If you are man and own a cat, you are a man with a cat.
If you are a woman with one, you are a crazy cat lady. ….. (That’s BS)
Recently the term crazy cat lady has been reclaimed in a positive way on social media but many say it is a pejorative term used against women who break from tradition.
Alice Maddicott is the author of Cat Women and writer Kat Brown has two cats.
– Next week 114 new QCs will receive their silks
Of those 114 just 30 are women. So what’s holding women back?
– The government says it’s going to look at these rough sex laws as part of the Domestic Abuse Bill
..To get the latest on the Bill is the MP and Mother of the House, * Harriet Harman *.
What they keep ignoring is that ‘wimmin’ account for 59% of all solicitors under 45….and 51% of those in total…so what is the problem? Why don’t they get into the higher positions because many work part time…
I know one who charges out at £350hr in her early 30’s and decided she only had to work 2 days a week after having kids…no pressure, no sexism or misogyny – her own decision
Noticed on BBC Today programme this morning that, as well as all the painting-Muslims-in the best-possible-light-while-ignoring-any-real-issues-with-Islam stories Mishal Husain is given on a regular basis (the BBC seems to store these up for her especially), Ms Husain is still on the pro-EU BBC bandwagon.
Fawningly introducing the new EU Panjandrum to the UK (now that we’re leaving the EU, don’tcha know ?), our Mishal was very careful to only question the Ambassador about the terrible plight of European nationals living in the UK – eliciting the fearmongering that substantial numbers of EU citizens in this country may not know that they need to register to enjoy all the fruits of our nation (despite the panoramic publicity given to the issue over the last few years), and the fear that EU criminals in the UK may not be given the keys to our kingdom after they have served their jail terms (or at least part of their sentences).
Not one word about whether the remaining 27 member states of the EU have each ratified any similar status for UK nationals living in the EU. I have noticed that other beeboids (Katya Adler is a classic example) suffer from similar one-sided blindness.
This post by James Higham at Orphans of Liberty is worth a look. If you have to choose one video to watch, I recommend Amazing Polly’s. It’s about 20 minutes long but she reveals a lot of interesting information on how the usual suspects are focusing on pandemics:
Our banks aren’t charging depositors to look after their accounts just yet, but the time cannot be far off.
The IMF would like to see the end of cash, no crime, black economy, fraud, combat climate change and hate speech, licence evasion, etc.
Australia are currently passing a bill that will ban cash transactions over a certain amount.
First of the “five eyes” to consider this.
Central banks in N.I.R.
Japan = -0.1%
Sweden = -0.3%
ECB = -0.4%
Denmark= -0.7%
Switzerland = -0.8%
Makes one wonder just how much money banks need.
Classic BBC this morning on London news programme.A snowflake just returned from Italy, was moaning about the lack of information at the airport on coronavirus.She said that because of this she had to take public transport to get home.No question from BBC as to why this woman was so ill informed, given that advice on coronavirus has been in the papers/tv/radio/social media for many weeks.
Well I hope that she does not include me in that.
Its almost as if Al Beeb is trying to psychologically brainwash the entire British population into thinking that that they are talking on behalf of us?
Not strictly BBC … but watching the PMQs before the budget and just thinking – what a bunch of lightweights – question after question on benefits – little serious challenging about the position of UK on the Chinese bug .
On that point I get the feeling HMG is just going to run with the spread and hoping summer will diminish the effect . Someone on this site yesterday claimed the mortality rate in Italy is 39% .. can anyone confirm this as I think that would be higher than the Black Death .
My understanding is mortality rate in about 4% – subject to the age of the infected as well as pre existing conditions .
Twitter made us delete a tweet that merely repeated a factual statistic regarding grooming gangs as published by @QuilliamOrg and @MaajidNawaz If we didn’t our account would be locked. Truth and facts are now classed as hate. Dark times.
Just when I thought the BBC were nuts and couldn’t be matched. I just saw a trailer on Channel 5 for Henry VIII and Trump. Compare and contrast. What next? Atilla the Hun and Nigel Farage?
The logical fallacy is Ad Hom
They can’t attack someone’s arguments
.. so they attack theie person’s personality instead
.. They Poison their well of speech by attaching powerful dehumanising labels.
Vine show : “PEOPLE ARE SAYING cos of Corona virus mean we need to delay the Brexit deadline
.. perhaps put it off indefinitely
.. here’s our BBC report”
… Off button exercised, cos that is Vine constructing news, not reporting it.
Kay’s in trouble
quote “Turn on TV this morning to see #kayburley screaming
“Have you tested for Coronavirus yet?”
At every person who walks into No.10
BBC Assistant Political Editor
promotes crap …say Carrie
What a load of total crap! There has never been a happier, healthier and more loved dog than our Dilyn. 100% bs. The people behind this story should be ashamed of themselves. https://t.co/2TIEPqzdMK
(From the journalist who brought you previous articles such as “I was raped at 14, and the video ended up on a porn site” and “اسرائیلی جیلوں میں فلسطینی بچے اور فوج کی قید میں گزرا بچپن”)
Someone produced a video where the chancellor’s folder changes from red to green
hang on SkyNews actually admit producing it deliberately
” to emphasise the need for a green budget.”
How in a million years can that be impartial journalism ? Ofcom ?
