11am Radio4 prog just started
with lots of people who thought they had it December
quoting that a husband of a choir member had been in China
One member said she had a strong cold
and then her neighbour came round and had tea
And he said God your milk’s off.
She had not noticed until then , she’d lost her sense of smell.
next item : Sofi Kareem Bradford mosque manager who came down with it on 20th March, he didn’t have it serious enough until 5 weeks
… then he did a private test that came back positive.
That shows a few people can harbour the virus a lot longer than normal.
but they are not sure about the viral load he was emitting .
In 2012 the British Army replaced the useless security that was organised for the 2012 Olympics . https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-19240654
The British Army are called out again to assist the NHS with the present pandemic.
Why aren’t the Royal Navy and Royal Marines brought in to take over from from the Border Farce bobbing about the English Channel in chocolate teapots ‘intercepting’ and shipping in illegal invaders . After all, it would give our forces ‘hands on’ practise ? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-52527734
This is becoming farcical as the people in Britain are told to “stick to lockdown” . Boris and Priti be warned, we only lent you our votes.
Hands on practice in the Channel just like “Shooting at apple’s in a barrel ” , Got to be the best deterrent .
Years ago Australia had problems with Vietnamese illegals trying to get there in boats , Australian Navy would pick them up give some food and water and return them all back straight away and eventually they gave trying to gain entry illegally …..why can’t we do the same …..is it our weak Government or what ?
Good old Guido.
Radio 4’s expert brought on Today this morning to discuss the new NHS contact tracing app was actually appointed by Sadiq Khan as his Deputy Mayor in 2016, taking home a hefty £130,000 a year for the political role. Matthew Ryder QC’s online pro-Labour anti-Tory and anti-Brexit activism fits with Matrix Chambers, where Change UK MEP candidate and prolific tweeter Jessica Simor also works. Not that Ryder’s political links were flagged up to the audience… https://order-order.com/2020/05/05/bbcs-nhs-app-expert-sadiqs-deputy-mayor/#comments
“Channel migrants: More than 130 people bid to reach UK in 24 hours” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-52527734
At least Al Beeb are reporting these incursions ? But how many are not being reported ?
Interesting wording “bid to reach”, it implies that they ‘attempt’, but as we all know, most are successful as they are being ferried in by our complicit Border Farce from a safe country .
So the correct terminology should be successfully enter the UK.
Opinion anyone ?
This may (BIG ‘May’) account for the Government and Patel’s reluctance to do anything about the invaders from France and their using the Border Farce as a taxi.
“Persons “in need of international protection or for other humanitarian reasons”, however, are exempted from these restrictions on non-essential travel from third countries.” — European Commission statement, March 30, 2020.
This means that people who apply for international protection cannot be turned away and that the rights of migrants and refugees to apply for asylum cannot be suspended, even in the time of coronavirus.”
Further to my comments about Andrew Marr and the WHO
virology doctor. One has to answer the question why
should one trust the BBC. ?
Everyone with a modicum of sense knows at the very least
that the head of the WHO is a tool of the Communist Chinese government.
But what about political presenters at the BBC? With some
research you can find that Andrew Marr was “once” a
trotskyist selling their newspaper outside Kings Cross Station
in London. Further along in his career we find him writing
very much to the left , columns in newspapers.
Andrew Marr is entitled ,as all BBC presenters and reporters
to have their own personal political views. BUT in no way
should these be expressed on the BBC. Mostly Marr is pretty
good at hiding his. But occasionally he just cannot cover
them all up. I believe he failed to do this with his interview
with the WHO official. I just hope that this interview was
just “fascinating” to him , that in no way did the virus come
from the Wuhan Institute of virology. I am sure that there
was nothing more sinister in the fact that a presenter from the BBC and
an official of the WHO were in agreement with the CCP.
Hmm, you say that but the Test Card photo,if I recall correctly, featured a stuffed toy clown. Something that very easily can be viewed as a pre emptive strike at the POTUS.
Nick Ferrari wasted valuable time at 9am
He had the virologist on, but insisted on starting the prog with maliciously edited clips of Trump so he could sneer and virtue signal he is in the right gang..the Trump hating gang.
Chris Smith didn’t push back but rather half heartedly played along.
@Brissles I had to wait until the LBC catchup became available so I could listen to it again.
I always think it is weird that Ferrari seems to be only half redpilled
eg stands up to Sadiq and Climate dogma
but joins libmob virtue signal he hates Trump and TR
Instead of chasing illegal lawbreaking immigrants, plod are chasing Nigel Farage. Is it for highlighting the Home Office’s failings ? How long before Nigel gets locked up and silenced for being on their case ?
We have one of the best naval and commando forces in the world. Unfortunately they are kept in their bases by a government too afraid to act, or is there some other reason?
Could it be that the clapping and cheering ritual is a substitute for prayer?
In fact, it would have been more useful, not to say sensible if whoever in the government had suggested people pray to God for protection and guidance.
But I suppose in our Godless society either it wouldn’t have occurred to anyone or if it did, they’d be too fearful of the backlash if they so much as mentioned God let alone Jesus Christ.
