12.50 Radio 4 on Monday lunchtime. An item warning us about scams, in particular the one where the bank texts you saying your account has been compromised and you need to authorise movement of your money into a new account. They had on a ‘medical student ‘ who had fallen for this trick. I have no problem warning people through such a programme what scammers are dong. Now maybe ‘medical student ‘ covers everybody from a porter on a one day course to a trainee brain surgeon. This young man sounded more like a trainee Porter. His English was so poor, in the pseudo Caribbean so loved by the BBC and he could scarcely string together a coherent sentence. I am sorry he has been scammed but if the implication given is true and he is a trainee doctor, then heaven help us.
The way the number of infection/murders is going, it won’t be too long before the BBC’s cherished number of deaths is arrived at. “A Milestone”, I can hear them stating.
Deaths in the UK – 28,446. https://www.covidtracker.com
Whilst, deaths in Italy = 28,884. Doubtless, the BBC will break out the bubbly when that figure is reached/exceeded in the UK. But remember, the population of Italy is estimated to be 61.5 million.
One for Tim Harford and the BBC’s fact-checkers maybe? I won’t hold my breath.
Bear in mind that a death rate of 0.1% of the population of the UK would give 1/1000 x 70 million = 70,000. The present figure is under half of that, although it will rise further, hopefully more slowly than in the last month. Compare with the 1968 Flu (> 70,000) or indeed WW1 (3/4 of a million) or WW2 (roughly 1/2 million).
“Pesez … et jugez” as Voltaire said in another connection. Everything is relative in the perception of risks.
Bottomline, we are not even at half time
we have a long time to go before the everyone-vaccinated whistle
..in most countries there will be a second, third, fourth wave.
The BBC has a flexible sense of inclusivity when it comes to fellow nation’s treasures.
To the extent that when those overseen by fellow nations are less than stellar, the bbc will do all in its power to see them run from Westminster. At least, ‘reportedly’.
It doesn’t matter what Matt Hancock says or SAGE thinks or the Chief Association of Gauleiters tries to enforce, the Great British Public has had enough!
I have just been into town and the amount of pedestrian and road traffic must have increased five-fold since last week. The shop that I went into actually had a queue two-metred to the back of the shop with two tills operating. Last week it was just one bored girl who had served a customer for five minutes.
Dear Winston Smith of the BBC Historical Corrections Department,
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4963895-3HKGDN: Tommy Robinson: Are you reporting on him?.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
I lost the race !
Possibly not BBC but certainly BBC mindset and a damning indictment of LeftMob’s penetration of all corners of society.
5pm news conference. The first question from a ‘member of the public’. The race victimhood card is played. A …ahem….. non- white person is selected to ask about the apparent excess BAME CV 19 deaths.
What race did I lose ?
Mrs. S beat me to the off switch !!!!!
Strangely the 2 to 1 excess deaths of men over women gets not exactly the absolute same amount of attention. Doesn’t fit LeftMob’s grievance stereotype, does it?
Clearly they will be victims of one sort or another. Lower incomes, worse living conditions, discriminated against by the white staff in the NHS, or something else. The one thing that can be guaranteed is that the route cause will be due to some form of white racism.
I think that what happened 2016 , on both sides of the Atlantic , so shocked the Globalist liberal elite that they decided to launch an all out war against any political views that did not conform to their own. The media , judiciary, state functionaries, educational blob , medical profession have mostly signed up to a project designed to ensure that they can roll back populism and hold on to their power and sources of income. They are prepared to bury the truth and use dubious facts or outright lies to undermine the democratic choice of the people. They will go to any lengths to hold on to their power.The fact that they largely control the media means that in turn they control the narrative and can decide what they present as being the truth.
The pandemic ought to be a serious set back for the Globalists but they will try to turn it to their advantage and this alternative SAGE group is just one example. There will be many more.
pug, it will be interesting to see how often the BBC refer – and defer – to this so-called ‘independent ‘scientific’ group’ and what they do with the group’s ‘findings’.
Oh my , the anti government BBC have stooped even lower. They did not like Matt Hancock hitting the 100k target and have been trying to knock the achievement ever since it happened.
So today, the headline graphic on the BBC news …..
” Coronavirus testing fails to hit 100k government target for second day running”
They truly are scumbags. Any chance to knock the Government not to be missed. DISGUSTING !!!!
Nowhere to be found on the BBC, the Express report today on the involvement of Former Labour Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt when she was on the National Council for Civil Liberties.
Some cooperation between the NCCL and PIE, the Paedophile Information Exchange was apparently taking place while she was on-board.
In a nutshell it would appear that PIE wanted to formalise and pretty-well decriminalise paedophilia.
It goes on….
Their view that children were not harmed by having sex with adults appears to have been adopted by those at the top of the civil liberties group.
Today we publish extracts from an NCCL report written for the Criminal Law Revision Committee in 1976 when Mrs Hewitt was general secretary.
Extracts from the NCCL report say:
“Where both partners are aged 10 or over, but under 14, a consenting sexual act should not be an offence. As the age of consent is arbitrary, we propose an overlap of two years on either side of 14.
“Childhood sexual experiences, willingly engaged in, with an adult result in no identifiable damage.
“The Criminal Law Commission should be prepared to accept the evidence from follow-up research on child ‘victims’ which show there is little subsequent effect after a child has been ‘molested’.
“The real need is a change in the attitude which assumes that all cases of paedophilia result in lasting damage.
“The present legal penalties are too high and reinforce the misinformation and prejudice. The duty of the court should be to inquire into all the relevant circumstances with the intention, not of meting out severe punishment, but of determining the best solution in the interests of both child and paedophile.”
This was happening in the mid-seventies but I am speechless that someone in such a high public office could at any time have had any truck whatsoever with this sort of manipulation which to me is so obviously designed to shield Paedophiles from punishment if they engage in to what most peoples would see as crime with no fear of prosecution. In fact the wording in the report suggests encouragement to do so!
I dread to think just who makes up the membership and governance of PIE.
Do you think the BBC would have run the story large had it been a Conservative Health Secretary involved?
I’d have trouble backing this up but I am pretty sure from memory that the BBC gave a platform to PIE allowing their spokesman to have airtime to justify their position.
I imagine the BBC would like to bury such a broadcast…..but it looks like it happened in 1983 on Newsnight.
The involvement of Hewitt and Hattie Harmon with PIE didn’t affect their political careers much – which astonished me . I think Hewitt eventually went back home to NZ ? And Harmon disappeared … oh – wait …. she’s still an MP and even had the Gaul to try to be Speaker after that horrible gimp left last year ( thank fully cant recall his name and don’t want to be reminded )….
The slightest hints of a return to normality gives the BBC a clear run with total focus on all imaginable grievance monkeys, incandescent with rage at having to actually work Instead of getting full salaries paid out for doing almost nothing.
A total avalanche of ‘deep concerns’ about ending the lockdown. The BBC in full Lord HawHaw mode.
And get ready for being held to ransom by trade unions, intent on staying at home on full pay for the whole of Summer, and endless virtue-signalling about cycling.
…and just in case hopes might begin to raise, don’t mention the lowest number of deaths since March.
Keep things negative. Expect Shadow SAGE to get more coverage than the official (suspect, Tory) version. You know it makes sense.
End the lock down leading to a generally ok recovery ?
Government failed because they could have done it earlier
End the lockdown and covid numbers go up ?
Government murdered defenceless citizens -resign BoJo says BBC / MSM
Meanwhile Labour stays low profile until something goes wrong – and a queue will form of ‘ told you so merchants ‘ together with a chorus of highly paid BBC droids …..
The government let themselves be painted into a corner by the hysterical BBC led MSM. Any preplanned strategies went straight out the window in order to please these insatiable, hysterical cry babies.
It is a tale of both political weakness and cowardice as well as a demonstration of the malign influence our disgusting MSM are able to exert over an elected government.
It is pattern we see again and again on everything from immigration, the EU, “hate crime” and of course Islam.
Journalistic rigour and truthful analysis went out of the window a long time ago in favour of an endless stream of gotcha moments where the grandstanding “journalist” has to be the star.
You would have thought after last weeks BBC party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour party regrading PPE and the NHS, the government would finally resolve to act to bring the BBC to heel – but you just know they are paper tigers and all we will hear yet again is words and more words
Just to add.
