The BBC also recently did an item telling us how wonderful and kind the drugs gangs were. it seems there are no go areas for the Police and so the gangs filled the vacuum to distribute essential supplies to residents. Apparently and without irony we were told their ‘distribution networks’ were of great value to the cause.
One is left wondering what this will cost the residents when normal extortion, murder, rape and robbery returns to the streets.
No Sweeney! in a robe he nicked from Pyongyang Travelodge hoisting a Kir Royale?
Meryl Streep, Audra McDonald, and Christine Baranski enjoyed cocktails in their bathrooms and set the new standard for group friendships
Abolishing the Telly Tax would alleviate the financial strain and burden caused by the pandemic , after all its a tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich . Every little helps .
One paragraph stands out for impressive bbc editorialising in the Moaning Emole:
“ The silence comes as a BBC Panorama investigation reveals ministers failed to buy crucial protective equipment to help care staff cope with a pandemic. There were no gowns, visors, swabs or body bags in the UK’s stockpile when Covid-19 arrived. “
That does not look like an honest way of describing any aspect of this.
So the BBC expects ministers are responsible for buying PPE! I expect that Lord Hall buys the bog rolls for Broadcasting House and they expect it’s the same at the Dept of Health.
Seriously Brexit and the pandemic have shown in stark relief that the civil service is utterly incompetent and heavily politicised. It simply refuses to do what ministers order if it doesn’t agree with it. Worse it may even be prepared to resort to sabotage to undermine government. There seems to be zero accountability , no one ever gets sacked for incompetence, if ministers push too hard for action they are accused of harassing their staff and the cs uses anonymous leaks as a political weapon. Even worse is the fact that the civil servants have common cause with the judiciary, senior police officers, senior council official, the educational establishment. No matter who we vote for the liberal left run the country, democracy hasn’t got a chance. And as President Trump has found draining the swamp is a Herculean task which would take many years to accomplish. I’m afraid the long march through the institutions has paid off big time.
I am sure you would all agree that it was time the Tory government went on the offensive against Al Beeb and called them out by exposing all the bias and propaganda pumped out by the so called “British” broadcaster . Now is the time as most of the public would be be behind Boris .
I think the Democrat Party have sunk so low and are so ‘in bed’ with different media and campaign groups and others like Antifa that I would not put it past them to have used the Covid-19 virus in all sorts of ways to try to prevent a Republican Party win in November this year.
I think ‘the West’ (or Free World, if you will) made a big mistake in thinking the National Socialists and Communists had been defeated in 1990 and were gone forever.
Heretic . Footy is essential . I’m not sure how it’s going to be played whilst enforcing the social distancing rules though ….
Norwich will continue to fight to get relegated in order to be top dog in the middle of the championship whilst Liverpool will play its usual blame game .
Happy “ the French are better than us day”
As the BBC goes into full Francophile mode as their PM announced a phased end of lockdown starting with street protests , charging a shed load to get into the Louvre and an opening of marine shops to help African boys invade Blighty at an even greater level than before .
As well as going on strike of course …. La BBC will love it .
I really do hope they start up the footy again – 4 games a day . I remember that the FA was thinking whether games could be played without crowds in peacetime because live fans weren’t worth the effort compared to their monetary value – and TV rights are the true Gods .
“Prisoners released early to help combat outbreak”
Why not get all jailbirds out in the fresh air ? Get them out in the farms gainfully employed picking fruit & veg to pay for their keep, out in the streets picking litter.
‘Low risk’ prisoners in fields picking fruit and veg, staying healthy, being paid a little but adding to the economy, giving some a goal each day, not being in a cell for 23 hours per day, not having to fly in hundreds/thousands of ‘workers’ from eastern Europe and what this ‘costs’, etc., I did put this forward as a policy the Brexit party should adopt, about 18 months ago. I suppose we run the risk of contravening the prisoner human rights – and the weak governments we have, just don’t have the balls or the gumption.
The Mouse
I can just see that now. Hundreds of Norman Stanley Fletchers slaving away in our local pick your own fields with Mr McKay supervising. Perhaps the makings there of another excellent BBC production. Oh — I forgot, the BBC no longer understands comedy.
Doncha just know that, DT daily increases the communists blood pressure? And why should it not? I ask myself. Imagine you and other like minded souls had been working assiduously, clandestinely, in previous US Governments to apply a World Plan to start by converting the largest economy in the World to a basket case, wouldn’t you be very mad if that plan was interrupted?
The BBC are bigging up today’s virtue-signalling activity, which is a minute’s silence for NHS workers who have died during the C19 crisis. ‘Around 90’ have done so. And the propaganda tells us they were all selfless workers on the front line.
Let’s do some number crunching (allow for rounding)
The UK has 33 million people of working age and the NHS employs 1 million. That’s 3% of working age.
There have been 21, 000 known, tested, C19 deaths. From last week’s ONS numbers, around 13% of these are of working age. That gives a figure of 2730.
So the normal expected CV19 death rate among NHS workers would be 3% of that, say 81.
The actual number of NHS deaths is a little hazy though seems to be somewhere between 78 and ‘over 90’. Lets go with a report that suggested 93.
In other words, NHS deaths are at about the statistically expected level and we don’t actually know that even the truly front-line staff that died caught the virus at work. I mean, over 4000 people a day are still getting it over a month after lockdown. NHS workers are just as likely to be picking it up as the rest of us during ordinary daily life. Why does that make them ‘heroes’ any more than my neighbours who have certainly caught it, and felt rough for a month?
I fully support genuinely front line staff, especially if they are indeed short of PPE.
But in terms of raw data yet again we are being asked to virtue-signal for almost no reason at all.
The brainwashing continues.
[I will not be joining in.
Many of the dead NHS workers became dead, because the profligate hard left NHS adminstrators were
promoting hard leftism. Patient concern is their job description, not promoting globalism.
Instead we need.
One minutes silence for patients who died or had worse health due to the neglect or incompetence of NHS staff.
One minutes silence for the hundreds of thousands of white children gang raped by Muslims imported by the Labour party.
One minutes silence for those killed or injured in terrorist attacks carried out by Muslims imported by the Labour party.]
Radio 4 just informed us the “silence” organised by the health unions. Then the silence can be used as evidence of government culpability I expect. The newsreader then hastily added about the £60,000 that it didn’t stop grieving relatives and wouldn’t be enough to cover a lifetimes earnings.
The relentless onslaught of flimsy negative stories about Trump and Boris by the Holy Trinity of the BBC, Guardian and Independent show clearly how bitter and politically biased they are.
While the World waits for positive news, these three are determined to paint a picture of doom and despair which can only be lifted by removing Trump and Boris, the entire Conservative and Republican parties, installing Labour and the Democrats and cancelling Brexit.
Same old same old….
Personally I am now ay past the point of anger, it’s a bit like listening to a child screaming because they have been sent to their room.
A perfect example of my last post on BBC news this morning.
Lousie Minchin questioning the Conservative Safeguarding Minister (whatever that) is was told that the Government had now provided a Billion items of PPE since the clamour was raised to which Louise responded….
“But are you counting each glove as one item”
I spat my tea out!
What a partisan and feeble attempt to rubbish the response at all costs.
Digg- Lousie Minchin one of the two munchkins on
BBC’S breakfast TV, wouldn’t even know where the yellow
brick road was. The BBC has been an absolute disgrace over
this Chinese virus pandemic. All but AN ENEMY OF THE STATE!!
