Radio 4 1pm news on Easter Monday. I must have switched on slightly late, missing most of the bullet point headlines because it started with Nicholas Soames conjecture that Boris will view every thing differently after his spell in hospital. He might, or he might not but I don’t suppose Nicholas has a hotline to Boris. Didn’t Boris expel Nicholas from the Party.? So no love lost between them I guess.
We then had some man from WHO pontificating that in future we all MAY have to wear masks every time we go out. On my walks since lockdown I have only met one other couple walking so blessed with isolated places to walk in. I am blowed if I will wear masks when walking when this is all over.
Today’s news at one, was all guesses and thoughts, no facts. The BBC has kept its 450 news people it was going to lay off, but with no obvious output from them
Yes Deborah, I caught a bit of Radio 4 1pm news talking about Boris, his brush with death and his enhanced admiration for the wonderful NHS. I think they, the Beeb, want him to have undergone an epiphany to the soft and cuddly side.
Certainly he can be expected to praise the people who looked after him, but I hope he hasn’t become blind to the many faults of the NHS as an organisation.
I was hoping he’d come out of his ordeal leaner and meaner.
After only 3 1/2 weeks of lockdown, the ‘journalists’ at the BBC have finally noticed that electricity production is…..errr…….pretty essential.
So on the tv 1 pm news they report from Sizewell B nuclear power station.
Now remember. Electricity is private sector – though Labour want to nationalise it.
So the BBC ask questions and the power station answer.
What about PPE? Oh, we always using that, but we are changing gloves in the chemistry lab. more often now.
What about planning for coronavirus? Oh, we finished all that weeks ago, before even the first case was announced.
What about contagion? Oh, we have set up independent teams who never cross over so if there is a scare we change out a team as a whole.
What about supplies? Oh, we bought in extra and we can keep going without running out until 2021.
The difference with the state run ‘envy of the world’ nationalised NHS could hardly be more stark or obvious, yet somehow the BBC ‘reporter’ failed to notice.
All true Sluff
but as my wife highlighted to me… despite 99.9% of workers at Sizewell being men the BBC managed to find a young woman to interview..
Complete with long flowing hair that, for health and safety when working with equipment, should have been tied up 🙂
How does the BBC manage it? Do they walk around until they see a woman or BAME person, or do they have unconscious bias against white men ?
From experience, the BBC waits outside for six hours. It can then give 21.6 seconds to interview 1,000 employees. The six hours of footage is then edited down to 21.6 seconds of the best politically correct footage. The long flowing hair would indicate that the “chosen one” was either walking in to work, leaving for lunch, returning to work or leaving for home. The 999 people edited out would be of the wrong gender or race. If white men see the BBC outside and want to see themselves on the telly, then I would advise them to walk past the cameras wearing high heals.
They found the first woman ‘bin-man’ in Pembrokeshire the other day.
Don’t get too excited, she works for the council and was going to be furloughed unless she was willing to transfer departments. To her credit she offered to go on the bins.
The interview was poorly researched. The woman in the London studio asked her if she had targets to meet and a few other pointless questions to the guys working with her.
If a man had offered to do this job – nothing to see here, move on.
Only the bbc is so unique that, when there is nothing to report, they retain 450 staff to also not report it accurately.
On matters maker appt., after my little brush with mortality I had a week to ponder matters AnyChess from an unwelcome POV.
I accept this is based on a limited sample.
First Responders are brilliant.
A&E nurses are brilliant.
A&E doctors live in fear of A&E consultants.
A&E consultants rule by fear as respect needs to be earned.
Whoever assigns wards and beds, and when, needs leaving in a room with a Webley and glass of scotch.
Ward nurses are mostly excellent, though there appears a link between how good and the scores of extra kilos being humped around at the nurses’ station. But look like twiggy next to Churchill Jr.
Ward doctors live in fear of ward consultants.
Ward consultants don’t read notes or talk to junior colleagues.
Ward cleaning staff are at best poorly trained in, well, everything. But especially basic hygiene protocols.
Porters all look and sounds alike, no matter what demographic.
The food is ok. It is not a hotel.
4G WiFi makes life tolerable, and the pay TV gather dust…. more dust.
If you want water get it yourself if you can. And get it for your surrounding victims.
Women in expensive black pant suits appear to need clipboards to prevent making eye contact with anyone.
Radiology appears to close Thursday PM to Tuesday lunch.
Ladies of a certain age unaware you are already grumpy from having to use a wheelchair to get to the pharmacy and escape seem not to have figured out that your answers to their silly feedback questions can be limited, not least by several only applying post discharge. And don’t care so long as you get crossed off the list.
Trust CEOs seem to get inspirational messages from 70s spoof posters.
I have never seen anyone in the chapel. Easy to see why.
Best to get picked up by a family member to avoid sitting next to the multiple source addicted chav screaming his taxi was late last week.
I doubt junior doctors drive the 6 Series Beemers there in the car park out front all week except Fridays to Tuesdays.
Having worked in hierarchical organisations at various levels I became fascinated at how the needs of the lower orders can be exploited ruthlessly by those up the chain – the consultant – junior being a good example
As a non com – if ever such an arrangement needs dismantling – it’s that .
The exploitation of even a little bit of power – the use the the clip board and non communications with victims – patients being another place of viciousness .
I had an interesting ‘ interchange ‘ with the CEO of the local hospital trust over a discharge procedure which they will never forget …..
They mistook me for someone who mattered because I was wearing a very expensive suit at the time !
Friday night in Frankfurt police were attacked by 20 man crowd when they went to police a certain neighbourhood about Social Distancing.
A police patrol car discovered a group of people in the area of Ahornstrasse in the Griesheim district at around 9:15 p.m. on Friday (April 10, 2020) who violated the ban on contact in times of the coronavirus *. To control the group, the police requested reinforcements. When one of the patrol teams got out of their car, a large stone crashed into a side window, which broke as a result. The officers saw several people running away, but did not catch up with them.
Shortly afterwards the evening increased in drama. Around 20 people attacked the police on the second patrol when they had just left their car in Frankfurt . The men were partially armed with stones, roof battens and iron bars and were threatening to move towards the officers. These initially began to withdraw.
Mention of the NZ lady nurse who looked after Boris made me curious about the NZ healthcare system.
Now we’re always being told that the NHS would collapse if it weren’t for overseas workers which account for 1 in 8 of the workforce
It turns out that 26% of nurses in New Zealand are overseas trained, and the number rises to 31% for midwives.
So the 13% of overseas workers in the UK may not after all represent the kind of unique problem or multicultural solution the BBC would have us believe.
List of NHS doctors that died WITH Covid-19
BTW the last time I look most were past retirement age.
Dr Alfa Saadu Mr Amged El-Hawrani Dr Habib Zaidi Prof Sami Shousha Mr Adil El Tayar Mr Jitendra Rathod Dr Anton Sebastianpillai Dr Paul Matewele Dr Abdul Mabud Chowdhury Dr Edmond Adedeji Dr Fayez Ayache Dr Labeja Acellam Dr Syed Zeeshan Haider
Meanwhile in a Basingstoke Park youths sit around drinking
and then swear at an NHS nurse that videos them.
Support floods in for frustrated nurse who called drinkers 'idiots': Basingstoke residents have spoke out in support of a stressed NHS nurse who called a group of drinkers 'idiots' for flouting the government's instructions. BiziTalk
Meanwhile also in Basingstoke
A man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after a Hampshire Police colleague was stabbed while responding to an incident in Basingstoke. ..Facebook
I’ll be controversial and say that my sympathies lie with the young men sitting on the grass. They’re keeping a reasonable distance apart, plenty of fresh air, they’re not annoying anyone (well apart from the paranoid scaremongered nurse) and to be honest, if some one filmed me without my permission whilst I was simply minding my own business then I’d probably tell them to foxtrot oscar as well.
I wonder if support for the nurses will continue when they start making difficult decisions regarding who shall be sedated when demand for oxygen and ventilators peaks?
I’m stressed by the amount of filth and scum washing up on our shores daily. Why can’t our any chess angels pop down there and film that much larger threat to our existence?
China ? “How dare you suggest the virus from here” the embassy says
In a simply stunning piece of propaganda following a weekend of extremely high level officials across the world’s (non-Chinese-rotation) nation, the Chinese Embassy in the UK has unleashed a statement of pure farce proclaiming there is no evidence that the virus originated in Wuhan… let alone China.
Or will the plumper, less disease ridden ones, get eaten as dog, cat or even human food?
There was a nice plump specimen on my neighbour’s fence this morning. I nearly opened the kitchen window to yell ‘Cranberry Sauce’ at it to see if it died of fright. In which event, it might have found its way into the oven or onto the barbecue fire.
It’s just fact. Numerous BBC programmes are funded by the Chinese Communist Party including BBC Studios/Worldwide items. Documentaries eg Attenborough’S Africa series. List goes on. Last year BBC made & promoted propaganda film for Huawei.
Was it on here I read these statistics or elsewhere, I don’t remember – 14% of the UK population is BAME yet 34% of our Covid-19 deaths are this same minority ????
It doesn’t make sense, why is this so?
It is because a high proportion of them are unhealthy and unhygienic scruffs ????
Now there’s a fact you won’t get told by the ‘worlds most trusted broadcaster’, al beeb ????
It may also be the case that the immune systems of people from different ethnic backgrounds do not share the same facility for being able to ward off C-19.
Agree, and of course smokers, very heavy drinkers, a body that has taken in a lot of ‘recreational’ drugs, poor diet, living in inner cities with poor air quality for a good few years, etc, all probably will take a toll on the immune system. Excessive fasting will also impact on the ability of the body to fend off many diseases.
Of course it does ‘this island’, what the chineses corona virus has shown is that humans are not designed to live in large groups, in close proximity, to consume bush meat and the like.
I think that’s one of the factors, G, but not the only one.
I posted a while back that one of my wife’s colleagues became very unwell shortly after returning from a trip to Wuhan last November. He then proceeded to infect a number of other people, including my wife, who attended a meeting with him.
My wife thereafter became fairly ill. I can’t say for sure that she had Covid-19, but the classic symptoms were all present and correct: shortness of breath, fever, cough, loss of taste etc. A few days later, while she was still unwell, I came down with whatever she’d been infected with. But although I have asthma (mild, thankfully) and developed most of the same symptoms as her, I was considerably less poorly than she was.
We’re both white, of similar ages (I’m about three years older), born in the UK to British parents etc., and in fairly good general health, with one exception other than my asthma: my wife is prone to vitamin D deficiency and I am not.
Well according to the MSM and the PC crowd, they are no different from normal people, so therefore it can’t be anything to do with DNA or ethnicity.
Which leaves either:-
a) A fair percentage of the UK-wide affected are from London, and as we know, our capital is infested with those people so their stats are going to be higher.
b) They played the race card and jumped the queue to ensure they were dealt with first, thus skewing the figures.
There is also option (c) which is that basically I couldn’t give a flying you-know-what.
As usual when it comes to the best science, the BBC produces “Fake News”.
Racial and ethnic groups can exhibit substantial average differences in disease incidence, disease severity, disease progression, and response to treatment (LaVeist 2002).
Hence prevalence of sickle cell disease in, if I recall correctly, West Africa alone. Sure it is known across Africa but there is a prevalence of sickle cell in West Africa.
Chris Hopson -the head of ‘ NHS Non Providers ‘ is on the TV again . This time he’s on about shortages of gowns.
