The MCB etc. are complaining about Public Health England’s investigation into the Covid impact on BAME communities. However no complaints that I know of from them about Labour’s/Starmer’s separate review which, according to the Times of India, deliberately excludes Hindus.
Oh Peter Hitchens didn’t know what caused Sweeney’s fall
@JohnSweeneyRoar lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies. I never 'touted' any figure. Sweeney knows I did not. But he keeps lying about it. What is wrong with him? Did something go very wrong in his life?
This article is a fail starting with the headline. I bet Kay Timbrell heard other staff use the phrase “shop-worker russian roulette” and she didn’t understand it and now misquotes it to everyone including the BBC.
I would take issue with use of the noun, ‘Roulette’. There are many compartments to bet on with the Roulette Wheel and also, you get to bet over and over again assuming the money doesn’t run out. The game rarely results in death for the player.
A week or so ago, here, I used the expression, ‘Russian Roulette’ which I think, as far as the chinese virus is concerned, is more appropriate in terms of how many times you can – successfully avoid death – by virus.
After a morning on a roof installing a new dormer window, lunch included background streamed BBC 1 O’clock news (not my choice).
During my repast I endured 6 minutes of emotional guff around the national Sacred Cow before unplugging the device. Yes, our NHS. The state healthcare provider, the envy of the world.
Which begs the obvious question ‘why has no other nation on the planet replicated it’?
The individual doctors and nurses, under any system, are valued (of course). But our health system has somehow become our national identity. It is our beating heart. The vehicle in which our heroes sit. We clap it, stand silently to remember it. Stories within it lead on BBC Radio phone in’s, TV programmes and news. It is beyond criticism. You cannot conceive of any alternative without a social lynching.
The whole thing is weird.
By any standard the NHS is wasteful, pedestrian, reactive and, despite being a socialist wet dream, its statistical outcomes, across most medical disciplines, are mediocre at best. Indeed, compared to other health systems (prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of illness etc), the NHS is barely in the top 20.
I’m not ignorantly coming at this – I worked in and around it for nearly 20 years. As I’ve mentioned before on here, I’ve also worked in other health systems in Ireland, Europe and the US.
You get ill in France, you go to the doctor. You have a tummy pain in Poland you seek out the nearest gastroenterologist. You seek cat immunotherapy in Sweden, you go to an allergist….etc etc. No national triumph or celebration.
In Britain, however, you get ill and the NHS saves you, cheered on by the state broadcaster! Not the doctor. The NHS. It wasn’t the doctor, or Boris’ own immune system that saved Boris. It was most definitely our ‘NHS’.
You either exult the NHS or you don’t belong. There is no middle ground anymore. No debate on it. Every political party is the party of it. it is omnipresent.
So why, if by most measure the NHS is crap, do we have an endless stream of emotional nonsense on how amazing it is? When can we just get back to facts and park the over sentimental drivel?
I wonder how the veneration of the NHS is going to develop when the current restrictions are lifted and someone has to pick up the tab ? No public sector pay rises . Pensions eroded . Taxes increased . And even more painfully for fans of that outfit – a serious examination of what it should do and what it shouldn’t . Meanwhile they can carry on clapping – I will never be doing that.
I expect the BBC will tell us what to think; and the state will certainly tell them what to tell us. The state waste no time in using that 3 letter acronym everywhere. It’s all pointing to a dystopian future. Vis a vis Orwell.
Combine that with future with the statue in London of some generic health hero (representing the NHS). A new ‘national day’ for the NHS, an NHS ‘tracing app’ on your telephone and the annual minutes silence for the fallen; you can be sure there’s plenty more pain ahead.
EUTV – We can’t copy anything. Every politician worships the sacred cow. The Conservatives used to flirt with remodelling and reform, but now even they are ‘The party of the NHS’. In the UK there is no mainstream political avenue to change anything with regard to this bottomless money pit.
Blair mortgaged us to the hilt with PFI leaving generations saddled with both debt and, by design, a stake in a National Health System. HE knew exactly what he was doing.
It’s like being in a boat with hole in it. You scoop the water out but it never really works properly. You’ve spent you life savings on the boat so pride prevents you from admitting to yourself you made a bad investment. So, you scoop out the water and smile while other yachts sail past refusing to admit the truth to yourself.
