It’s a month to the day that Boris Johnson made his TV appearance announcing the ‘ lockdown ‘ and that ‘ people will die ‘ . Seems a long time ago . Since then the Biased BBC has been unrelenting in broadcasting bad news and criticism of the Government . We can but dread what effect this has had on the mental health of the UK .
Today is a big day for the Far Left BBC . It is Lenin’s birthday . Taxpayer funded Champagne For the comrades in Broadcasting House .
Local Radio : an artist has received a phone call from Lincolnshire Police
“You have been reported for working alone at you remote studio
.. this is illegal and if you go you will be fined £100”
Which bit about self-isolation and travelling alone (I presume) to a place of work in the Government legislation do Plod not understand?
Just another prank call of course.
Not really a BBC issue, but as The Guardian and BBC are so closely intertwined I thought I would post a pop up page when a Guardian story was shown on another Twitter link:
“Millions of readers around the world are flocking to the Guardian in search of honest, authoritative, fact-based reporting that can help them understand the biggest challenge we have faced in our lifetime”.
Almost every word in that statement could be questioned, including:
– Millions?!
– Flocking?!
– Honest?!!
– Authoritative?
– Fact based (don’t make me laugh!)
I sometimes ‘flock’ to The Guardian, as it usually comes top of Google’s search results for some reason.
I sometimes ‘flock’ to their opinion pieces, (aren’t they all opinion pieces?), but only to keep an eye on what crazy new ‘truth’ has been
inventeddiscovered now!I can’t say any of their output has actual value but then value is probably a social construct.
Google search bumps the ‘trusted’ sources to the front.
It ends up looking like a 1980’s news stand with all the usual suspects.
And the only reason these media outlets survive.
That made me laugh
How much are they estimated to lose this year?
They will need a flocking load of money to solve their problems
I Flock to the guardian only when i run out of bog paper.
Ah, memories of Flokkers from days long past.
Burgsey, that Guardian puff sounds so very like the BBC.
I love to show the ‘Guradianistas’ the UK sales figures of their favorite newspaper. The challenge is to find the ‘sales’ which are almost ‘invisible’ compared to all others…. Extend graph and notice which is at rock bottom of the league and this is ‘normally the total BBC media output for the week, day, hour….
There are a number of issues which I don’t think can be easily dealt with by any government
1 fear of the unknown threat
2 the fast transmission of images and words across the globe
3 the pressure to follow other states once they’ve lost the plot
4 speed – 24 hour news cycle
5 primitive group think ( don’t understand risk )
6 a media just looking for excitement
7 State economic consequences take time to come through
That’s only my immediate response .
I’m trying to work out how people are going to react once restrictions start to come off –
I suppose there is a range from the terrified who will stay in – to the kidults who think there never was a threat .
Judging by the daily number of cases /deaths and lack of testing We re looking at late summer at best before restrictions come off – subject to the virus diminishing or a magic vaccine .
I’d love to see an article suggesting how the economic tab is going to be paid for – with or without Brexit – but at least on that we cannot be tied to the EU welfare bill. We had left before this happened .
Twato R4… Sara Montague…had Ken Clarke for his opinions – he wasn’t too bad but managed with the help of BBC to slag of Govt..although it was R4 that threw in the negative about Dominic Cummings..
They just can’t help it can they…
Check out the top rated HYS on this article regarding PPE from our trusted broadcaster. If they think the nation is with them, my god, they / we are certainly NOT !!!!!!
Out of touch doesn’t even start to cover it.
upvotes 517
downvotes 160 … why would they do that ?
#2 It seems wasteful to me that at least some of this protective equipment can’t be sterilised and reused.
upvotes 387
downvotes 52
#3 I understand the Government have made mistakes.
But I am now convinced the BBC are intent on dragging them into the gutter at every opportunity.
upvotes 586
downvotes 252 …wow 252 BBC staff members !
#4 Demand outstripping supply is the route cause of this and not easy, if at all, to solve.
..Of course it’s easy for Starmer and Co to shout the odds from the sidelines when they aren’t the ones having to deal with the issues.
upvotes 486
downvotes 171
#5 Well to be expected but the BBC is now in full attack mode towards the Government with all the lead stories…..
There is no precedence to this & our Government are doing a good job so far regardless. Thank God its not Corbyn.
upvotes 551
downvotes 250
The Nova Scotia attack where 23 people were killed
It seems like a nutter with a grudge, who then started killing people who got in his way
“He planned his rampage in painstaking detail, authorities said.
He launched his 14-hour reign of terror around 10 p.m. Saturday, apparently first killing his ex and her new boyfriend, police sources told the Toronto Sun.