I have heard him being questioned about what he actually does . Whose responsibility is it to supply hospitals . Is it yours? Is it mine and no one told me ?
As I understand it there are roughly 1200 hospitals – add the care homes – no idea how many – let’s say 12000 . How can no one have a tab on the supply of those places ? They know what the usage level and theft level is likely to be -cost will no longer be an issue …. there is no transport problem – so why shortages ?
My theme is that we deserve to be better informed because of the freedoms we are giving up .
It’s not a fair balance
Darc – all I want is to say “Chris mate – how much are you on ? 100k ? More ? Explain why there is never enough kit ? Whose job is it ? Why can’t they do it ? Who needs replacing ?
But the questions don’t come – just bleating and blaming .
Now they are moaning about supplies (from China !) not turning up on time or as arranged .
Maybe this will be the end of globalisation . Some good has to come out of it .
BBC news just now. Cambridge uni virologist just said excess deaths ‘no worse than normal flu season, so we should keep this in perspective’. Interviewer never followed up on it surprisingly.
Now talking about Germany. He didn’t mention death certification.
Surreal interview on BBC News at 16:50 with a care home owner.
Care home owner, “yes, we have lost 9 family members. That is what we call our residents…. family members…. because that is what they are”
Tabs shouting, “FFS… just call them residents for the viewers”
Care home owner, “We spent £8860 of x number of masks and they were all used up in 10 days.”
BBC anchorwoman, “All gone in 10 days? Did you then buy some more?”
Care home owner, “Yes we found cheaper…. but it’s not about the cost it’s about the availability.”
Tabs shouting, “FFS… you’re the one that mentioned the cost plus you just admitted you found a second scorce so they are hardly difficult to buy”.
I didn’t hear the rest of the interview as I put my foot through the TV by then but I would guess it was something on the lines of Tory bashing or encouraging the lockdown to continue forever.
Edit: Anyone who has watched ‘This Country’ comedy and knows the character Mandy, well this care home owner was just like her.
Thanks for listen Tabs, my tolerance levels are at a low level due to cronic sciatic and lower back pain. I think I’ve already destroyed one radio in my garage this afternoon after hearing the beeboid news reader vocally masturbating over the comments from the WHO ‘expert’ saying we re all going to have wear masks in public……
I saw this and having had a relative in a care home for 4 years I do cut them some slack.
Here we had a manager who is not a media performer and was clearly set up by the BBC to support one of their narratives.
For me it showed that caring, emotional, compassionate behaviours, however well-meaning, are simply not the skills needed for efficient operational management.
And that’s true for the NHS too.
Boy don’t we just know it.
You know how the plod has ‘learned lessons’ about communicating with the public ? Not Bedfordshire ‘central community team ‘ which is twittering a threat to ‘come out of the shadow’ to catch anyone having a picknic . There is a helpful picture of the shadow of a plod on the tweet – which for some reason hasn’t been greeted with universal support – policing by consent is dying .
yep, see my earlier post 12:50 PM to the PJW story on picnic crime.
What happens here is people say they don’t like tweets,
so I post a link instead
and then people don’t notice the post cos it doesn’t have a big photo
One reply was
If you think that by going to burgle in a rural location no one will find you, don’t be surprised if an officer appears from the shadows! We are covering the whole county
Tabs – yes thanks – I think there is a follow tweet from Bedfordshire police rolling back a bit . I think one of the biggest public objections to what the police are saying and doing is the amount of energy they are putting into ‘dealing with ‘ ordinary people – compared to their non existence in the pre covid times – especially when failing to enforce other laws like child rape .
There were flying pigs/bears in the air in my neck of the woods this afternoon Fed.
From the location to the north east of me I suspect they were ‘spotting’ using the on board cameras and infra red to guide the ground forces onto the unwary local walkers and excercise takers in the wooded beauty spots. The Aircaft was at a higher altitude perhaps to lessen the noise of from the engines/blades and thus give the victims on the ground less time to move on.
West – they’ll be using satellites by Christmas . The government has to review the lockdown by Thursday . The measures to do so we’re agreed at the cobra on Friday . Various leaks about another 3 weeks have already been thrown around . So the earliest raising of lock down will be the second week of May . In the meantime the effect of Spain allowing some work to restart will be coming through in their stats .
Can that lockdown last for another 3 weeks minimum ?
On the BBC coronavirus daily programme, the latest death figure of 717 was given.
And who was invited to comment?
A medical correspondent? No
A health correspondent? No
A statistics correspondent? No
No, it was the BBC political correspondent who was asked to comment.
Tells you quite a lot about the BBC’s agenda.
To be brutally honest with the amount of conflicting information over Corvid , and all of the BBC led msm overindulging in their real life “snuff” movie none of us none of us really know what the truth is.
The one thing that is for sure is that the BBC over the last few years has lost pretty much all of its credibility when it came to telling us the truth. when we wanted dispassionate facts and analysis we got hysterical pronouncements and opinions.
If Corvid is far worse than they are telling us and people are ignoring the warnings then a lot of this is due to the BBC and friends having lost all credibility when it comes to telling us the truth. Of course if the situation is far less serious than what we are being told – then why are the not telling us the truth?
When this whole man made crisis has blown over Boris said their will have to be a reckoning with China. Let us hope he also has the sense to realise that there also needs to be a reckoning with the worlds “most trusted” broadcaster.
BBC new “stick to beat the Government with” …… wearing face masks.
The scientists at the briefings have told them time and time again that as of yet, there is no “scientific” value or health value in the general public wearing face masks. They have also repeated time and time again, they continue to monitor data etc and if anything changes in science / health terms they will re-evaluate.
They have made this crystal clear.
Question from BBC, David Schukman – FACE MASKS !!
For about the 5th day on the run, the BBC bang on about this, we all know why. They want to make sure we all know exactly how the BBC feel about this, so if the time comes and we are “advised” to wear face masks when out in public, the BBC can slate the Government to high heaven over why it wasn’t implemented sooner.
However, if the advice was to actually wear face masks, yet he science says no reason too, the BBC line would be ..”why are we being told to wear masks and why are you causing people to panic and panic buy these when a awful lot of scientific data points to no real benefit” ?
Its all about “gotcha” and trying to get one over on the Government. If Matt Hancock makes a total of 99K test per day by end of April, they wont be happy with the mass increase, they would focus on the 1K shortfall . They are charlatans of the highest order.
That’s the reason why all these journalists want exact dates, exact figures, they are not interested in any facts or figures, just sticks for future beatings.
Tell the beeb there are other solutions which, probably not 100% effective are pretty fashionable so you can get many peeps to wear them. (Blue Peter eat your heart out!)
Forgive if it has been said on this site, but heard that the UK Government are or have ordered a vast number of medical gowns esecially needed by the NHS from CHINA-yes from the country that is being accused of spreding the Coronavirus-why the H do we need to buy anything from this vicious dictatorship, when we can make these garments here. No doubt there are many cloth manufacturers that could easily alter their production to accommodate-if similar factories in Kenya can do it in their production of nillions of masks and medical gowns for their country then so should the UK be able to do so. It is a disgrace that we should be loloking to China for anything. Trust you agree.
I detect a certain weariness in the government briefings – the repeated lines – the meaningless stats – the deflected answered To multi purpose dumb questions . ‘ minister are you going to apologise for Priti only saying sorry in stead of apologising for saying sorry ?” Let’s all clap.
I caught a but of Sky news while waiting for the briefing. It was a journalist who was at the Scottish news briefing and he was saying he asked a question to Sturgeon about ppe and the ordering of. He stated that she didn’t answer my question fully and you cannot come back with another question as when you have given your question your Mike is switched off! That’s the way to do it!
5:53pm R4 The Evan Davies show ended with a apology
“We are deeply sorry that last Thursday we played an early Frank Sinatra song, which contained a racist lyric”
.. everyone thinks what song ?
Actually Sinatra used the word “darkie” in a friendly way
and used it in more than one song.
but after some years changed it to “man”
"A darkie's born, but he's no good no how, without a song" – the original version of 'Without a Song'.
"In subsequent recordings, Sinatra didn't use the term 'darkie', and later recorded versions included the altered text 'a man is born..'"
The bas***d BBC will find trouble with anything and the effing snowflakes egging them on. They are not fit to wipe the shoes of Frank Sinatra . As far as I am concerned the greatest of modern singers. He can do no wrong as far as I am concerned. They always bring things down to their disgusting bias. How I hate the lot of them.
Discussing the novel and innovative ways the NHS are treating cancer patients during the lockdown, a young male patient is shown taking his cancer pills…………… his own home !!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep, that constitutes newsworthy innovation in NHS la la land.
Apparently, Merkel is handling the coronavirus issue better then her male counterpart in the UK. and The lovely Jacinda Ardern in New Zealand has declared to New Zealand children that the Easter Bunny is an essential worker. Meanwhile if the USA had elected Clinton there would probably not have been a pandemic there because she is professional and educated unlike the thug Trump.
Who the hell reads and nods at this absolute guff?
It appears that our Emma is Emma Burnell is a freelance political journalist and consultant.
Is Angela Merkel really doing so well? According to Le Monde, the Germans are still short of masks and protective clothing … so it isn’t just Britain, as the BBC would have you believe. “So much for German efficiency!”, as the villain Carver said in that Bond film years ago.
The French Covid-19 death total was given by Le Monde as 13,832 as of earlier today, which is more than the UK’s for a smaller population. I’m not crowing and the French may be including people who are off-radar for a while here (e.g. deaths in care homes). There was said to be a shortage of essential drugs for Covid patients in France too. Hospitals in northern Italy were overwhelmed at one point, leading to suicides by two nurses, something which hasn’t happened here.
Perhaps the easiest thing to ask about any “gotcha” facts from the BBC is, “… compared to what?” Comparisons won’t be easy when China isn’t as forthcoming as some countries have been.
The media need to be very careful comparing Germany’s health system to our own.
Just think of all those times we’ve been told that only Labour can protect the NHS and that the Tories mustn’t be allowed to sell it off to the private sector.
Isn’t the German system exactly what they feared the Tories wanted for the NHS?
I recommended Dr Chris Smith on Friday for his clear answers
and now twitter is saying the same
“I must say I found Dr Chris Smith @NakedScientists on @BBCNews
just now really helpful.
His answers to #bbcyourquestions were so clear, easy to understand and informative.
His segs runs for 15 mins
“Is a Covid death bringing forward the inevitable ?
… and yes it is in a lot of cases”
In this slot the BBC has unusually allowed questions from skeptics
..something the BBC doesn’t allow when Global Warming is the topic.
“The flu claims upto 10,000 lives in a winter
so this virus is only at this level SO FAR”
.. BBC presenter goes silent
“Yes there is a correlation with the BCG TB vaccination
.. astonishing 6 fold higher rate in people who didn’t have this vaccination, but it is early research and we don’t understand how a vaccine against a BACTERIA is somehow protecting you against a virus ”
“Maybe as much as 1 in 3 people with Covid19 got NO symptoms at all”
It’s funny you should mention the BCG vaccination, Stew, as its more modern equivalent, IMM-101, is being explored as a potential game-changer in the race to produce effective treatments and vaccines for Covid-19.
Stew, viruses and bacteria are linked. Linked by the human body. The virus weakens the body’s defences, the bacteria attack eg. pneumonia with Covid-19 or pus filled spots after VZV infection
Strengthen the body with an anti-bacterial may help against a virus.