John -I’ve not been near anyone who does the clapping thing so have to judge from Internet footage – such as the frankly strange habit of going onto Westminster bridge and clapping a building ( St Thomas Hospital ) ….
The British being the British – this will now be an ancient tradition for ever repeated …..
While I write of ancient traditions – the weather people seem fixated with coming warmth and then cold and something about a ‘ bank holiday ‘
Someone please explain what a bank holiday is ? Perhaps because the weather people have forgotten 99% of the population are busily becoming mental / drunk et al having been frightening into lock up for weeks ….
…. being a bit of a historian of the Second World War – you remember -that’s the one where we fought the Americans And French with the Germans and Russians ….
I’m dreading VE Day because there is internet talk of clapping for VE Day ?
Maybe and remembrance of VE or VJ Day is to be welcomed . Trouble is there will be a competition for kidults to guess what the letters stand for – particularly the ‘V’ – is it virus ?
The BBC are reporting that in Scotland care home deaths from CV19 exceed hospital deaths.
But wait. Through the Barnett formula Scotland get FAR more to spend per capita than does England.
So wee Krankie has a lot to answer for, but the BBC are not asking….
Its one of those challenges, I hate watching the BBC News, but its like the “train crash” scenario, you just cant help it!
Have you notced how the BBC is now utilising Nicola Sturgeon as the “voice of sense and reason”, thereby suggesting they can’t trust the UK Government. Its pretty consistent on pretty much every broadcast.
Here is how the now wonderful First Minister of Scotland is dealing with the crisis. The fact its the same does not matter.
She is right, Boris is wrong.
Nothing to do with the Brexit legacy of course!
There is SO MUCH subliminal messaging going on throughout every news broadcast (actually all BBC output); I am both entertained and horrified.
I use my parents as a benchmark. They grew up with the BBC at a time when it was a trusted and much loved broadcaster. They now get taken in by it all.
The same applies to the very young generation who are taken in the same way as they know no different.
Example from the last couple of days – Holocaust book on shelf behind Michael Gove = Nazi.
Thanks for your rant. However I just thought I’d let you know that here is one octogenarian fart who definitely does NOT get taken in by the selected news reporting of the BBC and the rest of the MSM. I still question everything, including my own views and even some of the views expressed on this site.
It may turn out to be a mistake to assume that young people don’t know any different as many of today’s children are cared for by grandparents while the parents work. My grandchildren are no exception and they are exposed to unPC views all the time and they sure enjoy our company and are always pleased to come to to stay with us.
The BBC were obsessed with their WOKE hero New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.
But the truth is now out – New Zealand has the advantage of being remote, a small population on a big island.
However NZ success against CV19 has been their “closed border” policy, and NZ confirmed today their borders slammed shut for the foreseeable future.
That was removed even though other people FOR/AGAINST were already quoting him
Ok Dough – sometimes I wonder … its like – why is comrade Robinson on toady called ‘ toenails ‘ ? I prefer him as ‘ Tourette’s ‘ for obvious reasons
Any way ——- today – the 5th May is the 40th anniversary of the ending of the Iranian Embassy siege . I was musing about how the BBC would spin it now –
Which is sad really ….
I can hear it ….Maitliss on heat ….
Army murderers
How many soldiers were coloured or trans
Muslims as victims
Force never wins
How will Wimmin react ?
They could have done it better
Londonistan mayor calls for prosecution of soldiers
Corbyn invites Iranians to commons
Iranian community gets hate crime
Stand together with the Iranians
We should have stayed in the EU
TalkRadio caller making the point
‘So the police want to monitor my movements with an app
to stop Covid19 spreading
Yet the same police do NOTHING to monitor Covid19 arriving on the beaches with illegals who move across the country
.. stuff your app ! ‘
The bloke was from Orgreave and believes the police/establishment have burned their bridges so he never trusts them
Spurious link so sorry Stew, it was the mention of Orgreave which prompted me to view the below video. Interesting commentary and check out front line plod compared to todays paramilitary force. It really was a different age.
Rather irritatingly every time I turn on Radio 4 Extra they seem to be playing the same thing as last time I turned it on, a sort of radio version of Groundhog Day.
Even worse it is usually something that turns out to be an advert, but an advert that goes on for so long that it is a mini-programme in its own right.
The worst of these adverts is for someting called Radiolabs, a dire American podcast, with dumb Americans asking dumb questions of each other.
A close second is one relating to Apollo 13 where a BBC man-woman wets himself because Jim Lovell’s wife ‘knows as much about the Apollo mission as the mission commander’, (really!!). The BBC wimp thinks that mission control defers to this ‘strong woman’, (oh goody! girl-power!).
To me it sounds like the men in mission control are behaving exactly like I would expect, they answer her questions in so far as they can and they don’t build her hopes up. For them Jim Lovell would be no ‘number’ either. Yet the BBC trawl the past for their agenda points. They are truly sick.
Entryism is a standard Alinsky technique
where a small group of activists move in and get in key positions of an org to take it over from inside.
Look at a lot of the big Charities or the RSPCA or the Coop etc.
The fact is that more than 1,000 illegal immigrants have passed through Dover already this year and there has been almost no public debate about this until I started filming. https://t.co/rZAXk3l4O8
Comments are supportive of NF so far.
e.g. This ought to be being covered on a daily basis, on all the media. The way that it’s largely being kept quiet is deeply suspicious.