I produced the piece – just a small colour switch to emphasise the need for a green budget. It's in the context of a climate/budget look ahead piece. The whole report is here, if you want to understand more: https://t.co/ROuQuFMhfn
An extended political metaphor – consistent with his profile? I had to look it up. One translation is along the lines of that 's' word once used by Johnson.
R4 11am it was interesting that Macron supporters were described as “Bourgeoisie”
from the French word “belonging to or characteristic of the middle class, typically with reference to its perceived materialistic values or conventional attitudes.”
Literally the urban borough people as opposed to the rural people.
That is a good term to describe the metroliberals, the wokemob
Ahead of the prime minister’s first Budget in office, some of his former advisers and colleagues examine what Boris Johnson’s plans for UK finances might be.
MarkyMarkMar 12, 11:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 Stop foreign aid .. oh wait … that’s 8 billion leaving the UK! HA HA HAH AHAH AH A “Migrant…
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There’s only one certainty.
You’re going to get screwed by the government. Bend over and take it. You’ve not got the right to say no.
Lord Blagger
We have been screwed by Al Beeb for years. What changes ?
Scrap the telly tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich. That’s what this site aims for,
I have got the right, I use that right in every election as a free thinking human being.
The only right I do not have is to watch kojak on itv4 without breaking the law.
Backlinks to previous thread
– page 3 started 10:20am Tuesday and ended 10:30pm
– page 2 started 6:10pm
Tips : for alternative layouts put your browser in “desktop mode”
Or try viewing via Inoreader, cos that lets you arrange posts in chronological order and without pics
There’s only one certainty.
You’re going to get screwed by the government. Bend over and take it. You’ve not got the right to say no.
Wow. 1st 2nd and third…..
Meanwhile on the bbc home page (world leading, unbiased and imprissoner of people who can’t pay) there is a story about hair straighteners.
Hair straighteners, hair f&#@king straighteners.
Worth every penny.
As someone with curly hair, I might be interested in hair straighteners. But if I was really interested I would google or buy an appropriate magazine or discuss with my hairdresser. I don’t think it is something I would go to the BBC for.
I thought that now that Britain is officially ‘black’, judging by TV and the BBC website, devices like hair straighteners were seen as tools of ‘white supremacists’ and therefore evil?
Certainly correct JimS about Britain beeing officially ‘Black’ as it would now seem-Of course it was celebrating Commonwealth Day in the Abbey, but by heck, you could have been forgiven in thinking it was Black World Day’. Hardly a white face represented from those Commonwealth countries such as Australia/New Zealand for example. Felt sorry for HM and other Royals in the front seats having to face and hear all the tribal music! How many people does the UK have who one would call Black or coloured-out of approx 70 million I would guess by BBC standards it would be near 50 million- however I do believe the white people are still a majority in their own land-JUST.
I thought to sit out the plague in a tent on the Greenland ice-shelf with a quantity of non-Chinese pot-noodles. But then I thought, what if the noodles are Italian?
And then I thought, but what if they are right and the ice melts?
Decisions, decisions.
I wonder if any of you have seen the Beeb’s latest effort at a detective drama?
“Hidden” is set in Wales and clearly the writers have attempted to make this a sort of dark, Swedish style thriller.
If I was Welsh I think I’d sue them.
This is more Taffy-drizzle than Scandi-Noir. It’s appallingly dreary with the most unattractive actors I’ve clapped eyes on for many a year. At least they could have offered us sad old blokes some eye candy…
They try to give us those long and poignant silences. You know the sort of thing. Lots of eye contact and meaningful stares, but it’s all just padding.
The other week they had a couple “talking” in a little garage/grocery shop. It was agonisingly turgid and went something like this:
Man- I’d like a loaf………………of bread……………..and…………….
Girl- Yes……………………………………………………………………………
Man- And a…………………………………………..bottle………………….
Girl- Yes……………………………………………………………………………
Man- ………………………………..Of milk…………………………………….
This bloody series has been eeked out for six miserable, hour long episodes.
By the time it’s finished you won’t care who did it, or why they did it, you’ll just be relieved it’s over.
I bet they win an award…
You are lucky, this is the second series! There is another, equally dire Welsh police drama that has also had more than one series.
They are probably funded by Plaid Cymru to dissuade the English from visiting or worse buying a holiday home, (“Come Home To A Real Fire – buy A Cottage In Wales”).
It is pretty typical, the senior police officer is a woman and, like all fictional senior police officers, does no work and one wonders why she got the job. The lead character could kill Medusa with a glance. The dreich weather and characters, along with the ‘suspenseful music’ (according to the sub-titles) makes for a really miserable show.
Perhaps the BBC and Plaid hope that the English will plead to give Wales to the EU?
P.S. How do they decide when to speak Welsh or English? Do they put chalk marks ouside the houses like those tramp signs of old?
“P.S. How do they decide when to speak Welsh or English?”
Easy, when the English person walks into the shop or asks for directions.
It was the TV police that I had in mind, not the tourists. I was keeping my criticism to the programme, not the Welsh.
Many, many years ago we were speaking to an English shopkeeper in Wales. She said that she found the language to be a problem when she first started up. A child had come in saying “Mam wants something for the grate.” It turned out that she wanted some bleach to put down the outside drain!
I noticed while driving in East Central Scotland recently – i.e. miles from anywhere that the 1% of Scottish Gaelic speakers might actually reside (the vast majority of them live in the Outer Hebrides, apparently, and virtually every one of that small number of people speak English with no problems), that police cars and ambulances are now marked bilingually in Gaelic and English. I didn’t spot any fire engines to compare.