Dr Seheult would also say adequate sleep and a good diet help, too. 🙂
Stew, Chris Smith was on BBC R4 early on in the UK outbreak and spoke well about the virus. The BBC questioning could have been better. His fellow contributor was a female GP. Say no more. Ihaven’t heard him on BBC R4 since.
Find myself asking that question again: ‘I wonder why?’
Some transgender or cross dressing weirdo called Emma won tonight’s Mastermind.
The BBC producers must be creaming themselves as they open up the Dom Perignon.
An amazing sight.
Anf if that’s not enough, there’s another one University Challenge.
Surprised they had any Dom Pom left from last weeks ‘celebrity’ Mastermind
Caught the end of it and didn’t have a scooby who any of them were but in no particular order we had black man,asian man,white man who was as camp as the tent section in GO Outdoors and a blind white woman.
Dear @patel4witham I hope that you & the family are all well. I’m sorry to bother you at this busy time but, I’m compelled to ask. What are you doing in order to stop UK Border Force, behaving like a Channel Ferry Service for every illegal immigrant in Calais? Regards, James.
Just finished the US documentary film ‘Out of Shadows’ and what a scary thing that is!
Just 5 corporations now control all main news output & media in the US, and they are headed by a bunch of elitists with strong and powerful links to Washington and the CIA.
What you are seeing is what they want you to see, and nothing gets out without their say so.
The issue of ‘Pizzagate’ was a case in point perhaps not so well know in the UK, but it concerns certain libtard democrats apparantly engaged in the procurement of young children for sex, the codeword beeing ‘Pizza’.
Odd phrases such as I want a pizza for an hour were made, but the MSM which began to run the story suddenly dropped it and then refused to even discuss it. Ongoing Police investigations also abruptly stopped.
The same thing had happened with Jeffrey Epstein, another libtard Democrat doner, and again with links to the Clintons.
A disturbing film indeed and one which we have to assume is being repeated here in the UK with the BBC which has its own enormous issues with Paedophillia.
Just a theory: let’s suppose that the Italian word “pizza” is a lightly encrypted version of the Slavonic “pizda”. Then, a phrase such as “I want a pizza for an hour” makes more sense. The standard shape of a slice of pizza also suggests the same location on the human body. Is this green language and the truth hiding in plain sight?
Coming home from work earlier and had the 9pm news on 5 live on.In the middle of the bulletin they had a story.
Mcdonalds have apologized after one of it’s restaurants in China banned black people because they feared they were spreading Covid19 the chain said the outlet had closed for half a day for diversity and inclusion training.
Where the hell do the BBC get these stories from and why do they think this story is relevant to the UK or why anybody would be interested in it.
I thought bloodhounds had a good sense of smell but they’re nothing compared to BBC news editors those b@$tards can sniff out a racism story even when its half way around the world!
McDonalds are mostly franchises, aren’t they? If so, the people running them in China are most likely to be Chinese, who, like Russians, are not known generally for their acceptance of people of colour.
The truth about coronavirus is that nobody can possibly be sure how (comparatively) well, or how (comparatively) badly, individual countries are managing the disease, because we’re all measuring different things.
It’s not a level playing field. We’re comparing apples with oranges and sensible people in the media clearly know this. However, this doesn’t stop them, particularly our favourite broadcaster, from propagandising this nonsense for all it’s worth.
In Germany they’re testing many more people than we are and (consequently) the figures suggest they have far more sufferers than we do.
But in Germany they don’t put someone down as a victim of this disease unless they’re certain they are.
In Britain if you have the symptoms of Covid when you die then that’s what goes on your death certificate.
This discrepancy creates the impression that Germany is handling the virus better than we are. This may turn out to be true, but it’s far from certain…
At the moment all of these figures are more mythical than reliable.
Pick a number, double it, take away the number of letters in your name, add your birthday, times by 27 and divide by your inside leg measurement.
Now what have you got?
For the first time in a long time I caught C4 news . It concentrated on care homes for the elderly – and the fact that deaths from corona in the care homes are being covered up . They are not being included in daily numbers of hospital deaths and there were allegations that doctors are signing off death certificates with other causes – chiefly pneumonia.
There are think 27000 care homes with 500000 people – so what could the number of covid infections / deaths really be ?
I fear this may turn out to be the biggest scandal of this time – not ventilators – that care home staff were not protected and nor were the most frail residents .
Labour is pushing for care home corona deaths to be included in daily trend numbers – but we know that won’t be happening .
It seems only when there is an outbreak cause large numbers of deaths in particular care homes that the media report this . Even then there is no follow up – apart from what C4 has said ..
I’d like to hope the BBc would follow up with this but colour is more important than age with them for their shame .
Declaration – I’m not old nor have a direct Personal interest in Care homes . But the people in them deserve better .
We are also seeing rationing of ITUs on a points basis being made public to condition us to the more selective use of NHS resources
Fed, it was respirators that had the big stick in the first week, then it was PPEs for a fortnight, now we have Care Homes in the line of fire. And next week its …. ???????
There are several issues with Care Homes, those that own and run them for profit ( a small profit some might say), but that doesn’t equate to what each resident is charged when selling their homes, the scandalously low wages of staff who, lets face it, have to wipe a……ses for a living ! The abuse to the elderly by some supposed ‘carers’, and these are places that most of us will end up living in, because our families don’t/wont/cant look after us. No wonder no-one wants to leave their own homes !!!
God’s Waiting Rooms need complete overhauls, starting with the owners (and from my investigations many are Immigrant Businessmen).
My Mum was in one run by the family with the rather notorious son who fell foul of a bunch of stuff when on honeymoon in South Africa. He used to lob up in a very shiny black Beemer. They did not seem short of a bob.
That said, it was good. Headed by a caring top team, with a Filipina matron straight out of Hatty Jaques territory.
We moved her there from one costing £3600 a month owned and run by a GP whose surgery oversaw it, backed by the most corrupt CQC/quango/NHS cabal it was ever my misfortune to encounter.
But yes, our MP and a series of Health Secs were complicit too in leaving this bunch to it.
And a media estate not very interested. Until now? And for reasons less likely concerned with the interests of the elderly beyond triage numbers to use in ideological attacks as the bbc did trying to infer the Welsh NHS was on Cameron’s watch.
The elderly and the sick are, of course, so much more vulnerable. ! didn’t see Channel news…not unusual… but if what they have reported is true (and that’s a sizable “if”) then that’s not just worrying it’s disgraceful. It’s a form of careless, ageist genocide.
By a strange coincidence I was chatting to a cousin this evening. Her father in law’s funeral is tomorrow and pneumonia has been put down as the cause of death. The family strongly suspect that he actually died from coronavirus. Her brother in law is a consultant and yet they’re still struggling to discover the real facts.
The chap was 82 but still fit for someone of that age and was living alone and independently.
To compound their sadness only a handful are allowed at the funeral and at all times they must maintain the two metre rule.
Whenever it gets slack at AlBeeb, or the “creative ones” get bored, a list of the, soon to be dead, is scrutinised and provisional eulogies of the great and the good are cut and pasted from film already on file at Islamic HQ. Often decades before the eulogy can be broadcast.
Somewhere in BBC files there is a one hour long film about the life of the late Sir Stirling Moss, “the greatest driver never to win the world title”.
Whenever events require it, a film is retrieved from the archives, has the dust blown off it and is viewed by the current “creative ones”.
Whereupon the eulogy is changed to make it relevant for today’s audience.
I predict that the eulogy broadcast will have ten minutes about Moss and fifty minutes about the best ethnic driver ever.
.@realDonaldTrump scowls at reporters in briefing room while video clips are played, that he says show what a great job he’s done in tackling #coronavirus – and not being recognized by the media
Tonic water contains (minute) quantities of the anti-malarial quinine, as drunk by the British when out in the colonies.
“Premium Indian Tonic Water:
By blending luscious botanical oils with spring water and quinine of the highest quality from the ‘fever trees’ from the eastern hill ranges of the Democratic Republic of Congo, we have created a delicious, award-winning tonic water. Designed to enhance the very best gins, vodkas and fortified wines, like vermouth, fino sherry and white port.”
Typical BBC, saying one thing and doing the other!
He told R4 Today that he didn’t get it at the press briefings because he hasn’t been to any. He suggested that ‘other’ BBC journalists attend them? Certainly this was the first time I have seen Sopel at one
I wouldn’t fault Bryant’s tweet because it’s ‘fair and balanced’
VILE GANG Police Scotland took down large-scale asylum seeker grooming gang in Glasgow – but kept it secret
27 Jan 2020, 10:49Updated: 13 Feb 2020, 16:09
COPS took down a huge asylum seeker grooming gang in Glasgow – but kept it secret.
The gang preyed on vulnerable young girls in the city, and had at least 44 victims, including a core group of six youngsters who were all known to each other.
All were asylum seekers from the Kurdish, Afghani, Egyptian, Moroccan, Turkish, Pakistani or Iraqi communities.
Operation Cerrar was kept under wraps by Police Scotland, and has now come to light after an investigation by the Daily Express.
Cops say 19 members were reported to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal, but its unknown how many were convicted.
want to know why some “minorities” are more affected by virus? look at the pictures, laws are not for them
Travelers invade posh Surrey commuter belt town of Cobham right on the doorstep of Chelsea’s millionaire Premier League stars
The group pitched up at the Tilt in Cobham, near Chelsea’s training ground
Police were called and the Travelers are flouting social distancing guidelines
The group of mixed ages were gathered in close proximity to each other
wonder how keen the police wlll be to arrest this lot ? middle class walkers in countryside social distancing are fair game but….
The new line of attack is care homes where, sadly, there is going to be serious attrition.
The idea that people are dying in care homes and then, having been abandoned in this crisis, their deaths aren’t even being properly counted in the statistics thereby denying them even the most basic respect makes my blood boil. #coronavirusuk#carehomes
It will be interesting if such anger influences impartiality in a particular direction again, as the care home industry has been overseen by the nhs and quangos for decades with less than optimal results.
9am @BBCOne we’ll bring you ONS figs which’ll give us most up-to-date idea of how many people have died frm coronavirus in care homes. What’s YOUR experience of what’s going on in care homes? @rosaltmann says those in care homes ‘are being abandoned by lambs to the slaughter’
9am @BBCOne we’ll bring you ONS figs which’ll give us most up-to-date idea of how many people have died frm coronavirus in care homes. What’s YOUR experience of what’s going on in care homes? @rosaltmann says those in care homes ‘are being abandoned by lambs to the slaughter’
VD manages to misquote Ros Altmann but perhaps, accidently, gets it right?
‘are being abandoned by lambs to the slaughter’, the ‘lambs’ being the young East European carers scarpering and abandoning those who were in their care!
Easter not even mentioned in the Johnston press who own so many local papers, weeks away yet on 1 April:
How Cambridge is observing Ramadan during the coronavirus lockdown
Worship is going to look very different this year for Cambridge’s Muslim community, as the Central Mosque celebrates its first birthday completely empty
BBC Breakfast earlier had 2 doctors on. Didn’t take long for Louise and Dan to get stuck into the PPE issue.
Dan in particular, tried to put words into the doctors mouth about lack of PPE. It didn’t work because … low and behold, YET AGAIN these doctors and the hospitals they worked in, had enough PPE.
Every picture you see on the news, the website, twitter, facebook, they all have PPE. Many of the doctors and nurses interviewed tell them they have the proper equipment… but , here’s the thing, the one line they ALL use .
