From the 1st April the biased BBC licence fee rises to £157.50 Per year . A well chosen day . I’m sure – to celebrate – those those highly paid lefties employed by the BBC and currently doing nothing as a result of the Chinese Virus – will be donating their huge wages to the NHS .Right ?
The formal consultation on compulsory funding of the BBC ends at 5pm on the 1st April 2020 . Anyone can make a submission.
I listen to some of the fat c**** (sorry Fed) and heard this caller.
I called and asked about the airports remaining open. Got out on hold and gave up after 15mins. Allegedly inundated with calls….
Westy flightradar24 airport watch Day2
Heathrow inbound
Doha arrives in 14mins Boeing 777
Miami arrives in 15 mins Boeing 777
JFK New York in 20 mins Boeing 787
Santiago in 30mins Boeing 787
Not Heathrow but…
Milan Malpensa to Southend in 19mins Boeing 737.
A S L airlines, this one could be freight.
West – with all those ocean going cruise liners freed up -perhaps the people Wanting to get to the UK can come that way – slowly – rather than having an instant 2 or 3 thousand getting off those planes after x hours of cross infection .
Now that easyjet has stopped it can only be a matter of time before more go the same way .
TOADY Watch #1 and only – Negative Waves, Waves of Negativity
BBC doing Moriarty Manoeuvres with a Minister. Negatives waves, negative waves, always the negative waves, what’s with you BBC?.
Will they ever change?
Just had 5 minutes of Negative Norman Smith on BBC 1. Usual standard BBC narrative.
Everyone is doing everything better than the UK,
Snuff – BBC won’t change again in a hurry. Full of Lefties and anti-British sentiments.
Currently we have that intellectual giant, and fast talker, Amol, with his diamond earring- holding forth, telling us what’s what.
….Amol.. jesus, how talent has taken a new and much lower meaning …
why can’t all of the BBC self isolate and see how much they are missed?
Boris has got to do some thing about them after CV-19….
Amol’s prog sounded like the metro wokemob bubbleworld
The Red-io4 prog discussion seemed to be about why the Conservative Party should be MORE socialist
FFS it is already very very socialist
The 6 main UK socialist parties aren’t actually very socially just
Instead of true equality of opportunity Virtue Signalling means special-victimhood-groups are “more equal than” others
A career path that gets you into the BBC shows how low The Independent actually is.
Stuck for new developments this Monday morning I notice the BBC on-line home page have gone for a kind of holding pattern headline:
“Race for more ventilators as ex-NHS staff return”
Translatable to the perennial BBC narrative saying there’s a lack of resources but the staff are absolute angels. Tell us something new.
More interesting are the two international sub-headings. You’ll never guess but the BBC take a snide-sounding poke at their two least favourite world leaders:
“Trump extends US guidelines to end of April”
“India’s PM seeks ‘forgiveness’ over lockdown”
Come on, this has to be more than chance – never mind the content of these stories the headlines alone read as negative in tone – the BBC really are biased.
Last week the MSM was touting what they described as a soonarmee of Chinese virus cases this and next week .
So – when the excel ©️and other ‘ overspill ‘ hospitals start being used how will this be pitched?
Government containment measures fail
Starved NHS not able to deal With covid
New hospital chaos
They treat People like animals sez ‘mum ‘
Every other country health system better
Still inadequate this and that
What’s your covid experience send us your terrible story ….
In other words welcome back to Project Fear 2
Project Fear 2, Fed? I reckon ‘they’ are well into double figures with it now.
Glancing at my neighbourhood message group I’m dismayed at the apparent relish with which they pass on new ‘rules and regs’ for supermarket opening times, quasi-rationing and these undemocratic priority shopping slots which are emerging.
Clearly a large section of the population has been conditioned to look to authority to rule and regulate the smallest details of their lives in an arbitary way and they would feel lost and confused without it.
For those of a religious bent it is time to pray for one Michael Corti
Mr Corti has been identified as “ the procurement director of the NHS” courtesy of Katie Hopkins .
We will witness the miracle of the holy Buck passing if Mr Corti ever surfaces to explain
“NHS procurement “ ( maybe he is stranded in a 5star hotel in Goa?)
“procurement director of the NHS”
Probably too busy procuring 9 year old white children for the Islamic rape gangs employed by the NHS, to buy any drugs.