Now, tell me that the ‘Gaelic’ words used aren’t corruptions of English, and that without them (apart from the blue and yellow markings, blue lights, etc.) the 1% Gaelic speakers just wouldn’t have a clue that these were emergency service vehicles.
They are marked “Police – Poileas” and “Ambulance – Ambaileans”. So – somebody takes a word in English, takes about two seconds to come up with a Gaelic ‘translation’ (because there is NO Gaelic word in the first place), and then demands that it is used across a whole chunk of the UK – completely unnecessarily.
But, but, but – the emergency services across the UK are woefully underfunded, we are led to believe. With projects like this, no bl00dy wonder they can’t provide enough emergency staff.
It’s hilarious though to actually use the Gaelic pronunciation when dealing with actual Police/NHS.
Slowly delivered script means cheaper to produce. You should be pleased the BBC is looking after your money.
Glad I’m not the only one Jeff ! I managed to get through the first series without slitting my wrists ! and when I saw there was a second series, I didn’t have enough Valium in the cupboard to get me through it. So it was a no no for me.
And there was I not letting on that those lazy idiots at the BBC had the nerve to broadcast as “BBC4 Drama” some non PC European crime series as if they”d had some involvement in them, so I sincerely apologise. Now we have their take on a blindfolded PC crime drama piece of crap set in Wales. For that the BBC should sincerely apologise.
Typical Al Beeb just like the Welsh Assembly – Completely out of touch with the people of Wales !
Hence Brexit.
“Christie Elan-Cane loses legal challenge over gender-neutral passports”
Is this important in the real world?
Why is Al Beeb so obsessed with deviant sex?
She’s just been on LBC
Ferrari “but you don’t use your passport everyday”
“I suffer EVERYDAY, cos my identity is being denied”
FFS most of the time I am out in public people treat me as a person, not a man, don’t they ?
Could it be self-induced suffering because he’s/she’s/ it’s denying its own identity?
The BBC is obsessed with deviant sex because the BBC are deviant.
BUNGLING education bosses made three spelling mistakes in a statement urging a school to buck up literacy standards.
Three mentions of Argyll in an email from government agency Education Scotland misspelt the county as “Argyle”
Scottish Conservative shadow education secretary Jamie Greene said: “When an SNP government agency can’t even spell council names correctly, you know there’s a problem.
Rather like the reading test- I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cloud aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg. The Paomnnehal Pweor of the Hmuan Mnid-seems in the Newspaper Industry and journalism so many are following the ‘rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.
Why was it I was so hoping that you’d have a smelling mishtake in your post …. but sadly not …. does that make me a troll ?
And tarien – have you done a cut and paste from a new BBC website ….?
Do you remember those times when the facts were presented and the reader was trusted to form their own opinion?
All from the Guardian today.
This is not a new development but it seems to be all the hard left can offer.
Brits stop comparing US and UK politics – they’re more different than you think
Michael Goldfarb
With Italy in lockdown, fear over coronavirus is natural but we must not be alarmist
Gaby Hinsliff
How to work from home: don’t accept your neighbours’ Amazon packages
Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett
To create a resilient and ‘levelled-up’ UK, the budget must be green
Alfie Stirling
These self-appointed coronavirus experts really need to pipe down
Eleanor Margolis
The next Labour leader must hold the Tories to account over Brexit
Jonathan Lis
With coronavirus, the government must extend the Brexit transition period
Lisa Nandy
The government must abandon its fossil fuel power projects. If not, we’ll sue
George Monbiot
Boris Johnson must be hating being PM – and these days that counts as good news
Marina Hyde
Experts on how coronavirus will wallop Australia’s economy – and what the government must do
Feminist solidarity empowers everyone. The movement must be trans-inclusive
Zoe Williams
There’s no ‘deadline’ to save the world. Everything we do now has to pass the climate test
Damian Carrington
Facts are still “sacred”, it says so in The Guardian.
Except the Guardian is now offering certainties, imperatives to which we must adhere.
Because Big Brother knows best.
Pathetic, they keep offering far left nonsense and cannot understand why the BBC is the only buyer of this rag.
The Indy, a non paper the bbc uses as a one degree of separation source, is currently pondering the outcome of President Trump contracting Coronavirus, as commentator David Aaronovitch finds the plight of Nadine Dorries funny, as liked on twitter by Hugh Sykes.
Media are an odd bunch.
Islamophobia and racism aren’t restricted to a few Tories and far-right thugs
Omar Khan
that Muslims are inherently different, hold illiberal views, and are likely to commit violence, and are a civilizational (or “demographic”) threat going back centuries.
There’s nothing new or creative here; with racism it’s always the same old tropes.
Nothing new, it was true centuries ago, it is still true.
Hence 2+ terrorist attacks by Muslims every single day.
No apologies whatsoever for the mass rapes in Europe, carried out by Muslims, every day.
No apologies for Christian Churches burned every day, by Muslims in Europe.
Because Muslims are entitled to do this, it says so in their holy book.
Because Muslims are superior.
No such thing as Islamophobia anywhere.
Plenty of Islamonausea, caused by the barbaric behaviour of Muslims.
You want to claim the moral high ground?
Forget it, you do not have the moral low ground.
