Many people are avoiding the Far Left Biased BBC by going to alternative providers . This thread is put up give posters the opportunity to suggest alternative programmes , series and films available outside the dire Main Stream Media . All yours …
Avoiding the Biased BBC
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Dear parishioners
Just a reminder that a service of Holy Communion will be held again tonight at 8pm.
There will be no collection but after the service the congregation is encouraged to join a communal rendition of ‘Pennies from Heaven’.
Rev. N. Aitchess.
Sluff – what parish, please? (or am I being stupid? Haven’t looked back to previous posts yet)
I’ll be there ( song: Reach out ( I’ll be there), Four Tops)
Or rather, I’ll be there ignoring it as usual, Rev. Aitch
‘Pennies from Heaven’ aah, but was it BBC? Fed wants us to avoid the BBC and, iirc, Dennis Potter was a bit of a Beeb favourite. It may have been on C4 though, in which case it just, but only just, escapes this executioner’s sword.
Falling by the sword from childhood: the firm favourites Tintin and Noggin the Nog, both on BBC and therefore verboten … … although I know what a rebellious and off-Thread lot you all are.
I think the virus came from one of the laboratories in Wuhan.
I don’t believe it came from eating bats.
Imagine if there were several world epidemics/pandemics (as we’ve had from Wuhan) but that they had originated in Porton Down where our bio labs are.
Then, our politicians told you was because the locals were eating hedgehogs and the virus(‘s) all came because of that.
Would you believe them.
The Wuhan virus labs must have Mickey Mouse security and the virus(‘s) got out because of their lackadaisical procedures.
Surely it wasn’t unleashed on purpose!
I don’t know how true it is but I’m seeing conspiracy posts saying the people working in the virus labs of Wuhan have all now disappeared.
I’ve seen many posts giving reasons why this is a man constructed virus.
There have been several fiction books predicting virus escapes from the Wuhan virus labs.
For me it’s a case of Occams Razor.
It appears so obvious.
Correct. See the evidence above.
Including the option that some lab assistant flogged piglets infected with the virus in the market for extra cash.
I’ll stick to Eddy’s Bic one blade guess, if you don’t mind:
What’s the most likely scenario
A: The Chinese are utter geniuses that can create viruses in a laboratory, dispite them not having invented anything original since the umbrella 3,000 years ago.
B. They’re as thick as pig muck, and think it’s clever to eat every animal on earth, and having worked their way through the menu, eventually hit upon the brilliant idea of mangy bat broth…
Now ask yourself which would the Chinese prefer you believe..
EG, Oi! Off topic!! Shame on you!!! 🙂
???? ????
Just overheard my partner listening to Boris wishing Capt. Tom a very happy 100th birthday saying thank you for how he’s really lifted the nation’s spirits over the last few weeks ????????????????????????????
Which made me realise how he’s been the very antithesis of al beeb recently with their scaremongering, nit-picking and general doom and gloom! ????
Captain ? Hasn’t he been promoted!
I wonder if one of the questioners on Hancock’s half hour (Boris’ half hour doesn’t work) will ask for an apology because only 99,999 tests (or however many) were carried out instead of the 100,000
And if they don’t get the apology they’ll then want an apology for not apologising! ????
You really could give these journ…sorry activists Heaven and Earth and they’d still nitpick ????
Tossers the lot!!!
UKColumn the best bbc baters ever.
Just had a bulk response from the BBC about a panorama complaint.
I complained that 7 people where not declared as having a particular bias.
BBC ignored the complaint and sent a standard reply where they whitewashed it and said the program was great.
Total bullshit designed to prevent you from having two bites at the cherry before moving on to going to complain in person
Poor Fedup2!
Once again you attempt a thread on a specific topic only to see it being filled with more of the same.
Personally I listen to foreign language radio – I understand enough to get an idea of what is going on in the world without getting into their local PPE failure details.
Failing that I have umpteen thousand tracks ex-CD that my ‘magic box’ plays in random order or a never ending stream of YouTube videos on history, transport etc. (I watched one last night on the causes of the German ICE crash and the runaway train in Paris with some good bits about the AGV).
