Surveys of public opinion concerning the performance of the Main Stream Media – including the Biased BBC – are showing great levels of dissatisfaction with the way it is reporting the Chinese Virus . Let’s hope there is a reckoning afterward .
The Midweek Thread 15 April 2020
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Guardianlalaland NGOs, don’t like disease names with place names in them
…em German Measles, Spanish Flu, Ebola
MERS – middle east respiratory syndrome
Ebola – a river in africa
Lyme disease (from Old Lyme in Connecticut
Norovirus is named for Norwalk, Ohio, where the first confirmed outbreak was recorded
Ben Pile thread
“Until doctors take issue
.. with the doctors who take liberties with the facts to secure political gain, trust in medicine will collapse.”
Rather interesting picture illustrating Trump ‘defunding’ WHO on the front page of Al Beeb news.
A gaggle of doctors, wearing something black to cover up their beards?
They are watching SpongeBob Square Pants.
@DykeVisions It’s a Yemen photo with a very tangential connection to the Trump story
The BBC uses that graphic on the Newspage and to head the Trump story page
Yet it NEVER explains the graphic nor mentions Yemen
(screenshot tweet)
flippin BBC webmonkeys are being tricky
I had to go into the html code to find the source
It’s a widely used photo and it’s ONE WEEK old.
Elsewhere it is captioned
“Nurses receive training on using ventilators recently provided by the World Health Organization
at the intensive care ward of a hospital in Sanaa, Yemen
8 April 2020. Photograph: Khaled Abdullah/Reuters”
So I guess the thing is WHO did a good job,
… of course the WHO money comes from elsewhere like the American government & Bill Gates
Thank you.
On the screen the Committee is scrutinising MY ECG.
One of the “doctors” then told me I had had a heart attack.
Not visible in the photograph is the white sister who, after looking at the test results for less than one minute, told me that the diagnosis was mistaken, accompanying her analysis was a resigned shake of her head which indicated to me that misdiagnosis was a common occurrence.
Is anybody actually buying ANYTHING from Hattons of London ? cos they spend an awful lot of money advertising gold coins in the morning. They had a scary looking Rt Hon (who I think was the owner), and now its Michael Buerk with the begging bowl out. (sorry I know its not the Beeb, but it p… me off)
Are you watching daytime TV for gullible pensioners again ?
If any corp pays to advertise on TV
ultimately the customer pays for the advert.
Bris -just give me the over 50s plan – I wanna free Parker pen . I’m missing the PPI adverts …..
Oh this is important
We have the ability to spot people who are SAFE
and are therefore free to continue their lives without fear of Covid19
..whilst the 95% of us are at risk
so aren’t able to go to a crowded place like a bus or tube or plane or concert.
Nothing at all to do with the BBC, but of the same woke culture they inhabit.
Posting this as I thought many here might have read Frank Herbert’s popular 1965 science fiction novel Dune, which has a new film adaptation scheduled for release at the end of this year.
The film’s screenplay is co-written by director Denis Villeneuve, and one of the changes he has made to the book is to cast the planetologist Kynes as a black woman, played by Sharon Duncan Brewster. The actress is quoted as saying, “What Denis had stated to me was there was a lack of female characters in his cast, and he had always been very feminist, pro-women, and wanted to write the role for a woman. This human being manages to basically keep the peace amongst many people. Women are very good at that, so why can’t Kynes be a woman? Why shouldn’t Kynes be a woman?”
Kynes is described in the book as a tall, thin man with sandy hair and beard. Whatever you think of David Lynch’s 1984 film version, his casting of the late Max von Sydow fits that description to a T.
According to the article below, there’s further wokeness about the film from Vanity Fair, who describe protagonist Paul Atreides thusly: “Think Greta Thunberg, only she’s a Jedi with a diploma from Hogwarts.”
The comments section is almost entirely negative, with one saying: “I hope everyone working on this movie gets the wu-flu.”
She will be in good company. The film Ad Astra had a .Muslim women in Hikjab as the leader of the moon colony… the new bond film it will probably bomb. Its difficult to watch any film or TV series that isn’t pushing the “agenda”.
She will be in good company. The film Ad Astra had a Muslim women in Hijab as the leader of the moon colony… the new bond film it will probably bomb. Its difficult to watch any film or TV series that isn’t pushing the “agenda”.
I am sure in the not too distant future we will have a muslim 007 Mustapha Bond in a straggly beard, curry stained frock and sandals.
“Bond… Mustapha Bond..