… obsessed with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police since high school — wore an RCMP uniform and drove around in a decommissioned cop car
The killer appeared to have started out with “an initial motivation’’ that “turned to randomness,’’
It talks about him driving to acquaintances houses and shooting them dead on the doorstep.
I’d always draw a difference between lone nutters and genuine terrorists
I was surprised about the amount of attention this slaughter didn’t get – in comparison to -say – the New Zealand case or ‘accidents ‘ such as the grenfell ….
Was it because the victims were white ? – including a pretty lady Mountie (RIP) – perhaps the MSM is so fixated with PPE and clapping it chooses not to care about such tragedy .
This character appears to really have been a nutter and the wiki on him describes a failed police candidate with a uniform fixation ….
Some lost lives get attention and others don’t …
“They should fine all journalists for fabricating stories.
THEN we might see some truthful and honest reporting!”
And follow Hungary’s Victor Orban?
Taffman : The news headlines
“Welsh doctors have called for a ban on people using their holiday homes after the lockdown ends ..for fear of a second wave of Covid19 being caused in Wales”
I would have thought people have invested in such holiday home
in anticipation of using it as a bolt hole.
And they’d have paid taxes and rates.
I expect people want to check on their holiday homes and check they haven’t been broken into.
Meanwhile over in Dancin’ Justinland….
Still, glimmers of good news.
“we want the video to truly represent the whole country”
..em no you don’t
The video will disproportionately dwell on specialvictimhood groups as usual.
Afua Hirsch, David Lammy, June Sarpong, Dawn Butler, Diane Abbott.
Multiple winners of gold medals in world weightlifting and white hating championships.
With their intellects honed to razor sharpness by heating in kilns.
Minorities, whether ethnic, religious, sexual or whatever, are nearly always portrayed by the BBC as victims who have to struggle against the oppression of the “majority.” How many times do we hear statements like, “As a black woman, I had to work twice as hard to get where I am”?
I can’t help but notice that if the lockdown achieves anything at all, it will be because the majority have tried to act responsibly according to the advice they’ve been given.
To give an example of what Leftists love to call anecdotal evidence, my local park is usually full of families. The playground equipment is normally crawling with kids on even the dullest of days – in this week’s beautiful sunshine, it’s been as childless as a Hollywood marriage.
Trick – I’ve been mugged twice in my life – both times by blacks . I’ve been threatened with a knife once – by a black – I’ve been subject to road rage assault once – by a Pakistani . . I’m sure all of the characters involved were ‘victims ‘.
Sorry to hear you’ve been subjected to all this, I’ve been fortunate enough not to have anything so serious happen to me.
The last time I was threatened was by a bloke and his girlfriend a few months ago when I dared to object to them pushing through railway station barriers on my ticket. They were white, but from their appearance and speech, I suspect they were from another “victimised” minority – a “travelling” one.
What’s that old joke? Two liberals find a mugging victim, bloody and unconscious. One says to the other, “The people that did this need our help.”
Thank you Trick – sadly there is a longer list than that but I feel fairly lucky after having grown up and still living in London . ….
And if some one wants to tickbox – when I was a semi student I went into a local pub with a mate who was also a Sikh . He was wearing the turban and a bloke came up and poured a pint of lager over us – not a word and walked off .
Sadly – being fairly restrained at that time neither the Sikh chap or I did anything apart from walk out . Today the story would end differently …
As for lessons – unless there’s a personal thing – I’m of the ‘don’t get involved school ‘these days …. but to decide to get involved must assume the ‘all or nothing ‘ approach which might completely spoil ones ‘day ….
Are they after money and / or ,clapping ? With so many furloughed and funded by taxes – the money surely will be jusr recirculated borrowed tax cash – sadly like much of the money donated to the 99 year old captain ….. Who in turn will be sending the money to bits of the NHS . ….. ( if I’m wrong I m sorry )…
Represent the whole country ? Ok, so 3% afro Caribbean – and 11% indo Asian; (BBCs own figures) which equates to 89 white, 3 afro caribean and 11 the rest. But of course that WILL NOT be what we see on screen.
Katie’s tweet has 2.5 times more likes than the BBC’s own tweet
(which gets CCBGB’ed)
If I view this site on my phone, Tweets appear pasted onto the page, but not on my laptop (Firefox/Windows 10) – I have to click on the date at the end of the Tweet to view it. Anybody know of a setting I can tweak?
Should probably add I’m not a Twitter user.
For me the tweets do show up on Windows in both Chrome and Microsoft Edge
And Android it also works but best set on “desktop mode”
Firefox “Switching off the anti-tracking feature via the Options page probably solves the problem”
Thanks, Stew.