You are wasting your time, any and all goodwill which, due to ignorance, Muslims might have once received, has evaporated in the light of experience with creatures from the pAllaheolithic.
8pm Islamophobia is the Moral Maze topic
chaired by Michael Buerk.
Panelists : Mona Siddiqui (Prof,Islamic & Interreligious Studies @EdinburghUni)
: Melanie Phillips, Tim Stanley and Matthew Taylor.
The anti-racism campaigner Trevor Phillips has been suspended from the Labour Party over allegations of Islamophobia.
Some have described the move as “Orwellian”; others believe he has a case to answer.
The issue turns on what we mean by ‘Islamophobia’
– although even to pose that question is to invite denunciation in some quarters
; why split hairs when it’s obvious that anti-Muslim bigotry is rife?
The Conservative party has been under attack for the allegedly Islamophobic utterances of some within its ranks,
but it is waiting to agree on a definition of ‘Islamophobia’ before committing to an inquiry.
It is 20 years since the term entered the political lexicon
and almost a decade since Baroness Warsi declared that Islamophobia had passed the ‘dinner table test’ and become acceptable in polite society
; yet, we still haven’t quite decided what it is and what it isn’t.
Some people – including many Muslims – have a problem with the word itself because they think it reinforces the idea that Islam is something to be afraid of.
Islam is a religion, not a race, but the definition used by the Labour Party calls Islamophobia ‘a type of racism’,
because of the comparable experiences described by Muslims at the sharp end of group discrimination.
Meanwhile, free speech advocates are concerned that any formal definition risks blurring the line between the unacceptable hatred of people (Muslims) and the legitimate criticism of ideas (Islam).
Once we have our definition, whom should we appoint to decide whether particular words or deeds are Islamophobic?
And if there’s a spectrum that runs from insensitivity and disrespect at one end to the most hideous kinds of hate crime at the other, where along that line should the law intervene?
Guests :
– Mohammed Amin- Chairman @LibertyIslam and of @ChildrenofPeace
– Myriam Francois ..bio : Muslim (I wore a headscarf consistently for most of my adult life) ..”white privilege” ..has website WeNeedToTalkAboutWhiteness.com and just retweeted the Muslim Council’s anti-Tommy tweet
– Imam Ibrahim Mogra : Leicester from @MuslimCouncil
– Fiyaz Mughal OBE founder of Tell Mamma ..Tweet where he tells people to Go back to Pakistan
also led the “Muslims Against antisemitism” campaign.
… In 2017 Tim Burton was jailed for a campaign of harassment against him
Are the guests not all hardline race-baiting Muslims ?
Or Is Tell Mamma much softer than the Muslim Council ?
Surely a punch is a punch
So an unprovoked attack is bad no matter the religious or political belief of the victim.
Likewise free speech means that no dogma should receive SPECIAL protection from words.
cos that makes society unequal.
Warsi was quick to weigh in a few days ago
Racism is a demonisation and negative stereotyping of a group or perceived group, irrespective of the colour of their face.
Islam is more of a political system than a religion. It shouldn’t be protected from criticism just because it claims to be a religion.
I don’t ‘phobe’ islam, I don’t like it. The more I know about it, the less I like it, even and maybe especially, the so called ‘peaceful’ bits. All that false piety creeps me out.
The media is complicit in preventing the scary facts about islam from being slammed onto the table, chiefly world domination. I can’t listen to anything with Moaning Siddiqui in it – makes me want to destroy the radio – but will be interested in the reactions of the folks here that do listen.
Maybe hiring policies don’t help?
Guest Who-Yes !! Maybe as Steff walks and talks around
the BBC Londonistan studio it’s difficult to find all but a
few whities to talk to. “Charity begins at home” so to speak,
BBC London programme. And don’t tell me in hiring staff
you are being diverse and showing positive discrimination.
Because the indigenous Caucasion Londoners are now a
30% minority in the capitol.
Stephan looks as though it has to shave twice a day.
Beat me to it…………….
Saddo knows where to bung money.
I got the impression that where Stephanie was brought up wasn’t ‘diverse’ at all and that her school was all ‘black’.
She then went to a borough that was mostly ‘white’ and got them to admit that they weren’t ‘diverse’.
When one is the ‘only gay in the village’ one has to integrate. When 90% of the village are gay then it is a gay village and the other 10% keep out of the way.
What does ‘multicultural’ mean anyway? If people from all over the world come to one place and speak the same language and do the same things then that is a mono-culture. If, hotel-like, they just live in the same place, eat different things, do different things and speak different languages then they have no reason to mix. That is the essential reality of ‘multicultural’.
As long as they all eat MacDonalds and pay taxes I guess ‘the elite’ are happy, they after all have holiday homes elsewhere.
The right to maintain our traditional majorities in our own lands control, our own sovereignty and our own self-determination. We do not wish harm or ill-feeling toward any other peoples on earth, but we assert the right to maintain our own majorities in our own lands without being accused of ‘racism.’ We reject current trends which preach that we have no right to oppose, control or lessen unlimited immigration from non-indigenous cultures. Multiculturalism our enemy.
The right to teach our children our cultures, languages, historical interpretations, religious celebrations and traditions unimpeded. We reject educational trends which encourage our children to forget or despise their culture, traditions, religious practices and history in order to avoid offense to non-indigenous European residents or citizens. Multiculturalism interferes.