I can’t help thinking that we’re massively over reacting to Covid 19.
We might do more damage with the self isolating and destroying business than the disease would have wreaked on our population.
For the vast majority it’s not dangerous. It can really hit the most vulnerable and they must be looked after, but…
It’s a bit like having athlete’s foot and deciding to saw your leg off.
People may feel we should be concerned with looking after ourselves and our own economic welfare rather than saving lives . . We should be thankful that countries that have Judeo Christian values are putting saving lives above all else..
Certainly the media is spreading unnessary panic about our future and this is wrong.
As for whether we are doing the right thing…
Our leaders have set us on this unprecedented enormously expensive experiment in economic terms, social stresses and in terms of the crushing of our liberties. All of it on a worryingly open-ended basis.
So don’t expect any realistic honest statistical, indeed neutral believeable in any way, post mortum at the end of it.
If there’s an inquiry of sorts it will:
a) be loaded in a biased way
b) last forever and a day
C) its conclusions may well be hidden
You know and I know authorities will think they got about right.
I reported here earlier that Tony Heller identified the serious air pollution in two Chinese Virus hotspots: Wuhan and N. Italy and that, no doubt, compounding the disastrous affects upon those infected by the virus. Both, needless to say, ignored by the intrepid journalists of our own, “World’s Most Trusted”.
But, similarly, that same Worlds Most Trusted couldn’t be bothered to explain the Greens almost total culpability in the recent bush fires in Australia.
So-called, ‘Feminism’ being another subject close to our Black&Asian Broadcasting Corps. heart, I wonder if they will report on the Spanish epicentre of the virus and the Spanish Gvt.s efforts to conceal the dangers of transmission prior to major public gatherings which no doubt accelerated the transmission.
The lengths the BABC will go to to cover up the failings in their preferred ideological persuasions. Here, we’ve got the blacks and muslims.
The Metro front page photo undermines all those on BBC R4 moaning that ‘the Government has not given them Personal Protection Equipment.’. It shows a customer at a Tesco checkout.
The gent in question is wearing the full face mask that people who operate machines cutting MDF all day have to wear. It is extreme and has either a separate air supply or a filter canister that cleans the air of dust through HEPA filters. The filter canister types can be bought from D-I-Y shops & Builders merchants.
There’s an easy way round that shortage of fruit and veg pickers. The farms offer a Pick Your Own service, where people pick two crates and get a substantial discount on their purchase from one but leave what they do not need for personal consumption for sale in a farm shop or transport to a wholesaler.
Civic minded people may go above and beyond whatever minimum pick is set.
Just think:
Good healthy outdoor exercise
Socially distanced by the rows of fruit & veg
A chance to socialise with others at a distance
Working in the sun (er, maybe)
Free food, perhaps, or highly discounted food
Help indigenous farmers and the UK economy
What’s not to like, Guardian and BBC?
Actually, the public going to orchards and farms to pick commercially was common in the UK up until the 1970s. East and South-east London people use to look on hop picking in Kent as their annual holiday.
Spot on, Up!
We’re in Kent with the huge orchards, and sadly, the depleted hop farms – thanks a bunch, EU wanquer quota ‘experts’, but come the autumn, we’ll be rich in Cox and Lambournes, all from our own trees, and buqqer all from blasted France and other shite-holes.
God, he looks grim…………..
Or, alternatively, old photo taken the day after a good night out with the boys. Sorry, ‘Old Etonians Boy’s Club’
Guardian: ‘Fruit and veg ‘will run out’
I doubt there’s any real prospect of shortages due entirely to some notional lack of former eastern bloc incomer cheap labour. The Gruaniad is simply rehersing one of their on-going in-house themes. It’s exactly as the BBC have done this morning (see above). Just keeping the narratives stoked.
When the EU flag burning videos first started to appear on YouTube a Remainer commented on Twitter that is not an issue because theres’ arnt many ‘ methinks the thousands of families grieving won’t be thinking too much about what the EU has not done for them .
Particularly since the Reich is doing so well at reducing infections and deaths- but then again – conforming is deep in their gene pool isn’t it ?
Where , apart from Amazon , can you buy EU flags ?
Discount and supermarkets will sell Union Jacks or England , Wales or Scots flags , but EU flags have never been popular .
A fact I use to depress EUrophiles with .
Is there any white people doing any good at all BBC ???
