How will the BBC continue to report the ongoing pandemic ? Play the blame game ? Concentrate of failures ? Tell us with glee how other countries are better than us ? Take your pick …meanwhile the consultation on the funding of the BBC has about 2 weeks to go – here is the link to the Government site .
And these are the questions in the suggested ‘structured ‘ reply
( which you will find if you go through the consultation );
Why do you consider that the TV licence evasion should no longer be criminal offence?
If you have a view, what alternative enforcement scheme models do you consider to be most appropriate? Why?
What steps could the Government take to mitigate any impacts that may result from decriminalisation of TV licence evasion?
Lots of people just want the BBC gone – but this is , perhaps , a first step …
Global Tripe too.
Hundered of scientists?..Are these the same ones that signed the Climate change petition Dr Mickey Mouse. Prof Donald Duck?
There is no right answer here – get over it…the Government are taking advice ..but the MSM and the BBC above all are questioning everything for an angle – so they can slag off Boris….
Personally I can’t wait for everyone who is healthy to get the virus….todate around 15 of my friends have had it and got over it….
James, I would be interested to know if you are city or country dweller. Particularly as 15 of your friends have succumbed, which to me is quite a high number for one person to know that many ‘victims’.
I live in a rural area, walking every day in the fields, mostly in a solitary capactiy, and with minimum daily contact in my local Co-op. Yet I am in a high risk category (over 70,- just) which may mean I have to live in solitary confinement for the next few months. I am therefore wondering whether I will be any better off risk wise at living in the country.
@JamesR yes it is a phoney list of “scientists/students”
IMHO Al Beeb and the MSM are creating panic in their rush to get sensational news out .
How about informing the nation of how many people are making a complete recovery from Covid , instead of totalling all the numbers getting it or being tested ?
Of course they are.
And previous efforts where ideology and ratings have seen bashers an/or zealots fielded simply to shout at folk the bbc don’t like, even if there is a kernel of sense out there who is going to believe them if served up by the current crop of media morons?
Our Woman from Pakistan is still catching up.
I don’t know why you keep saying this woman is a Pakistani when she comes from Egypt.
Do you want to become ‘Maximeat’?
And I didn’t.
“In 2014, Shaimaa was appointed as the BBC’s Pakistan Correspondent”.
Worth checking the bio at the top of the twitter page too, which seems newer than what quoted.
So when are the bbc hiring the dribbling idiot back on, on more money?
Sweeney’s earlier incorrect tweet
Sweeney’s record on past sources say tweets
.. eg got the wrong date for the election etc.
Not al beeb so apologies, but does anyone know what sky sports have been showing recently because from what I can tell there’s fu*k all to bet on ????
Anyone with a bit of spare cash could make a big killing in buying some of ‘bargain basement’ shares that are on the market now .
My feeling is the BBC response to Covid -19 is relatively muted compared to other news outlets.
There are several things at play here.
I genuinely think it doesn’t know where to go. There is no obvious (or gender/race) angle, so some fence sitting for a while required. It’s largely directionless ship with headlines driven by events.
On the issue itself, there are many critical questions perhaps the BBC should be leading on.
1. The NHS is not prepared and never will be. It’s structurally inadequate hence the ‘flatten the curve’ strategy. The government wants to protect the NHS, and thereby itself, should disaster engulf it.
2. We do not have enough respirators. They are largely produced in NZ and the US…and guess what!
3. In the last 4 weeks the UK government has not procured any additional respirators. The single best response to the unfortunate x% who may need them. A complete failure, in my opinion.
4. The UK government did not shut the borders or stop flights at the beginning thereby utilising our Island geography to best advantage. It put the UK economy first not people. This weakness and prioritisation will haunt it in the coming months. History will not be kind.
5. There is no guarantee of herd immunity with Covid-19. It’s not possible with similar virus’ why should it be so with this. The ‘squash the sombrero’ bollocks implies some Virus control. They have none (see point 6).
6.The UK government is deliberately not testing to ‘bury’ headlines to protect itself, not you. They have absolutely no control, despite the soundbites. It’s ca sera, I’m afraid.
7. As people slowly realise the government (and the BBC) don’t give a toss about them, decisions are being taken in families (idiotic panic buying) and by companies (mine included), given an absence of central command. Another complete failure.
Now….I suspect many will recover and we should all be sensible not sensational. However, the BBC has not been aggressive enough in questioning the governments approach, and the governments approach has not been aggressive enough.