Well this looks like an article written by the BBC apology team – We think we got it about right and your views are wrong.. I particularly like this bit
“Journalists are expected to report those facts”.. shame they don’t
If this chaps teaches Journalists you can see why they are held in such low regard by much of the population
He clearly has no idea how the vast bulk of the country feel.. me thinks he lives in a BBC bubble…
Let us investigate the cause of the April sunshine.
a) Good news about the UK by “journalists”?
b) Low IQ, overpaid, “celebrities”, are inconvenienced by virus?
c) EU economy collapses, EU political collapse soon?
d) Saudi Arabian economy collapsing due to oil price (is Kharma an Islamic God?).
e) North Korean dictator dies (that NK, the one with zero coronavirus casualties).
f) Hard left Macron stops lovable Muslims in France burning Christian churches, allows all other buildings to burn.
g) Global hatred for globalists, richly deserved.
Increased sunshine caused by way less areoplane contrails in the sky?
Therefore less cloud seeding and less reflected incoming sunlight.
Who knows.. conspiracy nuts have made it a subject unfashionable to study property.
“We are dealing with an understandably febrile media environment” says @MattHancock@LBC This was in reaponse to a question about last night’s #Panorama (yup)
“Paul“ proves a point. Especially about BBC ‘quotes’.
Lol. This BBC "Director" has carefully selected ONE review out of 24 excellent ones for my BBC critique. Once a BBC fake news soldier always a fake news BBC soldier;#DefundTheBBC#BBCFakeNews
R4 15:30pm Zero Carbon Britain (Costing the Earth) The UK is one of the few advanced economies to commit to the idea of net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
Tom Heap asks if we can achieve our ambitious goal.
To reach that ambitious target we’re going to have to change the way we travel, heat our homes and farm our food.
Tom’s joined by
– physicist Helen Czerski ,
– James Murray, editor of Business Green
– the author of Our Final Warning, Mark Lynas.
* BBC the advertising division of the subsidy sucking Greenblob corporations *
IN Re The lady who sprayed Dettol on her food & others who might do similar .
Dont they listen to the BBC ? For eight years the BBC and others have been telling us that Donald Trump is an idiot and nothing he says should be taken seriously .
This lady obviously hasnt had her moneys worth from the TV licence shes paid and should have a refund .
The BBC science Editor..Tom Feilden..with his ‘own’ view on Lockdown.
Basically he says it’s great that scientists are happy to say they don’t know and to change their minds with new evidence.
Funny that..when the Govt does the same thing the BBC jump on them with.. but not with pats on the back
Essentially his lock down ‘story’ was a BBC narrative
ps. Not saying he doesn’t know anything about science from experience but as far as I can see he has no scientific basic BBC
Let’s face it. Unequivocally. Our “Worlds Most Trusted” broadcaster would prefer to see the lockdown restrictions lifted in the hope that the numbers of infected caused another increase in deaths, “the next wave” and thus, enabling them to again boost their Marxist criticism of the Government. In TOADY earlier they example New Zealand where, apparently, their lockdown restrictions are being lifted. Being the “Worlds Most Trusted” broadcaster the news item was unbiased (not) in that the circumstances surrounding NZ’s lockdown was explained (not).
As we heard, NZ was quick to halt travel from China. NZ has a population of 4.8 million.
with a population density of, 4.8 people per SQUARE MILE, (18 people per sq kilometre). NZ ranks 76th in the World for density.
The UK with a population of almost 68 million, has a population density of 660 per SQUARE MILE (255 per sq kilometre) (2010 figures) and ranks 12th in the most populated category. That’s averaged.
Taking extremes, as the BBC likes to do, lets consider London with its population of > 9 million. The population density of 7,700 per SQUARE MILE (14,550 residents per SQUARE MILE in the Greater London area).
So, please, in two/three weeks time when NZ discloses a low ‘second wave of infections’ or, perhaps zero and it is held up by our, “Most Trusted” as an example of what the UK should be doing, bear the foregoing in mind.
There is no useful comparison of anywhere with NZ – Auckland is the big city- about a 1.5 million – equals to 5 London boroughs –
Also – apparently the FT has unexplained figures showing UK 37% up yoy compared to italy at 90%.
As a failed armchair statistician I’d say 60% for the UK – people dying at home scared of hospitals …..and the poor souls being infected in ‘care ‘ homes ….
However, you missed the cornflake snorting moment when the Helen Clarke, ex NZ Prime Minister, (Labour Party) mentioned what we need now is a financial colossus to get us out of this economic mess.
Oxford University ‘leaps ahead’ in Covid-19 vaccine race”
[Not interested in this. Obama is in charge of all vaccine distribution.
Terrorists, homosexuals, socialists, foreigners will receive priority.
White people, even if the vaccine was developed in the UK, will be “at the back of the pangolin and bat queue”.]
“Millions of Australians download virus tracker.”
[I am interested in this. Both the manufacturer of my (rather old) phone, and EE, are very keen to sell me a new phone. Neither are forthcoming as to whether my current phone supports Bluetooth Low Energy which the virus contact software uses!
Google has also detected that I am white, ergo does not succeed in its search. Does succeed in showing photos of nine million black females holding a phone!]
Who would have thought , both the medical people and the general public in times past that
draining blood at a barbers was not a Good Thing
injecting people with the dead cells of a disease would be a Good Thing
Radiation would be a Good Thing
using a micro organism like pennicillin to counteract other micro organism would be a Good Thing
giving somebody an electric shock who has a heart problem would be a Good Thing .
And all the other wonders of medical science ?
Maybe there will be new wonders in the (not too distant ) future ?
For example , if there was a rampant disease threatening mankind and no vaccine , maybe a way to get the disinfectant inside the body to the cells of that virus to wipe it out and save the infected person from death will develop ?
Just a thought . Not to be confused with drinking bleach .
Good post – exactly what I tell my students…open their minds. dogma is the enemy
If you look at the great ‘medical’ discoveries most haven’t come from Medics…but people in different fields thinking outside the box trying to solve a problem..
which is a good reason not to simply focus on what Medics say 🙂 .as the BBC are so fond of doing
The scientists early in 20th C, thought radiation was such a ‘good thing’ that people started holding Radiation Parties in Europe and the UK. Radio-active materials would be handed round and the lighting turned down or off so that guests were able to marvel as these materials glowed in the dark.
People started being taken to doctors and hospitals with strange burns. Then one of the Curies keeled over.
Suddenly, the settled science was no longer settled.
“‘Could it be that South Africa’s early, and strict lockdown, and its aggressive tracing work, are actually working? Or is this just a small lull?’”
No, simply its black. And that’s of paramount importance to show blacks superiority.
Victoria Derbyshire and her weekly glee slot with the compliant but very reliable chappie from the ONS doing the weekly CV bodycount finger-pointing again today…
So 100% from the horses mouth as it were – however a look back shows a slightly more shaky track record from the ONS….
Error found in UK public finances, official statistics body admits…
Facebook would eventually confirm that claims they were banning people for the “Proud to be English” posts were true — but that this was “likely” a “mistake”.
“We’re investigating what happened. Our team reviews millions of pages, posts and images each week and we occasionally make a mistake, as has likely happened here,” a spokesman said in comments reported by The Sun.
“We have removed any restrictions placed on the impacted accounts,” they continued, adding that “We apologise for any upset caused.”