Appears not per our trusted broadcaster !!!!!!
Nope, they’re all on zero hours so don’t really count.
Sad innit
Never mind.
Within a few days Starmer will be the leader of the Labour Party. He is a Globalist, a Wokist, one of the tecnochracy , the chattering classes darling and of course a Europhile. The BBC and much of the rest of the MSM such as the Times will adore him and throw garlands at his feet. We can expect lots of coverage of how marvellous he is , how much better he would have handled the pandemic, how respected he is in the EU , how with him as PM the country could rejoin the human race! You will need extensive PPE, primarily ear plugs and night masks, it is thought that ten minutes exposure to the coming Starmer Storm could seriously affect your health.
Not BBC Bias (sorry, Fed) but I’ve just worked my way down to the Daily Star (normally not worth a glance) but there appears to be a Fake Photo on there.
The claim is that stockpiled food is being thrown away. Except it looks pretty fresh to me. What do you think? Badly set up shot? Food delivery gone wrong?
How much food was wasted when restaurants and cafes were forced to close abruptly.?
Book shelf watch.
Another one currently talking to Fatty Boulton
Bris … when I was working for organisations I’d often have to be interviewed for jobs – which I often found boring . So I’d play a game with myself – I’d look at the book shelve of my ‘better ‘ and see what they were trying to say – as well as guessing how many of the books they had actually ever opened .
I got caught out once and got it in the feedback that I’d appeared ‘distracted ‘ … can’t remember or care if I got the job .
There is the similar technique to the book behind the interviewee trick which has been imported from the States – namely the crowd of ‘representative ‘ ‘whoopers’ they place behind politicians – normally with ‘telegenic ‘ types to add to the distraction ….
Maybe it works .
Acquaintances hereabouts won’t be surprised to hear that I’m skeptical about recycling.
I suspect a waste of money and effort all for the sake of virtue-signalling.
Turns out that my lefty local council when they come to strip out the non-essential services decide it is afterall ok to dump all the rubbish of whatever kind into one truck for collection.
Seems as though we need to save the NHS this week but the poor old planet earth must wait for its salvation.
I smell a rat.
We plebs have to recycle and sort our waste into five different coloured buckets.
Businesses and industry just throw everything into a skip. And its far more than we plebs produce.
Control of us masses, you see.
Stew, thanks for introducing us to Duncan –
FT lefty journo thinks being a few hundred out , merits a WOAH !!!!!!
CCBGB as per .
I’ve noticed this alot this WOAH business by these idiots, to them it implies it’s a big deal, but in the REAL world, nobody gives a toss generally !!!!
Yesterdays test count is due now
BTW I expect an illusion
.. If you bump up the daily testing rate, you will get more positives.. as you pick up more community cases, that were otherwise not known about, cos they weren’t tested.
Earlier they put out this
Note: They tested less on Fri & Sat than on Thursday
I think that is cos they have worked out who really needs testing
Earlier the positive test rate was only 17% as if they were testing a lot of people who didn’t need it
“Today’s figures will be published later this afternoon.”
Our extended local region cases just doubled
.. I’m guessing not that they had 12 sudden positives yesterday
but rather they have held onto the results and just released them all at once. Maybe cos some were double checked.
The other day they revealed a death on Tuesday had not been reported until Saturday night.
Thursday not Tuesday
As we know, Trump has declined to provide body guards for the Royal pair who are no longer Royal.
Perhaps the Woke Folk of California will crowd-fund body guards? Guards who express their skills through the unique mediums of dance, mime and parody?
Agree they should pay for their own extra protection, but I’m wondering if they actually asked for it fo be provided free?
Well with no work lined up, and only the vague projection of trillions landing in their laps, has Daddy Wales paid for the rental in Vancouver, and is now coughing up for the Air b & b in LA , I wonder ?
Hasn’t Waynetta been given some voice over work by Disney?
Who are these gits?
Never heard of them anyway…
BBCRed-io Humbeside news just reported a man with a Muslim name has been charged re a shop altercation.
.. que ? they normally avoid reporting on local grooming gangs and their trials etc. .. yet they are reporting a shop altercation.
.. the info suggests he is a homeless nutter.
Maybe they couldn’t keep the lid on
cos other media reported it.
National media, and local news site did 10 tweets about it
It was outside The Range
“The bloke started shouting ‘who are you?’ He just stood there and the big guy headbutted him,” he said.