The UK plc Covid-19 strategy is a massive gamble which needs rigorous investigation and interrogation. It’s a perfect story, in many ways, for a nosey and intelligent young reporter prepared to ask difficult questions.
However, the BBC’s insipid reporting (cue, Friday evenings R4 QT love in. Spectacularly pathetic. Ergo…wash you hands…and repeat!) means it is once again uneasily complicit in another unfolding national government failure.
Peston tells us they plan to quarantine the over 70s for four months. This is a cull. And it is a plan based on unexamined scientific data. Basically its politics not medical science that is driving the programme. Forget about BBC reform. The media are working with the government.
BBC News channel ticking the boxes this morning by making sure we are fed a constant stream of how great blacks and Muslims are.
Best example of this was at 08:56 when the BBC showed us a Muslim lady, wearing a hijab – tick, who delivers hand sanitiser and face masks to the elderley white people – tick!
She said she got the idea when a neighbour was crying that all the young people had purchased all the hand sanitiser leaving the shelves bare. So the Muslim lady then ironically purchased every hand sanitiser she could get until the shelves were bare to give away for free to the over 65s. The interviewer didn’t ask how come she could buy it still when her neighbour couldn’t.
The Muslim lady runs her own shop and said she will delivery the hand sanitiser with “no delivery charge and its cost us £2000”. It was implied she was giving the stuff away for free but it sounded more like she bulk purchased hand sanitiser to make a tidy profit.
The interview then descended into a farce of the interviewer asking a question and the reply was totally irrelevant:
1. “do you think you will be able to get enough stock to supply the people?”. Reply, “we have too much stock including £2000 worth of hand sanitiser”
2. “How are you finding the community spirit in times of adversity?”. Reply,”We have enough stock and the cash and carry is empty”
3. “Tell us about the day ahead?”. Reply, “Yes yes there is a lot of stock coming in”
I guess as long as the ‘Show Muslims in a good light’ box was ticked the BBC didn’t care about car crash interviews.
The Baghdad Broadcasting Corporation does not represent the people of Great Britain.
Time for Boris to make the cut . Cut the telly tax.
I caught a little (a very little) of some sort of religious focus on R4 earlier. Our ‘Worlds Most Trusted’ interviewed some sort of leading Catholic theologian in Germany. Strangely, I didn’t think the BBC interviewer had to prompt the interviewee for any nonsense they sought. The theologian came clean: the problem is the right wing nationalists are on the rise. Yes, it takes a Catholic theologian to make that statement. Not why of course.
Perhaps it has something to do with the rape, pillage and terrorism carried out by……………..You know who, ably assisted by Merkel.
Tabs, just look at the photos in the press as to who is loading up their trolleys in London supermarkets !! the usual suspects who can also be found at the head of a queue for the Sales, and fall over themselves in a scrum for the cheap tvs and sofas !!!
Tabs – thought exactly the same…How do the BBC manage it? In a country with 4% Muslimsthey get 80% BBC coverage.
We all know there are lovely people from all religions but it is the BBC’s constant positive and disproportionate Muslim narrative to the exclusion of every one else that is so bloody annoying…
Tabs – thought exactly the same…How do the BBC manage it? In a country with 4% Muslimsthey get 80% BBC coverage.
We all know there are lovely people from all religions but it is the BBC’s constant positive and disproportionate Muslim narrative to the exclusion of every one else that is so bloody annoying…
I was doing a little shopping the other morning, just milk, bread, beer and Merlot…the essentials… and there was a bloke and his missus loading their people carrier with toilet rolls. They had about ten bags choc full of them. It’s insane. I mean, we’ve only got one arris each, what on earth are they doing with them… um, please don’t answer that…
I reckon one evening, in the not too distant future, I’ll be stumbling home from The Feathers and some shifty looking bloke will emerge from the shadows. He’ll be wearing a trilby hat and sporting one of those pencil moustaches. “‘Ere guv” he’ll hiss,”take a look at these.” Opening his coat there will be a display of loo paper stitched into the lining. “Finest quality. Just feel ’em. Twin ply, soft as silk, coated with aloe, labrador puppies love ’em. Forty sov’s and I can get you three. Make it fifty and I’ll throw in the puppy. Now what do you say?”
The way things are going I might have to start using old editions of The Metro. I collect them from the local railway station for starting my fire and very useful they are too…I’ve even been known to read them.
If you’re thinking along the same lines may I offer some sage advice?