For some reason Australian Fox News items keep being suggested, (isn’t Google/YouTube supposed to block these?) and they can be fun as they cover UK and USA politics with a different slant to that of the BBC.
I’ve managed to get most BBC output on youtube not suggested by disliking any I see as a matter of principle.
One downside, the BBC can’t easily edit and censor the comments on you tube,
If they upload it they can do as they please with the comments.
Itv just switch there’s off.
I just read the comments and never watch the videos.
I’ve managed to get most BBC output on youtube not suggested by disliking any I see as a matter of principle.
One downside, the BBC can’t easily edit and censor the comments on you tube,
I’ve managed to get most BBC output on youtube not suggested by disliking any I see as a matter of principle.
One downside, the BBC can’t easily edit and censor the comments on you tube,
I’ve managed to get most BBC output on youtube not suggested by disliking any I see as a matter of principle.
One downside, the BBC can’t easily edit and censor the comments on you tube,
Blimey 4 times Lord Blagger, excellent work ????
I nearly spat my beer out ????
Jim, at least contributors are not using lots of acronyms, abbreviations and alliterations.
(Fed, I feel your pain and anguish.)
Jim I think it is Aussie *Sky* news which is supposed to be one of the better news organisations … unlike their UK relation.
….Back to the suggested topic.
I’d recommend The Heist’ on Netflix. It’s typical Spanish ‘partisan’ anti establishment, but different from the mainstream ‘sausage factory’ productions.
Sorry Fedup.
Just noticed that this thread was to suggest alternative watching as Jim has just pointed out.
Feel free to delete my posts.
I’ve reposted them on the main thread.
82,000 tests announced today, representing yesterday’s test.
I SO hope they hit 100,000 tomorrow so they can tutn round to Laura Doomsberg and the BBC and say ‘F*** off !!!!’.
But ever keen to catch out, it’s straight over to Sirkeer, clearly lined up in advance, claiming credit for Boris’s announcement of an exit strategy,
Groan. Laura’s irritating, superior, self-important voice droning on, on bbc news at 6pm. Where is the ‘off’ switch?..?
I can imagine that the same sense of misery as there was
with the Brexit result and General Election last December
will pervade at the BBC tomorrow when the Chinese virus
testing hits the 100,000 mark.
May I suggest BBC that instead of celebrating the failure of
the government that you just uncork the champagne on ice
and have a WAKE. And Kuenssberg and Pym and all the rest
at the BBC can drown in their sorrow!
I watched the Wolf of Wall Street again this week. What a superb film.
That’s the life ????????
Agree Doobster, a very good film!
My favourite Leo film is probably ‘The Departed’ ????
tlwei, funny you should mention Leonardo DiCaprio: I have a yet to be watched copy of ‘The Aviator’ on a shelf here.
Not seen it yet Up2snuff so can’t comment on The Aviator, but it is on my ‘to watch’ list ????
Can I recommend to all on here’ Sleuth’ 1972! A little known gem of a film but brilliantly acted in by Laurence Olivier and Michael Caine ????
Avoid the remake like the plague ????
You can tell that the latest government information film, it isn’t heavy on BME at all …..vast majority are Anglo Saxon…such a refreshing change
Doob – me too – there’s enough in it to watch many times ….margin call – which I think is ‘free ‘ on Prime will also appeal to those who like ‘money films ‘.
Cheers Fed. Will look that one up ????
Really good films in my opinion on Netflix or Amazon you might not have seen
1) Bad day for the cut
2) The foreigner (Jackie Chan) try it
3) The Mad man and the professor
4) The equaliser
5) Gone baby gone
6) The accountant
7) Lobster (controversal)
Just a few selected films
Whatever happened to Lobster?
Pounce used to post on ITBB until recently.
Best wishes to all former BBBC contributors.
‘All The President’s Men’ is a brilliant film, and very relevant in this day and age with the quality of so called investigative journalism we have to put up from the likes of al beeb ????
