We know the beeb has an Agenda, which is to front up the propaganda for social engineering. We all know what that social engineering has as its goal.
It follows that any item of news or comment from beeb has to be taken with a large salt mine.
“Man, 21, wrongly fined £60 under coronavirus laws, Met Police admits”
Looks like the woodentops are WRONGLY using the CoronaVirus Act on crimbos who carry drugs/knives
..the shout of “racism” is inevitable
“The case of a 15-year-old boy, who was also charged under the Coronavirus Act 2020, is being reviewed by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)”
FFS newspaper ..he was carrying a knife
The first fine was also thrown out
A woman in Newcastle who looks like a fare-dodger
but BBC report
* 1 April 2020 : York woman fined for breaching coronavirus rules
Marie Dinou, 41, from York fined £811
* 03 April 2020 : Coronavirus: Woman ‘wrongly charged under new law’
a police and Crown Prosecution Service review said she was wrongly charged under the act. The court will be asked to set the conviction aside.
The review followed a report in The Times newspaper on Thursday which suggested the wrong law had been used to prosecute Ms Dinou.
FFS The first report needs an update note right in the title
It’s lax of the news editor to not put one in.
I have managed a BBC Radio 4 free morning so far, possibly for the first time since the Falklands War. It was that conflict that turned me into a news junkie.
However, last night, I caught the end of the R410pm news before Book at Bedtime and Midday and was informed by the BBC that residents in Care Homes are succumbing like Nine Pins to the Covid-19 Bowling Ball virus. The web-site runs with this news this morning.
As some of the homes were limiting visits even before the Prime Minister announced his Government restrictions three weeks ago that rather suggests that infections are making their way into these care homes in some other way. Either the deaths are being exaggerated. Or not. Possibly they are occurring by deliberate infection?
That last question needs to be asked.
Will the BBC ask it?
No, instead they will find a way to blame the Government.
I don’t know if this has been discussed before…but…
I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve read that Brexit must be postponed due to the complications caused by the pandemic, but I’m thinking that, possibly, it would make the rigmarole of leaving the EU easier during the current confusion.
cb, I agree. If the PM found the EU unwilling to negotiate in May & June and insisting on an extension, then a quick declaration of No Deal might just coincide with the continuing lockdown around most of the northern hemisphere.
Switching to WTO trade rules and adjusting to them – should it lead to any shortages or problems – then nothing would really change here. How would it make headlines for the anti-Brexit media? I’m sure some of them would try to make a fuss but when the populace just shrug and keep going, for how long could they keep it up?
It’s the perfect time for a post EU free trade agreement. Economies predicted to be down 20-30% across the EU after the lockdown. Only the idiots in the EU would want to destroy themselves with additional WTO rules to hammer their economy some more.
The relentless death bean counting by the BBC roars on. Desperately trying to find corners where the Government are hiding dead folk.
The whole thing has echoes of the efforts by William Brooke Joyce or Lord Haw Haw who’s job during the war was to broadcast from Germany and try to break the resolve of the British people and turn them against their government by telling them how bad things were. He used the same tactics of quoting death figures and the losses of the Allied forces.
The aim was exactly the same, to try to wreck faith with the government’s handling of the war and bring about an acceptance of a “new order” in the UK.
I must have missed it, so what’s the reason given, why these sick older people in the care homes, aren’t being taken to hospital ,where there is adrenaline, oxygen and ventilators etc, ?
em it’s obvious .. there is no point in taking a NEARLY DEAD person to hospital
for complicated treatment which will almost certainly not save their life.
.. and you run the risk of infecting the hospital.
What you can do it try to bring the best care ..and best end of life care TO THEM possible.
Notice how at the Daily Briefing the metrolib journos
“The government should apologise for not getting its act together on tech like PPE”
are not getting their own act together on tech like microphones
and sound like Norman Collier
Jeez, can the bloody journalists make sure their video/sound connections work at these press briefings? Been a shambles today.
Wanted to report how fake news could be made with a photo that doesn’t say anything out of the usual but can be used to do so.
It is perfectly normal for Israeli’s to queue just before the banks opening time but I saw a photographer take a photo of the queue at this time and I wondered why . He looked very pleased with himself after taking the photo.