Make sure you remove the staples…
The strange thing is on ITV the ads for toilet paper (Cushelle) are still running. Is their paper too soft for the headcases?
Richard Dawkins : when it comes to Islam suddenly these liberals lose all their principles.
I think there will be quite a few of these cruise ships laying empty for a while.
Why not relocate the House of Lords onto one of them and send them off cruising about the Med or somewhere.
Isolate the 850+ of them (for their own good of course)
Why not use the opportunity to deport all the illegals from our country?
john in cheshire
Perhaps the illegals – men of military age and fit – are here to replace the old, sick, weak racist gammons and brexit supporters. They will obey the Muslim Council of GB and cause no problems for the government
Most, if not all, of those signing the letter are mathematicians so might be able to make valid comments about the modelling.
At the end of the day models are just mathematical representations of theories of how things work, they aren’t true in themselves.
I am reminded of a story from WW2 days that aircraft returning from missions were examined for damage. There was an argument that these damaged areas needed more protection. Then someone suggested that these were the aircraft that had made it back and so it was the non-damaged areas that needed protection as ‘clearly’ aircraft hit there didn’t survive.
Both ideas have some validity and both are based on imperfect data.
Similarly there is the classic ‘school bus on a crossing’, does the driver try to go forward or reverse? The ‘right’ answer depends on other traffic, the mechanical condition of the bus and the roadway. The ‘wrong’ answer though is to do nothing, which is why the indecisive Obama is the worst US president in recent years and decisive Trump will prove to be one of the best.
My advice to the over-70s?
Self-isolate from the BBC!
‘seasonal flu…which seems little different, if not far more deadly, than SARS or this coronavirus…’
This guff about flu is the stupid person’s idea of a smart argument.
Seasonal flu mortality rate = 0.1
Coronavirus = approx. 3%
SARs = 10%
There’s a vaccine for flu, there isn’t for this etc etc etc
Somthing is very wrong. All the scientists and the government experts (My lefty Marxist mate Andy even admits that the London school of tropical medicine are THE best in the world in this field) all appear to be circa 50 male and white. Isn’t this the problem BBC? All your murders are solved by women all of history features BME people’s could this be the reason ? We need some BME women on the case and it will be sorted …all wrapped up in a week……BBC take note the appressd white male will sort it out, not your Muslim or your women MEN and white ones at that !!
With plans to quarantine the over-70s for four months, I expect the next thing to sell out will be Grecian 2000.
Can’t think why. It’s life, as usual, for me – just the way I like it.
Oh dear, oh dear, oh poxy f—–g dear. Am I to believe that when I take my customary, solitary walks in our local hills, that behind every tree,behind every bush and blade of grass, the virus is waiting to pounce on me with devastating consequences and that the only safe place is at home watching BBC TV. Also, failure to comply with the curfew will result in my being waylaid by a bunch of the Keystone Cops who will be hidden in the undergrowth ready with the steel bracelets? They must be ‘avin’ a larf. Please, DO leave orf.
Exactly Lefty. The shock-horror of isolation is a peculiarly urban metropolitan concept, they evidently can’t conceive of being able to walk for any distance without encountering another human being – even a white one – without feelings of massive deprivation and, to coin a phrase, ‘herd displacement syndrome’.
Thank you boys I think you’ve answered my question (further up the page), that living in a rural area might be of less risk than in the confines of say, North London ! unless you’ve group hugged a gaggle of mates who’ve just returned from anywhere in Europe !
Forgot to mention…. #CCBGB
As with this one:
Frankly the entire MSM should crawl back under its rock and stfu.
Managed to delete this one.
Do the Munsters count as news media?
Osman’s BBC 2 show gets 2 million something viewers
That is 10 times more than Newsnight
Following extremely Katty Kay on Twitter is particularly soul-sapping at the moment. A relentless stream of negativity with regard to Donald Trump. It’s tempting to mute but one does need to know what the enemy is thinking.
Which “profession” is the most ridiculously self important – actors or journalists?
Will the BBC licence fee goons be breaking old folks extended self isolation, visiting to tell them they no longer get a free licence?
Excellent letter in today’s Mail on Sunday, and I’m sure the writer wouldn’t mind me transposing it………..
“Peter Hitchens wonders whether the BBCs Noughts & Crosses is supposed to be a reverse version of apartheid South Africa, or modern day Britain.
This supposed ‘alternate reality’ has actually become the new normal for many working class white families in the UK. The Establishment seems to hope that the creation of a black middle class will deliver harmony and prioritises ‘positive discrimination’. If certain groups are prioritised then someone else loses out.