Beg, buy or steal a copy ????
This from Bobby Eberle in the USA. I like his videos and wonder why we don’t have that many bloggers here in the UK such as him and many others in the USA.
It’s about 18 minutes long
I’ve just watched a strange cop show from 4 on catch up or box sets, something like that, on Sky.
It’s called Rough Justice.
It was about 50 minutes long.
There were NO gay couples, men or women.
The bad guy was black.
There were NO token brown or other races.
There was NO handicapped persons.
There were NO trans or lgbltitvandbbc to be seen.
All the bbbc (and the rest of the virtue signalling channels) have their quotas of the usual character fillers making a mockery of any shows they now produce.
It was so refreshing to see a show that wasn’t just box ticking.
Of course, it wasn’t British, it was a Belgian show but it wasn’t very old, 10 years at most I’d guess.
It was like being back the olden days when we didn’t know how racist (and every other ‘ist and ‘ism) we all were.
For the first time in years I have sat and watched and rather enjoyed, a 6 part TV drama from beginning to end. The series was called Belgravia. I have to say that ethnics, queers and trannies were completely absent.
My name is Lefty Wright and I am an old, white,heterosexual male bigot with no shame.
Gangs of London on sky atlantic.
After Life on Netflix.
Both excellent in very different ways.
Proof – IF you EVER needed it! Soros’ hold on the European Court of Human Rights: The ECHR Persists and Signs Its all true. This is why our civil service and BBC are such whimps. He is strong enough to bully entire governments to his will. The BBC is a total pushover.
His influence over the BBC cannot ever be denied. He is also identical to the current politics of today’s media influencers (most of them taking the money). Not just here in the UK. He has since been banned from funding ‘gorilla’ activities across the globe and yet gets clear reign in the EU and BBC portals. His sponsorship activities even has The Guardian worried!
– Climate Change (tick)
– Co2 emissions (tick)
– Perversion encouragement (tick)
– City shutdown (loony eco-warriors) (tick)
– Vegan agitators (tick)
– Media (self-censorship) (tick)
– One world economics (tick)
– Rights for all = rights for none (tick)
– Ban on families having families (tick)
– LGBTQFXYZ sponsorship- (fake sex) (tick)
– Undermine sovereign nations (tick)
– Racial agitator (tick)
You name it – he sponsors it. Thats where the ‘Left’ get all the money to challenge UK public decisions in the High Courts. Brexit is a notable SOROS failure in that legal department. But he still has influence by ‘back door legislation which then affect us all like a virus. He has money and influence and backed by UN agendas.
Not so at the BBC. This is all perfectly normal.
‘Why Soros’ is misunderstood?, A nice guy who generously funds ‘Open Society’ with generous ‘sponsorship’ of fringe nut jobs here in the UK. The BBC seem indifferent. But they have already been infected. (totally harmless, influencer say BBC pilloried by the ‘hard right’ i.e. everyone else: that not left wing.)
The BBC is a cheerleader for the ‘European project’ a template for the rest of the world. Effectively the UN Agenda 21 has made this possible by making all countries sign up central planning on Climate’ (insert anything you want in this space). Overseen by himself as the supreme benefactor and his EU politburo members. The ECHR admit his influence is extensive and current. All ECHR rulings are final and cannot be revised or amended, this is EU law.. The EU supports the ECHR and the ECHR make the rules based on EU ‘collectivization’. But its SOROS in the background via his own influence on the UN and the ‘Open Society’ projects (endorsed by EU) and hundreds of fringe NGO’s that (often) think this is ‘grass roots’ membership. When its all financed by one Billionaire megalomanic and his worshippers who believe in “Climate change’. It has nothing to do with the environment.
I leave you with this (excerpt)..
‘“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that .. the threat of global warming.. would fit the bill.. the real enemy, then, is humanity itself.” – Club Of Rome (Environmental consultants to the U.N.)
The damage to the eco-system by the ‘greenies’ and their green agenda are all summed up by this full feature film by Michael Moore. This is real, the future in not bright. Its stupid. They are being used (by SOROS and Co.) and they just don’t see it.. watch and despair how the youth are being duped into ‘climate change’.