Licensed to kill by snidey roadside bomb, stoning and throwing gays off buildings”
Trading witty double entendres down the local primary school / childrens home in broken English before whipping them off to his penthouse suite above the fried chicken shop in his Vauxhall Vectra taxi with no MOT
Cant wait myself
I wonder who was taking the minutes.
Average take-home money three times our Prime Minister…
More often than not a total waste of space and poll taxes.
The coronavirus live updates
currently has a photo 9 Muslim doctors/nurses 6 of which are Burka wearing women.
What was the chance of that random photo finding its way on to a BBC article?
Is this an updated Monty Python? The nurses who say “Ni!”
See above for my explanation of the photo.
The Daily Mail has another breaking headline that will see the W1A great a good huddled in Frankie Howerd until they need not worry about it any more.
Presumably the bbc has set up a green room for the Amnesty Comms team all week.
This is just going to build up until China backs down. The deaths in India and Africa and S.America are not going to be forgiven. WE may be supine but they are not and in the US you can see the way things are going with defunding the WHO. Trump is only responding to rising Anger in the US.
At the moment it looks as if the virus arrived in our world accidentally but if enough people and nations even begin to think that it did not but was deliberate then we face trouble on a global scale. For myself I prefer the cock up theory of history . This crisis is just starting.
The problem with the CCP is that it really has only one interest and that is staying in power. It has no interest at all in the rest of the world and responds to criticism with anger. This is how it treats the people of China and it seems to think that it can behave the same way with the entire world.
Looking ahead it is clear that a US that has suffered through no fault of it’s own is going to exact revenge.
Dangerous times ahead.
ITV Lunchtime News on President Trump’s de-funding of the WHO.
Over to their very own Sopel, Robert Moore, who begins; “Well, the president’s been holding these bizarre, freewheeling press conferences. . .” No visible bias there, then.
I’ve been watching France24 for the usual reasons
However, They have started running this –
“Brittany Kaiser is a former employee of the British political consultancy firm Cambridge Analytica, which is now notorious for its involvement in the election of Donald Trump and in the Brexit campaign. She has just released a memoir about her time working for Cambridge Analytica, entitled “Targeted”. She spoke to FRANCE 24 about how she witnessed the firm deliberately create targeted ads for political aims, why she decided to speak out, and why she believes we are not any more protected from manipulation today than we were in 2016.”
So, bearing in mind the dates, I googled “Brittany Kaiser”
Among the results, we get a Wikipedia entry –
Where we find –
“In June 2019, Kaiser was appointed to the advisory board of Phunware, a tech company that collects the smartphone location and user data of potential voters for the Trump 2020 Campaign[15][16]”
The link to Phunware no longer works but for Wiki has archived it –
Another link does work –
“Federal Election Commission records show both Democratic and Republican congressional campaigns in Texas last year retained Phunware. Kimberly Taylor, a Democratic strategist, told the Journal that she used the firm to find attendees who went to the Women’s March as potential voters to help unseat Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas. The story noted an independent pro-Trump group had also used location-tracking services.”
This is becoming the new norm – I might leave my phone at home
NB France24 is parroting all the same BBC ‘criticism’ of Trump’s decision
The main one is WHO won’t be able to maintain it’s vaccination program – if you believe that
Also, according to France24 Gates is the second biggest funder to WHO [US was No 1]
Hopefully, the virus scandal will put an end to the ‘Globalists’
(Brittany Kaiser is a fraud – probably working for China)
Someone was asking about polls that seem mysteriously less publicised by the media.
The 2pm news said “planes” plural
To me foreigners have been used for the last 15 years
cos that is what the gangmasters offer
They don’t offer British workers.
Half our village housewives USED to pick strawberries in the mid-70s
The Times says “planes”

Germany also flying in Romanians
“1800 Romanians at Cluj airport waiting to board 13 charter planes sent by Germany to fly them in to harvest asparagus.
80,000 total workers expected.
There is no “social distancing”
in the context of exploitation.
“UPDATE: Germany set to extend coronavirus restrictions until early May
According to a draft paper, the federal government plans to ease the current lockdown slowly but extend social distancing measures until at least May 3rd.”
Irish newspaper shows they were very crowded
Is the anti-racism footballer calling Britons “lazy” ?
I would have thought mr Collymore would keep quiet – after looking at his track record on wiki . I ve vaguely heard of him being a non user of tabloids – but people write stuff don’t they ?
Lineker is there with his insinuation tweet as well.