In our class based society, lower class whites are pawns in the game. ”
This feeling of a white under class is now becoming more prevalent than ever before because of the fixation with diversity.
If there’s a policy of releasing this sort of information via leaks to journalists, I’d be particularly concerned that someone thought Peston was the ideal vehicle.
Though I wonder if the crazy cat lady would have been so indignant had the leak been through her good self.
(Edit – that took an absolute age to post, during which time I loaded several other sites, so I don’t think it was my dodgy Virgin wifi.)
Roland, this virus might test out the whole InterWebby to breaking point. On-line will be the big thing from now on.
Last night, I just couldn’t get any bandwidth to do anything.
If someone in BBC news gets the coronavirus would they have to shut down and everyone self isolate for at least 14 days?
What a result that would be!
How is this quarantining of those over seventy supposed to work?
Most people of that age are quite capable of living independent lives and most won’t be in residential care.
So who’s going to stop them leaving the house?
Are we expected to report anyone who looks a little doddery if we see them out shopping? Blimey, that’s me done for…
Will we be seeing volunteer vigilantes roaming our bingo halls and bowling greens?
And for four months! That’s a hell of a time to be kept in solitary confinement.
There’s only so much daytime telly anyone can stand…
This response seems on the verge of becoming hysterical.
They say it’s NOT quarantine nor isolation
rather over seventies should cut down on their number of social contacts by 75%
and thus spend more time with their family etc.
Jeff, I switched Mardell off at lunchtime. It was obvious that all the BBC were going to do was complain about what Government had done. The BBC appear to have replaced the Labour Party with the BBC.
“…and thus spend more time with their family etc.”
And preferably their grandchildren fresh from school…………….
Even Tommy Robinson wasnt kept in isolation for 4 months. Maybe our police service could make themselves useful instead of catching thieves and crims they could patrol supermarkets etc and catching oldies, will they give them a fine or maybe arrest them if they kick off at being stopped. Hmm a bit like Tommy.
Didn’t you get the Merlot in earlier?
Yes, I’ve got several bottles of Merlot, a couple of bottles of brandy (medicinal purposes) a six pack of Speckled Hen (real ale) and a crate of lager.
So I’m okay for now…
But what happens tomorrow?
Found an English Vinyard yesterday and bought some :(Chilford Hall)
Jeff – sounds like to still haven’t found your coat
As an aside – I was prepping to watch Match of the Day but learned just in time that the BBC has replaced it with someone called
‘Mrs Brown’ which sounds so hideous that I have never seen it and never will .
I can only pity anyone who had to watch that show and pity whoever it was in the BBC listing department who decided to replace footy with That …
Actually Mrs Brown is one of those comedies The Guardianistas absolutely loathe.
It’s very old fashioned, almost Dick Emery(ish). It also reminds me of a comedy show from long ago starring Arthur Haynes. Most of our regulars will be too young to remember him, but he had a lot of sketches and was continually “corpsing”. This happens regularly in Mrs B and her Boys.
Some of it is squirmingly bad, but on the other hand I have been known to find myself laughing.
And don’t forget this is a BBC comedy.
That doesn’t happen often…
Government releasing plans to tackle the virus to selected journalists, like Peston who was told about placing over 70s under house arrest.
Now journalists are told about cops being given the power to arrest victims of WuFlu.
Hey Boris getting close to the Chinese approach eh. Bit of a socialist eh.
Various bits of the MSM, including the BBC, are going into meltdown that Bojo the PM might lock up grannies for four months.
Which makes it all the more strange that the BBC posted on their w-site this:
The article makes it clear that young adults are equally at risk of Covid-19. The rapid spread in S.Korea started among the mostly young members of this particular ‘church’.
The BBC and MSM are going absolutely hysterical, total idiots.Also a thing to beat Boris Johnston with. They have definitely lost the plot,but there is not much other news to report so they have to fill programmes with coronavirus scares. They are disgusting but I’m not listening , this afternoon I have the Four Tops CD on, 90 minutes of hits, that was when real artists had so much talent. Takes me back to a time of quality music.
In continuing my non bbc period during Lent I’m not exposed to the BBC virus that much . However there is a debate on the Twitter as to whether there should be daily press conferences updating the public on what’s happening .
I can see arguments either way but I reckon on balance such conferences would just be opportunities for the bubble to give a traditional kicking to BoJo and co.
