From the 1st April the biased BBC licence fee rises to £157.50 Per year . A well chosen day . I’m sure – to celebrate – those those highly paid lefties employed by the BBC and currently doing nothing as a result of the Chinese Virus – will be donating their huge wages to the NHS .Right ?
The formal consultation on compulsory funding of the BBC ends at 5pm on the 1st April 2020 . Anyone can make a submission.
Sluff – they’ve been reading my pre amble / filler on the thread – I’m sure they’ll all donate sizeable appearance fees to fund ‘front line ‘ NHS staff . The back line staff must feel well out of it ….
By the way piku the troll made a brief trashed visit this afternoon – back to the trash with you piku .. the guardian comments section beckons ….
Just reading various posts and suddenly it dawned on me.
Fiona Bruce either is, on the QT, or else could verily easily be a very good undertaker. Perhaps that’s it.
The low tone, the frown, the shake of the head, the incessant unending focus on doom and gloom……’s all there !
I bet she even walks slowly.
Not bBBC.
But am I the only one disappointed by Dominic Raab’s unthinking blind 100% support for the Police at the news conference today and refusal to countenance, shall we say, the excessive enthusiasm of some of them to oversee new rules.
Most plod are not over-endowed in the grey matter department and their new enabling powers to arrest people for buying ’the wrong things’ in shops are being enacted by the overzealous jobsworth no-common-sense end of the spectrum.
Credit to a previous writer who mentioned the Not the Nine o Clock News Racist Policeman sketch. Wrong context but bang on in terms of concept.
Apparently not
Perhaps they use this esteemed website as a source of record!!!
When Alistair Met Emily.
This seems a thing now.
A while back the BBC ‘had been told’ to put more emphasis on local news
It seems they done this but it means that the national news contains less.
At 18.30 after hearing what I thought was the news, including awful numbers of deaths around the world, particularly in New York, and the terrible things some leaders are doing, notably in India, I suddenly realised I had heard nothing much about London.
The number of deaths in London is standing at 407 or close to a third of the UK which is truly shocking.
This is my wee corner of the UK
Celtic – I’m not surprised that the 400 plus deaths in London dont figure in headlines .
I saw a breakdown by borough somewhere and the numbers dead are concentrated in three or four out of the 32 boroughs . There is a bit of a link concerning diversity but also ‘ lawlessness’ . If the numbers increase then I guess the ‘ strain ‘ will increase and a certain sub species will be eyeing up currys again to get the 42” plasma …
The ‘Local Democracy’ Reporting Service –
“The Local Democracy Reporting Service created up to 150 new journalism jobs to help fill a gap in the reporting of local democracy issues across the UK.”
An LDRS story appears here –
Local Democracy Reporting Service –
“London MP denies racism accusations over coronavirus comment
Bob Stewart’s Facebook post
A south-east London MP has been accused of racism after he referred to coronavirus as a “foul Chinese illness”.
MP for Beckenham Bob Stewart rejected the accusation and said he had not wanted to “score points”.
In a post published on his Facebook page this weekend, Mr Stewart wrote: “In truth most people who contract this foul Chinese illness seem to brush it off with a bit of a cough, a higher temperature and a headache.”
The comments drew criticism from residents and political figures in the borough.”
Is the BBC trying to replicate a Chinese ‘big brother’?
That’s got me thinking now – who is my local reporter?
Inside Out is pushing less agendas today, as it is mostly about Corona
but some areas carry this item from an Ethnic Chinese teaching in Hackney
..saying her children get anti-Chinese racism
Most areas carry the seg about a Old folks home worker crying cos there is no PPE
.. Is there an actual risk ?
The film makes it clear , there is no known corona INSIDE the home, nor at the workers home
.. So to me that is totally different to being a doctor in a corona ward.
SW edition
– The Falmouth Gospel cry .. a big group of older white women, led by a black woman
SE edition
– features drag queen working from home
.. the prog has an item about Bamber Gasgoigne’s massive Tudor mansion house he’s inherited from his aunt.
Northwest : “we meet the Hindu men from Bolton who have formed a Scottish pipe band.”
+ why assaults on prison officers in North West jails have more than doubled in recent years
East Mids – “worrying incidents in grassroots football” Former footballer Matt Piper investigates racism.