Makes you wonder if the chief Constable of Kent – a mr pughley is so protective of the invaders that he might take a few home with him to Chislehurst and funds them from his wages of £200k? A year ….
Has he said anything about harassment of Mr Farage ? I can’t find anything …
I had written to my MP about this, I’m waiting for her reply. But I’m not holding my breath for anything being said that answers my concerns.
I also included my thoughts on the virus situation, the lockdown and the obsession with vaccines.
My experience with MPs is that they don’t answer questions, rather they embark on a mini-lecture to distract from my concerns and avoid dealing with them at all.
I wonder, do politicians have lessons in lying and avoiding having to deal with the demands of their paymasters?
I also wish we could see what assets they have when entering politics compared to what they have when they leave. Same for senior Civil Servants.
John in cheshire
I have also written to my Tory MP as I live on the south coast , this was last week and as yet no reply , here we all are locked in and the fit ones amongst us could be on patrol with pitch forks and guns to protect this island….Chinese Virus Dads Army ! ..ironic really with VE day on Friday. We survived Adolf”s aspirations only to have uninvited Scum coming over the Channel and the BBC ignoring it unsurprisingly
I listened to Dominic Raab tonight on Tuesday’s briefing as he talked about scams etc related to Covid. He said that many were the sort of scammers who were just after our money. But he mentioned that some were backed by more (and I forget his actual words) shall we say other national powers. Does anyone know what he was meaning? I said to Mr D that I got the message but had no clue what he was telling us.
He was specifically referring to China, Russia and Iran. I don’t know why he had to be so oblique.
Not only has the revolting Chinese regime given the world this bloody virus, they’re now attempting to cash in on it.
“other national powers” I wonder what country that is ?
Anyone out there want to have a guess , what about you maxincony, Piku, or even Banania ?
Don’t quote me on this but I think we just might have the highest Covid-related death toll in Europe. The BBC briefly touched on the subject, but they didn’t sort of labour the point and what information they gave us was tempered with sound common-sense, like relative land areas and population densities – obviously being mature and responsible, not wanting to stir the general public into feelings of impending doom.
I can’t think why but they always seem to find Scotch people to provide these sort of statistics but perhaps that’s just a coincidence.
40% deaths are London
The MSM fixation with whether they NHS angels have PPE masked the thousands of deaths in care homes – the numbers of which I believe will truly never be known .
The BBC wants to bring the government down by whatever means it can in order to reverse Brexit -it will use Covid or anything else .
We on the Right have no choice but to back the current regime because the alternate is socialism .
Never a shortage of hindsite – which will be really useful for the next pandemic
Thanks pugz – yet another magnum opus.
Very revealing to click on the ‘Scientific evidence’ link and open up the list of participating scientists. Even a cursory glance shows the depth of accrued knowledge and achievement involved – but more to the point it demonstrates why the ‘Shadow SAGE’ has been formed, purely due to pique and childish jealousy from not being included in the first place.
Intelligence does not automatically confer maturity, or any sense of social responsibility.
Just a bit of news reported on the I 24 website that you wont
see or hear about on the BBC, The Israeli institute for
biological research has determined an antibody that
neutralises Covid 19. This is not a vaccination, but a medical
CURE for the Chinese virus. The Israel’s are taking out patents
and hope to manufacture the medicine.
I promise everybody that wants to boycott the “product”
who has the virus can.
“Israel's IIBR completes development phase of COVID-19 antibody.” Of course BDS supporters will have to personally boycott this as will all the British MPs who signed a letter a couple of days ago calling on British govt to sanction Israel. https://t.co/ZSoBJk8Bdu
Oh Fos – let that be true . At least we know that Labour Party members will refuse a cure in solidarity with the Muslim brothers…..
…..l speaking of which – I read somewhere that one of the reasons Iran was hit so badly with covis was That it’s national airline continued to spread the disease around the Middle East even after being ‘banned ‘ – allahs will maybe …
…. meanwhile Gwent police report a water buffalo has killed a man and seriously injured two people before being killed …. ……….
We can but hope they got the right water buffalo ( I think I’ve been taking hallucinogenic drugs again )
Is it significant that this murderer stabbed her victims in the neck. I believe that’s what muslims are being trained to do. It’s certainly happened in Israel, where muslim women have stabbed Israelis in the neck.
A Cure At What Cost?
“The science writer, Tom Chivers, doesn’t dispute the need for drastic action against Covid-19. He’s deeply concerned. But he’s also worried about his children’s future, the wide-ranging economic, social and political fallout from this shock, and the question of whether our strategies to deal with the pandemic might be doing more harm than good in the long run.”
Great Radio 4 program this morning, actually was balanced, even gave airtime to anti lockdown people.
Of course right at the end the presenter virtue signaled his support for the dystopian lockdown…guess he had to, otherwise he’d get , blacklisted or something.
Wednesday : World Service Radio – “10 part drama serial about the birth of Israel*”
(Do they mean the modern state ? AFAIK Israel existed thousands of years before that) “Miriam and Youssef is told from the viewpoints of two former neighbours: Miriam, a Jewish refugee who emigrates to Palestine, and Youssef, a Palestinian Arab.”