If ever there was a time to take on the rail unions and especially the Tube unions then this was it. How much better can you have it than to take on the unions when almost no travellers would be affected, ……………because there are no travellers.
But no. Khan has probably sent them home on full pay, or at ‘work’…… with no customers.
A unique opportunity wasted.
I don’t think it will take too long to count the number of coloured people working in the treatment bit of the NHS corresponding to the numbers infected / dead with covid – particularly in inner city hospitals where those in hospital as patients are coloured as well .
( by the way I use ‘coloured ‘ by choice because I still just about have the freedom to not use the language of the Race industry – so no BEAM or BAME or ABEM for me
It will be a matter of maths
This just shows how out of touch
the people on this blog are
none of us predicted a hospital would be named like this
In Surrey
Today a new community hospital will open named after the pioneering nurse Mary Seacole. It’ll be a temporary service for patients recovering from #coronavirus, and will provide rehabilitation for those who have been in hospital for routine treatment. ???? https://t.co/XFwAae52Uzpic.twitter.com/9RueX4qPT8
— NHS England and NHS Improvement (@NHSEngland) May 4, 2020
King’s former boss, Tony Blair, is chairman of the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change at UCL: https://institute.global/
Appropos of nothing, the charts used by the BBC bear his institute’s legend at the bottom. Quote from the comments. (Paul Holmwood web link above)…
I remember it well. The Blair years and those (faulty) ‘scientific’ advisors all who all seemed to be distinctly ‘left wing’ politically. BBC ‘experts’, and we all know how that ends.
Guest – I’ve just scan read this ( 1 minute for something which probably takes 10 ) and although it is dated 4 May I suspect it was written befor the Panorama on PPE and the subsequent letter from the minister Dowden – to the out going Tony Hall …..
So his description of a ‘love in’ between the government and BBC is a bit…… wrong …..
Also – although the author is a BBC regular called Matthew D’ancona ( a true bubble Dweller ) – makes reference to the £125 million shortfall in BBC income – the idiot does not seem to realise that the public finances are in a dire state and will be for ever .____ so public financing of the BBC is going to be a way down the list —
After all – do we increase financing or the Blessed NHS ….or do we increase funding of the BBC ….. and the fashion for not paying the TV licence will and grow as people cut back ……
But it was an interesting aside that perhaps Apple is thinking of taking over Netflix …. as I recall Apple has more cash than it knows what to do with ……
I was going to read it, but decided it was a period of my life I would not get back.
Also Tortoise retweeting itself to pat each other on the back seems very bbc. Not surprising given the gene pool.
The BBC is back! So says the first part of @tortoise's week-long series on the media during the pandemic: a compelling account, by @MatthewdAncona, of the past few tumultuous months in the Beeb's life. It's chock-full of revelations, right from the start.https://t.co/QX1nI34derpic.twitter.com/Wk5mOoz3Ec
When I was a little boy, a highlight of my day was to have a scary story read to me at bedtime.
This is also a winning formula for the media to spread. ‘Public interest’, I hear them protest. Yes indeed, exploited to the fullest.
I said at the outset that COVID would be a grand treat for the MSM (especially beeb, of course), and -by golly- it has been. If the pandemic lasts for the foreseeable, it could be that this will be the lead story for months -if not years- to come. Until we all get sick of hearing about it endlessly and say so.
All the possible angles follow the initial announcements. The BAME victim focus was predictable. Tom runs for the NHS. Now Joan runs for the NHS. Tomorrow?
Or could the 75th anniversary of the end of WW2 slip into first place? It seems unlikely. Or some other, as yet unforeseen event? E.g. PRC annexes and occupies Australia. Hitler didn’t commit suicide after all, but has been found (getting on somewhat) in the jungles of Brazil. etc etc
I’m sure beeb would be happy to come up with something….
Just watching Mastermind Grand Final, 6 contestants, not one BAME among them. It is however split 50/50 male female.
Question 1. Could they not rig the questions to suit the BAME’s?
Question 2. Could they not rig the questions to suit the females?
Question 3. Have all the intelligent BAME’s died of Covid 19.
I was lucky enough to get out today and buy a newspaper or two. So reading the Mail (first) and a few articles cropped up worth reporting here. The first is RADIO 5 live has fired Mike Carr… (no idea) but it says here that he was known at BBC radio 5 as the ‘Chief executioner heavily involved in the ludicrous dumbing down policy as part of an obsession in targeting a younger audience’ Who would of thought it! I like the staff ‘sign-off’ on his character, ‘Carr ‘was also known as ‘Carrsy’ by staff at the BBC (as it rhymes with ‘Khazi’). And I thought the BBC had no sense of humour!. It just goes to show how wrong I have been all these years. Anyway Carrsy, gets the boot for misdemeanors and gets marched off the premises. Oh joy! I have never ever listened to Radio 5, as I don’t want to be that dumbed down and mentally retarded..
The next article is (the Times) about a complaint about BBC bias during the recent airing of PANORAMA (or Pandorama) as its also called on the NHS lack of PPE. Well you know the BBC just can’t help themselves can they? They have a virus and they are going to run with it until the horse is dead. All Boris’s fault, wasting time in hospital. We are told (and I never saw the program but I believe every word). The government have told the BBC not to risk public confidence in its reporting after last weeks ‘Panorama’ which included medical; staff – without making it clear that the staff interviewed were all well known political agitators. Oliver Downden, the Culture Secretary wrote to Lord Hall of Busted Flush, BBC head interim and yet still current DG that he should hold “uphold the highest standards in relation to integrity and impartiality”. It was revealed that the BBC had hidden the fact that several interviewees had political affiliations and one had appeared in a party political broadcast for the Labour party only last year! The BBC calls that ‘impartial’ news reporting.
The BBC apologised for something else (indirectly) but denied all the charges. After all, they are the UK favorite and most trusted broadcaster in the World (according to an opinion poll they ran in the Guardian! a long time ago). On a different planet.
It’s a shame that there couldn’t have been a bit more detail on the ‘shortage s ‘of PPE – such as – how many hospitals receive patients – is it 1200 ? And of those how many never had PPE shortages – instead of a wide brush approach which stuck and can’t be fixed ……
That was government media failure – perhaps caused by the lefty infection in the NHS /Dept Health
A number I hadn’t seen before – according to Public Unhealth England of 15000 care homes in England and Wales there have been covid outbreaks in 29% – but thought to be under reported ….
When the dust settles on this some really serious issues about the care of the elderly need to be addressed – and not treated the way dementia care policy has been delayed …
You won’t catch me happy clapping on Thursdays not until someone addresses the £100 million pound that is frauded from the NHS every month which includes Doctors and nurses fiddling timesheets. All that hard work hey Captain Tom. Also you won’t catch me paying anymore telly tax as I legally stopped in January. Feeling rather pleased with myself as I have managed to get my son to do the same. Up the revolution
Me neither Stevie M, I have sympathy for front line staff, it’s not a job I could do. But the managers and administration, that’s a different story.
I have an issue currently and 10days after finally seeing a GP and obtaining a referral, the lumbar and spine clinic still hasn’t seen the ‘booking’.
I made 4 calls today to various ‘administrators’ at my local practice who waffled, procrastinated, admitted they could see the GP’s referral on ‘the system’ but that the ‘secretary’ had not completed the requisite forms, for transfer to myself and the clinic……but had now been asked to complete the actions and only after I chased.
Incompetent and lazy doesn’t even start to cover what I think.
Greenfield died on Sunday having contracted the virus after a prolonged stay in hospital for heart problems.
He penned the band’s biggest hit, Golden Brown, a song about heroin, which went to number two on the UK singles chart in 1982. ”
Just watched Stranglers on YouTube.
The served up ad happened to be that government one telling us not to be afraid to go to hospital.
BBC naturally doesn’t wonder about him catching there. Guess a visitor could have given it to him.. but still
“So what did he die of? Heart problems or CVD19?”
That is the 64 million dollar question.
I could have Covid right now, only displaying the vaguest of symptoms…
Bit of a cough. A slight temperature. Feeling a bit fluey.
And then I fall down the stairs and break my neck.