Gary, your little “rethinks” are so small they are only observable with an electron microscope.
The microscopist, having viewed your “rethinks”, says” floccinaucinihilipilification”.
“floc.. etc”, is a 29 letter word, Gary. Once the longest word in the English language.
Definition – the act of evaluating as worthless.
Who is authorising all this?
We don’t need them.
Who runs this country?
(Stupid question).
Not very good bio-security is it ?
How can you stuff possible Covid carriers onto a plane ?
2:15pm R4 drama “Christopher William Hill looks at a long-term gay relationship in a hostile new world.”
.. about a young gay couple living today.
a repeat from May 2018
Hostile ? do they live near a mosque ?
more than 430 Bury Park residents signed a petition to counter the proposal the sauna decided to withdraw its application.
One of those who signed the petition claimed that Greenhouse “will bring unpleasant diseases to our communities”, while another slammed the owner for having “no shame” and attempting to expand the business with something “so disgusting near and around holy surroundings.”
Others labelled the sauna “immoral”, “crazy” and “dangerous for our children”.
One of the petition’s signatories wrote that homosexuality stems from “brain diseases/malfunction” and “incorrect thinking”.
The comments have been denounced by LGBT rights charity Stonewall, which told the Herald & Post that the language used is “homophobic and hateful”.
That is a four year old story
I do not believe this makes it any less relevant, especially as it quite often appears in the top 10 most read in Luton Today
“That is a four year old story”
Perhaps those involved now have the mental age of an eight year old.
But I ******* doubt it.
[Self censored Fed to minimise your work load.]
My apologies if this has appeared before, but a chum sent it to me, and it does seem quite an explosive discussion!
As my mobile phone still has a dial sellotaped to it, I’m afraid I don’t follow a lot of the comment, but it does seem that if I want a widdle in Beijing, they’ll know my inside leg measurement, which in fact is something I’ve forgotten, as the last time I had a suit made, was around 1989…
Does the BBC do box ticking ?
They know they do
The 11pm show is even called “Box Ticker”
cos it features a disabled, gay, female comedian
It’s followed at 11:30pm by Lenny Henry
BBC2 historic afternoon films
now there is a wam up doco
Wed 15:20 : The Vikings 1958 : with independent producer/star Kirk Douglas and his friends like Tony Curtis
Thu 15:05pm :Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines
“Comedy. In London 1910, a wealthy newspaper proprietor puts up a £10,000 prize for the fastest flight from London to Paris.”
Fri 15:45pm : Swallows and Amazons (1974)
Thursday 8pm Channel4
8pm Grayson Perry : Art Show (oh they’ve cancelled it now)
9pm The Truth About Traveller Crime: Dispatches
Anja Popp goes in search of the truth about crimes linked to traveller sites. She talks to members of the public who have experienced crime waves and intimidation,
” She talks to members of the public who have experienced crime waves and intimidation”
How many weeks does the programme last?
More economical to search for someone who has something nice to say about these “travellers”.
As the evidence mounts that WHO colluded with China to hide the Coronavirus outbreak and hide the warnings from Taiwan possibly leading to hundreds of thousands of cases Worldwide I would have though that was the big new media story to chase up and investigate in depth.
But no!
Its Trump being nasty to the WHO by pulling funds
The UK should follow until this is bottomed out too..
They really are single-minded slime balls.
And as for Amnesty telling everyone that calling Coronavirus the Chinese Virus is racist demonstrates a clear picture of the level of sheer stupidity of the people who staff these Global entities. (or possibly the influence of their puppet masters!)
If it had started in Yorkshire and it was described as The Yorkshire Virus would they then say that was Countyist?
My understanding is that Yorkshire is not a county.
It is God’s own country and the rest, if it exists, is a barren wilderness. (That is what a drunken Yorkshire man told me once).
Quite true Jim ! and do you know what the rallying cry of the Yorkshire man is ???………………
“HOW MUCH ???”
God was seen in Yorkshire last week, he’s working from home.
Whatever happened to ‘The Ridings’?
…and Cumberland…
I even had to Gurgle what names we’d lost through interference from the elitist, publicly funded (wasted) masses in town halls, councils and other places of mindless vandalism – very sad!
I wonder if there’s still a Rugby Club named ‘London Cornish’?
The usual suspects..and why BAME communities may be more affected:
Police slam ‘unbelievably reckless’ disorder in Luton and wider Bedfordshire during lockdown
Beds Police are appealing for information following 714 incidents including mass brawl over Easter involving 20 people
They need to be introduced to Mr. Richard Gatling’s creation.