Ep2 19925 “Miriam is adjusting to life on the kibbutz.
Youssef, the son of the leader of a local village, is offered work at the British Mandate offices. How will he adjust to working for the people who are working against his people ?“
Thats from The Times radio guide
so they are saying the British were the baddies ? https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct0sxr
Wed 9am Radio4 More or Less is going for a gotcha
#1 “The Health Minister Matt Hancock promised the UK would carry out 100,000 coronavirus tests a day by the end of April.
He claims he succeeded. Did he?
#2 why is the fatality rate so difficult to calculate?
#3 Is it true that being obese makes Covid-19 ten times more dangerous?
#4 And what is injuring more kids in lockdown, trampolines or Joe Wicks’ exercises?
My answer is ..they sent initiated 85K tests on Monday
..that is quite near.
Yet the capacity is higher than 100K
One thing is, a lot of tests will be repeat tests when the first test shows negative.
So the number of repeat tests you do today depends on the number of tests you processed yesterday
The number of repeat tests done on Monday will be lower , cos less tests are done on Sat/Sun.
I guess there will be more tests done on a Tuesday
Seems like the BBC has more excrement to throw at its current target – SAGE as professor Neil Ferguson resigns from it after breaking the lock down rules for lurve.
The tactic seems to be to undermine the government through SAGE and of course discredit the scientific advice in order to cause a state of anarchy with regard to transmission of Covid —and then blame BoJo
Ferguson – of foot and mouth and mad cow disease solutions – has form as the computer modeller who has a record of failed predictions. Not a great loss. I wonder whether his error of judgement facilitated an escape from a sinking ship
Yes we all know about his previous failings, but so do the cowardly useless incompetent Tories who could have got rid of him, but were too scared or too useless to actually do so.
Why did they persist with a man who is on target to be more than 90% out on his prediction for this virus?
Also why are the only ever listening to the Scientists? There won’t be a public health service if they persist in this ridiculous nonsense for much longer, and how many deaths will that result in?
We are also now hearing that the virus is mutating fast and there might not even be a vaccination at all, nor will there be any herd immunity as it behaves like the common cold.
These off their heads scientists are suggesting we should be locked down forever and sod the consequences, well sod them I say and open up the country and use the money to dig some mass graves of those who would have died pretty soon anyway.
Just a thought , could the government be deliberately over reporting the deaths ie died ‘with Coronavirus’ as opposed ‘of Coronavirus’, to scare the public in maintaining the lockdown ?
tomoMar 13, 23:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Wrong costume…. https://twitter.com/truckdriverpleb/status/1899844358599311702
tomoMar 13, 22:57 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/ripx4nutmeg/status/1900276204302729699 [img]https://i.ibb.co/XxHFRP5W/chrome-lvnbs-Ino-Da.png[/img]
tomoMar 13, 22:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/ripx4nutmeg/status/1900276204302729699
JonathanRMar 13, 22:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 The BBC mentioned in this interesting interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtS14ZO8Q-E&ab_channel=CBNNews
ZephirMar 13, 21:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 Claiming confusion regarding “carrots and sticks” is no defense.
Lefty WrightMar 13, 20:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 Al I had no idea that there were so many bricklayers,carpenters, plumbers etc.etc. among our Labour MPs. OK boys, girls…
tomoMar 13, 20:29 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/patcondell/status/1900096045696122976
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 13, 20:16 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Handover” rather than “takeover”?
tomoMar 13, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/bitcloud/status/1899839906123522127
A patient hospitalized in France in December 27th had COVID-19
December 27th.
No travel history.
He was likely infected weeks before.
BBC reporters, re-reporting what French TV said on Sunday afternoon.
11am Radio4 prog just started
with lots of people who thought they had it December
quoting that a husband of a choir member had been in China
One member said she had a strong cold
and then her neighbour came round and had tea
And he said God your milk’s off.
She had not noticed until then , she’d lost her sense of smell.
next item : Sofi Kareem Bradford mosque manager who came down with it on 20th March, he didn’t have it serious enough until 5 weeks
… then he did a private test that came back positive.
That shows a few people can harbour the virus a lot longer than normal.
but they are not sure about the viral load he was emitting .
The prog keeps rushing on
– They just had 5 mins of banging on about bame (used as a noun)
which said nothing.
– Now saying that ventilator treatment with throat tubes
didn’t make much difference
So ventilators were not used as much as expected.
– Talking about Covid causing blood clots in other organs, so might cause permanent damage, but sense of smell does seem to come back.
Doc said Covid epidemic is quite similar to his experience of ebola.
“ebola had better testing”
He then attacked UK death toll.
In 2012 the British Army replaced the useless security that was organised for the 2012 Olympics .
The British Army are called out again to assist the NHS with the present pandemic.
Why aren’t the Royal Navy and Royal Marines brought in to take over from from the Border Farce bobbing about the English Channel in chocolate teapots ‘intercepting’ and shipping in illegal invaders . After all, it would give our forces ‘hands on’ practise ?
This is becoming farcical as the people in Britain are told to “stick to lockdown” . Boris and Priti be warned, we only lent you our votes.