The queue may have looked longer than it would usually look because of social distancing and everyone was wearing a mask which is now compulsory but I suspect this photo was not taken to show how Israelis are obeying the rules. Rather a journalist would be using it to show that Israel’s economic problems are bad as people are queuing to get their money out of a bank..
Like any other country there are Israeli’s who are out of work but the progress of Israel’s contribution to fighting the Corona Virus makes worthwhile reading on http://www.verygoodnewsisrael.blogspot.com
Another big fall in the confirmed cases in Kent. The numbers came out late last night – too late for me – so I expect a big jump today or tomorrow – if the normal pattern so far is followed.
Meanwhile, Lady Brooke (aka Sarah ‘Miss Shouty’ Montague) is currently on TWATo postulating how many of the excess deaths NOT attributed to Covid 19 might, in fact, have been because of it.
No discussion yet as to whether the reported deaths attributed to Covid 19 were BECAUSE of it or WITH it, but that wouldn’t give enough weight to the stick with which they want to beat the Government.
Care Homes :surely a hundred times more thought should have been given to them than a Tescos supermarket.
.. In Tescos no customer is going to pick up a viral load
..and even if they did, they will still live.
Yet in a care home you have people who are vulnerable to small viral load, and are
– in CLOSE contact with carers
Homes should have been comparmentalised
say split one wing off, with 3 frontline carers per shift
and those carers living on site , say in caravans on a 2 week-on, 2 week-off basis.
You can’t have a carer who is going home to house full of six people, you’d need to redeploy them to gardening/outdoor duties.
Of course people who have proof that they HAD the virus are the best people to work in such front line roles.
cos they are the least likely to carry infection or be vulnerable to it.
There is a Have Your Say for this. Looks like most the BBC readers (BBC moderators?!?) are authoritarian judging by the top comments:
I don’t believe we should have mandatory vaccination, but it is time the un-vaccinated were banned from public gatherings such as schools and social venues.
The parents of any child catching measles because they weren’t vaccinated should be prosecuted for child neglect.
and … Trouble is you are gambling with every one else’s health, you must self isolate for ever.
Do they comment on the formerly eradicated illnesses in the UK which are now increasing in high immigrant areas, or whether the new immigrants from Calais have been vaccinated?
Well funny you ask because the 10th lowest rated comment is:
The reason why TB has returned to the UK and why measles is increasing, should be obvious.
Start closing the borders. Compulsory health checks on all potential immigrants.
That comment is nearly buried
Number of positive ratings for comment 36
Number of negative ratings for comment 57
57 people oppose proper border control !
It seems similar to TB, once the received wisdom was that it was eradicated in UK etc ,
But now history appears to have been rewritten to say it never really went away.
The other day I mentioned how the BBC words disagreements or different points of view between those on the left and those on the right.Just watched the BBC news and they proved my point again.
Mr Trump has been strongly criticized by the media they said.
We then had
President trump has launched a furious attack on the media.
The president turned on the media lashing out.
They then showed him having a discussion with a reporter from CBS calling them fake after which they said “After venting his anger”
From where I was sitting he didn’t ‘lash out’ he didn’t ‘attack’ anyone and he had a different point of view from somebody else and told them so and under the circumstances he was quite calm.
So there we have it again those on the left quietly tutting and criticizing in the corner whilst horrible man on the right lashes out and attacks people.
Since the crisis began there has been a collapse in confidence in the media across all four countries in the survey – the biggest fall being in the UK with a 21% net loss in confidence (5/7) pic.twitter.com/oLufn36lFE
Right now, the Women With No Medical Qualifications Calling Themselves "Dr" Online thing isn't just tediously narcissistic; it's a public health problem. Stop pontificating about a deadly disease under false clinical pretences when you've only got a degree in art history.
Yesterday morning, Simon Jack (I think – could be wrong
– maybe Dominic O’Connell) made a big thing about the agreement reached between an Oil Cartel (illegal in most countries) and Russia and the United States to (illegally*) cut oil production. It was said the price of oil had immediately gone up 10%. By the time I looked it was down for Brent Crude. Today, it has gone down again. It is even worse for WestTexas Intermediate.
So that market fixing worked well, guys, didn’t it?
* If private business did anything like that in the developed world they would be closed down and prosecuted.