“He smashed something off his head.
Everyone got involved and bustled him to the floor.
Then the air ambulance came down
Also Red-io Humberside : every news bulletin today has had an item the local Hull LABOUR MP’s campaign appealing for spare laptops for kids.
Makes a change from them plugging the other Labour MP Diana Johnson
Chances are that if they don’t have ‘access to the technology’ then the household doesn’t have the router required to connect the laptop/tablet to the internet anyway.
Of course they could kick mum off Facebook.
“Why didn’t Boris plan for this? Every household should have free 10Gb/s broadband and ever child a laptop.” “Is your child suffering? Call Jeremy Vine now as the listeners are getting bored about PPE ‘scandals'”.
Interesting that the overpaid waste of space makes a distinction between where she inhabits and ‘news’.
Underneath her tweet there are 2 types of reply
#1 Just to clarify, Laura just wants the bad news,
and anything negative,
and as much of that ‘we dont have any PPE’
stuff you can send her.
Just received a message from my wife; her first day back after self-isolating from the GP practice where she works – they now have adequate PPE.
#2 Brexit-Man bad
.. not enough PPE’
The problem is not the lack of PPE – the problem is that we have far too much PPE, more than we know what to do with.
In particular the BBC, the civil service and Westminster are absolutely stuffed with useless Philosophy Politics & Economics graduates from Oxford. Most of these people have never done a decent days work in their life and are incapable of serving any useful purpose or function.
Oh wait… you’re talking about a different type of PPE?
Or… trying to stir some up.
Of course. The media is only concerned with trying to make our situation appear worse than any other country. I think they are misjudging our mood.
Here we go! The Independent have found one of their “polls”
“Two-thirds of people in the UK want the government to request an extension to the Brexit transition period in order to focus on the coronavirus outbreak, a new opinion poll indicates.”
“The poll of over 2,000 adults revealed such an extension was supported by all age groups, social grades and UK regions, and also had relatively high support among Conservative and Brexit Party voters.”
“The Focaldata poll was commissioned by cross-party campaign groups Best for Britain and Hope Not Hate.”
Best for Britain and Hope not Hate! surveying 2000 people? that’s going to be a balanced view isn’t it? bet they were all in London and probably mostly BBC staff polled on Skype.
Expect this to filter through to the BBC shortly!
I bet ‘most people’ think Brexit is done and dusted and aren’t even aware of the transition period!
As I recall most of the BBC staff thought we had left the EU the day after the referendum, judging by all those ‘because of Brexit’ stories.
(I have a bookcase behind me as I write, so I must be an expert, BBB rules!).
The F_All_Data poll?
Not a very reputable name!
I am guessing BBC Breakfast tomorrow – they need more Sh**e to spew
HA Ha R4 5pm..they will have Alastair Campbell on to say how he would advise Boris to communicate…
AC never knowing elected to any office with a communication style called lying….very BBC
I am guessing BBC Breakfast tomorrow – they need more Sh**e to spew
HA Ha R4 5pm..they will have Alastair Campbell on to say how he would advise Boris to communicate…
AC never knowing elected to any office with a communication style called lying….very BBC
So we are to believe that two-thirds of people want an extension of free movement so as to help spread the coronavirus and end the self isolation and loneliness of being all alone in the world. Especially those elderly people isolated from Europe in care homes. David Frost and Michel Barnier are both in self-isolation after testing positive for corona virus. So all they can do to end the loneliness is to sit down with a laptop and talk to each other, and show off their bookcases. Then they can claim that they are getting Brexit done by “Video Conference”
There was an interesting piece in Saturday’s Telegraph that discussed the virus and the man who’s advising the government, Professor Neil Ferguson.
This is the fellow whose predictions have spooked Boris…Firstly he said half a million would perish if we did nothing and then he claimed 250,000 would die unless more stringent measures were taken…the lock-down.
He’s also the same chap that was advising Tony Blair at the time of the foot and mouth outbreak in 2001.
It was his plan that led to the culling of healthy livestock even if they were on adjoining farms. The culling led to the slaughter of six million cattle, sheep and pigs and cost the economy £10 billion. That won’t even be a drop in the ocean compared to this one…
Since then his calculations have been widely critiicised and we’ve been told that the modelling was “extremely flawed.”