But on the death certificate…
‘BBC Slates Successful Laid Back CV19 Lockdown of the Dutch’ While the Netherlands asked people to stay home and follow social distancing advice it did not impose the kind of strict lockdown (and brutal new laws*) imposed in the UK and other European countries. This laid back approach has ruffled fascist feathers at Auntie BBC…
There is a rather interesting graph here that is worth comparing the two nations battling this pandemic. Reading through, its clear that we all may get the infection at some point. This is how ‘herd immunity’ works and as we are all locked up, its not allowed to work at all. So it just delays its onset. Interesting read, I doubt locking us all up will only delay the inevitable for some of us. On the other hand ‘what if’ it never reached the predicted ‘projections’ anyway except in inner cities… Netherlands is pretty crowded and yet has lower overall rates… and minimal lockdown seems to work.
Another one the FT did an #OrangeManBad cartoon for their article
Thus signalling to the rest of the schoolbully gang
that they are good members, cos they hate Trump as well
Oh the guy that wrote that article was on Radio4 this morning on the Marr show talking about Globalisation
..and got his sneering about trump in 4 mins before the end
Yeh “Trump is playing to bad guys by threatening Fauci”
The FT will be desperate to play down any dispute. i did point out some time ago that when a critical mass of Americans come to believe either correctly or not that China has unleashed the virus upon the USA then all bets are off as to the future peace of the world. It is not looking good at all.
The next stage will be a boycott of Chinese goods and that will hurt China. Add to that companies in the US who will face tremendous pressure to bring back the outsourced manufacturing and you have an explosive situation.
China might strike out at Taiwan . A hurt and devastated USA still has overwhelming military power and might just react using extreme force. Who knows. The CCP is only interested in staying in power. An attack on Taiwan would rally the people behind it.
China seems to be all powerful in the East at the moment but where are it’s allies? Only N Korea. This could lead to an attack on the South and that is nuclear war for sure.
The CCP has , as often in the world, miscalculated the reactions of the West.
i cannot imagine for one minute that Boris can continue with Huawei for 5G. The USA will break off all intelligence sharing if we proceed. Throughout Europe Chinese business is going to struggle. To put it bluntly there are too many dead.
If Americans become convinced that the Chinese are culpable for the virus , even if only by negligence , then the impact of the US election in November will be interesting. Biden is known to millions of Trump supporters as ‘Joe China ‘ on account of his decades long support of China . It is unknown how much he took in bribes and payments to help the Chinese when he was VP under Obama but there is a strong odour of corruption. President Trump will use Biden’s history, his pro China interviews and statements, to damage him. It may yet turn out that the virus and deaths of so many Americans secures a second term for the President.
So the Communist Party has shown the world that only force will be able to move it. The people are supposed to be intimidated by this colossal display of obstinacy, and, at least for the moment, many are. But they just wait in silence and let their resentments fester. The Party knows how to suppress, but it no longer has the power to lead. It has forgotten what once made it great.
“The Revolution has become a dinner party,” says Maggie Farley, who has taken Mao Zedong’s quip on revolution and stood it on its head. Her one short sentence summarizes the history of the People’s Republic.
Today the people no longer want Mao’s revolution or the party that administers it. And so the People’s Republic is going to fall, just like its predecessors. History shows that the Chinese people, once aroused, will not be denied. State-owned enterprises proved remarkably resistant to change. Today, at the beginning of the Tenth Five-Year Plan, China’s planners still do not know how to help them. SOEs (State owned enterprises)are the greatest economic problem facing the People’s Republic. That is their weakness and will signal the end of the present Chinese Communist Party.
In 2011, when war first broke out in Syria, Hallam became involved in the humanitarian response.[7] She became Medical Director of Hand in Hand Syria, a Syrian led, UK registered charity that looked to deliver medical aid in Syria in 2012.[1] Hand in Hand Syria supported 80 field hospitals and a paediatric hospital.[1][2] In 2013 she appeared on Panorama Saving Syria’s Children.[8] She is a prominent voice in the news coverage about Syria.[9] She has written for The Lancet, The Guardian The Independent and the Huffington post.[10][11][12][13] She has appeared on The Daily Show, the BBC and SBS.[14][15]
The BBC defamed Jennie Formby while she was seriously ill. They allowed John Ware to insinuate she tried to rig the Jackie Walker hearing. They deliberately omitted counter evidence from the very chain of leaked emails from which they selectively quoted.
Jennie Formby, the Labour general secretary who was a close ally of the former leader Jeremy Corbyn, has resigned from the post, the party has announced.
He was at the BBC for 17 years. He left a few days ago and in this video he’s drinking and swearing. As a former BBC employee myself, I’d love to know what his next move is going to be. He has a story to tell… pic.twitter.com/ROrUEBIPr9
“ The experts to whom the BBC defers have been, for the most part, Labour activists of one sort or another. Their politics have informed their commentary to suggest that the government is doing a bad job.”
As the Covid-19 death toll grows, Italy’s organised crime gangs have been looking to make millions. Many Italians feel they have no option but to accept the lifeline the mob is offering. On the island of Sicily, the brother of a mafioso – a member of a mafia group – has been distributing food to the poor in a neighbourhood of Palermo. “People ring me and they cry over the phone,” he says. “They say their children can’t eat.” He wouldn’t confirm he was part of the mafia himself, but he said that if being a mafioso meant helping people, then he was “proud to be a mafioso” .
Read full analysis >
The anal… lack of journalistic integrity playing down hoarding and profiteering is very national treasure.
“A greater emphasis on shows that can be made in the UK” The BBC’s Director of Content Charlotte Moore talks TV and how it’s being affected by the coronavirus ????⤵ More here: https://t.co/OInutlDw8vpic.twitter.com/peXeWoar1L
Jeez look at that tweet
BBCnews are really just an advertising agency that does the best for their clients.
The woke part of the Labour Party being one.
.. and the Greenblob subsidy merchants another.
Seeing this clip, should XR not be screaming from the rooftops – “no more travel for non essential BBC TV programs, to save the planet” (and allow over 70s to have a free TV licence).
“The populist rhetoric is starting to seep back into the government’s message,” said Sophia Gaston, director of the British Foreign Policy Group and a visiting fellow at the London School of Economics. “In particular,” she added, “the suggestion that there has been a collapse of trust in the media.”
It is not clear that the campaign is working, at least in broad terms. The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism found in a recent survey that the public expressed high levels of trust in the BBC and, to a lesser extent, other broadcasters. Newspapers fared less well, but that was the case before the virus struck, too.
“LONDON — On the day a paler, thinner, notably less boisterous Boris Johnson returned to work after his near-death coronavirus experience, a Tory member of Parliament tweeted a GIF of a magnificent lion perched on a mountaintop, his mane blowing in the wind. “Good to see @BorisJohnson back at the helm!” he wrote.
This fawning sycophancy is not the norm in British politics. We haven’t, on the whole, run Trumpian courts, or implied that our prime ministers are kings among men. And yet, unusual and unwelcome as the adulation was, the tweeter had a point.
Mr. Johnson’s cabinet is so markedly weak, with so few politicians of intellect and experience, that the prime minister’s absence for nearly a month left an alarming void. A shifting cast of ministers stood in for him at the daily pandemic press briefings, with performances ranging from mortifying to faltering or defensive to occasionally, thankfully, competent.
The lack of depth in the cast around this cabinet table was mercilessly displayed, as was the nervousness of many of those obliged to face public interrogation at such a critical time. Some, like the new chancellor, Rishi Sunak, could handle their own briefs, but not one felt able or authorized to even begin to address the big questions Britain now wants answered: What is the route out of lockdown, and how should deaths be balanced against isolation, loneliness, futures and jobs? All those queries were diverted, with evident relief, to the stock response: We’ll have to wait until the boss gets back.
Against that background of anxious, stalling stand-ins, Mr. Johnson’s reappearance has, indeed, felt like the welcome return of a big beast. The country needs a leader. But his dominance is no accident.
Figures show the #COVID19 death rate in the capital per 100,000 people is almost double any other region with Newham having the highest age-standardised mortality rate.
Rokhsana Fiaz, Mayor of Newham joins #KayBurley at 8:20am
Wow. Sir Kier Starmer is all over – and the BBC are loving him. No challenging questions just a Labour party advert.
On Breakfast BBC promoting the picture of aer lingus flight (full) with one of the passengers complaining no social distancing – used to beat Matt Hancock..