This is Laura. Laura works for the BBC. Laura's stupid. Laura asks the government the same question every day but using different words (because she's clever ????) Laura wastes peoples time. Don't be like Laura ….. pic.twitter.com/XIxq9IRvfp
If you use Twitter follow @Cotic – (also very critical of the BBC)
Independent thinker, inventive. I look like a Trump spokesperson these days! I find the cause has merit. Plenty of lib friends. Try to be polite and fair.
781 Following
Followed by Iconoclast
If true then this is dynamite! –
Germany had been contracted to carry out UK testing –
This looks like it could be the truth, and I would really like it fact-checked. Are we ignoring it for PC (the usual be too nice to Germany) reasons? @piersmorganpic.twitter.com/ZJBOasxpvk
BBC’s Sopel along with the rest off the MSM have spent every day slagging Trump since he was elected, now they wonder why he gives them short shrift in the press conferences.
Treat someone like a dog and he will bite you mates!
When President Trump was elected Sopel joined Katty Kay on the BBC programme – 100 Days. After that time period they changed it to Beyond 100 Days, and have left it that way for nearly 4 years. It seems to have become an obsession.
Pat -when President Trump wins the election in November it will be a ‘ fix’ . The democrats will run the Russian / Cambridge analytics stuff again .
It will be difficult for democrats / MSM to deal with POTUS desire for revenge against the Chinese for attempting to destroy our way of life . He has long been hostile to Chinese behaviour and the American people will be screaming for’ pay back ‘ – and they know he will deliver .
A disturbing, must-read this morning by Paul Homewood, who rightly reveals the #NHS is more obsessed with #climatechange, than it is the real killer among us. Have a look. https://t.co/txfTFZ1wI7
… it may seem incredible today, but on January 25 this year, when Covid-19 was spreading around the world, the NHS chief was announcing plans to ‘step up action to tackle the climate health emergency’.
Is there anybody out there that believes anything the government comes out with.
We’ve been lied to so much that I take everything the government says with a pinch of salt.
It’s not just this virus, it’s brexit, climate change, nhs (…days/hours to save the nhs), statistics like immigration/ repatriation/ crime/ everything.
That’s why we need an honest unbiased media.
I used to trust the bbc when I was young but as I grow older their bias and manipulation is plain to see. Was it like that in the 90’s…the 60’s…was it ever neutral and honest?
I make my own mind up about most news now.
FWIW I’ve never been worried or even thought about about dying from the flu, it’s never crossed my mind, so if this virus kills the same number this year as the flu (average year 17,000) why should I start worrying. I comply with the rules and restrictions but I can’t understand things like building huge hospital sheds, running out of body bags or the mass hysteria and buying up all the toilet rolls.
I also reckon this virus came from one of the virus labs in Wuhan, the city where SARS and MERS originated. Not a market where they eat bats and mandolins.
I’m so pleased we have Trump. He may occasionally get something wrong but I believe him far more than any of our leaders.
Oh for a neutral msm, a neutral bbc.
Can’t see it happening though.
I’m guessing the government non briefings will end when Parliament comes back in some form . It will be a relief not to listen to a load of waffle by government ministers and increasingly dodgy looking health mafia .
Each day they chuck us 4 graphs of dubious value with more waffle interpretation .. The ‘green shoots ‘ term was used once and then buried – like the truth of what is going on as we are mugged into compliance with lock down
Not BBC – but if you’ve a sick sense of humour – have a read of the tweets by Andrew Neill concerning the pensioner given a flight in a jet fighter as a retirement present in France – it’s almost beyond belief – like BBC news ( or government briefings )
And from Andrew Neill on Twitter again – re the government briefings —an observation – that the MSM have not recognised that normal politics has been suspended and that we do not want
‘ gotcha’ or ‘ apology’ or ‘ Brexit ‘ questions any more .
We want facts and reassurance .and serious questions with serious answers . Which we ain’t getting .
I’m a moderator on this site and I’ve never felt more like using extreme language on this than I do now .
Maybe the BBC do some development of the briefing when it finishes but like many I turn the BBC off at that moment
Sluff – as I wrote here recently I think that was what the health sec was alluding to when he suggested PPE be used carefully – he can’t accuse the saints in the NHS of pilfering the stuff .
Meanwhile on BBC London, tonight’s s***- stirring is focused on people stuck overseas.
A black lady is stuck after attending a family wedding in the Gambia. And will have to stay another month.