Separately he also claimed that 150,000 people could die from Mad Cow Disease. Thankfully his predictions were wildly off and fewer that 200 have lost their lives.
When questioned about his previous calculations the prof’ said, “The modelling was correct, but the data was limited.”
I’m not criticising Boris. Whoever was Prime Minister would feel compelled to do the same if confronted by terrifying statistics like these…a quarter of million dead! It’s almost beyond comprehension.
The prof ain’t exactly Mystic Meg, is he?
“The modelling was correct, but the data was limited.”
Now that is arrogance! Any sane person would expect the modelling to include the data.
It’s like a crap footballer saying they are perfect but the real world physics are making him miss the net everytime.
“The modelling was correct, but the data was limited.”
I was playing the right notes, but not necessarily in the right order…
Like Winniethe-Pooh’s spelling.
The modelling was correct but the person interpreting it was a biased fahkwhit.
That was Certainly Corbyn’s line as well ….all the right policies but few voted for it…hope he is in permanent isolation
One Louisa Compton has been appointed the Head of C4 News – can you guess where she has worked before – and I’ll give to a clue – it begins with a B……. the bubble lives …..
( I think the last head of Channel 4 News mouthed off and alleged that BoJo is a ‘liar’ ) – I wonder what the new clone will call him? Nothing changes …
Once head of News Beat who praised ViceNews in the Guardian
… yet then ViceNewsUK never grew and is pretty small
I’ve noticed that the Daily Express is putting items on their website that claim to show the majority of us now want to delay Brexit.
Is this the start of the softening up phase so that in a couple of weeks it turns into a fait accompli?
Personally, I see no need to delay Leaving the EU asap.
What as if the once pro Brexit : Daily Express had been bought by the anti-Brexit Daily Mirror group (Known as Reach plc) ?
Well done Sly News.
Just when you thought they couldn’t engineer a worse virus than Beth Rigby, their scientists have unveiled a ‘Cordelia Lynch’.
This bile filled spiteful shite bag is hard to be identified in amongst the sewer of UK US correspondents, but the repeated use of ‘Trump’ and ‘Johnson’ without any title is a good indicator. Also check out the face that looks like someone has shat in her mouth.
I reckon she’s the worst yet.
The Twitter debate about Kinnock Junior visiting his mum and dad because of a birthday – and the police online intervention – got me vexed .
Now I have no positive feeling about any kinnock – but the heavy handed attitude of the Constabulary really hits the alarm bell .
What really hits the alarm is the attitude toward some – but not others – where was this strong law enforcement when it came to Pakistani rape gangs ?
They have a golden opportunity to bully the public and there is an extremist streak within plod which Surfaces at such times .
They’ll be building ‘ camps ‘ next – to ‘house ‘ disorderly citizens . I wonder if they’ll make them wear a badge …?
What great way to lose the consent of the public they are meant to serve ; I’ll “ check my thinking “ too …
Like this:
Easter egg crackdown! (intentional pun?)
The skeptic in me does wonder whether this is a global exercise in seeing how the population can be cowed into submission.
Radio 2 – just saying that they aren’t giving out traffic updates, cos ‘you shouldn’t be travelling’. What about essential workers eg truck drivers?
I think they’ll first try out building barriers around selected rural villages, populated by white indigenous people, and control who is allowed in and out.
I’m sure there’s a word for it; ah, yes, it’s ghetto.
Whether people acknowledge it or not, the UN agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 are being implemented.
Steady on there! They must have been having consent in Rotherham, Bradford, Manchester and Bristol ?
Lord Sumption explains national overreaction to coronavirus
I disagreed with Mr Sumption and his attitude to Brexit during his frankly poor Reith Lectures last year
But frankly he is right on his observations about police conduct during this time. And at the end Thr cretin spokesman for Derbyshire police admitted that they are following ministerial directions
Not true – they are doing what they want – they do not have the legal powers to do some thr things they are .
And as Mr Sumption says- they are rapidly diminishing any remaining connection between them as citizens or them as An army of occupation
I’m sure someone in the Derbyshire constabulary has put mr sumpter on a list .
Did you notice that Sumption didn’t push the fact that the BBC and other are whipping up hysteria ?
‘BBC: There is not a lot in the way of scrutiny is there?
S: No, certainly there’s not a lot in the way of institutional scrutiny. The press has engaged in a fair amount of scrutiny, there has been some good and challenging journalism, but mostly the press has, I think, echoed and indeed amplified the general panic.’