The right to, maintain cherish and practice our own indigenous religious holidays and celebrations. We reject current policies which establish that our indigenous cultures are somehow deficient and therefore incomplete until they are ‘enriched’ by other, non-indigenous cultures.
The right to, maintain cherish and display our own indigenous religious, national, ethnic and cultural symbols. We reject out of hand current trends or policies which preach that our national flags or ethnic symbols of centuries standing are somehow ‘racist’ or ‘non-inclusive’ in order to avoid offense to non-indigenous European residents or citizens.
We reject out of hand current trends or policies which establish that indigenous public works and structures must be changed or modified to avoid offense to non-indigenous European residents or citizens, or to make way for structures or public works that benefit non-European residents or citizens (i.e. digging up indigenous graves that are centuries old in order to make room for non-indigenous cemeteries, removing external Christian symbols and statues from churches, etc.) This is possibly why nobody in that individuals frienship group are white .
‘Stephanie’? Really?
Maybe SHE’S racist ????
Just a thought!
Maybe SHE’S racist ????
Just a thought!
OT, but keen to see what the mince-thick BBC Go-to Gob Gal has uttered this time…
Is this just a bad sketch, or have the beeb deliberately made Trump look odd?
(I never give them the benefit of the doubt, and always assume the worst. I’m rarely disappointed.)
It’s a wink which implies they think Trump has something to hide..
In various forms they have been using that pic for 6 months
In this version the Dems look all nice and shiny
The BBC are now scrambling to find negative opinions..
‘Shore up’ implies you already have a problem and and implementing remedial action.
Radio 4 this morning and I believe it was thought for the day, so biased to the left I had to turn it off.
A complete diatribe about everything being ‘racist’ even coronavirus is ‘racist’.
Radio 4 is running one of their wet dream dramas where Whites are the subject of racial oppression – a left wing biased program in itself, and they are swooning over it. They can’t wait for the day when the hated whites are made into an untermenschen.
This is of course Nazism, but they can’t see that, just like the Germans in the 1930s they believe they are in the right and everyone else is wrong.
And the cowardly useless incompetent complacent Tories do what they always do – nothing.
Mr Erdogan is offering the EU and the rest of Europe, including the UK, a choice , either pay Turkey another instalment of Danegeld and accelerate Turkey joining the EU , or I let in millions of Islamic migrants. Obviously if the EU agrees to either demand the rate of Islamisation of our continent will increase markedly. Only determined defence of the Greek border can avoid this. But unless force is used to defend the border it won’t stop the migrant hordes.
I doubt that political leaders such as a Macron , Merkel and Boris have the will or the courage to see migrants be shot or an armed conflict between Turkish and Greek border guards. On the other hand they know that letting in another million or two migrants will massively boost the popularity of Le Penn , Salvini and the AfD, Orban etc (.Please note that there is no anti migrant party in the UK to boost and our shores won’t be defended and will be wide open to migrants even when we are out of the EU) So it’s odds on that they bung Erdogan another lump of Danegeld and re start talks of Turkish accession to the EU.( just for the record, the Remainers always said that Turkey joining the EU was just scaremongering by Leavers ) .
Either way the continent of Europe is about to slip another rung or two down the ladder of Islamisation due to its leaders lack of will to defend their people. The only way to save Europe is to vote populist that is if you have a populist party to vote for!
If I recall correctly, it was the U.K. who ponied up the majority of the last, unsuccessful bung to Erdogan.
Fat lot of good that did now apart from reminding us that greedy dictators will always be greedy dictators and come back for more!
This is not optimal.
Good article Guest and sums up R4 interview techniques…
All is explained.
“Kick of”? Grammar not showing signs of improvement, then…
Goodness can you beleive it they have made another woman the head of something ! What does Head of UK Operations for BBC News entail?
My goodness where do they find these grotesques?
She makes me think that’s what Emma ( Miss Piggy) Barnett will look like in a few years time.
Nice stirring attempt.
Woolworths, home of the quinoas and quail smoothie.
It hasn’t occurred to the BBC Presenters and Editors (with their vast salaries) that the reason ‘ordinary people’ buy lots of toilet rolls when there is a major threat of a ‘flu’ like illness is that instead of spending vast sums on a small box of Waitrose or M&S ‘Aloe Vera’ tissues, it is far cheaper and more environmentally friendly to blow your nose on a couple of squares of toilet tissue.
These squares when used can then be flushed without causing any problems for the sewer system, that might be caused by the less fragmenting paper handkerchiefs.
But then brains and sharpness are not a current characteristic of Aunty BBC in her dotage in her care home. I hope ‘she’ doesn’t catch Covid-19. In her present state it might see her off.
‘Toilet Clash’. A typically British reaction if I’m not mistaken. Just two ‘heavy-weights’ debating differences of opinion.
R4..Riz Ahmed – a muslim apparently has written something about the UK based on muslims feeing like leaving the UK because they are so hard done to..
But they don’t go do they? They just keep moaning..and apparently his ancestors helped build this country before they had even came..
what is apparent though is he is happy to cite all the racism in the world but doesn’t address any issues with Islam..
it is all our colonial past and toxicity hates crimes etc – all white supremacists..and everything he cites makes it seem that everyone is against Islam around the world…he doesn’t ask why
He keeps saying do I really belong here..etc..but works in USA and UK….seems happy making money from moaning about everyone but not looking at Islam …
Try reading the Spectator article about Muslims killing Sikhs…
What is it with the BBC and Islam and Muslims…she let him ramble on with opinion and didn’t challenge any of it…
I think the third worlders are too busy making money – legally or illegally and sending it ‘home ‘ to be too worried .