Meanwhile in Argentina a couple are stranded 450 miles from an airport and are viciously attacking the UK government. The idea that they might have some responsibility themselves clearly does not occur in today’s snowflake world.
“Running the BBC News’ operation across the Americas. Previously BBC’s Bureau Chief in Middle East & Asia. Author of ‘The New Middle East’. My personal account
France apparently include nursing home death figures in their daily numbers, we don’t. Therefore France shouldn’t be on the graph, it’s apples and pears, says Tom Newton Dunn.
Dear media, will you please take your own advice and stop comparing the UK and German numbers, our system and facilities for testing are different; it’s apples and pears.
Have you noticed over time, how many journalists at the briefing open a question with “will you level with the people about …”. What might they be implying?
Rishi invites the guy from Politico to talk; I said to my wife “Brexit”. On cue, he wants us to avoid a no-deal.
ScrobleneMar 12, 20:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I find this report utterly distasteful, and a disgraceful attempt to accuse President Trump for ‘causing the cartels some difficulties’…
DeborahMar 12, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 Christopher Hope on GB News to a woman Labour MP, ‘Starmer has had a good couple of weeks on the…
LoobylooMar 12, 19:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 BA also shaking the collection tin down the aisle in support of it too
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
tomoMar 12, 18:32 Midweek 12th March 2025 yes indeedy – I read “chip off the old block” Roderick James Nugent Stewart’s book Prince of the Marshes and…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 18:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 Gas at 56% currently https://grid.iamkate.com/ A gift from God.. . . . . .
vladMar 12, 17:56 Midweek 12th March 2025 And is that Florence of Arabia, as he’s affectionately known?
tomoMar 12, 17:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 hmmm… X is blocking this happy group photo for embedding [img]https://i.ibb.co/B5RQNx1K/chrome-Tx-Bc-Jns-Cz-U.png[/img] Bloke in the middle, in a suit -be like…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 17:17 Midweek 12th March 2025 “BBC Verify What footage from Kursk shows” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/c51ypekv9xwt “BBC Verify and BBC Monitoring have been looking at… the Russian military…
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
We know the beeb has an Agenda, which is to front up the propaganda for social engineering. We all know what that social engineering has as its goal.
It follows that any item of news or comment from beeb has to be taken with a large salt mine.
“Man, 21, wrongly fined £60 under coronavirus laws, Met Police admits”
Looks like the woodentops are WRONGLY using the CoronaVirus Act on crimbos who carry drugs/knives
..the shout of “racism” is inevitable
“The case of a 15-year-old boy, who was also charged under the Coronavirus Act 2020, is being reviewed by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)”
FFS newspaper ..he was carrying a knife
The first fine was also thrown out
A woman in Newcastle who looks like a fare-dodger
but BBC report
* 1 April 2020 : York woman fined for breaching coronavirus rules
Marie Dinou, 41, from York fined £811
* 03 April 2020 : Coronavirus: Woman ‘wrongly charged under new law’
a police and Crown Prosecution Service review said she was wrongly charged under the act. The court will be asked to set the conviction aside.
The review followed a report in The Times newspaper on Thursday which suggested the wrong law had been used to prosecute Ms Dinou.
FFS The first report needs an update note right in the title
It’s lax of the news editor to not put one in.
I have managed a BBC Radio 4 free morning so far, possibly for the first time since the Falklands War. It was that conflict that turned me into a news junkie.
However, last night, I caught the end of the R410pm news before Book at Bedtime and Midday and was informed by the BBC that residents in Care Homes are succumbing like Nine Pins to the Covid-19 Bowling Ball virus. The web-site runs with this news this morning.
As some of the homes were limiting visits even before the Prime Minister announced his Government restrictions three weeks ago that rather suggests that infections are making their way into these care homes in some other way. Either the deaths are being exaggerated. Or not. Possibly they are occurring by deliberate infection?
That last question needs to be asked.
Will the BBC ask it?
No, instead they will find a way to blame the Government.
I don’t know if this has been discussed before…but…
I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve read that Brexit must be postponed due to the complications caused by the pandemic, but I’m thinking that, possibly, it would make the rigmarole of leaving the EU easier during the current confusion.
I’m wondering what your thoughts are…
cb, I agree. If the PM found the EU unwilling to negotiate in May & June and insisting on an extension, then a quick declaration of No Deal might just coincide with the continuing lockdown around most of the northern hemisphere.