My question which the BBC didn’t ask – if you are so bothered that you need to contact the BBC why did you get on the plane when you had had also complained that the queue wasn’t social distancing…
Sir..you are a F..Wit
When are the BBC going to say anything supportive of the Govt?
The % of those featured on the bbc with blue hair would be interesting.
Matthew Ryder QC, barrister @matrixchambers says "there needs to be a data impact assessment" on the contact tracing app.
The Information Commissioner & public must know "why the NHS thinks it needs these extra interferences with our privacy".#R4Todayhttps://t.co/pEvlku6Cpj
I’d do the app this way
Basically ditch almost ALL data.
The only data you need is a record of people that you have been INSIDE with 1m away for 15 mins
cos that is the only practical was you catch Covid19
unless someone coughs right in your face, which you’d NOT forget
..all other ways are just theoretical .
So when you are close to people your phone tries to bluetooth with them and makes a note of their device number, but then if the contact is less than 10 mins it should delete that data.
So when you get home your daily contactlist only has taxidriver1 , pharmacist and taxidriver2 in the list.
Sure you’d have passed other people in the street & supermarket
but they haven’t had contact with you long enough to give you a viral load of Covid.
Yesterday evening a lady called Hatun Tash (DCCI Ministries) discussed Freedom of Speech and Grooming Gangs with TR and David Wood. I suppose it is only a matter of time before this is taken down from YouTube so, to anyone who is interested, watch it while you can. It is long at 2hrs 45m and I haven’t watched much of it but caught an impressive ten minutes between approx. 29:00 and 39:30 where TR answers the question of why he hasn’t chosen an easy life.
R4. Justin….has Matt Hancock on – completely different interview to the cosy chat with Kier Starmer….
Justin ” you had an argument with Sunday times on weekend”
Matt H. “I didn’t have an argument with anyone”
Justin ” you had a sharp twitter”
WTF .. BBC fake news….no argument but a sharp twitter
Now going on about the over 70’s again and again..
how is it that the BBC don’t seem to understand the two factors – age and underlying co-morbidities…
It is clear….if you are over 70 and healthy there is no restriction unless you so decide- personally
If you are over 70 and have co-morbidities you have to make your own mind up and be careful….because you are more at risk
BBC you are truly idiotic and a waste of our money
Morning G
I understand your view – but in the absence of a vaccine there cannot be a solution for all –
My point is more that the BBC on the one hand want the lock down lifted or are beating the Govt about it and on the other want everyone protected..and are beating the Govt with this..
Unfortunately in any situation some will be more vulnerable than others and one must hope they can take whatever actions they feel right for them and be supported in doing so.
My in laws are all over 70, some have co-morbidities but they are keen to get out and meet friends etc…whilst taking precautions. They want to make their own choice and not be ‘locked up against their will’.
“……but they are keen to get out and meet friends etc…”.
That’s the point. Everything looks fairly, ‘normal’ out there and many members of the public will be progressively swayed or deceived into, ‘the waters warm, come on in’. Human nature. When: Wham, Bang, another spin of the chamber takes place.
If you are over 70 then you do not have many years of active life left. A lockdown expending into maybe next year is intolerable for many. It must be left to the good sense of the person. Most of us older ones know the risk .
The government will never be able to enforce it anyway without criminalising millions. Take heart and remember the old battle cry
Do you want to live forever!
Anybody hear TOADY before 0700 this morning? Quite an interesting item. It seems that our ‘Boys in Blue’ and their masters were overzealous following Boris’ announcement of what the Lockdown would mean. Boy, are they anxious to get on with being disliked increasingly by the public! It was not ‘Law’ at that time. Many penalties were issued around the country and, seems to me, not one has any chance of success. As many know Statutory Instruments (aka ‘Secondary Legislation’) normally carries a clause that facilitates a procedure which requires both Houses’ scrutiny/approval of the proposed legislation. House of Lords is not sitting………………
A Constitutional Lawyers (Judicial Review) wet dream.
What was the expression ending up with, “……..in a brewery”?
In my area, if you have a breakin, the police are always too busy to come.
No police skills are required to establish that @Nigel_Farage is a national broadcaster legitimately going about his business. Perhaps bored cops just fancied a little expedition to check out his house? https://t.co/4ZZbVJ9zkl
A timely reminder to, again, make the point that, in no way should you permit the police to enter your house and I trust that Nigel kept them at the front door.
To sanction their entry (its always two at the door…..bit like the Jehovah’s Witness mob), gives consent for them to search your property, on a reasonable suspicion.
I’m sure the ‘body cameras ‘ were switched on in order to capture Mr Farage saying something the BBC would love …….
And it was only a matter of time before plod ‘Stasi pop round to a politicians; home to ‘check his thinking ‘ . After all – they’re only doing their job ….. and best avoided now ….
Apparently China has done everything right! Presumably that includes covering up the virus outbreak and the hundreds of thousands of deaths that have resulted?
BBC left wing bias at its finest.
This sounds like the man who was constantly on the phone to the BBC when he was in China.
Perhaps the BBC put pressure on the government to bring him to the UK, where he was put in quarantine for two weeks during which:-
“I think the first case was while we were in quarantine in Arrowe Park, and I thought, ‘They have seen what happened in China, they will jump on this straight away’.
“They did nothing.”
Which makes little sense. Is he saying that one of his companions was released whilst showing symtoms? Is he saying that it was his cohort that brought the virus to the UK? Does the BBC ‘have blood on its hands’?
Almost all of us on here think the quality of questioning by our journalists on Hancock’s half hour is abysmal or a gotcha type of question.
So why is it that after every question is asked the three wise men always say “That’s a very good question”
Are they hearing something different to the rest of us.
Perhaps it just goes to indicate the level and quality of questions posed in Cabinet by members or in the various Government departments by, “Top Civil Servants” and their minions.
As the pieces of my mental jigsaw puzzle slowly come together, I think one piece that is important which remains absent – at present – is a confirmed link between the chinese communist party and Soros.
taffmanMar 13, 00:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo “The one legged man in an arse kicking contest” Haven’t you learned anything during your absence?
JohnCMar 13, 00:03 Midweek 12th March 2025 First thread I see on Quora: ‘British people outraged that JD Vance accused the British government of suppressing free speech?’…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img]https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/ace/standard/976/cpsprodpb/ac6e/live/c2564f90-ff8e-11ef-b50e-9d086302645f.jpg.webp[/img] Putin got his battle fatigues on, looks like he means business now, He was right about Trump being unpredictable,…
KikuchiyoMar 12, 23:49 Midweek 12th March 2025 Huh?! Aren’t you excited about that? I’m just quoting what God has promised.
JohnCMar 12, 23:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 As usual you add nothing to the debate except the usual immature 12-year old spiteful rubbish. You belong on Quora…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 “From Mexico cartel safe house to US streets: BBC tracks deadly fentanyl targeted by Trump tariffs” Quentin Sommerville https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cy5ng663d1wo “The…
12.50 Radio 4 on Monday lunchtime. An item warning us about scams, in particular the one where the bank texts you saying your account has been compromised and you need to authorise movement of your money into a new account. They had on a ‘medical student ‘ who had fallen for this trick. I have no problem warning people through such a programme what scammers are dong. Now maybe ‘medical student ‘ covers everybody from a porter on a one day course to a trainee brain surgeon. This young man sounded more like a trainee Porter. His English was so poor, in the pseudo Caribbean so loved by the BBC and he could scarcely string together a coherent sentence. I am sorry he has been scammed but if the implication given is true and he is a trainee doctor, then heaven help us.
The way the number of infection/murders is going, it won’t be too long before the BBC’s cherished number of deaths is arrived at. “A Milestone”, I can hear them stating.
Deaths in the UK – 28,446.
Whilst, deaths in Italy = 28,884. Doubtless, the BBC will break out the bubbly when that figure is reached/exceeded in the UK. But remember, the population of Italy is estimated to be 61.5 million.
Bonkers alumnus Sweeney! is already salivating over an FT calculation.
One for Tim Harford and the BBC’s fact-checkers maybe? I won’t hold my breath.
Bear in mind that a death rate of 0.1% of the population of the UK would give 1/1000 x 70 million = 70,000. The present figure is under half of that, although it will rise further, hopefully more slowly than in the last month. Compare with the 1968 Flu (> 70,000) or indeed WW1 (3/4 of a million) or WW2 (roughly 1/2 million).