Northeast :A look back special
inc Medomsley Youth Remand Centre historic abuse
: The prison Cook raped 200+ young men ..He died in jail
2 more officers have been charged with assault and sex offences.
“Mark those calendars tonight”
Unmissable, I’m sure.
Watch the governments briefings and then am amazed at the questions from the ‘journalists’ to which the adviser or government minister has to repeat/paraphrase what they said in the briefing. I am left thinking that the degree in journalism has been for most of them an abject waste of time and money. Is it just me?
SD, no, it is not just you.
I’m amazed at the situations, say, on TOADY where the studio presenter goes live to a journalist on the spot at an ‘event’. Presenter tells journo what happened, journo repeats back almost word for word what presenter in studio has said. After two or three exchanges like that the the journo might add something new but there, again, might not.
What a waste of money by a Corporation that has too much of it.
The bbc is a problem. Not a solution.
Dung heap
Plenty on here and twitter have criticised the MSM for putting up political journos instead of those who specialise in science / medicine – this results in the ‘ gotcha’ question such as – you’re only doing 9000 tests when you’re claiming 10000 …. which to anxious members of the public is a disservice – and we deserve better .
We are only one week in – it seems like an eternity but considering many have at least another week to go – and maybe another 11 weeks – is small beer .
I caught a bit of one bbc drone interviewing another bbc drone about “ when ‘exactly ‘ the prohibitions are going to be lifted as though there is some one who actually knows . What a disgusting disservice to viewers .
The questions are just so bloody tiresome and predictable.
We really need a few different journo’s there to ask some relevant questions. I could write Laura’s for her!
Constantly going for the “gotcha” makes the politicians defensive. This is a serious problem and we need a few grown ups there.
I must confess that Laura (particularly) irritates me. She’s like the girl at school who keeps putting her hand up before the teacher’s even had a chance to ask a question. Give somebody else a chance.
I’d like to see Peter Hitchens there.
Blimey, that would set the cat among the pigeons…
If Laura is top girl, then Beth Rigby is a close second. I just want to slap the pair of them whenever I see or hear them (and I’m normally such a mild mannered creature 🙂 )
Beth Rigby is not a girl.
You have heard her voice, look at her hands.
All woman.
Like Dr. Bateman.
If, mercifully, with kit on.
Amazing Fed, they banged on for days and days about going into lockdown. Now a week into it and hey they, are banging on about when it will end.
I suspect the infringements on civil liberties, lots of their friends in the arts and crafts business, suffering impacts to their way of life is focusing their little minds as to what it truly means.
And lo, no sooner said than VD stirs…
Wyvern – I expect the boys and girls from North London are now getting tired of their “virtual” cocktail parties and free home holiday which we will all be paying for, for decades – well tough snowflakes, maybe you should have been a bit more careful about what you wished for.
Breaking : undercover report claims to have proof the Democrats engaged in corruption re the Covid Bill
The video claims : arts groups were not even asking for money
Then Dems come in and say we can get you cash in the Covid bill.
$25 million to the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
… the thing is the KC is already loaded and could have taken the Covid hit
Other grants
$75 million in grants to the National Endowment for the Arts
$75 million in grants to the National Endowment for the Humanities
$75 million to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
So… Muppets, Dancing Balloons, and now…
‘Essential viewing’.
Shots fired.
Rach of course is one of Jon and gang’s primary sources of RTs.
Lest any think the bbc has lost its touch,…
If Astrophysicists want to invent things up their nose to cure viruses… why not, I say.
The Lord Sumption video on the previous page
restores my faith that they are not ALL thick in London.
Incredibly our 7am local news led with Lord Sumption
.. at 8am they added a local farmer complaining about how an overzealous council had banned the quiet small town market where she sells her produce on a Saturday.
Sky have several articles regarding the over-zealous British plod. Interesting that Al Beeb don’t.
Oh, Lordy. Kate Winslet was in a film about a virus, so who better for the media to dredge up to tell us how to keep safe?
And in other news, John Hurt will be on to tell us what to do in the event of a sore stomach.
Roland, the comments are hilarious too!
Roland, the comments are hilarious too!