Switching to WTO trade rules and adjusting to them – should it lead to any shortages or problems – then nothing would really change here. How would it make headlines for the anti-Brexit media? I’m sure some of them would try to make a fuss but when the populace just shrug and keep going, for how long could they keep it up?
It’s the perfect time for a post EU free trade agreement. Economies predicted to be down 20-30% across the EU after the lockdown. Only the idiots in the EU would want to destroy themselves with additional WTO rules to hammer their economy some more.
The relentless death bean counting by the BBC roars on. Desperately trying to find corners where the Government are hiding dead folk.
The whole thing has echoes of the efforts by William Brooke Joyce or Lord Haw Haw who’s job during the war was to broadcast from Germany and try to break the resolve of the British people and turn them against their government by telling them how bad things were. He used the same tactics of quoting death figures and the losses of the Allied forces.
The aim was exactly the same, to try to wreck faith with the government’s handling of the war and bring about an acceptance of a “new order” in the UK.
He was executed when the war was won!
Just saying!
I must have missed it, so what’s the reason given, why these sick older people in the care homes, aren’t being taken to hospital ,where there is adrenaline, oxygen and ventilators etc, ?
em it’s obvious .. there is no point in taking a NEARLY DEAD person to hospital
for complicated treatment which will almost certainly not save their life.
.. and you run the risk of infecting the hospital.
What you can do it try to bring the best care ..and best end of life care TO THEM possible.
Totally agree.
I seem to recall there was a general acceptance some time back that tough decisions like this would be inevitable.
So it’s not even a surprise.
Notice how at the Daily Briefing the metrolib journos
“The government should apologise for not getting its act together on tech like PPE”
are not getting their own act together on tech like microphones
and sound like Norman Collier
Wanted to report how fake news could be made with a photo that doesn’t say anything out of the usual but can be used to do so.
It is perfectly normal for Israeli’s to queue just before the banks opening time but I saw a photographer take a photo of the queue at this time and I wondered why . He looked very pleased with himself after taking the photo.
The queue may have looked longer than it would usually look because of social distancing and everyone was wearing a mask which is now compulsory but I suspect this photo was not taken to show how Israelis are obeying the rules. Rather a journalist would be using it to show that Israel’s economic problems are bad as people are queuing to get their money out of a bank..
Like any other country there are Israeli’s who are out of work but the progress of Israel’s contribution to fighting the Corona Virus makes worthwhile reading on http://www.verygoodnewsisrael.blogspot.com
Another big fall in the confirmed cases in Kent. The numbers came out late last night – too late for me – so I expect a big jump today or tomorrow – if the normal pattern so far is followed.
If the normal pattern …
And if not …. 🙂
Meanwhile, Lady Brooke (aka Sarah ‘Miss Shouty’ Montague) is currently on TWATo postulating how many of the excess deaths NOT attributed to Covid 19 might, in fact, have been because of it.
No discussion yet as to whether the reported deaths attributed to Covid 19 were BECAUSE of it or WITH it, but that wouldn’t give enough weight to the stick with which they want to beat the Government.
Care Homes :surely a hundred times more thought should have been given to them than a Tescos supermarket.
.. In Tescos no customer is going to pick up a viral load
..and even if they did, they will still live.
Yet in a care home you have people who are vulnerable to small viral load, and are
– in CLOSE contact with carers
Homes should have been comparmentalised
say split one wing off, with 3 frontline carers per shift
and those carers living on site , say in caravans on a 2 week-on, 2 week-off basis.
You can’t have a carer who is going home to house full of six people, you’d need to redeploy them to gardening/outdoor duties.
Common sense and logic, Stew. If only it was viral…
Of course people who have proof that they HAD the virus are the best people to work in such front line roles.
cos they are the least likely to carry infection or be vulnerable to it.
Or just move the sick to these half empty new nightingale hospitals, when they start showing symptoms.
Measles resurgence fear amid coronavirus
There is a Have Your Say for this. Looks like most the BBC readers (BBC moderators?!?) are authoritarian judging by the top comments:
I don’t believe we should have mandatory vaccination, but it is time the un-vaccinated were banned from public gatherings such as schools and social venues.
The parents of any child catching measles because they weren’t vaccinated should be prosecuted for child neglect.
… Trouble is you are gambling with every one else’s health, you must self isolate for ever.