Mail on Corbyn leaked footage of his valedictory PLP
He was coughing throughout the meeting, eventually blaming a “dry biscuit” rather unconvincingly.. before putting on surgical gloves as it continued. MPs were stunned to see him flout lockdown on Wednesday given he clearly knows how to use zoom… details:
JHB ends her point with
“There is a reason why I don’t work for the BBC,
I won’t put up with this”
..After a poor woman from a charity for pregnant women had
made her point “we need to protect pregnant women”
then added in a knee-jerk way “particularly woman of colour” audio
Somerset NHS Trust becomes first in the country to prioritise black and ethnic minority staff for facemasks after figures showed 63 per cent of healthcare deaths are BAME
JHB was talking about this extraordinary narrative about Child Abuse Images
The news story has been tweeted by multiple BBC accounts
strangely most used the bbc.COM version
.. I can believe there have been some changes in the work of Image Monitoring
.. this kind of work cannot be done from home
It has to be done in a secure building.
but to claim that 90% of the work is not being done is extraordinary.
Extraordinary stories have a habit of not not being true
It would count as an essential job, surely most staff are still working.
Terrible consequence of Covid-19 – child sexual abuse images going undeleted & staying longer on the internet:
Talk Radio GP just raised an idea
that Germany doesn’t over estimate Covid19 deaths,
cos it does a lot more tests, it assigns death cause correctly.
However in the UK doctors might be inclined to be cautious and tick the Covid19 box on the death certificate
cos the patient hasn’t had a test, but there’s a chance they died with Covid.
The Germans attributing *actual* cause of death is something that’s been known about for weeks. The UK (and others) who just write COVID 19 because its a no-brainer to do so and will help with the clapping…’s an international scandal really.
I’d be curious to see how many of the UK’s 20,000-ish deaths are “with” or “from” COVID 19. I suspect a high percentage are “with”.
In other news I’m really getting fed up being treated like a leper when I go and do my weeks shopping.
The ‘War of Words’ is hotting up against china.
A threat to the EU that china would cut off all medical supplies?
The sooner all the World recognises china is at the root of all evil Worldwide the better.
The extent of financing the rise of china by Wall Street, City of London and Frankfurt and, on the other hand, working contemporaneously to destroy all Western economies (particularly the US) has yet to be revealed.
“I was one of those who spoke to Panorama and put them in touch with health workers. They told me that they would not let them down.”
So Neil ‘Worldwide Union Organiser, Communist, LUFC, Father of 3, Yorkshireman with proud Scouse tendencies’ Did the BBC call you or did you call the Beeb? Also these health workers, friends of yours? Tweets by NigelUNI
Nodding Dog – These people are sounding like pacifists, not heroes!
We don’t get this nonsense from the armed forces, they just accept what they signed up for and get on with it. That’s what a hero looks like.
NHS workers, like it or not, new their jobs could one day put them in greater danger. At least most of them come out of this employed, unlike many others.
When I posted the above the tweet that posted was the one I quoted not the one that appears now so apologies if there’s any confusion to the purpose of the post.
I may be hard-hearted, uncaring or just plain stupid, but surely if people caught the virus in care homes they would have been transferred to hospitals.
They have been taken to hospitals, but returned back into the care homes for continuing care, particularly palliative care.
A few years ago my Dad was in a care home, and if he was taken ill in the evening, he would be taken to hospital by ambulance, be treated in outpatients, then returned to the home in the early hours of the morning. Couldn’t get rid of him quick enough. More than once he would be taken ill again 2 days later, so the process would be repeated. It was farcical, and a good job I was with him at all times, because no member of the care home staff would go with him.
From what I’ve seen, it doesn’t do well to get old and be put in a care home. So beware.
Carterdaniel – don’t you know it’s all about the yoof? Especially for the bbc and MSM in general.
The times when the ‘old’ were respected, after a lifetime of work, experience, and gathering wisdom, are gone. They are dispensable. The state has to pay the ‘old’ pensions; the yoof will bring in the money via taxes of various kinds. No contest.
Yep, he! he ! when we were ‘yoofs’ the ‘old’ were dying off from their 60’s onwards, now us yoofs are the oldies we are hanging for grim death !!! quite rightly. To be honest there was nothing I loved more than listening to my gran and grandad telling tales and stores about when they were growing up and my distant family beyond them. Does that happen today ? not that I’ve experienced. I have buckets of stuff I could tell my nieces and nephews about my youth and living standards, but they’re not bothered or interested, they’re the losers, they’re history will be gone when I’m gone.
I too shared great interest in the experiences of my elders but this doesn’t seem to be the case with today’s young people. I suspect it may be because they have been brainwashed into believing that the British of yesteryear were at best misguided fools , or at worst racist zealots, whose only aim was world domination and enslavement of people everywhere. There is no need to point the finger at those who have brought this about, we all know who they are.
Consequently the history of Britain, it culture and traditions is ,in their eyes , something to be deeply ashamed of. They and the country as a whole is rather like a ship that has slipped its anchor and is drifting at the mercy of the tide and wind .Where this will take them in decades to come is anyone’s guess but I think that it is unlikely to anywhere pleasant.
Some positive news is that Al Beeb have foolishly opened up comments for the “Blame the Government for lack of PPE” article…..and are taking a total hammering! All “top rated” comments against the article and BBC in general. Hopefully enough people are seeing through their hateful ways.
Thank you for drawing our attention to this. I seldom feel well enough to risk having anything to do with the BBC these days and I would have missed it . As you say the comments are giving them a pasting which they thoroughly deserve. I only hope that the government continues with the plan to decriminalise the BBC and allows the people to free themselves of the foul corporation.
Emeron, I’ve noticed an interesting thing on these HYSs. Were the negative article/BBC comments in mid-Thread?
Here, it appears Beeboids or pro-Beeboids have weighed in at the beginning and then toward the end. Not many are posting names I recognise although I’m now very out of touch now, thanks to the laziness of the Senior Editors not Blogging regularly.
“It was the lack of “surge capacity” within the NHS, combined with fresh data from Italy, that the modellers at Imperial cited only last week as the reason for Britain having to pivot from a strategy of mitigation to total lockdown six days ago.”
“Pressure is already mounting on the NHS leadership. Yesterday the editor of the Lancet, Richard Horton, called on the NHS board to “resign in their entirety” once the current crisis is over. Others said this was not the time for such attacks, justified or otherwise. “It’s a bit like calling for heads to roll over D-day just as the boats are arriving on the beaches,” said one veteran NHS observer”
“A video (below at 7 minutes 14 seconds) of the meeting shows the NHS England Board considering the paper for just a few moments, with no serious questions being raised. This is despite the document making clear, albeit in the obtuse language of Whitehall, that the NHS had been found wanting by the exercise.”
Multiply that scenario with hundreds, perhaps thousands of other such organisations in the UK and you can see why the “Great” was added to ‘Britain’.
Thank you for the 11 minute video – I wondered what the wage bill is for these managers ?
Also – the contingencies chap mentioned that Cygnus was a three day exercise led by the Department of Health … I wonder how much shredding and ducking for cover has been going on there …… ?
I hope everyone is keeping safe during the great 2020 PPE shortage.
These are strange times indeed, people are clapping at the sky, we are queing for food (very socialist) and the trusted, world respected value for money bbc has opened a directory inquiries service to help us through these tough times.
“NHS in Wales is entirely devolved and has been run by Labour for years.
Did they stockpile more PPE?
No scrutiny of them BBC?
#15 6. Posted by @Seanus Maximuson
Wow, who’d of thought, another Government bashing story from the BBC.
You guys are just full of surprises.
I’m starting to think you might have an agenda..