This ‘our’ NHS is quite recent, we too ‘went to the doctor’ or ‘got taken to hospital’ in times past. Now they plaster their logo on everything, (just like the EU flag people).
Strictly speaking there is no ‘our NHS’ either, that is an English brand, Scotland, Wales and NI having their own versions.
It is all very ‘big brother’, we are being urged to ‘save our NHS’ when surely the purpose of ‘our NHS’ should be to save us? The state has become all. Seems like Boris, Der Starmer and all are the new National Socialists. How long before we all get ‘our NHS’ armbands and waddle around in tight-fitting blue track suits like the ‘angels’?
All together now:
NHS, NHS above all,
Than anything in the world,
Giving us Health and Protection
Holding us together as family:
From the Medway to the Mersey,
From the Avon to the Thames:
NHS, NHS above all,
Than anything in the world!
And yet private health care continues to be popular among those who can afford it and companies offer private health schemes as a benefit. I wonder how many bbc top brass depend wholly on state health care, probably a situation akin to labour elite and state education, yes it’s great but guess where we send our kids.
What a perfect excuse to link this.
This is the best example of how to deal with the BBC interviewer. Fortunately, it is Brillo who is really put in his box by a more professionally competent commentator – Ben Shapiro.
Will warm the cockles of your heart!
Thank you for that video – I remember seeing it ‘live ‘ when I used to watch the BBC and I spat my popcorn all over the place .
I used to have some time for Brillo but every so often he gets caught toeing the BBC line in order to keep his ego and bank balance lubricated – and he should be ashamed of this ‘gotcha ‘ interview .
I bet he rewarded the researcher who dug out the dirt appropriately ……..
As for Mr Shapiro -I think we should put the hat about to get him over here – having seen what the ‘Piers Morgan; character did by way of attacking some government idiot who went his show -I think mr Shapiro wouldn’t stand for that …..
I wonder what the purpose of this long interview was – apart from an attempt to assassinate mr Shapiro – whose ability to frame an argument would frighten the hell out of a smug snowflake BBC producer . Can’t think of a single BBC droid he wouldn’t thrash .
When the edifice is crumbling, the BBC have a habit of going as far away as possible. The Today Programme
New Zealand says it has stopped community transmission of Covid-19.
Former PM Helen Clark spoke to Justin Webb about the steps NZ took and questions why the world is not rallying as it faces a “global pandemic causing so much distress”.
The Today Programme podcast
Hundreds of thousands of people return to work, but many shops remain closed.
From the comments, deploying Sista Jac is working as well now as deplying dancing Justin or Greta. It’s like people know stuff the BBC either doesn’t, or assumes they don’t.
This is a piece masquerading as ‘news’ on the BBC coronavirus pages.
‘A BBC Panorama investigation found the government failed to buy enough PPE to cope with a pandemic. Gowns, visors, swabs and body bags were among the items in short supply.’
They ‘investigate’…….see Guido for the objectiveness of the prosecution witnesses.
They ‘found’ (a legal term) the government failed to do this and that.
They are the judge and jury.
They present it as fact.
They present it as ‘news’.
A kangaroo court , nothing less. A blatant piece of anti-government, pro-Labour/NHS Party activism.
Letter sent to the bBBC Whitewashing Department, DHYB.
What I don’t understand is how these people make the leap from one death to blame the Govt without looking at all the steps in between…..not saying it is true in this case but personal responsibility and risk calculations should always apply.
But you can’t just blame the Govt…what about NHS procurement?
There are sub layers to NHS procurement. The Regional NHS procurement would buy PPE. They are in theoretical ‘soft’ competition with each other over resources within an overall state system.
This lack of centralised purchasing is why Mr Cock-up arrived, and why the finger pointed to The Government.
Who’s to blame?
Regional procurement hubs? Government for setting up a false competitive system within a state Health system? individuals?
FFS!! Now we are being asked to show our gratitude to postal workers.I see my postman most days,and always thank him, that is just common courtesy.BBC now going big on care home deaths.I live in a sheltered housing flat,have been here for 18 months.
In that time at least 8 residents have died.It is sadly a common occurrence with elderly people.If the BBC were to do their research they would know this.