Michael Moore was the founder o f Greenpeace, he now rejects all their (leftist inspired) dreams.. this film explains why… The left are part of the problem as much as the globalists….
Philip2. I am not nit picking but I think it is important you know Michael Moore was not a founder of Greenpeace.
There are a number of claimants for the role of founder but I have never heard of this bloke mentioned. The prominent ones who have a right to be regarded as such are Bob Hunter, Dave McTaggart, Irving and Dorothy Stowe and Patrick Moore. The last of whom you may be confusing with Michael Moore.
(Also not to be confused with Sir Patrick Moore the Great British Astronomer and thinker (and member of Ukip!))
Actually I met Dave McTaggart one day when I was working for an environmental movement. He was top guest at a Greenpeace meeting. I was just a dogsbody working for the venue.
At one stage a truck arrived with heaps of awkward stuff to unload. He was the only one to rush outside and help.
‘A good bloke’ I thought at the time(40 years ago), and still do.
DVD/Blu-Ray collection not extensive enough to get you through the lockdown, or fed up with clicking “Skip Ad” on YouTube?
Maybe you could try re-connecting with your inner child by taking up an old hobby. How about model aeroplanes or slot car racing? Good, you’re just in time to design an NHS livery for an Airfix model plane or Scalextric rally car (both companies subsidiaries of Hornby Hobbies).
Is there an area of British life that worship of the NHS hasn’t reached? . . . Nope.
A Spitfire or Messershmitt, perhaps. Maybe a Phantom or an English Electric LIGHTNING.
Definitely not this.
The worship of the NHS has gone far beyond what is rational.
I think it’s a great idea to hit the BBC where it hurts… in the pocket.
I hardly watch anything on the Beeb these days, anyway.
I’m avoiding the news, I loathe soaps and every detective drama is so cluttered with minorities in inappropriate positions of authority, that they become too irritating to bother with.
And as for their bloody “comedies”…they’re little more than left wing lectures, given by smug, middle class, know nothing arse wipes.
I did catch a few minutes of Have I Got News For You the other week. Ye gods, I had more fun when I had my wisdom teeth extracted.
So any advice regarding the avoidance of paying the punitive and backward license fee will be gratefully received.
When the pubs are open again, the drinks are on me…
I’ve accidentally caught a few little bits of The Mash Report from time to time. BBC website describes it as hosted by “Nish Kumar and a cast of hilarious correspondents.” No they’re not – even if the writing wasn’t as pi**-poor as it is, they’d still be on a hiding to nothing because they’re just not funny people. They’re a bunch of agitprop bores.
The Ken Dodd documentary was repeated a couple of nights ago. Doddy was truly hilarious.
I’ve been watching YouTube’s edited rugby games from Cardiff, Twickenham etc, and thoroughly enjoyed seeing how teams performed only a few years ago.
Clearly the game has suffered since all that money started to change the laws etc., but as the modern game is almost unrecognisable from the Scrobs’ glory days of the late sixties, the matches from the seventies and eighties are just magical!
Then it’s ‘Alas Smith and Jones’, for a huge laugh and a large malt…
Suggest switching to League .. much more entertaining and great supporters. Sacrilege to some I know but you won’t regret it.
oldcrone, I’m a League boy, Wigan to be exact – used to go down to Wembley in the late ’80’s + early’ 90’s to see them win every year with my dad ????
Tap ‘Wigan Warrington World War 3 New Year’s Day 1988’ ????
Now that’s what Rugby used to be like ????
*In to YouTube I should add ????
Tell them you only watch downloads.
Tell them to stop harassing you when they keep sending the warning letters.
Eventually you will have to make a declaration every 2 years.
But its worth it.
And Don`t pay
Sometimes I feel forgotten by the world when I don’t get any post – but then I cheer up because the next letter from TV licencing is only a few days away . …
My advice – do not answer or communicate with them . There is no ‘detector van ‘ – inspectors are private individuals with no extra legal rights to speak to you – and the chances of a ‘visit ‘ are minute .