“we are hearing reports of other hospitals and trusts not having PPE”
And there we have it, thats all we are hearing aswell , the BBC and MSM telling us that they are getting reports, emails, messages from these mysterious medical staff who have no PPE yet everyone they talk to has it ???? Go figure.
The fact is, the BMA chief is constantly filling the airwaves with this nonsense as it suits his political agenda and the BBC and MSM are more than happy to oblige as it suits theirs.
Will the BBC , next time he is on, (wont be long), ask him , why it is that each time they interview medical staff, they have enough PPE ? And while they are at it, perhaps they could look into who is actually behind these anonymous messages the BBC and MSM keep getting about the lack of equipment ?
Daytime alternative to the Vic Derbyshire show
..12pm Channel4 The Steph Show daily.
Steph McGovern presents the latest news and advice about the coronavirus outbreak and celebrates the everyday heroes who are keeping the nation moving in these uncertain times. With guests including Katie Piper, plus a mix of entertainment, lifestyle and a variety of guests beamed live into Steph’s living room, as well as the daily lunchtime Channel 4 News bulletin.
Tomorrow Steph McGovern chats to Bill Turnbull, Clare Balding and Jayde Adam
@GuestWho Jayde Adams .. well medialand is so DIVERSE it has lots and lots of different people and opinions
… not true, she’s just been on Woman’s Hour another bubbleworld show
And has a Channel4 food Show
Looks like she in the vein of Jo Brand
Rising star and regular on tv comedy shows, Jayde Adams is one of the support acts for Friday’s show!
Dear Cathedral City,
whilst I like your cheddar, I will no longer be purchasing it as you have joined the plethora of racists who believe every family in the UK have to have a black father regardless of race.
If you do not understand demographics or how offensive this is to the 85% of non black indigenous people in this country you will when I explain there are many now who are boycotting products advertised in this way
Totally agree with you , myself and Mrs Farley now count on one hand the adverts that have no BAMES in one evening’s entertainment……as we have Sly we can at least fast forward past the Disgusting ads on saved programmes .
The BBC of course are just as bad when interviewing “ordinary ” people …aaaarrrrrrggggghhhhh
21% had Covid on the death certificates
(47% in London.. West Mids was next highest, but rest of country quite low )
That 21% = 3,475, compares with 539 (4.8% of all deaths) in Week 13.
The provisional number of deaths registered in England and Wales
in the week ending 3 April 2020 (Week 14) was 16,387;
this represents an increase of 5,246 deaths registered compared with the previous week (Week 13)
and 6,082 more than the five-year average.
**where Easter falls in previous years will have an impact on the five-year average used for comparison **
BBC SPIN “15% more deaths than previously reported”
…tosh Daily stats have always been “reported hospital deaths” only
.. so there were always more deaths to come
But remember many deaths are not OF Covid, but WITH-Covid.
This is the first week which has seen a spike in deaths. It is these ‘excess’ deaths that are the key statistic telling us whether the numbers are rising or falling. The hospital death figures are effective comparable figures but the ONS ones are as accurate as you will get for a true overall death toll currently (up to 3 April) between 5000-6000 a week in England and Wales.
Actually @Framer it is not the first week that spiked above average.
See the graph below at week 13.
The top blue line was already above the yellow line (5 year average) explanation tweet
Here’s the graph, with my interpretation
Week14 ONS graph of weekly deaths to Fri 3rd April
Bottom right : grey line shows Covid19 deaths leaping from 539 to 3,475
Top right : blue line Covid19/lockdown push All deaths up by 6,082 above average (yellow)
See the bottom left grey line (500 to 3,475) doesn’t rise as steep as the top right blue line (about 6,000 above average)
That means about 2,607 extra deaths DO NOT include Covid on the death certificate
In week 13 it was about 500
What’s that ?
Those are real dead people who have either died of LOCKDOWN effects (cancelled operations, anxiety etc.) or possibly some random at home death, which was Covid, but it was NOT suspected so it’s not on the death certificate
… It interesting that that they could have booked far more deaths to Covid if they had wanted.
Bottom left : navy line shows flu/pneum deaths 2,367 up 303 above average 2,064 (light blue)
Why ?
Cos about 303 of the deaths already in the grey line
are ALSO included cos the patient had both Covid19 +flu/pneum
(So don’t try to add the two lines together)
Thanks To Doobs
The BBC really need taking to task on these issues of white racism.
Let’s not forget that the cuddly word Grooming was invented to describe mass rape and explotation of white predomently under age girls by males of Pakistani decent.
Strange how the word Grooming has remained unchanged in the BBC Lexicon whilst we are constantly seeing the term terrorist morph into attackers (but only if Muslim it still applies to any WHITE attack) And illegal immigrants are now just migrants.
Clear as day what the BBC are up to. We all spotted this ourselves.
CCBGB also (as per)
Virology expert Dr Simon Clarke: "The BBC has got a bee in its bonnet" over wearing face masks. "Certain journalists are grabbing little packets of information and blowing it out of proportion. It's irresponsible." Listen live ► |
Around 6pm last night I posted the link to Dr Chris Smith on BBCNews Q&A
He basically said “Sure I wear a proper mask in the hospital red zone, but in Tescos I wouldn’t wear a dust mask
.. the virus is so small it’s like wearing a hairnet on your face
.. plus it’s like a particle collector stuck to your face and then when you take it off you get those particles on your hands and probably touch your face”
Stew – I go out once a week now . I wear double masks and gloves . It makes me feel better . I realise the size of a virus – but I feel better wearing protective kit And practice decon at the end .
I think the doc excludes the psychological effect taking precautions has . I wonder too – if some of those drugs that are being tried out might also have a psychological effect on those infected in their fight against the Chinese virus .
At the Gov press conference I hope someone asks a question about care homes instead of just concentrating on hospitals which should sort themselves out .
If doctors are in reporting deaths in care homes caused by the virus – and just recording pneumonia that must be dealt with
I realise certain doctors have a strong financial involvement with care home owners which opens the door for corruption – I have witnessed this myself with a doctor who I found out had a conviction for a sex offence but had been allowed back on the books .
I forgot he did add
However if you have the virus a dust mask does reduce the chance of you coughing it over other people
..and it does act as a signal saying “keep your distance”
It doesn’t stop you breathing out virus, so if you were in the same room as someone it would still be in the air they breathe.
A mask lets virus through, the same way a sponge lets water though.
The example was given of a mask wearer in a supermarket
Her phone rang, she touched the front of her mask as she pulled it up and thus got particles onto her hands.
Stew, “A mask lets virus through, the same way a sponge lets water though.” Not quite. It was a Frenchman surgeon, whose name I have forgotten, who first started using masks at end of 19th century/beginning of 20th after a hunch and a study showed that doctors and nurses were infecting their patients. The improvement in outcomes led to a change of practice.
Your mask stops your nose drips, sneezes and conversation particulates hitting the wound and the tubes and the instruments. The reason medical staff wear motorcycle visors/welders visors with clear plastic came about in the AIDS/HIV era as it protects doctors and nurses from being infected from the patient via blood splatter.
Problem, Doobs, Stew & Fed, is that WHO have announced that wearing of masks could be made compulsory. WHO, the UN, BBC, all love that sort of thing.
Until we know the Covid-19 virus is airborne in all weather conditions and can survive far, far, longer than any other virus so far, then the wearing of much better masks cannot be really worthwhile, as Chris Smith and Simon Clarke say.
(Perhaps that’s why I haven’t heard either of them on R4 recently. They do not tick the BBC Big Brother approach or meet with his approval.)
I too always wear a mask with rubber gloves when I go to a shop. There are confusing reports as to whether its advantageous or not. But I think they realise if they said wearing a mask was mandatory, then there would be pandemonium in getting them ordered, thus depriving health workers from getting them.
Brissles, if you know you have a particular vulnerability then like you, Fed and others, it is worth limiting risk as far as humanly possible and as you intelligently and responsibly choose. I wore gloves all through my supermarket shop today, but it was jolly cold outside and I was picking cold stuff as well.
I haven’t got the builders masks out yet. Am not sure I would bother so far but I can see that Big Brother approach may not be far off.
“Sixty thousand little Hitlers, all do their worst to squeeze us.”
I wear vinyl gloves even to pick up food from a friend, leaving them in the car for a week before reusing. I assume sunlight and time will sterilise. I then use a separate pair to unpack the shopping, I wash them as though they were my hands, to two choruses of Happy Birthday and repeat the washing of hands once the gloves are taken off. Gloves left in the sunlight to dry and sterilise. I still guess that if there was dye rather than a possible invisible virus on my groceries, some still might show up. I try to not use newly arrived food for a couple of days.
ScrobleneMar 12, 20:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I find this report utterly distasteful, and a disgraceful attempt to accuse President Trump for ‘causing the cartels some difficulties’…
DeborahMar 12, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 Christopher Hope on GB News to a woman Labour MP, ‘Starmer has had a good couple of weeks on the…
LoobylooMar 12, 19:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 BA also shaking the collection tin down the aisle in support of it too
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
tomoMar 12, 18:32 Midweek 12th March 2025 yes indeedy – I read “chip off the old block” Roderick James Nugent Stewart’s book Prince of the Marshes and…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 18:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 Gas at 56% currently A gift from God.. . . . . .
vladMar 12, 17:56 Midweek 12th March 2025 And is that Florence of Arabia, as he’s affectionately known?
tomoMar 12, 17:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 hmmm… X is blocking this happy group photo for embedding [img][/img] Bloke in the middle, in a suit -be like…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 17:17 Midweek 12th March 2025 “BBC Verify What footage from Kursk shows” “BBC Verify and BBC Monitoring have been looking at… the Russian military…
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
Radio 4 1pm news on Easter Monday. I must have switched on slightly late, missing most of the bullet point headlines because it started with Nicholas Soames conjecture that Boris will view every thing differently after his spell in hospital. He might, or he might not but I don’t suppose Nicholas has a hotline to Boris. Didn’t Boris expel Nicholas from the Party.? So no love lost between them I guess.
We then had some man from WHO pontificating that in future we all MAY have to wear masks every time we go out. On my walks since lockdown I have only met one other couple walking so blessed with isolated places to walk in. I am blowed if I will wear masks when walking when this is all over.
Today’s news at one, was all guesses and thoughts, no facts. The BBC has kept its 450 news people it was going to lay off, but with no obvious output from them
Yes Deborah, I caught a bit of Radio 4 1pm news talking about Boris, his brush with death and his enhanced admiration for the wonderful NHS. I think they, the Beeb, want him to have undergone an epiphany to the soft and cuddly side.
Certainly he can be expected to praise the people who looked after him, but I hope he hasn’t become blind to the many faults of the NHS as an organisation.
I was hoping he’d come out of his ordeal leaner and meaner.
After only 3 1/2 weeks of lockdown, the ‘journalists’ at the BBC have finally noticed that electricity production is…..errr…….pretty essential.
So on the tv 1 pm news they report from Sizewell B nuclear power station.
Now remember. Electricity is private sector – though Labour want to nationalise it.
So the BBC ask questions and the power station answer.
What about PPE? Oh, we always using that, but we are changing gloves in the chemistry lab. more often now.
What about planning for coronavirus? Oh, we finished all that weeks ago, before even the first case was announced.
What about contagion? Oh, we have set up independent teams who never cross over so if there is a scare we change out a team as a whole.
What about supplies? Oh, we bought in extra and we can keep going without running out until 2021.