Yes, the respirators/testing/PPEs stories have all had their day, so its care homes now, so watch out Lordy they’ll be going big on Sheltered Housing next !
R4 5pm news…is it Evan? Had his nose put out of place.
Starting to moan about questions from public ‘crowding out’ those from Journalists…has he listened to Journalist questions?
Then making a snide comment about Mr Raab’s view on Panorama…no doubt the BBC think is was about right..
BBC at its best….
The BBC are chirpy because they have discovered that the Government is to be taken to court by the British Sign Language Association for a lack of a signer at the coronavirus briefings.
NI Health Minister Robin Swann has two signers behind him as he gives his COVID briefings from Stormont.
I can only assume that if BSL is being signed by one then Irish Sign Language, in the interests of engineered equality and parochial political point-scoring as ever regardless of cost, must justify the need for the other one.
There are apparently 3,500 BSL ‘speakers’ in Northern Ireland and 1,500 ISL users.
Obviously none of them can read subtitles on their effin tvs.
In the foyer of the Guildhall in Hull, the word welcome is repeated in more than enough languages to please anyone, however there is not a signer behind the counter or a sign in braille. Still, can’t be helped.
According to the @Telegraph, the Cabinet Secretary’s investigation has found no evidence of bullying by the Home Secretary. Surely there must now be an investigation into the motives of the failing civil servant who had accused Priti Patel of bullying?
Guest – presumably the First Division Association will continue funding the civil action against Priti Patel for ‘constructive dismissal ‘ if I recall – from the press conference the ex civil servant gave . …
….. or will it be quietly be dropped …… with the same noise the Labour benches made at the time these allegations were made . …..
By the way – this comment is for Piku – do you also go by the name of maxincony ?
Was anything said in @BBCPanorama untrue? I haven’t heard any rebuttal. Presumably NHS workers are still “heroes” even if they aren’t Tories.
Slightly off tack …..CBBC earlier about 14 year old boy who is a crossdresser and hopes to make drag a career choice …..WTF . What’s going on ? this is supposed Children’s TV !
BBC indoctrination at it’s best…….suppose in his favour he is White so wouldn’t get a job at the Slimy Beeb !
The Care Home pandemic disaster was always going to be
the perfect storm. Frail old people being looked after
by a mixture of caring staff , semi caring staff and less than
caring staff all earning minimum wages. As Alfred Doolittle
refers to dustmen like him in Pygmalion ” the undeserving poor”
For those of us who have had our mums and dads in these
homes many of which are private. I would rate them less than a 1* AA recommended hotel.
I have helped in one of the better ones,serving dinners ,talking about, and playing classical music. The food even in the
better establishments you would send back if you got it
in a workman’s cafe. These private care homes are some
of the most lucrative businesses you will ever find.
And of course the turnover in the best of times is very fluid .
I am just afraid it is much more fluid now than it was before
the pandemic. It kills FRAIL OLD PEOPLE who come in contact
with the undeserving poor who can’t take a day of work
because they have a temperature and a cough . Or who
travelled on a crowded bus or train and sat or stood next
to somebody with a cough. I don’t honestly belief that them
wearing all the PPE equipment would of saved many lives.
Please excuse the crudeness of this. BUT how do you wash
an incontinent frail old person wearing all that paraphernalia.
I am very sorry for anybody that has lost a mum and dad. BUT
I have to say this. After watching your mum or dad deteriorate
in these establishments , even the very best. It is a release
for them and for you , when you finally say goodbye.Believe me
I don’t want to sound callous . I am 74 years old and have
underlying health problems. But would sacrifice my life if my
children and grand-children can get over this Chinese exported
virus without harm, by being better protected than me.
I’ve been through the care home experience too – but never found one good enough for my parents so was lucky to arrange my life for home care .
I repeat what I’ve said here before – I think deaths in care homes will outnumber hospital deaths except that tame doctors will certify pneumonia and leave covid off the certificate .
Having also visited care homes to see people I reckon staff are sensitive to those who get visited and those who dont….
Doctor don’t visit card homes anymore, death certificates signed by care home staff with the doctor on Skype etc.