Reminds me when Corbyn met Prof Green to talk about mental health and all the Twitter comments were saying things like “do you realise he is not a real professor?” and “next week Corbyn meets Dr Dre to talk about prostrate cancer”.
No doubt he’s pandering to the transport unions.
With any luck it’ll cost him the election.
Remember, Londoners, remember!
What’s the betting that when we get let out of our kennels we will be told that we need another million people from Africa ‘to re-build the economy’?
I apologise for coughing over BBBC regulars.
I do not have any tissues left.
I have also used all the 96 toilet rolls I bought last week.
The reported imminent collapse of the Euro has caused my lachrymal glands to overflow.
Most Polynesian atolls are now beneath the sea.
“Nipsey Hussle: Who killed the rapper in LA?
Rapper Nipsey Hussle was killed in March 2019 – are we any closer to understanding his death?
31 March 2020”
“Watch The Mysterious Murder of Nipsey Hussle on iPlayer in the UK.”
More fuss about one dead, black, US gangster than the hundreds of thousands of UK white children gang raped
by Muslims.
Disgusting, shut the BBC now Boris.
RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: This is the police – step away from the Creme Egg…
FFS part 1
So, how’s the promoting diversity beyond all reason and competence going, CP?
Will helicopters be involved? And bbc staff?
“Gravity of the situation”? Sexually abused children don’t count when one considers, “Gravity”, well, at least not in the UK police handbook of ‘Guidance’.
The Manic Street Preachers song – If You Tolerate This – comes to mind.
Developed over the past several years and based upon an element of personal experience of being subject to dishonesty over alleged, hate thoughts.
I now only feel revulsion for the UK police service.
The police are not and never have been our friends and for a long time they no longer think they are our servants.
‘Your conduct will be remembered for generations’: Senior counter-terror officer Neil Basu warns police against ‘overzealous’ enforcing of coronavirus lockdown after peers slammed shaming of walkers with drones
Ex-High Court judge Lord Sumption and ex-terrorism legislation reviewer Lord Anderson are both critical
Officers have patrolled the country looking to break up picnics and parties to halt spread of coronavirus
Shopkeepers say police and environmental health officers have been in telling them what can be sold
The Association of Convenience Stores says that this has included warnings about stocking Easter eggs
We remember a lot about the police already Neil, especially with regard to your complicity in covering up child sexual abuse by “men” in northern towns. Aided and abetted by the BBC.
Neil has come out with some corkers over the years including
Britain’s head of counter-terror policing has said homegrown terrorism is fuelled by a lack of social mobility and inclusion.
Neil Basu, the Metropolitan police assistant commissioner, said better education and opportunities for young people would do more to fight terrorism than ‘the policing and state security apparatus put together’.
He also said British Muslims should not be forced to ‘assimilate’, adding: ‘Assimilation implies that I have to hide myself in order to get on. We should not be a society that accepts that.’
Best you stick to policing creme eggs Neil – you might be better at it.
Or maybe just shut the f### up – because we know what you really think about liberty and protecting us, we dont care anymore about anything you say , it is too bloody late.
Yes, I personally remember the officers who visited me late one evening in October 2017 to check on my thinking. Two days before I went into hospital for my second hip replacement.
I’ve nothing charitable to say about the police force.
Now the local authority council officers are getting involved we are truly in trouble, with those little Hitlers, or should that be Stalins ?
Kompuha sez NO, Daha protekshun sez NO, our policee sez NO etc etc
The police are being given more detailed directions on how to treat the public –
1 shoot on site ( this includes people walking their dogs more than 10 feet from their home )
2 give them a ticket
3 seize their shopping / running
4 apply the ignore policy – as used
Very effectively with Muslim
Pakistani paedo rape gangs
5 none of this of course applies to
the Emirs’ Londonistan
underground where everyone can
happily cram in .
Interestingly, after days of solid post on this site regarding a number of topics, the Anti-BBC news this AM,
1. Home office instruct Police Farces across the UK to apply common sense and consistent approach during chinese corona virus.
2. Gatwick Airport to shut to all plague carrier flights
Ok, so I’ve added a few words/paraphrased, but sometimes I do think that ‘someone or other’ reads this site….