It reminds me of a time a month or two ago when one of those overseas correspondents ( bbc royalty ) did a piece about some crap hole in Albania and there was a bit of the village which had palaces .
Bit strange says Beeboid – then let’s slip that they were funded and built by the ‘ rich Albanians ‘ away in Engerlandistan .
I wonder if there are similarly funded havens in Nigeria , India , pakiiland … something that will never be reported ……
JA, Old news, BBC please note. Something like a week out of date. Very BBC.
“They just keep moaning……”AND coming…………….
R4 – Interview with Riz Ahmed –
The Rappers Who Are Breaking Up With Britain
Riz Ahmed’s The Long Goodbye is the latest hip-hop album to address the state of the U.K with deep sorrow and scorching anger.
Riz Ahmed thinks that Great Britain has been a hateful and abusive partner to immigrants and native-born people of color, who now must determine whether to flee or fight back
“The concept of The Long Goodbye, a new album by Riz Ahmed, is that Great Britain is a girlfriend who threw him out. Ahmed, a 37-year-old rapper with a robust acting career, begins the album with a hoarse spoken-word piece about a romance marked by conquest, battles, dominance, protest, reconciliation. The details could apply to two lovers, or to the British empire and the people it colonized on the Indian subcontinent; it could take place over a few years or over a few centuries. Brexit arrives in the form of an existential crisis for “Brittney”—get it?—that causes her to turn on Ahmed, the London-born son of Pakistani immigrants. “Says she blames me for how lately she feels lost,” Ahmed says. “How she ain’t what she was and our kids don’t show no love / So now she’s taking back control / And she wants me to fuck off.”
“American rising star Pop Smoke, shot dead at age 20 last month, exemplified the Brooklyn drill boom that was directly inspired by English musicians (who originally drew from Chicago’s drill scene). The irony is that U.K. rap’s global takeover has coincided with Britain’s global retreat via Brexit—which has, itself, coincided with amped-up pressure on the communities that birthed these sounds. The 2016 vote for the U.K. to leave Europe cemented a feeling—the subject of Ahmed’s album—that a multicultural nation’s white residents had reached a toxic level of resentment toward their black and brown neighbors. Rising rates of urban violence in the U.K. have been met by the relaxation of policies meant to counter discriminatory policing. The 2017 Grenfell Tower fire that claimed 72 victims, many of them immigrants, became another flash point for discussions about injustice, racism, and government neglect.”
“In 2018, the grime star Stormzy directed a freestyle at then–Prime Minister Theresa May for her handling of Grenfell: “You should do some jail time / You should pay some damages / We should burn your house down and see if you can manage this.” Two years later, the rapper Dave—in a year of acclaim for his elegant and richly emotional music—performed his controversial single “Black” with a bonus verse. In it, he called Prime Minister Boris Johnson a “real racist.” He also ticked through various recent offenses to black Britons, including by noting “how the news treats Kate [Middleton] versus how they treated Meghan [Markle].” In both Stormzy’s and Dave’s cases, those callouts were delivered with a potent blend of anger and mourning. In both instances, government officials were moved to reply.
Note about the Atlantic –
“In 2016, the editorial board endorsed a presidential candidate, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, for the third time since the magazine’s founding, in a rebuke of Republican Donald Trump’s candidacy.[33] After the election, the magazine has become a strong critic of President Trump. The March 2019 cover article by editor Yoni Appelbaum formally calls for the impeachment of Donald Trump: “It’s time for Congress to judge the president’s fitness to serve.”[34][35][36]”
UP2 _Celtic
Thanks for the update – as I try not to listen to BBC much it was new to me 🙂
Clearly he has something in common with BBC..he hates the UK but is happy to take money from it….
Riz Dave Pop Smoke Stormzee,
Goodbye and good riddance. make sure you shut the door properly on the way out!
Groper on the ball as ever.
Ah, Guest Who, but Abbottopotomus rules apply when Labour spokespeople want to make a point.
“What’s wid you an’ all da negative waves,
I listened to ‘Hard Talk’ on World Service during the small hours of 11th. Stephen Sackur, ‘grills’ Anthony Brown US Democrat Congressman (mid lunacy range). Highly educational and well worth a listen as it clearly identifies the BBC’s Marxist mindset in the questions Sakur asks.
In effect, Sakur condemns Brown (et al) for not supporting the far, far, left Communist, Bernie Sanders as opposed to Biden.
Highly recommended, after all, the broadcaster is “The Most Trusted” isn’t it?
Interesting post. I would point out that Covid 19 is a novel virus. In that it is active over and above the normal flu viruses . It also is extremely infectious . Precise figures will have to wait but it looks as if it is at least two to three times as infectious as a typical flu virus.
That being so those infected will infect others at a far greater rate. Also we are not sure but it looks likely that asymptomatic carriers are infectious for some time before showing clear symptoms.
It is then no wonder that the Italian health system is being overwhelmed., In addition to the normal winter demands it is having this thrust on top. There is no reason to think it will be different here. Hence the very real concern we must all have.
In the far East the governments have been pro active in that anticipating ( in fact simply not knowing the course the virus might take) they have acted as we have seen. This is not so in Europe. Italy has now been forced to act.