Reference Der Starmer wanting see the government’s lockdown exit strategy.
Anyone care for a bet?
What’s the betting that if business is released from lockdown and there is ANY rise in death rate, or even a slower decline, the Far Left Labour Party will launch as one into a ‘the evil government is putting private profits before lives’ auto-rant?
Corbyn, Abbott, Macdonnell will be rejuvenated.
And that the BBC will ensure maximum wall to wall coverage of said position? You can see it now. ‘Mrs Ada Strobes, from Much-Binding-in-the-Marsh, died in her care home, aged 92, only a week after the village coffee shop re-opened. We call on the government to re-instate the lockdown immediately’.
The Tories do need to grow a pair and take on the snowflakes, while there are still a few un brainwashed individuals (like us) who understand the balanced decision that will have to be made. It is emphatically NOT just about ‘the science’.
’Twas only a matter of time until the BBC picked up on this one. Nasty racist plebs, only clapping for whitey.
Just imagine the total apoplectic fits at the BBC and in the equality and diversity industry generally (who I bet are not put on furlough) if someone suggested a ‘clap for white British carers’ initiative.
We’d never hear the last of it.
The total racist hypocrisy of the pro BAME advocates is unbelievable and the BBC support a total disgrace.
Spiked say labelling people racist is itself bullying.
albeit passive aggressive
I agree with Mr Vance – are we really throwing 10 million at the WHO which has failed so badly ?
These multi national outfits – WHO -EU – more trouble than they are worth .
Not forgetting the main conspirator, the UN
An interesting table on BBC Scotland
In Scotland, and presumably true elsewhere if the figures were easily provided….
30% of Coronavirus deaths are in people aged 85 or over.
36% are in people aged 74-85
12% are in people aged 65-74.
That makes 78%. I know it sounds callous but we are trashing the economy for years to come for (currently) the sake of a population who have mainly retired, are economically unproductive, will die anyway of other causes, not least old age, in a few months and years for the most part, and a contingent of which (those with moderate to severe dementia) have precious little quality of life anyway.
A change in policy is needed. Lets find a way to isolate and protect the elderly and open the economy for the rest and accept that a small percentage of under 65s may succumb.
We’re gonna have to get infected anyway unless we want another 12-18 months of this before a vaccination is available. So let’s get more imaginative and a lot less sentimental.
I believe that is very similar to the flu where approx 80% of deaths are in the 65+ age group.
And I 100% agree with the rest of your post.
The retired are, in comparison to those in work, school or college, self-isolating anyway.
For the sick old it will be ‘our’ NHS and care workers that will be most likely to spread the disease among that age group.
Perhaps the retired should have been offered free cruises?
Sluff ONS all deaths data is available here, click the ONS tab
There is a breakdown of deaths by age group for Week 14
As you said for 4 categories 45-64, 65-74, 75-84, 85+
deaths are up by 51%, 69%, 70%, 61%
but for 15-44
296 last year) 288 (this year) ie deaths fell
But look at kids less than 15 and older than 1
13 (last year) 72 (this year)
A massive 454% rise
Again Sluff
common sense…protect the vulnerable and let the rest get back to work…a tailored lifting..get the schools open for a start…
R4. Not just BBC but the whole tone of Media questioning was aggressive and snide..and it is quite funny that now the NHS seems to be doing okay the media is jumping on the care home bandwagon –
I have virtually stopped all watching and listening to the media – and everytime I dip in I quickly realise why…
I hope Boris is listening…
At the care home I visited regularly for four years there was one entrance. Inside there was a further keypad protected door to the EMI side (that’s Elderly Mentally Infirm).
It should not be difficult to prevent the virus getting in…….as long as staff and visitors follow ruthlessly-enforced protocols.
I keep thinking ‘PHB’. They were the initials on the soap bars at the Pit Head Bath at the collieries, which indicated the boundary between the ‘clean’ side and the ‘dirty’ side.
Much more testing however is a no- brainer for a start.
Yep, targets under attack :
respirators – tick 1st week
PPEs – tick 2nd week
Testing kits – tick 3rd week
Care Homes – tick 4th week
Any bets on next week ?
My money is on the economy and particularly how it will impact the poor/BAME the most.
The BBC hate Rishi Sunak because he is competent…and he is in their line of fire
I’ll go with NHS volunteers not being used or not used properly – it will be a scandal .