Hands on practice in the Channel just like “Shooting at apple’s in a barrel ” , Got to be the best deterrent .
Years ago Australia had problems with Vietnamese illegals trying to get there in boats , Australian Navy would pick them up give some food and water and return them all back straight away and eventually they gave trying to gain entry illegally …..why can’t we do the same …..is it our weak Government or what ?
Good old Guido.
Radio 4’s expert brought on Today this morning to discuss the new NHS contact tracing app was actually appointed by Sadiq Khan as his Deputy Mayor in 2016, taking home a hefty £130,000 a year for the political role. Matthew Ryder QC’s online pro-Labour anti-Tory and anti-Brexit activism fits with Matrix Chambers, where Change UK MEP candidate and prolific tweeter Jessica Simor also works. Not that Ryder’s political links were flagged up to the audience…
“In January of this year, a few months ago as the coronavirus was first being reported in China, the Wuhan Institute of Virology applied for a patent on a US drug, Remdesivir, used for the treatment of Ebola and coronavirus infections. George Soros invests in WuXi.”
“Channel migrants: More than 130 people bid to reach UK in 24 hours”
At least Al Beeb are reporting these incursions ? But how many are not being reported ?
Interesting wording “bid to reach”, it implies that they ‘attempt’, but as we all know, most are successful as they are being ferried in by our complicit Border Farce from a safe country .
So the correct terminology should be successfully enter the UK.
Opinion anyone ?
Bid to reach benefits generously provided by The Powers That Be paid for by reluctant taxpayers .
This may (BIG ‘May’) account for the Government and Patel’s reluctance to do anything about the invaders from France and their using the Border Farce as a taxi.
“Persons “in need of international protection or for other humanitarian reasons”, however, are exempted from these restrictions on non-essential travel from third countries.” — European Commission statement, March 30, 2020.
This means that people who apply for international protection cannot be turned away and that the rights of migrants and refugees to apply for asylum cannot be suspended, even in the time of coronavirus.”
The nonsense goes on……………..
It’s a pity Nigel Farage wasn’t the Home Secretary or even PM …..Very sure thing’s would be different !
Further to my comments about Andrew Marr and the WHO
virology doctor. One has to answer the question why
should one trust the BBC. ?
Everyone with a modicum of sense knows at the very least
that the head of the WHO is a tool of the Communist Chinese government.
But what about political presenters at the BBC? With some
research you can find that Andrew Marr was “once” a
trotskyist selling their newspaper outside Kings Cross Station
in London. Further along in his career we find him writing
very much to the left , columns in newspapers.
Andrew Marr is entitled ,as all BBC presenters and reporters
to have their own personal political views. BUT in no way
should these be expressed on the BBC. Mostly Marr is pretty
good at hiding his. But occasionally he just cannot cover
them all up. I believe he failed to do this with his interview
with the WHO official. I just hope that this interview was
just “fascinating” to him , that in no way did the virus come
from the Wuhan Institute of virology. I am sure that there
was nothing more sinister in the fact that a presenter from the BBC and
an official of the WHO were in agreement with the CCP.
This is an excellent channel. China specific.
There’s trouble looming.
I`m doing a quiz for a family virtual get together .
Mines about the BBC , can you help ?
Apart from the Test Card , what have the BBC broadcast that has never been sneering about Donald Trump ?
Hmm, you say that but the Test Card photo,if I recall correctly, featured a stuffed toy clown. Something that very easily can be viewed as a pre emptive strike at the POTUS.
Nick Ferrari wasted valuable time at 9am
He had the virologist on, but insisted on starting the prog with maliciously edited clips of Trump so he could sneer and virtue signal he is in the right gang..the Trump hating gang.
Chris Smith didn’t push back but rather half heartedly played along.
Are you going back as far as Muffin the Mule / Whirligig & Mexican Pete, /the Bumblies, /Mr Pastry, / the Groves / the Appleyards ????
I`ll go back as the last ten minutes . When has the BBC not been sneering ?
@Brissles I had to wait until the LBC catchup became available so I could listen to it again.
I always think it is weird that Ferrari seems to be only half redpilled
eg stands up to Sadiq and Climate dogma
but joins libmob virtue signal he hates Trump and TR
Nigel Farage drove down to Dover and had two of our fine crimefighters visit him later at his home, ostensibly to discuss un-necessary travel.
Nigel was very silly. All he had to do was not shave for a few days and arrive by boat from the direction of France.
Then instead of being castigated the plod would have welcomed him with open arms and rolled out the red carpet.
Instead of chasing illegal lawbreaking immigrants, plod are chasing Nigel Farage. Is it for highlighting the Home Office’s failings ? How long before Nigel gets locked up and silenced for being on their case ?
We have one of the best naval and commando forces in the world. Unfortunately they are kept in their bases by a government too afraid to act, or is there some other reason?
I’ve had another of my unusual thoughts:
Could it be that the clapping and cheering ritual is a substitute for prayer?
In fact, it would have been more useful, not to say sensible if whoever in the government had suggested people pray to God for protection and guidance.
But I suppose in our Godless society either it wouldn’t have occurred to anyone or if it did, they’d be too fearful of the backlash if they so much as mentioned God let alone Jesus Christ.