The difference with the state run ‘envy of the world’ nationalised NHS could hardly be more stark or obvious, yet somehow the BBC ‘reporter’ failed to notice.
All true Sluff
but as my wife highlighted to me… despite 99.9% of workers at Sizewell being men the BBC managed to find a young woman to interview..
Complete with long flowing hair that, for health and safety when working with equipment, should have been tied up 🙂
How does the BBC manage it? Do they walk around until they see a woman or BAME person, or do they have unconscious bias against white men ?
From experience, the BBC waits outside for six hours. It can then give 21.6 seconds to interview 1,000 employees. The six hours of footage is then edited down to 21.6 seconds of the best politically correct footage. The long flowing hair would indicate that the “chosen one” was either walking in to work, leaving for lunch, returning to work or leaving for home. The 999 people edited out would be of the wrong gender or race. If white men see the BBC outside and want to see themselves on the telly, then I would advise them to walk past the cameras wearing high heals.
They found the first woman ‘bin-man’ in Pembrokeshire the other day.
Don’t get too excited, she works for the council and was going to be furloughed unless she was willing to transfer departments. To her credit she offered to go on the bins.
The interview was poorly researched. The woman in the London studio asked her if she had targets to meet and a few other pointless questions to the guys working with her.
If a man had offered to do this job – nothing to see here, move on.
BBC Website News Headlines.
They have of course supported this headline with a picture of a Muslim women buying a ticket at a railway station.
Its jaw dropping arrogance on behalf of the BBC.
….The WORLD might be in meltdown due to a virus, however our agenda is to portray Muslims in a positive light……
This is the number one aim of the publicly funded BBC and it has to stop.
Particularly when muslims were kicked out of Spain centuries ago.
Only the bbc is so unique that, when there is nothing to report, they retain 450 staff to also not report it accurately.
On matters maker appt., after my little brush with mortality I had a week to ponder matters AnyChess from an unwelcome POV.
I accept this is based on a limited sample.
First Responders are brilliant.
A&E nurses are brilliant.
A&E doctors live in fear of A&E consultants.
A&E consultants rule by fear as respect needs to be earned.
Whoever assigns wards and beds, and when, needs leaving in a room with a Webley and glass of scotch.
Ward nurses are mostly excellent, though there appears a link between how good and the scores of extra kilos being humped around at the nurses’ station. But look like twiggy next to Churchill Jr.
Ward doctors live in fear of ward consultants.
Ward consultants don’t read notes or talk to junior colleagues.
Ward cleaning staff are at best poorly trained in, well, everything. But especially basic hygiene protocols.
Porters all look and sounds alike, no matter what demographic.
The food is ok. It is not a hotel.
4G WiFi makes life tolerable, and the pay TV gather dust…. more dust.
If you want water get it yourself if you can. And get it for your surrounding victims.
Women in expensive black pant suits appear to need clipboards to prevent making eye contact with anyone.
Radiology appears to close Thursday PM to Tuesday lunch.
Ladies of a certain age unaware you are already grumpy from having to use a wheelchair to get to the pharmacy and escape seem not to have figured out that your answers to their silly feedback questions can be limited, not least by several only applying post discharge. And don’t care so long as you get crossed off the list.
Trust CEOs seem to get inspirational messages from 70s spoof posters.
I have never seen anyone in the chapel. Easy to see why.
Best to get picked up by a family member to avoid sitting next to the multiple source addicted chav screaming his taxi was late last week.
I doubt junior doctors drive the 6 Series Beemers there in the car park out front all week except Fridays to Tuesdays.
Guest – a tour de force
Having worked in hierarchical organisations at various levels I became fascinated at how the needs of the lower orders can be exploited ruthlessly by those up the chain – the consultant – junior being a good example
As a non com – if ever such an arrangement needs dismantling – it’s that .
The exploitation of even a little bit of power – the use the the clip board and non communications with victims – patients being another place of viciousness .
I had an interesting ‘ interchange ‘ with the CEO of the local hospital trust over a discharge procedure which they will never forget …..
They mistook me for someone who mattered because I was wearing a very expensive suit at the time !
Friday night in Frankfurt police were attacked by 20 man crowd when they went to police a certain neighbourhood about Social Distancing.
A police patrol car discovered a group of people in the area of Ahornstrasse in the Griesheim district at around 9:15 p.m. on Friday (April 10, 2020) who violated the ban on contact in times of the coronavirus *. To control the group, the police requested reinforcements. When one of the patrol teams got out of their car, a large stone crashed into a side window, which broke as a result. The officers saw several people running away, but did not catch up with them.
Shortly afterwards the evening increased in drama. Around 20 people attacked the police on the second patrol when they had just left their car in Frankfurt . The men were partially armed with stones, roof battens and iron bars and were threatening to move towards the officers. These initially began to withdraw.
I wonder what sort of, “neighbourhood” that might be…………..
Mention of the NZ lady nurse who looked after Boris made me curious about the NZ healthcare system.
Now we’re always being told that the NHS would collapse if it weren’t for overseas workers which account for 1 in 8 of the workforce
It turns out that 26% of nurses in New Zealand are overseas trained, and the number rises to 31% for midwives.
Try this for light reading
Click to access health-of-health-workforce-2015-feb16_0.pdf
So the 13% of overseas workers in the UK may not after all represent the kind of unique problem or multicultural solution the BBC would have us believe.
List of NHS doctors that died WITH Covid-19
BTW the last time I look most were past retirement age.
Dr Alfa Saadu Mr Amged El-Hawrani Dr Habib Zaidi Prof Sami Shousha Mr Adil El Tayar Mr Jitendra Rathod Dr Anton Sebastianpillai Dr Paul Matewele Dr Abdul Mabud Chowdhury Dr Edmond Adedeji Dr Fayez Ayache Dr Labeja Acellam Dr Syed Zeeshan Haider
Click the list bar at the top left of the graphic
Meanwhile in a Basingstoke Park youths sit around drinking
and then swear at an NHS nurse that videos them.
Meanwhile also in Basingstoke
A man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after a Hampshire Police colleague was stabbed while responding to an incident in Basingstoke. ..Facebook
I’ll be controversial and say that my sympathies lie with the young men sitting on the grass. They’re keeping a reasonable distance apart, plenty of fresh air, they’re not annoying anyone (well apart from the paranoid scaremongered nurse) and to be honest, if some one filmed me without my permission whilst I was simply minding my own business then I’d probably tell them to foxtrot oscar as well.
Not controversial NS. Common sense approach, for me anyway.
I wonder if support for the nurses will continue when they start making difficult decisions regarding who shall be sedated when demand for oxygen and ventilators peaks?
I’m stressed by the amount of filth and scum washing up on our shores daily. Why can’t our any chess angels pop down there and film that much larger threat to our existence?
China ? “How dare you suggest the virus from here” the embassy says
In a simply stunning piece of propaganda following a weekend of extremely high level officials across the world’s (non-Chinese-rotation) nation, the Chinese Embassy in the UK has unleashed a statement of pure farce proclaiming there is no evidence that the virus originated in Wuhan… let alone China.
Did they employ Comical Ali to write that statement for them?
Van, don’t think so …
….. it has all the hallmarks of Ah Lee who may, or may not, have been influenced by or on Chemicals at the time.
Sweden comparison
After walking around the near desserted town centre today:
“Will the City Centre Pigeon Survive?”
We should be told.
Or will the plumper, less disease ridden ones, get eaten as dog, cat or even human food?
There was a nice plump specimen on my neighbour’s fence this morning. I nearly opened the kitchen window to yell ‘Cranberry Sauce’ at it to see if it died of fright. In which event, it might have found its way into the oven or onto the barbecue fire.
BBC Studios strike a deal with Huawei
Obviously they need the money.
Was it on here I read these statistics or elsewhere, I don’t remember – 14% of the UK population is BAME yet 34% of our Covid-19 deaths are this same minority ????
It doesn’t make sense, why is this so?
It is because a high proportion of them are unhealthy and unhygienic scruffs ????
Now there’s a fact you won’t get told by the ‘worlds most trusted broadcaster’, al beeb ????
It may also be the case that the immune systems of people from different ethnic backgrounds do not share the same facility for being able to ward off C-19.
Agree, and of course smokers, very heavy drinkers, a body that has taken in a lot of ‘recreational’ drugs, poor diet, living in inner cities with poor air quality for a good few years, etc, all probably will take a toll on the immune system. Excessive fasting will also impact on the ability of the body to fend off many diseases.
Overcrowding must contribute.
Of course it does ‘this island’, what the chineses corona virus has shown is that humans are not designed to live in large groups, in close proximity, to consume bush meat and the like.
Apparently, (a previous video on ‘MedCram’), its all to do with lack of Vit D.
I think that’s one of the factors, G, but not the only one.
I posted a while back that one of my wife’s colleagues became very unwell shortly after returning from a trip to Wuhan last November. He then proceeded to infect a number of other people, including my wife, who attended a meeting with him.
My wife thereafter became fairly ill. I can’t say for sure that she had Covid-19, but the classic symptoms were all present and correct: shortness of breath, fever, cough, loss of taste etc. A few days later, while she was still unwell, I came down with whatever she’d been infected with. But although I have asthma (mild, thankfully) and developed most of the same symptoms as her, I was considerably less poorly than she was.
We’re both white, of similar ages (I’m about three years older), born in the UK to British parents etc., and in fairly good general health, with one exception other than my asthma: my wife is prone to vitamin D deficiency and I am not.
Well according to the MSM and the PC crowd, they are no different from normal people, so therefore it can’t be anything to do with DNA or ethnicity.
Which leaves either:-
a) A fair percentage of the UK-wide affected are from London, and as we know, our capital is infested with those people so their stats are going to be higher.
b) They played the race card and jumped the queue to ensure they were dealt with first, thus skewing the figures.
There is also option (c) which is that basically I couldn’t give a flying you-know-what.
As usual when it comes to the best science, the BBC produces “Fake News”.
Racial and ethnic groups can exhibit substantial average differences in disease incidence, disease severity, disease progression, and response to treatment (LaVeist 2002).
Click to access RaceEthnicityandGenetics.pdf
Hence prevalence of sickle cell disease in, if I recall correctly, West Africa alone. Sure it is known across Africa but there is a prevalence of sickle cell in West Africa.
Is the BAME statistic really surprising. The infection rates are much higher in the cities. London is probably 40% BAME.
Chris Hopson -the head of ‘ NHS Non Providers ‘ is on the TV again . This time he’s on about shortages of gowns.
I have heard him being questioned about what he actually does . Whose responsibility is it to supply hospitals . Is it yours? Is it mine and no one told me ?
As I understand it there are roughly 1200 hospitals – add the care homes – no idea how many – let’s say 12000 . How can no one have a tab on the supply of those places ? They know what the usage level and theft level is likely to be -cost will no longer be an issue …. there is no transport problem – so why shortages ?
My theme is that we deserve to be better informed because of the freedoms we are giving up .
It’s not a fair balance
Now they want gowns ? I thought they were angels not royalty
Darc – all I want is to say “Chris mate – how much are you on ? 100k ? More ? Explain why there is never enough kit ? Whose job is it ? Why can’t they do it ? Who needs replacing ?
But the questions don’t come – just bleating and blaming .
Now they are moaning about supplies (from China !) not turning up on time or as arranged .
Maybe this will be the end of globalisation . Some good has to come out of it .
BBC news just now. Cambridge uni virologist just said excess deaths ‘no worse than normal flu season, so we should keep this in perspective’. Interviewer never followed up on it surprisingly.