Seems Covid kills by reducing oxygen, and the main treatment is being given extra, like Boris was.
I’m guessing this isn’t a luxury afforded in care homes.
Why the sick care residents arnt moved to Nightingales is anyone’s guess.
I posted further up this thread, that we enter a Care Home at our peril, so we all need to try to stay well ! or stock up on the tablets and make sure there’s a good Scotch to hand !
Oh, and yes, have a dig around and find out who are a lot of the owners of these private care homes – wealthy Indian businessmen.
Jon and gang only talk about Don, because, well,… damn, Bubba…
The Clintons want to recruit an "army of contact tracers" that will hunt down infected individuals and interrogate them about who they associate with, so they can be quarantined in a "dignified manner".
-How many health ministers does Belgium have? -Oh… 8 I think. -8?! Then who’s responsible for procuring medics equipment? -Ah, we have another minister for that. -So that one’s responsible for ordering face masks? -Nope, we let the justice minister take care of that.
Unlike Jeremy Paxman or Andrew Neil, @rosiebarton kept agreeing with Dr Tam. On BBC, Maitlis interrupts bullshit on average every 28 seconds and Husain every 46 seconds; on @cbc, Barton spends her time polishing Trudeau's turds
Not sure what you mean .
From a personal point of view I’m not impressed by people who turn up -slap something on the site – are asked to comment but have gone away not to return for sometime .
But I suppose people are entitled to engage with the site / subject how they choose .
“Coronavirus: Royal Navy submarine lockdown party captain sacked”
I think that the Royal Navy got this wrong ?
The crew of a sub would be like one big family in one house all on lockdown together . Perhaps I don’t have enough info on the story but that is my opinion?
SkyNews Commander John Lewis removed after a “series of judgement lapses” on & off boat.
The defence source said the barbecue alone – for a crew that was back for a short period of maintenance on the submarine before heading back out to sea – would not have triggered such a move.”
They’d been at sea so couldn’t have had Covid19
and they were in a short period of maintenance & just about to head back out to sea.
And of course they’d all be breathing same air for the next month etc.
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img] Putin got his battle fatigues on, looks like he means business now, He was right about Trump being unpredictable,…
KikuchiyoMar 12, 23:49 Midweek 12th March 2025 Huh?! Aren’t you excited about that? I’m just quoting what God has promised.
JohnCMar 12, 23:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 As usual you add nothing to the debate except the usual immature 12-year old spiteful rubbish. You belong on Quora…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 “From Mexico cartel safe house to US streets: BBC tracks deadly fentanyl targeted by Trump tariffs” Quentin Sommerville “The…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 12, 22:00 Midweek 12th March 2025 GB News lefty Christopher Hope looks like an old Harry Potter.
StewGreenMar 12, 21:55 Midweek 12th March 2025 The story the Daily Mail stole off me Them 23 Aug 2023 ” after *it emerged* staff might have doctored…
tomoMar 12, 21:48 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img]
StewGreenMar 12, 21:44 Midweek 12th March 2025 Twitter has this in my “Tweets for you” from : @charliersmith1 Radio producer @BBCNorfolk • bipolar, OCD & anxiety a…
StewGreenMar 12, 21:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Neighbour has an old camper van rarely used in winter of course The new road tax letter says it’s £355…
He coined the expression ‘Woke BBC’
The MCB etc. are complaining about Public Health England’s investigation into the Covid impact on BAME communities. However no complaints that I know of from them about Labour’s/Starmer’s separate review which, according to the Times of India, deliberately excludes Hindus.
BBC Humberside local *news*
“Local LABOUR MP Karl Turner has written to rugby league clubs”
… err is that news or is it PR ?
The Radio station doesn’t seem to do must *social distancing*
from its beloved Labour Party.
Oh Peter Hitchens didn’t know what caused Sweeney’s fall
Not a single MSM journalist has supported TR. Why is that? Are they not capable of independent judgement?
Coronavirus risk: ‘I call it shop-worker roulette’
This article is a fail starting with the headline. I bet Kay Timbrell heard other staff use the phrase “shop-worker russian roulette” and she didn’t understand it and now misquotes it to everyone including the BBC.