Anyone who cares to look at the reality here will see the dangers and have real legitimate fears for the future.
We might soon not have the luxury of staying calm .
A couple of weeks ago everyone posting here was a climatologist. Now they are all epidemiologists. Isn’t that amazing?
Virology is a cargo-cult science. You don’t have to spend too much time on it to see this is the case. Most science today is not real science. It is post modern. It’s why virology has been able to thrive while toxicology has virtually disappeared from the lexicon because toxicology is a genuine area of research and deals with real toxins not fabrications.
I suggest you read this.
And a lot of these guys are real scientists not David Icke types.
Germ theory deniers? I’ll give that a miss.
You sound like you’re pretty well informed on this – I wonder how much of an effect more light and better weather will have ?
Sars sort of petered out but is there a calculation as to the effect of climate or is it still unknown Unknowns?
“Just four per cent of the supposed refugees who have breached the Greek border in recent days are Syrians, according to the Greek government.”
“… a French broadcaster has revealed that many are actually from countries in North Africa which are not in a state of war at all.”
Emily virtue signals – save the children.
What about our children?
No we are not obliged to help migrant children on the border- those children have been sent to those borders by the evil dictator who rules Turkey-come on we all know what’s going on-slight of hand invasion by those that follow the teachings of Islam. Personally I see there is now a case for the EU to take military action in supporting Greece, to stave off the invasion by Muslims swarming off the Turkish shores into Greek territory. Hopefully a military presence and a few shots fired over heads might deter the stream, however that may not be enough-I have made the comment before that we in the UK let alone Europe are at War, and with the evilness of the Media let alone other issues, people must really understand this. The Islamic ideology is alien to the Christian way of life-the Muslim knows this full well, but will do all he can to defuse such an issue, especially knowing the great strides he has made in gaining a foothold, in so many ways in the UK and in Europe. Never mind his duplicity, and the disgusting behaviour of his male fellow religionists. The future is not well written just yet.
Today’s Woman’s Hour bubbleworld of hyperbole & lefty friends
If you are man and own a cat, you are a man with a cat.
If you are a woman with one, you are a crazy cat lady. ….. (That’s BS)
Recently the term crazy cat lady has been reclaimed in a positive way on social media but many say it is a pejorative term used against women who break from tradition.
Alice Maddicott is the author of Cat Women and writer Kat Brown has two cats.
– Next week 114 new QCs will receive their silks
Of those 114 just 30 are women. So what’s holding women back?
– The government says it’s going to look at these rough sex laws as part of the Domestic Abuse Bill
..To get the latest on the Bill is the MP and Mother of the House, * Harriet Harman *.
Presenter. producer and all 6 guests are female
What they keep ignoring is that ‘wimmin’ account for 59% of all solicitors under 45….and 51% of those in total…so what is the problem? Why don’t they get into the higher positions because many work part time…
I know one who charges out at £350hr in her early 30’s and decided she only had to work 2 days a week after having kids…no pressure, no sexism or misogyny – her own decision
Noticed on BBC Today programme this morning that, as well as all the painting-Muslims-in the best-possible-light-while-ignoring-any-real-issues-with-Islam stories Mishal Husain is given on a regular basis (the BBC seems to store these up for her especially), Ms Husain is still on the pro-EU BBC bandwagon.
Fawningly introducing the new EU Panjandrum to the UK (now that we’re leaving the EU, don’tcha know ?), our Mishal was very careful to only question the Ambassador about the terrible plight of European nationals living in the UK – eliciting the fearmongering that substantial numbers of EU citizens in this country may not know that they need to register to enjoy all the fruits of our nation (despite the panoramic publicity given to the issue over the last few years), and the fear that EU criminals in the UK may not be given the keys to our kingdom after they have served their jail terms (or at least part of their sentences).
Not one word about whether the remaining 27 member states of the EU have each ratified any similar status for UK nationals living in the EU. I have noticed that other beeboids (Katya Adler is a classic example) suffer from similar one-sided blindness.
This post by James Higham at Orphans of Liberty is worth a look. If you have to choose one video to watch, I recommend Amazing Polly’s. It’s about 20 minutes long but she reveals a lot of interesting information on how the usual suspects are focusing on pandemics:
Bank overdraught charges are now 160 times the interest rate.
Typical credit cards are charging 100 times the new interest rate.
The emergency cut to 0.25% is being made to the emergency 0.75 level.
We have been at emergency levels for about 12 years now.
Permanent emergency.
And no room to do anything when we get a real recession as interest rates are almost 0.
They will print money as fast as they can.
Once again, savers and those doing the right thing (pensions for example) are paying.
Why don’t they half council tax or remove vat if they want to get the economy moving.
Rate cuts are rarely passed on anyway.
Most mortgages are around 4-4.5% which is 3.25-3.75% above base.
Should it not follow the underlyer as a 66% cut?
Our banks aren’t charging depositors to look after their accounts just yet, but the time cannot be far off.
The IMF would like to see the end of cash, no crime, black economy, fraud, combat climate change and hate speech, licence evasion, etc.
Australia are currently passing a bill that will ban cash transactions over a certain amount.
First of the “five eyes” to consider this.
Central banks in N.I.R.
Japan = -0.1%
Sweden = -0.3%
ECB = -0.4%
Denmark= -0.7%
Switzerland = -0.8%
Makes one wonder just how much money banks need.