Just tried Microsoft Edge and the tweets are present and correct. Must be an issue with Firefox.
The irony of al beeb churning this claptrap out tomorrow evening, which happens to be St. George’s Day, will certainly not be lost on this household ????
Celeb tossers the lot! As someone ⬆️ says, just give 10% of your monthly pay packet and f**k off ????
LOL. Comic relief probably thought their tweet would be met with much positive fanfare !!!!
How wrong they were . Lovely.
I wonder if Captain George has robbed Comic Relief of £30 million quids worth of donations?
I do hope so.
Worst ever Covid-19 day in Kent yesterday; the numbers were late but they had a lot to count, nearly 200 extra cases.
Those claiming we saw the peak on 8 April may be looking in the wrong places. 195 nearly beats the previous worst day of 147 by 50, a 25% increase on that particular day and more than double the previous days increase of 94.
How many illegal invaders turned up on the Kent coast in the last couple of weeks?
Don’t know that it would be down to them, NS, because iirc (if I recall correctly – Fed), those boatloads go straight to a Detention Centre.
Only if caught.
@Up2Snuff “Those claiming we saw the peak on 8 April may be looking in the wrong places.
” nearly 200 extra cases in Kent .”
As ever we have to b careful not to compare oranges with apples
The original New Cases tally consisted of only those cases in the SEVERE category, and they said 90% of the other cases were not severe
A hospital count of 10 meant there were actually 100
but then keyworker tests came in ..and they get a test at a lower threshold ie these are cases that used to be in the untested 90%
But in the daily stats the number given is by adding the SEVER and keyworker tallies together.
So I always strip out the keyworker tally
So I am comparing like with like
I’s possible in Kent of the 195 a lot are not in the SEVERE category.
Not so, Stew, they are merely confirmed cases recorded by the Dept. of Health /ONS – I quote “Find out how many people have confirmed cases in your area:” Nothing about severity or treatment location.
That is the best stat to work with: positive tests, nothing else.
In the last ten minutes today’s data for Kent has been released: +88 today.
It’s St. George’s Day tomorrow, so time for some predictions.
bBBC will mention it in passing, almost under their breath, and find someone called “Assad” in Bradford, and “Sophie” in London to talk about being English.
“Sophie” of course will be shown with her girlfriend.
News from the BBC -Thursday 23rd April
St George didn’t exist
If he did exist he was a foreigner
He was a foreigner and a Moor
But he was the good brand of moor
So he was never a saint
And his name wasn’t George
In fact he was a she
She has subject to domestic abuse
The dragon is domestic abuse
Domestic abuse is bad
Men do domestic abuse
Men are bad specially white ones
That’s the BBC news – now the weather for Ramadan ….
This does all drag on rather …
Besides, killing dragons is racist, anti-Chinese Trumpism, so you should stop it, writes Dr Agony, the BBC’s mental health correspondent “at this difficult time”.
How many dragons in all that?
Non Snowflake
Coloured girlfriend more likely !
China’s objective is to push back against the US and become the dominant world power by 2049, a century after the creation of the People’s Republic. Dictator for life Xi Jinping has no intention of doing this through military conflict. His war is not fought on the battlefield but in the boardroom, the markets, the press, universities, cyberspace and in the darkest shadows.
I totally agree. I think that the BBC has done more harm to this country than any other institution in our history. It has been using social engineering to bring about a transformation in our population, culture and our way of life for the past four decades at least. Two whole generations have been brain washed into
believing that it was racist and dispicable to want to live in our own country with our own culture , which wasn’t much good anyway. It was the BBC who did much of the work to enable this view to become fashionable and mainstream. Britain has been stolen from the British and, thanks to the foul corporation, hardly a voice has been raised in anger.
Andrew Neil
After today’s exchanges at PMQs it is clear that the United Kingdom now has a functioning, probing, measured, informed Official Opposition. The government will need to raise its game.
12:27 PM · Apr 22, 2020·Twitter Web App
I have never admired Brillo after his attack on TR. But here he is as a BBC front opinion. Labour is the favourite, more so without Corbyn.
And with the Tories providing shambolic leadership, with the media driving the Chinese Virus operation, pressure to remove Boris and appoint a national government will increase.
Similar headline on the Daily Mail website. It could almost look like a coordinated attack.
The bBC is so infatuated with the virus along with the rest of the MSM to have noted, mused and considered the plight of Scotland had it fatefully voted for independence in 2014.
Where would we be now with oil that you couldn,t even give away////
and yet oil was the centerpiece of various dubious forecasts contained in an snp “white Paper” at the time which has become known as the “book of Lies”
You can be sure of one thing bBC Scotland is becoming known as bBC Shortbread as it is increasingly seen as a pro SNP mouthpiece………. another reason to add to the thousands of others to cut it adrift and re position it into the real world.
