Local news : “Tributes come in to nurse Kumar who died of Covid in Boston hospital”
“the 44yo nurse had only just qualified 6 months ago”
.. couldn’t that have something to do with his death
Like if he had been 26 years old with 5 years experience
or was he just unlucky ?
BBC lunchtime news
More Americans have died with covd19 than service men killed in Vietnam… 58,209
Perhaps the next targets are…
WW1 116,516
WW2 405,399
R2 caller is telling how his sister died 6 days after being taken il
She was a checkout operator and on March 24th
a customer had been there coughing all over her
..when the customer should have known full well not to come out when you have a cough.
If you like biased reporting by reporters who interrupt too much, then BBC Radio 4 is for you – and complaining is impossible as your complaint is shuttled from pillar to post
#BiasedBBCthe anti-Diversity network
Despite being obsessed with preaching #Diversity
they air the same narrow group of London liberals
again & again
Those people do not represent UK diversity of opinions
Just come to the realisation that I may have completed BBC Radio. 2007-2020:
A member of the bbc £150,000 club too Stew, nice work if you can get it. Wiki also informs that she attended a comprehensive exclusively for girls, didn’t know they still existed. As for her question “Next?”, as Stew suggests give someone else a chance, a political polar opposite perhaps, all in the interests of diversity.
4pm R4 3 female journos & female presenter talk about Celebrity interviews
– One of course is from the Guardian : Ms Hadley Freeman*
– One is the Times writer who said Boris squeezed her thigh under a table
He recently said “that is not true” and then changed the subject when the interviewer attempted to get him to call her a liar.
– Other guest Ginny Dougary has had a lot of big interviews
eg Trump
* Hadley Freeman’s last headline was
‘When the virus crisis is over, nationalism could be rampant’
as SHE’d just interviewed someone who’s written about Nazis https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000hn5p
Last week Amol told us he wasn’t doing the R4 show today
cos he’d be on paternity leave
. then it is strange that last night he was in the BBC1TV One Show studio working as a presenter.
…. and will be again tonight.
Black teachers are as rare as hen’s teeth and white pupils only exist on the BBC website when pupils go wrong!
Actually I had a black teacher once and he tried to teach us fractions. Unfortunately a lot of them involved dividing by three and he had problems with his ‘h’s.
Bet there isn’t a lot of diversity in the bbc stock photo collection Doob, bit like shooting fish in a barrel. Probably have to go some to pick a ‘wrong un’.
The latest revelations concerning the shockingly partisan and biased disgusting attempt to smear the Government by the BBC Panorama feature on the Coronavirus and the NHS throws a lot of light on what is happening deep down inside the creature.
I believe what we are seeing is another stage in the takeover of the institution by a group of determined activists with the intention of overthrowing what we have always thought of as democracy in favour of a one-world order controlled by left-wing zealots.
Witness their relentless drive to subjugate traditional values in this country.
Witness their relentless drive to rebalance how society is constructed or at least viewed as constructed by ensuring that what they see as the old usually “white” enemy are reduced to a fringe element in favour of the scattered groups of diverse people they need to recruit to their cause.
It is also clear how they are going about this. All it takes is for a hard-core of individuals who are determined to bring this about to infest the body of the organisation then to set about creating an atmosphere where any dissent is viewed as wrong-think and almost a crime and thus to frighten any opposition into either silence or flight.
You can see this in action also in our Universities, Local Government, Public Services including the NHS and now in our education system at all levels. It is possible that it is also taking root within our Police.
The tactics include amongst many others of such means as labelling groups as “oppressed” e.g ethnic minorities, immigrants, low-paid workers then to set about toxifying any “negative” comment on these groups. Thus shutting down any rational conversation.
Witness Bradford etc.
In reality they don’t really care too much about these groups other than as ammunition in their cause.
This ultimate ambition extends Globally as they attempt to make the same sort of takeover within such organisations as the UN and the WHO as well as many Global charitable and environmental organisations. I think Trump sees this and is now preparing to resist it.
There can only be two outcomes to this.
Either they succeed and we all become enslaved without chains or a ground swell of opposing people become enlightened and push-back which will demand strength and determination.
I think the reality of your conclusions can be seen in the utter arrogance and distain for the truth seen in producing programs such as Panorama, staffed entirely by Labour activists. And using people like Ashton and Horton with their biased and essentially suspect credentials only continues the theme.
It makes it painfully clear that they don’t give a toss for balance or democracy, nor most especially the people they pretend to represent, and that their self-importance overrides reality, and particularly the power of the Internet.
Perhaps they think people like Guido and Pugz really don’t matter, their duplicity will be forgotten when their new order prevails and that truly investigative journalism has no place in their world – influencing opinion with distortions has far more value and merit. The fact that they are currently capable of ignoring the wealth of anger created by their actions only confirms their childish self-deception.
Ruth Cadbury is a Labour MP ( the kinder party ) . This morning – when it was announced that the PM has become a father – the first tweet she published was that he now had an excuse to avoid PMQs .
That smear was quickly retweeted around the twitter and although MS Cadbury has now deleted it – it lives on . She has since pretended to be ‘nice’ by congratulating the parents on the birth .
the constituency that ms Cadbury represents Is Brentford . She went to a private school – raised as a Quaker and – yes – is related to the chocolate family.
I raise it here because I am sure that the Far Left BBC won’t mention what she has said – maybe it’s because she apparently doesn’t have kids – but according to wiki has never had a real job either – being a lefty politician since university some 40 years ago.
Maybe she was one of the chorus wishing BoJo dead when he had the Chinese virus .