“Pesez … et jugez” as Voltaire said in another connection. Everything is relative in the perception of risks.
Bottomline, we are not even at half time
we have a long time to go before the everyone-vaccinated whistle
..in most countries there will be a second, third, fourth wave.
England doing far better than Wales or Scotland of deaths per million of population.
When are the media going to tell us that?
The BBC has a flexible sense of inclusivity when it comes to fellow nation’s treasures.
To the extent that when those overseen by fellow nations are less than stellar, the bbc will do all in its power to see them run from Westminster. At least, ‘reportedly’.
@Althepalerp If your claim were true
you would have provided a source.
Some stats separate London from the rest of England
That might be possible that RoE has a lower death rate than Sco, Wales … I dunno.
The lock-down is over!
It doesn’t matter what Matt Hancock says or SAGE thinks or the Chief Association of Gauleiters tries to enforce, the Great British Public has had enough!
I have just been into town and the amount of pedestrian and road traffic must have increased five-fold since last week. The shop that I went into actually had a queue two-metred to the back of the shop with two tills operating. Last week it was just one bored girl who had served a customer for five minutes.
Wheres this?
Pop out look around, take note you will see.
Jim, concurr. Much more road traffic around at lunchtime and 5pm today. Many more private cars than last week.
More small business on the local trading estate with their doors open and the DIY stores doing a decent trade.
It’s fraying around the edges, especially so in the shires.
Dear Winston Smith of the BBC Historical Corrections Department,
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4963895-3HKGDN: Tommy Robinson: Are you reporting on him?.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
Excellent post Sir. I particularly enjoyed your opening paragraph.Thank you.
I lost the race !
Possibly not BBC but certainly BBC mindset and a damning indictment of LeftMob’s penetration of all corners of society.
5pm news conference. The first question from a ‘member of the public’. The race victimhood card is played. A …ahem….. non- white person is selected to ask about the apparent excess BAME CV 19 deaths.
What race did I lose ?
Mrs. S beat me to the off switch !!!!!
Strangely the 2 to 1 excess deaths of men over women gets not exactly the absolute same amount of attention. Doesn’t fit LeftMob’s grievance stereotype, does it?
Clearly they will be victims of one sort or another. Lower incomes, worse living conditions, discriminated against by the white staff in the NHS, or something else. The one thing that can be guaranteed is that the route cause will be due to some form of white racism.
I think that what happened 2016 , on both sides of the Atlantic , so shocked the Globalist liberal elite that they decided to launch an all out war against any political views that did not conform to their own. The media , judiciary, state functionaries, educational blob , medical profession have mostly signed up to a project designed to ensure that they can roll back populism and hold on to their power and sources of income. They are prepared to bury the truth and use dubious facts or outright lies to undermine the democratic choice of the people. They will go to any lengths to hold on to their power.The fact that they largely control the media means that in turn they control the narrative and can decide what they present as being the truth.
The pandemic ought to be a serious set back for the Globalists but they will try to turn it to their advantage and this alternative SAGE group is just one example. There will be many more.
Hear hear. Well said.
pug, it will be interesting to see how often the BBC refer – and defer – to this so-called ‘independent ‘scientific’ group’ and what they do with the group’s ‘findings’.
Oh my , the anti government BBC have stooped even lower. They did not like Matt Hancock hitting the 100k target and have been trying to knock the achievement ever since it happened.
So today, the headline graphic on the BBC news …..
” Coronavirus testing fails to hit 100k government target for second day running”
They truly are scumbags. Any chance to knock the Government not to be missed. DISGUSTING !!!!
Nowhere to be found on the BBC, the Express report today on the involvement of Former Labour Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt when she was on the National Council for Civil Liberties.
Some cooperation between the NCCL and PIE, the Paedophile Information Exchange was apparently taking place while she was on-board.
In a nutshell it would appear that PIE wanted to formalise and pretty-well decriminalise paedophilia.
It goes on….
Their view that children were not harmed by having sex with adults appears to have been adopted by those at the top of the civil liberties group.
Today we publish extracts from an NCCL report written for the Criminal Law Revision Committee in 1976 when Mrs Hewitt was general secretary.
Extracts from the NCCL report say:
“Where both partners are aged 10 or over, but under 14, a consenting sexual act should not be an offence. As the age of consent is arbitrary, we propose an overlap of two years on either side of 14.
“Childhood sexual experiences, willingly engaged in, with an adult result in no identifiable damage.
“The Criminal Law Commission should be prepared to accept the evidence from follow-up research on child ‘victims’ which show there is little subsequent effect after a child has been ‘molested’.
“The real need is a change in the attitude which assumes that all cases of paedophilia result in lasting damage.
“The present legal penalties are too high and reinforce the misinformation and prejudice. The duty of the court should be to inquire into all the relevant circumstances with the intention, not of meting out severe punishment, but of determining the best solution in the interests of both child and paedophile.”
This was happening in the mid-seventies but I am speechless that someone in such a high public office could at any time have had any truck whatsoever with this sort of manipulation which to me is so obviously designed to shield Paedophiles from punishment if they engage in to what most peoples would see as crime with no fear of prosecution. In fact the wording in the report suggests encouragement to do so!
I dread to think just who makes up the membership and governance of PIE.
Do you think the BBC would have run the story large had it been a Conservative Health Secretary involved?
I’d have trouble backing this up but I am pretty sure from memory that the BBC gave a platform to PIE allowing their spokesman to have airtime to justify their position.
I imagine the BBC would like to bury such a broadcast…..but it looks like it happened in 1983 on Newsnight.
Read, and weep at how LeftMob treated our children back then……….and how they still do today.
The involvement of Hewitt and Hattie Harmon with PIE didn’t affect their political careers much – which astonished me . I think Hewitt eventually went back home to NZ ? And Harmon disappeared … oh – wait …. she’s still an MP and even had the Gaul to try to be Speaker after that horrible gimp left last year ( thank fully cant recall his name and don’t want to be reminded )….
The slightest hints of a return to normality gives the BBC a clear run with total focus on all imaginable grievance monkeys, incandescent with rage at having to actually work Instead of getting full salaries paid out for doing almost nothing.
A total avalanche of ‘deep concerns’ about ending the lockdown. The BBC in full Lord HawHaw mode.
And get ready for being held to ransom by trade unions, intent on staying at home on full pay for the whole of Summer, and endless virtue-signalling about cycling.
And to make it worse, over to Laura Doomsberg.
Pass the razor blades and the Prozac.
…and just in case hopes might begin to raise, don’t mention the lowest number of deaths since March.
Keep things negative. Expect Shadow SAGE to get more coverage than the official (suspect, Tory) version. You know it makes sense.
End the lock down leading to a generally ok recovery ?
Government failed because they could have done it earlier
End the lockdown and covid numbers go up ?
Government murdered defenceless citizens -resign BoJo says BBC / MSM
Meanwhile Labour stays low profile until something goes wrong – and a queue will form of ‘ told you so merchants ‘ together with a chorus of highly paid BBC droids …..
The government let themselves be painted into a corner by the hysterical BBC led MSM. Any preplanned strategies went straight out the window in order to please these insatiable, hysterical cry babies.
It is a tale of both political weakness and cowardice as well as a demonstration of the malign influence our disgusting MSM are able to exert over an elected government.
It is pattern we see again and again on everything from immigration, the EU, “hate crime” and of course Islam.
Journalistic rigour and truthful analysis went out of the window a long time ago in favour of an endless stream of gotcha moments where the grandstanding “journalist” has to be the star.
You would have thought after last weeks BBC party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour party regrading PPE and the NHS, the government would finally resolve to act to bring the BBC to heel – but you just know they are paper tigers and all we will hear yet again is words and more words
Just to add.
If ever there was a time to take on the rail unions and especially the Tube unions then this was it. How much better can you have it than to take on the unions when almost no travellers would be affected, ……………because there are no travellers.
But no. Khan has probably sent them home on full pay, or at ‘work’…… with no customers.
A unique opportunity wasted.
Why am I not surprised.
Trevor Phillips is the #WrongKindOfBlack
.. says racebaiter from the Muslim Council
I don’t think it will take too long to count the number of coloured people working in the treatment bit of the NHS corresponding to the numbers infected / dead with covid – particularly in inner city hospitals where those in hospital as patients are coloured as well .