The BoJo ‘levelling with the public ‘ phrase from his last conference was, I think , quite affecting in his comment about people ‘going before their time ‘ . It sounded more poignant coming from some one who plays joker for the camera so much of the time .
We’re along was from the sort of briefings done during the Falklands War but the press seems incapable of seeing that a lot of decisions / advice is being made up one the hoof’.
Meanwhile in laboratories around the world there is a big prize waiting for the Vaccine that works
“Sweden abortion: Nurses fail in European court case”
“Swedish midwives are given more medical competence than in many other countries”
Plenty of vacancies over here in GB .
A bit of light relief?
I watched this many years ago and stumbled on it earlier today. Highly recommended
Brought back fond memories of my own basic training at Lympstone Devon. I used to take time out to go to the parade ground to watch the resident band practising.
That same parade ground on which I stood to attention for 2.5 hours as a punishment for something – don’t remember what.
Thanks – sure isn’t ‘generation kill’…
Questions are being asked.
There must be more to this, something we are not being told.
Had his chips?
Andrex insider dealing or something
Our local Co-op was ram raided last week. Strangely nothing was stolen, so it was assumed that they were in desperate need of toilet rolls, after seeing a delivery earlier in the day !
Trouble in paradise.
Guest, looks like the BBC have recognised their error and Pallab Ghosh has rewritten the article:
Still shabby reporting.
Trying to look on the positive side, should be able to access a post office counter within 30 minutes over next 4 weeks for the first time in years
What’s your Coronavirus end game ?
Mine is I get it in a few weeks
I recover and then I am immune
… and I am free to go anywhere and get on with life
Stew – I did my usual flow chart of worst / best case chucking in as many known variables – in a background of media Fed panic which is likely to continue for the near future .
I’m assuming a vaccine will be produced in a couple of weeks but there will be panic about not enough doses or for some it doesn’t work .
I heard a little bit of mardell on someone else’s radio and the economic pessimism was being laid on thickly – particularly with the potential for a negative feedback of businesses dragging other businesses down and absence of consumer spending killing the economy .
As far as contacting this bug – I’d rather not as my immune system isn’t always fit for purpose so it could be a real fight – as happens when I get the ‘conventional’ flu .
You won’t be getting a vaccine before autumn
It takes 1 year to get it through certification.
Then vaccinating everyone would be a massive exercise
Stew – I think the pressure to risk ‘fast tracking ‘ will be overwhelming ….. and thr Chinese should come up with a viable vaccine and give it to the world since they are responsible for this mess
I saw today that some half wit -ex scientific advisor thinks being outside the EU will slow down the use of vaccine in the UK compared to the EU – the stench of rotting remainers is strong .
working on the principle of “should” hmm who “should be responsible for stopping 90%of world conflict, attacks on christians and racially oganised gang rape and preventing out TV adverts saying “this child will be married to a ? at the age of 13 unless you give us money” or this child is starving cos his dad is spending all his money on guns and bombs RE somalia and yemen for a start, and those that end up in Luton as “refugess dont make me laugh they have an annual crime fest during the carnival and spend their days knifing eachother and mugging anyone they can prey upon who “should” as they all have one religion? muslim council of britain ? hmm no bloody chance
in their twisted mind we are the enemy and they are “victims” ha ha watch one of theirs in court againt TR
Absolutely no social responsibility towards our country
“Then vaccinating everyone would be a massive exercise”
Voting returns have a number on them so it should not be a problem in identifying those who sanely voted ‘leave’ to narrow immunisation. I live in a different World………….
A real loss to the hive.
That master of communication tells the British Government to ‘get a grip ffs’, before knocking back a glass of kir royale?
Well, sod the Mediterranian diet, RE northern Italy, will concentrate on British 70s cafe culture with an emphasis on pies and lard with their beneficial effects upon the immune system and hope for the best
I understand the virus does not like alcohol above 60% either and I have some polish acqaintances with a still, failing that blue label smirnoff at just above 40% but will have to double the dose to ensure efficacy
Also, working on the gardeners greenhouse principle, have 600 high strength Camel cigarettes from Belgium to smoke the bastard out as well (and some Amber Leaf rolling tobacco for intense infection) , a complete plan, as valid as all the other crap I have read in the MSM last few days
Have been on this treatment plan for three days now but maybe it has failed as feeling very dizzy and the wife and cat have disappeared,
and taken the bog rolls and three cases of spagetti hoops, bastards
BBC4 7pm Beavers are cute-looking critters but they cause incredible damage, felling 200 trees a year and creating floods with their food caches and dams.