I would take issue with use of the noun, ‘Roulette’. There are many compartments to bet on with the Roulette Wheel and also, you get to bet over and over again assuming the money doesn’t run out. The game rarely results in death for the player.
A week or so ago, here, I used the expression, ‘Russian Roulette’ which I think, as far as the chinese virus is concerned, is more appropriate in terms of how many times you can – successfully avoid death – by virus.
After a morning on a roof installing a new dormer window, lunch included background streamed BBC 1 O’clock news (not my choice).
During my repast I endured 6 minutes of emotional guff around the national Sacred Cow before unplugging the device. Yes, our NHS. The state healthcare provider, the envy of the world.
Which begs the obvious question ‘why has no other nation on the planet replicated it’?
The individual doctors and nurses, under any system, are valued (of course). But our health system has somehow become our national identity. It is our beating heart. The vehicle in which our heroes sit. We clap it, stand silently to remember it. Stories within it lead on BBC Radio phone in’s, TV programmes and news. It is beyond criticism. You cannot conceive of any alternative without a social lynching.
The whole thing is weird.
By any standard the NHS is wasteful, pedestrian, reactive and, despite being a socialist wet dream, its statistical outcomes, across most medical disciplines, are mediocre at best. Indeed, compared to other health systems (prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of illness etc), the NHS is barely in the top 20.
I’m not ignorantly coming at this – I worked in and around it for nearly 20 years. As I’ve mentioned before on here, I’ve also worked in other health systems in Ireland, Europe and the US.
You get ill in France, you go to the doctor. You have a tummy pain in Poland you seek out the nearest gastroenterologist. You seek cat immunotherapy in Sweden, you go to an allergist….etc etc. No national triumph or celebration.
In Britain, however, you get ill and the NHS saves you, cheered on by the state broadcaster! Not the doctor. The NHS. It wasn’t the doctor, or Boris’ own immune system that saved Boris. It was most definitely our ‘NHS’.
You either exult the NHS or you don’t belong. There is no middle ground anymore. No debate on it. Every political party is the party of it. it is omnipresent.
So why, if by most measure the NHS is crap, do we have an endless stream of emotional nonsense on how amazing it is? When can we just get back to facts and park the over sentimental drivel?
I wonder how the veneration of the NHS is going to develop when the current restrictions are lifted and someone has to pick up the tab ? No public sector pay rises . Pensions eroded . Taxes increased . And even more painfully for fans of that outfit – a serious examination of what it should do and what it shouldn’t . Meanwhile they can carry on clapping – I will never be doing that.
Public sector workers were offered 2% pay rise this year ( i am one, sorry ????) .
Unions said NO !! They want 10% !!! Think they might have to rethink that one !!!!
We’ll see what happens. Pain all round I expect.
Fedup2 ????????. Indeed!
I expect the BBC will tell us what to think; and the state will certainly tell them what to tell us. The state waste no time in using that 3 letter acronym everywhere. It’s all pointing to a dystopian future. Vis a vis Orwell.
Combine that with future with the statue in London of some generic health hero (representing the NHS). A new ‘national day’ for the NHS, an NHS ‘tracing app’ on your telephone and the annual minutes silence for the fallen; you can be sure there’s plenty more pain ahead.
Venutius – The BBC tells us German health care system is much better than ours, yet they never question why we don’t copy it.
EUTV – We can’t copy anything. Every politician worships the sacred cow. The Conservatives used to flirt with remodelling and reform, but now even they are ‘The party of the NHS’. In the UK there is no mainstream political avenue to change anything with regard to this bottomless money pit.
Blair mortgaged us to the hilt with PFI leaving generations saddled with both debt and, by design, a stake in a National Health System. HE knew exactly what he was doing.
It’s like being in a boat with hole in it. You scoop the water out but it never really works properly. You’ve spent you life savings on the boat so pride prevents you from admitting to yourself you made a bad investment. So, you scoop out the water and smile while other yachts sail past refusing to admit the truth to yourself.
This ‘our’ NHS is quite recent, we too ‘went to the doctor’ or ‘got taken to hospital’ in times past. Now they plaster their logo on everything, (just like the EU flag people).
Strictly speaking there is no ‘our NHS’ either, that is an English brand, Scotland, Wales and NI having their own versions.