#Diversity on Radio4 over the last 2 days
23:00 Box Ticker
” Challenging stand-up comedy from a northern, gay, disabled woman who refuses to conform.”
23:15 Lenny Henry’s Rogues Gallery
” a mechanic naively joins the Klu Klux Klan.”
10:34 AND 19:45 : “A unique insight into raising a child with cerebral palsy.” 8 episodes
11:30am artists who work with Raw Meat
FFS visual art on radio !
15:30 Fake-Green agenda pushing
repeated today at 9pm
16:00 “The amazing Maya Angelou”
presented by Olivette Otele
@OlivetteOtele Prof. History&Memory of enslavement
VPresidt mbership/ECR @RoyalHistSoc
Gives home as La Republique & Africa
Repeated on Friday at 23:00
19:45 Nmon Ford the opera star who is black
20:00 Steve Walker investigates the murder of his brother Delroy, a child of the Windrush generation, who’d returned to Jamaica
23:00 Sketchtopia the diversity sketch show artificially created by Radio4
Diversity of everything, apart from opinion, agenda, worldview and political opinion. Apart from that it’s diverse and anyone who says otherwise is a climate change denying racist.
Wouldn,t you expect the taxpayer funded, multi faceted state organ to explore the PPE shortages in some more detail?
Why no interrogation of the NHS Procurement & Supply Chain response…… rather lets just blame the Government
What use is that unless your role and purpose is simply to undermine the Government, in particular a Conservative one!
while looking no further in depth at the issue.
2) SKY better known as SLY News……..Beth Rigsby………refers to
the trot as SIR KEIR……while Boris is….Johnson?
Subtle little digs that build up over time to a narrative….
Why is the BBC on line geared so much in its pictures , graphics,
E Moles etc geared towards the ethnic community of the UK?
We are a multicultural society but there appears to me that
there is a “positive” discrimination towards diverse ethnicity
in every aspect of what the BBC produces.
Foscari- “Appears”? No, Beeb are Londoncentric and -beyond any shadow of doubt- anti-white racist. They would, of course, deny this – and we can already hear all the weasel words…
Their motives can be speculated about, as can the question of who “they” are, and who is behind “them”.
But we look at the evidence, and we find that BAME are heavily over-represented on all bbc channels, radio and TV, when compared to reality in Britain.
It would be one thing if they were not force-financed with menaces and threats, largely from the community they seem so to despise, but it is a fact that they are.
People on this site are aware of all this, and our OBJECTIVE is to change beeb’s attitude and/or get rid of the licence fee.
It is also absolutely disgraceful that the so-called ‘Conservative’ party does nothing about this. You would think they would: ‘racism’ is allegedly out. Also, they must realise that bbc are really against them and largely pro-Labour. That would be evident to a blind man in a snowstorm.
So they too, need some shaking up. (they are very ‘diverse’ too, look at key posts, so really, part of the problem is that there is no real conservative party in parliament.) This is another puzzle. Beeb will continue to hammer them over the pandemic; this has only just begun.
The question as always is: how do we stop just moaning and pointing this out, and work towards our twin objectives?
I find it particularly offensive that all of a sudden, the continuity announcers on all channels, not just the BBC, seem to be young urban men talking Multicultural London English. It is an accent which gets right on my nerves. There are many accents across the UK, but all of a sudden MLE is the flavour of the month.
I realise that it is too late to hope for another Alvar Lidell or John Snagge, but this is just ridiculous, innit bruv?
Positive discrimination is anti white heterosexual male discrimination. The BBC recruitment policy appears to be white out black in.
If I was a darkie I would be bloody offended that I owed my job to the colour of my hide and not the extent of my skills.
Just change sex…………
You know, its as simple as waking up one morning and declaring you are now a member of the opposite sex. That’ll address the ‘fitting’ problem.
Why not get the nurse to put the goggles on far too high to make it look as they are a bad fit?
The nose piece is at least an inch above her nose and her eyes are at the very bottom of the goggles below the level of the nose piece no where near the middle where they are supposed to be.
The BBC is EVIL.
Good post General – exactly where is she wearing those googles?
The BBC are real fake news – given that they keep telling us how women are the main NHS heroes then you would think they might have noticed if this was a problem? And as other have said – they don’t fit ALL men properly either..
But it is the use of click bait weasel text – ‘ don’t fit ALL women Properly”
So, is that what you (BBC) are saying 🙂 – is they fit most women okay..
But that’s how they get away with it. The average viewer glances at what they are portraying and that’s that. No more thought. We know different and within seconds know exactly what our, “Worlds Most Trusted” beauty is trying to achieve.
Ah, but the BBC loves self-made billionaires: George Soros (real name Schwartz György Yaxley-Lennon), bearded Richard ‘Dick’ Branson, Bill ‘let me give you money, BBC’ Gates… It’s just a matter of being the right (i.e. ‘Left’) sort of billionaire.
Re the Range… despite the spiteful, contrived nature of the report, many of their branches have an Iceland store inside so it is perfectly feasible to shop there for bread and milk and other food items.
OFCOM have lost again against Leave EU supporters – this time against Aaron Banks . If Mr Banks had lost the BBC would have been all over him – but I’m thinking this will be treated the same way as the the finding for a Priti Patel .
Two disfunctional regulators – OFCoM and the Electoral Commission which need to be stuck on the ‘reform ‘ list …
A headline to savour: ‘PM confirms paternity leave after birth of son…’
Not, to be fair, currently on the BBC but it uses the well-honed skills of the corporation to put, much further down in the script ‘….later in the year, not at the present time.’
It’s the way they tell them.