John -I’ve not been near anyone who does the clapping thing so have to judge from Internet footage – such as the frankly strange habit of going onto Westminster bridge and clapping a building ( St Thomas Hospital ) ….
The British being the British – this will now be an ancient tradition for ever repeated …..
While I write of ancient traditions – the weather people seem fixated with coming warmth and then cold and something about a ‘ bank holiday ‘
Someone please explain what a bank holiday is ? Perhaps because the weather people have forgotten 99% of the population are busily becoming mental / drunk et al having been frightening into lock up for weeks ….
…. being a bit of a historian of the Second World War – you remember -that’s the one where we fought the Americans And French with the Germans and Russians ….
I’m dreading VE Day because there is internet talk of clapping for VE Day ?
Maybe and remembrance of VE or VJ Day is to be welcomed . Trouble is there will be a competition for kidults to guess what the letters stand for – particularly the ‘V’ – is it virus ?
The BBC are reporting that in Scotland care home deaths from CV19 exceed hospital deaths.
But wait. Through the Barnett formula Scotland get FAR more to spend per capita than does England.
So wee Krankie has a lot to answer for, but the BBC are not asking….
Its one of those challenges, I hate watching the BBC News, but its like the “train crash” scenario, you just cant help it!
Have you notced how the BBC is now utilising Nicola Sturgeon as the “voice of sense and reason”, thereby suggesting they can’t trust the UK Government. Its pretty consistent on pretty much every broadcast.
Here is how the now wonderful First Minister of Scotland is dealing with the crisis. The fact its the same does not matter.
She is right, Boris is wrong.
Nothing to do with the Brexit legacy of course!
There is SO MUCH subliminal messaging going on throughout every news broadcast (actually all BBC output); I am both entertained and horrified.
I use my parents as a benchmark. They grew up with the BBC at a time when it was a trusted and much loved broadcaster. They now get taken in by it all.
The same applies to the very young generation who are taken in the same way as they know no different.
Example from the last couple of days – Holocaust book on shelf behind Michael Gove = Nazi.
Rant finished, thank you for reading!
Thanks for your rant. However I just thought I’d let you know that here is one octogenarian fart who definitely does NOT get taken in by the selected news reporting of the BBC and the rest of the MSM. I still question everything, including my own views and even some of the views expressed on this site.
It may turn out to be a mistake to assume that young people don’t know any different as many of today’s children are cared for by grandparents while the parents work. My grandchildren are no exception and they are exposed to unPC views all the time and they sure enjoy our company and are always pleased to come to to stay with us.
our finest opens an HYS on something Starmer says in response to a DRAFT from HMG on next steps
sorry fed comments could be going better
The BBC HYS is here
but as ever always best to check what posts the BBC are deleting
(the letters BBC on the right of the screen get you to the actual BBC page)
The BBC were obsessed with their WOKE hero New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.
But the truth is now out – New Zealand has the advantage of being remote, a small population on a big island.
However NZ success against CV19 has been their “closed border” policy, and NZ confirmed today their borders slammed shut for the foreseeable future.
That was removed even though other people FOR/AGAINST were already quoting him
(Sometimes I wish I’d never said anything )
HYS have your say …. got it …
sorry Fed, couldn’t resit it, maybe one of our crew could compile the definitive thesaurus for the acronyms.
We could start our own chapter here – https://www.urbandictionary.com/
Ok Dough – sometimes I wonder … its like – why is comrade Robinson on toady called ‘ toenails ‘ ? I prefer him as ‘ Tourette’s ‘ for obvious reasons
Any way ——- today – the 5th May is the 40th anniversary of the ending of the Iranian Embassy siege . I was musing about how the BBC would spin it now –
Which is sad really ….
I can hear it ….Maitliss on heat ….
Army murderers
How many soldiers were coloured or trans
Muslims as victims
Force never wins
How will Wimmin react ?
They could have done it better
Londonistan mayor calls for prosecution of soldiers
Corbyn invites Iranians to commons
Iranian community gets hate crime
Stand together with the Iranians
We should have stayed in the EU
Here’s a helpline for anyone affected ….
“Toenails” signifies that he was so far up somebody’s (but I can’t remember whose) a**e that only his toenails remained to be seen.
TalkRadio caller making the point
‘So the police want to monitor my movements with an app
to stop Covid19 spreading
Yet the same police do NOTHING to monitor Covid19 arriving on the beaches with illegals who move across the country
.. stuff your app ! ‘
The bloke was from Orgreave and believes the police/establishment have burned their bridges so he never trusts them
Spurious link so sorry Stew, it was the mention of Orgreave which prompted me to view the below video. Interesting commentary and check out front line plod compared to todays paramilitary force. It really was a different age.
The anti-patriots desperate to make out Britain is the biggest failure at everything
Facebook has apologised after it removed pictures celebrating St George’s Day which allegedly breached its community standards.
Users who posted the images received messages claiming they had fallen foul of the site’s rules on “dangerous individuals and organisations.”
“Men” are an unmentionable gender
The word they have both forgotten about is ‘s-e-x’, the word that applies to the biological difference between a potential egg or sperm carrier.