#20 The BBC said
“The investigation by BBC Panorama found that vital items were left out of the stockpile when it was set up in 2009 and that the government subsequently ignored a warning from its own advisers to buy missing equipment.”
..So strange the BBC forgot to mention that Gordon Brown’s Labour government didn’t resign until 11 May 2010
tap, BBC caption “An NHS worker is pictured wearing a plastic bag as a hair cover”
Is that the hospital cook? Or a surgeon? If the latter, I thought they were not doing surgery at the present time. The BBC told me so: it must be right. (tongue firmly in cheek)
Tapwater – whatever happens, bbc are laying the foundations for Surkeer and his Labour party in the next GE.
Key thrust will be the ‘failure’ of the Conservative government during the COVID crisis, and the damage it did to the financial system, and therefore to each and every one of us.
You surely don’t believe that an ideologically-driven person like Surkeer, who wants to be Prime Minister, is going to carry on being “constructive” (if he ever was).
Key message: Labour would have handled the crisis so much better. Who knows: if needed, the LimpDums, who would also have handled the crisis so much better, may even climb on board, so that we get a lefty coalition? The Greens are likely to benefit, cos a link between Covid and Climate Change will be established.
BoJo and Rishi have their work cut out. When thins die down, Rishi will have to find several trillions of pounds. (Not just millions or billions)
tapwater – ordinary people can see through the b.s, but regrettably beeb bigwigs will continue to be part of ‘the establishment’, and have cosy relationships with government, any government.
You can see how they currently stage government on a daily basis, and I’m sure ministers like Matt and Rishi will be grateful for the exposure. Beeb would, of course, prefer to see Surkeer and Lisa up there. Then again, they’re well clear of responsibility for the shortage of ppe, testing etc. -and I’m sure theyr’e grateful
for that. Big hammer to use on government, ably assisted by beeb/Guardian.
Above all, beeb will continue to collect licence-fees. Even the over-75s, slightly reduced now, won’t be let off.
I have a feeling beeb will come out of this just fine. Probably better than they went in.
“The shortages follow NHS chief operating officer Amanda Pritchard telling the Commons health select committee on Tuesday there was not an overall shortage of stock, but admitting there were local distribution issues.
“Committee chair Jeremy Hunt also questioned the NHS leaders about concerns raised widely about personal protective equipment shortages at some trusts and in some parts of the country.
NHS England chief operating officer Amanda Pritchard insisted there was not a national shortage of PPE yet – although there were local issues.
She said: “We have been assured that there is sufficient supply available nationally… However, we [are] aware that there have been some local distribution problems, so we have not necessarily got the kit in the right sic [places].
“So, what we have done today is set up a dedicated helpline so if people have local issues they need immediate response to, then they have got somewhere to go.”
Sir Simon added that while system leaders were assured there was sufficient PPE nationally at present, the system would need more in the coming weeks.
Incidentally, Craig Murray (Historian, Former Ambassador, Human Rights Activist) finds himself in a similar position to Tommy Robinson, but on the Alex Salmond case –
“I am charged with contempt of court and the hearing is on 7 July at the High Court in Edinburgh. The contempt charge falls in two categories:
i) Material published before the trial liable to prejudice a jury
ii) Material published which could assist “jigsaw identification” of the failed accusers.
Plainly neither of these is the true motive of the Crown Office. If they believed that material I published was likely to have prejudiced the jury, then they had an obvious public duty to take action BEFORE the trial – and the indictment shows conclusively they were monitoring my material long before the trial. To leave this action until after the trial which they claim the material was prejudicing, would be a serious act of negligence on their part. It is quite extraordinary to prosecute for it now and not before the trial.
A very simple question that seems to be avoided by the worlds finest broadcaster, are front line Anychess staff contacting the virus from patients? If yes Follow up 1 We’re they wearing PPE, follow 2, if they were why are they getting infected,
If answer to first question is no, then follow up , where are they contacting it?
Seems simple enough to me answers on a panorama investigation! Maybe not
Talk Radio caller
“These people who call in to run down the government
… ask THEM what they have done to SERVE this country ?
… bet most of them never even served in the boy scouts”
I dont know if anyone here has noticed the amount of advertising lately by all sorts of charities with the begging bowl out. Each advert break is now wall to wall charity begging. These last few days Barnadoes have starting a new campaign, it is highlighting young white girls getting groomed (my words) you get the message absolutely nothing that could give you a clue to who is doing the grooming. Terrible, where were they when all the young girls were being abused, now just using it to make money on the backs of these young victims.
Yep have noticed that cromwell, maybe they are getting worried that as donations slip there may not be enough coming in to balance and hide the six-figure plus pay checks of their fat-cat bosses let alone pay for all the specially printed T-shirts all the staff appear to wear.
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The BBC also recently did an item telling us how wonderful and kind the drugs gangs were. it seems there are no go areas for the Police and so the gangs filled the vacuum to distribute essential supplies to residents. Apparently and without irony we were told their ‘distribution networks’ were of great value to the cause.
One is left wondering what this will cost the residents when normal extortion, murder, rape and robbery returns to the streets.
No Sweeney! in a robe he nicked from Pyongyang Travelodge hoisting a Kir Royale?
The media really know how to read the public mood.
Abolishing the Telly Tax would alleviate the financial strain and burden caused by the pandemic , after all its a tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich . Every little helps .
One paragraph stands out for impressive bbc editorialising in the Moaning Emole:
“ The silence comes as a BBC Panorama investigation reveals ministers failed to buy crucial protective equipment to help care staff cope with a pandemic. There were no gowns, visors, swabs or body bags in the UK’s stockpile when Covid-19 arrived. “
That does not look like an honest way of describing any aspect of this.
So the BBC expects ministers are responsible for buying PPE! I expect that Lord Hall buys the bog rolls for Broadcasting House and they expect it’s the same at the Dept of Health.
Seriously Brexit and the pandemic have shown in stark relief that the civil service is utterly incompetent and heavily politicised. It simply refuses to do what ministers order if it doesn’t agree with it. Worse it may even be prepared to resort to sabotage to undermine government. There seems to be zero accountability , no one ever gets sacked for incompetence, if ministers push too hard for action they are accused of harassing their staff and the cs uses anonymous leaks as a political weapon. Even worse is the fact that the civil servants have common cause with the judiciary, senior police officers, senior council official, the educational establishment. No matter who we vote for the liberal left run the country, democracy hasn’t got a chance. And as President Trump has found draining the swamp is a Herculean task which would take many years to accomplish. I’m afraid the long march through the institutions has paid off big time.
Dt – “it may even be prepared to resort to sabotage”
No may about it, plenty of May involved.
As were Robbins and co.
We must have a pro-conservative civil service, new legislation, sling the traitors out, no redundancy, no pensions.
Replace them with patriots. Barnier would kill himself rather than attend a second meeting with UK representatives led by me .
Raining today in Westyland. Traffic on the arterial route near Westy towers is far heavier than of late.
Toady watch #1
The female beeboid gently pressing the guest regarding the reopening of recycling centres.
Straight bat played and all questions answered with no ability from beeboid to ‘gotcha”
Not sure who the guy was and I didn’t warm to him, but many politicians could take a leaf out his book when responding to the beeboid loons.
I am sure you would all agree that it was time the Tory government went on the offensive against Al Beeb and called them out by exposing all the bias and propaganda pumped out by the so called “British” broadcaster . Now is the time as most of the public would be be behind Boris .