How much longer have we to suffer continuous Coronavirus TV notifications given day after day by a government minister alongside two medical scientists?-is it really necessary to know how many good people have died as a result of the C/Virus or how many more might be expected to do so, concluding with the ever supporting guidance to remain distantsing, to take all precautions where necessary and so on. I have no higher knowledge than those advising us, nevertheless this nation cannot remain in total isolation for whatever time-there is always risk in our lives and always has been, we were risking our lives every day and still are. The Human is a socialable animal and so enevitably seeks the social intervention of others-risks will have to be taken to enable this to happen. This government must not put emphasis of testing above finding a vaccine for Covid19, that should be paramount in its endeavours for us all and particularly for the younger generations future in this world.
Yes well put Fedup2- think there too many questions with proable answers that will not satisfy the evil BBC et al-my point being that better not to have daily briefings, maybe weekly ones with more sensible news to imart amybe.
Unfortuntely the media and bashing the Govt with any stick they can find – then when the Govt address the stick they find another one…I am pretty sure the Govt don’t want to do these daily briefings but the likes of BBC would be all over them as uncaring Tories etc if they didn’t..
Six days ago the BBC published the the following news article that a report leaked by the WHO said that a Chinese trial of the anti-viral treatment remdesivir had failed. They headlined it “Hopes dashed as coronavirus drug remdesivir fails first trial.”
( A long way down the article, the drug’s developer Gilead disputed the totally flawed operation of this trial.)
Personally I don’t want ‘journalists’ to ‘hold government to account’ over the current virus issue so I wouldn’t know how to repond to such a survey. I would go as far as to say that I think that could be a majority opinion!
I look to journalists to tell me what is going on and to seek clarification or perhaps some background information.
Good Questions:
“Minister, you said we should stay at home, is it OK to sit in the back garden?”
“Minister, is there any evidence that lock-down is achieving the desired result?”
Bad Questions:
“Minister, will you apologise to the relatives of hospital porter Bill Smith, (off sick with a bad back for the last six months), who died yesterday?”
“Minister, what have you to say over your failure to obtain the urgently needed, (1000 times more than normal), PPE, (which every country in the world is also seeking and failing to obtain), will you resign?”
Notice the change in narrative on many news outlets..?
‘Failure to meet government testing PROMISE’
I have never worked in the public sector, but the targets set by my bosses were always ambitious. Attaining an easy goal/target is not praiseworthy. If we end up with 70,000 tests a day (with more to come) from a starting position of 1,200 per day, that is a B+, not a Fail.
There are a great many imponderables in the care home crisis but here’s one which could give a moment’s pause to some of the clamour:
‘How do you think an 85 year old with incontinence and dementia might react to finding himself surrounded by figures in full PPE?’
It’s pretty clear to me that The BBC regard themselves as the legitimate mouthpiece for the likes of Momentum, Militant Unions and anti-British organisations.
They attempt to soften the effect by mixing it with the morphia of cooking, dancing and antiques programs to obscure their key objectives.
I would list their key objectives as:
Decamp the Conservatives
Reverse Brexit
Bring a left-wing Government to power
Removing the Conservatives would eliminate a potential threat to their future.
Reversing Brexit would underwrite future hand-outs from Europe in return for good publicity.
Having the hard-left as their sponsors in power would apart from anything else guarantee their future and growth as the party disseminator of their brand of approved information.
“The Covid19 is racist” narrative
.. it’s unravelling isn’t it ?
What proportion of the dead are BAME
is it 80%, 70%, 50%
According to the normally BAME supporting World Service it’s
Their prog The Inquiry is coming up
and the producer was on R4 More Or Less this morning saying
82% of deaths are to white people
against 85% background population
although white people are skewed to the older
so the fig should be more than 85%
Then they said
“ICU admissions were 34% BAME”
… How come that high rate of admission gets converted into a lower rate of death ?
Do white people stand a lower chance of surviving ICU ?
More or less man, last week, said the peak deaths date suggested the infections started falling BEFORE the lockdown.
Haha smells like they made him retracted that this week.
@Eddy it was slightly retracted
The peak infection day was moved forward from 21 days before to 18 days before *
which was STILL BEFORE the lockdown !
but the guy was a “lock down didn’t happen early enough” man as so many libmob are.
* (cos you have use the mode average NOT the mean average
as the distribution curve is not regular)
Trump was shoehorned into the Media Show at 4pm
they got actors to recreate a 1992 interview
..the actual interviewer then stated that Trump is a POS
.. and there was no contesting voice.
BBC defiant "We believe that if the doctors featured in Panorama feel their lives are at risk due to lack of proper PPE it is valid, and indeed in the public interest, for them to reflect on that experience, regardless of the political views they may or may not hold." pic.twitter.com/SkzDCQwF9T
Deportation of man with HIV to Zimbabwe blocked by UK Supreme Court https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-52470783
Its one way traffic for criminals, illegals are coming in and Illegals staying in. It appears that the safety of British people is secondary to Human Rights.
Our Home Secretary needs to get a grip .
taffman- The UK Supreme Court seems to get it wrong every time. A law unto itself, so the Home Secretary probably can’t do much. Not that she is confidence-inspiring anyway. Look at the Border Farce…
In fact, the pandemic has all but wiped out all other news, so issues like illegal immigration etc don’t get much attention…
I wonder: Is it now illegal to use the word “illegal”?
I would put nothing past this PC crowd.
On the BBC1 The One Show a few minutes ago, Matt Baker was paying tribute to Lynn Faulds Wood and her work making the world a safer place.