Interestingly, point 1 was ‘revealed’ to the Anti-BBC in ‘some’ papers, they say…
Those uncivil serpents up to their leaks again then hey Dom?
The morning travel guy on BBC Radio2, a gay fella named Ritchie. He’s on today with the main DJ, talking, In my opinion utter crap.
Now yesterday during the Ken Bruce show, there was a strict announcement that ‘we are not doing travel, there’s no travel, you can’t travel’
So my question dear Ritchie, ‘what are you for’?
Essential. The bbc likes this one.
And the bbc likes Jim’s too.
Jim? I wonder if he knows another Jim, a washing machine salesman?
I think Mr Acosta’s real name is Abilio.
Not bBBC (although in many ways it’s a very similar website) but if you go to Wikipedia and look at the list of recent notable deaths, all of the Coronavirus-related ones are listed as dying from “COVID-19”. Not (as they should be) “Complications from COVID-19”, or “serious health issues exacerbated by COVID-19”, or anything which would be accurate, no, it’s “Mr. Such and Such, 76, Politician, COVID-19”.
This of course is misleading, as is much of the current news around this virus. It gives the impression that these people were in tip-top health, but decided to walk only 1.9m from someone and therefore were immediately struck down by this unstoppable plague.
It just adds to the scaremongering. We’re in a very dangerous place at the moment, I mean socially rather than health-wise.
A report this morning highlighted the bad conditions of the refugees on Lesbos island with no facilicities to fight COVID 19. The boy that she described having a “round face with big eyes” showed the BBC’s agenda here !. No mention of the Israelis who have been helping Syrian refugees on the island of Lesbos for over four years. Or of the school they had built there which was burnt down by Palestinian Arabs. Israeli-Arab news anchor Lucy Aharish was interviewed on BBC World Service recently and described what the school had achieved . Listen from 7 minutes.
LastChanceSaloon MARCH 24, 2020 AT 3:25 PM
My analysis of the HardLeftyPedia “sources”, also known as the BBC and the Guardian.
Yes, some reports do say died after testing positive for COVID-19, which is not quite the same thing as dying from COVID-19. But these are all deemed to be deaths from the virus (for statistical and panic-inducing purposes) when, indeed, they may not be.
This hysteria has to stop. See my recent UK death rate stats below.
Non-S what does the Wikipedia page’s Talk section say ?
Just imagine !! This would clearly mean the WHOLE BBC banged up for 5 years. The joy.
What… were the odds?
9am Radio4 maths show
Supermarket stockpiling, A-level results and Covid-19 gender disparity
show started by targeting Peter Hitchens for a bashing
UK coronavirus death toll (from memory):
Friday: 260; Saturday; 209; Sunday 180. Any mention by the BBC of this particular trend? If there is, then I can’t find one.
But let’s only save the NHS and bankrupt everyone else.
but since the daily case count was still rising at the start of last week .. I guess that should follow through to become an increased death count at the start of this week
Missed the main culprit: China.
Announcement to be made on Wednesday that Wimbledon will be cancelled this year ????
On top of the Olympics being postponed and possibly add in to the mix SPOTY will be a joke as the sports calendar will have been ripped to shreds, it’s not looking a good year sportswise for al beeb ????
An ‘annus horribilis’ maybe ????
Now I wonder if, as a result of this, the dwindling amount of licence fee payers may be entitled to some sort of discount or refund? ????
Fear not, great news !!!
If by “want the Women’s Super League season to finish” they mean end, discontinue, cease to be, vanish into history, then I don’ t think anyone would disagree, other than the BBC Wimmin’s Sport team. Plus the BBC would save nearly £17.25 on the annual TV rights, which would help eke out the TV poll tax money a little further.
My dog won a rosette at Crufts and dozens of people hugged me.
If only it was the racist far-left bbc’s Ultimus Annos.
Dr Hilary on GMB
“Peter Hitchens is wrong to compare the UK to other countries”
… ‘now lets compare the UK to Italy’
Did Doctor Hilary really need to be in the studio hasn’t he got a bookshelf at home he could sit in front of?
Well at least Dr Hilary ticks one box; he’s got a girl’s name.
He’s a very obedient lapdog, though. No danger of him losing his appearance pieces of silver.