Taff, for sure. I didn’t see it (don’t pay the telly Robery tax) but understand the Pano-drama programme last night was a particular disgrace.
IMHO Al Beeb are attempting to use use the pandemic to bring the present government down.
I suspect the same for the USA.
I think the Democrat Party have sunk so low and are so ‘in bed’ with different media and campaign groups and others like Antifa that I would not put it past them to have used the Covid-19 virus in all sorts of ways to try to prevent a Republican Party win in November this year.
I think ‘the West’ (or Free World, if you will) made a big mistake in thinking the National Socialists and Communists had been defeated in 1990 and were gone forever.
Toady Watch #2
Trying to open a new front with regard to charity funding for mental health and domestic abuse.
Of course these impacts were not part of their consideration when they were screaming to HMG to invoke the lockdown last month.
Now a dig regarding the differing approach to releasing the lockdown across the 4 nations of GB. Nick Thomas to his ‘credit’ pushes back a little.
I’ve heard enough. Off button selected.
Why is football pushing ‘project restart’
They are not essential.
They are entertainment. Playing behind closed doors is not providing entertainment.
Boris told the country yesterday that lockdown is not yet to be lifted.
Isn’t entertainment essential to good health?
Not everyone has big
Whats a large garden got to do with it? Go for a walk around the local streets.
Large crowds gathering in big numbers. Probably not the best in the current circumstances.
Playing games behind closed doors. Devoid of atmosphere, not great entertainment for those that can’t watch it.
Not everyone can afford or wants to subscribe to SLY TV or BT Sports.
Heretic . Footy is essential . I’m not sure how it’s going to be played whilst enforcing the social distancing rules though ….
Norwich will continue to fight to get relegated in order to be top dog in the middle of the championship whilst Liverpool will play its usual blame game .
Happy “ the French are better than us day”
As the BBC goes into full Francophile mode as their PM announced a phased end of lockdown starting with street protests , charging a shed load to get into the Louvre and an opening of marine shops to help African boys invade Blighty at an even greater level than before .
As well as going on strike of course …. La BBC will love it .
Re the footy, the country could start with women’s games. There would be no problem in social distancing amongst the spectators.
Ha, burn me at the stake!
Its not I don’t like the beautiful game, more those that play, administer and pontificate about it (Lineker etc.) on a ‘professional’ level.
Always had a soft spot for the Saints but its certainly not life or death for me. Far bigger fan of the sound of leather on willow.
I really do hope they start up the footy again – 4 games a day . I remember that the FA was thinking whether games could be played without crowds in peacetime because live fans weren’t worth the effort compared to their monetary value – and TV rights are the true Gods .
What about “take up thy bed and walk” NZ’s own Jacinda day?
“Prisoners released early to help combat outbreak”
Why not get all jailbirds out in the fresh air ? Get them out in the farms gainfully employed picking fruit & veg to pay for their keep, out in the streets picking litter.
Why not just let the wages of the veg pickers rise?
Incisive comment.
‘Low risk’ prisoners in fields picking fruit and veg, staying healthy, being paid a little but adding to the economy, giving some a goal each day, not being in a cell for 23 hours per day, not having to fly in hundreds/thousands of ‘workers’ from eastern Europe and what this ‘costs’, etc., I did put this forward as a policy the Brexit party should adopt, about 18 months ago. I suppose we run the risk of contravening the prisoner human rights – and the weak governments we have, just don’t have the balls or the gumption.
The Mouse
I can just see that now. Hundreds of Norman Stanley Fletchers slaving away in our local pick your own fields with Mr McKay supervising. Perhaps the makings there of another excellent BBC production. Oh — I forgot, the BBC no longer understands comedy.
BBC News
When asked whether he took responsibility for the increase in calls to emergency hotlines, President Trump replied: “No, I don’t.”
Doncha just know that, DT daily increases the communists blood pressure? And why should it not? I ask myself. Imagine you and other like minded souls had been working assiduously, clandestinely, in previous US Governments to apply a World Plan to start by converting the largest economy in the World to a basket case, wouldn’t you be very mad if that plan was interrupted?
The BBC are bigging up today’s virtue-signalling activity, which is a minute’s silence for NHS workers who have died during the C19 crisis. ‘Around 90’ have done so. And the propaganda tells us they were all selfless workers on the front line.
Let’s do some number crunching (allow for rounding)
The UK has 33 million people of working age and the NHS employs 1 million. That’s 3% of working age.
There have been 21, 000 known, tested, C19 deaths. From last week’s ONS numbers, around 13% of these are of working age. That gives a figure of 2730.
So the normal expected CV19 death rate among NHS workers would be 3% of that, say 81.
The actual number of NHS deaths is a little hazy though seems to be somewhere between 78 and ‘over 90’. Lets go with a report that suggested 93.
In other words, NHS deaths are at about the statistically expected level and we don’t actually know that even the truly front-line staff that died caught the virus at work. I mean, over 4000 people a day are still getting it over a month after lockdown. NHS workers are just as likely to be picking it up as the rest of us during ordinary daily life. Why does that make them ‘heroes’ any more than my neighbours who have certainly caught it, and felt rough for a month?
I fully support genuinely front line staff, especially if they are indeed short of PPE.
But in terms of raw data yet again we are being asked to virtue-signal for almost no reason at all.
The brainwashing continues.
This does seem to be diluting sincere respect efforts.
Hopefully no one stays in to bang saucepans alone vs. goes out mingle respectfully with the neighbours in silence.
Coronavirus: UK to hold minute’s silence for key workers who died.
[I will not be joining in.
Many of the dead NHS workers became dead, because the profligate hard left NHS adminstrators were
promoting hard leftism. Patient concern is their job description, not promoting globalism.
Instead we need.
One minutes silence for patients who died or had worse health due to the neglect or incompetence of NHS staff.
One minutes silence for the hundreds of thousands of white children gang raped by Muslims imported by the Labour party.
One minutes silence for those killed or injured in terrorist attacks carried out by Muslims imported by the Labour party.]
It would also be nice to recognise the millions of heroes who have stayed in
One minute silences?
You mean you haven’t been taking part in the decades long silences like the BBC?
Radio 4 just informed us the “silence” organised by the health unions. Then the silence can be used as evidence of government culpability I expect. The newsreader then hastily added about the £60,000 that it didn’t stop grieving relatives and wouldn’t be enough to cover a lifetimes earnings.
The relentless onslaught of flimsy negative stories about Trump and Boris by the Holy Trinity of the BBC, Guardian and Independent show clearly how bitter and politically biased they are.
While the World waits for positive news, these three are determined to paint a picture of doom and despair which can only be lifted by removing Trump and Boris, the entire Conservative and Republican parties, installing Labour and the Democrats and cancelling Brexit.
Same old same old….
Personally I am now ay past the point of anger, it’s a bit like listening to a child screaming because they have been sent to their room.
d – Stop their pocket money, permanently.
A perfect example of my last post on BBC news this morning.
Lousie Minchin questioning the Conservative Safeguarding Minister (whatever that) is was told that the Government had now provided a Billion items of PPE since the clamour was raised to which Louise responded….
“But are you counting each glove as one item”
I spat my tea out!
What a partisan and feeble attempt to rubbish the response at all costs.
Digg- Lousie Minchin one of the two munchkins on
BBC’S breakfast TV, wouldn’t even know where the yellow
brick road was. The BBC has been an absolute disgrace over
this Chinese virus pandemic. All but AN ENEMY OF THE STATE!!
If BS is keen, it may be worth reading for what is left out.