Matt Baker said (something like), “She showed me that television wasn’t just entertainment. You could change the world… you could make a difference… you could make lives better”
He accuses environmentalists of being influenced by corporate money
Planet of the Humans claims renewable energy is no better than fossil fuels and accuses activists of taking corporate money.
Yawn, she said “We know we haven’t *infected* enough of the population”
So ?
It was a slip of the tongue and she clearly meant
“We know we haven’t TESTED enough of the population”
..A load of time wasters have gone off on a conspiracy theory.
They believe that they are very good and are ‘value for money’. Perhaps they should be funded by ‘pay to view’ by subscription and pay the government a profit tax? After their behaviour over the lockdown there will be many licence cancellations , many licence payers will have died, kids and a lot of ethnic communities just don’t pay anyway.
“Watson! We only need to find a man with a left-hand on his right-arm! Couple that with him being with Donald Trump we are looking for a far-right, authoritarian, mysogynist, fascist, idiot who has undergone restorative surgery!”
“But Sherlock, couldn’t it just be the man with his right arm on Nigel’s right shoulder?”
Sweeney, has been drinking too many Sir Keir Royales again
..so he quoted an old Private Eye letter where the complainant wrote a long libel letter
And the Eye replied “F off”
"New York City’s 8.3 million inhabitants are 57% Christian, 7% Jewish & only 3% Muslim.(The US as a whole is 76% Christian, 1.5% Jewish & 0.9% Muslim.) Why is the Mayor picking out one of those religious groups & granting them special treatment?"https://t.co/roMtK6A7lW#DeBlasio
taffmanMar 13, 00:17 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo “The one legged man in an arse kicking contest”
JohnCMar 13, 00:03 Midweek 12th March 2025 First thread I see on Quora: ‘British people outraged that JD Vance accused the British government of suppressing free speech?’…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img]https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/ace/standard/976/cpsprodpb/ac6e/live/c2564f90-ff8e-11ef-b50e-9d086302645f.jpg.webp[/img] Putin got his battle fatigues on, looks like he means business now, He was right about Trump being unpredictable,…
KikuchiyoMar 12, 23:49 Midweek 12th March 2025 Huh?! Aren’t you excited about that? I’m just quoting what God has promised.
JohnCMar 12, 23:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 As usual you add nothing to the debate except the usual immature 12-year old spiteful rubbish. You belong on Quora…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 “From Mexico cartel safe house to US streets: BBC tracks deadly fentanyl targeted by Trump tariffs” Quentin Sommerville https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cy5ng663d1wo “The…
Local news : “Tributes come in to nurse Kumar who died of Covid in Boston hospital”
“the 44yo nurse had only just qualified 6 months ago”
.. couldn’t that have something to do with his death
Like if he had been 26 years old with 5 years experience
or was he just unlucky ?
If you don’t want to be triggered by the BBC then don’t watch Frank reveal the true identity of the villain.
BBC lunchtime news
More Americans have died with covd19 than service men killed in Vietnam… 58,209
Perhaps the next targets are…
WW1 116,516
WW2 405,399
US Vietnam war.. Another thorn in the BBC’s side.
R2 caller is telling how his sister died 6 days after being taken il
She was a checkout operator and on March 24th
a customer had been there coughing all over her
..when the customer should have known full well not to come out when you have a cough.
An entry for the BBC novel writing competition
Can’t wait to see how Nihal, Nish and the gang at hignfy handle this one.
#BiasedBBCthe anti-Diversity network
Despite being obsessed with preaching #Diversity
they air the same narrow group of London liberals
again & again
Those people do not represent UK diversity of opinions
A member of the bbc £150,000 club too Stew, nice work if you can get it. Wiki also informs that she attended a comprehensive exclusively for girls, didn’t know they still existed. As for her question “Next?”, as Stew suggests give someone else a chance, a political polar opposite perhaps, all in the interests of diversity.
Everyday 2:15pm *Toby Jones* in GF Newman’s The Corrupted
10 episodes, so Toby was on M-F last week and this week same
On Sunday *Toby Jones* was on Radio3 starring in Henry IV Pt 1
David Lammy MP says absent fathers ‘key cause of knife crime’
3 October 2012
Diane Abbott’s son chased her with scissors and bit cop during NINE attacks on medics and cops
23 Apr 2020
Inconsistent messages from leading MPs? A case of the left hand not knowing what the lefter hand is doing?
R4 prog was on 8pm Monday and just repeated at 11am today
My sister-in-law has just stopped self-isolating! She watched a woman being interviewed on BBC1 demonstrate how to make your own masks.
They made it very clear that wearing DIY masks has limited benefit and you should stay in.
All my silly relative has done is seen this item and used it to justify her going out.
That item has therefore just increased the risk of death, because without the idea of making a mask herself she’d have stayed home.
RIP Jill Gascoine is trending
So Boris and partner have had a baby. Congratulations.
I suppose like a good progressive conservative he is considering Mohamid or Mohamet.
GWF – I’m hearing Nathan Horatio Simon (NHS Johnson)
4pm R4 3 female journos & female presenter talk about Celebrity interviews
– One of course is from the Guardian : Ms Hadley Freeman*
– One is the Times writer who said Boris squeezed her thigh under a table
He recently said “that is not true” and then changed the subject when the interviewer attempted to get him to call her a liar.
– Other guest Ginny Dougary has had a lot of big interviews
eg Trump
* Hadley Freeman’s last headline was
‘When the virus crisis is over, nationalism could be rampant’
as SHE’d just interviewed someone who’s written about Nazis
Last week Amol told us he wasn’t doing the R4 show today
cos he’d be on paternity leave
. then it is strange that last night he was in the BBC1TV One Show studio working as a presenter.