The are at it again!…………..
“Delay Brexit deadline amid coronavirus, say MEPs”
“The European Parliament’s largest group of MEPs said the pandemic puts pressure on the chance of securing a trade deal by the planned date.”
So just who are , ‘The European People’s Party’ ?
Remember that we democratically voted to leave 4 years ago. Its almost as long as the First World War took to get done !
Leaving with No Deal, is hardly going to be a problem now is it?
Cue young Michael Caine-type voice: “Tarrah!”
“The EU has always been open to extending the transition period – the ball is now clearly in the British court.”
As Jeff Taylor asks between 3:30-7:03 – then why don’t the EU request an extension via the Joint Committee in accordance with Art. 132 of the WA?
Not that we want one.
Why are the EU (via the bBC) saying it’s all down to us?
9:45am a repeat of last years Grenfell doco, complete with brainwashing music.
“Three survivors of the Grenfell Tower fire – Alison Moses, Emma O’Connor and Antonio Roncolato – recall the hardships they have faced since that fateful night in 2017.”
How low does the MSM have to go before everyone switches off and just watches Netflix and Prime…
How long will they keep banging on about Grenfell – more people have died of/with CV19..ah but many are old white Brits so not as important
The BBBC only report victims, James, it’s their twisted way of virtue-signalling.
Sad really, as they get an awful lot of money for a pretty low output.
JustRemainIn & the Bee Lady are presenters, our Mishal not so dominant these days. JustRemainIn gets to compare EUGermany with yUK (in his mind, his way of thinking?) and UK hasn’t done enough testing, especially on demand, for husky, coughy, Beeboids.
He interviews testing ‘expert’ (sorry, cannot remember name): “why can’t we be like Singapore, oh, and Germany?”
JustRemainIn obviously ignorant of Singapore. Have to declare an interest here. Had Singaporean friend (now deceased few years ago) and other friends who lived and worked there for a while. Also have S.Korean friend so have a little background from both countries.
However; that’s not my main beef. It is the lack of thoughtful, careful questioning of various experts on R4 that concerns me. The BBC could be really useful at a time like this. It could be informing listeners. Teaching listeners. Inspiring young people to become interested in and seek future careers in science and medicine.
But no.
All the BBC want to do is find fault with the UK and denigrate the present Government.
Hunting for information and educating everyone about testing for viruses is just not on the agenda. Fifty years ago, James Burke would have been on Radio 4 (and BBC 1 & 2 TV), day and night, teaching listeners and viewers all about our inner space instead of outer space.
Instead, JustRemainIn says lamely “Sorry to hurry you, we only have limited time (a lie) why haven’t we done the 10,000 tests the Government said would be done? Why can’t we do 100,000 like Germany? (assuming without checking the German claim is accurate) ”
What JustRemainIn and his testing expert did not point out to R4 listeners is that, for all their testing, Germany are now the third sickest country in the EU.
That may mean several things, one of which is that their testing is not reliable and is throwing up false positives. Another is that the testing may not be ‘fine’ enough to differentiate between ‘flu’ and Covid-19 in someone who is asymptomatic.
And it might be because of all the muslim invaders that Mrs Merkel has forced into the country.
Is there any breakdown in any white majority country of those who are infected with and who are dying from this virus? The two doctors who died in our country were ethnics, I believe.
I have a recipe for crispy deep fried toilet paper made with a ‘special blend of herbs and spices’. Mmm, ‘Finger lickin’ good’ and you don’t have to wipe after using the toilet.
Boris to write to every householder with corona advice
Back in November (I think) I complained to the BBC about a BBC News presenters comments about a cake competition. They showed a cake of Trump and Kim Jon Il and the presenter said with a smile “… a cake of Trump and his little rocket man”.
I’d thought I would complain for the hell of it especially as it is racist to make fun of a person due to their preceived or real physical attributes.
After a short 2 months I get my reply saying I am totally wrong and the BBC are always perfect and that this “was a bit of light hearted fun and the newsreader was just quoting what others say”.
So I thought I would drag this out some more and explain you cannot say racist things on live TV just because someone else has done so and gave an example “it would be offensive to say n*gger on live TV just because someone else has said that before”.
3 months later, today, I get my second reply….