On R4, Amol Rajan is interviewing an editor from ‘The Economist’, and the two are celebrating ‘Liberalism’ and openess, etc.
Amol asks about staff diversity and the editor says they have ” a lot of work to do”. She is very defensive and launches into a lengthy waffle to cover up the fact that the real answer will make interrogating Amol unhappy.
Then Amol wants to know how many Brexiteers they have on their staff. “Not enough,” she says. “An invitation to our listeners” Amol sneers. I can see his big, diamond earring flashing in my mind’s eye.
Then he demands to know why she once invited a Trumper. She has to go into another lengthy excuse. Wants to hear both sides and all that. Amol doesn’t sound happy.
He demands to know whether she supervises Economists tweets. She gets very apologetic again, cos there has obviously been a tweet Amol doesn’t like.
Then he attacks the Economists ‘three reasons philosophy’. He accuses her of being in an insulated, priviledged position vis a vis advertising etc. “Shocking and tragic”, what has been going on, she agrees.
He proceeds to lecture her on the ‘culture’ of a newspaper.
Another big beeb turnoff. But she stood up for herself.
Only in the bubble heads that inhabit W1A would it even occur to pose such a series of irrelevant questions.
Were I an actual media editor, and not a geezer diversity hire from a failed paper, I might be probing why one of the most respected weekly news magazines now gets more laughs than the Beano on whatever SJW/PC/woke topic they try and sound serious about.
“Juicy nuggets”. Apparently.
And here children, is a ‘sneaky peak’.
2pm Radio Lincolnshire news “And despite Emma Barnett asking the local Tory MP the question about PPE 5 times she never answered”
They then played the clip and actually the MP DID ANSWER the badgers question. If you are on shift and the PPE you need is not available then you phone the XYZ manager in the XYZ department”
… So it was not the gotcha the local news team thought it was.
Amol mentioned he won’t be around for a few weeks
The public is paying him £220K /year to go on paternity leave again.
I hope that you are all going to turn on all your electrical appliances for Earth Day…
Am I allowed to hold the Great Tea Ceremony of Tsafkaerb, OG?
It will involve heating water in an electric kettle.
Please do. Use several kettles, just to make sure…
It might be time for some more Hitchhikers Guide to the Pandemic, then.
Evan Davis kicks off the R4 news with Keir Starmer, who apparently showed good ‘forensic’ skills in what there is of parliament. Poor, old Dominic Raab is going to get it in the neck. There is a lot of ‘Sir Keir’ this and ‘Sir Keir’ that.
Why do I get a feeling that Evan is about to launch Labour’s next election campaign? Government has certainly left itself open to a lot of criticism, so it should be a good launch.
Evan gets together with Norman Smith, who agrees that it was a good day for Labour. Norman calls Starmer a “serious individual”, who doesn’t go in for rhetorical flourishes, etc. This won’t suit the ‘broad brush’ people. No names needed.
Norman too, thinks that Starmer is a sharp, forensic legal mind. Evan suggests government is turning in on itself.
You get the drift…
‘Traitorous’ skills more like.
The only thing ‘forensic’ about Starmer is his constant analysis and examination of his own personal long-term prospects, on whichever side of the fence. He has to ‘keep in’ with the establishment in case his globalist plans go belly up.
Not BBBC (sorry, Fed), but I give up anyway (conversion to url won’t work) … I wanted to upload a screen shot I thought Brissles might like from the “Parliament Live” stream this afternoon:
Caroline Lucas was presumably concerned that the (standard-size ) bookshelf behind her wasn’t “representative” enough so felt the need to place a massive mirror on top of it to prove she in fact has another jam-packed, ceiling-high bookshelf just out of shot??! Very strange … ;o)
I think the link below has our delightful Brighton Pixie showing off her bookshelf.
Perfect – thanks very much GWF … yes she’s at about 1:23 :o)))
Note the clever use of the mirror to get another bookcase in frame!
Thanks, G.W.F., I listened with the sound on mute. PC sound had been muted for something else. Think it was better that way. The Brighton Pixie appears truly demented. Am glad I didn’t have to listen to 1hr 22 and then her. Poor Matt Hancock looks very tired. Especially after her question.
Damn ! I missed that. I’m beginning to think I’m the only person in the country who is lacking a bookcase in my home, because every other bugger seems to have one.
Question: you have a book, you read it, so unless its a reference book why keep it ? they sit for years gathering dust and If you fall off the perch some poor sod has the wretched task of getting rid of them all, and how many books can YOU carry in one go to dispose of them ? no more than 4 I bet. So its a never ending task of packing them away for the charity shop .