It is all very ‘big brother’, we are being urged to ‘save our NHS’ when surely the purpose of ‘our NHS’ should be to save us? The state has become all. Seems like Boris, Der Starmer and all are the new National Socialists. How long before we all get ‘our NHS’ armbands and waddle around in tight-fitting blue track suits like the ‘angels’?
All together now:
NHS, NHS above all,
Than anything in the world,
Giving us Health and Protection
Holding us together as family:
From the Medway to the Mersey,
From the Avon to the Thames:
NHS, NHS above all,
Than anything in the world!
Sung to the tune of Hadyn’s Opus 76 No. 3,
And yet private health care continues to be popular among those who can afford it and companies offer private health schemes as a benefit. I wonder how many bbc top brass depend wholly on state health care, probably a situation akin to labour elite and state education, yes it’s great but guess where we send our kids.
What a perfect excuse to link this.
JRM has the timing of a good comic . Dimbleby PLC must have hated that moment – truth hurts
Love it JimS. I expect they’ll even revive the first verse ????
This is the best example of how to deal with the BBC interviewer. Fortunately, it is Brillo who is really put in his box by a more professionally competent commentator – Ben Shapiro.
Will warm the cockles of your heart!
Brillo’s Gotcha technique well exposed.
Thank you for that video – I remember seeing it ‘live ‘ when I used to watch the BBC and I spat my popcorn all over the place .
I used to have some time for Brillo but every so often he gets caught toeing the BBC line in order to keep his ego and bank balance lubricated – and he should be ashamed of this ‘gotcha ‘ interview .
I bet he rewarded the researcher who dug out the dirt appropriately ……..
As for Mr Shapiro -I think we should put the hat about to get him over here – having seen what the ‘Piers Morgan; character did by way of attacking some government idiot who went his show -I think mr Shapiro wouldn’t stand for that …..
I wonder what the purpose of this long interview was – apart from an attempt to assassinate mr Shapiro – whose ability to frame an argument would frighten the hell out of a smug snowflake BBC producer . Can’t think of a single BBC droid he wouldn’t thrash .
When the edifice is crumbling, the BBC have a habit of going as far away as possible.
The Today Programme
New Zealand says it has stopped community transmission of Covid-19.
Former PM Helen Clark spoke to Justin Webb about the steps NZ took and questions why the world is not rallying as it faces a “global pandemic causing so much distress”.
The Today Programme podcast
Hundreds of thousands of people return to work, but many shops remain closed.
From the comments, deploying Sista Jac is working as well now as deplying dancing Justin or Greta. It’s like people know stuff the BBC either doesn’t, or assumes they don’t.
At risk of a couple getting crosse, the word ‘analyse’ when associated with the BBC is seldom a good sign.
BBC Radio 4
Numbers of NHS staff deaths analysed.
#MoreOrLess |
I wonder if Ms. Sarpong was on oversight?
Also, why is Roger Harrabin the BBC’s “environment analyst” rather than “environment reporter / correspondent”?
We don’t get a “City analyst” or “sports analyst” or “NHS analyst”.
You spelled “analist” wrongly…
Old Goat
The BBC employ a lot of analists.
This is a piece masquerading as ‘news’ on the BBC coronavirus pages.
‘A BBC Panorama investigation found the government failed to buy enough PPE to cope with a pandemic. Gowns, visors, swabs and body bags were among the items in short supply.’
They ‘investigate’…….see Guido for the objectiveness of the prosecution witnesses.
They ‘found’ (a legal term) the government failed to do this and that.
They are the judge and jury.
They present it as fact.
They present it as ‘news’.
A kangaroo court , nothing less. A blatant piece of anti-government, pro-Labour/NHS Party activism.
Letter sent to the bBBC Whitewashing Department, DHYB.
The Today Programme
The son of an NHS doctor who died with coronavirus says the government should apologise for mistakes.
Full story:
Three guesses what the three stooges will be banging on about next outing at the stocks?
What I don’t understand is how these people make the leap from one death to blame the Govt without looking at all the steps in between…..not saying it is true in this case but personal responsibility and risk calculations should always apply.
But you can’t just blame the Govt…what about NHS procurement?
Adding a layer of additional detail to this.