…. and will be again tonight.
He needs the money.
Probably needs to send more money home in remittances for the family.
Picture editor about to pick up another gold star !!!!!
Hells Bells!
Black teachers are as rare as hen’s teeth and white pupils only exist on the BBC website when pupils go wrong!
Actually I had a black teacher once and he tried to teach us fractions. Unfortunately a lot of them involved dividing by three and he had problems with his ‘h’s.
@Doob let me take a wild guess
and go to Getty and type : African, female, teacher
into the search box
You must be psychic, Stew, … unless of course you’ve rumbled the Marxist BBC for the anti-White racist organisation it is.
@Mustapha I wish I didn’t know this stuff
Life is so much easier when you are a naive child.
The Getty subject is given as ‘classroom’. Searching for that yields a first batch of 60 pictures.
Of those with obvious teachers:
9 feature white women,
5 white men,
2 black men and
1 black woman.
The BBC chose the last one. For some reason 3 included Jo Swinson, ex-leader of the FastLibDems and one of the PM.
Bet there isn’t a lot of diversity in the bbc stock photo collection Doob, bit like shooting fish in a barrel. Probably have to go some to pick a ‘wrong un’.
Wish I were there at the time the photo was taken. I’d ask her to explain, in detail, what’s on the board behind her……………..
The latest revelations concerning the shockingly partisan and biased disgusting attempt to smear the Government by the BBC Panorama feature on the Coronavirus and the NHS throws a lot of light on what is happening deep down inside the creature.
I believe what we are seeing is another stage in the takeover of the institution by a group of determined activists with the intention of overthrowing what we have always thought of as democracy in favour of a one-world order controlled by left-wing zealots.
Witness their relentless drive to subjugate traditional values in this country.
Witness their relentless drive to rebalance how society is constructed or at least viewed as constructed by ensuring that what they see as the old usually “white” enemy are reduced to a fringe element in favour of the scattered groups of diverse people they need to recruit to their cause.
It is also clear how they are going about this. All it takes is for a hard-core of individuals who are determined to bring this about to infest the body of the organisation then to set about creating an atmosphere where any dissent is viewed as wrong-think and almost a crime and thus to frighten any opposition into either silence or flight.
You can see this in action also in our Universities, Local Government, Public Services including the NHS and now in our education system at all levels. It is possible that it is also taking root within our Police.
The tactics include amongst many others of such means as labelling groups as “oppressed” e.g ethnic minorities, immigrants, low-paid workers then to set about toxifying any “negative” comment on these groups. Thus shutting down any rational conversation.
Witness Bradford etc.
In reality they don’t really care too much about these groups other than as ammunition in their cause.
This ultimate ambition extends Globally as they attempt to make the same sort of takeover within such organisations as the UN and the WHO as well as many Global charitable and environmental organisations. I think Trump sees this and is now preparing to resist it.
There can only be two outcomes to this.
Either they succeed and we all become enslaved without chains or a ground swell of opposing people become enlightened and push-back which will demand strength and determination.
I think the reality of your conclusions can be seen in the utter arrogance and distain for the truth seen in producing programs such as Panorama, staffed entirely by Labour activists. And using people like Ashton and Horton with their biased and essentially suspect credentials only continues the theme.
It makes it painfully clear that they don’t give a toss for balance or democracy, nor most especially the people they pretend to represent, and that their self-importance overrides reality, and particularly the power of the Internet.
Perhaps they think people like Guido and Pugz really don’t matter, their duplicity will be forgotten when their new order prevails and that truly investigative journalism has no place in their world – influencing opinion with distortions has far more value and merit. The fact that they are currently capable of ignoring the wealth of anger created by their actions only confirms their childish self-deception.
Ruth Cadbury is a Labour MP ( the kinder party ) . This morning – when it was announced that the PM has become a father – the first tweet she published was that he now had an excuse to avoid PMQs .
That smear was quickly retweeted around the twitter and although MS Cadbury has now deleted it – it lives on . She has since pretended to be ‘nice’ by congratulating the parents on the birth .
the constituency that ms Cadbury represents Is Brentford . She went to a private school – raised as a Quaker and – yes – is related to the chocolate family.
I raise it here because I am sure that the Far Left BBC won’t mention what she has said – maybe it’s because she apparently doesn’t have kids – but according to wiki has never had a real job either – being a lefty politician since university some 40 years ago.
Maybe she was one of the chorus wishing BoJo dead when he had the Chinese virus .
The Quakers are left-wing, anti-West, globalist, pacifist, business-hating and Trump-hating clowns.
#Diversity on Radio4 over the last 2 days
23:00 Box Ticker
” Challenging stand-up comedy from a northern, gay, disabled woman who refuses to conform.”
23:15 Lenny Henry’s Rogues Gallery
” a mechanic naively joins the Klu Klux Klan.”
10:34 AND 19:45 : “A unique insight into raising a child with cerebral palsy.” 8 episodes
11:30am artists who work with Raw Meat
FFS visual art on radio !
15:30 Fake-Green agenda pushing
repeated today at 9pm
16:00 “The amazing Maya Angelou”
presented by Olivette Otele
@OlivetteOtele Prof. History&Memory of enslavement
VPresidt mbership/ECR @RoyalHistSoc
Gives home as La Republique & Africa
Repeated on Friday at 23:00
19:45 Nmon Ford the opera star who is black
20:00 Steve Walker investigates the murder of his brother Delroy, a child of the Windrush generation, who’d returned to Jamaica
23:00 Sketchtopia the diversity sketch show artificially created by Radio4
Diversity of everything, apart from opinion, agenda, worldview and political opinion. Apart from that it’s diverse and anyone who says otherwise is a climate change denying racist.
couple of things caught the attention this week
1) PPE
Wouldn,t you expect the taxpayer funded, multi faceted state organ to explore the PPE shortages in some more detail?