@Frustrated I typed her name into the Twitter search box
– Said photo was 4 tweets down
– i right clicked over the timestamp ..selected copy URL
and then I pasted it here , where it auto embeds (OK inconveniently with the parent tweet as well)
I could have taken a screenshot from the Youtube clip and tweeted it myself
In 2019 someone posted a closeup
4.30 Radio 4 and Evan telling us about a programme in a few days time. He used the usual rhetorical question, something to the effect of, ‘will CoVId 19 affect the way we view climate change?’ I posted here last week of a friend very involved with the Church of England, who asked the same of me last week. I had told her firmly that people’s deaths from disease should not be used for a political agenda that was nothing to do with the disease. If I didn’t predict it would come up on the BBC, I had meant to. It is obvious that globalists, the Left, the BBC will use anything including thousands of deaths to push their own agenda.
Will CoVId 19 affect the way we view climate change?
No, but I think if the BBC ended its Climate science censorship policy and asked some Mensa members about the “Unified Theory of Climate”. Then I think that the “Unified Theory of Climate”. will affect the way we view climate change? As a Hoax
In the mean time. Don’t watch moronic low IQ BBC television. Instead watch something knowledgeable on the telly tonight.
7pm: Freeview Channel 24: Made in Britain
8pm: Freeview Channel 25: Largest Airplane ever to Fly
9pm: Freeview Channel 03: Our Queen at War
@Deborah surely he was talking about today’s 8pm prog which I mentioned this morning (at 6:30am)
If you thought it was bad in Kent, then spare a thought and a prayer for the USA: +39,000 new cases yesterday. That is a lot.
It could be explained by the Americans testing many more people and getting the results quicker.
It could be explained by some deliberate infection going on for good reasons – build up ‘herd immunity’ – or bad reasons – to try and influence US politics or as payback for US politics or economics.
When will the BBC ask any thoughtful questions about that?
So it wasn’t just on me on my pedal bike finding that all the local hooligans on four wheels were taking advantage of policemen being off sunbathing in the parks.
No – it’s boy racer heaven at the moment and quite a few of them seem to be going there – with quite a few motorcyclists coming to a sticky end in London ‘with no other vehicle involved ‘….. whenever I see them ( often ) – i see someone who had far more faith in the NHS A &E than I do ….
The stabbings are still going on but without the regularity of peacetime (in London ).
The bloke in London who had a road rage , assaulted the other party – who landed up in hospital – got the Chinese virus and died – left the bloke with a murder charge ….. ouch .
Haha I stumbled across the following page about why we can trust BBC news. It’s worth a quick glance for comic value alone, although in a sense it is also rather chilling that their constant stream of extreme left-wing, anti British, Marxist propaganda can be passed off as impartial news.
jakita- unbelievable hypocrisy: you can’t claim to have ‘impartiality’ alongside a commitment to ‘diversity’, for example. ‘Diversity’ (positive discrimination, affirmative action and all the other disguises that downgrade merit) has simply meant a decrease in the number of white employees, and the death of what we really want in ‘impartiality’ : diversity of opinion.
Earlier on I outlined the exchange Amol Rajan had with an editor from The Economist. It becomes absolutely clear that ‘diversity’ (part of his opening attack on her) is a hugely loaded bbc attack tool, and that diversity of opinion or free speech is NOT wanted on the R4 media show.
If the bbc policy had any meaning, someone like that would never have been hired in the first place.
@Jakita there are dozens of tweets about that BBC page none complementary
One or two do call the BBC a Tory mouthpiece.
5pm..PM briefing….the MSM questions – anal as usual and in one case a ‘ when did you stop beating your wife?” attempt..but overall pathetic. I think the Grade A haters were on holiday…But wait
Evan Davis (?) ….now slagging off Govt for its poor use of Army…is there nothing they can’t find negative..he is a real piece of work…
funny they seem quite happy to use all the military words now having criticised the Govt for doing so..
BBC constantly asking for a ‘road map’ explaining how we are going to come out of the present lock down and restrictions.
What purpose would this serve ?
It would give the BBC and Labour the potential of further criticism of the Government if those details were not 100% adhered too.
If anyone is watching the BBC briefing coverage the deaf signer bloke is an entertainment in himself – a touch of the Norman wisdoms …
Is he for real? Remember the fake sign language bloke at Nelson Mandela’s memorial service!
This bloke looks like a bookie doing tic-tac to me!
The issue of whether the public should wear masks in daily routines. Putting aside the point that, at present, that would deprive the NHS ‘Front line’ of that protection, I’ve been looking at the essential facts.