( by the way I use ‘coloured ‘ by choice because I still just about have the freedom to not use the language of the Race industry – so no BEAM or BAME or ABEM for me
It will be a matter of maths
This just shows how out of touch
the people on this blog are
none of us predicted a hospital would be named like this
In Surrey
Damn Stew – I remember the prediction from last week here .why didn’t I put a bet on it ! .
Any bets on the Grenfell hospital ?
The Stephen Lawrence ? Jo Cox hospital ? Enough to make you ..,, sick ….
Dont forget the “Sparkles” hospital.
Shes a victim too.
It was me – I claim my £20 prize!
But 18 days before:
“Why are they called ‘Nightingale’ hospitals?
Surely it should be ‘Seacole’ hospitals.
I am a horrible person. – Desperada”
Or even on 26 March: [In reference to the adjacent City Airport]
“Not RAF Seacole?”
– Moi
Now I am a bad person!
@Pug I hope this page doesn’t crash
If you post the address of someone’s Twitter address
It doesn’t just embed one tweet
it embeds about the last 10
Peroxide brain’s mind… is blown.
My mind gets blown by the inane, biased, loaded, anti government questions Kuentsberg asks at 5pm most days.
Paul Homewood has already done a thread on Red Sage
And Guido posted twice
The last one showed there was no economist
The first one show each member is Red
King’s former boss, Tony Blair, is chairman of the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change at UCL: https://institute.global/
Appropos of nothing, the charts used by the BBC bear his institute’s legend at the bottom. Quote from the comments. (Paul Holmwood web link above)…
I remember it well. The Blair years and those (faulty) ‘scientific’ advisors all who all seemed to be distinctly ‘left wing’ politically. BBC ‘experts’, and we all know how that ends.
Comatose, more like.
Guest – I’ve just scan read this ( 1 minute for something which probably takes 10 ) and although it is dated 4 May I suspect it was written befor the Panorama on PPE and the subsequent letter from the minister Dowden – to the out going Tony Hall …..
So his description of a ‘love in’ between the government and BBC is a bit…… wrong …..
Also – although the author is a BBC regular called Matthew D’ancona ( a true bubble Dweller ) – makes reference to the £125 million shortfall in BBC income – the idiot does not seem to realise that the public finances are in a dire state and will be for ever .____ so public financing of the BBC is going to be a way down the list —
After all – do we increase financing or the Blessed NHS ….or do we increase funding of the BBC ….. and the fashion for not paying the TV licence will and grow as people cut back ……
But it was an interesting aside that perhaps Apple is thinking of taking over Netflix …. as I recall Apple has more cash than it knows what to do with ……
I was going to read it, but decided it was a period of my life I would not get back.
Also Tortoise retweeting itself to pat each other on the back seems very bbc. Not surprising given the gene pool.
When I was a little boy, a highlight of my day was to have a scary story read to me at bedtime.
This is also a winning formula for the media to spread. ‘Public interest’, I hear them protest. Yes indeed, exploited to the fullest.
I said at the outset that COVID would be a grand treat for the MSM (especially beeb, of course), and -by golly- it has been. If the pandemic lasts for the foreseeable, it could be that this will be the lead story for months -if not years- to come. Until we all get sick of hearing about it endlessly and say so.
All the possible angles follow the initial announcements. The BAME victim focus was predictable. Tom runs for the NHS. Now Joan runs for the NHS. Tomorrow?
Or could the 75th anniversary of the end of WW2 slip into first place? It seems unlikely. Or some other, as yet unforeseen event? E.g. PRC annexes and occupies Australia. Hitler didn’t commit suicide after all, but has been found (getting on somewhat) in the jungles of Brazil. etc etc
I’m sure beeb would be happy to come up with something….
how to omit the vital part of the story
the women wanted guarentees irrelevant of results
the men were on effectively on a win bonus and pay to play
the men lost out because they underperformed and didnt make the world cup,
the wammin got what they agreed to and would have got the same even if they didnt win the world cup
Just watching Mastermind Grand Final, 6 contestants, not one BAME among them. It is however split 50/50 male female.
Question 1. Could they not rig the questions to suit the BAME’s?
Question 2. Could they not rig the questions to suit the females?
Question 3. Have all the intelligent BAME’s died of Covid 19.
Have your say.
( edit by Fed – spoiler alert!)
Can’t say I entirely agree with your concept of a 50/50 split NV. All I will say is thank God the big bloke won – a small coup for normality.
I was lucky enough to get out today and buy a newspaper or two. So reading the Mail (first) and a few articles cropped up worth reporting here. The first is RADIO 5 live has fired Mike Carr… (no idea) but it says here that he was known at BBC radio 5 as the ‘Chief executioner heavily involved in the ludicrous dumbing down policy as part of an obsession in targeting a younger audience’ Who would of thought it! I like the staff ‘sign-off’ on his character, ‘Carr ‘was also known as ‘Carrsy’ by staff at the BBC (as it rhymes with ‘Khazi’). And I thought the BBC had no sense of humour!. It just goes to show how wrong I have been all these years. Anyway Carrsy, gets the boot for misdemeanors and gets marched off the premises. Oh joy! I have never ever listened to Radio 5, as I don’t want to be that dumbed down and mentally retarded..
The next article is (the Times) about a complaint about BBC bias during the recent airing of PANORAMA (or Pandorama) as its also called on the NHS lack of PPE. Well you know the BBC just can’t help themselves can they? They have a virus and they are going to run with it until the horse is dead. All Boris’s fault, wasting time in hospital. We are told (and I never saw the program but I believe every word). The government have told the BBC not to risk public confidence in its reporting after last weeks ‘Panorama’ which included medical; staff – without making it clear that the staff interviewed were all well known political agitators. Oliver Downden, the Culture Secretary wrote to Lord Hall of Busted Flush, BBC head interim and yet still current DG that he should hold “uphold the highest standards in relation to integrity and impartiality”. It was revealed that the BBC had hidden the fact that several interviewees had political affiliations and one had appeared in a party political broadcast for the Labour party only last year! The BBC calls that ‘impartial’ news reporting.
The BBC apologised for something else (indirectly) but denied all the charges. After all, they are the UK favorite and most trusted broadcaster in the World (according to an opinion poll they ran in the Guardian! a long time ago). On a different planet.
It’s a shame that there couldn’t have been a bit more detail on the ‘shortage s ‘of PPE – such as – how many hospitals receive patients – is it 1200 ? And of those how many never had PPE shortages – instead of a wide brush approach which stuck and can’t be fixed ……
That was government media failure – perhaps caused by the lefty infection in the NHS /Dept Health
@Philip2 Are you sure it was “Mike Carr” that has left BBC5Live
.. and not his brother Wayne ?
Oh hang on Wayne is still there, in fact 5Live still have a whole lot of Waynes
Northern – it wasn’t quite “50 / 50 male / female “ was it – ? I thought it was @ 33% each…
( no spoiler alerts …>)
A number I hadn’t seen before – according to Public Unhealth England of 15000 care homes in England and Wales there have been covid outbreaks in 29% – but thought to be under reported ….
When the dust settles on this some really serious issues about the care of the elderly need to be addressed – and not treated the way dementia care policy has been delayed …
No comment needed.
You won’t catch me happy clapping on Thursdays not until someone addresses the £100 million pound that is frauded from the NHS every month which includes Doctors and nurses fiddling timesheets. All that hard work hey Captain Tom. Also you won’t catch me paying anymore telly tax as I legally stopped in January. Feeling rather pleased with myself as I have managed to get my son to do the same. Up the revolution
Me neither Stevie M, I have sympathy for front line staff, it’s not a job I could do. But the managers and administration, that’s a different story.
I have an issue currently and 10days after finally seeing a GP and obtaining a referral, the lumbar and spine clinic still hasn’t seen the ‘booking’.
I made 4 calls today to various ‘administrators’ at my local practice who waffled, procrastinated, admitted they could see the GP’s referral on ‘the system’ but that the ‘secretary’ had not completed the requisite forms, for transfer to myself and the clinic……but had now been asked to complete the actions and only after I chased.
Incompetent and lazy doesn’t even start to cover what I think.
“The Stranglers keyboard player Dave Greenfield has died at the age of 71 after testing positive for Covid-19.
Greenfield died on Sunday having contracted the virus after a prolonged stay in hospital for heart problems.