Why no interrogation of the NHS Procurement & Supply Chain response…… rather lets just blame the Government
What use is that unless your role and purpose is simply to undermine the Government, in particular a Conservative one!
while looking no further in depth at the issue.
2) SKY better known as SLY News……..Beth Rigsby………refers to
the trot as SIR KEIR……while Boris is….Johnson?
Subtle little digs that build up over time to a narrative….
The murders by the Chinese Communist Party worldwide by their virus has now exceeded 218,000.
Why is the BBC on line geared so much in its pictures , graphics,
E Moles etc geared towards the ethnic community of the UK?
We are a multicultural society but there appears to me that
there is a “positive” discrimination towards diverse ethnicity
in every aspect of what the BBC produces.
Foscari- “Appears”? No, Beeb are Londoncentric and -beyond any shadow of doubt- anti-white racist. They would, of course, deny this – and we can already hear all the weasel words…
Their motives can be speculated about, as can the question of who “they” are, and who is behind “them”.
But we look at the evidence, and we find that BAME are heavily over-represented on all bbc channels, radio and TV, when compared to reality in Britain.
It would be one thing if they were not force-financed with menaces and threats, largely from the community they seem so to despise, but it is a fact that they are.
People on this site are aware of all this, and our OBJECTIVE is to change beeb’s attitude and/or get rid of the licence fee.
It is also absolutely disgraceful that the so-called ‘Conservative’ party does nothing about this. You would think they would: ‘racism’ is allegedly out. Also, they must realise that bbc are really against them and largely pro-Labour. That would be evident to a blind man in a snowstorm.
So they too, need some shaking up. (they are very ‘diverse’ too, look at key posts, so really, part of the problem is that there is no real conservative party in parliament.) This is another puzzle. Beeb will continue to hammer them over the pandemic; this has only just begun.
The question as always is: how do we stop just moaning and pointing this out, and work towards our twin objectives?
I find it particularly offensive that all of a sudden, the continuity announcers on all channels, not just the BBC, seem to be young urban men talking Multicultural London English. It is an accent which gets right on my nerves. There are many accents across the UK, but all of a sudden MLE is the flavour of the month.
I realise that it is too late to hope for another Alvar Lidell or John Snagge, but this is just ridiculous, innit bruv?
Positive discrimination is anti white heterosexual male discrimination. The BBC recruitment policy appears to be white out black in.
If I was a darkie I would be bloody offended that I owed my job to the colour of my hide and not the extent of my skills.
Is this the BBC’s silliest Coronavirus headline yet?
” Shoppers ‘flouting distancing rules to buy spas’ ”
Reading the article, it appears this is a put up job by Labour Party and BBC to get Labour’s name in front of the public.
They just can’t stop themselves.
Just change sex…………
You know, its as simple as waking up one morning and declaring you are now a member of the opposite sex. That’ll address the ‘fitting’ problem.
Why has the NHS not thought of this before?
Why not get the nurse to put the goggles on far too high to make it look as they are a bad fit?
The nose piece is at least an inch above her nose and her eyes are at the very bottom of the goggles below the level of the nose piece no where near the middle where they are supposed to be.
The BBC is EVIL.
Good post General – exactly where is she wearing those googles?
The BBC are real fake news – given that they keep telling us how women are the main NHS heroes then you would think they might have noticed if this was a problem? And as other have said – they don’t fit ALL men properly either..
But it is the use of click bait weasel text – ‘ don’t fit ALL women Properly”
So, is that what you (BBC) are saying 🙂 – is they fit most women okay..
But that’s how they get away with it. The average viewer glances at what they are portraying and that’s that. No more thought. We know different and within seconds know exactly what our, “Worlds Most Trusted” beauty is trying to achieve.
Loads of hardware and homeward stores are open for various reasons but the BBC want to home in on The Range….
The Range of course is owned by self-made billionaire, just the sort the BBC hate.
The staff have been complaining about conditions including poor social distancing for customers coming in to buy unnecessary stuff like spas.
If you are familiar with The range you will probably know that’s typical of all they se!l.
The BBC print a comment and a huge photo of one man who rolled up then decided not to go in because of the crowded conditions inside.
This man claimed he went to The Range to buy “Milk and Bread”
Who would choose to go to the Range for Milk and Bread FFS?
Buried in the article it’s revealed that that USDAW union was involved along with Labours Leader of the House Baroness Smith.
The BBC must have a 24 hour Skype connection to all the Union offices and Labour HQ to keep coming up with this crap.
Ah, but the BBC loves self-made billionaires: George Soros (real name Schwartz György Yaxley-Lennon), bearded Richard ‘Dick’ Branson, Bill ‘let me give you money, BBC’ Gates… It’s just a matter of being the right (i.e. ‘Left’) sort of billionaire.
Re the Range… despite the spiteful, contrived nature of the report, many of their branches have an Iceland store inside so it is perfectly feasible to shop there for bread and milk and other food items.
“Left” Billionaires are just Billionaires who want to be widely liked but still stay very rich….
I think it fair to add that while it’s true the Range is owned by a self-made billionaire, the stuff he has made his fortune from is utter crap.
DIGG: Around my area the several “The Range” stores and they are no more than walking distance from large food retailers.