We might also have a bit of squandering -waste – and unavoidable theft / corruption .
With parliament returning in CinemaScope next Tuesday our politicians will be out emoting each other with thoughts , prayers , minutes silence , clapping , crying , blaming , deflecting , denying , lesson learning , thanking , praising , celebrating , condemning -and of course saying dumb stuff and not apologising for this or that . The Joy .
RE Brissles list, targets under attack:
Yes. I thought Lara Carlsberg, bbc witch smeller persuivant, was auditioning as a soundcheck roadie in week 3
“Testing, testing, testing”; I kept expecting her to follow it with “one, two, one, two,”
but was disappointed, looking on the bright side, the groupies are now safe from her attentions and can get on with doing what they do best….
If you were a gentleman you wouldn’t make me do this”
“If you were a lady you wouldn’t speak with your mouth full”
Coat time
Darcy, for me this is the quote of the week, lol !!
““Testing, testing, testing”; I kept expecting her to follow it with “one, two, one, two,” ”
Priceless !
Next week:
Building up of compulsory face masks and blue surgical gloves for all in public – if you want to be released from house arrest this decade…
1. Wearing face masks in public places. Why are other counties doing it but not us (Obviously the UK is a laggard here)
2. Why aren’t we relaxing the lockdown as other countries are (Germany, obviously doing much better than the UK)
3. UK armed forces accused of ignoring social distancing (Bet they forget to mention who’s going to defend the country if they’re stood down?)
4. Field hospitals, why did we waste money on them. (Can you imagine the outcry if they hadn’t been set up and were needed)
5. The economy. (Shut down in the first place partly because of MSM whingeing).
6. Who’s going to pick the crops? (More scaremongering about food shortages).
7. The economy has tanked. (You don’t say, as most of it has been closed for a month! See 5. above)
8. In all of the above, there wil be a BAME layer added to the mix. (Racist UK)
ITV local news : In Harrogate a 55 year old black nurse has died.
Then to comment from a Labour MP
“These nurses need the right PPE”
Then the report made it clear no one knows how she actually got infected.
They didn’t say if she was in contact with known Covid19 patients. If she was I doubt they would have omitted that fact.
bbbc 6 o clock news.
Tagged on to the end of the in no time item about the breathing aid designed and manufactured by various “just f*****g do it” minded engineers we had a throwaway comment about how the various businesses that had responded to the call to arms to produce and deliver thousands of ventilators for are anychess had not done so. There was then, almost whispered, a brief comment that the various devices produced had failed to get regulatory approval.
Zero investigation of why the hell the private sector can conceive, design, test and produce the machines in a matter of days but the public sector can’t step up to the plate and run the necessary tests and procedures to allow them to be mass produced.
No of course not, the bbbc would rather spend its time and our money slinging s**t at the government for a perceived absence of an exit plan from the lockdown.
The delay in testing and approval is surely a scandal that needs to be brought to the public attention and whatever the logjam is needs to be highlighted and dealt with. Any decent journalist would be all over this!
Bit of good news UK press gazette reports that the NUJ will go bust in two years if subs aren’t increased by 28% . There are , apparently 23000 members and if the press is adversely affected by the economy via the virus there should be a lot less journos . Only a good thing .
“a lot less journos”
Excellent, especially given that the NUJ is composed of left wing propagandists who have
never done any potentially dangerous investigations.
The “investigations” they have performed, they start with their conclusions, bin all conflicting
evidence and give undue weight and prominence to anything that benefits their pre-conceived view.
A pre-conceived view inculcated by exclusively pro Marxist professors in the grade inflated “education
system” which is the only one available in the UK.
Time for open season on Common Purpose.
Jon and gang, as ever, unerring in whose side they pick.
May need to ease up on the G&Ts, you beauty…
A member.
An empty bookshelf, clearly not much of an expert measured on the Brissles scale.
JimS -“empty bookshelf”
“Airpod” AKA empty skull.
Just to remind people about the governments so called ‘strategy’.
The whole lock down program has never been about saving lives, it is solely to take peak load off health services – the number of deaths would always ultimately be the same.
The aim has been to ‘flatten the curve’ i.e. to spread the peak hospitalised infections, the area beneath both curves remains the same.
So when the usual leftist criticism comes about ‘cruelty’ and old peoples homes, just remember the ‘experts’ have never said lives would be saved as a result of the lockdown, there is no cure for this infection and no vaccine.
Try and Keep up.????