The big question is whether you have other people i the same property – you’d all have to agree to not paying the licence as it seems that many people who get prosecuted ‘confess’ at the doorstep when they don’t know their Other half /partner /relative doesn’t pay the licence .
I’ve never had a visit – and if I do – I won’t be opening the door to them or speaking to them – at all .
There are a few YouTube videos of punters being harassed by Licence people which kind of acts as a guide ….
Don’t want to fund the BBC and wonder how to do it ?
Simples ( as Taffman says ) ; just don’t fund them .
You can not fund them any way you like .
You can not send them cash , either directly in an envelope or not popping down to your Post Office .
You can not send a cheque to them .
You can not open a direct debit or standing order via your bank to not send funds to them .
You can not use your credit or debit cards to not fund them .
Or you can inverse John Simpson’s advice and not pay them weekly , monthly or quarterly if you want to .
A good way is to not pay their goons if they visit personally .
Myself I’ve taken a long term plan about nonpayment to the BBC which is now in its sixteenth year . This allows me to budget wisely how much I save and gives the option of daring them to see me in court if they have the bottle .
Under this saving scheme each month the BBC will send you a threatogram informing you how much you’ve saved and how much more you’ll save in the future .
Don’t forget to collect the threatograms so you can show them to Greta bringing attention to the forests decimated to make to paper for them .
For more details about the unpayment protection plan simply don’t pay and wait for the BBC to get agitated .
Two points , no pay , and no communication whatsoever. Do not talk to the Tellygoons or answer any questions.
I actually did it legally … I stopped my direct debit and then went online and told them I didn’t watch or record any live TV only watched Netflix, Prime and YouTube, This was a while ago and the website was still available although it was a challenge to find out where you could cancel. I received a 30 odd quid refund !
I then started to receive “the letters” .. and when the one came which threatened a visit I rang up the telephone number given and told the woman that I couldn’t understand why I was getting these letters as I had legally cancelled licence online. She confirmed this and said she would sort it and I would not get anymore letters but I would have to go through the cancellation process again in two years.
I have not received anymore letters!! This info is for people who feel anxious about “supposedly” breaking the law.
Another great movie to see again is ‘if…’, with Malcolm McDowell!
Just checked YouTube and there are several copies available, but there must be the one I saw somewhere in the list…
Scroblene. I endorse ‘If’ as a great film to see. A very enjoyable and nostalgic treat. BSA motorbike etc.
I did spend a lot of thought on why some of the scenes were shot in black and white and others in colour. It turns out that that the makers were running out of dosh during the making of it.
But definitely worth watching.
Thanks, Yasser! I never realised the b and w issue, but I did think Lindsay Anderson did a terrific job on the film!
Try this short piece, and prepare to weep.
I always just fill up after Lindsay Anderson’s short speech…
IF was a good film as you say , the college scenes and machine gunning off the bus were in Cheltenham Spa and the ” Gentlemen’s College ” . My brother was in prison sorry attended the College at the time ! ……its what made him a rich nasty piece of work ! ……that film had a touch of Clockwork Orange about it .
Correct Charlie, some of it was filmed at the Boys College on Thirlestaine Road ????
Sorry Fed Up-I didn’t look properly at your heading when I
wrote my last lot of diatribe about the BBC.
What to watch or listen to instead of the BBC? The list
is endless. I watched Richard Attenborough’s masterpiece Gandhi
on You Tube yesterday. Far more uplifting than watching the
Londonistan programme on the BBC every evening which has
the about the same ethnic mix as the film.
I once met Richard Attenborough we were flying back from
Johannesburg using one of those two for one vouchers you
get using your British Airways American Express. Yes I was flying
first class for the first time in my life. Sir Richard had been
to visit Nelson Mandela his friend just before he died. I won’t
bore you on how we got to be talking . But by the end of the
flight he and his wife Sheila Sim were into full conversation
with me and my wife Glenda . When the stewardess announced
that money was being collected for UNICEF. “Dicky” called over
to me and said” just give it to me Barry I am a goodwill
ambassador for Unicef.”