Yes, perhaps Lord Sumption could have stressed the point but, personally, I took the reference to ‘not a lot in the way of institutional scrutiny’ and ‘journalists echoing and amplifying panic’, in both cases, to be a dart thrown directly towards the BBC et al.
Ben Brown BBC now. Talking to a nurse (black lady of course). He simply CANNOT help himself.
Constantly looking for any negative angle !!! It’s absolutely shocking !!!! Now, usual BBC slant yet again …. Every other country is doing better !!!!!!
That was a disgusting, negatively loaded ,anti government biased interview. If anyone was in any doubt that Ben was a massive liberal lefty , that should have sorted it.
Quite frankly ….DISGUSTING.
‘Driver stopped on M6 lockdown trip with wife in boot’.
What kind of man living in Coventry treats his wife as mere chattel, to obey him unquestioningly under threat of religiously-sanctioned beating?
We shall never know.
But I suppose putting the wife in the boot is not quite as bad as putting the boot in the wife.
I hope the driver explained to Plod: “Six feet of separation, Officer.” “Two in the back and two in the front doing the driving with due care and attention.”
Officer scratches head, trying to process that information without using fingers.
“Just concerned for your well-being, Sir. Please go on your way and get straight home for a spot of self isolation. Think you may be needing it.”
Who was the ” local ” man …was he collecting the widow for his mosque ? …..or just a stupid local whitey ! , unable to tell with PC Plod in the way …..
news : Sunday death toll… second blip down in a row *
180 deaths in UK over the past 24 hours – 159 of them in England
Case trend : 2,619 new positives (from a slightly increased test count) that is a rise on Saturday and Friday, but not as high as Thursday
* there is an argument that death tolls miss people who died at home. AFAIK that doesn’t matter cos we are really trend spotting.
I also don’t believe that many deaths if any have been missed.
Daily Patterns
Deaths : , WedA 40, Thu 33, Fri 56 , Sat 48, Sun 54, Mon 87, Tue 43, WedB 113 ( also a blip up), Thu 181, Fri 260, Sat 209, Sun 180
The daily positive case count
Fri 1035, Sat 665, Sun 967, Mon 1427, Tue 1452, Wed 2129, Thu 2921 Thu 2885, Fri +2546, Sat 2433, Sun 2,619,
So basically for the last 48 hours BOTH count rises have been flat
Now look at the case count … It was flat Mon. Tue and then a big rise on Wed, Thu
I am expecting that in a couple of days that will be reflected in an
INCREASED death count .we could see a 300+ death day
Someone asked why the graphs are a blippy
Well that is the nature of a random world
When you toss the coin you do get runs of heads sometime
Likewise in a hospital a guy who was expected to die on a Tuesday ..makes it until Wednesday, and another guy who was expected to die on Thursday sometimes dies on the Wednesday
Those 2 cases blip up Wednesdays death count.
I also suspect some management politics is causing the NHS to delay issuing some stats and thus register deaths and positives on the wrong day.
‘Twas me, Stew, commenting on the ‘blippy’ numbers but there’s a pattern to the blipping. That is what is interesting me. The pattern. The three day doubling that Neil Ferguson (or someone similar) hasn’t quite happened down in Kent. Close but not quite.
Obviously, London is very much a hot-spot for ‘flu’ and other infections, including Covid-19. I’m wondering if that is due to in-bound air flights dropping off folk who then ‘drop’ in on the NHS.
Also, our PM (unless he muddled weeks & months due to fever last Monday night) and President Trump have both talked about Easter. That was the date, I think, behind a hunch that I was coming over all positive with about a fortnight back.
I’m looking for a plateau early this week.
I am only guessing cos it is a chaotic system.
eg If two already sick grandad’s got it severely and got admitted to hospital one might day in 3 days and the other in 2 weeks.
“Why are people singing in toilets?”
Because lefties have lower IQ than the general public.
Because active lefties have a much lower IQ than their opponents.
During my long life I have seen thousands of film clips of earnest lefties enthusiastically singing “The Workers, united, can never be defeated.”
Remember Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin lefties?
When the “Revolution” they were leading produced several million dead, several millions more starving, a drop of 90%+ in the GDP.
LTS moved into the very same dachas formerly occupied by the Romanovs and other Russian royalty.