This pandemic doesn’t have experts, instead they wheel out ‘scientists’
94? Is that monthly?
Where’s Packham when clearly needed?
Plot twist from Beff’s outfit.
Guest – they forgot to put a copyright on it saying it belonged to the People’s Republic of dodgy Chinese .
And isn’t a pangolin a sort of Chinese lattern ?
I thought it was a chinese guitar made from a wok
That’s a National guitar, Darcy, example can be found on cover of ‘Brothers in Arms’ LP. 😉
Any theory is ok but the truth: retarded Chinese, eating mangy bat soup.
Probably why they don’t have a cricket team
Is the medic only half expecting to encounter the virus?
Must be damned well-travelled dogs – wasn’t the bats’ natural habitat something like 1,000 miles from Wuhan ?
‘Stray’ dogs, eh – just strayed 2,000 miles for a bit of battered bat. Not that bats are particularly susceptible to being caught by dogs, either…
Surprised they didn’t get eaten themselves on their trek.
Amazing, a Guardianista with a higher brain cell count than an Abbott.
No comments allowed!
Have to love yes or no Q and A’s.
And state media.
BBC News
Critics have accused the US president of using the aid – which will go to 70 million Americans – to boost his reputation in election year.
Now, who might those ‘critics’ be?
Part of the probelm IMO is so many people are so bleeding stupid : examples:
outside supermarket all queueing 2 m apart inside while shopping they do not bother to stay apart
just been walking in a local nature reserve and to exit we were walking along short but narrow footpath, with no people there, we were near the end and dog walker approaches at the exit, sees us but does not wait but just lumbers in to pass us, obviously could not wait for his dog to crap all over the reserve
Same last week on a footbridge with two cyclists (they did not crap as far as I could see but you can never be sure)
BTW we spend a lot of time waiting for people to pass before we approach a narrow path
BTW benefit family down the road still getting visitors every day sitting in the garden like beached whales shouting at eachother
business as usual, but the taxi trip to sign on is quicker
And they had their bi monthly ambulance arrival today at 3 pm draining the NHS
sunburn, probably, certainly wasn’t lockjaw
“outside supermarket all queueing 2 m apart inside while shopping they do not bother to stay apart”
My local Tesco, one of the largest in the country took 40 minutes to get into because the idiots on the door were operating a 2 out 1 in policy! By the time I got it there can’t have been more than 20 people in the store and most of the checkouts were idle.
That’s the real stupidity.
Oh there is worse Thoughtful, I visited one where, like others they all corral people into a narrow corridor to queue but put the trolleys at the FRONT of the queue so people were taking a trolley then walking into the narrow queue past everyone to get to the back with the so called supervisors just watching
and if like me you queue to get in then find another bloody massive queue to pay you decide to give up and leave there is no way out unless you just walk over the stupid barriers which I did rather than having to walk back next to everyone else
they are rather dictatorial without a bloody clue what they should be doing, another example of the abuse of power if handed over to small minds
Every supermarket I have visited since restrictions were introduced had a BAME “in charge” of admittance!
Just throw it all in lads.
BBC News
“When we’re divided, the virus exploits the cracks between us.”
World Health Organization Chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has said he ‘regrets’ President Trump halting its US funding.
No headline mention on possible reasons?
Looks like the UK is the big guy at the WHO now.
The following countries contributed the most funding to the WHO, according to financial figures from 2018:
United States – $436.8 million
United Kingdom – $318.7 million
Germany – $240.5 million
Japan – $134.7 million
Kuwait – $94.2 million
Sweden – $76.6 million
Norway – $64.7 million
Australia – $54.4 million
Canada – $46.2 million
So the great betrayal and replacement continues apace.
The border farce deflect attention today from their search and taxi service in the channel by announcing one of their own dying from the great Chinese corona virus.
Dame Kweer Charmer after initially announcing he would ‘work with the government’ during this time of crisis nails his colours firmly to the mast by ignoring the ‘experts’ and demanding that ‘we’ are told what the exit strategy is…
Lockdown continues Pt.1 (has to be said that anecdotally more people in my area seem to out and about this week) but the focus is on care homes, people are dying apparently in these places. Yup, that happens to be brutally honest.
Lockdown continues Pt.2 it’s announced that plane loads of Eastern Europeans are coming here to pick veg. What the actual f*** is going on people? Are we blind to this deceiving and lying Government?