Now talking about Germany. He didn’t mention death certification.
Surreal interview on BBC News at 16:50 with a care home owner.
Care home owner, “yes, we have lost 9 family members. That is what we call our residents…. family members…. because that is what they are”
Tabs shouting, “FFS… just call them residents for the viewers”
Care home owner, “We spent £8860 of x number of masks and they were all used up in 10 days.”
BBC anchorwoman, “All gone in 10 days? Did you then buy some more?”
Care home owner, “Yes we found cheaper…. but it’s not about the cost it’s about the availability.”
Tabs shouting, “FFS… you’re the one that mentioned the cost plus you just admitted you found a second scorce so they are hardly difficult to buy”.
I didn’t hear the rest of the interview as I put my foot through the TV by then but I would guess it was something on the lines of Tory bashing or encouraging the lockdown to continue forever.
Edit: Anyone who has watched ‘This Country’ comedy and knows the character Mandy, well this care home owner was just like her.
Thanks for listen Tabs, my tolerance levels are at a low level due to cronic sciatic and lower back pain. I think I’ve already destroyed one radio in my garage this afternoon after hearing the beeboid news reader vocally masturbating over the comments from the WHO ‘expert’ saying we re all going to have wear masks in public……
I saw this and having had a relative in a care home for 4 years I do cut them some slack.
Here we had a manager who is not a media performer and was clearly set up by the BBC to support one of their narratives.
For me it showed that caring, emotional, compassionate behaviours, however well-meaning, are simply not the skills needed for efficient operational management.
And that’s true for the NHS too.
Boy don’t we just know it.
You know how the plod has ‘learned lessons’ about communicating with the public ? Not Bedfordshire ‘central community team ‘ which is twittering a threat to ‘come out of the shadow’ to catch anyone having a picknic . There is a helpful picture of the shadow of a plod on the tweet – which for some reason hasn’t been greeted with universal support – policing by consent is dying .
Is this the tweet?
yep, see my earlier post 12:50 PM to the PJW story on picnic crime.
What happens here is people say they don’t like tweets,
so I post a link instead
and then people don’t notice the post cos it doesn’t have a big photo
One reply was
If you think that by going to burgle in a rural location no one will find you, don’t be surprised if an officer appears from the shadows! We are covering the whole county
Tabs – yes thanks – I think there is a follow tweet from Bedfordshire police rolling back a bit . I think one of the biggest public objections to what the police are saying and doing is the amount of energy they are putting into ‘dealing with ‘ ordinary people – compared to their non existence in the pre covid times – especially when failing to enforce other laws like child rape .
There were flying pigs/bears in the air in my neck of the woods this afternoon Fed.
From the location to the north east of me I suspect they were ‘spotting’ using the on board cameras and infra red to guide the ground forces onto the unwary local walkers and excercise takers in the wooded beauty spots. The Aircaft was at a higher altitude perhaps to lessen the noise of from the engines/blades and thus give the victims on the ground less time to move on.
West – they’ll be using satellites by Christmas . The government has to review the lockdown by Thursday . The measures to do so we’re agreed at the cobra on Friday . Various leaks about another 3 weeks have already been thrown around . So the earliest raising of lock down will be the second week of May . In the meantime the effect of Spain allowing some work to restart will be coming through in their stats .
Can that lockdown last for another 3 weeks minimum ?
On the BBC coronavirus daily programme, the latest death figure of 717 was given.
And who was invited to comment?
A medical correspondent? No
A health correspondent? No
A statistics correspondent? No
No, it was the BBC political correspondent who was asked to comment.
Tells you quite a lot about the BBC’s agenda.
Vallance address the death count
“The most important stat is ALL deaths of ALL causes over time”
Yep the bottomline is “are more people dying over all ?”
To be brutally honest with the amount of conflicting information over Corvid , and all of the BBC led msm overindulging in their real life “snuff” movie none of us none of us really know what the truth is.
The one thing that is for sure is that the BBC over the last few years has lost pretty much all of its credibility when it came to telling us the truth. when we wanted dispassionate facts and analysis we got hysterical pronouncements and opinions.
If Corvid is far worse than they are telling us and people are ignoring the warnings then a lot of this is due to the BBC and friends having lost all credibility when it comes to telling us the truth. Of course if the situation is far less serious than what we are being told – then why are the not telling us the truth?
When this whole man made crisis has blown over Boris said their will have to be a reckoning with China. Let us hope he also has the sense to realise that there also needs to be a reckoning with the worlds “most trusted” broadcaster.
BBC new “stick to beat the Government with” …… wearing face masks.
The scientists at the briefings have told them time and time again that as of yet, there is no “scientific” value or health value in the general public wearing face masks. They have also repeated time and time again, they continue to monitor data etc and if anything changes in science / health terms they will re-evaluate.
They have made this crystal clear.
Question from BBC, David Schukman – FACE MASKS !!
For about the 5th day on the run, the BBC bang on about this, we all know why. They want to make sure we all know exactly how the BBC feel about this, so if the time comes and we are “advised” to wear face masks when out in public, the BBC can slate the Government to high heaven over why it wasn’t implemented sooner.
However, if the advice was to actually wear face masks, yet he science says no reason too, the BBC line would be ..”why are we being told to wear masks and why are you causing people to panic and panic buy these when a awful lot of scientific data points to no real benefit” ?
Its all about “gotcha” and trying to get one over on the Government. If Matt Hancock makes a total of 99K test per day by end of April, they wont be happy with the mass increase, they would focus on the 1K shortfall . They are charlatans of the highest order.
That’s the reason why all these journalists want exact dates, exact figures, they are not interested in any facts or figures, just sticks for future beatings.
I despise the lot of em !!!
Will that be full face mask aka veil, I wonder….
What was that about people taking off masks, goggles and full face helmets if they went into a bank or a Post Office?
Tell the beeb there are other solutions which, probably not 100% effective are pretty fashionable so you can get many peeps to wear them. (Blue Peter eat your heart out!)
Forgive if it has been said on this site, but heard that the UK Government are or have ordered a vast number of medical gowns esecially needed by the NHS from CHINA-yes from the country that is being accused of spreding the Coronavirus-why the H do we need to buy anything from this vicious dictatorship, when we can make these garments here. No doubt there are many cloth manufacturers that could easily alter their production to accommodate-if similar factories in Kenya can do it in their production of nillions of masks and medical gowns for their country then so should the UK be able to do so. It is a disgrace that we should be loloking to China for anything. Trust you agree.
I detect a certain weariness in the government briefings – the repeated lines – the meaningless stats – the deflected answered To multi purpose dumb questions . ‘ minister are you going to apologise for Priti only saying sorry in stead of apologising for saying sorry ?” Let’s all clap.
I caught a but of Sky news while waiting for the briefing. It was a journalist who was at the Scottish news briefing and he was saying he asked a question to Sturgeon about ppe and the ordering of. He stated that she didn’t answer my question fully and you cannot come back with another question as when you have given your question your Mike is switched off! That’s the way to do it!
5:53pm R4 The Evan Davies show ended with a apology
“We are deeply sorry that last Thursday we played an early Frank Sinatra song, which contained a racist lyric”
.. everyone thinks what song ?
Actually Sinatra used the word “darkie” in a friendly way
and used it in more than one song.
but after some years changed it to “man”
3 mins in direct link
I heard that next week he’ll play Melting Pot by Blue Mink.
The bas***d BBC will find trouble with anything and the effing snowflakes egging them on. They are not fit to wipe the shoes of Frank Sinatra . As far as I am concerned the greatest of modern singers. He can do no wrong as far as I am concerned. They always bring things down to their disgusting bias. How I hate the lot of them.
We are as one, Cromwell ! Sinatra is King, and Streisand is Queen.
Streisand? YMBK
13 April 2020
Barbra Streisand calls Donald Trump a ‘serial liar’ adding his leadership is ‘unfit’:
‘More than 20,000 people dead because of his incompetence’
Remind me, what was that long ago Streisand screen test result?
I remember now.
Can’t sing, can’t think, can moan a little.
She has worked hard on the moaning since.
Is it beyond the wit of man to wash some of the PPE and get it back in circulation within a few hours? Plastic gowns and visors for instance.
Or just beyond the wit of the NHS.
Absolutely unbelievable.
On bbc tv news.
Discussing the novel and innovative ways the NHS are treating cancer patients during the lockdown, a young male patient is shown taking his cancer pills…………… his own home !!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep, that constitutes newsworthy innovation in NHS la la land.
I’m waiting for the inevitable……
Why are face masks white ?……
Masks should reflect your ethnicity and sexual preferences.
Why aren’t the well paid anychess diversity officers demanding inclusive masks?
Here’s the bBBC’s ideal nurse. The right colour, lots of PPE and a damn good face mask.
I was just amazed by the sheer stupidity and diversity mania in an article I came across in The Independent by Emma Burnell.
“Women lead many of the nations dealing best with coronavirus – proof a level playing field can help us all…”
Apparently, Merkel is handling the coronavirus issue better then her male counterpart in the UK. and The lovely Jacinda Ardern in New Zealand has declared to New Zealand children that the Easter Bunny is an essential worker. Meanwhile if the USA had elected Clinton there would probably not have been a pandemic there because she is professional and educated unlike the thug Trump.
Who the hell reads and nods at this absolute guff?
It appears that our Emma is Emma Burnell is a freelance political journalist and consultant.
Consultant on what exactly?
And there was me thinking that the reason that the world is going to hell is because women got the vote!
Adults, men and women, should aspire to be as good as their dads, not to live their lives under the thumb of their mums.
Is Angela Merkel really doing so well? According to Le Monde, the Germans are still short of masks and protective clothing … so it isn’t just Britain, as the BBC would have you believe. “So much for German efficiency!”, as the villain Carver said in that Bond film years ago.
The French Covid-19 death total was given by Le Monde as 13,832 as of earlier today, which is more than the UK’s for a smaller population. I’m not crowing and the French may be including people who are off-radar for a while here (e.g. deaths in care homes). There was said to be a shortage of essential drugs for Covid patients in France too. Hospitals in northern Italy were overwhelmed at one point, leading to suicides by two nurses, something which hasn’t happened here.
Perhaps the easiest thing to ask about any “gotcha” facts from the BBC is, “… compared to what?” Comparisons won’t be easy when China isn’t as forthcoming as some countries have been.
The media need to be very careful comparing Germany’s health system to our own.
Just think of all those times we’ve been told that only Labour can protect the NHS and that the Tories mustn’t be allowed to sell it off to the private sector.
Isn’t the German system exactly what they feared the Tories wanted for the NHS?
digg- There is nothing independent about “The Independent”.
I recommended Dr Chris Smith on Friday for his clear answers
and now twitter is saying the same
“I must say I found Dr Chris Smith @NakedScientists on @BBCNews
just now really helpful.
His answers to #bbcyourquestions were so clear, easy to understand and informative.
26 min in
His segs runs for 15 mins
“Is a Covid death bringing forward the inevitable ?
… and yes it is in a lot of cases”
In this slot the BBC has unusually allowed questions from skeptics
..something the BBC doesn’t allow when Global Warming is the topic.