LTS had chauffeurs, gardeners, chefs, personal doctors, servants.
LTS had exclusive holiday homes on the Black Sea coast.
Caviar was specially flown in from the Caspian Sea for LTS, when millions were starving, that’s equality for you.
From then until now the Socialist leaders have lived like lords.
If any dying needed doing, which it did in every single Communist state, the leaders were organising the deaths, not victims thereof.
The workers never seem to have the intelligence to wonder why there are so many “Socialist” millionaires and multi-millionaires.
It must be the “education”.
I give all my tropical fish socialist names.
Those I name Stalin and Khrushchev live for years.
Stakhanov, NUJ and NUT seem to like floating dead on the surface, or just disappearing.
There seem to be way too many media with too much time and very little to ‘report’ upon, so to justify their existences they are either simply attacking anything from those they are ideologically opposed to… because they can… or churning out tripe that is somehow deemed ‘essential’.
Had Classic FM as I was in the garden and on came Global Tripe.
And after the bash segments they got to sport stuff. Wimbledon might or likely will not proceed, so these clowns got in someone tennisy to spending a few minutes guessing before admitting he did not know.
And it was prerecorded. So they ran it anyway.
LCS, have you seen ‘The Death of Stalin’? Great film. A great commentary on what was going on out East in my childhood, teen and early adult years, as well as before my time.
I am waiting for the beeb to put a negative twist on numbers going down over 2 days. They will probably get one of their Common Purpose “jurnos” to go ‘Ahh but the cumulative total is going up’. Blank stares from the rest of the thinking world, including cats.
Just logged into BBC web site to hear the daily briefing…. BBC chryons (ticker-tapes across the bottom of the screen) make no mention that, for the second day in a row, deaths from Coronovisrus has dropped.
However, when it happens, it takes them 3 seconds to tell us that the daily number of deaths has risen…
All you can see at the moment is that the number of deaths (i.e. total since the start) has risen by 180…. no context whatsoever.
BBC, lying by omission and obfuscation.
These people are not news reporters…. thay are propaganda spreaders. Goebbels and Pravda would have been proud of them….
Proud? Goebbels and Pravda would have been jealous of their ability…
@richard did you see the way that the expert said “as we can see on slide 1”
.. we couldn’t see cos with £4bn worth of resources the BBC preferred to only show us the speaker the subtitles and the sign language interpreter.
They only got the slides up 5 mins later when he was on slide #3
So of course viewers didn’t get to see the slide that showed the 2 day plateau in deaths.
Subject supposed to be Hungary.
But changes to reporting an attempted Communist coup in Spain.
A couple of hours before this latest tweet was published the communist vice prime minister,
Pablo Iglesias, had called for the expropriation and nationalization of all crucial and major companies
(electricity, communications, distribution, media, banking, and the like), and one of the regional leaders
of his party had advocated for the confiscation of private savings, supposedly to fund the fight against
the pandemic and to give a “social” dole to the people who will be left without a job (whom they had first
ensured that they will be left without a job, to form a mass of hungry and desperate supporters willing to do
anything to continue to receive state dole). Anyone who knew what Hugo Chávez did to install his communist regime in Venezuela immediately recognized what was going on and what was really behind the extraordinary delay in the publication of the royal decree that forced all non-essential workers to stop working: a self-coup by the communist half of the government against the socialist half, in which they wished to enforced mass expropriations of all essencial businesses and companies, the closing of all social media, and state control of all media.
A coup, all but in name. Apparently the self-coup was aborted by the socialist cabinet secretary of defense,
Margarita Robles, and the socialist cabinet secretary of finances, Nadia Calviño, who bravely stood their ground
and prevented the communists’ totalitarian measures from being included in the royal decree but no one knows if
they will be able to resist a second time. There are rumours that Nadia Calviño has resigned. If she has, we are doomed.
It is no wonder that you found nothing in the news. They control everything. All TVs are at their service, as are most newspapers and radio stations. Only social media are still free.
£75 million to get UK prats back to the UK who couldn’t be arrised to get off their arrises and get home despite all the warnings that those in the UK have been living with for weeks?
Anybody who left the UK in the last couple of weeks and has now decided that they’ve had enough of their holidays, knowing damned well that international flights were being cancelled left, right and centre since early March, should not be being bailed out like this.