He penned the band’s biggest hit, Golden Brown, a song about heroin, which went to number two on the UK singles chart in 1982. ”
Just watched Stranglers on YouTube.
The served up ad happened to be that government one telling us not to be afraid to go to hospital.
BBC naturally doesn’t wonder about him catching there. Guess a visitor could have given it to him.. but still
So what did he die of. Heart problems or CVD19?
“So what did he die of? Heart problems or CVD19?”
That is the 64 million dollar question.
I could have Covid right now, only displaying the vaguest of symptoms…
Bit of a cough. A slight temperature. Feeling a bit fluey.
And then I fall down the stairs and break my neck.
But on the death certificate…
AntiBeeb have an HYS on their webshite – draft guidelines for employers returning to work and the TUC response.
Again, CCBGB. It’s great.
Got a link?
Tried the bbc home page and search, which is just alphabet soup of trash and propaganda.
‘BBC Slates Successful Laid Back CV19 Lockdown of the Dutch’ While the Netherlands asked people to stay home and follow social distancing advice it did not impose the kind of strict lockdown (and brutal new laws*) imposed in the UK and other European countries. This laid back approach has ruffled fascist feathers at Auntie BBC…
There is a rather interesting graph here that is worth comparing the two nations battling this pandemic. Reading through, its clear that we all may get the infection at some point. This is how ‘herd immunity’ works and as we are all locked up, its not allowed to work at all. So it just delays its onset. Interesting read, I doubt locking us all up will only delay the inevitable for some of us. On the other hand ‘what if’ it never reached the predicted ‘projections’ anyway except in inner cities… Netherlands is pretty crowded and yet has lower overall rates… and minimal lockdown seems to work.
The BBC don’t like that! I wonder why?
The History Guy has 300,000 followers
193 bothered to like his tweet
I am surprised he didn’t get completely ratioed.
Still he did the important job of signalling to the rest of the schoolbully gang , that he is a true member cos he hates Trump as well
Another one the FT did an #OrangeManBad cartoon for their article
Thus signalling to the rest of the schoolbully gang
that they are good members, cos they hate Trump as well
Oh the guy that wrote that article was on Radio4 this morning on the Marr show talking about Globalisation
..and got his sneering about trump in 4 mins before the end
Yeh “Trump is playing to bad guys by threatening Fauci”
The FT will be desperate to play down any dispute. i did point out some time ago that when a critical mass of Americans come to believe either correctly or not that China has unleashed the virus upon the USA then all bets are off as to the future peace of the world. It is not looking good at all.
The next stage will be a boycott of Chinese goods and that will hurt China. Add to that companies in the US who will face tremendous pressure to bring back the outsourced manufacturing and you have an explosive situation.
China might strike out at Taiwan . A hurt and devastated USA still has overwhelming military power and might just react using extreme force. Who knows. The CCP is only interested in staying in power. An attack on Taiwan would rally the people behind it.
China seems to be all powerful in the East at the moment but where are it’s allies? Only N Korea. This could lead to an attack on the South and that is nuclear war for sure.
The CCP has , as often in the world, miscalculated the reactions of the West.
i cannot imagine for one minute that Boris can continue with Huawei for 5G. The USA will break off all intelligence sharing if we proceed. Throughout Europe Chinese business is going to struggle. To put it bluntly there are too many dead.
If Americans become convinced that the Chinese are culpable for the virus , even if only by negligence , then the impact of the US election in November will be interesting. Biden is known to millions of Trump supporters as ‘Joe China ‘ on account of his decades long support of China . It is unknown how much he took in bribes and payments to help the Chinese when he was VP under Obama but there is a strong odour of corruption. President Trump will use Biden’s history, his pro China interviews and statements, to damage him. It may yet turn out that the virus and deaths of so many Americans secures a second term for the President.
So the Communist Party has shown the world that only force will be able to move it. The people are supposed to be intimidated by this colossal display of obstinacy, and, at least for the moment, many are. But they just wait in silence and let their resentments fester. The Party knows how to suppress, but it no longer has the power to lead. It has forgotten what once made it great.
“The Revolution has become a dinner party,” says Maggie Farley, who has taken Mao Zedong’s quip on revolution and stood it on its head. Her one short sentence summarizes the history of the People’s Republic.
Today the people no longer want Mao’s revolution or the party that administers it. And so the People’s Republic is going to fall, just like its predecessors. History shows that the Chinese people, once aroused, will not be denied. State-owned enterprises proved remarkably resistant to change. Today, at the beginning of the Tenth Five-Year Plan, China’s planners still do not know how to help them. SOEs (State owned enterprises)are the greatest economic problem facing the People’s Republic. That is their weakness and will signal the end of the present Chinese Communist Party.
An on-going legal battle with the BBC and Ofcom for seven years?
He’s on Twitter
It may be related to this –
In 2011, when war first broke out in Syria, Hallam became involved in the humanitarian response.[7] She became Medical Director of Hand in Hand Syria, a Syrian led, UK registered charity that looked to deliver medical aid in Syria in 2012.[1] Hand in Hand Syria supported 80 field hospitals and a paediatric hospital.[1][2] In 2013 she appeared on Panorama Saving Syria’s Children.[8] She is a prominent voice in the news coverage about Syria.[9] She has written for The Lancet, The Guardian The Independent and the Huffington post.[10][11][12][13] She has appeared on The Daily Show, the BBC and SBS.[14][15]
Tweets by cerumol
This tweet drew my attention to the above –
Mon 4 May 2020 12.23 BST –
Jennie Formby, the Labour general secretary who was a close ally of the former leader Jeremy Corbyn, has resigned from the post, the party has announced.
If nothing else what links all of the above together is what they see as bias (or worse) by the BBC
Former ITV and BBC reporter/presenter Anna Brees – media ethicist and multimedia trainer.
– Helping you to use your mobile to create professional on the day content for social media.
A very angry man there, and here.
BBB Local Radio
An angry Worcester photographer says he’s “fed up” of seeing people defy the lockdown.
Peter Jenner says he’s spotted groups of mainly young people – sometimes as many as eight – congregating out and about.
Now he’s started a daily picture diary of the worst examples, with calls for police to up patrols.
Full story on tomorrow’s breakfast show.
The ‘full story’ of bbc-approved citizen editorial should be fascinating, especially one about photography on radio.
“ The experts to whom the BBC defers have been, for the most part, Labour activists of one sort or another. Their politics have informed their commentary to suggest that the government is doing a bad job.”
Adam going for DG?
A fellow organisation gets coverage.
The desperate receiving offers they can’t refuse
As the Covid-19 death toll grows, Italy’s organised crime gangs have been looking to make millions. Many Italians feel they have no option but to accept the lifeline the mob is offering. On the island of Sicily, the brother of a mafioso – a member of a mafia group – has been distributing food to the poor in a neighbourhood of Palermo. “People ring me and they cry over the phone,” he says. “They say their children can’t eat.” He wouldn’t confirm he was part of the mafia himself, but he said that if being a mafioso meant helping people, then he was “proud to be a mafioso” .
Read full analysis >
The anal… lack of journalistic integrity playing down hoarding and profiteering is very national treasure.
With added lovely picture.
Bbc Charlie.
Made in the UK.
They also have found a Sharon.
Jeez look at that tweet
BBCnews are really just an advertising agency that does the best for their clients.
The woke part of the Labour Party being one.
.. and the Greenblob subsidy merchants another.
Where are Al Beeb going to find the ‘talent’ they are so keen to fly here, there and everywhere, at my expense?
They are certainly lacking in that department currently.
Seeing this clip, should XR not be screaming from the rooftops – “no more travel for non essential BBC TV programs, to save the planet” (and allow over 70s to have a free TV licence).
From the ‘failing’ New York Times –
“The populist rhetoric is starting to seep back into the government’s message,” said Sophia Gaston, director of the British Foreign Policy Group and a visiting fellow at the London School of Economics. “In particular,” she added, “the suggestion that there has been a collapse of trust in the media.”
It is not clear that the campaign is working, at least in broad terms. The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism found in a recent survey that the public expressed high levels of trust in the BBC and, to a lesser extent, other broadcasters. Newspapers fared less well, but that was the case before the virus struck, too.