Well this looks like an article written by the BBC apology team – We think we got it about right and your views are wrong.. I particularly like this bit
“Journalists are expected to report those facts”.. shame they don’t
If this chaps teaches Journalists you can see why they are held in such low regard by much of the population
He clearly has no idea how the vast bulk of the country feel.. me thinks he lives in a BBC bubble…
From your link.
“Britain risks losing access to valuable European legal pact.”
Fortunately the ever alert Jon Snow is on duty to warn us of the dangers of leaving the EU.
Provo News. More on.
Maybe Coronavirus really does hate sunshine,and the cause of the drops in infections etc , rather than due to people hiding in their castles ?.
Let us investigate the cause of the April sunshine.
a) Good news about the UK by “journalists”?
b) Low IQ, overpaid, “celebrities”, are inconvenienced by virus?
c) EU economy collapses, EU political collapse soon?
d) Saudi Arabian economy collapsing due to oil price (is Kharma an Islamic God?).
e) North Korean dictator dies (that NK, the one with zero coronavirus casualties).
f) Hard left Macron stops lovable Muslims in France burning Christian churches, allows all other buildings to burn.
g) Global hatred for globalists, richly deserved.
Increased sunshine caused by way less areoplane contrails in the sky?
Therefore less cloud seeding and less reflected incoming sunlight.
Who knows.. conspiracy nuts have made it a subject unfashionable to study property.
Foghorn is a yuppie still.
“Paul“ proves a point. Especially about BBC ‘quotes’.
R4 15:30pm Zero Carbon Britain (Costing the Earth)
The UK is one of the few advanced economies to commit to the idea of net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
Tom Heap asks if we can achieve our ambitious goal.
To reach that ambitious target we’re going to have to change the way we travel, heat our homes and farm our food.
Tom’s joined by
– physicist Helen Czerski ,
– James Murray, editor of Business Green
– the author of Our Final Warning, Mark Lynas.
* BBC the advertising division of the subsidy sucking Greenblob corporations *
So Britain commited to not contributing plant food to the atmosphere..
Stew, the Beeboids will have to change the way they travel.
Scenario: (from Jaws) “Swim, Eddy!” “Eddy!” “Swim!”
BBC News
Workers have been allowed back to the construction site to make it compliant with social distancing rules.
Something to do with Notre Dame.
As a thought… maybe better achieved by simply not allowing access to anyone?
IN Re The lady who sprayed Dettol on her food & others who might do similar .
Dont they listen to the BBC ? For eight years the BBC and others have been telling us that Donald Trump is an idiot and nothing he says should be taken seriously .
This lady obviously hasnt had her moneys worth from the TV licence shes paid and should have a refund .
The BBC science Editor..Tom Feilden..with his ‘own’ view on Lockdown.
Basically he says it’s great that scientists are happy to say they don’t know and to change their minds with new evidence.
Funny that..when the Govt does the same thing the BBC jump on them with.. but not with pats on the back
Essentially his lock down ‘story’ was a BBC narrative
ps. Not saying he doesn’t know anything about science from experience but as far as I can see he has no scientific basic BBC
Let’s face it. Unequivocally. Our “Worlds Most Trusted” broadcaster would prefer to see the lockdown restrictions lifted in the hope that the numbers of infected caused another increase in deaths, “the next wave” and thus, enabling them to again boost their Marxist criticism of the Government. In TOADY earlier they example New Zealand where, apparently, their lockdown restrictions are being lifted. Being the “Worlds Most Trusted” broadcaster the news item was unbiased (not) in that the circumstances surrounding NZ’s lockdown was explained (not).
As we heard, NZ was quick to halt travel from China. NZ has a population of 4.8 million.
with a population density of, 4.8 people per SQUARE MILE, (18 people per sq kilometre). NZ ranks 76th in the World for density.
The UK with a population of almost 68 million, has a population density of 660 per SQUARE MILE (255 per sq kilometre) (2010 figures) and ranks 12th in the most populated category. That’s averaged.
Taking extremes, as the BBC likes to do, lets consider London with its population of > 9 million. The population density of 7,700 per SQUARE MILE (14,550 residents per SQUARE MILE in the Greater London area).
So, please, in two/three weeks time when NZ discloses a low ‘second wave of infections’ or, perhaps zero and it is held up by our, “Most Trusted” as an example of what the UK should be doing, bear the foregoing in mind.
There is no useful comparison of anywhere with NZ – Auckland is the big city- about a 1.5 million – equals to 5 London boroughs –
Also – apparently the FT has unexplained figures showing UK 37% up yoy compared to italy at 90%.
As a failed armchair statistician I’d say 60% for the UK – people dying at home scared of hospitals …..and the poor souls being infected in ‘care ‘ homes ….
I drove in Wellington one Friday evening a few years back. Lovely part of the world.
I was warned by a friendly local that it was best avoided during the chaos of rush hour.
I carried on anyhow as was keen to get to the hotel.
The rush hour was a lot less busy than any provincial town in UK on the same given day/time.
Very good piece G.
However, you missed the cornflake snorting moment when the Helen Clarke, ex NZ Prime Minister, (Labour Party) mentioned what we need now is a financial colossus to get us out of this economic mess.
Her suggestion?
Gordon (where did all that Gold go?) Brown!
Oxford University ‘leaps ahead’ in Covid-19 vaccine race”
[Not interested in this. Obama is in charge of all vaccine distribution.
Terrorists, homosexuals, socialists, foreigners will receive priority.
White people, even if the vaccine was developed in the UK, will be “at the back of the pangolin and bat queue”.]
“Millions of Australians download virus tracker.”
[I am interested in this. Both the manufacturer of my (rather old) phone, and EE, are very keen to sell me a new phone. Neither are forthcoming as to whether my current phone supports Bluetooth Low Energy which the virus contact software uses!
Google has also detected that I am white, ergo does not succeed in its search. Does succeed in showing photos of nine million black females holding a phone!]
Who would have thought , both the medical people and the general public in times past that
draining blood at a barbers was not a Good Thing
injecting people with the dead cells of a disease would be a Good Thing
Radiation would be a Good Thing
using a micro organism like pennicillin to counteract other micro organism would be a Good Thing
giving somebody an electric shock who has a heart problem would be a Good Thing .
And all the other wonders of medical science ?
Maybe there will be new wonders in the (not too distant ) future ?
For example , if there was a rampant disease threatening mankind and no vaccine , maybe a way to get the disinfectant inside the body to the cells of that virus to wipe it out and save the infected person from death will develop ?
Just a thought . Not to be confused with drinking bleach .
Good post – exactly what I tell my students…open their minds. dogma is the enemy
If you look at the great ‘medical’ discoveries most haven’t come from Medics…but people in different fields thinking outside the box trying to solve a problem..
which is a good reason not to simply focus on what Medics say 🙂 .as the BBC are so fond of doing
Nibor – on your first point – what is a ‘barber ‘? My head has forgotten mine …. and I can’t find my ‘ronko ‘
The scientists early in 20th C, thought radiation was such a ‘good thing’ that people started holding Radiation Parties in Europe and the UK. Radio-active materials would be handed round and the lighting turned down or off so that guests were able to marvel as these materials glowed in the dark.
People started being taken to doctors and hospitals with strange burns. Then one of the Curies keeled over.
Suddenly, the settled science was no longer settled.
“‘Could it be that South Africa’s early, and strict lockdown, and its aggressive tracing work, are actually working? Or is this just a small lull?’”