The chinese virus has been measured. It is apparently, between 0.05 microns and 0.2 microns. It is taken that the average size is 0.125 microns.
The commonly referred to N95 masks will protect the user from 95% airborne particulates which need to be 0.3 microns or larger. Fact is, in some circumstances, the chinese virus, if airborne, could be drawn in in a breathing cycle and pass through the N95 mask.
There is a class N.100 which is a HE or HEPA quality filter. Clearly, those will not filter 100% as that means no air to breathe. In practice the best will filter 99.97% of particulates and the only respirators that WILL be 100% successful against the chinese virus will be those with separate air supply.
So, if you use N95’s be prepared to run when anybody nearby starts to cough or sneeze. Come to think of it most of us do anyway.
There is the assertion that wearing a mask and goggles will deter the user from touching or rubbing the face and we are told, only the eyes, nose or mouth gives access to the virus.
A bloke behind me in a queue who was dry coughing wasn’t wearing a mask – I thought about offering a couple as I have loads of PPE and always have had – I just think that if someone coughs into a mask it’s going to contain a fair bit of virus rather than it being projected all over the place .
I have a couple of respirator type masks but won’t use them unless I really have to go on the tube or plane – which extremely unlikely as BA keep cancelling me flights and it would be easier to get money out of someone of ‘tight’ heritage than BA.
Not BBC but airlines – funny how easy it is to buy a ticket online but you don’t get an automatic refund – and there is no ‘refund ‘ button …..
Masks among the general public is going to be a big fail.
My wife works for one of the biggest supermarket chains. She spends her days mainly in the petrol station and my god people with masks are stupid.
In a single 6 hour shift she witnessed;
A customer turning around and telling someone to move back 2 metres. Reply: “No need, I’m wearing a mask”!
Numerous people with mask, having handled the fuel pumps, remove their masks to talk at the counter. Then replacing their mask.
Clear evidence that some people wear the same mask for days on end. The masks are soiled/stained and it’s pretty obvious. Some people even brag it’s not expensive if you use one a week!
Masks are being discarded out of car windows (shopping done, let’s go home scenario) and one day breezy day it could be you that gets it in the face.
Lots of people are touching their masks as they browse around the shop.
I think masks will cause more hazards than they remove. They make people complacent.
If Boris doesn’t tell people to wear a mask
..he doesn’t get sued.
If he makes people wear masks
and they get harmed by something or catch Covid through it
..he will get sued.
G, and hands … don’t forget those Happy Birthday Hands … touching the eyes, nose, mouth or any part of the face really that is then spread in some way, say via handkerchief, to the eyes, nose and mouth later on.
But what if the mask wearer has a big conk? Large noses, especially large thin, long, noses leave a gap between cheek and nose when wearing a mask that is open to heavy moisture particulates that might arise from a cough from another person, even if the are wearing a mask.
As you hint, it is really impractical.
I noticed this on the BBC parliament Channel which is a totally superfluous channel anyway when the debates are properly available and archived here –
Might be worth viewing
“In our session with @DCMS Secretary of State @OliverDowden ,
@DamianGreen asked if the Government’s alleged opinion on the @BBC as reported several months ago
had shifted given the broadcaster’s response to the #COVID-19 crisis.”
There were dumb questions
” ah you see advertisers don’t like Covid2
so they will place keyword blocking
so that their adverts don’t appear on Covid19 stories”
..Yeh and man advertisers will SEEK the same pages
I struggle to watch these briefings now as, when it gets to the “questions”, I get so frustrated that they ask questions that have just been addressed, are they genuinely that stupid that they cannot find a question that has not been addressed ?
Do they not think that quickly ? “oh, that question is now redundant as it has been clearly addressed but I will still ask it anyway ”
Why does no one say “did you not bloody listen ?!” maybe why I am not a politician
I see the goddamn awful Lara Carlsberg is missing, just hoping she is in a rubber room being sedated while shouting “Testing. Testing. PPE, PPE ”
whilst her mob are now rehearsing their new line: “care homes, care homes care homes, exterminate Boris, exterminate, exterminate”
Sent on their way from bbc Skaro with rubber plungers on their heads.
“Ramadam good, Easter bad” etc
You are not alone.
Mr. Harding used to head the bbc News operation.
Tortoise are spending a lot of money saying how great they are. No one is buying.
Nothing much has changed.
The guy has dyslexia. he meant to say bellends, I think
Bit harsh on bellends, that…
Tony hasn’t got many books ergo not an expert.
Sources (yes, them) tell me that he has a number of colouring-in books in his library..,
“Carlsberg, probably the worst journo in the world”
Many viewers couldn’t give a Castlemaine XXXX for Laura K and I bet she doesn’t drink Carling Black Label either.