“The flu claims upto 10,000 lives in a winter
so this virus is only at this level SO FAR”
.. BBC presenter goes silent
“Yes there is a correlation with the BCG TB vaccination
.. astonishing 6 fold higher rate in people who didn’t have this vaccination, but it is early research and we don’t understand how a vaccine against a BACTERIA is somehow protecting you against a virus ”
“Maybe as much as 1 in 3 people with Covid19 got NO symptoms at all”
It’s funny you should mention the BCG vaccination, Stew, as its more modern equivalent, IMM-101, is being explored as a potential game-changer in the race to produce effective treatments and vaccines for Covid-19.
Stew, viruses and bacteria are linked. Linked by the human body. The virus weakens the body’s defences, the bacteria attack eg. pneumonia with Covid-19 or pus filled spots after VZV infection
Strengthen the body with an anti-bacterial may help against a virus.
Dr Seheult would also say adequate sleep and a good diet help, too. 🙂
Stew, Chris Smith was on BBC R4 early on in the UK outbreak and spoke well about the virus. The BBC questioning could have been better. His fellow contributor was a female GP. Say no more. Ihaven’t heard him on BBC R4 since.
Find myself asking that question again: ‘I wonder why?’
Some transgender or cross dressing weirdo called Emma won tonight’s Mastermind.
The BBC producers must be creaming themselves as they open up the Dom Perignon.
An amazing sight.
Anf if that’s not enough, there’s another one University Challenge.
How about that for ‘over-representation’.
Surprised they had any Dom Pom left from last weeks ‘celebrity’ Mastermind
Caught the end of it and didn’t have a scooby who any of them were but in no particular order we had black man,asian man,white man who was as camp as the tent section in GO Outdoors and a blind white woman.
Am fairly certain that one on Mastermind tonight has also appeared on Only Connect in the past.
If I had a Twitter account I’d start a campaign to remove the word ‘master’ from the title. It ‘s much too patriarchy for my liking.
The transvestite on university challenge is s thick as a plank????.
Zero contribution in the last 2 episodes.
Has some strong teams though.
I thought … Here’s the next DG !
For some reason this tweet is getting a lot of traction.
hm Twitter is blocking embedding of that tweet
There is a sign on the Dover beach now
Just finished the US documentary film ‘Out of Shadows’ and what a scary thing that is!
Just 5 corporations now control all main news output & media in the US, and they are headed by a bunch of elitists with strong and powerful links to Washington and the CIA.
What you are seeing is what they want you to see, and nothing gets out without their say so.
The issue of ‘Pizzagate’ was a case in point perhaps not so well know in the UK, but it concerns certain libtard democrats apparantly engaged in the procurement of young children for sex, the codeword beeing ‘Pizza’.
Odd phrases such as I want a pizza for an hour were made, but the MSM which began to run the story suddenly dropped it and then refused to even discuss it. Ongoing Police investigations also abruptly stopped.
The same thing had happened with Jeffrey Epstein, another libtard Democrat doner, and again with links to the Clintons.
A disturbing film indeed and one which we have to assume is being repeated here in the UK with the BBC which has its own enormous issues with Paedophillia.
Just a theory: let’s suppose that the Italian word “pizza” is a lightly encrypted version of the Slavonic “pizda”. Then, a phrase such as “I want a pizza for an hour” makes more sense. The standard shape of a slice of pizza also suggests the same location on the human body. Is this green language and the truth hiding in plain sight?
Coming home from work earlier and had the 9pm news on 5 live on.In the middle of the bulletin they had a story.
Mcdonalds have apologized after one of it’s restaurants in China banned black people because they feared they were spreading Covid19 the chain said the outlet had closed for half a day for diversity and inclusion training.
Where the hell do the BBC get these stories from and why do they think this story is relevant to the UK or why anybody would be interested in it.
I thought bloodhounds had a good sense of smell but they’re nothing compared to BBC news editors those b@$tards can sniff out a racism story even when its half way around the world!
McDonalds are mostly franchises, aren’t they? If so, the people running them in China are most likely to be Chinese, who, like Russians, are not known generally for their acceptance of people of colour.
The truth about coronavirus is that nobody can possibly be sure how (comparatively) well, or how (comparatively) badly, individual countries are managing the disease, because we’re all measuring different things.
It’s not a level playing field. We’re comparing apples with oranges and sensible people in the media clearly know this. However, this doesn’t stop them, particularly our favourite broadcaster, from propagandising this nonsense for all it’s worth.
In Germany they’re testing many more people than we are and (consequently) the figures suggest they have far more sufferers than we do.
But in Germany they don’t put someone down as a victim of this disease unless they’re certain they are.
In Britain if you have the symptoms of Covid when you die then that’s what goes on your death certificate.
This discrepancy creates the impression that Germany is handling the virus better than we are. This may turn out to be true, but it’s far from certain…
At the moment all of these figures are more mythical than reliable.
Pick a number, double it, take away the number of letters in your name, add your birthday, times by 27 and divide by your inside leg measurement.
Now what have you got?
Diane Abbott’s IQ…
For the first time in a long time I caught C4 news . It concentrated on care homes for the elderly – and the fact that deaths from corona in the care homes are being covered up . They are not being included in daily numbers of hospital deaths and there were allegations that doctors are signing off death certificates with other causes – chiefly pneumonia.
There are think 27000 care homes with 500000 people – so what could the number of covid infections / deaths really be ?
I fear this may turn out to be the biggest scandal of this time – not ventilators – that care home staff were not protected and nor were the most frail residents .
Labour is pushing for care home corona deaths to be included in daily trend numbers – but we know that won’t be happening .
It seems only when there is an outbreak cause large numbers of deaths in particular care homes that the media report this . Even then there is no follow up – apart from what C4 has said ..
I’d like to hope the BBc would follow up with this but colour is more important than age with them for their shame .
Declaration – I’m not old nor have a direct Personal interest in Care homes . But the people in them deserve better .
We are also seeing rationing of ITUs on a points basis being made public to condition us to the more selective use of NHS resources
Fed, it was respirators that had the big stick in the first week, then it was PPEs for a fortnight, now we have Care Homes in the line of fire. And next week its …. ???????
There are several issues with Care Homes, those that own and run them for profit ( a small profit some might say), but that doesn’t equate to what each resident is charged when selling their homes, the scandalously low wages of staff who, lets face it, have to wipe a……ses for a living ! The abuse to the elderly by some supposed ‘carers’, and these are places that most of us will end up living in, because our families don’t/wont/cant look after us. No wonder no-one wants to leave their own homes !!!
God’s Waiting Rooms need complete overhauls, starting with the owners (and from my investigations many are Immigrant Businessmen).
My Mum was in one run by the family with the rather notorious son who fell foul of a bunch of stuff when on honeymoon in South Africa. He used to lob up in a very shiny black Beemer. They did not seem short of a bob.
That said, it was good. Headed by a caring top team, with a Filipina matron straight out of Hatty Jaques territory.
We moved her there from one costing £3600 a month owned and run by a GP whose surgery oversaw it, backed by the most corrupt CQC/quango/NHS cabal it was ever my misfortune to encounter.
But yes, our MP and a series of Health Secs were complicit too in leaving this bunch to it.
And a media estate not very interested. Until now? And for reasons less likely concerned with the interests of the elderly beyond triage numbers to use in ideological attacks as the bbc did trying to infer the Welsh NHS was on Cameron’s watch.
The elderly and the sick are, of course, so much more vulnerable. ! didn’t see Channel news…not unusual… but if what they have reported is true (and that’s a sizable “if”) then that’s not just worrying it’s disgraceful. It’s a form of careless, ageist genocide.
By a strange coincidence I was chatting to a cousin this evening. Her father in law’s funeral is tomorrow and pneumonia has been put down as the cause of death. The family strongly suspect that he actually died from coronavirus. Her brother in law is a consultant and yet they’re still struggling to discover the real facts.
The chap was 82 but still fit for someone of that age and was living alone and independently.
To compound their sadness only a handful are allowed at the funeral and at all times they must maintain the two metre rule.
NHS Scotland,
GIG Cymru,
Are any chess?
Our greatest national, devolved asset? Poor Boris has gone ‘native’ and Are Baby ‘C’ can’t see outside of the M25 ring road.
Whenever it gets slack at AlBeeb, or the “creative ones” get bored, a list of the, soon to be dead, is scrutinised and provisional eulogies of the great and the good are cut and pasted from film already on file at Islamic HQ. Often decades before the eulogy can be broadcast.
Somewhere in BBC files there is a one hour long film about the life of the late Sir Stirling Moss, “the greatest driver never to win the world title”.
Whenever events require it, a film is retrieved from the archives, has the dust blown off it and is viewed by the current “creative ones”.
Whereupon the eulogy is changed to make it relevant for today’s audience.
I predict that the eulogy broadcast will have ten minutes about Moss and fifty minutes about the best ethnic driver ever.
Sopel’s latest beauty –
Then he did a John Sweeney –
[check out the replies!]
Now he’s talking to himself
Has he developed a “little problem “ since President Trump called him a “Beaut”, and does that lot go down on “expenses” ?
The one, the only…. BBC.
Has he been taking the President’s ‘advice’?
Tonic water contains (minute) quantities of the anti-malarial quinine, as drunk by the British when out in the colonies.
“Premium Indian Tonic Water:
By blending luscious botanical oils with spring water and quinine of the highest quality from the ‘fever trees’ from the eastern hill ranges of the Democratic Republic of Congo, we have created a delicious, award-winning tonic water. Designed to enhance the very best gins, vodkas and fortified wines, like vermouth, fino sherry and white port.”
Typical BBC, saying one thing and doing the other!
On this Jon Sopel article
he says the alcohol was delivered to him. What happened to the BBC lecturing us on climate change and unnecessary journeys?
Seem the rules can be broken by BBC staff.
Nick Bryant has recently survived coronavirus!
He told R4 Today that he didn’t get it at the press briefings because he hasn’t been to any. He suggested that ‘other’ BBC journalists attend them? Certainly this was the first time I have seen Sopel at one
I wouldn’t fault Bryant’s tweet because it’s ‘fair and balanced’
This is a rare sight indeed ….BBC using a picture of a over 50 white male on their News Site !!
Hang on a minute its under the headline ….
Police target online sexual predators with new campaign…
With sub titles of ….Grooming a child is illegal !!!!!
You can’t make it up can you.
One day I’ll be found dead holding my Samsung 8 …..cause of death ….Hypertension.
I have more chance of dying through reading the BBC news then Covid 19.
Bloody amazing, the bbc scotland muzzie picture library must be offline
VILE GANG Police Scotland took down large-scale asylum seeker grooming gang in Glasgow – but kept it secret
27 Jan 2020, 10:49Updated: 13 Feb 2020, 16:09
COPS took down a huge asylum seeker grooming gang in Glasgow – but kept it secret.
The gang preyed on vulnerable young girls in the city, and had at least 44 victims, including a core group of six youngsters who were all known to each other.
All were asylum seekers from the Kurdish, Afghani, Egyptian, Moroccan, Turkish, Pakistani or Iraqi communities.
Operation Cerrar was kept under wraps by Police Scotland, and has now come to light after an investigation by the Daily Express.
Cops say 19 members were reported to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal, but its unknown how many were convicted.
Are the NSPCC failing the children of this country . What do they do with the money they get from charitable donations ?
NSPCC are one of those charities that spend most of their money on campaigning and advertising for more money….. and of course “expenses”.