There are sub layers to NHS procurement. The Regional NHS procurement would buy PPE. They are in theoretical ‘soft’ competition with each other over resources within an overall state system.
This lack of centralised purchasing is why Mr Cock-up arrived, and why the finger pointed to The Government.
Who’s to blame?
Regional procurement hubs? Government for setting up a false competitive system within a state Health system? individuals?
Take your pick.
The whole system is crap.
1900 Tuesday 6000 votes 90% say NHS procurement …
Better not tell the BBC their ‘ blame the Tory government for everything ‘ propaganda campaign isn’t hitting the spot
This lunchtime, I think I heard the first ambulance of summer.
FFS!! Now we are being asked to show our gratitude to postal workers.I see my postman most days,and always thank him, that is just common courtesy.BBC now going big on care home deaths.I live in a sheltered housing flat,have been here for 18 months.
In that time at least 8 residents have died.It is sadly a common occurrence with elderly people.If the BBC were to do their research they would know this.
Yes, the respirators/testing/PPEs stories have all had their day, so its care homes now, so watch out Lordy they’ll be going big on Sheltered Housing next !
R4 5pm news…is it Evan? Had his nose put out of place.
Starting to moan about questions from public ‘crowding out’ those from Journalists…has he listened to Journalist questions?
Then making a snide comment about Mr Raab’s view on Panorama…no doubt the BBC think is was about right..
BBC at its best….
The BBC are chirpy because they have discovered that the Government is to be taken to court by the British Sign Language Association for a lack of a signer at the coronavirus briefings.
If this gets traction will we see a whole row of interpreters?
Punjabi, Gugari, Polish, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Chinese… the list is endless!
To be fair, I might watch if there was one for Pidgen.
digg/ Guest,
We have it here already.
NI Health Minister Robin Swann has two signers behind him as he gives his COVID briefings from Stormont.
I can only assume that if BSL is being signed by one then Irish Sign Language, in the interests of engineered equality and parochial political point-scoring as ever regardless of cost, must justify the need for the other one.
There are apparently 3,500 BSL ‘speakers’ in Northern Ireland and 1,500 ISL users.
Obviously none of them can read subtitles on their effin tvs.
In the foyer of the Guildhall in Hull, the word welcome is repeated in more than enough languages to please anyone, however there is not a signer behind the counter or a sign in braille. Still, can’t be helped.
Be interesting where BBC editorial integrity and ‘analysis’ goes on this.
Likely they will just get Champion Ash back in the gob off.
Guest – presumably the First Division Association will continue funding the civil action against Priti Patel for ‘constructive dismissal ‘ if I recall – from the press conference the ex civil servant gave . …
….. or will it be quietly be dropped …… with the same noise the Labour benches made at the time these allegations were made . …..
By the way – this comment is for Piku – do you also go by the name of maxincony ?
Fedup2 – moderator
Of course those less keen on imbibing Kool Aid might recall when Laz and Serge coined ‘Don’t be Evil’.
And ‘Hugs’ wrote memos telling staff not to be stupid.
Oh, how we laughed.
Talking of whom, where does the cri de nos jours of “social distancing” leave Hugs and her hugs for terrorists and others?
Awkward now …
At noon today I posted about a hys on this ppe story;
The overwhelming majority of comments were supportive of the government and critical of the media.
That story and hys has now disappeared.
It’s been replaced with this ppe story and hys.
Now the comments are 95% critical of the government.
Has public opinion changed that much in a few hours?
Are the bbc fiddling the hys?
Am I paranoid?
Compare the two and make your own mind up.
Luckily for Lewis, he is paid by a corporation that is funded, uniquely, no matter what.
Bunter weighs in.
Goes badly.
Have added a comment on there , I see it goes through the moderator first ……easy to ignore the comments that don’t suit the agenda
Slightly off tack …..CBBC earlier about 14 year old boy who is a crossdresser and hopes to make drag a career choice …..WTF . What’s going on ? this is supposed Children’s TV !
BBC indoctrination at it’s best…….suppose in his favour he is White so wouldn’t get a job at the Slimy Beeb !