There’s more –
“LONDON — On the day a paler, thinner, notably less boisterous Boris Johnson returned to work after his near-death coronavirus experience, a Tory member of Parliament tweeted a GIF of a magnificent lion perched on a mountaintop, his mane blowing in the wind. “Good to see @BorisJohnson back at the helm!” he wrote.
This fawning sycophancy is not the norm in British politics. We haven’t, on the whole, run Trumpian courts, or implied that our prime ministers are kings among men. And yet, unusual and unwelcome as the adulation was, the tweeter had a point.
Mr. Johnson’s cabinet is so markedly weak, with so few politicians of intellect and experience, that the prime minister’s absence for nearly a month left an alarming void. A shifting cast of ministers stood in for him at the daily pandemic press briefings, with performances ranging from mortifying to faltering or defensive to occasionally, thankfully, competent.
The lack of depth in the cast around this cabinet table was mercilessly displayed, as was the nervousness of many of those obliged to face public interrogation at such a critical time. Some, like the new chancellor, Rishi Sunak, could handle their own briefs, but not one felt able or authorized to even begin to address the big questions Britain now wants answered: What is the route out of lockdown, and how should deaths be balanced against isolation, loneliness, futures and jobs? All those queries were diverted, with evident relief, to the stock response: We’ll have to wait until the boss gets back.
Against that background of anxious, stalling stand-ins, Mr. Johnson’s reappearance has, indeed, felt like the welcome return of a big beast. The country needs a leader. But his dominance is no accident.
Hope Kay is isolated.
And does not make any connections she will need to correct on air.
Wow. Sir Kier Starmer is all over – and the BBC are loving him. No challenging questions just a Labour party advert.
On Breakfast BBC promoting the picture of aer lingus flight (full) with one of the passengers complaining no social distancing – used to beat Matt Hancock..
My question which the BBC didn’t ask – if you are so bothered that you need to contact the BBC why did you get on the plane when you had had also complained that the queue wasn’t social distancing…
Sir..you are a F..Wit
When are the BBC going to say anything supportive of the Govt?
The % of those featured on the bbc with blue hair would be interesting.
‘Matrix Chambers’ – that’s the barrister chambers of choice for Leftoid anti-Tory grievance seekers, isn’t it?
And Guido pops up with the reason why this particular waste of space was chosen….
I’d do the app this way
Basically ditch almost ALL data.
The only data you need is a record of people that you have been INSIDE with 1m away for 15 mins
cos that is the only practical was you catch Covid19
unless someone coughs right in your face, which you’d NOT forget
..all other ways are just theoretical .
So when you are close to people your phone tries to bluetooth with them and makes a note of their device number, but then if the contact is less than 10 mins it should delete that data.
So when you get home your daily contactlist only has taxidriver1 , pharmacist and taxidriver2 in the list.
Sure you’d have passed other people in the street & supermarket
but they haven’t had contact with you long enough to give you a viral load of Covid.
Yesterday evening a lady called Hatun Tash (DCCI Ministries) discussed Freedom of Speech and Grooming Gangs with TR and David Wood. I suppose it is only a matter of time before this is taken down from YouTube so, to anyone who is interested, watch it while you can. It is long at 2hrs 45m and I haven’t watched much of it but caught an impressive ten minutes between approx. 29:00 and 39:30 where TR answers the question of why he hasn’t chosen an easy life.
“all we see now is weakness, weakness, weakness”
R4. Justin….has Matt Hancock on – completely different interview to the cosy chat with Kier Starmer….
Justin ” you had an argument with Sunday times on weekend”
Matt H. “I didn’t have an argument with anyone”
Justin ” you had a sharp twitter”
WTF .. BBC fake news….no argument but a sharp twitter
Now going on about the over 70’s again and again..
how is it that the BBC don’t seem to understand the two factors – age and underlying co-morbidities…
It is clear….if you are over 70 and healthy there is no restriction unless you so decide- personally
If you are over 70 and have co-morbidities you have to make your own mind up and be careful….because you are more at risk
BBC you are truly idiotic and a waste of our money
“If you are over 70 and have co-morbidities you have to make your own mind up and be careful….because you are more at risk”
I referred to this phase, some weeks ago here, as the, ‘Russian Roulette’ stage for us oldies with co-morbidities.
Morning G
I understand your view – but in the absence of a vaccine there cannot be a solution for all –
My point is more that the BBC on the one hand want the lock down lifted or are beating the Govt about it and on the other want everyone protected..and are beating the Govt with this..
Unfortunately in any situation some will be more vulnerable than others and one must hope they can take whatever actions they feel right for them and be supported in doing so.
My in laws are all over 70, some have co-morbidities but they are keen to get out and meet friends etc…whilst taking precautions. They want to make their own choice and not be ‘locked up against their will’.
“……but they are keen to get out and meet friends etc…”.
That’s the point. Everything looks fairly, ‘normal’ out there and many members of the public will be progressively swayed or deceived into, ‘the waters warm, come on in’. Human nature. When: Wham, Bang, another spin of the chamber takes place.
If you are over 70 then you do not have many years of active life left. A lockdown expending into maybe next year is intolerable for many. It must be left to the good sense of the person. Most of us older ones know the risk .
The government will never be able to enforce it anyway without criminalising millions. Take heart and remember the old battle cry
Do you want to live forever!
LBC exclusive on Labour
Anybody hear TOADY before 0700 this morning? Quite an interesting item. It seems that our ‘Boys in Blue’ and their masters were overzealous following Boris’ announcement of what the Lockdown would mean. Boy, are they anxious to get on with being disliked increasingly by the public! It was not ‘Law’ at that time. Many penalties were issued around the country and, seems to me, not one has any chance of success. As many know Statutory Instruments (aka ‘Secondary Legislation’) normally carries a clause that facilitates a procedure which requires both Houses’ scrutiny/approval of the proposed legislation. House of Lords is not sitting………………
A Constitutional Lawyers (Judicial Review) wet dream.
What was the expression ending up with, “……..in a brewery”?
But where is Gina Miller? Where is ‘Spider Woman’?
Remove the basic rights of 66 million people and not a peep; try to repatriate a criminal ‘undocumented New Briton’.. ..well you know the rest.
Police priorities going around Farage’s house.
In my area, if you have a breakin, the police are always too busy to come.
A timely reminder to, again, make the point that, in no way should you permit the police to enter your house and I trust that Nigel kept them at the front door.
To sanction their entry (its always two at the door…..bit like the Jehovah’s Witness mob), gives consent for them to search your property, on a reasonable suspicion.
I’m sure the ‘body cameras ‘ were switched on in order to capture Mr Farage saying something the BBC would love …….
And it was only a matter of time before plod ‘Stasi pop round to a politicians; home to ‘check his thinking ‘ . After all – they’re only doing their job ….. and best avoided now ….
The BBC helicopter was probably circling overhead
to catch the potential arrest.
Got to love this this wonderfully subtle little piece of anti government propaganda.
Apparently China has done everything right! Presumably that includes covering up the virus outbreak and the hundreds of thousands of deaths that have resulted?
BBC left wing bias at its finest.
This sounds like the man who was constantly on the phone to the BBC when he was in China.
Perhaps the BBC put pressure on the government to bring him to the UK, where he was put in quarantine for two weeks during which:-
“I think the first case was while we were in quarantine in Arrowe Park, and I thought, ‘They have seen what happened in China, they will jump on this straight away’.
“They did nothing.”
Which makes little sense. Is he saying that one of his companions was released whilst showing symtoms? Is he saying that it was his cohort that brought the virus to the UK? Does the BBC ‘have blood on its hands’?
Trump tweeted and got 134K Likes
MSDNC and FAKE NEWS CNN are going wild trying to protect China!
Scotland getting rid of its blasphemy laws
and replacing it with an even flakier hate crime law.
Almost all of us on here think the quality of questioning by our journalists on Hancock’s half hour is abysmal or a gotcha type of question.
So why is it that after every question is asked the three wise men always say “That’s a very good question”
Are they hearing something different to the rest of us.
Perhaps it just goes to indicate the level and quality of questions posed in Cabinet by members or in the various Government departments by, “Top Civil Servants” and their minions.
They are just being over polite. I’d tell most of the dumb inquisitors to FO and try doing a bit of research on the subject.
As the pieces of my mental jigsaw puzzle slowly come together, I think one piece that is important which remains absent – at present – is a confirmed link between the chinese communist party and Soros.