Finally, the economy is tanking, to protect the international NHS, an NHS that is the longest ongoing Sociallist experiment outside of China, an NHS that is now solely focused on Chinese Corona to the extent that normal wards are empty and treatment for other issues are not available or non existent. I assume no one is dying from a stroke or cardiac arrest anymore.
Happy days. At least the sun is shining.
Clearly there are many who will be on a reduced income from now on, so isn’t it time the Telly Tax was suspended for the duration ?
Come on Bo Jo , you know it makes sense.
Or better still , get rid of the damn tax altogether. Its a tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
Are you paying attention in the back there , Dominic Mckenzie Cummings?
Vibrant Luton :
Bedfordshire Police has had its busiest ever weekend as the force encouraged people to comply with the Covid-19 lockdown alongside everyday policing.
The force logged 2,555 incidents across all four days of the Easter bank holiday, including 712 on Saturday and 714 on Sunday.
The Sunday figure broke a 22-year record for the highest number of incidents recorded in a single day.
Between 36 and 42 per cent of the logged incidents on each day were linked to breaches of the regulations on coronavirus.
The force has now issued a total of 63 fixed penalty notices for breaches of these rules, the majority of which related to people breaking the restrictions on movement.
Of these 63 penalty notices, 48 were issued over the Easter weekend. These included for people having parties as well as larger gatherings in parks and town centres.
Officers also responded to a number of other offences such as domestic abuse and theft, as well as making a number of significant arrests around drug dealing.
They just cannot stop being vibrant
How are they performing in arresting child grooming gangs?
Seems they are too busy stopping their turf wars, or rather turning up when it is all over:
Some apposite comments accompanying the article:
“Soon shift this lot …. a handful of pork scratchings should do the trick”
“Crimmigration at its finest again I see.”
“I could just make out what they were saying.
I want the 7 year old , no she’s mine Abdul , you have the 10 year old boy , so who gets the fat kid , that’s you Mohamed . Ask your brother when he finishes his shift driving that police car if he wants the other 7 year old .”
Since the 2011 census, Luton has had a white British population less than 50%, one of three towns in the United Kingdom along with Leicester and Slough.
That this donut thinks she and her colleagues are what sorts things out is rather sweet.
EU trade talks aim for ‘tangible progress’ by June
But the “Rejoiners” in Scotland and Wales are adopting delaying tactics…………………..
Expect Al Beeb to push the ‘call for an extension’ line .
IMHO, there is an economic tsunami heading for the EU. Italy is struggling , while all the southern EU nations that are heavily dependant on tourism will suffer economic disaster because of the pandemic, eg Greece, Spain and Portugal.
The Eu will also call for an extension so that the financial burden can be shared with the UK. Germany and France will need our money when the tidal wave hits the EU and you can be sure, its on its way .
I can only hope that some of our local villages which I visit quite often as a starting point for country walks that have decided to put up home made posters saying “go away” “car park closed” (illegal sign but do not want to risk damage to car) etc do suffer the consequences from loss of tourism from those with memories when they attempt to put on their overpriced farmers markets and try to sell their wobbly pottery products after this is over
I assume Wales is different as they hate tourists anyway, which is fair enough, but our locals are happy to take the money when it suits them, same for Cornwall
As I said before, am considering hanging around our Tesco superstore and waiting for one of the villagers to arrive… park closed to you, go away
Au contraire old boy, au contraire.
You must be visiting the wrong places ?
Had no probs myself but do recall some cottages in Wales getting rather warm in the past and my heritage (father and beyond) is west coast of Scotland yet with my accent being english have had a few probs there after the locals have had a few whiskys
Not much going on economically so understandable to a certain extent
but last few weeks noticeable how insular certain communities have become to the point of open aggression to people without due cause
Today I pulled into our little village car park to the small park so that my dog could have exercise, and was followed in by a thumping great Police Range Rover. It parked beside me, despite it being empty otherwise but I focused on getting my dog out of the car. I thought ‘just bloody say something, I’m ready for you’.
There wasn’t a soul only me and the dog, so I continued to throw the ball, but still the Range Rover kept watch, then they half turned and stopped. Whether it was their lunchtime who knows, but I was across the far side of the park before they buggered off. I then heard they were patrolling the streets like Robocop looking for offending pensioners.
I wish they had spoke to me because we have a drug dealer problem who sit in cars plying their trade, but there’s never a cop around then !