No, simply its black. And that’s of paramount importance to show blacks superiority.
Victoria Derbyshire and her weekly glee slot with the compliant but very reliable chappie from the ONS doing the weekly CV bodycount finger-pointing again today…
So 100% from the horses mouth as it were – however a look back shows a slightly more shaky track record from the ONS….
Error found in UK public finances, official statistics body admits…
EU migration to UK ‘underestimated’ by ONS…
Facebook would eventually confirm that claims they were banning people for the “Proud to be English” posts were true — but that this was “likely” a “mistake”.
“We’re investigating what happened. Our team reviews millions of pages, posts and images each week and we occasionally make a mistake, as has likely happened here,” a spokesman said in comments reported by The Sun.
“We have removed any restrictions placed on the impacted accounts,” they continued, adding that “We apologise for any upset caused.”
Mail on Corbyn
leaked footage of his valedictory PLP
He was coughing throughout the meeting, eventually blaming a “dry biscuit” rather unconvincingly.. before putting on surgical gloves as it continued. MPs were stunned to see him flout lockdown on Wednesday given he clearly knows how to use zoom… details:
He’s frightened he might get forgotten.
JHB ends her point with
“There is a reason why I don’t work for the BBC,
I won’t put up with this”
..After a poor woman from a charity for pregnant women had
made her point “we need to protect pregnant women”
then added in a knee-jerk way “particularly woman of colour”
Just part of the agenda
Somerset NHS Trust becomes first in the country to prioritise black and ethnic minority staff for facemasks after figures showed 63 per cent of healthcare deaths are BAME
Black lives matter… more.
Not sure that % of Healthcare staff in Somerset are BAME.
Good on em, but try and get a referral for a non ’emergency’ appointment with a clinician or specialist …. pretty impossible at this point.
Modern Educayshun…
Not far from where we are heading.
JHB was talking about this extraordinary narrative about Child Abuse Images
The news story has been tweeted by multiple BBC accounts
strangely most used the bbc.COM version
.. I can believe there have been some changes in the work of Image Monitoring
.. this kind of work cannot be done from home
It has to be done in a secure building.
but to claim that 90% of the work is not being done is extraordinary.
Extraordinary stories have a habit of not not being true
It would count as an essential job, surely most staff are still working.
Talk Radio GP just raised an idea
that Germany doesn’t over estimate Covid19 deaths,
cos it does a lot more tests, it assigns death cause correctly.
However in the UK doctors might be inclined to be cautious and tick the Covid19 box on the death certificate
cos the patient hasn’t had a test, but there’s a chance they died with Covid.
Not sure about the “just raised an idea” bit.
The Germans attributing *actual* cause of death is something that’s been known about for weeks. The UK (and others) who just write COVID 19 because its a no-brainer to do so and will help with the clapping…’s an international scandal really.
I’d be curious to see how many of the UK’s 20,000-ish deaths are “with” or “from” COVID 19. I suspect a high percentage are “with”.
In other news I’m really getting fed up being treated like a leper when I go and do my weeks shopping.
Ok, I carried on past the fact it was OFCOM, but ‘making sense of media’ was a step too far.
The ‘War of Words’ is hotting up against china.
A threat to the EU that china would cut off all medical supplies?
The sooner all the World recognises china is at the root of all evil Worldwide the better.
The extent of financing the rise of china by Wall Street, City of London and Frankfurt and, on the other hand, working contemporaneously to destroy all Western economies (particularly the US) has yet to be revealed.
“I was one of those who spoke to Panorama and put them in touch with health workers. They told me that they would not let them down.”
So Neil ‘Worldwide Union Organiser, Communist, LUFC, Father of 3, Yorkshireman with proud Scouse tendencies’ Did the BBC call you or did you call the Beeb? Also these health workers, friends of yours?
Tweets by NigelUNI
Nodding Dog – These people are sounding like pacifists, not heroes!
We don’t get this nonsense from the armed forces, they just accept what they signed up for and get on with it. That’s what a hero looks like.
NHS workers, like it or not, new their jobs could one day put them in greater danger. At least most of them come out of this employed, unlike many others.
When I posted the above the tweet that posted was the one I quoted not the one that appears now so apologies if there’s any confusion to the purpose of the post.
I may be hard-hearted, uncaring or just plain stupid, but surely if people caught the virus in care homes they would have been transferred to hospitals.
They have been taken to hospitals, but returned back into the care homes for continuing care, particularly palliative care.
A few years ago my Dad was in a care home, and if he was taken ill in the evening, he would be taken to hospital by ambulance, be treated in outpatients, then returned to the home in the early hours of the morning. Couldn’t get rid of him quick enough. More than once he would be taken ill again 2 days later, so the process would be repeated. It was farcical, and a good job I was with him at all times, because no member of the care home staff would go with him.
From what I’ve seen, it doesn’t do well to get old and be put in a care home. So beware.
From what I have seen , it is not good to get old in the UK.
The government bully then into self isolation and a lot of them are forced to fend for themselves.
Carterdaniel – don’t you know it’s all about the yoof? Especially for the bbc and MSM in general.
The times when the ‘old’ were respected, after a lifetime of work, experience, and gathering wisdom, are gone. They are dispensable. The state has to pay the ‘old’ pensions; the yoof will bring in the money via taxes of various kinds. No contest.
Yep, he! he ! when we were ‘yoofs’ the ‘old’ were dying off from their 60’s onwards, now us yoofs are the oldies we are hanging for grim death !!! quite rightly. To be honest there was nothing I loved more than listening to my gran and grandad telling tales and stores about when they were growing up and my distant family beyond them. Does that happen today ? not that I’ve experienced. I have buckets of stuff I could tell my nieces and nephews about my youth and living standards, but they’re not bothered or interested, they’re the losers, they’re history will be gone when I’m gone.
I too shared great interest in the experiences of my elders but this doesn’t seem to be the case with today’s young people. I suspect it may be because they have been brainwashed into believing that the British of yesteryear were at best misguided fools , or at worst racist zealots, whose only aim was world domination and enslavement of people everywhere. There is no need to point the finger at those who have brought this about, we all know who they are.
Consequently the history of Britain, it culture and traditions is ,in their eyes , something to be deeply ashamed of. They and the country as a whole is rather like a ship that has slipped its anchor and is drifting at the mercy of the tide and wind .Where this will take them in decades to come is anyone’s guess but I think that it is unlikely to anywhere pleasant.
Some positive news is that Al Beeb have foolishly opened up comments for the “Blame the Government for lack of PPE” article…..and are taking a total hammering! All “top rated” comments against the article and BBC in general. Hopefully enough people are seeing through their hateful ways.
Thank you for drawing our attention to this. I seldom feel well enough to risk having anything to do with the BBC these days and I would have missed it . As you say the comments are giving them a pasting which they thoroughly deserve. I only hope that the government continues with the plan to decriminalise the BBC and allows the people to free themselves of the foul corporation.
Emeron, I’ve noticed an interesting thing on these HYSs. Were the negative article/BBC comments in mid-Thread?
Here, it appears Beeboids or pro-Beeboids have weighed in at the beginning and then toward the end. Not many are posting names I recognise although I’m now very out of touch now, thanks to the laziness of the Senior Editors not Blogging regularly.
The BBC Panorama might have been response to this from the Telegraph which was behind a paywall earlier
“It was the lack of “surge capacity” within the NHS, combined with fresh data from Italy, that the modellers at Imperial cited only last week as the reason for Britain having to pivot from a strategy of mitigation to total lockdown six days ago.”
