How will the BBC continue to report the ongoing pandemic ? Play the blame game ? Concentrate of failures ? Tell us with glee how other countries are better than us ? Take your pick …meanwhile the consultation on the funding of the BBC has about 2 weeks to go – here is the link to the Government site .
And these are the questions in the suggested ‘structured ‘ reply
( which you will find if you go through the consultation );
Why do you consider that the TV licence evasion should no longer be criminal offence?
If you have a view, what alternative enforcement scheme models do you consider to be most appropriate? Why?
What steps could the Government take to mitigate any impacts that may result from decriminalisation of TV licence evasion?
Lots of people just want the BBC gone – but this is , perhaps , a first step …
The conclusion is that it’s nuts to implement large-scale testing on a population. It will lead to huge numbers of false positives—which will be everywhere painted as true positives—and more panic.
Briggs is the #1 Statistician for climate skeptics
Now that everyone is an expert on what strategy the government should follow re. the virus it might be worthwhile remembering that what is ‘best’ isn’t necessary best for ‘you’.
To some extent that justifies ‘hoarding’.
Those over 70 should have stocked up weeks ago and then stayed indoors for the duration. Then in a few months they would be able to emerge into a nice world free of the BBC, transgenderism, black supremacy, homosexuality and Islam!
More likely we will soon be subjected to continuous re-runs of Survivors 1975 and 2005 versions.
There comes a time when the MSM including the bbc have to take a sense of social responsibility, which they have all failed to do, using words like chaos where there is no chaos. maybe in the blitz getting bombed there was chaos even then probably not. just getting on with it but, looking at the potential looters as they gather bog paper whathas happened is a culture that stands on social media as climate carers and in the first trial of any crisis me first
Here he is
Family in question now self isolate.
As advised by PH if anybodys condition worsens you make the relevant phone call.
The girl’s mother also confirmed that her condition has improved – once again THE 3 YEAR OLDS CONDITION IS IMPROVING – but you’re choosing to ignore that
But quite appropriate that the ones with the biggests arses fight hardest in the bog paper aisles
“The government is to hold daily televised press conferences to update the public on the fight against coronavirus, Downing Street has said.”
Some good news .
Still wondering what is so nutritious about bog paper ?
is it the roughage ?
F£ck social responsilbilty, got a genuine Andrex toilet roll only used once or twice, its on ebay now
You can always rely on the bBbc.
“Coronavirus: ‘I’ve had to cancel my wedding’.
These are the examples we’re given.
English girl marrying Japanese gent in Japan, Hindu couple marrying in Italy, Lesbian couple with guests from all around the world and another Hindu couple with wedding guests/ relatives from throughout the Commonwealth.
What can you say to that? Ffs.
At the moment deaths and Guardian readership are about the same.
Given the appeal of the Stereophonics to that demographic, that balance might tilt in the coming weeks.
corbyn self isolate for 4 months, he is of the correct demographic? i will happily donate some spagetti hoops and a copy of das kapital and the koran, but then again its probably what he has been doing for the last few years anyway
bloody bierdy wierdy
BBC Politics are running his latest ‘quote’.
“Could”. All they need.
How is Katty going to handle this one?
The perfection of a CNN/Bern combo up against a quote that from any other lips would see the BBC lose its collective Asian rag.
First Beth Rigby… now this cheery chappie….
Blimey, the BBC better watch out in their bunker; it looks like an outbreak of integrity amongst MSM colleagues. They need to self isolate more.
BBC Moaning Emole:
Presidential race
The battle for the White House goes on despite the pandemic and Sunday night saw the first head-to-head TV debate between the two men vying to take on Donald Trump in November – Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden. BBC North America reporter Anthony Zurcher has dissected it all for you in detail, including Mr Biden’s commitment to having a female vice-president if he wins. Our correspondent said the candidates’ comments on coronavirus illustrated some key differences in their political philosophies
When you are getting lessons in integrity from a Mehdi… Anthony… mate…
BBC News
“We’re talking about the future of UK aviation – one of our world-class industries – and unless the government pulls itself together who knows what will be left of it once we get out of this mess.”
Of course the bbc run with a quote from…. ‘someone’, referring to a mystery ‘we’.
BBC News
“I’ve got a bus pass but no bus.” Campaigners have said reductions in bus routes and funding across the UK has left some people “trapped in their homes”.
Trust the bbc to stay current. Hope they have accordions.
Can’t wait for Daily Politics to get him, Champion, Dawn and possibly someone not utterly deranged as balance on to come up with these…
“5 demands ”
.. “5 year plan”
.. both sound very Stalinist