Do they comment on the formerly eradicated illnesses in the UK which are now increasing in high immigrant areas, or whether the new immigrants from Calais have been vaccinated?
Well funny you ask because the 10th lowest rated comment is:
The reason why TB has returned to the UK and why measles is increasing, should be obvious.
Start closing the borders. Compulsory health checks on all potential immigrants.
That comment is nearly buried
Number of positive ratings for comment 36
Number of negative ratings for comment 57
57 people oppose proper border control !
It seems similar to TB, once the received wisdom was that it was eradicated in UK etc ,
But now history appears to have been rewritten to say it never really went away.
Wow! For a moment there I thought Hannity was talking about the BBC!
(AROUND 4:05 onwards)
Easy to see why the bbc needed to retain those 450 essential ‘news’ staff.
With the salons closed because of lockdown how are you coping with looking after your hair?
We have a hair expert joining us until 12:30 BST to answer your questions!
In our DIVERSE media land the C4 Steph Show already covered that
with Johnny Vegas cutting his own hair.
The other day I mentioned how the BBC words disagreements or different points of view between those on the left and those on the right.Just watched the BBC news and they proved my point again.
Mr Trump has been strongly criticized by the media they said.
We then had
President trump has launched a furious attack on the media.
The president turned on the media lashing out.
They then showed him having a discussion with a reporter from CBS calling them fake after which they said “After venting his anger”
From where I was sitting he didn’t ‘lash out’ he didn’t ‘attack’ anyone and he had a different point of view from somebody else and told them so and under the circumstances he was quite calm.
So there we have it again those on the left quietly tutting and criticizing in the corner whilst horrible man on the right lashes out and attacks people.
BBC you are a disgrace!
The POTUS called the media out and showed them up for their lies. I wish Boris would do the same with the BBC.
Quelle surprise.
BBC got any nutty academics lined up?
Today studio and QT max headroom fame beckons…
Yesterday morning, Simon Jack (I think – could be wrong
– maybe Dominic O’Connell) made a big thing about the agreement reached between an Oil Cartel (illegal in most countries) and Russia and the United States to (illegally*) cut oil production. It was said the price of oil had immediately gone up 10%. By the time I looked it was down for Brent Crude. Today, it has gone down again. It is even worse for WestTexas Intermediate.
So that market fixing worked well, guys, didn’t it?
* If private business did anything like that in the developed world they would be closed down and prosecuted.
I wish I had the time (and inclination!) to put these population density numbers on a graph alongside chinese virus infections/deaths.
I speculate that the result could be anticipated before even putting pencil to paper and would reaffirm that without multiculturalism the indigenous Brits would be far better off.
If you use Twitter follow @Cotic – (also very critical of the BBC)
Independent thinker, inventive. I look like a Trump spokesperson these days! I find the cause has merit. Plenty of lib friends. Try to be polite and fair.
781 Following
Followed by Iconoclast
If true then this is dynamite! –
Germany had been contracted to carry out UK testing –
These are the results of Didier Raoult’s most recent study – not on BBC website
The malaria drug appears to work –
Click to access Abstract_Raoult_EarlyTrtCovid19_09042020_vD1v.pdf
https://www dot mediterranee-infection.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Table_final_website_IHU_09_04_2020.pdf
Another study suggests that the mortality rate is much lower than previously thought
The latter study is covered here –
(0.1% mortality similar to Flu)
Respiratory masks and their capabilities?
Found this informative site:
Seems N95 or N99 masks will keep out the chinese virus.
BBC’s Sopel along with the rest off the MSM have spent every day slagging Trump since he was elected, now they wonder why he gives them short shrift in the press conferences.
Treat someone like a dog and he will bite you mates!
When President Trump was elected Sopel joined Katty Kay on the BBC programme – 100 Days. After that time period they changed it to Beyond 100 Days, and have left it that way for nearly 4 years. It seems to have become an obsession.
Pat -when President Trump wins the election in November it will be a ‘ fix’ . The democrats will run the Russian / Cambridge analytics stuff again .
It will be difficult for democrats / MSM to deal with POTUS desire for revenge against the Chinese for attempting to destroy our way of life . He has long been hostile to Chinese behaviour and the American people will be screaming for’ pay back ‘ – and they know he will deliver .
Guido, five stars today and all last week.
Rubbing the Hard Left noses in it.