Once we start using the ‘g-word’ even purple-haired unicorns figure on the spectrum of the derranged.
Rather irritatingly every time I turn on Radio 4 Extra they seem to be playing the same thing as last time I turned it on, a sort of radio version of Groundhog Day.
Even worse it is usually something that turns out to be an advert, but an advert that goes on for so long that it is a mini-programme in its own right.
The worst of these adverts is for someting called Radiolabs, a dire American podcast, with dumb Americans asking dumb questions of each other.
A close second is one relating to Apollo 13 where a BBC man-woman wets himself because Jim Lovell’s wife ‘knows as much about the Apollo mission as the mission commander’, (really!!). The BBC wimp thinks that mission control defers to this ‘strong woman’, (oh goody! girl-power!).
To me it sounds like the men in mission control are behaving exactly like I would expect, they answer her questions in so far as they can and they don’t build her hopes up. For them Jim Lovell would be no ‘number’ either. Yet the BBC trawl the past for their agenda points. They are truly sick.
I see this.
I recall this.
The BBC ‘assigned’ such folk to our local town and county papers.
“The award decisions were made by senior editorial BBC figures”
The former used to do a fair trade in fetes and local ads.
Instead of useful reporting, it started pushing XR, Remain and Limps and giving anonymous activists the letters page.
It seems to have vanished now.
Entryism is a standard Alinsky technique
where a small group of activists move in and get in key positions of an org to take it over from inside.
Look at a lot of the big Charities or the RSPCA or the Coop etc.
Bit of a BBC howler in here:
since records began.
Oh yeah?
BBC title : Coronavirus: UK economy ‘set for deepest downturn in memory’
Truth : ‘Living memory’ and the records go back as far as……….1998 – .
Oh R4…trying to undermine the Govt App.. got somebody on from SAGE
Question: “will the App work?..” but the guy admitted he is not a technology person… so he is waffling..not giving what they want though
A snide comment on only 84k tests done -‘Govt struggling to get to 100K’ no underlying analysis
It has only been going for 20 mins …they decided to leave briefing early –
BBC you are a disgrace – is there nothing this Govt has done with which you are happy?
Comments are supportive of NF so far.
e.g. This ought to be being covered on a daily basis, on all the media. The way that it’s largely being kept quiet is deeply suspicious.
Makes you wonder if the chief Constable of Kent – a mr pughley is so protective of the invaders that he might take a few home with him to Chislehurst and funds them from his wages of £200k? A year ….
Has he said anything about harassment of Mr Farage ? I can’t find anything …
I had written to my MP about this, I’m waiting for her reply. But I’m not holding my breath for anything being said that answers my concerns.
I also included my thoughts on the virus situation, the lockdown and the obsession with vaccines.
My experience with MPs is that they don’t answer questions, rather they embark on a mini-lecture to distract from my concerns and avoid dealing with them at all.
I wonder, do politicians have lessons in lying and avoiding having to deal with the demands of their paymasters?
I also wish we could see what assets they have when entering politics compared to what they have when they leave. Same for senior Civil Servants.
John in cheshire
I have also written to my Tory MP as I live on the south coast , this was last week and as yet no reply , here we all are locked in and the fit ones amongst us could be on patrol with pitch forks and guns to protect this island….Chinese Virus Dads Army ! ..ironic really with VE day on Friday. We survived Adolf”s aspirations only to have uninvited Scum coming over the Channel and the BBC ignoring it unsurprisingly
I listened to Dominic Raab tonight on Tuesday’s briefing as he talked about scams etc related to Covid. He said that many were the sort of scammers who were just after our money. But he mentioned that some were backed by more (and I forget his actual words) shall we say other national powers. Does anyone know what he was meaning? I said to Mr D that I got the message but had no clue what he was telling us.
He was specifically referring to China, Russia and Iran. I don’t know why he had to be so oblique.
Not only has the revolting Chinese regime given the world this bloody virus, they’re now attempting to cash in on it.
“other national powers” I wonder what country that is ?
Anyone out there want to have a guess , what about you maxincony, Piku, or even Banania ?
Don’t quote me on this but I think we just might have the highest Covid-related death toll in Europe. The BBC briefly touched on the subject, but they didn’t sort of labour the point and what information they gave us was tempered with sound common-sense, like relative land areas and population densities – obviously being mature and responsible, not wanting to stir the general public into feelings of impending doom.
I can’t think why but they always seem to find Scotch people to provide these sort of statistics but perhaps that’s just a coincidence.
40% deaths are London
The MSM fixation with whether they NHS angels have PPE masked the thousands of deaths in care homes – the numbers of which I believe will truly never be known .
The BBC wants to bring the government down by whatever means it can in order to reverse Brexit -it will use Covid or anything else .
We on the Right have no choice but to back the current regime because the alternate is socialism .
Never a shortage of hindsite – which will be really useful for the next pandemic
Thanks pugz – yet another magnum opus.
Very revealing to click on the ‘Scientific evidence’ link and open up the list of participating scientists. Even a cursory glance shows the depth of accrued knowledge and achievement involved – but more to the point it demonstrates why the ‘Shadow SAGE’ has been formed, purely due to pique and childish jealousy from not being included in the first place.
Intelligence does not automatically confer maturity, or any sense of social responsibility.