Pug – Whitty evaded the question on whether the British people, having invested in a potential vaccine, would be the first to benefit – should one be found by UK researchers. This is not the first time this question was asked and evaded.
It kinda reminded me of Ms Merkel, had she been asked whether the first beneficiaries of a German vaccine would be Germans. She would evade, but the answer would clearly be ‘no’. I suspect she would prioritise ‘migrants’.
More startling is the realisation that slowly dawns on us that ‘social measures’ will have to last for a year at the very least. The implication is that it will take much longer before thousands of businesses can restart, to name but one consequence.
It’s going to cost billions, if not trillions for the state to keep subsidising them and paying their employees 80% of their wages. And there are many other costly consequences, from social care to maintaining neglected transport infrastructure.
I’d hate to even start thinking where that money will come from. I wonder whether beeb will enlighten us? Maybe Sir Keir, beloved of beeb, will pull a Gordon Brown on us and ‘save the world’?
(Add a multiplier to bail out people like poor Richard Branson.)
Fake – if recent techy history is anything to go by blighty will develop a useable vaccine and the Americans will take it , patent it,stick a flag on it and sell it back at a factor 10 price…..
Arise Komrad Keir
Oh so close !!!!
Pity its not Saudia Arabia….never mind in 20 years there will be an Imam doing that to our politicians but with more of a swing to it
Whats the betting this one hangs on to his job, for whatever reason ????
(like so many)
‘What’s f***ing wrong with her? Welsh Assembly politician abuses his Labour colleague – without muting himself – during toe-curling virtual Zoom session
Vaughan Gething apologises to Jenny Rathbone after conference call blunder
The health minister was heard muttering ‘what the f*** is the matter with her?’
The gaffe left colleagues open-mouthed, laughing, and covering faces in shock
Hmmm a victim, an abusive sexist individual but primarily a victim of course cos he is ….
AND a hypocrite:
The Vaughan Gething interview: The racism I faced growing up, my family and why I’d be the best First Minister
He says what drove him then is the same as what drives him now.
“Making the country a better and fairer place so that my son will have loads of opportunities in life,” he said.
“If you’re not prepared to deliberately use the power and opportunity you have in the world to interrupt the way life works and try make it a fairer place then why are you claiming to be a progressive person in politics?”
The political discourse has changed and empowered people to say things they wouldn’t have said in their communities.
“There are loads of positives about social media and people being more connected in the online world, but people do clearly feel more happy to say outrageous things from a keyboard or a tablet or smartphone than they would actually say to you in public.”
What the public thinks….
Appropos of nothing… or maybe RE above:
Michael Jackson documentary gets 168 complaints as fans brand BBC film ‘biased’
Viewers flocked to the BBC to voice their concerns over The Real Michael Jackson, which aired last month. It charted his rise to fame and the child abuse allegations that led to his arrest and trial
“I defend him because he was the victim of a modern day witch hunt fueled by greed, jealousy and racism.
Hmm Harvey Weinsten any other Jews,,, oh yes Epstein ….no headlines about complaints to the bbc,
I’ve got the hump. Settled down to watch Repair Shop, then realised I’d seen it before ! Checked the listings, which said New Edition with no indication of (R) repeat, so the BBC cant even get that right.
Brissles, my dear old thing, on BBC R4 they are well practised at that deception. They often claim “Oh this a the start of a new series of ‘Clare in the Community’ ” but then you find you have heard it before.
Eff mon gotta ask…
Climate Warrior fighting for climate justice and gender justice FFS a few years in the workplace and seeing the various wimmin bullies as they gang together will change your views, nasty, vicious bullies have seen it so many times, seen a few dismissed in my time for this kind of behaviour or rather ” moved on”
and of course you will be popping over the the Amazon rainforest to take on the drug dealers and palm oil dealers stripping the forest then off to India and China for the coal fired power stations no doubt
Think Godfrey Elwick.
Some people are asking for justice for the hundreds of raped, white English schoolgirls, lives ruined, raped by hundreds of pakistani immigrants, in the most horrific manner, by that I mean by gangs of adults racially abusing12 year olds whilst raping them en mass
this looks kind of racist to me, is it racist ?
Stunning silence from the muslim council of britain of course while demanding any muslim report hate crime
do their wives and kids not feel it for the common good to do so ?
RE Musliim Council of Britian : “working for the common good” apparently, (how they get their charity money)
No as some of the raped 12 year old girls were given to 16 year old muzzie kids as birthday presents so the whole kommuni hie is totally aware of this
go figure
This looks kind of racist to me is it racist ?