Tell them about this lot
Although I know for a fact that they are terrified of them as a previous manager of one such site tells me they will never turn up regardless of the crime including theft of oxygen bottles from a local hospital and theft of fire brigade cutting equipment for getting people out of crashed cars both found on site, plus starving dogs with their ribs sticking out kept in cages at the site entrance with no food or water as warnings if any one approaches they start barking which sets off all their other dogs around the site so the thieving bastards can hide their stuff
Burning stolen PVC wire and cables in bonfires to extract the copper with the hydrochloric acid fumes going over the adjoining village and stolen catalytic converters from cars
AND that is an official council site in Bedfordshire, so much criminality that the police have to get three counties together to work out where they are thieving as they always cross country boundaries to avoid detection, as one police officer stated, 2% of the population, 20% of the crime
The doco on Travellers and crime is Thursday on Channel4
Judging their past efforts, I would strongly suspect a big metal “4” towing a trail of travellers into a quiet peaceful village and encouraging their spawn to kick footballs through the windows
then popping over the channel to pick up some more rapist asylum seekers and drop them off in Dover avoiding the immigration authorities
and no doubt their vibrant announcers will persist in fulfilling every sentence without pronouncing the letter “T”
Channel 4 or Channel 4th rate
Time to pull the trigger on the EU.
The EU is attempting to string out Brexit talks, also known as acting in bad faith.
Continuing the policy followed by the predecessors of the EU since 1959.
The UK should already be talking directly to the leaders of European countries to agree post
European policy in advance of the EU collapse.
If Bo Jo wants the continued support of the people of Great Britain behind, him he needs to ditch, Hs2, 5G and Al Beeb .
*Note – I use the term ‘Great Britain’ because maxincony and the staff at Al Beeb hate it.
The problem with our maxi is that he / she or whatever will never dare to enter a debate but will wait untl 3 am leave some nasty comments and run away which speaks volumes
I am lead to believe maxi is a musical theatre critic, says it all really, as Oscar Wilde once almost said:
“the unemployable in persuit of the unwatchable”
The Repair Shop. BBC 1
Once again agenda driven
We have a leather suitcase once owned by a female surgeon from 1930… very unusual to find a woman on such a position at that period in time.
Next,. 4 small wooden angels in need of repair.
These, we are told were made by Belgium refugees in 1915 during the first word war for a small village church.
Yes. They go on to tell us. 250,000 refugees were welcomed with open arms and fitted in with the local population.
Obviously to give the impression that even all those years ago refugees were welcome…
However, what they fail to tell us is that most of them were sent back within 12 months of the war ending…
Quote from BBC webpage…
Within 12 months of the war ending more than 90% had returned home. They left as quickly as they came, leaving little time to establish any significant legacy.
“They were pushed out of the country. It wasn’t very dignified and the government was happy for the nation to forget. It also suited the Belgium government who needed people to return to rebuild the country.
The few that did stay integrated into British life – many married Britons they had met while in the country.“
Note. Something you would now never hear the BBC say about the current lot…
”It suited the Belgium government who needed people to return to rebuild the country.”
Fake news BBC. Bias by omission…..
They went home and left us with Poirot.
With due recognition for Captain Tom, walking up and down the garden at Age 99.
He has quite unwittingly raised millions for the NHS.
And ‘Run for Heroes’ hopes to do the same.
Just a couple of questions.
Where will such money actually go?
Given the £100bn plus normal budget not to mention the extra billions currently, a few million extra, however graciously given, won’t even fund the paper clips department.
Isn’t it odd how the word “gammon” has suddenly disappeared? No-one’s using it anymore.
But we haven’t forgotten that they did use it!
When people raised money to support the milkshaked veteran Brexit Party guy Don McNaughton, the extreme libmob made fake tweets saying it was fake.
And hounded the organisers into giving the donated money back.
At the #DailyBriefing Eastern Daily Press asked a question
Paul H notes their story on – March 9th, 2020
Worth a read Al Beeb
37,078 managers
Yeah taff but out of 1.7 million other workers ??????
And few of them seem to be competent at procurement.
From Order Order
“Our Golf Course hosted a 3G Mast which happened to be alongside a footpath.
A few weeks after the Instalation was complete a member of the public who walked
past the mast on a daily basis complained that since the mast had been erected she had
started getting headaches and feeling unwell.
His response was “hopefully you won’t feel worse when they switch it on! “
I am sure this lady gets a headache everytime she gets close to an erection.
General – have you got a coat ?
Yellow card offence that one. LOL
“IMF head calls for Brexit trade talk extension”
What the headline really means is Al Beeb is calling for an extension?