Foscari – no worries – I put the separate thread up at the suggestion of ‘oldcrone’ yesterday but I know that they tend to merge and get ‘filed’ as will happen later of Friday when I put the weekend thread up .
Your story about dickie Attenborough was quite touching – as for Ghandi – I doubt some one like Ben Kingsley would be allowed the casting now and I’m surprised it’s not on a PC ‘banned ‘ list .
My favourite Attenborough film is ‘Oh What a lovely war “ which gets aired every so often ….
Littlejohn in the Mail today runs an article the whole of which would perfectly fit this precise thread.
‘TV coverage has become unwatchable……..when they’re not trying to scare us all to death, the broadcasters are trying to pin the blame on the Conservatives…….
This week’s Labour Party Political Broadcast masquerading as an objective edition of Panorama on BBC1 was a particularly appalling example……….parading a procession of Far Left Labour activists to attack the Government ..(on PPE)…(and) failing to disclose the partisan political affiliations of the allegedly impartial ‘doctors and nurses’ taking part…….
Some grandstanding TV presenters seem more obsessed with claiming another scalp than seeking the truth.
They appear to view Coronavirus as a career move, an opportunity to do for them what Prince Andrew did for Emily Maitlis……
Most depressing of all are the news channels…..trotting out tearful interviews with bereaved relatives on a never-ending loop……….’
And so say all of us.
Here’s the link to the Littlejohn piece
but Jeremy Vine did JUST tweet a good point
I love that the Mail illustrate their piece asking
“When will TV stop scaring us over coronavirus?”
with this picture, captioned “stock image of a black plague doctor costume with a cane”
On the basis that for a prolonged period now our children have not been properly schooled, our local rubbish tips have been closed, collection of recyclable waste has stopped etc etc – as consumers of local services and amenities that have been greatly curtailed – might we perhaps be in line for a council tax rebate?
Asiseeit – I fear your dream of reduced council tax is going to turn into a tax nightmare – I’m looking forward ( not really ) to reading how current expenditure is going to be paid for .
Richi Sunak is ‘popular’ now but won’t be flavour of the month when all taxes are pushed up in the Autumn . I hope the cost cutting includes clipping the wings of the BBC and putting it on subscription – thereby killing it off .
All this BS about them taking money from the over 75s is just a blatant, cynical ploy for them to say, when they really are up against the wall, that they’ll ‘back down’, and ‘re-negotiate’.
Thieving sods.
The ‘news’ trash they’re turning out with such awful presentation and the childish, anti-government non-comedy, is really going to come back and bite them all in their smug, fat arses, and this site will have paved the way.
I am going to be obnoxious and mention that Al Beeb has done one tiny thing right.
Hiding away on BBC4, they have had this week, ‘Museums in Quarantine’, a delightful series of half hour programs on Art.
Except for the first one, there is no presenter waving his or her arms around, gurning in front of the lens.
Luckily, Simon Schama (a face more suited to Radio) is absent from the camera, gives a very good commentary on the ‘Young Rembrandt’ exhibition at the Ashmolean.
Unfortunately, we get to see too much of him and his politics on QT!
Not that many posting here need eyes opening to how fascist/socialist/communist regimes work but I chuckled inwardly (it seemed unkind to laugh out loud) all the way through ‘The Death of Stalin’.
Very highly recommended.
Crappy Clappy
Having in past weeks noticed a dropping off of enthusiasm for the local 8pm NHS clapping fake orgasm one was disappointed to note the low numbers compensated by an uptick in a few noisey pot bangers.
As the numbers fell and potential participants missed their cue excuses burst forth on the local Whatsapp gang platform.
Last night once again we had a droop.
Sorry to say a ringleader of the cult got passive aggressive – “Have to send a reminder to you all next week, smiley face”
So we move from voluntary show of support to shaming, shamming and group coercion. This from members of the education blob who profess to abhor bullying and cherish and supposedly protect non-conformity.