And still the Trojan Horses are allowed to enter the realm.
Just how difficult is it to figure out that allowing unquarantined entry to the UK is emphatically not a good idea at this particular time? Answers on a postcard to Public Health England at the usual address…
Agenda ? Newsnight ? Surely not !!!
BBC News
The UK had ample chance to join an EU scheme to source medical equipment, ……………..
… sources have told the BBC.
This is all rather odd. You don’t expect the BBC to start advertising on Classic FM and yet I distinctly heard in the early hours (4am thereabouts) a Graham Norton in all his mock cheeriness describing how ‘wonderful’ the BBC Brit Box is…’ and then I dozed off back to sleep. But I later recalled it and thought that’s is very strange, I have never heard it since on Classic FM or indeed LBC where it would get a right mocking anyway. I think it was test transmission and it never went any farther than that. Perhaps BBC could not pay for any more than one radio Ad..
The BBC archives (and that is what it is) are bundled with Channel 4 and Channel 5 (lately) with ITV picking up the bill and the BBC running it for its own benefit. Funded in large part by the UK taxpayer via the TV license. Its a pitch at ‘Ex Pats’ in far flung countries (since returned home) that yearn for old style British comedy and Drama. Not so much now!
A quick search on the internet provided the BBC (PR) press releases were on full ‘Ad’ mode targetted at US and Canada. Not the UK, and so it brings me back to why the BBC bothered to advertise in the UK on the early hours last week at 4am on Classic FM.
And that is when all ‘Ex Pats’ are busy returning home or on ‘lock down’ with probably two words to say about BBC ‘BritBox’ – when you in all probability, have seen it all before – and don’t wish to see it all again. Graham Norton is an odd choice to present Brit Box in an advert. He is the highest paid alongside Gary Linekar who owe both their personal fortunes to the BBC. Its not something that appeals overseas, and its a bit false plugging it, here in the UK.
And then there is the current ‘pandemic’ which must mean that the overseas audience is at best ‘disappointing’ as it is depressing.
So I ask the question, what is the point of Brit Box other than a vanity BBC project bundled with content that is already available elsewhere on license such as Amazon, NetFlix and what-have-you and I will throw in ‘Free-View’ channels – where here in the UK a lot of old BBC content shows up regular as driftwood on Channels that the BBC also owns outright! Incredibly they own five (at least) BBC free view channels to ‘recycle’ old BBC programs. What then is the point of BBC Brit Box?
And what is the point of Graham Norton advertising it on Classic FM, except in acute desperation, for anyone, anybody to – pay for it? Its all a bit odd at that hour in the morning. The BBC have no idea on how to market, and even well extended ‘PR’ spread through the internet Twitter feed on a global ‘push’ has its limits in a global pandemic and lock-down.
I would like to see the BBC sales figures, but we may never know and I expect it will all be mothballed until the good times return. That may never happen at the BBC. As I say, its all rather odd but we do live in very odd times!
@Phili[2 I hear that Graham Norton ad on LBC/TalkRadio very frequently
and I think it was on the TV yesterday
Wow I am now really tempted to join Twitter, rarely have I come across a snowflake this stupid:
Climate Warrior:
Most heterosexual relationships are queer or trans, I would say. That’s just obvious.
I did join twitter sent him a reply, then immediately had 10 minutes of “are you a robot” please enter the following, followed by a demand for my phone number
as I said: go figure
some hate speech is allowed on twitter
@Darcy3 , .. Guest Who already told you it’s a PARODY account
I dont care what MR PAROD’s real name is, he’s still annoying
I dont care what MR PAROD’s real name is, he’s still annoying
Norton is an Irishman, but he is also one of the best-known faces in Britain, where he lives. It would be interesting to hear his take. He delivered it with his usual frankness and humour.
A revolution has occurred in the UK, he told the audience, but it didn’t come from the right and it didn’t come from the left, instead “it came from the stupid”.
He spoke of how he tells people who voted for Brexit that they needed to “look at their victory parade”, to watch who was “dancing the hardest and shouting the loudest”.
These people, he said more bluntly, had “hitched their wagon to a moron”. This was just a few days prior to Boris Johnson taking office as prime minister.
Given that the UK is where he is employed, and things he says are highly quotable, this could have been construed as risky territory.
Earlier in the evening, there had been discussion of how, these days, a single line, reported and spread on social media, could now break a career in a matter of hours.
At that point, Norton said he was grateful that this had not been the case in his younger days, and that he while he loved his job, his career was now long-established. In classic Norton fashion, he acknowledged the frankness of his remarks and possible repercussions, reminding us how he had already mentioned his career was well beyond the spring chicken stage.