Just realised something really profound: Sandi Toksvig and Matt Lucas are actually the same person!
But, is Matt Lucas, Sandi in a bald wig, or Sandi Toksvig, Matt in a blonde wig?!
Maybe that’s the next stage of transgenderism, wig on = woman, wig off = man?
We know the eu sponsored beeb doesn’t like Sir James Dyson
Heres a “report”, i’m sure this won’t damage sales:-
Dyson straighteners’ cost will make your hair curl
PS and don’t forget to mention where they are made!
Classic BBC this morning on London news programme.A snowflake just returned from Italy, was moaning about the lack of information at the airport on coronavirus.She said that because of this she had to take public transport to get home.No question from BBC as to why this woman was so ill informed, given that advice on coronavirus has been in the papers/tv/radio/social media for many weeks.
“Budget 2020: What should we make of Tory spending promise?”
Here we go as usual, the royal “we” again.
Well I hope that she does not include me in that.
Its almost as if Al Beeb is trying to psychologically brainwash the entire British population into thinking that that they are talking on behalf of us?
Apologies if everyone is aware of this petition:
There’s a link to the petition in the article.
Not strictly BBC … but watching the PMQs before the budget and just thinking – what a bunch of lightweights – question after question on benefits – little serious challenging about the position of UK on the Chinese bug .
On that point I get the feeling HMG is just going to run with the spread and hoping summer will diminish the effect . Someone on this site yesterday claimed the mortality rate in Italy is 39% .. can anyone confirm this as I think that would be higher than the Black Death .
My understanding is mortality rate in about 4% – subject to the age of the infected as well as pre existing conditions .
Twitter-bias in #Orwellian #Britain2020
Context : DV founded this blog, and last year he founded AltMedia
MedCram quote this site regularly so, if he trusts it, it’s good enough for me:
Quick calc. – 6.1% mortality.
Just when I thought the BBC were nuts and couldn’t be matched. I just saw a trailer on Channel 5 for Henry VIII and Trump. Compare and contrast. What next? Atilla the Hun and Nigel Farage?
The logical fallacy is Ad Hom
They can’t attack someone’s arguments
.. so they attack theie person’s personality instead
.. They Poison their well of speech by attaching powerful dehumanising labels.
C5 trailer
Correct apostrophe use?
They wrote “their story’s”
They should have written “Their stories are exactly the same”
Correct apostrophe use?
Don’t give ’em ideas…
Vine show : “PEOPLE ARE SAYING cos of Corona virus mean we need to delay the Brexit deadline
.. perhaps put it off indefinitely
.. here’s our BBC report”
… Off button exercised, cos that is Vine constructing news, not reporting it.
Stew, won’t be long before the BBC are pushing for a World Government. 😉
Remind me….what is it they say about needing more “comunihee centres” to give kids something better to do than stabbing and shooting each other?
“Huddersfield shooting: 12-year-old boy seriously injured in shooting at community centre”
Kay’s in trouble
quote “Turn on TV this morning to see #kayburley screaming
“Have you tested for Coronavirus yet?”
At every person who walks into No.10
How Kay Burley is still in a job Stew is beyond me as she’s a bloody awful presenter, interviewer and person in general ????
BBC Assistant Political Editor
promotes crap …say Carrie
Megha Mohan is the BBC’s first ever Gender and Identity correspondent and today I’ve heard a word I’ve never come across before. I’m sure we’ll all get to hear it more in the future: Blasian love in South Africa: ‘Will my Asian family accept my black boyfriend?’
(From the journalist who brought you previous articles such as “I was raped at 14, and the video ended up on a porn site” and “اسرائیلی جیلوں میں فلسطینی بچے اور فوج کی قید میں گزرا بچپن”)
Is there a list of the different roles the bbc has created, who is in their number and how many stories they file?
I feel an foi coming on.
Guest, muckrack.com is good as a comprehensive database of articles by journalist but don’t think it has info by organisation
Tx. Good name.
But relax, integration is working just fine
Someone produced a video where the chancellor’s folder changes from red to green
hang on SkyNews actually admit producing it deliberately
” to emphasise the need for a green budget.”
How in a million years can that be impartial journalism ? Ofcom ?
‘Views her own’.
Very… Nu-media.
The PR BS words ‘Net Zero’
NOT mentioned in @RishiSunak’s budget speech
Blimey – I thought the budget might be just booze and fags but it looks like a spendathon . Bang goes the currency ….
Fed, did have the ghost of Ted Heath & Tony Barber flash across my mind as Rishi Sunak finished his first Budget.
Ah yes – prudence – spending borrowed money – …
Didn’t increase tax on hand cleaners , soap and toilet rolls ….
And no mention of the overseas tax giveaway fund ….
Now, is he in favour? Or not?
Hugh ‘had to look it up’.
R4 11am it was interesting that Macron supporters were described as “Bourgeoisie”
from the French word “belonging to or characteristic of the middle class, typically with reference to its perceived materialistic values or conventional attitudes.”
Literally the urban borough people as opposed to the rural people.
That is a good term to describe the metroliberals, the wokemob
bourgeoisie NGO called Amnesty
BBC ‘News’
What is Johnson-omics?
Ahead of the prime minister’s first Budget in office, some of his former advisers and colleagues examine what Boris Johnson’s plans for UK finances might be.
(via BBC Politics) bbc.in/2Q54rKF #Budget2020