The Care Home pandemic disaster was always going to be
the perfect storm. Frail old people being looked after
by a mixture of caring staff , semi caring staff and less than
caring staff all earning minimum wages. As Alfred Doolittle
refers to dustmen like him in Pygmalion ” the undeserving poor”
For those of us who have had our mums and dads in these
homes many of which are private. I would rate them less than a 1* AA recommended hotel.
I have helped in one of the better ones,serving dinners ,talking about, and playing classical music. The food even in the
better establishments you would send back if you got it
in a workman’s cafe. These private care homes are some
of the most lucrative businesses you will ever find.
And of course the turnover in the best of times is very fluid .
I am just afraid it is much more fluid now than it was before
the pandemic. It kills FRAIL OLD PEOPLE who come in contact
with the undeserving poor who can’t take a day of work
because they have a temperature and a cough . Or who
travelled on a crowded bus or train and sat or stood next
to somebody with a cough. I don’t honestly belief that them
wearing all the PPE equipment would of saved many lives.
Please excuse the crudeness of this. BUT how do you wash
an incontinent frail old person wearing all that paraphernalia.
I am very sorry for anybody that has lost a mum and dad. BUT
I have to say this. After watching your mum or dad deteriorate
in these establishments , even the very best. It is a release
for them and for you , when you finally say goodbye.Believe me
I don’t want to sound callous . I am 74 years old and have
underlying health problems. But would sacrifice my life if my
children and grand-children can get over this Chinese exported
virus without harm, by being better protected than me.
I’ve been through the care home experience too – but never found one good enough for my parents so was lucky to arrange my life for home care .
I repeat what I’ve said here before – I think deaths in care homes will outnumber hospital deaths except that tame doctors will certify pneumonia and leave covid off the certificate .
Having also visited care homes to see people I reckon staff are sensitive to those who get visited and those who dont….
Doctor don’t visit card homes anymore, death certificates signed by care home staff with the doctor on Skype etc.
Seems Covid kills by reducing oxygen, and the main treatment is being given extra, like Boris was.
I’m guessing this isn’t a luxury afforded in care homes.
Why the sick care residents arnt moved to Nightingales is anyone’s guess.
I posted further up this thread, that we enter a Care Home at our peril, so we all need to try to stay well ! or stock up on the tablets and make sure there’s a good Scotch to hand !
Oh, and yes, have a dig around and find out who are a lot of the owners of these private care homes – wealthy Indian businessmen.
I might have got bbc TDS wrong.
Jon and gang only talk about Don, because, well,… damn, Bubba…
Prepared to bet Katya Adler is all over this.
How ‘Green’ is ‘Green Energy’?
Jeff Gibbs’ film Planet of the Humans casts a lot of doubts.
‘Skin peeling on the hands’.
No worries there.
More likely a sack of cacky!
See, they DO get it about right.
Relatively speaking.
World’s most trusted
I do believe we have a troll generating irrelevant posts dragging the pages back to ‘older comments’. Anyone get what I mean?
Not sure what you mean .
From a personal point of view I’m not impressed by people who turn up -slap something on the site – are asked to comment but have gone away not to return for sometime .
But I suppose people are entitled to engage with the site / subject how they choose .
I will be diligent and watchful to gather more evidence before making any moves to ‘work’ on him.
Ok Thank you – I watch too of course .
Time for the new thread …
Guido shows that everyone on Panorama was a Labour activist.
Also on Guido, the PRC and WHO excoriated (not that it is difficult).
“Coronavirus: Royal Navy submarine lockdown party captain sacked”
I think that the Royal Navy got this wrong ?
The crew of a sub would be like one big family in one house all on lockdown together . Perhaps I don’t have enough info on the story but that is my opinion?
Jeff Taylor was talking about this a few days ago. He seems to know about these subs and would agree with you.
SkyNews Commander John Lewis removed after a “series of judgement lapses” on & off boat.
The defence source said the barbecue alone – for a crew that was back for a short period of maintenance on the submarine before heading back out to sea – would not have triggered such a move.”
They’d been at sea so couldn’t have had Covid19
and they were in a short period of maintenance & just about to head back out to sea.
And of course they’d all be breathing same air for the next month etc.
“TV in lockdown: How shows are coping without a studio audience”
Perhaps a more appropriate headline should read …………..
“How shows are coping without any audience”