OFCOM have lost again against Leave EU supporters – this time against Aaron Banks . If Mr Banks had lost the BBC would have been all over him – but I’m thinking this will be treated the same way as the the finding for a Priti Patel .
Two disfunctional regulators – OFCoM and the Electoral Commission which need to be stuck on the ‘reform ‘ list …
A headline to savour: ‘PM confirms paternity leave after birth of son…’
Not, to be fair, currently on the BBC but it uses the well-honed skills of the corporation to put, much further down in the script ‘….later in the year, not at the present time.’
It’s the way they tell them.
“Coronavirus: BBC ‘needs to make £125m savings this year'”
If ever there was a straight to comments story.
How much longer have we to suffer continuous Coronavirus TV notifications given day after day by a government minister alongside two medical scientists?-is it really necessary to know how many good people have died as a result of the C/Virus or how many more might be expected to do so, concluding with the ever supporting guidance to remain distantsing, to take all precautions where necessary and so on. I have no higher knowledge than those advising us, nevertheless this nation cannot remain in total isolation for whatever time-there is always risk in our lives and always has been, we were risking our lives every day and still are. The Human is a socialable animal and so enevitably seeks the social intervention of others-risks will have to be taken to enable this to happen. This government must not put emphasis of testing above finding a vaccine for Covid19, that should be paramount in its endeavours for us all and particularly for the younger generations future in this world.
I’ve watched them all and got used to the pausity of the questions . My favourite worst question is the
“ should nt the government have done xxxx earlier minister ?”
A “ yes says minister – you’re absolutely right – we screwed it up in order to kill more people – does that answer your question ?”
The real messages are messy and mixed – such as today the benefit of being outside was described – then we’ve been told to stay home …..
Yes well put Fedup2- think there too many questions with proable answers that will not satisfy the evil BBC et al-my point being that better not to have daily briefings, maybe weekly ones with more sensible news to imart amybe.
Tarien, agree completely
Unfortuntely the media and bashing the Govt with any stick they can find – then when the Govt address the stick they find another one…I am pretty sure the Govt don’t want to do these daily briefings but the likes of BBC would be all over them as uncaring Tories etc if they didn’t..
Six days ago the BBC published the the following news article that a report leaked by the WHO said that a Chinese trial of the anti-viral treatment remdesivir had failed. They headlined it “Hopes dashed as coronavirus drug remdesivir fails first trial.”
( A long way down the article, the drug’s developer Gilead disputed the totally flawed operation of this trial.)
Today, Gilead reports results of its latest trial showing it does work.
So why is the BBC (and some other well-known frequently inaccurate Main Stream Media outlets) scaring the public with unsubstantiated false headlines?
All is relative, dear Strumpet of Bronze.
So that’s 57% against. That was the logic in the GE and Brexit.
Personally I don’t want ‘journalists’ to ‘hold government to account’ over the current virus issue so I wouldn’t know how to repond to such a survey. I would go as far as to say that I think that could be a majority opinion!
I look to journalists to tell me what is going on and to seek clarification or perhaps some background information.
Good Questions:
“Minister, you said we should stay at home, is it OK to sit in the back garden?”
“Minister, is there any evidence that lock-down is achieving the desired result?”
Bad Questions:
“Minister, will you apologise to the relatives of hospital porter Bill Smith, (off sick with a bad back for the last six months), who died yesterday?”
“Minister, what have you to say over your failure to obtain the urgently needed, (1000 times more than normal), PPE, (which every country in the world is also seeking and failing to obtain), will you resign?”
Notice the change in narrative on many news outlets..?
‘Failure to meet government testing PROMISE’
I have never worked in the public sector, but the targets set by my bosses were always ambitious. Attaining an easy goal/target is not praiseworthy. If we end up with 70,000 tests a day (with more to come) from a starting position of 1,200 per day, that is a B+, not a Fail.
One way of dealing with quarantine-breaking gatherings…
Not sure Auntie would approve though.
Btw, isn’t it time to rename the BBC? Auntie is much too benign. How about the Wicked Stepmother, or the Wicked Witch of the East?
There are a great many imponderables in the care home crisis but here’s one which could give a moment’s pause to some of the clamour:
‘How do you think an 85 year old with incontinence and dementia might react to finding himself surrounded by figures in full PPE?’
It’s pretty clear to me that The BBC regard themselves as the legitimate mouthpiece for the likes of Momentum, Militant Unions and anti-British organisations.
They attempt to soften the effect by mixing it with the morphia of cooking, dancing and antiques programs to obscure their key objectives.
I would list their key objectives as:
Decamp the Conservatives
Reverse Brexit
Bring a left-wing Government to power
Removing the Conservatives would eliminate a potential threat to their future.
Reversing Brexit would underwrite future hand-outs from Europe in return for good publicity.
Having the hard-left as their sponsors in power would apart from anything else guarantee their future and growth as the party disseminator of their brand of approved information.
“The Covid19 is racist” narrative
.. it’s unravelling isn’t it ?
What proportion of the dead are BAME
is it 80%, 70%, 50%
According to the normally BAME supporting World Service it’s
Their prog The Inquiry is coming up
and the producer was on R4 More Or Less this morning saying
82% of deaths are to white people
against 85% background population
although white people are skewed to the older
so the fig should be more than 85%
Then they said
“ICU admissions were 34% BAME”
… How come that high rate of admission gets converted into a lower rate of death ?
Do white people stand a lower chance of surviving ICU ?
The activists push 2 competing narratives.
.. they are generally POORER so more likely to be a Covid19 victim
#2 Most of those doctors that died are BAME
that’s why they are 3 times more likely to be HIGHLY PAID top doctors.