We have read and noted your points but don’t consider they suggest evidence of a possible breach of standards. The item was a lighthearted report on a cake competition and in that context cannot reasonably be construed as derogatory or offensive.
Opinions do vary widely about the BBC and its output, but this does not necessarily mean there has been a breach of standards or of the BBC’s public service obligations. For this reason we regret we don’t have more to add to our previous correspondence, and so will not respond further or address more questions or points.
The newsreader was black so I guess she is always right and the viewer is always wrong but a 4 month wait to tell me that!!!
Tabs, well done you for trying, anyway.
Mike Graham pointed out that there are about 2,000 births/day in UK
So Covid19 hasn’t caught up yet even though 200/day die WITH it…. (not of it)
Not forgetting the 300,000 (official) net immigration into the UK. I don’t think the UK population will decrease anytime soon.
Whichever way you look at it, the World as we know it, is under siege and it has been increasingly so for decades. The Chinese virus is a current irritant but a minor one compared to those who are all about destroying the World (and in particular the West) and, in their vision, somehow ‘starting afresh’. I’m not particularly bothered what they are called whether, Communists, Marxists, New World Order, XR Rebellion et al. I submit that the prime feature of their destructive behaviour can be viewed as, ‘heads you (they) win, tails you (they) win’. The evil will eventually win, hands down. The direction of travel, I like to think, is one of Absolute Zero. That attained in space. All other efforts to heat everything to an acceptable level, certainly for humanity to exist, is artificial. Everything will return to the natural Absolute Zero one day.
That the evil will prevail sooner or later is, in my humble opinion a foregone conclusion. The growing conflict between all people irrespective of political persuasion, Nation State, cannot continue its inexorable accelerating slide downhill without hitting rock bottom sometime soon. And this, despite Trump, Brexit and other bright spots.
G, the Book of Revelation (in the Bible) makes interesting reading at the present time. Especially in conjunction with other Scripture, such as 2 Thessalonians, etc..
For example Revelation chapter 6 verse 6. It has a double meaning which needs to be sought out elsewhere in scripture but is very applicable to right now. Chapter 9 verse 5 onwards is also interesting both in the age of drones in which we live but also in connection with a Virus Pandemic.
Watch and pray and look to the state of your soul.
I see some people think they have a magic argument
‘Of course Covid19 is not just like the flu
52 doctors have died of Covid in Italy’
..The thing is is doctors used to die of the flu
but now they are vaccinated so doctors flu deaths are much rarer.
Another possible six months lock down! Very surprised that such an announcement was made by the Government Medics, without it would appear fully appreciating the consqences of such a statement . I suspect it will be impossible to implement-this nation has to get people back to work, so as to allow the preperation and manufacture of the goods that people will require and ugently in all sectors. Certain facilities have to be opened again, such as all Phamacists, Dentists, GP Surgery’s, Council Tips and collection of waste, delivery of all necessary items and services, like Fuel to keep the nation’s vehicles moving-otherwise this nation will undoubtedly crumble. The Government and its Medical advisers must be more careful in what they announce not to alarm the general public-which will only once again lead to panic buying and shortages. Much more testing needs to take place-in every supremarket store, irrespective and by law, every railway and bus station terminal, Airports, shipping lines, and so on-you name it. Don’t let us underestimate the serious issue of what this Covid 19 can do to all of us, the damage could be enormous-nevertheless we have to get the nation working again. So keep clam and let’s get going.
Humberside news leads with Sumption story
.. but the actual first clip was Emily Thornberry
.. It’s such a cliche now on RH
“Here’s some news, here’s the Labour viewpoint”
Climate : Patrick Moore is coming up on Talk Radio sometime in the show
Sky Aus asks some awkward questions about China.
(Note the frightening behind-the-scenes power of China, revealed when a journalist goes off-script in her questions to the corrupt and craven WHO.)
When will we have a Sky Aus or a Fox News to challenge the liberal-left hegemony?
R4 11am : worship of the NHS
11:30am worlds of 18 to 21-year-old artists.
Today, we meet transgender Scottish piper Malin Lewis
and Palestinian artist Malak Mattar
BBC reflecting the nation and our world ?
Nope just their bubbleworld.