I sat in disbelief when I saw 3 tourists in Delhi in shorts and masks (who had to spend the night on the streets), bemoaning that “the Government was doing absolutely nothing to get us home”, “and other nations were getting their citizens home but we have been totally forgotten by our government, its disgusting”.
Who the hell do these people think they are ? They’re own choice to leave the country for their holiday when the news is awash with travel difficulties, yet want f…..g baling out and a plane sent to pick them up !! Equally from reports about how useless our Embassies are around the world, I would hate to be in a place where I would have to rely on them !
Well said Brissles, indeed they must have had some indication as to what was likely going on, so why did they go? Ok so they paid, however no doubt they would have travel insurance-no in my book utterly self-centred-this awful virus matter is really showing just how many individuals who call themselves British but without doubt do not have the same spirit or decency about them as mostly us oldies do-not including you young person!!!! Think we have all been horrified at the greed of people, the ‘pull up the draw bridge, I’m alright Jack’ attitude. And now the Government blithly indicate that the end could be another 6 months away-what a dam silly thing to announce without proper consideration for what such a statement implies.
There are a bunch of entities not having a good Covid-crisis professionally when they though they would, beyond the MSM.
The activist community in particular seems particularly bereft, from the double whammy of being pretty much ignored (even by said MSM, despite said MSM clearly having sod all to talk about) when before they reigned the headlines and airwaves; and finding that filthy capitalism-generated donations are drying up.
Beyoud the eco-loon fringe of XR, the pleas for support from way too many ‘groups’ like Open Democracy, 38 BeeGees, Compass, etc is reaching fever pitch, and they do not like being isolated.
Not on BBC News, News. Due to all those cleaning product sales, Reckitts share price has rocketed by 1,050 pence in twelve days. That’s 87.5 pence per trading day for twelve days. Wow, buy, buy, buy and make me rich.
Al Beeb but:
Idiots! Showing themselves up for what they are…
A couple of weeks ago BBC East ran a news item extolling the virtues of second-home owners piling into Southwold (Suffolk coast) thereby boosting the local economy. I mention this as a perfect illustration of how completely out of touch these utter idiots (both the BBC and the travellers) really are. I would also imagine that the BBC is stuffed with arrogant, look at me, joggers – to whom social distancing apparently does not apply. Oh and before I forget – don’t forget to do your bit to help out poor old Branson – his hand has been out for so long I’m surprised it hasn’t fallen off. Oh whoops – there’s me being a forgetful old fool again as it will be extorted from you anyway. Bit like the good old Licence Fee then.
I actually think they got it right the first time.
I bet the second homers weren’t actually likely to overwhelm the local hospitals.
There is a simple way that the government could ramp down any panic caused by the daily death numbers.
If they were to put these numbers alongside the number of flu related deaths on the same day last year (and other years) then people could see that these numbers are not unusual.
For example. (Not the correct numbers, just to show what I mean)
Covid deaths today……180. Total covid deaths this year…1300
Flu deaths today 2019…..?. Total flu deaths today 2019…..?
Flu deaths today 2018…..?. Total flu deaths today 2018…..?
Even if the Corona deaths match the flu deaths I think people would calm down when they see the numbers are what we live with every year.
However, I think it suits the government(s) to panic the people and when it’s over they will all be saying “didn’t we do well”
6pm BBC1 news. Where was Fiona’s praise for those preparing the new Nightingale Hospital in London in 2 weeks. I will tell you where, in short supply. She did seem excited that it will be full of poorly people soon. And where was the praise for the planners who must have thought this through, right up to the name above the door? It was totally missing. But Fiona quickly went on to a list of things that the NHS was missing including sick pay for the people returning to work. I thought they were volunteering.
There was praise, rightly so for the engineers who have developed the new ventilators.
Quickly on to the 180 dead without say the daily death number was down for a second day. Fiona gloomily told us the number of Ill people would rise. Of course it will unless the disease literally disappeared overnight.
Off button then employed.
Biased BBC about to launch a campaign in support of all the workforce on low pay/ minimum wage who are keeping the country going, especially food supply, during the Coronavirus pandemic.
And, irony of ironies, who should advertise this feature edition later tonight of Panorama on the BBC 1 6 pm news than Fiona Bruce, with her trademark lowering of the voice and shake of the head. Oh, and her £400 k pa BBC salary ( not including any separate contracts).