More or less man, last week, said the peak deaths date suggested the infections started falling BEFORE the lockdown.
Haha smells like they made him retracted that this week.
@Eddy it was slightly retracted
The peak infection day was moved forward from 21 days before to 18 days before *
which was STILL BEFORE the lockdown !
but the guy was a “lock down didn’t happen early enough” man as so many libmob are.
* (cos you have use the mode average NOT the mean average
as the distribution curve is not regular)
The BBC managed to shoehorn Trump into this story.
Coronavirus: Outcry as Spanish beach sprayed with bleach
I wasn’t at all surprised the instant I read the typical BBC headline!
Trump was shoehorned into the Media Show at 4pm
they got actors to recreate a 1992 interview
..the actual interviewer then stated that Trump is a POS
.. and there was no contesting voice.
Yep PoS common abbreviation, vulgar
Going ‘defiant’, eh? Brave.
Toenails, like Bunter, finds a poll he likes.
Now it is clear why Maxi is elsewhere.
“Now it is clear why Maxi is elsewhere.”
What about Piku ?
Guest – I think what it does do is to show how concerned the bubble is .
Hope Guido sent that to Dominic C.
Al Beeb are quick to put this out …………………
“Priti Patel probe findings should be made public ‘as soon as possible’ – Labour”
But will they be as quick to mentioned anything about Arron Banks and the Electoral Commission ?
The last story on the BBC : Arron Banks page
was Posted at 17:54 19 Nov2019
Sweeney joins the party
and deflects by calling Banks a Russian spy
As opposed to eventually conceded single fantasists who destroyed an innocent man?
Very BBC.
Deportation of man with HIV to Zimbabwe blocked by UK Supreme Court
Its one way traffic for criminals, illegals are coming in and Illegals staying in. It appears that the safety of British people is secondary to Human Rights.
Our Home Secretary needs to get a grip .
taffman- The UK Supreme Court seems to get it wrong every time. A law unto itself, so the Home Secretary probably can’t do much. Not that she is confidence-inspiring anyway. Look at the Border Farce…
In fact, the pandemic has all but wiped out all other news, so issues like illegal immigration etc don’t get much attention…
I wonder: Is it now illegal to use the word “illegal”?
I would put nothing past this PC crowd.
On the BBC1 The One Show a few minutes ago, Matt Baker was paying tribute to Lynn Faulds Wood and her work making the world a safer place.
Matt Baker said (something like), “She showed me that television wasn’t just entertainment. You could change the world… you could make a difference… you could make lives better”
Oh the irony.
Doobster78 – OMG! His profile has a Palestinian flag on it. I wonder what that tells us?
SkyNews Facebook Planet of the Humans
: Michael Moore green energy documentary branded ‘dangerous’ by climate scientists
He accuses environmentalists of being influenced by corporate money
Planet of the Humans claims renewable energy is no better than fossil fuels and accuses activists of taking corporate money.
Did she say ‘We haven’t infected enough population?
Yawn, she said “We know we haven’t *infected* enough of the population”
So ?
It was a slip of the tongue and she clearly meant
“We know we haven’t TESTED enough of the population”
..A load of time wasters have gone off on a conspiracy theory.
No disinfectant there then…………………
“Coronavirus: Welsh ministers refuse to expand care home testing”
Comments Could be Going Better for the Welsh Assembly.
“Coronavirus: Scottish government suggests covering face in shops”
Comments Could be Going Better in Scotland also.
Coming up on the 30th of April
100th birthday of captain Tom Moore
75th anniversary of the death of a German mass murderer
A bit of cheer:
BBC Online News:
“Coronavirus: BBC ‘needs to make £125m savings this year’ ”
The BBC could save a lot more by not existing.
They believe that they are very good and are ‘value for money’. Perhaps they should be funded by ‘pay to view’ by subscription and pay the government a profit tax? After their behaviour over the lockdown there will be many licence cancellations , many licence payers will have died, kids and a lot of ethnic communities just don’t pay anyway.
The BBC, the EU and the Civil Service are clones of each other.
It’s unfortunate that the Virus has interrupted the good work of Boris and Cummings.
Reuters public survey
I wonder which part of Islington it was done in ?
Click the Reuters tweet timestamp top right to open up all their points.
Carole Cadwalladr uses this graphic as her Twitter background
as if to say who her targets are
‘Bad boys of Brexit’ were guests at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club
That, hand on the right,
.. bit of Guardian photopping going on ?
Who did they take out ?
“Watson! We only need to find a man with a left-hand on his right-arm! Couple that with him being with Donald Trump we are looking for a far-right, authoritarian, mysogynist, fascist, idiot who has undergone restorative surgery!”
“But Sherlock, couldn’t it just be the man with his right arm on Nigel’s right shoulder?”
At first glance I asumed it was that guys
but then I looked closer
cos it really doesn’t seem right.
TR video about Labour Activist Panorama Show
18 mins
Ha There is a TR shop
Handling it well.
Sweeney, has been drinking too many Sir Keir Royales again
..so he quoted an old Private Eye letter where the complainant wrote a long libel letter
And the Eye replied “F off”
Apparently the bbc needs to make savings of £125 million per year.
Why don’t they import people who will do the same job for half the price?
Instead of Lineker we could have Popov and his extended family from Romania.
Victoria Derbyshire? I know someone from Krakow who will do that job for bed and breakfast.
Welcome to my world.
tapwatertory – Is the BBC xenophobic? For them, diversity seems to exclude having European presenters in the same proportions as my former work place.
This explains BBC ‘Islamophilia’