I would never go out clapping for lots of reasons mainly I ve had recent really bad experience in NHS hospital care in the hands of our Angel’s! . Also I detest being told what I should do. Last night I also think less people had come out in my road so one virtue signalling man started clapping while walking down the road past people’s houses. Proberly trying to shame them to come out. You never see him other times, jumps in his car and off to work now these people have too much time on thier hands.
I don’t really want to clap the over-paid ‘administrators’ in the NHS, for the awful way they’ve politicised PPE requirements, and tried to divert blame from their great big mistakes in the past.
Yeah, the on-hand staff are great at trying their best, but nobody in the NHS ‘senior’ management will ever get sacked, the pensions will pile up after endless sinecures/promotions when they’re close to retiring age, and the main people on the front line will see nothing for their actions.
I know some see the absence of kiddies going to school as bad because of not getting ‘education ‘ . I disagree – although I’m not a teacher of have school age kids .
I think our period of collective closure will teach the lovely kiddies a thing or too about what is precious and what it not .
Perhaps it’s a bit like times when there is no ‘running water ‘ – I used to fought it very often so coming back and being able to turn a tap had an extra appreciation which I recall from time to time .
Maybe a few kids will experience this too .
The clapping thing is some post princess diana tribal virtue signalling which will pass soon enough . Thankfully .
Fed up
Really like your last sentence – PPDTVS . Excellent.
A very good friend of a somewhat, though not slavish, Guardianista persuasion, stated in terms that in an argument between the emotional and the rational, the emotional tends to win every time.
A case in point is an observation that the Coronavirus death rate in the NHS is, within the margins of error, exactly what you would expect for any randomly selected cohort of one million people (i.e equivalent to the NHS workforce) of working age. No more, no less.
But it didn’t stop the holding of a minute’s silence informed by attributing all the said deaths to transmission from infected patients to front line staff, for which there is little if any evidence.
Bosch binge TV series Prime I think
Vikings on prime is brilliant … start from the beginning.
The Americans …. Russian spies living undercover
Kajaki or Kilo Two Bravo harrowing based on true life Paras in IED Afghanistan
Money Heist or The Heist Spanish with subtitles
The following appears on BBC news website (now) as written by the liars word for word in quotation marks below. Notice how they try to infer that it was partly a response to the Panorama programme by positioning the statement about Panorama just after how the visor project has spread. The person in question had already aired the issue long before the Panorama programme was seen on TV. They really are a deplorable bunch. I would reckon many Beeboids would be disappointed if herd immunity works and UK positioning in terms of deaths comes out better than they would hope. Anything they can use to damage the nation state and the cenre-right government.
Shut them down.
“A doctor who urged volunteers to make visors for NHS staff due to a shortage at her hospital says she is “overwhelmed” by the response.
More than 75,000 face shields have been produced just weeks after Deborah Braham appealed for help on WhatsApp.
The Visor Army project spread on social media and has found support among high-profile TV and fashion celebrities.
It comes after a BBC investigation found the government failed to buy protective kit to cope with a pandemic.
Panorama revealed this week there were no gowns, visors, swabs or body bags in the government’s stockpile when Covid-19 reached the UK”.
They really are a despicable bunch of overpaid tw**s
Owen Jones is back on the scene and is trying to convince viewers that the Tories are now in control of the media.
Where has he been the past few months? Has he missed the part where Johnson stated that he wanted to review the license fee?
The BBC are on the Tories side when they had their Panorama the other night?
There are many cases of Owen Jones being on the BBC and if they finished the debate with a Tory person then Owen would be all over Twitter claiming the BBC are right wing. Owen always expects to have the laast words which is usually “(whatever the debate is)… is why we need a socalist government now.”
The fact that he and his friend Ash Sarker are regually invited to the BBC to spout about the benefits of socalism and communism is lost on him.
With regards to the Happy Clappers at 8.00 on Thursday night.
Perhaps they should follow advice from the University of Manchester as some people may find it disturbing..