Taiwan releases December email to WHO showing unheeded warning about coronavirus
Not to be seen on Beijing Broadcasting Corp anytime soon…let me know if I’m wrong Maxi ????
want to know why some “minorities” are more affected by virus? look at the pictures, laws are not for them
Travelers invade posh Surrey commuter belt town of Cobham right on the doorstep of Chelsea’s millionaire Premier League stars
The group pitched up at the Tilt in Cobham, near Chelsea’s training ground
Police were called and the Travelers are flouting social distancing guidelines
The group of mixed ages were gathered in close proximity to each other
wonder how keen the police wlll be to arrest this lot ? middle class walkers in countryside social distancing are fair game but….
The new line of attack is care homes where, sadly, there is going to be serious attrition.
It will be interesting if such anger influences impartiality in a particular direction again, as the care home industry has been overseen by the nhs and quangos for decades with less than optimal results.
Global Tripe in lockstep.
They also are going the ‘reportedly’ route and using ‘the U.K. failed’ for a story on PPE ordering a while back.
So… real story is…?
Now VD is introduced.
Now VD is introduced.
VD manages to misquote Ros Altmann but perhaps, accidently, gets it right?
‘are being abandoned by lambs to the slaughter’, the ‘lambs’ being the young East European carers scarpering and abandoning those who were in their care!
Easter not even mentioned in the Johnston press who own so many local papers, weeks away yet on 1 April:
How Cambridge is observing Ramadan during the coronavirus lockdown
Worship is going to look very different this year for Cambridge’s Muslim community, as the Central Mosque celebrates its first birthday completely empty
BBC Breakfast earlier had 2 doctors on. Didn’t take long for Louise and Dan to get stuck into the PPE issue.
Dan in particular, tried to put words into the doctors mouth about lack of PPE. It didn’t work because … low and behold, YET AGAIN these doctors and the hospitals they worked in, had enough PPE.
Every picture you see on the news, the website, twitter, facebook, they all have PPE. Many of the doctors and nurses interviewed tell them they have the proper equipment… but , here’s the thing, the one line they ALL use .
“we are hearing reports of other hospitals and trusts not having PPE”
And there we have it, thats all we are hearing aswell , the BBC and MSM telling us that they are getting reports, emails, messages from these mysterious medical staff who have no PPE yet everyone they talk to has it ???? Go figure.
The fact is, the BMA chief is constantly filling the airwaves with this nonsense as it suits his political agenda and the BBC and MSM are more than happy to oblige as it suits theirs.
Will the BBC , next time he is on, (wont be long), ask him , why it is that each time they interview medical staff, they have enough PPE ? And while they are at it, perhaps they could look into who is actually behind these anonymous messages the BBC and MSM keep getting about the lack of equipment ?
Politically driven and the BBC lap it up.
Here’s the picture Halifax was referring to earlier.
They love using BAME’s in any positive stories , but this is about child grooming so best to use a White male so we don’t upset the BAME community.
We’ve all seen the pictures of the perpetrators of these grooming gangs, just remind me again, were they 99.9% BAME or white males ????
They think they are getting away with it because they are talking about online grooming (anyone remember Benji from ‘Monkey Dust’?).
Anything to divert attention from this:
How many police are monitoring ‘social distancing’ outside children’s homes nowadays?
Thanks Doobs.
The BBC really need taking to task on these issues of white racism.
Let’s not forget Grooming is a cuddly word to explain mass rape and exploration of white girls by men of Pakistani origin.
I do hope Dom reads this site….
Apart from agreeing with you, typical BBC.
how much did they have to pay the guy to have his face portrayed as a paedophile…he will make sure he is wearing his mask when out..
Daytime alternative to the Vic Derbyshire show
..12pm Channel4 The Steph Show daily.
Tomorrow Steph McGovern chats to Bill Turnbull, Clare Balding and Jayde Adam
No idea who Ms. Adam is, but she really is getting the old gang back, ‘variety’ wise.
@GuestWho Jayde Adams .. well medialand is so DIVERSE it has lots and lots of different people and opinions
… not true, she’s just been on Woman’s Hour another bubbleworld show
And has a Channel4 food Show
Looks like she in the vein of Jo Brand
Dear Cathedral City,
whilst I like your cheddar, I will no longer be purchasing it as you have joined the plethora of racists who believe every family in the UK have to have a black father regardless of race.
If you do not understand demographics or how offensive this is to the 85% of non black indigenous people in this country you will when I explain there are many now who are boycotting products advertised in this way
Totally agree with you , myself and Mrs Farley now count on one hand the adverts that have no BAMES in one evening’s entertainment……as we have Sly we can at least fast forward past the Disgusting ads on saved programmes .
The BBC of course are just as bad when interviewing “ordinary ” people …aaaarrrrrrggggghhhhh
Oddly enough the City referred to in the title is that mecca of multiculturalism – Truro.
Week 14 ONS data up to Fri 3rd April
16,387 weekly deaths a record (Not including Scot/NI)
21% had Covid on the death certificates
(47% in London.. West Mids was next highest, but rest of country quite low )
That 21% = 3,475, compares with 539 (4.8% of all deaths) in Week 13.
The provisional number of deaths registered in England and Wales
in the week ending 3 April 2020 (Week 14) was 16,387;
this represents an increase of 5,246 deaths registered compared with the previous week (Week 13)
and 6,082 more than the five-year average.
**where Easter falls in previous years will have an impact on the five-year average used for comparison **
BBC SPIN “15% more deaths than previously reported”
…tosh Daily stats have always been “reported hospital deaths” only
.. so there were always more deaths to come
But remember many deaths are not OF Covid, but WITH-Covid.
This is the first week which has seen a spike in deaths. It is these ‘excess’ deaths that are the key statistic telling us whether the numbers are rising or falling. The hospital death figures are effective comparable figures but the ONS ones are as accurate as you will get for a true overall death toll currently (up to 3 April) between 5000-6000 a week in England and Wales.
Actually @Framer it is not the first week that spiked above average.
See the graph below at week 13.
The top blue line was already above the yellow line (5 year average)
explanation tweet
Here’s the graph, with my interpretation
Week14 ONS graph of weekly deaths to Fri 3rd April
Bottom right : grey line shows Covid19 deaths leaping from 539 to 3,475
Top right : blue line Covid19/lockdown push All deaths up by 6,082 above average (yellow)
See the bottom left grey line (500 to 3,475) doesn’t rise as steep as the top right blue line (about 6,000 above average)

That means about 2,607 extra deaths DO NOT include Covid on the death certificate
In week 13 it was about 500
What’s that ?
Those are real dead people who have either died of LOCKDOWN effects (cancelled operations, anxiety etc.) or possibly some random at home death, which was Covid, but it was NOT suspected so it’s not on the death certificate
… It interesting that that they could have booked far more deaths to Covid if they had wanted.
Bottom left : navy line shows flu/pneum deaths 2,367 up 303 above average 2,064 (light blue)
Why ?
Cos about 303 of the deaths already in the grey line
are ALSO included cos the patient had both Covid19 +flu/pneum
(So don’t try to add the two lines together)
Ignore last post I was toast focused.
Thanks To Doobs
The BBC really need taking to task on these issues of white racism.
Let’s not forget that the cuddly word Grooming was invented to describe mass rape and explotation of white predomently under age girls by males of Pakistani decent.
Strange how the word Grooming has remained unchanged in the BBC Lexicon whilst we are constantly seeing the term terrorist morph into attackers (but only if Muslim it still applies to any WHITE attack) And illegal immigrants are now just migrants.
I do hope Dom is taking note….
Clear as day what the BBC are up to. We all spotted this ourselves.
CCBGB also (as per)
Around 6pm last night I posted the link to Dr Chris Smith on BBCNews Q&A
He basically said “Sure I wear a proper mask in the hospital red zone, but in Tescos I wouldn’t wear a dust mask
.. the virus is so small it’s like wearing a hairnet on your face
.. plus it’s like a particle collector stuck to your face and then when you take it off you get those particles on your hands and probably touch your face”
Stew – I go out once a week now . I wear double masks and gloves . It makes me feel better . I realise the size of a virus – but I feel better wearing protective kit And practice decon at the end .
I think the doc excludes the psychological effect taking precautions has . I wonder too – if some of those drugs that are being tried out might also have a psychological effect on those infected in their fight against the Chinese virus .
At the Gov press conference I hope someone asks a question about care homes instead of just concentrating on hospitals which should sort themselves out .
If doctors are in reporting deaths in care homes caused by the virus – and just recording pneumonia that must be dealt with
I realise certain doctors have a strong financial involvement with care home owners which opens the door for corruption – I have witnessed this myself with a doctor who I found out had a conviction for a sex offence but had been allowed back on the books .
I forgot he did add
However if you have the virus a dust mask does reduce the chance of you coughing it over other people
..and it does act as a signal saying “keep your distance”
It doesn’t stop you breathing out virus, so if you were in the same room as someone it would still be in the air they breathe.
A mask lets virus through, the same way a sponge lets water though.
The example was given of a mask wearer in a supermarket
Her phone rang, she touched the front of her mask as she pulled it up and thus got particles onto her hands.
Stew, “A mask lets virus through, the same way a sponge lets water though.” Not quite. It was a Frenchman surgeon, whose name I have forgotten, who first started using masks at end of 19th century/beginning of 20th after a hunch and a study showed that doctors and nurses were infecting their patients. The improvement in outcomes led to a change of practice.
Your mask stops your nose drips, sneezes and conversation particulates hitting the wound and the tubes and the instruments. The reason medical staff wear motorcycle visors/welders visors with clear plastic came about in the AIDS/HIV era as it protects doctors and nurses from being infected from the patient via blood splatter.
Problem, Doobs, Stew & Fed, is that WHO have announced that wearing of masks could be made compulsory. WHO, the UN, BBC, all love that sort of thing.
Until we know the Covid-19 virus is airborne in all weather conditions and can survive far, far, longer than any other virus so far, then the wearing of much better masks cannot be really worthwhile, as Chris Smith and Simon Clarke say.
(Perhaps that’s why I haven’t heard either of them on R4 recently. They do not tick the BBC Big Brother approach or meet with his approval.)
@up2 plus Trump doesn’t wear a mask
So metrolibs want masks to be made compulsory
so they have another reason to shout “Orange man bad !”
LOL! 🙂
I too always wear a mask with rubber gloves when I go to a shop. There are confusing reports as to whether its advantageous or not. But I think they realise if they said wearing a mask was mandatory, then there would be pandemonium in getting them ordered, thus depriving health workers from getting them.
Brissles, if you know you have a particular vulnerability then like you, Fed and others, it is worth limiting risk as far as humanly possible and as you intelligently and responsibly choose. I wore gloves all through my supermarket shop today, but it was jolly cold outside and I was picking cold stuff as well.
I haven’t got the builders masks out yet. Am not sure I would bother so far but I can see that Big Brother approach may not be far off.
“Sixty thousand little Hitlers, all do their worst to squeeze us.”
I wear vinyl gloves even to pick up food from a friend, leaving them in the car for a week before reusing. I assume sunlight and time will sterilise. I then use a separate pair to unpack the shopping, I wash them as though they were my hands, to two choruses of Happy Birthday and repeat the washing of hands once the gloves are taken off. Gloves left in the sunlight to dry and sterilise. I still guess that if there was dye rather than a possible invisible virus on my groceries, some still might show up. I try to not use newly arrived food for a couple of days.
Deborah, each to their own, whatever makes you feel comfortable, but I would not go that far myself.
Your link has a nice photograph of British people thanking the Taiwanese for supplying one million masks, free, to the UK.
Compare and contrast how the Commies behave.
My new Laptop will be made in the ROC.
Sod Lenovo.