Just a bit of news reported on the I 24 website that you wont
see or hear about on the BBC, The Israeli institute for
biological research has determined an antibody that
neutralises Covid 19. This is not a vaccination, but a medical
CURE for the Chinese virus. The Israel’s are taking out patents
and hope to manufacture the medicine.
I promise everybody that wants to boycott the “product”
who has the virus can.
Foscari, is that from the Gilead Institute.
I rather liked the thought that there might be a balm for Covid-19 in Gilead.
Oh Fos – let that be true . At least we know that Labour Party members will refuse a cure in solidarity with the Muslim brothers…..
…..l speaking of which – I read somewhere that one of the reasons Iran was hit so badly with covis was That it’s national airline continued to spread the disease around the Middle East even after being ‘banned ‘ – allahs will maybe …
…. meanwhile Gwent police report a water buffalo has killed a man and seriously injured two people before being killed …. ……….
We can but hope they got the right water buffalo ( I think I’ve been taking hallucinogenic drugs again )
Its all happening in Taffland ………………..
“Shop ‘stabbing’: Murder arrest after Penygraig Co-op incident”
Was it anything to do with Britain’s foreign policy?
Rumours coming from south taffland are that it was a woman with mental problems ?
Is it significant that this murderer stabbed her victims in the neck. I believe that’s what muslims are being trained to do. It’s certainly happened in Israel, where muslim women have stabbed Israelis in the neck.
You missed a vital bit: it was at a soap factory. Something to think about.
A Cure At What Cost?
“The science writer, Tom Chivers, doesn’t dispute the need for drastic action against Covid-19. He’s deeply concerned. But he’s also worried about his children’s future, the wide-ranging economic, social and political fallout from this shock, and the question of whether our strategies to deal with the pandemic might be doing more harm than good in the long run.”
Great Radio 4 program this morning, actually was balanced, even gave airtime to anti lockdown people.
Of course right at the end the presenter virtue signaled his support for the dystopian lockdown…guess he had to, otherwise he’d get , blacklisted or something.
Can’t say blacklisted anymore Eddy or you’ll end up being bl… Bit of diversity training all round then.
Wednesday : World Service Radio – “10 part drama serial about the birth of Israel*”
(Do they mean the modern state ? AFAIK Israel existed thousands of years before that)
“Miriam and Youssef is told from the viewpoints of two former neighbours: Miriam, a Jewish refugee who emigrates to Palestine, and Youssef, a Palestinian Arab.”
Ep2 19925 “Miriam is adjusting to life on the kibbutz.
Youssef, the son of the leader of a local village, is offered work at the British Mandate offices.
How will he adjust to working for the people who are working against his people ?“
Thats from The Times radio guide
so they are saying the British were the baddies ?
Think that was a R4 Book at Bedtime last year. Jumbled, confusing, fairly boring, 4/10.
No @Up2 you are mixing it up with something else ..it’s new and not a book
Wed 9am Radio4 More or Less is going for a gotcha
#1 “The Health Minister Matt Hancock promised the UK would carry out 100,000 coronavirus tests a day by the end of April.
He claims he succeeded. Did he?
#2 why is the fatality rate so difficult to calculate?
#3 Is it true that being obese makes Covid-19 ten times more dangerous?
#4 And what is injuring more kids in lockdown, trampolines or Joe Wicks’ exercises?
My answer is ..they sent initiated 85K tests on Monday
..that is quite near.
Yet the capacity is higher than 100K
One thing is, a lot of tests will be repeat tests when the first test shows negative.
So the number of repeat tests you do today depends on the number of tests you processed yesterday
The number of repeat tests done on Monday will be lower , cos less tests are done on Sat/Sun.
I guess there will be more tests done on a Tuesday
Seems like the BBC has more excrement to throw at its current target – SAGE as professor Neil Ferguson resigns from it after breaking the lock down rules for lurve.
The tactic seems to be to undermine the government through SAGE and of course discredit the scientific advice in order to cause a state of anarchy with regard to transmission of Covid —and then blame BoJo
Ferguson – of foot and mouth and mad cow disease solutions – has form as the computer modeller who has a record of failed predictions. Not a great loss. I wonder whether his error of judgement facilitated an escape from a sinking ship
Yes we all know about his previous failings, but so do the cowardly useless incompetent Tories who could have got rid of him, but were too scared or too useless to actually do so.
Why did they persist with a man who is on target to be more than 90% out on his prediction for this virus?
Also why are the only ever listening to the Scientists? There won’t be a public health service if they persist in this ridiculous nonsense for much longer, and how many deaths will that result in?
We are also now hearing that the virus is mutating fast and there might not even be a vaccination at all, nor will there be any herd immunity as it behaves like the common cold.
These off their heads scientists are suggesting we should be locked down forever and sod the consequences, well sod them I say and open up the country and use the money to dig some mass graves of those who would have died pretty soon anyway.
Don’t tell anyone – but I’ve put up the midweek thread….
Ok I won’t tell anyone 😉
Just a thought , could the government be deliberately over reporting the deaths ie died ‘with Coronavirus’ as opposed ‘of Coronavirus’, to scare the public in maintaining the lockdown ?