“ Students’ union swaps clapping for ‘jazz hands’
A student union has ditched clapping, whooping and cheering in favour of “jazz hands”..
courtesy of BBC October 2018.
Union officer Sara Khan said traditional applause can cause issues for students with autism, sensory issues, or deafness.
How far are we from this I wonder,
“Solzhenitsyn describes a party conference in which the audience stands to applause their glorious leader, Stalin. The applause lasted for ten minutes, with no one prepared to be the first to stop clapping. “Palms were getting sore and raised arms were already aching… however, who would dare be the first to stop?” Finally, the director of a paper factory sat down and others followed suit. Later, he was arrested. Stalin loved applause.”
Closer than we’ve ever been I think, cause for concern at the least. Don’t jazz hands themselves have racial connotations?
Solzhenitsyn again, from TGA.
Stalin dies (or is murdered by Beria) the news goes out to Siberia.
The zeks are mustered in one camp where the sad news is announced.
The zeks are instructed to show the proper respect due, by removing their caps.
All the prisoners throw their caps in the air in an impromptu joyous celebration of the death of the great cannibal.
My cap will go into orbit when the BBC dies.
Alternatives to BBC news ?
.. Yes stop bothering with news & pickup a book
The trouble with news is that the day to day stuff
gets swamped with speculation and things that turn out to be wrong
Whereas when you pickup a book about some great historic event
say Wellington and Napoleon etc .. all that lot gets cut out
And in normal times “If you want to understand something, you really need to experience it”
So don’t watch a walking show on TV
go and do it yourself.
Don’t fall for BBC narratives like that skin colour makes people poor.
Go to foreign countries and observe that the average doctor has a house full of servants.
I never watch or listen to any news now. I watch the daily briefing at 5pm daily then I turn over, mainly to either PBS, Yesterday, or my favourite channel Talking Pictures. I read this site throughout the day (thanks everyone), i can trust it for truthfully news. I get guido to my inbox daily. I use to get Conservative Home but feel its lost it’s way and I suspect it’s being infiltrated. All in all I get as much real news as I need and I honestly believe my blood pressure has improved and feel so much better for it.
For news that MSM miss
The quickest thing is glance at the Twitterfeeds of
– @BreitbartLondon
– @GuidoFawkes
– @RebelNewsOnline
– @SkyNewsAust
– @Bolt_RSS
Take a look at YouTube Channels
– @SkyNewsAust Andrew Bolt
– @SkyNewsAust Outsiders ..outside the metroLiberal Woke bubble
– @FoxNews Tucker Carlson Tonight
– @FoxNews livestreams
Avoid, rather than “miss”…
: JHB morning show 7-10am is mostly OK
BUT too many lefty guests, and Trump hating
: Mike Graham 10-1pm good
but he’s a dogmatic Tory boy
7-10am Nick Ferrari can have good callers
some bad, but note lefties like Sadiq refuses to come on his show
6-10pm Farage of course Sun 10-12pm
Maajid Nawaz Sun 12-3pm can be OK depending the topic
but occasionally goes wacky
Iain Dale used to OK, but was an idiot the other night so I won’t listen again
OHH Akkad Daily of course
– Akkad Daily of course
– Daniel Bostock anti-momentum parody
“Hiding away on BBC4, they have had this week, ‘Museums in Quarantine’, a delightful series of half hour programs on Art.”
I saw the one about the British Museum.
Dr Janina Ramirez in voice-over only explaining the exhibits.
Good viewing, but it did feature an ancient sculpture of a couple embracing, followed by juxtaposed busts of the emperor Hadrian and his teenaged boyfriend, and chocolate-cup and saucer set owned by an 18th century lesbian couple.
So, not entirely agenda-free, but enjoyable nontheless.
Ramirez is another fraud.
She had a “history” series a few years ago, complete with an ignorance of British monarchs only a BBC stooge could display.
Found our old ‘Frustration’ board game. Wild accusations of cheating coupled with the threat of physical violence, just how I remember it. Still beats watching the idiot box hands down.