So they’re not ideal neighbours for humans.
Rather than simply slaughtering them, though, Wyoming’s Teton National Park relocate the animals to a place where their activities will be beneficial to other wildlife rather than destructive
And Monbiot wants more of them in Britain! He thinks they cure flooding!!
I recently became a beaver .I am serious . I now identify as one so cut out the nasty comments about us. We just need to build dams. It is the way we live. We hear running water and we are off .
My grandchildren keep telling me I am actually a human being. I put up with it from them as they know no better.
If the oldies are expected to be housebound in a month or two for maybe four months, that would take us up to the beginning of the colder autumn weather around October, just in time for the whole thing to start over again.
If it’s as bad as it’s being portrayed in the warm Mediterranean Countries like Spain and Italy, what chance have we got that our summer will stop it. They are probably currently as warm as our best summer days right now.
It would help if, when coming out with the daily deaths, they could indicate how many had completely recovered and also how many had died from flu over the same period to give some perspective.
Something like
I total covid deaths this year, 38.
total covid recoveries, ?
total flu deaths this year, 5,000 (a guess from the 17,000 average UK yearly flu deaths)
Spain and Italy not much different to London at the moment.
I’ve been self isolated for the past 5 hours, and I’m fed up already.
Bris – welcome to the ‘Fedup’ club…
Every bloody article about the virus has a BME in the picture even the hand washing……just give the agenda a bloody rest will you and concentrate on informing the British people of the facts ….I can’t wait to see the back of this lot.
Hugh appreciates circumvention.
Didn’t realise he was jewish
Jason Dean a BBC TV News Editor
Mr Jason Dean left out the bit about the BBC meeting practicing the condescending sneer for anything they have to report with which they do not agree.
Interesting ?
This is an update to apologise to you that although we aim to reply to most complaints within 2 weeks we are currently handling a higher than normal volume of cases. This means it may take longer than usual to reply to you.
possibly another influx to ensure the 70 years sentences handed to the latest MUSLIM rape gang kept off the front page from the members of the muzzie council of Br hain innit bruv and to ensure only “positive ” news is reported which seems to have been effective with the bbc bowing down to them
This is the bbc BTW with a massive well paid staff who cannot reply to complaints withing two weeks even though every reply I have recieved has been generic
You do realise the real reason for getting the over 70s to self isolate dont you?
It has nothing to do with stopping the spread of the chinky bug -.its because Jeremy Corbyn is 70 years old ….
Well they do have their charms, but I used to have an elderly aunt, every bloody wedding we went to she used to keep nudging me and saying “you’re next” until I started doing it to her at funerals
Alert : non-lefty on the BBC
R4 9:30pm Paul Johnson of the Institute for Fiscal Studies about inequality and why some towns and cities feel left behind.
The unusual thing is , he is not from the Labour Party
He actually called out Labour’s spending plans.
Hey Beeb, tell the people: Borders are cool again.
“Coronavirus: Germany to impose border controls over coronavirus”
Eleven European countries have closed, or will soon close their borders either fully or partially.
These countries include Austria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Slovenia.
Mairead McGuinness, (the lady that told the Brexit MEPs to put their flags away): “Who do you put first, people or borders?”
Well the first duty of the EU should be to look after its own people, it does that by maintaining borders, something that it is quite happy to do with trade rules etc.
Mairead McGuinness who welcomes everyone in ireland except the english,
Starting to hear some UNI pseudo scientific types saying we can’t possibly go ahead with Brexit in this epidemic….
I expected this shit!
OT, but they are equally vile.
Would he be referring to the Trump briefing that the world’s media then used to claim how useless and wrong he was? He means they’d like Boris to provide the same opportunities for them here too, I am sure.
The media isn’t here to inform. It’s here to obfuscate and denigrate. To sow uncertainty amongst a worried population. As exemplified by the Guardian/Peston tag team I link to below.
There must be a reckoning after this is over. It cannot continue.
As the media gurgles down the drain into the cess pit of its own making, we get this from the Guardian, egged on by Peston.
I do not believe that even the lowliest journalist can be unaware of planning for worst case scenarios, so to me the only explanation is that they wish to make political mischief and to hell with the panic it causes.
The media is really covering itself in glory during this virus crisis, is it not?
Philip Foster : the climate change pushers are the real Nazis
“Labour has called for the government
to release people held in immigration removal centres because of the corona virus pandemic.”