Well worth a visit.
… it may seem incredible today, but on January 25 this year, when Covid-19 was spreading around the world, the NHS chief was announcing plans to ‘step up action to tackle the climate health emergency’.
The are preparing for a vamped up return to the climate emergency once the Chinese Virus is defeated. Lockdown, stay at home to save the planet.
Is this proof of BBC moderators manipulating top comments on Have Your Say?
The highest rated comment is not the comment with the most up votes.
Is there anybody out there that believes anything the government comes out with.
We’ve been lied to so much that I take everything the government says with a pinch of salt.
It’s not just this virus, it’s brexit, climate change, nhs (…days/hours to save the nhs), statistics like immigration/ repatriation/ crime/ everything.
That’s why we need an honest unbiased media.
I used to trust the bbc when I was young but as I grow older their bias and manipulation is plain to see. Was it like that in the 90’s…the 60’s…was it ever neutral and honest?
I make my own mind up about most news now.
FWIW I’ve never been worried or even thought about about dying from the flu, it’s never crossed my mind, so if this virus kills the same number this year as the flu (average year 17,000) why should I start worrying. I comply with the rules and restrictions but I can’t understand things like building huge hospital sheds, running out of body bags or the mass hysteria and buying up all the toilet rolls.
I also reckon this virus came from one of the virus labs in Wuhan, the city where SARS and MERS originated. Not a market where they eat bats and mandolins.
I’m so pleased we have Trump. He may occasionally get something wrong but I believe him far more than any of our leaders.
Oh for a neutral msm, a neutral bbc.
Can’t see it happening though.
I’m guessing the government non briefings will end when Parliament comes back in some form . It will be a relief not to listen to a load of waffle by government ministers and increasingly dodgy looking health mafia .
Each day they chuck us 4 graphs of dubious value with more waffle interpretation .. The ‘green shoots ‘ term was used once and then buried – like the truth of what is going on as we are mugged into compliance with lock down
Not BBC – but if you’ve a sick sense of humour – have a read of the tweets by Andrew Neill concerning the pensioner given a flight in a jet fighter as a retirement present in France – it’s almost beyond belief – like BBC news ( or government briefings )
And from Andrew Neill on Twitter again – re the government briefings —an observation – that the MSM have not recognised that normal politics has been suspended and that we do not want
‘ gotcha’ or ‘ apology’ or ‘ Brexit ‘ questions any more .
We want facts and reassurance .and serious questions with serious answers . Which we ain’t getting .
I’m a moderator on this site and I’ve never felt more like using extreme language on this than I do now .
Maybe the BBC do some development of the briefing when it finishes but like many I turn the BBC off at that moment
Time for the midweek thread .
Spoke to a contact today who works in A and E.
Do you have enough PPE, we asked.
‘Yes, normally, he replied. The problem is that the gear keeps getting nicked !!!!!!’.
Even the narrative-obsessed BBC would be hard-pushed to blame the government for that one.
Not that they would want to raise such an issue. Definitely does not fit the agenda.
Sluff – as I wrote here recently I think that was what the health sec was alluding to when he suggested PPE be used carefully – he can’t accuse the saints in the NHS of pilfering the stuff .
Meanwhile on BBC London, tonight’s s***- stirring is focused on people stuck overseas.
A black lady is stuck after attending a family wedding in the Gambia. And will have to stay another month.
Meanwhile in Argentina a couple are stranded 450 miles from an airport and are viciously attacking the UK government. The idea that they might have some responsibility themselves clearly does not occur in today’s snowflake world.
So this is the ‘person’ –
“Running the BBC News’ operation across the Americas. Previously BBC’s Bureau Chief in Middle East & Asia. Author of ‘The New Middle East’. My personal account
This is the ‘person’s ‘pinned’ tweet lol
France apparently include nursing home death figures in their daily numbers, we don’t. Therefore France shouldn’t be on the graph, it’s apples and pears, says Tom Newton Dunn.
Dear media, will you please take your own advice and stop comparing the UK and German numbers, our system and facilities for testing are different; it’s apples and pears.
Have you noticed over time, how many journalists at the briefing open a question with “will you level with the people about …”. What might they be implying?
Rishi invites the guy from Politico to talk; I said to my wife “Brexit”. On cue, he wants us to avoid a no-deal.
.. Ey up there is already a NEW THREAD