“Pressure is already mounting on the NHS leadership. Yesterday the editor of the Lancet, Richard Horton, called on the NHS board to “resign in their entirety” once the current crisis is over. Others said this was not the time for such attacks, justified or otherwise. “It’s a bit like calling for heads to roll over D-day just as the boats are arriving on the beaches,” said one veteran NHS observer”
“A video (below at 7 minutes 14 seconds) of the meeting shows the NHS England Board considering the paper for just a few moments, with no serious questions being raised. This is despite the document making clear, albeit in the obtuse language of Whitehall, that the NHS had been found wanting by the exercise.”
Multiply that scenario with hundreds, perhaps thousands of other such organisations in the UK and you can see why the “Great” was added to ‘Britain’.
Thank you for the 11 minute video – I wondered what the wage bill is for these managers ?
Also – the contingencies chap mentioned that Cygnus was a three day exercise led by the Department of Health … I wonder how much shredding and ducking for cover has been going on there …… ?
C_M, spot ‘overmanning’ going on there, I fear.
I hope everyone is keeping safe during the great 2020 PPE shortage.
These are strange times indeed, people are clapping at the sky, we are queing for food (very socialist) and the trusted, world respected value for money bbc has opened a directory inquiries service to help us through these tough times.
The bbc has this gem on their website;
It has harrowing pictures of latex gloves being hung up to dry and a grainy picture of someone with a carrier bag on their head.
But they dared open up a hys and the comments are priceless.
Sort the comments from ‘highest rated’ and enjoy the read.
The bbc are so out of touch it’s scary and their constant negativity and attempts to undermine the government are fooling no-one.
The bbc are behaving like a cornered rat, they know the gravy train is coming to an end.
#11 comment by 51. @Pucksharkon
“NHS in Wales is entirely devolved and has been run by Labour for years.
Did they stockpile more PPE?
No scrutiny of them BBC?
#15 6. Posted by @Seanus Maximuson
Wow, who’d of thought, another Government bashing story from the BBC.
You guys are just full of surprises.
I’m starting to think you might have an agenda..
#20 The BBC said
“The investigation by BBC Panorama found that
vital items were left out of the stockpile when it was set up in 2009 and that the government subsequently ignored a warning from its own advisers to buy missing equipment.”
..So strange the BBC forgot to mention that Gordon Brown’s Labour government didn’t resign until 11 May 2010
@Tapwaterory The best comments are #5 to #9 rated
I screenshotted the rest to Twitter
tap, BBC caption “An NHS worker is pictured wearing a plastic bag as a hair cover”
Is that the hospital cook? Or a surgeon? If the latter, I thought they were not doing surgery at the present time. The BBC told me so: it must be right. (tongue firmly in cheek)
Tapwater – whatever happens, bbc are laying the foundations for Surkeer and his Labour party in the next GE.
Key thrust will be the ‘failure’ of the Conservative government during the COVID crisis, and the damage it did to the financial system, and therefore to each and every one of us.
You surely don’t believe that an ideologically-driven person like Surkeer, who wants to be Prime Minister, is going to carry on being “constructive” (if he ever was).
Key message: Labour would have handled the crisis so much better. Who knows: if needed, the LimpDums, who would also have handled the crisis so much better, may even climb on board, so that we get a lefty coalition? The Greens are likely to benefit, cos a link between Covid and Climate Change will be established.
BoJo and Rishi have their work cut out. When thins die down, Rishi will have to find several trillions of pounds. (Not just millions or billions)
The bbc will come out of this crisis in a worse position, the vast majority can see through the bs.
As for Surkeer and labour they fit Einstein’s description of insanity perfectly.
tapwater – ordinary people can see through the b.s, but regrettably beeb bigwigs will continue to be part of ‘the establishment’, and have cosy relationships with government, any government.
You can see how they currently stage government on a daily basis, and I’m sure ministers like Matt and Rishi will be grateful for the exposure. Beeb would, of course, prefer to see Surkeer and Lisa up there. Then again, they’re well clear of responsibility for the shortage of ppe, testing etc. -and I’m sure theyr’e grateful
for that. Big hammer to use on government, ably assisted by beeb/Guardian.
Above all, beeb will continue to collect licence-fees. Even the over-75s, slightly reduced now, won’t be let off.
I have a feeling beeb will come out of this just fine. Probably better than they went in.
The BBC panorama would be aware that the NHS mislead the government –
21 and 17 March
“The shortages follow NHS chief operating officer Amanda Pritchard telling the Commons health select committee on Tuesday there was not an overall shortage of stock, but admitting there were local distribution issues.
“Committee chair Jeremy Hunt also questioned the NHS leaders about concerns raised widely about personal protective equipment shortages at some trusts and in some parts of the country.
NHS England chief operating officer Amanda Pritchard insisted there was not a national shortage of PPE yet – although there were local issues.
She said: “We have been assured that there is sufficient supply available nationally… However, we [are] aware that there have been some local distribution problems, so we have not necessarily got the kit in the right sic [places].
“So, what we have done today is set up a dedicated helpline so if people have local issues they need immediate response to, then they have got somewhere to go.”
Sir Simon added that while system leaders were assured there was sufficient PPE nationally at present, the system would need more in the coming weeks.
Incidentally, Craig Murray (Historian, Former Ambassador, Human Rights Activist) finds himself in a similar position to Tommy Robinson, but on the Alex Salmond case –
“I am charged with contempt of court and the hearing is on 7 July at the High Court in Edinburgh. The contempt charge falls in two categories:
i) Material published before the trial liable to prejudice a jury
ii) Material published which could assist “jigsaw identification” of the failed accusers.
Plainly neither of these is the true motive of the Crown Office. If they believed that material I published was likely to have prejudiced the jury, then they had an obvious public duty to take action BEFORE the trial – and the indictment shows conclusively they were monitoring my material long before the trial. To leave this action until after the trial which they claim the material was prejudicing, would be a serious act of negligence on their part. It is quite extraordinary to prosecute for it now and not before the trial.
A very simple question that seems to be avoided by the worlds finest broadcaster, are front line Anychess staff contacting the virus from patients? If yes Follow up 1 We’re they wearing PPE, follow 2, if they were why are they getting infected,
If answer to first question is no, then follow up , where are they contacting it?
Seems simple enough to me answers on a panorama investigation! Maybe not
You can buy these on eBay –
I am signed up to the BBCmonitoring Twitter . It has announced today that it has produced a “ disinformation briefing ‘ ( or similar ) .
I presume it describes the omissions and distortions the BBC regularly pumps out . Must be a pretty big document .
Talk Radio caller
“These people who call in to run down the government
… ask THEM what they have done to SERVE this country ?
… bet most of them never even served in the boy scouts”
I dont know if anyone here has noticed the amount of advertising lately by all sorts of charities with the begging bowl out. Each advert break is now wall to wall charity begging. These last few days Barnadoes have starting a new campaign, it is highlighting young white girls getting groomed (my words) you get the message absolutely nothing that could give you a clue to who is doing the grooming. Terrible, where were they when all the young girls were being abused, now just using it to make money on the backs of these young victims.
Yep have noticed that cromwell, maybe they are getting worried that as donations slip there may not be enough coming in to balance and hide the six-figure plus pay checks of their fat-cat bosses let alone pay for all the specially printed T-shirts all the staff appear to wear.
Sick of the BBC etc, BBC hates Erdogan, India and others, wonder why?
Try TRT World